DEX C-Node 1.2

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SpectralWave C-Node

STM-4/STM-1 Compact Multiplexer

NEC Corporation
ISSUE 1. 2


1. GENERAL.............................................. 1 The C-Node, NEC’s SpectralWave

Compact Node multiplexer, offers various
1.1 Features Summary .......................... 1
service transport of Fast Ethernet, Ethernet,
1.2 General Specifications ..................... 2 SDH and PDH with flexible network
configuration such as linear, ring, multiple
1.3 SDH Mapping................................ 4
rings, etc. It is also suitable for
2. NETWORK APPLICATIONS ................. 5 implementation in customer premises. It
is developed as a part of NEC’s
2.1 Upgrade to STM-4 ........................... 5
SpectralWave family products.
3. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION .................. 7
4. BRIEF PACKAGE INTRODUCTION ..... 8 1.1 Features Summary
5. OAM&P ................................................ 11
a) Compact installation in 19inch rack
6. Management System........................... 11 or Wall-mount
7. TECHNICAL SUMMARY ..................... 12
The C-Node is implemented in one
7.1 System Parameters ....................... 12 small box (Pizza Box type). It saves
installation space.
7.2 Performance Monitoring ................ 12
7.3 Synchronization ............................. 12 b) Upgrade-ability of aggregate
7.4 Order-wire ...................................... 12 interface

7.5 User Channel ................................. 12 The C-Node supports STM-4 and

7.6 Power Requirements ..................... 12 STM-1 as aggregate interface.
Aggregate interface can be upgrade
7.7 Environment................................... 12 from STM-1 to STM-4 by adding or
7.8 Mechanical Construction ............... 12 replacing modules with minimum cost.

c) Various network topology support

including Multiple Rings

The C-Node supports Multiple Rings

connection in one node. This ability
provides economical and flexible
network configuration.

d) Various types of tributary interfaces

The C-Node supports Ethernet (10M)

and Fast Ethernet (100M) as tributary
interface in addition to PDH (1.5M
(CEPT TU-12 mapping), 2M, 34M,
45M (CEPT TU-3 mapping)) interfaces
and SDH (STM-1) interface. This
ability provides effective IP packet
traffic transportation through existing
SDH network.

ISSUE 1. 2

e) 16x16 VC-4 matrix (maximum) for

1.2 General Specifications
flexible path mapping
Table 1.2-1 shows operation modes,
The C-Node has 16 x 16 (150/600M
aggregate/tributary interface types,
type) or 8 x 8 (150m type) VC-4 matrix
cross-connect capacity, number of
for cross-connection. Upgrade of
channels for each interface type, and
matrix capacity is possible by adding
network applications supported by the
matrix module on the main board.
f) 48x48 VC-3 and 1,008 x 1,008 VC-12
matrix (maximum) for lower order
service support

The C-Node has 48 x 48 or 24 x 24

VC-3 and 1,008 x 1,008 or 512 x 512
VC-12 matrix for cross-connection and
traffic grooming. Upgrade of matrix
capacity is possible by adding matrix
module on the main board.

g) Reliable network with various


For reliable network operation, the

C-Node supports following protection.
- 1+1 Linear MSP
- Timing source protection

h) Integrated management with NEC’s

other SDH and SpectralWave
DWDM systems

The INC-100MS offers total

management of NEC’s photonic
transport network composed of the
SpectralWave C-Node, the
SpectralWave U-Node BBM, the
SpectralWave DWDM systems and
the other SMS series SDH products.

ISSUE 1. 2

Table 1.2-1 C-Node General Specification

Operating Modes Point-to-point, Linear, SNCP Ring
Aggregate(Line)Interfaces STM-4 Optical, STM-1 Optical , STM-1 Electrical
Tributary Interface Support SDH [STM-1 Optical/Electrical],
PDH [1.5 Mbit/s (CEPT TU-12 mapping), 2 Mbit/s(120 or
75ohm), 34 Mbit/s, 45 Mbit/s (CEPT TU-3 mapping)]
Ethernet (10Mbps), Fast Ethernet (100Mbps)
Crossconnect Capacity 150/600M type:
VC-4: 16 x 16, VC-3: 48 x 48, VC-12: 1,008 x 1,008
150M type:
VC-4: 8 x 8, VC-3: 24 x 24, VC-12: 512 x 512
Maximum Channels 150/600M type:
STM-1o x 10, STM-1e x 10, STM-4 x 4
1.5M x 128, 2M x 128, 34M x 12, 45M x 12
Ethernet(10Mbps) x 32, Fast Ethernet(100Mbps) x 16
150M type:
STM-1o x 8, STM-1e x 8
1.5M x 96, 2M x 96, 34M x 3, 45M x 3
Ethernet(10Mbps) x 32, Fast Ethernet(100Mbps) x 16
Network Application 150M/600M type:
STM-4 x 4system (1system in 1+1 Linear MSP)
STM-1o x 10system (5system in 1+1 Linear MSP)
STM-1e x 10system
STM-4 x 2system, STM-1o x 4system,
STM-1e x 4system
Linear Bus
STM-4x1system (0system in 1+1 Linear MSP)
STM-1o x 4system (2system in 1+1 Linear MSP)
STM-1e x 4system
1STM-4 + 4STM-1o or 4STM-1e
1STM-1o + 4STM-1o or STM-1e
1STM-1e + 1STM-1e

150M type:
STM-1o x 8system (3system in 1+1 Linear MSP)
STM-1e x 8system
STM-1o x 3system,
Linear Bus
STM-1o x 3system (1system in 1+1 Linear MSP)
STM-1e x 3system
1STM-1o + 2STM-1o or STM-1e
1STM-1e + 1STM-1e

ISSUE 1. 2

1.3 SDH Mapping

using the SDH multiplexing paths shown in
The C-Node is based on all relevant ITU-T Figure 1.3-1.
SDH Recommendations and specifications
from ETSI.
The tributary signals are multiplexed

1 x AU-4
3 x TUG-3
1 x AUG C-3
TUG-3 TU-3 VC-3
or 1 x TU-3 34.368 Mbit/s
4 x AUG 7 x TUG-2 45.736 Mbit/s

TUG-2 TU-12 VC-12 C-12

3 x TU-12 2.048 Mbit/s

Management Overhead

Figure 1.3-1 C-Node Multiplexing Structure

ISSUE 1. 2


The C-Node supports various network

topologies and protection types
summarized as follows:

• Point-to-Point
• Linear
• 2-Fiber SNCP
• Multiple Rings

The versatile ability for network

applications enables the C-Node to offer
high reliable, economical, expandable and
optimized network applications. Figure 2-4 Multiple Rings

2.1 Upgrade to STM-4

In order to cope with rapid traffic increase,

economical upgrading to STM-4 is one of
mandatory capabilities. The C-Node in a
STM-1 operation can be upgraded to a
Figure 2-1 Point-to-Point
STM-4 system with minimum cost.

In case of 150M type, equipment type can

be upgraded to 150M/600M type by adding
matrix sub-module on the main board.
Then, by replacing interface module with
STM-4 module on the main board, the
C-Node can be upgraded to STM-4
Figure 2-2 Linear system.

The typical case requiring upgrade to

STM-4 is 3G mobile network. Figure 2.1-2
shows the example of network migration in
3G mobile network application.

Figure 2-3 2F-SNCP

ISSUE 1. 2

Upgrade by Adding/Replacing of Module (replacing of Interface module,

adding Matrix sub-module)

STM-1 board STM-1 STM-1 board board
(WEST) board board (EAST) (WEST) SUB
board (EAST)

Tributary Interface Tributary Interface

1.5M/2M: Up to 63ch within STM-1 Ring 1.5M/2M: Up to 252ch within STM-4 Ring
Up to 63ch in 1 Node Up to 128ch in 1 Node

Figure 2.1-1 Upgrade to STM-4 system

3G Initial RNC 3G Migration RNC
Phase Function

NxE1 NxE1
C-Node C-Node


C-Node C-Node C-Node C-Node C-Node C-Node

NxE1 NxE1

Node B Node B Node B Node B Node B Node B

Function Function Function Function Function Function
Node B Node B Node B Node B Node B Node B
1 2 3 1 2 3

E1 : 2 - 4ch E1 : 8ch
/1Node-B /1Node-B

Figure 2.1-2 Example of upgrade to STM-4 Ring (3G Mobile network)

ISSUE 1. 2

3. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION electrical and optical cable connections, but

also for all other cable connections such as
The dimension of the C-Node is 88mm power supply, order wire, external timing
height, 482mm width and 300mm depth. It source, station alarms and management
can be installed easily in customer system.
premises. Figure 3 shows the front shelf view of
Front access is provided not only for C-Node.

Figure 3 C-Node Shelf Front View

(Note) FAN UNIT is needed only in 150M/600M type

ISSUE 1. 2



Summarized functions of the major boards

and modules are described below.


This board provides core of the system

including following functions.
• Optical signal transport
• SDH OH (Over Head) process
• Pointer adjustment
• Cross-connect
• Timing process
• CPU control
• ECC process
• OW process
• Station alarm output

One MAIN BOARD is installed in the Main

Slot of the equipment. In addition,
maximum two interface modules can be
mounted on the MAIN BOARD. Following
interface modules are available.
・ STM-4 x 1CH module
・ STM-1o x 1CH module
・ STM-1e x 1CH module


Following interface boards are available.

STM-4 x 2CH board
STM-4 x 1CH board
STM-1o x 2CH board
STM-1o x 1CH board
STM-e x 2CH board
STM-1e x 1CH board
1.5M (CEPT TU-12 mapping) x 32CH
2M (75 or 120 ohm) x 8CH board
2M (75 or 120 ohm) x 32CH board
34M x 3CH board
45M (CEPT TU-3 mapping) x 3CH
10Base-T x 8CH board
10/100Base-T x 4CH board
These interface boards are installed in
Sub Slot 1 to 4 of the equipment.

ISSUE 1. 2

Required Boards and Modules (150M Type)




(IF Modules mounted on the MAIN BOARD)

IF Module CH/Board
STM-1 (155M) Optical Multiplex module (S1.1) 1CH
STM-1 (155M) Optical Multiplex module (L1.1) 1CH
STM-1 (155M) Optical Multiplex module (L1.2) 1CH
STM-1 (155M) Electrical Multiplex module 1CH
(Note) Maximum 2 modules can be mounted on the MAIN BOARD

(IF Boards installed in the Sub Slots: Sub Slot1 ~ Sub Slot4)
IF Board CH/Board Max/Equipment
STM-1 (155M) Optical Extended board (Single) S1.1 1CH 4boards
STM-1 (155M) Optical Extended board (Single) L1.1 1CH 4boards
STM-1 (155M) Optical Extended board (Single) L1.2 1CH 4boards
STM-1 (155M) Optical Extended board (Double) S1.1 2CH 2boards
STM-1 (155M) Optical Extended board (Double) L1.1 2CH 2boards
STM-1 (155M) Optical Extended board (Double) L1.2 2CH 2boards
STM-1 (155M) Electrical Extended board (Single) 1CH 4boards
STM-1 (155M) Electrical Extended board (Double) 2CH 2boards
2M Extended board (8 x E1) 8CH 4boards
2M Extended board (32 x E1) 32CH 2boards
1.5M Extended board (32 x T1) 32CH 2boards
3 x 34M Extended board 3CH 1board
3 x 45M Extended board 3CH 1board
8 x 10Base-T board 8CH 4boards
4 x 10/100Base-T board 4CH 4boards

(Clock Board)
For external clock, following types of board are available as an option. One clock board
can be installed in the Main Slot.

Extended Clock board (2MHz)
Extended Clock board (2Mbps)
Extended Clock board (2MHz or 2Mbps selectable)

This 150M type C-Node equipment can be upgrade to 150/600M type by adding or
replacing following modules

(Additional Board in the Main Slot for upgrade)

Cross Connect board

ISSUE 1. 2

(IF Modules on the MAIN BOARD for upgrade)

IF Module CH/Board
STM-4 (622M) Optical Multiplex module (S4.1) 1CH
STM-4 (622M) Optical Multiplex module (L4.1) 1CH
STM-4 (622M) Optical Multiplex module (L4.2) 1CH
(Note) Maximum 2 modules can be mounted on the MAIN BOARD

Required Boards and Modules (150M/600M Type)




(IF Modules mounted on the MAIN BOARD)

IF Module CH/Board
STM-1 (155M) Optical Multiplex module (S1.1) 1CH
STM-1 (155M) Optical Multiplex module (L1.1) 1CH
STM-1 (155M) Optical Multiplex module (L1.2) 1CH
STM-1 (155M) Electrical Multiplex module 1CH
STM-4 (622M) Optical Multiplex module (S4.1) 1CH
STM-4 (622M) Optical Multiplex module (L4.1) 1CH
STM-4 (622M) Optical Multiplex module (L4.2) 1CH
(Note) Maximum 2 modules can be mounted on the MAIN BOARD

(IF Boards installed in the Sub Slots: Sub Slot1 ~ Sub Slot4)
IF Board CH/Board Max/Equipment
STM-1 (155M) Optical Extended board (Single) S1.1 1CH 4boards
STM-1 (155M) Optical Extended board (Single) L1.1 1CH 4boards
STM-1 (155M) Optical Extended board (Single) L1.2 1CH 4boards
STM-1 (155M) Optical Extended board (Double) S1.1 2CH 4boards
STM-1 (155M) Optical Extended board (Double) L1.1 2CH 4boards
STM-1 (155M) Optical Extended board (Double) L1.2 2CH 4boards
STM-1 (155M) Electrical Extended board (Single) 1CH 4boards
STM-1 (155M) Electrical Extended board (Double) 2CH 4boards
STM-4 (622M) Optical Extended board S4.1 1CH 4boards
STM-4 (622M) Optical Extended board L4.1 1CH 4boards
STM-4 (622M) Optical Extended board L4.2 1CH 4boards
2M Extended board (8 x E1) 8CH 4boards
2M Extended board (32 x E1) 32CH 4boards
1.5M Extended board (32 x T1) 32CH 4boards
3 x 34M Extended board 3CH 4boards
3 x 45M Extended board 3CH 4boards
8 x 10Base-T board 8CH 4boards
4 x 10/100Base-T board 4CH 4boards

- 10 -
ISSUE 1. 2

(Clock Board)
For external clock, following types of board are available as an option. One clock board
can be installed in the Main Slot.

Extended Clock board (2MHz)
Extended Clock board (2Mbps)
Extended Clock board (2MHz or 2Mbps selectable)

5. OAM&P

The operation, administration, maintenance

and provisioning (OAM&P) of the C-Node
can be controlled and monitored through
the management system.

6. Management System

The SpectralWave C-Node can be

managed from the INC-100MS Network
Management System which supports the
Network Element Management Layer
(EML) and the Network Management Layer
The EML independently manages the
Network Element (NE) such as the
SpectralWave C-Node.
The NML has the connectivity among NE’s
including the SpectralWave C-Node, the
SpectralWave U-Node, the SpectralWave
DWDM and SMS series SDH products.
Refer to the DEX-6597 INC-100MS
Network Management System about the
network level management such as
end-to-end path established and its

- 11 -
ISSUE 1. 2

7.1 System Parameters

Transmission Level: STM-4, STM-1

Bit Error Rate: <1 x 10-10
Type of Tributary Interfaces: 1.544 Mbit/s (CEPT TU-12 mapping),
2.048 Mbit/s, 34.368 Mbit/s,
44.736 Mbit/s (CEPT TU-3 mapping),
10Base-T Ethernet,
100Base-T Fast Ethernet
Crossconnect Level: VC-4, VC-3, VC-12

7.2 Performance Monitoring

ITU-T G.826

7.3 Synchronization
Timing source: Internal, Holdover, STM-N Line
2M PDH Line,
External CLK IN (2Mbps or 2MHz selectable)
External CLK OUT (2Mbps or 2MHz selectable)
Squelch function

7.4 Order-wire
E1 OH (Over Head)

7.5 User Channel

F1 OH (Over Head): V.11

7.6 Power Requirements

DC: -38.4 to -60V
AC: 100V to 240V

7.7 Environment

Temperature: 0°C to +45°C

7.8 Mechanical Construction

Subrack Dimensions : 88mm(H) x 482mm(W) x 300mm(D)

This document describes the current version of NEC standard equipment. If there is any
conflict between this document and the system description and/or the compliance
statement, the latter will supersede this document. The specifications or configuration
contained in this document are subject to change without notice due to NEC's continuing
design improvement.

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