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Submitted by: _________________________________ _______________________________________
(Name) (Title)
Business: ____________________________________________________________________________
One (1) copy of the questionnaire is required by the Agency. It must be completely executed and properly sworn to before a Notary Public. The contractor’s allowable Maximum
Capacity Rating is dependent on the type of financial information submitted and is subject to adjustment factor as indicated in the following chart:
Type of Financial Information Submitted Adjustment Factor Allowable Range of Maximum Capacity Rating
Financial statements which are compiled, reviewed, or fully audited must be prepared and certified by an Independent Certified Public Accountant (CPA). A “Certified Public
Accountant” is considered one who, in Vermont, is registered by the State of Vermont Board of Public Accountancy as a CPA. For other states the Agency will consider a CPA
whose registration qualifications in their state equal those established in Vermont. This questionnaire must be submitted at least ten (10) working days before the bid opening date
in order to ensure consideration for prequalification for a particular bid opening.
The Agency will send in writing to the applicant a notification of its decision. Questionnaires will be considered in the order received and acted upon as promptly as circumstances
permit. Contractors duly prequalified will be apprised in writing of both the amount and type of work on which they will be eligible to bid, and as to the number of projects which
they may have under contract at any time.
3. Duration of Prequalification.
Annual Prequalification expires one (1) year from the date of the end of the contractor's fiscal year included in the financial statement provided to the Committee. Contractors will
be notified in writing of the date their respective renewal periods begin. A contractor shall automatically have four (4) months from the end of its fiscal year to renew its Annual
Prequalification. No extension of time beyond the four (4) months will be given to any entity.
A prequalified contractor must submit a new questionnaire on a yearly basis for review by the Prequalification Committee in order to maintain a continuous prequalification rating.
The date of filing must be at least ten (10) working days prior to the end of the renewal period .
Except as otherwise provided, requests for revision of a rating(s) or work classification will be considered at any time provided information is submitted showing changed assets,
equipment, supervisory personnel, and/or ability to perform work. Timely filing of a rating and/or work classification revision request does not guarantee that a contractor will be
allowed to bid on a specific contract, or even that the request will be considered by the Committee prior to a specific bid opening. Therefore, the Agency urges that any request for
such revisions be filed as soon as possible, but no later than ten (10) working days in advance of the bid opening for which the revision is requested. The ten (10) working day
minimum period will be adequate only when no additional information is required and the contractor does not appeal the Committee’s decision(s). Requests for revision of
prequalification rating will be considered at any time provided credentials showing increased assets, equipment or ability to perform work are submitted. These credentials must
be submitted at least five (5) working days prior to a bid opening to receive consideration for that bid opening. Contractors shall also report any substantial increase in liabilities
that occurs during the prequalification period.
Contractors having been duly prequalified will receive notices inviting submission of proposals for contracts to be let on specified dates. A contractor desiring to receive plans,
proposal and specifications for any contract may obtain them upon written request only, utilizing the special form entitled, “Standard Form – Request for Proposal and/or Plans.”
This form is furnished to all prequalified contractors by the Agency. Entries on this form must show the status of all work under contract or otherwise prosecuted by the
contractor, both inside and outside the State of Vermont, as of the date of request. If this form is not completely or properly executed, the Agency reserves the right to refuse
issuance of a proposal form. All forms submitted by a duly prequalified contractor must utilize the company name as stated in their Prequalification Questionnaire. During the
renewal period the Committee will not consider requests to exceed the ratings or classifications of an expired Annual Prequalification or hear requests for revision or appeals of
expired ratings or classifications.
Two (2) or more contractors, who have each prequalified by filing separate statements and who wish to combine all or a portion of their assets for bidding on a single project, may
do so by filing with the Agency of Transportation a Joint Venture affidavit on forms furnished by the Agency upon request, setting forth their desire to be prequalified jointly on a
specific contract. These forms must be received by the Agency not less than ten (10) working days prior to the time advertised for the opening of bids. A Request for Proposal
shall be submitted for the proposed Joint Venture entity. The members of a joint venture may combine their work classifications. The Maximum Dollar Capacity Ratings (MDCRs)
of a Joint Venture shall be the arithmetic sum of the MDCRs of the members minus the dollar value of all other work for all clients that the members are currently obligated to
perform, both individually and as a part of joint ventures.
Proposal forms may be refused for bidding purposes when the contractor’s written request for proposal, showing the amount of all uncompleted work, both inside and outside
of the State of Vermont, and the Agency’s estimate of the amount of work to be bid upon, exceeds the prequalification rating of the contractor. The Agency, acting through the
Prequalification Committee, also reserves the right to refuse issuance of a proposal to any prospective bidder when, in the opinion of the Agency, circumstances, developments,
and/or events have changed the capacity(ies) or qualification(s) of the prospective bidder to successfully perform pursuant to the proposed contract.
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The signatory of this questionnaire guarantees the truth and accuracy of all statements and of all answers to
interrogatories hereinafter made. Use attachments where necessary.
1. How many years has your organization been in business as a general contractor under your present
business name?__________________________ Under other names? ______________________________
3. Has your organization, or any officer, partner, director or principal individual thereof ever admitted to or
been convicted of any criminal violation, other than traffic offences; or been convicted of or is currently being
sued for any civil antitrust violation or other civil suit involving fraud; or been debarred from performing work
on any contract? If so, give full details, including the name of any individual involved and the court and docket
number of any civil or criminal actions .____________________ Date of reinstatement ___________________
4. Is your organization currently debarred from performing work on any contract? ___________________
If yes, by whom? ______________________________________Date of reinstatement. ___________________
6. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? ___________________________________
If so, where and why?________________________________________________________________________
7. Has any officer; director or partner of your organization ever been an officer or partner of some other
organization that failed to complete a construction contract?_________________________________________
If so, state name of individual, other organization and reason therefor.__________________________________
8. Has your organization ever received a safety violation citation under the Vermont Occupational Safety
and Health Act, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Act, or similar acts in other states.________________
9. Has any officer; director or partner of your organization ever failed to complete a construction contract
handled in his or her own name? _______________________If so, state name of individual, name of owner and
reason therefor._____________________________________________________________________________
10. List all parent, subsidiaries, affiliates or divisions of your firm, and any related parties included in
disclosures in your most recent financial statements or the notes thereto.
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11. List any of your officers, shareholders or directors that are affiliated with any other contractor and/or
12. Identify all persons having final bidding authority and/or the Chief Estimator
13. Identify all persons having authority to represent the organization in person or by correspondence with
the Prequalification Committee or the Administrator.
14. Give names and complete addresses of major material suppliers and/or subcontractors with whom your
firm has done business in the past three (3) years.
Bonding Company and limit (Please specify per project and aggregate limit.): ___________________________
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16. List specific projects which your organization has completed in the last five (5) years. Attach additional
sheets if required.
17. List all field supervisory personnel only, and indicate their construction experience (include resumes if
Individual’s Present Position No. of Years Years of Construction Magnitude and In What
Name or Office With This Firm Experience Type of Work Capacity
18. Is your firm prequalified in any state other than Vermont? If so, please state where and include rating,
and type of work qualified to perform.
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In the following table indicate the various types of work in which you are experienced and for which you desire
to be qualified. If projects listed in the five-year project history, above, do not include appropriate disciplines,
please provide additional project references to validate experience.
NOTE: Actual bound financial statements from a Certified Public Accountant (not facsimile copies) must be
submitted. All contractors submitting financial information which is prepared “in-house,” or non-CPA,
must submit the following information for this application to be considered:
________________________________________ _________________________________
City State Signature of Accountant
________________________________________ _________________________________
Telephone Number Date
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Cost of Revenue
Interest Expense
Other Income
Net Income
Long-term Debt
Total Assets
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Construction and Transportation Equipment (at cost less depreciation) $_____________________
Show: Make, Model No., Serial No., How Equipped. (A SEPARATE SCHEDULE MAY BE ATTACHED)
Are there any liens, mortgages and/or encumbrances against the above? If so, state total amount $ ___________
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STATE OF _____________________SS:
COUNTY OF ____________________________________________
(Individual must sign here)
Notary Public
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(Partnership Name) showing its financial condition; that the foregoing
financial statement, taken from the books of the said firm, is a true and accurate statement of the financial
condition of said firm as of the date thereof and that the answers to the foregoing interrogatories are true; that
this statement is for the express purpose of inducing the party to whom it is submitted to award the submittor a
contract; and that any depository, vendor, surety, or other agency herein named is hereby authorized to supply
such party with any information necessary to verify this statement.
Sworn to before me this day of 20
Notary Public
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OWNERSHIP OF FIRM: Identify only those with five percent (5%) or more ownership.
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statement that he or she is familiar with the books of the said corporation showing its financial condition; that
the foregoing financial statement, taken from the books of the said corporation, is a true and accurate statement
of the financial condition of said corporation as of the date thereof and that the answers to the foregoing
interrogatories are true; that this statement is for the express purpose of inducing the party to whom it is
submitted to award the submittor a contract; and that any depository, vendor, surety or other agency herein
named is hereby authorized to supply such party with any information necessary to verify this statement.
Sworn to before me this
day of 20
Notary Public
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