Antennas Since Hertz and Marconi PDF
Antennas Since Hertz and Marconi PDF
Antennas Since Hertz and Marconi PDF
has come all of wireless, all of radio, all of TV, and all of space
However, Hertz’s equipment did remain a laboratory curiosity
for nearlya decadeuntil 20-year-oldGuglielmoMarconi, on a
summer vacation in the Alps,chanced upon a magazine which
described Hertz’s experiments.YoungGughelmowonderd if
these Hertzian waves could be used to send messages. He became
obsessed with the idea, cut short his vacation and rushed home to
test it.
In spacious rooms on an upper floor of the Marconi mansion Fig. 3. The fan, grid, and square cone antennas were popular types at the turn
in Bologna, Gughelmorepeated Hertz’s experiments. His first of the century. (Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, by A. P. Morgan,
Henley, 1912.)
success late one night so elated hun he couldn’t wait until morn-
ing t o break the news, so he woke his mother and demonstrated
his radio system to her.
Marconi quicklywent on t o addtuning, big antennaand
ground systems for longerwavelengths and was able to signal
over large distances. In mid-December 1901, he startledthe
world byannouncingthathehad received radio signals atSt.
John’s, Newfoundland, which had been sent across the Atlantic
from Poldhu inCornwall,England. The scientific establishment
did not believe his claim because they theorized thatradio
waves, like light, shouldtravelinstraight lines andcould not
bend around the earth from England to Newfoundland. But the
Cable Company believed Marconi and sewed himwith awrit
to cease and desist because it had a monopoly on transAtlantic
communication.The cable company’s stockhadplummeted
following Marconi’s announcement and it threatened to sue him
for any loss of revenue if he persisted. But persist he did. and a
legal battle developed that continued for 27 years until finally
the cable and wireless groups merged.
Onemonthafter Marconi’s announcement,the AIEEheld
a banquet at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria to celebrate the event.
Charles Protius Steinmetz, President of the AIEE. was there as
was AlexanderGraham Bell, butmanyprominent scientists
boycotted the banquet. Their theories had been challenged and Fig. 4. Square cone antenna at Marconi’s Poldhu, England, station in 1905.
they wanted no part of it. The 70 m wooden towers support a network of wires which converge to a
point just above the transmitting and receiving buildings between the
A year later, in 1903, Marconi began regular transAtlantic mes- towers. I
sage service between Poldhu, England: and stations he built near
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, and SouthWellfleet on Cape Cod.
The Poldhu station had a fan aerial supported by two 60 m resistances only an ohm or less. Losses in heat and corona re-
guyedwooden poles. As receiving antennafor his fEst trans- duced efficiencies but with the brute power of many kilowatts,
Atlantic signals at St. John’s, Marconi pulled up a 200 mwire signlficant amounts were radiated.
with a kite, working it against an array of wires on the ground. In1912the Wireless InstituteandtheSociety of Radio
A later antenna at Poldhu, typical of antennas at other Marconi Engineers merged to formtheInstitute of Radio Engineers.
stations, consisted of aconical wire cage. This was held up by In the fust issue of the Institute’s Proceedings, which appeared
four massive self-supporting 70 m wooden towers. With inputs of in January1913,it is interestingthatthefust articlewas on
50 kW, antenna wires crackled and glowed with corona at night. antennasand in particular on radiation resistance. Another
Local residents were sure that such fueworks in the sky would Proceedings article noted the youthfulness of commercial wire-
alter the weather. less operators. Most were in their late teens withpractically none
Rarely has an invention captured the public imagination like over 25. Wireless was definitely a young man’s profession.
Marconi’s wireless did at the turn of the century. We now call it The era before the first World War was one of long waves, of
radio but then it was wireless: Marconi’s wireless. After its value spark,arcandalternatorsfor transmission; and of coherers,
at sea had been dramatizedbythe S. S. Republicand S. S. Fleming valves and De Forest audions for reception. Following
Titanic disasters,Marconi was regarded with a universal awe thewar? vacuum tubes became available for transmission; con- c
admiration seldom matched. Before wireless, complete tinuous waves replaced sparkandradiobroadcasting began in
isolation enshrouded a ship at sea. Disaster could strike without the 200 to 600 m range.
anyone on the shore or nearby ships being aware that anything Wavelengths less than 200 m were considered of little value
hadhappened. Marconichanged all that. Marconibecame the and wererelegated to theamateurs.In 1921, theAmerican
wizard of the airwaves. Radio L e a g e sentPaulGodley to Europe to try to receive a
At typical wavelengths of 2000 to 10 000 m, the antennas Greenwich, CT, amateurstationoperating on 200 m. Major
were a small fraction of a wavelength in height and their radiation Edwin H. Armstrong,inventor of thesuperheterodyne, con-
Fig. 5 . Rotating Bruce beam antenna of Karl G. Jansky with which he discovered radio waves from the center Ofour galaxy in 1932
(Bell Labs.)
Fig. 8. Ninety-six helix radio telescope antenna at The Ohio State University
in 1953. Radio maps produced with this antenna were the most detailed of U
the time. (See Fig. 9.)
- b 1 . *
Fig. 1 1 . “Big Ear,” the 110-111radio,telescope atThe Ohio State University with which the most distantknown objects in the
. a .
. . universe were discovered.
7 krlome‘ers
Fig. 12. Soviet scheme for measuring the distance of astronomical objects using the Fresnel-Fraunhofer field effect.
long helix for amplification of waves traveling along the helix. Following Sputnik,the helicalcoilbecame theworkhorseof
The helix is only asmall fraction ofawavelength in diameter space communications, being employedboth on satellites and
andacts as aguiding structure.Afterthelecture, I asked the atearthstations. Many US. satellitesincluding itsweather
visitor if he though a helix could be used as an antenna. “No,“ satellites, Amsat,Fleetsatcom, Navstar,Leasat, Westar, and
he replied, “I’ve tried it and it doesn’t work.” The finality of his Tracking and Data-Relay satellites all have helical coil antennas,
answer set me thinking. If the helix were larger in diameter than the latter with arrays of 30, while the Russian satellites also have
in traveling-wave tube, I feltthatit would have to radiate in helical coil antennas, their Ekran satellites being equipped with
some way but how I did not know. I determined to find out, arrays of no less than 96 helicals. The helicalcoil antenna has
and that evening in the basement of my home I wound a seven- also beencarried to the Moon and Mars. I speculate that there
turn helicalcoil of wire one wavelength in circumference for may be more helical coil antennas in space than any other kind.
operation at 12 cm. I was thrilled to find that it produced a sharp In 1956 we began constructionatOhioState of a 110-m
beamofcircularlypolarized radiation off its open end. In the standing-parabola tiltable-flat-reflector radio telescope of unique
days and years that followed, I embarked on an extensive set of design foroperationupto 4 GHz. Duringthe following two
measurements and published a series of articles, with my students decades we used thisantenna, called “Big Ear,”in an all-sky
Claude Wdliamson, Otto Glasser, and Thomas Tice collaborating survey thatlocated 20 000 radio sources and discovered what
on some of them. We showed that in its beam mode, ahelical turnedoutto be themostdistantknownobjects in the uni-
coil is asupergain antenna with almost constant resistive input verse at distances of 15 billion light years. And for the past 10
and very wide bandwidth. Furthermore, it is noncritical to an years Big Ear has been engaged in the world’s longest running
unprecedented degree. I t is also easy to use in arrays because of search for the real ET. A 300-m telescope of the samedesign
an almost neghgible mutual impedance. I also derived equations as Big Ear has been constructed at Nancay, France,a stilllarger
suitable for engineering design purposes. one 600 m across was recently completed near Zelenchukskaya,
When we built our first radio telescope at Ohio State in 1951, in the Soviet Union.
it consisted of a 96-helix array 50 m long operating at 250 MHz. You are all familiar with the fact that the pattern of an an-
IA Gravitational
Fig. 16. Gravity lens antenna with star, like the sun, as central mass can
provide a gain of 70 dB. (From Our Cosmic Universe, by John Kraus,
.~ . ~
Cygnus-Quasar Books, 1980.)
Fig. 13. The Cyclops concept. Start with a few 100-m dish antennas...
the phase front from the distantsource. With three 3-km diameter
dishes in space, one near the earth’s orbit and two near Saturn’s,
it should be possible at centimeter wavelengths to measure the
distanceof even themostdistantobjects in the universe. At
present, the distance to such objects is inferred by very indirect
methods and a direct measurement by the Soviet scheme would
be a great advance.
Anothergandiose proposal forthefuture is the Cyclops
antenna consisting of anarray of 2000 100-m dishescovering
an area of about 20 k m 2 .
Another concept ofgreat potential is the gravity lens. You
simply‘use a large mass to bend the radio waves to a focus. For
example, -at 1 mm wavelength with the sun as the mass, you can
expect a gain of 70 dB along a semi-infinite focal line. Thus, if
you have a 100 m dish, the gravity lens makes it equivalent to
an array of 10 million such dishes. So you see, we have hardly
Fig. 14. ... add more dishes if needed in order to find the real ET. touched the realm of really high-gain antennas.
With mankind’s activities expanding into space, the need for
antennas will grow toanunprecedented degree. Antennas will
provide the vital links to andfromeverythingoutthere.The c
future of antennas reaches to the stars. One hundred years from
now, in 2084, will our present technology seem as primitive as
this transmitter of Hertz now appearsto us?
J. Billingham, Ed., “Project Cyclops, a design study of a system for
detecting extraterrestrial life ,” NASAlAmes Res. Center. Moffen
Field, CA, 1970.
G. H. Brown, “Directional antennas,” Proc. IRE, vol. 2 5 , pp. 78-145, L
Jan. 1937.
-, “And part ofwhich I was,” Angus Cupar, 117Hunt Drive,
Princeton, NJ, 1982.
-, “Marconi.” Cosmic Search, vol. 2, no. 2, serial 6, Spring 1980.
Von R. Eshleman, “Gravitational lens of the sun: Its potential for
observations and communications over interstellar distances,” Sci., vol.
205, p. 1133, Sept. 14, 1979.
M. Faraday, “Experimental researches in electricity,” B. Quaritch,
Fig. 15. Ultimate Cyclops with 2000 100-m dish antennas covering an area of London, p. 1839, 1855.
20 km*. (Figs. 13, 14, and 15 by NASA.) H. R. Hertz, Electric Waves. London: MacMillian, 1893; New
York: Dover, 1962.
N. Kardashev, J. Shklovsky, V. Gorshkov, et al., Academy of Sciences,
tenna is a function of the distance unless the distance is greater U.S.S.R., Space Research Inst. Moscow, Rep. PR-373, 1977.
J. Kraus, Antennas. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1950.
than acritical value equalapproximately to the squareof the -, Big Ear. Cygnus-Quasar, 1976.
antenna diameter divided by the wavelength. A group of Soviet -, Our Cosmic Universe. Cygnus-Quasar, 1980.
scientists has proposed that this Fresnel-Fraunhofer field effect Marconi, D., M y Father Marconi. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962.
beemployed to measure the distance of astronomicalobjects. .~~~
i13i -
J. C. Maxwell. A Treatise on Electricitv and Mametism. London.
England: Oxford Univ. Press, 1873, 19G.
In effect the schemesimplymeasures the radius of curvature of [14] I. Newton, Principia. Cambridge, 1687.
John D. Kraus (A’32-M’43-SM’43-F’54-LF’76) received the Ph.D. degree editions of Antennas and Radio Asfronomy. As director of the Radio
from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1933. Observatory, he is working with area universities and high-tech business men to
Heis Director of the Radio Observatory and Taine G . McDougal Professor form a consortium to operate the observatory as a regional educational and
Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Astronomy at The Ohio State Univer- research facility.
sity. He has been active in antenna development for over 50 years and is the Dr. Kraus is the author of hundreds of technical articles and of the widely-
inventor ofmany types of antennas including the comer reflector, helical used textbooks Electromagnetics, now in its third edition, Anrennas and
antenna, closed-spaced (W8JK) arrays, multiwire doublets and steerable beam Radio Astronomy. He has also written two popular books, Big Ear and Our
arrays. He is currently active as an antenna consultant while also preparing new Cosmic Universe.
AbsCract-The early history of the Antenna Laboratory (the name was who has access t o much of the untold story of the origin of the
later changedto the ElectroScienceLaboratory)ofTheOhioState Laboratory, so I finally accepted his invitation. I hope my ac-
University is sketched. The development of scale model antenna techniques count will help to illustrate what is wrong with the history of
is described, as applied to measuring the patterns of aircraft and missile
antennas. Other projects included one for measuring full-scale antenna technology.
patterns of vehicularantennasfor the U.S. Armyandanother on the
development of a CW technique for studying the reflections from radar THE PERIOD 1939- 1942
targets. Emphasized isthe importance of includingin historical accountsof The month of September, 1939, proved to be a very important
theworksofengineeringthehumaninvolvementof the engineerswho
one inshaping myfuture life. There were three eventswhich
create them.