The story is about two sisters, Amber and Jennifer, who are playing a game of chase. Jennifer runs and hides under some ferns near some fir trees. Amber searches for her and hears something moving. A purple monster jumps out, scaring both girls, and they run back home together. The document provides a short story and comprehension questions to practice phonics.
The story is about two sisters, Amber and Jennifer, who are playing a game of chase. Jennifer runs and hides under some ferns near some fir trees. Amber searches for her and hears something moving. A purple monster jumps out, scaring both girls, and they run back home together. The document provides a short story and comprehension questions to practice phonics.
The story is about two sisters, Amber and Jennifer, who are playing a game of chase. Jennifer runs and hides under some ferns near some fir trees. Amber searches for her and hears something moving. A purple monster jumps out, scaring both girls, and they run back home together. The document provides a short story and comprehension questions to practice phonics.
The story is about two sisters, Amber and Jennifer, who are playing a game of chase. Jennifer runs and hides under some ferns near some fir trees. Amber searches for her and hears something moving. A purple monster jumps out, scaring both girls, and they run back home together. The document provides a short story and comprehension questions to practice phonics.