,. '
Box 3HG
New York, l 0009
We had originaUy planned on puting .a copy .of UP AGAINST THE WALL, MOTHER-
-FUCKER! in.-:,el'.z:tery.' copy o! S&'r. · But, £'or :r;easons to be explained below, we have only
· sent coEfes out to 8% of the ~ubscribers_.:· X.ou are one o{ the group that
has received a copy of UAW, M ! .
Back in March the subject of UAW, M! came up at . a staff meeting. Although a majority
of the . reader _s h_ad voted for . the inclusion of CHICAGO, CHICAGO in S&T, those who
_had reje.C;ted it had also, in-·many cases, voiced reservations _about including UAW, M!
in the magazi~e. Someone · a·sked if it wouldn't be a good idea to just drop UAW, M! Soon
.there two groups, one arguing for UAW, M! 's inclusion, with the other against -
it. A vote was . taken and UAW,M! won, but just a bare majority voted for the games·
inclusion in the magazine: Thus the debate -continued. The main points of the argu~ent
·· PRO: UAW, -M ·! is a goo-d game, better than_QHICAGO, CHICAGO and -
proved very popular with Avalon Hill_ gamers when it was first published
in the Columbia Spectator in 1969. It wo.n 't cost us anything to include it
in the magazine and the use of the (to some) offensive name is rather
academic as the name has been exposed many times in the magazine
already, besides the name is ·an integral part of the game and it would
look rather silly to cut it outof the game (somefhi.hg like censorship) .
CON: The name will be offensive to many readers. Also, it is not a milita:
conflict game, which is what many people buy S&T for. It is not worth
·offending _some of the readers}:iip just to put in the magazine a game that
MIGHT turn on another group of readers. Why, not cut-out all the "Mothe r -
fuckers" in the game (it is already pasted up and need only be re p r o duc e d)
A s a compr o mise we decided to send out small copies of the game to a random sample
of the readers, therefore not too many would be offended and enough would see the garnE
and be able to decide for thernselves if they felt the game was worth including in the
magazine. So we take our case to the people. Question 73 on the FEEDBACK questionna
is the one you \vill use to record you.r verdict. Put one of the following numbers in box ·
to indicate your answer; ·
l=Yes, include UAV[,M! in a future issue as ·an "extra" game with a board big enough tc
play op.
2=Samc a~ 1 above but with all of the "Motherfucker" words cut out (we '11 just cut them
o'ut of the present text).
~=No rlo not nnt TTAW . Ml in SRr'T_
.. ,. .. · '. '·\ · . ·• ' .i. ·,).. UJLUMlSIA UAILV SPECTATOR . 11 march '69 C
~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •-~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..--. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . .Cl'. . . . . . . . ...,~ • • •,........ ~ ~ - · · · · · · · · · ·. . . . . . . . . . ~
. . ,· UP A(GAlt.,iST THE 1;VJiLL, . · . / ·~~
MOl'n«ERFVC~Erll! ,,, ·. / /J 1
a .i.:-mnc suf>J>lcmcnt of the Columbia Dciilj• Spectator
Conceived and executed hy Jim Dunnigan and Jerry Avorn
· 'Mllh h,:l/t /nm, l.t.'WI\' (i/\·m, u,1d Mikt St"nt
' "'''"'' ilfo,;,.,,('j ,,..
s.,,Jow fo1lmi,1ttrl
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With .the fiist anniversary of last spring's demonstrations and of 'CONNECTION' fast
af;}.J1i:t1ttcltiit~. ipe ffresent g. commemorative supplement to the supplement: a pfrij·dl5'le ga'ine-
~lmrifitrtar(iif~prhtJ Off' Ntornin,gside Heights. It has been. desig~ed with (he s«tri.rki'1tr.( 6Ti1p'::
eratiort,~. r€search and game theory techniques that are used by mathematicians~ business,
and the military to gen~rate .model~ of interaction that can be used to Predict events in
real l-ife. We eall·i-t UP AGAINST THEWALL, MOTHERFUCKER! Instrfrctions follow ...
The playing tx>ard for UP AGAINST THE WALL, MOTHERFUCKER is made up of eleven track_s, each Qf which represents a quasi-
political subgroup likely to be involved in the spring derrionstration: , black students, liberal faculty, alumni, uncommitted students, and
so on. At the center of the tx>ard is low library; it is the goai of the ADMINISTRATION player to win the influence of these groups
by rrioving the Position Unit Counter (PUCs) of each track inward toward low. The RADICALS player, on the other hand, strives to move
the PUCs on each track away from Low, radially out toward the edges of the board. The approximate initial political orientation of each
subgroup is indicated by a dot in one of the squares on its track. The circular tine surrounding Low Library represents an ideological isograph;
that is, a PUC inside the circle means support for the ADMINISTRATION, and one outside the circle represents sympathy for the RADICALS.
· Fetice-strad~ling for a given group is syr:nbolized by a PUC directly on the line. · _ •
Underneath the tx>xes in each track are numbers ranging from Oto 10. These indicate the magnitude (and value) of support from each ·
·group. You win UP AGAINST THE WALL, MOTHERFUCKER by amassing more support-points than your oppoqent, or by _w iping out
you opponent altogether (~e below). The manner in which the PUCs are manipulated · will be explained below. ·
The game consists of twelv.e turns. Place (or, better, paste) the board on a smooth flat surface. Cut out the Position Unit Counters;
mount Jtiem on ~ardboard or heavy paper, and pli!ce one in every box with a dot in it, one per track. ..
STEP ONE: The RADICALS move first. The attacking You must roll the die again for each different track you attack,
player consults the Prdjected Leverage-Over-Time :Chart but you can attack as many tracks as you w.lnt in ·a sin·gle turn.
(PLOT) on page c7. This determines the combat influence he You may never attack at worse than 1-2 odds.
will be able to exert during that turn (indicated by Level of STEP THREE: AJter each attack, you may move the Pos-
AdministrativeWill (LAW) for the ADMINISTRATION, and ition Unit Counter (Pl.JC) one box cl.oser t6 your combat pieces
Ratio of Activism Determinants (RADs) for the RADICALS). ( LAWs or RADs) if and only if you have eradicated all of y ..ur
LAWs can be represeoted by small pieces of paper colored red, oppo,:ient's co·m bat pieces in that track.
white,-and blue, or by individual capsuies of Secanol. Small STEP FOUR: After one side has completed its part of the
pieces of paper colored r:ed or marijuana seeds cari be used tum, the other side repeats Steps_ One thr::>ugry Three.
for RADs. The ·attacking player then deploys his LAWs er
RADs in th.e bq~~siR marked in .each track, as he chooses. He CONTINGENCY -fA_RDS · ,1
may co~centrate &~~fc:.ombat pYeces on one track, distribute
tliem. 6ver all th~: tracks';'ign~~e ·o~~;or niore;tracl<s> a~d
A set of Contingency C,ards is prqvided on page c7, These are
to be mounted on heavy paper and placed i~ a pile, face do~,
forth. near the playing board. Before each move,,a player draws
STEP TWO: If, on any given track, there are any of your
· a contingency card. You may use it immediately; or you may
opponent's combat pieces opposite your combat pieces, (as
~ve it, or, if it is not to your advantage, you may disregard '
of course there won't be on the first half of the first turn),
it. You need not f'"Vt:al its contents to your opponent. ·
you m.ay choose to "attack." ihis is done in the follo.wing
way: the attacker computes the odds in his favor by count· THE MOTHERFUCKER GAMBIT
ing ·the number of combat pieces he has at his end of a given
track .and dividin·g by the number ofcombat pieces the enemy · . At the beginning of his turn, e'ach player may choose to up
· tile ante by shouting, '·' Up Against the Wall, Motherfucker!" ·
h_as on tb.e other ,e,1d of the .same track. Thus, if there are six. .'...? •:_
You should call a ·.UAW.MF! with feeling, as it' is the
RADs and three LAWs on a track, the odds are 2-1 in favor
hig:, point of the game. For the ADMINISTRATION~ it re'-
of the RADfCALS. (NOTE: following standard combat-game
presents calling in the cops or worse; for the RADICALS, it
practice, if the .odds are uneven, they are computed in favor
means calling a strike, or taking rnother couple of buildings.
of the oefender; that is, when dividing, any r~mainder-no
~· After calling a UAW,MF!, the playe! ~olls the die and consults .·~ ,
. matter how large-is-disregarded, so that 39 LAWs attacking
the UCOM, but the results apply across the board (not just in
10 RADs would result in odds of 3-1 for the ADMfNISTRA-·
· a single track) in the following manner:
TE means that ALL of the defender's combat pieces are re-
Having computed the odds, the attacking side rolls a single
moved from play.
oie and refers to the University Conflict Outcome Matrix YE means that the attacker (who called the UAW,MF!) los- ·
. (UCOM} below to determine his results.
es all of the combat pieces he has on the board.
Al means that the player with the lesser number of comb~t
pieces loses all of them, while the other player must remove an
equal number from the board.
ODDS (attacker-defender)
Jhe attacker may then advance the PUCs as above.
Roil- 1-2 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1 5-1 or better The game ends after each player has taken twelve turns.
1 TE TE. TE TE TE TE Each then adds up the total number of points on his side (mea-
2 0 AL TE TE TE TE sured by the point values under the boxes on his side of the cir-
3 0 AL Al AL TE TE cle in which a PUC is found). The winner is he who ~as the
4 YE AL AL AL AL AL most points. The loser calls a news conference.
~IONSTR ..\TION ILLEGAL; END NROTC PROGRAM. Add 9 STRUCTION . Add 10 RADs this effect ·o n c~nflkt. Replace car_d in
GIUNS.. No effect on conflict. RADs this turn. turn . deck.
Replace card-in deck .