Cash and Internal Control: Cash Account Cash Book
Cash and Internal Control: Cash Account Cash Book
Cash and Internal Control: Cash Account Cash Book
Since cash is the most liquid of all assets, a business cannot survive and prosper if it does not
have adequate control over its cash. Cash is the asset that has the greatest chance of “going
missing” and this is why we must ensure that we have strong internal controls build around
the cash process.
1. Cash account is a part of ledger in which 1. Cash book is a book of original entry in
entries related to cash are recorded. which entries relating to cash are recorded.
2. Cash account is a principal book that forms 2. Cash book is a subsidiary book as well
part of ledger. as principal book and forms part of
original entries.
3. Entries in the cash account are recorded 3. Cash book records all entries related to
from the journal, the book of original entry. cash directly as it is also a book of original
4. Cash book contains columns for ‘L.F.’
4. Cash account contains columns for ‘J.F.’ in in which page numbers of ledgers are
which page numbers of journal are recorded