2014-ACI - DAfstb Database With Stirrup

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Title No. 111-S97

ACI-DAfStb Databases for Shear Tests on Slender

Reinforced Concrete Beams with Stirrups
by Karl-Heinz Reineck, Evan Bentz, Birol Fitik, Daniel A. Kuchma, and Oguzhan Bayrak
An extensive database was created in 1999 that contained the shear strength, a minimum overall height and width, and checks
test data of beams with shear reinforcement subjected to point against flexural and anchorage failures.
loads. The data were not only collected but were also critically
reviewed, and criteria were developed to achieve a reliable data- RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
base for assessing shear design relationships. This database was
Code provisions for the shear capacity of structural
considerably expanded until 2006 and then even more in the recent
concrete members with shear reinforcement have been
years by a joint ACI-DAfStb group.
Because many of the 886 collected tests do not fully conform to primarily derived from test data with respect to the required
either ACI or European design code limits, two final databases are amount of shear reinforcement and the calculation of
presented in this paper. The larger of the two released evaluation maximum shear capacity. Therefore, the selection of reli-
databases contains 157 tests that are appropriate for comparisons able tests is of utmost importance for calibrating the design
to ACI 318 shear provisions. The second small evaluation database methods. A database with shear tests of reinforced concrete
is a subset of the large database, contains 87 tests, and is appro- (RC) beams with stirrups was jointly established by an
priate for comparisons to shear design provisions such as those of ACI-DAfStb group based on several previous databases, and
the EC2 or fib and FIP standards. represents what the authors contend is the most significant
international and representative database of shear test results
Keywords: beams with shear reinforcement; database; reinforced concrete;
shear strength; shear tests. of RC beams.


Code provisions for the shear capacity of structural
concrete members with shear reinforcement have been, Overview of collected data
more or less, semi-empirically derived with only partial This section includes a brief summary on the databases for
reference to a truss model. In the provisions of ACI 318-11 beams with vertical stirrups, and the principles are described
(ACI Committee 318 2011), the truss model is used to deter- concerning the collection and control of the data and the
mine the stirrup contribution to shear capacity, and then an selection of the data for the evaluation database. The data
empirically derived concrete term is added. The shear design were stored in a spreadsheet, and in the process, several
of most European codes is solely based on the truss model files were generated. In this way, the collection of data was
with strut angles flatter than 45 degrees. In both codes, the strictly separated from their subsequent control and of the
maximum shear capacity or the strength of the inclined struts selection of tests for the evaluation database. Each file was
is also based on tests. given a distinct name so that it was possible to recognize
DIBt (1999) and Reineck (1999) presented a database with what kind of tests it contained and in which state of the
shear tests on beams with shear reinforcement subjected process the database was in.
to point loads that comprised 493 tests. This database was In control files of the database different control criteria
considerably extended to 818 tests in 2006 by merging it with koni were defined (the abbreviation “kon” is a German
the database collected by Kuchma, and published by Reineck acronym for control criterion, and “i” is the running number)
et al. (2010, 2012). More recently, a joint ACI-DAfStb group and were checked for:
was formed that consists of members of ACI Subcommittee koni = 0 not fulfilled; no transfer to evaluation file;
445-D, Shear Database, and a similar group in the German koni = 1 fulfilled; transfer.
Committee for Structural Concrete, Deutscher Ausschuß The criteria were for removing those beams from the
für Stahlbeton (DAfStb). This group added new tests and database that did not satisfy the relevant requirements; the
checked the data so that the collection database now contains remaining beams were transferred to the data evaluation data-
886 tests, in which 511 are tests on slender beams with shear base file. The individual criteria are defined in a following
span-depth ratios a/d > 2.4. section and presented with the results of the checks.
The same conversion factors for the concrete strengths The tests on beams with vertical stirrups were performed
that were used by Reineck et al. (2003, 2010, 2012, 2013). as simple span beams subjected to point loads, and were
Likewise, the sanctioned set of criteria defined in 2003 was ACI Structural Journal, V. 111, No. 5, September-October 2014.
kept to with only a few modifications, which were developed MS No. S-2013-078.R1, doi: 10.14359/51686819, was received March 19, 2013,
and reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2014, American
for accepting a test result into an evaluation-level database. Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless
permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including
Examples of these criteria include a minimum compressive author’s closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the
discussion is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2014 1147

collected in the file vsw-RC-DS with 886 tests, from which center of the applied load that causes that shear; thus, care
646 had a rectangular cross section. From the collected tests, is required when considering cases of a single point load, as
125 had to be removed from the database by the selection shown in Fig. 2(b). In this case, the total load is shown to be
criterion konx (Fig. 1) because essential information was divided into two forces F, each equal to the shear force, and
missing, such as the yield strength of the longitudinal rein- thus the distance a is defined in a consistent way for single
forcement or the attained ultimate shear force. The crite- or double point loads.
rion kon61 for the slenderness was then applied, and the The values for the material strengths for the concrete and
data separated into two files, as presented in Fig. 1. The file steel were determined as described in detail by Reineck et al.
vsw-DK-sl contains the tests on slender beams with shear (2003, 2010, 2012). For the concrete compressive strength,
span ratios of a/d > 2.4, as defined in the following section. the values determined on different control specimens were
The remaining tests with smaller a/d were transferred to converted by different conversion factors into the uniaxial
the database vsw-DK-24. Only the databases with slender compressive strength f1c, which corresponds to the compres-
beams are further presented and used in this paper. sive strength of a slender prism, and is equal to

Definition and notation f1c = 0.95 · fc,cyl (1)

The notation for beams with point loads is given in Fig. 2.
For the 240 T-beams, many details for the shape were where fc,cyl is the strength of a standard cylinder Ø150 mm;
collected as described by Reineck et al. (2012). A typical and h = 300 mm (6 x 12 in.).
test setup is shown in Fig. 2(a), where two point loads are Many test reports do not provide data for consideration of
applied each a distance a from the support axis. The distance self-weight of the beams, so that the self-weight was deter-
a is the shear span from the center of the support to the mined in the way described by Reineck et al. (2003, 2010,
2012, 2013)

Determination of stirrup stress at failure

During the data collection, it was found that important
data was often not reported or not measured in some of the
tests. This observation particularly applied to the stirrup
stress, because for only approximately half of the tests,
either measurements of stirrup strains were reported or clear
statements could be found in the reports that yielding of
stirrups occurred at or before failure. From measurements
of the stirrup strain, the stirrup stress at failure was deter-
mined by extrapolating the measured value from the load
levels before failure, and in the database, this measured
value was then entered under the value σsw,meas. The authors
Fig. 1—Sorting and selecting tests according to primary thereby acknowledge that strain measurements in stirrups
selection criteria: (a) beam with point loads; and (b) defini- can vary depending on the location of the gauge in relation
tion of shear span a in case of single point load. to the crack.

Fig. 2—Notation for simple span beams with point loads and definition of shear span.

1148 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2014

If no measured value for the stirrup strain was reported, Table 1—Results of evaluation of tests in respect
then in the report, a clear statement about stirrup yielding of individual criteria koni
was searched for, and if such a statement was found, then the No. Percent No.
value σsw,ass = fyw was entered into a column of the data bank. Criterion Condition for criterion satisfying of 511 violating
If neither of these two cases applied, then σsw = 0 was entered.
kon1 f1c > 12 MPa (1740 psi) 463 90.8 47

SURVEY OF TESTS ON BEAMS WITH POINT LOADS kon2 f1c < 100 MPa (14,500 psi) 506 99.2 4
kon3 bw ≥ 50 mm (2 in.) 510 100 0
Control of data
kon31 50 ≤ bw < 100 mm (4 in.) 41 8.0 —
The database vuct-RC-DK_sl for slender beams subjected
to point loads comprises 511 tests (Fig. 1). Beam selec- kon4 h > 70 mm (2.76 in.) 510 100 0
tion control criteria were used to either filter the tests into kon41 70 < h < 150 mm (5.9 in.) 0 0 —
different datasets or to remove those beams from the data- kon5 a/d > 2.89 378 74.1 132
base that did not satisfy specific requirements, as explained
previously. The individual criteria are defined in Table 1, kon6 2.4 ≤ a/d ≤ 2.89 123 24.1 387
and further explained as follows along with the results of kon7 ξtest = x/d ≤ 0.5 490 96.1 20
the data control. Many of these criteria followed the rules kon8 βflex = μu/μflex < 1.00 330 64.7 180
of the FIP Recommendations (1999), which is based on the
kon81 1.00 < βflex < 1.10 108 21.2 —
internationally accepted CEB-FIP MC90 (1993). Thus, it is
hoped that the resulting evaluation database is also interna- kon9 νu = σcw/f1c 1.0 232 45.5 278
tionally acceptable. If the often very different criteria of the kon101 fr = r: ribbed 471 92.4 39
many available national codes would be applied, it would
kon102 frw = r: ribbed 274 53.7 237
result in many different evaluation databases, and could lead
to some confusion when comparing design proposals. kon10 = kon101 · kon102 263 51.6 248
It is noteworthy that criterion kon1 filtered out 9% of kon11 βlb = lb,req/lb,prov < 1.0 445 87.3 65
the tests that had a uniaxial compressive strength of only
kon12 σsw,rep 247 48.4 263
f1c < 12 MPa (1740 psi). This limit corresponds to the
minimum concrete classes required in many codes. The kon131 ρw > 0.06228·fc′ /fyw
468 91.8 42
criteria kon2, kon3, kon4, and kon7 (for the height x of the kon132 ρw > 0.08·fck0.5/fyw 418 82.0 82
flexural compression zone) are fulfilled by almost all tests.
kon133 ρw > 0.16·f1ct,cal/fyw 406 79.6 94
If, however, instead of kon3 the limit for the lowest allow-
able width is increased from bw = 50 to 100 mm (2 to 4 in.) kon134 ρw,min_ACI < ρw < ρw,min_DIN 62 12.2 —
using criterion kon31, then 41 further tests would be elimi- kon141 sw ≤ 0.7h 369 72.4 141
nated. The similar increase for the height from h = 70 to 150
kon142 sw ≤ 300 mm (12 in.) 462 90.6 48
mm (2.76 to 6 in.) in the criterion kon41 had no effect.
The criterion kon8 (βflex < 1.00) for the flexural check is kon14a = kon141 · kon142 333 65.3 177
only met by 65% of the tests. By accounting for some of kon143 sw ≤ 0.55d 354 69.4 156
the conservativeness of the standard flexural strength calcu- kon144 sw ≤ 610 mm (24 in.) 506 99.2 4
lations, the criterion kon81 shows that an additional 10%
allowance on the flexural check allows a significant increase kon14b = kon143 · kon144 354 69.4 156
by 108 tests (21%) that pass the flexural failure check. kon15 No other failure type (oft) 415 81.4 95
The criterion kon9 confirms that the compressive stress kon161 fyw ≤ 414 MPa (6000 psi) 264 51.8 246
in the diagonal struts of the web did not exceed the uniaxial
kon162 fyw ≤ 552 MPa (8000 psi) 405 79.4 105
compressive strength f1c. The calculation of this stress
depends on knowing the stirrup stress at failure, but this
was only available for 247 tests, as checked by the crite- “anchorage failure,” meaning that the anchorage check was
rion kon12. Of these 247 tests, only (247 – 232) = 15 beams not fulfilled.
failed to meet kon9. The criterion kon12 σsw,rep for the reported stirrups stress
The criterion kon101 showed that almost all beams is to check whether the stirrups yielded at the shear failure or
(92%) had ribbed longitudinal reinforcing bars. According not. This fact was either reported or the stirrups strains were
to the criterion kon102, however, only 54% of the beams measured (refer to previous section) for only 247 beams
had ribbed stirrups. Both conditions are fulfilled by only (48%), which is a fairly low number.
263 tests (52%) according to the criterion kon10. The criteria kon131 to kon133 checked whether the tests
The criterion kon11 (βlb = lb,req/lb,prov < 1.0) for the check exceeded the required minimum ratio of the web reinforce-
of the anchorage length lb at the end support is performed ment defined in three different codes. The criterion kon131 (in
according to the rules of the FIP Recommendations (1999), SI units) is that of ACI 318-11, which is ρv,min = 0.75 · √f¯¯
c′ /fyt

which is based on the internationally accepted CEB-FIP (in U.S. units), and it was fulfilled by 92% of the tests, that
MC90 (1993). This criterion was not met by 65 beams is, 8% of the 510 tests had reinforcing ratios lower than this
(13%), and these were marked in the database as AF for minimum. Criterion kon132 is the minimum value for the fib

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2014 1149

Table 2—Subsequent application of individual Table 4—Result of subsequent application of
selection criteria for KONA0 further criteria for 180 tests on reinforced concrete
beams of dataset (A2a+A3a)
Selection Combination of Added Remaining
criterion individual criteria criterion of 510 Difference (A2a+A3a) 180
KONA0a kon1·kon3·kon4 — 463 47 A21b A22b A31b A32b
Large dataset
ξtest (A2b+A3b) = 76 31 38 12 157
KONA0b KONA0a·kon7 444 19
= x/d ≤ 0.5 (A2a+A3a)·kon131
107 50
No other
KONA0c KONA0b·kon15 failure type 356 88 A21c A22c A31c A32c
(oft) (A2c+A2c) =
51 23 17 9 100
KONA0d KONA0c·kon101 fr = r: ribbed 322 34 74 26
KONA0 KONA0d·kon143 sw ≤ 0.55·d 207 115 A21d A22d A31d A32d
(A2d+A3d) =
48 22 17 9 96
Table 3—Result of sorting tests with respect to (A2c+A3c)·kon9
slenderness and flexural check 70 26

Selection Fulfilled Percent of 207 A21 A22 A31 A32

Small dataset
criterion Combination of criteria number dataset A0 (A2+A3) = 44 17 17 9 87
KONA21a KONA0·kon5·kon8 95 45.9 (A2d+A3d)·kon11
61 26
KONA22a KONA0·kon5·kon81 32 15.5
KONA31a KONA0·kon6·kon8 41 19.8 All of the evaluated tests had to fulfill the following set
of criteria:
KONA32a KONA0·kon6·kon81 12 5.8
Dataset Sum of aforementioned
180 87.0
KONA0 = kon1·kon3·kon4·kon7·kon15·kon101·kon143
(A2a+A3a) datasets
The results of the subsequent application of these criteria
MC (2010), and was fulfilled by 82% of the tests. Criterion are listed in Table 2. In the resulting dataset A0, 207 tests of
kon133 is that of DIN 1045-1 (2008), and was fulfilled by the 510 remained—that is, 41%.
80% of the tests. As the difference between the latter two Different alternatives were selected in the evaluation file
is only marginal, the final database is based on the more for sorting the tests into different datasets with respect to
restrictive kon133. The criterion kon134 defines the tests flexural failures (kon8 and kon81) and slenderness (kon5
that fall between ACI and DIN limits. For comparisons with and kon6), and the results for the four datasets are listed
the fib MC (2010), care should be taken to include the appro- in Table 3. From the 207 tests in the dataset A0, 180 tests
priate number of tests that fall within the limits of kon134. (87%) remain in the end, so that altogether 27 tests were
The maximum spacing sw of the stirrups was checked eliminated as flexural failures with βflex > 1.10.
for the rules of two codes. The first was the rules of EC2 Subsequently, different criteria were applied to the 180 tests
respectively DIN 1045-1 checked by the criteria kon141and of the dataset (A2a+A3a), and the results are listed in Table
kon142, and the combined criterion kon14a was fulfilled by 4. The criterion kon131 was selected because it eliminated
65% of all tests. The second was the rules of ACI 318-11 the lowest number of 23 tests with very low web reinforce-
checked by the criteria kon143 and kon144, and the ment ratios below the required minimum of ACI 318-11, so
combined criterion kon14b was fulfilled by 69% of all tests. that 157 tests remained in the dataset (A2b+A3b). This large
This more restrictive criterion was selected in the following dataset was used for comparisons with some code relation-
for the large dataset. ships, as explained in a following section.
Criterion kon15 is a check against failure modes not The criterion kon12 eliminated 57 tests where the stir-
reported as shear failures and these were marked in the data- rups stress at failure is not known, and this led to the
base as “oft” for “other failure type” This check that no oft dataset (A2c+A3c) with 100 tests. The role of this crite-
occurred was fulfilled by 81% of the collected tests. rion for comparisons with code relationships is discussed
in the following section. The next criterion, kon9, applied
Selection of tests for evaluation to a further four tests so that 96 remained in the dataset
To be transferred to the evaluation file, several criteria had (A2d+A3d). From these, nine tests did not comply with
to be fulfilled simultaneously for a beam—that is the anchorage check so that for a strict selection, 87 tests
remained in the final small dataset (A2+A3). This small
KONAi = kon1 · kon2 · kon3 · ... · koni (2) dataset only comprises indisputable tests for the evaluations
and for comparisons with code relationships.
As decribed for the individual criteria, it was checked If instead of kon3 the limit for the lowest allowable width
KONAi = 0 no transfer to evaluation file; was increased from bw = 50 to 100 mm (2 to 4 in.) using
KONAi = 1 transfer the criterion kon31, however, then seven further tests would
be eliminated.

1150 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2014

Fig. 3—Number of beams versus concrete compressive
strength for large dataset A2b+A3b.
Fig. 4—Number of beams plotted versus yield strength of
PRESENTATION OF LARGE DATASET stirrups for large dataset A2b+A3b.
In this section, the number of the beams of the evalua-
tion database vsw-RC_A2b+A3b with the large dataset
(A2b+A3b) with 157 tests is plotted versus important test
parameters to obtain an overview of the distribution of the
test parameters. The parameters are thereby subdivided into
class intervals, and the number of tests in each interval is
plotted. In the diagrams, the 68 tests on beams with plain
stirrups can be discerned from the 89 tests on beams with
ribbed stirrups. Previous comparisons by Reineck et al.
(2012) between the results of separate datasets for plain and
ribbed stirrups showed that both yielded results in the same
ranges, so that the following evaluations are performed for
the whole dataset.
In Fig. 3, the number of beams n is plotted versus the
uniaxial concrete compressive strength f1c subdivided into
class intervals of Δf = 5 MPa (725 psi). The predominant Fig. 5—Number of beams plotted versus mechanical rein-
number of test beams had a uniaxial concrete compressive forcement ratio of longitudinal reinforcement for large
strength of f1c < 40 MPa (5800 psi), that is, 78 tests (50%). A dataset A2b+A3b.
total of 54 beams (34%) had a uniaxial concrete compressive
strength of f1c > 60 MPa (8700 psi), and can thus be clas-
sified as high-strength concrete beams. The two tests with
a compressive strength of f1c >115 MPa (16,675 psi) were
performed by Roller und Russel (1990).
In Fig. 4, the number of beams is plotted versus the yield
strength of the stirrups fwy of the beams subdivided in class
intervals of Δfsy = 50 MPa (7.25 ksi). Most beams were in the
range of fyw < 450 MPa (65.25 ksi), that is, 75 tests (48%).
Only 59 beams (38%) had yield strengths of fyw > 550 MPa
(79.7 ksi).
In Fig. 5, the number of beams is plotted versus the
mechanical reinforcement ratio ωl = ρl · fsy /f1c (with ρl =
As/(b · d)) of the longitudinal reinforcement subdivided into
class intervals of Δωl = 0.05. Most tests of the evaluation
database had mechanical reinforcement ratios of ωl < 0.30.
The majority of the beams with 113 tests (62%) were in the Fig. 6—Number of beams plotted versus slenderness κ = a/d
range of 0.10 < ωl < 0.25. Only five beams (3%) had a low for large dataset A2b+A3b.
mechanical reinforcement ratio of ωl < 0.10, and four of
these had plain stirrups. ness of 2.4 < κ < 3.6—that is, 129 of the 157 beams, which
In Fig. 6, the number of beams is plotted versus the slen- is 82%.
derness κ = a/d subdivided in class intervals of Δκ = 0.4. The In Fig. 7, the number of the beams is plotted versus the
majority of tests were carried out on beams with a slender- effective depth d subdivided into class intervals of Δd = 100
mm (4 in.). Most beams had an effective depth 200 < d <

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2014 1151

in ACI 318-11); fyw is the yield strength of stirrups (fyt in
ACI 318-11); and d is the effective depth.
From Eq. (3), (4b), and (5) follows (in SI units)

Vu,ACI = (Asw/sw) · fyw · d + 0.166 fc′ · bw · d (6)

The shear force should not exceed a maximum value.

According to Section of ACI 318-11, it is for Vs

Vs,max ≤ 8 fc′ · bw · d in U.S. units (7a)

Vs,max ≤ 0.664 fc′ bw · d in SI units (7b)

Therefore, according to Eq. (3), the maximum shear

force is
Fig. 7—Number of beams plotted versus effective depth d for
large dataset A2b+A3b.
Vn,max = Vc + Vs,max = (2 + 8) fc′ · bw · d = 10 fc′ · bw · d
in U.S. units
400 mm (8 in. < d < 16 in.), that is, 98 beams, respectively
62%. Altogether, 28 beams (12%) had an effective depth of
d > 600 mm (23.6 in.). The two beams with d > 1200 mm Vn,max = (0.166 + 0.664) fc′ · bw · d = 0.830 fc′ · bw · d
(47.2 in.) were out of the series tested by Bhal (1968) and in SI units
Aparicio et al. (1997).
Because only the uniaxial compressive strength f1c had
COMPARISON OF TEST WITH DESIGN EQ. (11-3) been transferred to the evaluation database, the cylinder
IN ACI 318-11 strength fc′ has to be calculated as fc,cyl = f1c/0.95 (Eq. (1)).
From this average value, the characteristic cylinder strength
Shear design in ACI 318-11 was calculated assuming a scatter of Δf = 4 MPa (580 psi)
In Chapter 11 of ACI 318-11, the shear strength is defined
by Eq. (11-2) for members with shear reinforcement fck = fc,cyl – 4 (MPa) (9)

Vn = Vc + Vs (3) This characteristic cylinder strength fck is used in Euro-

pean codes (EC 2, DIN 1045-1, CEB-FIP MC 90 1993,
where Vn is the nominal shear force; Vc is the nominal shear fib MC 2010; FIP Recommendations 1999), and it is a
force provided by the concrete; and Vs is the the nominal 5% fractile value. Because fc′ represents a 9% fractile, the
shear force provided by shear reinforcement. following relationship can be derived
The shear force Vc is defined in ACI 318-11,
Section 11.2, and for non-prestressed members fc′ = fck + 1.60 (MPa) (10)
Eq. (11-3) applies
Further explanations are given by Reineck et al. (2003,
Vc = 2 fc′ ⋅ bw ⋅ d (4a) 2010, 2012).

Comparison with tests of large dataset
where Vc, lb; fc′, psi; and bw and d, in. The comparison of tests with the aforementioned relation-
Converting into SI units gives ships for the shear force is done by calculating the model
safety factor
Vc = 0.166 fc′ · bw · d (4b)
γmod = Vu,test/Vu,cal (11)
where Vc, N; fc′, MPa; and bw and d, mm.
It should also be noted that the value of fc′ is to be limited where Vu,cal = Vu,ACI is either given by Eq. (6), or by Eq. (8),
to 8.30 MPa (100 psi), so that the influence of concrete Vu,cal = Vn,max.
strengths fc′ above 69 MPa (10,000 psi) is neglected. In Fig. 8, the model safety factor γmod for the shear strength
The shear force Vs carried by vertical shear reinforcement calculated with ACI 318-11 is plotted versus the mechan-
is defined by Eq. (11-15) of ACI 318-11 ical web reinforcement ratio ωwy calculated for the 157 tests
of the large dataset (A2b+A3b). It can clearly be seen that
Vs = (Asw/sw) · fyw · d (5) the design relationships of ACI 318-11 are very conserva-
tive with model safety factors up to 3; the average value
where Asw is the area of shear reinforcement (Av in is γmod = 1.59, and the coefficient of variation is v = 0.252.
ACI 318-11); sw is the spacing of shear reinforcement (s There are only six tests (4% of all) with values γmod < 1.0,
which is less than the 5% fractile, but two values for beams

1152 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2014

υu = (12)
bw ⋅ z ⋅ fcwu

σ sw
ω wu = ω wy ⋅ (13)
f yw

where σsw is stirrup stress at failure measured from

stirrup strains.
For the truss model with struts inclined at the angle θ, the
ultimate shear force Vu corresponding to yielding of the stir-
rups at failure (σsw = fyw) is
Fig. 8—Model safety factor for shear design of ACI 318-11
calculated for 157 tests of large dataset (A2b+A3b) plotted Asw
versus mechanical web reinforcement ratio ωwy. Vu = ⋅ f yw ⋅ z ⋅ cot θ (14)

with very low web reinforcement ratios are very low with
γmod = 0.72 and 0.73. where Asw/sw is the area of stirrups at spacing sw; fyw is yield
strength of stirrups; z is the inner lever arm between tension
COMPARISON WITH SMALL DATASET and compression chord; and θ is the angle of inclined struts
in the web.
Design relationships in non-dimensional diagram The inner lever arm z between the tension and compres-
The comparison of different design relationships with sion chords is calculated for the test beams, and is thus given.
tests is very instructive in a non-dimensional ωwu-υu diagram For the design relationships of RC beams, normally a value
as shown in Fig. 9, where the non-dimensional shear force of z = 0.9 · d is assumed.
υu is plotted versus the mechanical reinforcement ratio ωwu Dividing Eq. (14) by (bw · z · fcwu) leads to the non-
for the stirrups, as explained by Reineck (2002). In a design dimensional shear force
the shear force is given, and it is plotted as an independent
variable on the x-axis, and the required amount of stirrups Asw f yw f yw
is plotted on the y-axis. The terms ωwu and υu are defined υu = ⋅ ⋅ cot θ = ρw ⋅ ⋅ cot θ = ω wy ⋅ cot θ (15)
as follows bw ⋅ sw fcwu fcwu

Fig. 9—Location of some tests in ωwu-υu-dimensioning diagram in case of false assumption (⊗) of stirrup yielding and correct
location (×) in case of measured stirrup stresses.

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2014 1153

where From a very strict experimental perspective, if tests
were considered without knowing the stirrup stresses but
ωwy = ρw · fyw/fcwu (16) assuming that always yielding occurred then the validity and
safety of a design equation V = Vs + Vc cannot be assessed,
ρw = Asw/(bw · sw) = reinforcement ratio for stirrups (17) and this is explained in Fig. 9. In many cases of beams
with a large quantity of stirrups, the ultimate load predicted
where bw is the width of web; fcwu is 0.80f1c = strength of by a design equation is not reached, which means that in
inclined struts; and f1c is the uniaxial compressive strength Fig. 9 such a test point lies well above the line representing
= 0.95fc′. the design equation because stirrup yielding is assumed,
For the truss model of Mörsch (1912), the struts are although this was not the case. If, instead, the stirrup stress
inclined at θ = 45 degrees, and thus, in Eq. (15), the value actually attained is considered, however, then the test points
cot45 degrees = 1. The strength calculated for this model is lie far lower in the diagram of Fig. 9, such as demonstrated
shown with a dashed line (υu = ωwy) in Fig. 9. The dashed for tests No. 637 and 640 by Regan (1971) and tests No. 490,
circle corresponds to the plasticity theory (PT) for which the 491, 495, and 499 by Leonhardt and Walther (1963). Some
stirrups yield, and likewise, the struts attain their strength of these tests are now on or near the safe side compared
fcwu = 0.8f1c (Thürlimann 1978). The second inner circle with the design relationship V = Vs + Vc of the FIP Recom-
applies to the German code DIN 1045-1 (2008) for the mendations (1999). Test No. 640 ends on the Mörsch line
slightly lower strut strength of fcwu = 0.75f1c. In Fig. 9, as slightly to the left of the plasticity circle for the German code
an example, the design relationship V = Vs + Vc of the FIP DIN 1045-1 (2008).
Recommendations (1999) is also plotted, which is compa- For the comparison with Eq. (19) of ACI 318-11 or of
rable to that of DIN 1045-1 for low concrete strengths. any code using the relationship V = Vs + Vc, it is therefore
The non-dimensional format for ACI 318-11 is attained justified to eliminate the tests where the stirrup stress is not
by dividing Eq. (6) and (8) by (bw · z · fcwu), and this gives known by means of the criterion kon12, and this leads to
(in SI units) the dataset (A2c+A3c) with 142 tests with known stirrup
stresses (Table 4).
Asw f yw d fc′ d This dataset still contains nine tests with AF, that is, the
υu, ACI = ⋅ ⋅ + 0.166 ⋅ ⋅ (18a) tests where the anchorage check at the end support was not
bw fcwu z fcwu z
fulfilled. Likewise, this dataset contains the tests with exces-
sive high shear forces (kon9), which exhibit stresses in the
and with the definitions for ρw and ωwy, this gives inclined struts of the truss model exceeding the uniaxial
compressive strength, and are located outside the outer
 fc′  d circle in the diagram. These tests are disputable, and should
υu, ACI = ω wy + 0.166 ⋅ ⋅ not be used as a proof for the safety of any design relation-
 fu  z (18b)
ship. Therefore, it appears to be justified to not use the tests
without AF (kon11) and the tests complying with kon9 for
From Eq. (8b) follows the non-dimensional maximum comparisons with design relationships, and this leads to the
shear force (in SI units) indisputable small dataset (A2+A3) with 87 tests (Table 4).
Only for comparisons with other codes than ACI 318-11,
fc′ d the limit kon131 for the minimum reinforcing ratio needs
υu, max , ACI = 0.830 ⋅ ⋅ (19) to be reconsidered, and leads to further elimination of some
fcwu z tests in the very low shear range by using criteria kon132 or

kon133 (Table 1).
where fc′ and fcwu need to be inserted in MPa. The result is shown in the non-dimensional Fig. 10, where
ωwu is plotted versus the ultimate shear force υu as defined by
Location of tests in diagram for design Eq. (12) and (13). This diagram now clearly shows that the
relationships shear strength calculated with ACI 318-11 is very conserva-
The reason for applying kon12 and using the small dataset tive in the whole range of data with respect to Vu,ACI = Vc + Vs
(Table 4) is that in all design approaches for members with of Eq. (18b), as well as with respect to the limit for maximum
shear reinforcement using the relationship V = Vs + Vc, the shear of Eq. (19). The FIP Recommendations (1999) appear
required amount of stirrups is determined from Vs assuming to better fit to the results.
that the yield stress is reached in the stirrups. Therefore, it
is logical that this condition should also be fulfilled for a SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
test used for comparison with this design approach, so that A database for shear tests on beams with shear reinforce-
at first, only those tests can be considered where yielding ment was established by a joint ACI-DAfStb group, which
of the stirrups occurred. In cases where the stirrups did not is an extended version of the database published by Reineck
yield but the stirrup strains were measured, the tests could et al. (2010, 2012). From the originally collected 886 tests,
also be considered with the measured stirrup stress as 125 tests were filtered out due to missing important data;
explained previously. 511 tests on slender beams remained. The sanctioned set
of criteria were kept, which had been defined in previous

1154 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2014

rounds of checking, and therefore would appreciate if these
are reported to the ACI-DAfStb group so that an updated
version of the database can be provided.

Karl-Heinz Reineck, FACI, is the retired Academic Director of the Insti-
tute for Lightweight Structures Conceptual and Structural Design (ILEK)
at the University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, and Associate Professor
of the University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is a
member of Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 445, Shear and Torsion.

Evan C. Bentz, FACI, is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto,

Toronto, ON. He is Chair of ACI Committee 365, Service Life Modeling,
and a member of Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 445, Shear and Torsion.

Birol Fitik is a Structural Engineer for Zilch+Müller Ingenieure GmbH in

Munich, Germany. He received his Dipl-Ing in 2004 from the University
of Stuttgart, and Dr-Ing from the Technical University of Munich, Munich,
Germany, in 2012.

Daniel Kuchma, FACI, is an Associate Professor of Civil and Environ-

mental Engineering at the University of Illinois, Champaign, IL, and is the
Burton and Erma Lewis Faculty Scholar. He is Chair of Joint ACI-ASCE
Committee 445, Shear and Torsion, and is a member of ACI Subcommittee
318-E, Shear and Torsion (Structural Concrete Building Code).

Oguzhan Bayrak, FACI, is a Professor in the Department of Civil, Envi-

Fig. 10—142 tests of small dataset (A2+A3) compared with ronmental, and Architectural Engineering and holds the Charles Elmer
shear design of ACI 318-11 (ACI Committee 318 2011), DIN Rowe Fellowship in Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin,
1045-1 (2008), and FIP Recommendations (1999). Austin, TX, where he serves as Director of the Phil M. Ferguson Structural
Engineering Laboratory. He is a member of ACI Committees 341, Earth-
databases since 1999 for accepting a test result into an quake-Resistant Concrete Bridges; E803, Faculty Network Coordinating
Committee; and Joint ACI-ASCE Committees 441, Reinforced Concrete
“evaluation-level” database. After applying basic filtering Columns; and 445, Shear and Torsion.
criteria including a flexural failure check, a subset of
180 tests remained. Of those, 23 had reinforcement ratios ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
below the minimum required by ACI 318-11, resulting in The contributions of the members of the joint ACI-DAfStb Working
an evaluation data set with 157 tests. The comparisons with Group listed in Appendix A are acknowledged. The assistance of E. Schnee
is greatly acknowledged for improving the drawings.
these tests showed that the shear strengths of ACI 318-11
are very conservative (Fig. 8), and this observation particu-
larly applies to the maximum limit for shear. If comparisons ACI Committee 318, 2011, “Building Code Requirements for Structural
are performed with design relationships assuming yielding Concrete (ACI 318-11) and Commentary,” American Concrete Institute,
of the stirrups such as in the commonly used relationship Farmington Hills, MI, 503 pp.
Aparicio, A.; Calavera, J.; and del Pozo, F. J., 1997, “Testing Strut
V = Vc + Vs, however, then the small dataset with 87 tests Compression Shear Failure in Beams,” Polytechnic University of Madrid,
should be used, because only for these either stirrup stresses Madrid, Spain, 55 pp.
were reported or clear statements were found that the stir- Bhal, N. S., 1968, “Über den Einfluß der Balkenhöhe auf die Schubtrag-
fähigkeit von einfeldrigen Stahlbetonbalken mit und ohne Schubbewehrung
rups yielded. Likewise, four tests were eliminated because (On the influence of beam depth on the shear capacity of single span rein-
they had excessive failure loads (kon9), and nine tests were forced concrete beams with and without shear reinforcement),” Otto-Graf-
eliminated because they did not comply with the anchorage Institut, H.35, Stuttgart, Germany.
CEB-FIP MC 90, 1993, “Design of Concrete Structures: CEB-FIP Model
check at the end support. Thus, these 87 tests are indisput- Code 1990,” Comité Eurointernational du Beton (CEB), Thomas Telford.
able tests that can be used for the comparison of the test DIBt, 1999, “Überprüfung und Vereinheitlichung der Bemessung-
results with shear design relationships assuming yielding of sansätze für querkraftbeanspruchte Stahlbeton- und Spannbetonbauteile aus
normalfesten und hochfesten Beton nach DIN 1045-1 (Check and unifica-
the stirrups such as in DIN 1045-1 and FIP Recommenda- tion of the shear design of DIN 1045-1for normal and high strength r.c.- and
tions (1999), which fit well with the test results. p.c.-beams),” Abschlußbericht DIBt - Forschungsvorhabens IV 1-5-876/98.
Finally, it should be noted that the MS Excel version of Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik, RWTH Aachen, Universität Leipzig, TU
München, Universität Stuttgart, Dec.
the evaluation database is provided to the research commu- DIN 1045-1, 2008, “Deutsche Norm: Tragwerke aus Beton, Stahl-
nity with this paper. The original collection database and the beton und Spannbeton - Teil 1: Bemessung und Konstruktion. S. 1 - 183.
control database are passed on to interested researchers as (Concrete, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures - Part 1: Design
and construction),” Normenausschuss Bauwesen (NABau) im DIN
PDF and spreadsheet versions under the conditions described Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. Beuth Verl., Berlin, Germany, Aug.
in Appendix A,* and can be obtained by contacting the first fib MC, 2010, “fib Model Code 2010. Final draft,” Fédération Internatio-
or the fourth author of this paper. The authors acknowledge nale du Béton (fib), Lausanne, Switzerland, Mar.
FIP Recommendations, 1999, “Practical Design of Structural Concrete,”
that the datasets might still contain errors despite several FIP-Commission 3, 1996, “Practical Design,” Fédération Internationale de
la Précontrainte (FIP) Publ.: SETO, London, UK, Sept. 1999. (Distributed
by: fib, Lausanne, Switzerland, http://www.fib-international.org)
The Appendix is available at www.concrete.org/publications in PDF format, Leonhardt, F., and Walther, R., 1963, “Schubversuche an Plattenbalken
appended to the online version of the published paper. It is also available in hard copy mit unterschiedlicher Schubbewehrung (Shear tests on T-beams with
from ACI headquarters for a fee equal to the cost of reproduction plus handling at the different amounts of shear reinforcement),” DAfStb H.156, Beuth Verlag,
time of the request. Berlin, Germany.

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2014 1155

Mörsch, E., 1912, Der Eisenbetonbau (Reinforced Concrete Construc- Reineck, K.-H.; Kuchma, D. A.; and Fitik, B., 2010, “Extended Data-
tion). 4. Aufl., K. Wittwer, Stuttgart, Germany. bases with Shear Tests on Structural Concrete Beams without and with
Regan, P. E., 1971, “Shear in Reinforced Concrete—An Experimental Stirrups for the Assessment of Shear Design Procedures” Research Report,
Study,” CIRIA-Report to the Construction Research and Information Asso- ILEK, University of Stuttgart and University of Illinois, Champaign,
ciation, Imperial College of Science and Technology, Department of Civil IL, July.
Engineering, Concrete Section, Apr. Reineck, K.-H.; Kuchma, D. A.; and Fitik, B., 2012, “Erweiterte Daten-
Reineck, K.-H., 1999, “Querkraftbemessung von Bauteilen mit Quer- banken zur Überprüfung der Querkraftbemessung von Konstruktionsbet-
kraftbewehrung in DIN 1045-1 - Erläuterungen und Vergleiche mit onbauteilen ohne und mit Bügel (Extended databases with shear tests on
Versuchen (Shear design of members with shear reinforcement in DIN structural concrete beams without and with stirrups for the assessment of
1045-1 - Explanations and comparison with tests),” Teilbericht Kapitel 3.2, shear design procedures),” DAfStb H. 597, Beuth Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
97 S. und Anlagen 143 S. mit Datenbanken für Stahlbeton- und Spannbet- (in German)
onbalken in: DIBt. Reineck, K.-H.; Bentz, E.; Fitik, B.; Kuchma, D. A.; and Bayrak, O.,
Reineck, K.-H., 2002, “Shear Design in Consistent Design Concept for 2013, “The ACI-DAfStb Database with Shear Tests on Slender Reinforced
Structural Concrete Based on Strut-and-Tie Models 165–186,” fib Bulletin Concrete Beams without Stirrups,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 110, No. 5,
16, Design Examples for the FIP Recommendations “Practical Design of Sept.-Oct., pp. 867-875.
Structural Concrete,” fib, Lausanne, Switzerland, Jan. Roller, J. J., and Russel, H. G., 1990, “Shear Strength of High-Strength
Reineck, K.-H.; Kuchma, D. A.; Sim, K. S.; and Marx, S., 2003, “Shear Concrete Beams with Web Reinforcement,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 87,
Database for Reinforced Concrete Members without Shear Reinforcement,” No. 2, Mar.-Apr., pp. 191-198.
ACI Structural Journal, V. 100, No. 2, Mar.-Apr., pp. 240-249. Discussion Thürlimann, B., 1978, “Shear Strength of Reinforced and Prestressed
by Bažant and Yu and closure in ACI Structural Journal, V. 101, No. 1, Concrete Beams,” CEB Bulletin No. 126, pp. 16-38.
Jan.-Feb. 2004, pp. 139-144.

1156 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2014

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 1

ACI-DAfStb Large Evalution Database vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Querschnittswerte - Section properties Laststellung und Geometrie - loading and geometry

Nr. Lit. Bez. Einheiten b bw h hf hh,top hw hft hh,bot x Ac zc2 aA aF bA L c a a/d cc

E b bw h hf hh,top hw hft hh,bot bft Ac zc2 aa af ba L c a kap cc

- - - SI / A mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm² mm mm mm mm mm mm mm - mm
Ahmad_1996_003_NNW-3 19 Ahmad; NNW-3 A 127,0 127,0 254,0 32258 127,0 50,8 31,8 127,0 1219,2 31,8 593,7 2,92 28,6
Ahmad_1996_006_NHW-3 22 Xie; NHW-3 A 127,0 127,0 254,0 32258 127,0 50,8 31,8 127,0 1188,7 31,8 578,5 2,92 28,6
Ahmad_1996_007_NHW-3a 23 Yu (1996) NHW-3a A 127,0 127,0 254,0 32258 127,0 50,8 31,8 127,0 1188,7 31,8 578,5 2,92 28,6
Ahmad_1996_008_NHW-3b 24 NHW-3b A 127,0 127,0 254,0 32258 127,0 50,8 31,8 127,0 1188,7 31,8 578,5 2,92 28,6
Ahmad_1996_009_NHW-4 25 NHW-4 A 127,0 127,0 254,0 32258 127,0 50,8 31,8 127,0 1585,0 31,8 776,6 3,92 28,6
Angelakos_1999_001_DB0.530M 40 Angelakos; Bentz; DB0.530M SI 300,0 300,0 1000,0 300000 500,0 152,0 76,0 308,8 5400,0 76,0 2662,0 2,88
Angelakos_1999_004_DB140M 42 Collins P. (1999) DB140M SI 300,0 300,0 1000,0 300000 500,0 152,0 76,0 308,8 5400,0 76,0 2662,0 2,88
Aparicio_1997_001_VHA 45 Aparicio; Calavera VHA SI 585,0 75,0 800,0 140,0 87,1 285,8 200,0 87,1 585,0 277821 420,5 600,0 12000,0 0,0 2400,0 3,41
Aparicio_1997_002_HA-45 46 del Pozo (1997) HA-45 SI 1450,0 150,0 1450,0 280,0 130,0 780,0 150,0 110,0 950,0 830000 550,1 400,0 320,4 450,0 21850,0 320,4 4189,8 3,06
Bhal_1968_001_B1S 62 Bhal (1968) B1S SI 240,0 240,0 350,0 84000 175,0 180,0 180,0 300,0 1800,0 180,0 810,0 2,70
Bhal_1968_002_B2S 63 B2S SI 240,0 240,0 650,0 156000 325,0 180,0 240,0 300,0 3600,0 240,0 1680,0 2,80
Bhal_1968_003_B3S 64 B3S SI 240,0 240,0 950,0 228000 475,0 210,0 270,0 300,0 5400,0 270,0 2565,0 2,85
Bhal_1968_004_B4S 65 B4S SI 240,0 240,0 1250,0 300000 625,0 210,0 300,0 300,0 7200,0 300,0 3450,0 2,88
Bresler_1963_001_A-1 111 Bresler; A-1 A 307,3 307,3 561,3 172522 280,7 127,0 152,4 0,0 3657,6 152,4 1752,6 3,76 42,9
Bresler_1963_007_C-1 117 Scordelis (1963) C-1 A 154,9 154,9 558,8 86580 279,4 127,0 152,4 0,0 3657,6 152,4 1752,6 3,78 42,9
Cladera_2002_010_H 100/2 132 Cladera; Mari (2002) H 100/2 SI 200,0 200,0 400,0 80000 200,0 150,0 75,0 220,0 2160,0 75,0 1042,5 2,95 25,0
Cederwall_1974_003_734-46 137 Cederwall; Hedman; Losberg (1974) 734-46 SI 139,0 139,0 260,0 36140 130,0 50,0 3000,0 1800,0 600,0 2,56 14,0
Guidi_1963_001_V 213 Guidi; Radogna (1963) V SI 250,0 80,0 400,0 60,0 40,0 200,0 60,0 40,0 250,0 59200 200,0 100,0 150,0 1500,0 3,95
Guralnik_1960_004_IB-2R 217 Guralnik (1960) IB-2R A 584,2 177,8 387,4 101,6 285,8 110161 140,1 152,4 76,2 304,8 2463,8 635,0 914,4 2,97
Guralnik_1960_005_IC-1R 218 IC-1R A 584,2 177,8 387,4 101,6 285,8 110161 140,1 152,4 76,2 304,8 2438,4 609,6 914,4 3,06
Guralnik_1960_006_IC-2R 219 IC-2R A 584,2 177,8 387,4 101,6 285,8 110161 140,1 152,4 76,2 304,8 2489,2 660,4 914,4 2,95
Guralnik_1960_008_ID-2R 221 ID-2R A 584,2 177,8 387,4 101,6 285,8 110161 140,1 152,4 76,2 304,8 2514,6 685,8 914,4 2,99
Hamadi_1976_002_GT-2 243 Hamadi (1976) GT-2 SI 500,0 120,0 400,0 100,0 300,0 86000 133,7 150,0 75,0 250,0 2500,0 75,0 1212,5 3,46 22,0
Hamadi_1976_004_GT-4 245 Hamadi, Regan (1980) GT-4 SI 500,0 120,0 400,0 100,0 300,0 86000 133,7 150,0 75,0 250,0 2500,0 75,0 1212,5 3,46 22,0
Hamadi_1976_005_GT-5 246 GT-5 SI 500,0 120,0 400,0 100,0 300,0 86000 133,7 150,0 75,0 250,0 2500,0 75,0 1212,5 3,46 22,0
Hegger_2001_001_SVB 3b 247 Hegger, J.; Görtz, S.; Will, N.(2001) SVB 3b SI 220,0 180,0 500,0 100000 241,7 200,0 3000,0 1500,0 3,33
Hegger_2003_001_NSC 3L 248 Hegger, J; Görtz, S. (2003) NSC 3L SI 400,0 80,0 500,0 90,0 20,0 280,0 90,0 20,0 400,0 104000 250,0 100,0 100,0 450,0 4500,0 1500,0 1500,0 3,19
Hegger_2003_002_NSC 3R 249 NSC 3R SI 400,0 80,0 500,0 90,0 20,0 280,0 90,0 20,0 400,0 104000 250,0 100,0 100,0 450,0 3000,0 100,0 1450,0 3,09
Johnson_1989_001_1 260 Johnson; 1 A 304,8 304,8 609,6 185806 304,8 101,6 228,6 235,0 4254,5 914,4 1670,1 3,10 25,4
Johnson_1989_002_2 261 Ramirez (1989) 2 A 304,8 304,8 609,6 185806 304,8 101,6 228,6 235,0 4254,5 914,4 1670,1 3,10 25,4
Johnson_1989_005_5 264 5 A 304,8 304,8 609,6 185806 304,8 101,6 228,6 235,0 4254,5 914,4 1670,1 3,10 25,4

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 2

ACI-DAfStb Large Evalution Database vsw-RC_A

2 3 4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Längsbewehrung (Zugbewehrung) - longitudinal tensile reinforcement compr. Reinforcement Bügelbewehrung - Stirrups
Nr. Lit. Bez. ds d ns Φst frs As a ρs ρsv fsy εsy ftk ftk/fsy εuk ds2 ns2 Φst2 As2 fsy2 Φw nsw Asw frw sw sw / h sw/d zw1 zw2 w fyw

ds d ns dst fR As alphaa rhos rhosw fsy esy ftk ftk/fsy euk ds2 ns2 dst2 As2 fsy2 dw nsw Asw frw sw sw/h zw1 zw2 rhow fyw
- - - mm mm - mm - mm² - % % MPa ‰ MPa - ‰ mm - mm mm² MPa mm - mm² - mm - - mm mm % MPa
19 Ahmad; NNW-3 203,2 203,2 2 19,1 r 823,4 1,00 3,1907 3,1907 420,7 2,10 0,00 38,1 2 12,7 253,4 421 6,4 2 63,3 0 101,6 0,40 0,50 171 146 0,4909 324,1
22 Xie; NHW-3 198,1 198,1 4 19,1 r 1140,1 1,00 4,5311 4,5311 420,7 2,10 0,00 38,1 2 12,7 253,4 421 6,4 2 63,3 0 99,1 0,39 0,50 166 141 0,5035 324,1
23 Yu (1996) NHW-3a 198,1 198,1 4 19,1 r 1140,1 1,00 4,5311 4,5311 420,7 2,10 0,00 38,1 2 12,7 253,4 421 6,4 2 63,3 0 76,2 0,30 0,38 166 141 0,6545 324,1
24 NHW-3b 198,1 198,1 4 19,1 r 1140,1 1,00 4,5311 4,5311 420,7 2,10 0,00 38,1 2 12,7 253,4 421 6,4 2 63,3 0 63,5 0,25 0,32 166 141 0,7854 324,1
25 NHW-4 198,1 198,1 4 19,1 r 1140,1 1,00 4,5311 4,5311 420,7 2,10 0,00 38,1 2 12,7 253,4 421 6,4 2 63,3 0 99,1 0,39 0,50 166 141 0,5035 324,1
40 Angelakos; Bentz; DB0.530M 925,0 925,0 2 29,9 r 1400,0 1,00 0,5045 0,5045 550,0 2,75 710,00 1,29 75,0 2 400,0 483 9,5 1 71,3 r 300,0 0,30 0,32 877 0 0,0792 508,0
42 Collins P. (1999) DB140M 925,0 925,0 4 29,9 r 2800,0 1,00 1,0090 1,0090 550,0 2,75 710,00 1,29 75,0 2 400,0 483 9,5 1 71,3 r 300,0 0,30 0,32 877 0 0,0792 508,0
45 Aparicio; Calavera VHA 704,0 704,0 24 20,0 r 7640,4 1,00 1,8552 14,4704 500,3 2,50 0,00 4 12,0 653,5 500 12,0 2 226,2 r 170,0 0,21 0,24 644 0 1,7741 500,3
46 del Pozo (1997) HA-45 1369,0 1369,0 24 32,0 r 19301,9 1,00 0,9724 9,3995 520,2 2,60 636,77 1,22 8 10,0 1030,4 500 12,0 2 226,2 r 90,0 0,06 0,07 665 0 1,6755 582,0
62 Bhal (1968) B1S 300,0 300,0 2 24,0 r 904,8 1,00 1,2566 1,2566 425,8 2,13 513,06 1,21 15 25,0 2 10,0 157,1 443 6,0 2 56,5 r 160,0 0,46 0,53 270 0 0,1473 441,5
63 B2S 600,0 600,0 4 24,0 r 1809,6 1,00 1,2566 1,2566 425,8 2,13 513,06 1,21 15 25,0 2 10,0 157,1 443 6,0 2 56,5 r 160,0 0,25 0,27 570 0 0,1473 441,5
64 B3S 900,0 900,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 1,2566 1,2566 425,8 2,13 513,06 1,21 15 25,0 2 10,0 157,1 443 6,0 2 56,5 r 160,0 0,17 0,18 870 0 0,1473 441,5
65 B4S 1200,0 1200,0 8 24,0 r 3619,1 1,00 1,2566 1,2566 425,8 2,13 513,06 1,21 15 25,0 2 10,0 157,1 443 6,0 2 56,5 r 160,0 0,13 0,13 1170 0 0,1473 441,5
111 Bresler; A-1 466,1 466,1 4 28,7 r 2578,9 0,01 1,8003 1,8003 555,2 2,78 957,93 1,73 50,8 2 12,7 253,4 346 6,4 2 63,3 r 209,6 0,37 0,45 434 380 0,0983 325,5
117 Scordelis (1963) C-1 463,6 463,6 2 28,7 r 1289,5 0,01 1,7953 1,7953 555,2 2,78 957,93 1,73 50,8 2 12,7 253,4 346 6,4 2 63,3 r 209,6 0,38 0,45 432 378 0,1951 325,5
132 Cladera; Mari (2002) H 100/2 353,0 353,0 2 32,0 r 1608,5 1,00 2,2783 2,2783 500,0 2,50 0,00 35,0 2 8,0 100,5 540 6,0 2 56,5 r 165,0 0,41 0,47 323 303 0,1714 530,0
137 Cederwall; Hedman; Losberg (1974) 734-46 234,0 234,0 3 12,0 r 339,3 1,0431 1,0431 818,5 4,09 848,24 1,04 2 8,0 100,5 6,0 2 56,5 r 100,0 0,38 0,43 204 206 0,4068 436,5
213 Guidi; Radogna (1963) V 380,0 380,0 8 12,0 r 1017,9 1,00 1,0714 3,3483 490,5 2,45 755,37 1,54 20,0 4 6,0 113,1 491 6,0 2 56,5 r 100,0 0,25 0,26 350 0 0,7069 490,5
217 Guralnik (1960) IB-2R 307,8 307,8 2 22,2 r 775,9 1,00 0,4314 1,4175 583,5 2,92 1011,72 1,73 2 22,2 775,9 584 6,4 2 63,3 r 146,1 0,38 0,47 276 0 0,2439 529,0
218 IC-1R 299,2 299,2 2 32,3 r 2410,4 1,00 1,3790 4,5309 576,9 2,88 967,76 1,68 2 32,3 2410,4 577 12,7 2 253,4 r 88,9 0,23 0,30 236 0 1,6029 340,7
219 IC-2R 309,6 309,6 2 32,3 r 2410,4 1,00 1,3326 4,3785 576,9 2,88 967,76 1,68 2 32,3 2410,4 577 6,4 2 63,3 r 146,1 0,38 0,47 278 0 0,2439 529,0
221 ID-2R 306,1 306,1 2 22,2 r 1345,9 1,00 0,7527 2,4733 601,6 3,01 1020,49 1,70 2 22,2 1345,9 602 6,4 2 63,3 r 146,1 0,38 0,48 274 0 0,2439 529,0
243 Hamadi (1976) GT-2 350,0 350,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 0,7181 2,9920 400,0 2,00 565,00 1,41 4 12,0 452,4 350 6,0 2 56,5 r 125,0 0,31 0,36 320 306 0,3770 320,0
245 Hamadi, Regan (1980) GT-4 350,0 350,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 0,7181 2,9920 655,0 3,28 820,00 1,25 4 12,0 452,4 350 8,0 2 100,5 r 160,0 0,40 0,46 310 306 0,5236 480,0
246 GT-5 350,0 350,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 0,7181 2,9920 655,0 3,28 820,00 1,25 4 12,0 452,4 350 8,0 2 100,5 r 125,0 0,31 0,36 310 306 0,6702 480,0
247 Hegger, J.; Görtz, S.; Will, N.(2001) SVB 3b 450,0 450,0 6 25,0 r 2945,2 1,00 2,9750 3,6361 532,0 2,66 673,00 1,27 8,0 2 100,5 r 100,0 0,20 0,22 410 0 0,5585 514,0
248 Hegger, J; Görtz, S. (2003) NSC 3L 470,0 470,0 5 20,0 r 3581,4 1,00 1,9050 9,5250 500,0 2,50 0,00 6,0 2 56,5 r 100,0 0,20 0,21 440 0 0,7069 550,0
249 NSC 3R 470,0 470,0 5 20,0 r 3581,4 1,00 1,9050 9,5250 500,0 2,50 0,00 6,0 2 56,5 r 100,0 0,20 0,21 440 0 0,7069 550,0
260 Johnson; 1 538,7 538,7 5 32,3 r 4086,3 0,70 2,4885 2,4885 524,8 2,62 0,00 46,0 2 28,7 1289,5 540 6,4 2 63,3 r 133,4 0,22 0,25 507 488 0,1558 479,3
261 Ramirez (1989) 2 538,7 538,7 5 32,3 r 4086,3 0,70 2,4885 2,4885 524,8 2,62 0,00 46,0 2 28,7 1289,5 540 6,4 2 63,3 r 266,7 0,44 0,50 507 488 0,0779 479,3
264 5 538,7 538,7 5 32,3 r 4086,3 0,70 2,4885 2,4885 524,8 2,62 0,00 46,0 2 28,7 1289,5 540 6,4 2 63,3 r 133,4 0,22 0,25 507 488 0,1558 479,3

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 3

ACI-DAfStb Large Evalution Database vsw-RC_A

2 3 4 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
compressive strength mech. reinforcement ratios

Nr. Lit. Bez. fyw * w/100 fwtk fwk / fyw wuk Φa f1c fcwu f1ct,test βct,test f1ct,m,cal βct,cal s l wy g Vg F Vu,g+F,Rep Vu,Rep Vu_g+F

fyw_rhow_100 fwtk fwtk/fyw ewuk diaa f1c Method fcwu f1cttest Method betacttest f1ctmcal betactcal oms oml omwy g Vg F Vu_F+g,rep Vu_Rep Vu_gF
- - - MPa MPa - ‰ mm MPa - MPa MPa - - MPa - - - - kN/m kN kN kN kN kN
19 Ahmad; NNW-3 1,59 0,00 19,1 39,46 cyl 31,57 0,00 0,0000 3,39 0,0858 0,3401 0,3401 0,0504 0,77 0,24 87,03 87,27 87,27
22 Xie; NHW-3 1,63 0,00 19,1 95,17 cyl 76,14 0,00 0,0000 5,11 0,0537 0,2003 0,2003 0,0214 0,77 0,24 102,37 102,61 102,61
23 Yu (1996) NHW-3a 2,12 0,00 19,1 87,18 cyl 69,74 0,00 0,0000 4,96 0,0568 0,2187 0,2187 0,0304 0,77 0,24 108,22 108,46 108,46
24 NHW-3b 2,55 0,00 19,1 99,99 cyl 80,00 0,00 0,0000 5,20 0,0520 0,1906 0,1906 0,0318 0,77 0,24 122,54 122,78 122,78
25 NHW-4 1,63 0,00 19,1 95,74 cyl 76,59 0,00 0,0000 5,12 0,0535 0,1991 0,1991 0,0213 0,77 0,31 93,72 94,03 94,03
40 Angelakos; Bentz; DB0.530M 0,40 778,00 1,53 10,0 30,40 cyl 24,32 0,00 0,0000 2,78 0,0916 0,0913 0,0913 0,0165 7,20 9,86 256,00 265,86 265,86
42 Collins P. (1999) DB140M 0,40 778,00 1,53 10,0 36,10 cyl 28,88 0,00 0,0000 3,17 0,0878 0,1537 0,1537 0,0139 7,20 9,50 270,00 279,50 279,50
45 Aparicio; Calavera VHA 8,88 0,00 42,25 cyl 33,80 0,00 0,0000 3,56 0,0843 0,2197 0,2197 0,2626 6,67 8,00 886,82 894,83
46 del Pozo (1997) HA-45 9,75 669,63 0,00 41,14 cyl 32,91 4,21 sp 0,1024 3,49 0,0849 0,1183 0,1183 0,2963 19,92 44,32 3384,45 3428,77
62 Bhal (1968) B1S 0,65 567,51 1,29 30,0 25,88 cu 20,70 2,26 fl 0,0873 2,46 0,0950 0,2067 0,2067 0,0314 2,02 1,17 127,53 128,70 128,70
63 B2S 0,65 567,51 1,29 30,0 24,18 cu 19,34 2,39 fl 0,0988 2,33 0,0964 0,2213 0,2213 0,0336 3,74 1,87 247,70 249,57 249,57
64 B3S 0,65 567,51 1,29 30,0 25,34 cu 20,27 2,67 fl 0,1055 2,42 0,0955 0,2111 0,2111 0,0321 5,47 3,97 365,42 369,39 369,39
65 B4S 0,65 567,51 1,29 30,0 24,49 cu 19,59 2,14 fl 0,0875 2,36 0,0962 0,2185 0,2185 0,0332 7,20 13,50 459,11 472,61 472,61
111 Bresler; A-1 0,32 429,66 1,32 19,1 22,87 cyl 18,29 2,57 fl 0,1123 2,23 0,0975 0,4371 0,4371 0,0175 4,14 3,94 233,52 237,46 237,46
117 Scordelis (1963) C-1 0,64 429,66 1,32 19,1 28,11 cyl 22,49 2,81 fl 0,1000 2,62 0,0933 0,3546 0,3546 0,0282 2,08 1,98 155,68 157,66 157,66
132 Cladera; Mari (2002) H 100/2 0,91 680,00 1,28 12,0 82,65 cyl 66,12 0,00 0,0000 4,86 0,0588 0,1378 0,1378 0,0137 1,92 1,07 225,55 226,62
137 Cederwall; Hedman; Losberg (1974) 734-46 1,78 0,00 28,69 cu 22,96 0,00 0,0000 2,66 0,0929 0,2975 0,2975 0,0774 0,87 1,04 95,65 96,69
213 Guidi; Radogna (1963) V 3,47 755,37 1,54 15,0 32,37 cu 25,90 0,00 0,0000 2,92 0,0902 0,1623 0,1623 0,1339 1,42 1,07 122,63 123,69
217 Guralnik (1960) IB-2R 1,29 591,03 1,12 1 15,9 15,99 cyl 12,79 1,42 fl 0,0891 1,65 0,1035 0,1575 0,1575 0,1009 2,64 2,05 140,11 142,16
218 IC-1R 5,46 595,66 1,75 2 15,9 32,30 cyl 25,84 2,16 fl 0,0668 2,92 0,0903 0,2463 0,2463 0,2113 2,64 2,01 411,88 413,90
219 IC-2R 1,29 591,03 1,12 1 15,9 32,30 cyl 25,84 2,16 fl 0,0668 2,92 0,0903 0,2380 0,2380 0,0499 2,64 2,08 225,07 227,15
221 ID-2R 1,29 591,03 1,12 1 15,9 32,30 cyl 25,84 2,16 fl 0,0668 2,92 0,0903 0,1402 0,1402 0,0499 2,64 2,12 217,51 219,62
243 Hamadi (1976) GT-2 1,21 430,00 1,34 20,0 23,63 cu 18,90 0,00 0,0000 2,29 0,0969 0,1216 0,1216 0,0638 2,06 1,33 148,50 149,83
245 Hamadi, Regan (1980) GT-4 2,51 720,00 1,50 20,0 29,43 cu 23,54 0,00 0,0000 2,72 0,0923 0,1598 0,1598 0,1067 2,06 1,33 227,50 228,83
246 GT-5 3,22 720,00 1,50 20,0 18,56 cu 14,85 0,00 0,0000 1,88 0,1013 0,2534 0,2534 0,2166 2,06 1,33 222,50 223,83
247 Hegger, J.; Görtz, S.; Will, N.(2001) SVB 3b 2,87 0,00 66,50 cyl 53,20 0,00 0,0000 4,51 0,0678 0,2380 0,2380 0,0540 2,40 1,80 427,00 428,80
248 Hegger, J; Görtz, S. (2003) NSC 3L 3,89 0,00 27,55 cyl 22,04 0,00 0,0000 2,58 0,0937 0,3457 0,3457 0,1764 2,50 3,74 334,00 337,74
249 NSC 3R 3,89 0,00 27,55 cyl 22,04 0,00 0,0000 2,58 0,0937 0,3457 0,3457 0,1764 2,50 1,93 349,00 350,93
260 Johnson; 1 0,75 0,00 19,1 34,59 cyl 27,67 0,00 0,0000 3,07 0,0888 0,3775 0,3775 0,0270 4,46 5,76 338,50 344,26 344,26
261 Ramirez (1989) 2 0,37 0,00 19,1 34,59 cyl 27,67 0,00 0,0000 3,07 0,0888 0,3775 0,3775 0,0135 4,46 5,76 222,40 228,16 228,16
264 5 0,75 0,00 19,1 53,07 cyl 42,46 0,00 0,0000 4,16 0,0784 0,2461 0,2461 0,0176 4,46 5,76 382,53 388,29 388,29

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 4

ACI-DAfStb Large Evalution Database vsw-RC_A

2 3 4 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
Versuch - Test results Bruchschnittgrößen Kontrolle Biegung

Nr. Lit. Bez. βr xr sl,a σsw,meas σsw,ass σsw ωwu andere Bruchart Mu u u,test c sl test test ztest  z flex u_flex  u,flex  flex Bbem

betar_meas xr_meas xr sigswmeas sigswass sigsw omwu andbr Mu muu vutest kapc sigsl xsitest zetatest z_test zeta z_ muflex Mu_flex Vu_flex betaflex BB
- - - [°] mm mm MPa MPa MPa - - kNm - - - MPa - - mm - mm - - kN - -
19 Ahmad; NNW-3 297 324 324 0,0504 51,81 0,2504 0,1309 0,842 378 0,363 0,818 166 0,798 162 0,2714 56,17 94,61 0,92
22 Xie; NHW-3 289 0 0,0000 59,36 0,1251 0,0605 0,619 297 0,228 0,886 176 0,838 166 0,1679 79,66 137,70 0,75
23 Yu (1996) NHW-3a 289 0 0,0000 62,74 0,1444 0,0708 0,651 318 0,254 0,873 173 0,832 165 0,1820 79,07 136,69 0,79
24 NHW-3b 289 324 324 0,0318 71,03 0,1425 0,0707 0,600 365 0,275 0,862 171 0,841 167 0,1603 79,93 138,17 0,89
25 NHW-4 388 324 324 0,0213 73,03 0,1530 0,0571 0,617 378 0,290 0,855 169 0,839 166 0,1670 79,69 102,62 0,92
40 Angelakos; Bentz; DB0.530M 1331 508 508 0,0165 707,71 0,0907 0,0416 0,878 550 0,104 0,948 877 0,948 877 0,0865 675,24 253,66 1,05 BB
42 Collins P. (1999) DB140M 1380 1380 508 508 0,0139 744,04 0,0803 0,0367 0,856 302 0,099 0,951 879 0,910 842 0,1399 1296,52 487,05 0,57
45 Aparicio; Calavera VHA 1200 297 297 0,1557 2128,38 0,1738 0,5638 0,831 449 0,237 0,881 620 0,868 611 0,1907 2335,34 973,06 0,91
46 del Pozo (1997) HA-45 2108 357 357 0,1818 14180,23 0,1269 0,5390 0,835 520 0,142 0,929 1272 0,929 1272 0,1099 12284,65 2932,03 1,15 BB
62 Bhal (1968) B1S 321 321 438 438 0,0312 104,25 0,1865 0,0976 0,896 426 0,231 0,885 265 0,885 265 0,1829 102,24 126,22 1,02 BB
63 B2S 1300 1300 441 441 0,0336 419,29 0,2007 0,1021 0,903 426 0,245 0,878 527 0,878 527 0,1942 405,64 241,45 1,03 BB
64 B3S 1975 1975 441 441 0,0321 947,48 0,1923 0,0956 0,899 426 0,235 0,883 794 0,883 794 0,1863 917,89 357,85 1,03 BB
65 B4S 1725 441 441 0,0332 1630,50 0,1926 0,0953 0,902 426 0,242 0,879 1055 0,879 1055 0,1920 1625,11 471,05 1,00 BB
111 Bresler; A-1 876 0 0,0000 416,18 0,2726 0,1110 0,909 424 0,368 0,816 380 0,759 354 0,3320 506,79 289,16 0,82
117 Scordelis (1963) C-1 876 0 0,0000 276,31 0,2953 0,1220 0,888 555 0,400 0,800 371 0,800 371 0,2838 265,55 151,52 1,04 BB
132 Cladera; Mari (2002) H 100/2 521 530 530 0,0137 235,14 0,1142 0,0533 0,669 457 0,188 0,906 320 0,897 317 0,1236 254,67 244,29 0,92
137 Cederwall; Hedman; Losberg (1974) 734-46 300 0 0,0000 57,39 0,2628 0,1540 0,885 818 0,336 0,832 195 0,832 195 0,2475 54,06 90,10 1,06 BB
213 Guidi; Radogna (1963) V 750 0 0,0000 183,94 0,1574 0,1718 0,871 491 0,186 0,907 345 0,907 345 0,1472 172,03 114,69 1,07 BB
217 Guralnik (1960) IB-2R 457 0 0,0000 128,12 0,1448 0,2185 0,936 584 0,168 0,916 282 0,916 282 0,1442 127,65 139,60 1,00 BB
218 IC-1R 457 0 0,0000 376,63 0,2229 0,3490 0,871 577 0,283 0,859 257 0,859 257 0,2115 357,25 390,69 1,05 BB
219 IC-2R 457 0 0,0000 205,80 0,1138 0,1702 0,871 297 0,141 0,930 288 0,863 267 0,2055 371,73 406,53 0,55
221 ID-2R 457 0 0,0000 198,89 0,1125 0,1662 0,871 519 0,139 0,931 285 0,919 281 0,1289 227,88 249,21 0,87
243 Hamadi (1976) GT-2 606 320 320 0,0638 180,06 0,1244 0,2005 0,906 400 0,134 0,933 327 0,933 327 0,1134 164,12 135,36 1,10 BB
245 Hamadi, Regan (1980) GT-4 606 480 480 0,1067 275,84 0,1530 0,2530 0,882 655 0,181 0,909 318 0,909 318 0,1453 261,99 216,08 1,05 BB
246 GT-5 606 480 480 0,2166 269,78 0,2373 0,4133 0,926 655 0,274 0,863 302 0,863 302 0,2187 248,66 205,08 1,08 BB
247 Hegger, J.; Görtz, S.; Will, N.(2001) SVB 3b 750 514 514 0,0540 640,50 0,2162 0,1183 0,734 532 0,324 0,838 377 0,838 377 0,1994 590,78 393,85 1,08 BB
248 Hegger, J; Görtz, S. (2003) NSC 3L 750 0 0 0,0000 501,00 0,2058 0,4651 0,890 343 0,267 0,867 407 0,806 379 0,2786 678,12 452,08 0,74
249 NSC 3R 725 0 0 0,0000 506,05 0,2079 0,4869 0,890 348 0,270 0,865 407 0,806 379 0,2786 678,12 467,67 0,75
260 Johnson; 1 835 0 0,0000 574,93 0,1879 0,0865 0,862 298 0,249 0,875 472 0,781 421 0,2948 902,25 540,25 0,64
261 Ramirez (1989) 2 835 0 0,0000 381,04 0,1245 0,0545 0,862 188 0,157 0,922 496 0,781 421 0,2948 902,25 540,25 0,42
264 5 835 0 0,0000 648,46 0,1381 0,0617 0,788 326 0,194 0,903 486 0,844 455 0,2077 974,90 583,75 0,67

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 5

ACI-DAfStb Large Evalution Database vsw-RC_A

2 3 4 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
Querkraft - PT (mit=0,80 Querkraft - PT im Versuch anchorage

Nr. Lit. Bez. sin²p p cotp uP wp cotu u u  lb f1ck fcm,cyl fck f´c
sin2thp thp cotthp vup gamwp cotthu thu nueu betalb VB A2+A3 kon34 KONA4 KONA5 A4+A5 Differenz AF f1ck fcm_cyl fck fc_prime Vct_ACI Vs_ACI Vcal_sACI Vmax_ACI rat_smax VACI_cal
- - - - [ °] - - - - [ °] - - - - - - - - - MPa MPa MPa MPa kN kN kN kN kN
19 Ahmad; NNW-3 0,05 12,97 4,34 0,22 0,60 2,60 21,06 0,31 1,02 VB 0 1 0 0 0 0 AF 35,7 41,5 37,5 39,1 26,82 41,06 67,88 134,08 0,506 67,88
22 Xie; NHW-3 0,02 8,42 6,76 0,14 0,42 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,62 0 1 0 0 0 0 91,4 100,2 96,2 97,8 41,32 41,06 82,39 206,62 0,399 82,39
23 Yu (1996) NHW-3a 0,03 10,04 5,65 0,17 0,41 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,68 0 1 0 0 0 0 83,4 91,8 87,8 89,4 39,51 53,38 92,89 197,53 0,470 92,89
24 NHW-3b 0,03 10,28 5,52 0,18 0,40 2,22 24,22 0,15 0,73 1 1 1 0 1 0 96,2 105,3 101,3 102,9 42,38 64,05 106,44 211,92 0,502 106,44
25 NHW-4 0,02 8,39 6,78 0,14 0,40 2,68 20,47 0,14 0,57 1 1 1 0 1 0 91,9 100,8 96,8 98,4 41,45 41,06 82,51 207,26 0,398 82,51
40 Angelakos; Bentz; DB0.530M 0,02 7,39 7,71 0,13 0,33 2,51 21,70 0,10 0,80 1 1 0 1 1 0 26,6 32,0 28,0 29,6 250,76 111,61 362,37 1253,79 0,289 362,37
42 Collins P. (1999) DB140M 0,01 6,78 8,41 0,12 0,31 2,63 20,79 0,09 0,37 1 1 0 1 1 0 32,3 38,0 34,0 35,6 275,00 111,61 386,61 1375,00 0,281 386,61
45 Aparicio; Calavera VHA 0,26 30,83 1,68 0,44 1,28 3,62 15,44 1,76 0,15 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,4 44,5 40,5 42,1 56,88 468,65 525,53 284,40 1,848 284,40
46 del Pozo (1997) HA-45 0,30 32,98 1,54 0,46 1,18 2,97 18,64 1,42 0,36 0 1 0 0 0 0 37,3 43,3 39,3 40,9 218,12 2002,57 2220,69 1090,62 2,036 1090,62
62 Bhal (1968) B1S 0,03 10,21 5,55 0,17 0,56 3,13 17,71 0,27 0,69 1 1 0 1 1 0 22,1 27,2 23,2 24,8 59,60 46,81 106,41 298,02 0,357 106,41
63 B2S 0,03 10,56 5,36 0,18 0,57 3,04 18,22 0,28 0,56 1 1 0 1 1 0 20,4 25,5 21,5 23,1 114,83 93,61 208,45 574,17 0,363 208,45
64 B3S 0,03 10,32 5,49 0,18 0,54 2,98 18,55 0,25 0,47 1 1 0 1 1 0 21,5 26,7 22,7 24,3 176,75 140,42 317,17 883,75 0,359 317,17
65 B4S 0,03 10,50 5,40 0,18 0,53 2,87 19,20 0,25 0,44 1 1 0 1 1 0 20,7 25,8 21,8 23,4 231,28 187,23 418,51 1156,42 0,362 418,51
111 Bresler; A-1 0,02 7,60 7,49 0,13 0,85 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,01 0 1 0 0 0 0 19,1 24,1 20,1 21,7 110,75 45,86 156,61 553,76 0,283 156,61
117 Scordelis (1963) C-1 0,03 9,67 5,87 0,17 0,74 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,01 0 1 0 0 0 0 24,3 29,6 25,6 27,2 62,20 45,61 107,81 310,99 0,347 107,81
132 Cladera; Mari (2002) H 100/2 0,01 6,73 8,47 0,12 0,46 3,88 14,44 0,18 0,56 1 1 1 0 1 0 78,9 87,0 83,0 84,6 107,85 64,12 171,97 539,27 0,319 171,97
137 Cederwall; Hedman; Losberg (1974) 734-46 0,08 16,15 3,45 0,27 0,58 0,00 0,00 0,00 3,43 VB 0 1 0 0 0 0 24,9 30,2 26,2 27,8 28,49 57,77 86,25 142,43 0,606 86,25
213 Guidi; Radogna (1963) V 0,13 21,46 2,54 0,34 0,50 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,34 0 0 0 0 0 0 28,6 34,1 30,1 31,7 28,42 105,40 133,82 142,09 0,942 133,82
217 Guralnik (1960) IB-2R 0,10 18,52 2,99 0,30 0,73 0,00 0,00 0,00 1,45 VB 0 1 0 0 0 0 12,2 16,8 12,8 14,4 34,53 70,62 105,15 172,66 0,609 105,15
218 IC-1R 0,21 27,37 1,93 0,41 0,85 0,00 0,00 0,00 1,26 VB 0 1 0 0 0 0 28,5 34,0 30,0 31,6 49,67 290,51 340,18 248,35 1,370 248,35
219 IC-2R 0,05 12,91 4,36 0,22 0,78 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,63 0 1 0 0 0 0 28,5 34,0 30,0 31,6 51,40 71,03 122,43 257,00 0,476 122,43
221 ID-2R 0,05 12,91 4,36 0,22 0,76 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,75 0 1 0 0 0 0 28,5 34,0 30,0 31,6 50,81 70,21 121,02 254,05 0,476 121,02
243 Hamadi (1976) GT-2 0,06 14,63 3,83 0,24 0,82 3,14 17,66 0,56 0,57 1 1 1 0 1 0 19,8 24,9 20,9 22,5 33,07 50,67 83,73 165,33 0,506 83,73
245 Hamadi, Regan (1980) GT-4 0,11 19,07 2,89 0,31 0,82 2,37 22,88 0,57 0,74 1 1 1 0 1 0 25,6 31,0 27,0 28,6 37,29 105,56 142,85 186,46 0,766 142,85
246 GT-5 0,22 27,74 1,90 0,41 1,00 1,91 27,66 0,80 1,06 VB 0 1 0 0 0 0 AF 14,8 19,5 15,5 17,1 28,88 135,11 163,99 144,40 1,136 144,40
247 Hegger, J.; Görtz, S.; Will, N.(2001) SVB 3b 0,05 13,43 4,19 0,23 0,52 2,19 24,53 0,25 0,54 1 1 1 0 1 0 62,7 70,0 66,0 67,6 110,61 232,53 343,14 553,06 0,620 343,14
248 Hegger, J; Görtz, S. (2003) NSC 3L 0,18 24,83 2,16 0,38 1,22 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,19 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,8 29,0 25,0 26,6 32,21 146,18 178,39 161,04 1,108 161,04
249 NSC 3R 0,18 24,83 2,16 0,38 1,28 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,20 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,8 29,0 25,0 26,6 32,21 146,18 178,39 161,04 1,108 161,04
260 Johnson; 1 0,03 9,46 6,00 0,16 0,53 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,41 0 1 0 0 0 0 30,8 36,4 32,4 34,0 159,06 122,65 281,71 795,30 0,354 281,71
261 Ramirez (1989) 2 0,01 6,67 8,55 0,12 0,47 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,27 0 1 0 0 0 0 30,8 36,4 32,4 34,0 159,06 61,32 220,39 795,30 0,277 220,39
264 5 0,02 7,62 7,47 0,13 0,47 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,33 0 1 0 0 0 0 49,3 55,9 51,9 53,5 199,42 122,65 322,06 997,08 0,323 322,06

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 6

ACI-DAfStb Large Evalution Database vsw-RC_A

2 3 4 127

Nr. Lit. Bez.

- - -
19 Ahmad; NNW-3 1,286
22 Xie; NHW-3 1,245
23 Yu (1996) NHW-3a 1,168
24 NHW-3b 1,154
25 NHW-4 1,140
40 Angelakos; Bentz; DB0.530M 0,734
42 Collins P. (1999) DB140M 0,723
45 Aparicio; Calavera VHA 3,118
46 del Pozo (1997) HA-45 3,103
62 Bhal (1968) B1S 1,209
63 B2S 1,197
64 B3S 1,165
65 B4S 1,129
111 Bresler; A-1 1,516
117 Scordelis (1963) C-1 1,462
132 Cladera; Mari (2002) H 100/2 1,312
137 Cederwall; Hedman; Losberg (1974) 734-46 1,109
213 Guidi; Radogna (1963) V 0,916
217 Guralnik (1960) IB-2R 1,332
218 IC-1R 1,658
219 IC-2R 1,838
221 ID-2R 1,797
243 Hamadi (1976) GT-2 1,773
245 Hamadi, Regan (1980) GT-4 1,593
246 GT-5 1,541
247 Hegger, J.; Görtz, S.; Will, N.(2001) SVB 3b 1,244
248 Hegger, J; Görtz, S. (2003) NSC 3L 2,074
249 NSC 3R 2,167
260 Johnson; 1 1,222
261 Ramirez (1989) 2 1,035
264 5 1,206

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 7

E b bw h hf hh,top hw hft hh,bot bft Ac zc2 aa af ba L c a kap cc

- - - SI / A mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm² mm mm mm mm mm mm mm - mm
Kong_1997_001_S1-1 359 Kong; S1-1 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_002_S1-2 360 Rangan (1997) S1-2 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_003_S1-3 361 S1-3 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_004_S1-4 362 S1-4 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_005_S1-5 363 S1-5 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_006_S1-6 364 S1-6 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_007_S2-1 365 S2-1 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_008_S2-2 366 S2-2 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_009_S2-3 367 S2-3 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_010_S2-4 368 S2-4 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_011_S2-5 369 S2-5 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_013_S3-1 371 S3-1 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 360,0 1980,0 500,0 740,0 2,49 35,0
Kong_1997_014_S3-2 372 S3-2 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 360,0 1980,0 500,0 740,0 2,49 35,0
Kong_1997_015_S3-3 373 S3-3 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,49 35,0
Kong_1997_016_S3-4 374 S3-4 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,49 35,0
Kong_1997_017_S3-5 375 S3-5 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 380,0 1940,0 500,0 720,0 2,51 35,0
Kong_1997_018_S3-6 376 S3-6 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 380,0 1940,0 500,0 720,0 2,51 35,0
Kong_1997_019_S4-1 377 S4-1 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 350,0 3100,0 500,0 1300,0 2,48 35,0
Kong_1997_021_S4-3 379 S4-3 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 2160,0 500,0 830,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_022_S4-4 380 S4-4 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 470,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_024_S4-6 382 S4-6 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 450,0 1500,0 500,0 500,0 2,53 35,0
Kong_1997_025_S5-1 383 S5-1 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 320,0 2260,0 500,0 880,0 3,01 35,0
Kong_1997_026_S5-2 384 S5-2 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 400,0 2100,0 500,0 800,0 2,74 35,0
Kong_1997_027_S5-3 385 S5-3 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_031_S7-1 389 S7-1 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 50,0 380,0 1940,0 50,0 945,0 3,40 35,0
Kong_1997_032_S7-2 390 S7-2 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 50,0 380,0 1940,0 50,0 945,0 3,40 35,0
Kong_1997_033_S7-3 391 S7-3 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 50,0 380,0 1940,0 50,0 945,0 3,40 35,0
Kong_1997_034_S7-4 392 S7-4 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 50,0 380,0 1940,0 50,0 945,0 3,40 35,0
Kong_1997_035_S7-5 393 S7-5 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 50,0 380,0 1940,0 50,0 945,0 3,40 35,0
Kong_1997_036_S7-6 394 S7-6 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 50,0 380,0 1940,0 50,0 945,0 3,40 35,0
Kong_1997_037_S8-1 395 S8-1 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_038_S8-2 396 S8-2 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_039_S8-3 397 S8-3 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_040_S8-4 398 S8-4 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_041_S8-5 399 S8-5 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_042_S8-6 400 S8-6 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Krefeld_1966_010_26-1 420 Krefeld; Thurston (1966) 26-1 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_012_29b-1 422 29b-1 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_015_29a-2 425 29a-2 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_016_29b-2 426 29b-2 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_017_29c-2 427 29c-2 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_018_29d-2 428 29d-2 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_020_29f-2 430 29f-2 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_021_29g-2 431 29g-2 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_024_24.5-3 434 24.5-3 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_034_39-3 444 39-3 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 8

ds d ns dst fR As alphaa rhos rhosw fsy esy ftk ftk/fsy euk ds2 ns2 dst2 As2 fsy2 dw nsw Asw frw sw sw/h zw1 zw2 rhow fyw
- - - mm mm - mm - mm² - % % MPa ‰ MPa - ‰ mm - mm mm² MPa mm - mm² - mm - - mm mm % MPa
359 Kong; S1-1 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0
360 Rangan (1997) S1-2 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0
361 S1-3 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0
362 S1-4 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0
363 S1-5 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0
364 S1-6 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0
365 S2-1 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 150,0 0,43 0,51 267 222 0,1022 569,0
366 S2-2 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 125,0 0,36 0,43 267 222 0,1227 569,0
367 S2-3 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0
368 S2-4 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0
369 S2-5 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 75,0 0,21 0,26 267 222 0,2044 569,0
371 S3-1 297,0 297,0 2 28,0 r 1232,0 0,70 1,6593 1,6593 450,0 2,25 562,00 1,25 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,0 2 24,6 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 277 227 0,0985 632,0
372 S3-2 297,0 297,0 2 28,0 r 1232,0 0,70 1,6593 1,6593 450,0 2,25 562,00 1,25 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,0 2 24,6 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 277 227 0,0985 632,0
373 S3-3 293,0 293,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,7932 2,7932 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,0 2 24,6 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 273 223 0,0985 632,0
374 S3-4 293,0 293,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,7932 2,7932 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,0 2 24,6 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 273 223 0,0985 632,0
375 S3-5 287,0 287,0 6 24,0 r 2760,0 0,70 3,8467 3,8467 442,0 2,21 544,00 1,23 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,0 2 24,6 0 100,0 0,29 0,35 267 217 0,0985 632,0
376 S3-6 287,0 287,0 6 24,0 r 2760,0 0,70 3,8467 3,8467 442,0 2,21 544,00 1,23 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,0 2 24,6 0 100,0 0,29 0,35 267 217 0,0985 632,0
377 S4-1 524,0 524,0 4 36,0 r 4092,0 0,70 3,1237 3,1237 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,19 499 454 0,1533 569,0
379 S4-3 332,0 332,0 4 28,0 r 2464,0 0,70 2,9687 2,9687 450,0 2,25 562,00 1,25 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,30 307 262 0,1533 569,0
380 S4-4 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0
382 S4-6 198,0 198,0 3 24,0 r 1380,0 0,70 2,7879 2,7879 442,0 2,21 544,00 1,23 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,51 173 128 0,1533 569,0
383 S5-1 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r. 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 452 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0
384 S5-2 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 452 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0
385 S5-3 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0
389 S7-1 278,0 278,0 4 32,0 r 3284,0 0,70 4,7252 4,7252 433,0 2,17 541,00 1,25 47,0 2 24,0 920,0 442 4,9 2 38,3 0 150,0 0,43 0,54 253 208 0,1022 569,0
390 S7-2 278,0 278,0 4 32,0 r 3284,0 0,70 4,7252 4,7252 433,0 2,17 541,00 1,25 47,0 2 24,0 920,0 442 4,9 2 38,3 0 125,0 0,36 0,45 253 208 0,1227 569,0
391 S7-3 278,0 278,0 4 32,0 r 3284,0 0,70 4,7252 4,7252 433,0 2,17 541,00 1,25 47,0 2 24,0 920,0 442 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,36 253 208 0,1533 569,0
392 S7-4 278,0 278,0 4 32,0 r 3284,0 0,70 4,7252 4,7252 433,0 2,17 541,00 1,25 47,0 2 24,0 920,0 442 4,9 2 38,3 0 80,0 0,23 0,29 253 208 0,1917 569,0
393 S7-5 278,0 278,0 4 32,0 r 3284,0 0,70 4,7252 4,7252 433,0 2,17 541,00 1,25 47,0 2 24,0 920,0 442 4,9 2 38,3 0 70,0 0,20 0,25 253 208 0,2190 569,0
394 S7-6 278,0 278,0 4 32,0 r 3284,0 0,70 4,7252 4,7252 433,0 2,17 541,00 1,25 47,0 2 24,0 920,0 442 4,9 2 38,3 0 60,0 0,17 0,22 253 208 0,2556 569,0
395 S8-1 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 150,0 0,43 0,51 267 222 0,1022 569,0
396 S8-2 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 125,0 0,36 0,43 267 222 0,1227 569,0
397 S8-3 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0
398 S8-4 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0
399 S8-5 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 80,0 0,23 0,27 267 222 0,1917 569,0
400 S8-6 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462 4,9 2 38,3 0 70,0 0,20 0,24 267 222 0,2190 569,0
420 Krefeld; Thurston (1966) 26-1 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 352,4 1,76 0,00 6,4 2 63,3 0 152,4 0,30 0,33 424 0 0,1636 341,4
422 29b-1 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 338,6 1,69 0,00 6,4 2 63,3 0 228,6 0,45 0,50 424 0 0,1091 341,4
425 29a-2 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 383,4 1,92 0,00 6,4 2 63,3 r 228,6 0,45 0,50 424 0 0,1091 372,4
426 29b-2 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 364,1 1,82 0,00 6,4 2 63,3 r 228,6 0,45 0,50 424 0 0,1091 372,4
427 29c-2 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 271,0 1,36 0,00 6,4 2 63,3 r 228,6 0,45 0,50 424 0 0,1091 372,4
428 29d-2 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 290,3 1,45 0,00 6,4 2 63,3 r 228,6 0,45 0,50 424 0 0,1091 372,4
430 29f-2 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 406,2 2,03 0,00 6,4 2 63,3 r 228,6 0,45 0,50 424 0 0,1091 372,4
431 29g-2 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 276,6 1,38 0,00 6,4 2 63,3 r 228,6 0,45 0,50 424 0 0,1091 372,4
434 24.5-3 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 406,2 2,03 0,00 6,4 2 63,3 r 114,3 0,23 0,25 424 0 0,2182 237,2
444 39-3 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 406,2 2,03 0,00 9,5 2 141,9 r 228,6 0,45 0,50 408 0 0,2444 275,9

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 9

fyw_rhow_100 fwtk fwtk/fyw ewuk diaa f1c Method fcwu f1cttest Method betacttest f1ctmcal betactcal oms oml omwy g Vg F Vu_F+g,rep Vu_Rep Vu_gF
- - - MPa MPa - ‰ mm MPa - MPa MPa - - MPa - - - - kN/m kN kN kN kN kN
359 Kong; S1-1 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 58,51 cyl 46,81 0,00 0,0000 4,31 0,0736 0,2165 0,2165 0,0186 2,10 1,31 228,30 229,61
360 Rangan (1997) S1-2 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 58,51 cyl 46,81 0,00 0,0000 4,31 0,0736 0,2165 0,2165 0,0186 2,10 1,36 208,30 209,66
361 S1-3 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 58,51 cyl 46,81 0,00 0,0000 4,31 0,0736 0,2165 0,2165 0,0186 2,10 1,31 206,10 207,41
362 S1-4 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 58,51 cyl 46,81 0,00 0,0000 4,31 0,0736 0,2165 0,2165 0,0186 2,10 1,41 277,90 279,31
363 S1-5 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 58,51 cyl 46,81 0,00 0,0000 4,31 0,0736 0,2165 0,2165 0,0186 2,10 1,29 253,30 254,59
364 S1-6 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 58,51 cyl 46,81 0,00 0,0000 4,31 0,0736 0,2165 0,2165 0,0186 2,10 1,18 224,10 225,28
365 S2-1 0,58 614,00 1,08 7,0 66,70 cyl 53,36 3,25 sp 0,0487 4,51 0,0676 0,1899 0,1899 0,0109 2,10 1,08 260,30 261,38
366 S2-2 0,70 614,00 1,08 7,0 66,70 cyl 53,36 3,25 sp 0,0487 4,51 0,0676 0,1899 0,1899 0,0131 2,10 1,34 232,50 233,84
367 S2-3 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 66,70 cyl 53,36 3,25 sp 0,0487 4,51 0,0676 0,1899 0,1899 0,0164 2,10 1,31 253,30 254,61
368 S2-4 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 66,70 cyl 53,36 3,25 sp 0,0487 4,51 0,0676 0,1899 0,1899 0,0164 2,10 1,20 219,40 220,60
369 S2-5 1,16 614,00 1,08 7,0 66,70 cyl 53,36 3,25 sp 0,0487 4,51 0,0676 0,1899 0,1899 0,0218 2,10 1,41 282,10 283,51
371 S3-1 0,62 687,00 1,09 7,0 62,01 cyl 49,61 3,28 sp 0,0528 4,40 0,0709 0,1204 0,1204 0,0126 2,10 1,33 209,20 210,53
372 S3-2 0,62 687,00 1,09 7,0 62,01 cyl 49,61 3,28 sp 0,0528 4,40 0,0709 0,1204 0,1204 0,0126 2,10 1,28 178,00 179,28
373 S3-3 0,62 687,00 1,09 7,0 62,01 cyl 49,61 3,28 sp 0,0528 4,40 0,0709 0,2036 0,2036 0,0126 2,10 1,18 228,60 229,78
374 S3-4 0,62 687,00 1,09 7,0 62,01 cyl 49,61 3,28 sp 0,0528 4,40 0,0709 0,2036 0,2036 0,0126 2,10 1,22 174,90 176,12
375 S3-5 0,62 687,00 1,09 7,0 62,01 cyl 49,61 3,28 sp 0,0528 4,40 0,0709 0,2742 0,2742 0,0126 2,10 1,28 296,60 297,88
376 S3-6 0,62 687,00 1,09 7,0 62,01 cyl 49,61 3,28 sp 0,0528 4,40 0,0709 0,2742 0,2742 0,0126 2,10 1,28 282,90 284,18
377 S4-1 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 80,32 cyl 64,25 3,72 sp 0,0463 4,82 0,0600 0,1758 0,1758 0,0136 2,10 2,03 354,00 356,03
379 S4-3 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 80,32 cyl 64,25 3,72 sp 0,0463 4,82 0,0600 0,1663 0,1663 0,0136 2,10 1,40 243,40 244,80
380 S4-4 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 80,32 cyl 64,25 3,72 sp 0,0463 4,82 0,0600 0,1577 0,1577 0,0136 2,10 1,26 258,10 259,36
382 S4-6 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 80,32 cyl 64,25 3,72 sp 0,0463 4,82 0,0600 0,1534 0,1534 0,0136 2,10 1,05 202,90 203,95
383 S5-1 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 82,25 cyl 65,80 4,80 sp 0,0583 4,86 0,0590 0,1540 0,1540 0,0133 2,10 1,37 241,70 243,07
384 S5-2 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 82,25 cyl 65,80 4,80 sp 0,0583 4,86 0,0590 0,1540 0,1540 0,0133 2,10 1,37 259,90 261,27
385 S5-3 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 82,25 cyl 65,80 4,80 sp 0,0583 4,86 0,0590 0,1540 0,1540 0,0133 2,10 1,34 243,80 245,14
389 S7-1 0,58 614,00 1,08 7,0 68,82 cyl 55,05 3,68 sp 0,0535 4,56 0,0663 0,2973 0,2973 0,0106 2,10 1,04 217,20 218,24
390 S7-2 0,70 614,00 1,08 7,0 68,82 cyl 55,05 3,68 sp 0,0535 4,56 0,0663 0,2973 0,2973 0,0127 2,10 1,04 205,40 206,44
391 S7-3 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 68,82 cyl 55,05 3,68 sp 0,0535 4,56 0,0663 0,2973 0,2973 0,0158 2,10 1,04 246,50 247,54
392 S7-4 1,09 614,00 1,08 7,0 68,82 cyl 55,05 3,68 sp 0,0535 4,56 0,0663 0,2973 0,2973 0,0198 2,10 1,04 273,60 274,64
393 S7-5 1,25 614,00 1,08 7,0 68,82 cyl 55,05 3,68 sp 0,0535 4,56 0,0663 0,2973 0,2973 0,0226 2,10 1,04 304,40 305,44
394 S7-6 1,45 614,00 1,08 7,0 68,82 cyl 55,05 3,68 sp 0,0535 4,56 0,0663 0,2973 0,2973 0,0264 2,10 1,22 310,60 311,82
395 S8-1 0,58 614,00 1,08 7,0 68,63 cyl 54,91 3,38 sp 0,0493 4,56 0,0664 0,1846 0,1846 0,0106 2,10 1,27 272,10 273,37
396 S8-2 0,70 614,00 1,08 7,0 68,63 cyl 54,91 3,38 sp 0,0493 4,56 0,0664 0,1846 0,1846 0,0127 2,10 1,31 251,00 252,31
397 S8-3 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 68,63 cyl 54,91 3,38 sp 0,0493 4,56 0,0664 0,1846 0,1846 0,0159 2,10 1,22 309,60 310,82
398 S8-4 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 68,63 cyl 54,91 3,38 sp 0,0493 4,56 0,0664 0,1846 0,1846 0,0159 2,10 1,29 265,80 267,09
399 S8-5 1,09 614,00 1,08 7,0 68,63 cyl 54,91 3,38 sp 0,0493 4,56 0,0664 0,1846 0,1846 0,0199 2,10 1,29 289,20 290,49
400 S8-6 1,25 614,00 1,08 7,0 68,63 cyl 54,91 3,38 sp 0,0493 4,56 0,0664 0,1846 0,1846 0,0227 2,10 1,13 283,90 285,03
420 Krefeld; Thurston (1966) 26-1 0,56 0,00 38,13 cyl 30,50 0,00 0,0000 3,30 0,0866 0,2059 0,2059 0,0183 3,10 2,93 206,83 209,76
422 29b-1 0,37 0,00 35,77 cyl 28,62 0,00 0,0000 3,15 0,0880 0,2109 0,2109 0,0130 3,10 2,93 160,13 163,06
425 29a-2 0,41 0,00 35,31 cyl 28,25 0,00 0,0000 3,12 0,0883 0,2419 0,2419 0,0144 3,10 2,93 216,62 219,55
426 29b-2 0,41 0,00 39,31 cyl 31,45 0,00 0,0000 3,38 0,0859 0,2064 0,2064 0,0129 3,10 2,93 202,38 205,31
427 29c-2 0,41 0,00 22,93 cyl 18,34 0,00 0,0000 2,24 0,0975 0,2634 0,2634 0,0221 3,10 2,93 161,46 164,39
428 29d-2 0,41 0,00 28,89 cyl 23,11 0,00 0,0000 2,68 0,0927 0,2239 0,2239 0,0176 3,10 2,93 165,02 167,95
430 29f-2 0,41 0,00 39,70 cyl 31,76 0,00 0,0000 3,40 0,0857 0,2280 0,2280 0,0128 3,10 2,93 234,41 237,34
431 29g-2 0,41 0,00 14,94 cyl 11,95 0,00 0,0000 1,56 0,1043 0,4125 0,4125 0,0340 3,10 2,93 149,90 152,83
434 24.5-3 0,52 0,00 33,68 cyl 26,94 0,00 0,0000 3,01 0,0893 0,2688 0,2688 0,0192 3,10 2,93 232,63 235,56
444 39-3 0,67 0,00 40,56 cyl 32,44 0,00 0,0000 3,45 0,0852 0,2232 0,2232 0,0208 3,10 2,93 239,75 242,68

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 10

betar_meas xr_meas xr sigswmeas sigswass sigsw omwu andbr Mu muu vutest kapc sigsl xsitest zetatest z_test zeta z_ muflex Mu_flex Vu_flex betaflex BB
- - - [°] mm mm MPa MPa MPa - - kNm - - - MPa - - mm - mm - - kN - -
359 Kong; S1-1 50 355 355 0 0,0000 166,66 0,1336 0,0740 0,766 309 0,193 0,903 264 0,859 251 0,1859 231,87 317,64 0,72
360 Rangan (1997) S1-2 55 332 332 0 0,0000 152,06 0,1219 0,0668 0,766 279 0,174 0,913 267 0,859 251 0,1859 231,87 317,64 0,66
361 S1-3 41 354 354 314 314 0,0103 150,45 0,1206 0,0660 0,766 276 0,172 0,914 267 0,859 251 0,1859 231,87 317,64 0,65
362 S1-4 40 310 310 450 450 0,0147 202,87 0,1627 0,0925 0,766 386 0,242 0,879 257 0,859 251 0,1859 231,87 317,64 0,87
363 S1-5 365 365 0 0,0000 184,91 0,1483 0,0832 0,766 347 0,217 0,891 260 0,859 251 0,1859 231,87 317,64 0,80
364 S1-6 49 420 420 0 0,0000 163,59 0,1312 0,0724 0,766 302 0,189 0,905 264 0,859 251 0,1859 231,87 317,64 0,71
365 S2-1 464 464 0 0,0000 190,02 0,1336 0,0744 0,733 354 0,203 0,899 262 0,870 254 0,1653 235,06 322,00 0,81
366 S2-2 45 344 344 0 0,0000 169,73 0,1194 0,0655 0,733 312 0,179 0,911 266 0,870 254 0,1653 235,06 322,00 0,72
367 S2-3 354 354 266 266 0,0076 184,91 0,1301 0,0721 0,733 343 0,197 0,902 263 0,870 254 0,1653 235,06 322,00 0,79
368 S2-4 55 408 408 279 279 0,0080 160,16 0,1126 0,0615 0,733 293 0,168 0,916 268 0,870 254 0,1653 235,06 322,00 0,68
369 S2-5 310 310 0 0,0000 205,93 0,1448 0,0815 0,733 388 0,222 0,889 260 0,870 254 0,1653 235,06 322,00 0,88
371 S3-1 44 359 359 0 0,0000 154,81 0,1132 0,0617 0,752 450 0,160 0,920 273 0,920 273 0,1108 151,47 204,69 1,02 BB
372 S3-2 50 381 381 0 0,0000 131,72 0,0963 0,0519 0,752 387 0,138 0,931 277 0,920 273 0,1108 151,47 204,69 0,87
373 S3-3 47 420 420 300 300 0,0060 166,88 0,1254 0,0693 0,752 307 0,184 0,908 266 0,865 253 0,1760 234,28 320,93 0,71
374 S3-4 58 398 398 350 350 0,0070 127,68 0,0959 0,0517 0,752 229 0,137 0,932 273 0,865 253 0,1760 234,28 320,93 0,54
375 S3-5 45 360 360 0 0,0000 213,55 0,1672 0,0955 0,752 309 0,255 0,873 250 0,818 235 0,2242 286,28 397,62 0,75
376 S3-6 46 360 360 0 0,0000 203,69 0,1595 0,0904 0,752 292 0,241 0,879 252 0,818 235 0,2242 286,28 397,62 0,71
377 S4-1 53 585 585 183 183 0,0044 460,20 0,0835 0,0450 0,679 230 0,132 0,934 490 0,870 456 0,1530 843,67 648,98 0,55
379 S4-3 45 415 415 0 0,0000 202,02 0,0913 0,0492 0,679 266 0,145 0,928 308 0,877 291 0,1460 323,02 389,18 0,63
380 S4-4 381 381 317 317 0,0076 188,41 0,1101 0,0604 0,679 346 0,178 0,911 266 0,884 258 0,1394 238,66 326,93 0,79
382 S4-6 250 300 300 0,0072 101,45 0,1289 0,0714 0,679 415 0,212 0,894 177 0,887 176 0,1361 107,12 214,24 0,95
383 S5-1 47 476 476 411 411 0,0096 212,70 0,1213 0,0559 0,671 396 0,201 0,899 263 0,885 258 0,1363 239,05 271,64 0,89
384 S5-2 400 400 0 0,0000 207,92 0,1186 0,0600 0,671 386 0,196 0,902 263 0,885 258 0,1363 239,05 298,81 0,87
385 S5-3 45 341 341 300 300 0,0070 177,97 0,1015 0,0553 0,671 325 0,165 0,918 268 0,885 258 0,1363 239,05 327,46 0,74
389 S7-1 473 0 0,0000 205,25 0,1544 0,0646 0,725 256 0,242 0,879 244 0,795 221 0,2363 314,22 332,51 0,65
390 S7-2 473 0 0,0000 194,10 0,1460 0,0606 0,725 240 0,227 0,886 246 0,795 221 0,2363 314,22 332,51 0,62
391 S7-3 473 372 372 0,0104 232,94 0,1752 0,0750 0,725 297 0,281 0,859 239 0,795 221 0,2363 314,22 332,51 0,74
392 S7-4 473 375 375 0,0131 258,55 0,1945 0,0851 0,725 337 0,319 0,840 234 0,795 221 0,2363 314,22 332,51 0,82
393 S7-5 473 0 0,0000 287,66 0,2164 0,0973 0,725 385 0,365 0,817 227 0,795 221 0,2363 314,22 332,51 0,92
394 S7-6 388 388 0 0,0000 293,52 0,2208 0,0999 0,725 396 0,375 0,813 226 0,795 221 0,2363 314,22 332,51 0,93
395 S8-1 58 376 376 0 0,0000 198,63 0,1358 0,0758 0,725 371 0,209 0,896 261 0,873 255 0,1611 235,69 322,86 0,84
396 S8-2 50 354 354 0 0,0000 183,23 0,1252 0,0692 0,725 339 0,191 0,905 264 0,873 255 0,1611 235,69 322,86 0,78
397 S8-3 45 398 398 0 0,0000 226,01 0,1545 0,0879 0,725 430 0,242 0,879 257 0,873 255 0,1611 235,69 322,86 0,96
398 S8-4 45 365 0 0,0000 194,03 0,1326 0,0738 0,725 362 0,204 0,898 262 0,873 255 0,1611 235,69 322,86 0,82
399 S8-5 365 0 0,0000 211,12 0,1443 0,0813 0,725 398 0,224 0,888 259 0,873 255 0,1611 235,69 322,86 0,90
400 S8-6 442 442 0 0,0000 207,25 0,1417 0,0796 0,725 390 0,219 0,890 260 0,873 255 0,1611 235,69 322,86 0,88
420 Krefeld; Thurston (1966) 26-1 883 341 341 0,0183 365,12 0,1816 0,0667 0,847 352 0,243 0,879 400 0,879 400 0,1809 363,82 206,10 1,00 BB
422 29b-1 883 341 341 0,0130 282,67 0,1498 0,0535 0,857 266 0,194 0,903 412 0,877 400 0,1850 348,96 197,68 0,81
425 29a-2 883 372 372 0,0144 382,40 0,2053 0,0769 0,859 378 0,278 0,861 392 0,859 391 0,2079 387,13 219,30 0,99
426 29b-2 883 372 372 0,0129 357,27 0,1723 0,0629 0,843 344 0,231 0,884 403 0,878 400 0,1811 375,52 212,72 0,95
427 29c-2 883 372 372 0,0221 285,03 0,2357 0,0889 0,908 271 0,290 0,855 390 0,855 390 0,2252 272,33 154,27 1,05 BB
428 29d-2 883 372 372 0,0176 291,31 0,1912 0,0704 0,884 283 0,247 0,877 400 0,873 398 0,1956 298,01 168,81 0,98
430 29f-2 883 372 372 0,0128 413,80 0,1976 0,0738 0,841 406 0,271 0,864 394 0,864 394 0,1971 412,67 233,77 1,00 BB
431 29g-2 883 372 372 0,0340 264,61 0,3359 0,1388 0,940 277 0,439 0,781 356 0,781 356 0,3220 253,70 143,71 1,04 BB
434 24.5-3 883 0 0,0000 410,66 0,2312 0,0883 0,865 406 0,311 0,845 385 0,845 385 0,2270 403,22 228,41 1,02 BB
444 39-3 883 276 276 0,0208 423,23 0,1979 0,0737 0,838 406 0,266 0,867 395 0,867 395 0,1934 413,77 234,39 1,02 BB

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 11

sin2thp thp cotthp vup gamwp cotthu thu nueu betalb VB A2+A3 kon34 KONA4 KONA5 A4+A5 Differenz AF f1ck fcm_cyl fck fc_prime Vct_ACI Vs_ACI Vcal_sACI Vmax_ACI rat_smax VACI_cal
- - - - [ °] - - - - [ °] - - - - - - - - - MPa MPa MPa MPa kN kN kN kN kN
359 Kong; S1-1 0,02 7,85 7,26 0,14 0,55 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,29 0 1 0 0 0 0 54,7 61,6 57,6 59,2 93,28 63,69 156,97 466,41 0,337 156,97
360 Rangan (1997) S1-2 0,02 7,85 7,26 0,14 0,49 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,27 0 1 0 0 0 0 54,7 61,6 57,6 59,2 93,28 63,69 156,97 466,41 0,337 156,97
361 S1-3 0,02 7,85 7,26 0,14 0,49 6,42 8,85 0,35 0,27 1 1 0 1 1 0 54,7 61,6 57,6 59,2 93,28 63,69 156,97 466,41 0,337 156,97
362 S1-4 0,02 7,85 7,26 0,14 0,68 6,27 9,05 0,48 0,36 1 1 0 1 1 0 54,7 61,6 57,6 59,2 93,28 63,69 156,97 466,41 0,337 156,97
363 S1-5 0,02 7,85 7,26 0,14 0,61 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,33 0 1 0 0 0 0 54,7 61,6 57,6 59,2 93,28 63,69 156,97 466,41 0,337 156,97
364 S1-6 0,02 7,85 7,26 0,14 0,54 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,29 0 1 0 0 0 0 54,7 61,6 57,6 59,2 93,28 63,69 156,97 466,41 0,337 156,97
365 S2-1 0,01 5,99 9,53 0,10 0,72 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,32 0 1 0 0 0 0 62,9 70,2 66,2 67,8 99,84 42,46 142,30 499,21 0,285 142,30
366 S2-2 0,01 6,57 8,69 0,11 0,58 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,28 0 1 0 0 0 0 62,9 70,2 66,2 67,8 99,84 50,95 150,79 499,21 0,302 150,79
367 S2-3 0,02 7,35 7,76 0,13 0,57 9,44 6,05 0,55 0,31 1 1 0 1 1 0 62,9 70,2 66,2 67,8 99,84 63,69 163,53 499,21 0,328 163,53
368 S2-4 0,02 7,35 7,76 0,13 0,48 7,68 7,42 0,38 0,27 1 1 0 1 1 0 62,9 70,2 66,2 67,8 99,84 63,69 163,53 499,21 0,328 163,53
369 S2-5 0,02 8,49 6,70 0,15 0,56 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,34 0 1 0 0 0 0 62,9 70,2 66,2 67,8 99,84 84,92 184,76 499,21 0,370 184,76
371 S3-1 0,01 6,43 8,87 0,11 0,55 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,33 0 1 0 0 0 0 58,2 65,3 61,3 62,9 97,78 46,24 144,02 488,92 0,295 144,02
372 S3-2 0,01 6,43 8,87 0,11 0,47 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,28 0 1 0 0 0 0 58,2 65,3 61,3 62,9 97,78 46,24 144,02 488,92 0,295 144,02
373 S3-3 0,01 6,43 8,87 0,11 0,62 11,63 4,92 0,65 0,28 1 1 0 1 1 0 58,2 65,3 61,3 62,9 96,47 45,61 142,08 482,34 0,295 142,08
374 S3-4 0,01 6,43 8,87 0,11 0,46 7,43 7,66 0,31 0,22 1 1 0 1 1 0 58,2 65,3 61,3 62,9 96,47 45,61 142,08 482,34 0,295 142,08
375 S3-5 0,01 6,43 8,87 0,11 0,86 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,19 0 1 0 0 0 0 58,2 65,3 61,3 62,9 94,49 44,68 139,17 472,46 0,295 139,17
376 S3-6 0,01 6,43 8,87 0,11 0,81 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,18 0 1 0 0 0 0 58,2 65,3 61,3 62,9 94,49 44,68 139,17 472,46 0,295 139,17
377 S4-1 0,01 6,69 8,52 0,12 0,39 10,29 5,55 0,37 0,03 1 1 0 1 1 0 76,5 84,5 80,5 82,1 197,20 114,29 311,49 985,99 0,316 311,49
379 S4-3 0,01 6,69 8,52 0,12 0,43 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,13 0 1 0 0 0 0 76,5 84,5 80,5 82,1 124,94 72,41 197,36 624,71 0,316 197,36
380 S4-4 0,01 6,69 8,52 0,12 0,52 7,99 7,13 0,39 0,23 1 1 0 1 1 0 76,5 84,5 80,5 82,1 109,89 63,69 173,58 549,45 0,316 173,58
382 S4-6 0,01 6,69 8,52 0,12 0,62 9,97 5,73 0,58 0,43 1 1 0 1 1 0 76,5 84,5 80,5 82,1 74,51 43,19 117,70 372,57 0,316 117,70
383 S5-1 0,01 6,61 8,63 0,11 0,49 5,85 9,70 0,27 0,32 1 1 1 0 1 0 78,4 86,6 82,6 84,2 111,24 63,69 174,93 556,21 0,315 174,93
384 S5-2 0,01 6,61 8,63 0,11 0,52 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,27 0 1 0 0 0 0 78,4 86,6 82,6 84,2 111,24 63,69 174,93 556,21 0,315 174,93
385 S5-3 0,01 6,61 8,63 0,11 0,48 7,91 7,20 0,36 0,27 1 1 0 1 1 0 78,4 86,6 82,6 84,2 111,24 63,69 174,93 556,21 0,315 174,93
389 S7-1 0,01 5,90 9,68 0,10 0,63 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,17 0 1 0 0 0 0 65,0 72,4 68,4 70,0 96,60 40,42 137,03 483,02 0,284 137,03
390 S7-2 0,01 6,47 8,82 0,11 0,54 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,16 0 1 0 0 0 0 65,0 72,4 68,4 70,0 96,60 48,51 145,11 483,02 0,300 145,11
391 S7-3 0,02 7,23 7,88 0,12 0,60 7,23 7,87 0,44 0,19 1 1 1 0 1 0 65,0 72,4 68,4 70,0 96,60 60,64 157,24 483,02 0,326 157,24
392 S7-4 0,02 8,09 7,03 0,14 0,61 6,52 8,72 0,45 0,21 1 1 1 0 1 0 65,0 72,4 68,4 70,0 96,60 75,80 172,40 483,02 0,357 172,40
393 S7-5 0,02 8,65 6,57 0,15 0,65 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,23 0 1 0 0 0 0 65,0 72,4 68,4 70,0 96,60 86,62 183,23 483,02 0,379 183,23
394 S7-6 0,03 9,35 6,07 0,16 0,62 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,24 0 1 0 0 0 0 65,0 72,4 68,4 70,0 96,60 101,06 197,66 483,02 0,409 197,66
395 S8-1 0,01 5,91 9,66 0,10 0,74 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,33 0 1 0 0 0 0 64,8 72,2 68,2 69,8 101,33 42,46 143,79 506,65 0,284 143,79
396 S8-2 0,01 6,47 8,81 0,11 0,62 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,30 0 1 0 0 0 0 64,8 72,2 68,2 69,8 101,33 50,95 152,28 506,65 0,301 152,28
397 S8-3 0,02 7,24 7,87 0,13 0,70 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,37 0 1 0 0 0 0 64,8 72,2 68,2 69,8 101,33 63,69 165,02 506,65 0,326 165,02
398 S8-4 0,02 7,24 7,87 0,13 0,59 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,32 0 1 0 0 0 0 64,8 72,2 68,2 69,8 101,33 63,69 165,02 506,65 0,326 165,02
399 S8-5 0,02 8,10 7,02 0,14 0,58 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,35 0 1 0 0 0 0 64,8 72,2 68,2 69,8 101,33 79,61 180,94 506,65 0,357 180,94
400 S8-6 0,02 8,67 6,56 0,15 0,53 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,34 0 1 0 0 0 0 64,8 72,2 68,2 69,8 101,33 90,99 192,31 506,65 0,380 192,31
420 Krefeld; Thurston (1966) 26-1 0,02 7,78 7,32 0,13 0,50 3,64 15,35 0,21 0,30 1 1 1 0 1 0 34,3 40,1 36,1 37,7 118,09 64,65 182,74 590,47 0,309 182,74
422 29b-1 0,01 6,55 8,71 0,11 0,47 4,11 13,66 0,19 0,24 1 1 1 0 1 0 32,0 37,7 33,7 35,3 114,14 43,10 157,24 570,71 0,276 157,24
425 29a-2 0,01 6,89 8,28 0,12 0,65 5,35 10,59 0,34 0,33 1 1 1 0 1 0 31,5 37,2 33,2 34,8 113,36 47,02 160,38 566,79 0,283 160,38
426 29b-2 0,01 6,53 8,74 0,11 0,56 4,87 11,61 0,26 0,28 1 1 1 0 1 0 35,5 41,4 37,4 39,0 120,02 47,02 167,04 600,10 0,278 167,04
427 29c-2 0,02 8,56 6,65 0,15 0,60 4,02 13,98 0,30 0,34 1 1 1 0 1 0 19,1 24,1 20,1 21,7 89,63 47,02 136,65 448,14 0,305 136,65
428 29d-2 0,02 7,62 7,48 0,13 0,54 4,00 14,03 0,24 0,29 1 1 1 0 1 0 25,1 30,4 26,4 28,0 101,75 47,02 148,77 508,74 0,292 148,77
430 29f-2 0,01 6,49 8,79 0,11 0,66 5,77 9,84 0,35 0,33 1 1 1 0 1 0 35,9 41,8 37,8 39,4 120,66 47,02 167,67 603,28 0,278 167,67
431 29g-2 0,03 10,62 5,33 0,18 0,77 4,08 13,76 0,48 0,47 1 1 1 0 1 0 11,1 15,7 11,7 13,3 70,17 47,02 117,19 350,85 0,334 117,19
434 24.5-3 0,02 7,97 7,15 0,14 0,64 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,37 0 1 0 0 0 0 29,9 35,4 31,4 33,0 110,51 59,91 170,42 552,56 0,308 170,42
444 39-3 0,02 8,29 6,86 0,14 0,52 3,54 15,76 0,23 0,33 1 1 1 0 1 0 36,8 42,7 38,7 40,3 122,02 78,05 200,07 610,10 0,328 200,07

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 12

- - -
359 Kong; S1-1 1,454
360 Rangan (1997) S1-2 1,327
361 S1-3 1,313
362 S1-4 1,770
363 S1-5 1,614
364 S1-6 1,428
365 S2-1 1,829
366 S2-2 1,542
367 S2-3 1,549
368 S2-4 1,342
369 S2-5 1,527
371 S3-1 1,453
372 S3-2 1,236
373 S3-3 1,609
374 S3-4 1,231
375 S3-5 2,131
376 S3-6 2,033
377 S4-1 1,136
379 S4-3 1,233
380 S4-4 1,487
382 S4-6 1,724
383 S5-1 1,382
384 S5-2 1,486
385 S5-3 1,394
389 S7-1 1,585
390 S7-2 1,415
391 S7-3 1,568
392 S7-4 1,587
393 S7-5 1,661
394 S7-6 1,571
395 S8-1 1,892
396 S8-2 1,648
397 S8-3 1,876
398 S8-4 1,611
399 S8-5 1,598
400 S8-6 1,476
420 Krefeld; Thurston (1966) 26-1 1,132
422 29b-1 1,018
425 29a-2 1,351
426 29b-2 1,212
427 29c-2 1,182
428 29d-2 1,109
430 29f-2 1,398
431 29g-2 1,279
434 24.5-3 1,365
444 39-3 1,198

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 13

E b bw h hf hh,top hw hft hh,bot bft Ac zc2 aa af ba L c a kap cc

- - - SI / A mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm² mm mm mm mm mm mm mm - mm
Leonhardt_1962_002_ET2 483 Leonhardt; Walther; ET2 SI 300,0 150,0 350,0 75,0 275,0 63750 150,7 100,0 100,0 200,0 3000,0 900,0 1050,0 3,50
Leonhardt_1962_003_ET3 484 DAfStb 151 (1962) ET3 SI 300,0 100,0 350,0 75,0 275,0 50000 133,8 100,0 100,0 200,0 3000,0 900,0 1050,0 3,50
Leonhardt_1962_004_ET4 485 ET4 SI 300,0 50,0 350,0 75,0 175,0 100,0 100,0 41250 127,7 100,0 100,0 200,0 3000,0 900,0 1050,0 3,50
Leonhardt_1962_002_T1 ( r ) 490 Leonhardt; Walther; DAfStb 152 (1962) T1 ( r ) SI 1500,0 100,0 900,0 150,0 600,0 150,0 500,0 362500 291,7 200,0 200,0 125,0 6000,0 1000,0 2500,0 3,03
Leonhardt_1963_003_TA1 491 Leonhardt; Walther TA1 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 150,0 3000,0 750,0 1125,0 3,00
Leonhardt_1963_004_TA2 492 DAfStb 156 (1963) TA2 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 150,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33
Leonhardt_1963_005_TA3 493 TA3 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 150,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33
Leonhardt_1963_006_TA4 494 TA4 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 150,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33
Leonhardt_1963_009_TA11 497 TA11 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 290,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33
Leonhardt_1963_010_TA12 498 TA12 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 290,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33
Leonhardt_1963_011_TA13 499 TA13 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 290,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33
Leonhardt_1963_012_TA14 500 TA14 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 290,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33
Leonhardt_1963_013_TA15 501 TA15 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 290,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33
Leonhardt_1963_014_TA6 502 TA6 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 150,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33
Leonhardt_1963_015_TA16 503 TA16 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 290,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33
Levi_1989/1993_001_RC 30 A1 504 Levi; RC 30 A1 SI 900,0 120,0 1050,0 130,0 700,0 220,0 350,0 278000 432,8 250,0 9600,0 2000,0 3800,0 4,04
Levi_1989/1993_002_RC 30 A2 505 Marro RC 30 A2 SI 900,0 120,0 1050,0 130,0 700,0 220,0 350,0 278000 432,8 250,0 9600,0 2000,0 3800,0 4,04
Levi_1989/1993_003_RC 60 A1 506 (1989/1993) RC 60 A1 SI 900,0 120,0 1050,0 130,0 700,0 220,0 350,0 278000 432,8 250,0 9600,0 2000,0 3800,0 4,04
Levi_1989/1993_004_RC 60 A2 507 RC 60 A2 SI 900,0 120,0 1050,0 130,0 700,0 220,0 350,0 278000 432,8 250,0 9600,0 2000,0 3800,0 4,04
Levi_1989/1993_005_RC 60 B1 508 RC 60 B1 SI 900,0 120,0 1050,0 130,0 700,0 220,0 350,0 278000 432,8 250,0 9600,0 2000,0 3800,0 4,04
Levi_1989/1993_006_RC 60 B2 509 RC 60 B2 SI 900,0 120,0 1050,0 130,0 700,0 220,0 350,0 278000 432,8 250,0 9600,0 2000,0 3800,0 4,04
Levi_1989/1993_007_RC 70 B1 510 RC 70 B1 SI 900,0 120,0 1050,0 130,0 700,0 220,0 350,0 278000 432,8 250,0 9600,0 2000,0 3800,0 4,04
Lynberg_1974_001_5A-0 511 Lyngberg 5A-0 SI 700,0 120,0 600,0 90,0 10,0 360,0 110,0 30,0 380,0 159600 261,1 425,0 5000,0 2000,0 1500,0 2,78 20,0
Lynberg_1974_002_5B-0 512 (1974) 5B-0 SI 700,0 120,0 600,0 90,0 10,0 360,0 110,0 30,0 380,0 159600 261,1 425,0 5000,0 2000,0 1500,0 2,78 20,0
Maruyama_1988_001_RS2-WD 523 Maruyama K., Rizkalla S. H. (1988) RS2-WD SI 650,0 86,3 490,0 60,0 50,0 380,0 90550 168,0 250,0 3000,0 700,0 1150,0 2,89
Moayer_1974_002_P20 525 Moayer; Regan (1974) P20 A 599,4 149,9 320,0 81,3 238,8 84503 108,4 76,2 26,7 304,8 1981,2 26,7 977,3 3,50
Özden_1967_002_T6 534 Özden (1967) T6 SI 400,0 110,0 355,0 80,0 275,0 62250 126,3 120,0 130,0 250,0 3000,0 900,0 1050,0 3,52 19,0
Özden_1967_003_T7 535 T7 SI 400,0 110,0 355,0 80,0 275,0 62250 126,3 120,0 130,0 250,0 3000,0 900,0 1050,0 3,52 19,0
Özden_1967_004_T9 536 T9 SI 400,0 110,0 355,0 80,0 275,0 62250 126,3 120,0 130,0 250,0 3000,0 900,0 1050,0 3,52 19,0
Ozcebe_1999_003_TS56 553 Ozcebe; Ersoy; TS56 SI 150,0 150,0 360,0 54000 180,0 100,0 3500,0 400,0 1550,0 5,00
Ozcebe_1999_006_TS59 556 Tankut (1999) TS59 SI 150,0 150,0 360,0 54000 180,0 100,0 3500,0 400,0 1550,0 5,00
Ozcebe_1999_009_TS36 559 TS36 SI 150,0 150,0 360,0 54000 180,0 100,0 2260,0 400,0 930,0 3,00
Ozcebe_1999_011_TH39 561 TH39 SI 150,0 150,0 360,0 54000 180,0 100,0 2260,0 400,0 930,0 3,00
Ozcebe_1999_012_TS39 562 TS39 SI 150,0 150,0 360,0 54000 180,0 100,0 2260,0 400,0 930,0 3,00
Petersson_1972_001_V1 564 Petersson (1972) V1 SI 175,0 175,0 353,0 61775 176,5 175,0 100,0 300,0 2600,0 100,0 1150,0 3,57
Petersson_1972_002_VL1 565 VL1 SI 301,0 120,0 307,0 63,0 175,0 63,0 301,0 60732 151,9 300,0 100,0 300,0 2200,0 100,0 900,0 3,24

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 14

ds d ns dst fR As alphaa rhos rhosw fsy esy ftk ftk/fsy euk ds2 ns2 dst2 As2 fsy2 dw nsw Asw frw sw sw/h zw1 zw2 rhow fyw
- - - mm mm - mm - mm² - % % MPa ‰ MPa - ‰ mm - mm mm² MPa mm - mm² - mm - - mm mm % MPa
483 Leonhardt; Walther; ET2 300,0 300,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 1,3963 2,7925 419,9 2,10 524,84 1,25 2 8,0 100,5 456 6,0 2 56,5 0 110,0 0,31 0,37 270 0 0,3427 313,9
484 DAfStb 151 (1962) ET3 300,0 300,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 1,3963 4,1888 419,9 2,10 524,84 1,25 2 8,0 100,5 456 6,0 2 56,5 0 110,0 0,31 0,37 270 0 0,5141 313,9
485 ET4 300,0 300,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 1,3963 8,3776 419,9 2,10 524,84 1,25 2 8,0 100,5 456 6,0 2 56,5 0 110,0 0,31 0,37 270 0 1,0282 313,9
490 Leonhardt; Walther; DAfStb 152 (1962) T1 ( r ) 825,0 825,0 16 26,0 r 8464,0 0,01 0,6840 10,2594 464,8 2,32 549,17 1,18 11 10,0 863,9 12,0 2 232,0 r 80,0 0,09 0,10 765 0 2,9000 426,6
491 Leonhardt; Walther TA1 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 409,1 2,05 535,63 1,31 4 10,0 314,2 426 12,0 2 226,2 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 315 0 1,2511 426,7
492 DAfStb 156 (1963) TA2 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 409,1 2,05 535,63 1,31 4 10,0 314,2 426 10,0 2 157,1 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 325 0 0,8688 425,8
493 TA3 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 409,1 2,05 535,63 1,31 4 10,0 314,2 426 8,0 2 100,5 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 335 0 0,5560 417,9
494 TA4 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 409,1 2,05 535,63 1,31 4 10,0 314,2 426 6,0 2 56,5 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 345 0 0,3128 440,5
497 TA11 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 409,1 2,05 535,63 1,31 4 10,0 314,2 426 8,0 2 100,5 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 335 0 0,5560 417,9
498 TA12 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 409,1 2,05 535,63 1,31 4 10,0 314,2 426 6,0 2 56,5 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 345 0 0,3128 440,5
499 TA13 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 409,1 2,05 535,63 1,31 4 10,0 314,2 426 12,0 2 226,2 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 315 0 1,2511 426,7
500 TA14 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 409,1 2,05 535,63 1,31 4 10,0 314,2 426 10,0 2 157,1 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 325 0 0,8688 425,8
501 TA15 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 390,4 1,95 518,95 1,33 4 10,0 314,2 426 8,0 2 100,5 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 335 0 0,5560 417,9
502 TA6 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 409,1 2,05 535,63 1,31 4 10,0 314,2 426 8,0 2 100,5 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 335 0 0,5560 417,9
503 TA16 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 390,4 1,95 518,95 1,33 4 10,0 314,2 426 8,0 2 100,5 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 335 0 0,5560 417,9
504 Levi; RC 30 A1 940,0 940,0 20 24,0 r 9047,8 1,00 1,0695 8,0211 500,0 2,50 0,00 12,0 2 226,2 r.ass 225,0 0,21 0,24 880 0 0,8378 480,0
505 Marro RC 30 A2 940,0 940,0 20 24,0 r 9047,8 1,00 1,0695 8,0211 500,0 2,50 0,00 12,0 2 226,2 r.ass 225,0 0,21 0,24 880 0 0,8378 480,0
506 (1989/1993) RC 60 A1 940,0 940,0 20 26,0 r 10618,6 1,00 1,2552 9,4136 450,0 2,25 0,00 12,0 2 226,2 r.ass 225,0 0,21 0,24 880 0 0,8378 480,0
507 RC 60 A2 940,0 940,0 20 26,0 r 10618,6 1,00 1,2552 9,4136 450,0 2,25 0,00 12,0 2 226,2 r.ass 225,0 0,21 0,24 880 0 0,8378 480,0
508 RC 60 B1 940,0 940,0 20 30,0 r 14137,2 1,00 1,6711 12,5329 470,0 2,35 0,00 12,0 2 226,2 r.ass 150,0 0,14 0,16 880 0 1,2566 480,0
509 RC 60 B2 940,0 940,0 20 30,0 r 14137,2 1,00 1,6711 12,5329 470,0 2,35 0,00 12,0 2 226,2 r.ass 150,0 0,14 0,16 880 0 1,2566 480,0
510 RC 70 B1 940,0 940,0 20 30,0 r 14137,2 1,00 1,6711 12,5329 470,0 2,35 0,00 12,0 2 226,2 r.ass 150,0 0,14 0,16 880 0 1,2566 480,0
511 Lyngberg 5A-0 540,0 540,0 8 20,0 r 2513,3 1,00 0,6649 3,8785 616,3 3,08 725,00 1,18 6 10,0 471,2 8,0 2 100,5 r 160,0 0,27 0,30 500 500 0,5236 674,0
512 (1974) 5B-0 540,0 540,0 8 20,0 r 2513,3 1,00 0,6649 3,8785 623,1 3,12 733,00 1,18 6 10,0 471,2 8,0 2 100,5 r 160,0 0,27 0,30 500 500 0,5236 647,0
523 Maruyama K., Rizkalla S. H. (1988) RS2-WD 450,0 397,5 2 16,0 r 402,1 0,70 0,1375 1,0355 400,0 2,00 0,00 2 9,5 142,5 6,2 1 30,2 r 152,0 0,31 0,38 419 0 0,2302 645,0
525 Moayer; Regan (1974) P20 279,4 279,4 4 15,9 r 791,7 1,00 0,4727 1,8909 641,4 3,21 937,93 1,46 5,6 2 48,5 0 152,4 0,48 0,55 252 0 0,2123 310,3
534 Özden (1967) T6 298,0 298,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 1,0542 3,8335 441,5 2,21 448,32 1,02 8,0 2 100,5 r 150,0 0,42 0,50 258 260 0,6093 272,7
535 T7 298,0 298,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 1,0542 3,8335 447,3 2,24 448,32 1,00 8,0 2 100,5 r 150,0 0,42 0,50 258 260 0,6093 272,7
536 T9 298,0 298,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 1,0542 3,8335 444,4 2,22 448,32 1,01 8,0 2 100,5 r 150,0 0,42 0,50 258 260 0,6093 272,7
553 Ozcebe; Ersoy; TS56 310,0 310,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 0,01 3,4591 3,4591 450,0 2,25 720,00 1,60 2 10,0 157,1 410 4,0 2 25,1 r 70,0 0,19 0,23 290 0 0,2394 255,0
556 Tankut (1999) TS59 310,0 310,0 4 20,0 r 2060,9 0,01 4,4320 4,4320 434,8 2,17 695,61 1,60 2 10,0 157,1 410 4,0 2 25,1 r 60,0 0,17 0,19 290 0 0,2793 255,0
559 TS36 310,0 310,0 6 16,0 r 1206,4 0,01 2,5943 2,5943 450,0 2,25 720,00 1,60 2 10,0 157,1 410 4,0 2 25,1 r 70,0 0,19 0,23 290 0 0,2394 255,0
561 TH39 310,0 310,0 2 20,0 r 1432,6 0,01 3,0808 3,0808 439,0 2,20 702,46 1,60 2 10,0 157,1 410 4,0 2 25,1 r 80,0 0,22 0,26 290 0 0,2094 255,0
562 TS39 310,0 310,0 2 20,0 r 1432,6 0,01 3,0808 3,0808 439,0 2,20 702,46 1,60 2 10,0 157,1 410 4,0 2 25,1 r 60,0 0,17 0,19 290 0 0,2793 255,0
564 Petersson (1972) V1 322,0 322,0 3 16,0 r 603,2 1,00 1,0704 1,0704 977,0 4,89 0,00 2 10,0 157,1 463 6,0 2 56,5 0 150,0 0,42 0,47 292 0 0,2154 323,0
565 VL1 278,0 278,0 5 16,0 r 1005,3 1,00 1,2014 3,0135 990,0 4,95 0,00 2 16,0 402,1 635 8,0 2 100,5 0 100,0 0,33 0,36 238 0 0,8378 366,0

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 15

fyw_rhow_100 fwtk fwtk/fyw ewuk diaa f1c Method fcwu f1cttest Method betacttest f1ctmcal betactcal oms oml omwy g Vg F Vu_F+g,rep Vu_Rep Vu_gF
- - - MPa MPa - ‰ mm MPa - MPa MPa - - MPa - - - - kN/m kN kN kN kN kN
483 Leonhardt; Walther; ET2 1,08 376,70 1,20 30,0 22,56 pr 18,05 2,47 fl 0,1093 2,21 0,0978 0,2598 0,2598 0,0596 1,53 1,94 129,00 131,94 130,94 130,94
484 DAfStb 151 (1962) ET3 1,61 376,70 1,20 30,0 22,56 pr 18,05 2,47 fl 0,1093 2,21 0,0978 0,2598 0,2598 0,0894 1,20 1,17 125,08 127,53 126,25 126,25
485 ET4 3,23 376,70 1,20 30,0 22,56 pr 18,05 2,47 fl 0,1093 2,21 0,0978 0,2598 0,2598 0,1788 0,99 0,97 97,12 99,08 98,08 98,08
490 Leonhardt; Walther; DAfStb 152 (1962) T1 ( r ) 12,37 536,42 1,26 30,0 23,01 cu 18,41 2,38 fl 0,1036 2,24 0,0974 0,1381 0,1381 0,6719 8,70 15,23 784,80 800,03 800,03
491 Leonhardt; Walther TA1 5,34 536,61 1,26 30,0 16,68 pr 13,34 2,06 fl 0,1235 1,72 0,1029 0,1849 0,1849 0,4002 3,23 3,02 335,50 340,90 338,53 338,53
492 DAfStb 156 (1963) TA2 3,70 537,59 1,26 30,0 16,68 pr 13,34 2,06 fl 0,1235 1,72 0,1029 0,1849 0,1849 0,2773 3,23 2,82 319,32 324,71 322,14 322,14
493 TA3 2,32 525,82 1,26 30,0 16,19 pr 12,95 1,82 fl 0,1127 1,67 0,1034 0,1906 0,1906 0,1794 3,23 2,82 272,23 277,62 275,05 275,05
494 TA4 1,38 569,96 1,29 30,0 16,19 pr 12,95 1,82 fl 0,1127 1,67 0,1034 0,1906 0,1906 0,1064 3,23 2,82 229,55 234,95 232,38 232,38
497 TA11 2,32 525,82 1,26 30,0 24,92 pr 19,93 2,41 fl 0,0969 2,39 0,0958 0,1238 0,1238 0,1166 3,23 2,82 335,50 340,90 338,32 338,32
498 TA12 1,38 569,96 1,29 30,0 24,92 pr 19,93 2,41 fl 0,0969 2,39 0,0958 0,1238 0,1238 0,0691 3,23 2,82 264,87 270,27 267,69 267,69
499 TA13 5,34 536,61 1,26 30,0 21,29 pr 17,03 2,18 fl 0,1023 2,11 0,0989 0,1449 0,1449 0,3135 3,23 2,82 343,35 348,75 346,17 346,17
500 TA14 3,70 537,59 1,26 30,0 21,29 pr 17,03 2,18 fl 0,1023 2,11 0,0989 0,1449 0,1449 0,2172 3,23 2,82 333,54 338,94 336,36 336,36
501 TA15 2,32 525,82 1,26 30,0 20,31 pr 16,25 2,35 fl 0,1159 2,03 0,0998 0,1450 0,1450 0,1430 3,23 2,82 292,34 297,73 295,16 295,16
502 TA6 2,32 525,82 1,26 30,0 15,70 pr 12,56 1,77 fl 0,1125 1,63 0,1038 0,1965 0,1965 0,1851 3,23 2,82 232,50 237,89 235,32 235,32
503 TA16 2,32 525,82 1,26 30,0 20,31 pr 16,25 2,35 fl 0,1159 2,03 0,0998 0,1450 0,1450 0,1430 3,23 2,82 293,32 298,71 296,14 296,14
504 Levi; RC 30 A1 4,02 0,00 23,75 cyl 19,00 0,00 0,0000 2,30 0,0968 0,2252 0,2252 0,2116 6,67 19,35 676,00 695,35
505 Marro RC 30 A2 4,02 0,00 23,75 cyl 19,00 0,00 0,0000 2,30 0,0968 0,2252 0,2252 0,2116 6,67 19,35 688,00 707,35
506 (1989/1993) RC 60 A1 4,02 0,00 44,65 cyl 35,72 0,00 0,0000 3,71 0,0830 0,1265 0,1265 0,1126 6,67 19,35 990,00 1009,35
507 RC 60 A2 4,02 0,00 44,65 cyl 35,72 0,00 0,0000 3,71 0,0830 0,1265 0,1265 0,1126 6,67 19,35 938,00 957,35
508 RC 60 B1 6,03 0,00 47,50 cyl 38,00 0,00 0,0000 3,88 0,0816 0,1653 0,1653 0,1587 6,67 19,35 1181,00 1200,35
509 RC 60 B2 6,03 0,00 47,50 cyl 38,00 0,00 0,0000 3,88 0,0816 0,1653 0,1653 0,1587 6,67 19,35 1239,00 1258,35
510 RC 70 B1 6,03 0,00 57,00 cyl 45,60 0,00 0,0000 4,27 0,0748 0,1378 0,1378 0,1323 6,67 19,35 1330,00 1349,35
511 Lyngberg 5A-0 3,53 760,00 1,13 24,42 cyl 19,53 2,03 sp 0,0829 2,35 0,0962 0,1678 0,1678 0,1807 3,83 6,70 435,00 441,70
512 (1974) 5B-0 3,39 734,00 1,13 25,27 cyl 20,22 2,68 sp 0,1061 2,41 0,0955 0,1639 0,1639 0,1676 3,83 6,70 435,00 441,70
523 Maruyama K., Rizkalla S. H. (1988) RS2-WD 1,48 645,00 1,00 38,10 cyl 30,48 0,00 0,0000 3,30 0,0866 0,0144 0,0646 0,0487 2,17 2,01 126,00 128,01
525 Moayer; Regan (1974) P20 0,66 427,59 1,38 19,0 38,66 cyl 30,92 0,00 0,0000 3,33 0,0863 0,0784 0,0784 0,0213 2,03 1,02 120,10 121,11
534 Özden (1967) T6 1,66 0,00 16,0 31,69 cyl 25,35 0,00 0,0000 2,87 0,0907 0,1469 0,1469 0,0655 1,49 1,46 137,34 138,80
535 T7 1,66 0,00 16,0 28,98 cyl 23,19 0,00 0,0000 2,68 0,0926 0,1627 0,1627 0,0717 1,49 1,46 141,26 142,72
536 T9 1,66 0,00 16,0 28,98 cyl 23,19 0,00 0,0000 2,68 0,0926 0,1616 0,1616 0,0717 1,49 1,46 154,02 155,47
553 Ozcebe; Ersoy; TS56 0,61 360,00 1,41 15,0 57,95 cyl 46,36 0,00 0,0000 4,29 0,0740 0,2686 0,2686 0,0132 1,30 1,26 129,20 130,46
556 Tankut (1999) TS59 0,71 360,00 1,41 15,0 77,90 cyl 62,32 0,00 0,0000 4,76 0,0612 0,2473 0,2473 0,0114 1,30 1,26 125,40 126,66
559 TS36 0,61 360,00 1,41 15,0 71,25 cyl 57,00 0,00 0,0000 4,62 0,0648 0,1639 0,1639 0,0107 1,30 0,86 155,90 156,76
561 TH39 0,53 360,00 1,41 15,0 69,35 cyl 55,48 0,00 0,0000 4,57 0,0659 0,1950 0,1950 0,0096 1,30 0,86 142,90 143,76
562 TS39 0,71 360,00 1,41 15,0 69,35 cyl 55,48 0,00 0,0000 4,57 0,0659 0,1950 0,1950 0,0128 1,30 0,86 179,20 180,06
564 Petersson (1972) V1 0,70 0,00 16,0 36,10 cyl 28,88 0,00 0,0000 3,17 0,0878 0,2897 0,2897 0,0241 1,48 0,93 100,00 100,93 100,93
565 VL1 3,07 0,00 16,0 40,85 cyl 32,68 0,00 0,0000 3,47 0,0850 0,2912 0,2912 0,0938 1,46 0,73 190,00 190,73 190,73

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 16

betar_meas xr_meas xr sigswmeas sigswass sigsw omwu andbr Mu muu vutest kapc sigsl xsitest zetatest z_test zeta z_ muflex Mu_flex Vu_flex betaflex BB
- - - [°] mm mm MPa MPa MPa - - kNm - - - MPa - - mm - mm - - kN - -
483 Leonhardt; Walther; ET2 41 233 233 314 314 0,0596 137,49 0,2257 0,1881 0,910 420 0,286 0,857 257 0,857 257 0,2227 135,68 129,22 1,01 BB
484 DAfStb 151 (1962) ET3 525 314 314 0,0894 132,56 0,2176 0,2707 0,910 408 0,278 0,861 258 0,857 257 0,2227 135,68 129,22 0,98
485 ET4 525 314 314 0,1788 102,99 0,1691 0,4042 0,910 305 0,207 0,896 269 0,857 257 0,2227 135,68 129,22 0,76
490 Leonhardt; Walther; DAfStb 152 (1962) T1 ( r ) 1250 315 315 0,4964 2000,06 0,0851 0,5540 0,908 301 0,099 0,951 784 0,924 762 0,1276 2998,92 1199,57 0,67
491 Leonhardt; Walther TA1 563 349 349 0,3275 380,84 0,1692 0,4694 0,933 409 0,198 0,901 338 0,901 338 0,1666 375,13 333,45 1,02 BB
492 DAfStb 156 (1963) TA2 625 417 417 0,2715 402,67 0,1789 0,4467 0,933 409 0,198 0,901 338 0,901 338 0,1666 375,13 300,11 1,07 BB
493 TA3 625 418 418 0,1794 343,81 0,1573 0,3902 0,935 372 0,185 0,907 340 0,898 337 0,1711 373,97 299,18 0,92
494 TA4 625 440 440 0,1064 290,47 0,1329 0,3240 0,935 309 0,154 0,923 346 0,898 337 0,1711 373,97 299,18 0,78
497 TA11 625 418 418 0,1166 422,91 0,1257 0,3038 0,900 409 0,137 0,931 349 0,931 349 0,1153 387,77 310,21 1,09 BB
498 TA12 625 440 440 0,0691 334,62 0,0995 0,2378 0,900 349 0,117 0,941 353 0,931 349 0,1153 387,77 310,21 0,86
499 TA13 625 348 348 0,2556 432,72 0,1506 0,3679 0,915 409 0,158 0,921 345 0,921 345 0,1334 383,42 306,73 1,13 BB
500 TA14 625 425 425 0,2167 420,45 0,1463 0,3575 0,915 409 0,158 0,921 345 0,921 345 0,1334 383,42 306,73 1,097 BB
501 TA15 625 418 418 0,1430 368,95 0,1346 0,3288 0,919 390 0,158 0,921 345 0,921 345 0,1335 366,06 292,85 1,01 BB
502 TA6 625 393 393 0,1742 294,15 0,1388 0,3397 0,937 314 0,161 0,919 345 0,895 336 0,1759 372,74 298,19 0,79
503 TA16 625 418 418 0,1430 370,18 0,1350 0,3298 0,919 390 0,158 0,921 345 0,921 345 0,1335 366,06 292,85 1,01 BB
504 Levi; RC 30 A1 1900 480 480 0,2116 2568,80 0,1360 0,3435 0,905 329 0,164 0,918 863 0,876 823 0,1971 3723,48 979,86 0,69
505 Marro RC 30 A2 1900 480 480 0,2116 2614,40 0,1384 0,3502 0,905 335 0,167 0,917 862 0,876 823 0,1971 3723,48 979,86 0,70
506 (1989/1993) RC 60 A1 1900 480 480 0,1126 3762,00 0,1059 0,2640 0,821 405 0,139 0,931 875 0,923 868 0,1168 4145,79 1091,00 0,91
507 RC 60 A2 1900 480 480 0,1126 3564,40 0,1004 0,2491 0,821 382 0,131 0,935 879 0,923 868 0,1168 4145,79 1091,00 0,86
508 RC 60 B1 1900 480 480 0,1587 4487,80 0,1188 0,2994 0,810 367 0,159 0,920 865 0,898 844 0,1485 5608,32 1475,87 0,80
509 RC 60 B2 1900 480 480 0,1587 4708,20 0,1246 0,3156 0,810 387 0,168 0,916 861 0,898 844 0,1485 5608,32 1475,87 0,84
510 RC 70 B1 1900 480 480 0,1323 5054,00 0,1115 0,2806 0,772 413 0,157 0,922 866 0,911 856 0,1255 5688,41 1496,95 0,89
511 Lyngberg 5A-0 750 674 674 0,1807 652,50 0,1309 0,3731 0,902 522 0,158 0,921 497 0,907 490 0,1522 758,58 505,72 0,86
512 (1974) 5B-0 750 647 647 0,1676 652,50 0,1265 0,3594 0,899 520 0,152 0,924 499 0,909 491 0,1490 768,48 512,32 0,85
523 Maruyama K., Rizkalla S. H. (1988) RS2-WD 575 0 0,0000 144,90 0,0370 0,1233 0,848 235 0,045 0,978 389 0,962 382 0,0621 243,05 211,34 0,60
525 Moayer; Regan (1974) P20 489 310 310 0,0213 117,37 0,0649 0,0966 0,845 553 0,080 0,960 268 0,954 266 0,0748 135,30 138,44 0,87
534 Özden (1967) T6 39 525 273 255 255 0,0325 144,21 0,1281 0,1796 0,873 418 0,159 0,920 274 0,916 273 0,1345 151,41 144,20 0,95
535 T7 42 525 273 273 0,0717 148,33 0,1441 0,2041 0,884 435 0,179 0,911 271 0,908 271 0,1477 152,10 144,86 0,98
536 T9 525 273 273 0,0717 161,72 0,1571 0,2230 0,884 444 0,183 0,909 271 0,909 271 0,1469 151,20 144,00 1,07 BB
553 Ozcebe; Ersoy; TS56 775 0 0,0000 200,26 0,2397 0,0726 0,768 450 0,350 0,825 256 0,825 256 0,2217 185,16 119,46 1,08 BB
556 Tankut (1999) TS59 775 0 0,0000 194,37 0,1731 0,0508 0,688 357 0,295 0,853 264 0,820 254 0,2029 227,85 147,00 0,85
559 TS36 465 0 0,0000 144,99 0,1412 0,0662 0,715 436 0,222 0,889 276 0,885 274 0,1451 149,01 160,22 0,97
561 TH39 465 0 0,0000 132,90 0,1329 0,0617 0,723 333 0,205 0,898 278 0,865 268 0,1687 168,66 181,36 0,79
562 TS39 465 0 0,0000 166,66 0,1667 0,0801 0,723 433 0,266 0,867 269 0,865 268 0,1687 168,66 181,36 0,99
564 Petersson (1972) V1 575 323 323 0,0241 116,07 0,1772 0,0703 0,856 677 0,235 0,883 284 0,831 267 0,2407 157,63 137,07 0,74
565 VL1 450 366 366 0,0938 171,66 0,1806 0,1995 0,837 700 0,246 0,877 244 0,826 230 0,2405 228,53 253,93 0,75

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 17

sin2thp thp cotthp vup gamwp cotthu thu nueu betalb VB A2+A3 kon34 KONA4 KONA5 A4+A5 Differenz AF f1ck fcm_cyl fck fc_prime Vct_ACI Vs_ACI Vcal_sACI Vmax_ACI rat_smax VACI_cal
- - - - [ °] - - - - [ °] - - - - - - - - - MPa MPa MPa MPa kN kN kN kN kN
483 Leonhardt; Walther; ET2 0,06 14,13 3,97 0,24 0,79 3,16 17,59 0,52 0,73 1 1 1 0 1 0 18,8 23,8 19,8 21,4 34,54 48,41 82,95 172,68 0,480 82,95
484 DAfStb 151 (1962) ET3 0,09 17,40 3,19 0,29 0,95 3,03 18,27 0,73 0,71 1 1 1 0 1 0 18,8 23,8 19,8 21,4 23,02 48,41 71,44 115,12 0,621 71,44
485 ET4 0,18 25,02 2,14 0,38 1,05 2,26 23,87 0,87 0,55 1 0 0 0 0 1 18,8 23,8 19,8 21,4 11,51 48,41 59,93 57,56 1,041 57,56
490 Leonhardt; Walther; DAfStb 152 (1962) T1 ( r ) 0,67 55,06 0,70 0,47 1,18 1,12 41,86 0,89 0,01 1 1 1 0 1 0 19,2 24,2 20,2 21,8 64,01 1020,61 1084,63 320,07 3,389 320,07
491 Leonhardt; Walther TA1 0,40 39,24 1,22 0,49 0,96 1,43 34,90 0,80 1,84 VB 0 1 0 0 0 0 AF 12,9 17,6 13,6 15,2 38,79 320,33 359,12 193,97 1,851 193,97
492 DAfStb 156 (1963) TA2 0,28 31,77 1,61 0,45 1,00 1,65 31,29 0,81 1,75 VB 0 1 0 0 0 0 AF 12,9 17,6 13,6 15,2 38,79 221,94 260,73 193,97 1,344 193,97
493 TA3 0,18 25,06 2,14 0,38 1,02 2,17 24,70 0,82 1,53 VB 0 1 0 0 0 0 AF 12,4 17,0 13,0 14,6 38,13 139,42 177,55 190,64 0,931 177,55
494 TA4 0,11 19,04 2,90 0,31 1,05 3,05 18,18 0,87 1,30 VB 0 1 0 0 0 0 AF 12,4 17,0 13,0 14,6 38,13 82,66 120,79 190,64 0,634 120,79
497 TA11 0,12 19,96 2,75 0,32 0,95 2,61 21,00 0,73 0,66 1 1 1 0 1 0 21,1 26,2 22,2 23,8 48,65 139,42 188,07 243,23 0,773 188,07
498 TA12 0,07 15,24 3,67 0,25 0,94 3,44 16,21 0,71 0,53 1 1 1 0 1 0 21,1 26,2 22,2 23,8 48,65 82,66 131,31 243,23 0,540 131,31
499 TA13 0,31 34,05 1,48 0,46 0,79 1,44 34,79 0,63 0,77 1 1 1 0 1 0 17,5 22,4 18,4 20,0 44,58 320,33 364,90 222,88 1,637 222,88
500 TA14 0,22 27,78 1,90 0,41 0,87 1,65 31,22 0,65 0,75 1 1 1 0 1 0 17,5 22,4 18,4 20,0 44,58 221,94 266,51 222,88 1,196 222,88
501 TA15 0,14 22,22 2,45 0,35 0,94 2,30 23,51 0,72 0,69 1 1 1 0 1 0 16,5 21,4 17,4 19,0 43,41 139,42 182,83 217,05 0,842 182,83
502 TA6 0,19 25,48 2,10 0,39 0,87 1,95 27,15 0,67 1,35 VB 0 1 0 0 0 0 AF 11,9 16,5 12,5 14,1 37,45 139,42 176,87 187,25 0,945 176,87
503 TA16 0,14 22,22 2,45 0,35 0,94 2,31 23,44 0,72 0,69 1 1 1 0 1 0 16,5 21,4 17,4 19,0 43,41 139,42 182,83 217,05 0,842 182,83
504 Levi; RC 30 A1 0,21 27,39 1,93 0,41 0,84 1,62 31,64 0,62 0,42 1 1 1 0 1 0 20,0 25,0 21,0 22,6 89,07 453,60 542,66 445,33 1,219 445,33
505 Marro RC 30 A2 0,21 27,39 1,93 0,41 0,86 1,65 31,14 0,63 0,42 1 1 1 0 1 0 20,0 25,0 21,0 22,6 89,07 453,60 542,66 445,33 1,219 445,33
506 (1989/1993) RC 60 A1 0,11 19,60 2,81 0,32 0,84 2,35 23,09 0,59 0,34 1 1 1 0 1 0 40,9 47,0 43,0 44,6 125,12 453,60 578,71 625,59 0,925 578,71
507 RC 60 A2 0,11 19,60 2,81 0,32 0,79 2,21 24,32 0,53 0,33 1 1 1 0 1 0 40,9 47,0 43,0 44,6 125,12 453,60 578,71 625,59 0,925 578,71
508 RC 60 B1 0,16 23,48 2,30 0,37 0,82 1,89 27,93 0,58 0,34 1 1 1 0 1 0 43,7 50,0 46,0 47,6 129,26 680,39 809,65 646,29 1,253 646,29
509 RC 60 B2 0,16 23,48 2,30 0,37 0,86 1,99 26,70 0,63 0,36 1 1 1 0 1 0 43,7 50,0 46,0 47,6 129,26 680,39 809,65 646,29 1,253 646,29
510 RC 70 B1 0,13 21,33 2,56 0,34 0,83 2,12 25,24 0,58 0,35 1 1 1 0 1 0 53,2 60,0 56,0 57,6 142,19 680,39 822,58 710,95 1,157 710,95
511 Lyngberg 5A-0 0,18 25,15 2,13 0,38 0,97 2,06 25,84 0,76 0,46 1 1 0 1 1 0 20,6 25,7 21,7 23,3 51,95 228,68 280,63 259,76 1,080 259,76
512 (1974) 5B-0 0,17 24,16 2,23 0,37 0,96 2,14 25,00 0,75 0,44 1 1 0 1 1 0 21,5 26,6 22,6 24,2 52,95 219,52 272,47 264,73 1,029 264,73
523 Maruyama K., Rizkalla S. H. (1988) RS2-WD 0,05 12,75 4,42 0,22 0,57 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,55 0 0 0 0 0 0 34,3 40,1 36,1 37,7 39,60 57,65 97,25 198,02 0,491 97,25
525 Moayer; Regan (1974) P20 0,02 8,39 6,78 0,14 0,67 4,53 12,44 0,37 0,34 1 1 1 0 1 0 34,9 40,7 36,7 38,3 43,03 27,59 70,62 215,16 0,328 70,62
534 Özden (1967) T6 0,07 14,83 3,78 0,25 0,73 5,53 10,24 0,82 0,48 1 1 1 0 1 0 27,9 33,4 29,4 31,0 30,29 54,47 84,76 151,45 0,560 84,76
535 T7 0,07 15,53 3,60 0,26 0,79 2,85 19,34 0,52 0,53 1 1 1 0 1 0 25,2 30,5 26,5 28,1 28,87 54,47 83,33 144,33 0,577 83,33
536 T9 0,07 15,53 3,60 0,26 0,86 3,11 17,81 0,61 0,58 1 1 1 0 1 0 25,2 30,5 26,5 28,1 28,87 54,47 83,33 144,33 0,577 83,33
553 Ozcebe; Ersoy; TS56 0,01 6,59 8,66 0,11 0,64 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 1 0 0 0 0 54,2 61,0 57,0 58,6 59,12 28,38 87,50 295,61 0,296 87,50
556 Tankut (1999) TS59 0,01 6,14 9,30 0,11 0,48 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 1 0 0 0 0 74,1 82,0 78,0 79,6 68,91 33,11 102,02 344,53 0,296 102,02
559 TS36 0,01 5,94 9,61 0,10 0,64 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,01 0 1 0 0 0 0 67,5 75,0 71,0 72,6 65,81 28,38 94,19 329,03 0,286 94,19
561 TH39 0,01 5,63 10,14 0,10 0,63 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,01 0 1 0 0 0 0 65,6 73,0 69,0 70,6 64,89 24,83 89,73 324,47 0,277 89,73
562 TS39 0,01 6,51 8,77 0,11 0,71 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,01 0 1 0 0 0 0 65,6 73,0 69,0 70,6 64,89 33,11 98,01 324,47 0,302 98,01
564 Petersson (1972) V1 0,02 8,93 6,36 0,15 0,46 2,92 18,93 0,18 0,37 1 1 1 0 1 0 32,3 38,0 34,0 35,6 55,84 39,21 95,05 279,21 0,340 95,05
565 VL1 0,09 17,84 3,11 0,29 0,68 2,13 25,19 0,41 0,40 1 1 1 0 1 0 37,1 43,0 39,0 40,6 35,30 102,29 137,59 176,52 0,779 137,59

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 18

- - -
483 Leonhardt; Walther; ET2 1,579
484 DAfStb 151 (1962) ET3 1,767
485 ET4 1,704
490 Leonhardt; Walther; DAfStb 152 (1962) T1 ( r ) 2,500
491 Leonhardt; Walther TA1 1,745
492 DAfStb 156 (1963) TA2 1,661
493 TA3 1,549
494 TA4 1,924
497 TA11 1,799
498 TA12 2,039
499 TA13 1,553
500 TA14 1,509
501 TA15 1,614
502 TA6 1,330
503 TA16 1,620
504 Levi; RC 30 A1 1,518
505 Marro RC 30 A2 1,545
506 (1989/1993) RC 60 A1 1,711
507 RC 60 A2 1,621
508 RC 60 B1 1,827
509 RC 60 B2 1,917
510 RC 70 B1 1,871
511 Lyngberg 5A-0 1,675
512 (1974) 5B-0 1,643
523 Maruyama K., Rizkalla S. H. (1988) RS2-WD 1,296
525 Moayer; Regan (1974) P20 1,701
534 Özden (1967) T6 1,620
535 T7 1,695
536 T9 1,848
553 Ozcebe; Ersoy; TS56 1,477
556 Tankut (1999) TS59 1,229
559 TS36 1,655
561 TH39 1,593
562 TS39 1,828
564 Petersson (1972) V1 1,062
565 VL1 1,386

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 19

E b bw h hf hh,top hw hft hh,bot bft Ac zc2 aa af ba L c a kap cc

- - - SI / A mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm² mm mm mm mm mm mm mm - mm
Regan_1971_012_R21 593 Regan (1971) R21 SI 152,0 152,0 305,0 46360 152,5 60,0 75,0 300,0 1828,8 75,0 876,9 3,45 25,4
Regan_1971_024_T6 605 T6 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 76,0 229,0 81168 103,4 60,0 50,0 300,0 1828,8 50,0 889,4 3,50 25,4
Regan_1971_027_T9 608 T9 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 76,0 229,0 81168 103,4 60,0 50,0 300,0 1828,8 50,0 889,4 3,50 25,4
Regan_1971_032_T17 613 T17 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 76,0 229,0 81168 103,4 60,0 50,0 300,0 3657,6 50,0 1803,8 7,10 25,4
Regan_1971_034_T20 615 T20 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 76,0 229,0 81168 103,4 60,0 50,0 300,0 2743,2 50,0 1346,6 5,30 25,4
Regan_1971_039_T26 620 T26 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 76,0 229,0 81168 103,4 60,0 50,0 300,0 1828,8 50,0 889,4 3,50 25,4
Regan_1971_040_T27 621 T27 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 76,0 229,0 81168 103,4 60,0 50,0 300,0 1828,8 50,0 889,4 3,50 25,4
Regan_1971_044_T32 625 T32 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 76,0 229,0 81168 103,4 60,0 50,0 300,0 1828,8 50,0 889,4 3,50 25,4
Regan_1971_048_T36 629 T36 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 142,0 163,0 111396 104,9 60,0 50,0 300,0 1828,8 50,0 889,4 3,50 25,4
Regan_1971_049_T37 630 T37 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 76,0 229,0 81168 103,4 60,0 50,0 300,0 1828,8 50,0 889,4 3,50 25,4
Regan_1971_050_T38 631 T38 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 142,0 163,0 111396 104,9 60,0 50,0 300,0 1828,8 50,0 889,4 3,50 25,4
Regan_1971_056_W1 637 W1 SI 610,0 64,0 305,0 76,0 127,0 64,0 38,0 254,0 76786 113,3 75,0 50,0 305,0 1830,0 50,0 890,0 3,33 25,4
Regan_1971_058_W3 639 W3 SI 610,0 64,0 305,0 76,0 127,0 64,0 38,0 254,0 76786 113,3 75,0 50,0 305,0 1830,0 50,0 890,0 3,33 25,4
Regan_1971_059_W5 640 W5 SI 610,0 64,0 305,0 76,0 127,0 64,0 38,0 254,0 76786 113,3 75,0 50,0 305,0 1830,0 50,0 890,0 3,33 25,4
Regan_1971_061_W7 642 W7 SI 610,0 64,0 305,0 76,0 127,0 64,0 38,0 254,0 76786 113,3 75,0 50,0 305,0 1830,0 50,0 890,0 3,33 25,4
Rehm_1978_001_RsIS / BQ II 0 643 Rehm; Eligehausen; RsIS / BQ II 0 SI 900,0 250,0 510,0 125,0 385,0 208750 180,1 3870,0 1290,0 1290,0 3,00
Rehm_1978_004_RnIIS 646 Neubert (1978) RnIIS SI 950,0 450,0 600,0 150,0 450,0 345000 251,1 4932,0 1644,0 1644,0 3,00
Reineck_1991_001_Stb III 647 Reineck (1991) Stb III SI 838,0 77,0 648,0 107,0 441,0 100,0 837,0 207323 318,2 120,0 160,0 700,0 5200,0 160,0 2520,0 4,27
Reineck_1991_002_Stb I 648 Stb I SI 837,0 77,0 650,0 100,0 440,0 110,0 838,0 209760 333,1 120,0 160,0 700,0 5190,0 160,0 2515,0 4,27
Roller_1990_007_7 658 Roller; Russel (1990) 7 A 457,2 457,2 870,0 397741 435,0 266,7 133,4 152,4 4572,0 133,4 2219,3 2,91
Roller_1990_009_9 660 9 A 457,2 457,2 870,0 397741 435,0 266,7 133,4 152,4 4572,0 133,4 2219,3 2,91
Roller_1990_010_10 661 10 A 457,2 457,2 870,0 397741 435,0 266,7 133,4 152,4 4572,0 133,4 2219,3 2,91
Sarsam_1992_010_BS4-H 671 Sarsam; BS4-H SI 180,0 180,0 270,0 48600 135,0 100,0 100,0 150,0 1565,0 400,0 582,5 2,50 25,0
Sarsam_1992_013_CS3-H 674 Al-Musawi (1992) CS3-H SI 180,0 180,0 270,0 48600 135,0 100,0 100,0 150,0 1565,0 400,0 582,5 2,50 25,0
Sarsam_1992_014_CS4-H 675 CS4-H SI 180,0 180,0 270,0 48600 135,0 100,0 100,0 150,0 1565,0 400,0 582,5 2,50 25,0
Shin_1999_010_MHB 2.5-50 685 Shin; Lee; MHB 2.5-50 SI 125,0 125,0 250,0 31250 125,0 22,5 100,0 1075,0 22,5 526,3 2,45
Shin_1999_022_HB 2.5-50 697 Moon; Gosh (1999) HB 2.5-50 SI 125,0 125,0 250,0 31250 125,0 22,5 100,0 1075,0 22,5 526,3 2,45
Soerensen_1974_003_T-23 702 Soerensen (1974) T-23 SI 400,0 110,0 355,0 80,0 275,0 62250 126,3 100,0 100,0 250,0 3000,0 900,0 1050,0 3,52 26,0
Soerensen_1974_007_T-2-B 706 T-2-B SI 400,0 110,0 355,0 80,0 275,0 62250 126,3 100,0 100,0 250,0 3000,0 900,0 1050,0 3,52 26,0
Stroband_1997_002_2 711 Stroband (1997) 2 SI 500,0 90,0 700,0 125,0 25,0 400,0 75,0 75,0 500,0 165500 335,5 242,3 91,4 346,2 5000,0 69,2 1654,3 2,56
Stroband_1997_003_3 712 3 SI 500,0 90,0 700,0 125,0 25,0 400,0 75,0 75,0 500,0 165500 335,5 242,3 91,4 346,2 5000,0 69,2 1654,3 2,56
Stroband_1997_004_4 713 4 SI 500,0 90,0 700,0 125,0 25,0 400,0 75,0 75,0 500,0 165500 335,5 242,3 91,4 346,2 5000,0 69,2 1654,3 2,50
Stroband_1997_005_5 714 5 SI 500,0 90,0 700,0 125,0 25,0 400,0 75,0 75,0 500,0 165500 335,5 242,3 91,4 346,2 5000,0 69,2 1654,3 2,55
Taylor_1966_001_ST-2-C 783 Taylor, R. (1966) ST-2-C A 304,8 114,3 304,8 76,2 228,6 49355 118,8 762,0 2133,6 304,8 914,4 3,56 25,4
Taylor_1966_004_HSS-1-B 786 HSS-1-B A 304,8 114,3 304,8 76,2 228,6 49355 118,8 533,4 2590,8 304,8 1143,0 4,44 25,4
Yoon_1996_003_N2-N 803 Yoon; Cook; N2-N SI 375,0 375,0 750,0 281250 375,0 150,0 75,0 350,0 4300,0 75,0 2112,5 3,23 40,0
Yoon_1996_006_M2-N 806 Mitchell (1996) M2-N SI 375,0 375,0 750,0 281250 375,0 150,0 75,0 350,0 4300,0 75,0 2112,5 3,23 40,0
Yoon_1996_008_H2-S 808 H2-S SI 375,0 375,0 750,0 281250 375,0 150,0 75,0 350,0 4300,0 75,0 2112,5 3,23 40,0
Yoon_1996_009_H2-N 809 H2-N SI 375,0 200,0 750,0 281250 375,0 150,0 75,0 350,0 4300,0 75,0 2112,5 3,23 40,0
Rosenbusch_2003_002_1.4-1 817 Rosenbusch (2003) 1.4/1 SI 200,0 200,0 300,0 60000 150,0 100,0 50,0 100,0 1800,0 875,0 3,37 36,0
Rosenbusch_2003_004_1.7-1 819 1.7/1 SI 200,0 200,0 300,0 60000 150,0 100,0 50,0 100,0 1800,0 875,0 3,37 32,0
Kautsch_2010_001_A2 820 Kautsch (2010) A2 SI 655,0 155,0 820,0 150,0 20,0 650,0 155,0 207100 282,6 100,0 150,0 200,0 4000,0 1925,0 2,68 20,0
Kautsch_2010_002_B2 821 B2 SI 655,0 155,0 820,0 150,0 20,0 650,0 155,0 207100 282,6 100,0 150,0 200,0 4000,0 1925,0 2,68 20,0
Tanimura_2005_031_41 874 Tanimura; Sato (2005) 41 SI 300,0 300,0 450,0 135000 225,0 100,0 100,0 300,0 2400,0 400,0 1000,0 2,50
Plain 68
Ripp 89

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 20

ds d ns dst fR As alphaa rhos rhosw fsy esy ftk ftk/fsy euk ds2 ns2 dst2 As2 fsy2 dw nsw Asw frw sw sw/h zw1 zw2 rhow fyw
- - - mm mm - mm - mm² - % % MPa ‰ MPa - ‰ mm - mm mm² MPa mm - mm² - mm - - mm mm % MPa
593 Regan (1971) R21 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 4,1662 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 2 9,5 141,8 270 6,3 2 62,3 0 102,0 0,33 0,40 223 203 0,4021 280,0
605 T6 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270 9,5 2 142,5 0 114,0 0,37 0,45 206 203 0,8224 270,0
608 T9 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270 6,3 2 62,3 0 102,0 0,33 0,40 223 203 0,4021 280,0
613 T17 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270 6,3 2 62,3 0 102,0 0,33 0,40 223 203 0,4021 280,0
615 T20 254,0 254,0 816,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270 6,3 2 62,3 0 102,0 0,33 0,40 223 203 0,4021 280,0
620 T26 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270 6,3 2 62,3 0 102,0 0,33 0,40 223 203 0,4021 280,0
621 T27 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270 6,3 2 62,3 0 102,0 0,33 0,40 223 203 0,4021 280,0
625 T32 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270 9,5 2 142,5 0 114,0 0,37 0,45 206 203 0,8224 270,0
629 T36 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270 6,3 2 62,3 0 102,0 0,33 0,40 223 203 0,4021 280,0
630 T37 254,0 254,0 816,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270 9,5 2 142,5 0 114,0 0,37 0,45 206 203 0,8224 270,0
631 T38 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270 9,5 2 142,5 0 114,0 0,37 0,45 206 203 0,8224 270,0
637 W1 267,0 267,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 0,9876 9,4130 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 4 10,0 314,2 275 10,0 2 157,1 r 114,0 0,37 0,43 217 216 2,1530 704,0
639 W3 267,0 267,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 0,9876 9,4130 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 4 10,0 314,2 275 10,0 2 157,1 r 114,0 0,37 0,43 217 216 2,1530 704,0
640 W5 267,0 267,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 0,9876 9,4130 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 4 10,0 314,2 275 10,0 2 157,1 r 76,0 0,25 0,28 217 216 3,2294 704,0
642 W7 267,0 267,0 816,0 r 1608,5 1,00 0,9876 9,4130 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 4 10,0 314,2 275 8,0 2 100,5 r 76,0 0,25 0,28 227 216 2,0668 691,0
643 Rehm; Eligehausen; RsIS / BQ II 0 430,0 430,0 8 26,0 r 4247,4 1,00 1,0975 3,9511 469,0 2,35 565,00 1,20 14 4 8,0 201,1 11,0 2 190,1 r 100,0 0,20 0,23 375 0 0,7603 560,0
646 Neubert (1978) RnIIS 548,0 548,0 4 26,0 r 3355,2 1,00 0,6445 1,3606 746,0 3,73 1007,00 1,35 8,5 2 113,5 r 75,0 0,13 0,14 506 0 0,3363 557,0
647 Reineck (1991) Stb III 590,0 590,0 4 28,0 r 6157,5 1,00 1,2454 13,5539 514,6 2,57 605,00 1,18 5 28,0 7081,1 514 8,0 2 99,4 r 108,0 0,17 0,18 550 0 1,1953 515,0
648 Stb I 589,0 589,0 5 28,0 r 7081,1 1,00 1,4364 15,6134 514,0 2,57 603,78 1,17 4 28,0 6157,5 515 10,0 2 162,8 r 126,0 0,19 0,21 539 0 1,6780 549,0
658 Roller; Russel (1990) 7 762,0 762,0 8 32,3 r 6538,1 1,00 1,8767 1,8767 472,4 2,36 741,24 1,57 9,5 2 142,5 r 196,9 0,23 0,26 714 0 0,1583 445,2
660 9 762,0 762,0 1032,3 r 8172,7 1,00 2,3459 2,3459 472,4 2,36 741,24 1,57 9,5 2 142,5 r 196,9 0,23 0,26 714 0 0,1583 445,2
661 10 762,0 762,0 1035,8 r 10073,9 1,00 2,8916 2,8916 431,0 2,16 690,55 1,60 9,5 2 142,5 r 133,4 0,15 0,18 714 0 0,2337 445,2
671 Sarsam; BS4-H 233,0 233,0 2 25,0 r 1182,8 0,70 2,8202 2,8202 502,3 2,51 0,00 34,0 2 10,0 157,1 450 4,0 2 25,1 0 75,0 0,28 0,32 213 183 0,1862 820,0
674 Al-Musawi (1992) CS3-H 233,0 233,0 3 25,0 r 1470,0 0,70 3,5051 3,5051 543,0 2,72 0,00 34,0 2 10,0 157,1 450 4,0 2 25,1 0 100,0 0,37 0,43 213 183 0,1396 820,0
675 CS4-H 233,0 233,0 3 25,0 r 1470,0 0,70 3,5051 3,5051 543,0 2,72 0,00 34,0 2 10,0 157,1 450 4,0 2 25,1 0 75,0 0,28 0,32 213 183 0,1862 820,0
685 Shin; Lee; MHB 2.5-50 215,0 215,0 2 25,4 r 1013,4 0,70 3,7708 3,7708 410,1 2,05 0,00 2 9,5 142,5 392 6,4 2 63,3 r 86,0 0,34 0,40 183 0 0,5892 365,9
697 Moon; Gosh (1999) HB 2.5-50 215,0 215,0 2 25,4 r 1013,4 0,70 3,7708 3,7708 410,1 2,05 0,00 2 9,5 142,5 392 6,4 2 63,3 r 86,0 0,34 0,40 183 0 0,5892 365,9
702 Soerensen (1974) T-23 298,0 298,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 1,0542 3,8335 419,9 2,10 716,13 1,71 15 6,0 2 56,5 0 150,0 0,42 0,50 268 246 0,3427 349,2
706 T-2-B 298,0 298,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 1,0542 3,8335 457,1 2,29 765,18 1,67 15 36,0 4 8,0 201,1 262 5,0 2 39,3 0 117,0 0,33 0,39 273 246 0,3051 397,3
711 Stroband (1997) 2 647,1 647,1 625,0 r 3573,6 1,00 1,1045 6,1359 600,0 3,00 0,00 4 10,0 314,2 8,0 2 100,5 r 165,0 0,24 0,25 607 0 0,6770 600,0
712 3 647,1 647,1 6 32,0 r 5227,6 1,00 1,6157 8,9759 560,0 2,80 0,00 4 10,0 314,2 12,0 2 226,2 r 165,0 0,24 0,25 587 0 1,5232 630,0
713 4 661,5 661,5 8 32,0 r 6434,0 1,00 1,9452 10,8064 560,0 2,80 0,00 4 10,0 314,2 12,0 2 226,2 r 95,0 0,14 0,14 602 0 2,6456 630,0
714 5 650,0 650,0 8 32,0 r 6836,1 1,00 2,1034 11,6856 560,0 2,80 0,00 4 10,0 314,2 12,0 2 226,2 r 65,0 0,09 0,10 590 0 3,8666 630,0
783 Taylor, R. (1966) ST-2-C 257,2 257,2 5 15,9 r 989,7 1,00 1,2625 3,3668 441,4 1,75 0,00 2 22,2 775,9 278 6,4 2 63,3 0 90,0 0,30 0,35 0 210 0,6157 289,7
786 HSS-1-B 257,2 257,2 5 15,9 r 989,7 1,00 1,2625 3,3668 441,4 1,75 0,00 2 22,2 775,9 278 5,2 2 41,8 0 112,0 0,37 0,44 0 210 0,3262 437,9
803 Yoon; Cook; N2-N 655,0 655,0 1029,9 r 7021,5 1,00 2,8586 2,8586 400,0 2,00 0,00 2 10,0 157,1 9,5 2 141,8 r 325,0 0,43 0,50 608 575 0,1163 430,0
806 Mitchell (1996) M2-N 655,0 655,0 1029,9 r 7021,5 1,00 2,8586 2,8586 400,0 2,00 0,00 2 10,0 157,1 9,5 2 141,8 r 230,0 0,31 0,35 608 575 0,1644 430,0
808 H2-S 655,0 655,0 1029,9 r 7021,5 1,00 2,8586 2,8586 400,0 2,00 0,00 2 10,0 157,1 9,5 2 141,8 r 270,0 0,36 0,41 608 575 0,1400 430,0
809 H2-N 655,0 655,0 1029,9 r 7021,5 1,00 2,8586 5,3600 400,0 2,00 0,00 2 10,0 157,1 9,5 2 141,8 r 160,0 0,21 0,24 608 575 0,4430 430,0
817 Rosenbusch (2003) 1.4/1 260,0 260,0 3 28,0 r 1847,3 0,01 3,5524 3,5524 550,0 2,75 0,00 40,0 2 6,0 56,5 550 4,0 2 25,1 r 90,0 0,30 0,35 240 188 0,1396 680,0
819 1.7/1 260,0 260,0 3 28,0 r 1847,3 0,01 3,5524 3,5524 550,0 2,75 0,00 40,0 2 6,0 56,5 550 8,0 2 100,5 r 90,0 0,30 0,35 220 196 0,5585 550,0
820 Kautsch (2010) A2 719,4 719,4 28,0 r 3195,0 0,01 0,6781 2,8655 468,1 2,34 648,18 1,38 18,0 75,0 12 12,0 1357,2 585 8,0 2 100,5 r 150,0 0,18 0,21 679 679 0,4324 605,0
821 B2 719,4 719,4 28,0 r 3195,0 0,01 0,6781 2,8655 468,1 2,34 648,18 1,38 11,0 75,0 12 12,0 1357,2 585 8,0 2 100,5 r 200,0 0,24 0,28 679 679 0,3243 605,0
874 Tanimura; Sato (2005) 41 400,0 400,0 4 29,0 r 2642,1 0,70 2,2017 2,2017 750,0 3,75 2 16,0 402,1 10,0 2 157,1 100,0 0,22 0,25 350 0 0,5236 388,0

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 21

fyw_rhow_100 fwtk fwtk/fyw ewuk diaa f1c Method fcwu f1cttest Method betacttest f1ctmcal betactcal oms oml omwy g Vg F Vu_F+g,rep Vu_Rep Vu_gF
- - - MPa MPa - ‰ mm MPa - MPa MPa - - MPa - - - - kN/m kN kN kN kN kN
593 Regan (1971) R21 1,13 460,00 1,64 19,0 45,08 cu 36,06 0,00 0,0000 3,73 0,0828 0,5823 0,5823 0,0312 1,11 0,53 153,00 153,53
605 T6 2,22 435,00 1,61 19,0 26,33 cu 21,06 0,00 0,0000 2,49 0,0947 0,2484 0,2484 0,1054 1,95 0,91 205,00 205,91
608 T9 1,13 460,00 1,64 19,0 20,25 cu 16,20 0,00 0,0000 2,02 0,0998 0,3230 0,3230 0,0695 1,95 0,91 154,00 154,91
613 T17 1,13 460,00 1,64 19,0 33,53 cu 26,82 0,00 0,0000 3,00 0,0894 0,1951 0,1951 0,0420 1,95 1,81 134,00 135,81
615 T20 1,13 460,00 1,64 19,0 30,08 cu 24,06 0,00 0,0000 2,76 0,0918 0,2175 0,2175 0,0468 1,95 1,36 138,00 139,36
620 T26 1,13 460,00 1,64 19,0 49,28 cu 39,42 0,00 0,0000 3,98 0,0808 0,1327 0,1327 0,0286 1,95 0,91 179,00 179,91
621 T27 1,13 460,00 1,64 19,0 12,90 cu 10,32 0,00 0,0000 1,36 0,1056 0,5070 0,5070 0,1091 1,95 0,91 132,00 132,91
625 T32 2,22 435,00 1,61 19,0 26,70 cu 21,36 0,00 0,0000 2,52 0,0944 0,2450 0,2450 0,1040 1,95 0,91 216,00 216,91
629 T36 1,13 460,00 1,64 19,0 21,30 cu 17,04 0,00 0,0000 2,11 0,0989 0,3071 0,3071 0,0661 2,67 1,26 179,00 180,26
630 T37 2,22 435,00 1,61 19,0 28,50 cu 22,80 0,00 0,0000 2,65 0,0930 0,2295 0,2295 0,0974 1,95 0,91 209,00 209,91
631 T38 2,22 435,00 1,61 19,0 29,18 cu 23,34 0,00 0,0000 2,70 0,0925 0,2242 0,2242 0,0951 2,67 1,26 238,00 239,26
637 W1 15,16 1010,00 1,43 19,0 28,41 cyl 22,72 2,70 sp 0,0951 2,64 0,0931 0,2190 0,2190 0,6670 1,84 0,87 160,00 160,87
639 W3 15,16 1010,00 1,43 19,0 43,23 cyl 34,58 3,31 sp 0,0766 3,62 0,0837 0,1439 0,1439 0,4383 1,84 0,87 199,00 199,87
640 W5 22,74 1010,00 1,43 19,0 32,59 cyl 26,07 2,92 sp 0,0895 2,94 0,0901 0,1909 0,1909 0,8722 1,84 0,87 190,00 190,87
642 W7 14,28 827,00 1,20 19,0 32,59 cyl 26,07 3,02 sp 0,0925 2,94 0,0901 0,1909 0,1909 0,5479 1,84 0,87 162,00 162,87
643 Rehm; Eligehausen; RsIS / BQ II 0 4,26 644,00 1,15 11 32,0 23,23 cu 18,59 0,00 0,0000 2,26 0,0972 0,2216 0,2216 0,2291 5,01 6,46 594,78 601,24
646 Neubert (1978) RnIIS 1,87 628,00 1,13 13 32,0 21,03 cu 16,82 0,00 0,0000 2,08 0,0991 0,2287 0,2287 0,1113 8,28 13,61 744,73 758,34
647 Reineck (1991) Stb III 6,16 539,00 1,05 20 8,0 57,57 cu 46,05 4,32 sp 0,0750 4,28 0,0744 0,1113 0,1113 0,1337 4,98 6,67 530,00 536,67 536,67
648 Stb I 9,21 630,00 1,15 19 8,0 57,57 cu 46,05 4,32 sp 0,0750 4,28 0,0744 0,1283 0,1283 0,2000 5,03 6,73 675,00 681,73 681,73
658 Roller; Russel (1990) 7 0,70 576,83 1,30 12,7 68,79 cyl 55,03 3,79 sp 0,0551 4,56 0,0663 0,1289 0,1289 0,0128 9,55 11,23 787,83 799,06
660 9 0,70 576,83 1,30 12,7 119,04 cyl 95,24 5,07 sp 0,0426 5,52 0,0464 0,0931 0,0931 0,0074 9,55 11,23 749,40 760,63
661 10 1,04 576,83 1,30 12,7 119,04 cyl 95,24 5,07 sp 0,0426 5,52 0,0464 0,1047 0,1047 0,0109 9,55 11,23 1172,14 1183,37
671 Sarsam; BS4-H 1,53 0,00 12,0 76,10 cyl 60,88 0,00 0,0000 4,73 0,0621 0,1862 0,1862 0,0251 1,17 0,57 206,90 207,47
674 Al-Musawi (1992) CS3-H 1,14 0,00 12,0 70,49 cyl 56,39 0,00 0,0000 4,60 0,0653 0,2700 0,2700 0,0203 1,17 0,57 247,20 247,77
675 CS4-H 1,53 0,00 12,0 71,92 cyl 57,53 0,00 0,0000 4,63 0,0644 0,2647 0,2647 0,0265 1,17 0,57 220,70 221,27
685 Shin; Lee; MHB 2.5-50 2,16 0,00 19,0 49,40 cyl 39,52 0,00 0,0000 3,99 0,0807 0,3130 0,3130 0,0546 0,75 0,21 149,11 149,32 149,32
697 Moon; Gosh (1999) HB 2.5-50 2,16 0,00 13,0 69,35 cyl 55,48 0,00 0,0000 4,57 0,0659 0,2230 0,2230 0,0389 0,75 0,21 149,11 149,32 149,32
702 Soerensen (1974) T-23 1,20 470,88 1,35 20 32,0 32,53 cyl 26,02 0,00 0,0000 2,93 0,0901 0,1361 0,1361 0,0460 1,49 1,46 139,30 140,76 140,76
706 T-2-B 1,21 519,93 1,31 14 32,0 23,67 cyl 18,94 0,00 0,0000 2,29 0,0969 0,2036 0,2036 0,0640 1,49 1,46 129,49 130,95 130,95
711 Stroband (1997) 2 4,06 0,00 16,0 83,00 pr 66,40 6,12 sp 0,0737 4,87 0,0587 0,0798 0,0798 0,0612 3,97 3,42 548,00 551,42
712 3 9,60 0,00 16,0 83,90 pr 67,12 6,30 sp 0,0751 4,89 0,0583 0,1078 0,1078 0,1430 3,97 3,42 891,00 894,42
713 4 16,67 0,00 16,0 84,80 pr 67,84 6,75 sp 0,0796 4,91 0,0579 0,1285 0,1285 0,2457 3,97 3,42 1221,00 1224,42
714 5 24,36 0,00 16,0 84,70 pr 67,76 6,21 sp 0,0733 4,91 0,0579 0,1391 0,1391 0,3595 3,97 3,42 1330,00 1333,42
783 Taylor, R. (1966) ST-2-C 1,78 0,00 19,1 18,29 cu 17,86 0,00 0,0000 1,86 0,0980 0,3046 0,3046 0,0999 1,18 0,56 104,97 105,53 105,53
786 HSS-1-B 1,43 0,00 19,1 18,53 cu 18,09 0,00 0,0000 1,88 0,0978 0,3008 0,3008 0,0790 1,18 0,65 86,33 86,98 86,98
803 Yoon; Cook; N2-N 0,50 0,00 20,0 34,20 cyl 27,36 2,79 sp 0,0816 3,04 0,0890 0,3343 0,3343 0,0183 6,75 7,38 483,00 490,38
806 Mitchell (1996) M2-N 0,71 0,00 10,0 63,65 cyl 50,92 4,14 sp 0,0650 4,44 0,0697 0,1796 0,1796 0,0139 6,75 7,38 689,00 696,38
808 H2-S 0,60 0,00 10,0 82,65 cyl 66,12 5,49 sp 0,0664 4,86 0,0588 0,1383 0,1383 0,0091 6,75 7,38 598,00 605,38
809 H2-N 1,90 0,00 10,0 82,65 cyl 66,12 5,49 sp 0,0664 4,86 0,0588 0,1383 0,1383 0,0288 6,75 7,38 721,00 728,38
817 Rosenbusch (2003) 1.4/1 0,95 0,00 16,0 45,50 cu 36,40 0,0000 3,76 0,0826 0,4294 0,4294 0,0261 1,44 0,61 170,00 170,61 170,61
819 1.7/1 3,07 0,00 16,0 47,85 cu 38,28 0,0000 3,90 0,0815 0,4083 0,4083 0,0802 1,44 0,46 190,00 190,46 190,46
820 Kautsch (2010) A2 2,62 631,00 1,04 16,0 29,30 cyl 23,44 2,51 sp 0,0857 2,71 0,0924 0,1083 0,1083 0,1116 4,97 4,60 652,50 657,10 657,10
821 B2 1,96 631,00 1,04 16,0 29,83 cyl 23,86 2,48 sp 0,0833 2,74 0,0920 0,1064 0,1064 0,0822 4,97 5,22 566,00 571,22 571,22
874 Tanimura; Sato (2005) 41 2,03 19,57 cyl 15,66 0,0000 1,97 0,1004 0,8438 0,8438 0,1298 3,24 2,27 324,00 326,27

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 22

betar_meas xr_meas xr sigswmeas sigswass sigsw omwu andbr Mu muu vutest kapc sigsl xsitest zetatest z_test zeta z_ muflex Mu_flex Vu_flex betaflex BB
- - - [°] mm mm MPa MPa MPa - - kNm - - - MPa - - mm - mm - - kN - -
593 Regan (1971) R21 438 0 0,0000 134,17 0,3035 0,1456 0,820 435 0,491 0,755 192 0,711 181 0,3367 148,82 169,72 0,90
605 T6 445 270 270 0,1054 182,33 0,1760 0,2835 0,895 502 0,221 0,889 226 0,861 219 0,2139 221,65 249,22 0,82
608 T9 445 280 280 0,0695 136,97 0,1719 0,2749 0,919 374 0,209 0,896 227 0,824 209 0,2662 212,16 238,55 0,65
613 T17 902 280 280 0,0420 241,71 0,1832 0,1458 0,866 630 0,225 0,887 225 0,887 225 0,1731 228,40 126,62 1,06 BB
615 T20 673 280 280 0,0468 185,83 0,1570 0,1649 0,880 505 0,198 0,901 229 0,876 223 0,1906 225,58 167,52 0,82
620 T26 445 280 280 0,0286 159,20 0,0821 0,1243 0,803 412 0,108 0,946 240 0,917 233 0,1218 236,12 265,48 0,67
621 T27 445 280 280 0,1091 117,40 0,2313 0,3862 0,948 335 0,284 0,858 218 0,733 186 0,3715 188,59 212,05 0,62
625 T32 445 270 270 0,1040 192,11 0,1828 0,2962 0,893 532 0,231 0,884 225 0,863 219 0,2114 222,10 249,72 0,86
629 T36 445 280 280 0,0661 159,20 0,1899 0,3084 0,915 442 0,235 0,882 224 0,832 211 0,2555 214,19 240,83 0,74
630 T37 445 270 270 0,0974 185,88 0,1657 0,2651 0,886 508 0,209 0,896 227 0,870 221 0,1998 224,06 251,92 0,83
631 T38 445 270 270 0,0951 211,68 0,1844 0,2996 0,883 588 0,237 0,882 224 0,873 222 0,1957 224,73 252,68 0,94
637 W1 445 320 320 0,3032 142,40 0,1153 0,4430 0,886 356 0,140 0,930 248 0,876 234 0,1920 237,13 266,44 0,60
639 W3 445 0 0,0000 177,11 0,0942 0,3585 0,827 439 0,121 0,939 251 0,913 244 0,1314 247,02 277,55 0,72
640 W5 445 368 368 0,4559 169,10 0,1193 0,4607 0,870 425 0,148 0,926 247 0,890 238 0,1700 240,86 270,63 0,70
642 W7 445 0 0,0000 144,18 0,1018 0,3879 0,870 358 0,125 0,938 250 0,890 238 0,1700 240,86 270,63 0,60
643 Rehm; Eligehausen; RsIS / BQ II 0 645 560 560 0,2291 767,27 0,1985 0,3391 0,907 469 0,244 0,878 377 0,878 377 0,1945 751,96 582,92 1,02 BB
646 Neubert (1978) RnIIS 822 557 557 0,1113 1224,34 0,2041 0,2051 0,916 746 0,250 0,875 480 0,875 480 0,2001 1200,41 730,18 1,02 BB
647 Reineck (1991) Stb III 24 1260 515 515 0,1337 1352,40 0,0805 0,2715 0,770 394 0,111 0,945 557 0,928 547 0,1033 1734,31 688,22 0,78
648 Stb I 29 1258 549 549 0,2000 1714,56 0,1026 0,3516 0,770 443 0,144 0,928 547 0,917 540 0,1176 1965,35 781,45 0,87
658 Roller; Russel (1990) 7 1110 445 445 0,0128 1748,45 0,0957 0,0442 0,725 378 0,142 0,929 708 0,911 694 0,1174 2144,36 966,22 0,82
660 9 1110 445 445 0,0074 1663,16 0,0526 0,0239 0,524 282 0,106 0,947 722 0,911 694 0,0848 2680,57 1207,83 0,62
661 10 1110 445 445 0,0109 2601,35 0,0823 0,0387 0,524 371 0,172 0,914 696 0,900 686 0,0942 2978,08 1341,88 0,87
671 Sarsam; BS4-H 291 820 820 0,0251 120,52 0,1621 0,0936 0,696 502 0,268 0,866 202 0,866 202 0,1612 119,90 205,84 1,01 BB
674 Al-Musawi (1992) CS3-H 291 820 820 0,0203 143,99 0,2090 0,1270 0,718 511 0,354 0,823 192 0,812 189 0,2192 151,02 259,26 0,95
675 CS4-H 291 820 820 0,0265 128,56 0,1829 0,1078 0,712 442 0,303 0,849 198 0,814 190 0,2155 151,44 259,98 0,85
685 Shin; Lee; MHB 2.5-50 263 0 0,0000 78,58 0,2753 0,1747 0,802 410 0,390 0,805 173 0,805 173 0,2520 71,92 136,66 1,09 BB
697 Moon; Gosh (1999) HB 2.5-50 263 366 366 0,0389 78,58 0,1961 0,1184 0,723 410 0,309 0,846 182 0,846 182 0,1886 75,56 143,58 1,04 BB
702 Soerensen (1974) T-23 525 349 349 0,0460 147,80 0,1279 0,1790 0,870 420 0,156 0,922 275 0,922 275 0,1254 144,93 138,03 1,02 BB
706 T-2-B 525 0 0,0000 137,50 0,1635 0,2345 0,905 408 0,201 0,900 268 0,888 264 0,1807 151,94 144,71 0,90
711 Stroband (1997) 2 827 600 600 0,0612 906,56 0,0522 0,1477 0,668 409 0,081 0,959 621 0,940 608 0,0751 1304,59 788,60 0,69
712 3 827 630 630 0,1430 1473,99 0,0839 0,2445 0,664 467 0,135 0,932 603 0,919 595 0,0991 1740,67 1052,20 0,85
713 4 827 0 0,0000 2019,91 0,1089 0,3324 0,661 522 0,181 0,909 602 0,903 597 0,1160 2151,88 1300,77 0,94
714 5 827 0 0,0000 2200,23 0,1230 0,3744 0,661 552 0,208 0,896 583 0,895 582 0,1244 2226,67 1345,98 0,99
783 Taylor, R. (1966) ST-2-C 457 0 0,0000 96,49 0,2616 0,2935 0,927 441 0,329 0,836 215 0,836 215 0,2545 93,88 102,67 1,03 BB
786 HSS-1-B 572 0 0,0000 99,42 0,2662 0,2384 0,926 441 0,325 0,838 215 0,838 215 0,2519 94,09 82,32 1,06 BB
803 Yoon; Cook; N2-N 1056 430 430 0,0183 1020,34 0,1854 0,0819 0,863 253 0,245 0,878 575 0,806 528 0,2696 1483,37 702,19 0,69
806 Mitchell (1996) M2-N 1056 430 430 0,0139 1455,51 0,1421 0,0617 0,745 354 0,213 0,893 585 0,879 576 0,1580 1617,96 765,90 0,90
808 H2-S 1056 430 430 0,0091 1263,28 0,0950 0,0399 0,669 298 0,154 0,923 605 0,897 587 0,1241 1649,54 780,85 0,77
809 H2-N 1056 430 430 0,0288 1523,11 0,1145 0,0919 0,669 366 0,189 0,906 593 0,897 587 0,1241 1649,54 780,85 0,92
817 Rosenbusch (2003) 1.4/1 33 450 450 0 0 0 149,29 0,2427 0,1101 0,818 380 0,362 0,819 213 0,738 192 0,3167 194,83 222,66 0,77
819 1.7/1 31 556 556 0 0 0 166,65 0,2576 0,1194 0,809 433 0,398 0,801 208 0,748 194 0,3052 197,46 225,67 0,84
820 Kautsch (2010) A2 45 1000 1000 605 605 0,1116 1264,91 0,1274 0,2679 0,883 468 0,123 0,939 675 0,939 675 0,1017 1009,81 524,58 1,253 BB
821 B2 38 875 875 605 605 0,0822 1099,60 0,1088 0,2285 0,881 468 0,121 0,940 676 0,940 676 0,1000 1010,83 525,11 1,09 BB
874 Tanimura; Sato (2005) 41 500 0 0,0000 324,00 0,3449 0,1731 0,922 6 0,007 0,996 399 0,704 282 0,3838 360,53 360,53 0,90

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 23

sin2thp thp cotthp vup gamwp cotthu thu nueu betalb VB A2+A3 kon34 KONA4 KONA5 A4+A5 Differenz AF f1ck fcm_cyl fck fc_prime Vct_ACI Vs_ACI Vcal_sACI Vmax_ACI rat_smax VACI_cal
- - - - [ °] - - - - [ °] - - - - - - - - - MPa MPa MPa MPa kN kN kN kN kN
593 Regan (1971) R21 0,03 10,18 5,57 0,17 0,84 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,25 0 1 0 0 0 0 41,3 47,4 43,4 45,0 43,04 43,47 86,51 215,19 0,402 86,51
605 T6 0,11 18,95 2,91 0,31 0,92 2,69 20,40 0,69 0,46 1 1 1 0 1 0 22,5 27,7 23,7 25,3 32,26 85,73 117,99 161,30 0,731 117,99
608 T9 0,07 15,29 3,66 0,25 1,08 3,96 14,19 0,93 0,43 1 1 1 0 1 0 16,5 21,3 17,3 18,9 27,89 43,47 71,36 139,45 0,512 71,36
613 T17 0,04 11,82 4,78 0,20 0,73 3,47 16,06 0,44 0,25 1 1 1 0 1 0 29,7 35,3 31,3 32,9 36,77 43,47 80,25 183,87 0,436 80,25
615 T20 0,05 12,49 4,51 0,21 0,78 3,52 15,84 0,50 0,28 1 1 1 0 1 0 26,3 31,7 27,7 29,3 34,69 43,47 78,16 173,43 0,451 78,16
620 T26 0,03 9,73 5,83 0,17 0,75 4,35 12,94 0,46 0,24 1 1 1 0 1 0 45,5 51,9 47,9 49,5 45,10 43,47 88,57 225,51 0,393 88,57
621 T27 0,11 19,29 2,86 0,31 1,24 3,54 15,78 1,18 0,58 0 1 0 0 0 0 9,1 13,6 9,6 11,2 21,44 43,47 64,91 107,20 0,606 64,91
625 T32 0,10 18,81 2,94 0,31 0,97 2,85 19,34 0,76 0,48 1 1 1 0 1 0 22,9 28,1 24,1 25,7 32,51 85,73 118,24 162,56 0,727 118,24
629 T36 0,07 14,90 3,76 0,25 1,24 4,67 12,09 1,20 0,48 0 1 0 0 0 0 17,5 22,4 18,4 20,0 28,69 43,47 72,16 143,46 0,503 72,16
630 T37 0,10 18,18 3,04 0,30 0,89 2,72 20,17 0,66 0,44 1 1 1 0 1 0 24,7 30,0 26,0 27,6 33,69 85,73 119,42 168,44 0,709 119,42
631 T38 0,10 17,97 3,08 0,29 1,02 3,15 17,62 0,83 0,49 1 1 1 0 1 0 25,4 30,7 26,7 28,3 34,12 85,73 119,85 170,60 0,703 119,85
637 W1 0,67 54,76 0,71 0,47 0,94 1,46 34,39 0,76 0,29 1 0 0 0 0 1 24,6 29,9 25,9 27,5 14,88 259,00 273,88 74,42 3,680 74,42
639 W3 0,44 41,46 1,13 0,50 0,72 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,26 0 0 0 0 0 0 39,4 45,5 41,5 43,1 18,63 259,00 277,63 93,16 2,980 93,16
640 W5 0,87 69,05 0,38 0,33 1,38 1,01 44,70 0,74 0,31 1 0 0 0 0 1 28,8 34,3 30,3 31,9 16,03 388,50 404,53 80,15 5,047 80,15
642 W7 0,55 47,75 0,91 0,50 0,78 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,26 0 0 0 0 0 0 28,8 34,3 30,3 31,9 16,03 244,05 260,08 80,15 3,245 80,15
643 Rehm; Eligehausen; RsIS / BQ II 0 0,23 28,60 1,83 0,42 0,81 1,48 34,04 0,58 2,00 VB 0 1 0 0 0 0 AF 19,4 24,5 20,5 22,1 83,85 457,68 541,53 419,24 1,292 419,24
646 Neubert (1978) RnIIS 0,11 19,49 2,83 0,31 0,65 1,84 28,49 0,39 2,69 VB 0 1 0 0 0 0 AF 17,2 22,1 18,1 19,7 181,94 461,88 643,83 909,71 0,708 643,83
647 Reineck (1991) Stb III 0,13 21,44 2,55 0,34 0,80 2,03 26,21 0,55 0,10 1 0 0 0 0 1 53,8 60,6 56,6 58,2 57,56 279,65 337,22 287,81 1,172 287,81
648 Stb I 0,20 26,57 2,00 0,40 0,88 1,76 29,63 0,65 0,12 1 0 0 0 0 1 53,8 60,6 56,6 58,2 57,46 417,80 475,27 287,32 1,654 287,32
658 Roller; Russel (1990) 7 0,01 6,50 8,78 0,11 0,39 3,45 16,15 0,13 0,71 1 1 1 0 1 0 65,0 72,4 68,4 70,0 484,17 245,58 729,75 2420,86 0,301 729,75
660 9 0,01 4,94 11,58 0,09 0,28 3,22 17,24 0,07 0,44 1 1 1 0 1 0 115,2 125,3 121,3 122,9 641,51 245,58 887,09 3207,54 0,277 887,09
661 10 0,01 6,00 9,51 0,10 0,37 3,54 15,79 0,12 0,63 1 1 1 0 1 0 115,2 125,3 121,3 122,9 641,51 362,53 1004,03 3207,54 0,313 1004,03
671 Sarsam; BS4-H 0,03 9,11 6,24 0,16 0,60 3,73 15,01 0,30 0,63 1 1 0 1 1 0 72,3 80,1 76,1 77,7 61,40 64,02 125,43 307,01 0,409 125,43
674 Al-Musawi (1992) CS3-H 0,02 8,19 6,95 0,14 0,90 6,25 9,08 0,65 0,64 1 1 0 1 1 0 66,7 74,2 70,2 71,8 59,03 48,02 107,04 295,13 0,363 107,04
675 CS4-H 0,03 9,37 6,06 0,16 0,67 4,06 13,83 0,37 0,57 1 1 0 1 1 0 68,1 75,7 71,7 73,3 59,64 64,02 123,66 298,19 0,415 123,66
685 Shin; Lee; MHB 2.5-50 0,05 13,51 4,16 0,23 0,77 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,90 0 1 0 0 0 0 45,6 52,0 48,0 49,6 31,44 57,94 89,38 157,18 0,569 89,38
697 Moon; Gosh (1999) HB 2.5-50 0,04 11,37 4,97 0,19 0,61 3,05 18,17 0,32 0,77 1 1 0 1 1 0 65,6 73,0 69,0 70,6 37,51 57,94 95,45 187,53 0,509 95,45
702 Soerensen (1974) T-23 0,05 12,38 4,55 0,21 0,85 3,89 14,41 0,59 0,49 1 1 1 0 1 0 28,7 34,2 30,2 31,8 30,72 39,23 69,95 153,60 0,455 69,95
706 T-2-B 0,06 14,66 3,82 0,24 0,96 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,59 0 1 0 0 0 0 19,9 24,9 20,9 22,5 25,84 39,74 65,57 129,18 0,508 65,57
711 Stroband (1997) 2 0,06 14,32 3,92 0,24 0,62 2,41 22,50 0,33 0,25 1 0 0 0 0 1 79,2 87,4 83,4 85,0 89,17 236,56 325,73 445,83 0,731 325,73
712 3 0,14 22,22 2,45 0,35 0,70 1,71 30,32 0,45 0,36 1 0 0 0 0 1 80,1 88,3 84,3 85,9 89,66 558,88 648,55 448,31 1,447 448,31
713 4 0,25 29,71 1,75 0,43 0,77 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,35 0 0 0 0 0 0 81,0 89,3 85,3 86,9 92,16 992,33 1084,49 460,82 2,353 460,82
714 5 0,36 36,84 1,33 0,48 0,78 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,38 0 0 0 0 0 0 80,9 89,2 85,2 86,8 90,50 1425,03 1515,53 452,51 3,349 452,51
783 Taylor, R. (1966) ST-2-C 0,10 18,42 3,00 0,30 0,98 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,16 0 1 0 0 0 0 14,5 19,3 15,3 16,9 20,05 52,42 72,47 100,23 0,723 72,47
786 HSS-1-B 0,08 16,32 3,41 0,27 0,88 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,19 0 1 0 0 0 0 14,7 19,5 15,5 17,1 20,19 41,99 62,19 100,95 0,616 62,19
803 Yoon; Cook; N2-N 0,02 7,77 7,33 0,13 0,61 4,48 12,58 0,31 0,30 1 1 1 0 1 0 30,4 36,0 32,0 33,6 236,48 122,86 359,33 1182,38 0,304 359,33
806 Mitchell (1996) M2-N 0,01 6,77 8,43 0,12 0,53 4,44 12,68 0,23 0,29 1 1 1 0 1 0 59,9 67,0 63,0 64,6 327,90 173,60 501,49 1639,48 0,306 501,49
808 H2-S 0,01 5,48 10,43 0,09 0,42 4,38 12,86 0,15 0,22 1 1 1 0 1 0 78,9 87,0 83,0 84,6 375,24 147,88 523,12 1876,18 0,279 523,12
809 H2-N 0,03 9,77 5,81 0,17 0,55 3,19 17,40 0,26 0,27 1 1 1 0 1 0 78,9 87,0 83,0 84,6 200,13 249,55 449,68 1000,63 0,449 449,68
817 Rosenbusch (2003) 1.4/1 0,03 9,29 6,11 0,16 0,69 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,01 0 1 0 0 0 0 41,7 47,9 43,9 45,5 58,26 49,37 107,63 291,28 0,369 107,63
819 1.7/1 0,08 16,46 3,39 0,27 0,44 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,01 0 1 0 0 0 0 44,1 50,4 46,4 48,0 59,82 159,73 219,55 299,09 0,734 219,55
820 Kautsch (2010) A2 0,11 19,52 2,82 0,31 0,85 2,40 22,62 0,60 0,02 1 1 0 1 1 0 25,5 30,8 26,8 28,4 98,76 291,68 390,44 493,81 0,791 390,44
821 B2 0,08 16,66 3,34 0,27 0,83 2,78 19,79 0,57 0,02 1 1 0 1 1 0 26,0 31,4 27,4 29,0 99,73 218,76 318,49 498,65 0,639 318,49
874 Tanimura; Sato (2005) 41 0,13 21,11 2,59 0,34 0,52 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,63 0 1 0 0 0 0 15,8 20,6 16,6 18,2 85,03 243,79 328,82 425,14 0,773 328,82
157 87 141 56 24 80 7 m
68 55,4 89,8 35,7 15,3 51,0 4,5 s
89 s²
gmod-ACI < 6 0,05
% 3,8 0,95

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Large ACI-DAfStb Large Collection Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 24

- - -
593 Regan (1971) R21 1,769
605 T6 1,737
608 T9 2,158
613 T17 1,670
615 T20 1,766
620 T26 2,021
621 T27 2,034
625 T32 1,827
629 T36 2,481
630 T37 1,750
631 T38 1,986
637 W1 2,150
639 W3 2,136
640 W5 2,371
642 W7 2,021
643 Rehm; Eligehausen; RsIS / BQ II 0 1,419
646 Neubert (1978) RnIIS 1,157
647 Reineck (1991) Stb III 1,865
648 Stb I 2,373
658 Roller; Russel (1990) 7 1,080
660 9 0,845
661 10 1,167
671 Sarsam; BS4-H 1,650
674 Al-Musawi (1992) CS3-H 2,309
675 CS4-H 1,785
685 Shin; Lee; MHB 2.5-50 1,671
697 Moon; Gosh (1999) HB 2.5-50 1,564
702 Soerensen (1974) T-23 2,012
706 T-2-B 1,997
711 Stroband (1997) 2 1,682
712 3 1,987
713 4 2,650
714 5 2,939
783 Taylor, R. (1966) ST-2-C 1,456
786 HSS-1-B 1,399
803 Yoon; Cook; N2-N 1,344
806 Mitchell (1996) M2-N 1,374
808 H2-S 1,143
809 H2-N 1,603
817 Rosenbusch (2003) 1.4/1 1,585
819 1.7/1 0,867
820 Kautsch (2010) A2 1,683
821 B2 1,794
874 Tanimura; Sato (2005) 41 0,985
157 1,592
68 0,407
89 0,166

App-B3_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Large_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Small ACI-DAfStb Small Evaluation Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 1

ACI-DAfStb Evalution Database vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl - K. - H. Reineck, ILEK, University of Stuttgart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Querschnittswerte - Section properties Laststellung und Geometrie - loading and geometry
Nr. Lit. Bez. Einheiten b bw h hf hh,top hw hft hh,bot x Ac zc2 aA aF bA L c a a/d cc

E b bw h hf hh,top hw hft hh,bot bft Ac zc2 aa af ba L c a kap cc

- - - SI / A mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm² mm mm mm mm mm mm mm - mm
Ahmad_1996_008_NHW-3b 24 Ahmad; Xie; Yu (1996) NHW-3b A 127,0 127,0 254,0 32258 127,0 50,8 31,8 127,0 1188,7 31,8 578,5 2,92 28,6
Ahmad_1996_009_NHW-4 25 NHW-4 A 127,0 127,0 254,0 32258 127,0 50,8 31,8 127,0 1585,0 31,8 776,6 3,92 28,6
Angelakos_1999_001_DB0.530M 40 Angelakos; Bentz; DB0.530M SI 300,0 300,0 1000,0 300000 500,0 152,0 76,0 308,8 5400,0 76,0 2662,0 2,88
Angelakos_1999_004_DB140M 42 Collins P. (1999) DB140M SI 300,0 300,0 1000,0 300000 500,0 152,0 76,0 308,8 5400,0 76,0 2662,0 2,88
Bhal_1968_001_B1S 62 Bhal (1968) B1S SI 240,0 240,0 350,0 84000 175,0 180,0 180,0 300,0 1800,0 180,0 810,0 2,70
Bhal_1968_002_B2S 63 B2S SI 240,0 240,0 650,0 156000 325,0 180,0 240,0 300,0 3600,0 240,0 1680,0 2,80
Bhal_1968_003_B3S 64 B3S SI 240,0 240,0 950,0 228000 475,0 210,0 270,0 300,0 5400,0 270,0 2565,0 2,85
Bhal_1968_004_B4S 65 B4S SI 240,0 240,0 1250,0 300000 625,0 210,0 300,0 300,0 7200,0 300,0 3450,0 2,88
Cladera_2002_010_H 100/2 132 Cladera; Mari (2002) H 100/2 SI 200,0 200,0 400,0 80000 200,0 150,0 75,0 220,0 2160,0 75,0 1042,5 2,95 25,0
Hamadi_1976_002_GT-2 243 Hamadi (1976) GT-2 SI 500,0 120,0 400,0 100,0 300,0 86000 133,7 150,0 75,0 250,0 2500,0 75,0 1212,5 3,46 22,0
Hamadi_1976_004_GT-4 245 Hamadi, Regan (1980) GT-4 SI 500,0 120,0 400,0 100,0 300,0 86000 133,7 150,0 75,0 250,0 2500,0 75,0 1212,5 3,46 22,0
Hegger_2001_001_SVB 3b 247 Hegger, J.; Görtz, S.; Will, N.(2001) SVB 3b SI 220,0 180,0 500,0 100000 241,7 200,0 3000,0 1500,0 3,33
Kong_1997_003_S1-3 361 Kong; Rangan (1997) S1-3 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_004_S1-4 362 S1-4 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_009_S2-3 367 S2-3 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_010_S2-4 368 S2-4 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_015_S3-3 373 S3-3 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,49 35,0
Kong_1997_016_S3-4 374 S3-4 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,49 35,0
Kong_1997_019_S4-1 377 S4-1 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 350,0 3100,0 500,0 1300,0 2,48 35,0
Kong_1997_022_S4-4 380 S4-4 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 470,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_024_S4-6 382 S4-6 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 450,0 1500,0 500,0 500,0 2,53 35,0
Kong_1997_025_S5-1 383 S5-1 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 320,0 2260,0 500,0 880,0 3,01 35,0
Kong_1997_027_S5-3 385 S5-3 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 100,0 370,0 1960,0 500,0 730,0 2,50 35,0
Kong_1997_033_S7-3 391 S7-3 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 50,0 380,0 1940,0 50,0 945,0 3,40 35,0
Kong_1997_034_S7-4 392 S7-4 SI 250,0 250,0 350,0 87500 175,0 100,0 50,0 380,0 1940,0 50,0 945,0 3,40 35,0
Krefeld_1966_010_26-1 420 Krefeld; Thurston (1966) 26-1 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_012_29b-1 422 29b-1 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_015_29a-2 425 29a-2 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_016_29b-2 426 29b-2 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_017_29c-2 427 29c-2 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_018_29d-2 428 29d-2 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_020_29f-2 430 29f-2 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_021_29g-2 431 29g-2 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Krefeld_1966_034_39-3 444 39-3 A 254,0 254,0 508,0 129032 254,0 190,5 127,0 304,8 3657,6 127,0 1765,3 3,87
Leonhardt_1962_002_ET2 483 Leonhardt; Walther; ET2 SI 300,0 150,0 350,0 75,0 275,0 63750 150,7 100,0 100,0 200,0 3000,0 900,0 1050,0 3,50
Leonhardt_1962_003_ET3 484 DAfStb 151 (1962) ET3 SI 300,0 100,0 350,0 75,0 275,0 50000 133,8 100,0 100,0 200,0 3000,0 900,0 1050,0 3,50
Leonhardt_1962_004_ET4 485 ET4 SI 300,0 50,0 350,0 75,0 175,0 100,0 100,0 41250 127,7 100,0 100,0 200,0 3000,0 900,0 1050,0 3,50
Leonhardt_1962_002_T1 ( r ) 490 Leonhardt; Walther; DAfStb 152 (1962) T1 ( r ) SI 1500,0 100,0 900,0 150,0 600,0 150,0 500,0 362500 291,7 200,0 200,0 125,0 6000,0 1000,0 2500,0 3,03
Leonhardt_1963_009_TA11 497 Leonhardt; Walther TA11 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 290,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33
Leonhardt_1963_010_TA12 498 DAfStb 156 (1963) TA12 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 290,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33
Leonhardt_1963_011_TA13 499 TA13 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 290,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33
Leonhardt_1963_012_TA14 500 TA14 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 290,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33
Leonhardt_1963_013_TA15 501 TA15 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 290,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33
Leonhardt_1963_015_TA16 503 TA16 SI 960,0 160,0 440,0 80,0 360,0 134400 134,3 120,0 120,0 290,0 3000,0 500,0 1250,0 3,33

App-B4_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Small_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Small ACI-DAfStb Small Evaluation Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 2

ACI-DAfStb Evalution Database vsw-RC_A2b-A

2 3 4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Längsbewehrung (Zugbewehrung) - longitudinal tensile reinforcement compr. reinf.
Nr. Lit. Bez. ds d ns Φst frs As a ρs ρsv fsy εsy ftk ftk/fsy εuk ds2 ns2 Φst2 As2 fsy2

ds d ns dst fR As alphaa rhos rhosw fsy esy ftk ftk/fsy euk ds2 ns2 dst2 As2 fsy2
- - - mm mm - mm - mm² - % % MPa ‰ MPa - ‰ mm - mm mm² MPa
24 Ahmad; Xie; Yu (1996) NHW-3b 198,1 198,1 4 19,1 r 1140,1 1,00 4,5311 4,5311 420,7 2,10 0,00 38,1 2 12,7 253,4 421
25 NHW-4 198,1 198,1 4 19,1 r 1140,1 1,00 4,5311 4,5311 420,7 2,10 0,00 38,1 2 12,7 253,4 421
40 Angelakos; Bentz; DB0.530M 925,0 925,0 2 29,9 r 1400,0 1,00 0,5045 0,5045 550,0 2,75 710,00 1,29 75,0 2 400,0 483
42 Collins P. (1999) DB140M 925,0 925,0 4 29,9 r 2800,0 1,00 1,0090 1,0090 550,0 2,75 710,00 1,29 75,0 2 400,0 483
62 Bhal (1968) B1S 300,0 300,0 2 24,0 r 904,8 1,00 1,2566 1,2566 425,8 2,13 513,06 1,21 15 25,0 2 10,0 157,1 443
63 B2S 600,0 600,0 4 24,0 r 1809,6 1,00 1,2566 1,2566 425,8 2,13 513,06 1,21 15 25,0 2 10,0 157,1 443
64 B3S 900,0 900,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 1,2566 1,2566 425,8 2,13 513,06 1,21 15 25,0 2 10,0 157,1 443
65 B4S 1200,0 1200,0 8 24,0 r 3619,1 1,00 1,2566 1,2566 425,8 2,13 513,06 1,21 15 25,0 2 10,0 157,1 443
132 Cladera; Mari (2002) H 100/2 353,0 353,0 2 32,0 r 1608,5 1,00 2,2783 2,2783 500,0 2,50 0,00 35,0 2 8,0 100,5 540
243 Hamadi (1976) GT-2 350,0 350,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 0,7181 2,9920 400,0 2,00 565,00 1,41 4 12,0 452,4 350
245 Hamadi, Regan (1980) GT-4 350,0 350,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 0,7181 2,9920 655,0 3,28 820,00 1,25 4 12,0 452,4 350
247 Hegger, J.; Görtz, S.; Will, N.(2001) SVB 3b 450,0 450,0 6 25,0 r 2945,2 1,00 2,9750 3,6361 532,0 2,66 673,00 1,27
361 Kong; Rangan (1997) S1-3 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462
362 S1-4 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462
367 S2-3 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462
368 S2-4 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462
373 S3-3 293,0 293,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,7932 2,7932 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462
374 S3-4 293,0 293,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,7932 2,7932 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462
377 S4-1 524,0 524,0 4 36,0 r 4092,0 0,70 3,1237 3,1237 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462
380 S4-4 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462
382 S4-6 198,0 198,0 3 24,0 r 1380,0 0,70 2,7879 2,7879 442,0 2,21 544,00 1,23 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462
383 S5-1 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r. 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 452
385 S5-3 292,0 292,0 2 36,0 r 2046,0 0,70 2,8027 2,8027 452,0 2,26 559,00 1,24 41,0 2 12,0 224,0 462
391 S7-3 278,0 278,0 4 32,0 r 3284,0 0,70 4,7252 4,7252 433,0 2,17 541,00 1,25 47,0 2 24,0 920,0 442
392 S7-4 278,0 278,0 4 32,0 r 3284,0 0,70 4,7252 4,7252 433,0 2,17 541,00 1,25 47,0 2 24,0 920,0 442
420 Krefeld; Thurston (1966) 26-1 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 352,4 1,76 0,00
422 29b-1 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 338,6 1,69 0,00
425 29a-2 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 383,4 1,92 0,00
426 29b-2 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 364,1 1,82 0,00
427 29c-2 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 271,0 1,36 0,00
428 29d-2 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 290,3 1,45 0,00
430 29f-2 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 406,2 2,03 0,00
431 29g-2 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 276,6 1,38 0,00
444 39-3 455,7 455,7 4 28,7 r 2578,9 1,00 2,2282 2,2282 406,2 2,03 0,00
483 Leonhardt; Walther; ET2 300,0 300,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 1,3963 2,7925 419,9 2,10 524,84 1,25 2 8,0 100,5 456
484 DAfStb 151 (1962) ET3 300,0 300,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 1,3963 4,1888 419,9 2,10 524,84 1,25 2 8,0 100,5 456
485 ET4 300,0 300,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 1,3963 8,3776 419,9 2,10 524,84 1,25 2 8,0 100,5 456
490 Leonhardt; Walther; DAfStb 152 (1962) T1 ( r ) 825,0 825,0 16 26,0 r 8464,0 0,01 0,6840 10,2594 464,8 2,32 549,17 1,18 11 10,0 863,9
497 Leonhardt; Walther TA11 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 409,1 2,05 535,63 1,31 4 10,0 314,2 426
498 DAfStb 156 (1963) TA12 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 409,1 2,05 535,63 1,31 4 10,0 314,2 426
499 TA13 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 409,1 2,05 535,63 1,31 4 10,0 314,2 426
500 TA14 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 409,1 2,05 535,63 1,31 4 10,0 314,2 426
501 TA15 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 390,4 1,95 518,95 1,33 4 10,0 314,2 426
503 TA16 375,0 375,0 6 24,0 r 2714,3 1,00 0,7540 4,5239 390,4 1,95 518,95 1,33 4 10,0 314,2 426

App-B4_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Small_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Small ACI-DAfStb Small Evaluation Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 3

ACI-DAfStb Evalution Database vsw-RC_A2b-A

2 3 4 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
Bügelbewehrung - Stirrups uckfestigkeit - compressive compressive
Nr. Lit. Bez. Φw nsw Asw frw sw sw / h sw/d zw1 zw2 w fyw fyw *  w/100 fwtk fwk / fyw wuk Φa f1c fcwu f1ct,test βct,test f1ct,m,cal βct,cal

dw nsw Asw frw sw sw/h zw1 zw2 rhow fyw fyw_rhow_100 fwtk fwtk/fyw ewuk diaa f1c Method fcwu f1cttest Method betacttest f1ctmcal betactcal
- - - mm - mm² - mm - - mm mm % MPa MPa MPa - ‰ mm MPa - MPa MPa - - MPa -
24 Ahmad; Xie; Yu (1996) NHW-3b 6,4 2 63,3 0 63,5 0,25 0,32 166 141 0,7854 324,1 2,55 0,00 19,1 99,99 cyl 80,00 0,00 0,0000 5,20 0,0520
25 NHW-4 6,4 2 63,3 0 99,1 0,39 0,50 166 141 0,5035 324,1 1,63 0,00 19,1 95,74 cyl 76,59 0,00 0,0000 5,12 0,0535
40 Angelakos; Bentz; DB0.530M 9,5 1 71,3 r 300,0 0,30 0,32 877 0 0,0792 508,0 0,40 778,00 1,53 10,0 30,40 cyl 24,32 0,00 0,0000 2,78 0,0916
42 Collins P. (1999) DB140M 9,5 1 71,3 r 300,0 0,30 0,32 877 0 0,0792 508,0 0,40 778,00 1,53 10,0 36,10 cyl 28,88 0,00 0,0000 3,17 0,0878
62 Bhal (1968) B1S 6,0 2 56,5 r 160,0 0,46 0,53 270 0 0,1473 441,5 0,65 567,51 1,29 30,0 25,88 cu 20,70 2,26 fl 0,0873 2,46 0,0950
63 B2S 6,0 2 56,5 r 160,0 0,25 0,27 570 0 0,1473 441,5 0,65 567,51 1,29 30,0 24,18 cu 19,34 2,39 fl 0,0988 2,33 0,0964
64 B3S 6,0 2 56,5 r 160,0 0,17 0,18 870 0 0,1473 441,5 0,65 567,51 1,29 30,0 25,34 cu 20,27 2,67 fl 0,1055 2,42 0,0955
65 B4S 6,0 2 56,5 r 160,0 0,13 0,13 1170 0 0,1473 441,5 0,65 567,51 1,29 30,0 24,49 cu 19,59 2,14 fl 0,0875 2,36 0,0962
132 Cladera; Mari (2002) H 100/2 6,0 2 56,5 r 165,0 0,41 0,47 323 303 0,1714 530,0 0,91 680,00 1,28 12,0 82,65 cyl 66,12 0,00 0,0000 4,86 0,0588
243 Hamadi (1976) GT-2 6,0 2 56,5 r 125,0 0,31 0,36 320 306 0,3770 320,0 1,21 430,00 1,34 20,0 23,63 cu 18,90 0,00 0,0000 2,29 0,0969
245 Hamadi, Regan (1980) GT-4 8,0 2 100,5 r 160,0 0,40 0,46 310 306 0,5236 480,0 2,51 720,00 1,50 20,0 29,43 cu 23,54 0,00 0,0000 2,72 0,0923
247 Hegger, J.; Görtz, S.; Will, N.(2001) SVB 3b 8,0 2 100,5 r 100,0 0,20 0,22 410 0 0,5585 514,0 2,87 0,00 66,50 cyl 53,20 0,00 0,0000 4,51 0,0678
361 Kong; Rangan (1997) S1-3 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 58,51 cyl 46,81 0,00 0,0000 4,31 0,0736
362 S1-4 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 58,51 cyl 46,81 0,00 0,0000 4,31 0,0736
367 S2-3 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 66,70 cyl 53,36 3,25 sp 0,0487 4,51 0,0676
368 S2-4 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 66,70 cyl 53,36 3,25 sp 0,0487 4,51 0,0676
373 S3-3 4,0 2 24,6 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 273 223 0,0985 632,0 0,62 687,00 1,09 7,0 62,01 cyl 49,61 3,28 sp 0,0528 4,40 0,0709
374 S3-4 4,0 2 24,6 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 273 223 0,0985 632,0 0,62 687,00 1,09 7,0 62,01 cyl 49,61 3,28 sp 0,0528 4,40 0,0709
377 S4-1 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,19 499 454 0,1533 569,0 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 80,32 cyl 64,25 3,72 sp 0,0463 4,82 0,0600
380 S4-4 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 80,32 cyl 64,25 3,72 sp 0,0463 4,82 0,0600
382 S4-6 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,51 173 128 0,1533 569,0 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 80,32 cyl 64,25 3,72 sp 0,0463 4,82 0,0600
383 S5-1 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 82,25 cyl 65,80 4,80 sp 0,0583 4,86 0,0590
385 S5-3 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,34 267 222 0,1533 569,0 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 82,25 cyl 65,80 4,80 sp 0,0583 4,86 0,0590
391 S7-3 4,9 2 38,3 0 100,0 0,29 0,36 253 208 0,1533 569,0 0,87 614,00 1,08 7,0 68,82 cyl 55,05 3,68 sp 0,0535 4,56 0,0663
392 S7-4 4,9 2 38,3 0 80,0 0,23 0,29 253 208 0,1917 569,0 1,09 614,00 1,08 7,0 68,82 cyl 55,05 3,68 sp 0,0535 4,56 0,0663
420 Krefeld; Thurston (1966) 26-1 6,4 2 63,3 0 152,4 0,30 0,33 424 0 0,1636 341,4 0,56 0,00 38,13 cyl 30,50 0,00 0,0000 3,30 0,0866
422 29b-1 6,4 2 63,3 0 228,6 0,45 0,50 424 0 0,1091 341,4 0,37 0,00 35,77 cyl 28,62 0,00 0,0000 3,15 0,0880
425 29a-2 6,4 2 63,3 r 228,6 0,45 0,50 424 0 0,1091 372,4 0,41 0,00 35,31 cyl 28,25 0,00 0,0000 3,12 0,0883
426 29b-2 6,4 2 63,3 r 228,6 0,45 0,50 424 0 0,1091 372,4 0,41 0,00 39,31 cyl 31,45 0,00 0,0000 3,38 0,0859
427 29c-2 6,4 2 63,3 r 228,6 0,45 0,50 424 0 0,1091 372,4 0,41 0,00 22,93 cyl 18,34 0,00 0,0000 2,24 0,0975
428 29d-2 6,4 2 63,3 r 228,6 0,45 0,50 424 0 0,1091 372,4 0,41 0,00 28,89 cyl 23,11 0,00 0,0000 2,68 0,0927
430 29f-2 6,4 2 63,3 r 228,6 0,45 0,50 424 0 0,1091 372,4 0,41 0,00 39,70 cyl 31,76 0,00 0,0000 3,40 0,0857
431 29g-2 6,4 2 63,3 r 228,6 0,45 0,50 424 0 0,1091 372,4 0,41 0,00 14,94 cyl 11,95 0,00 0,0000 1,56 0,1043
444 39-3 9,5 2 141,9 r 228,6 0,45 0,50 408 0 0,2444 275,9 0,67 0,00 40,56 cyl 32,44 0,00 0,0000 3,45 0,0852
483 Leonhardt; Walther; ET2 6,0 2 56,5 0 110,0 0,31 0,37 270 0 0,3427 313,9 1,08 376,70 1,20 30,0 22,56 pr 18,05 2,47 fl 0,1093 2,21 0,0978
484 DAfStb 151 (1962) ET3 6,0 2 56,5 0 110,0 0,31 0,37 270 0 0,5141 313,9 1,61 376,70 1,20 30,0 22,56 pr 18,05 2,47 fl 0,1093 2,21 0,0978
485 ET4 6,0 2 56,5 0 110,0 0,31 0,37 270 0 1,0282 313,9 3,23 376,70 1,20 30,0 22,56 pr 18,05 2,47 fl 0,1093 2,21 0,0978
490 Leonhardt; Walther; DAfStb 152 (1962) T1 ( r ) 12,0 2 232,0 r 80,0 0,09 0,10 765 0 2,9000 426,6 12,37 536,42 1,26 30,0 23,01 cu 18,41 2,38 fl 0,1036 2,24 0,0974
497 Leonhardt; Walther TA11 8,0 2 100,5 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 335 0 0,5560 417,9 2,32 525,82 1,26 30,0 24,92 pr 19,93 2,41 fl 0,0969 2,39 0,0958
498 DAfStb 156 (1963) TA12 6,0 2 56,5 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 345 0 0,3128 440,5 1,38 569,96 1,29 30,0 24,92 pr 19,93 2,41 fl 0,0969 2,39 0,0958
499 TA13 12,0 2 226,2 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 315 0 1,2511 426,7 5,34 536,61 1,26 30,0 21,29 pr 17,03 2,18 fl 0,1023 2,11 0,0989
500 TA14 10,0 2 157,1 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 325 0 0,8688 425,8 3,70 537,59 1,26 30,0 21,29 pr 17,03 2,18 fl 0,1023 2,11 0,0989
501 TA15 8,0 2 100,5 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 335 0 0,5560 417,9 2,32 525,82 1,26 30,0 20,31 pr 16,25 2,35 fl 0,1159 2,03 0,0998
503 TA16 8,0 2 100,5 r 113,0 0,26 0,30 335 0 0,5560 417,9 2,32 525,82 1,26 30,0 20,31 pr 16,25 2,35 fl 0,1159 2,03 0,0998

App-B4_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Small_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Small ACI-DAfStb Small Evaluation Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 4

ACI-DAfStb Evalution Database vsw-RC_A2b-A

2 3 4 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
mech. reinforcement ratios Versuch - Test results Bruchschnittgrößen
Nr. Lit. Bez. s l wy g Vg F Vu,g+F,Rep Vu,Rep Vu_g+F βr xr sl,a σsw,meas σsw,ass σsw ωwu andere Bruchart Mu u u,test

oms oml omwy g Vg F Vu_F+g,rep Vu_Rep Vu_gF betar_meas xr_meas xr sigswmeas sigswass sigsw omwu andbr Mu muu vutest
- - - - - - kN/m kN kN kN kN kN [°] mm mm MPa MPa MPa - - kNm - -
24 Ahmad; Xie; Yu (1996) NHW-3b 0,1906 0,1906 0,0318 0,77 0,24 122,54 122,78 122,78 289 324 324 0,0318 71,03 0,1425 0,0707
25 NHW-4 0,1991 0,1991 0,0213 0,77 0,31 93,72 94,03 94,03 388 324 324 0,0213 73,03 0,1530 0,0571
40 Angelakos; Bentz; DB0.530M 0,0913 0,0913 0,0165 7,20 9,86 256,00 265,86 265,86 1331 508 508 0,0165 707,71 0,0907 0,0416
42 Collins P. (1999) DB140M 0,1537 0,1537 0,0139 7,20 9,50 270,00 279,50 279,50 1380 1380 508 508 0,0139 744,04 0,0803 0,0367
62 Bhal (1968) B1S 0,2067 0,2067 0,0314 2,02 1,17 127,53 128,70 128,70 321 321 438 438 0,0312 104,25 0,1865 0,0976
63 B2S 0,2213 0,2213 0,0336 3,74 1,87 247,70 249,57 249,57 1300 1300 441 441 0,0336 419,29 0,2007 0,1021
64 B3S 0,2111 0,2111 0,0321 5,47 3,97 365,42 369,39 369,39 1975 1975 441 441 0,0321 947,48 0,1923 0,0956
65 B4S 0,2185 0,2185 0,0332 7,20 13,50 459,11 472,61 472,61 1725 441 441 0,0332 1630,50 0,1926 0,0953
132 Cladera; Mari (2002) H 100/2 0,1378 0,1378 0,0137 1,92 1,07 225,55 226,62 521 530 530 0,0137 235,14 0,1142 0,0533
243 Hamadi (1976) GT-2 0,1216 0,1216 0,0638 2,06 1,33 148,50 149,83 606 320 320 0,0638 180,06 0,1244 0,2005
245 Hamadi, Regan (1980) GT-4 0,1598 0,1598 0,1067 2,06 1,33 227,50 228,83 606 480 480 0,1067 275,84 0,1530 0,2530
247 Hegger, J.; Görtz, S.; Will, N.(2001) SVB 3b 0,2380 0,2380 0,0540 2,40 1,80 427,00 428,80 750 514 514 0,0540 640,50 0,2162 0,1183
361 Kong; Rangan (1997) S1-3 0,2165 0,2165 0,0186 2,10 1,31 206,10 207,41 41 354 354 314 314 0,0103 150,45 0,1206 0,0660
362 S1-4 0,2165 0,2165 0,0186 2,10 1,41 277,90 279,31 40 310 310 450 450 0,0147 202,87 0,1627 0,0925
367 S2-3 0,1899 0,1899 0,0164 2,10 1,31 253,30 254,61 354 354 266 266 0,0076 184,91 0,1301 0,0721
368 S2-4 0,1899 0,1899 0,0164 2,10 1,20 219,40 220,60 55 408 408 279 279 0,0080 160,16 0,1126 0,0615
373 S3-3 0,2036 0,2036 0,0126 2,10 1,18 228,60 229,78 47 420 420 300 300 0,0060 166,88 0,1254 0,0693
374 S3-4 0,2036 0,2036 0,0126 2,10 1,22 174,90 176,12 58 398 398 350 350 0,0070 127,68 0,0959 0,0517
377 S4-1 0,1758 0,1758 0,0136 2,10 2,03 354,00 356,03 53 585 585 183 183 0,0044 460,20 0,0835 0,0450
380 S4-4 0,1577 0,1577 0,0136 2,10 1,26 258,10 259,36 381 381 317 317 0,0076 188,41 0,1101 0,0604
382 S4-6 0,1534 0,1534 0,0136 2,10 1,05 202,90 203,95 250 300 300 0,0072 101,45 0,1289 0,0714
383 S5-1 0,1540 0,1540 0,0133 2,10 1,37 241,70 243,07 47 476 476 411 411 0,0096 212,70 0,1213 0,0559
385 S5-3 0,1540 0,1540 0,0133 2,10 1,34 243,80 245,14 45 341 341 300 300 0,0070 177,97 0,1015 0,0553
391 S7-3 0,2973 0,2973 0,0158 2,10 1,04 246,50 247,54 473 372 372 0,0104 232,94 0,1752 0,0750
392 S7-4 0,2973 0,2973 0,0198 2,10 1,04 273,60 274,64 473 375 375 0,0131 258,55 0,1945 0,0851
420 Krefeld; Thurston (1966) 26-1 0,2059 0,2059 0,0183 3,10 2,93 206,83 209,76 883 341 341 0,0183 365,12 0,1816 0,0667
422 29b-1 0,2109 0,2109 0,0130 3,10 2,93 160,13 163,06 883 341 341 0,0130 282,67 0,1498 0,0535
425 29a-2 0,2419 0,2419 0,0144 3,10 2,93 216,62 219,55 883 372 372 0,0144 382,40 0,2053 0,0769
426 29b-2 0,2064 0,2064 0,0129 3,10 2,93 202,38 205,31 883 372 372 0,0129 357,27 0,1723 0,0629
427 29c-2 0,2634 0,2634 0,0221 3,10 2,93 161,46 164,39 883 372 372 0,0221 285,03 0,2357 0,0889
428 29d-2 0,2239 0,2239 0,0176 3,10 2,93 165,02 167,95 883 372 372 0,0176 291,31 0,1912 0,0704
430 29f-2 0,2280 0,2280 0,0128 3,10 2,93 234,41 237,34 883 372 372 0,0128 413,80 0,1976 0,0738
431 29g-2 0,4125 0,4125 0,0340 3,10 2,93 149,90 152,83 883 372 372 0,0340 264,61 0,3359 0,1388
444 39-3 0,2232 0,2232 0,0208 3,10 2,93 239,75 242,68 883 276 276 0,0208 423,23 0,1979 0,0737
483 Leonhardt; Walther; ET2 0,2598 0,2598 0,0596 1,53 1,94 129,00 131,94 130,94 130,94 41 233 233 314 314 0,0596 137,49 0,2257 0,1881
484 DAfStb 151 (1962) ET3 0,2598 0,2598 0,0894 1,20 1,17 125,08 127,53 126,25 126,25 525 314 314 0,0894 132,56 0,2176 0,2707
485 ET4 0,2598 0,2598 0,1788 0,99 0,97 97,12 99,08 98,08 98,08 525 314 314 0,1788 102,99 0,1691 0,4042
490 Leonhardt; Walther; DAfStb 152 (1962) T1 ( r ) 0,1381 0,1381 0,6719 8,70 15,23 784,80 800,03 800,03 1250 315 315 0,4964 2000,06 0,0851 0,5540
497 Leonhardt; Walther TA11 0,1238 0,1238 0,1166 3,23 2,82 335,50 340,90 338,32 338,32 625 418 418 0,1166 422,91 0,1257 0,3038
498 DAfStb 156 (1963) TA12 0,1238 0,1238 0,0691 3,23 2,82 264,87 270,27 267,69 267,69 625 440 440 0,0691 334,62 0,0995 0,2378
499 TA13 0,1449 0,1449 0,3135 3,23 2,82 343,35 348,75 346,17 346,17 625 348 348 0,2556 432,72 0,1506 0,3679
500 TA14 0,1449 0,1449 0,2172 3,23 2,82 333,54 338,94 336,36 336,36 625 425 425 0,2167 420,45 0,1463 0,3575
501 TA15 0,1450 0,1450 0,1430 3,23 2,82 292,34 297,73 295,16 295,16 625 418 418 0,1430 368,95 0,1346 0,3288
503 TA16 0,1450 0,1450 0,1430 3,23 2,82 293,32 298,71 296,14 296,14 625 418 418 0,1430 370,18 0,1350 0,3298

App-B4_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Small_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Small ACI-DAfStb Small Evaluation Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 5

ACI-DAfStb Evalution Database vsw-RC_A2b-A

2 3 4 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Kontrolle Biegung Querkraft - PT (mit=0,80 Querkraft - PT im Versuch anchorage
Nr. Lit. Bez. c sl test test ztest  z flex u_flex u,flex flex Bbem sin²p p cotp uP wp cotu u u lb

kapc sigsl xsitest zetatest z_test zeta z_ muflex Mu_flex Vu_flex betaflex BB sin2thp thp cotthp vup gamwp cotthu thu nueu betalb VB A2+A3
- - - - MPa - - mm - mm - - kN - - - [ °] - - - - [ °] - - - -
24 Ahmad; Xie; Yu (1996) NHW-3b 0,600 365 0,275 0,862 171 0,841 167 0,1603 79,93 138,17 0,89 0,03 10,28 5,52 0,18 0,40 2,22 24,22 0,15 0,73 1
25 NHW-4 0,617 378 0,290 0,855 169 0,839 166 0,1670 79,69 102,62 0,92 0,02 8,39 6,78 0,14 0,40 2,68 20,47 0,14 0,57 1
40 Angelakos; Bentz; DB0.530M 0,878 550 0,104 0,948 877 0,948 877 0,0865 675,24 253,66 1,05 BB 0,02 7,39 7,71 0,13 0,33 2,51 21,70 0,10 0,80 1
42 Collins P. (1999) DB140M 0,856 302 0,099 0,951 879 0,910 842 0,1399 1296,52 487,05 0,57 0,01 6,78 8,41 0,12 0,31 2,63 20,79 0,09 0,37 1
62 Bhal (1968) B1S 0,896 426 0,231 0,885 265 0,885 265 0,1829 102,24 126,22 1,02 BB 0,03 10,21 5,55 0,17 0,56 3,13 17,71 0,27 0,69 1
63 B2S 0,903 426 0,245 0,878 527 0,878 527 0,1942 405,64 241,45 1,03 BB 0,03 10,56 5,36 0,18 0,57 3,04 18,22 0,28 0,56 1
64 B3S 0,899 426 0,235 0,883 794 0,883 794 0,1863 917,89 357,85 1,03 BB 0,03 10,32 5,49 0,18 0,54 2,98 18,55 0,25 0,47 1
65 B4S 0,902 426 0,242 0,879 1055 0,879 1055 0,1920 1625,11 471,05 1,00 BB 0,03 10,50 5,40 0,18 0,53 2,87 19,20 0,25 0,44 1
132 Cladera; Mari (2002) H 100/2 0,669 457 0,188 0,906 320 0,897 317 0,1236 254,67 244,29 0,92 0,01 6,73 8,47 0,12 0,46 3,88 14,44 0,18 0,56 1
243 Hamadi (1976) GT-2 0,906 400 0,134 0,933 327 0,933 327 0,1134 164,12 135,36 1,10 BB 0,06 14,63 3,83 0,24 0,82 3,14 17,66 0,56 0,57 1
245 Hamadi, Regan (1980) GT-4 0,882 655 0,181 0,909 318 0,909 318 0,1453 261,99 216,08 1,05 BB 0,11 19,07 2,89 0,31 0,82 2,37 22,88 0,57 0,74 1
247 Hegger, J.; Görtz, S.; Will, N.(2001) SVB 3b 0,734 532 0,324 0,838 377 0,838 377 0,1994 590,78 393,85 1,08 BB 0,05 13,43 4,19 0,23 0,52 2,19 24,53 0,25 0,54 1
361 Kong; Rangan (1997) S1-3 0,766 276 0,172 0,914 267 0,859 251 0,1859 231,87 317,64 0,65 0,02 7,85 7,26 0,14 0,49 6,42 8,85 0,35 0,27 1
362 S1-4 0,766 386 0,242 0,879 257 0,859 251 0,1859 231,87 317,64 0,87 0,02 7,85 7,26 0,14 0,68 6,27 9,05 0,48 0,36 1
367 S2-3 0,733 343 0,197 0,902 263 0,870 254 0,1653 235,06 322,00 0,79 0,02 7,35 7,76 0,13 0,57 9,44 6,05 0,55 0,31 1
368 S2-4 0,733 293 0,168 0,916 268 0,870 254 0,1653 235,06 322,00 0,68 0,02 7,35 7,76 0,13 0,48 7,68 7,42 0,38 0,27 1
373 S3-3 0,752 307 0,184 0,908 266 0,865 253 0,1760 234,28 320,93 0,71 0,01 6,43 8,87 0,11 0,62 11,63 4,92 0,65 0,28 1
374 S3-4 0,752 229 0,137 0,932 273 0,865 253 0,1760 234,28 320,93 0,54 0,01 6,43 8,87 0,11 0,46 7,43 7,66 0,31 0,22 1
377 S4-1 0,679 230 0,132 0,934 490 0,870 456 0,1530 843,67 648,98 0,55 0,01 6,69 8,52 0,12 0,39 10,29 5,55 0,37 0,03 1
380 S4-4 0,679 346 0,178 0,911 266 0,884 258 0,1394 238,66 326,93 0,79 0,01 6,69 8,52 0,12 0,52 7,99 7,13 0,39 0,23 1
382 S4-6 0,679 415 0,212 0,894 177 0,887 176 0,1361 107,12 214,24 0,95 0,01 6,69 8,52 0,12 0,62 9,97 5,73 0,58 0,43 1
383 S5-1 0,671 396 0,201 0,899 263 0,885 258 0,1363 239,05 271,64 0,89 0,01 6,61 8,63 0,11 0,49 5,85 9,70 0,27 0,32 1
385 S5-3 0,671 325 0,165 0,918 268 0,885 258 0,1363 239,05 327,46 0,74 0,01 6,61 8,63 0,11 0,48 7,91 7,20 0,36 0,27 1
391 S7-3 0,725 297 0,281 0,859 239 0,795 221 0,2363 314,22 332,51 0,74 0,02 7,23 7,88 0,12 0,60 7,23 7,87 0,44 0,19 1
392 S7-4 0,725 337 0,319 0,840 234 0,795 221 0,2363 314,22 332,51 0,82 0,02 8,09 7,03 0,14 0,61 6,52 8,72 0,45 0,21 1
420 Krefeld; Thurston (1966) 26-1 0,847 352 0,243 0,879 400 0,879 400 0,1809 363,82 206,10 1,00 BB 0,02 7,78 7,32 0,13 0,50 3,64 15,35 0,21 0,30 1
422 29b-1 0,857 266 0,194 0,903 412 0,877 400 0,1850 348,96 197,68 0,81 0,01 6,55 8,71 0,11 0,47 4,11 13,66 0,19 0,24 1
425 29a-2 0,859 378 0,278 0,861 392 0,859 391 0,2079 387,13 219,30 0,99 0,01 6,89 8,28 0,12 0,65 5,35 10,59 0,34 0,33 1
426 29b-2 0,843 344 0,231 0,884 403 0,878 400 0,1811 375,52 212,72 0,95 0,01 6,53 8,74 0,11 0,56 4,87 11,61 0,26 0,28 1
427 29c-2 0,908 271 0,290 0,855 390 0,855 390 0,2252 272,33 154,27 1,05 BB 0,02 8,56 6,65 0,15 0,60 4,02 13,98 0,30 0,34 1
428 29d-2 0,884 283 0,247 0,877 400 0,873 398 0,1956 298,01 168,81 0,98 0,02 7,62 7,48 0,13 0,54 4,00 14,03 0,24 0,29 1
430 29f-2 0,841 406 0,271 0,864 394 0,864 394 0,1971 412,67 233,77 1,00 BB 0,01 6,49 8,79 0,11 0,66 5,77 9,84 0,35 0,33 1
431 29g-2 0,940 277 0,439 0,781 356 0,781 356 0,3220 253,70 143,71 1,04 BB 0,03 10,62 5,33 0,18 0,77 4,08 13,76 0,48 0,47 1
444 39-3 0,838 406 0,266 0,867 395 0,867 395 0,1934 413,77 234,39 1,02 BB 0,02 8,29 6,86 0,14 0,52 3,54 15,76 0,23 0,33 1
483 Leonhardt; Walther; ET2 0,910 420 0,286 0,857 257 0,857 257 0,2227 135,68 129,22 1,01 BB 0,06 14,13 3,97 0,24 0,79 3,16 17,59 0,52 0,73 1
484 DAfStb 151 (1962) ET3 0,910 408 0,278 0,861 258 0,857 257 0,2227 135,68 129,22 0,98 0,09 17,40 3,19 0,29 0,95 3,03 18,27 0,73 0,71 1
485 ET4 0,910 305 0,207 0,896 269 0,857 257 0,2227 135,68 129,22 0,76 0,18 25,02 2,14 0,38 1,05 2,26 23,87 0,87 0,55 1
490 Leonhardt; Walther; DAfStb 152 (1962) T1 ( r ) 0,908 301 0,099 0,951 784 0,924 762 0,1276 2998,92 1199,57 0,67 0,67 55,06 0,70 0,47 1,18 1,12 41,86 0,89 0,01 1
497 Leonhardt; Walther TA11 0,900 409 0,137 0,931 349 0,931 349 0,1153 387,77 310,21 1,09 BB 0,12 19,96 2,75 0,32 0,95 2,61 21,00 0,73 0,66 1
498 DAfStb 156 (1963) TA12 0,900 349 0,117 0,941 353 0,931 349 0,1153 387,77 310,21 0,86 0,07 15,24 3,67 0,25 0,94 3,44 16,21 0,71 0,53 1
499 TA13 0,915 409 0,158 0,921 345 0,921 345 0,1334 383,42 306,73 1,13 BB 0,31 34,05 1,48 0,46 0,79 1,44 34,79 0,63 0,77 1
500 TA14 0,915 409 0,158 0,921 345 0,921 345 0,1334 383,42 306,73 1,097 BB 0,22 27,78 1,90 0,41 0,87 1,65 31,22 0,65 0,75 1
501 TA15 0,919 390 0,158 0,921 345 0,921 345 0,1335 366,06 292,85 1,01 BB 0,14 22,22 2,45 0,35 0,94 2,30 23,51 0,72 0,69 1
503 TA16 0,919 390 0,158 0,921 345 0,921 345 0,1335 366,06 292,85 1,01 BB 0,14 22,22 2,45 0,35 0,94 2,31 23,44 0,72 0,69 1

App-B4_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Small_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Small ACI-DAfStb Small Evaluation Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 6

ACI-DAfStb Evalution Database vsw-RC_A2b-A

2 3 4 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126

Nr. Lit. Bez. f1ck fcm,cyl fck f´c

kon34 KONA4 KONA5 A4+A5 Differenz f1ck fcm_cyl fck fc_prime Vct_ACI Vs_ACI Vcal_sACI Vmax_ACI rat_smax VACI_cal gmod_ACI
- - - - - - - - MPa MPa MPa MPa kN kN kN kN kN
24 Ahmad; Xie; Yu (1996) NHW-3b 1 1 0 1 0 96,2 105,3 101,3 102,9 42,38 64,05 106,44 211,92 0,502 106,44 1,154
25 NHW-4 1 1 0 1 0 91,9 100,8 96,8 98,4 41,45 41,06 82,51 207,26 0,398 82,51 1,140
40 Angelakos; Bentz; DB0.530M 1 0 1 1 0 26,6 32,0 28,0 29,6 250,76 111,61 362,37 1253,79 0,289 362,37 0,734
42 Collins P. (1999) DB140M 1 0 1 1 0 32,3 38,0 34,0 35,6 275,00 111,61 386,61 1375,00 0,281 386,61 0,723
62 Bhal (1968) B1S 1 0 1 1 0 22,1 27,2 23,2 24,8 59,60 46,81 106,41 298,02 0,357 106,41 1,209
63 B2S 1 0 1 1 0 20,4 25,5 21,5 23,1 114,83 93,61 208,45 574,17 0,363 208,45 1,197
64 B3S 1 0 1 1 0 21,5 26,7 22,7 24,3 176,75 140,42 317,17 883,75 0,359 317,17 1,165
65 B4S 1 0 1 1 0 20,7 25,8 21,8 23,4 231,28 187,23 418,51 1156,42 0,362 418,51 1,129
132 Cladera; Mari (2002) H 100/2 1 1 0 1 0 78,9 87,0 83,0 84,6 107,85 64,12 171,97 539,27 0,319 171,97 1,312
243 Hamadi (1976) GT-2 1 1 0 1 0 19,8 24,9 20,9 22,5 33,07 50,67 83,73 165,33 0,506 83,73 1,773
245 Hamadi, Regan (1980) GT-4 1 1 0 1 0 25,6 31,0 27,0 28,6 37,29 105,56 142,85 186,46 0,766 142,85 1,593
247 Hegger, J.; Görtz, S.; Will, N.(2001) SVB 3b 1 1 0 1 0 62,7 70,0 66,0 67,6 110,61 232,53 343,14 553,06 0,620 343,14 1,244
361 Kong; Rangan (1997) S1-3 1 0 1 1 0 54,7 61,6 57,6 59,2 93,28 63,69 156,97 466,41 0,337 156,97 1,313
362 S1-4 1 0 1 1 0 54,7 61,6 57,6 59,2 93,28 63,69 156,97 466,41 0,337 156,97 1,770
367 S2-3 1 0 1 1 0 62,9 70,2 66,2 67,8 99,84 63,69 163,53 499,21 0,328 163,53 1,549
368 S2-4 1 0 1 1 0 62,9 70,2 66,2 67,8 99,84 63,69 163,53 499,21 0,328 163,53 1,342
373 S3-3 1 0 1 1 0 58,2 65,3 61,3 62,9 96,47 45,61 142,08 482,34 0,295 142,08 1,609
374 S3-4 1 0 1 1 0 58,2 65,3 61,3 62,9 96,47 45,61 142,08 482,34 0,295 142,08 1,231
377 S4-1 1 0 1 1 0 76,5 84,5 80,5 82,1 197,20 114,29 311,49 985,99 0,316 311,49 1,136
380 S4-4 1 0 1 1 0 76,5 84,5 80,5 82,1 109,89 63,69 173,58 549,45 0,316 173,58 1,487
382 S4-6 1 0 1 1 0 76,5 84,5 80,5 82,1 74,51 43,19 117,70 372,57 0,316 117,70 1,724
383 S5-1 1 1 0 1 0 78,4 86,6 82,6 84,2 111,24 63,69 174,93 556,21 0,315 174,93 1,382
385 S5-3 1 0 1 1 0 78,4 86,6 82,6 84,2 111,24 63,69 174,93 556,21 0,315 174,93 1,394
391 S7-3 1 1 0 1 0 65,0 72,4 68,4 70,0 96,60 60,64 157,24 483,02 0,326 157,24 1,568
392 S7-4 1 1 0 1 0 65,0 72,4 68,4 70,0 96,60 75,80 172,40 483,02 0,357 172,40 1,587
420 Krefeld; Thurston (1966) 26-1 1 1 0 1 0 34,3 40,1 36,1 37,7 118,09 64,65 182,74 590,47 0,309 182,74 1,132
422 29b-1 1 1 0 1 0 32,0 37,7 33,7 35,3 114,14 43,10 157,24 570,71 0,276 157,24 1,018
425 29a-2 1 1 0 1 0 31,5 37,2 33,2 34,8 113,36 47,02 160,38 566,79 0,283 160,38 1,351
426 29b-2 1 1 0 1 0 35,5 41,4 37,4 39,0 120,02 47,02 167,04 600,10 0,278 167,04 1,212
427 29c-2 1 1 0 1 0 19,1 24,1 20,1 21,7 89,63 47,02 136,65 448,14 0,305 136,65 1,182
428 29d-2 1 1 0 1 0 25,1 30,4 26,4 28,0 101,75 47,02 148,77 508,74 0,292 148,77 1,109
430 29f-2 1 1 0 1 0 35,9 41,8 37,8 39,4 120,66 47,02 167,67 603,28 0,278 167,67 1,398
431 29g-2 1 1 0 1 0 11,1 15,7 11,7 13,3 70,17 47,02 117,19 350,85 0,334 117,19 1,279
444 39-3 1 1 0 1 0 36,8 42,7 38,7 40,3 122,02 78,05 200,07 610,10 0,328 200,07 1,198
483 Leonhardt; Walther; ET2 1 1 0 1 0 18,8 23,8 19,8 21,4 34,54 48,41 82,95 172,68 0,480 82,95 1,579
484 DAfStb 151 (1962) ET3 1 1 0 1 0 18,8 23,8 19,8 21,4 23,02 48,41 71,44 115,12 0,621 71,44 1,767
485 ET4 0 0 0 0 1 18,8 23,8 19,8 21,4 11,51 48,41 59,93 57,56 1,041 57,56 1,704
490 Leonhardt; Walther; DAfStb 152 (1962) T1 ( r ) 1 1 0 1 0 19,2 24,2 20,2 21,8 64,01 1020,61 1084,63 320,07 3,389 320,07 2,500
497 Leonhardt; Walther TA11 1 1 0 1 0 21,1 26,2 22,2 23,8 48,65 139,42 188,07 243,23 0,773 188,07 1,799
498 DAfStb 156 (1963) TA12 1 1 0 1 0 21,1 26,2 22,2 23,8 48,65 82,66 131,31 243,23 0,540 131,31 2,039
499 TA13 1 1 0 1 0 17,5 22,4 18,4 20,0 44,58 320,33 364,90 222,88 1,637 222,88 1,553
500 TA14 1 1 0 1 0 17,5 22,4 18,4 20,0 44,58 221,94 266,51 222,88 1,196 222,88 1,509
501 TA15 1 1 0 1 0 16,5 21,4 17,4 19,0 43,41 139,42 182,83 217,05 0,842 182,83 1,614
503 TA16 1 1 0 1 0 16,5 21,4 17,4 19,0 43,41 139,42 182,83 217,05 0,842 182,83 1,620

App-B4_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Small_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Small ACI-DAfStb Small Evaluation Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 7

E b bw h hf hh,top hw hft hh,bot bft Ac zc2 aa af ba L c a kap cc

- - - SI / A mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm² mm mm mm mm mm mm mm - mm
Levi_1989/1993_001_RC 30 A1 504 Levi; RC 30 A1 SI 900,0 120,0 1050,0 130,0 700,0 220,0 350,0 278000 432,8 250,0 9600,0 2000,0 3800,0 4,04
Levi_1989/1993_002_RC 30 A2 505 Marro RC 30 A2 SI 900,0 120,0 1050,0 130,0 700,0 220,0 350,0 278000 432,8 250,0 9600,0 2000,0 3800,0 4,04
Levi_1989/1993_003_RC 60 A1 506 (1989/1993) RC 60 A1 SI 900,0 120,0 1050,0 130,0 700,0 220,0 350,0 278000 432,8 250,0 9600,0 2000,0 3800,0 4,04
Levi_1989/1993_004_RC 60 A2 507 RC 60 A2 SI 900,0 120,0 1050,0 130,0 700,0 220,0 350,0 278000 432,8 250,0 9600,0 2000,0 3800,0 4,04
Levi_1989/1993_005_RC 60 B1 508 RC 60 B1 SI 900,0 120,0 1050,0 130,0 700,0 220,0 350,0 278000 432,8 250,0 9600,0 2000,0 3800,0 4,04
Levi_1989/1993_006_RC 60 B2 509 RC 60 B2 SI 900,0 120,0 1050,0 130,0 700,0 220,0 350,0 278000 432,8 250,0 9600,0 2000,0 3800,0 4,04
Levi_1989/1993_007_RC 70 B1 510 RC 70 B1 SI 900,0 120,0 1050,0 130,0 700,0 220,0 350,0 278000 432,8 250,0 9600,0 2000,0 3800,0 4,04
Lynberg_1974_001_5A-0 511 Lyngberg 5A-0 SI 700,0 120,0 600,0 90,0 10,0 360,0 110,0 30,0 380,0 159600 261,1 425,0 5000,0 2000,0 1500,0 2,78 20,0
Lynberg_1974_002_5B-0 512 (1974) 5B-0 SI 700,0 120,0 600,0 90,0 10,0 360,0 110,0 30,0 380,0 159600 261,1 425,0 5000,0 2000,0 1500,0 2,78 20,0
Moayer_1974_002_P20 525 Moayer; Regan (1974) P20 A 599,4 149,9 320,0 81,3 238,8 84503 108,4 76,2 26,7 304,8 1981,2 26,7 977,3 3,50
Özden_1967_002_T6 534 Özden (1967) T6 SI 400,0 110,0 355,0 80,0 275,0 62250 126,3 120,0 130,0 250,0 3000,0 900,0 1050,0 3,52 19,0
Özden_1967_003_T7 535 T7 SI 400,0 110,0 355,0 80,0 275,0 62250 126,3 120,0 130,0 250,0 3000,0 900,0 1050,0 3,52 19,0
Özden_1967_004_T9 536 T9 SI 400,0 110,0 355,0 80,0 275,0 62250 126,3 120,0 130,0 250,0 3000,0 900,0 1050,0 3,52 19,0
Petersson_1972_001_V1 564 Petersson (1972) V1 SI 175,0 175,0 353,0 61775 176,5 175,0 100,0 300,0 2600,0 100,0 1150,0 3,57
Petersson_1972_002_VL1 565 VL1 SI 301,0 120,0 307,0 63,0 175,0 63,0 301,0 60732 151,9 300,0 100,0 300,0 2200,0 100,0 900,0 3,24
Regan_1971_024_T6 605 Regan (1971) T6 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 76,0 229,0 81168 103,4 60,0 50,0 300,0 1828,8 50,0 889,4 3,50 25,4
Regan_1971_027_T9 608 T9 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 76,0 229,0 81168 103,4 60,0 50,0 300,0 1828,8 50,0 889,4 3,50 25,4
Regan_1971_032_T17 613 T17 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 76,0 229,0 81168 103,4 60,0 50,0 300,0 3657,6 50,0 1803,8 7,10 25,4
Regan_1971_034_T20 615 T20 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 76,0 229,0 81168 103,4 60,0 50,0 300,0 2743,2 50,0 1346,6 5,30 25,4
Regan_1971_039_T26 620 T26 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 76,0 229,0 81168 103,4 60,0 50,0 300,0 1828,8 50,0 889,4 3,50 25,4
Regan_1971_044_T32 625 T32 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 76,0 229,0 81168 103,4 60,0 50,0 300,0 1828,8 50,0 889,4 3,50 25,4
Regan_1971_049_T37 630 T37 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 76,0 229,0 81168 103,4 60,0 50,0 300,0 1828,8 50,0 889,4 3,50 25,4
Regan_1971_050_T38 631 T38 SI 610,0 152,0 305,0 142,0 163,0 111396 104,9 60,0 50,0 300,0 1828,8 50,0 889,4 3,50 25,4
Regan_1971_056_W1 637 W1 SI 610,0 64,0 305,0 76,0 127,0 64,0 38,0 254,0 76786 113,3 75,0 50,0 305,0 1830,0 50,0 890,0 3,33 25,4
Regan_1971_059_W5 640 W5 SI 610,0 64,0 305,0 76,0 127,0 64,0 38,0 254,0 76786 113,3 75,0 50,0 305,0 1830,0 50,0 890,0 3,33 25,4
Reineck_1991_001_Stb III 647 Reineck (1991) Stb III SI 838,0 77,0 648,0 107,0 441,0 100,0 837,0 207323 318,2 120,0 160,0 700,0 5200,0 160,0 2520,0 4,27
Reineck_1991_002_Stb I 648 Stb I SI 837,0 77,0 650,0 100,0 440,0 110,0 838,0 209760 333,1 120,0 160,0 700,0 5190,0 160,0 2515,0 4,27
Roller_1990_007_7 658 Roller; Russel (1990) 7 A 457,2 457,2 870,0 397741 435,0 266,7 133,4 152,4 4572,0 133,4 2219,3 2,91
Roller_1990_009_9 660 9 A 457,2 457,2 870,0 397741 435,0 266,7 133,4 152,4 4572,0 133,4 2219,3 2,91
Roller_1990_010_10 661 10 A 457,2 457,2 870,0 397741 435,0 266,7 133,4 152,4 4572,0 133,4 2219,3 2,91
Sarsam_1992_010_BS4-H 671 Sarsam; BS4-H SI 180,0 180,0 270,0 48600 135,0 100,0 100,0 150,0 1565,0 400,0 582,5 2,50 25,0
Sarsam_1992_013_CS3-H 674 Al-Musawi (1992) CS3-H SI 180,0 180,0 270,0 48600 135,0 100,0 100,0 150,0 1565,0 400,0 582,5 2,50 25,0
Sarsam_1992_014_CS4-H 675 CS4-H SI 180,0 180,0 270,0 48600 135,0 100,0 100,0 150,0 1565,0 400,0 582,5 2,50 25,0
Shin_1999_022_HB 2.5-50 697 Shin; Lee; Moon; Gosh (1999) HB 2.5-50 SI 125,0 125,0 250,0 31250 125,0 22,5 100,0 1075,0 22,5 526,3 2,45
Soerensen_1974_003_T-23 702 Soerensen (1974) T-23 SI 400,0 110,0 355,0 80,0 275,0 62250 126,3 100,0 100,0 250,0 3000,0 900,0 1050,0 3,52 26,0
Stroband_1997_002_2 711 Stroband (1997) 2 SI 500,0 90,0 700,0 125,0 25,0 400,0 75,0 75,0 500,0 165500 335,5 242,3 91,4 346,2 5000,0 69,2 1654,3 2,56
Stroband_1997_003_3 712 3 SI 500,0 90,0 700,0 125,0 25,0 400,0 75,0 75,0 500,0 165500 335,5 242,3 91,4 346,2 5000,0 69,2 1654,3 2,56
Yoon_1996_003_N2-N 803 Yoon; Cook; N2-N SI 375,0 375,0 750,0 281250 375,0 150,0 75,0 350,0 4300,0 75,0 2112,5 3,23 40,0
Yoon_1996_006_M2-N 806 Mitchell (1996) M2-N SI 375,0 375,0 750,0 281250 375,0 150,0 75,0 350,0 4300,0 75,0 2112,5 3,23 40,0
Yoon_1996_008_H2-S 808 H2-S SI 375,0 375,0 750,0 281250 375,0 150,0 75,0 350,0 4300,0 75,0 2112,5 3,23 40,0
Yoon_1996_009_H2-N 809 H2-N SI 375,0 200,0 750,0 281250 375,0 150,0 75,0 350,0 4300,0 75,0 2112,5 3,23 40,0
Kautsch_2010_001_A2 820 Kautsch (2010) A2 SI 655,0 155,0 820,0 150,0 20,0 650,0 155,0 207100 282,6 100,0 150,0 200,0 4000,0 1925,0 2,68 20,0
Kautsch_2010_002_B2 821 B2 SI 655,0 155,0 820,0 150,0 20,0 650,0 155,0 207100 282,6 100,0 150,0 200,0 4000,0 1925,0 2,68 20,0
Plain 35
Ripp 52

App-B4_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Small_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Small ACI-DAfStb Small Evaluation Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 8

ds d ns dst fR As alphaa rhos rhosw fsy esy ftk ftk/fsy euk ds2 ns2 dst2 As2 fsy2
- - - mm mm - mm - mm² - % % MPa ‰ MPa - ‰ mm - mm mm² MPa
504 Levi; RC 30 A1 940,0 940,0 20 24,0 r 9047,8 1,00 1,0695 8,0211 500,0 2,50 0,00
505 Marro RC 30 A2 940,0 940,0 20 24,0 r 9047,8 1,00 1,0695 8,0211 500,0 2,50 0,00
506 (1989/1993) RC 60 A1 940,0 940,0 20 26,0 r 10618,6 1,00 1,2552 9,4136 450,0 2,25 0,00
507 RC 60 A2 940,0 940,0 20 26,0 r 10618,6 1,00 1,2552 9,4136 450,0 2,25 0,00
508 RC 60 B1 940,0 940,0 20 30,0 r 14137,2 1,00 1,6711 12,5329 470,0 2,35 0,00
509 RC 60 B2 940,0 940,0 20 30,0 r 14137,2 1,00 1,6711 12,5329 470,0 2,35 0,00
510 RC 70 B1 940,0 940,0 20 30,0 r 14137,2 1,00 1,6711 12,5329 470,0 2,35 0,00
511 Lyngberg 5A-0 540,0 540,0 8 20,0 r 2513,3 1,00 0,6649 3,8785 616,3 3,08 725,00 1,18 6 10,0 471,2
512 (1974) 5B-0 540,0 540,0 8 20,0 r 2513,3 1,00 0,6649 3,8785 623,1 3,12 733,00 1,18 6 10,0 471,2
525 Moayer; Regan (1974) P20 279,4 279,4 4 15,9 r 791,7 1,00 0,4727 1,8909 641,4 3,21 937,93 1,46
534 Özden (1967) T6 298,0 298,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 1,0542 3,8335 441,5 2,21 448,32 1,02
535 T7 298,0 298,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 1,0542 3,8335 447,3 2,24 448,32 1,00
536 T9 298,0 298,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 1,0542 3,8335 444,4 2,22 448,32 1,01
564 Petersson (1972) V1 322,0 322,0 3 16,0 r 603,2 1,00 1,0704 1,0704 977,0 4,89 0,00 2 10,0 157,1 463
565 VL1 278,0 278,0 5 16,0 r 1005,3 1,00 1,2014 3,0135 990,0 4,95 0,00 2 16,0 402,1 635
605 Regan (1971) T6 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270
608 T9 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270
613 T17 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270
615 T20 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270
620 T26 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270
625 T32 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270
630 T37 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270
631 T38 254,0 254,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 1,0381 4,1662 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 6 9,7 443,4 270
637 W1 267,0 267,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 0,9876 9,4130 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 4 10,0 314,2 275
640 W5 267,0 267,0 8 16,0 r 1608,5 1,00 0,9876 9,4130 630,0 3,15 950,00 1,51 4 10,0 314,2 275
647 Reineck (1991) Stb III 590,0 590,0 4 28,0 r 6157,5 1,00 1,2454 13,5539 514,6 2,57 605,00 1,18 5 28,0 7081,1 514
648 Stb I 589,0 589,0 5 28,0 r 7081,1 1,00 1,4364 15,6134 514,0 2,57 603,78 1,17 4 28,0 6157,5 515
658 Roller; Russel (1990) 7 762,0 762,0 8 32,3 r 6538,1 1,00 1,8767 1,8767 472,4 2,36 741,24 1,57
660 9 762,0 762,0 10 32,3 r 8172,7 1,00 2,3459 2,3459 472,4 2,36 741,24 1,57
661 10 762,0 762,0 10 35,8 r 10073,9 1,00 2,8916 2,8916 431,0 2,16 690,55 1,60
671 Sarsam; BS4-H 233,0 233,0 2 25,0 r 1182,8 0,70 2,8202 2,8202 502,3 2,51 0,00 34,0 2 10,0 157,1 450
674 Al-Musawi (1992) CS3-H 233,0 233,0 3 25,0 r 1470,0 0,70 3,5051 3,5051 543,0 2,72 0,00 34,0 2 10,0 157,1 450
675 CS4-H 233,0 233,0 3 25,0 r 1470,0 0,70 3,5051 3,5051 543,0 2,72 0,00 34,0 2 10,0 157,1 450
697 Shin; Lee; Moon; Gosh (1999) HB 2.5-50 215,0 215,0 2 25,4 r 1013,4 0,70 3,7708 3,7708 410,1 2,05 0,00 2 9,5 142,5 392
702 Soerensen (1974) T-23 298,0 298,0 4 20,0 r 1256,6 1,00 1,0542 3,8335 419,9 2,10 716,13 1,71 15
711 Stroband (1997) 2 647,1 647,1 6 25,0 r 3573,6 1,00 1,1045 6,1359 600,0 3,00 0,00 4 10,0 314,2
712 3 647,1 647,1 6 32,0 r 5227,6 1,00 1,6157 8,9759 560,0 2,80 0,00 4 10,0 314,2
803 Yoon; Cook; N2-N 655,0 655,0 10 29,9 r 7021,5 1,00 2,8586 2,8586 400,0 2,00 0,00 2 10,0 157,1
806 Mitchell (1996) M2-N 655,0 655,0 10 29,9 r 7021,5 1,00 2,8586 2,8586 400,0 2,00 0,00 2 10,0 157,1
808 H2-S 655,0 655,0 10 29,9 r 7021,5 1,00 2,8586 2,8586 400,0 2,00 0,00 2 10,0 157,1
809 H2-N 655,0 655,0 10 29,9 r 7021,5 1,00 2,8586 5,3600 400,0 2,00 0,00 2 10,0 157,1
820 Kautsch (2010) A2 719,4 719,4 28,0 r 3195,0 0,01 0,6781 2,8655 468,1 2,34 648,18 1,38 18,0 75,0 12 12,0 1357,2 585
821 B2 719,4 719,4 28,0 r 3195,0 0,01 0,6781 2,8655 468,1 2,34 648,18 1,38 11,0 75,0 12 12,0 1357,2 585

App-B4_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Small_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Small ACI-DAfStb Small Evaluation Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 9

dw nsw Asw frw sw sw/h zw1 zw2 rhow fyw fyw_rhow_100 fwtk fwtk/fyw ewuk diaa f1c Method fcwu f1cttest Method betacttest f1ctmcal betactcal
- - - mm - mm² - mm - - mm mm % MPa MPa MPa - ‰ mm MPa - MPa MPa - - MPa -
504 Levi; RC 30 A1 12,0 2 226,2 r.ass 225,0 0,21 0,24 880 0 0,8378 480,0 4,02 0,00 23,75 cyl 19,00 0,00 0,0000 2,30 0,0968
505 Marro RC 30 A2 12,0 2 226,2 r.ass 225,0 0,21 0,24 880 0 0,8378 480,0 4,02 0,00 23,75 cyl 19,00 0,00 0,0000 2,30 0,0968
506 (1989/1993) RC 60 A1 12,0 2 226,2 r.ass 225,0 0,21 0,24 880 0 0,8378 480,0 4,02 0,00 44,65 cyl 35,72 0,00 0,0000 3,71 0,0830
507 RC 60 A2 12,0 2 226,2 r.ass 225,0 0,21 0,24 880 0 0,8378 480,0 4,02 0,00 44,65 cyl 35,72 0,00 0,0000 3,71 0,0830
508 RC 60 B1 12,0 2 226,2 r.ass 150,0 0,14 0,16 880 0 1,2566 480,0 6,03 0,00 47,50 cyl 38,00 0,00 0,0000 3,88 0,0816
509 RC 60 B2 12,0 2 226,2 r.ass 150,0 0,14 0,16 880 0 1,2566 480,0 6,03 0,00 47,50 cyl 38,00 0,00 0,0000 3,88 0,0816
510 RC 70 B1 12,0 2 226,2 r.ass 150,0 0,14 0,16 880 0 1,2566 480,0 6,03 0,00 57,00 cyl 45,60 0,00 0,0000 4,27 0,0748
511 Lyngberg 5A-0 8,0 2 100,5 r 160,0 0,27 0,30 500 500 0,5236 674,0 3,53 760,00 1,13 24,42 cyl 19,53 2,03 sp 0,0829 2,35 0,0962
512 (1974) 5B-0 8,0 2 100,5 r 160,0 0,27 0,30 500 500 0,5236 647,0 3,39 734,00 1,13 25,27 cyl 20,22 2,68 sp 0,1061 2,41 0,0955
525 Moayer; Regan (1974) P20 5,6 2 48,5 0 152,4 0,48 0,55 252 0 0,2123 310,3 0,66 427,59 1,38 19,0 38,66 cyl 30,92 0,00 0,0000 3,33 0,0863
534 Özden (1967) T6 8,0 2 100,5 r 150,0 0,42 0,50 258 260 0,6093 272,7 1,66 0,00 16,0 31,69 cyl 25,35 0,00 0,0000 2,87 0,0907
535 T7 8,0 2 100,5 r 150,0 0,42 0,50 258 260 0,6093 272,7 1,66 0,00 16,0 28,98 cyl 23,19 0,00 0,0000 2,68 0,0926
536 T9 8,0 2 100,5 r 150,0 0,42 0,50 258 260 0,6093 272,7 1,66 0,00 16,0 28,98 cyl 23,19 0,00 0,0000 2,68 0,0926
564 Petersson (1972) V1 6,0 2 56,5 0 150,0 0,42 0,47 292 0 0,2154 323,0 0,70 0,00 16,0 36,10 cyl 28,88 0,00 0,0000 3,17 0,0878
565 VL1 8,0 2 100,5 0 100,0 0,33 0,36 238 0 0,8378 366,0 3,07 0,00 16,0 40,85 cyl 32,68 0,00 0,0000 3,47 0,0850
605 Regan (1971) T6 9,5 2 142,5 0 114,0 0,37 0,45 206 203 0,8224 270,0 2,22 435,00 1,61 19,0 26,33 cu 21,06 0,00 0,0000 2,49 0,0947
608 T9 6,3 2 62,3 0 102,0 0,33 0,40 223 203 0,4021 280,0 1,13 460,00 1,64 19,0 20,25 cu 16,20 0,00 0,0000 2,02 0,0998
613 T17 6,3 2 62,3 0 102,0 0,33 0,40 223 203 0,4021 280,0 1,13 460,00 1,64 19,0 33,53 cu 26,82 0,00 0,0000 3,00 0,0894
615 T20 6,3 2 62,3 0 102,0 0,33 0,40 223 203 0,4021 280,0 1,13 460,00 1,64 19,0 30,08 cu 24,06 0,00 0,0000 2,76 0,0918
620 T26 6,3 2 62,3 0 102,0 0,33 0,40 223 203 0,4021 280,0 1,13 460,00 1,64 19,0 49,28 cu 39,42 0,00 0,0000 3,98 0,0808
625 T32 9,5 2 142,5 0 114,0 0,37 0,45 206 203 0,8224 270,0 2,22 435,00 1,61 19,0 26,70 cu 21,36 0,00 0,0000 2,52 0,0944
630 T37 9,5 2 142,5 0 114,0 0,37 0,45 206 203 0,8224 270,0 2,22 435,00 1,61 19,0 28,50 cu 22,80 0,00 0,0000 2,65 0,0930
631 T38 9,5 2 142,5 0 114,0 0,37 0,45 206 203 0,8224 270,0 2,22 435,00 1,61 19,0 29,18 cu 23,34 0,00 0,0000 2,70 0,0925
637 W1 10,0 2 157,1 r 114,0 0,37 0,43 217 216 2,1530 704,0 15,16 1010,00 1,43 19,0 28,41 cyl 22,72 2,70 sp 0,0951 2,64 0,0931
640 W5 10,0 2 157,1 r 76,0 0,25 0,28 217 216 3,2294 704,0 22,74 1010,00 1,43 19,0 32,59 cyl 26,07 2,92 sp 0,0895 2,94 0,0901
647 Reineck (1991) Stb III 8,0 2 99,4 r 108,0 0,17 0,18 550 0 1,1953 515,0 6,16 539,00 1,05 20 8,0 57,57 cu 46,05 4,32 sp 0,0750 4,28 0,0744
648 Stb I 10,0 2 162,8 r 126,0 0,19 0,21 539 0 1,6780 549,0 9,21 630,00 1,15 19 8,0 57,57 cu 46,05 4,32 sp 0,0750 4,28 0,0744
658 Roller; Russel (1990) 7 9,5 2 142,5 r 196,9 0,23 0,26 714 0 0,1583 445,2 0,70 576,83 1,30 12,7 68,79 cyl 55,03 3,79 sp 0,0551 4,56 0,0663
660 9 9,5 2 142,5 r 196,9 0,23 0,26 714 0 0,1583 445,2 0,70 576,83 1,30 12,7 119,04 cyl 95,24 5,07 sp 0,0426 5,52 0,0464
661 10 9,5 2 142,5 r 133,4 0,15 0,18 714 0 0,2337 445,2 1,04 576,83 1,30 12,7 119,04 cyl 95,24 5,07 sp 0,0426 5,52 0,0464
671 Sarsam; BS4-H 4,0 2 25,1 0 75,0 0,28 0,32 213 183 0,1862 820,0 1,53 0,00 12,0 76,10 cyl 60,88 0,00 0,0000 4,73 0,0621
674 Al-Musawi (1992) CS3-H 4,0 2 25,1 0 100,0 0,37 0,43 213 183 0,1396 820,0 1,14 0,00 12,0 70,49 cyl 56,39 0,00 0,0000 4,60 0,0653
675 CS4-H 4,0 2 25,1 0 75,0 0,28 0,32 213 183 0,1862 820,0 1,53 0,00 12,0 71,92 cyl 57,53 0,00 0,0000 4,63 0,0644
697 Shin; Lee; Moon; Gosh (1999) HB 2.5-50 6,4 2 63,3 r 86,0 0,34 0,40 183 0 0,5892 365,9 2,16 0,00 13,0 69,35 cyl 55,48 0,00 0,0000 4,57 0,0659
702 Soerensen (1974) T-23 6,0 2 56,5 0 150,0 0,42 0,50 268 246 0,3427 349,2 1,20 470,88 1,35 20 32,0 32,53 cyl 26,02 0,00 0,0000 2,93 0,0901
711 Stroband (1997) 2 8,0 2 100,5 r 165,0 0,24 0,25 607 0 0,6770 600,0 4,06 0,00 16,0 83,00 pr 66,40 6,12 sp 0,0737 4,87 0,0587
712 3 12,0 2 226,2 r 165,0 0,24 0,25 587 0 1,5232 630,0 9,60 0,00 16,0 83,90 pr 67,12 6,30 sp 0,0751 4,89 0,0583
803 Yoon; Cook; N2-N 9,5 2 141,8 r 325,0 0,43 0,50 608 575 0,1163 430,0 0,50 0,00 20,0 34,20 cyl 27,36 2,79 sp 0,0816 3,04 0,0890
806 Mitchell (1996) M2-N 9,5 2 141,8 r 230,0 0,31 0,35 608 575 0,1644 430,0 0,71 0,00 10,0 63,65 cyl 50,92 4,14 sp 0,0650 4,44 0,0697
808 H2-S 9,5 2 141,8 r 270,0 0,36 0,41 608 575 0,1400 430,0 0,60 0,00 10,0 82,65 cyl 66,12 5,49 sp 0,0664 4,86 0,0588
809 H2-N 9,5 2 141,8 r 160,0 0,21 0,24 608 575 0,4430 430,0 1,90 0,00 10,0 82,65 cyl 66,12 5,49 sp 0,0664 4,86 0,0588
820 Kautsch (2010) A2 8,0 2 100,5 r 150,0 0,18 0,21 679 679 0,4324 605,0 2,62 631,00 1,04 16,0 29,30 cyl 23,44 2,51 sp 0,0857 2,71 0,0924
821 B2 8,0 2 100,5 r 200,0 0,24 0,28 679 679 0,3243 605,0 1,96 631,00 1,04 16,0 29,83 cyl 23,86 2,48 sp 0,0833 2,74 0,0920

App-B4_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Small_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Small ACI-DAfStb Small Evaluation Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 10

oms oml omwy g Vg F Vu_F+g,rep Vu_Rep Vu_gF betar_meas xr_meas xr sigswmeas sigswass sigsw omwu andbr Mu muu vutest
- - - - - - kN/m kN kN kN kN kN [°] mm mm MPa MPa MPa - - kNm - -
504 Levi; RC 30 A1 0,2252 0,2252 0,2116 6,67 19,35 676,00 695,35 1900 480 480 0,2116 2568,80 0,1360 0,3435
505 Marro RC 30 A2 0,2252 0,2252 0,2116 6,67 19,35 688,00 707,35 1900 480 480 0,2116 2614,40 0,1384 0,3502
506 (1989/1993) RC 60 A1 0,1265 0,1265 0,1126 6,67 19,35 990,00 1009,35 1900 480 480 0,1126 3762,00 0,1059 0,2640
507 RC 60 A2 0,1265 0,1265 0,1126 6,67 19,35 938,00 957,35 1900 480 480 0,1126 3564,40 0,1004 0,2491
508 RC 60 B1 0,1653 0,1653 0,1587 6,67 19,35 1181,00 1200,35 1900 480 480 0,1587 4487,80 0,1188 0,2994
509 RC 60 B2 0,1653 0,1653 0,1587 6,67 19,35 1239,00 1258,35 1900 480 480 0,1587 4708,20 0,1246 0,3156
510 RC 70 B1 0,1378 0,1378 0,1323 6,67 19,35 1330,00 1349,35 1900 480 480 0,1323 5054,00 0,1115 0,2806
511 Lyngberg 5A-0 0,1678 0,1678 0,1807 3,83 6,70 435,00 441,70 750 674 674 0,1807 652,50 0,1309 0,3731
512 (1974) 5B-0 0,1639 0,1639 0,1676 3,83 6,70 435,00 441,70 750 647 647 0,1676 652,50 0,1265 0,3594
525 Moayer; Regan (1974) P20 0,0784 0,0784 0,0213 2,03 1,02 120,10 121,11 489 310 310 0,0213 117,37 0,0649 0,0966
534 Özden (1967) T6 0,1469 0,1469 0,0655 1,49 1,46 137,34 138,80 39 525 273 255 255 0,0325 144,21 0,1281 0,1796
535 T7 0,1627 0,1627 0,0717 1,49 1,46 141,26 142,72 42 525 273 273 0,0717 148,33 0,1441 0,2041
536 T9 0,1616 0,1616 0,0717 1,49 1,46 154,02 155,47 525 273 273 0,0717 161,72 0,1571 0,2230
564 Petersson (1972) V1 0,2897 0,2897 0,0241 1,48 0,93 100,00 100,93 100,93 575 323 323 0,0241 116,07 0,1772 0,0703
565 VL1 0,2912 0,2912 0,0938 1,46 0,73 190,00 190,73 190,73 450 366 366 0,0938 171,66 0,1806 0,1995
605 Regan (1971) T6 0,2484 0,2484 0,1054 1,95 0,91 205,00 205,91 445 270 270 0,1054 182,33 0,1760 0,2835
608 T9 0,3230 0,3230 0,0695 1,95 0,91 154,00 154,91 445 280 280 0,0695 136,97 0,1719 0,2749
613 T17 0,1951 0,1951 0,0420 1,95 1,81 134,00 135,81 902 280 280 0,0420 241,71 0,1832 0,1458
615 T20 0,2175 0,2175 0,0468 1,95 1,36 138,00 139,36 673 280 280 0,0468 185,83 0,1570 0,1649
620 T26 0,1327 0,1327 0,0286 1,95 0,91 179,00 179,91 445 280 280 0,0286 159,20 0,0821 0,1243
625 T32 0,2450 0,2450 0,1040 1,95 0,91 216,00 216,91 445 270 270 0,1040 192,11 0,1828 0,2962
630 T37 0,2295 0,2295 0,0974 1,95 0,91 209,00 209,91 445 270 270 0,0974 185,88 0,1657 0,2651
631 T38 0,2242 0,2242 0,0951 2,67 1,26 238,00 239,26 445 270 270 0,0951 211,68 0,1844 0,2996
637 W1 0,2190 0,2190 0,6670 1,84 0,87 160,00 160,87 445 320 320 0,3032 142,40 0,1153 0,4430
640 W5 0,1909 0,1909 0,8722 1,84 0,87 190,00 190,87 445 368 368 0,4559 169,10 0,1193 0,4607
647 Reineck (1991) Stb III 0,1113 0,1113 0,1337 4,98 6,67 530,00 536,67 536,67 24 1260 515 515 0,1337 1352,40 0,0805 0,2715
648 Stb I 0,1283 0,1283 0,2000 5,03 6,73 675,00 681,73 681,73 29 1258 549 549 0,2000 1714,56 0,1026 0,3516
658 Roller; Russel (1990) 7 0,1289 0,1289 0,0128 9,55 11,23 787,83 799,06 1110 445 445 0,0128 1748,45 0,0957 0,0442
660 9 0,0931 0,0931 0,0074 9,55 11,23 749,40 760,63 1110 445 445 0,0074 1663,16 0,0526 0,0239
661 10 0,1047 0,1047 0,0109 9,55 11,23 1172,14 1183,37 1110 445 445 0,0109 2601,35 0,0823 0,0387
671 Sarsam; BS4-H 0,1862 0,1862 0,0251 1,17 0,57 206,90 207,47 291 820 820 0,0251 120,52 0,1621 0,0936
674 Al-Musawi (1992) CS3-H 0,2700 0,2700 0,0203 1,17 0,57 247,20 247,77 291 820 820 0,0203 143,99 0,2090 0,1270
675 CS4-H 0,2647 0,2647 0,0265 1,17 0,57 220,70 221,27 291 820 820 0,0265 128,56 0,1829 0,1078
697 Shin; Lee; Moon; Gosh (1999) HB 2.5-50 0,2230 0,2230 0,0389 0,75 0,21 149,11 149,32 149,32 263 366 366 0,0389 78,58 0,1961 0,1184
702 Soerensen (1974) T-23 0,1361 0,1361 0,0460 1,49 1,46 139,30 140,76 140,76 525 349 349 0,0460 147,80 0,1279 0,1790
711 Stroband (1997) 2 0,0798 0,0798 0,0612 3,97 3,42 548,00 551,42 827 600 600 0,0612 906,56 0,0522 0,1477
712 3 0,1078 0,1078 0,1430 3,97 3,42 891,00 894,42 827 630 630 0,1430 1473,99 0,0839 0,2445
803 Yoon; Cook; N2-N 0,3343 0,3343 0,0183 6,75 7,38 483,00 490,38 1056 430 430 0,0183 1020,34 0,1854 0,0819
806 Mitchell (1996) M2-N 0,1796 0,1796 0,0139 6,75 7,38 689,00 696,38 1056 430 430 0,0139 1455,51 0,1421 0,0617
808 H2-S 0,1383 0,1383 0,0091 6,75 7,38 598,00 605,38 1056 430 430 0,0091 1263,28 0,0950 0,0399
809 H2-N 0,1383 0,1383 0,0288 6,75 7,38 721,00 728,38 1056 430 430 0,0288 1523,11 0,1145 0,0919
820 Kautsch (2010) A2 0,1083 0,1083 0,1116 4,97 4,60 652,50 657,10 657,10 45 1000 1000 605 605 0,1116 1264,91 0,1274 0,2679
821 B2 0,1064 0,1064 0,0822 4,97 5,22 566,00 571,22 571,22 38 875 875 605 605 0,0822 1099,60 0,1088 0,2285

App-B4_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Small_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Small ACI-DAfStb Small Evaluation Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 11

kapc sigsl xsitest zetatest z_test zeta z_ muflex Mu_flex Vu_flex betaflex BB sin2thp thp cotthp vup gamwp cotthu thu nueu betalb VB A2+A3
- - - - MPa - - mm - mm - - kN - - - [ °] - - - - [ °] - - - -
504 Levi; RC 30 A1 0,905 329 0,164 0,918 863 0,876 823 0,1971 3723,48 979,86 0,69 0,21 27,39 1,93 0,41 0,84 1,62 31,64 0,62 0,42 1
505 Marro RC 30 A2 0,905 335 0,167 0,917 862 0,876 823 0,1971 3723,48 979,86 0,70 0,21 27,39 1,93 0,41 0,86 1,65 31,14 0,63 0,42 1
506 (1989/1993) RC 60 A1 0,821 405 0,139 0,931 875 0,923 868 0,1168 4145,79 1091,00 0,91 0,11 19,60 2,81 0,32 0,84 2,35 23,09 0,59 0,34 1
507 RC 60 A2 0,821 382 0,131 0,935 879 0,923 868 0,1168 4145,79 1091,00 0,86 0,11 19,60 2,81 0,32 0,79 2,21 24,32 0,53 0,33 1
508 RC 60 B1 0,810 367 0,159 0,920 865 0,898 844 0,1485 5608,32 1475,87 0,80 0,16 23,48 2,30 0,37 0,82 1,89 27,93 0,58 0,34 1
509 RC 60 B2 0,810 387 0,168 0,916 861 0,898 844 0,1485 5608,32 1475,87 0,84 0,16 23,48 2,30 0,37 0,86 1,99 26,70 0,63 0,36 1
510 RC 70 B1 0,772 413 0,157 0,922 866 0,911 856 0,1255 5688,41 1496,95 0,89 0,13 21,33 2,56 0,34 0,83 2,12 25,24 0,58 0,35 1
511 Lyngberg 5A-0 0,902 522 0,158 0,921 497 0,907 490 0,1522 758,58 505,72 0,86 0,18 25,15 2,13 0,38 0,97 2,06 25,84 0,76 0,46 1
512 (1974) 5B-0 0,899 520 0,152 0,924 499 0,909 491 0,1490 768,48 512,32 0,85 0,17 24,16 2,23 0,37 0,96 2,14 25,00 0,75 0,44 1
525 Moayer; Regan (1974) P20 0,845 553 0,080 0,960 268 0,954 266 0,0748 135,30 138,44 0,87 0,02 8,39 6,78 0,14 0,67 4,53 12,44 0,37 0,34 1
534 Özden (1967) T6 0,873 418 0,159 0,920 274 0,916 273 0,1345 151,41 144,20 0,95 0,07 14,83 3,78 0,25 0,73 5,53 10,24 0,82 0,48 1
535 T7 0,884 435 0,179 0,911 271 0,908 271 0,1477 152,10 144,86 0,98 0,07 15,53 3,60 0,26 0,79 2,85 19,34 0,52 0,53 1
536 T9 0,884 444 0,183 0,909 271 0,909 271 0,1469 151,20 144,00 1,07 BB 0,07 15,53 3,60 0,26 0,86 3,11 17,81 0,61 0,58 1
564 Petersson (1972) V1 0,856 677 0,235 0,883 284 0,831 267 0,2407 157,63 137,07 0,74 0,02 8,93 6,36 0,15 0,46 2,92 18,93 0,18 0,37 1
565 VL1 0,837 700 0,246 0,877 244 0,826 230 0,2405 228,53 253,93 0,75 0,09 17,84 3,11 0,29 0,68 2,13 25,19 0,41 0,40 1
605 Regan (1971) T6 0,895 502 0,221 0,889 226 0,861 219 0,2139 221,65 249,22 0,82 0,11 18,95 2,91 0,31 0,92 2,69 20,40 0,69 0,46 1
608 T9 0,919 374 0,209 0,896 227 0,824 209 0,2662 212,16 238,55 0,65 0,07 15,29 3,66 0,25 1,08 3,96 14,19 0,93 0,43 1
613 T17 0,866 630 0,225 0,887 225 0,887 225 0,1731 228,40 126,62 1,06 BB 0,04 11,82 4,78 0,20 0,73 3,47 16,06 0,44 0,25 1
615 T20 0,880 505 0,198 0,901 229 0,876 223 0,1906 225,58 167,52 0,82 0,05 12,49 4,51 0,21 0,78 3,52 15,84 0,50 0,28 1
620 T26 0,803 412 0,108 0,946 240 0,917 233 0,1218 236,12 265,48 0,67 0,03 9,73 5,83 0,17 0,75 4,35 12,94 0,46 0,24 1
625 T32 0,893 532 0,231 0,884 225 0,863 219 0,2114 222,10 249,72 0,86 0,10 18,81 2,94 0,31 0,97 2,85 19,34 0,76 0,48 1
630 T37 0,886 508 0,209 0,896 227 0,870 221 0,1998 224,06 251,92 0,83 0,10 18,18 3,04 0,30 0,89 2,72 20,17 0,66 0,44 1
631 T38 0,883 588 0,237 0,882 224 0,873 222 0,1957 224,73 252,68 0,94 0,10 17,97 3,08 0,29 1,02 3,15 17,62 0,83 0,49 1
637 W1 0,886 356 0,140 0,930 248 0,876 234 0,1920 237,13 266,44 0,60 0,67 54,76 0,71 0,47 0,94 1,46 34,39 0,76 0,29 1
640 W5 0,870 425 0,148 0,926 247 0,890 238 0,1700 240,86 270,63 0,70 0,87 69,05 0,38 0,33 1,38 1,01 44,70 0,74 0,31 1
647 Reineck (1991) Stb III 0,770 394 0,111 0,945 557 0,928 547 0,1033 1734,31 688,22 0,78 0,13 21,44 2,55 0,34 0,80 2,03 26,21 0,55 0,10 1
648 Stb I 0,770 443 0,144 0,928 547 0,917 540 0,1176 1965,35 781,45 0,87 0,20 26,57 2,00 0,40 0,88 1,76 29,63 0,65 0,12 1
658 Roller; Russel (1990) 7 0,725 378 0,142 0,929 708 0,911 694 0,1174 2144,36 966,22 0,82 0,01 6,50 8,78 0,11 0,39 3,45 16,15 0,13 0,71 1
660 9 0,524 282 0,106 0,947 722 0,911 694 0,0848 2680,57 1207,83 0,62 0,01 4,94 11,58 0,09 0,28 3,22 17,24 0,07 0,44 1
661 10 0,524 371 0,172 0,914 696 0,900 686 0,0942 2978,08 1341,88 0,87 0,01 6,00 9,51 0,10 0,37 3,54 15,79 0,12 0,63 1
671 Sarsam; BS4-H 0,696 502 0,268 0,866 202 0,866 202 0,1612 119,90 205,84 1,01 BB 0,03 9,11 6,24 0,16 0,60 3,73 15,01 0,30 0,63 1
674 Al-Musawi (1992) CS3-H 0,718 511 0,354 0,823 192 0,812 189 0,2192 151,02 259,26 0,95 0,02 8,19 6,95 0,14 0,90 6,25 9,08 0,65 0,64 1
675 CS4-H 0,712 442 0,303 0,849 198 0,814 190 0,2155 151,44 259,98 0,85 0,03 9,37 6,06 0,16 0,67 4,06 13,83 0,37 0,57 1
697 Shin; Lee; Moon; Gosh (1999) HB 2.5-50 0,723 410 0,309 0,846 182 0,846 182 0,1886 75,56 143,58 1,04 BB 0,04 11,37 4,97 0,19 0,61 3,05 18,17 0,32 0,77 1
702 Soerensen (1974) T-23 0,870 420 0,156 0,922 275 0,922 275 0,1254 144,93 138,03 1,02 BB 0,05 12,38 4,55 0,21 0,85 3,89 14,41 0,59 0,49 1
711 Stroband (1997) 2 0,668 409 0,081 0,959 621 0,940 608 0,0751 1304,59 788,60 0,69 0,06 14,32 3,92 0,24 0,62 2,41 22,50 0,33 0,25 1
712 3 0,664 467 0,135 0,932 603 0,919 595 0,0991 1740,67 1052,20 0,85 0,14 22,22 2,45 0,35 0,70 1,71 30,32 0,45 0,36 1
803 Yoon; Cook; N2-N 0,863 253 0,245 0,878 575 0,806 528 0,2696 1483,37 702,19 0,69 0,02 7,77 7,33 0,13 0,77 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,30 1
806 Mitchell (1996) M2-N 0,745 354 0,213 0,893 585 0,879 576 0,1580 1617,96 765,90 0,90 0,01 6,77 8,43 0,12 0,53 4,44 12,68 0,23 0,29 1
808 H2-S 0,669 298 0,154 0,923 605 0,897 587 0,1241 1649,54 780,85 0,77 0,01 5,48 10,43 0,09 0,42 4,38 12,86 0,15 0,22 1
809 H2-N 0,669 366 0,189 0,906 593 0,897 587 0,1241 1649,54 780,85 0,92 0,03 9,77 5,81 0,17 0,55 3,19 17,40 0,26 0,27 1
820 Kautsch (2010) A2 0,883 468 0,123 0,939 675 0,939 675 0,1017 1009,81 524,58 1,253 BB 0,11 19,52 2,82 0,31 0,85 2,40 22,62 0,60 0,02 1
821 B2 0,881 468 0,121 0,940 676 0,940 676 0,1000 1010,83 525,11 1,09 BB 0,08 16,66 3,34 0,27 0,83 2,78 19,79 0,57 0,02 1
87 87
35 100,0

App-B4_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Small_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

vsw-RC-A2b-A3b_sl_Small ACI-DAfStb Small Evaluation Database for r.c.-beams with stirrups 12

kon34 KONA4 KONA5 A4+A5 Differenz f1ck fcm_cyl fck fc_prime Vct_ACI Vs_ACI Vcal_sACI Vmax_ACI rat_smax VACI_cal gmod_ACI
- - - - - - - - MPa MPa MPa MPa kN kN kN kN kN
504 Levi; RC 30 A1 1 1 0 1 0 20,0 25,0 21,0 22,6 89,07 453,60 542,66 445,33 1,219 445,33 1,518
505 Marro RC 30 A2 1 1 0 1 0 20,0 25,0 21,0 22,6 89,07 453,60 542,66 445,33 1,219 445,33 1,545
506 (1989/1993) RC 60 A1 1 1 0 1 0 40,9 47,0 43,0 44,6 125,12 453,60 578,71 625,59 0,925 578,71 1,711
507 RC 60 A2 1 1 0 1 0 40,9 47,0 43,0 44,6 125,12 453,60 578,71 625,59 0,925 578,71 1,621
508 RC 60 B1 1 1 0 1 0 43,7 50,0 46,0 47,6 129,26 680,39 809,65 646,29 1,253 646,29 1,827
509 RC 60 B2 1 1 0 1 0 43,7 50,0 46,0 47,6 129,26 680,39 809,65 646,29 1,253 646,29 1,917
510 RC 70 B1 1 1 0 1 0 53,2 60,0 56,0 57,6 142,19 680,39 822,58 710,95 1,157 710,95 1,871
511 Lyngberg 5A-0 1 0 1 1 0 20,6 25,7 21,7 23,3 51,95 228,68 280,63 259,76 1,080 259,76 1,675
512 (1974) 5B-0 1 0 1 1 0 21,5 26,6 22,6 24,2 52,95 219,52 272,47 264,73 1,029 264,73 1,643
525 Moayer; Regan (1974) P20 1 1 0 1 0 34,9 40,7 36,7 38,3 43,03 27,59 70,62 215,16 0,328 70,62 1,701
534 Özden (1967) T6 1 1 0 1 0 27,9 33,4 29,4 31,0 30,29 54,47 84,76 151,45 0,560 84,76 1,620
535 T7 1 1 0 1 0 25,2 30,5 26,5 28,1 28,87 54,47 83,33 144,33 0,577 83,33 1,695
536 T9 1 1 0 1 0 25,2 30,5 26,5 28,1 28,87 54,47 83,33 144,33 0,577 83,33 1,848
564 Petersson (1972) V1 1 1 0 1 0 32,3 38,0 34,0 35,6 55,84 39,21 95,05 279,21 0,340 95,05 1,062
565 VL1 1 1 0 1 0 37,1 43,0 39,0 40,6 35,30 102,29 137,59 176,52 0,779 137,59 1,386
605 Regan (1971) T6 1 1 0 1 0 22,5 27,7 23,7 25,3 32,26 85,73 117,99 161,30 0,731 117,99 1,737
608 T9 1 1 0 1 0 16,5 21,3 17,3 18,9 27,89 43,47 71,36 139,45 0,512 71,36 2,158
613 T17 1 1 0 1 0 29,7 35,3 31,3 32,9 36,77 43,47 80,25 183,87 0,436 80,25 1,670
615 T20 1 1 0 1 0 26,3 31,7 27,7 29,3 34,69 43,47 78,16 173,43 0,451 78,16 1,766
620 T26 1 1 0 1 0 45,5 51,9 47,9 49,5 45,10 43,47 88,57 225,51 0,393 88,57 2,021
625 T32 1 1 0 1 0 22,9 28,1 24,1 25,7 32,51 85,73 118,24 162,56 0,727 118,24 1,827
630 T37 1 1 0 1 0 24,7 30,0 26,0 27,6 33,69 85,73 119,42 168,44 0,709 119,42 1,750
631 T38 1 1 0 1 0 25,4 30,7 26,7 28,3 34,12 85,73 119,85 170,60 0,703 119,85 1,986
637 W1 0 0 0 0 1 24,6 29,9 25,9 27,5 14,88 259,00 273,88 74,42 3,680 74,42 2,150
640 W5 0 0 0 0 1 28,8 34,3 30,3 31,9 16,03 388,50 404,53 80,15 5,047 80,15 2,371
647 Reineck (1991) Stb III 0 0 0 0 1 53,8 60,6 56,6 58,2 57,56 279,65 337,22 287,81 1,172 287,81 1,865
648 Stb I 0 0 0 0 1 53,8 60,6 56,6 58,2 57,46 417,80 475,27 287,32 1,654 287,32 2,373
658 Roller; Russel (1990) 7 1 1 0 1 0 65,0 72,4 68,4 70,0 484,17 245,58 729,75 2420,86 0,301 729,75 1,080
660 9 1 1 0 1 0 115,2 125,3 121,3 122,9 641,51 245,58 887,09 3207,54 0,277 887,09 0,845
661 10 1 1 0 1 0 115,2 125,3 121,3 122,9 641,51 362,53 1004,03 3207,54 0,313 1004,03 1,167
671 Sarsam; BS4-H 1 0 1 1 0 72,3 80,1 76,1 77,7 61,40 64,02 125,43 307,01 0,409 125,43 1,650
674 Al-Musawi (1992) CS3-H 1 0 1 1 0 66,7 74,2 70,2 71,8 59,03 48,02 107,04 295,13 0,363 107,04 2,309
675 CS4-H 1 0 1 1 0 68,1 75,7 71,7 73,3 59,64 64,02 123,66 298,19 0,415 123,66 1,785
697 Shin; Lee; Moon; Gosh (1999) HB 2.5-50 1 0 1 1 0 65,6 73,0 69,0 70,6 37,51 57,94 95,45 187,53 0,509 95,45 1,564
702 Soerensen (1974) T-23 1 1 0 1 0 28,7 34,2 30,2 31,8 30,72 39,23 69,95 153,60 0,455 69,95 2,012
711 Stroband (1997) 2 0 0 0 0 1 79,2 87,4 83,4 85,0 89,17 236,56 325,73 445,83 0,731 325,73 1,682
712 3 0 0 0 0 1 80,1 88,3 84,3 85,9 89,66 558,88 648,55 448,31 1,447 448,31 1,987
803 Yoon; Cook; N2-N 1 1 0 1 0 30,4 36,0 32,0 33,6 236,48 122,86 359,33 1182,38 0,304 359,33 1,344
806 Mitchell (1996) M2-N 1 1 0 1 0 59,9 67,0 63,0 64,6 327,90 173,60 501,49 1639,48 0,306 501,49 1,374
808 H2-S 1 1 0 1 0 78,9 87,0 83,0 84,6 375,24 147,88 523,12 1876,18 0,279 523,12 1,143
809 H2-N 1 1 0 1 0 78,9 87,0 83,0 84,6 200,13 249,55 449,68 1000,63 0,449 449,68 1,603
820 Kautsch (2010) A2 1 0 1 1 0 25,5 30,8 26,8 28,4 98,76 291,68 390,44 493,81 0,791 390,44 1,683
821 B2 1 0 1 1 0 26,0 31,4 27,4 29,0 99,73 218,76 318,49 498,65 0,639 318,49 1,794
87 80 56 24 80 7 m 1,556
35 92,0 64,4 27,6 92,0 8,0 s 0,361
52 s² 0,131
v=s/m 0,232
gmod-ACI < 3 0,05 0,962
% 1,9 0,95 2,150

App-B4_vsw-RC_A2b-A3b_sl_Small_2013-07-16 S-2013-078: Reineck; Bentz; Fitik; Kuchma; Bayrak 18.01.2013

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