Brakes and Clutches: 12.0 Table of Contents

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12.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1

12.2 FRICTION MATERIALS................................................................................... 2
12.3 BRAKES .......................................................................................................... 5
12.3.1 Brake Assemblies...................................................................................... 5
12.3.2 Brake Varieties .......................................................................................... 6
12.3.3 Brake Assembly Failure Modes................................................................. 7
12.3.4 Brake Failure Rate Model.......................................................................... 8
12.3.5 Disk / Brake Lining Reliability Model ....................................................... 10 Base Failure Rate for Brake Lining / Disk Material ........................... 11 Brake Type Multiplying Factor .......................................................... 12 Dust Contaminant Multiplying Factor ................................................ 12 Temperature Multiplying Factor ........................................................ 13
12.4 CLUTCHES ................................................................................................... 13
12.4.1 Clutch Assemblies................................................................................... 13
12.4.2 Clutch Varieties ....................................................................................... 14
12.4.3 Clutch Assembly Failure Modes .............................................................. 15
12.4.4 Clutch Failure Rate Model ....................................................................... 15
12.4.5 Clutch Friction Material Reliability Model................................................. 17 Base Failure Rate for Clutch Lining / Disk Material........................... 18 Clutch Plate Quantity Multiplying Factor ........................................... 18 Temperature Multiplying Factor ........................................................ 19
12.5 REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 20


The principal function of a brake or clutch assembly is to convert kinetic energy to

heat and then either to absorb or dissipate heat while simultaneously (through energy
transfer) reducing the relative movement between the friction material and the part to
which it is engaged. Reliability models for brakes and clutches are presented together
in this Handbook because of similar design and operational characteristics; and
because one of the most important functional parts of each of these components is the
friction material. A discussion of friction materials to achieve the energy transfer
Brakes and Clutches Revision C
common to both brakes and clutches is included in Section 12.2. Section 12.3
addresses the brake model, which includes actuators, springs, friction linings, bearings,
seals and housings. An analysis of the energy transfer materials which are common to
both brakes and clutches is included in the brake model. Section 12.4 outlines and
describes the reliability model for clutches, which includes the following components:
actuators, bearings, friction linings, seals and springs.


As stated in the introduction, the major functional components of brake equipment

and clutch equipment are the friction materials. The reliability of brakes and clutches is
concerned with the wear of these friction materials. For brake assemblies, the friction
lining provides the friction necessary to slow down or stop a vehicle or other machinery.
Friction materials used in clutches are placed in the power-transmission system to
couple it together so it rotates as one unit. Table 12-1 provides a list of friction material
types and applications.

Table 12-1. Friction Material Types And Applications

(Reference 32)


Woven cotton Closely woven belt of fabric is Industrial drum brakes, mine
impregnated with resins which are equipment, cranes, lifts
then polymerized

Woven asbestos Open woven belt of fabric is Industrial band and drum brakes,
impregnated with resins which are cranes, lifts, excavators, winches,
then polymerized. May contain wire concrete mixers, mine equipment
to scour the surface

Molded flexible Asbestos fiber and friction modifiers Industrial drum brakes; heavy
mixed with thermo-setting polymer duty brakes, excavators, tractors,
Semi-flexible rigid
and mixture heated under pressure presses

Sintered metal Iron and/or copper powders mixed Heavy duty brakes and clutches,
with friction modifiers press brakes, earthmoving

Cermets Similar to sintered metal pads, but Heavy duty brakes and clutches,
large portion of ceramic material press brakes, earthmoving
present equipment

Brakes and Clutches Revision C

Friction materials that are used in brake and clutch linings have severe performance
requirements. The necessary energy conversion must be accomplished with a minimum
of wear on the contacting parts. For a particular type of brake or clutch, the amount of
heat and friction generated varies according to 5 conditions: (1) the amount of pressure
applied between the sliding surfaces, (2) the operating environment, (3) the roughness
of the surfaces, (4) the material from which the surfaces are made, and (5) the
frequency of application.

The reliability of these high energy components is important for a variety of reasons
including economy, operational readiness and, most important, safety. In today's
modern machinery and equipment, a vast number of friction materials have become
available to fulfill the very diverse requirements of this equipment group.

In design it is necessary to have equations for the prediction of the wear life of
clutches and brakes. Lining wear properties are generally considered in terms of
system life under several different conditions of use severity. Consequently, lining life is
often the last performance character to be quantified. Thus, knowledge of lining wear
behavior from laboratory testing can be of great value.

Friction modifier additives, such as cashew resin, graphite, etc. have been used for
many years in order to control friction properties in brake and clutch composites.
Friction composites are composed of a balanced mixture of resin plus additives and
generally contain over a dozen ingredients in order to achieve desired characteristics.

Friction materials containing conventional organic binding agents exhibit poor

frictional stability under varying temperature conditions. The thermal degradation of
such binders results in inferior frictional characteristics, giving rise to fade and often
resulting in increased wear. Furthermore, organic materials, particularly resins, tend to
have a short shelf life, and are not always easy to reproduce.

Friction materials commonly consist of sintered lead bronzes and iron powders with
additions of dry lubricants and so-called friction reinforcers. Graphite and molybdenum
disulfide, for example, are suitable as dry lubricants. However, ceramic additives and
minerals, such as quartz and corundum, may be used to increase the coefficient of
friction. By appropriate variation in the additives it is possible to make adaptations for
all applications, particularly concerning the coefficient of friction.

Semi-metallics rely heavily on iron, steel, and graphite substitutions for the organic
and asbestos materials. Some organic components are, however, used to obtain
desirable properties. The use of abrasives must be minimized to maintain acceptable
mating surface compatibility. Semi-metallics have distinct advantages over
conventional organics including:

• Improved frictional stability and fade resistance

Brakes and Clutches Revision C

• Excellent compatibility with rotors and high temperature wear resistance
• High performance with minimal noise

The cost of raw material mix represents the major factor in the premium prices of
semi-metallics, and as such, widespread use of semi-metallics is not found. Metallic
linings withstand more severe loads, higher temperatures, and have less tendency to
fade. Sintered metallic-ceramic friction materials have successfully been used for
specialized applications such as jet aircraft.

Reliability of the total brake of clutch assembly is directly related to performance of

the friction material used for the particular design. Table 12-2 is a summary of failure
modes for the brake or clutch friction material surface.

Table 12-2. Friction Material Failure Modes (Reference 32)


Heavy gouging resulting in rapid lining Material rubbing against a heat

Heat spotting wear spotted metal member
Crazing Randomly oriented cracks on the friction Overheating of the braking
material, resulting in a high wear rate surface
Scoring Grooves formed on the friction material, Metal member needs regrinding
resulting in a reduction of life
Fade Material degrades or flows at the friction Overheating caused by
surface, resulting in a temporary loss of excessive braking
Metal pick-up Metal from the mating member embedded Unsuitable combination of
in the lining materials
Grab Lining contacting at ends only giving high Incorrect radiusing of lining
servo effect and erratic performance
Strip braking Braking over a small strip of the rubbing Distortion of the brake path
path giving localized heating and
preferential wear at those areas
Neglect Material completely worn off the shoe Failure to provide required
reducing performance maintenance
Misalignment Excessive grooving wear at preferential Lining not fitted correctly to
areas of lining surface the shoe platform

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12.3.1 Brake Assemblies

The reliability of a brake system is dependent on the reliability of its component

parts, which may include: actuators, bearings, friction linings, housings, seals, and
springs. With the exception of friction linings, all of these component parts are
addressed in earlier sections of this handbook. The characteristics of these parts that
are peculiar to the braking environment will be discussed in this chapter. The reliability
of brake components is sensitive to friction materials used in their assembly and a
review of brake reliability should consider the friction material failure modes addressed
in the previous section.

Brakes are called upon to convert large amounts of kinetic energy to thermal energy
in a very short time. The life of currently used brake lining materials is determined by
wear, which in turn is strongly dependent on the temperature experienced by these
materials during sliding. This temperature dependence is due largely to softening of the
metal binder (usually copper or iron) present in brake lining composite materials.

Some of the systems which use brakes include passenger cars, light trucks,
tractors, buses, agricultural equipment, construction equipment, industrial equipment,
railroad trains and aircraft. Brake lining materials used in passenger cars and light
trucks fall into two categories: drum brake segments, which are less than 3/4" thick, and
disk brake pads. Brake systems used by trucks, buses, truck tractors and trailer
combinations are air assisted hydraulic (air brake) systems.

Industrial equipment encompasses all equipment used in fixed facility or buildings

such as overhead cranes or hoists. Hydraulic brake systems used in agricultural and
construction equipment are of either the dry or the wet brake type. Dry brakes are the
conventional types of a drum or disk system. Wet brakes use drum and disk brake
assemblies but the friction material is in a fluid environment. This type of brake exhibits
decreased heat build up and subsequently less fade, reduced lining and drum or rotor
wear and improved reliability.

Most railroad trains rely on two braking systems, a dynamic brake and a friction
brake. Most self-propelled rail cars have a dynamic brake, which is used either
independently or together with the train’s friction braking system down to about 5-10
mph, using complete friction braking for the last distance to a complete stop.

The use of organic friction materials in aircraft brakes is currently limited primarily to
small general aviation aircraft. The trend in larger aircraft brake materials has been
toward higher energy absorption per unit mass of brake materials. On larger aircraft
organic friction materials have been replaced by more expensive copper and iron-based

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metallics. The use of disk brakes, with one brake for each of the main landing gears is

12.3.2 Brake Varieties

There are numerous brake system types, each with their own parts and reliability
characteristics. The various types of brake systems and methods of actuation are listed
in Table 12-3.

Table 12-3. Methods of Actuation

(Reference 32)


Mechanical - Robust, simple operation - Large leverage needed
provides good control - Potential frictional losses at pins and
Pneumatic - Large forces available - Compressed air supply needed
- Brake chambers may be bulky
Hydraulic - Compact - Special fluid needed
- Large forces available - Temperatures must not be high
- Quick response and good enough to vaporize fluid
control - Potential seal problems
Electrical - Suitable for automatic control - Limited to On-off operations
- Quick response

Specific design examples of brake systems include the following:

Band Brakes – Band brakes are simpler and less expensive than most other
braking devices. Component parts include a friction band element and the actuation
levers. Band brakes are characterized by uneven lining wear and poor heat dissipation.

Externally and Internally Pivoted Drum Brakes – Internal expanding and external
contracting drum brakes are simple designs requiring relatively little maintenance. They
may become self-locking with extreme wear if not properly designed. Internal types offer
more protection from foreign material.

Linearly Acting External and Internal Drum Brakes - These brakes are fitted with
shoes that, when activated, approach the drum by moving parallel to a radius through
the center of the shoe. Springs between the friction materials may separate both shoes
when the brake is released. Lining wear is more uniform in comparison with internal
drum brakes.

Brakes and Clutches Revision C

Dry and Wet Disk Brakes - Disk brakes have two main advantages over drum
brakes: better heat dissipation and more uniform braking action. However, disk brakes
require a larger actuation force due to higher moments of inertia. Both annular and pad
type disk brakes include friction materials, springs, actuators, housings, seals, and
bearings. Wet disk brakes may operate in an oil bath. Thus, these brakes are isolated
from dirt and water, and the circulation of the oil through a heat exchanger usually
provides greater heat dissipation than direct air cooling.

Magnetic Particle, Hysteresis, and Eddy-Current Brakes - In all three of these

brake types the braking torque is developed from electromagnetic reactions rather than
mechanical friction, and therefore requires a source of electrical power.

12.3.3 Brake Assembly Failure Modes

A list of failure modes for a typical brake system is included in Table 12-4. The
brake system friction materials are sacrificial replacements. Because friction linings are
designed to wear out before the life of the vehicle or machinery, brake lining service life
is a better measure of its durability with lining replacement counted as a maintenance
action as opposed to an equipment failure. However, if replacement is required prior to
service life, then the friction lining would be determined a failure.

Table 12-4. Brake System Failure Modes

(Reference 9)


Sticking piston Contamination Low output pressure

Leaking cylinder Contamination Low output pressure

Broken/weak spring Fatigue activation Unable to adjust pressure

Sticking bleeder valve Contamination Inadequate dissipation of air

Deteriorated lining Aged/heat Exposed metal-on-metal contact

reduces arresting capability

Worn bearing Lack of lubrication Low rotary motion

Worn seals Aged External leakage

Cracked housing Vibration, fatigue External leakage

Brakes and Clutches Revision C

In brake systems the rubbing elements include the friction material and a
countersurface. The friction material is the sacrificial element, although the essence of
good brake design is to minimize wear. The countersurface is usually metallic, to
provide structure and to dissipate the frictional heat. Most countersurfaces are a cast
iron drum or disc. In a few applications, steel rubbing surfaces are used. The
countersurface is also nominally a non-wearing surface. Countersurfaces typically wear
less than ten percent of the total volume worn from the friction interface (Reference 16).
Descriptions of the countersurface failure characteristics are included in Table 12-5.

Table 12-5. Metal Countersurface Failures

(Reference 32)


Heat spotting Often cracks are formed in these Friction material not sufficiently
regions owing to structural changes conformable to the metal member
in the metal.

Crazing Randomly oriented cracks Overheating and repeated stress


Scoring Scratches in the line of movement Metal too soft for friction material.
Abrasive debris embedded in the
lining material.

12.3.4 Brake Failure Rate Model

To determine the failure rate for a particular brake system, the brake system needs
to be reduced to its component parts. Brake systems will normally contain some
combination of the following components:

• Actuators
• Springs
• Brake friction linings
• Bearings
• Seals
• Housings

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The total brake system failure rate is the sum of the failure rates of each of the
above component parts in the system:

λBR = λAC + λSP + λFR + λBE + λSE + λHO (12-1)

Where: λBR = Total failure rate for the brake system, failures/million hours
λAC = Total failure rate for actuators, failures/million hours
(See Chapter 9)
λSP = Total failure rate for springs, failures/million hours
(See Chapter 4)
λFR = Total failure rate for brake friction materials, failures/million
hours (See Section 12.3.5)
λBE = Total failure rate for bearings, failures/million hours
(See Chapter 7)
λSE = Total failure rate for seals, failure/million hours
(See Chapter 3)
λHO = Total failure rate for brake housing, 3.0 failures/million hours,
from Navy Maintenance and Material Management
Information System and miscellaneous data sources

In the hydraulic drives of brake systems, seals are used to prevent leakage of brake
fluid. The hardness and swelling of the seals, when exposed to brake fluid, must
remain within limits such that the seals will give reliable operation.

The reliability of springs associated with brake systems is generally very high when
compared to other components. Some of the spring assemblies in a brake system may
be static, maintaining a constant tension on a part, other springs may be cyclic or
dynamic depending on their function.

Severe performance requirements may affect the reliability of the bearings if there is
a path of heat conduction from the friction surface to the bearings. This conduction may
cause a decrease in the operating viscosity of the bearing lubricant and, consequently,
a reduction in bearing life. A lubricant with a sufficiently high temperature rating should
prevent leakage or excessive wear.

The reliability of brake actuators normally is very high. Under severe brake
performance, conditions of increased temperature and excessive vibration may
decrease the reliability of the actuator.

Brakes and Clutches Revision C

Refer to the appropriate chapters of this Handbook for the reliability models for
individual parts comprising the brake assembly. In some cases the result in
failure/million cycles will need to be converted to failures/million hours by multiplying by
the number of cycles per hour.

12.3.5 Disk / Brake Lining Reliability Model

There are several factors that affect the wear rate of friction components of brakes,
(a) nominal pressure
(b) elastic properties of the materials
(c) strength properties of the materials
(d) surface roughness of the mating surfaces
(e) temperature of the material
(f) compatibility of the lining/drum or disk/pad materials

The wear of the brake lining or disk pad material can be determined with the
following equation (Reference 77):

V = ko P s (12-2)

Where: V = Volume of material lost by wear, in3

ko = Wear coefficient, (lb/in2) -1 (See Table 12-8)
P = Applied load, lbf
s = Sliding distance during braking, in = vs i tb
vs = Sliding velocity, in/sec
tb = Braking time, sec

If the effective thickness of the lining or pad is d (inches), pad life is commonly given
by the following linear relationship:
Life = (12-3)

Where: Life = Number of applications before friction material is completely

d = Lining thickness, in
Wp = Pad wear per application, in
Brakes and Clutches Revision C
Equation (12-2) can be written in terms of surface pad/lining wear per application:

ko P vs tb
Wp = (12-4)

A = Brake lining area, in2
1 Wp ko P vs tb
λFR ,B = = = (12-5)
Life d dA

For the purpose of compatibility with the other models developed for mechanical
components, the lining life will be converted to a rate of failure. By normalizing Equation
(12-5) to those values for which historical failure rate data are available, the following
failure rate model can be derived:

λFR = λFR ,B i CBT i CRD i CT (12-6)

Where: λFR = Failure rate of the brake friction material in failures/million hours

λFR,B = Base failure rate of the brake friction material, failures/million

hours (See Section
CBT = Multiplying factor which considers the effect of brake type
on the base failure rate (See Section
CRD = Multiplying factor which considers the effect of dust contaminants
on the base failure rate (See Section
CT = Multiplying factor which considers the effect of ambient
temperature on the base failure rate (See Section Base Failure Rate for Brake Lining / Disk Material

The brake friction material base failure rate, λFR,B, may be provided by the lining

manufacturer. If not, the base rate can be calculated from Equation (12-5). Wear
coefficients are included in Table 12-8. It should be noted that λFR,B from a B

manufacturer may be in terms of brake actuations. During a single brake actuation the

Brakes and Clutches Revision C

vehicle wheel or industrial machine will rotate several rotations during the stopping or
slowing process. Brake Type Multiplying Factor

A typical disk brake will wear better than a drum type due to the disk brakes ability
to dissipate heat more quickly. The friction material for the annular brake is in the
shape of an annulus and is bonded to both sides of the rotor disk. The slotted annular
brake is nearly the same as the annular brake described above, the only exception
being the presence of slots cut through the friction material on both sides of the rotor.
The purpose of the slots is to decrease surface temperature and wear rate during
braking. The pad brake configuration employs pads of friction material on the brake
stators. Multiplying factors for the specific type of brake design are as follows, based on
field performance data (Reference 20):

CBT = 1.25 for drum type brakes

CBT = 1.25 for slotted annular disk type brakes
CBT = 1.00 for pad disk type brakes
CBT = 0.90 for annulus disk type brakes Dust Contaminant Multiplying Factor

Operating conditions with high amounts of dust contaminants affects lining wear
depending on the binder resin used in formulating the friction material. The correction
factor for dust conditions is shown in Table 12-6.

Table 12-6. Dust Contamination Multiplying Factor

(Reference 42)

Binder Resin CRD

Phenolic 3.5

Oil-modified phenolic 1.2

Rubber phenolic 1.1

Cashew 1.1

Oil-phenolic 1.1

Brakes and Clutches Revision C

12-12 Temperature Multiplying Factor

Wear of the friction material will be influenced by the ambient temperature in which
the vehicle is operating. The correction factor for temperature is (Reference 3):

CT = 1.42 − 0.00154 X + 0.00000138 X 2 (12-7)

(for sintered metallic truck linings)

CT = 2.79 − 0.0109 X + 0.0000124 X 2 (12-8)

(for resin-asbestos linings used in automotive
and moderate duty industrial brakes)

CT = 3.80 − 0.00759 X + 0.00000507 X 2 (12-9)

(for carbon-carbon linings)

CT = 17.59 − 0.0603 X + 0.0000534 X 2 (12-10)

(for resin-asbestos truck linings)

Where: X = 590 + T
T = Ambient temperature, oF


12.4.1 Clutch Assemblies

The reliability of a clutch system is generally very high and is the result of the low
failure rate of its parts, which may include actuators, bearings, clutch friction linings,
seals and springs. With the exception of clutch friction linings, these component parts
are addressed in other chapters of this handbook. The general characteristics of friction
materials are addressed in Section 12.2. Those characteristics of friction materials
peculiar to clutches will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

The principal function of a friction clutch is to convert kinetic energy to heat and then
either to absorb or otherwise dissipate the heat while simultaneously, through friction,
reducing the relative movement between the friction material and the part to which it is
engaged. In order to achieve these objectives the necessary energy conversion must
be accomplished with a minimum of wear on the contacting parts.

Brakes and Clutches Revision C

12.4.2 Clutch Varieties

Clutches are made up of two basic components, pressure plate and disc. The
pressure plate supplies sufficient force or pressure to the disc so enough friction is
developed to transmit the required torque.

Friction clutches, although available in many different forms tend to be of the axial
or rim type. Axial clutches operate where the movement is parallel to the axis of the
shaft. Rim types operate where the movement is radial. Examples of the former are
the plate and cone clutches. Examples of the latter include coil or wrap spring and
chain clutches.

Plate clutches are divided into two designs, single and multiplate. The single plate
design is used for transmission in light to medium power applications. The single plate
is normally provided with a friction lining on each side of the disc. Multiplate designs
employ a number of discs lined on both sides which serve to distribute the load over a
large area. These types are used for high torque and high load applications. They
require only moderate clamping pressures, and are suitable for high speed operation
because their relatively small size generates lower centrifugal forces.

Cone clutches are used for smaller, medium power, low speed transmission
systems which may be subjected to rough usage. These devices cope well with such
treatment because of their simple robust construction, and due to the fact that heat is
dissipated more readily than with plate clutches.

Rim and block clutches employ various means of engaging the stationary half of the
assembly through radial movement against the rim of the driving member. The action is
similar to that of an internally expanding brake shoe.

Centrifugal clutches are often used with squirrel cage motors. The fabric facing
may be fitted to shoes or blocks mounted to a spider which is keyed onto the driving
shaft. The shoes or blocks are thrown outward by centrifugal force, engagement being
automatic when a predetermined speed has been reached.

Coil or wrap spring clutches operate on the principle of a spring mounted on a drum
being tightened. The action is much like that of a rope tightening around a revolving
capstan. The design is compact, simple in construction and is used where high torques
are required from low power.

Chain clutches employ inner and outer friction rings in an oil filled housing actuated
by cams bearing on chain toggles which force the rings together.

Sprag clutches consist of a number of specially shaped steel springs or wedges

which jam inner and outer races in one direction only. This action leads to their use for
applications in over-running (where the clutch acts as a free-wheel) and back-
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stopping. This design is particularly useful for intermittent rotary motion involving, for
example, indexing or inching (Reference 34).

Materials classification divides the friction materials into organic and metallic
groups. The organic group includes all materials composed of both asbestos and non-
asbestos fibers and bound by some resin binder. The metallic group consists of all
friction materials containing iron, copper, ceramic bronze, graphite, carbon or other
metallic material as the base material.

12.4.3 Clutch Assembly Failure Modes

Failure modes of a clutch assembly are very similar to those of a brake assembly.
Hydraulic clutch failures are almost without exception due to a lack of fluid pressure.
Since a hydraulic clutch system uses pressure to engage and disengage components,
any loss of system pressure will result in unintended operation. These fluid leaks can be
external, but are more often internal leakages caused by seal failure. A list of failure
modes for a typical clutch assembly is shown in Table 12-7.

12.4.4 Clutch Failure Rate Model

A typical clutch assembly will contain the following component parts:

• Actuators
• Bearings
• Clutch friction linings
• Seals
• Springs

The total clutch system failure rate is the sum of the failure rates of each of the
above component parts in the system:

λCL = λAC + λBE + λCF + λSE + λSP (12-11)

Where: λCL = Total failure rate for the clutch system, failures/million hours

λAC = Total failure rate for actuators, failures/million hours

(See Chapter 9)
λBE = Total failure rate for bearings, failures/million hours
(See Chapter 7)
λCF = Total failure rate for clutch friction materials, failures/million hours
(See Section 12.4.5)
Brakes and Clutches Revision C
λSE = Total failure rate for seals, failures/million hours (See Chapter 3)

λSP = Total failure rate for springs, failures/million hours

(See Chapter 4)

The failure rates obtained from other chapters of the Handbook may have to be
converted from failures/million cycles to failures/million hours by multiplying by the
number of cycles per hour. The failure rate model for clutch friction materials is
presented in Section 12.4.5.

Table 12-7. Clutch Friction Surface Failure Modes

(Reference 32)


Dishing Clutch plates distorted into a Lack of conformability. The temp.

conical shape of the outer region of the plate is
higher than the inner region.
Waviness or Buckling Clutch plates become buckled Lack of conformability. The inner
into a wavy platter area is hotter than the outer area.
Banding or Crushing Loss of friction material at the Crushing and excessive wear of the
ends of a band friction material
Material Transfer Friction material adhering to Overheating and unsuitable friction
opposing plate, often giving rise material
to excessive wear
Bond Failure Material parting at the bond to Poor bonding or overheating, the
the core plate causing loss of high temperature affecting bonding
performance agent
Burst Failure Material splitting and removed High stresses on a facing when
from the spinner plate working at high speeds
Grooving Grooving of the facing material Material transfer to opposing plate
on the line of movement
Reduced Performance Decrease in coefficient of friction Excess oil or grease on friction
giving a permanent loss in material or on the opposing surface
Distortion Facings out of flatness after high Unsuitable friction material
operating temperature

Brakes and Clutches Revision C

12.4.5 Clutch Friction Material Reliability Model

By using the clutch system beyond the life of the friction material a drastic reduction
of friction coefficient can occur. This rapid deterioration can result in a catastrophic
failure of the clutch.

Under normal operating conditions, the friction materials used in clutches are
reliable mechanical components. Like brake friction materials, the wear of clutch
materials is dependent on the amount of accumulated energy dissipated by the
mechanical component.

h = ko p s (12-12)

Where: h = Change in thickness of the clutch friction material caused

by wear, in
ko = Wear coefficient, (lb/in2) -1 See Table 12-8
p = Nominal pressure between the clutch wear plates, lbf/in2 = P/A
P = Applied load, lbf
A = Wear plate area, in2
s = Sliding distance during clutch actuation, in = vs i ta
vs = Sliding velocity, in/sec
ta = Cutch actuation time, sec

If the effective thickness of the clutch lining is d (inches), life of the clutch friction
material is given by the following equation:

Life = (12-13)

Where: Life = Number of applications before friction material is completely

d = Lining thickness, in
Wp = Friction material wear per application, in

Brakes and Clutches Revision C

k o P vs t a
Wp = (12-14)
A = Clutch lining area, in2


1 Wp ko P vs ta
λFR ,B = = = (12-15)
Life d dA

By normalizing Equation (12-15) to those values for which historical failure rate data
is available, the following failure rate model can be derived:

λCF = λCF ,B i CNP i CT (12-16)

Where: λCF = Failure rate of the clutch friction material in failures/million hours

λCF,B = Base failure rate of the clutch friction material, failures/million

hours (See Section
CNP = Multiplying factor which considers the effect of multiple plates on
on the base failure rate (See Section
CT = Multiplying factor which considers the effect of ambient
temperature on the base failure rate (See Section Base Failure Rate for Clutch Lining / Disk Material

The clutch friction material base failure rate, λFR,B, may be provided by the

manufacturer of the clutch assembly. If not, then the base rate can be calculated from
Equation (12-13). Clutch Plate Quantity Multiplying Factor

As noted previously, clutches can be divided into two design groups: single and
multiple plate. Multiplate designs use a number of discs which distribute the load, and
will therefore increase the reliability of the system.

The correction factor for the number of plates is given by:

Brakes and Clutches Revision C
CNP = Number of disks in the clutch Temperature Multiplying Factor

Because the temperature of the friction material affects the wear of the material, the
ambient temperature to which the clutch is exposed will affect the wear of the friction
lining (Reference 3). As a result:

CT = 1.42 − 0.00154 X + 0.00000138 X 2 (12-17)

(for sintered metallic linings)

CT = 2.79 − 0.0109 X + 0.0000124 X 2 (12-18)

(for resin-asbestos linings used in automotive
and moderate duty industrial brakes)

CT = 3.80 − 0.00758 X + 0.00000507 X 2 (12-19)

(for carbon-carbon linings)

CT = 17.59 − 0.0603 X + 0.0000534 X 2 (12-20)

(for resin-asbestos truck linings)

Where: X = 590 + T
T = Ambient temperature, oF

Brakes and Clutches Revision C

Table 12-8. Typical Wear Coefficients for Brake and Clutch Linings
(Against cast iron or steel)

Lining (pad) Material Wear Coefficient, ko (psi-1)

Asbestos-type I Composite 6.46 x 10-11

Asbestos-type II Composite 8.09 x 10-11

Carbon-Carbon Composite 2..24 x 10-11

Sintered bronze (dry) 2.42 x 10-10

Non-asbestos composite (dry) 9.90 x 10-10

Sintered bronze (wet) 5.02 x 10-13

Sintered bronze composite 9.31 x 10-11

Sintered resin composite 3.03 x 10-11


In addition to specific references cited throughout Chapter 12, other references

included below are recommended in support of performing a reliability analysis of
brakes and clutches.

1. Abadzheva, R.N. et al., "Effects of Brake Fluid Components on Rubber", Khimiya i

Tekhnologiya Topliv i Masel, No. 8, pp. 18-19 (Aug 1982).

3. Anderson, A.E., "Wear of Brake Materials", in: Wear Control Handbook, M.B.
Peterson and W.O. Winer, Eds., pp. 843-857, Am. Soc. Mech. Eng., New York

9. Boone, Tony D., "Reliability Prediction Analysis for Mechanical Brake Systems",
NAVAIR-SYSCOM Report (Aug 1981).

12. Carson, Harold, Springs: Troubleshooting and Failure Analysis, Marcel Dekker,
Inc., New York. (1983).

16. Ferodo Limited, Friction Materials for Engineers, Stockport, England (1969).
Brakes and Clutches Revision C
20. Ho, T.L., F.E. Kennedy and M.B. Peterson, "Evaluation of Materials and Design
Modifications for Aircraft Brakes", NASA Report CR134896 (Jan 1975).

29. Minegishi, H. et al., "Prediction of Brake Pad Wear/Life by Means of Brake Severity
Factor as Measured on a Data Logging System", SAE Paper 840358 (1984).

32. Neale, M.J., Tribology Handbook, Butterworths, London.

36. Orthwein, William C., Clutches and Brakes: Design and Selection, Marcel Dekker,
Inc., New York (1986).

37. Rhee, S.K. and P.A. Thesier, "Effects of Surface Roughness of Brake Drums on
Coefficient of Friction and Lining Wear", SAE Paper 720449 (1972).

40. Spokas, R.B., "Clutch Friction Material Evaluation Procedures", SAE Paper 841066

58. Parmley, R.O., Mechanical Components Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Co., NY,

77. Randall F. Barron and Herbert G. Tull, III, "Failure Rate Model for Aircraft Brakes
and Clutches", Report No. DTRC-CMLD-CR-01-90, August 1990, Louisiana Tech

78. Randall F. Barron and Herbert G. Tull, III, "Failure Rate Model for Aircraft Brakes
and Clutches", Report No. NSWC-92/LO2, August 1992, Louisiana Tech University

Brakes and Clutches Revision C

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