Final Paper On What Constitutes A Modern Hero
Final Paper On What Constitutes A Modern Hero
Final Paper On What Constitutes A Modern Hero
Bibliography 32
Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1: Background
Hollywood has always had a profound influence on the world’s culture; defining our
desires and beliefs in both direct and subtle ways. One of its greatest influences would be
the ever-changing image of the action hero it has instilled in our minds in recent decades.
As the movies and films of Hollywood evolve, so do our perceived ideas of heroism. One
of the most significant epochs of action cinema would be during the Reagan era in the
late early 1980s, which could only be described as a spectacular display of hyper
masculinity. However, as we move into the twenty-first century, the orgy of testosterone-
oozing juggernauts that had defined the action cinema of the early 1980s seems to have
faded away, replaced by the more complex and ambiguous action hero persona of today.
What are the characteristics of modern day heroes in action films and how have these
heroes dictated American masculinity? Are these heroic symbols simply reflective
icons into our mind, moulding and constructing our belief systems.
1.2: Significance
Ever since the classical era of cinema, the Hollywood film industry has always promoted
its image of heroes to the world, especially in action films. It has forged dominant
representations of masculinity through its action films. One cannot deny the influence it
has had on our culture, due to the hegemony it has over our entertainment industry.
Essentially, this research provides insight into the societal mindsets that help in defining
masculinity by exploring the theme of heroism in action films as well as looking at how
film depiction has been setting the benchmark, disintegrating and recreating the
1.3: Rationale
Heroes are what the common man look up to as role models and thus this paper will
examine how the definition of the perfect man has been altered through time. I will be
analyzing how the various characteristics of action film heroes reflect the elements that
American society in different eras believe a man needs to acquire in order to achieve the
1.4 Thesis
The Hollywood action hero has transformed from the epitome of the faultless man, a
1.5: Research questions
1. What is the formula for action in contemporary Hollywood action film – what are his
2. How has the representation of the male action hero changed since the late 1970s?
1.6: Methodology
This is a qualitative research combining both film and cultural studies. Current literature
and books on traditional viewpoints of masculinity and heroism, such as The Hero with
Thousand Faces, will be consulted to provide a strong foundation for the topic and allow
for analysis of trend developments and persisting characteristics of action heroes. The
concepts of masculinity that these scholars have provided will form the backbone for the
Action movies from the 1970s to the 2000s will then be analyzed while an in-depth
research of the perception of masculinity in American society from the Reagan era to the
Bush administration will also be undertaken. I will then attempt to draw links between
the two, thus tying action film heroes to the larger social context of how masculinity has
Books, scholarly articles and the films themselves will serve as the main source of
1.7 Delimitations
This paper will only focus on the metamorphosis of heroes in blockbuster action films,
from the late 1970s to 2000s. Heroines will NOT constitute part of this research. This
research also excludes the study of homosexual themes, such as the interpretation of
1.8 Limitations
Masculinity is not only defined through the action film genre. This limits the research as I
student, I do not have personal experience of their culture and can only look at American
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Much of existing literature focuses on the construction of the male action hero in
Hollywood films as well as the ideological mechanisms that affect this manufacture of
heroic icons in various eras. Prominent scholars in this area, such as Susan Jeffords and
Elizabeth Abele, provide detailed accounts on how the hero is constructed and
reinvented, and touch on how different iconic heroes in different eras reflect the mindset,
The traditionalist view of heroism is also explored through the Hero with A Thousand
Faces, which expounds on the fundamental structure of a hero’s Monomyth1. This will be
used as the basis to analyze the action heroes in the following chapters.
The era of bodies began with the Reagan era (Jeffords, 1994: 24). In her film analysis,
Hard Bodies, Jeffords has described the 1980s as the age of consolidation of the hard-
body image of heroes that had emerged in the late 1970s. Similarly, John Orman (1992)
has stated the influence of Reagan’s "macho presidential style", which incorporated traits
of being "decisive, never wavering or uncertain," "strong and aggressive, not weak or
Joseph Campbell defined the trials and tribulations a man must face in his quest to become a true hero
as the Monomyth. The Monomyth, as Joseph Campbell stated is basically, a hero venturing forth from
the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder – there he encounters fabulous forces and
a decisive victory is won, the hero then comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to
bestow boons on his fellow man.
passive," and never 'feminine' into the action hero of that time. According to Jeffords, the
"macho" presidential image and its cultural counterpart in the muscular Rambo is both
aggressive stand on foreign policy (Jeffords, 1994. 11-17). She found the evolution of the
Rambo image to be profound, from a homeless drifter fending off sheriff’s deputies and
weekend warriors in First Blood to a one-man killing machine defeating the Soviet army
in Afghanistan in Rambo III. This change, according to Jeffords, was explicitly symbolic
of the tough, uncompromising, "hard" American body crushing the "evil" Soviet
Jeffords’ dissection was highly influential, and her arguments have been echoed in many
later works by scholars on masculinity and film studies. For example, Frank P. Tomasulo
was highly receptive to Jefford’s ideas, stating how Jeffords is on solid ground by using
mastery over foreign and domestic enemies”. Tomasulo also admired her analyses of The
Terminator, Lethal Weapon, and Robocop, finding them insightful in conveying “the
Reagan domestic policy through home front battles with lawlessness, terrorism,
Jeffords was also referenced by Abele who reaffirmed the idea that the zeroing in on how
the heroes’ sculpted physiques restored faith in American masculinity, with its intrinsic
strength shown in contrast to bureaucratic corruption. (Abele, 2002: 448) As such, it will
suffice to regard the period between late 70s to late 80s as the “heroes’ golden age”
(Collura, 2000), in which the “presentation of the purity and naturalness of the hero’s
body” (Abele, 2002: 448) showed the flawless and perfect man, a man Americans have
The “hard bodies”, however, was met with much disapproval from various scholars and
film critics when their former glory faded after what Collura refers to as the “heroes’
golden age”. For instance, Abele argues that the 1980s’ buffed male version of
protagonist’s struggles are more realistic and represents a more attainable version of
heroism. She backs up her arguments with examples such as Gattaca which present the
artificiality of heroes, in which the perfect man is shown to be “unnatural and literally, a
construction” while Vincent, the common man, prevails and becomes the true hero.
However, her use of strong language which condemns all those heroes as non-natural and
Rocky have an emotion layer to them, as his frustration and determination is something
the audience can empathize with” (Seger, 1990 : 34). The “hard bodies” were also
defended by Yvonne Tasker, who argued that while the over-developed body functioned
as “a hysterical image, a symptom of the male body in crisis”, it was also “a triumphal
portrayal of “hard bodies” is an utopian image which in fact makes them less masculine
as the extreme exaggeration exposes their insecurity about their own their own manhood.
However, she argues that men of that age were in identity crisis and during their pursuit
of manhood, looked towards the traditional notion that the perfect man must be tough and
muscular man; hence the overly-buffed action heroes were justified. Tasker opposes the
critics who dismiss the stable and unambiguous “hard bodies”, arguing that was that it is
masculine identity”. (Tasker, 2004:109). Despite her censure that the “hard bodies” were
artificial, Abele found Tasker’s reading agreeable and comments that till today, most
action films still “follow the “hard bodies” traditions established in the Reagan years to
some extent”. However, she also states that in contemporary film, the heroic male body is
instead attacked to allow the real man to emerge (Abele, 2002: 448). All in all, by the end
of the Reagan regime and the advent of the 90s, the “hard bodies” may still be lingering
around but the influence it has once commanded is, without doubt, nothing but history.
Abele feels that while heroism in contemporary films is no longer represented by “hard
bodies”, it becomes a shell they fill in order to fulfill the heroic tasks. The hero is in fact,
the man inside that shell. This develops a dichotomy between the hero’s “constructed
identity” and his “natural identity”, “manifesting in the form of alter-egos” (Abele, 2002:
447). Jeffords also mirrors this idea in her analysis, borrowing Tim Burton’s Batman to
explain the separation between the “inner man” and the “outer man”, stating how it
presented the idea of the divided idea of “external masculine strength and internal
goodness” (Jeffords, 1994: 96). Batman and Bruce Wayne are literally shown to be two
separate entities, which Jeffords shows through the two scenes in which the protagonist
utters his catchphrase “I’m batman”, the first “delivered confidently and strongly when
he was facing the criminals” yet when faced with his love and without his bat suit, “it was
rehearsed and hesitant”, only spoken when out of his love interest’s earshot. (Jeffords,
1994: 96) As such, Wayne is shown to be “isolated, vulnerable and uncertain”, yet when
he dons the costume, he transforms into another persona resembling that of Rambo,
becoming “confident, muscular, invulnerable, decisive and strong”. (Jeffords, 1994: 97)
Similarly, Abele also uses Die Hard to back up this idea of “revised masculinity”.
Though John McClane “appears to be another hard body” and is disregarded by Jeffords
and Tasker, Abele elucidated how the film “continually undercuts the omnipotence of
John’s body”, creating a hero which doubled as an everyday, imperfect guy who was
vulnerable to physical and emotional pain”. (Abele, 2002: 449) This display of emotional
vulnerability was a quality the “hard bodies” lacked, shifting “manhood away from the
“hard bodies” to manhood divided and troubled” - the hero “defeats enemies in a suit of
armour but a suit of armour nonetheless”. (Jeffords, 1994: 97). Such films revolutionized
the generic “hard body” formula, with the strapping body of the hero becoming nothing
more than a disposable shell for the purpose of intimidating and trouncing the hero’s
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According to Abele, action heroes “epitomize the qualities of the successful American
male” – “a man with his eye firmly on the goal” (Abele, 2002: 447). From this, Abele
discusses the hero’s sense of duty, questioning whether the idea of “a man’s gotta do
what a man’s gotta do” remains applicable in contemporary action cinema. She states that
the hero’s total identification with his duty often involves the internalization of external
authority and the construction of a heroic identity with which he recognizes. In most
cases, the hero “relinquishes his identity in service to the society, accepting society’s
more rigidly constructed identity as his own” (Abele, 2002: 447). Akin to the idea of dual
personalities, “this dynamic constructed heroic identity” takes precedence over the
begged, often by a woman, to put himself and his desires first, the hero replies, ‘I’m a
cop’” (Abele, 2002: 447). Such scenarios question whether the hero should deceive
himself and those who love him in order to serve the obligations of his job.
This conflict between duty and family is demonstrated in Die Hard in which John’s
relationship with his family is disrupted by his sense of duty and in Innerspace’s
stereotypical “hard bodies” hero learning from his seemingly less masculine partners to
husband and father” (Abele, 2002: 449). These films does not simply “glorify the figure
of the American hero”, but “demand more from the hero than the annihilation of the
villain” in which “the final victory” celebrates “the true union of the hero with his love,
surrounded by friends who more than make up in integrity what they lack in physical
perfection” (Abele, 2002: 450). The “Monomyth” of the action hero is extended beyond
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saving the world - the hero must not only accomplish his missions but through the
process of doing so, realize the importance of his friends and family.
From my research, there is more than sufficient evidence to show that the action hero has
indeed evolved to become more complex and relevant to the common man. However,
scholarly reviews have not truly moved away from the “hard bodies” phenomenon.
Contemporary action icons such as Matt Damon, Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp are not
sufficiently discussed while the evolution of action heroes from the moral standpoint has
also largely neglected. Thus, analyzing action movies of the 2000s and how they convey
the broader cultural changes in American society will constitute the main part of my
research in the later chapters. Furthermore, current literature only looks at the
development of hero himself and neglects the many other essentials of the film such as
the heroes’ allies, nemesis and love interests. Thus, later research would also shift the
focus of analysis from the hero himself to other elements of the films to give a more
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3.1 .1 The simple “hard bodies”
“Hard bodies” were once considered the staple of Hollywood action films during the
Reagan era of cinema (1980s – 1990s), yet its influence has largely diminished in
Hollywood today. The appeal of the “hard bodies” mainly lies in its simplicity and the
clear-cut moral messages the heroic narrative conveys to the audience. In the Rocky
series, the protagonist was the typical underdog, who through hard work and
perseverance, managed to make it as a world class fighter. This follows the typical rag-to-
riches American dream of the unsophisticated common man, who hopes that by doing
his best, he would be able to rise above the odds pitted against him and fulfill his
ambition or in Rocky’s words, “he took his best shot and became champ’. Throughout the
whole Rocky franchise, there is a running cliché of Rocky facing a stronger opponent in
each installment, followed by Rocky’s vigorous training routine and then his eventual
victory over his adversary. Rocky is depicted as humble and big-hearted while his
enemies petty and arrogant, a reflection on how common Americans viewed themselves
Other action films of the Reagan era were similarly characterized by such simple themes
that were inculcated into the masses, be it patriotism in Rambo or the fight for survival in
Terminator. These action films have about as much complexity as morality plays,
forever abiding by the same generic formula - the hero vanquishes his diabolical foe with
panache, restores order in society, and then takes his well-deserved seat at the pinnacle of
a patriarchal status hierarchy. The protagonists are driven by simple motives with their
eventual success is often a direct result of their strength and perseverance, paralleling the
belief of common Americans that they will reap what they sow.
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3.1.2 The powerful “hard bodies”
Another enduring appeal of these heroes was the boundless power and fortitude their
magnificent body symbolized. In Rocky, the muscular body represents the undying spirit;
Rocky’s body is repeatedly pounded by his enemy, yet he perseveres till the end
regardless of the turmoil his body took. The source of the heroes’ omnipotence lies in
their spectacular physique which commanded both fear and respect, the very emblem of
the ideal Reaganite man. The heroes are able to prevail over any odds with nothing but
sheer power, as evidenced in the classic Commando or Rambo battle sequences, where
the hero would charge into masses of enemies as a one-man killing machine, demolish
his enemies within seconds and emerge from the battle unscathed. These larger-than-life
line from Rambo, “God has mercy. He (Rambo) doesn’t”. The extravagant and violent
battle sequences not only serve to keep the audiences at the edge of their seats but also
transform the “hard body” into the symbol of justice and invulnerability in minds of the
In the case of Rambo, other than the invincibility of the hero’s body, the vivid battle scars
on Rambo’s burly body also capture viewers’ imagination. The American populace felt
that they have endured much hardship during the disastrous presidency of Jimmy Carter
and Rambo’s scars (they evoked numerous painful flashbacks to Rambo’s torment during
In fact, there was a hike in gym memberships during the early 1980s as men began to train their bodies in
order to present themselves as masculine and powerful. For more information, refer to American
Masculinities: A Historical Encyclopedia
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the Vietnam War) attested to this victimized mindset. Rambo’s triumph over the corrupt
and feeble deputies after escaping from their clutches was explicitly symbolic of
America‘s resurrection from the ashes of Carter’s weak presidency, reestablishing herself
into the strong and powerful nation that the conservative Ronald Reagan had promised.
Furthermore, Rambo’s victory over tyranny in Afghanistan in the sequel also urged
Americans to look fast the failure of the Vietnam War and towards a future in which
America would be restored to her rightful position in the global arena, spreading her
Henceforth, the “hard body” was of great appeal to men and women alike; men who
wanted the return of America to her superpower status saw the powerful body as the
foundation on which traditional masculine values could be reinstated while women found
security in that that forbidding and macho exterior, satisfying their desire to find a man
The action hero of today has moved away from masculinity performed through physique
to mastery of skill and weapons. In Lethal Weapon and Mission Impossible, rather than
baring their bodies and charging headfirst into the enemy, the action heroes prefer to
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outmaneuver their adversaries tactically while guns and gadgets are also favored over
brute force. The heroes’ bodies are no longer the focus of the film as more screen time is
used to showcase how the heroes employ sophisticated technology or their specialized
skills to conquer their enemies. Perhaps the best example to illustrate this would be the
chase scene from The Bourne Ultimatum where Jason Bourne master-plans his client’s
escape over a mobile phone, confounding a whole division of trained CIA agents. Jason’s
quick wits and brilliant manipulation of the geography were duly displayed as he weaves
his client in and out the crowd by providing the client with specific step-by-step
instructions over the phone, successfully evading all the CIA agents. Guided by the motto
of “get the job done, keep it simple”, the heroes are precise and minimalistic when
dealing with their adversaries, deviating away from the flashy and brutish methods of the
“hard bodies”.
“The geek will inherit the world” is another major theme depicted in action films such as
the Brother Grimm and Independence day. In Independence Day, Captain Steven Hiller
(Will Smith) is helpless against the aliens despite his big guns and big muscles. It was
rather the computer virus his geeky sidekick created that truly weakened the aliens’
defenses, thereby allowing Steven to crush them with ease. Similarly, in the Brothers
Grimm, the heroes are two run of the mill brothers who are ordinary in every way other
than possessing remarkable knowledge of myths and a knack for setting traps. However,
it is exactly these skills that enable them to defeat their brawny but brainless foes in the
With the end of the Reagan Doctrine and Cold War, Americans no longer feel that their
status as the most powerful nation is being contested. Therefore, being more secure with
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their masculinity, a resourceful and sharp mind is deemed as being more practical and
thus valued over the flashy body. The actions films do not lose their appeal as every man
would gawk over the shiny toys and gadgets while the battle of wits are shot in
adrenaline-pumping sequences that are no less exciting than the carnage of gory fight
scenes. The choice of brains over brawns in these action films attest to the Americans’
principles rather than blindly rushing into a problem and expect to conquer it with brute
The emotional action hero of this day and age is an improvement from his original
precedent formulated in the late 1980s such that the dichotomy between the hero and his
separate geeky and weak Peter Parker from the confident and athletic Spiderman.
However, there is a strong sense of co-relation between hero and man and as the
franchise advances, Peter Parker manages to reconcile with his alter-ego and the two
identities almost seems to merge together. This is exemplified in the film when Peter’s
personal life becomes riddled with complications – losing his job, estranged from his love
interest; Spiderman begins to lose his powers. He reaches an identity crisis and becomes
nothing more than an average teenager, frustrated and confused with the immense
responsibility that comes with being a hero. It is only when he resolves the complications
in his life do his powers return and he comes back even stronger than before, fueled by a
enhanced understanding of his heroic purpose – with great power comes great
responsibility. From this, it could be seen that only with the reconciliation of the hero
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and his alter-ego can the two different identities augment each other and transform the
masculinity from the old franchise in the late 1970s but appears as more of a troubled
man who is torn between love and duty. The man of steel can survive a bullet to his eye
but when faced with rejection by the love of his life, he suffers from an emotional
breakdown. The sturdy exterior is in fact inhabited by a man plagued by a sense of lonely
melancholy, hoping to discover his place in a world of strangers. His eventual triumph is
not marked by the downfall of his archenemy, Lex Luthor but by Earth’s recognition of
Superman as their saviour and his own identification with Earth as his home planet.
These action heroes show that the ability to embrace your feelings is a masculine trait,
highlighting how that the hero is comfortable and secure with his manhood such that
displaying his gentler side would not undermine his masculinity. The struggles of the
hero is fundamentally the struggles of the common man, a man who has to juggle
between work and personal life, a man yearning to be loved and accepted by others.
Such heroes debunk the traditional notion that being in touch with one’s feelings is a sign
of weakness for men. In fact, these heroes become more masculine because they are
comfortable with their sexuality, showing that it takes more courage to reveal insecurities
than to hide them, more strength to relate to people than to dominate them.
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3.2.3 The maverick
At first glance, the maverick appear more as a Hippie3 than a hero, their feral and wild
nature being an absolute deviation from that of the conventionally virtuous action hero,
known for portraying this archetype include Johnny Depp (Pirates of the Caribbean) and
Will Smith (Bad Boys, Hancock, Men in Black). The mavericks are unconcerned with
how others judge them and often do not consider the consequences of their actions,
leading them to seem irresponsible and impulsive. However, it is ultimately this brash
nature combined with their wits that often enable them to elude capture or bring down
their enemies. Captain Jack Sparrow of Pirates of the Caribbean is an excellent example;
Jack seems ludicrous and tipsy on the surface, but under that goofy exterior actually lies a
master-tactician, who chooses his battles wisely and is able to react spontaneously albeit
recklessly to overcome any obstacle, often putting his own life on the line in order to get
The mavericks also possess a certain child-like quality that appeal to the teenage market.
The thrill-seeking Hancock and Jack Sparrow often appear to be immature and perform
various antics to attract attention. Many other action hero archetypes exhibit the maverick
vein, such as Spiderman swinging through the city, playing with his powers like a kid
with a new toy. These adolescent characteristics, combined with their short attention
span, represent the passionate and enthusiastic teenager who seeks to be recognized by
An American subculture that bascially advocates rebellion against the social norms and enjoyment of
life. Refer to to more information.
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the world. Through the course of the film, the mavericks would eventually come to terms
with their adulthood, becoming more mature and responsible but at the same time still
Such heroes actually reveal the hidden desire in the common American to break free of
the shackles of society and the assimilation of the Hippie subculture into the mainstream
working-class Americans feel that they are sold out to the system and continually
question their purpose in life, a parallel to how Captain Jack sold his soul to Davy Jones
and his constant hunt for treasure. Analogous to Jack Sparrow’s final liberation from his
bondage in Pirates of the Caribbean: at World’s End, the treasure that Americans have
been persistently searching for is in fact freedom. Masculinity is thus defined as a man
rebelling against the social norms in order to live out his life in his desired manner,
finding a balance between work and fun by embracing his inner child while recognizing
Many heroes of contemporary action cinema are no longer as politically correct as the
“hard body” archetype of the 1980s, with the lines between right and wrong becoming
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more blurred and hazy. This is especially true in the case of the mavericks, whose
unpredictable personality and disregard of common ethics often putting their morality in
question. They usually do more harm than good and the consequences of their brash
actions are not only disastrous for themselves but also their comrades. For example, in
Rush Hour, James Carter’s erratic behavior spell trouble for himself and often implicates
his buddy, Lee, whereas in Hancock, the hero, in his attempts to subdue criminals,
rampages through the city, resulting in property destruction up to millions while his hot
temper and hostile attitude causes him to antagonize the very people he tries to protect.
Captain Jack takes it even a step further by crossing, threatening and manipulating his
own friends purposefully in order to realize his personal goals or as he justifies it, for “the
Nevertheless, these heroes are shown to house a heart of gold buried under all that layers
of perceived wickedness. James Carter and Captain Jack will always arrive in the nick of
time to save their friends even though they are often the ones to plunge them into hot
water in the first place. Hancock seems as though he could not be bothered with the
civilian but in real fact, he always had their interests in heart, willing to even sacrifice
himself to rescue them. Likewise, Captain Jack forgoes his chance at fulfilling his life-
long dream of immorality in order to save the dying Will Turner. Henceforth, it would
suffice to say that the sensitive side of these mavericks is only fleshed out when they are
faced with moral dilemmas, bringing out the good man within. Following this line of
argument, the Mavericks are essentially decent men whose fiercely wild and rapacious
nature becomes their undoing, as illustrated by an amusing dialogue from Pirates of the
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Caribbean 2 in which Captain Jack is told that he is in fact a “good man” and he replies,
The same could be said for American’s ambivalent relationship with rebel figures such as
Goths and Hippies because they threaten the status quo and challenge societal
institutions. Hence, they are often misconstrued as dangerously antisocial renegades and
marginalized by society. The mavericks glorify rebel masculinity, urging people to look
beyond the social stereotypes and seek to understand the rebels. Through this, they would
discover that the rebels are in fact civilized men who merely express themselves
Some heroes not only refuse to follow the conservative moral guidelines but choose to
create their own justifications for their actions. These heroes, such as Batman from
Batman begins or Leonard Shelby from Memento, create their own ethical principles
Batman, after witnessing the deaths of his own parents, becomes disillusioned with the
social justice system and believes that the crime-ridden Gotham needs an avant-garde
vigilante to rescue its citizens from the filth and vice of the city. He terrorizes his
criminals into submission and cleans Gotham’s streets without adhering to the law, even
illegally building an amoured tank to fight crime. However, he does create his own set of
rules so that he would not turn into the criminals that he abhors, vowing never to
endanger the life of any civilian. Although he disregards the laws, he sets his own beliefs
in stone and never breaks them no matter how great the temptation or dire the situation is.
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For instance, in the Dark Knight, even when the maniacal Joker leaves himself totally
vulnerable and taunts Batman to run him over, he chooses to crash his own bike rather
Leonard Shelby is a more extreme example as he suffers from retrograde amnesia and
places all his trust in his own distorted memory and self-created notes. He is ceaselessly
tormented by the pain of the fresh memory of his wife’s death and becomes obsessed
with exacting revenge on his wife’s murderer. However, unable to remember that he has
already hunted the murderer down, Leonard lives in a web of lies and deception he
weaves for himself in order to create a purpose to fuel his life, as expressed in his
soliloquy, “I have to believe that my actions still have meaning, even if I can't remember
Batman and Leonard are both traumatized by their former experiences and their only
they can heal from their psychological scars. The catalyst that pushes the heroes to pursue
their own sense of justice is their personal belief that they can do a better job than the
incompetent law enforcement system. While the jurisdiction system in Gotham city is
highly corrupted, Leonard is surrounded by people who want to manipulate him for their
own interests. Against the backdrop of an ugly world filled with uglier people, these
heroes are forced to trust only themselves and thus create their own set of moral
principles. Their psyche is an indication of a more general malaise and cynicism that
feel that a true man must be firm with his principles, relying on his own courage and
According to Joseph Campbell, the hero is what his choices make him4. In 300 and
Braveheart, the protagonists choose to die rather than to submit to their enemies as they
see self-sacrifice as the key to fulfilling their heroic destiny. In dying, their beliefs of
liberty and honour are immortalized and they live on forever in the hearts of their people,
contemporary action films. In The Dark Knight, Batman does not even bother to present
himself as a hero, instead choosing to look at the bigger picture. He chooses to forsake
his honour for Gotham’s well-being, shouldering the blame for Harvey Dent’s crimes so
that Gotham’s dream for a brighter future will not be shattered. In the case of Spiderman
and Hancock, despite being denounced by the very people they protect, the heroes still
press on with their own brand of vigilante heroism. The hero’s choice to carry out his
duty in spite of his unpopularity usually stems from some sort of epiphany through the
course of the movie, causing the hero to realize that the world needs a savior, even if the
people do not want one. As The Dark Knight suggests, “You either die a hero or live long
enough to see yourself become the villain”, these heroes choose the latter and continue to
don the amour of justice as they believe that mankind need their help, whether they like
means to be a selfless hero, perpetuating the idea that a true man should not only be
willing to die for his beliefs but also have the courage to live for them.
Refer to the hero’s Momomyth in The hero with a thousand faces
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3.4 Sex appeal vs fatherly figure
It is evident that “hard bodies” no longer enjoy the appeal to women that they once had.
With the defining characteristics of the “hard body” archetype being emulated by males
of Generation X5, “hard bodies” are too reminiscent of their fathers and thus lose their
Cohort of individuals born during the 1965s to 1980s, for more information, refers to Generation X: Tales
for an Accelerated Culture.
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sexual appeal6 for Generation Y7. This idea of “hard bodies” transforming into fatherly
figures is further reinforced in films such as Kindergarten Cop, the Kid and more
recently, The Pacifier and The Game Plan, in which the once formidable symbol of
Taking a closer look the action film, a common trend in various action hero archetypes
can be observed – the man behind the hero is usually a “hard body”. In Gangs of New
York, Amsterdam’s father, Priest Vallon, is dignified, valiant and respected among his
fellow man, the classic exemplar of a “hard body” hero. While brief, Vallon’s heroic
screen presence is powerful enough to leave an indelible mark in the minds of both the
audience and Amsterdam. Sixteen years after his father’s death, Amsterdam is shown to
be the living shadow of his father, his whole life revolving around his desire to become
the man his father was. Likewise, in Superman Returns, Superman is closely guided by
the wisdom of his deceased father, and a poignant scene in which Superman passes on
these teachings (You will make my strength your own. See my life through your own
eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father, and the father
the son) to his son serves as a powerful closure to the father-son relationship. This idea of
the “hard bodies” as a fatherly figure is crystallized in Rocky Balboa in which Rocky
encounters his mid-life crisis, enters a tournament and for the first time ever, loses his
final fight. Nevertheless, he is celebrated as the victor when he passes his qualities of
According to Sigmund Freud, because of pressure from social taboos, people tend to see no erotic
interest not only from parents, and any persons resembling them.
Cohort of individuals born during 1980-1994 , for more information, refer to What Comes Next After
Generation X
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determination and perseverance not only to his younger opponent but also to a whole new
The “hard bodies” are shown to play the role of fathers and mentors in modern action
cinema, a model that the action heroes of today often emulate in their pursuit of self-
perfection. When the “hard bodies” impart their attributes and qualities to their disciples,
contemporary action heroes assume the power and strength of their predecessors,
allowing the ideas and virtues “hard bodies” have come to represent to continue living
through the action heroes of today. This draws a parallel to young Americans of
Generation Y aspiring to live up to their fathers’ expectations or even how the Bush and
The raw barbaric power once represented by the muscular body is now manifested in the
sexy mavericks. Johnny Depp was named the most desirable man of 20039 after his
portrayal of the sexually and morally ambiguous Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the
Caribbean, outshining his co-star Orlando Bloom, who played the conventional self-
righteous hero. Similarly, after his various portrayals of reckless and restless heroes, be it
the rebellious cob in bad boys or the daredevil pilot in Independence day, Will Smith has
also been transformed into a sex symbol. Women find the wild streak in these mavericks
irresistible, demonstrated in how Mary Jane was smitten with Spiderman after their
Reagan received the highest approval ratings in 40 years after his 2 terms in office ,placing him on par
with great presidents such as Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.
Poll from the People’s Magazine
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romantic upside-down kiss in the rain and Elizabeth infatuation with Captain Jack’s
enigmatic and eccentric personality. The popularity of the mavericks indicates that
women today are not merely satisfied by a hot body, but also requires their men to be
The emotional hero is also highly sought after by women as well although they do not
emanate testosterone like the “hard bodies” nor can they sweep women off their feet like
the mavericks. Nevertheless, they are to capture a women’s heart as their feminine nature
unmoved by the glamour of Superman’s heroics and only when Superman opens up and
engage Lois in a heartfelt conversation does she fall in love with him. For Spiderman,
while Mary Jane is impressed by the amazing Spiderman, she is truly enamored with
Peter Parker who genuinely understands and cares for her. The sensitive male shows that
every man can capture a women’s heart as long as he is willing to commit himself to her.
The action hero, be it in the 1970s or 2000s, have always been the jewel of women’s
eyes. The qualities of the action hero such strength, charm, sophistication and devotion
are traits that men want and women want to see in their men. Women want to be swept
off their feet, brought on romantic escapades and their men to open up their emotional
faculties to them. Therefore, contemporary action cinema is still the avenue through
which a woman’s fantasies can be gratified, satisfying her hidden dreams and desires.
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Chapter 4 – Conclusion
understand how societal perceptions of masculinity evolve from era to era. Several key
motifs include how the action hero in 1980s personifies the lofty American dream of the
working class, consolidating traditional American values while the contemporary action
hero reflects Generation Y’s varying perspectives on and definitions of masculinity. The
“hard body” hero is perceived as the epitome of the perfect man, exaggerated and
stretched beyond the reach of common Americans, thereby creating a gulf between the
audience and the hero. On the other hand, the contemporary hero is shown to possess
numerous character flaws, allowing the audience to identify with the moral dilemmas and
difficulties the hero is faced with. This is mainly due to political changes in both America
and the global arena since the late 1970s. While the pressure Cold War united Americans
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to become the powerful and aggressive “hard body” to counter the external threat of
communism, the more stable political scene after the 1990s allowed the action hero to be
Action heroes of today are no longer depicted as herculean and utopian figures but the
embodiment of the struggles and desires of the common man, perpetuating the belief that
anyone can rise to the occasion and be a hero. The action hero may have toned down in
physique but remains sexy by stepping up in his emotional department while openly
exhibiting his magnetic personality through his actions. The masculinity of these new
action heroes is not accentuated through their body but rather their abilities, emotion and
beliefs. Looking at their “hard bodies” counterparts as idyllic role models, these
imperfect heroes strive to bring out the best in themselves. By augmenting their own
skills and character with the qualities of perseverance and valor from the “hard bodies”,
contemporary action heroes are shown to be just as unstoppable and powerful as the
“hard bodies” when they are driven to do so. Their journey of self-discovery and
masculine development allows them to reveal the man they can be, rather than the man
Recently, with action films such as Spiderman, The Dark Knight and Ironman breaking
box-office records across the globe, it is evident that action hero is experiencing a
paradigm shift towards superheroes. After the traumatic experience of 9/11 and faced
with the increasing threat of terrorism, Americans once again look towards the larger-
than-life heroes to protect them. Although these formidable heroes are, without doubt,
superhuman, the ordinary predicaments they struggle with, ranging from teenage angst to
mid-life crisis, humanize them, setting them apart from the “hard bodies”. The
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construction of a generic formula for superheroes has already been set in motion and it is
highly likely that the superhero archetype will soon dominate action cinema, possibly
even surpassing the influence the “hard bodies” had enjoyed in their prime.
Campbell, J (1940). The Hero with a thousand faces. Los Angeles, Calif : New York,
Jeffords, S (1994). Hard Bodies: Hollywood Masculinity in the Reagan Era. New
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Tasker, Y (1993). Spectacular Bodies: Gender, Genre and the Action Cinema London,
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