Dams Ecological Impacts and Management PDF
Dams Ecological Impacts and Management PDF
Dams Ecological Impacts and Management PDF
6.1 Introduction
Dam construction goes back in human history for more than 5000 years (e.g., Sadd
el-Kafara dam in Egypt for flood protection), but most of the world’s existing dams
have been built after the Second World War as consequence or basis of economic
development. Today, there are about 6000 existing or planned large hydropower dams
(>15 m height) worldwide (Zarfl et al. 2014) and an uncountable number of small
dams. For example, with more than 5000 mostly small hydropower plants, Austria is
one of the countries with the highest density of hydropower dams (about 6 dams per
100 km2, Wagner et al. 2015). Downstream flows are mainly altered by large dams,
e.g., there are 654 reservoirs with storage capacities 0.5 km3 (Lehner and Döll 2004).
Damming rivers currently stores the equivalent of 15% of global annual river runoff
(Likens 2010). As a result, 48% of rivers (expressed as river volume) globally are
moderately to severely impacted by either flow regulation, fragmentation, or both.
Besides flow, sediment transport is severely altered by dams. A total of approx-
imately 25–30% of pre-disturbance sediment flux is sequestered by modern
impoundments (Fig. 6.1).
Impacts might double should all planned dams be constructed by 2030 (Grill et al.
2015). This is especially so in areas with expanding economies and extensive
unexploited river reaches, such as China, which currently is building 130 major
dams in its Southwest (Lewis 2013) and has constructed more than half the new
dams built since 1950 worldwide (Wang and Chen 2010).
Unfortunately, there is no generally accepted descriptive nomenclature of dams.
The term “dam” is often applied to both the physical structure retaining the water and
Fig. 6.1 Sediment trapping by large dams. GWSP Digital Water Atlas (Available online at http://atlas.gwsp.org)
S. Schmutz and O. Moog
6 Dams: Ecological Impacts and Management 113
the water so retained. For the purposes of this chapter, dam will be used solely to
describe the physical structure (e.g., weir), and the term “reservoir” will be used to
denote the artificially created water body. This leads to the following definition: “A
dam is a barrier to obstruct the flow of water and to create a reservoir.” Reservoirs are
also called “impoundments.” Reservoirs are built for specific community needs:
• Drinking, industrial, and cooling water supply
• Hydropower generation
• Agricultural irrigation
• River regulation and flood control
• Navigation
• Recreation and fisheries
Dams are among the most damaging human activities in river basins, deeply
modifying the physiography of watersheds. Reservoirs may look very much like
natural lakes; however, the operating regime determined by the purpose for which
the reservoirs were created may significantly alter their physicochemical character
and biological responses. The peculiar form of a reservoir, its location, and mode of
operation may cause considerable, actual variation of the basic limnological behav-
ior. Reservoirs undergo great changes in water quality during the early stages of their
formation until a new ecological balance becomes established (Straskraba et al.
1993). Reservoirs follow a succession of (1) physicochemical alteration, (2) modifi-
cation in the structure and dynamics of primary producers, and (3) changes in the
community of consumers, especially invertebrates and fish (Petts 1985). After that,
reservoirs may pass over into a kind of stability, but occurrence of floods, dam
operation, or other impacts may create new disturbances to the system.
Reservoirs not only affect the inundated river sections but also block upstream fish
migration (see Chap. 9) and downstream flow and sediment transport. The magnitude
of impact is strongly correlated with the location of the dam, size of reservoir (height
of dam, volume of reservoir), and water residence time. The average length of time
water remains within the boundaries of an aquatic system is one of the key parameters
controlling the system’s biogeochemical behavior. This time scale, which is generally
referred to as the water residence time, is fundamental for multiple and complex
processes in reservoirs (Rueda et al. 2006). Furthermore, the dam operation mode
determines the seasonal variation of stored water, water level fluctuations, sediment
capture and release, as well as daily and seasonal downstream flow patterns.
The main impacts associated with reservoirs are as follows:
• Interruption of river continuity (longitudinal and lateral, fish migration, sediment
and nutrient transport)
• Siltation of river bed and clogging of interstitial
• Homogenization of habitats
• Downstream river bed incision
• Alteration of river/groundwater exchange
• Downstream flow and water quality alteration
114 S. Schmutz and O. Moog
River damming is a process so drastic that it results in the creation of a completely new
ecosystem (Baxter 1977). Therefore, the occurrence of environmental impacts is
inherent with any impoundment due to fundamental change of the hydrology and
morphology of the river. Flow represents the main force behind freshwater ecosystems,
and it is responsible for geohydrological structure, matter and energy fluxes, system
productivity, and distribution and function of biota (Poff et al. 1997). As a consequence,
the alteration of natural flow regimes and morphodynamic patterns has far-reaching
impacts (see Chaps. 3 and 4), including production, biodiversity, and changes in
functions and services provided by aquatic ecosystems (Nilsson et al. 2005).
Reservoirs differ from natural lakes with respect to hydrological, limnological, and
ecological dynamics. Depending on the size and shape of the reservoir, a longitudinal
hydrological gradient may develop from the dam (lentic or lacustrine zone) to upstream
reaches (riverine zone), showing intermediate characteristics in middle stretches (tran-
sition zone, with lentic and lotic features) (Kimmel and Groeger 1984). While fluvial
characteristics are maintained to some extent in small reservoirs, e.g., run-of-the-river
hydropower plants, lentic conditions prevail in large storage reservoirs (Fig. 6.2).
Coarse sediments settle within the riverine section of the reservoir, while fine
sediments (sand, silt) and particulate organic matter (POM) are deposited in the
lacustrine zone (Fig. 6.2, Table 6.1). Soon after the reservoir is filled, patterns of
thermal/chemical stratification intensify progressively in the water column, and
eutrophication may occur due to upstream matter input, decay, and nutrient release
from the flooded organic matter (vegetation, litter, and soil) or from pollution.
Reservoirs are much more susceptible to eutrophication that rivers due to the higher
self-purification capacity of running waters. Consequently, water quality may dete-
riorate in reservoirs (e.g., thermal stress, low dissolved oxygen, acidification),
especially close to the bottom (Agostinho et al. 2008). Depending on a reservoir’s
characteristics, anoxic water or sediment layers may evolve as a consequence of
stratification, deposition, and decomposition of organic material. Stratification (ther-
mocline, light conditions, etc.) changes production (autotrophic, heterotrophic) and
the entire food chain (Fig. 6.2).
Dams are often associated with lateral dams or levees, disconnecting the reservoir
hydrologically from the floodplains. This results in limited or abandoned inundation
and reduced interchange with the groundwater and lowers chances of recolonization,
both lateral and longitudinal. As a result, the new ecosystem is colonized by those
species that inhabited the original river and are able to adapt to the new conditions
(Agostinho et al. 2008). Nonmigratory, eurytopic species dominate the lacustrine
zone of reservoirs because they usually have less complex requirements with regard
to life-cycle dynamics. Migratory and rheophilic species experience declines in the
reservoir due to the lentic environment, spatial fragmentation imposed by the dam,
and the loss of critical habitats (e.g., spawning habitats in free-flowing river
stretches). Consequently, lentic fish replace lotic species and dominate the reservoir
fish communities (Zhong and Power 1996). In terms of richness, fish species tend to
remain in environments that preserve the original fluvial characteristics or in those
6 Dams: Ecological Impacts and Management 115
Small Dimension L a rg e
flow Riverine
characteristic or Riverine Lacustrine
Dime n sio n n a rro w a n d sh a llo w wid e a n d d e e p
Flo w fa st slo w
S e d ime n t co a rse fin e
V e rtica l stra tif ica tio n no ye s
milky (glacial rivers)
Turbidity and light clear (temperate rivers) clearing effect and higher availability of light
turbid (tropical rivers)
high concentration,
Nutrient fluxes low concentration, maintained by inner cycling
maintained by river transport
Source of organic
a llo ch to n o u s a u to ch to n ou s
Oxygen oxigenated facultative anoxic deep layer
P la n kto n n o n e -fe w fe w-a b u n d a nt
Rh e o p h ilic f ish abundant none
In d iff e re n t fish fe w fe w
Mig ra to ry fish abundant n o n e -fe w
low (headwaters)
Fish diversity low-medium
high (lowland rivers)
Fig. 6.2 Schematic representation of longitudinal reservoir zones and associated key processes, (a)
plan view and (b) longitudinal profile; DMM dissolved mineral matter, DOM dissolved organic
matter, PMM particulate mineral matter, POM particulate organic matter, BA bacteria, FU fungi
(adapted after Herzig 1984; Kimmel and Groeger 1984)
116 S. Schmutz and O. Moog
Table 6.1 Sedimentation of river sediments as a function of flow velocity and associated domi-
nating benthic invertebrate community (modified after Jungwirth et al. 2006)
Flow velocity Sedimentation Benthic invertebrate community
<20 cm s1 Sedimentation of organic matter and silt Oligochaeta (Tubifex), Pisidia,
Diptera (Chironomidae)
25–50 cm s1 Sedimentation of sand Due to instability less favorable for
benthic invertebrates
60–90 cm s1 Movement of fine gravel and sand, Increased diversity of (rheophilic)
sedimentation of medium-sized gravel benthic invertebrates
120–170 cm s1 Sedimentation of coarse gravel High diversity of (rheophilic and
movement of medium-sized gravel rheobiont) benthic invertebrates
>170 cm s1 Movement of coarse gravel Rheophilic organisms
with relatively high habitat heterogeneity, i.e., tributaries and lotic stretches
upstream, and it is common to find a gradient of decreasing fish diversity toward
dams. If coldwater streams are dammed, the warmer water in reservoirs might favor
species adapter to warmer temperatures, resulting in a so-called potamalization
effect, i.e., a shift from rhithral to potamal communities (Jungwirth et al. 2003).
Fine sediment deposition in the reservoir leads to clogging of the river bottom (see
Chap. 8). This affects aquatic communities of the hyporheic interstitial (Ward et al.
1998), resulting in depauperated fauna dominated by few species (e.g., chironomids,
Table 6.1). As a consequence, the ecological status of reservoirs, in particular within
the lacustrine section, is often classified as poor or bad (sensu EU Water Framework
Directive, Ofenböck et al. 2011, Fig. 6.3).
While the energy and matter fluxes in the riverine section are based on allochthonous
matter input, the energy fluxes of the lacustrine section are also triggered by photosyn-
thesis and inner cycling. Allochthonous organic matter (DOM, dissolved organic matter;
POM, particulate organic) is directly taken up by consumers or indirectly via detritus
decomposed by bacteria and fungi. Besides water residence time, mineral components
(DMM, dissolved mineral matter) and light conditions (PMM, particulate mineral
matter; POM) regulate algal growth and overall productivity in the lacustrine section
(see Fig. 6.2 and Herzig 1984).
In all three zones of the reservoir, biodiversity is highest in the littoral environment
as a result of the greater availability and heterogeneity of feeding resources, shelter, and
habitats (Agostinho et al. 2008). However, the littoral may be exposed to water level
fluctuations, causing frequent stress events to fauna and flora. High magnitude and
frequency of water level fluctuations creates “dead zones” along the reservoir shores.
Whenever rivers are turned into reservoirs, the former fluvial habitat is widely
lost. The new lentic ecosystem resembles lake-type systems, but, depending
on type and dam operation, reservoirs are disturbed by artificial water level
fluctuations, drawdowns, and floods. Consequently, dammed rivers are hybrid
systems that lose their lotic but gain only partly lacustrine functions.
6 Dams: Ecological Impacts and Management 117
R² = 0.726
% fine sediments 80
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Multi-metric index
Although investigated less, downstream impacts are equally or even more damaging
to aquatic fauna, given that impoundments affect primarily water flow dynamics,
i.e., the main force working in fluvial ecosystems. Impoundments redistribute river
discharge in space and time, affecting several hydrological attributes, e.g., flood
period, intensity, amplitude, duration, frequency, and, consequently, the structure,
dynamics, and functioning of ecosystems located downstream (see Chap. 4). In
118 S. Schmutz and O. Moog
Fig. 6.4 Average theoretical sediment trapping efficiency of reservoirs of the Lancang (Upper
Mekong) Cascade in China (Kummu and Varis 2007) (reproduced from Geomorphology, 85/3–4,
2007, Matti Kummu, Olli Varis, Sediment-related impacts due to upstream reservoir trapping, the
lower Mekong river, pp. 275–293, with permission from Elsevier. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights
addition to flow regulation, other important alterations inevitably follow dam con-
struction, such as blockage of migration routes for some fish species and the
retention of sediments and nutrients upstream—a process that decreases turbidity
as well as nutrient load and suspended material. This last phenomenon imposes
limitations on biological productivity in areas downstream, reducing the fertility of
wetlands, and affecting their carrying capacity. The loss of fertilizing services of the
flood pulse has been documented in several systems worldwide (WCD 2000).
In case of downstream floodplains, negative effects of flow regulation are still
more pronounced. The structure and functioning of such ecosystems rely on the
alternation of extreme events, e.g., flood and drought (Junk et al. 1989), a dynamic
pulsing that disappears with impoundment, because dams usually decrease maxi-
mum discharges (absence of seasonal flood pulses) and stabilize or increase mini-
mum discharges. Consequently, hydrological connectivity among environments is
considerably modified in space and time. The redistribution of the flooding regime
has several direct and indirect effects on fish populations. The decrease in connec-
tivity between the river and lateral floodplain affects riparian communities and
reshapes other environments and interface zones that provide important habitats
for fish, especially nurseries. In the absence of floods, even if adults successfully
reproduce in tributaries, eggs, larvae, and young fish drifting downstream have
limited access to lateral habitats, and population recruitment is negatively affected
(Agostinho et al. 2008).
6 Dams: Ecological Impacts and Management 119
Discharge [m3s-1]
20 000
15 000
10 000
5 000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
400 floodplains
main river
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
In 1960, the Volgograd hydropower dam, the last dam of the Volga–Kama
cascade, was completed. After damming, annual maximum peak discharges have
decreased, minimum discharges increased, but average discharges remained similar
to pre-damming conditions (Fig. 6.5). Moreover, because of riverbed incision of
over 1.5 m, a higher discharge is needed to reach bank-full level and to inundate
floodplains, which is the largest floodplain in Europe (length 300 km, width 20 km).
Commercial fish catches severely decreased after damming, both in the main channel
and in the floodplain lakes (Fig. 6.6).
If the continuity of sediment transport is interrupted by dams or removal of
sediment from the channel by gravel mining, the flow may become sediment starved
(hungry water) and prone to erode the channel bed and banks, producing channel
incision (downcutting), coarsening of bed material, and loss of habitat for litophilic
species (Kondolf 1997; Fig. 6.7). Riverbed incision reduces the connectivity to
floodplain habitats. Together with reduced flood flows (e.g., due to storage) the
dimension and quality of floodplain habitats is reduced, affecting the productivity of
the entire river-floodplain system. Also, further downstream, lack of sediment may
cause habitat degradation due to erosion of river deltas or coastal shores.
120 S. Schmutz and O. Moog
Fig. 6.7 Riverbed incision of the Danube River downstream of the Austrian hydropower cascade
in the years 1950–2003 expressed as low water level (m.a.sl. meter above sea level) at river
1894.7 km (gauging station Wildungsmauer, Reckendorfer et al. 2005) (© Reckendorfer,
W. et al. 2005. The Integrated River Engineering Project for the free-flowing Danube in the
Austrian Alluvial Zone National Park: contradictory goals and mutual solutions Archiv für
Hydrobiologie, Supplementband “Large Rivers”, 155: 613–630, www.schweizerbart.de/series/
archiv_Suppl, reproduced with permission from Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung)
Downstream segments are also subjected to other impacts related to dam operation
and water quality of released water. The operation of hydroelectric impoundments
tends to follow demands for electricity, creating variable flow regimes. Such irreg-
ular discharges called hydropeaking intensify erosive processes downstream and can
caused drift and stranding of fish and macroinvertebrates (see Chap. 5).
Downstream release of poor-quality water by turbines and spillways also creates
unfavorable conditions, e.g., anoxic hypolimnic water and altered water tempera-
tures. For example, below the Xinanjiang and Danjiangkou dams, spawning of fish
was delayed 20–60 days by lower water temperatures (Zhong and Power 1996).
Spillflow at high dams may cause oversaturation of oxygen creating the so-called gas
bubble disease in fish.
Reservoirs impose system shifts on running waters, making restoration in the sense
of reestablishing pre-damming conditions impossible. Hence, any attempt to
improve the ecological condition can be regarded as a mitigation effort to reduce
but not to remove the impacts. This is definitely true for the reservoir itself where
mitigation measures have to take into account the new boundary conditions of the
lacustrine environment. Therefore, mitigation measures mainly focus on the habitat
6 Dams: Ecological Impacts and Management 121
Fig. 6.8 Mitigation measures proposed for Danube reservoirs for improving connectivity and habitat
(Jungwirth et al. 2005) (© Jungwirth, M et al. (2005). Leitbild-specific measures for the rehabilitation
of the heavily modified Austrian Danube River. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Supplementband “Large
Rivers”, 155: 17–36, www.schweizerbart.de/series/archiv_Suppl, reproduced with permission from
Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung)
mostly upstream and, in case of dams, often supported by fish passes. After
spawning adults migrate back to their downstream habitats in main rivers. Eggs
and/or larvae are then carried downstream by currents but are not further propagated
downstream of reservoirs. This leads to lack of recruitment for riverine fish
populations downstream of the dams.
Reservoirs themselves often provide unsuitable habitats for juvenile fish and
finally represent ecological traps. Four conditions are required to characterize a
fish passage/reservoir system as an ecological trap (Pelicice and Agostinho 2008):
(1) attractive forces leading fish to ascend the passage; (2) unidirectional migratory
movements (upstream); (3) the environment above the passage has poor conditions
for fish recruitment, e.g., the absence of spawning grounds and nursery areas; and
(4) the environment below the passage has a proper structure for recruitment. When
these conditions exist, individuals move to poor-quality habitats, fitness is reduced,
and populations are threatened. Based on current and proposed river regulation
scenarios, it is concluded that conservation of migratory fish will be much more
complicated than previously believed (Pelicice et al. 2015).
Fig. 6.9 Reservoir management options depending on storage capacity, mean annual runoff, and
mean annual sediment load (based on Basson and Rooseboom 1997 and adapted from Kimbrel et al.
2014). Kw is the ratio between reservoir storage capacity and mean annual runoff, and a ratio of >1
means that the reservoir can store more than the mean annual runoff. Kt is the ratio between
reservoir storage and mean annual sediment yield. A ratio of 100 means that the mean annual
sediment yield can be stored over 100 years until the reservoir is filled (without flushing)
loss of benthic invertebrates, reduced growth, and lost habitats due to sedimentation
(Henley et al. 2000; Crosa et al. 2009; Kemp et al. 2011; Jones et al. 2012).
Aquatic organisms have evolved with the dynamics of natural levels of
total suspended solids (TSS). The natural level of TSS highly depends on the
geo-hydromorphological conditions in the catchment and can be highly variable.
The highest natural TSS peaks occur during floods and may affect fish. However,
healthy ecosystems are usually able to compensate these effects in the long run.
Reservoir flushing can cause TSS concentrations much higher than the natural
background concentration and can result, depending on concentration level and
duration, in stress or complete elimination of the fish stock.
Newcombe and Jensen (1996) classified the effects of reservoir flushing as (1) lethal
effect (high-to-low mortality, high-to-medium habitat degradation), (2) lethal and para-
lethal effects (high predatory pressure, prolonged hatching of larvae), (3) sublethal
effects (reduction of growth, fitness and feeding, disturbed homing effect, physiologic
stress, elevated breath frequency), and (4) behavioral effects (emigration, active/passive
drift). While behavioral effects are mainly reversible and limited to the duration of
exposure, physiologic changes have a more chronic character.
The intensity of impacts depends mainly on the concentration and duration of
exposure, but also the size and texture of particles, water temperature, and chemical
and physical conditions. Furthermore, toxic substances, acclimatization, and other
stressors and their interaction are considered as relevant. For example, the release
and decay of organic matter and resulting oxygen depletion may lead to suffocation
of fish and benthic invertebrates. The “ranked effects model” is a tool for quantifying
negative effects of suspended solids on fish (Newcombe and Jensen 1996). On the
basis of duration (h) and concentration (mg/l) of exposure, a so-called severity of ill
index (SEV) is calculated whereby several models are used depending on the species
and age class. The resulting index ranges from 0 (no changes in behavior) to
14 (80–100% mortality).
Fig. 6.10 Example of a bypass system, a near-natural channel to circumvent the impoundment,
implemented at hydropower station Ottensheim-Wilhering, Danube, Austria (15 km long, discharge
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