Fabrication and Testing of Structures: Ships / High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft
Fabrication and Testing of Structures: Ships / High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft
Fabrication and Testing of Structures: Ships / High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft
Sec. 1 General Requirements ................................................................................................................ 5
Sec. 2 Requirements for Builders of Ship Structures............................................................................ 7
Sec. 3 Qualification of Welders ............................................................................................................ 8
Sec. 4 Welding Consumables................................................................................................................ 9
Sec. 5 Welding Procedures ................................................................................................................. 12
Sec. 6 Fabrication and Tolerances....................................................................................................... 25
Sec. 7 Non Destructive Testing of Welds ........................................................................................... 27
Sec. 8 Structural and Tightness Testing .............................................................................................. 29
If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person
for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-
sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.
In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det
Norske Veritas.
Amended, Rules for Ships / High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, January 2005
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3, July 2008 Pt.2 Ch.3 Contents – Page 3
A. General
Builder Yard involved in fabrication planning, building,
A 100 Application assembly and testing of ship structures for pur-
101 This section provides general requirements for fabrica- pose of classification.
tion of welded structures involving parts and units described in Subcontractor Independent unit performing work under super-
Pt.3. vision by the builder. The subcontractor may be
required to be approved by the Society.
102 Basic requirements are given in Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.1 B300 Quality Manage- Quality Management System worked out in ac-
(ship rules). ment System cordance with a reputable quality standard, such
103 Additional fabrication requirements for ship hull struc- as ISO 9001:2000 or equivalent. The Quality
tures relating to special service and type are given in Pt.5. Management System may be required to be cer-
tified by an accredited certification body, see
104 Fabrication and welding of piping and boilers/pressure Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.4 B500.
vessels are dealt with in Pt.4 Ch.6 Sec.7 (ship rules) and Pt.4 New Building Agreement between the builder and the Society
Ch.7 Sec.8, respectively. Survey defining responsibility and authority of person-
Arrangement nel and items to be controlled with acceptance
A 200 Basic requirements (NSA) criteria, quality control functions. The activities
201 Welding of important structures like: through this agreement are complementary to
the Society’s own inspection scheme.
— hull, superstructure taking part in the overall strength pWPS Preliminary welding procedure specification: A
— hull equipment, stern frames, rudders, rudder stocks and tentative welding procedure specification,
rudder horn which is assumed adequate by the builder as ba-
sis for approval by the Society.
shall be carried out by certified welders, with approved weld- WPS Welding procedure specification: A specifica-
ing procedures and welding consumables, and at builders and tion of material, detailed methods, practices and
subcontractors recognized by the Society. parameters employed in the welding of a partic-
ular joint, and which have been approved by the
202 Welders and welding procedures approved for the type Society.
of connection and parent material in question as given in Sec.3
WPQR Welding procedure qualification record: The
and Sec.5, respectively, shall be used. record of the actual parameters employed during
203 Welding consumables shall be type approved. Sec.4 welding of the qualification test piece, and re-
specifies basic groups and grades, application of the various sults from non-destructive testing and mechani-
grades and grouping of shielding gases. cal testing.
WPQT Welding procedure qualification test: A test car-
A 300 Builders and subcontractors ried out in order to demonstrate that the weld
carried out according to the pWPS meets the
301 Builders and subcontractors will have to prove their specified requirements.
abilities for the welding operations in question.
WPT Weld production test: A test carried out to dem-
302 It is assumed that the builders and subcontractors make onstrate that actual production welding meets
use of the necessary equipment for carrying out inspection of the specified requirements.
the welding operations in a satisfactory manner. NDT Non-destructive testing: Visual inspection, radi-
303 Important welding operations shall be carried out under ographic testing, ultrasonic testing, magnetic
daily supervision of an inspector, who has the experience and particle testing, penetrant testing and other non-
destructive methods for revealing defects and ir-
qualifications which enable him to judge this type of work. The regularities.
work of each welder shall be regularly examined.
Manual welding Welding where the electrode holder, welding
304 Builders and subcontractors shall keep a card index or hand gun, torch or blowpipe are manipulated by
register of all certified welders. The register shall give infor- hand.
mation on training of the welders and date and results of qual- Partly mecha- Manual welding where the wire feed is mecha-
ification tests. Information about the base metal, type of nised welding nized.
welding consumable, joint design and welding positions shall Fully mechanised Welding where all main operations (excluding
be stated in the event of re-qualification tests. The surveyor welding the handling of the workpiece) are mechanized.
shall be allowed to examine the register at any time. Fully automatic Welding where all operations are mechanized.
B. Definitions
B 100 Terms C. Documentation
101 The following terms are used in connection with fabri- C 100 Plans and particulars
cation of ship structures:
101 The following documentation shall be submitted for ap-
— WPS, including WPQR, if applicable
— project specific NDT procedures
— NDT test plan.
102 The following documentation to be sent for information: — inspection of preparatory work (assembly, fit-up form
work, reinforcements, preheating, etc.)
— erection and inspection plan — erection sequence
— tank testing plan. — inspection of fabrication work for compliance with speci-
103 For builders, unknown to the Society, documentation fications and procedures
describing the following activities shall be submitted for infor- — witnessing NDT, control and testing
mation: — repairs and inspection of repairs
— welding inspection
— qualification and acceptance of fabrication procedures and — ensure functionality of examination, testing equipment
personnel and of recording and/or measuring devices vital for correct
— correct identification and documentation and use of mate- functioning of equipment and machinery used in fabrica-
rials tion.
A. General the Society, e.g. EN 287, ISO 9606, ASME Section IX, ANSI/
AWS D1.1.
A 100 Application
102 Recognition of other standards is subject to acceptance
101 These requirements shall apply to the Society’s accept- by the Society.
ance of welders for fusion welding of steel and non-ferrous
metals. B 200 Certification
A 200 Requirements 201 Welding and testing of weld assemblies shall be per-
201 Welding operators using fully mechanized or fully auto- formed in the presence of the Society’s representative. Upon
matic processes shall be required to have records of proficien- successful completion, and on client’s request, the Society will
cy, which provide evidence that the operators are receiving certify that the welder has passed the approval testing.
adequate regularly training in setting, programming and oper-
ating the equipment. 202 Where certification is performed by other IACS mem-
bers or independent organisations e.g. accredited or nationally
approved certification bodies, recognition of such certification
will be evaluated on a case by case basis. The Society reserves
B. Qualification testing and certification the right, however, to require verification of welders’ qualifi-
cations when deemed necessary. Such verification may in-
B 100 General clude testing prior to production, extra NDT and/or welding
101 Welders shall be qualified to a standard recognised by production tests.
202 Welding consumables which have satisfied the require- lower strength steel.
ments for a higher toughness grade, are also considered as When welding high strength steels of grade E, it is recom-
complying with the requirements for a lower toughness grade mended that the applied welding consumable have been tested
of the same group. at -40°C (grade 4 or IV).
203 The following tables (Table A2 - Table A7) show which 204 Where applicable, the composition of the shielding gas
welding consumables that can be applied for various steel shall be reported. The approval of a wire ion combination with
grades. any particular gas can be applied to or transferred to any com-
When two different steel grades shall be joined, the welding bination of the same wire and any gas in the same numbered
consumable shall have a yield strength not below that of the group as defined in Table A8.
Table A2
Hull Structural Grade of welding consumables
steel grade 1 (DP) 2 2 Y 1) 2 Y40 1) 3 3 Y 1) 3 Y40 1) 4 Y 1) 4 Y40 1) 5 Y 1)
NV A X X X (X) X X (X) X (X) X
NV B X X (X) X X (X) X (X) X
NV D X X (X) X X (X) X (X) X
NV E X X (X) X (X) X
NV A32/36 X X X X X X X
NV D32/36 X X X X X X X
NV E32/36 X X X X X
NV F32/36 X X X
NV A40 X X X
NV D40 X X X
NV E40 X X
NV F40 X
1) To have Hydrogen mark H15, H10 or H5, (x) may be used, but should preferably be avoided.
Table A3
Hull Structur- Grade of welding consumables
al steel grade 1 IY II II Y II Y40 III III Y III Y40 IV Y IV Y40 VY
NV A X X X X (X) X X (X) X (X) X
NV B X X (X) X X (X) X (X) X
NV D X X (X) X X (X) X (X) X
NV E X X (X) X (X) X
NV A32/36 X X X X X X X X
NV D32/36 X X X X X X X
NV E32/36 X X X X X
NV F32/36 X X X
NV A40 X X X
NV D40 X X X
NV E40 X X
NV F40 X
(X) May be used, but should preferably be avoided.
Table A4
For welding of Grade of welding consumables
steel grade 1(DP) 2 2Y 1) 2Y 40 1) 3 3Y 1) 3Y40 1) 4Y 1) 4Y40 1) 5 5Y 1)
NV 360-ON X X X (X) X X (X) X (X) X X
NV 360-1FN X X (X) X X (X) X (X) X X
NV 360-2FN (X) X X (X) X (X) X X
NV 410-ON X X X (X) X (X) X
NV 410-1FN X X X X X X X
NV 460-ON X X X X X X X
NV 460-1FN X X X X X X
NV 490-ON X X X X X X X
NV 490-1FN X X X X X X X
NV 510-1FN X X X X
NV 2-2 X X X X X X X
NV 2-3 X X X X
NV 2-4 (L) X 2) X 2)
NV 4-2 X X X X X
NV 4-3 X X X
NV 4-4 (L) X 2)
1) To have Hydrogen mark H15, H10 or H5, (x) may be used, but should preferably be avoided.
2) To be specially approved for low temperature application.
Table A5
For welding of Grade of welding consumables
steel grade 1 IY II II Y II Y40 III III Y III Y40 IV Y IV Y40 VY
NV 360.ON X X X X (X) X X (X) X (X) X
NV 360-1FN X X (X) X X (X) X (X) X
NV 360-2FN (X) X X (X) X (X) X
NV 410-ON X X X X (X) X (X) X
NV 410-1FN X X X X X X X
NV 460-ON X X X X X X X X
NV 460-1FN X X X X X X
NV 490-ON X X X X X X X X
NV 490-1FN X X X X X X X
NV 510-1FN X X X X
NV 2-2 X X X X X X
NV 2-3 X X X
NV 2-4 (L) X 1)
NV 4-2 X X X X X
NV 4-3 X X X
NV 4-4 (L) X 1)
1) To be specially approved for low temperature application.
Table A6
For welding of Grade of welding consumable
steel grade Y42H10 1) Y46H10 1) Y50H10 1) Y55H5 Y62H5 Y69H5
NV D420 3/III, 4/IV, 5/V 3/III, 4/IV, 5/V 3/III, 4/IV, 5/V
NV E420 4/IV, 5/V 4/IV, 5/V 4/IV, 5/V
NV F420 5/V 5/V 5/V
NV D460 3/III, 4/IV, 5/V 3/III, 4/IV, 5/V
NV E460 4/IV, 5/V 4/IV, 5/V
NV F460 5/V 5/V
NV D500 3/III, 4/IV, 5/V 3/III, 4/IV, 5/V
NV E500 4/IV, 5/V 4/IV, 5/V
NV F500 5/V 5/V
NV D550 3/III, 4/IV, 5/V 3/III, 4/IV, 5/V
NV E550 4/IV, 5/V 4/IV, 5/V
NV F550 5/V 5/V
NV D620 3/III, 4/IV, 5/V 3/III, 4/IV, 5/V
NV E620 4/IV, 5/V 4/IV, 5/V
NV F620 5/V 5/V
NV D690 3/III, 4/IV, 5/V
NV E690 4/IV, 5/V
NV F690 5/V
1) May have hydrogen mark H5
50 Discard Discard 50 mm
Macro / hardness test
Flat tensile test
Plate rolling
direction Face bend test or 2
side bend
( Steel plates Root bend test tests
KV T-tested )
Weld metal
HAZ + 5 mm
50 Discard
Discard 50 mm
Fig. 1
Test assembly for butt welds in plates
a a
HAZ + 2 mm TESTS
HAZ + 5 mm
HAZ + 2 mm TESTS
HAZ + 5 mm
Fig. 6
HARDNESS/MACRO TEST Sampling of test specimens in full penetration T-joints
Fig. 4
Sampling of test specimens in pipes C 400 Branch connection
401 The following mechanical tests are required from each
C 300 Full penetration T-, Y-, and K- joints assembly (see Fig.7):
301 WPQT's for full penetration groove welds between — 12 Charpy V-notch tests sampled at 9 o'clock in the branch
plates at right angles or inclined, i.e. T- or Y- and K- configu- pipe and with the notch location as given in 107
rations, shall cover a weld length of minimum 350 mm (see — two macrosection tests (metallographic examination +
Fig.5). hardness measurements) at 12 and 6 o'clock.
D. Non Destructive Testing of Test Assemblies
D 100 Butt welds and full penetration T-joints
Edge preparation and fit-up as detailed in the pWPS
t2 101 The extent of the testing shall be as follows:
— 100% visual inspection
— 100% radiographic or ultrasonic testing
a — 100% surface crack detection (dye penetrant or magnetic
particle testing).
12 6 a The soundness of the weld shall comply, unless otherwise
α 9 specified, with ISO 5817 level B for ferrous materials or ISO
10042 level B for aluminium.
D 200 Fillet welds and partial penetration welds
201 The extent of the testing shall be as follows:
a = minimum value 150 mm — 100% visual inspection
D1 = outside diameter of the main pipe
t1 = wall thickness of the main pipe — 100% surface crack detection (dye penetrant or magnetic
D2 = outside diameter of the branch pipe particle testing).
t2 = wall thickness of the branch pipe. The soundness of the weld shall comply, unless otherwise
Fig. 7 specified, with ISO 5817 level B for ferrous materials or ISO
Test assembly for branch connections 10042 level B for aluminium. If the stop/restart spot is includ-
ed in the test length, special attention shall be paid to this posi-
tion with respect to profile, proper fusion and absence of crater
C 500 Fillet welds defects.
501 The two plates are assembled and positioned edgewise
so as to constitute a tee-assembly with no clearance. As far as
possible the plates shall be of a sufficient size to ensure a rea-
sonable heat distribution. For fillet welds the test assembly E. Destructive Testing
shall be as defined in Fig.8.
E 100 Transverse tensile test
101 The tensile strength shall not be below the specified
minimum tensile strength for the steel grade in question.
E 200 Bend test
201 The test specimens shall be bent on a mandrel with di-
ameter 4xt, where t is the thickness of the specimen, except for
150 extra high strength steels grades 550, 620, and 690 where the
diameter shall be 5xt. The bending angle shall be at least 180°.
a After bending, the test specimens shall not reveal any open de-
fects in any direction greater than 3 mm. Defects appearing at
the corners of a test specimen during testing shall be ignored in
the evaluation.
given in Fig.9 are those required for the plate of grade D in the
left assembly and for the plate of grade E in the right assembly.
Impact test temperatures: For grades:
+20°C B, A27S, A32, A36 and A40
0°C D, D27S, D32, D36 and D40
-20°C E, E27S, E32, E36 and E40
-40°C F32, F36 and F40 grade D grade E
Guidance note:
If tested, the average value for absorbed energy in weld metal, fu-
sion line and HAZ shall not be less than 27 J at 20°C for NVA.
ranges of the parameters below. Table F2 Range of qualification for material thickness and
Base material throat thickness of fillet welds
The following changes shall lead to a new qualification: Range of qualification
t (mm) Throat thickness
a) In general, significant change of material properties which of test piece Material
will obviously affect the weldability and mechanical prop- thickness Single run Multi-run
erties. t < 30 0.5 t to 1.2 t 0.75 a to 1.5 a 1) No restriction
b) More specifically, structural steels are grouped in three t ≥ 30 ≥5 a 2) No restriction
categories: 1) a is the throat as used for the test piece
2) for special applications only. Each throat thickness has to be proofed
i) Normal strength steel, grades A, B, D and E or equiv- separately by a welding procedure test.
alent structural steels with tensile strength 400–520 N/
Note: Where a fillet weld is qualified by means of a butt weld test, the throat
ii) High strength steel, grades A27S, D27S, E27S, A32, thickness range qualified shall be based on the thickness of the deposit mate-
D32, E32, F32, A36, D36, E36, F36, A40, D40, E40, rial.
F40 or equivalent structural steels with minimum
specified yield strength 265–390 N/mm2. Diameter of pipes and branch connections
iii) Extra high strength steels, grades A-F 420, A-F 460, The qualification of a welding procedure test on diameter D
A-F 500, A-F 550, A-F 620, A-F 690 or equivalent shall include qualification for diameters in the following rang-
structural steels with minimum specified yield es as given in Table F3.
strength 420-690 N/mm2.
Table F3 Qualified range for pipe and branch connection
The qualification on steel grades of higher toughness require- diameters
ments will qualify the grades of lower toughness but not vice Diameter of the test piece
versa. D (mm) 1) 2) Qualification range
Thickness D ≤ 25 0.5 D to 2 D
Thickness, t, is defined as follows: D > 25 ≥ 0.5 D and plates
1) D is the outside diameter of the pipe or outside diameter of the branch
a) For a butt weld: pipe.
The base metal thickness, which for welds between dis- 2) Qualification given for plates also covers pipes when the outside diam-
similar thicknesses is that of the thinner material. eter is greater than 500 mm.
Type of joint
The following changes shall lead to a new qualification:
— change from fillet weld to butt weld
— change from two sided welding to one side, but not vice
— deletion of back gouging
— addition or deletion of ceramic backing
— change from butt joint in plates to butt joints in pipes with
outside diameter less than 500 mm.
VERTICAL — any change of groove dimensions specified in the WPS.
Welding condition
The following changes shall lead to a new qualification:
— any change of welding process
— change from spray arc to short arc or pulsed arc or vice
VERTICAL — change in heat input beyond ±25%
Fig. 10 — any decrease in preheat temperature
Plate test positions — change of interpass temperature beyond 25°C
— addition or deletion of post weld heat treatment; the tem-
perature range validated is the holding temperature used in
the welding procedure test ±20ºC.
Fig. 11 Fig. 12
Pipe test positions Positions of test plate for fillet welds
Table F4 Qualified principal positions for butt welds and fillet welds, steel
Qualified positions 3)
Test weld Principal positions Butt welds
Joint configuration 1)2) Fillet welds
Plates Pipes plates or pipes
2G + 3G All All
1G 1G 1F
Butt welds in plates 2G 1G, 2G, 4G 1F, 2F, 4F
3G 3G 3F
4G 1G, 4G 1F, 4F
2G + 5G = 6G All All All
1G 1G 1G 1F
Butt welds in pipes 2G 1G, 2G, 4G 1G, 2G 1F, 2F, 4F
5G All 1G, 5G All
2F + 3F All
1F 1F
2F 1F, 2F, 4F
Fillet welds 3F 3F
4F 1F, 2F, 4F
5F All
1) Pipes with D > 500 mm are considered equivalent to plates (apply only to the main pipe in branch connections.
2) Branch connections shall be qualified separately.
3) The vertical downwards position shall be qualified separately.
G. Additional Requirements WPQT for Lique- 1) If the impact test pieces from plate materials are taken with
fied Gas Systems their longitudinal axes transverse to the main direction of
rolling, the average value from 3 tests shall not be less than
G 100 Welds in plates and pipes 27 J for weld metal, fusion line, heat affected zone and par-
ent material. One single test may give a value below the re-
101 Test assembly shall be as described in C101 or C201. quired average, but not lower than 19 J.
102 From each test assembly for plates the following addi- 2) If the impact test pieces from plate materials are taken with
tional test specimens shall be taken: their longitudinal axes parallel with the main direction of
rolling the average value from 3 tests is for the fusion line
— one set of Charpy V test specimens (each set consists of 3 and the heat affected zone not to be less than 41 J, and for
specimens) with the notch 1 mm from the fusion line. the weld metal not to less than 27 J. One single test may
For austenitic stainless steels, only one set of Charpy V test give a value below the required average but not lower than
specimens with the notch in the centre of the welds are re- 29 J and 19 J respectively. For testing of thin materials
quired for design temperature below -105°C. where it is impossible to use a standard test piece 10 x 10
mm, the larger of the following pieces shall be used:
G 200 Test requirements
— 10 x 7.5 mm, 10 x 5 mm, 10 x 2.5 mm.
201 The butt weld tensile test shall comply with the follow-
ing requirements: The impact values are then reduced to respectively 5/6, 2/3 and
Generally, the tensile strength shall not be less than the speci- 1/2 of the required values of the standard test pieces.
fied minimum tensile strength for the parent material. In cases 303 If the impact test (3 specimens) fails to meet the require-
where the Society has approved the use of welding consuma- ments, 3 additional impact test specimens may be prepared and
bles which give lower tensile strength in the weld metal than tested provided that only one of the below mentioned three cas-
that required for the parent material, the approved value for the es occurred in the first test:
welding consumable in question applies. The position of frac-
ture shall be reported. 1) The average value was below the requirement, one value
being below the average requirement but not below the
202 Charpy V testing shall be conducted at the temperature minimum requirement for a single value.
prescribed for the base material (ref. Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.2 of the
Rules for Classifcation of Ships). When specimens of 10 x 10 2) The average value met the requirement. Two values were
mm cross-section are used, the average value from 3 tests shall below the average requirement but not below the require-
not be less than 27 J for weld metal. One single test may give ment for a single value.
a value below the required average but not lower than 19 J. 3) The average met the requirement. Two values were above
For fusion line and heat affected zone the requirement for min- or equal to the average requirement and one value was be-
imum average value is the same as for the base material. low the requirement for a single value. The initial 3 impact
values and the additional 3 values shall form a new aver-
G 300 Weld production test requirements age of six values. If this new average complies with the re-
301 In general the tests requirements shall comply with quirement and no more than two individual results of all
G100. six specimens are lower than the required average and no
more than one result is lower than the required value for a
302 Impact testing is for carbon-manganese steels, austenitic single specimen, the test may be accepted.
chromium-nickel steels and nickel steels to be conducted at the
temperature prescribed for the base material. For austenitic 304 If the impact values do not comply with the require-
chromium-nickel steels, testing is only required for design ments in 302 and 303, the results may be submitted for consid-
temperature below -105°C. For welding of plates the following eration. The production weld test may be accepted subject to
apply when pieces of 10 x 10 mm cross section are used: acceptable results from additional test prescribed by the Soci-
1) Other consumables may be used if allowable stresses are reduced, see Table J2.
Area 2 for:
- Additional test Area 1 for:
specimens if required - Additional test
specimens if required
Area 2 for:
- 1 tensile specimen
- 1 root and 1 face or
2 side bend specimens
Area 3 for:
- 1 macro test specimen
Fig. 15
Discard 25mm Location of test specimens for a butt weld in pipe
Fig. 13
Location of test specimens for a butt weld on plate 303 One tensile specimen shall be taken from each of the
welded assemblies. The test specimen, 25 mm wide and with
full plate thickness and orientated transverse to the weld, is
203 One tensile specimen shall be taken from each of the shown in Fig.14.
welded assemblies. The test specimen, 25 mm wide and with 304 Side-bend tests shall be carried out for thickness equal to
full plate thickness and orientated transverse to the weld, is and above 10 mm. Two bend specimens shall be taken from
shown in Fig.14. each of the welded assemblies. The bend test specimens shall
be machined to the dimensions given in K300.
305 For thickness below 10 mm one face bend and one root
bend test specimens shall be taken. The diameter of the bend-
702 The bend test specimens shall be bent on a mandrel with 802 A qualified welding procedure shall be used within the
maximum diameter as given in the formula below. The bend- ranges of the parameters below.
ing angle shall be at least 180°. After bending, the test speci- Base material
mens shall not reveal any open defects in any direction greater
than 3 mm. Smaller cracks developing from the edges of the The following changes shall lead to a new qualification:
specimens shall not normally be considered as significant, un-
less there is definite evidence that they result from inclusions a) In general, significant change of material properties which
or other defects.«Wrap around» bending as shown in K300 is will obviously affect the weldability and mechanical prop-
the preferred bending method. erties.
b) More specifically, aluminium alloys are grouped in the
(100 xt s ) following categories:
d= − ts
A i) NV-5052, NV-5754A, NV-5154, NV-5454
where ii) NV-5086, NV-5083, NV-5383, NV-5059
d = maximum former diameter iii) NV-6060, NV-6061, NV6063, NV-6005A, NV-6082
ts = thickness of the bend test specimen (this includes side
bends) The qualification on aluminium alloys in category iii) will
A = minimum tensile elongation required by the material qualify for the alloys in category ii) and category i) but not vice
specification (for combination between different alloys, versa. The qualification on aluminium alloys in category ii)
the lowest individual value shall be used). will qualify for the alloys in category i) but not vice versa.
703 The macrosections shall show a regular weld profile Thickness
with smooth transitions to the base materials and without sig- Thickness, t, is defined as follows:
nificant or excessive reinforcement. Cracks and lack of fusion
are not acceptable. a) For a butt weld: The base metal thickness, which for welds
704 When a butt weld is made between two plates of differ- between dissimilar thicknesses is that of the thinner mate-
ent alloys the tensile strength to be obtained on the welded as- rial.
sembly shall be in agreement with the requirements relating to b) For a fillet weld: The base metal thickness, which for
the alloy having the lower strength. welds between dissimilar thicknesses is that of the thicker
705 If the WPQT fails to comply with any of the require- material. However, for each thickness range qualified, as
ments for NDT one extra WPQT shall be welded and subjected in Table B2 there is an associated range of qualified throat
to the same testing. If this additional test does not meet the rel- thickness as given below.
evant requirements, the actual WPS shall be considered as not c) For a set-on branch connection: The thickness of the
qualified and a re-specification of the WPS shall be made prior branch pipe.
to a new qualification test.
d) For a set-in or set-through branch connection: The thick-
J 800 Range of qualification ness of the main pipe.
801 The validity of approved welding procedure shall be as e) For a T-butt joint in plate: The thickness of the prepared
given in F100. plate.
The requirements to qualified thickness range for butt welds — any change of welding process
shall be as given in Table J3. — change from spray arc to short arc or pulsed arc or vice
Table J3 Qualified thickness range — change in heat input beyond ±25%
Thickness — any decrease in preheat temperature
t (mm) Qualification range — change of interpass temperature greater than 25°C
of test piece — change of post weld heat treatment parameters.
t<3 0.5 t to 2 t
3 ≤ t ≤ 20 3 to 2 t Table J6 Qualified principal positions for butt welds and fillet
t > 20 ≥ 0.8 t welds, aluminium
Qualified positions 3)
In addition to the requirements of Table J3, the range of quali- Test weld Fillet welds
fication of the throat thickness "a" of fillet welds is given in Ta- Joint Principal Butt welds plates or
ble J4. configuration 1)2) positions pipes
Plates Pipes
Table J4 Range of qualification for the throat thickness for 1G 1G 1G 1F
plates and pipes Butt welds in 2G 1G, 2G, 3G 1F, 2F, 3F
Throat thickness plates 3G 1G, 2G, 3G 1F, 2F, 3F
Range of qualification 4G All All
of the test piece a
a < 10 0.75 a to 1.5 a 1G 1G 1G 1F
Butt welds in
a ≥ 10 ≥ 7.5 2G 1G, 2G, 3G 2G 1F, 2F, 4F
pipes 5G All 1G, 5G All
Where a fillet weld is qualified by means of a butt weld test, 1F 1F
the throat thickness range qualified shall be based on the thick- 2F 1F, 2F, 3F
ness of the deposited weld metal. Fillet welds 3F 1F, 2F, 3F
4F All
Diameter of pipes and branch connections 5F All
The qualification of a welding procedure test on diameter D 1) Pipes with D > 500 mm are considered equivalent to plates (apply only
to the main pipe in branch connections).
shall include qualification for diameters in the following rang-
es as given in Table J5. 2) Branch connections shall be qualified separately.
3) The vertical downwards position shall be qualified separately.
Table J5 Qualified range for pipe and branch connection
diameters J 900 Retesting
Diameter of the test 901 If the WPQT fails to comply with any of the require-
piece Qualification range ments for NDT one extra WPQT shall be welded and subjected
D (mm) 1) to the same testing. If this additional test does not meet the rel-
D ≤ 25 0.5 D to 2 D evant requirements, the actual WPS shall be considered as not
D > 25 ≥ 0.5 D and plates qualified and a re-specification of the WPS shall be made prior
to a new qualification test.
1) D is the outside diameter of the pipe or outside diameter of the branch
R = 25 mm.
Fig. 16
Tensile test specimen.
Fig. 18
K 300 Bend testing Wrap around bend test.
301 Flat bend test specimens, as given in Fig.17 shall be
used. Edges on tension side to be rounded to a radius of 1 to
2mm. 302 When the wrap around bend test, exemplified in Fig.18
is used, e.g. for the side bend test of a weld, the length of the
test specimen has to be greater than the length 11a shown in
303 For butt weld bend test specimens, the weld shall be ma-
chined flush with the surface of the plate.
304 For transverse face-bend and root-bend test specimens
for butt weld test the dimensions shall be as follows:
a = as rolled thickness t of the plate
b = 30 mm.
If the as rolled thickness t is greater than 25 mm, it may be re-
duced to 25 mm by machining on the compression side of the
Fig. 17 test specimen.
Bend test specimen. 305 For transverse side-bend test specimens for butt weld
test the dimensions shall be as follows:
a = 10 mm
b = as rolled thickness t of the plate.
If t ≥ 40 mm, the side-bend test specimen may be subdivided,
each part being at least 20 mm wide.
306 When a longitudinal face-bend or root-bend weld test is
required, a test specimen according to an appropriate standard
will be accepted.
A. General 104 The effect of work hardening and risk of cracked edges
shall be considered if shearing is used for cutting of material.
A 100 Application 105 Correction by welding as compensation for improper
101 This section specifies general requirements for steel fab- cutting shall be in accordance with procedures for repairs.
rication processes, including essential variables, which shall be
maintained and controlled by the builders. E 200 Forming
201 Forming and straightening of materials shall be per-
formed according to procedures which outline the succession
of the controlled steps.
B. Material Identification
202 The degree of cold forming for steels in structural mem-
B 100 General bers shall be carried out within the deformation range recom-
mended by the manufacturer. Should however such
101 A material identification system which ensures correct documentation not be available, the deformation rate for car-
installation and documentation of the material grades shall be bon manganese steels shall be less than 10 %, respectively
established. 20% for austenitic and ferritic-austenitic steels. If the deforma-
tion exceeds 10%, respectively 20% either heat treatment or
strain ageing test shall be carried out in accordance with an
agreed procedure as stipulated in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.3 C1100
C. Approval of Shop Primers (Rules for Classification of Ships).
C 100 General Guidance note:
101 Shop primer applied over areas, which will subsequently The plastic deformation e may be calculated by the following
simplified formulae:
be welded, shall be of approved type as having no detrimental
effect on the finished weld. Single-curvature deformation
Guidance note: Cold rolling or pressing of plates to cylindrical forms:
Type approved shop primers are listed under “Non-Metallic Ma- e = (t/D) x 100%
terials(K)” in the DNV register of approved products and manu- Cold bending of straight pipes to bends:
facturers, available on the DNV Internet site. e = (D/2Rc) x 100%
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Double curvature deformation
Forming of plates to spheres:
102 Approved shop primers or thin coatings of linseed oil
may be applied to welds subject to tightness test in agreement e = (t(1 + í)/2Rc) x 100%
with the manufacturer’s recommendation. In general the ap- t = material thickness
plied film thickness on welds shall not exceed 50 microns. D = outside diameter of pipe of vessel
Rc = forming radius
N = Poisson’s ratio (0.5 for plastic condition).
D. Welding Environment ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
ance with agreed procedures. Special attention shall be paid to followed by grinding.
temperature control during the welding process such that the 203 Repair welding in the same area may be carried out
preheat temperature is kept uniformly in affected part of the twice. Further repairs shall be subject to agreement with the
welded object. Society.
Guidance note:
204 All weld repairs shall at least be re-inspected with the
Normal strength steels may require preheating depending on the same NDT methods as originally applied.
combined plate thicknesses and the degree of joint restraint.
Preheating is normally required for welding of high and extra F 300 Flame straightening
high strength steels depending on chemical composition, rolling
process, joint restraint and combined plate thickness. Post heat- 301 Members distorted by welding may be straightened by
ing may additionally be required for extra high strength steels. mechanical means or by a limited amount of localised heat.
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 302 Corrective measures relating to flame straightening shall
be carried out with due regard to possible degradation of the
307 The welding sequence shall be such that the amount of material properties.
shrinkage, distortions and residual stresses are minimised.
308 Welds shall be terminated in a manner such that all
welds are sound and without end craters. Run-off plates shall
be used, where practicable, and be removed upon completion G. Inspection and Tolerances
and cooling of the weld. Cut welds shall be made smooth and G 100 General
flush with the edges of the abutting parts.
101 Inspection shall be carried out in accordance with in-
309 Tack welding shall be carried out in accordance with ap- spection and test plans to confirm that work is carried out in ac-
proved welding procedure specifications (WPS), specifying cordance with established project procedures and plans such
the applied minimum welding length. that all project requirements are complied with to the satisfac-
310 Tack welds used for assembly shall be removed before tion of the Society.
welding leaving the effected area free from defects. 102 Due consideration shall be given to the access and the
311 Tack welds, if retained as part of the welding process, time required for adequate inspection during fabrication.
shall be free from defects and provide adequate conditions for 103 High non-conformance rates in execution of the work or
pass welding. in the product itself shall call for special considerations in
312 Storage and handling of welding consumables shall be agreement with the Society. Such special considerations may
in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, and include, but not be limited to, increased inspection, re-qualifi-
in accordance with procedures giving details regarding condi- cation of personnel or other agreed remedial actions.
tions in storage rooms, temperature in storage ovens and quiv-
ers, length of exposure and conditions, as applicable. G 200 Alignment and straightness
313 Consumables which have been contaminated by mois- 201 Allowable acceptable alignment shall be established on
ture, rust, oil, grease, dirt or other deleterious matters, shall be the criticality of the design. Special requirements relating to
discarded unless properly reconditioned. special type and service are given in Pt.5.
314 Recycling of fluxes for submerged arc welding (SAW) 202 In general fabrication tolerances shall be in compliance
shall be performed in a manner that ensures a mixture of new with IACS Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standard, Part A.
and used flux with continually homogenous properties.
G 300 Special building tolerances
301 Special building tolerances and/or weld finish as a result
of operations in harsh environment and/or vessels with in-
F. Repairs creased target design life, relating to Class Notations PLUS-1
and PLUS-2, ref Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.15 and Sec.16 (Rules for Clas-
F 100 General sification of Ships), shall be readily included in the fabrication
101 Guidance to general welding repair work is given in instructions and procedures, see Sec.1.
IACS Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standard Part A.
G 400 Weld production test requirements
102 Defects in welds may be repaired by grinding, machin-
ing and/or welding. In order to verify complete removal of de- 401 The Society may require weld production tests to be car-
fects, effected areas shall be examined with suitable NDT ried out. The extent and type of testing shall be agreed with the
methods. Society.
402 When production weld tests are required the test assem-
F 200 Repair welding bly and test requirements shall comply with the relevant re-
201 Repairs by welding shall be carried out in accordance quirements of Sec.5.
with approved welding procedure specifications (WPS). Me- 403 If the achieved test results do not comply with the re-
chanical properties shall satisfy the minimum specified prop- quirements of Sec.5, the results may be submitted for consid-
erties of the material in question. eration. The production weld test may be accepted subject to
202 Defects shall be completely removed before necessary acceptable results from additional test prescribed by the Soci-
repairs are carried out. Repairs with arc-air gouging shall be ety.
C. Personnel Qualifications
B. NDT Procedures
C 100 General
B 100 General 101 All testing shall be carried out by qualified and certified
101 Welds shall be subjected to visual survey and inspection, personnel. The NDT operators shall be certified according to a
as fabrication proceeds. NDT shall be performed according to recognized certification scheme accepted by the Society, e.g.
approved procedures and if required, qualified for the work. EN 473, ISO 9712. The certificate shall clearly state the qual-
The approved procedures shall be in accordance with DNV ifications as to which testing method and within which catego-
Classification Note No.7 or other recognised standard for the ry the operator is certified.
test method.
102 Unless otherwise agreed, the surface to be tested shall be
presented clean and smooth, i.e. free from dirt, scale, rust,
welding spatter, etc. which may influence the results of the D. Extent of NDT
testing. D 100 General
B 200 Visual testing 101 The extent of testing is defined as the percentage of the
201 If necessary mechanical aids (gauges and rulers) should length of welds which shall be tested by a specific method. The
be used to assess and size the discontinuities. Unless otherwise extent of testing will depend on the type of ship and the loca-
agreed, visual testing shall be completed before other NDT tion of the joints.
methods are applied. 102 The basic requirements for all ship types are that all
103 The different areas in Table D1 are defined as follow: to the hull strength
Critical areas ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
Areas in way of critical load transfer points and large stress General
concentrations where a failure will endanger the safety of the
ship, such as: Areas not mentioned above.
— stress concentrations in rudders or intersection between 104 NDT shall cover start and stop points of automatically
rudder structure and hull welded seams.
— for twin hull vessels stress concentrations in way of con-
nections between hull and wet deck
— deck beams in open hatch container ships
— strength deck plating at outboard corners of cargo hatch E. Acceptance Criteria for NDT
openings in container carriers and other ships with similar E 100 General
hatch opening configuration
— other areas where the likelihood of occurrence of detri- 101 All welds shall show evidence of good workmanship.
mental defects is considered to be extra high. For visual inspection "IACS Rec. No.47 "Shipbuilding and Re-
pair Quality standard part A" may be applied. Acceptance cri-
Guidance note: teria for NDT shall normally comply with ISO 5817 quality
Areas to be considered for classification under this item are: level C, intermediate. For critical areas more stringent require-
- welds produced by welding methods which the yard has little ments such as ISO 5817 level B, may be applied.
or no user experience
- welds produced by high heat input (>5 kJ/mm) welding meth- E 200 Non-conforming weldments
ods 201 If a non-conforming discontinuity is detected the lengths
- welds in large thickness (>50mm).
welded immediately before and after the section containing the
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- discontinuity shall be examined by the same method. If sys-
tematically repeated discontinuities are revealed, the extent of
Deck and bottom plating within 0.4L amidship testing shall be increased at the Surveyors discretion for welds
manufactured under same conditions and where similar defects
— Sheer strake at strength deck. may be expected.
— Stringer plate in strength deck.
— Deck strake at longitudinal bulkhead. 202 If non-conforming discontinuities are found to occur
— Strength deck plating at corners of cargo hatch openings in regularly, the welding procedures shall be reassessed before
bulk carriers, ore carriers, combination carriers and other continuation of the welding, and necessary actions shall be tak-
ships with similar hatch opening configuration. en to bring the production to the required quality level.
— Bilge strake. 203 Detected non-conforming discontinuities shall be re-
— Longitudinal hatch coamings of length greater than 0.15 L. paired unless they are found acceptable by the Society. Re-
— End brackets and deck house transition of longitudinal car- moval of weld discontinuities and repair shall be performed in
go hatch coamings. accordance with a procedure approved by the Society.
— All watertight bulkheads independent of location.
204 After repair welding has been performed, the complete
Guidance note: weld, (i.e. the repaired area plus at least 100 mm on each side)
For ships with no clearly defined strength deck e.g. cruise ships, shall be subjected to at least to the same NDT method(s) as
the above extents shall be applied to the decks contributing most specified for the original weld.