Aka:Alexander Anderson
Title:The Daemon Prince of Terror
Race:Anomaly (Anomaly (Anomaly))
R.HD:120.; I.C.F.:2,000.
Class: - .
Level: - .
Size:Medium.; V.S.C.s:9.
Build:Powerful, Slenderly Muscular
Height:6 ft.; Hair:5 ft.
Claws:2.5 in.
Apparent Weight:280 lb.
Physiological Weight:107.52 T
Psychological Weight:107.52 T
Eyes:Deep Jet-black (Avian)
Hair:Deep Jet-black (L., Silken)
Feathers:Deep Jet-black (Silken)
Claws, Tal.:Deep Jet-black (Sharp, Silken)
Scales:Deep Jet-black (Silken)
Skin:Deep Jet-black (Avian (Fea., etc.))
Flu.:Deep Jet-black (Cold, Flu., Res.)
Apparent Age:15
Physiological Age:15
Chronological Age:15
Psychological Age:15
Apparent Gender:Male
Physiological Gender:Male
Psychological Gender:Male
Alignment:Neutral Evil
Hit Points:1,078,329 F.F.:154,047
Modifiers:'+1,121;"+7,527 ('+560 Constitution (Charisma (Wisdom)), +1
Improved Toughness, +560 Unholy
Toughness;"+640 Construct, +2,740 Enhancement (Mind Blade Traits),
+100 Mythic, +4,054 Psionic
Metabolism, -10 Scarification (Shigmaa), +3 Toughness)
Multipliers:x7 (x7 Cosmic Firmament (x6))
Threshold:-∞ (via Vampire-lich Rejuvenation (see below).).
B.A.B.:+120/etc.; T.A.B.:+2,108/etc. (+∞ (via Uncanny Weapon Focus.
Modifiers:+1,988 (+96 Competence, +24 Divine, +4 Epic Weapon Focus,
+24 Insight, +120 Legendary
Warrior, +560 Luck (Charisma (Untrammeled Titan of Oblivion)), +20
Speed, +560 Strength (Wisdom),
+20 True Strike, +560 Untyped (Wisdom (Soldier of Truth)))
Death Attack:+52d6.; Sneak Attack:+129d6.; Iaijutsu Strike:
+402d6+225,120 (+446d6+249,760).
Base True Form (Size:Medium.):
- Bladewind:[BW (i.e. [IBW].)]+24d8+798 (S).
- Kys's Bloodrazor:2,560d10+798 (B/P); 3,840d10+798 (S)
- Unarmed Strike (Bite (+1 d.c.)):960d10+798 (B/P); 1,280d10+798 (S)
- Unarmed Strike (Claw, etc.):640d10+798 (B/P); 960d10+798 (S)
Dice Modifiers (Size:Medium.):+21 d.c. (B/P), +22 d.c. (S) (Armathrax +1
d.c., Life on The Edge (S) +1 d.c.,
[Dark Lord +3 d.c., Entropic +5 d.c., Nosferatu +5 d.c., Pseudonatural +3
d.c.; NonStacking] +5 d.c., [Sohei
+6 d.c., Threat +5 d.c.; NonStacking] +6 d.c., V.S.C.s +9 d.c.)
Modifiers:+798 (+96 Competence, +24 Divine, +8 Epic Weapon
Specialization, +24 Insight, +75 Luck, +10
Speed, +1 Subtle Cut, +560 Strength (Dexterity (Wisdom))
- Shockwave Damage = Square root of Shockwave Radius (round down).
- Shockwave Radius (ft.) = Square root of attack damage (round down).
Actions:x24 (via SsL20, Terminal Velocity, Time Dilation (x2)).
Initiative:Always wins (+2,391 vs. Perfect Initiative).
Modifiers:+2,391 (+560 Dexterity (Wisdom), +24 Divine, +2 Ghost Cut
Techniques, +560 Insight (Wisdom
(Foresight (Feat))), +75 Luck, +10 Mythic, +2 Quick Reconnoiter, +4
Quick Sheath, +2 Soulblade Warrior,
+20 Speed, +10 Superior Initiative, +560 Untyped (Charisma (Iaijutsu
Master)), +560 Untyped
(Intelligence (Arithmetic (Mathemagician))), +2 Whispers of the
Speed (Base ((Bipedal, Medium)):30 ft.):54,500 ft./B.:54,500 ft./C.:54,500
ft./F.:54,500 ft. (Pe.)/S.:54,500 ft.
Modifiers:+515 ft. (+30 ft. Epic Speed, +100 ft. Shadowstep, +160 ft.
Sohei, +170 ft. Tenken, +55 ft. Threat)
Multiplier I:x100 (x3 Celerity, x10 Adamic, x30 Akalich, x100 Amidah)
Special:Eldritch, Entropic, Pseudonatural.
Abs.:Acid, cold, ele., fire, son.; N.E.; P.E.; etc..
Imm.:Acid, cold, ele., fire, son.; gra.; etc..
P/SR (Base:897.):1,130 ( ∞ (via Magic Immunity). 'DR (Base:120/ - .); H
(Base: - .):800/ - ; 1,136 (1,566/ - ;
1,566 (via Adamant and Pugnacious (see Adamant (Inc.))).
°MC(I/C):96.875/93.75% *FH (Base:560 (via
Sinister Healing).):40,320/R *R (Base:560 (via Sinister
Regeneration).):40,320/R ( ∞ (via Indissoluble (As
Mercury Golem (I.H.:E.B.).)).
Modifiers:+233 (+96 Competence, +24 Divine, +24 Insight, +4
Instrument of The Gods, +75 Luck, +10 Mythic).
'Modifiers:+280/ - ; +568 (+20/ - Adamantine Body, +120/ - Cyber
Knight, +120/ - Lich, +5/ - Living
Swarm, +15/ - The Truth; +20 Adamantine Body, +548 Enhancement
(Mind Blade Traits)).
'Multipliers:x2 (x2 Pugnacious).
NB:Damage Reduction and Energy Resistance are applied before
°Modifiers:50% Incorporeal, 50% Interdimensional, 50% Nebulous,
50% Self-concealment (x5), 50% Two-dimensional.
NB:Each successive miss chance modifier is halved (cumulative).
*Multiplier I:x3 (each) (P.:Hea. (x2), Time (x2).).
*Multiplier II:x24 (each) (via SsL20, Terminal Velocity, Time Dilation
Transmortal (Vulnerability:None.).; Special:Applies in any/all universes (via
Anomaly (cosmic)).).)
Fortitude:+62 (+2,915 (+∞ (via Transilient Fortitude).
Modifiers:+2,853 (+560 Constitution (Charisma (Wisdom)), +24 Divine,
+4 Epic Fortitude, +560 Insight
(Charisma (Baern)), +560 Luck (Charisma (Untrammeled Titan of
Oblivion)), +560 Profane (Charisma
(Dark Lord, Grim Reaper)), +25 Resistance (Numb (Threat)), +560
Untyped (Charisma (Temporal
Reflex:+62 (+3,470 (+∞ (via Transilient Reflexes).
Modifiers:+3,408 (+560 Dexterity (Wisdom), +24 Divine, +4 Epic
Reflexes, +560 Insight (Charisma
(Baern)), +560 Luck (Charisma (Untrammeled Titan of Oblivion)), +560
Profane (Charisma (Dark
Lord, Grim Reaper)), +20 Speed, +560 Untyped (Charisma (Temporal
Guardian)), +560
Untyped (Wisdom (Soldier of Truth)))
Will:+62 (+2,890 (+∞ (via Transilient Will).
Modifiers:+2,828 (+24 Divine, +4 Epic Will, +560 Insight (Charisma
(Baern)), +560 Luck
(Charisma (Untrammeled Titan of Oblivion)), +560 Profane (Charisma
(Dark Lord,
Grim Reaper)), +560 Untyped (Charisma (Temporal Guardian)), +560
Strength:160 +75
Dexterity:160 +75
Constitution: -
Intelligence:320 +155
Wisdom:320 +155
Charisma:320 +155
Taint:1,130 +560
Armor Class:5,621 (+411 Armor (Demon Armor (Soul Armor (Shadow
Shroud))), +96 Competence, +560
Deflection, +560 Dexterity (Wisdom), +24 Divine, +572 Insight (Wisdom
(+12) (Sohei)), +560 Luck
(Charisma (Untrammeled Titan of Oblivion)), +568 Natural (+274 (Mind
Blade Traits)), +560
Profane (Charisma (Dark Lord, Grim Reaper)), +560 Shield (Dexterity
(Tenken))), +20 Speed, +560 Untyped (Intelligence (Iaijutsu Master)),
+560 Untyped (Wisdom (Soldier of Truth))), touch 4,082,
flat-footed 5,621
Strength(15):23+48+89=160 x1 =160
Dexterity:23+48+89=160 x1 =160
Constitution:23+48+1=72 x-=-
Intelligence:23+48+89=160 x2 =320
Wisdom:23+48+89=160 x2 =320
Charisma:23+48+89=160 x2 =320
Altradaemon (Daemon Master) Traits (i.e. gains T-YY (Reaping One) Traits
(As T-YY (Reaping One) (i.e. Hellbred (Devil (Baatezu)), T-Y (i.e. Amalgam
[T-810/T-825/T-882/T-X].) (Hellbred (Devil (Baatezu))), Mercury Golem
(Devil (Baatezu)), T-1000 (Devil (Baatezu)), T-1G (T-100000) (Devil
(Baatezu)) (F.C.II:T.o.T.N.H. (Hellbred (Devil (Baatezu)), T-Y (i.e. Amalgam
[T-810/T-825/T-882/T-X].) (Hellbred (Devil (Baatezu))), Mercury Golem
(Devil (Baatezu)), T-1000 (Devil (Baatezu)), T-1G (T-100000) (Devil
(Baatezu))), I.H.:E.B. (Mercury Golem (Devil (Baatezu))), Terminator:Future
Fate v2.0 (T-Y (i.e. Amalgam [T-810/T-825/T-882/T-X].) (Hellbred (Devil
(Baatezu))), T-1000 (Devil (Baatezu))), Terminator:Future Fate v1.0 (T-1G
(T-100000) (Devil (Baatezu))); Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B., T.G.o.H.:4.;
Appearance:No change.; R.Traits:Gains all said creatures' traits. Those
pertaining to base form are modified to fit and function w/base form instead
of modifying base form (i.e. Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't
acquired, exc. as noted.).; Special:Gains Construct Traits (exc. retains
Constitution (exc. is Undead (see previous)), can heal damage on his own,
and isn't immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hp or less (exc. is
Undead (see previous)).). Gains armored (inobvious), biomechanical,
mechanized (inobvious), nano-tech (T-1000 (Devil (Baatezu)) (i.e. liquid-
state (i.e. mimetic polyalloy.).)- and T-1G (T-100000) (Devil (Baatezu)) (i.e.
energy-state (i.e. frequency matter.).)-based), necro-tech (cybernetic
(Inc.)), reinforced, endoskeleton. Augmented [Energy Form (Ex), Morph
(Ex), and Natural Invisibility (Ex)] (see below) apply to grown flesh (see
below) if/when desired (Immediate nonaction). Retains own abilities (inc.
Type, subtype, etc.).; NB:Treat as Lesser Gestalt Creature (x5 (see
previous)) (Inc.), Spiritual Ancestry (Devil (Baatezu)), and Divine Safeguard
(x6 (see previous)) (Inc.).), and T-YY (((Golem))) Traits:A T-YY's appearance
is that of a deep jet-black, fleshed/fleshless (i.e. can freely grow/mimic dead,
living, or undead flesh, if desired (Standard action; NB:This is part of its
Morph ability, though it could use its Reconstructive Nanites ability as well.).;
NB:Living flesh functions normally. T-YYs can even produce either I-950s or
normal, nonTerminator offspring this way.), nonmechanized (NB:Is
mechanized (inobvious).), semimetallic, human endoskeleton. T-YYs can't be
controlled, created, or reprogrammed by Skynet or its
equivalencies.*R.HD:30-39 (Medium:Guardian), 40-49 (Large), 50-59
(Huge:Sentinel), 60-90 (Gargantuan:Gargant). No T-YYs greater than T-YY
Gargants exist. Abomination subtype, Devil (Baatezu) subtype, Evil subtype,
Lawful subtype, Psionic subtype, Adjuration (NB:T-YYs prefer to summon T-
YYs of lesser status or allied (i.e. T-YY constructed, etc.) Terminators (esp. T-
1000s (Devil (Baatezu)), T-1Gs (T-100000s) (Devil (Baatezu)), T-Xs (Devil
(Baatezu)), and T-Ys (Devil (Baatezu))).), Alter Reality (NB:T-YYs prefer to
manifest psionic powers.) (Inc.), Burst/Shot Effect, Divine Electricity (100%),
Electricity Command (Similar and equal to Blood, etc. Command (Inc.). Inc.
electricity, etc..), Portfolios (Artifice (Craft (Metalworking)) (x2), Death (x2),
Evil (x2), Law (x2), Time (x2)), Tech Command (Similar and equal to Blood,
etc. Command (Inc.). Inc. equipment, etc..) (Inc.), Uncanny Electricity
Mastery (x2), Vile Electricity (100%), Vindictive (i.e. Lawful var. of Vile.)
Electricity (100%), Acid (and corrosion (inc. Disintegration and Rusting
(NB:Also gains +1 to saves vs. such per 5HD and is permited a Fortitude
save, for 1/2 damage/negation (i.e. one or the other if one or the other is
applicable or both if both are applicable.), if no save is normally permitted.)))
(NB:Retained even w/o Devil (Baatezu) subtype.) and Cold (NB:Retained
even w/o Devil (Baatezu) subtype.) Resistance 40, Anyfeat (x6), Cosmic Font
(Inc.), Cosmic Safeguard (x3; Cosmic Font (Inc.), Cosmic String, Slipstream)
(Inc.), Cosmic String (Inc.), Divine Nescience, DR 40/ - (H 40), Electricity
Absorption (NB:Inc. Electricity Immunity.), Electricity Reflection, FH 20
(NB:Retained even w/o Abomination subtype.), Fire (NB:Retained even w/o
Devil (Baatezu) subtype.) and Sonic Immunity, I.C.F.:40 (Psion (Erudite) 20,
Rogue 20), Legendary [A.S.] (x3; Int (x1), Wis (x1), Cha (x1)), Magic
Immunity (As Akalich (I.H.:E.B.), exc. No vulnerability.), Nescient,
Omnicompetent, Perfect Initiative, Postcognition, Psychometry, R 20
(NB:Only Aligned (Chaotic/Anarchic and Good/Holy) attacks inflict normal
damage. Retained even w/o Abomination and Devil (Baatezu) subtypes.),
Slipstream, SR 58, Telepathy ∞ (via Racial Traits (Abomination (1,000 ft.),
Devil (Baatezu (100 ft.))) and Cosmic Consciousness, and X-ray Vision (Inc.).
C.R.:160.*L.A.:+200.;*NB:Inc. R.HD (40), R.Traits (+160), and L.D.
Template (+40). T-YYs are very powerful as a result of being engineered (i.e.
deliberately, rather than accidentally, created.; I.C.F.:+60 (Custom).; P.s:
+10 (+4) (Custom).; Special:Augmented [Energy Form (Ex), Morph (Ex),
and Natural Invisibility (Ex)] (eff. Corporeal/Incorporeal (Ex) (selective
(Immediate nonaction)), greater invisibility (Ex) (selective (Immediate
nonaction)), Indissoluble (Ex) (Regeneration (NB:No vulnerability.)),
Mutability (Ex) (Mutable (selective (Immediate nonaction)), - Blind
(NB:Retains blindsight.), - Mindless (NB:Retains immunity.); Special:Any/all
Breath Weapons are deliverable by any/all orifices (inc. anus, etc.; etc.;
NB:Anus, etc. emit cloud of a r. = 1/4 cone l.; Special:The entirety of one's
skin (i.e. pores.) counts as 1 or multiple orifices. This permits selectivity.).
Any/all Diseases, Poisons, etc. are deliverable by any/all P/S natural attacks
(inc. unarmed, etc.).), and Perfect Change Shape (Ex) (((Perfect Change
Shape (Su):Action:Swift, Free, or Immediate.; Form(s):Any
creature/location/object of HD/L, exp., and qui. =/< Kys's HD/L, exp., and
qui. (inc. Artifact/Divine/etc. creatures/locations/objects), inc. Gestalt (i.e.
Chimera/Hybrid/etc.)/etc. forms of any assumed form and his own true
form(s). Furthermore, Kys remains in one form until he chooses to assume a
new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, nor does Kys revert to any
particular form when killed (Any/all shapes (current form (combination or
otherwise) and his base (true) form(s) (see previous)) are his true form(s).).
A true seeing spell, we're he susceptible, would reveal both his base true
form(s) and his current form simultaneously. Finally, this ability combines
w/Kys's preexisting shapeshifting abilities (Change Shape, etc.; see
previous), permitting a greater var. of form(s).; NB:This ability is similar to
Change Shape plus Chimerical (cosmic) and Doppelganger (cosmic).
However, it's far less limited in lateral power (with its ability to enhance its
possessors existing abilities) and far more limited in vertical power (with its
inability to replicate more powerful creatures/etc. abilities).; Special:This
ability can be combined w/anything Transmutation (polymorph) abilities, etc.
can be combined with (ex. Divine Immensity (divine), etc.) for greater
results.) (cosmic (x2)) C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+6.666.; L.A.:+10.) (÷6x5 (x2))))).
Uncanny Karmic Mastery. Uncanny Siphoning Mastery. Retains own abilities
(inc. Type, subtype, etc.).; ArchDevil (ArchDuke):Yes.; Demon Lord:Yes.;
Horseman (Altradaemon; Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).; Mythic:Yes.;
Possession (F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).; NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature (see
previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt Creature (see previous)
(Inc.)) (Inc.).), Existential (Inc.), and Quintessential (Inc.).; NB:Kys is self-,
Not Nighthag-, evolved. Thus, no Debt, infirmity, or Vulnerability were
(■)Destroyer (((Anaretic))).
■Eternal Freedom.
■Five-dimensional (selective (Immediate nonaction)) (Inc.). +120
Acrisian (Blasphemous One) Traits (As Titan, Vanir (Shadows & Light;
Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B., T.G.o.H.:4. I.C.F.:Cleric = 1/2 R.HD. I.C.F.:Sorcerer
= 1/2 R.HD. I.C.F.:Psion (Erudite) = 1/2 R.HD.; Appearance:No change.;
R.Traits:Gains all said creature's traits. Those pertaining to base form are
modified to fit and function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e.
Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).;
I.C.F.: - .; P.s:+6.; Special:Anathema (Primordial One) Traits (As Anathema
(Primordial One) (Inc.; Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B., T.G.o.H.:4. I.C.F.:Sorcerer
= 1/2 R.HD. I.C.F.:Psion (Erudite) = 1/2 R.HD.; Appearance:No change.;
R.Traits:Gains all said creature's traits. Those pertaining to base form are
modified to fit and function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e.
Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).;
I.C.F.: - .; P.s: - .; Special:Face of Evil:Bestow greater curse (8th). Feast of
Anguish:Cannibalism, Murder. Retains own abilities (inc. Type, subtype,
etc.).; ArchDevil (ArchDuke):No.; Demon Lord:No.; Horseman (Altradaemon;
Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).; Mythic:No.; Possession (F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).;
NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard
(Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).). Apostasy. Behemoth
(PRG:B3; NB:Adjust for his capability, etc..; Special:Lacks vulnerability to
miracle, etc..). Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see previous).). Cosmic
Serpent. Cosmic String. DR:20/ - . Ethereal (Book of Templates:Deluxe
Edition 3.5). Eternal (W.T.R.G.:S.&L.; NB:These traits are largely superfluous
as Kys's own abilities are far superior.). Favored Enemy:Evil Outsiders
(NB:Kys is (and has dominion over) evil itself. Resultantly, His greatest
adversaries have always been other fiends.). FH:20/R. Greater Starflight.
Kaiju (PRG:B4; NB:Adjust for his capability, etc..). Lord of Darkness (As Kys
(see previous).). Metal Flesh (Acrisians are primarily comprised of
Adamantine, etc.. They have DR 20/ - and H 20. This overlaps their normal
DR and Resistances.). Necodius (Forsaken One) Traits (As Necodius
(Forsaken One) (Inc.; Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B., T.G.o.H.:4. I.C.F.:Sorcerer =
1/2 R.HD. I.C.F.:Psion (Erudite) = 1/2 R.HD.; Appearance:No change.;
R.Traits:Gains all said creature's traits. Those pertaining to base form are
modified to fit and function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e.
Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).;
I.C.F.: - .; P.s: - .; Special:Retains own abilities (inc. Type, subtype, etc.).;
ArchDevil (ArchDuke):No.; Demon Lord:Yes.; Horseman (Altradaemon;
Oinadaemon):No (No; No).; Mythic:No.; Possession (F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).;
NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard
(Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).). No Breath. Perfect
Gestalting (i.e. Greater Gestalting (see Gestalt Creature (Inc.))
(transcendental) and Transcendental Safeguard (Greater Gestalting (see
Gestalt Creature (Inc.))) (transcendental).). R:20/R. See In Darkness.
Shining Brilliance (Acrisians are comprised of Adamantine, etc.. They do not
gain this ability.). Slipstream. Spirit (Book of Templates:Deluxe Edition 3.5;
S.A.:Manifestation, Materialization, Possession, Spirit Touch.;
S.Q.:Rejuvenation.). Summon Abomination (Summon Abomination
(Sp):Acrisians can summon four Abominations (any) per day.). Retains own
abilities (inc. Type, subtype, etc.).; ArchDevil (ArchDuke):Yes.; Demon
Lord:Yes.; Horseman (Altradaemon; Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).;
Mythic:Yes.; Possession (F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).; NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature
(see previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt Creature (see previous)
(Inc.)) (Inc.).), +10
Cometary Dragon (Time Dragon) Traits (As Cometary Dragon (Time Dragon)
(I.H.:E.B.; Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B.,'PRG:B4 (Inc.); Appearance:No change.;
R.Traits:Gains all said creature's traits. Those pertaining to base form are
modified to fit and function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e.
Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).; I.C.F.
- .; P.s:+2 (Custom).; E.A.C.:3 (E.D.R.:24; B.D.:Time Folding.;
Special:'Agile (errata). Behemoth (PRG:B3; NB:Adjust for his capability,
etc..; Special:Lacks vulnerability to miracle, etc..). Corrupted
(((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see previous).). Lord of Darkness (As Kys (see
previous).). Kaiju (PRG:B4; NB:Adjust for his capability, etc..).'No Breath
(errata),'See In Darkness (errata),'Starflight (errata). Retains own abilities
(inc. Type, subtype, etc.).; Archdevil (Archduke):Yes.; Demon Lord:Yes.;
Horseman (Altradaemon; Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).; Mythic:No.;
Possession:Yes.).; NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.) and
Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).), +20
420, 28 (+4)
Lord of The Damned (i.e. Devil, Carcharogon (Leviathan Devil) (As Devil,
Carcharogon (Leviathan Devil) (C.S.:Beasts of The Boundless Blue;
Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B., T.G.o.H.:4. I.C.F.:Barbarian (or Threat (Tome)) =
1/2 R.HD. I.C.F.:Psion (Erudite) = 1/2 R.HD.; Appearance:No change.;
R.Traits:Gains all said creatures' traits. Those pertaining to base form are
modified to fit and function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e.
Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).;
I.C.F.: - .; P.s: - .; Special:Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see
previous).). Instrument of The Gods Traits (As Kys (see previous).). Lord of
Darkness (As Kys (see previous).). Retains own abilities (inc. Type, subtype,
etc.).; ArchDevil (ArchDuke):Yes.; Demon Lord:Yes.; Horseman
(Altradaemon; Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).; Mythic:Yes (i.e. Instrument of
The Gods (see previous).).; Possession (F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).; NB:Treat as
Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt
Creature (see previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).); Devil, Deimavigga (Apostate Devil)
(As Devil, Deimavigga (Apostate Devil) (PRG:B5; Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B..
I.C.F.:Archivist (Black Sage) = 1/2 R.HD. I.C.F.:Psion (Erudite) = 1/2 R.HD.;
Appearance:No change.; R.Traits:Gains all said creatures' traits. Those
pertaining to base form are modified to fit and function w/base form instead
of modifying base form (i.e. Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't
acquired, exc. as noted.).; I.C.F.: - .; P.s: - .; Special:Boundless Reach
(NB:Applies to any/all of Kys's attacks w/any/all of his natural B/P/S
weapons as well as his mind blade(s) and monk weapons (which, due to the
Sohei archetype's Extension of Self feature, inc. all B/P/S melee (any/all (inc.
reach, etc.)) and B/P/S missile weapons (any/all (inc. projectile, etc.))).).
Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see previous).). Evangelization
(NB:Affects devils as well.). Instrument of The Gods Traits (As Kys (see
previous).). Lord of Darkness (As Kys (see previous).). Wisdom Drain
(NB:Applies to any/all of Kys's attacks w/any/all of his natural B/P/S
weapons as well as his mind blade(s) and monk weapons (which, due to the
Sohei archetype's Extension of Self feature, inc. all B/P/S melee (any/all (inc.
reach, etc.)) and B/P/S missile weapons (any/all (inc. projectile, etc.))).).
Retains own abilities (inc. Type, subtype, etc.).; ArchDevil (ArchDuke):Yes.;
Demon Lord:Yes.; Horseman (Altradaemon; Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).;
Mythic:Yes (i.e. Instrument of The Gods (see previous).).; Possession
(F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).; NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.)
and Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).); and
Devil, Malefircarim (Spawn of Hell) (As Devil, Malefircarim (Spawn of Hell)
(T.G.o.H.:4; Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B., T.G.o.H.:4. I.C.F.:Sorcerer = 1/2
R.HD. I.C.F.:Psion (Erudite) = 1/2 R.HD.; Appearance:No change.;
R.Traits:Gains all said creature's traits. Those pertaining to base form are
modified to fit and function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e.
Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).;
I.C.F.: - .; P.s: - .; Special:Ashmadia (Executioner of Hell) Traits (As
Ashmadia (Executioner of Hell) (T.G.o.H.:5; Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B., M.M.M.
(Gestalt (NB:Gains. Doesn't lose. Disease (Immediate; 2d8+123 Str; 3
consecutive). Poison (Bite-injury or "Blood"-contact; Initial:4d6+123 Con/R
for 9 R/Secondary:Death (10th R)).)), T.G.o.H.:4. I.C.F.:Sorcerer = 1/2
R.HD. I.C.F.:Psion (Telepath) = 1/2 R.HD.; Appearance:No change.;
R.Traits:Gains all said creature's traits. Those pertaining to base form are
modified to fit and function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e.
Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).;
I.C.F.: - .; P.s: - .; Special:Darkfire (Hellfire) (200d100+123; Anarchic
(100%), Axiomatic (100%), Divine (100%), N.E. (100%), Profane (100%),
Untyped (100%), Vengeful (100%), Vile (100%), Vindictive (100%); Poison
(As Kys.)). Dark Conflagration (Infernal Conflagration) (803d100+123;
Anarchic (100%), Axiomatic (100%), Divine (100%), N.E. (100%), Profane
(100%), Untyped (100%), Vengeful (100%), Vile (100%), Vindictive
(100%); Poison (As Kys.)). Retains own abilities (inc. Type, subtype, etc.).;
ArchDevil (ArchDuke):Yes.; Demon Lord:No.; Horseman (Altradaemon;
Oinadaemon):No (No; No).; Mythic:Yes.; Possession (F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).;
NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard
(Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).). Augmented (Sp) (As Verrier,
Hell's Pawn (Adjust to his capability, etc.; T.G.o.H.:5); NB:Inc. Summon
Devils (Sp).). Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see previous).). Cosmic
String. Infernal Heir:Alter Reality (cosmic). Infernal Might:Slipstream
(cosmic). Lord of Darkness (As Kys (see previous).). Magic Immunity
(cosmic) (As Demilich, exc. No vulnerability.). Perfect Gestalting (i.e. Greater
Gestalting (see Gestalt Creature (Inc.)) (transcendental) and Transcendental
Safeguard (Greater Gestalting (see Gestalt Creature (Inc.)))
(transcendental).). Spawn of Hell (T.G.o.H.:5; NB:This ability has no exp. or
qui. cost.; Special:All Kys's spawn are devil-blooded (inc. fiendish, etc.)
and/or devils (LE Outsider (extraplanar or native)) (Kys's choice) of up to
120 HD (also Kys's choice). However, no such creature can have more exp.
or qui. than Kys himself possesses.); Special:Kys can choose his spawn
(NB:Limited to HD/L parameters.) and even spawn/summon lesser/*Undead
(NB:Any/all of a CR/LA =/< Kys's CR/LA.*Due to his Undead nature.) spawn
(devils (devil-blooded, etc.).).). Summon Devils (Kys can automatically
summon/call 12d6+123 (or 27+123) barbazu, imps, lemures, nupperibos, or
osyluths; 8d6+123 (or 18+123) barregons, cornugons, erinyes, gelugons (or
crustaceamids (deep devils) or gelugons in aquatic environments), or
hamatulas; or 4d6+123 (or 9+123) deimavigga (apostate devils) or pit
fiends (or deimavigga (apostate devils), carcharagons (leviathan devils), or
pitfiends in aquatic environments) four times per day. These devils may have
triple their standard Hit Dice. (Treat deimavigga, carcharagons, and pitfiends
as 54 (deimavigga), 57 (carcharagon), and 60 (pit fiend) HD Nessians
w/Improved Toughness (x3).).; NB:The specified numbers in the
parentheses are the specific numbers of devils he can he can summon/call in
lieu of the more random numbers. Furthermore, he can, add., choose to
summon/call lesser numbers of devils/specific devils (i.e. the ones he knows
the given, secret, or true names or titles of, even 4d6+123 (or 9+123)
Malefircarim or ArchDukes; or 9 (and only 9 as there are only ever 9 in
existence) ArchDevils, inc. Asmodeus himself (NB:As long as Asmodeus
reigns in The Nine Hells of Perdition, ArchDukes/ArchDevils, inc. Asmodeus
himself, can freely ignore said summoning/calling, if desired, or, if desired,
send (an) aspect(s)/avatar(s) (or other representative(s) of their choice)
(only one (each)) in their stead.).), of up to 120 HD/L (each), if desired.
However, neither does Kys gain control over devils that exceed 60 HD/L, nor
do they gain Improved Toughness (x3), by virtue of this ability.). Retains
own abilities (inc. Type, subtype, etc.).; ArchDevil (ArchDuke):Yes.; Demon
Lord:Yes.; Horseman (Altradaemon; Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).;
Mythic:Yes.; Possession (F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).; NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature
(see previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt Creature (see previous)
(Inc.)) (Inc.).) Traits.), +50
Lord of The Fallen (i.e. Angel, Eloah (Stellar Deva) (As Angel, Eloah (Stellar
Deva) (I.H.:E.B.; Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B., T.G.o.H.:4. I.C.F.:Antipaladin = 1/2
R.HD. I.C.F.:Psion (Erudite) = 1/2 R.HD.; Appearance:No change.;
R.Traits:Gains all said creatures' traits. Those pertaining to base form are
modified to fit and function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e.
Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).;
I.C.F.:+60 (Custom).; P.s:+2 (Custom).; Special:Corrupted (((Irrevocably)))
(As Kys (see previous).). Cursed Soul [[[Fortitude (1/2)]]] (((Vanguard
Fortitude))) (i.e. reversed (i.e. -12 luck penalty to target(s) Fortitude
saves.).). Demoralize (((Exalt))) (i.e. reversed (i.e. greater cowardice spell (-
4 penalty to morale, attacks, saves and skills; inspires fear; hit point penalty
equal to the Kys’s Hit Dice (i.e. -803 hp.; NB:This can kill weaker
creatures.)).).). Hand of The Fallen (((Hand of God))) (1,204d100+123;
Anarchic (100%), Axiomatic (100%), Divine (100%), N.E. (100%), Profane
(100%), Untyped (100%), Vengeful (100%), Vile (100%), Vindictive
(100%); Poison (As Kys.)). Instrument of The Gods Traits (As Kys (see
previous).). Lord of Darkness (As Kys (see previous).). Tormentor
(((Saviour))) (i.e. reversed (i.e. any/all targets in Kys's aura take half
(((shared))) the damage taken by Kys (((no save))).).). Retains own abilities
(inc. Type, subtype, etc.).; ArchDevil (ArchDuke):Yes.; Demon Lord:Yes.;
Horseman (Altradaemon; Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).; Mythic:Yes (i.e.
Instrument of The Gods (see previous).).; Possession (F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).;
NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard
(Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).); Angel, Malak (Nebulous
Deva) (As Angel, Malak (Nebulous Deva) (I.H.:E.B.; Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B.,
T.G.o.H.:4. I.C.F.:Assassin (Tome) = 1/2 R.HD. I.C.F.:Psion (Erudite) = 1/2
R.HD.; Appearance:No change.; R.Traits:Gains all said creatures' traits.
Those pertaining to base form are modified to fit and function w/base form
instead of modifying base form (i.e. Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc.
aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).; I.C.F.:+60 (Custom).; P.s:+2 (Custom).;
Special:Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see previous).). Cursed Soul
[[[Reflexes (1/2)]]] (((Vanguard Reflexes))) (i.e. reversed (-12 luck penalty
to target(s) Reflexes saves).). Instrument of The Gods Traits (As Kys (see
previous).). Lord of Darkness (As Kys (see previous).). Sword of The Fallen
(((Sword of God))) (803d100+123; Anarchic (100%), Axiomatic (100%),
Divine (100%), N.E. (100%), Profane (100%), Untyped (100%), Vengeful
(100%), Vile (100%), Vindictive (100%); Poison (As Kys.)). Retains own
abilities (inc. Type, subtype, etc.).; ArchDevil (ArchDuke):Yes.; Demon
Lord:Yes.; Horseman (Altradaemon; Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).; Mythic:Yes
(i.e. Instrument of The Gods (see previous).).; Possession
(F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).; NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.)
and Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).); and
Angel, Kyriotes (Celestial Deva) (As Angel, Kyriotes (Celestial Deva)
(I.H.:E.B.; Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B., T.G.o.H.:4. I.C.F.:Archivist (Black Sage) =
1/2 R.HD. I.C.F.:Psion (Erudite) = 1/2 R.HD. ; Appearance:No change.;
R.Traits:Gains all said creatures' traits. Those pertaining to base form are
modified to fit and function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e.
Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).;
I.C.F.:+60 (Custom).; P.s:+2 (Custom).; Special:Cursed Soul [[[Will (1/2)]]]
(((Vanguard Will))) (i.e. reversed (-12 luck penalty to target(s) Will saves).).
Breath of The Fallen (((Breath of God))) (803d100+123; Anarchic (100%),
Axiomatic (100%), Divine (100%), N.E. (100%), Profane (100%), Untyped
(100%), Vengeful (100%), Vile (100%), Vindictive (100%); Poison (As
Kys.)). Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see previous).). Instrument of
The Gods Traits (As Kys (see previous).). Lord of Darkness (As Kys (see
previous).). Retains own abilities (inc. Type, subtype, etc.).; ArchDevil
(ArchDuke):Yes.; Demon Lord:Yes.; Horseman (Altradaemon;
Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).; Mythic:Yes (i.e. Instrument of The Gods (see
previous).).; Possession (F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).; NB:Treat as Gestalt
Creature (see previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt Creature (see
previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).) Traits.), +80
600, 34 (+4)
Lord of The Inimical (i.e. Grim Reaper (As Grim Reaper (PAP:48 (Shadows of
Gallowspire); Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B., T.G.o.H.:4.; Appearance:No change.;
R.Traits:Gains all said creature's traits. Those pertaining to base form are
modified to fit and function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e.
Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).;
I.C.F.:+60 (Custom).; P.s:+1 (Custom).; Special:Corrupted (((Irrevocably)))
(As Kys (see previous).). Instrument of The Gods Traits (As Kys (see
previous).). Lord of Darkness (As Kys (see previous).). Retains own abilities
(inc. Type, subtype, etc.).; ArchDevil (ArchDuke):Yes.; Demon Lord:Yes.;
Horseman (Altradaemon; Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).; Mythic:No.;
Possession:Yes.; NB:Spawned by The N.E. Plane.).; NB:Treat as Gestalt
Creature (see previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt Creature (see
previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).); Grim Reaper (As Grim Reaper (PRG:B5;
Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B., T.G.o.H.:4.; Appearance:No change.; R.Traits:Gains
all said creature's traits. Those pertaining to base form are modified to fit and
function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e. Abnormalities
(extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).; I.C.F.:+60
(Custom).; P.s:+1 (Custom).; Special:Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys
(see previous).). Instrument of The Gods Traits (As Kys (see previous).).
Lord of Darkness (As Kys (see previous).). Retains own abilities (inc. Type,
subtype, etc.).; NB:Spawned by Byss.).; NB:Treat as Instrument of The Gods
(divine) and Divine Safeguard (Instrument of The Gods (divine)).). Retains
own abilities (inc. Type, subtype, etc.).; Archdevil (Archduke):Yes.; Demon
Lord:Yes.; Horseman (Altradaemon; Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).;
Mythic:No.; Possession:Yes.).; NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature (see previous)
(Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.))
(Inc.).); and Shinigami (As Shinigami (M.M.:46 (Japan); Errata:I.H.:A.,
I.H.:E.B., T.G.o.H.:4.; Appearance:No change.; R.Traits:Gains all said
creature's traits. Those pertaining to base form are modified to fit and
function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e. Abnormalities
(extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).; I.C.F.:+60
(Custom).; P.s:+1 (Custom).; Special:Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys
(see previous).). Instrument of The Gods Traits (As Kys (see previous).).
Lord of Darkness (As Kys (see previous).). Retains own abilities (inc. Type,
subtype, etc.).; Archdevil (Archduke):Yes.; Demon Lord:Yes.; Horseman
(Altradaemon; Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).; Mythic:No.; Possession:Yes.).;
NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard
(Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).) Traits.), +110
780, 37 (+4)
Lord of The Insane (i.e. Mythic Neothelid, Psionic (As Mythic Neothelid,
Psionic (M.M.M.; Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B., T.G.o.H.:4.; Appearance:No
change.; R.Traits:Gains all said creatures' traits. Those pertaining to base
form are modified to fit and function w/base form instead of modifying base
form (i.e. Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as
noted.).; I.C.F.: - .; P.s: - .; Special:Behemoth (PRG:B3; NB:Adjust for his
capability, etc..; Special:Lacks vulnerability to miracle, etc..). Can, add.,
create Illithids, Illithid-kin, etc. Can, add., create mythic Illithids, Ilithid-kin.
etc., or may add the agile, invincible, or savage mythic simple template to an
ordinary Illithid, Illithid-kin, etc. (NB:Illithids, Illithid-kin, etc. typically are
disgusted by, loathe, and rebel against their Neothelid progenitors.).
Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see previous).). Instrument of The Gods
Traits (As Kys (see previous).). Kaiju (PRG:B4; NB:Adjust for his capability,
etc..). Lord of Darkness (As Kys (see previous).). Morphic Tentacles &
Morphic Tentacle Mastery (see below). Retains own abilities (inc. Type,
subtype, etc.).; ArchDevil (ArchDuke):Yes.; Demon Lord:Yes.; Horseman
(Altradaemon; Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).; Mythic:Yes.; Possession
(F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).; NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.)
and Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).);
Akishra (Astral Worm), Psionic (As Akishra (Astral Worm), Psionic (I.H.:E.B.;
Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B., T.G.o.H.:4.; Appearance:No change.; R.Traits:Gains
all said creatures' traits. Those pertaining to base form are modified to fit and
function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e. Abnormalities
(extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).; I.C.F.: - .; P.s: - .;
Special:Behemoth (PRG:B3; NB:Adjust for his capability, etc..; Special:Lacks
vulnerability to miracle, etc..). Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see
previous).). Divine Immensity (x10) (B). Ghostly Glow (NB:Emits
from*bioluminescent bodily fluids and body parts,*if desired
(emmission/suppression (Immediate nonaction)).; NB:*Intereffective.).
Instrument of The Gods Traits (As Kys (see previous).). Kaiju (PRG:B4;
NB:Adjust for his capability, etc..). Lord of Darkness (As Kys (see
previous).). Morphic Tentacles & Morphic Tentacle Mastery (see below).
Panversal (Inc.). Persuasion (NB:Emits from*bioluminescent bodily fluids and
body parts,*if desired (emmission/suppression (Immediate nonaction)).;
NB:*Intereffective.). Retains own abilities (inc. Type, subtype, etc.).;
ArchDevil (ArchDuke):Yes.; Demon Lord:Yes.; Horseman (Altradaemon;
Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).; Mythic:Yes.; Possession (F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).;
NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard
(Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).); Elder Brain, Psionic (As
Elder Brain, Psionic (Lords of Madness; Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B., T.G.o.H.:4.;
Appearance:No change.; R.Traits:Gains all said creatures' traits. Those
pertaining to base form are modified to fit and function w/base form instead
of modifying base form (i.e. Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't
acquired, exc. as noted.).; I.C.F.: - .; P.s: - .; Special:Behemoth (PRG:B3;
NB:Adjust for his capability, etc..; Special:Lacks vulnerability to miracle,
etc..). Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see previous).). Instrument of
The Gods Traits (As Kys (see previous).). Kaiju (PRG:B4; NB:Adjust for his
capability, etc..). Lord of Darkness (As Kys (see previous).). Morphic
Tentacles & Morphic Tentacle Mastery (see below). Retains own abilities (inc.
Type, subtype, etc.).; ArchDevil (ArchDuke):Yes.; Demon Lord:Yes.;
Horseman (Altradaemon; Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).; Mythic:Yes.;
Possession (F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).; NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature (see
previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt Creature (see previous)
(Inc.)) (Inc.).); and Cogent (World Flayer, Draeden), Psionic (As Cogent
(World Flayer, Draeden), Psionic (I.H.:E.B.; Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B.,
T.G.o.H.:4.; Appearance:No change.; R.Traits:Gains all said creatures' traits.
Those pertaining to base form are modified to fit and function w/base form
instead of modifying base form (i.e. Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc.
aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).; I.C.F.: - .; P.s: - .; Special:Behemoth
(PRG:B3; NB:Adjust for his capability, etc..; Special:Lacks vulnerability to
miracle, etc..). Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see previous).). Divine
Immensity (x10) (B). Instrument of The Gods Traits (As Kys (see previous).).
Kaiju (PRG:B4; NB:Adjust for his capability, etc..). Lord of Darkness (As Kys
(see previous).). Morphic Tentacles & Morphic Tentacle Mastery (see below).
Retains own abilities (inc. Type, subtype, etc.).; ArchDevil (ArchDuke):Yes.;
Demon Lord:Yes.; Horseman (Altradaemon; Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).;
Mythic:Yes.; Possession (F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).; NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature
(see previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt Creature (see previous)
(Inc.)) (Inc.).).) Traits.), +150
Mind Blade Traits (As Kys's Mind Blade (Inc.; Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B.,
T.G.o.H.:4.; Appearance:No change.; R.Traits:Gains all said creature's traits.
((((NB:This inc. all 8 Mind Blades, Soul Armor, and Soul Shield. They are Not
tech. separate creatures. Furthermore, this eff. gives Kys the Abnormality
[Extra Body] (cosmic (x0-xX, where X = the number of "Mind Blades" (i.e.
Kys's "Extra Bodies" (i.e. 0-10.).) manifested (excluding those manifested
from his actual (current (recreated (see below))) Mind Blade, which is a
separate, from Kys himself, Artifact Avatar (see below)).)) ability. (NB:Kys
has Assimilated (via Assimilate (cosmic)) and recreated (via Alter Reality
(cosmic)) his Mind Blade countless times. His current Mind Blade (1 of his
1,872 Artifact Avatars (Artifact Avatar, Symbiont (Ego:1,230 (0 vs. Kys
(Avatar (G.D. (DR(DB):16.); Form:As pre. noted ([Fiend] Familiar (see
previous)).; Cybernetics:As Kys (see previous).; Statistics:As Kys (see
previous), exc. as pre. noted.))).).)) is a recreation of his original one.).
Finally, Kys's Mind Blades (Assimilated (see previous) and recreated (see
previous)) are each eff. 1-10 of his [[[[BalEloah's Armors, BalEloah's Helms,
BalEloah's Shields, BalEloah's Swords, BalKyriotes's Crowns, BalKyriotes's
Robes, BalKyriotes's Rods, BalKyriotes's Swords, BalMalak's Axe-spears,
BalMalak's Rods, BalMalak's Scimitars, Cybersuites, Dancing [Cha./Rai.],
Ectoform Layers, Ectopic Suits, Ghost Lord Masks, Grim Reaper's Scythes,
Masks of Darkness, Phylacteries, Raiments of Darkness, Reaper's Scythes,
Shadow Servants, Shadow Warrior Arms & Armor, Shinigami's Scythes, Soul
Gems, and Undying Avatars.; NB:*This eff. replicates Cosmic Firmament I
(i.e. x2 hp.) (cosmic) and Cosmic Firmament II (i.e. d.b. x2.) (cosmic).]]]],
depending on its/their current form; as it/they has/have similarly Assimilated
(see previous) the aforementioned countless times.; Special:All items
enhancements, special abilities, and special qualities are gestalted (overlap)
w/all items regardless of its/their current form. (e.g. a BalEloah's Armor
gains a BalEloah's Helm's, etc. special abilities, etc..) Kys can
activate/deactivate any/all of these enhancements, as an Immediate
nonaction, at will.)))) Those pertaining to base form are modified to fit and
function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e. Abnormalities
(extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).; I.C.F.: - .; P.s: - .;
Special:Retains own abilities (inc. Type, subtype, etc.).).; NB:Treat as
Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt
Creature (see previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).), +160
Nether Dragon Traits (As Dendar, The Night Serpent (Champions of Ruin;
Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B. (AKA:Nether Dragon; Neotic (A.C.:1; B.R.HD:29
(Advance True ((((54-39 (G. (x3) Wyrm))-1 (Errata))÷2 (Errata))=7) -
Neotic (29; Heads:1.) - Adamic (116; Heads:7.).),'PRG:B4 (Inc.).;
Scales:Nightmare Scales (see Dendar, The Night Serpent (Champions of
Ruin)).).), T.G.o.H.:4.; Appearance:No change.; R.Traits:Gains all said
creatures' traits. Those pertaining to base form are modified to fit and
function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e. Abnormalities
(extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).; I.C.F.: - .; P.s: - .;
E.A.C.:3 (E.D.R.:24; BW:Unleash Nightmares plus Divine (100%),
Permanent (100%) Wisdom Drain (5/2HD/L).; I.C.F.:Var..; B.D.:Divine
(100%), Permanent (100%) Withering (Wisdom) [Effect].).;
Special:Abomination (I.H.:E.B.). Acid Absorption. Adamic (I.H.:E.B.).
Adjuration (NB:Typically summons daemons/serpents, etc..).'Agile (errata).
Armathrax Traits (As Armathrax (Inc.; Appearance:No change.;
R.Traits:Gains all said creatures' traits. Those pertaining to base form are
modified to fit and function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e.
Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).;
Special:Retains own abilities (inc. Type, subtype, etc.).); NB:Treat as Lesser
Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.) and Divine Safeguard (Gestalt
Creature (see previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).). Assimilate (Inc.). Behemoth
(PRG:B3; NB:Adjust for his capability, etc..; Special:Lacks vulnerability to
miracle, etc..). Cold Immunity. Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see
previous).). Daemon (Yugoloth). Elder Evil (Elder Evils; NB:Adjust for his
capability, etc..; Sign:Dead Sun (any/all; NB:If/when desired (Immediate
nonaction).).; Malefic Properties:Anathemic Secrecy, Dark Visiting.). Eternal
Freedom. Fire Immunity. Kaiju (PRG:B4; NB:Adjust for his capability, etc..).
Malaclypse. Nightmare Scales (As Dendar plus Divine (100%), Permanent
(100%) Wisdom Drain (5/2HD/L).). Nightmare Venom (As Dendar plus
Divine (100%), Permanent (100%) Wisdom Drain (5/2HD/L).).'No Breath
(errata). Perfect Initiative. Psychometry. Regeneration.'See In Darkness
(errata). Self-Mastery. Slipstream.'Starflight (errata). Swallow Whole ([BW]
+Acid ([BW]); Poison (As Kys.)). Transilient Fortitude. Transilient Will.
Unleash Nightmares (As Dendar plus Divine Wisdom Drain (5/2HD/L).).
Retains own abilities (inc. Type, subtype, etc.).; ArchDevil (ArchDuke):Yes.;
Demon Lord:Yes.; Horseman (Altradaemon; Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).;
Mythic:Yes.; Possession (F.C.II:H.o.t.A.):Yes.).; NB:Treat as Gestalt Creature
(see previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt Creature (see previous)
(Inc.)) (Inc.).). +170
Void Dragon (Night Dragon) Traits (As Void Dragon (Night Dragon)
(I.H.:E.B.; Errata:I.H.:A., I.H.:E.B.,'PRG:B4 (Inc.).; Appearance:No change.;
R.Traits:Gains all said creature's traits. Those pertaining to base form are
modified to fit and function w/base form instead of modifying base form (i.e.
Abnormalities (extra faces, etc.), etc. aren't acquired, exc. as noted.).;
I.C.F.: - .; P.s: - (Custom).; E.A.C.:3 (E.D.R.:24; B.D.:Temporal Absorption
(Temporal Absorption (Su):Any/all opponents who strike the void dragon in
melee lose temporal momentum (no save). This is akin to the slow spell,
however the effect stacks with itself (i.e. an affected creature having struck a
great wyrm void dragon one or more times can take only a single move
action or standard action each turn, etc. and suffers a -1 penalty to attack
rolls; armor class (dodge penalty); and Reflex saves per age category of the
void dragon.).; Special:This ability can nullify one tier of haste and similar
effects per age category of the void dragon (i.e. a wyrmling void dragon can
partially nullify an adult cometary dragon's Time Folding ability, an adult void
dragon can completely nullify an adult cometary dragon's Time Folding
ability, and a great wym void dragon can completely nullify an adult
cometary dragon's Time Folding ability and inflict 6 tiers of slow on it.).).).;
Special:'Agile (errata). Behemoth (PRG:B3; NB:Adjust for his capability,
etc..; Special:Lacks vulnerability to miracle, etc..). Corrupted
(((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see previous).). Kaiju (PRG:B4; NB:Adjust for his
capability, etc..).'No Breath (errata).'See In Darkness (errata).'Starflight
(errata). Retains own abilities (inc. Type, subtype, etc.).; Archdevil
(Archduke):Yes.; Demon Lord:Yes.; Horseman (Altradaemon;
Oinadaemon):No (Yes; No).; Mythic:No.; Possession:Yes.).; NB:Treat as
Gestalt Creature (see previous) (Inc.) and Cosmic Safeguard (Gestalt
Creature (see previous) (Inc.)) (Inc.).).),
Vampire-lich (Sangrolu (Bloodlich)) (i.e. Lich Traits (As Lich (PRG:B1, v3.5
RPH; Errata:V.R.A.v.I (NB:No change.), I.H.:E.B..; Phylactery (1):Kys's
Godly Realm (see below).; S.A. (4 (v3.5 RPH)):Bone Command (divine),
Command Undead, Turn Immunity (Benefit:You're immune to harmful
Channel Energy and Turn/Command effects (inc. control undead, etc.).;
Special:You can still be "banished", unless immune.), Undead Control.;
Var.:Dread (A.B.(P.E.)), Lichfiend (Libris Mortis), Mythic (PRG:Mythic
Adventures), Vampire-lich (Sangrolu (Bloodlich)).).; NB:Treat as Lord of
Bone (NB:v3.5 RPH (+1 c.); Dread (+1 c.), Mythic (+1 c.).;
Special:Vampire-lich (see below).) (divine) and Divine Safeguard (x4; see
previous) (divine (x4)).) and Vampire Traits (As Vampire (PRG:B1, v3.5 RPH;
Errata:V.R.A.v.I (Immunities:Garlic, Holy Symbols, Holy Water, Mirrors,
Running Water, Sunlight.), I.H.:E.B..; A.C.:6 (Patriarch).; Coffin (1):Kys's
Phylactery (see previous).; S.A. (5):Command Undead, Frightful Presence,
Improved Domination, Light Sleep, Scent.; Var.:Dread (A.B.(P.E.)), Mythic
(PRG:Mythic Adventures), Vampirefiend (As Lichfiend (Libris Mortis), exc.
Vampire rather than Lich.), Vampire-lich (Sangrolu (Bloodlich)).).; NB:Treat
as Lord of Blood (NB:v3.5 RPH (+1 c.); Dread (+1 c.), Mythic (+1 c.).;
Special:Vampire-lich (see below).) (divine) and Divine Safeguard (x4; see
previous) (divine (x4)).).; Special:Vampire-lich (Aka:Sangrolu (Bloodlich).;
Special:A vampire-lich's flesh (inc. hair, etc.), fluids, etc. are possessed of all
vampire-specific weaknesses. Affecting/Harming a vampire-lich's flesh (inc.
hair, etc.), fluids, etc. (affects/harms) only the vampire-lich's flesh (inc. hair,
etc.), fluids, etc. and does Not (affect/harm) said vampire-lich itself as its
flesh (inc. hair, etc.), fluids, etc. are an elaborate cosmetic affectation. A
vampire-lich's Mind (inc. soul, etc.), skeleton, etc.; as well as its coffin,
phylactery, etc.; are Not possessed of any vampire-specific weaknesses.;
NB:A vampire-lich can assume gaseous form/disperse (rejuvenate (via
phylactery, etc.)) at 0 hp, if/when desired. Even if destroyed; a vampire-
lich's flesh, etc.; mind, etc.; and coffin, etc. are fully respawned
(regrown/rejuvenated/remanifested) after 8 hours of inactivity, meditation,
etc.. Rapid Rejuvenation (divine) reduces this time to 8 rounds. No coffin,
darkness, feeding, phylactery, or soil are required. Vampire-lich (Sangrolu
(Bloodlich)) Respawning (see previous) is eff. Cosmic String (cosmic) w/No
vulnerability. However, it can be Abrogated (cosmic), etc. normally.).),
- Chronal Wand (PL 8-9; The chronal wand is a personal chronal gate
generator. It creates a rupture in the fabric of time just large enough for one
character to step through into another time. The gate remains open until the
wand itself passes through, so multiple characters can step through without
using their own wands. The drawback to the chronal wand is that it must be
recalibrated after each use (see Equipment Failure, D20 Future), or entirely
new chronal coordinates must be entered, as though changing the settings.
The PL 8 version of the chronal wand weighs only 1 pound. The PL 9 version
has the same purchase DC, with the added benefit that it stores the last five
chronal coordinates automatically, enabling anyone to thumb through
settings without recalibrating the wand.; Weight:1 lb.; Purchase DC:58.;
Restriction:Illegal (+4).)
[Godly Fragments]:None.
[Godly Heritage]:Paternal (Thoth (((Azathoth)))), Maternal (None
(NB:Mother is mortal.)).
NB:Kys's maternal heritage hides a dark secret. His CE M Akalich (Demilich
(Lich (Human (Greco-Roman)
))) (CE Cleric 40 (D.s:Death, Evil.)) great (((x100))) grandfather (3,913 y.),
who rests in his long lost and
forgotten tomb (since 672 B.C.E. (D.o.A. (Akalich, Demilich, Lich):754 B.C.E.
(1139 y.), 1754 B.C.E.
(139 y.), 1854 B.C.E.. (39 y.); D.o.D.:1855 B.C.E. (38 y.); D.o.B.:1893
B.C.E..)) and, fortunately,
remains unaware of Kys's existence.
Kys's great (((x100))) grandfather's tomb (somewhere in, or, rather, very
deep under, (((OLD))) Rome, Italy)
contains seven (one for each of, and each one guarded by an Akalichfiend
Shadow Demon (R.HD:20
(Former Succubus (Special:Retains all Succubus Traits.); Quasi-deity
(P.s.:Dea. (x1), Lust (x1).))
plus Cleric 20 (D.s:Charm, Death.).) representative of one of, The Seven
Deadly Sins) rifts
into Byss. This is the cause of his abnormally swift evolution from lich to
to akalich. The aforementioned demons are his (enslaved).
[Godly Realm I]:Kys (uncontested).
- Description:Hidden and lying far beneath Pluton. Little is known about this
subterranean realm aside from
the fact that it exists. Even Hades himself is unaware of what secrets it keeps
and all attempted expeditions
have failed utterly. For this reason, Hades has posted dozens of sentries
around its only known entrance,
The Pit of Doom. Thus far none that have entered have ever returned (or will
ever return). Thus far no
creature has ever emerged from its depths (at least not to Hades
Secretly, the entirety of Kys, The Fourth Layer of Hades, is an endless,
labyrinthian necropolis, at the center
of which lies Kys's vast, dread, and unholy empire. The outer edges of Kys
extend for a million miles and
are fearsome, gloomy, and seemingly uninhabited. Secretly, the entire layer
is inhabited by countless
dragons, fiends, and undead (esp. the countless dracoliches, lichfiends,
liches, and demiliches
seeking to escape meddlesome mortals and immortals alike).
The reason none, save those that reside there, are aware of the truths of
Kys, is simple. None are permitted
to leave and those that try are either enslaved or destroyed, soul and all.
This is The Decree of Kys. The
only real law Kys has ever enforced. Aside from this, Kys permits the
inhabitants of Kys to exist as
they see fit, which pleases them immensely. Kys and his chosen are,
naturally, exempt from
The Decree of Kys and treated as royalty.
- Exotic Characteristics:Kys absorbs all sound. Resultantly, verbal
communication, etc. are nigh impossible
for the vast majority of its denizens, which suits them just fine as they
greatly prefer the deafening silence
and communicate using body/sign language and Telepathy anyway. As a
result of this situation, all
spellcasting denizens of Kys gain the ability to freely cast spells w/o verbal
components. This
is a boon from Kys himself and does Not penalize them in any way.
Special (update):Kys has become Kys's inner realm and, as such, currently
has only one access point, Kys
himself. The Pit of Doom, resultantly, leads directly to Byss and has been
sealed off by Hades himself,
who, for his part, is still completely (and frustratingly) unaware of wtf was
occurring. Resultantly,
he has tripled the guard.
Special (update):Kys remains Kys's inner realm. However, it has become an
infinite, multiplanar innerverse
and, as such, is a nightmarish, unholy mirror of the standard D&D Kosmos.
It's Hades has a hidden layer
beneath its Pluton as described above. However, its Hades has no Hades
ruling over it. Thus far all
the realms of Kys are claimed by "greater" Aspects (I.D. (DR(DB):15.) of
NB:The River Styx does Not flow through Kys's Godly Realm. Kys, however,
in spite of, or because of, this,
has begun discretely studying it in great detail and learning its many, many
secrets. This has not gone
unnoticed by Charon himself and his maraenoloths, who have begun
discretely studying him in
kind. Thus far, they're uncertain what to make of him.
- The Chosen of Kys:Kys's family are all amongst The Chosen of Kys, even if
they're unaware of this. Kys's
mortal mother and her kin have no knowledge of their special status.
However, were they to somehow find
their way to Kys, they'd be protected by and treated respectfully by all the
denizens thereof that they
encounter. No denizen of Kys would dare do otherwise. EVER. The remainder
of Kys's
chosen are treated similarly.
[Godly Realms II]:The Lower Planes of The Kosmos (contested).
Description:This is Literally, the lower planes (i.e. The Netherworld, etc..) of
the standard D&D Kosmos. As
Kys has left them (or it) as is and Not altered them (or it) in any notable
way, the majority of the denizens
are unaware he even exists, let alone that he has thoroughly infected the
lower planes as if he were
a malignant cancer. However, The Lower Planes and their constituent layers
themselves all
feel a sense of "wrongness" and occasionally stir uncomfortably in their
[Godly Realm III]:D3V1L (uncontested).
- Description:D3V1L (Artifact Avatar, Godly Realm, Symbiont;
Description:Kys's second Godly Realm is his
deep jet-black custom, fully restored, vintage 1962 Convertible Cadillac
Coupe DeVille. Its license plate
says D3V1L.; Powers:In addition to being Kys's second Godly Realm, D3V1L
is 1 of his 1,872 Artifact
Avatars (see below).; Special: - .). This extends to D3V1L and D3V1L's
interior (inc. cab, etc.; even
if the top is down, etc.).
Divine Abilities (162):Adamant Concentration (Inc.), Aegic Essence (Inc.),
Aegis (Inc.), Aport, Asport, Aura Mastery (Inc.), Black Blade of Annihilation
(Inc.), Black Blade of Disaster (Inc.), Black Blade of Ruin (Inc.), Cold
Absorption, Cozen, Create Greater Spawn, Create Spawn, Creative Effect
(Inc.), Crystal Keeper (Inc.), Cybergod (Inc.), Dancing Chains (Inc.),
Dancing Raiment (Inc.), Dimensional Folding (Inc.), Dimensional Reach
(Inc.), Distant Gaze, Distasteful (Inc.), Divination Immunity (Inc.), Divine
Architect, Divine Lore (Inc.), Divine Palm (Inc.), Divine Safeguard (x3;
Lesser Gestalt Creature (x2; Armathrax (As Kys (see below).), Predalien King
(((Queen))) (As Kys (see below).)) (Inc.), Nescient) (Inc.), Elongated (x2;
Multi.:x10.) (Inc.), Epic Dragon Mastery (Inc.), Epic Metamagic Capacity
(Inc.), Epic Metapsionic Capacity (Inc.), Epic Metapsychic Capacity (Inc.),
Exotic Materials (NB:Cybernetics are Necro-Tech (i.e. Techno-Organic,
undead (comprised of cyber recipient's own essence, etc.).; Special:Existing
flesh, etc. are a cosmetic affectation in all forms. Entire cybersuite is
intracranial/intraskeletal and closer to liquid-state robotics/nanocolonies than
typical cybernetics.).) (Inc.), Familiarity (Inc.), Fecundity (Inc.), Flesh
Command (Inc.), Force Field (x6) (Inc.), Force Absorption, Force Immunity,
Forked Tongue, Greater Aegic Essense (Inc.), Greater Aura, Greater Presence
(Inc.), Greater Realm (Inc.), House of Death, Innerverse (Psyche) (Inc.),
Inner Realm (Inc.), Inverse Defense (Inc.), Ki Effect (Inc.), Ki Occultist
(Inc.), Lesser Gestalt Creature (+x7; Armathrax (Inc.; Appearance:No
change.; Var.:Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see previous).).),
Cambion (Expedition to The Demonweb Pits; Appearance:No change.;
Rank:Marquis.; Alternate Form:Subsumed.; Var.:Corrupted (((Irrevocably)))
(As Kys (see previous).), Dementor (Inc.; Appearance:No change.;
Var.:Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see previous).).), Demarax (Inc.;
Appearance:No change.; Var.:Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see
previous).).), Predalien King (((Queen))) (As King (((Queen))) Bug
(Modernized #2; Appearance:No change.; Add. Traits:Acid Blood (Aliens;
200d20+123), Acid Breath (Aliens; Cone:2,032.5 ft. (Close range (25 ft. (+5
ft./2HD/L))), Line:8,130 ft. (Medium range (100 ft. (+10 ft./HD/L))), or
Rad.:507.125 ft. (Tight range (6.25 ft. (+1.25 ft./2HD/L))); 803d20+123;
1/1d2 rounds), Alien Bite (i.e. Tongue Strike (Aliens; NB:They're Literally the
exact same ability.).), Fear Attraction (Aliens), I.C.F.:Psion (Telepath) = 1/2
HD/L (Subsumed). Invisibility (Aliens), Poison (Aliens; Paralysis (1d2+123
hours); NB:Add., Poison (As Kys (see previous).).), Predator Traits (As
Predator (Predators; Appearance:No change.).), Resin (Aliens; NB:Kys's
resin is highly modified saliva and ejected/secreted from oral (i.e. parotid,
etc..) glands. Kys is unaffected by his resin and similar substances and can
use it to construct equipment, etc..), Royal Jelly (Aliens), Sense Fear
(Aliens), Skills (Aliens; A King (((Queen))) Bug has a +10 racial bonus on all
Intimidate checks and a +10 (+20 if within its own hive) racial bonus on all
Stealth checks.).; Var.:Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see previous).),
King (((Queen))) (NB:Bugs are Asexual (((parthenogenetic))), thus
(((King))) Bugs are identical to (((Queen))) Bugs.), Predalien King
(((Queen))) (Add. Traits:Implant (Aliens; Embryos:2d10+123/day.;
Special:As Facehugger (via piercing, serpentine tongue), exc. harmless to
Kys and up to 5 embryos (any var. (i.e. caste, etc..)) per Medium-sized
host.; NB:This modifies the King (((Queen))) Bug's Alien Bite (i.e. Tongue
Strike.) ability and replaces its Detachment, "Egg-laying", and Rage
abilities.).).).), Thestral (Inc.; Appearance:No change.; Var.:Corrupted
(((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see previous).).), Tiefling (v3.5 M.M.;
Appearance:No change.; Var.:Corrupted (((Irrevocably))) (As Kys (see
previous).).); Special:Invisibility (Selective (i.e. can assume
invisibility/visibility as desired.) (Immediate nonaction - Intense Action)).)
(Inc.), Mask of Darkness (NB:Gestalted (via Assimilate (cosmic), etc.)
w/Kys's Ghost Lord Mask (overlap; see previous).) (Inc.), Mime Ability, Mime
Ability Score, Multifaceted (x6), Mutable A./D. (x12; Total:x36 (via Divine
Amplification (x2)).; [Descriptor] 100% (x18); Permanent (50% (x1)))
(Inc.), Obscurity (NB:Kys occasionally permits his Allies, etc. (often limited
(selective (Immediate nonaction))) remembrance.) (Inc.), Occult Class Traits
(+x5; Total:x6 (see previous).; Black Chorister (Archetype: - .) (PRG:CR),
Black Chorister (Archetype:Deathsinger (The Book of Metal).) (PRG:CR),
Black Chorister (Archetype:Harbinger (DR337).) (Inc.), Cleric (Archetype:
- .; BF:10.) (PRG:CR), Shugenju (Archetype: - .; Elemental Focus:Earth,
Void.; Order:The Order of The Fallen (((The Order of The Ineffable
Mystery))).; BF:10.) (Complete Divine)) (Inc.), Occult Mimicry (Inc.), Perfect
Aura, Perfect Spring Attack (Inc.), Perfect Weapon Focus, Perfect Weapon
Specialization, Portfolio Mastery (x14 (+4) (x40 (+4) (via Divine
Amplification (x2))); Art. (x2), Cha. (x2), Con. (x2), Dar. (x2), Dea. (x2),
Des. (x2), Dra. (x2), Ear. (x2), Ent. (x2), Evil (x2), Fear (x2), Fie. (x2), Hea.
(x2), Law (x2), Mad. (x2), Mag. (x2), Pre. (x2), Psi. (x2), Rev. (x2), Sec.
(x2), Time (x2), War (x2); E.D.R.:48 (F.O.).) (Inc.), Possess Realm (Inc.),
Prismatic Force (x6; any/all (invisible/opaque, colorless/colored-jet-black))
(Inc.), Raiment of Darkness (NB:Gestalted (via Assimilate (cosmic), etc.)
w/Kys's Ectopic Suit (overlap; see previous).) (Inc.), Rapid Rejuvenation,
Razor Tongue (1d20+823 [Untyped]), Self-hypnosis, Self-mastery, Seventh
Sense, Slayer (Inc.), Sonic Absorption, Soulstealer, Superior Aura, Sure-
Footed, Sure-Handed, Sure-Minded, Symbiont (Inc.), Tainted Occultist (Inc.),
Tainted Prince (x5; Str, Dex, Int, Wis, Cha) (Inc.), Tainted Spirit (Inc.),
Theopoea, True Strike, Uncanny Lesser (÷6) Chronal (NB:Ages/deages
target(s).) Mastery, Uncanny Lesser (÷6) Gravitic Mastery, Unyielding
Damage Reduction, Vampiric Effect, Vengeful Effect, Warp (Inc.), Weapon
Breaking, Weapon Debasement, Weapon Deficiency, Weapon Depreciation,
Whispersoul (Inc.)
900, 40 (+4)
Cosmic Abilities (348):Abrogate (+x0; Total:x2 (via P.s:Ent. (x2), Fear
(x2)).), Adamant (Inc.), Adamic Dragon Mastery (Inc.), Anomaly (Inc.), Art
of The Spheres (Inc.), Assimilate (x2) (Inc.), Boundless Step (Inc.),
Convergent (Inc.), Cosmic Architect, Counterstrike (+x0; Total:x2 (via
P.s:Rev. (x2), War (x2)).) (Inc.), Creation Command (803d6+123
((((ANY))); Ref. DC 1,238 for 1/2 plus negation of special (see below).) plus
special (see below).; E.S.L.:220.) (Inc.), Destroyer (Inc.), Divine
Amplification (x4; Mutable A./D. (x2; Multi.:x3.) (Inc.), Portfolio Mastery (x2;
Multi.:x3.) (Inc.)) (Inc.), Extra Portfolio (+x0; Total:x38 (+x4) (see
previous).; Des. (x2), Mad. (x2), War (x2)) (Inc.), Gestalt (+x2; Total:x16
(see previous).; I.C.F.:2,040 (Max (i.e. "Glass Ceiling".):2,000.).) (Inc.),
Extra Realm (x2; Godly Realm II:The Lower Planes (see previous).; Godly
Realm III:D3V1L (see previous).) (Inc.), Force Field II (Inc.), Force Field III
(x1) (Inc.), Great Necrosis (Inc.), Greater Aegis (Inc.), Greater Gestalt
(Inc.), House of Creation (Inc.), Impermeable (<+48 (via P.s:War (x2)).
<+96 (via Weapon Depreciation).) (Inc.), Music of The Spheres (Inc.),
Nullification (Inc.), Numinous (Inc.), Pandimensional (Inc.), Panversal (Inc.),
Pantemporal (Inc.), Paradoxal (Inc.), Portfolio Perfection (+x12; Total:x13
(see previous).; Art., Con., Dar., Dea., Dra., Ear., Fie., Mad., Pre., Rev.,
Sec., War) (Inc.), Replicate (x2; NB:Kys has encountered all divine (or
lesser)-transcendental abilities and can replicate any divine (or lesser)-
transcendental ability (i.e. up to esoteric.).), Shroud of Death
(Appearance:No change.; NB:This ability is an entropic (i.e. [Death],
necromantic, and N.E..) effect. However, P.Trumping (+5 (+4 via Destroyer
(Inc.).; +1 via F.O.P.s:Dar. (x2), Dea. (x2), Ent. (x2).); H.L. (D.R.
(D.B.):400.)) permits Kys to kill/destroy any/all creature(s) of eff. lower tier
(up to T.L. (D.R.(D.B.):399, if No P.-S.P., or D.u. (S.III) (D.R.(D.B.)):199, if
D.P..)) w/this ability.), Specular (+x1; Total:x2 (via P.s:Rev. (x2)).;
Appearance:No change.), Superior Presence (Inc.), Superior Realm
(NB:Kosmic (i.e. Kys is the embodiment of an entire Kosmos (and a great
deal more), thus any/all range/reach references to "planar layer", "plane", or
"dimension" upgrade to "kosmos".).) (Inc.), Talismanic Occultist (Inc.),
Undead Immortal (Inc.), Unearthly Reach (Inc.), Yin-yang (x3; Des. & Hea.,
Ent. & Time, Mag. & Psi.)
Special (Class (850):Archivist (Black Sage (Op.II (No Price)) (Inc.),
Bloodline:Akalich (Demilich (Lich (Human (Greco-Roman) (Shadow
(PRG:Advanced Player's Guide))))).) (E.L.H.)) (I.H.:E.B.).) (H.o.H.), Artist
(M.P.M.), Assassin (The Tomes), Carnifex (Inc.), Knight (P.H.II), Monk (Sohei
(KQ12)) (PRG:CR), Ninja (PRG:Ultimate Combat), Psion (Erudite (Complete
Psionic)) (Psionics Unleashed), Rogue (PRG:CR), Samurai (The Tomes),
Scholar (M.P.M.), Shadow Warrior (The Tomes), Soldier of Truth (Secrets),
Tenken (Tome) (Tenken.pdf), Thief-Acrobat (The Tomes), Theurge (Medieval
Player's Manual), Threat (The Tomes).; NB:Epic level progressions follow
E.L.H. patterns. Epic Pathfinder (or equiv.) is used for Specials
(NB:Exclusively for Pathfinder classes.) and Bonus Feats, if any. The
remainder is ignored.):
- Death Knight (5):Sword of Death, Life and Death, Army of the Dead,
Sphere:Bone, Bonus Feat, Sphere:Stone 356
*i.e. Domain(s)/Sphere(s) (Inc.).
[Bloodline] Powers:[Akalich (Demilich (Lich (Human (Greco-Roman)
(Shadow))))] (A.:899.):Enveloping
Darkness, Nighteye, Shadow Master, Shadow Well, Shadowstrike.;
[Impossible] (A.:899.):Disorienting
Touch, Distracting Pattern, Living Paradox, Relativity, Spontaneous
Generation.; [Nanite] (M.E.H.:899.):
Distributed Body, Living Swarm, Nanite Resurgence, Nanite Strike, Nanite
Ch.En.:1,043rd (Co./Tu. ((N./P.)E. ( ∞ /Day; Bu.:521d20+123.;
Domains (S.s (P.s)):Art. (Con. (A), Tra. (A)), Cha. (Dem. (C, E, F), Ent. (C, E)),
Dar. (Loss (D, E), Nig. (D)), Dea.
(Mur. (D), Und. (D)), Des. (Hate (D, R),Tor. (D, R)), Ear. (Cav. (E),'Gra. (E)), Evil
(Can. (E), Dae. (E, F), Fear (E, F
)), Hea. (Med. (H), Res.I (H)), Law (Dev. (E, F, L), Tyr. (L)), Mad. (Ins. (M), Nig.
(F, M)), Mag. (Arc. (M), Div. (M)),
Pre.,¡Psi. (Dre. (P), Noe. (P)), Sca. (Dra. (D)),¡¡Time (Past (T), Fut. (T)), Tri.
(Amb. (C, S), Dec. (C, S), Esp. (C, S),
Inn. (C, S)), Void (Dar. (E), Iso. (E)), War (Due. (W), Tac. (W)).; NB:Has full
base domains and subdomains.
Use PRD.'Inc..¡Ultimate Psionics.¡¡The Gods of Porphyra.; Spheres:Bone,
Heresy, Stone.
- Necro-Lord (5):One With Death, Bonus Feat, Spawn Mastery, Bonus Feat,
Cheat Death 497
NB:Necro-Lords of Kys worship Kys Not Urgathoa. Change all text to reflect
Furthermore, Necro-Lords of Kys lose the Gluttony, Plaguebearer, Create
and Water, Greater Plaguebearer, and Heroes' Feast class features and gain
a bonus feat at 2nd level and a second bonus feat at 4th level. Typically
these are Necromantic feats, often A Feast Unknown (The Tomes)
and Devil Preparation (Devil (Baatezu)) (The Tomes).
Change all text to reflect this.
- Void Disciple (50):Sense Void (physical senses, 1/day), Sense Void (2/day),
Moment of Clarity (2/day), Sense Void (magical senses, 3/day), Altering The
Course, Sense Void (4/day), Moment of Clarity (3/day), Sense Void
(empathic senses, 5/day), Void Release, Sense Void (6/day), Void
Suppression, Moment of Clarity (4/day), Sense Void (mental senses, 7/day),
Void Strike/Epic Disciple of The Void:Bonus Feats (x13), Moment of Clarity
(14/day), Sense Void (27/day)
Base 60
Misc. 23
Racial 36
Class 553
Occult Class Traits 20
Anoxia 1,296
Multifaceted 36
Epic Destiny -3
Feats (780):A Feast Unknown (The Tomes), Acid Stomach (Inc.), Acrobatic
(NB:Replaces Acrobatic (D20M).), Advanced Firearms Proficiency (D20M),
Agile Maneuvers, Agile Riposte (DR305), Agonizing Strike (Feats), Alertness,
Alignment Channel (chaotic, evil, good, lawful), Allure (The Imperial Age),
Anatomical Precision (Gothic Campaign Compendium), Anchoring Blow
(DR306), Anesthetist (Gothic Campaign Compendium), Animal Friend
(T.W.o.T.W.), Applied Scholastics (NB:The bonus is untyped.) (Feats),
Appraise Suspect (Crime Scene:Feds), Apprenticeship (Devil (Baatezu)) (The
Tomes), Aquatic Occultist (Inc.), Arcane Fire (Inc.), Arcane Preparation
(Complete Arcane), Arcane Reach (Inc.), Arcanum Minimus (Power
Source:Any.) (The Practical Enchanter), Archaic Weapons Proficiency
(D20M), Archivist of Nature (H.o.H.), Aristeia (Inc.), Armed Deflection (Inc.),
Armor Proficiency (Powered) (D20F), Artistic Inspiration (Medieval Player's
Manual), Artistic Skill (Crime Scene:Forensics), Ascend The Aethyrs
(Secrets), Ascendant Spell (PRG:Mythic Adventures), Assassin's Strike
(Feats), Athletic (D20M), Attune to Weapon (Kys himself (overlap), Kys's
Mind Blade; NB:Kys and Kys's Mind Blade's attunements remain in effect
regardless of their current form.) (M.F.I), Augment Summoning, Augment
Undead (Dark Arts of Necromancy), Aura of Awkwardness (T.C.M.U.C.), Aura
of Death (T.C.M.U.C.), Aura of Despair (T.C.M.U.C.), Author (Medieval
Player's Manual), Avoidance (Feats), Awesome Blow, Back Alley Brawler
(Feats), Batman In Plain Sight (Inc.), Beloved Dictator (Unholy Warrior's
Handbook), Bite and Claw Analysis (Crime Scene:Forensics), Blind-Fight,
Blindfighting (The Tomes), Blood Beyond Blood (Feats), Blood Painter (The
Tomes), Blood War Sorcerer (The Tomes), Blood War Squaddie (The Tomes),
Boar's Charge (Feats), Body Assemblage (The Tomes), Bone Crusher
(Strategists & Tacticians), Boneblade Master (The Tomes), Boneless
(Dweomercraft:Lich), Book (x7; Kys's Theorum Vol. I-VII (Kys's theories.;
Prerequisites:Knowledge (Law, Liberal Arts, Medicine, Metaphysics, Moral
Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, and Theology) 120 ranks.; Benefit:+40,
+120, +29, d12; Special: - .; NB:Each volume covers one Knowledge skill
(Law, Liberal Arts, Medicine, Metaphysics, Moral Philosophy, Natural
Philosophy, and Theology).)) (Medieval Player's Manual), Brawl (D20M),
Breath of Unlife (Dragons of Faerun), Bringer of Agony (Inc.), Broker of the
Infernal (The Tomes), Builder (D20M), Buoyancy Balance (Inc.), Burrow
(A.N.A.:2017), Burst Fire (D20M), Bypass Host (Inc.), Cast Iron Stomach
(Inc.), Cheat Death (Secret College of Necromancy), Chemical/Microscopic
Analysis (Crime Scene:Feds), Clear Mind (Flashpoint! Russia), Cleave, Clinch
Attack (E.A.:Whips), Clinging Breath (Draconomicon), Close-Quarters
Thrower (PRG:Ultimate Combat), Cockatrice Strike, Combat Acrobat (P.H.II),
Combat Concentration (Inc.), Combat Expertise, Combat Martial Arts
(D20M), Combat Throw (D20M), Combat Panache (P.H.II), Combat Reflexes,
Combat Vomit (Inc.), Command (Flashpoint! Russia), Command Undead,
Command Undead (Inc.), Command Undead II (Inc.), Conditional Dispel
(R&R:Excalibur), Connecting Evidence (Crime Scene:Feds), Conscious
Phylactery (M.F.II), Corrupt (Inc.), Corrupt Arcana (H.o.H.), Counter-
Serveillance (Crime Scene:Feds), Coup de Grace (Secret College of
Necromancy), Craft Bioware (F.P.C.:T.H.), Craft Bonded Item
(R&R:Excalibur), Craft Clone (F.P.C.:T.H.), Craft Construct, Craft Cybernetics
(D20 Cyberscape), Craft Mutation (F.P.C.:T.H.), Craft Nanites (D20
Cyberscape), Craft Nanotech (F.P.C.:T.F., F.P.C.:T.H.), Create Artifact (The
Practical Enchanter), Create Creature (Inc.), Create Device (x43; ((((A Feast
Unknown (The Tomes), Blood Painter (The Tomes), Body Assemblage (The
Tomes), Boneblade Master (The Tomes), Craft Bonded Item (R&R:Excalibur),
Craft Construct, Create Artifact (The Practical Enchanter), Create Creature
(Inc.), Create Divinity Spark (Requiem for a God), Create Relic (The Practical
Enchanter), Create Undead Creature (Inc.), Empowerment (The Practical
Enchanter), Enchantment (x5; Artificer, Artisan, Bonded, Excellence,
Fabrication (x2), Living Magic, Multiple) (The Practical Enchanter), Feed The
Dark Gods (The Tomes), Harvest of Artifice (x3; Alchemic Mastery, Gleaning
(x1), Philosopher's Stone, Transmutation) (The Practical Enchanter),
Imbuement (x5; Advanced, Artificer, Bonded, Excellence, Fabrication (x2),
Living Magic, Multiple) (The Practical Enchanter), Mystic Conversion (The
Practical Enchanter), Phylacteric Item (M.F.II), Scribing (x4; Bonded,
Excellence, Fabrication (x1), Heiroglyphics, Living Magic, Master Scribe) (The
Practical Enchanter), Sleep of The Ages (The Tomes), Spell Shorthand (x4;
Cryptoglyphics, Encryption, Formal Notation, Runemaster, Scribe, Hieratics;
NB:This is an Item Creation feat Not a Metamagic feat.) (The Practical
Enchanter), Spell Trap (The Witch's Handbook), Spirit Binding (The Practical
Enchanter), The Path of Blood (The Tomes), Transferance (The Practical
Enchanter), Whispers of The Otherworld (The Tomes), Wrappings of The
Ages (The Tomes)))))) (Inc.), Create Divinity Spark (Requiem for a God),
Create Relic (The Practical Enchanter), Create Undead Creature (Inc.), Crime
Scene Hazard (Crime Scene:Feds), Criminal Psychologist (Crime Scene:Hong
Kong), Crippling Attack (I.H.:A.), Crippling Strike (Feats), Critical Focus,
Critical Strike (The Immortal:Unliving), Crude-Wrestling (Frost & Fur),
Cybernetic Surgery (D20 Cyberscape), Cyborg (x1) (D20 Cyberscape),
Dancing Strike (E.A.:Whips), Dark Presence (M.F.II), Dark Speech
(DC:1,238.) (Elder Evils), Dark Whispers (DC:1,238.) (Elder Evils),
Darkstalker (Lords of Madness), Dazing Attack (I.H.:A.), Dead Aim (D20M),
Deadly Aim (PRG:Ultimate Combat), Deadly Dealer (PPC:The Harrow
Handbook), Deafening Crack (E.A.:Whips), Deceitful (NB:Replaces Deceptive
(D20M).), Defensive Martial Arts (D20M), Deflect Arrows, Deflective Armor
(Races of Stone), Deft Hands, Descriptor Affectation (x1;*mind-affecting;
NB:*Kys uses this to mindfuck his enemies. Often mindfucking them to death
or insanity.) (Dark Arts of Necromancy), Desert Blooded (Wilds), Devil
Preparation (Demon (Tanar'ri)) (The Tomes), Devil's Favor
(F.C.II:T.o.T.N.H.), Devour (Inc.), Diabolic Trapmaker (Inc.), Diehard,
Different Bones (Dweomercraft:Lich), Disassemble (Secret College of
Necromancy), Distance Thrower (PRG:Ultimate Combat), Divine Fire (Inc.),
Divine Mastery of Counterspelling (Inc.), Divine Mastery of Elements (Inc.),
Divine Mastery of Shaping (Inc.), Divine Reach (Inc.), Doctor (Crime
Scene:Feds), Dodge, Double Tap (D20M), Draconic Archivist (H.o.H.),
Dreamtelling (H.o.H.), Dry-Heave (Inc.), Dual Channel (Wayfinder 2), Earth
Glide (A.N.A.:2017), Eat Anything (Inc.), Eerie Dexterity (B.T.L.:R.o.t.T.),
Eidetic Spellbook (Inc.), Eldritch Heritage (Nanite) (PRG:Ultimate Magic),
Elemental Channel (air, earth, fire, water), Elusive Target (Complete
Warrior), Elusive Target (D20M), Embed Spell (R&R:Excalibur), Emergency
Surgery (Choice and Blood), Empower Spell, Empower Undead (Dark Arts of
Necromancy), Empowerment (The Practical Enchanter), Enchanted Familiar
(N.b.o.F.), Enchantment (x5; Artificer, Artisan, Bonded, Excellence,
Fabrication (x2), Living Magic, Multiple) (The Practical Enchanter),
Endurance, Enlarge Breath (Draconomicon), Enlarge Spell, Entourage
(Feats), Epic Familiar (Dweomercraft:Lich), Eschew Materials, Essence
Mastery (Feats), Evil Eye (Appearance:No change.; Special:No Cha penalty.)
(Frost & Fur), Ex-CART Team Member (Crime Scene:Feds), Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (bloodrazor, katana, whip), Experimental Medicine (Choice and
Blood), Expert Surgeon (The Immortal:Unliving), Extend Spreading Breath
(Draconomicon), Extend Spell, Extra Exotic Method (x3; New School (x3;
Enchantment, Evocation, Transmutation)) (Inc.), Extra Shard of Entropy
(x25) (Inc.), Fairy Eater (The Tomes), False Demise (Secret College of
Necromancy), False Opening (PRG:Ultimate Combat), Familiar Bond
(PPC:Familiar Folio), Familiar Concert (T.W.o.T.W.), Familiar Feat Merge
(N.b.o.F.), Familiar Fortitude (T.W.o.T.W.), Far Shot, Fast Focus (Secrets),
Feed The Dark Gods (The Tomes), Fiend Cabalist (The Tomes), Filthy
Outburst (DC:1,238.) (Elder Evils), Find Another Foe (Frost & Fur), Find
Clues (D20P), Fingerprint Taking (Crime Scene:Feds), Fire Walk
(Dweomercraft:Lich), Flash Step (Inc.), Flash Step Dervish (Inc.), Flash Step
Maneuvers (Inc.), Flash Step Savant (Inc.), Flash Strike (Inc.), Fling Ally
(Races of Stone), Fling Enemy (Races of Stone), Flyby Attack, Forensic
Pathologist (D.7:A.C.U.:Soul Collector), Foresight (T.W.o.T.W.), Freezer
(Frost & Fur), Frightful Presence (D20M), Gene Therapist (F.P.C.:T.F.),
Genome Interchange (F.P.C.:T.F.), Geographical Profiling (Crime
Scene:Forensics), Ghost Cut Technique (The Tomes), Ghost-Face (Inc.),
Ghost Lord (Inc.), Ghostly Grasp (Libris Mortis), Giant Step (NBoF),
Glimustaoa (Frost & Fur), Gorgon's Fist, Grateful Patients (Choice and Blood),
Great Captain (Stormwrack), Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Combat
Reflexes (DR340), Greater Disarm (E.A.:Whips), Greater Flash Strike (Inc.),
Greater Heavy Armor Optimization (Races of Stone), Greater Melee Lash
(E.A.:Whips), Greater Multiweapon Defense (Inc.), Greater Multiweapon
Fighting (Inc.), Greater Spell Focus (abjuration, chronomancy, conjuration,
divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, transmutation),
Greater Spell Penetration, Greater Sunder, Greater Weapon Focus, Greater
Weapon Specialization, Haft Strike (DR331), Hamstring Attack (I.H.:A.),
Handwriting Analysis (Crime Scene:Feds), Harvest of Artifice (x3; Alchemic
Mastery, Gleaning (x1), Philosopher's Stone, Transmutation) (The Practical
Enchanter), Harvester of Souls (Elder Evils), Heart Ripper (Gothic Campaign
Compendium), Heavenly Desserts (The Tomes), Heavy Armor Optimization
(Races of Stone), Heavy Blow (Inc.), Hedge Magic (The Practical Enchanter),
Heighten Breath (Draconomicon), Heighten Spell, Hidden Presence (M.F.II),
Hidden Strike (E.A.:Whips), High Magic (The Practical Enchanter), Hindering
Attack (I.H.:A.), Hip Throw (Frost & Fur), Hoodoo Man (The Practical
Enchanter), Horde Breaker (The Tomes), Hostage Negotiation (Crime
Scene:Feds), Hover, Hypnosis (Flashpoint! Russia), I Meant It When I Killed
You The First Time (Seven Strongholds), Ice Hearing (Frost & Fur), Ice Shoes
(Frost & Fur), Imbuement (x5; Advanced, Artificer, Bonded, Excellence,
Fabrication (x2), Living Magic, Multiple) (The Practical Enchanter), Improved
Bullrush, Improved Combat Reflexes (DR340), Improved Combat Throw
(D20M), Improved Combat Vomit (Inc.), Improved Command (Flashpoint!
Russia), Improved Command Undead (Inc.), Improved Counterspell,
Improved Critical (bite, bloodrazor, katana, tanto, unarmed strike, whip),
Improved Damage Threshold (D20M), Improved Disarm, Improved Familiar,
Improved Familiar Bond (PPC:Familiar Folio), Improved Feint, Improved
Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Improved Leech Item
(DCSC:Age of Mortals), Improved Melee Lash (E.A.:Whips), Improved Mind
Over Matter (Flashpoint! Russia), Improved Multiweapon Defense (Inc.),
Improved Multiweapon Fighting (Inc.), Improved Natural Attack, Improved
Oneiromancy (H.o.H.), Improved Precise Shot, Improved Psychosomatic
Attack (Flashpoint! Russia), Improved Rock Hurling (Races of Stone),
Improved Sever Limb (Strategists & Tacticians), Improved Strangle
(Strategists & Tacticians), Improved Sunder, Improved Toughness (x1)
(Libris Mortis), Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Induce Sleep
(Flashpoint! Russia), Inner Depths of The Soul (x18) (Inc.), Insectivore
(M.F.), Inspire Loyalty (Feats), Integration (Dweomercraft:Lich), Iron Bones
(Dweomercraft:Lich), Iron Will, Investigator (Crime Scene:Feds), Killing Aura
(Dweomercraft:Lich), Knockback (Races of Stone), Knowledge of The Sage
(NB:The bonus is untyped.) (Feats), Leadership (x1), Leech Item (DCSC:Age
of Mortals), Legendary Familiar (Dweomercraft:Lich), Legendary Undead
Familiar (Dweomercraft:Lich), Lightning Reflexes, Limb Ripper (Strategists &
Tacticians), Lingering Attack (I.H.:A.), Lingering Breath (Draconomicon),
Lucid Dreaming (T.B.o.U.H.), Lunatic Insight (H.o.H.), Magic Sense (Inc.),
Magical Aptitude, Manipulative Grip (Inc.), Manyshot, Mask Signature
(Feats), Master Manipulator (P.H.II), Mastery of Counterspelling (Inc.),
Mastery of Elements (Inc.), Mastery of Shaping (Inc.), Maximize Breath
(Draconomicon), Maximize Spell, Mech Engineer (F.P.C.:T.F.), Medical Expert
(D20M), Medical Immortality (Choice and Blood), Medusa's Wrath, Melee
Lash (E.A.:Whips), Might Makes Right (Feats), Might Makes Right (Races of
Faerun), Mighty Attack (I.H.:A.), Mighty Grip (E.A.:Whips), Mighty Steed
(T.W.o.T.W.), Mighty Strike (E.A.:Whips), Mind Over Matter (Flashpoint!
Russia), Mindsight (Lords of Madness), Mineral Sense (A.N.A.:2017),
Mobility, Monstrous Corpse (Dweomercraft:Lich), Monstrous Repository
(Dweomercraft:Lich), Mortal Visage (W.o.t.W.:B.5), Mortician
(D.7:A.C.U.:Soul Collector), Mounted Combat, Multiattack, Multiattack (The
Tomes), Multiple Bodies (Dweomercraft:Lich), Multiple Familiars
(T.W.o.T.W.), Multislice (Inc.), Multisnatch (Draconomicon), Multiweapon
Defense (Inc.), Multiweapon Fighting, Multiweapon Rend (Inc.), Mystic
Conversion (The Practical Enchanter), Nail In The Coffin (Seven Strongholds),
Nanoimmunity (F.P.C.:T.F.), Nanophile (F.P.C.:T.F.), Nanotaker (F.P.C.:T.F.),
NCAVC Criminal Psychologist Training (Crime Scene:Feds), Necrotic Bolt
(2,086d20+123 (N./P.)E.) (T.C.G.t.L.), Necrotic Knowledge (Knowledge
(necrology), Knowledge (spirit lore)) (Dark Arts of Necromancy), Nerve Pinch
(DC:1,238.) (D20F), Neurosurgery (Choice and Blood), Nightmare Fuel
(Inc.), Nightmare Walk (Dweomercraft:Lich), Nimble (D20M), Nimble Moves,
Obscure Knowledge (D20P), Occult Denial (Inc.), Occult Opportunist (Inc.),
Occult Ritual (The Practical Enchanter), Old Blood (Akalich (Demilich (Lich
(Human)))) (Bastards & Bloodlines), Old Salt (Stormwrack), One Free Hand
(E.A.:Whips), Oneiromancy (H.o.H.), Opportunity Spell (Inc.), Painful
Severing (Strategists & Tacticians), Painful Strike (Feats), Paper Chaser
(Crime Scene:Feds), Paragon of Insight (R&R:Excalibur), Perfect Combat
Reflexes (Inc.), Perfect Multiweapon Fighting (Inc.), Performance
Enhancement (Choice and Blood), Persistent Spell, Personal Firearms
Proficiency (D20M), Personal Immunity (The Practical Enchanter),
Persuasive, Phylacteric Item (M.F.II), Pinpoint Targetting, Plastic Surgeon
(Choice and Blood), Pocket Battlespace (M.F.I), Point Blank Shot, Poison
Sense (A Poisoner's Handbook), Possess Creature (P.P.:803.; DC:1,238.)
(C.o.T.:T.I.S.), Possess Living Humanoid (Dweomercraft:Lich), Possess Living
Monster (Dweomercraft:Lich), Possess Location (P.P.:803.; DC:1,238.)
(C.o.T.:T.I.S.), Possess Object (P.P.:803.; DC:1,238.) (C.o.T.:T.I.S.),
Possess Undead Humanoid (Dweomercraft:Lich), Possess Undead Monster
(Dweomercraft:Lich), Powered Armor Engineer (F.P.C.:T.F.), Power Attack,
Power Climb (Draconomicon), Precise Shot, Psychological Profiling (Crime
Scene:Feds), Psychosomatic Attack (Flashpoint! Russia), Pull Blow (NB:This
enables Kys to subdue targets more easily.) (NBoF), Purify Earths (Medieval
Player's Manual), Purify Metals (Medieval Player's Manual), Purify Waters
(Medieval Player's Manual), Quick Channel (PRG:Ultimate Magic), Quick
Draw, Quick Leech (DCSC:Age of Mortals), Quick Reconnoiter (Complete
Adventurer), Quick Sheath (Inc.), Quicken Attack (I.H.:A.), Quicken Breath
(Draconomicon), Quicken Spell, Quickened Combat Vomit (Inc.), Quivering
Palm Versatility (P.P.C.:Dragon Empires Primer), Ranged Grapple
(E.A.:Whips), Rapid Mount/Dismount (R&R:Excalibur), Rapid Rebirth (x2)
(KQ3), Rapid Shot, Reach Spell, Reactive Counterspell (Magic of Faerun),
Reclaim Necromantic Energy (T.B.o.U.F.), Reconstructive Surgery (Choice
and Blood), Recover Breath (Draconomicon), Reproductive Care (Choice and
Blood), Revitalize Essence (M.F.II), Ride-By Attack, Ring The Golden Bell
(DR319), Robo-Engineer (F.P.C.:T.F.), Rock Hurling (NB:Assuming they're
made of stone (+1 V.S.C.), Small rocks weigh 20-150 lb. and inflict 4d8
damage. Stone is heavier than flesh.) (Races of Stone), Run, Runewright
(The Practical Enchanter), Rushed Growth (F.P.C.:T.F.), Sailor's Balance
(Stormwrack), Sand Camouflage (Sandstorm), Sand Dancer (Sandstorm),
Sand Snare (Sandstorm), Sand Spinner (Sandstorm), Sandskimmer (x2)
(Sandstorm), Scorned By Nature (M.F.II), Scorpion's Grasp (Sandstorm),
Scorpion's Instincts (Sandstorm), Scorpion's Resolve (Sandstorm), Scorpion's
Sense (Sandstorm), Scorpion Style,*Scribing (x4; Bonded, Excellence,
Fabrication (x1), Heiroglyphics, Living Magic, Master Scribe) (The Practical
Enchanter), Sculpt Spell (Complete Arcane), Sea Legs (Stormwrack), Sea
Sight (Cerulean Seas), Second Sight (Frost & Fur), Second Sight
(T.W.o.T.W.), Secret Mark (Secret Mark:If/when emotional, Kys's eyes bear
a unique deep azure incandescence. The intensity of which varies w/the
intensity of his emotions. Kys can activate/deactivate this purely cosmetic
effect, as an Immediate nonaction, at will.) (Frost & Fur), Selective
Channeling, Sense Life (Secret College of Necromancy), Sense Undead
(Secret College of Necromancy), Serpentine Mane (B.T.L.:R.o.t.T.), Shadow
Striker (P.H.II), Shadow Walk (Dweomercraft:Lich), Shape Breath
(Draconomicon), Shape Stone (A.N.A.:2017), Shape Stones (T.W.o.T.W.),
Shield Focus, Shot on The Run, Side Step (Eternal Rome), Silent Kill (The
Book of Roguish Luck), Silent Spell, Silken Aristeia (Inc.), Sinister Healing
(Dark Arts of Necromancy), Sinister Regeneration (Dark Arts of
Necromancy), Skeleton Summoner (PRG:Ultimate Magic), Skill Focus (x33;
Acrobatics, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Carpentry), Craft
(History), Craft (Sculptures), Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Iaijutsu Focus,
Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Law),
Knowledge (Liberal Arts), Knowledge (Mathematics), Knowledge (Medicine),
Knowledge (Psionics), Knowledge (Religion), Perception, Profession
(Architect), Profession (Baker), Profession (Brewer), Profession (Butcher),
Profession (Cook), Profession (Farmer), Profession (Gardener), Profession
(Herbalist), Profession (Innkeeper), Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth), Skillful
Executioner (DC:618 (+1/4D).) (Inc.), Skin Thief (Dweomercraft:Lich), Skip
Shot (D20M), Sleep of the Ages (The Tomes), Snagging Trip (E.A.:Whips),
Snake Charm (DC:1,238.), Snatch, Snatch (The Book of Roguish Luck),
Snatch Arrows, Snowshoes (Frost & Fur), Stigandi (Frost & Fur), Solid
Shadows (PPC:Monster Summoner's Handbook), Son of a Camel (Wilds),
Spawn Lord (NB:Kys's spawn can only gain the templates he permits them to
gain.) (A.N.A.:2012), Spell Focus (abjuration, chronomancy, conjuration,
divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, transmutation),
Spell Mastery (x1) (Inc.), Spell Penetration, Spell Preparation (Inc.), Spell
Researcher (The Practical Enchanter), Spell Shorthand (x4; Cryptoglyphics,
Encryption, Formal Notation, Runemaster, Scribe, Hieratics; NB:This is an
Item Creation feat Not a Metamagic feat.) (The Practical Enchanter), Spell
Thematics (Theme:Spirits (esp. Fiends (Undead, etc.), etc.)) (Inc.), Spell
Trap (The Witch's Handbook), Spew (Inc.), Spinning Combat (The Book of
Roguish Luck), Spinning Defense (DR331), Spirit Binding (The Practical
Enchanter), Spirit Sense (H.o.H.), Spirited Charge, Split Breath
(Draconomicon), Spreading Breath (Draconomicon), Spring Attack, Sprint
(The Book of Roguish Luck), Staggering Attack (I.H.:A.), Staggering Critical,
Starship Designer (Starships of the Galaxy), Starship Engineer (F.P.C.:T.F.),
Stealthy (NB:Replaces Stealthy (D20M).), Still Spell, Stone Bones
(Dweomercraft:Lich), Stone Visage (A.N.A.:2017), Streetfighting (D20M),
Strike Around (E.A.:Whips), Stunning Attack (I.H.:A.), Stunning Fist,
Subsumption (The Practical Enchanter), Subtle Cut (The Tomes), Subtle Spell
(R&R:Excalibur), Summon Suffering (E.A.:Whips), Superior Alchemy (Inc.),
Suppress Memory (Flashpoint! Russia), Suppress Taint (Dweomercraft:Lich),
Suppressed Memories (Inc.), Surgeon (The Immortal:Unliving), Surgery
(D20M), Surgical Strike (The Immortal:Unliving), Swarm Shape (The Witch's
Handbook), Swim-By Attack (Stormwrack), Sympathetic Spell (The Witch's
Handbook), Tech Specialist (Starships of the Galaxy), Technomedicine
(Choice and Blood), Tempest Breath (Draconomicon), Tempt (The Book of
Hallowed Might), Thanatopic Spell (PRG:Ultimate Magic), The Path of Blood
(The Tomes), Think Outside The Box (Secrets), Third Hand (E.A.:Whips),
Threnodic Spell (PRG:Ultimate Magic), Throw Attack (I.H:A.), Toughness,
Traceless (T.W.o.T.W.), Trained Memory (Medieval Player's Manual),
Trample, Transdimensional Spell (Complete Arcane), Transferance (The
Practical Enchanter), Tremorsense (A.N.A.:2017), Triumph of The Will
(Gothic Campaign Compendium), True Voice (Hamunaptra), Tunnel Fighting
(Races of Stone), Tunnel Riding (Races of Stone), Turn Undead, Unbalance
Opponent (D20M), Unbound Essence (M.F.II), Uncanny Forethought (Inc.),
Undead Horde (Inc.), Undead Leadership (Libris Mortis), Undead Master
(PRG:Ultimate Magic), Unholy Aura (T.C.M.U.C.), Unholy Counterspelling
(Dark Arts of Necromancy), Unholy Friendship (Feats), Unholy Majesty
(Errata:Benefit:You can Channel Energy and Command Undead. Your "cleric
level" = your character level. This stacks w/your existing Channel Energy
ability and Command Undead feat, if any.) (T.C.M.U.C.), Unholy Toughness
(Dark Arts of Necromancy), Unseen Spell (Gothic Campaign Compendium),
Unstoppable Spell (Inc.), Vampire Hunter (NB:Kys's favorite Undead minions
are vampires.) (Libris Mortis), Vehicle Engineer (F.P.C.:T.F.), Versatile
Unarmed Strike (P.H.II), Vile Ki Strike (B.o.V.D.), Vile Martial Strike
(B.o.V.D.), Vile Natural Attack (B.o.V.D.), Walking The Area (Crime
Scene:Feds), Warforged (Armor-based Enhancements: - .; Weapon-based
Enhancements: - .; Appearance:No change.; Special:Kys can
activate/deactivate any/all of these enhancements, as an Immediate
nonaction, at will.) (Inc.), Watcher (Crime Scene:Feds), Water Sense (Wilds),
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Weapon Tricks
(NBoF), Weapon Versatility (P.P.C.:Undead Slayer's Handbook), Weather
Wise (T.W.o.T.W.), Whip Strike (E.A.:Whips), Whipsword Shift (E.A.:Whips),
Whirlwind Attack, Whirlwind Attack (The Tomes), Whispers of the Otherworld
(The Tomes), Wicked Strike (Feats), Widen Spell, Wind Sending (Frost &
Fur), Witch Sense (T.W.o.T.W.), Wood Bones (Dweomercraft:Lich), Work
Divine Flesh (Requiem for a God), Wounding Strike (Feats), Wrappings of the
Ages (The Tomes), Xenomedic (D20F), Zagovary (Appearance:No change.;
Special:No Cha penalty.) (Frost & Fur), Zero-G Training (D20F); NB:'Lich
feats are Tainted Feats.*The Practical Enchanter's Item Creation feats
replace all magical, psionic, and psychic Item Creation feats for all intents
and purposes.
Blood & [X] Feats (276):Abaniko (B&F), Accupressure (B&F), Achilles Lock
(B&F), Advanced Ground Fighting (B&F), Advanced Rush (B&F), Aikido (B&F),
Anatomical Expert (B&F), Analytical Combat (B&F), Angry Monkey (B&F),
Animal-Imitating Chuan Fa (Errata:Animal Styles:Dragon (purchased
seperately) plus any/all learned.) (B&F), Animal Sacrifice (B&R), Antari
(B&F), Antithesis (B&R), Archaic Weapons (Chinese, Indian, Indonesian,
Japanese, Samurai) (B&F), Arnis (B&F), Ashi-Sokuto (B&F), Astrology (B&R),
Axe Kick (B&F), Back Kick (B&F), Balestra (B&F), Banshay (B&F), Banter
(B&F), Beam Deflection (B&F), Beam Sword Fencing (Mystical, Power, Speed)
(B&F), Bear (B&F), Bear Hug (B&F), Bear Stance (B&F), Black Bargain (B&R),
Black Calling (B&R), Black Mass (B&R), Block (B&F), Blood Altar (B&R),
Bloodletting (B&R), Body Blow (B&F), Bow and Arrow (B&F), Box Ears (B&F),
Boxing (B&F), Brainwashing (B&R), Broken Time (B&F), Brute (B&F), Bug
Slayer (B&F), Bug Squash (B&F), Burmese Bando (B&F), Burmese Boxing
(B&F), Bushido (B&F), Capoeira (B&F), Cat (B&F), Chan Si Bong (B&F),
Chasse Tournant (Sha-Sey Tour-Nonh) (B&F), Cheyel Ki (B&F), Chi Kung
(B&F), Choke Hold (B&F), Circle Kick (B&F), Clothesline (B&F), Cobra (B&F),
Commando Training (B&F), Conviction (Dark Power (Self (i.e. Kys.))) (B&R),
Counterstrike (B&F), Cradle Pin (B&F), Crane Kick (B&F), Crane Stance
(B&F), Crane's Beaks (B&F), Daisan (B&F), Dark Disciple (B&R), Dark
Magnetism (B&R), Deai (B&F), Death Harvest (B&R), Deceptive Attack (B&F),
Deer (B&F), Disarm Block (B&F), Dodge Roll (B&F), Dojukiri (B&F), Double
Claw (B&F), Double Eagle (B&F), Dragon (B&F), Dragon Stance (B&F),
Drunken Master (B&F), Duct-Tape Engineering (B&S), Eagle (B&F), Eagle
Claw (B&F), Eastern Wrestling (B&F), Eight-Armed Flurry (B&F), Eight-
Limbed Attack (B&F), Elbow Slam (B&F), Enemy (Enemy:The Mythos (i.e.
Azathoth, etc..).) (B&R), Extended Dragon (B&F), Eye Gouge (B&F), Faith's
Protection (B&R), Fajing (B&F), Fall-Down Drunk (B&F), Fencing (French,
Italian, Spanish) (B&F), Float Like a Butterfly, Flying Kick (B&F), Flying
Tackle (B&F), Footwork (B&F), Fouette Figure (Fwey-Tey Fee-Gure) (B&F),
Friends In High Places (B&R), Full Nelson (B&F), Gatka (B&F), Ginga (B&F),
Goju-Ryu Karate (B&F), Great Kiai (B&F), Greco-Roman Wrestling (B&F),
Groin Kick (B&F), Ground Fighting (B&F), Gun Fu (B&F), Half Nelson (B&F),
Hang Time (B&F), Hapkido (B&F), Haymaker (B&F), Head Butt (B&F), Heart
Punch (B&F), Heel Kick (B&F), Henchmen (B&R), High Pain Threshold (B&F),
Hip Throw (B&F), Hook (B&F), Hopboxing (Errata:Zero-G Training replaces
Zero-G Maneuvering.) (B&F), Hsing-I Kung Fu (Errata:Animal Styles:Dragon
(purchased seperately) plus any/all learned.) (B&F), Human Sacrifice (B&R),
Hung Gar (B&F), Hwa Rang Do (B&F), Hypnotic Gestures (2d4+123 (no
save)) (B&F), Iaijutsu (B&F), Iaijutsu Strike (B&F), Ideologue (B&R),
Immovable (B&F), Improved Block (B&F), Improved Counterstrike (B&F),
Improved Iaijutsu Strike (B&F), Improvised Weapons (B&F), Information
Network (B&R), Inner Peace (B&F), Inner Power (B&F), Inner Strength
(B&F), Inspired Leadership (B&R), Instant Stand (B&F), Investment (B&R),
Jab (B&F), Jeet Kune Do (B&F), Joint Lock (B&F), Jujutsu (B&F), Jump Kick
(B&F), Jung Ki (B&F), Kajukenbo (B&F), Karate (B&F), Kenjutsu (B&F),
Kenpo (B&F), Ki (B&F), Ki Ryuk Sool (B&F), Kiai (B&F), Kidney Punch (B&F),
Knife Fighting (B&F), Kobujutsu (B&F), Krav Maga (B&F), Kuk Sool Won
(B&F), Kung Fu (B&F), Kyokushin Karate (B&F), Kyudo (B&F), Kyung Ki
(B&F), Lai Kai (B&F), Landing Crane (B&F), Leg Sweep (B&F), Leopard (B&F),
Leopard Crouch (B&F), Leopard Punch (B&F), Lightning Strike (x1; +1d6)
(B&F), Lock Block (B&F), Lunge (B&F), Lunge Punch (B&F), Ma Ki (B&F),
Machine Slayer (B&F), Man to Man (B&F), Man to Many (B&F), Meia Lua de
Frente (B&F), Meditation (B&F), Momentum Throw (B&F), Monkey (B&F),
Nerve Strike (B&F), Night Afflictions (B&R), Ninjutsu (B&F), No Holds Barred
(B&F), Nukite Zuki (B&F), Numbing Strike (B&F), Numerology (B&R),
Octopus (B&F), Off Switch (B&F), One Finger (B&F), One-Inch Punch (B&F),
Pa-Kua (B&F), Pak Antari (B&F), Palm Reading (B&R), Palm Strike (B&F),
Pancration (B&F), Panther (B&F), Pentagram (B&R), Pentjak Silat (B&F),
Perdition's Prayer (B&R), Pit Fighting (B&F), Poise (B&F), Polearm Fighting
(B&F), Pounce (B&F), Praying Mantis (B&F), Profane Ritual (B&R), Pseudo-
Science (B&S), Psychotherapy (B&R), Python (B&F), Repelling Touch (B&F),
Ridge Hand (B&F), Rooster (B&F), Ross (B&F), Rush (B&F), Sahblet (B&F),
Sandstorm (B&F), Savate (B&F), School of Hard Knocks (B&F), Scorpion
(B&F), Scriptural Interpretation (B&R), Second Sight (B&R), Self-Help (B&R),
Shadow (B&F), Shao-Lin Kung Fu (B&F), Shin Ki (Errata:Alertness is
Awareness.) (B&F), Shito-Ryu Karate (B&F), Shotokan Karate (B&F), Short
Power (B&F), Shuto-Uchi (B&F), Siku Perisai (B&F), Silencing Strike (B&F),
Silent Kill (B&F), Singularity (B&F), Slash (B&F), Snake (B&F), Snap Kick
(B&F), Staff Fighting (B&F), Stagger (B&F), Stalking Panther (B&F), Stick
Fighting (B&F), Sticking Touch (B&F), Sting Like a Bee (B&F), Suffocating
Strike (B&F), Sword Dance (B&F), T'ai Chi (B&F), T'ai Chi Chuan (B&F),
Taiho-Jutsu (B&F), Tall Monkey (B&F), Teamwork (Allegiance:The Fallen
(NB:Their Allegiances:Dark Power (i.e. Kys.; NB:Kys's followers are
resourceful and self-sufficient never bothering him w/trivialities.) (1), The
Fallen (2).).) (B&R), Teisho (B&F), Tendon Lock (B&F), Thai Kickboxing
(B&F), Thigh Kick (B&F), Tiger (B&F), Tiger Claw (B&F), Tiger Stance (B&F),
Thrust (B&F), Two-Handed Strike (B&F), Uppercut (B&F), Vale Tudo (B&F),
Void (B&F), Wado-Ryu Karate (B&F), White Crane (B&F), Wing Chun (B&F),
Wing Punch (B&F), Wuxia (B&F), Ying-Jow (Eagle Claw Kung Fu) (B&F), Zen
(B&F), Zen Archery (B&F), Zen Focus (B&F)
Errata:Martial arts feats increasing damage by one die type increase damage
by one category. Martial arts feats that increase damage by one additional
die or two die types increase damage by two categories.; Explanation:Epic
damage values are calculated differently.
- Epic Mind Blade Feats (11):Entropic Mastery (Inc.), Entropic Mind Blade
(Inc.), Epic Aligned Mind Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Epic Energy Blade (acid,
cold, electricity, fire, sonic) (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Epic Mind Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.),
Greater Entropic Mind Blade (Inc.), Improved Entropic Mind Blade (Inc.).
Campaign Notes:Mother (NG F Human (1/4 English, 1/4 Irish, 1/2 Greek
(Greco-Roman)) Expert 15 (hospital secretary); NB:Artificially inseminated
(unwittingly) by touching an ancient artifact at an Egyptian museum exibit.),
Sir Speckles (N M Raven (Awakened, Immortal (Hero-deity (P.s:Mag. (x1),
Sec. (x1).; D.A. (3):Cold Immunity, Electricity Immunity, Eternal
Freedom.)), Instrument of The Gods) HD:45 (Druid 15, Wizard 15, Psion
(Seer) 15; 605 hp).; Str 21, Dex 36, Con 21, Int 36, Wis 37, Cha 36;
Skills:All class skills at R45. All cross-class skills at R22.; Feats
(28):Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Concentration, Dodge, Eidetic Spellbook,
Empower Power, Empower Spell, Enlarge Power, Enlarge Spell, Eschew
Materials, Extend Power, Extend Spell, Heighten Power, Heighten Spell,
Maximize Power, Maximize Spell, Psicrystal Affinity, Quicken Power, Quicken
Spell, Scribe Scroll, Shorthand Script, Silent Spell, Spell Mastery (x1), Still
Spell, Uncanny Forethought, Urban Tracking, Widen Power, Widen Spell.;
Mythic Feats (5):.; Epic Feats (1):Polyglot.; Equipment:Spectacles, dozens of
spellbooks (((hidden, secret library))).; NB:Sir Speckles is Kys's best friend.
Sir Speckles often visits Kys via Kys's bedroom window, where Kys leaves
him treats (esp. freshly opened cans of albacore).; Special:Sir Speckles is
one of THE Merlin's former apprentices and Merlin's experiments granted Sir
Speckles incredible (incalculable) longevity. However, Sir Speckles' recent
ascension is entirely Kys's doing. Kys simply couldn't tolerate Sir Speckles'
eventual demise by accident or design.) The Pact (Description:Kys has a
nonhostility agreement with The Senators of Heaven. In exchange for them
remaining on neutral, nonhostile terms with him, he will kill for them and
spare the innocent. Add., he has agreed to protect Trina, in exchange for
minor assistance from them, typically in the form of advice or information.)
The Big Dude (CE M Human Biker; NB:Kys plans on driving him insane.
Punishment for trying to kill his mother, Trina, and Trina's father.)
Medium Animal
Hit Dice:8d8+248 (288 hp)
Initiative:+26 (+22 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed:60 ft. 1 (40 ft.), burrow 30 ft, climb 60 ft., swim 60 ft.
Armor Class:49 (+22 Dex, +17 natural), touch 32, flat-footed 49
Base Attack/Grapple:+6/+31
Attack:Bite +31 melee (4d8+25/18-20 (x3 plus sharpness))
Full Attack:Bite +31 melee (4d8+25/18-20 (x3 plus sharpness)) or horns
+31 melee (4d8+25), 2 claws +29 melee (2d8+12/18-20 (x3 plus
sharpness)), and tail pincer +29 melee (8d6+12/18-20 (x3 plus sharpness))
or tail slap +29 melee (8d6+12)
Space/Reach:5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with tail pincer or tail slap)
Special Attacks:Augmented critical, constrict (8d6+25), improved grab,
pounce, powerful charge (8d8+50), rake (2d8+12/18-20 (x3 plus
sharpness)), sharpness, stunning roar, trip
Special Qualities:Blindsight 300 ft., damage reduction 5/-, darkvision 60 ft.,
fast healing 5, freeze, frightful presence, immunities, increased damage,
lowlight vision, natural cunning, powerful build, resistances, scent,
semiaquatic, sound imitation, spines (4d6), stability, tremorsense 60 ft.,
virtual size categories 3
Saves:Fort +28, Ref +37, Will +3
Abilities:Str 60, Dex 54, Con 72, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills:Balance +30, Climb +33, Hide +24,*Intimidate +31, Jump +33, Listen
+12, Move Silently +24, Search +13, Spot +12, Swim +33
Feats:Alertness, Improved Initiative, Multiattack,*Nightmare Fuel (B),*Skill
Focus (Intimidate) (B)
Challenge Rating:24we ear ees
Alignment:Always neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment:+29
1 Bipedal locomotion.
The average armathrax is 6 ft. tall (with a 9 ft. tail) and weighs 6,720
Augmented Critical (Ex):An armathrax's bite, claws, and tail pincer threaten
a critical hit on a natural attack roll of 18-20, dealing triple damage and
severing a random extremity (see the armathrax's Sharpness special attack)
on a successful critical hit.
Frightful Presence (Ex):A armathrax can unsettle foes with its mere
presence. The ability takes effect automatically whenever the armathrax
attacks, charges, roars, or snarls. Creatures within a radius of 30 ft. are
subject to the effect if they have fewer HD than the armathrax. A potentially
affected creature that succeeds on a Will save (DC 14) remains immune to
that armathrax's frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with
4 or less HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD
become shaken for 4d6 rounds. Armathrax ignore the frightful presence of
other armathrax.
Improved Grab (Ex):To use this ability, an armathrax must hit with a bite,
claw, tail pincer, or tail slap attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as
a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the
grapple check, it establishes a hold and can rake (bite or claw attack), pince
(tail pincer), or constrict (tail slap attack).
Pounce (Ex):If an armathrax charges or leaps upon a foe during its first
round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a
move action.
Semiaquatic (Ex):An armathrax can freely attack, move, and use its abilities
while submerged.
Sharpness (Ex):An armathrax that critically hits with a target with a bite,
claw, or tail pincer attack severs one of the target's extremities. Roll a d10 to
determine the severed extremity:D10 result:1-2:Head, 3-4:Left arm, 5-
6:Right arm, 7-8:Left leg, 9-10:Right leg.
Sound Imitation (Ex):An armathrax can mimic any voice or sound it has
heard, anytime it likes. Listeners must succeed on a Will save (DC 14) to
detect the ruse. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Stunning Roar (Ex):Every 1d4 rounds, an armathrax can loose a sonic attack
of such volume that it stuns all creatures in a 30-ft. spread for 1d4 rounds if
they fail a fortitude saving throw (DC 45). The save DC is Constitution-
Trip (Ex):An armathrax that hits with a bite, claw, tail pincer, or tail slap
attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a
touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the
opponent cannot react to trip the armathrax.
Cecaelia (Octofolk)
Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic)
Hit Dice:3d8 (18 hp)
Initiative:+3 (+3 Dexterity)
Speed:20 ft. (4 squares), swim 30 ft.
Armor Class:3 (+3 Dexterity), touch 13, flat-footed 10
Base Attack/Grapple:+3/+3
Attack:Adamantine harpoon +3 melee (1d10) or Tentacle +3 melee (1d4)
Full Attack:Adamantine harpoon +3 melee (1d10) and 8 tentacles -2 melee
Space/Reach:5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with tentacle)
Special Attacks:Constrict (1d6), improved grab
Special Qualities:Amphibious, darkvision 60 ft., ink cloud, jet, low-light
Saves:Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities:Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills:Escape Artist +15, Hide +11, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +10
Feats:Alertness, Skill Focus (Hide)
Environment:Warm aquatic
Challenge Rating:8
Treasure:Standard + adamantine harpoon
Alignment:Always neutral evil
Advancement:By character class
Level Adjustment:+9
Cecaelia are about 4-6 ft. tall and weigh 60-260 lbs. A cecaelian's barbed
tentacles reach 10-15 ft in length.
Amphibious (Ex):A cecaelia can breathe both air and water equally.
Improved Grab (Ex):To use this ability, a cecaelia must hit an opponent of
any size with a tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a
free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple
check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.
Ink Cloud (Ex):A cecaelia can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 10 ft. high by 10
ft. wide by 10 ft. long once per minute as a free action. The cloud provides
total concealment, which the cecaelia normally uses to escape a losing fight.
All vision within the cloud is obscured.
Jet (Ex):A cecaelia can jet upward once per round as a full-round action, at a
speed of 200 ft.. It must move in a straight line, but doesn't provoke attacks
of opportunity while jetting.
Medium Aberration (Cold)
Hit Dice: 7d8+7 (38 hp)
Initiative: +9
Speed: Fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares)
Armor Class: 18 (+5 Dex, +3 natural), touch 15, flatfooted 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+7
Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d6+2 plus 1d8 cold)
Full Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d6+2 plus 1d8 cold)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Aura of Cold, Aura of Depression, Dementor’s Kiss
Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 ft., DR 10/magic, Invisibility to Muggles
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +8
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 20, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 17, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +13
Feats: Ability Focus (Dementor’s Kiss)*, Hover (B), Improved Initiative,
Improved Toughness
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, Pair, or Prison Escort (4-10)
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil
Advancement: 8-21 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: ----
A shadowy, cloaked figure flies towards you out of nowhere. The air
surrounding you becomes bitterly cold, and you feel any happiness you felt
before this very moment drain away.
Dementors are among the most reviled Dark creatures known to wizarding
kind. They are a disturbingly evil group of homicidal monsters, whose sole
purpose is to leech off of the emotions of others. The telltale sign of the
presence of Dementors is a sudden drop of temperature, and a sudden bout
of depression.
Dementors are blind. To “view” the world around them, they have the
magical ability to sense the emotions of others, which gives them a form of
blindsight. They feed off of these emotions as well, leaving a hollow void in
the mind of their prey. Creatures that are drained completely of emotion are
usually drained of their very souls. People killed in such a matter are
indistinguishable from comatose patients in the deepest vegetative state
Blindsight (Su): This ability works like the common ability, except it is
supernatural in origin. If a creature finds a way to mask his emotions, the
Dementor cannot see him/her. A Dementor hit by the *patronus charm loses
this ability for 1d6 rounds, effectively blinding it.; NB:*Good hope, etc. also
have this effect.
Dementor’s Kiss (Su): this ability is only usable against a helpless target. As
a full round action, the Dementor may suck the soul of a living creature out
of its body. This action is called a “kiss.” Once a kiss attempt has started, the
target must make a Fort save (DC 16), or die. Such a target cannot be
resurrected by any means until the Dementor who performed the kiss has
been destroyed. The save DC is Wisdom-based.
Medium Magical Beast (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 5d10+15 (42 hp)
Initiative: -2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (-2 Dex, +12 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+8
Attack: Tail slap +8 melee (1d8+4)
Full Attack: Tail slap +8 melee (1d8+4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Attract crystal, crystal storm, magic missiles
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., gemsense, low-light vision, spell
resistance 23
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +2
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 7, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 11
Skills: Listen +3, Search +3*, Spot +6*, Survival +1* (+3* following tracks)
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Track (B)
Environment: Concordant Domain of the Outlands
Organization: Solitary or cluster (2-3)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Gems (see text)
Alignment: Always lawful neutral
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Medium); 11-15 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: —
Demaraxas are reptilian creatures that feed upon magical or psionic crystals,
such as ioun stones, dorjes, and gems of seeing. They travel alone or in
small groups, roaming the planes in an endless search for magical crystals.
Its movements are always slow and deliberate.
Demaraxes grow crystals in their hide as a side effect of their diet, causing
their skins to become thicker and more crystal-studded as they age. A few of
these crystals are valuable gemstones, making a demarax's hide worth 500
to 1,500 gp (typically 100 gp per Hit Dice).
Demaraxas have perfect memories and are unable to lie, making them
excellent sources of information if a traveler can hold one's attention long
Legends claim that demaraxes were created by lawful deities to help control
the chaos spread by magical crystals throughout the planes. The fact that
demaraxes are always lawful and are usually found on lawfully-aligned planes
seems to support these tales.
A typical demarax is 6 feet long (not including a 4 foot tail) and weighs about
450 pounds. An ancient demarax will be heavier than a youngster of the
same size, because it has a stonier hide. The magical energies it consumes
can prolong a demarax's lifespan to over 1,000 years. Its movements are
always slow and deliberate.
Crystal Storm (Su): Once per day, a demarax can unleash a 20-foot burst of
whirling crystals. Any creature within the burst must make a DC 15 Reflex
save or be struck by a crystal shard. A struck creature is afflicted by one of
the effects at random from the table below for 2d4 rounds:
1 - dazzled (–1 penalty on attack rolls, Search checks, and Spot checks)
2 - fascinated (takes no actions other than to pay attention to the fascinating
3 - color spray (as the color spray spell)
4 - sickened
5 - confused (may act, may not, may flee, may attack nearby creatures)
6 - baleful displacement (50% miss chance when attacking opponents)
A demarax uses this attack only as a last resort, since it uses up the
creature's supply of nutrition. The demarax takes 2d10 points of nonlethal
damage per hour until it feeds on a crystal. If a demarax falls unconscious
from this nonlethal damage, it must make a Constitution check every minute
(DC 10 + 1 per minute) or drop to -1 hit points and start dying. It then loses
1 hit point per minute until it dies or is fed a crystal (which immediately
stabilizes it). Since this nonlethal damage is caused by starvation, it cannot
be restored until the demarax gets food (see the Starvation and Thirst rules).
The save DC is Constitution-based.
Gemsense (Su): A demarax can sense the location of any magical crystal or
jewel within 200 feet, including the strength and "flavor" of the gem's magic.
This works like a combination of blindsight and arcane sight that only senses
enchanted gems. The detection range is doubled for a strong aura, tripled for
an overwhelming aura.
Magic Missiles (Su): Three times a day, a demarax can fire three energy
darts from its eyes with the same effects as a magic missile spell (caster
level 5th).
Gloom Hag
Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 16d8+96 (164 hp)
Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 31 (+2 Dex, +5 profane, +14 natural), touch 17, flat-footed 29
Base Attack/Grapple: +16/+23
Attack: 2 claws +23 melee
Full Attack: 2 claws +23 melee (1d6 +10 +1 (vile) and Fort save DC 24 or
Space/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft.
Special Attacks: daunting gaze, night terror, spells, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: boon of the wastes, DR 25/cold iron and magic, immunity
to fire, cold, charm, sleep, and fear, SR 30
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +13, Will +15
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 17, Wis 18, Cha 20
Skills: Bluff +24, Concentration +23, Diplomacy +24 (+26 evil creatures),
Disguise +12 (+14 acting), Intimidate +26 (+28 evil creatures), Knowledge
(arcana) +19, Knowledge (the planes) +17, Listen +15, Ride +12, Sense
Motive +20, Spellcraft +24, Spot +17
Feats: Combat Casting, Dark Speech, Evil Brand, Improved Initiative, Vile
Natural Attack
Environment: Grey Wastes of Despair
Organization: Solitary or Covey (1-2 Gloom Hags, 2-4 Night Hags)
Challenge Rating: 17
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 17-32 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: –
Scattered throughout the Depths Below exist the walking horrors known as
the night hags. However, in the Grey Wastes of Despair are the creatures
that are their progenitors through forced (and invariably lethal) matings with
captured males. These progenitors are known as the gloom hags. Gloom
hags are some of the few beings that willingly live in the Grey Wastes of
Despair, as although a large proportion of their number are capable of
reaching other planes, they find other planes to be insufficiently evil to
sustain them.
In terms of their status in the Grey Wastes, gloom hags are rarely found
alone, and instead gather together in coveys for the purposes of inflicting evil
and pain upon creation, or to defend themselves against others of their kind
since all of them, without exception, would betray each other without
hesitation if they were convinced it would be to their benefit to do so.
Additionally, many gloom hags have devised special potions that allow them
to transform the recently dead into larvae, which they either use as spell
components, sell to other factions in the Grey Wastes (particularly daemons)
in exchange for other spell components.
The origins of gloom hags within the Grey Wastes of Despair, like many
things about the other greater beings of pure evil, are poorly known at best.
Certain texts speak of an ancient relationship between them and the
daemons, and that both of them may have in the most ancient times been
far more closely connected than they are currently. The gloom hags
themselves speak of a power that may have even birthed them. She is
known by various names, but the one which is most familiar outside of the
whispers and curses in which they speak of her is as The Hag Queen, the
Dread Crone.
Gloom Hags are cunning and dreadful opponents, and once they are
convinced that they can defeat an opponent, they will often prolong their
agony by using spells to harry and incapacitate victims days before actually
putting them out of their initial misery. Typically they will trick their victims
into confronting them directly so as to suffer the effects of their gaze, and if
paid to target evil victims, they will often polymorph themselves into a
semblance of a good-aligned creature in order to trick them into using evil
spells for the purposes of healing themselves.
Boon of the Wastes (Ex): Gloom hags are healed by any spells cast within 10
ft. of them that has the [Evil] descriptor, healing 2 points of damage for each
level of the spell cast at them. Gloom hags, however, may not benefit from
Evil spells cast at them from other members of their kind.
At the same time, gloom hags take double damage from any spell with the
[Good] descriptor, and have a permanent –4 penalty to any saving throw
against any good-aligned spell that may result in their banishment (should
one be found away from the Grey Wastes of Despair) or their immediate
death (such as a holy word). Gloom hags are additionally immune to the
entrapping properties of the Grey Wastes.
Daunting Gaze (Su): All living things which meet the gaze of a Gloom Hag
risk having their will destroyed by seeing the pure, malign, evil lurking within
them. As a result, they must make a Will save DC 21 or else take a –4
penalty to any Will or morale-based saving throw. Penalties acquired through
meeting the gaze of a Gloom Hag are cumulative, although if a being
manages to successfully save against a particular hag’s gaze, they are
immune to that particular hag’s power for thirteen weeks. Unfortunately for
such victims, Gloom Hags almost always travel in groups. Protection from
evil or remove curse will protect individuals from the power of a Gloom Hag’s
Night Terrors (Su): Should a Gloom Hag successfully manage to put a mortal
male humanoid to sleep, or deceive him into thinking that she is a normal
woman, she can choose to couple with him with a 20% chance of becoming
pregnant as a result. Over the course of the next 13 weeks, the male that
they have coupled with must make a Fort save DC 26 or else take 1d4 points
of ability damage to all of their scores once a week. Should they fail all of
their saves and survive until the end of the 13 week period, then they must
make a final Fort save DC 26 or else die, as at that exact moment, the gloom
hag that he coupled with gives birth to a night hag of normal HD. If a victim
successfully saves three times against a gloom hag’s Night Terrors then they
take no further ability damage; victims may also be cured outright by either
killing the gloom hag responsible or by having remove curse cast upon them
at a spellcaster level equivalent or higher than the gloom hag’s hit die.
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will: curse of the putrid husk, desecrate, magic
missile, polymorph (self only), ray of enfeeblement, shrivelling, sleep, wither
limb. 3/day: blasphemy, nightmares, vile lance. 1/day: bestow greater curse,
phantasmal killer. Cast at 16th level. Saving throws against a Gloom Hag’s
spell-like abilities are DC 15 + spell level. The saving throw DC’s are
Charisma-based. Gloom Hags additionally constantly detect good, detect evil,
detect chaos, detect law, and detect magic as Sorcerers of equivalent hit die.
Spells (Sp): A Gloom Hag casts spells as a 16th level Sorcerer. Although the
origins of their magical prowess are poorly understood at best, Gloom Hags
also have the ability to choose Druidic spells as part of their Sorcerer spell
Hoary Hunter
Medium Fey (Cold, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice:46d6+690 (874 hp)
Initiative:+18 (+10 Dexterity, +8 Superior Initiative)
Speed:30 ft.
Armor Class:39 (+10 Dex, +6 insight, +13 natural), touch 26, flat-footed 23
Base Attack/Grapple:+23/+37
Attack:+8 disarming icy burst longsword of binding +49 melee (1d8+22 plus
1d6 cold/17-20 plus 1d10 cold plus 1d6 plus binding)
Full Attack:+8 disarming icy burst longsword of binding +49/+44/+39/+34
melee (1d8+22 plus 1d6 cold/17-20 plus 1d10 cold plus 1d6 plus binding)
Space/Reach:5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities:Damage reduction 20/cold iron and epic, spell resistance
56, virtual size categories 1
Saves:Fort +30, Ref +35, Will +31
Abilities:Str 38, Dex 31, Con 40, Int 21, Wis 23, Cha 26
Skills:Diplomacy +53, Hide +53, Intimidate +53, Knowledge (geography,
nature) +53, Listen +53, Move Silently +53, Ride +53, Search +53, Sense
Motive +53, Spot +53, Survival +53
Feats:Blind-Fight, Cleave, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (longsword),
Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Initiative, Mounted Combat, Power
Attack, Ride-by Attack, Spirited Charge, Track, Trample, Weapon Focus
Epic Feats:Dire Charge, Epic Weapon Focus (longsword), Superior Initiative
Climate/Terrain:Any cold
Organization:Solitary or company (2-5)
Challenge Rating:46
Alignment:Always neutral evil
Advancement:47+ HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment:+23
Hoary hunters are malevolent fey that appear on frosty, moonlit nights to
hunt travelers for sport, selecting their prey, chasing them down, and
dragging them into the night realm of the Unseelie Court to be imprisoned
forever. Though difficult to see because of its mount's magical breath, a
hoary hunter appears as a gaunt man or elf, but with sharp, exaggerated
features that are always unsettling to behold. Everything about the hunter is
white, from the wild mane of hair atop its head to the pearly, luminescent
buttons on its coat. At midnight, when the temperature is below freezing,
and any sort of moon shines upon the frozen ground, the hunter appears
initially as a roiling fog accompanied by echoing hoof beats. Dismounted and
out in the open, a hoary hunter seems to be some ghostly apparition in the
moonlight, but it is not undead.
A hoary hunter rides a magnificent flying horse, a snowy steed whose breath
billows in great clouds of frosty vapors and whose blue eyes glow coldly in
the darkness. It is often said that one who is selected as prey by a hoary
hunter first knows his doom from the sound of hoofbeats and the starry glow
of those eyes coming toward him through the mists.
The hoary hunter prefers to charge its prey while upon horseback, slashing
with its +8 disarming icy burst longsword of binding as it rides by. A critical
hit (or the blow that would kill or render a foe unconscious) from this blade
doesn't wound the hunter’s prey. Instead, the victim is bodily transported as
per a soul binding spell heightened to 16th level (DC 34) into a brilliant white
diamond at the end of the sword’s hilt. The hunter then returns to its realm,
taking its prisoner with it to be enslaved.
Moving to a warmer locale only delays the inevitable. The hoary hunter bides
its time, waiting years if it must, only to appear again when the night
conditions are right. Shifting to a different plane of existence doesn't stop the
hunt; a hunter follows its prey to any realm in the multiverse during the
hour, and it and its companions can appear on any plane to begin the hunt
anew so long as there is moonlight and freezing temperatures.
Hoary Steed
Large Magical Beast (Cold, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice:7d10+21 (63 hp)
Initiative:+8 (+4 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed:60 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Armor Class:14 (-1 size, +4 Dexterity, +1 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 10
Base Attack/Grapple:+7/+18
Attack:Hoof +14 melee (1d8+7)
Full Attack:2 hooves +14 melee (1d8+7), bite +9 melee (2d6+4)
Space/Reach:10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:-
Special Qualities:Air walk, astral projection and etherealness, damage
reduction 5/cold iron and magic, immunities, low-light vision, magic circle
against good, misty breath, scent, spell resistance 17
Saves:Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +3
Abilities:Str 24, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 14
Skills:Jump +4, Listen +3, Spot +3
Feats:Alertness, Endurance, Run
Climate/Terrain:Any cold
Organization:Solitary (with rider)
Challenge Rating:7
Alignment:Always neutral evil
Advancement:8-15 HD (Huge); 16-21 (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment:+3
A hoary steed can attack with its two hooves and deliver a vicious bite each
A hoary steed’s natural weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of
overcoming damage reduction.
Air Walk (Su):A hoary steed can ride through the air as well as on the
ground, as though affected by a permanent air walk spell.
Astral Projection and Etherealness (Su):These abilities function just like the
spells of the same names as cast by a 7th-level caster.
Magic Circle Against Good (Su):This ability continuously duplicates the effects
of the spell. A hoary steed cannot suppress this ability.
Immunities (Ex):A hoary steed is immune to all charm and hold spells or
Ibixian (Goatfolk)
Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Hit Dice:3d8+6 (21 hp)
Initiative:+2 (+2 Dexterity)
Speed:30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class:13 (+2 Dexterity, +1 natural), touch 12, flat-footed — (see
Base Attack/Grapple:+3/+5
Attack:Butt +5 melee (1d6+2) or Greataxe +5 melee (1d10+2/x3) or
Longbow +6 ranged (1d8/x2)
Full Attack:Butt +5 melee (1d6+2) or Greataxe +5 melee (1d10+2/x3) or
Longbow +6 ranged (1d8/x2)
Space/Reach:5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:Powerful charge 2d6+3
Special Qualities:Darkvision, low-light vision, natural cunning, poison
resistance, scent, stability, stonecunning
Saves:Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4
Abilities:Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12
Skills:Balance +12, Climb +7, Craft (bowmaking) +3, Craft
(weaponsmithing) +3, Intimidate +7, Jump +7, Listen +7, Search +7, Spot
+7, Survival +3
Feats:Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow)
Environment:Any land or underground
Organization:Solitary, pair, or herd (3–10 plus 30% young)
Challenge Rating:3
Alignment:Usually neutral
Advancement Range:4-7 HD (Large); 8-9 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment:+2
Natural Cunning (Ex):Ibixian have an innate cunning and logical ability. This
gives them immunity to maze spells, prevents them from ever becoming lost,
and enables them to track enemies. Further, they are never caught flat-
Powerful Charge (Ex):Ibixian deal 2d6+3 points of damage when they make
a charge.
Ibixian As Characters
Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 48d8+432 (912 hp), 1824 if encountered on the upper or lower
Initiative: +21
Speed: 90 ft. (18 squares), fly 240 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 76 (–1 size, +9 Dex, +11 insight, +4 divine, +21
+19 animated infinite arrow deflection mithril heavy shield, +10 bracers of
armor +10, +12 natural), touch 33, flat-footed 67
Base Attack/Grapple: +48/+64
Attack: Large +12 brilliant energy unholy power bastard sword +83 melee
Full Attack: Large +12 brilliant energy unholy power bastard
sword+83/+78/+73/+68 melee (2d8+35/19–20) and 2 wings +65 melee
Space/Reach: 10 ft./ 10 ft.
Special Attacks: halo of vengeance, spell-like abilities, vorpal wings
Special Qualities: acid resistance 20, cold immunity, damage reduction
20/epic and good, darkvision 120 ft., divine parody, electricity immunity, fast
healing 20, fire resistance 20, heavenly insight, outsider traits, spell
resistance 62, regeneration 20, telepathy 1000 ft., true seeing
Saves: Fort +52, Ref +50, Will +52
Abilities: Str 35, Dex 28, Con 32, Int 24, Wis 32, Cha 36
Skills: Bluff +72, Concentration +60, Craft (any two) +56, Diplomacy +66,
Disguise +72 (+74 to act in character) *, Escape Artist +58, Hide +54,
Intimidate +64, Knowledge (religion plus one other) +56, Listen +60, Move
Silently +58, Search +56, Sense Motive +60, Spellcraft +56, Spot +60
Feats: Ability Focus (halo of vengeance), Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (blade
barrier), Improved Critical (wings), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural
Attack (wings), Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Weapon Focus (wings)
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed, Epic Ability Focus (halo of vengeance), Epic Skill
Focus (Bluff), Epic Skill Focus (Disguise), Improved Combat Reflexes,
Spellcasting Harrier, Superior Initiative
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 43
Treasure: triple standard plus possessions
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 49–61 HD (Large), 61–72 HD (Huge)
This creature is tall and beautiful of countenance with large crystalline white
wings, radiant silver skin and glowing sapphire eyes. Suddenly, the glowing
golden halo above the angelic figure’s head blazes with crimson light and its
visage takes on an altogether sinister yet still magnificent appearance.
Mahalat are a race of celestial doppelgangers that were created eons ago by
a malevolent entity (some say an old one or elder one) to corrupt and
overthrow good-aligned religions and murder any angel they meet.
Mahalat often serve as the figureheads for various fanatical cults, and draw
their ranks from the disaffected or easily gulled followers of good deities.
They delight in slowly destabilizing the religion from within until the church
fragments into warring factions.
Angels detest mahalat more than almost any other creature and seek their
destruction wherever they are located. Elohim in particular hate mahalat with
a passion and battles between them are often fierce, long and bloody affairs.
In their natural form mahalat stand 12 feet tall and weigh just over 3,000
While using its divine parody ability, a mahalat registers as good to all forms
of alignment detection. True seeing and similar magics cannot penetrate the
mahalat’s deception unless used by a creature of higher divine rank that the
creature (typically divine rank 5 and above).
* Mahalat receive a +20 Disguise modifier when using their divine parody
Halo of Vengeance (Su): As a standard action, a mahalat can use the halo
that hangs above its head as a weapon, targeting a single foe of up to
Gargantuan size within 1 mile. The halo leaves the mahalat’s head and
streaks unerringly towards the target, expanding to the appropriate size then
contracting around their neck. The target must make a DC 58 Reflex save to
avoid the halo. If the target fails it takes 15d6 points of divine fire damage
per round. In addition, the target begins suffocating and must immediately
make a DC 25 Constitution check to avoid falling unconscious. The DC
increases by +2 each round after the first and any target that falls
unconscious is slain the next round regardless of its hit point total. The target
cannot speak while being strangled and must make a Concentration check to
cast any non-verbal spells or use any spell-like abilities. The halo continues
to strangle the target until it is dead or freed.
The halo remains around the target’s neck until they are dead, the mahalat
recalls it (a free action) or the target somehow removes it. While the halo
cannot be physically removed or destroyed, a miracle or wish can free the
victim, as can a spell such as gaseous form. As soon as the victim moves out
of sight of the mahalat for more than a single round, the halo fades and
reappears around the mahalat’s head.
A mahalat can only target one creature at a time with this ability and
creatures that lack heads (such as oozes and some aberrations or outsiders)
are immune. Constructs, elementals, plants, undead, creatures with multiple
heads, and creature’s that don’t breathe cannot be suffocated by the halo,
but still take divine fire damage.
Regeneration (Su): Mahalat take normal damage from weapons that are both
epic and good, and from spells and effects with the good descriptor.
Spell-like Abilities: At will – blade barrier (DC 33), charm monster (DC 31),
desecrate, detect evil, detect good, detect magic, displacement, greater
dispel magic, greater invisibility, major image (DC 31), mind blank, unholy
blight (DC 31), tongues; 3/day – blasphemy, dominate monster (DC 36),
horrid wilting (DC 35), mirage arcana (DC 32); 1/day – damnation (DC 37),
storm of vengeance (DC 37). Caster Level 48th. The save DCs are Charisma-
Vorpal Wings (Su): A mahalat’s wings are supernaturally sharp and can sever
a creature’s head on a critical hit.
Fine Animal
Hit Dice: 1/8d8+5 (6 hp)
Initiative: +5 (+5 Dexterity)
Speed: 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft.
Armor Class: 15 (+5 Dexterity)
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-21
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d4-5)
Full Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d4-5)
Space/Reach: 6 in./4 in.
Special Attacks: Adorable as f#@%
Special Qualities: Blindsight 30 ft., lowlight vision, scent, tremorsense 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +5
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 20
Skills: Balance +20, Climb +20, Jump +20, Listen +20, Spot +20, Swim +20
Feat: Beauteous Visage (B), Weapon Finesse
Environment: Any.
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: By class.
Level Adjustment: +6
Skills: A nibblet has a +8 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, Jump, Listen, and
Spot checks. A nibblet can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even
if rushed or threatened. A nibblet has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check
to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to
take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the
run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. Nibblets use
either their Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for Climb, Jump, and
Swim checks, whichever is higher.
This patient carnivore remains completely still as it waits for prey to come
Improved Grab (Ex):To use this ability the macrobe praying mantis must hit
an opponent up to one size category smaller with a claw attack. It can then
attempt to start a grapple without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 4d10+16 HD (38 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 100 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 16 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, -1 size), touch 11, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+11
Attack: Hoof +6 melee (1d6+3)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +6 melee (1d6+3) and bite +4 melee (1d6+1)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Disease
Special Qualities: Charnel scent, cloak of death, darkvision 60 ft., grim
vitality, low-light vision, resistance to negative energy 10, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 11
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +4
Feats: Endurance, Flyby Attack, Multiattack (B), Spirit Sense (B)
Environment: Temperate Forest
Organization: Domesticated or herd (6–30)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 5-7 HD (Large), 8-12 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: -
This appears as a horse in the final stages of starvation, each bone plainly
seen through dark leathery skin stretched so tightly that it appears as if it
were dipped in tar. Its head in particular is as a skull and bears a
resemblance to a saurian or dragon, complete with a snout of sharp
predator's teeth. It has shining white eyes and a thick black mane that hangs
long from its neck. From its back sprouts an enormous pair of membranous
bat wings though they fold so tightly to the body they are not easily noticed.
Despite their ominous appearance, thestrals are not commonly seen. They
are creatures with strong ties to death, though are not of themselves often
killers. Thus, they may only be seen by those who know death intimately.
They tend to be scavengers, feeding off the remains of the dead, though are
also known to have a taste for birds, especially those in their airspace. They
do not attack larger creatures however unless provoked or threatened.
Thestrals weigh only around 800 lbs., though possess a grim strength that
belies their appearance. They speak only their own language though can be
taught to understand others.
Charnal Scent (Ex): A thestral can detect fresh blood or a corpse at twice the
range of its normal scent.
Cloak of Death (Su): A thestral may only be seen by one who has witnessed
the death of a loved one. To all others they are invisible as the spell. This
ability is constant, allowing a thestral to remain invisible even when
attacking. This ability is inherent and not subject to the invisibility purge
Training a thestral
Thestral young are worth 3,500 GP each. Professional trainers charge 1,500
GP to rear or train a thestral.
Fine Vermin
Hit Dice:1/8d8-1 (1 hp)
Initiative:+4 (+4 Dexterity)
Speed:15 ft. (3 squares), fly 45 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class:22 (+8 size, +4 Dex), touch 22, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple:+0/–12
Attack:Sting +4 melee (1pt.–5 plus poison)
Full Attack:Sting +4 melee (1pt.–5 plus poison), 4 pincers -1 melee (1pt.-5),
and bite -1 melee (1pt.-5 plus poison)
Space/Reach:3 in./2 in.
Special Attacks:Constrict 1pt.-5, improved grab, poison
Special Qualities:Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits
Saves:Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +0
Abilities:Str 1, Dex 18, Con 8, Int - , Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills:Climb +8, Hide +24, Spot +8, Survival +0*
Feats:Weapon Finesse (B)
Organization:Solitary or swarm
Challenge Rating:1/16
Level Adjustment:—
Vycyryn are closely related to arachnids and insects. Much like bees Vycyryn
are social creatures, live
in hives, and produce honey, etc.. However, unlike bees Vycyryn are ruled by
a king w/several queens.
Vycyryn honey is blood-red and smells and tastes like cinnamon. Vycyryn
royal jelly is blood-red to
jet-black and is far more concentrated. Vycyryn wax is jet-black. All are
otherwise similar to bee
honey, etc. and can be used similarly.
Vycyryn are likely to attack any creature that approaches, and they usually
charge when attacking prey.
Improved Grab (Ex):To use this ability, a vycyryn must hit with a claw
attack. A vycyryn can uses its Dexterity modifier for grapple checks.
Skills:A vycyryn has a +4 racial bonus on Climb and Hide checks and a +8
racial bonus on Spot checks. A vycyryn can use its Dexterity modifier for
Climb checks. *It also has a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks to orient
Large Outsider (Abomination, Evil, Extraplanar, Incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 30d8 (outsider) plus +270 (510 hp)
Initiative: +17 (+13 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: fly 110 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 39 (-1 size, +13 Dex, +11 deflection, +6 profane), touch 39,
flat-footed 26
Base Attack/Grapple: +30/-
Attack: 4 incorporeal touches +42 or melee touch +42 or ranged touch +42
Full Attack: 4 incorporeal touches +42 (Will save DC 38 or 1d8 Wisdom
damage) or melee touch +42 or ranged touch +42
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Face of Evil, Feast of Anguish, Profane Invasion, spell-like
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/epic and mithril, darkvision 60 ft.,
immunity to acid and poison, resistance to electricity, cold, and fire 20, SR
Saves: Fort +24 Ref +28 Will +26
Abilities: Str —, Dex 37, Con 29, Int 26, Wis 28, Cha 33
Skills: Bluff +46, Concentration +29, Diplomacy +52, Disguise +44 (+48
observed in character), Gather Information +46, Hide +46, Intimidate +50,
Knowledge (arcana) +31, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +21, Knowledge
(history) +18, Knowledge (local [Gehenna]) +15, Knowledge (nature) +40,
Knowledge (religion, the planes) +41, Move Silently +36, Search +23, Sense
Motive +36, Spellcraft +30, Spot +21, Survival +24 (+28 aboveground
environments, extraplanar, +26 underground)
Feats: Ability Focus (Face of Evil), Combat Reflexes, Hover, Improved
Initiative, Iron Will, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Persuasive, Quicken Spell-
like Ability (suggestion [mass])
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed, Spell Stowaway (greater teleport), Tenacious
Magic (deeper darkness)
Environment: Carceri, Grey Wastes of Despair
Organization: Solitary (Unique)
Challenge Rating: 28
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 31-60 HD (Large), 61-90 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: –
The power of the daemons and the first coven are both well-known.
However, even more ancient records hint as to the existence of yet another
hidden truth; that there was, and still is, a third aspect of pure evil.
Allegedly, when pure evil came into existence with one transcendent act of
itself, liberated of law and chaos as strongly as it was of good, it immediately
destroyed itself by bringing forth beings with which to better spread itself like
a plague. Some of the foremost of these beings were the Maladae, and some
of the Maladae in turn dedicated themselves to the acts and symptoms of
pure evil, creating daemons to help spread themselves, while others among
the Maladae instead focused on the words of pure evil, claiming to invent
Dark Speech itself and becoming the first coven.
It is unknown how long the anathema lurked in the very earliest wastes that
would later be called Gehenna, or for that matter, what these wastes even
looked like. However, what is far better known is how these creatures came
to discover and despoil the Mortal Coil. Members of the earliest mortal
cultures, experimenting with the first spells and powers capable of
planeshifting, reached Gehenna and were exposed to the anathema. The
anathema quickly realized not only that their presence brought suffering to
the mortals that beheld them, but also that the suffering that they inflicted
was a source of nourishment to them and that they could invade mortals for
the purposes of feasting upon the pain that they caused with such ease.
After this initial discovery, dozens of anathema descended upon The Mortal
Coil, with each Anathema taking a unique approach to spreading evil. Some
preferred to hunt down mortal heroes through trickery and then feign their
own defeat so they could possess the hero. In this manner mortals became
inadvertent tools of the anathema for the slow spread of their poison into the
fertile soil of mortal minds. Still others took a differing approach, and instead
preferred to start out with beings that had already taken tentative steps
towards discovering the power of true evil from the anathema’s perspective,
and ‘pushed’ them mentally until they spawned cults of atrocity and nihilism
that even the first evil gods that mortals worshipped looked upon with
horror. Others still maligned the early forces of good through various means,
impersonating representatives of the earliest cosmic entities and deities that
were good, and in the process sowing distrust against the concept of good
More alarming than their behavior was their success; while the anathema
were even more incapable of unity than the daemons that came after them,
the burgeoning Anathema-cults sent millions of souls, condemned through
their own fears and predilections for engaging in the behaviors that the
Anathema ‘encouraged’ through word and spell, into the wastes of Gehenna
to the point where the landscape itself caught on fire with the Flames of Loss,
eternally self-incinerating as a result of the sadism of the Anathema towards
mortals incarnated, and the undying fury that the deluded and wrathful
petitioners of the Anathema felt as a result of their own eternal torment.
Weakened through the destruction of their base in the Realms Beyond, it was
at this point that the efforts of the Agents of Balance and Bastions of
Holiness came to full bear against the anathema. What remaining cults of
anathema existed were destroyed at least for a time. However, the anathema
were never completely eliminated, and through devious means, they
managed to re-invent themselves using the very tools and forms of their own
Many mortal religions that arose after the destruction of the Anathema
carried within them ideas...archetypes of a time in which all things would end
in despair and pointless, futile, destruction. From these religions and this
iconography, four of the most devious anathema became the incarnations of
impending doom. Their original names, as well as their original forms lost,
they came to be known as Death, Famine, Pestilence, and War. They used
the intellectual structures of their own enemies in order to better describe a
reality consisting of nothing but unending, disastrous suffering-and then
proceeded to do their utmost to translate it into reality-a task that they were,
unfortunately for hundreds of worlds within the Mortal Coil, quite successful
A second group of the anathema also discerned a pathway by which they
could achieve reformation despite the status quo that evolved after the
conquest of Gehenna by the Daemons. While all anathema, to some extent,
encouraged self-destructive behavior, the seven most competent Anathema
at encouraging these acts reinvented themselves along similar lines,
becoming known as the Sinns.
Anathema are notorious for their ability to appear as practically anything and
everything else, even not taking into account their ability to possess other
beings. However, their true form is generally considered to be a cloud of
black, droning, incorporeal motes similar to a swarm of insects ten ft. tall and
four ft. wide, manifesting extensions of itself as well vague mockeries of
faces whenever they think that doing so will inspire more terror in their
precisely chosen victims. In their true form, anathema communicate through
telepathy, quietly whispering thoughts of self-annihilation, inevitable
torment, and pointless suffering to all beings unfortunate enough to be within
range of them.
Face of Evil (Su): To gaze upon an anathema in it’s true form is to gaze upon
the Face of Evil, and to see one of the earliest creatures that have boiled
forth from the Depths Below in order to corrupt the minds and souls of
mortals. As a result, all beings that see anathema in their true form must
make a Will save 38 or else be affected in a manner analogous to if they had
been attacked by a spell of the anathema’s choosing. This spell need not be
one that the anathema in question could choose as a spell-like ability, but it
must be 8th level or lower, and it is treated as cast at the anathema’s Hit
Die. This choice is unique to each anathema and cannot be changed, as it is
a reflection of each anathema’s slightly unique form of vileness. Scrying or
similar abilities upon an Anathema provides no protection, but beings that
view an Anathema through such indirect means receive a +4 bonus on the
saving throw in order to avoid being affected.
The touch of the anathema inflicts a similar penalty against it’s victims
additionally, damaging their sanity as visions of the Anathema’s past and
future torments upon mortals are forced into it’s mind. As a result, beings
touched by the Anathema must make a Will save DC 38 or else take 1d8
Wisdom damage. This is a melee touch attack and the saving throw DC is
Feast of Anguish (Ex): Each Anathema has the ability to benefit from the
destructive behaviors and suffering that it inspires in others. For every two
living individuals that an Anathema harms or deludes into behaving in a
destructive manner within a 500-foot radius of itself, an anathema receives a
+1 bonus to saving throws, caster level, skill level, and attack rolls. The
particular anguish that each anathema feasts upon is unique to each
anathema, with some of the better known anathema having made a specialty
out of self-mutilation and other horrific behaviors. An anathema may only
empower itself in this manner with maximal bonus up to half of it’s HD or
+18, whichever is lower, and benefits acquired in this manner last for an
Profane Invasion (Ex): All anathema may possess mortals. For an anathema
to do so is a horrifying and painful violation of the mind, body, and spirit of
it’s victim that sends them into convulsions for six rounds, affecting them as
the spell wrack. Each round an anathema attempts to possess a mortal, their
victim must make a Will save DC 36, and should a victim make three
successive saves in a row then they have shaken off the attempt, and that
anathema may not attempt to possess that same individual for eight days.
Should the anathema successfully possess it’s victim, then the anathema
immediately modifies their memories in order to delete any mental evidence
of the event. From that moment forwards, a victim of an anathema’s Profane
Invasion becomes essentially a fusion of the anathema and their target. The
anathema gains all access to the memories, spells, and spell-like abilities of
it’s victims and is capable of seeing through all senses that they possess.
Furthermore, the victim becomes physically and spiritually modified through
the presence of the anathema, gaining one point of Dexterity and
Constitution per day until it is a blending of it’s own abilities and the
Anathema’s, as well as it’s body acquiring the immunities of the anathema.
An anathema while possessing a mortal may use it’s spell-like abilities
through the mortal, and also retains the ability to use the Feast of Anguish.
Anathema are notoriously difficult to detect while they are contained within a
host, and many of the normal defenses against evil beings are ineffective
against them until the host detects as Neutral Evil. Anathema-possessed
beings may enter areas blocked by magic circle against evil and protection
from evil, and cannot be detected through detect evil spells. Even worse,
mortals possessed by anathema may freely cross into and out of The Mortal
Each week that a victim is possessed, more of their personality is subsumed
by that of the anathema, until eventually there is nothing left but the
anathema within their body, acquiring all of their knowledge even while there
is practically nothing left of the original mortal to restore. While a restoration
spell followed by an atonement to counter the evil deeds done by the
possessed mortal is sufficient to repair the damage done to their minds and
souls initially, each week after the initial possession the probability of such
spells repairing the damage done decreases by 10%. After this period, even
if the Anathema is somehow forced out of the mortal’s body without killing
them their mind and soul have been so corrupted by the anathema’s
deranged thoughts that they have become Neutral Evil and openly detect as
such, and are condemned to suffer in Gehenna after death.
Large Outsider (evil, extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 42d8+336 (672 hp)
Initiative: +7 (+7 dexterity)
Speed: 40 ft
AC: 56 (+24 natural, +16 insight, +7 dex, -1 size)
Base Attack/Grapple: +42/+54
Attack: Claw +50 melee (2d8+8+1/19-20) or bite +49 melee (3d6+4+1)
Full Attack: 2 claws +50/+45/+40/+35 melee (2d8+8+1/19-20) and bite
+44 melee (3d6+4+1/x3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft
Special Attacks: Defiled magic², die when I say, never ending pain, spell-like
abilities, summon child, withering
Special Qualities: As I die², blessed by the first, DR 15/good, epic, and silver,
dark grace, fast healing 18, immunity to acid, vile damage, and poison, life-
eater², regeneration 15, resistance to electricity 15, root of all evil, senses of
evil², SR 49, abomination traits, weavers of flesh²
Saves: Fort +47, Ref +46, Will +53
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 24, Con 26, Int 39, Wis 38, Cha 43
Skills: Bluff +61, Concentration +53, Diplomacy +61**, Disguise +61,
Escape Artist +52, Gather Information +61, Hide +52, Intimidate +61**,
Knowledge (arcana, planes, religion, dungeoneering, history, local history)
+59, Listen +59, Move Silently +52, Search +59, Sense motive +59,
Spellcraft +59, Spot +59, Survival +36, Use Magic Device +38
Feats: Dark speech*, evil brand*, improved rapid strike (claw), rapid strike
(claw), sacrificial mastery*, vile natural strike*, violate spell like ability*,
weapon focus (claw), willing deformity (gaunt)*
Epic Feats: Epic evil brand, fast healing, spellcasting harrier, tenacious magic
(unholy aura)
Climate/Terrain: Gray Wastes of Hades
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 29 (only with base abilities)
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 43-55 HD (Huge), 56-80 (Gargantuan)
**When dealing with evil creatures this bonus increases to +69 for
Diplomacy and +69 for intimidate
A tall spindly creature stands before you, withered and scarred by disease.
Its limbs are grossly misshapen and disproportionate to all but it's head. It's
head, aside from the horns, is reminiscent of the skull of a horse with potch
marked skin stretched far too tight to its discolored bone. It's warped body
oozes pus as glossy eyes stare out at you with dark, secret, malice.
In the oldest of all libraries, in the deepest cave, behind the best guarded
doors, lies an ancient tome called the “Book of Vile Darkness”. This foul
document speaks in one of its pages of the creation of the universe, and the
first beings who stepped out of the creation chaos. This book mentions a
name for these beings, which has given pause to even the demonlords and
the lords of the nine: the Baernadaemons.
From the shadows of creation, the Baern, the first and primal of all evil fiends
stepped out of hiding. This ancient race could be considered the root of all
evil in the multiverse. They created the first demons and devils, forming the
daemon as their agents. The Baern perverted life in thousand places and
built the foundation of all foul magic. Then they disappeared.
No one really knows if these mythic and enigmatic creatures still exist today
or even if they really ever existed. If they still exist, than it would be difficult
to face one of these creatures and see through their lies and deceptions
which took them aeons to weave. Sometimes it is rumored, that the greatest
heroes of light and darkness are nothing but pawns of these ancient fiends.
Though these creatures are technically a daemon, they have not much in
common with their lesser children – consider it the difference between a
human and a god. The Baern stand outside the hierarchy of the common
daemon, but no daemon would try to harm a Baern or disobey one of its
Baern seldom enter combat, but when one feels the need to cause carnage it
does so in a savage manner, blending hate, torture, and murder into a
horrifying art form that would give pause to even Powers of evil. Baern savor
death caused through their own hand, thusly the Baernaloth will never use
magic or even normal items.
Blessed by the First (Su): A Baern applies its Charisma modifier as an insight
bonus to its armor class and all saving throws.
Die When I Say (Su): At will a Baern may heal all damage caused to a target
by its claw or bite attacks. There is no range to this attack, but the target
must be within sight. Additionally it may cause 4 points of temporary
dexterity damage. There is no save against this ability, but a bearnadaemon
may not heal less than all damage caused by its claws or bite, and this
ability, as well as the dexterity damage, has no affect against a target that
has taken no damage from the Baern's claw or bite attacks.
Hidden (Su): A Baern can assume the shape of any Small, Medium, or Large
humanoid. In humanoid form, the Baern loses his natural attacks. A Baern
can remain in his humanoid form until it chooses to assume a new one. A
change in form cannot be dispelled, but a Baern reverts to its natural form
when killed. A true seeing spell or ability reveals its natural form.
Never Ending Pain (Su): Three times per day a Baern may cause wounds that
it has created on one victim within sight to be revisited with even greater
corruption. The Baern may repeat any damage caused by its claw or bite
attacks from one round, causing the wounds to tear open agonizingly and
implanting their victim with some foul magic. A Baern may apply addiction*,
loves pain*, morality undone*, pestilence*, or plague of nightmares* on
their chosen victim, at a caster level equal to their hit dice, when utilizing this
ability. Thus, if a Baern inflicts 14 points of damage with a claw attack, 16
with another, and 20 points with its bite attack all in the same round to the
same target, it may later use this ability to cause fifty points of damage and
loves pain to that same target. This ability is useable as a free action. While
the target is not allowed to save against the damage, they may attempt
fortitude save at a DC of 44 to resist the secondary affect.
Regeneration (Ex): Baern take normal damage from good, epic cold iron
weapons or weapons tempered with the blood of a good deity.
Root Of All Evil (Ex): No Baern is like another, and nearly all of them share
one or more features with their offspring. After only a week of vile meditation
and self-experimentation a Baern may grant itself one special attack or
special quality of another fiend of lesser or non-divine status, with the
exception of spell-like abilities. Thusly a Baern could grant itself: a barbazu's
diseased beard, a balor's aura of flame, or the draining kiss of a succubus.
A Baern cannot change this ability this ability once chosen, but may gain an
additional special attack or special quality for every three hit dice it possess
above forty-two. Save DC's and caster level is based upon a Baern's hit dice
and ability modifiers, and not that of the original fiend.
Summon Child (Sp): A Baern can summon any fiend (daemon, demon, devil,
or similar evil outsider) in existence once per day, though is loath to do so
because its is disgusted by the weaker fiends it can control. A Baern can
summon even "noble" fiends (daemons, demons, devils, and similar evil
outsiders (as a rule of thumb, all such creatures choosable for “pact feats”
like Thrall to Demon)); but they are not under control of the Baern.
Withering (Su): When a Baern hits a living opponent with a claw or bite
attack the opponent takes 2 points of permanent Constitution drain, or 4
points on a critical hit. The Baern gains a cumulative +1 Str bonus for every
2 points of constitution damage that it inflicts to a maximum of its
unmodified strength score. Fortitude DC 46 negates. The save DC is
Ancestor’s Bidding (Su): The Baern has the power to demand obeisance of all
his “children”. In a shockwave of sickly grey energy, a Baern can, as a
standard action, attempt to dominate all evil creatures within 300 ft. All evil,
lesser or non-divine creatures must succeed on a Will save DC 46 or suffer
the effects of a dominate monster spell, with the following exceptions:
-Daemons take a –6 penalty on their saves, since their ties to the Baern are
the strongest.
-Demons and Devils take a –2 penalty on their saves, for the Baern taps old,
long forgotten connections to these protoplasmic spirits to worm its way into
their minds.
-Certain “noble” daemons, demons, devils, and similar evil outsiders (as a
rule of thumb, all such creatures choosable for “pact feats” like
Thrall to Demon) are immune to this ability.
-Clerics of Evil Gods or mortals with feats like “Thrall to Demon” or similar
feats gain a +4 bonus on their saves, since the connection to their vile
patrons gives them an edge in resisting the assault on their minds. This does
not extend to mortals who crafted a pact with a daemon entity.
-Creatures created by the Baern’s Weavers of Flesh ability gain no save. If it
was another Baern who directly created
a given creature, it takes a –4 penalty on its save.
-Protection from evil does not suppress control.
This ability has a caster level of 42, but it cannot be dispelled but by a CL 43
disjunction or a CL 43 miracle, and these possibilities allow only one creature
to be freed for each application form the Baern’s corrupt yolk.
The duration of this ability is otherwise permanent, and the maximum
number in HD of creatures controlled is 2x the Baern’s HD (default 84). This
is a burst effect, so creatures standing near the Baern are affected first,
although obstacles don’t block it.
As I Die (Ex): Perhaps the most fearsome of all powers of the Baern is the
consumption of the heroes of light. When a Baern is slain by another living
being its soul clings to the soul of the person who slew it. The soul cannot be
exorcised without killing the one who slew the Baern. The Baern then begins
a terrible metamorphosis of the body and soul of the posessed being. Within
a few days of terrible agony and endless pain, the Baern transforms the body
of its victor into his body – rejuvenating the Baern. The victim is held in
eternity of torture* 24 hours after killing the Baern. The Baern needs 1 day
per 7 hit dice of the victim to complete the transformation.
Short of divine intervention, there are only few ways to stop the
transformation: an epic heal spell consisting of the heal seed cast against a
caster level check DC of the Baern, a wish or miracle spell cast by a
spellcaster against the caster level of the Baern on hallowed ground or the
possesed being must be killed on hallowed ground and reanimated . If the
possessed being passes a Will save, it is returned to life. If it fails the save,
the Baern is reborn forever destroying the formerly possessed being and
consuming its soul (no further resurrection will work). The save DC is 41 and
it is charisma based.
Life-Eater (Su): A Baern notices and locates living creatures within 100 feet,
just as if it possessed the blindsight ability. It also senses the strength of
their life force automatically, as if it had cast deathwatch.
Senses of Evil (Su): A Baern has the following spells always active at 42nd
caster level: devil’s tongue*, detect evil, detect good, detect magic, magic
circle vs. good, nether trail*, read magic, and true seeing. They can be
brought down, but the baernolth can reactivate all of them as a swift action.
Weavers of Flesh (Ex): The Baern once created every evil creature. This
predates the modern fiends and perhaps even the gods themselves. The
Baern still “create” (more truthful would be “pervert”) life forms from time to
time with this power. There's no limit to this power and specific Baern are
known for forming anomalies (e.g. one created a half-golem-balor-ghost,
another is rumored to have given life to the aboleth race.).
False God
Large Outsider (Evil, may also be Lawful or Chaotic, Abomination)
Hit Dice: 40d8+360 (680 hp)
Initiative: +15
Speed: 50 ft (10 squares), Climb 50 ft., Swim 50 ft., Burrow 50 ft., Fly 50 ft.
Armor Class: 45 (-1 Size, +7 Dex, +13 natural, +16 Deflection), touch 32,
flat-footed 38
Base Attack/Grapple: +40/+50
Attack: Annihilate +46 Melee or Ranged Touch (Annihilation, see below)
Full Attack: Annihilate +46 Melee or Ranged Touch (Annihilation, see below)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Annihilation, Spell-Like Abilities, Domain, Divine Aura
Special Qualities: Abomination Traits, Fast Healing 20, Regeneration 20, SR
42, DR 40/Epic, Energy Resistance (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic)
20, Dark Vision 240’, Divine Power
Saves: Fort +47, Ref +45, Will +47
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 25, Con 29, Int 26, Wis 28, Cha 43
Skills: Bluff +50, Concentration +45, Diplomacy +50, Gather Information
+50, Intimidate +50, Knowledge (Arcane, Geography, History, Local,
Religion, The Planes) +42, Listen +43, Search +42, Sense Motive +43,
Spellcraft +42, Spot +43, Use Magic Device +50, any three other skills at 36
Feats: Blind-Fight, Blinding Speed, Boost Spell-Like Ability, Combat Reflexes,
Empower Spell-Like Ability, Heighten Spell-Like Ability, Improved Combat
Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Intimidating Strike, Master Manipulator,
Maximize Spell-Like Ability, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Superior Initiative,
Violate Spell-Like Ability
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 30
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Any Evil
Advancement: 41+ HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: -----
” The Gods visit the sins of the fathers upon the children.“
The Gods are responsible for their creation, and their continued existence.
A False God wanders the Planes until it finds a suitable niche somewhere far
from the attentions of it's Divine parent, and begins to try to set itself up as
a God by the use of it's magical abilities. It is believed they wish to convert
worshipers away from the true Gods in a bid to usurp their power, although it
isn't likely they have a real chance of doing this. At least it's widely assumed
that this or just a blatant attempt to grab power in the material world is their
it is also unknown exactly why their progeny are so vile. For Evil deities their
children being murdering, manipulative monsters comes as no surprise. But
what cause the children of Good deities (and whatever they mated with) to
be so unconscionably foul? There are even rumors of a seductress of some
power who personally hopes to defeat the Gods with their own sons and
False Gods can generally appear as almost anything they like with their
ability to Shapechange. They often appear as a member of whatever race
they are attempting to influence, or at least in a form that they would find
attractive or comfortable. But in moments of great anger or frustration their
true nature bubbles to the surface, and they momentarily lose control and
appear as some sort of ever shifting monstrosity.
Annihilation (Ex): Mortal beings cannot withstand the assaults of a False God.
As a Standard Action the False God can make a Melee or Ranged Touch
Attack (range is 240’). If the attack is successful, and the victim has no
Divine Rank, he must make a DC 46 Willpower Save or Die. If the Save is
successful he instead takes 10d6 untyped damage. If the opponent has
Divine Rank and the attack is successful it instead does 3d6 plus the False
Gods Charisma Modifier. The exact appearance of the attack varies from
False God to False God, and can look like virtually anything (however they all
operate the same mechanically).
Spell Like Abilities (Sp): False Gods may cast the following at will as Spell-
Like Abilities: Heal, Limited Wish, Mass Charm Monster, Mass Cure Serious
Wounds, Shapechange. Caster Level is equal to Hit Dice.
Domain (Su): False Gods have access to one Domain associated with their
Divine Parent. They may cast any Domain spell of 6th level or lower at will as
a Spell-Like Ability. 7-8th level Domain spells can be cast 3/day as a Spell-
Like ability, and 9th level spells 1/day. Caster Level is equal to Hit Dice. It
can use the Domain Ability at will, Cleric Level is equal to it’s Hit Dice.
Divine Aura (Su): Any being within 100' is affected by the False Gods Divine
Aura if they fail a DC 46 Willpower Save (Save DC is Charisma Based). If
they succeed they are immune to this False Gods Aura for 24 hours. If they
fail they are subject to the Aura's effects for the duration of the encounter
and for 1 hour after. The False God can use one of the following effects. It is
born able to use this effect and cannot change it later:
Love: All beings in the Area are Charmed as if by a Charm Person spell.
This is a Mind-Affecting Effect. Beings with a Divine Rank or more Hit Dice
than the False God are immune to this ability.
Divine Power (Su): False Gods get a Deflection Bonus to their AC, and a
Profane Bonus to their Saving Throws equal to their Charisma Modifier.
Skills: The False God has a +12 Racial Bonus on any 3 Skills associated with
it’s Divine Parents Domains or Portfolio.
Combat: False Gods attempt to hide their nature as long as possible using
their spell like abilities to pretend to be priests or wizards. But if something
should actually harm them or upset their plans, they will be quick to use their
Annihilation ability.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Religion) may have heard the stories
about the False Gods. When the character makes a skill check, the following
lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.
DC Lore
50 The False Gods are Abominations, children of a Deity and a Lesser
(possibly mortal) being (this reveals all Abomination traits). False
Gods are incredibly powerful and can kill with a gesture if necessary.
55 The False Gods are utterly Evil, and driven to destroy their parents by
trying to replace them in the hearts of their worshipers. They are
vulnerable to the Clerics patronized by their Divine Parent.
60 The Gods themselves will not personally attack the False Gods, but
they will back mortal champions who do so.
Plot Hook
The PC's have been asked to find out what's behind raids in the local desert.
Defeating the bandits, they stealthily follow them to their lair, and find a
camp built around an oasis on no maps they know of. What lurks in the pool
can only be called an abomination before the Gods. A monstrous violation of
nature. Fleeing back to their city bound employers they make ready to lead
an assault that may well be the death of them all.
Animals in a nearby forest have been somehow picking off the villages one
by one. Eventually the PC's find a deserted town filled with the staring
malignant eyes of what should be dumb beasts gazing at them from every
cranny. After enduring countless assaults from animals far craftier than they
should be, the PC's venture into the forest to find the source of their
discomfort, and find waiting for them a thing that demands to be worshiped
on pain of their deaths.
The High Temple of Pelor has been destroyed by what appears to be a rival
God. A God with...less than benevolent intentions. A God who claims to
have defeated Pelor and replaced him as deity of the Sun. All of the priests
are dead so there is no one to say otherwise. The PC's have been asked to
find out what has happened. If they can escape the city.
The PC's rescue what appears to be a lone woman surrounded by a gathering
of Druids. The Druids seem to give up a little too easily, perhaps even
without combat. And long after they have left the forest, the PC's new
traveling companion begins to exhibit certain powers. Powers that suggest
that perhaps she never needed the PC's help. Powers that suggest they may
have been wrong in 'rescuing' her. But how can they find out what her
intentions are now?
Medium Outsider (Abomination, Chaotic, Evil, Incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 36d8 +252 (540 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: fly 200 ft. (perfect)
AC: 37 (+4 dexterity, +14 profane, +9 deflection)
Base Attack/Grapple: +36/-
Attack: -
Full Attack: -
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Bane of the divine, intercession, profane blast, spell-like
abilities, summon quells
Special Qualities: Abomination traits, divine immunity, DR 36/epic and silver,
R 36, sacrilegious, SR 46
Saves: Fort +31, Ref +28, Will +38
Abilities: Str -, Dex 18, Con 25, Int 22, Wis 38, Cha 28
Skills: Appraise +42, Bluff +48, Concentration +46, Diplomacy +48,
Intimidate +48, Knowledge (religon, the planes, undead) +45, Listen +53,
Move Silently +43, Sense Motive +53, Spellcraft +45, Spot +53
Feats: Ability Focus (Profane Blast), Combat Casting, Quicken Spell-like
Ability (flame strike), Thick-Skinned (x3), Spell Pentration
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed (x3), Great Wisdom (x2), Tenacious Magic
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 24
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always Chaotic Evil
Advancement: 36-108 HD (Medium)
Necodius target deities and divine spellcasters before attacking other foes.
Bane of the Divine (Su): Necodius gain a profane bonus to AC equal to their
wisdom bonus.
Intercession (Su): A Necodius can cut divine spellcasters off from their
source of power. To do so, the Necodius makes a turning check as if it were a
cleric of a level equal to the Necodius' Hit Dice. The result indicates the
highest-level divine spellcasters the necodius can cut off from their deity. The
turning damage result indicates the maximum total Hit Dice of divine
spellcasters within 60 ft. the ability can affect. Normally, affected divine
spellcasters cannot turn undead or cast divine spells for 1 minute; however,
if the necodius has twice as many HD as the spellcaster has divine levels, the
divine spellcaster loses the ability to turn undead and cast divine spells for 24
hours. Deities can be affected by this ability (even if they are not divine
spellcasters) but gain effective turn resistance equal to their divine rank.
Normally, affected deities are reduced to divine rank 0 for 1 minute;
howevet, if the Necodius has at least twice as many HD as the deity has
levels, the deity is reduced to divine tank 0 for 24 hours. Quells can use their
Coupled Intercession ability to increase the effective cleric level of the
Necodius.; NB:Unlike Quells, Necodius can attack their victims w/o ending
the effect prematurely and can use this ability an unlimited number of times
per day.
Profane Blast (Su): As a standard action, the Necodius can make a ranged
touch attack against any creature within 100 ft.. The subject takes 15d6
points of vile damage, 2d6 points of Wisdom drain and (if the target is a
deity) permanently reduces the subject's divine rank by 1d4 (if this bring the
target's divine rank to less than zero, the target becomes mortal). A
sucessful Will save (DC 39) halves the vile damage and negates the Wisdom
drain and divine rank loss.
Summon Quells (Sp): Three times a day, as a standard action, the Necodius
can summon 2d10 quells.
Divine Immunity (Su): The Necodius is immune to all divine magic and
Salient Divine Abilities.
Regeneration (Ex): The Necodius takes normal damage from holy weapons
and weapons forged by a deity.
Sacrilegious (Su): The necodius can cause the destruction of any number of
holy (or unholy) symbols within 60 ft. of it as a free action. Such symbols will
combust, melt, shatter, bend or snap in half, or otherwise be ruined,
rendering them useless for turning or rebuking attempts, as spell foci, and so
on. If the symbol was magical, it is entitled to a Fortitude save to avoid
destruction. The necodius can employ this ability not just against priest's
symbols, but against books, tabards, tapestries, or other objects that bear
such an image (often ruining the decorated item in the process). A creature
with such an image branded or tattooed onto its skin will suffer if the
necodius employs this ability against them - they take 3d6 points of damage
and 3 points of Constitution damage, as the profane abomination causes the
skin beneath the image to crack open and ooze blood.
The Untrammeled Titans of Oblivion are the greatest and most horrible of all
the children of the Immortal Dark, apocalyptic sentinels of unhallowed
majesty who herald the end times of dimensions. They are horrifically
powerful, beyond even the ability of immortals to defeat. Indeed, deities are
among their most favored prey. Although few in number, their abysmal
might is enough to turn the tide of any battle in their favor, and far fewer still
is the number of their slain, for rare indeed is the demise of these awesome
Special Qualities:A cyber creature retains the special qualities of the base
creature and gains the following:
- Computer Link (Ex):As a move action, a cyber creature can link with any
computer it can reach, using short filaments that extend from its fingertips
(or equivalent). Once the physical link it achieved, the cyber creature can use
the computer to accomplish complex computer-related tasks more quickly
than normal. A task that normally requires 1 or more minutes to complete on
the computer takes a full-round action instead, while a task that normally
takes 1 or more hours takes 1 minute instead. The DC of the skill check
increases by 5, however, as the cyber creature trades caution for
A cyber creature retains its Dexterity bonus to armor class while linked to a
computer. Disconnecting from the computer is a free action, and a linked
cyber creature who takes an attack action automatically severs the link. The
link is also broken the moment the cyber creature can no longer reach the
Armor Class:A cyber knight retains the armor bonuses of the base creature
and gains the following:
- Natural Armor Bonus (Ex):A cyber knight gains an armor bonus equal to its
Hit Dice. 4.8
Special Qualities:A cyber knight retains all the special qualities of the base
creature and gains the following:
- Damage Reduction (Ex):A cyber knight gains damage reduction equal to
half its Hit Dice/ - . 1.2
- Fast Healing (Ex):A cyber knight gains fast healing equal to half its Hit
Dice. 1.2
- Robosoul (Ex):A cyber knight can gain robot accessories, components, and
upgrades as cybernetic implants; and can gain robot feats as if it were a
robot (biodroid and bioreplica accessories, components, feats, and upgrades
only). It must, however, meet all other prerequisites for all accessories,
components, feats, and upgrades. 1.2
Dark Lord is a template that can be applied to any intelligent creature of evil
alignment. Changes to the creature’s statistics are as follows:
Size and Type: The base creature’s type does not change, but it gains the
Evil subtype. Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice: Increase to d20. Dark lords have maximum hit points per hit die.
1d, 1f
Speed: Triple the base creature’s speed. The dark lord gains a fly speed
equal to its land speed or the base creature’s fly speed, whichever is greater.
All dark lords have perfect maneuverability. 1d, 1f
Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +10. Dark lords gain a profane
bonus to Armor Class equal to their Charisma bonus and an insight bonus to
Armor Class equal to their Wisdom bonus. +1, 1d, 1d
Attacks: A dark lord's base attack bonus is increased to be equal to its total
HD. All natural attacks the base creature possessed have their damage
increased by three steps. A dark lord also gains a touch attack that deals 1d8
points of vile damage per HD of the dark lord. Dark lords may use
manufactured or natural weapons in place of this touch attack; those that do
so deal an additional 1d8 points of vile damage per HD on a successful
attack. 1d
Space/Reach: A dark lord’s reach doubles (see the shadow’s reach ability),
but its space is unchanged. 1f
Special Attacks: The dark lord retains all special attacks of the base creature
and also gains the following special attacks:
Butcher the Weak (Ex): A dark lord gains a +20 morale bonus to all attack
and damage rolls against creatures with fewer hit dice than it. Furthermore,
all critical threats against such creatures are automatically confirmed and
deal maximum damage. 1d, 2f
Command (Ex): A dark lord may command the fealty of any creature of its
base creature type within earshot. Creatures that fail a Will save are subject
to the dark lord’s every demand, although suicidal or obviously harmful tasks
elicit another Will save. Once a creature successfully saves, it is forever
immune to the command of that dark lord. Save DCs are Charisma-based. 1d
Death Throes (Ex): If killed, a dark lord explodes, dealing 1d20 points of
permanent damage (2) per hit die (no save) to all creatures within 50 ft per
HD of the dark lord. 1d
Frightful Glare (Su): Gaze attack, range 10 ft per HD. Affected creatures
must succeed on a Will save or be paralyzed with fear for 2d10 rounds. This
is a mind-affecting fear effect. 1d
Rebuke Undead (Su): A dark lord can rebuke undead as an evil cleric of a
level equal to its HD. 1f
Retributive Curse (Su): When a dark lord is killed, all creatures who had a
hand in the dark lord’s demise are subject to a bestow curse effect (no save)
and must succeed at a Will save or suffer a bestow greater curse effect. The
being that actually killed the dark lord automatically receives both curses and
must succeed at a Will save at a -4 penalty or suffer a bestow malediction
(3) effect that can never be removed. The save DCs are Charisma-based. 1d
Shadow’s Reach (Su): When a dark lord engages in combat, a large, faint,
shadow version of itself appears around it. This larger image strikes as the
dark lord does, effectively doubling its reach. 1f
Spell-like Abilities: Caster level equal to the dark lord's CR or existing caster
level, whichever is higher. Save DCs are Charisma-based. Spell-like abilities
usable at will—bestow curse, black blade of disaster, deeper darkness, detect
good, dominate person, enervation, greater planar binding, plane shift, raise
dead, summon monster IX (evil creatures only), telekinesis, true seeing,
unhallow, unholy blight, wall of pain (4), wrack; 5/day—bestow greater
curse, blasphemy, energy drain, dominate monster, gate, mindrape, pain
circuit (5), resurrection, shades, soul bind, wish; 1/day—bestow malediction
(3), eclipse, dragon strike, evil weather, rain of blood (6), true resurrection;
1/month—apocalypse from the sky.
Summon Fiends (Sp): Three times per day a dark lord may summon an evil
outsider with equal or fewer hit dice than the dark lord or multiple evil
outsiders with combined hit dice equal to or less than twice the dark lord’s hit
dice, with no one fiend having more than half the dark lord’s hit dice. Unique
beings can be summoned, but they are entitled to a Will save to resist the
summons. This is the equivalent of an epic spell. The save DC is Charisma-
based. 1c
Special Qualities: A dark lord retains all special qualities of the base creature
and also gains the following special qualities:
Blindsight 200 ft. 1f
Damage reduction 50/epic and good. 1d
Darkvision equal to the dark lord’s normal vision. 1f
Fast healing 50. 1d
Immunity to death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects, poison,
starvation, and suffocation. 1d
Resistance 50 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage. 5f
Spell Resistance equal to the dark lord’s CR +20. 1f
Irredeemable (Ex): A dark lord’s alignment cannot be shifted away from evil
by any means. 1d
Master of Corruption (Ex): A dark lord that can cast spells is immune to
corruption damage. 1d
Master of Dark Words (Ex): A dark lord has perfect command of the Dark
Speech and never suffers ability damage from its use. 1d
Omnicompetent (Ex): A dark lord knows all skills and has maximum ranks in
all skills. 2d
Remold (Ex): Any creature the dark lord kills and restores to life has its
alignment shifted to evil and is under the command of the dark lord. 1d
See in Darkness (Su): A dark lord can see perfectly in any darkness, even
magical darkness. 1f
Saves: A dark lord adds its Charisma modifier as a profane bonus to all
saving throws. 1d
Abilities: Str +60, Dex +30, Con +40, Int +30, Wis +20, Cha +50. +23
Feats: A dark lord gains Cleave, Dark Speech, Epic Leadership, Leadership,
Epic Reputation, Great Cleave, Polyglot, and Power Attack as bonus feats. 8f
Speed:An entropic creature gains a fly speed equal to its base land speed
with perfect maneuverability. .8
NB:Entropic creatures do not fly; rather they are not subject to gravity in the
same way other creatures are. They can move in any direction through any
medium, disintegrating solid matter in their path.
Special Attacks:An entropic creature retains the special attacks of the base
creature and gains the following:
Special Qualities:An entropic creature retains the special attacks of the base
creature and gains the following:
Creating an Acolyte
The acolyte uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities, except
as noted here.
Armor Class:An acolyte retains the armor bonuses of the base creature and
gains the following:
Special Attacks:An acolyte retains the special attacks of the base creature
and gains the following:
- Postcognition (Su):An acolyte can see into a being's past and learn its
history. The target must make a Will save or have their entire history
become known to the acolyte. If the save fails, the GM should reveal any
pertinent (written) facts about the individual’s history. An acolyte can
attempt to discern an individual’s history any number of times, but each time
they successfully save against the acolyte's prying they gain a cumulative
+10 circumstance bonus for their next save. The save DC is Charisma-based.
- Silver Tongue (Su) Anyone who hears an acolyte's voice must make a Will
save or be charmed (as if by a charm monster spell). Use of this ability
represents a swift action. Caster Level = Hit Dice. The save DC is Charisma-
based. 1.2
Special Qualities:An acolyte retains the special qualities of the base creature
and gains the following:
- Damage Reduction (Ex):An acolyte gains damage reduction equal to half its
Hit Dice (round down; 5 = minimum). If the acolyte has 20 total Hit Dice or
less then the damage reduction will be DR x/aligned [chaotic (if lawful) or
lawful (if chaotic)] and magic or x/aligned [good] and magic. If the acolyte
has greater than 20 total Hit Dice then the damage reduction will be DR
x/aligned [chaotic (if lawful) or lawful (if chaotic)] and epic or x/aligned
[good] and epic. .75
(i.e. A 10 Hit Dice chaotic evil acolyte gains DR x/good or lawful; and magic,
allowing aligned (good or lawful) magic weapons to bypass its damage
Saves:An acolyte gains a profane bonus to its saves equal to its Charisma
modifier. 1.2
Abilities:An acolyte gains +18 Int, +18 Wis, and +18 Cha. 5.4
Alignment:Any evil.
Creating a Heartless
The heartless uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities,
except as noted here.
Armor Class:A heartless retains the armor bonuses of the base creature and
gains the following:
- Insight Bonus (Ex):A heartless gains an insight bonus equal to its Wisdom
modifier. 1.2
Special Attacks:A heartless retains the special attacks of the base creature
and gains the following:
- Blinding Beauty (Su):This ability affects all creatures within 100 ft. + 10
ft./Hit Die of a heartless. Those who look directly at a heartless must succeed
on a Fortitude (DC 10 + 1/2 Hit Dice + Charisma modifier) save or be
blinded permanently as though by the blindness spell. A heartless can
suppress or resume this ability as a free action. 1.2
- Embodiment of Lust (Var.):A heartless gains the Lust (i.e. Love.) Portfolio
(see Chapter 3 for more details on Portfolios). If the heartless is not
possessed of a divine template, it only gains the first tier of attributes
associated with this portfolio (i.e. Disciple.). If the heartless is possessed of a
divine template, it gains each tier of attributes associated with this portfolio
- Intoxicating Scent (Su):Any creature that comes within 100 ft. + 10 ft./Hit
Die of a heartless must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 Hit Dice + Charisma
modifier) or be intoxicated by its pernicious aura. This ability works like a
mind fog spell; its effects persist as long as the victim remains within 100 ft.
+ 10 ft./Hit Die of the heartless, plus an additional 2d6 rounds. A heartless
can suppress or resume this ability as a free action. 1.2
- Silver Tongue (Su) Anyone who hears an heartless's voice must make a Will
save or be charmed (as if by a charm monster spell). Use of this ability
represents a swift action. Caster Level = Hit Dice. The save DC is Charisma-
based. 1.2
Special Qualities:A heartless retains the special qualities of the base creature
and gains the following:
(i.e. A 10 Hit Dice chaotic evil heartless gains DR x/good or lawful; and
magic, allowing aligned [good or lawful] magic weapons to bypass its
damage reduction.)
- Spell Resistance (Su):A heartless gains spell resistance equal to 10 + its Hit
Saves:A heartless gains a profane bonus to its saves equal to its Charisma
modifier. 1.2
Alignment:Any evil.
Level Adjustment:Same as the base creature +17.458.
Among the population of every kind of creature are some specimens that are
its weakest, worst representatives. Likewise, every population has its
paragons:the strongest, smartest, luckiest, and most powerful of the species.
Paragons may represent the mythical First Creature, created in its perfect
form by some creator deity, or perhaps the evolutionary endpoint of a race
after thousands of years of steady improvement. Sometimes, paragons just
spring up accidentally, when all the factors are right.
Creating a Paragon
Size and Type:Animals and vermin become magical beasts. Otherwise, Type
is unchanged. A paragon gains the psionic subtype. Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice:A paragon uses d20's (Divine Toughness) for Hit Dice and has
maximum hit points. 1.2, .2
Armor Class:A paragon retains the armor bonuses of the base creature and
gains the following:
- Luck Bonus (Ex):A paragon gains a +50 luck bonus (see Fortuity). 60
Special Attacks:A paragon retains all the special attacks of the base creature
and gains the following:
Special Qualities:A paragon retains all the special qualities of the base
creature and gains the following:
- Fortuity (Ex):A paragon adds a +50 luck bonus to:armor class; attack rolls;
checks (ability checks, caster level checks, manifester level checks, skill
checks, turning checks); damage rolls; difficulty class (for any powers, psi-
like abilities, special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; power
resistance; saving throws; spell resistance; and turn resistance (if
- S/P Resistance (Ex):A paragon gains spell and power resistance equal to 10
+ Hit Dice + 50 (see Fortuity).
Saves:A paragon gains a +50 luck bonus to all saves (see Fortuity).
- Maven & Omnicompetent (Ex):A paragon gains maximum ranks in all skills
(w/all skills becoming class skills). 2.4
Treasure:Double standard.
Amidah or Ultimate One (for there can only be one per multiverse), is a
template that can be added to any Paragon (Perfect One) (referred to
hereafter as the "base creature"). The Amidah uses all the base creature's
statistics and special abilities, except as noted here.
Hit Dice:An Amidah uses d100's (Cosmic Toughness) for Hit Dice, rather than
d20's (see Paragon) and has quadruple (*Cosmic Firmament (x3)) maximum
hit points, rather than maximum hit points (see Paragon).;*If the Amidah is
a deity, the Amidah is treated as if always within
their godly realm, regardless of where they manifest.; NB:This Cosmic
Firmament ability is the template version of Cosmic Firmament
and different from the Cosmic Firmament ability listed under Cosmic Abilities
(I.H.:A.). 29
Armor Class:An amidah retains the armor bonuses of the base creature and
gains the following:
- Luck Bonus (Ex):An amidah gains a +75 luck bonus (see Fortuity), rather
than a +50 luck bonus (see Paragon). 30
Special Attacks:An amidah retains all the special attacks of the base creature
and gains the following:
- Evil Eye (Su):An amidah can automatically (no action required) manipulate
(no save) the fate of any/all creature(s), location(s), and/or object(s) within
Extreme range (400 ft.+40 ft. per HD/L of the amidah) or the range of its
divine aura (if any, if greater). For example...The creature(s), location(s),
and/or object(s) gain the best or worst (its choice) results on all dice rolls.
However, a natural “20” is not an automatic success and a natural "1" is only
an automatic failure if the target(s) (is a/are) creature(s) and (it/they) opt(s)
to fail.
Special:Creatures with the Inner Eye ability can't have their destiny
tampered with in this manner. They, however, can no longer manipulate
their own fate (as per the benefits of the Inner Eye ability). 43.2
Special Qualities:An amidah retains all the special qualities of the base
creature and gains the following:
- Fast Healing (Ex):An amidah gains fast healing 75/round, rather than
50/round (see Paragon). 1.875
- Fortuity (Ex):An amidah adds a +75 luck bonus to:armor class; attack
rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, manifester level checks, skill
checks, turning checks); damage rolls; difficulty class (for any powers, psi-
like abilities, special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; power
resistance; saving throws; spell resistance; and turn resistance (if
applicable), rather than a +50 luck bonus (see Paragon).
Saves:An amidah gains a +75 luck bonus to all saves (see Fortuity), rather
than a +50 luck bonus to all saves (see Paragon).
Abilities:An amidah gains a +75 bonus to all ability scores, rather than a +50
bonus to all ability scores (see Paragon). 15
Skills:An amidah gains a +75 luck bonus to all skills (see Fortuity).
Feats:An amidah gains 10 bonus feats, rather than 5 bonus feats (see
Paragon). 1
Treasure:Triple standard.
Alignment:Any, usually same as the base creature.
A pseudonatural creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special
abilities except as noted here.
Armor Class:A pseudonatural creature retains the armor bonuses of the base
creature and gains the following:
Special Attacks:A pseudonatural creature retains all the special attacks of the
base creature, and gains the following special attacks:
Special Qualities:A pseudonatural creature has all the special qualities of the
base creature, plus the following special qualities:
— Blindsight 500 ft. +1
— Immunity to poison. +.2
— Acid and electricity resistance 15 plus 5 per 4 Hit Dice (round up). +2.4
— Damage reduction 5/epic, if 1-7 Hit Dice; 10/epic, if 8-15 Hit Dice; or
15/epic, if 16+ Hit Dice. +.75
— A pseudonatural creature's natural weapons are treated as epic weapons
for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
— Spell resistance equal to Hit Dice x 5. +5
- Change Shape (Su):As a standard action, a pseudonatural creature can
take pseudonatural form (a grotesque, tentacled mass; or another
appropriately gruesome form). This ability functions as described for the
change shape ability (see v3.5 M.M.), except as follows:+.5
— The creature retains the size, natural weapons, movement modes, special
attacks, and special qualities of its original form.
— The creature gains the tentacle attacks granted by this template (see
Attack, above).
— The creature gains All-Around Vision (see Beholder (v3.5 M.M.)). NB:No
— The creature becomes amorphous. It cannot be flanked, and is not subject
to extra damage from critical hits. +.7
— Creatures native to the Material Plane take a -1 morale penalty on attack
rolls against a pseudonatural creature in its pseudonatural form. +.125
Abilities:Increase from the base creature as follows:Str +22, Con +10, Dex
+10, Wisdom +10, Intelligence at least 3. +5.2
Challenge Rating:+13.252; +0.777 per 4 Hit Dice.
Alignment:Always chaotic evil.
Level Adjustment:+19.879; +1.166 per 4 Hit Dice.
Superior Half-Dragon
Size and Type:The creature’s type changes to dragon, and it gains the
augmented subtype. Size is unchanged. Do not recalculate base attack bonus
or saves.
Hit Dice:Increase the base creature’s Hit Dice as follows:d20 for half-epic
dragons and d100 for half-adamic and half-nehaschimic dragons. Superior
half-dragons always gain maximum hit points per die (half-nehaschimic
dragons gain double maximum hit points per die).
Speed:A superior half-dragon has wings, and may fly at three times their
base land speed with good maneuverability, or as the base creature,
whichever is better.
Armor Class:A superior half-dragon gains a natural armor bonus of +12 (epic
dragon), +36 (adamic dragon), or +108 (nehaschimic dragon), which stacks
with the base creature’s natural armor. It also gains a deflection bonus from
its wings (see below) which doesn't stack with any other deflection bonus.
Attack:A superior half-dragon has two claw attacks, two wing buffet attacks,
and a bite attack, and the claws are the primary natural weapon. If the base
creature can use weapons, the superior half-dragon retains this ability. A
superior half-dragon fighting without weapons uses a claw when making an
attack action. When it has a weapon, it usually uses the weapon instead.
Full Attack:A superior half-dragon fighting without weapons uses both claws,
both wings, and its bite when making a full attack. If armed with a weapon,
it usually uses the weapon as its primary attack and its wings and bite as
natural secondary attacks. If it has a hand free, it uses a claw as an
additional natural secondary attack.
- Force (epic): A half-force dragon breathes a cone of pure force, dealing 1d4
points of force damage per Hit Die of the half-dragon (no save).
- Platinum (epic): A half-platinum dragon has two breath weapons. The first
is a cone of sonic energy that deals 1d6 damage per Hit Die of the half-
dragon (half damage on a successful Reflex save). The other is a cone of
healing vapors that heals 5 points of damage per Hit Die (this harms undead
creatures, who may make a Reflex save for half damage). The half-platinum
dragon may inhale the latter breath weapon if it chooses, affecting only itself.
~ Void (adamic): A half-void dragon’s wings are utterly black, being wing-
shaped holes in the fabric of reality. A half-void dragon’s wing buffet attacks
are always touch attacks, and ignore all hardness and damage reduction.
Moreover, they deal permanent damage. Permanent damage cannot be
healed, except by a limited wish (which restores 1 hit point) or wish (which
restores 1 hit point per caster level).
or shadow.
(Double) Darkness Portfolio
Divine Status Ability/weakness gained
Disciple 'Subdomain and spell-like abilities. You gain up
to +1 subdomain (w/o having to sacrifice any of Varies
your domain's abilities, etc.) and you can use any (2/round)
at will.
your domain's abilities, etc.) and you can use any (2/round)
of your domain or subdomain spells as spell-like abilities
at will.
Positive Energy Vulnerability Suffer
+100% damage from positive energy. Always active
Undead You
gain the Undead type. Always
Prophet Cold Immunity You
are immune to cold. Always
Hero-deity Greater Scion of Death
Competence bonus (= 2x your divine rank) on attack rolls, Always
hit points.
Prophet Entropic Immunity You're
immune to entropic effects (inc. death effects; Always active
your domain's abilities, etc.) and you can use any (2/round)
at will.
Greater Voidborn Gains
the Void subtype, Starflight, X-ray Vision 60 ft.. Varies.
Chronal Vulnerability
Chronal effects are +100% effective vs. you. Always
Sloth's Grace You
gain a competence penalty to your Dex (= 2x your Always active
divine rank.
Prophet Cold Immunity You
are immune to cold. Always
Hero-deity Greater Scion of the Void
Competence bonus (= 2x your divine rank) on attack rolls, Always
Opposed Portfolio:Chupacabras.
Prerequisites:Must be a Cat or of Cat ancestry.
Special:Can't be Chupacabra-blooded.
Domain:Animal (Fur).
You create a divine realm populated by Cats and Cat kin.
Hazards:Cats and Cat kin inhabit these realms.
Inhabitants:Cats and Cat kin are drawn to these realms.
string ability.
Old One Elusion You
can make a Ref. saving throw against an opponents level Always active
to avoid any type of assault (whether magical or physical).
First One Evil Eye
Enemies within your divine aura use the worst possible Always
die rolls.
Opposed Portfolio:Wolves.
Prerequisites:Must be a Deer or of Deer ancestry.
Special:Can't be Wolf-blooded.
Domain:Animal (Fur).
You create a divine realm populated by Deer and Deer kin.
Hazards:Deer and Deer kin inhabit these realms.
Inhabitants:Deer and Deer kin are drawn to these realms.
Wolf kin.
Quasi-deity Improved Summoning
Summoned Deer and Deer kin have 50% more HD. Always
Demi-deity Embodiment of Deerkind
Immunities only 50% effective vs. your magic (inc. Sp, Su, Always
string ability.
Old One Elusion You
can make a Ref. saving throw against an opponents level Always active
to avoid any type of assault (whether magical or physical).
divine rank. This can't lower your Cha to less than 10.
Prophet Disciple of the Deer You gain
Deer Traits (unless an Deer or Deer kin). Always active
Wolf kin.
Quasi-deity Improved Summoning
Summoned Deer and Deer kin have 200% more HD. Always
Demi-deity Embodiment of Deerkind
Immunities ineffective vs. your magic (inc. Spells, Sp, Su, Always
string ability.
Old One Exclusivity The
first opponent to deliver a successful attack against Always active
Opposed Portfolio:Giants.
Prerequisites:Must be a dragon or of dragon ancestry.
Special:Can't be giant-blooded.
Domain:Scalykind (dragon).
You create a divine realm populated by dragons and dragon kin.
Hazards:Dragons and dragon kin inhabit these realms.
Inhabitants:Dragons and dragon kin are drawn to these realms.
string ability.
Old One Cosmic Font Your
power comes from within. Your magic (inc. Sp, Su, etc.). Always active
divine rank. This can't lower your Dex to less than 10.
Prophet Disciple of the Wyrm You gain
the traits of any true (nonepic/neotic, etc.) dragon Always active
Opposed Portfolio:Humans.
Prerequisites:Must be a fey or of fey ancestry.
NB:Pure-blooded Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, and Goblinoids (i.e.
Goblins, Orcs, etc.) qualify, as these races are all of fey origin
and considered fey kin (even if only barely/far removed).
Special:Can't be human-blooded. Inc. Half-breeds,
Halflings, and Human-blooded races.
You create a divine realm populated by fey and fey kin.
Hazards:Fey and fey kin inhabit these realms.
Inhabitants:Fey and fey kin are drawn to these realms.
divine rank. This can't lower your Con to less than 10.
Prophet Fey Lord You
gain the traits of any fey of 1/6th your HD/L (unless a fey). Always active
Cosmic Imperfection (Human) Two
artifacts in the universe can overcome your cosmic Always active
string ability.
Old One Alter Reality You
can Alter Reality itself.; NB:If you already have Swift Action
Opposed Portfolio:Celestials.
Prerequisites:Must be a Fiend or of Fiend ancestry.
Special:Can't be Celestial-blooded.
You create a divine realm populated by Fiends and Fiend kin.
Hazards:Fiends and Fiend kin inhabit these realms.
Inhabitants:Fiends and Fiend kin are drawn to these realms.
Celestial kin.
Quasi-deity Improved Summoning
Summoned Fiends and Fiend kin have 50% more HD. Always active
Demi-deity Taint of Evil 50%
of all damage you deal gains the [Vile] descriptor. Always Active
Lesser Deity Superior Unholy [Effect] Assault
your enemies w/Unholy attacks. Varies
Int. Deity Uncanny Unholy Mastery Assault
your enemies w/Unholy attacks. Varies
Greater Deity Fiend Soul Gain
(R(FH, if Con 0)) = 1/2 your HD/L while eating. Always active
Elder One Fiend Messiah You can't
be harmed either willingly or unwillingly by Always active
string ability.
Old One Evolve You
can evolve living creatures who can themselves create Standard Action
evolved creatures.
Celestial kin.
Quasi-deity Improved Summoning
Summoned Fiends and Fiend kin have 200% more HD. Always active
Demi-deity Greater Taint of Evil All
damage you deal gains the [Vile] descriptor. Always Active
Lesser Deity Superior Unholy [Effect] (x2) Assault
your enemies w/Unholy attacks. Varies
Int. Deity Uncanny Unholy Mastery (x2) Assault
your enemies w/Unholy attacks. Varies
Greater Deity Greater Fiend Soul Gain
(R(FH, if Con 0)) = your HD/L while eating. Always active
Elder One Fiend King You
automatically dominate all Fiends/Fiend kin of a Always active
string ability.
Old One Apostasy You
cannot be affected by any alignment based attacks. Always active
effects. For all intents and purposes you are beyond
First One Edifying Presence Change
alignment of targets within your divine aura (no save). Always Active
Opposed Portfolio:Chupacabras.
Prerequisites:Must be a Goat or of Goat ancestry.
Special:Can't be Chupacabra-blooded.
Domain:Animal (Fur).
You create a divine realm populated by Goats and Goat kin.
Hazards:Goats and Goat kin inhabit these realms.
Inhabitants:Goats and Goat kin are drawn to these realms.
Chupacabra kin.
Quasi-deity Improved Summoning
Summoned Goats and Goat kin have 50% more HD. Always
Demi-deity Embodiment of Goatkind
Immunities only 50% effective vs. your magic (inc. Sp, Su, Always
string ability.
Old One Assimilate Absorb
aspects of opponents you consume. Always active
divine rank. This can't lower your Cha to less than 10.
Prophet Disciple of the Goat You gain
Goat Traits (unless an Goat or Goat kin). Always active
This ability can't be lost or stolen or involuntarily
Chupacabra kin.
Quasi-deity Improved Summoning
Summoned Goats and Goat kin have 200% more HD. Always
Demi-deity Embodiment of Goatkind
Immunities ineffective vs. your magic (inc. Spells, Sp, Su, Always
string ability.
Old One Sophism You
can make a Will saving throw against an opponents level Always active
to avoid any type of assault (whether magical or physical).
First One Digestio Absorb
your opponents strengths by consuming their bodies. Always active
Aspects: Protection, Changelessness, Renewal
Opposed Portfolio: Decay
Examples: King Arthur (Celtic Hero-deity)
Favored Animal: Tortoise
Favored Class: Paladin
Favored Place: City
Favored Sacrifice: None
Favored Time: Spring Equinox, anniversary of defensive victory
Favored Weapon: Shield bash
Portfolio Trial: Must defend something or someone at the cost of your life
Prerequisites: Non-chaotic alignment
Symbol: A shield
Typical Quote: "You shall not pass!"
Preservation Domain
Granted Power: You can generate a protective ward as a supernatural ability.
Grant someone you touch a resistance bonus equal to your cleric level on his
or her next saving throw. Activating this power is a standard action. The
protective ward is an abjuration effect with a duration of 1 hour that is usable
once per day.
Elder One: You create a fortress-layer of perfect safety.
Old One: Your layer dominates the plane to which it is abridged.
First One: Your planar fortress dominates an entire dimension.
creature that asks for it, and has a lower ECL than you.
Anarchic Vulnerability You
suffer 50% extra damage from Chaotic attacks and spells. Always Active
Prophet Shield of Preservation You can
choose to take half the damage dealt to any ally in Always Active
Old One Legendary Constitution Your
Constitution is doubled. Always
First One Transilient Fortitude You
cannot fail Fortitude saving throws. Always Active
Like assassins and rogues, the Carnifex's discipline centers to a great degree
around the knowledge of human and demi-human anatomy, but where both
pursue arts founded on murderous expediency, the Carnifex endeavors to
cripple and demoralize before the kill. To strike well before they strike deep
is their ideal, marking the degradation of flesh and spirit as a worthier
accomplishment than the mere dispatching of a foe.
Some Carnifexes wed the cruelty of their art to the imperious dictates of
tyrants and conquerors, serving as grim enforcers of the rule of law. Others
are but deviants, insatiably drawn to savor and enact the manifold ways in
which strength and will can be made to crumble. All are fanatics, whatever
their affiliations or lack thereof, implacably drawn to sculpt and break the
minds of perceived offenders or easy prey through the cleansing fires of
Through the lives they lead, the atrocities they feel charged or entitled to
commit, Carnifexes become inescapably versed in the horrors of life and
sensation, which the mortal mind can never hope to encompass. Having seen
firsthand the depths to which others can fall, the Carnifex grows to discard
that which stands as common ground between them; reforging themselves
as creatures unreachable and inhuman, their hearts purged of all empathy,
fear and doubt.
Hit Die: d8
Class Skills
Class Features
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Carnifexes are proficient with all simple
weapons, all martial weapons, and light armor.
Baleful Prowess (Ex): The Carnifex knows well the virtues of precision and
alacrity, and automatically gains the weapon finesse feat. In addition to
being able to apply their dexterity modifier as their attack bonus with light
weapons, they can also do so with a single one-handed melee weapon of
their choice.
Bloodstained Reverie (Ex): At 2nd level, the Carnifex has become almost
spiritually attuned with the spark of violence. Through their own ferocity and
exhilaration in the wake of bloodletting, they can all but see and feel the
malicious intent of their opponents take form in near prophetic insight toward
the cadence of battle. Against creatures that are not mindless, the Carnifex
may add their wisdom modifier, if positive, as an insight bonus to their AC
while they are wearing light or no armor.
Reaver’s Art (Ex): At 4th level, the Carnifex has turned crippling and
disfigurement into their life’s art. Whenever they score a critical hit, they
may forsake their critical modifier to ensure that their attacks unduly maim
their opponents; shattering bones, cleaving tendons, and rending muscle to
mangled, weeping fiber. The opponent who falls pray to this ability must
succeed at a Fortitude save (DC: 10 + the Carnifex’s class level) or suffer a
-2 circumstance penalty on their attack rolls, armor class, saving throws, and
skill checks for the remainder of the battle.
The Carnifex gains additional options as to the effect of their Reaver's Art
ability every 4 levels as indicated:
At 8th level, the Carnifex has mastered the art of impeding a target’s range
of movement through the ruthless precision of their attacks: parting muscle
and sinew, wrenching skin from the bone, and ultimately ensuring that their
victim’s every step is hobbled by an accompanying surge of pain. Should the
Carnifex wish it, the target’s movement rate is effectively reduced to half by
this ability, running or charging becomes impossible, and the target suffers a
-4 circumstance penalty against tripping checks and on balance rolls.
At 12th level, the Carnifex can choose to maul the opponent’s primary
weapon arm or attacking limb. The target suffers a -5 circumstance penalty
on all attack rolls and disarm checks pertaining to the damaged limb, against
those wielding weapons two-handed, this penalty is halve but the damage
modifier is reduced to the standard single-handed equivalent; a target
wielding a weapon in one hand must succeed against an immediate opposed
attack roll with the aforementioned penalty to avoid dropping their weapon.
For monsters, consider the attack listed under ‘attack’ as the affected
At 16th level, the Carnifex can choose to crack or split the target’s ribs,
causing the bones’ jagged ends to saw into the target’s underlying flesh.
Each round, the victim of this attack suffers 1d6 points subdual damage and
cannot run lest they suffer the same amount of damage in lethal form. Any
movement on the target’s part fatigues them, and a successive instance of
this Reaver’s Art levels them exhausted and prone.
At 20th level, the Carnifex may choose to strike with such skill and subtlety
that their attack not only bares and excises a targeted mass of muscular or
organ tissue, but leaves the surrounding area exquisitely intact and all too
responsive in its wake… The initial trauma inflicts 1d6 points of constitution
drain, incurs the risk of death through massive damage (Fort DC: 15), and
the raw surge of pain that accompanies the vivisection incurs a 50% chance
on the target’s part that they will be too blinded by their continuing agony to
perform any actions in the wake of their mutilation. All spell casting attempts
must first muster a successful Concentration check at the Reaver’s Art DC
even if the target does manage to overcome the aforementioned percentile,
and any full-round movement on the target’s part will inflict a point of
temporary constitution damage on top of the existing drain.
All effects of the Reaver’s Art special ability end as soon as the target
receives magical healing or two days of complete rest; in the last case, only
the Regeneration spell can mend the constitution drain inflicted.
Fell Prodigy (Ex): The Carnifex has gleaned much from their depredations:
every panicked scream that they have coaxed forth, every crippling wound
that they have wrought upon an opponent’s flesh, every spirit crushed by
their brutality leads them to a perpetually burgeoning awareness of mortal
frailty. Killer's knowledge and instinct are woven as one into the fabric of
their being, and the Carnifex grows increasingly adept at exploiting the
wages of agony and horror as a result:
At 8th level, the Carnifex has further honed their ability to gauge the extent
of one’s degradation and vitality, enabling them to surmise the degree of a
threat that their enemies yet pose, and how far they are from total collapse.
Through instinct, experience, and awareness of even the most elusive of
signs, the Carnifex can determine a subject’s proximity to death provided
that there are within viewing range. This mimics the effects of the
deathwatch spell, and grants the Carnifex a +4 insight bonus on all Sense
Motive checks against helpless opponents and those who normally fall within
the Fragile range of the deathwatch spectrum.
At 12th level, the Carnifex has achieved thorough mastery in the ways of
butchery and infliction, increasing the DC on all saves against their Reaver’s
Art by four and allowing them to wield any weapon that they are proficient
with as though they possessed the improved critical feat. This is not
cumulative with latter or prior instances of the feat, or anything else that
nature, save for the Keen weapon quality.
At 16th level, the Carnifex may viciously exploit lapses in their opponent’s
defense. The Carnifex may inflict their base Reaver’s Art against flat-footed
opponents with or without a confirmed critical.
Hand of Mercy, Hand of Torment (Ex): At 6th level, the Carnifex guides their
blade with ruthless instinct and a morbidly discerning eye, their attacks
affecting a cruel balance of viciousness and subtlety to rend the flesh in the
most agonizing of ways, to heighten and prolong suffering as pleases the
Carnifex. The Carnifex can inflict subdual damage without suffering any
penalty to their attack rolls, although all but the base Reaver’s Art rely on
lethal damage, and against creatures that are susceptible to critical hits, the
Carnifex may add their wisdom modifier, if positive, as an insight bonus to
the damage that they deal.
The Carnifex may apply their Healing skill to further exacerbate the
symptoms and scope of physical injuries, allowing them to inflict their
Reaver’s Art upon helpless targets with no possible save on their part.
Sanguine Detachment (Ex): In the midst of all the misery that they have
witnessed, and all the agony they have caused, the Carnifex has become so
callous and jaded that they scarcely remain human. The Carnifex receives a
+4 bonus against all fear and enchantment based effects, and on all Sense
Motive checks directed against them.
Lurid Pangs (Ex): At 10th level, the Carnifex becomes all the more heinously
versed in their cruel art, their brutality made manipulative and insidious by
the acuity with which they can ply their targets through the agony of
infliction. In the event that the Carnifex successfully performs their Reaver’s
art, the target must make a Will save (at the same DC + the Carnifex's base
charisma modifier, if positive) lest they become shaken. Witnesses to the
victim’s agony are all too able to experience their trauma vicariously, and
must make the same Will save lest they suffer a -2 morale penalty to their
saves and skill checks, provided that they are within thirty feet of the victim.
Creatures with sharp senses, such as low light vision, are susceptible within
twice that range. The fear effect is cumulative against the target, should they
suffer further in this way.
At 14th level, the Carnifex’s onslaught is pervaded with such violence and
horror that those who perish before them are henceforth mired in the trauma
of their deaths, becoming so panic-stricken at the very notion of living and all
the suffering that they have known it to entail that they must succeed at a
Will save (DC: the Carnifex’s class level + the damage of their killing blow) or
reflexively shrink away from all reviving overtures.
Virulent Edge (Su): At 10th level, wounds inflicted by the Carnifex rot, weep,
and inflame with unnatural haste as the flesh molts and withers before the
underlying taint of the assault. Natural or unaided forms of healing, such as
that afforded through nonmagical care, rest, and Fast Healing, are voided by
the malignant nature of the injuries that have been inflicted. The Carnifex’s
attacks always inflict lethal damage against creatures with the Regeneration
trait, unless the Carnifex wishes to moderate the damage dealt.
At 16th level, the Carnifex’s attacks naturally assume the Wounding quality.
Glacial Divide (Ex): At 18th level, the Carnifex has become so inured to
bloodshed and tragedy that they are effectively emotionless. Fear, Confusion,
and Compulsion are powerless to sway them, and the Carnifex is no longer
susceptible to morale bonuses or penalties of any kind. The Carnifex can now
take 20 on all bluffs and intimidation that pertain to violence and
Should they fail, they become permanently insensate as per the effects of
the Feeblemind spell.
Helpless creatures subjected to the Reaver’s Art can be sculpted into living
Symbols of Pain, at twice the normal range of effect, if the Carnifex is
allowed uninterrupted access to them every day for seven days. Such a
creature cannot be restored to sanity or independence by any means short of
a Miracle, and cannot rest, eat, or drink, although they can be fed with
considerable effort. Should the victim of this ability die or be killed, their
residual agony will maintain the effect for five rounds afterward, and those
already afflicted will suffer its penalties for an hour as though they had
merely run out of its range.
Creatures that are immune to fear and pain are immune to this latter effect,
both as potential foci and as victims by proximity, as is the Carnifex.
Threat (Revised)
Threats fight brutally and don't back down from a challenge. They are steel-
minded and destroy all in their path; breaking bones, shattering rock, and
holding enemies in their place with a force few can muster. Vicious and
comparable to a pit fighter, they pull no punches and
become numb to the harm that befalls them. A Threat is exactly what their
name implies, a threat.
Hit Die:d12
Starting Wealth:3d6 x 10 gp (average 105 gp). In addition, each character
begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.
Class Skills
- Brawler (Ex):At 1st level, a Threat gains Improved Unarmed Strike (or
Versatile Unarmed Strike (PHII, Pg. 85), if already possessed of Improved
Unarmed Strike) as a bonus feat. Furthermore, he can apply
his Strength modifier as an untyped damage bonus to any natural attack
(inc. unarmed strike) twice per day per Threat level. This untyped bonus
damage stacks with the normal damage from his Strength modifier. Finally,
he can also apply the untyped bonus damage from his Mighty Blow class
feature to any natural attack (inc. unarmed strike).
- Fearless (Ex): At 1st level, a Threat gains immunity to fear (inc. fear
effects, etc.).
If a Threat already has uncanny dodge (see above) from another class, the
levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the
minimum rogue level required to flank the character.
Black Chorister
To qualify to become a black chorister, a character must fulfill all the
following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +7.
Skills: Knowledge (any one) 1 rank, Perform (any one) 5 ranks.
Special: Ability to cast at least one 5th-level divine spell from each of the
divination, enchantment, and illusion schools.
Class Skills: The black chorister’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise
(Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha),
Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int),
Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense
Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Use
Magic Device (Cha).
Black Chorister Class Features (Ex): As the standard bard, exc. as previously
Agent of Death
Almost every adventurer, over the course of their journeys, is forced to kill
other living things. Whether predators attacking their camp, armies of orcs in
the midst of an uprising, or alien entities bent on world conquest, there are
plenty of enemies out there that an adventurer might slay. For all of the
death involved in adventuring, however, normal adventurers come nowhere
near agents of death. Agents of death are the greatest of all specialized
assassins, about as likely to be serving a deity of death as to be selling their
art to the highest bidder. Though not outwardly magical, the bloodlust that
fills each agent of death heightens their skills beyond their normal limits and
allows them to store away the souls of those that they slay. Though many
agents of death are quite intelligent and a few are even charismatic, only
fools allow themselves to forget that each agent of death is always waiting
for another reason to kill. Masters of physical and psychological warfare, few
last longer than a few seconds in an ambush planned by an agent of death.
Hit Die: d6
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Disguise, Hide,
Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Local), Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock,
Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier
Agent of Death
Level Base Attack Bonus Special
1st +1 Crippling Strike 2/attack, Slay
2nd +2 Cat and Mouse 1/encounter
3rd +3 Bonus Feat
4th +4 Canny Slaughter 1/round
5th +5 True Death (10)
6th +6 Crippling Strike 4/attack
7th +7 Cat and Mouse 2/encounter
8th +8 Bonus Feat
9th +9 Canny Slaughter 2/round
10th +10 True Death (100)
Class Features: The following are class features of the Agent of Death.
Epic Spellcasting: Even without the Epic Spellcaster feat, an agent of death
can still develop and cast epic spells using the afflict, conceal, destroy,
dispel, slay, and/or transport seeds. For the purpose of developing epic spells
with these seeds (and only these seeds), costs in gold pieces and experience
points are halved. An agent of death may use his or her base attack bonus in
place of ranks in knowledge skills to gain epic spell slots and in place of ranks
in spellcraft when making the spellcraft check to cast such a spell. An agent
of death can cast an epic spell and make a full attack as a full-round action.
If the attack is successful, the epic spell slot is not expended. If the agent of
death doesn't cast spells, he or she uses his or her highest ability score
modifier to determine epic spell save DCs.
Slay (Ex): By watching a target and learning how it moves, an agent of death
can ensure a deadly assault. As a full-round action, an agent of death can
observe any enemy he or she possesses a line of sight with. The next attack
that the agent of death makes against that creature within the next three
rounds treats the opponent as flat-footed and automatically scores a critical
hit if it hits. If the target was unaware of the agent of death’s presence prior
to the attack, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 20 + Class level +
Int modifier) or either die instantly or become paralyzed for 1d6 hours at the
agent of death’s option. Creatures immune to critical hits are also immune to
this death and paralysis.
Crippling Strike (Ex): Agents of death are masters of disabling their foes,
stopping them from fighting back, escaping, or acquiring help. Whenever an
agent of death damages a creature with a a weapon (natural or
manufactured), he or she may apply two of the following benefits (or one if
the target is immune to critical hits). Each of the following benefits can be
chosen multiple times and their effects stack with themselves:
- The target possesses a -10 foot penalty to its speed for all modes of
movement it possesses for one round, down to a minimum of 5 ft. (multiple
uses increase the penalty).
- The target takes one point of ability damage to any one ability ability score
other than Constitution.
- The target is deafened for one round (multiple uses increase the duration)
- The target is blinded for one round (multiple uses increase this duration)
- The target is unable to talk or make verbal noises for 1 round (multiple
uses increase the duration)
- The target becomes unable to wield manufactured weaponry or produce
somatic components for spells for 1 round (multiple uses increase the
At 6th level and every 5 levels afterwards, the agent of death may choose an
additional two benefits (or one if the target is immune to critical hits) each
Cat and Mouse (Ex): With a single well-placed strike, an agent of death can
awaken a deep primal fear within that creature or in witnesses, rendering
those creatures incapable of putting up a decent fight. Starting at 2nd level,
whenever an agent of death makes a successful attack against a creature,
that creature must make a Will save (DC 20 + Class level + Int modifier)
unless it is mindless or become panicked for one minute.This is a piercing
mind-affecting fear effect. Alternately, when an agent of death delivers a
killing blow to a creature, he or she may have all non-mindless creatures
with a line of sight to the target make these saving throws, though this
ability doesn’t ignore immunities when used in this way. This ability can be
used once per encounter at 2nd level and one additional time per encounter
every 5 levels afterwards.
Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, an Agent of Death
can select a single bonus feat from the following list: Agent’s Mark*, Blinding
Speed, Combat Archery, Dextrous Fortitude, Dextrous Will, Create Opening*,
Consult the Dead*, Don’t Fight the Reaper*, Epic Avoidance*, Epic Dodge,
Epic Reputation, Epic Skill Focus, Epic Speed, Epic Stealth*, Eternal Killer*,
Godslayer*, Hide the Body*, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Create
Opening*, Improved Sneak Attack, Lingering Damage, Madden With Feat*,
Mutilation*, Slaughterer*, Slay with Fear*, Sneak Attack of Opportunity,
Spellcasting Harrier, Superior Initiative, Uncanny Accuracy, Without a Trace*
New Feats
Slaughterer [Epic]
You are rarely satisfied with only one kill.
Prerequisites: Slay, Improved Uncanny Dodge
Benefit: When you use your slay class feature, you watch all creatures that
you possess a line of sight with instead of just choosing one. Your first
successful attack against each such creature within three rounds of using
your slay feature all benefit from your slay class feature.
Godslayer [Epic]
You can face even the divine with some chance of success.
Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +35 or ability to cast 12th level spells
Benefit: Deities attacking you never take 20 on their attack rolls. Against
your spells and abilities, deities never take 20 on their saving throws. Against
you, Deities lose their divine bonus to AC and Saving Throws. Lastly, you
aren’t detected by the remote sensing abilities or portfolio sense of deities
and salient divine abilities that create areas or that designate targets don’t
affect you.
Canny Slaughter (Ex): Making the most of their environments and of their
their allies, agents of death can rain down death in ways few others could.
Starting at 4th level, an agent of death can call upon superior positioning and
combat prowess to deal damage equal to your sneak attack or sudden strike
damage against a creature normally immune to such abilities if you would
otherwise deal such damage (this does not let you apply the damage twice if
you ignore such immunities). Alternately, the agent of death can lend an ally
within 60 ft. the benefits of his or her sneak attack or sudden strike class
feature for the duration of one attack made against a creature the agent of
death had attacked within the past three rounds.This ability can be used once
per round at 4th level and one additional time per level every 5 levels
True Death (Su): Starting at 5th level, an agent of death reaches the
supernatural peak of his or her abilities, gaining a power that separates him
or her from all other would-be assassins. Whenever an agent of death kills a
creature while within 100 ft. of it, he or she may trap away that creature’s
soul. While a creature’s soul is trapped in this way, it can’t be returned back
to life through any means. Even epic spells, artifacts, and the magic of
deities fails when used to bring about this result. This ability lasts until the
agent of death dies or until he or she frees a soul to make room for a new
one. When in an antimagic field or similar effect, the agent of death can’t
capture new souls but previous souls remain trapped. An agent of death can
capture up to 10 souls at a time at 5th level and this number is multiplied by
x 10 every 5 levels afterwards.
Dragon Overlord
Few beings could hope to match the majesty of dragons for many are their
strengths and few are their weaknesses. Even groups of adventurers have
been known to list the slaying of some dragon among their greatest
accomplishments. A few individuals, however, have managed to isolate and
control the essence of dragons in much the same way as the orbs of
dragonkind. Drawing upon the arcane essence of all of dragonkind, a dragon
overlord can freely utilize draconic energies and enslave dragons at will.
Though most overlords acquire this power by enslaving dragons, a rare few
are entrusted with this power by the dragons themselves to help organize
them against some common threat. However a dragon overlord achieves his
or her rank, the presence of one in a nation will likely be remembered for
centuries to come.
Dragon Overlord
Class Features: The following are class features of the Dragon Overlord.
Epic Spellcasting: Even without the Epic Spellcaster feat, a dragon overlord
can still develop and cast epic spells using the armor, compel, conjure,
contact, reflect, slay, summon, and/or transform seeds. For the purpose of
developing epic spells with these seeds (and only these seeds), costs in gold
pieces and experience points are halved. If the dragon overlord doesn’t cast
spells, he or she uses his or her highest ability score modifier to determine
epic spell save DCs.
The dragon overlord knows whether there are dragons within 100 miles at all
times. Within 10 miles, the dragon overlord learns how many dragons of
each type there are within range. Within 1 mile of a dragon, the dragon
overlord is aware of the exact age and location of the creature. Furthermore,
all dragon overlords can communicate telepathically with each other and all
owners of the orbs of dragonkind and can attempt to dominate the owner of
an orb over a distance of 1 mile, though a DC 20 + class level + Cha modifier
Will save resists.
Lastly, a dragon overlord can use protection from energy (cold), cure serious
wounds, wall of fire, spectral hand, suggestion, scrying, teleport, haste, and
fly at will as spell like abilities with a caster level equal to his or her class
level + 20. The save DCs of these abilities equal 10 + spell level + Cha
Draconic Magic: A dragon overlord inherits some of the arcane might that
flows through the veins of a dragon, allowing them to utilize magic. As a
standard action, a dragon overlord can select an arcane spell from the
sorcerer spell list of a spell level up to 7th and with a casting time of 1
standard action or less and cast it. Spells with XP costs or with expensive foci
or expensive material components can’t be cast in this way. After casting a
spell once (plus one additional time at 6th level and every 5 levels
afterwards), the dragon overlord may not cast that specific spell again until
he or she has spent 24 hours in meditation or study to recharge this supply
of energy. After casting a spell in this way, the dragon overlord must wait
1d4+1 rounds before doing so again.
Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each even dragon overlord level, the
character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he
or she had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class to which he or
she belonged before adding the prestige class level. If already an epic
spellcaster, the character gains only the benefit noted under the Spells entry
for that epic class. He or she does not, however, gain any other benefit a
character of that class would have gained. If the character had more than
one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a dragon overlord, the player
must decide to which class to add the new level for the purpose of
determining spells per day.
Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, a dragon overlord
can select a single bonus feat from the following list: Armor Skin, Awe
Dragonkind*, Control Impure Dragons*, Damage Reduction, Detect Horde*,
Devour Magic*, Dragon Senses*, Dragon Skin*, Dragon Wings*, Epic Breath
Weapon*, Energy Resistance, Epic Dragon Mastery*, Epic Fortitude, Epic
Leadership, Epic Mounted Combat, Epic Reflexes, Epic Reputation, Epic Will,
Expanded Dragon Mastery*, Extended Life Span, Eye of the Storm*, Gem
Dragon Mastery*, Great Charisma, Great Constitution, Great Intelligence,
Great Strength, Ignore Material Components, Improved Combat Casting,
Improved Spell Capacity, Legendary Commander, Legendary Rider,
Multispell, Overlord’s Aura*, Planar Dragon Mastery*, Spell Knowledge,
Threatening Presence*, Wyrm’s Fury
New Feats
Commandeer Spell (Su): Starting at 4th level, the magic that courses
through the blood of a dragon overlord grants him or her influence over
magic itself. Whenever a dragon overlord witnesses another creature casting
a spell, the dragon overlord can make an opposed Spellcraft check against
the caster. If successful, the dragon overlord gains control over the spell and
can make all decisions for it. This ability can be used once per round at 4th
level and one additional time per round every 5 levels afterwards.
Draconic Fury (Su): Starting at 5th level, a dragon overlord can call upon the
true fury of the draconic power flowing through him or her, releasing and
chaining these powers. As a full-round action, the dragon overlord conjures
forth an incorporeal ancient true dragon of any type he or she can control
through his or her ruler of dragonkind class feature of his or her choice that
is suspended around his or her person. This ancient dragon obeys the
telepathic orders of the dragon overlord but can’t cast spells or use its spell-
like abilities. The attacks and breath weapon of the dragon, however,
functions normally against corporeal targets, even adding their normal
strength bonus to damage rolls. If there isn’t enough room for the
incorporeal dragon (such as if caught in a small, force-lined room), this
ability fails to activate. If the dragon summoned in this way is slain, it
dissipates and the dragon overlord reclaims its power. Either way, the dragon
called forth in this way takes its action immediately after the dragon overlord
before dissipating on its own. Once this ability has been used, it can’t be
used again for 1d4+1 rounds. At 10th level and every 5 levels afterwards,
this ability calls forth another ancient incorporeal dragon with each use.
Dread Emperor
Controlling vast armies of the undead, a dread emperor (or dread empress)
is a master of necromancy. Rather than focusing on life force and its
manipulation, however, a dread emperor has focused on the creation of its
twisted mockery. Beyond the simple reanimation of the undead, a skilled
dread emperor creates a true plague of undeath. Every creature his or her
undead slay soon joins his forces and even those merely injured may find
themselves turning in a matter of hours. Combining this plague with a
mastery of strategy that dwarves most mortal tactitians, entire nations have
been known to fall before dread emperors in mere weeks.
Hit Die: d8
Dread Emperor
Level Base Attack Bonus Special
1st +0 Overwhelming Swarm -1, Unending
Legion --
2nd +1 Dark Tactician 1/encounter
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd +1 Bonus Feat
4th +2 Emperor’s Plague 1d6
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th +2 Undying Avatar (1)
6th +3 Overwhelming Swarm -2
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
7th +3 Dark Tactician 2/encounter
8th +4 Bonus Feat
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
9th +4 Emperor’s Plague 2d6
10th +5 Undying Avatar (2)
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
Class Features: The following are class features of the Dread Emperor
Epic Spellcasting: Even without the Epic Spellcaster feat, a dread emperor
can still develop and cast epic spells using the afflict, animate dead, armor,
dispel, fortify, reflect, slay, and/or summon seeds. For the purpose of
developing epic spells with these seeds (and only these seeds), costs in gold
pieces and experience points are halved.
Rebuke Undead: Your levels in dread emperor stack with levels in one class
that grants you the rebuke undead class feature for the purpose of rebuking
undead. If you possess levels in more than one such class, choose one to
advance as you take your first class level in dread emperor.
Unending Legions (Su): Dread emperors are best known for armies of the
dead large enough to overwhelm entire nations and worlds. A dread emperor
no longer counts undead with HD equal to or lower than his class level
towards his limit of controlled undead. Any creature slain by an undead
controlled by a dread emperor revives 1d4 rounds later as a zombie or
skeleton as appropriate (unless its HD are too high to allow for this) under
the control of the dread emperor. Lastly, a dread emperor can use animate
dead and revive undead (libris mortis) at will as spell-like abilities with a
caster level equal to his or her class level + 20.
Dark Tactician (Ex): As a ruler of a grand army, few know more about
strategy than a dread emperor. Starting at 2nd level, a dread emperor can
spend a full-round action to heal any number of controlled undead within his
or her line of sight up to full hit points. Alternatively, he or she can grant
them a +10 bonus to attack rolls, Saving Throws, and AC for 1 round. As a
final option, the dread emperor can grant these undead a full round of
actions to take immediately and may control how mindless undead affected
spend this action. The dread emperor can use an ability from this list once
per encounter at 2nd level and one additional time per encounter at 7th level
and every 5 levels afterwards. A Dread Emperor can never target him or
herself with this ability.
Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each even dread emperor level, the
character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he
or she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he or she
belonged before adding the prestige class level. If already an epic spellcaster,
the character gains only the benefit noted under the Spells entry for that epic
class. He or she does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that
class would have gained. If the character had more than one spellcasting
class before becoming a dread emperor, the player must decide to which
class to add the new level for the purpose of determining spells per day.
Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, a dread emperor can
select a single bonus feat from the following list: Atropal’s Aura*,
Commandeer Undead*, Debilitating Swarm*, Desecration Aura*, Debilitating
Touch*, Divine Spell Knowledge*, Dread Spellscribe*, Epic Undead
Leadership*, Eternal Horde*, Extended Lifespan, Great Charisma, Great
Intelligence, Great Wisdom, Improved Legions*, Improved Spell Capacity,
Legendary Commander, Life from the Lifeless*, Link Senses*, Master of
Necromancy*, Multispell, Negative Energy Burst, Quick Transformation*,
Selective Spell*, Spell Knowledge, Superior Legions*, Threatening
Presence*, Undead Mastery, Vile Entity*, Zone of Animation
New Feats
Emperor’s Plague (Su): Starting at 4th level, all corporeal undead under the
control of a dread emperor pass on a disease with their natural attacks
known as emperor’s plague. The disease has a Fortitude save of 20 + Class
level + Int modifier, has an incubation period of 1 hour, and deals 1d6 points
of constitution damage with each failed save, plus 1d6 points of constitution
damage at 9th level and every 5 levels afterwards. Unlike most diseases,
creatures must make additional saving throws against emperor’s plague
every hour instead of every day and the disease and ability damage it deals
can only be healed within a consecrated or hallowed area. The disease is not
naturally removed through any number of successful saving throws and can
only be healed magically within the area of a consecrate or hallow effect. Any
creature who dies of emperor’s plague awakens 1d4 hours later as a zombie
or skeleton as appropriate (unless its HD are too high to allow for this) under
the control of the dread emperor unless the body is dismembered or
destroyed. This class features is a piercing effect.
Undying Avatar (Ex): At 5th level, a dread emperor can spend 24 hours
molding dead flesh into a perfect likeness of themselves. This avatar acts as
a zombie of the dread emperor’s race with 20 HD, though it looks exactly like
the dread emperor (DC 30 spot check to realize its identity). Each undying
avatar, though mindless, has its senses directly linked to that of the dread
emperor at all times and can be controlled through the dread emperor’s
thoughts at all time (even across planes of existence). A dread emperor can
even cast his or her non-epic spells through an undying avatar, though doing
so requires that the avatar spend actions casting the spell as normal. A dread
emperor can only have one undying avatar at any given time at 5th level,
plus one every 5 levels afterwards.
What does it mean to rule? While many heroes have attracted followers and
cohorts to follow them, what does it truly mean to hold the fates of an entire
nation in your hand? Godkings are those few beings with the charisma to join
huge numbers of people together without inheritance or fortunate
happenstance. Whether carving out new kingdoms or joining tribes together
in unity, a godking demands respect from his or her followers that borders on
worship. While less than ideal for adventuring in person, a godking is more
than capable at acting through intermediaries.
Hit Die:d8
Level Base Attack Bonus Special
1st +0 Absolute Authority 1/round, Godking’s
2nd +1 Attract the Masses x2
3rd +1 Bonus Feat
4th +2 Godking’s Blessing (1 level)
5th +2 Attract Viceroy (1)
6th +3 Absolute Authority 2/round
7th +3 Attract the Masses x3
8th +4 Bonus Feat
9th +4 Godking’s Blessing (2 levels)
10th +5 Attract Viceroy (2)
Epic Spellcasting: Even without the Epic Spellcaster feat, a Godking can still
develop and cast epic spells using the armor, animate, banish, compel,
contact, heal, life, and/or summon seeds. For the purpose of developing epic
spells with these seeds (and only these seeds), costs in gold pieces and
experience points are halved. A Godking may use his or her ranks in
Diplomacy in place of his or her ranks in knowledge skills to determine epic
spell slots per day and in place of his or her ranks in spellcraft when casting
an epic spell. If the godking doesn’t cast spells, he or she uses his or her
highest ability score modifier to determine epic spell save DCs.
The great respect and admiration that the godking’s subjects hold for him,
meanwhile, grants him a degree of power similar to divinity used to reward
these servants. A godking’s subjects are always able to find food and water
and can always find shelter (or the materials needed to make one) regardless
of what environment they find themselves in. Furthermore, a godking’s
subjects are never at risk of dying from natural disasters such as famines,
droughts, floods, earthquakes, wildfires, plagues, tornados, and so forth. If
such a disaster is magical, supernatural, or man-made in nature, this
protection does not hold. Likewise, this protection does not extend to natural
conditions of dangerous environments (such as damage taken on the
elemental plane of fire). This protection is supernatural in nature.
Absolute Authority (Su): A godking is able to exercise total control over those
who can hear and understand him. At any time, a godking can grant any
other creature who can hear and understand the godking a single standard or
move action that must immediately be used as the godking dictates (if at all
possible). Alternately, a godking can immediately halt any such creature
from taking a single offensive action that would risk harming the godking
and/or one of his or her allies. Either way, a successful Will save (DC =
Leadership score) negates this ability. This ability can be used once per
round at 1st level plus one additional time per round every 5 levels
afterwards. This is a piercing mind-affecting, language-dependant
compulsion ability.
Attract the Masses (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a godking can attract
incredibly large numbers of followers. The godking multiplies the number of
followers that they would gain from their leadership score by the given
number (after multiplying this number through the legendary commander
feat as normal), which increases by +1 at 7th level and every 5 levels
Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, a Godking can select
a single bonus feat from the following list: Armor Skin, Bolster Allies*, Bow
to None*, Chain of Command*, Damage Reduction, Energy Resistance, Epic
Leadership, Epic Reputation, Epic Will, Fast Healing, Godly Realm* Great
Charisma, Halting Authority*, Hardened Ruler*, King of the Wild*, Legendary
Commander, Legendary Diplomat*, Loyalty Past Death*, Mage King*, Martial
Subjects*, Perfect Health, Polygot, Renown*, Skilled Subjects*, Staggering
Authority*, True Leader*, Versatile Blessing*, Warrior King*.
New Feats
Renown [Epic]
You are known far and wide for your greatness
Prerequisites: Epic Leadership
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to your leadership score.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
Godking’s Blessing (Su): Starting at 4th level, a godking’s power seeps into
his or her servants, making them tougher and more skilled than they would
otherwise be. All of the godking’s servants gain one level in expert or warrior
(their choice). This counts as a normal level in all ways (granting hp, skills,
feats, and so forth) but doesn’t affect what the followers’ level counts as for
the purpose of the godking’s leadership feat (a level 1 commoner empowered
into a commoner 1/expert 1, for example, still counts as a level 1 follower).
Levels gained in this way can’t be retrained. At 9th level and every 5 levels
afterwards, the godking grants an additional level of expert or warrior to all
of his or her followers (followers need not choose the same class for all
additional levels gained in this way).
Furthermore, a godking of at least 4th level can touch one of his or her
followers as a standard action to grant even greater benefits, granting a +4
enhancement bonus to one ability score of the godking’s choice for 24 hours.
Multiple touches to a single target erase the benefits of previous touches.
Attract Viceroy (Ex): Starting at 5th level, a godking can attract and
surround himself with a large variety of cohorts. At 5th level and every 5
levels thereafter, a godking can possess an additional cohort. Each cohort
gained in this way must possess an ECL of at least 5 levels lower than the
one before it.
Harbinger of Endings
Contrary to how most people think, death is not the end. After one’s death,
his or her soul is judged before being sent on to its rightful reward or
punishment. While this is a great change to be sure, it is not the end. As for
what the end even is, few can hope to wrap their minds around it. The end is
the looming threat on the horizon that inspires true dread. The end, for there
is only one, is the opposite bookend to the genesis of the multiverse. Almost
every religion in existence has its own myths as to how it will occur and as to
what will happen to the faithful afterwards. Those who actively work towards
the end, however, are rare and far between. Inspired by the whispers of dark
beings or through raw nihilistic fervor, a Harbinger of endings is one of the
few who willingly stares out into the void. Though some are content to
observe the slow approach of the end, many are drawn to play a far more
active role. Whatever the case, Harbingers of endings are a threat to the
multiverse itself.
Hit Die: d8
Harbinger of Endings
Level Base Attack Bonus Special
1st +0 Envoy of the End, Twisted Servitude (1
outsider) --
2nd +1 Destruction’s Embrace 1/round
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd +1 Bonus Feat
4th +2 Glimpse the End 1/encounter
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th +2 Apocalyptic Might (2 epic spells)
6th +3 Twisted Servitude (2 outsiders)
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
7th +3 Destruction’s Embrace 2/round
8th +4 Bonus Feat
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
9th +4 Glimpse the End 2/encounter
10th +5 Apocalyptic Might (3 epic spells)
+1 level of existing spellcasting class [/table]
Class Features: The following are class features of the Harbinger of Endings
Envoy of the End (Su): A Harbinger of endings represents the forces that
mean to unravel the very multiverse and submit all into darkness.
Everywhere that the Harbinger goes, signs of his or her influence inevitably
appear. Within a 1-mile radius/class level of the Harbinger, minor omens
make themselves known at every turn, allowing any creature within range to
make a DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check to notice your presence.
Furthermore, one of the following auras is always active within the area. A
Harbinger of endings can switch which aura is active as a swift action.
Aura of War: All creatures within range take a penalty to Charisma-based
skill checks equal to twice the Harbinger’s class level. If a creature within
range fails on a bluff, diplomacy, or intimidate check, the target of this skill
check has their attitude towards the one who made the skill check worsened
by one step (no saving throw). As a swift action, a Harbinger of endings may
specify any creature within range whose presence he or she is aware of as an
object of ire. All creatures in range who are aware of that creature’s
existence must make a Will save (DC 20 + Class level + Cha mod) or spend
their next action inflicting as much harm on the object of ire as they are able
to, fighting with their best abilities.
Aura of Famine: All food and drink (other than water) within range of this
aura instantly spoils to the point of inedibility as grain rots, meat spoils, milk
sours, and so forth regardless of measures taken to preserve such food
(whether mundane or magical). Even if eating directly off of a living creature,
each mouthful taken turns to inedible ash in a creature’s mouth. As a swift
action, a Harbinger of endings can quicken the hunger in any number of
creatures he or she is aware of within this range. All targets within range
must make a Fortitude Save (DC 20 + Class level + Cha mod) or become
exhausted and take nonlethal damage equal to half of his or her maximum
hit points. No creature can be successfully affected in this way more than
once per 24 hours.
Aura of Pestilence: Upon selecting this aura, the Harbinger of endings selects
a disease from the list that a contagion spell can inflict. All creatures within
this aura must make a Fortitude Save each hour against a DC of 20 + Class
level + Cha mod in place of the normal DC for the disease or catch the
disease. A new disease from the list can be chosen as a swift action. All
creatures with diseases in this aura have the incubation periods of such
diseases lowered to 1 hour and must make additional saving throws every
hour in place of every day. As a swift action, the Harbinger of endings can
inflict ability drain equal to his or her class level split however he or she
desires among the ability scores of creatures he or she is aware of within this
aura. This ability doesn’t permit a saving throw but no ability score can be
reduced below half of its original value in this way.
Aura of Death: Within the area of this aura, the maximum lifespan of all
other creatures are reduced by twice your class level (killing all creatures
over this age) and the hit point total at which point creatures die is increased
by the same amount (killing all creatures with hit points below this value and
possibly increasing this value to a positive number). As a swift action, the
Harbinger can reap the souls of any number of creatures who he or she is
aware of having died within the aura within the past round. Creatures with
their souls so harnessed can’t be returned from the dead by non-epic means.
More importantly, each soul reaped in this way grants a stacking +1 bonus to
spellcraft checks until the end of the next round (this bonus may not exceed
the Harbinger’s class level x 10).
Twisted Servitude (Su): However much they would want to deny it, the very
machinations of outsiders slowly but surely work towards the end of all
things. A Harbinger of endings can forcefully remind outsiders of this truth,
dragging them kicking and screaming into his or her servitude until the
energies of the end times overwhelm them entirely. As a full-round action,
the Harbinger of endings can summon any one outsider with a CR equal or
less than 13 + his or her class level (regardless of its alignment). That
creature is called anywhere within 100 ft. (so long as that space is capable of
supporting it) and obeys every order from the Harbinger of endings,
comprehending regardless of the language they are spoken in. At the start of
each round, however, that creature gains a negative level (even if normally
immune to them) that can’t be cured through any means as the outsider rots
away. This summoning lasts until the outsider is dead (it can’t be ended
prematurely) and the outsider doesn’t reform on its home plane when it dies
in this way, instead perishing permanently. After using this ability, a
Harbinger of endings can’t do so again for one hour. At 6th level and every 5
levels afterwards, this ability can be used to call an additional outsider at the
same time, so long as their total CR doesn’t exceed the maximum.
Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each even Harbinger of endings level, the
character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he
or she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he or she
belonged before adding the prestige class level. If already an epic spellcaster,
the character gains only the benefit noted under the Spells entry for that epic
class. He or she does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that
class would have gained. If the character had more than one spellcasting
class before becoming a Harbinger of endings, the player must decide to
which class to add the new level for the purpose of determining spells per
Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, a can select a single
bonus feat from the following list: Arcane Control*, Automatic Quicken Spell,
Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Chorus of Entropy*, Diabolic
Plot*, Drag to the Grave*, Drain Life*, Elder Ward*, Enhance Spell, Epic Will,
Eventual Return*, Extended Lifespan, Fast Healing, Final End*, Godslayer*,
Great Charisma, Great Constitution, Great Intelligence, Great Wisdom,
Improved Heighten Spell, Improved Spell Capacity, Intensify Spell, Lasting
Impressions*, Multispell, Subtle End*, Tenacious Magic, Threatening
Presence*, Usher in Doomsday*, Vile Entity*, Words of Death*
New Feats
Godslayer [Epic]
You can face even the divine with some chance of success.
Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +35 or ability to cast 12th level spells
Benefit: Deities attacking you never take 20 on their attack rolls. Against
your spells and abilities, deities never take 20 on their saving throws. Against
you, Deities lose their divine bonus to AC and Saving Throws. Lastly, you
aren’t detected by the remote sensing abilities or portfolio sense of deities
and salient divine abilities that create areas or that designate targets don’t
affect you.
Glimpse the End (Su): Starting at 4th level, a Harbinger of endings can give
those around him and her a short taste of what is yet to come as a standard
action, revealing the broken landscapes of the end times filled with the
broken bodies of the fallen and incomprehensible beings of apocalyptic
might. Only creatures within 100 ft. of the Harbinger can perceive this world
but it is not a simple illusion and true seeing and similar effects do not see
through it. All other creatures within range must make a Fortitude save, Will
save, and Reflex save. Creatures who fail their Fortitude save are nauseated
for 1d4+1 rounds. Creatures who fail their Will saves are panicked for 1d4+1
rounds. Creatures who fail their Reflex Save take 5d6 damage/level as the
creatures take note of them. Also, during this time, all other creatures treat
all squares within range as difficult terrain. At the Harbinger’s option, he or
she may grant any number of willing allies immunity to this ability, though
doing so renders the targets blind, deaf, and dazed for 1 round. This vision of
the end times only lasts for a single round. This ability can be used once per
encounter at 4th level and one additional time per encounter every 5 levels
Apocalyptic Might (Su): Starting at 5th level a Harbinger of endings can chain
together even the most powerful of magicks together in a show of
apocalyptic might, though doing so is not without dangers. A Harbinger of
endings can cast two epic spells with a casting time of 1 standard action as a
single standard action. To do so, make a single Spellcraft check against the
higher spellcraft DC + 10. Even if this check succeeds, however, there is a
50% chance that only the first epic spell manifests. Whether this check
succeeds or fails, the Harbinger immediately takes damage equal to this DC x
5 (this damage can’t be negated, reduced, shared with others, or turned into
healing via destruction’s embrace). At 10th level and every 5 levels
afterwards, a Harbinger of endings may cast an additional epic spell
simultaneously, though each spell after the first adds a + 10 bonus to the
spellcraft DC.
The Mastermind
Not all roads to power are equally visible. For every mountain-shattering
spellcaster and army-slaying warrior, there is someone of equal power who
prefers to operate behind the scenes. Among these hidden beings are
masterminds, subtle casters that work though illusions and charmed
intermediaries while always remaining one step ahead. Even when personally
engaging in a matter of interest, masterminds are gifted enough at bending
the truth that their presence may never be properly noticed. From the
shadows, powerful masterminds can control entire civilizations or enact other
plans with such subtlety that not even dragons would pick up on them.
Though not all masterminds are evil and some even work in the name of the
greater good, even allies are often lead to keep an eye on a mastermind’s
activities just in case its next plot goes awry.
Hit Die: d6
Level Base Attack Bonus Special
1st +0 Layered Truth I, Puppet Master
2nd +1 Never There 1/encounter
+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
3rd +1 Bonus Feat
4th +2 Mastermind’s Ward (personal)
+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
5th +2 Countermeasures 1/round
6th +3 Layered Truth II
+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
7th +3 Never There 2/encounter
8th +4 Bonus Feat
+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
9th +4 Mastermind’s Ward (Personal + 1
target) --
10th +5 Countermeasures 2/round
+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
Epic Spellcasting: Even without the Epic Spellcaster feat, a mastermind can
still develop and cast epic spells using the compel, conceal, contact, delude,
foresee, reveal, slay, and/or transform seeds. For the purpose of developing
epic spells with these seeds (and only these seeds), costs in gold pieces and
experience points are halved.
Each time this ability is used against a creature or that a creature simply fails
on such a skill check or saving throw against the mastermind, that target
falls deeper into the mind games of a mastermind and takes a stacking -2
penalty to such checks and saves against the mastermind and his or her
spells for 24 hours. At 6th level and every 5 levels afterwards, the amount by
which a creature may have succeeded on their check or save while still being
affected increases by +10.
Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each even mastermind level, the character
gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he or she had
also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class to which he or she
belonged before adding the prestige class level. If already an epic spellcaster,
the character gains only the benefit noted under the Spells entry for that epic
class. He or she does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that
class would have gained. If the character had more than one arcane
spellcasting class before becoming a mastermind, the player must decide to
which class to add the new level for the purpose of determining spells per
Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, a mastermind can
select a single bonus feat from the following list: Additional Magic Item
Space, Always Prepared*, Assess Defenses*, Combat Puppetry*, Diabolic
Plot*, Epic Leadership, Epic Reputation, Epic Skill Focus, Epic Spell Focus,
Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Stealth*, Epic Will, Extended Lifespan, False
Positive*, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Spell Capacity, Improved
Metamagic, Instant Response*, Legendary Commander, Master of
Divination*, Master of Enchantment*, Master of Illusion*, Perfect Health,
Play Along*, Polygot, Spell Knowledge, Spell Stowaway, Spontaneous Spell,
Sting of Betrayal*, Superior Initiative, Think Ahead*, Thrall*, True
Deception*, True Thrall*, Web of Deception*, What They Don’t Know*
New Feats
Sting of Betrayal[Epic]
You have a knack for inserting your weapon into the back of your supposed
Prerequisites: Layered Truth III
Benefit: Whenever you attack a creature that is friendly, helpful, or fanatic
towards you or who is subjected to one of your charm or compulsion effects,
your attack automatically hits and is treated as a successful critical hit (if the
target is immune to critical hits, the attack simply hits).
Thrall [Epic]
You can extend the effects of a compulsion spell indefinitely.
Prerequisites: Layered Truth IV
Benefit: Whenever a creature fails its saving throw against a compulsion spell
or effect that you use, you can make that creature a thrall. Doing so extends
the maximum duration of the compulsion spell or effect indefinitely (though
any conditions that would normally end it prematurely, such as completing a
suggestion, still function). You may only have one thrall at a time and
creating a new one frees any previous thrall, ending the spell effect if it’s
duration would have normally expired.
Master of Enchantment[Epic]
You can make others act exactly as you would want them to with your
impressive powers.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast at least 2 7th-, 2 8th-, and 1 9th-level
Enchantment spell
Benefit: You can affect mindless creatures with your mind-affecting
enchantment spells, though only basic concepts can be conveyed and such
targets gain a +10 bonus to their saving throw. A creature who succeeds on
a saving throw against one of your enchantment spells is unaware that they
were ever targeted. Once per encounter, you can force a single creature to
follow your instructions for 1 round as is dominated unless it succeeds on a
Will Save (DC 10 + caster level + Intelligence modifier).
Master of Illusion[Epic]
You can fool the senses of others with incredibly ease.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast at least 2 7th-, 2 8th-, and 1 9th-level Illusion
Benefit: You can affect mindless creatures with your mind-affecting illusion
spells. Touching an illusion you have that allows for saving throws to
disbelieve does not allow the target to automatically disbelieve as such
illusions now create imagined tactile sensations. Once per encounter, you can
turn yourself or a creature within 100 ft. of yourself invisible for 1 round.
While invisible, the target can’t be seen through see invisibility or true
seeing, is unaffected by glitterdust, faerie fire, and invisibility purge, and
can’t be detected by scent, blindsight, blindsense, or tremorsense.
Mastermind’s Ward (Su): Starting at 4th level, a mastermind can defend him
or herself against divination and mind-affecting effects. Divination spells and
effects do not detect the mastermind, can’t be used to scry on the
mastermind (and don’t see the mastermind when scrying on his or her
surroundings), and can’t be used to learn about the mastermind. Even magic
used by deities and epic spells using the Foresee and/or Reveal seeds can’t
be used in this way. Similarly, the mastermind can’t be affected by mind-
affecting effects (including epic spells using the compel seed). At 9th level
and every 5 levels afterwards, this ability can be shared with an additional
creature (willing or otherwise) through a 1 hour ritual. New targets can
replace old ones by repeating this ritual.
The strength of the mind, though incredibly vast, is left almost entirely
untapped by most of the population. While some utilize a fraction of this
power through the outlet of psionics, they remain woefully unaware of their
true potential. Only once or twice in each generation does a being manage to
break through the limitations of their own mind, accessing the vast stores of
power held within the collective unconsciousness of all living beings. These
beings, referred to as omniminds, possess mental powers guided by the
entirety of all thoughts.
Hit Die: d6
Prerequisites: To qualify to become an Omnimind , a character must meet all
of the following criteria
Skills: Knowledge (Psionics) 23 ranks, Psicraft 23 ranks
Powers: Ability to manifest 5th-level powers.
Feats: Any four psionic feats
Level Base Attack Bonus Special
Powers Known
1st +0 Mental Prowess, Flowing Augmentation 4
+1 level of existing manifesting class
2nd +1 Mind Over Matter (halve)
+1 level of existing manifesting class
3rd +1 Bonus Feat
+1 level of existing manifesting class
4th +2 Collective Conscioussness 1/encounter
+1 level of existing manifesting class
5th +2 Psionic Master (1)
+1 level of existing manifesting class
6th +3 Flowing Augmentation 8
+1 level of existing manifesting class
7th +3 Mind Over Matter (third)
+1 level of existing manifesting class
8th +4 Bonus Feat
+1 level of existing manifesting class
9th +4 Collective Conscioussness 2/encounter
+1 level of existing manifesting class
10th +5 Psionic Master (2)
+1 level of existing manifesting class
Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, an omnimind can
select a single bonus feat from the following list: Aggressive Psychokinesis*,
Assume Mantle*, Astral Master*, Discern Intentions*, Discern Thoughts*,
Epic Expanded Knowledge, Epic Psionic Focus, Epic Will, Exceed Limitations*,
Extended Lifespan, Extra Augments*, Great Charisma, Great Intelligence,
Great Wisdom, Improved Body Fuel*, Improved Combat Manifestation*,
Improved Manifestation, Improved Metapsionics, Improved Mind Over Body*,
Improved Wild Surge*, Intensify Power*, Overrule Power*, Pierce Mind*,
Power Knowledge, Psicrystal Power, Quick Psychoportation*, Reactive
Psychometabolism*, Subtle Telepathy*, Superior Cognizance*, True
Clairsentience*, Web of Metacreativity*
New Feats
Psionic Master (Ex): Starting at 5th level, an omnimind can manipulate far
greater psionics than most other manifesters. An omnimind can manifest an
additional epic power each day, plus one additional epic power at 10th level
and every 5 levels afterwards.
Scion of Sorrow
Many in the world assume that power brings only happiness, assuming that
those of exceptional strength and riches can reverse or mitigate any woes
that would trouble them. Though often the case, this is not always true.
Some beings of exceptional power, after having brought themselves to ruin,
are simply shattered under the weight of their broken hearts and dreams.
Transformed and empowered by this bottomless sense of loss and longing,
scions of sorrow are beings of true and irreversible finality, capable of
wreaking havoc or bettering the world in ways that no one can ever reverse.
Fortunately for many in the multiverse, scions of sorrow are exceptionally
rare. Beyond the scarcity of such tragedy needed to fuel the transition, the
first act of most scions is one of irreversible self-destruction.
Hit Die: d8
Prerequisites: To qualify to become a Scion of Sorrow, a character must meet
all of the following criteria:
ECL: 20 or higher
Special: Must have accidentally brought great tragedy to oneself in a way
that the character has yet to fix or reverse.
Class Skills: Any ten of the Scion of Sorrow’s choice
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier
Scion of Sorrow
Level Base Attack Bonus Special
1st +1 Entity of Loss, What’s Done is Done
2nd +2 Futility 1/round
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd +3 Bonus Feat
4th +4 Blade of Broken Dreams 1/encounter
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th +5 Unending Existence I
6th +6 What’s Done is Done
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
7th +7 Futility 2/round
8th +8 Bonus Feat
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
9th +9 Blade of Broken Dreams 2/encounter
10th +10 Unending Existence II
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
Class Features: The following are class features of the Scion of Sorrow.
Epic Spellcasting: Even without the Epic Spellcasting feat, a scion of sorrow
can still develop and cast epic spells using any four seeds of his or her choice
seeds. For the purpose of developing epic spells with these seeds (and only
these seeds), costs in gold pieces and experience points are halved. If the
scion of sorrow doesn’t cast spells, he or she uses his or her highest ability
score modifier to determine epic spell save DCs.
Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each even scion of sorrow level, the
character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he
or she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he or she
belonged before adding the prestige class level. If already an epic spellcaster,
the character gains only the benefit noted under the Spells entry for that epic
class. He or she does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that
class would have gained. If the character had more than one spellcasting
class before becoming a scion of sorrow, the player must decide to which
class to add the new level for the purpose of determining spells per day.
Entity of Loss (Ex): Whatever troubles torment a scion of sorrow’s past, the
feelings of sorrow and regret they evoke change the scion on a fundamental
level. A scion of sorrow no longer possesses a soul and is immune to spells
and effects that would alter, move, trap the scion’s soul or that would allow a
creature possess the scion’s body. The scion of sorrow can only be restored
from the dead through a wish or miracle effect. A scion of sorrow ceases to
age and is immune to lethal damage from dehydration or starvation (though
these effects can still knock the scion unconscious).
What’s Done is Done (Su): The greatest power (or curse) that a Scion of
Sorrow possesses is the ability to irrevocably alter the world. A Scion of
Sorrow may choose to render any event he or she is directly responsible for
irrevocable as that event concludes (thus, the scion may choose the make
the fall of a kingdom irrevocable as his or her forces finally make it fall or
may make the death of a king irrevocable as the king dies [so long as the
scion of sorrow is responsible for the death]). That event is entirely
irrevocable through mundane and magical means. Not even epic magic,
artifacts, or the work of gods can undo what has been wrought and attempts
to change the past fail. If the event that a scion of sorrow wishes to make
irrevocable is not as the scion suspects (such as if he or she wishes to make
a king’s death irrevocable but only slays a body double), the scion learns that
things are not as they seem and may choose not to use this ability.
At 1st level, the tragedy that the scion of sorrow has brought upon him or
herself to allow access into this class is rendered irrevocable in this way and
the scion of sorrow may render an additional event irrevocable at any time.
At 6th level and every 5 levels afterwards, a scion of sorrow may render two
additional events irrevocable. Once an event has been declared irrevocable,
that use of this class feature is forever lost. Uses of this ability not used by
the time it is gained again carry over.
Futility (Su): Starting at 2nd level, a scion of sorrow can foil just about any
action that an enemy can undertake. Once per round, a scion of sorrow can
grant a creature a 50% miss chance with a single attack roll, a 50% failure
chance with a single spell, or a penalty equal to twice his or her class level to
a single skill check. Only enemies within 30 feet of the scion of sorrow can be
targeted in this way and he or she gains an additional use per round at 7th
level and every 5 levels afterwards.
Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, a can select a single
bonus feat from the following list: Beyond Prediction*, Burden of Life*, Claim
Calamity, Claim Woes*, Crush Will*, Damage Reduction, Epic Prowess, Epic
Reputation, Epic Skill Focus, Epic Will, Fast Healing, Glimpse of Solace*,
Great Charisma, Great Constitution, Great Strength, Great Wisdom,
Improved Spell Capacity, Numbed to Affliction*, Refuge of Dreams, Share
the Pain*, Tortured Psyche*, Wield the Shattered Blade*
New Feats
Blade of Broken Dreams (Su): Starting at 4th level, a scion of sorrow can
forever part a creature from its ambitions, severing it from its dreams with
raw might. Once per encounter, a scion may make a declare a single attack
to be made with his or her blade of broken dreams (the blade is metaphorical
in nature and the attack may be made with any sort of weaponry or even
with a spell). If the attack hits, the target must make a Will save (DC 20 +
Class level + Cha modifier). If the target succeeds, it is merely nauseated for
1 round in addition to all normal damage and effects. If the target fails,
however, the target is nauseated for 1d4 rounds and is doomed never to
achieve its greatest desire (at the time of the attack) for as long as the scion
of sorrow lives. Desires involving basic biological needs (such as the desire of
a devastation vermin to eat) and specific desires to kill the scion of sorrow
aren’t affected in this way. Similarly, any hit point damage the attack deals
can’t be healed for as long as the scion lives if the target fails its Will save.
This ability can be used an additional time per encounter at 9th level and
every 5 levels afterwards.
Unending Existence (Su): Just as the emotions that fuel a scion’s powers
allow him or her to leave permanent marks on the world, so too do these
powers transform the Scion into a permanent feature of the world. Starting
at 5th level, a scion of sorrow can no longer be slain through hit point
damage. No matter how his or her body is mangled (even if the body is
destroyed or reduced to dust), the scion of sorrow continues living and
regrows body parts (including heads or entire bodies if necessary) as if he or
she possessed regeneration. While at or under -10 hit points, the scion falls
unconscious even if he or she possesses diehard or a similar feat, ability, or
spell effect and can be slain with a miracle or wish effect. The scion of power
can’t be affected by spells and abilities of the healing subschool while in this
state unless the spell would normally restore the dead to life (in which case
they function normally on the scion even though he or she wasn’t truly
dead), and the scion gains fast healing 10 while in this state. After this fast
healing has restored at least 20 hit points/class level, you lose this fast
healing (although you continue heal naturally) until you spend 2 hours in
self-reflection. At 10th level and every 5 levels afterwards, the value of this
fast healing increases by an additional 10 points and the maximum amount
you can heal before needing to recharge this class feature increases by 20 hit
points/class level.
Temporal Wanderer
Most individuals live their entire lives with only the dimmest notion that other
planes of existence are out there, never straying too far from their homes.
More powerful beings, such as adventurers, are known to travel across these
planes with great regularity. Even with the commonality of planar travel
available, however, there remains one form of travel that few even consider.
Temporal Wanderers are those who have received some small taste of
temporal energies, knocking them free from their normal temporal
alignment. Granted awareness of the past, of the future, and of alternate
timelines, Temporal Wanderers act in ways that often befuddle those around
them but that tend to work out for the best. Whatever their goals and
ambitions may be, Temporal Wanderers are always one step ahead.
Temporal Wanderer
Level Base Attack Bonus Special
1st +0 Confer with Future (1 week), Eternal
Wanderer --
2nd +1 Delay the Inevitable 1/encounter
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd +1 Bonus Feat
4th +2 Stretch Time I
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th +2 Browse Timelines (2 timelines)
6th +3 Confer with Future (2 weeks)
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
7th +3 Delay the Inevitable 2/encounter
8th +4 Bonus Feat
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
9th +4 Stretch Time II
10th +5 Browse Timelines (3 timelines)
+1 level of existing spellcasting class [/table]
Class Features: The following are class features of the Temporal Wanderer.
Confer with the Future (Su): Starting at 1st level, a temporal wanderer can
turn to his future selves for guidance, looking forward along the varying
timelines that branch out once a specific decision has been made. As a swift
action, the temporal wanderer can learn whether taking a specific action will
have good results, bad results, good and bad results, or neither good nor bad
results. Though the future selves the temporal wanderer turns to for advice
have no reason to lie to him, even the smallest of decisions made afterwards
may change how things unfold and there is only a 90% chance that the
temporal wanderer will hear from the timeline he is destined to take past
that point (otherwise the temporal wanderer receives an answer at random).
A temporal wanderer may not check the results of taking a single action
more than once. A temporal wanderer can reach himself up to one week into
the future at 1st level and one additional week further at 6th level and every
5 levels afterwards
Delay the Inevitable (Su): Starting at 2nd level, a temporal wanderer can
delay harm and death if necessary. As an immediate action, the temporal
wanderer can prevent all damage that either him or herself or an ally who
the temporal wanderer can see within 30 feet would take for the next 5
rounds. Any effects that would target the affected creature are likewise
delayed during this time, though attack rolls and saving throws are made
immediately as normal. At the end of these 5 rounds, all damage and effects
that have been delayed immediately catch up with the affected creature.
While delaying damage and effects using this ability, such damage and
effects can be healed in advance as appropriate. This ability can be used
once per encounter at 2nd level and once more per encounter at 7th level
and every 5 levels afterwards.
Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each even temporal wanderer level, the
character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he
or she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he or she
belonged before adding the prestige class level. If already an epic spellcaster,
the character gains only the benefit noted under the Spells entry for that epic
class. He or she does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that
class would have gained. If the character had more than one spellcasting
class before becoming a temporal wanderer, the player must decide to which
class to add the new level for the purpose of determining spells per day.
Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, a temporal wanderer
can select a single bonus feat from the following list: Advantageous
Divergence*, Blinding Speed, Change the Past*, Damage Reduction, Epic
Prowess, Epic Skill Focus, Eye to the Past*, Fast Healing, Freeze Foes*,
Frequent Delays*, Improved Spell Capacity, Indefinite Delay*, Into the
Future*, Know Vulnerabilities*, Spell Stowaway, Spring of Youth*, Superior
Initiative, Think Ahead*, Time Heals All*, Wild Card*.
New Feats
Browse Timelines (Su): Starting at 5nd level, a temporal wanderer can often
select the best of multiple destinies. At the start of the temporal wanderer’s
action, the wanderer may choose to take two sets of actions. Rather than
occurring in a row, however, these actions occur separately and
simultaneously. At the end of the action, a temporal wanderer selects one set
of actions taken and the others never occur as the alternate timeline is
abandoned. The temporal wanderer is aware of what happens in each of the
separate timelines but all others are only aware of what occurs in the main
timeline. At 10th level and every 5 levels afterwards, a temporal wanderer
can choose to take up to one additional set of actions.
When dealing with meddlesome or dangerous mages, many believe that the
only solution is to bring in another, allied mage. In this respect, many are
sorely mistaken. A few gifted individuals, known as unmages, have gained
the ability to counter, unravel, and simply ignore magic in their
environments. Some unmages oppose magic in all of its forms and unravel
“unnatural” influences wherever they are found. On the opposite end of the
spectra, some unmages are abjurers who have simply perfected the art of
cancelling magic around them. Whether an unmage reserves their abilities
for self-protection or actively fights others who use magic, the current
location of unmages on a given plane is invaluable information both for those
who would abuse magic and for those who would stop them.
Hit Die: d8
Prerequisites: To qualify to become an Unmage, a character must meet all of
the following criteria
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) OR Use Magic Device 23 ranks
Feat: Combat Reflexes OR Improved Counterspell
Spellcasting: Must possess no non-epic spellcasting ability above 4th level
spells OR be able to cast 9th level abjuration spells, including mage’s
Level Base Attack Bonus Special
1st +1 Momentary Suppression (1), Unravel
2nd +2 True Counterspell 1/encounter
3rd +3 Bonus Feat
4th +4 Spell Immunity 1/round
5th +5 Instant Reversion (1 spell)
6th +6 Momentary Suppression (2)
7th +7 True Counterspell 2/encounter
8th +8 Bonus Feat
9th +9 Spell Immunity 2/round
10th +10 Instant Reversion (2 spells)
Class Features: The following are class features of the Unmage.
Epic Spellcasting: Even without the Epic Spellcaster feat, an unmage can still
develop and cast epic spells using the banish, dispel, reflect, and/or reveal
seeds. For the purpose of developing epic spells with these seeds (and only
these seeds), costs in gold pieces and experience points are halved. An
unmage may use his or her ranks in use magic device to determine his or her
epic spell slots per day. Furthermore, he or she may use his or her ranks in
either use magic device or knowledge (arcana) in place of his or her ranks in
spellcraft when making a spellcraft check to cast an epic spell. If the Unmage
doesn’t cast spells, he or she uses his or her highest ability score modifier to
determine epic spell save DCs.
True Counterspell (Su): Once per round, as a free action, an unmage can
interfere with another creature they possess a line of effect with as they
attempt to cast a spell or spell-like ability. The unmage makes an opposed
spellcraft check against the caster and if the unmage succeeds, the casting is
foiled and the spell or spell slot is expended as normal. For every 5 points by
which the unmage succeeds on this check, the caster may not cast spells or
spell-like abilities for 1 round afterwards. This ability can be used once per
encounter at 2nd level and an additional time per encounter every 5 levels
Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, an unmage can
select a single bonus feat from the following list: Anchoring Aura*, Antimagic
Burst*, Armor Skin, Blinding Speed, Conceal Mind*, Countermage*,
Counterspike*, Damage Reduction, Dimensional Aura*, Dismiss Outsiders*,
Energy Resistance, Epic Avoidance*, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflex, Epic Skill
Focus, Epic Speed, Epic Toughness, Epic Will, Expanded Aura*, Extended Life
Span, Forced Deanimation*, Guarded Abjuration*, Ignore Hindrance*,
Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Spell Capacity, Inescapable Aura*,
Legendary Climber, Legendary Leaper, Legendary Wrestler, Mageslayer
Juggernaut*, Master of Abjuration*, Mystic Feedback*, Perfect Health,
Pressure Casters*, Reveal Deceptions*, Seeping Suppression*, Share
Immunity*, Spell Stowaway, Spellcasting Harrier, Spellkill Ascetic*, Spellkill
Magebreaker*, Superior Counterspell*, Withstand Death*.
New Feats
Counterspike [Epic]
You can harm a creature simply by countering its spells.
Prerequisites: True Counterspell 1/encounter, Mystic Feedback
Benefits: You benefit from your mystic feedback spell whenever you
successfully counter a target’s spell with your true counterspell class feature.
Countermage [Epic]
Your training as a spellcaster and as an unmage has taught you how to fight
other spellcasters.
Prerequisites: Unravel Dweomers, the ability to cast 9th-level spells
Benefits: Select one spellcasting class you possess levels in. You add your
unmage level as a bonus to your caster level when casting spells gained by
virtue of levels in that class. Furthermore, you gain a bonus spell slot of each
spell level that you possess access to in the chosen class. These spell slots
can only be used for counterspelling.
Spell Immunity (Su): It is rare that spells can ever even faze an unmage.
Starting at 4th level, the first time each round that an unmage is targeted by
a spell or finds himself in the area of a spell, that spell treats the unmage as
not being there. Damaging spells fail to damage them, divination spells fail to
detect them, and even area effects made to contain an unmage like
forcecage can be seen and walked though by the unmage as if it weren’t
even there. This ability extends to the next spell that the unmage is targeted
with each round at 9th level and every 5 levels afterwards. An unmage can
lower or resume this protection as a free action.
What is reality? That is a question that has baffled scholars since the dawn of
time. Built with laws and woven with magic that contradict these laws at
every turn, the nature of reality is often inscrutable. Even the more common
philosophical answers are stifled by the existence of illusions. Are illusions
real, one might ask. Though certainly not what they appear to be, it remains
unclear whether they exist at all. Formed from common perceptions locked in
space, one must wonder whether it persists when none are around to
observe it. The greatest practitioners of illusion often claim that these
illusions persist. Whether we can take their claim seriously, however, is
another matter. After all, these same practitioners cast the rest of existence
into doubt. These practitioners, known as the unreal, blur the line between
the real and imagined.
Hit Die: d6
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Disguise, Knowledge (all skills, taken
individually), Profession, Sense Motive, Spellcraft
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
The Unreal
Level Base Attack Bonus Special
1st +0 Actualize I, All An Illusion
2nd +1 Disbelieve Harm 1/round
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd +1 Bonus Feat
4th +2 Fictionalize I
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th +2 Sensory Control (1 set of perceptions)
6th +3 Actualize II
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
7th +3 Disbelieve Harm 2/round
8th +4 Bonus Feat
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
9th +4 Fictionalize II
10th +5 Sensory Control (2 sets of
perceptions) +1 level of existing spellcasting class
Epic Spellcasting: Even without the Epic Spellcaster feat, an unreal can still
develop and cast epic spells using the animate, compel, conceal, contact,
delude, dispel, reveal, and/or transport seeds. For the purpose of developing
epic spells with these seeds (and only these seeds), costs in gold pieces and
experience points are halved.
All An Illusion (Su): From the perspective of the unreal, everything else is
one giant illusion. As a standard action, the unreal may select an object or
creature of up to gargantuan size and attempt a Will save (DC 20 + 1 per
previous attemnpt) to disbelieve it. If successful, both that object and the
unreal treat each other as though they were incorporeal for 1 minute.
Furthermore, the unreal can see through the object like a foiled illusion and
the target, if a creature, can see through the unreal. By spending one hour in
self-reflection or study, the Save DC is reset to 20.
Actualize (Su): When the unreal weave illusions, they can sometimes be
carried over into the physical world. Whenever an unreal casts an illusion
spell or spell-like ability that allows a will save to disbelieve, the unreal can
choose to actualize the illusion. An actualized illusion gains physical presence
for the effects duration, receiving an appropriate tactile component and
exerting the proper amount of weight as well as gaining damage reduction,
hardness, and/or natural armor as appropriate for the nature of the illusion.
Furthermore, an actualized illusion allows for no saving throw to disbelieve.
Even so, an actualized illusion is incapable of dealing damage. If the illusion
of a creature is created in this way, it loses all special attacks and special
qualities of the base creature and possesses no mental ability scores (and
thus possesses no ranks or feats) but otherwise possesses the stats of the
At 1st level, the undreal may possess a single actualized illusion at a time. At
6th level and every 5 levels afterwards, an additional illusion can be
actualized. Attempting to actualize an illusion beyond this limit results in one
previously actualized illusion of the unreal’s choice becoming illusory. Illusory
spaces and passages created in this way can’t be accessed.
Disbelieve Harm (Su): Starting at 2nd level, once per round, when the unreal
would take damage, he or she may make a Will save (DC = damage dealt).
If successful, the damage is completely negated. At 7th level and every 5
levels afterwards, this ability can be used an additional time per round.
Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each even unreal level, the character gains
new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he or she had also
gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he or she belonged before
adding the prestige class level. If already an epic spellcaster, the character
gains only the benefit noted under the Spells entry for that epic class. He or
she does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would
have gained. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before
becoming an unreal, the player must decide to which class to add the new
level for the purpose of determining spells per day.
Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, a can select a single
bonus feat from the following list: Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still
Spell, Awaken Fiction*, Delayed Actualization*, Disbelieve Spells*, Disbelieve
Weaponry*, Epic Will, Extended Control*, Extended Lifespan, Great Charisa,
Great Intelligence, Great Wisdom, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Spell
Capacity, Infallible Illusion*, Lethal Illusion*, Master of Illusion*, Partial
Illusion*, Pierce Illusion*, Reverse-Illusion*, Strengthen Spell, Sudden
Actualization*, Tenacious Magic
*New Feats
Reverse-Illusion [Epic]
You have found away to mask reality as an illusion.
Prerequisites: Fictionalize II.
Benefit: When you fictionalize a creature, you may choose to simply mask
that creature as an illusion rather than transform it into a full illusion (such a
creature still counts towards the limit of your fictionalize class feature).
Anyone who interacts with such a creature perceives that creature as a mere
illusion as though they had succeeded on a Will save against a figment unless
they succeed on a Will save (DC 20 + Unreal level + Int modifier). Anyone
harmed by an affected creature automatically succeeds on this saving throw.
Fictionalize (Su): Just as the unreal can force illusions into reality, so too can
he or she consign reality into illusion. Starting at 4th level, as a full-round
action, an unreal can force a single creature to make a Will save (DC 20 +
Class Level + Int modifier) or become a mere illusion (as permanent image).
At 4th level, the unreal can only fictionalize one creature at a time. At 9th
level and every 5 levels afterwards, the unreal may fictionalize another
creature at once. Fictionalizing another creature beyond this limit frees a
previously fictionalized creature. Likewise, dispelling or dismissing these
illusions results in the real creature returning into existence.
Sensory Control (Su): At the peak of his or her power, the unreal can directly
control what others perceive in the world around them. Starting at 5th level,
so long as the unreal concentrates, he or she can create a separate set of
visual, audio, olfactory, and thermal information that takes the place of a
target’s normal perceptions for any number of target creatures. The area in
which the unreal can control senses is limited to 50 ft. but creatures within
this area can have their perceptions of more distant objects or creatures
altered. The unreal is free to add, remove, or alter features of the
environment as he or she sees fit. Any creature who interacts with the
environment or who notes discrepencies within it is permitted a Will save (DC
20 + Class Level + Int modifier) to disbelieve this illusion. Once the illusion
has been disbelieved, creatures are immune to this ability from that unreal
for the next 24 hours. At 10th level and every 5 levels afterwards, the unreal
may create an additional set of perceptions to subject any number of targets
to when using this ability. One creature may receive any or all sets of
perceptions depending on the whims of the unreal. This effect is a phantasm
and can be pierced with a true seeing effect but can’t be affected by the
unreal’s actualize class feature.
Veneficus Optima
Even among the most prodigious of sorcerers and skilled of archmages, there
are yet names spoken of in whispers of fear and awe. Known as veneficus
optima, some arcane casters have unlocked unparalleled insights into the
nature of magic itself. Weaving even epic spells with mind-bogging ease,
even a single veneficus optima holds the potential to disrupt activity in entire
regions or even entire worlds.
Hit Die: d4
Veneficus Optima
Level Base Attack Bonus Special Spells
1st +0 Multispell (1), True Arcanist +1
level of existing arcane spellcasting class
2nd +1 Efficient Researcher x1 +1
level of existing arcane spellcasting class
3rd +1 Bonus Feat
+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
4th +2 Practiced Metamagic (4 levels) +1
level of existing arcane spellcasting class
5th +2 Master of the Arcane (1) +1
level of existing arcane spellcasting class
6th +3 Multispell (2)
+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
7th +3 Efficient Researcher x2 +1
level of existing arcane spellcasting class
8th +4 Bonus Feat
+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
9th +4 Practiced Metamagic (8 levels) +1
level of existing arcane spellcasting class
10th +5 Master of the Arcane (2) +1
level of existing arcane spellcasting class
Class Features: The following are class features of the Veneficus Optima.
Epic Spellcasting: A veneficus optima gains epic spellcasting as a bonus feat
even if he or she doesn’t meet its prerequisites.
Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each veneficus optima level, the character
gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he or she had
also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class to which he or she
belonged before adding the prestige class level. If already an epic spellcaster,
the character gains only the benefit noted under the Spells entry for that epic
class. He or she does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that
class would have gained. If the character had more than one arcane
spellcasting class before becoming a veneficus optima, the player must
decide to which class to add the new level for the purpose of determining
spells per day.
Multispell: Once per round, a veneficus optima can cast a non-epic arcane
spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less as a free action. At 6th
level and every 5 levels afterwards, this ability can be used one additional
time per round.
Efficient Researcher (Ex): A veneficus optima can develop epic spells in ways
that others could only dream of, regularly making intuitive leaps that a
normal mage would take days to figure out. Starting at 2nd level, when
developing an epic spell, the process takes 1 day less (to a minimum of 1
day), 2,000 fewer experience points (to a minimum of 360 xp), and 50,000
fewer gold pieces (to a minimum of 9,000 gp). These bonuses are doubled at
7th level, tripled at 12th level, and so forth.
Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, a Veneficus Optima
can select a single bonus feat from the following list: Automatic Quicken
Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Enhance Spell, Epic Spell
Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Spellbook*, Epic Will, Extended Life Span,
Familiar Spell, Godslayer*, Great Charisma, Great Intelligence, Ignore
Material Components, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Heighten Spell,
Improved Metamagic, Improved Spell Capacity, Improved Spell Resistance,
Intensify Spell, Master of Abjuration*, Master of Conjuration*, Master of
Divination*, Master of Enchantment*, Master of Evocation*, Master of
Illusion*, Master of Necromancy*, Master of Transmutation*, Multispell,
Permanent Emanation, Selective Spell*, Spell Knowledge, Spell Opportunity,
Spell Stowaway, Spontaneous Spell, Spontaneous Spell Knowledge*,
Superior Counterspell*, Superior Spellcaster*, Tenacious Magic
New Feats
Godslayer [Epic]
You can face even the divine with some chance of success.
Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +35 or ability to cast 12th level spells
Benefits: Deities attacking you never take 20 on their attack rolls. Against
your spells and abilities, deities never take 20 on their saving throws. Against
you, Deities lose their divine bonus to AC and Saving Throws. Lastly, you
aren’t detected by the remote sensing abilities or portfolio sense of deities
and salient divine abilities that create areas or that designate targets don’t
affect you.
Master of Enchantment[Epic]
You can make others act exactly as you would want them to with your
impressive powers.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast at least 2 7th-, 2 8th-, and 1 9th-level
Enchantment spell
Benefits: You can affect mindless creatures with your mind-affecting
enchantment spells, though only basic concepts can be conveyed and such
targets gain a +10 bonus to their saving throw. A creature who succeeds on
a saving throw against one of your enchantment spells is unaware that they
were ever targeted. Once per encounter, you can force a single creature to
follow your instructions for 1 round as is dominated unless it succeeds on a
Will Save (DC 10 + caster level + Intelligence modifier).
Master of Evocation[Epic]
You blast targets into dust with your control over the fundamental energies
of existence.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast at least 2 7th-, 2 8th-, and 1 9th-level Evocation
Benefits: All evocation spells you cast ignore spell resistance and energy
resistance and deal half damage even against creatures immune to the
relevant form of energy. Once per encounter, you can choose a form of
energy and deal 1d6 damage/caster level of that form of energy to a target
within 100 feet, or half of that if they succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 +
caster level + Intelligence modifier).
Master of Illusion[Epic]
You can fool the senses of others with incredibly ease.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast at least 2 7th-, 2 8th-, and 1 9th-level Illusion
Benefits: You can affect mindless creatures with your mind-affecting illusion
spells. Touching an illusion you have that allows for saving throws to
disbelieve does not allow the target to automatically disbelieve as such
illusions now create imagined tactile sensations. Once per encounter, you can
turn yourself or a creature within 100 feet of yourself invisible for 1 round.
While invisible, the target can’t be seen through see invisibility or true
seeing, is unaffected by glitterdust, faerie fire, and invisibility purge, and
can’t be detected by scent, blindsight, blindsense, or tremorsense.
Practiced Metamagic (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a veneficus optima can add
metamagic to arcane spells with great efficiency. Whenever casting a non-
epic arcane spell, the veneficus optima may add any number of metamagic
effects who in total would raise the spell’s level by up to +4 without
increasing its spell level or casting time. At 9th level and every 5 levels
afterwards, the veneficus optima can add another four levels of metamagic
effects to each spell they cast.
Master of the Arcane (Ex): Starting at 5th level, a veneficus optima can
manipulate far greater magics than most other arcane casters. A veneficus
optima can cast an additional epic spell each day, plus one additional such
spell at 10th level and every 5 levels afterwards.
Venerated Sage
Hit Die: d6
Class Skills: All skills are class skills for a venerated sage.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier
Venerated Sage
Level Base Attack Bonus Special
1st +0 Combat Evaluation +8, Master of
Knowledge --
2nd +1 Prepare for Anything (1 action)
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd +1 Bonus Feat
4th +2 Uncanny Senses 50 ft.
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th +2 Harmful Truths 1/round
6th +3 Combat Evaluation +12
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
7th +3 Prepare for Anything (2 actions)
8th +4 Bonus Feat
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
9th +4 Uncanny Senses 100 ft.
10th +5 Harmful Truths 2/round
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
Class Features: The following are class features of the venerated sage.
Epic Spellcasting: Even without the Epic Spellcaster feat, a venerated sage
can still develop and cast epic spells using the banish, compel, contact,
dispel, foresee, reveal, transport, and/or ward seeds. For the purpose of
developing epic spells with these seeds (and only these seeds), costs in gold
pieces and experience points are halved.
Master of Knowledge (Ex): All venerated sages are known for the vast supply
of knowledge that they have acquired. These sages may make Knowledge
checks untrained and gains a bonus to all knowledge checks equal to his or
her class level x 5. Furthermore, a venerated sage remembers his or her
entire life in perfect detail and is immune to all spells and effects that would
remove, alter, or allow access to his or her thoughts or memories. Lastly,
your extensive knowledge of the world aids with your divination spells and
effects. All divination spells you cast that rely on or benefit from knowledge
of, nearness to, and/or a connection with a specific target (such as discern
location, legend lore, and scrying) grant you the maximum possible results
for any target (a legend lore spell, for example, will always reveal full
legends). Any non-epic divination spell with a casting time over 1 minute has
its casting time reduced to 1 minute.
Combat Evaluation (Ex): While venerated sages are known for collecting vast
quantities of knowledge, they are more than capable of applying this
knowledge on the battlefield. As a move action, a venerated sage can review
all that he or she knows about a single creature he or she can see or hear
before coming up with the most appropriate response. Until the end of the
encounter or until this ability is used again, the venerated sage gains a +8
insight bonus to attack rolls against the target, to AC against the target’s
attacks, to saving throws against spells and abilities of the target, and to
opposed rolls against the target until the end of the encounter. Against other
creatures of the target’s race (and sub-race, if applicable), these bonuses are
halved. If the venerated sage chooses to use this ability as a full-round
action, he or she can announce his or her conclusions aloud and any ally who
can hear and understand him or her gains half of these benefits for the same
duration (the sage still gains full benefits). At 6th level and every 5 levels
afterwards, the bonus granted (before halving) increases by +4.
Bonus Spells Known: A venerated sage knows much of the ways of magic,
learning spells much faster than many others. At each odd level, a venerated
sage may add any single spell from any class list to his or her spellbook, list
of spells known, or spell list. These spells, if recorded to scrolls or spellbooks
(or prayerbooks), can't be copied into other spellbooks or prayerbooks.
Prepare for Everything (Ex): Starting at 2th level, venerated sages always
seem prepared for almost any possibility. As a swift action, a venerated sage
may ready a single move or standard action. At 7th level and every 5 levels
afterwards, the venerated sage may ready an additional action as part of his
or her swift action. No matter how many actions a venerated sage readies in
a single round, he or she may only actually take one.
Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each even venerated sage level, the
character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he
or she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he or she
belonged before adding the prestige class level. If already an epic spellcaster,
the character gains only the benefit noted under the Spells entry for that epic
class. He or she does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that
class would have gained. If the character had more than one spellcasting
class before becoming a venerated sage, the player must decide to which
class to add the new level for the purpose of determining spells per day.
Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, a venerated sage
can select a single bonus feat from the following list: Adaptable
Preparations*, Always Prepared*, Analyze Item*, Educated Dungeoneer*,
Epic Reputation, Epic Skill Focus, Extended Lifespan, Gifted Cartographer*,
Great Charisma, Great Intelligence, Great Wisdom, Improved Combat
Casting, Improved Metamagic, Improved Spell Capacity, Maddening Truth*,
Master of Divination*, Masterful Architect*, Opportune Action*, Planar
Scholar*, Polygot, Quick Analysis, Royal Recorder*, Soothsayer*,
Spontaneous Spell, Studious Archaeologist*, True Certainty*, Uncanny
Foresight*, Universal Truths*, Urbanite*, Widened Senses*
New Feats
Soothsayer [Epic]
Your senses sometimes extend into the future.
Prerequisites: Uncanny Senses 50 ft.
Benefit: As a standard action, you may use augury as a spell-like ability
(Caster Level 20). After using this ability, you lose the benefits of your
uncanny senses class feature for 30 minutes.
Urbanite [Epic]
You are exceedingly knowledgeable regarding local matters.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (Local) 23 ranks, Master of Knowledge
Benefit: If you can see or possess a detailed description of a settlement, you
know exactly where all services, features, and districts are located in relation
to each other. Furthermore, you may communicate basic messages with
sentient creatures who don’t share a language with yourself.
Uncanny Senses (Su): Starting at 4th level, a venerated sage learns how to
peer out into the world and see things as they truly are. Listen and Spot
checks aren’t penalized for distance within the first 50 ft. and the venerated
sage gains a special sensory capability within a 50-foot radius. As a move
action, he or she can switch which sense is active:
- The venerated sage benefits from a true seeing effect.
- The venerated sage automatically sees through all manner of mundane
darknesss, fog, smoke, and disguises.
- The venerated sage functions as though possessing any senses he or she
has been robbed of or denied.
- The venerated sage detects life force and its strength (as deathwatch).
- The venerated sage detects the presence and location of one named
substance within range.
- The venerated sage perceives the world as though a named substance does
not exist (gaze attacks may not be delivered if the venerated sage lacks a
line of effect with the target).
- The venerated sage detects all lies (even through omission) spoken within
range (as discern lies).
- The venerated sage pierces through invisibility and can see ethereal
creatures (as see invisibility).
- The venerated sage perceives all magic in the surrounding world (as arcane
At 9th level and every 5 level afterwards, the venerated sage’s senses extend
an additional 50 ft. before being penalized for distance and the range of
these special senses likewise extends 50 ft..
Harmful Truths (Su): Starting at 5th level, a venerated sage can rebuke and
harm others with the darkest and most personal or traumatizing of secrets.
Once per round, a venerated sage can target a creature who can both hear
and understand him or her with one of these truths and force that creatur e
to make a saving throw (DC 20 + Class level + Int modifier). If the target
hasn’t be targeted by this ability in the past 24 hours, it takes 10d6 nonlethal
damage and is dazed for 1 round if it fails the save and halves this damage
and is merely staggered for 1 round if it succeeds. Otherwise, the target
takes 5d6 nonlethal damage and is staggered for 1 round if it fails the save
and halves this damage and negates the staggered condition if it succeeds.
At 10th level and every 5 levels afterwards, this ability can be used an
additional time per round. No creature can be targeted more than once per
round and this ability can be used at any time without expending any action.
New Rules
Piercing Effects:
For each immunity against that effect gained through epic means (or each
racial immunity possessed by a creature with 21 or more racial Hit Dice),
there is a 50% chance that the immunity functions normally (check
separately for each such immunity).
The Amphibious variant of the monk PC class has the following changes:
If the monk has no swim speed, he gains a swim speed equal to their base
land speed. If he has no land speed, he gains a land speed equal to his base
swim speed. If he has both, the lesser of the two improves to equal the
greater of the two. He gains no add. limbs or special physical characteristics.
Instead, he learns to maneuver his body in effective, if unorthodox ways. The
Fast Movement ability applies to his land and swim speed evenly.
- Amphibious (Ex): At 10th level, a monk gains the aquatic subtype and the
Amphibious ability. This replaces his 10th level ki power.
Black Sage [Archivist]
Black sages collect of all manner of occult lore, inc., but not limited to,
arcane, divine, and psionic. The darker and more forbidden,
the better.
NB:A Black Sage can gain add. bloodlines via Gestalt (campaign, etc.);
Eldritch Heritage (feat); or Assimilate (cosmic), etc. normally.
Furthermore, there may be other methods of add. bloodline acquisition; such
as Illithid Savant, etc.
The Price:As a consequence of gaining this archetype, a Black Sage's hit die
is reduced from d6 to d4; his only weapon proficiency is
dagger; he suffers a -3 penalty to Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma at 1st
level; a further -3 penalty to Constitution, Wisdom, and
Charisma at 11th level (as his health, sanity, and personality deteriorate);
and his Fortitude save is reduced from good to poor.
Special:If a Black Sage [Druid] becomes a Black Sage [Archivist], The Price
is lessened by 2 points of penalty to Constitution,
Wisdom, and Charisma at 1st level and 2 points of penalty to Constitution,
Wisdom, and Charisma at 11th level; as they
already possess the equivalent of the Occult Spirit divine ability.
Lore:At 10th level, a Black Sage adds half his level to all Knowledge skill
checks and may make such checks untrained. The bonuses
gained from this ability stack with those gained from Bardic Knowledge.
Greater Lore (Ex):At 20th level, a Black Sage gains the ability to understand
magic items. Whenever he examines a magic item to
determine its properties, he gains a +10 circumstance bonus on
his Spellcraft skill check.
The Price:As a consequence of gaining this archetype, a Black Sage's hit die
is reduced from d8 to d4; his only weapon proficiency is
dagger; he is only proficient w/light armor and has no shield proficiencies; he
suffers a -3 penalty to Constitution, Wisdom, and
Charisma at 1st level; a further -3 penalty to Constitution, Wisdom, and
Charisma at 11th level (as his health, sanity, and
personality deteriorate); and his Fortitude save is reduced from good to poor.
Special:If a Black Sage [Archivist] becomes a Black Sage [Druid], The Price
is lessened by 2 points of penalty to Constitution, Wisdom,
and Charisma at 1st level and 2 points of penalty to Constitution, Wisdom,
and Charisma at 11th level; as they already possess the
equivalent of the Occult Spirit divine ability.
NB:Black Sage [Druid]s tend to use, corrupt, and abuse nature. For this
reason they're feared and reviled by non-Black Sage druids.
However, Black Sage [Druid]s are still as much a part of nature as non-Black
Sage druids, they simply represent a darker, and often
more parasitic, aspect of nature.
Your training has included basic magical theory as well as the usual psionic
Benefit: You add Spellcraft to your class skill list, which allows you to attempt
to convert an arcane spell into a power you can add to your repertoire. You
treat the spell as a discipline power for the basis of learning it, and you must
first succeed on a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the spell's level) and then a
Spellcraft check as per the normal rules of learning a discipline power (see
page 154 of Complete Psionic).
Each spell costs a certain number of power points to manifest. The higher the
level of the spell, the more power points it costs. The table below describes
each spell's cost.
Note:If this system intrigues you, you can see a spell point variant system
starting on page 153 of Unearthed Arcana.
* 0-level spells cost no power points to manifest. Instead you may manifest a
number of 0-level spells each day equal to three + the number of power
points gained by that class at 1st level.
The erudite uses her manifester level for determining the effects of the spell
being manifested, with one significant exception. Spells that deal a number
of dice of damage based on caster level (such as magic missile,searing
light, or lightning bolt) deal damage as if cast by a character of the minimum
level of the class capable of casting the spell. Spells whose damage is
partially based on caster level, but that don't deal a number of dice of
damage based on caster level (such as produce flame or an inflict spell) use
the erudite's normal manifester level to determine damage. Use the erudite's
normal manifester level for all other effects, including range and duration.
An erudite can pay additional power points to augment the dice of damage
dealt by a spell. Every 1 extra power point spent at the time of manifesting
increases the spell's effective caster level by 1 for purposes of dealing
damage. The damage-dealing spell's caster level cannot be increased above
the erudite's manifester level, or above the normal maximum allowed by the
For example, even at 7th level, our erudite's lightning bolts deal only 5d6
points of damage (just like a 5th-level wizard) unless she spends extra power
points. If she spends 1 extra power point (making the lightning boltcost 6
points rather than 5), the spell deals 6d6 points of damage. A second extra
power point would increase the damage to 7d6 points, but she can't spend
more points than this, since her manifester level is only 7th. Were she 10th
level or higher, she could spend a maximum of 5 extra power points on this
spell, raising the damage up to 10d6, the maximum allowed for a lightning
bolt spell.
Similarly, her magic missile spell shoots only one missile unless she spends
extra power points. An extra 2 power points increases the caster level from
1st to 3rd, granting her one additional missile. She can spend a maximum of
6 additional power points in this manner, increasing her effective caster level
to 7th for damage purposes and granting her a total of four missiles. If she
were 9th level or higher, she could spend a maximum of 8 extra power
points, granting her five missiles (just like a 9th-level caster).
Because the spells are now effectively psionic powers, they are no longer
affected by metamagic feats. However, metapsionic feats can affect them as
they would a psionic power.
New Domain
Wisdom Domain
Perceptive (Su):Perception is always a class skill for you. Additionally,
whenever you make a skill check to see through a disguise or find something
hidden or concealed, you gain a +4 insight bonus on the check.
Teaching Moment (Su):At 8th level, when you or an ally within 30 ft. roll a
natural 1 or a natural 20 on an attack roll, ability check, skill check, or saving
throw, as an immediate action, you can grant all allies within 30 ft. special
insights that help them overcome similar challenges. Once during the next
minute, each affected creature can choose to roll twice and take the better
result before attempting an attack roll, ability check, skill check, or saving
throw. You can use this ability once per day, plus once per day per 4
additional cleric levels.
Domain Spells:1st-augury, 2nd-owl’s wisdom, 3rd-speak with dead, 4th-
discern lies, 5th-true seeing, 6th-owl's wisdom, mass, 7th-vision, 8th-
moment of prescience, 9th-foresight.
- Logic Subdomain
Associated Domain:Wisdom
Replacement Power:The following granted power replaces the Teaching
Moment ability of the Wisdom domain.
Cunning (Ex):You have an innate cunning and logical ability. At 8th level, this
gives you immunity to maze spells and prevents you from ever becoming
lost. At 12th level, this enables you to track enemies. At 16th level, you are
never caught flat-footed.
Replacement Domain Spells:1st-comprehend languages, 2nd-find traps, 6th-
find the path.
- Perception Subdomain
Associated Domain:Wisdom
Replacement Power:The following granted power replaces the Teaching
Moment ability of the Wisdom domain.
Uncanny Perception (Ex):You have an uncanny sense of your environment.
At 8th level, you gain Blindsense 5 ft. At 16th level, your Blindsense
increases to 10 ft. and you gain Blindsight 5 ft.
Replacement Domain Spells:1st-read weather, 3rd-aura sight, 7th-circle of
New Subdomains
Associated Domain:Earth
Replacement Power:The following granted power replaces the acid dart
power of the Earth domain.
- Vertigo Touch (Su):As a standard action that provokes attacks of
opportunity, you can cause the mass of any unattended object to fluctuate
for a number of rounds equal to your cleric level. While an object's mass
fluctuates, it emits a faint aura of transmutation. Any creature that passes
within 5 ft. of the aura must succeed at a Will save (DC equal to 10 + 1/2
your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier) or become sickened. You're
immune to this object's effect. You can use this ability a number of times per
day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Replacement Domain Spells:1st-feather fall, 6th-gravity well, 8th-reverse
Associated Domain:Fire
Replacement Power:The following power replaces the acid dart and acid
resistance powers of the Earth domain.
Spit Magma (Su): As a standard action, you may spit a blob of molten
magma towards an opponent within 30 ft. as a ranged touch attack. The
magma does 1d6 points of fire damage and causes targets to immediately
catch on fire (see rules for catching on fire). The target must use a standard
action to clean off the magma or take an additional 1d3 points of damage
each round it remains. You can use this ability a number of times per day
equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Replacement Domain Spells:3rd-molten orb, 4th-volcanic storm, 8th-wall of
Associated Domain:Earth
Replacement Powers:The following granted powers replace the granted
powers of the Earth domain.
- Remembrance (Sp):At 4th level, when within a ruin (or other structure that
is no longer claimed by civilization), you can call upon the wisdom of the ruin
and its long-dead residents. Once per day for every 4 cleric levels you
possess, you can cast divination as a spell-like ability.
- Surefooted (Ex):At 8th level, your speed is not reduced by difficult terrain
unless the terrain has been magically manipulated to impede motion.
Replacement Domain Spells:4th-rusting grasp, 6th-stone tell, 7th-statue.
You find strength in silence.
Associated Domain:Void.
Replacement Power:The following granted power replaces the part the veil
power of the Void domain.
In addition, you receive Silent Spell as a bonus feat.
- Aura of Silence (Su):As a standard action, you can create a 20-foot aura
that causes enemies within to be silenced as per the silence spell. The aura
lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier, but the
rounds need not be consecutive.
Replacement Domain Spells:2nd-silence, 3rd-blindness/deafness (deafness
only), 5th-wall of blindness/deafness (deafness only).
Oblivion Triumphant (Ex):At 27th level, you shuck your mortal corpse. Your
Type changes to Undead, you gain the incorporeal subtype,
and your hit dice increase to d12’s. You can choose to manifest as a
corporeal creature or dematerialize, as a swift action, at will.
Immortality:Grim Reaper
Grim Reaper:Your existence is legend, your reality ephemeral, and all souls,
evermore, await their harvesting at your hands.
New Feats
Aristeia [General]
You make slaying opponents look no more difficult than breathing.
Prerequisite:Str 15, Dex 15, BAB +8, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dodge,
Great Cleave, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack.
Benefit:On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may
choose to take a –5 penalty on all attack rolls. If any one of your attacks
deals damage equal to or greater than twice your target's maximum hit
points (after all damage reduction and similar effects are applied), you slay
the target without effort, as a free action. If you fail to either hit a target or
deal damage equal to twice their maximum hit points, then that attack
counts as a regular attack action. You can make a number of free attack
actions equal to one per round per point of base attack bonus, but these free
attack actions can be spread out over multiple attacks from having a high
base attack bonus.
For example, an 8th-level fighter with Strength 17 wielding a greatsword
makes three free attack actions with a +6 attack bonus before failing to deal
twice their opponent's hit points on their 4th attack, which therefore counts
as a regular attack action. The fighter can then make the remaining five free
attack actions with a +1 attack bonus using their 2nd attack as a full attack
action, assuming every such attack deals twice their opponent's maximum hit
Special:A fighter may select Aristeia as one of their fighter Bonus Feats (see
page 38 of the Player's Handbook).
Torture -- You can use the intimidate skill to try and force a person to give
you information that they would never choose to give you of their own free
will, via the use of unbearable suffering and mind-breaking torture. To do so,
you spend a time to inflict mortal agony upon a creature (the exact time
depends on the situation. For example, it could take less than a minute, as
the creature in question spits out the information upon seeing the torture
devices), and make an intimidate check to try and force a piece of
information out of them (use the tables below to determine exact DCs). A
creature who is immune to pain or fear is immune to this use of the
intimidate skill.
Cataphract [Tactical]
You are a master of defensive armament.
Prerequisites:Heavy Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency.
Benefit:The Cataphract feat grants you access to three special tactical
- Armored Expertise:Increase the armor bonus of light armor you are
wearing by 1, medium armor by 2 & heavy armor by 3.
- Blunted Blow:You gain DR ×/-, where × is half the armor bonus of your
current suit of armor. You must be wearing medium or heavy armor to gain
this benefit.
- Power Defend:If a foe uses the Power Attack feat against you, the foe gains
no bonus on the damage roll but still takes the corresponding penalty to the
attack roll. You must be wearing medium or heavy armor & holding a shield
to gain this benefit.
Special: A fighter may select Cataphract as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Corrupt [General]
You skillfully bring a good creature into the darkness and show it the wrong
and improper path.
Prerequisites:Charisma 15, evil alignment, Tempt.
Benefit:As Tempt (see The Book of Hallowed Might), but you require only half
the number of days listed there to make a check. In addition, the creature
type doesn't modify the Difficulty Class, although conditions can still
influence the saving throw.
Tech Items
Oil of Preservation:When rubbed into dead organic matter, this viscous fluid
preserves it against rot and decay. The oil stains the dead flesh a repulsive
greenish-purple color, making it look as though it were covered with
graveyard mold, but the item remains sound and intact underneath as long
as the coating lasts. Food treated with the oil becomes foul-tasting but
retains its nutritive value. An object treated with the oil is preserved from
natural decay for 100 years, provided it’s otherwise left undisturbed. If it is
carried around or used after treatment, the oil’s effects wear off in a week.
A single vial covers one Small or Medium creature or object, or else
two Tiny, four Diminutive, or eight Fine. Larger subjects require more vials —
two for Large, four for Huge, eight for Gargantuan and at least sixteen for
Colossal. The creature or object must be completely covered to get any
If subjected to a magical attack, an object treated with the oil gains a
+3 resistance bonus on any saving throw it makes as an object. An
unattended nonmagical object is not normally entitled to saving throws, but
it gets one (with no bonus) if treated with the oil. A creature wearing an
object treated with the oil gains no benefits.
An unliving creature, such as a golem or corporeal undead creature,
gains +3 hit points and a +3 resistance bonus on Fortitude and Reflex saves
if treated with the oil. The oil lasts a maximum of 1 day when applied to a
CL 1st; Superior Alchemy*; Price 225 gp; Weight 1/10 lb.
Power Source:These items can provide power to items produced with the
Create Device feat. A power source usually resembles some kind of leather or
metal container with any manner of studs, wires, tubes and electrodes
sticking out of it, plus several mysterious openings or slots. It may hum
quietly, give off a whiff of ozone, leak strange fluids, or any combination of
these effects.
To power a device, the power source must first be connected to the
device. Doing so requires a Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 15 + the device’s
caster level). Once attached, a power source supplies power to the device
until detached again (a standard action, no check required) or until it runs
out of charges, at which point it must be detached so that a new one can be
Connecting a power source requires 1 minute per point of the required
check DC. If the check result exceeds the DC by 5 points or more, the effort
takes only half that time. If the check fails by 4 or less, the character tinkers
with the device for the allotted time and achieves nothing, but can try again.
If the check fails by 5 or more, the power source overloads and explodes,
dealing 1d6 points of damage to everything within a 15-ft. radius. The type
of damage depends on the power source, as shown below. A Reflex save (DC
13, +1 per charge) halves the damage. Thus, a power source holding 4
charges deals 1d6 points of damage (Reflex DC 17 half).
No matter how many power sources are available, a charged device
burns out after it has been used a number of times equal to the number of
charges a similar magic item would have held. For example, a wand of
fireballs made with the Create Device (Wands)* feat functions only 50 times
before burning out, no matter how many batteries are available.
Unless noted otherwise, a power source cannot be recharged once it
has been drained.
Cyber-/Techo-Druid [General]
You're aware metal and tech are still a part of nature. Not apart from nature.
Prerequisites:Int 12, Wis 15.
Benefit:You can gain druid levels and freely use metal armor, metal shields,
and technologies. They don't cause you to lose any druid spells or abilities.
NB:Most Cyber-Druids are Cyborgs (Aleerins (Mechalus), etc.), etc.
Deify [Mythic]
You can turn your cult of personality into a full-blown religion.
Prerequisite: 3rd Mythic Tier, Divine Source Mythic Path Ability.
Benefit: In addition to the domains and sub-domains selected with the Divine
Source Mythic Path Ability, choose one additional domain and three sub-
domains. These domains and sub-domains apply to your collection of spell-
like abilities from the Divine Source Mythic Path Ability as well as normal
selections available to your followers. No domain chosen may have more
than two related sub-domains, regardless of whether they are gained though
this feat or taking the Divine Source Mythic Path Ability multiple times.
Your followers are no longer restricted by your mythic tier for the level of
spells that you grant through through their worship. You also choose one
weapon that you are proficient to be the favored weapon of your religion.
This favored weapon applies to any divine casters that venerate you as their
deity as normal.
Special: In order to qualify for this feat, you must not worship any other
deity, faith, church or cult. You must also have a clearly defined philosophy
and your choices of domains and sub-domains must be in align with this
Devour [General]
Prerequisites:Shard of Entropy (7d6, consuming).
Benefit:Your shard of entropy's bonus on “bull rush” attempts is equal to
your own.
Normal:Your shard of entropy's bonus on “bull rush” attempts is +11.
NB:An entropomancer's shard of entropy bypasses all damage reduction and
An entropomancer's shard of entropy pulls in unattended objects, as well as
10th level entropomancers are immune to their own shard of entropy.
This feat can be deadly for lesser entropomancers to possess.
E.P.B. [Epic]
Your pumpkin bomb is killer.
Prerequisites:Cha 25, Pumpkin Bomb class feature.
Benefit:Your pumpkin bomb counts as a thrown missile weapon and can
1d6 base B damage (or base B damage equal to your unarmed strike
(+1 d.c.), whichever is greater) to one target in addition to its normal
Font of Ki [Ki]
Prerequisites:Wis 21, Perfect Self class feature.
Benefit:Your ki pool increases by an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier.
If your Wisdom increases, this bonus is increased retroactively.
Special:You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
Ghost-Face [Vile]
You wear a symbolic mask of death and fear.
Prerequisites:Ninja level 8th.
Benefit:As a free action, that doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity, you
can expend 1 ki point to manifest a mask.
This mask cannot be removed; exists until destroyed or dismissed
(nonaction); and has 1 hardness point (and 2 hit points)
per character level. When wearing this mask, your face is concealed and you
are immune to identification (even vs.
divination, forensics, scent, x-ray vision, etc.); can freely suppress any/all of
your auras (if any; doesn't count
as an action); and gain a +1 bonus per 8 character levels on Bluff, Disguise,
and Intimidate checks.
- Ghost Lord [Vile]
Prerequisites:Ninja level 16th.
Benefit:Your mask is indestructible until you are killed/destroyed.
Attacks/effects specifically targetting your face are completely
nullified. You can dismiss (nonaction) your mask normally.
Special:If you have the Unyielding Damage Reduction
/Weapon Breaking abilities, they function normally.
High Arcana:
Spell-Like Ability [High Arcana]
Prerequisites:Ability to cast 5th-level arcane spells, knowledge of 3th-level or higher spells from
at least five schools.;
Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks; Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus in two
schools of magic.
Benefit:You can use one of your arcane spell slots (other than a slot lost to learn this or any other
type of high arcana) to permanently prepare one of your arcane spells as a spell-like ability that
can be used twice per day. You do not use any components when casting the spell, although a
spell that costs XP to cast still does so and a spell with a costly material component instead costs
you 10 times that amount in XP.
You can still cast the spell by paying spell slots as normal.
The spell-like ability normally uses a spell slot of the spell’s level, although you can choose to
make a spell modified by a metamagic feat into a spell-like ability at the appropriate spell level.
You may use a available higher-level spell slot in order to use the spell-like ability more often.
Using a slot three levels higher than the chosen spell allows you to use the spell-like ability four
times per day, and a slot six levels higher lets you use it six times per day.
You can alter spell-like abilities with the use of metamagic feats. You must pay the appropriate
amount of spell slots, and the power spent cannot exceed your metamagic cap.
Special:You can gain this feat multiple times. If spell-like ability is selected more than one time
as a high arcana choice, this feat can apply to the same spell chosen the first time (increasing the
number of times per day it can be used) or to a different spell. You permanently lose one 5th-
level arcane spell slot each time you gain this feat.
High Theology:
Spell-Like Ability [High Theology]
Prerequisites:Ability to cast 5th-level divine spells, knowledge of 3th-level or higher spells from
at least five schools.;
Knowledge (religion) 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks; Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus in two
schools of magic.
Benefit:You can use one of your divine spell slots (other than a slot lost to learn this or any other
type of high theology) to permanently prepare one of your divine spells as a spell-like ability that
can be used twice per day. You do not use any components when casting the spell, although a
spell that costs XP to cast still does so and a spell with a costly material component instead costs
you 10 times that amount in XP.
You can still cast the spell by paying spell slots as normal.
The spell-like ability normally uses a spell slot of the spell’s level, although you can choose to
make a spell modified by a metamagic feat into a spell-like ability at the appropriate spell level.
You may use a available higher-level spell slot in order to use the spell-like ability more often.
Using a slot three levels higher than the chosen spell allows you to use the spell-like ability four
times per day, and a slot six levels higher lets you use it six times per day.
You can alter spell-like abilities with the use of metamagic feats. You must pay the appropriate
amount of spell slots, and the power spent cannot exceed your metamagic cap.
Special:You can gain this feat multiple times. If spell-like ability is selected more than one time
as a high theology choice, this feat can apply to the same spell chosen the first time (increasing
the number of times per day it can be used) or to a different spell. You permanently lose one 5th-
level divine spell slot each time you gain this feat.
High Psionics:
Psi-Like Ability [High Psionics]
Prerequisites:Ability to manifest 5th-level psionic powers, knowledge of 3th-level or higher
powers from at least three disciplines.;
Knowledge (psionics) 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks; Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Greater Psionic
Endowment, Psionic Endowment.
Benefit:You can use a number of your power points equal to the base cost of the power (other
than the power points lost to learn this or any other type of high psionics)) to permanently prepare
one of your psionic powers as a psi-like ability that can be used twice per day. You do not
manifest any displays when manifesting the power, although a power that costs XP to manifest
still does so.
You can still manifest the power by paying power points as normal.
The psi-like ability normally uses power points equal to the base cost of the power, although you
can choose to make a power modified by a metapsionic feat into a psi-like ability at the
appropriate power level and with the appropriate power point cost.
You may use additional power points in order to use the psi-like ability more often. Using six
power points more than the chosen power requires allows you to use the psi-like ability four
times per day, and twelve power points more lets you use it six times per day.
You can alter psi-like abilities with the use of metapsionic feats. You must pay the appropriate
amount of power points, and the power spent cannot exceed your metapsionic cap.
Special:You can gain this feat multiple times. If psi-like ability is selected more than one time as
a high psionics choice, this feat can apply to the same power chosen the first time (increasing the
number of times per day it can be used) or to a different power. You permanently lose 9 power
points each time you gain this feat.
- Multislice [General]
Your off-hand weapons strike with greater power.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Multiweapon Fighting.
Benefit:Add your Strength bonus to off-hand weapon damage rolls.
Normal:Add half your Strength bonus.
Monster Tamer Feats
Construct Monster [Epic]
Prerequisites:Ability to control Monsters of CR 20.
Benefit:When you strike a Construct with a Soul Prison, the Soul Prison does
regular damage instead of subdual damage. If the Construct would be
destroyed (brought to zero hit points), it is instead captured into the Soul
Prison (and suffers no damage from the Soul Prison). From then on it is
considered to be a captured Monster. In addition, you treat all Constructs as
Monsters - you can communicate with them, evolve them, etc. A Construct
which ceases being a construct gains a one time Hard to Control modifier of
+1 CR.
Multiweapon Defense [General]
Prerequisites:Dex 15+, Multiweapon Fighting
Benefit:When wielding a double weapon or two or more weapons (not
including natural weapons or unarmed strikes), the character gains a +1
shield bonus to his AC. When he is fighting defensively or using the total
defense action, this shield bonus increases to +2. Wielding a weapon in this
case means having the weapon drawn and available to parry incoming
Special:Weapons crafted from denser materials multiply this shield bonus
Plant Companion [General]
You relate better to flora than fauna, and have a plant creature as a
companion instead of an animal.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast detect animals or plants, ability to gain an
animal companion (as per the Nature Bond or Hunter’s Bond abilities).,
Knowledge (nature) Rank 1.
Benefit: You are able to select a companion from the Plant Choices list below.
This creature follows the normal rules for animal companions, with the
following modifications:
Plants have good Fortitude saves, but poor Reflex saves. Use the values in
the Will save column on Table: Animal Companion Base Statistics for Reflex
saves as well.
Plant companions can have ranks in the following skills: Climb (Str),
Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Perception* (Wis), Stealth* (Dex),
Survival (Wis), Swim (Str). All of the skills marked with an (*) are class skills
for plant companions. Plant companions with an Intelligence of 3 or higher
can put ranks into any skill. Plant companions with no Intelligence score gain
no skill ranks.
Plant companions can select from the following feats: Alertness, Athletic,
Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Great Fortitude,
Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Improved
Natural Attack, Improved Trip, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Lightning
Reflexes, Lunge, Power Attack, Run, Skill Focus, Stealthy, Toughness,
Weapon Finesse, and Weapon Focus. Plant companions with an Intelligence
of 3 or higher can select any feat they are physically capable of using. Plant
companions with no Intelligence score gain no feats. GMs might expand this
list to include feats from other sources.
You can handle your plant companion using Handle Animal as if it were an
A plant companion with no Intelligence score gains no tricks. A plant
companion with an Intelligence of 3 or higher neither gains nor needs tricks
to perform actions. The GM is encouraged to customize the list below to suit
their game, world and/or game materials available.
Plant Choices
Assassin Vine
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 5 ft.; AC +2 natural
armor; Attack slam (1d6); Ability Scores Str 11, Dex 11, Con 11, Int —, Wis
13, Cha 9; Special Attacks grab, constrict (1d6); Special
Qualities camouflage, low-light vision, resist cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10.
4th-Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +4 natural armor; Attack slam
(1d8); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex -2, Con +4; Special
Attacks entangle; Special Qualities blindsight, immune electricity.
Shambling Mound
Starting statistics: Size Medium; Speed 20 ft., swim 20 ft.; AC +2 natural
armor; Attack 2 slams (1d8); Ability Scores Str 10, Dex 9, Con 13, Int 7, Wis
10, Cha 9; Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, resist fire 10,
immune electricity, electric fortitude.
4th-Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +4 natural armor; Attack 2 slams
(2d6); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex -2, Con +4; Special Attacks constrict (2d6),
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 30 ft.; AC +2 natural
armor; Attack 2 slams (1d6); Ability Scores Str 15, Dex 6, Con 15, Int 12,
Wis 16, Cha 13; Special Qualities low-light vision, DR 5/slashing,
treespeech; Weaknesses vulnerability to fire; Skills +16 Stealth in forests
7th-Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +4 natural armor; Attack 2 slams
(1d8); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex -2, Con +4; Special Qualities double
damage against objects, DR 10/slashing.
Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed 30 ft.; AC +1 natural armor; Attack 2
claws (1d4); Ability Scores Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8*, Wis 11, Cha
11; Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, DR 5/slashing or
bludgeoning, electricity resist 10; Skills +4 Stealth (+12 in vegetation).
7th-Level Advancement: Ability Scores Str +2, Dex +2; Special
Attacks russet mold spores (as vegepygmy chieftain); Special
Qualities Immune electricity.
Polyglot [Epic]
You can speak, read, and write all languages.
Prerequisites:Int 20+.
Benefit:You can speak all languages. If you're literate,
you can also read and write all languages (not
including magical script).
Safeguard (Ex)
One of your feats can never be separated from you.
Benefit:Upon taking this epic feat, choose one other feat that you possess.
This choice cannot be changed. Your chosen feat cannot be negated by
effects that would suppress it, such as the Abrogate cosmic ability, the
Nullification cosmic ability, or the Dead Zone transcendental ability (if it is a
supernatural feat). It still functions normally under any of these conditions.
Safeguard itself cannot be affected by any of these conditions as well.
Special:You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take Safeguard,
it applies to a different feat that you possess.
Lawful Alignment +2
Chaotic Alignment -2
Possesses and is proficient with whip +2
Stationed in area where slavery is unacceptable -2
Stationed in area where slavery is acceptable +2
Stationed in area where slavery is the norm +4
Moves around frequently -6
Known for Cruelty +2
Spiderfiend [Fiend]
Prerequisites:Character level 4th.
Benefit:You can climb and travel on vertical surfaces or even traverse ceilings
as well as a spider does. You must have your hands free to climb in this
manner. You gain a climb speed of 2/3rds your base land speed and a +8
racial bonus on Climb skill checks; furthermore, you needn't make Climb
checks to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even upside down). You
retain your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and
opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against you. You can't,
however, use the run action while climbing.
- Webspinner [Fiend]
Prerequisites:Character level 4th, Spiderfiend.
Benefit:You gain the Web ability of a spider of your size, Tremorsense 60 ft.,
and can move at your full speed while climbing. Your spinnerets are in your
mouth, wrists, or abdomen. You choose where on your body your spinnerets
manifest. This choice, once made, is permanent, unless you possess ooze
traits. Additionally, most drow (about 2/3rds in a typical spider-oriented
culture) find you strangely attractive
and, barring obvious hostility, their attitudes are automatically raised by one
level and a Charisma check can potentially improve
the reaction even more, but cannot lower it.
Theosophist [General]
All knowledge is divine.
Prerequisites:Wis 15, Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks.
Benefit:You can gain/retain Mad Scientist levels normally,
even if you have/gain the ability to use divine magic. Any
/all divine/Mad Scientist class features function normally.
Special:If your deit(-y/-ies), if any, disapprove(s), you lose
any/all of your divine class features normally, becoming
an Ex-member of your divine class(es), etc.
Thwart [Epic]
Prerequisites:Dex 30, Bluff 27 ranks.
Benefit:You gain Immunity to the Cozen divine ability.
Warforged [General]
Your body can be enhanced.
Prerequisite:Improved Unarmed Strike.
Benefit:For enhancement purposes, you are considered a manufactured,
masterwork suit of armor and a manufactured, masterwork weapon.
Any/all enhancements (bonuses, etc.) are added normally (costing exp., etc.)
and can be suppressed, but not permanently dispelled.
Any/all weapon enhancements modify any/all unarmed attacks (unarmed
strike, etc.).
Special:You retain your normal qualities (natural, etc.).
Wondrous [General]
Your body can be further enhanced.
Prerequisite:Improved Unarmed Strike, Warforged.
Benefit:You can be further enhanced and given the abilities, properties, etc.
of one
or more wondrous items of your choice. Any/all enhancements (bonuses,
etc.) are
added normally (costing exp., etc.) and can be suppressed, but not
dispelled.; NB:Your item slots are still limited and each enhancement counts
as its original item type and against your normal compliment of items.
Special:You retain your normal qualities (natural, etc.).
Aegis (Ex)
Prerequisites:Con 40 (Cha 40, if Con - ).
Benefit:You defend as if you're 2 divine status higher vs. Portfolio Trumping
(see Ascension
- Portfolio Trumping, Pg. 47 for further information). This ability stacks
w/Portfolio defense
vs. Portfolio Trumping and enhances any defense reliant upon divine status
etc.) for effectiveness vs. Portfolio Trumping (self-explanatory).
Special:This ability confers no protection vs. alternative means of bypassing,
negating, etc.
i.e. [Creature] Messiah, etc. are bypassed normally by those of sufficient
divine status
(which is considered before Portfolio Trumping comes into play).
e.g. a Lesser Deity w/[Creature] Messiah can still be harmed by those
[Creature]s of
Lesser Deity or higher status, etc.
Alien (Ex)
Your alien form is your true form.
Prerequisites:Pseudonatural tenplate.
Benefit:Your alien (alternate/pseudonatural) form is your true form. What
was previously
your true form is the lie. (i.e., if forced into your true form, you are forced
into your alien
(alternate/pseudonatural) form, etc.) You can assume your nonalien
nonpseudonatural) form, as a standard action, at will.
Amplification (Ex)
Your feat is amplified.
Benefit:Your feat is amplified as if you've taken +1x the number
of iterations of said feat or, if it's a feat you can only gain once,
its benefits are doubled.
This ability is also applicable to equivalent or lesser abilities.
Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. Its effects
stack or apply to a new feat. This ability can be
applied to the Anoxia feat normally.
NB:Remember, a double double is a triple, etc.
Armor Debasement (Ex)
Your knowledge of armor diminishes its effectiveness vs. you.
Prerequisites:Str 29, Heavy Armor Mastery, Light Armor Mastery, Medium
Armor Mastery, Shield Mastery.
Benefit:You can ignore any/all armor/shield (not enhancement) bonuses.
Completionist (Ex)
Your incomplete ability is completed.
Prerequisites:An incomplete divine, etc. ability.
Benefit:Your incomplete divine, etc. ability; such as Withering (Str.)
[Effect], etc.; becomes complete. This can't give you abilities you
didn't already have, it can only complete an incomplete ability
you already possess.
e.g. if you have the Withering (Str.) [Effect], you gain a complete
Withering [Effect]. You don't gain Uncanny Withering Mastery.
e.g. if you have Abrogate (Strength), you gain Abrogate.
etc., etc., etc.
Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. Its effects stack.
Cuddles (Su)
You can inspire cuddles.
Prerequisites:Cha 55, Diplomacy 52 ranks, Beloved Dictator, Epic Leadership,
Greater Aura, Leadership, Perfect
Aura, Superior Aura, Theopoea.
Benefit:All targets (creatures, etc.) in your aura must succeed at a Will save or
be forced (animated (as per animate
object, etc.)/awakened (as per awaken construct, etc.), if necessary) to
abandon all other actions (dropping all held,
etc.) and attempt to graciously and harmlessly cuddle you (i.e. no other
action(s); harmful, ill-intended, or otherwise;
can be taken by the target(s) for the duration of the effect w/o your willful and
knowing consent (see below).), or one
target (creature, etc.) of your choosing, for a number of rounds equal to your
Cha modifier + your divine rank, even
if doing so would be contrary to their beliefs, etc.; hazardous, etc.; or
obviously suicidal.
You can permit said cuddler(s) to take other actions of your choosing while
they cuddle you or your chosen target
and exempt any/all target(s) from your cuddles ability, if/when desired
(Immediate nonaction).
The save DC is Charisma-based.
Special:You can exempt any/all target(s) from any/all of your auras, etc.;
if/when desired (Immediate nonaction),
even if you normally can't. All the better for cuddles.
NB:This is one of Catthulhu's favorite abilities.
Cybergod (Ex)
Your cybernetics are invulnerable.
Prerequisites:Cyborg, Con 40 (or Cha 40, if Con - ).
Benefit:Your cybernetics are invulnerable as long as you have at least 1/2
your normal
full hps. Furthermore, any/all of your cybernetics are considered a natural
part of your
manifestation. Finally, you qualify for Iron Body, etc. abilities. If your
cybernetics are
Necro-Tech, etc., you remain unaffected by rusting attacks and effects, etc.
Special:Portfolio Trumping (see I.H.:A., Pg. 47) can bypass invulnerability.
Dancing Chains (Su)
Your divine aura manifests corporeal chains that attack and move, according
to your whims, as per a dancing chains spell.
Prerequisites:Divine Aura, Self-mastery.
Benefit:Your divine aura manifests corporeal chains that attack and move,
according to your whims, as per a dancing chains spell. These chains are
Special:This ability works in conjunction with Dancing Raiment, Mask of
Darkness, and Raiment of Darkness. However, each attacking appendage you
make with this ability subtracts one attacking appendage from your Dancing
Raiment ability and vice versa. Thus limiting your attacking appendages
(chains and/or raiment) to the original total dictated by the dancing chains
[Current] Breath (or a frog-like tongue), etc. enhance this ability (self-
Distasteful (Su)
Prerequisites:Con 40 (or Cha 40, if Con - ).
Benefit:Any creature that bites or eats any part of you must make a
successful Fortitude
save or be forced to regurgitate you/any portion thereof in the subsequent
during which it can take no other actions. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Special:The Glistening Skin ability is unaffected by this ability. The blood
produced by
the Glistening Skin ability is not your own. Its "the blood of" your "many
Elongate (Ex)
You can stretch to attack further away.
Prerequisites:Dex 40, Escape Artist 40 ranks, Plastic Soul.
Benefit:Your reach is 5x greater.
Familiarity (Su)
You can be a familiar.
Prerequisites:Cha 40.
Benefit:If you have their consent, you can be another creature's familiar,
even if they already have
a familiar or are incapable of having one (or having a familiar of your Type,
etc.). For being their
familiar, you gain standard familiar abilities in addition to your abilities. In
any instances where
your own abilities are greater, your own abilities overlap (rather than stack
with) your familiar
abilities. For having you as their familiar, your "master" gains the normal
benefits of having
a familiar (unless you decide otherwise).You choose the special ability (save
bonus, etc.)
they gain from you. If they are otherwise incapable of having a familiar (i.e.
not a wizard,
etc.), you use their HD/L to determine your familiar abilities.
Special:If you're a witch's familiar, you gain standard witch's familiar
abilities, etc. (see previous).
Furthermore, you can, if desired, permit said witch any/all knowledge of your
spells, if any.
However, once granted, said knowledge can't be revoked by virtue of this
Fecundity (Su)
Your presence enriches plant life, neutralizes disease and poison in the
environment, and makes plant life grow.
Prerequisites:Divine Aura, Knowledge (nature) R40
Benefit:Your presence enriches plant life, neutralizes disease and poison in
the environment, and makes plant life
grow. This functions similarly to the following spells:neutralize poison
(environment), plant growth (enrichment
and overgrowth), remove disease (environment), except it encompasses
everything within your divine aura.
Godslayer (Su)
You can gain the abilities of immortals you slay.
Prerequisites:Cha 40.
Benefit:You can gain abilities (divine (count as one), cosmic (count as six),
etc.) from immortals you slay.
The number of abilities you gain cannot exceed your divine rank.
If said immortals are revived and you are slain, any abilities you gained
w/Godslayer are lost.
Special:You cannot gain the Divine Champion ability, nor can "divine
champions" gain this ability.
Innerverse (Ex)
Your inner self secrets an innerverse.
Prerequisites:Con 40 (or Cha 40 if Con - ), Immortal.
Benefit:Your inner self (organ/s or psyche/s) secrets an innerverse.
This innerverse is a demiplane, etc. equal in size to your Godly Realm.
Creatures with the ability to gate or planeshift can escape. All others are
trapped,'til rescued.
While creatures can use teleport spells, etc. normally, they cannot teleport in
or out.
If your manifestation is destroyed, this innerverse collapses, its contents lost
Special:Your manifestation cannot enter this innerverse.
Instrumentalist (Ex)
Your skill with one instrument group rivals even that of the gods of music.
Prerequisites:Perform 40 ranks, Cha 40.
Benefit:You gain Bardic Music w/one instrument group (keyboard
instruments, etc.) of your choosing as if you were a bard of a
level = your HD/L. This inc. all Bardic Music abilities acquired at subepic and
epic levels. It doesn't inc. bardic spellcasting or
bonus feats and only applies to your chosen instrument group. This ability
qualifies you for Bardic Music feats, etc., but they
only apply in regards to your chosen instrument group and certain ones are
useless. When you gain this ability, you must
choose which Bard variant you acquire. Once chosen it can't be changed
(exc. by the typical processes (miracle, etc.).),
even if you gain this ability again. Example Bard variants inc. Harbinger, etc.
Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. Each time you gain another
instrument of choice.
Ki Effect (Su)
Prerequisites:Wis 40.
Benefit:You can add your Wisdom modifier to your
HD/L for the purpose of determining your [Effect]s
and similar (Su) abilities w/no explicit caster/
manifester/channeler level.
Ki Occultist (Su)
Prerequisites:Wis 40, Spellcraft 40 ranks.
Benefit:You can add your Wisdom modifier to your
HD/L for the purpose of determining your caster/
manifester/channeler level.
Obscurity (Ex/Su)
You are unknown and unknowable.
Prerequisites:Wis 40, Divination Immunity, Trackless Step (or Scorned By
Benefit:You are immune to Bardic Knowledge, Lore, Mathesis (epic),
Phrenology (epic),
Psychometry (cosmic), skill checks (info-based (ex. Knowledge, etc.)) and
similar non
divinatory info gathering abilities, etc. Any/all info about you fades (no save),
fails to
be obtained (no save), or is forgotten (no save). Nothing can prevent said info
failing to be obtained, even Psychometry (cosmic) fails. However; miracle,
revision, or wish; or immunity to mind-affecting effects can prevent said info
from fading or being forgotten and such info can be shared normally.
Seal (Ex)
Prerequisites:Dex 30, Wis 55, Bluff 27 ranks, Aegic
Essence, Greater Aegic Essence, Thwart.
Benefit:Your feats/divine abilities can't be affected/taken
against your will regardless of any/all circumstances in
any/all given situations.
Special:This ability doesn't prevent loss caused by psy.
(xp) or spiritual harm (qp), or lack of prerequisites.
Serendipity (Su)
Your allies' fates reflect your desires.
Prerequisites:Cha 40, Divine Aura.
Benefit:Within your divine aura, your allies don't
treat the roll of a “1” as an automatic failure.
Slayer (Ex)
Prerequisites:Int 40.
Benefit:You attack as if you're 2 divine status higher for purposes of Portfolio
(see Ascension - Portfolio Trumping, Pg. 47 for further information). This
ability stacks
w/Portfolio Trumping and enhances any attack reliant upon divine status
etc.) for Portfolio Trumping effectiveness (self-explanatory).
W/No Double Portfolios, etc., 2 is the maximum Portfolio Trumping
w/this ability. W/1 or more Double Portfolios, etc., 3 is the maximum
Trumping improvement w/this ability.
Special:Multiple Double Portfolio derived Portfolio Trumping improvements
do Not stack. They overlap. (i.e. having Double Darkness, Double Death,
and Double Entropy Portfolios improves your Portfolio Trumping by 1
divine status Not 5 divine status.)
Synergy (Su)
Prerequisites:Spellcraft 40 ranks.
Benefit:You add your divine, fortuity, etc. bonuses (i.e. bonuses
that improve all your die rolls.) to your HD/L for the purpose of
determining [Effects].; NB:Deities already do this for caster/
manifester/channeling level.
Warp (Su)
Warp space to better attack/affect target (creature, etc.).
Prerequisites:Dex 40.
Benefit:You can attack/affect any/all targets you would normally be able to
were it not for your/their size/obstacles (inc. (your-/their-) self,
etc.)/orientation (facing,
etc.). This negates all your opponent(s) benefits from cover and their size
to AC as well as all your penalties for your size modifier to Attack and CMD.
You must still, however, be possessed of sufficient Strength, if not size, to do
so. If your
Strength is insufficient for the task(s) at hand, you remain incapable of
said task(s). (i.e. you must have sufficient Strength to affect the target('s/s')
Special:This ability; when combined w/ghost touch, Etheric Vision, or the
equivalent of
either; could conceivably permit the lifting of the sky, rerouting of rivers,
etc.; much
like Hercules was famous for; if one were possessed of sufficient Strength.
This ability stacks with Panversal, etc.
Whispersoul (Su)
Prerequisites:Sonic Immunity, Move Silently 40 ranks.
Benefit:You can perform any action silently, as if affected by a personal
silence spell. This functions continuously and selectively, never hindering
you, should you desire to create or hear/sense sound.
Furthermore, it extends to the immediate effects of your actions as well. (i.e.
If you use fireball, your opponents don't sizzle. They just scream.)
Abrogate (Su)
You can negate your opponents greatest advantage.
Prerequisites:Divine Aura.
Benefit:Any single opponent within your divine aura has its greatest ability
negated. This can be an ability score or one of its other abilities (divine,
cosmic, etc.). A negated ability score is reduced to 10.
Special:If you have Psychometry, you can negate any ability you choose,
regardless of its power or lack thereof.
This ability can be gained multiple times. Its effects stack.
Adamant (Ex)
You are nigh unbreakable.
Prerequisites:BAB +70, Con 70 (or Cha 70, if Con - ), Natural A.C.
= [HD/L] (i.e. Carapace, etc..), DR = [HD/L]/ - (i.e. Perfect Damage
Reduction, etc..), Weapon Debasement, Weapon Deficiency,
Weapon Depreciation, Weapon Focus, Weapon
Specialization, Weapon Mastery (x4).
Benefit:You gain DR X / - and H (i.e. hardness.) X. X = your HD/L
+ your Con modifier (or Cha modifier, if Con - ) plus your divine
/equivalent (i.e. Fortuity, etc..) bonus(es). This overlaps (does
Not stack with) all other damage reduction and hardness.
Special:Pugnacious (cosmic) doubles both the DR
and H you gain from this ability.
Anomaly (Ex)
You have transcended type, subtype, and race.
Prerequisites:Cha 70, Apostasy.
Benefit:You can't be affected by any Type, subtype, or (bio/nonbio)logical
classification- (i.e. race, taxonomic rank,
etc.) based attacks or effects. For all intents and purposes you are beyond
Type, subtype, and (bio/nonbio)logical
classification; even if the Type, subtype, or (bio/nonbio)logical classification-
based attack or effect comes from a
divinity of higher divine status. (i.e. You retain all characteristics of your
Type, subtype(s), and bio/nonbiological
classification (e.g. *Undead retain their Undead traits (inc. being harmed by
positive energy (since it can harm
certain nonundead as well), etc.; yet are unaffected by attacks and effects
specifying special effectiveness vs.
Undead (inc., but not limited to bane attacks and effects, etc.).).;
NB*Deathless affected similarly.).)
Additionally, you can bypass Type, subtype, and (bio/nonbio)logical
classification-based prerequisites.
(i.e. Bob the Lich can become Bob, The Vampire-Lich, etc.; in spite of already
being undead.)
Special:You can permit (nonaction; immediate) Type, subtype, and
(bio/nonbio)logical classification-
based attacks/effects to affect you normally.
Arch-Angeloi (Ex)
Prerequisites:Dimensional Ancestry.
Benefit:You gain Angel Traits (Second Choir).
NB:See I.H.:E.B., pg. 26 for further information.
Assimilate (Su)
Absorb aspects of opponents you consume.
Prerequisites:Con 70 (or Cha 70, if Con - ).
Benefit:You gain one aspect of each opponent you defeat and consume.
This can include HD, an ability (no greater than esoteric), or an ability
score. e.g. If you defeat an opponent...
...with more HD, your HD increase to equal its HD.
...with more Str, your Str increases to equal its Str.
You can choose any aspect you are aware of, randomly, or no aspect.
Convergent (Su)
Breach reality to attack/affect extraplanar targets (creatures, etc.).
Prerequisites:Dex 90, Wis 90, Cosmic Consciousness, Dimensional
Reach, Telelocation, Unearthly Reach, X-ray Vision, Knowledge (the
planes) 90 ranks, Perception 90 ranks, Sleight of Hand 90 ranks.
Benefit:Your reach (ranged attacks, etc.) and senses extend into any
/all other realities (dimensions, etc.) vs. any/all targets (creatures,
etc.) within range of your divine aura. (i.e. wherever said aura
would be were you in said realities.)
You can permit specific realities/portions thereof to remain unaffected.
Special:This ability stacks w/Dimensional Reach, Panversal, etc.
You can't affect other universes (multidimensional, multiplanar
realities) in which you don't currently reside w/this ability.
Counterstrike (Ex)
Retaliate immediately.
Prerequisites:Base Attack Bonus +70, True Strike.
Benefit:As an immediate action, you can make 1 extra attack
against any opponent who successfully hits you that round.
You gain a number of extra attacks against that opponent
equal to the number of times they hit you.
Destroyer (Ex)
Prerequisites:Int 70, Slayer.
Benefit:You attack as if you're 4 divine status higher for purposes of Portfolio
(see Ascension - Portfolio Trumping, Pg. 47 for further information). This
ability stacks
w/Portfolio Trumping and enhances any attack reliant upon divine status
etc.) for Portfolio Trumping effectiveness (self-explanatory).
W/No Double Portfolios, etc., 4 is the maximum Portfolio Trumping
w/this ability. W/1 or more Double Portfolios, etc., 5 is the maximum
Trumping improvement w/this ability.
Special:Multiple Double Portfolio derived Portfolio Trumping improvements
do Not stack. They overlap. (i.e. having Double Darkness, Double Death,
and Double Entropy Portfolios improves your Portfolio Trumping by 1
divine status Not 5 divine status.)
Erudite (Ex)
You know all spells/powers.
Prerequisites:Int 70, Divine Metafaculty, Spellcraft 70 ranks, Scribe Scroll.
Benefit:You know all spells/powers (inc. epic s/p seeds and epic s.s./p.s.)
from any/all classes, etc. you possess as spells/powers belonging to any
/all classes/prestige class you possess.; NB:See Convert Spell to Power
(Inc.) and Unearthed Arcana, Pg. 153-157 for conversion information.
Special:If you have Occult Power, you know all spells/powers (inc. epic
s/p seeds and epic s.s./p.s.) from any/all classes, etc. as spells/powers
belonging to any/all classes/prestige classes you possess.
Evolve (Su)
You can evolve living creatures.
Prerequisites:Science portfolio or Wis 70.
Benefit:You can evolve living creatures who can themselves create evolved
The evolving of any creature mimics the creation of outsiders, see Immortal's
Pg. 17, Table 1-17. However, remember that the transfer of quintessence is
only 10% effective, thus
to evolve an ECL 0 being to ECL 21 will cost 10,000 QP, not merely 1,000
QP. The final QP cost is
determined by the ECL (+/-). You can cause said evolution to occur normally,
randomly, or in
reverse. This ability can even be used to evolve one's self. The range of this
ability = your divine
aura's range. A successful Fortitude save negates this ability. The save DC is
Special:If you are a construct, undead, etc., you can evolve constructs,
undead, etc. as well.
If you possess the Science portfolio, you gain this ability (for free) in lieu of
your ability
to create outsiders.
Five-dimensional (Ex)
You become an extradimensional creature.
Prerequisites:Non-Euclidean, Two-dimensional, and Cha 70; or Two-
dimensional and Escape Artist 70 ranks.
Benefit:You gain the "extradimensional" subtype. Creatures with the
extradimensional subtype share the following traits:
- Dimension Shift (Ex):As a free action, an extradimensional creature can
intersect part of its body (and/or anything it can carry, lift, pull, or push
(continuous, unbroken physical contact required)) with the traditional four-
dimensional Material Plane. The creature can't intersect an area already
occupied by a solid body or force effect. Doing so is an extradimensional
strike (see below).
As a move action, the creature can withdraw one intersecting body part
(and/or anything it is carrying, lifting, pulling, or pushing (continuous,
unbroken physical contact required)), provoking an attack of opportunity if in
a threatened square.
- Extraplanar (Ex):When an extradimensional creature intersects the
traditional four-dimensional Material Plane, it gains the extraplanar subtype.
- Dimension Walk (Ex):An extradimensional creature can move in any
direction relative to our four-dimensional world (even up and down) at its
normal movement speed. If wholly in the fifth dimension, such movement
occurs “above” rather than through the intervening four-dimensional space
and is invisible to any without extradimensional sight.
- Extradimensional Sight (Ex):Treat the creature’s vision as continuous
clairvoyance except that the sensor is nonmagical, moves with the creature,
and can penetrate solid objects. The creature can never be surprised and is
immune to flanking.
- Extradimensional Strike (Ex):While wholly in the fifth dimension, an
extradimensional creature can directly attack a four-dimensional target’s
internal organs. Treat this as an incorporeal touch attack with a wounding
weapon. Targets surrounded by fields of force such as those granted by
mage armor and bracers of armor are immune to this attack. If the attack
misses, a part of the extradimensional creature momentarily enters then
withdraws from a square adjacent to the defender, which provokes an attack
of opportunity.
- Unassailable (Ex):A normal creature cannot target an extradimensional
creature that is not penetrating our four-dimensional realm.
NB:References to The Fifth Dimension refer to a higher reality "above" the
traditional dimensions. This is not the same as the Nth dimension or the
higher traditional dimensions as it is "above" even the Nth dimension and the
higher traditional dimensions. This is also different from The Aethyrs
(Secrets) as the higher of The Aethyrs are parallel/above the traditional
dimensions and The Fifth Dimension. (i.e. a five-dimensional creature can
still ascend The Aethyrs in respect to The Fifth Dimension, etc. while on its
perspective dimension. Thereby making itself even more inaccessible.)
Gestalt (Ex)
You gain gestalt levels.
Benefit:You gain gestalt class lvls (integrated, etc.) equal to your initial (i.e.
# of class lvls (int., etc.) you possessed before gaining this ability) class lvls.
Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. Its effects stack and it
stacks w/the Greater Integration cosmic ability.
Gestalt (Ex)
You gain gestalt class(-ed/-less) levels.
Benefit:You gain gestalt class(-ed/-less) lvls (integrated, etc.) equal to your
initial (i.e. the # of c.(-ed/-less) lvls (int., etc.)
you possessed before gaining this ability) c.(-ed/-less) lvls. If you have classed
lvls and gain classless lvls, you gain all
classless features, etc. as "classed" features. (i.e. base (nonprestige) lvl
progression, etc. overlaps base classed (non-
class) lvl progression, etc. (i.e. your feat progression becomes 6 (*+1 per
HD/L; +1 per 2 (Pathfinder; rather than 3 (v3.5))
HD/L), etc.; +1 BD20C Fan Service feat.; etc.)) and, if you have a Con mod.
of +2 or greater, you're considered to have
Blooded (x1 or greater.) (BD20C) for any/all purposes. Base [Racial] feats
(Alive, Bount, etc.) are feats for BD20C pu-
rposes only. Prestige path feats still count as feats for BD20C purposes. The
remainder of BD20C classless feats (6 (+
1 per HD/L) and BD20C Fan Service) are considered class features and feats
for any/all purposes. If you have R.HD,
you don't gain, for them, the per lvl DR, per 4 lvls A.S. inc., or per 10 lvls
A.S. inc. for your R.HD.
NB:*These feats typically go to your prestige paths. The remainder are
racial, etc. feats.
Your Base Attack Bonus is your effective Combat Skill rank for all Combat
Skills. [BW] still increases w/your effective
Combat Skill rank (1d6 [BW] (or [BW], if greater) (+1d6 [BW]/+5 effective
Combat Skill ranks)), etc. (i.e. a shuriken inf-
licts 1d6 [BW], a katana inflicts 1d8 [BW], etc. (+1d6 [BW] at effective Combat
Skill rank 6, +2d6 [BW] at effective Com-
bat Skill rank 11, etc.).) Use I.H.:E.B. rules for initial [BW] damage in lieu of
BD20C rules for initial [BW] damage (see
previous). Convert Base Skills of Protection, Initiative, and Defense to
Pathfinder rule equivalents. Ignore the classle-
ss system's Special Damage, Weapon Damage Multiplier, Save DCs, Kido
Saves, and Additives and Multiplier rules.
Finally, if your lvls are BD20C, etc. and BD20C:TCC&C lvls, you gain 1/2 SPs
for all HD/L. If your lvls are all BD20C:
TCC&C lvls, you gain full SPs for all lvls.; NB:When adjudicating rules, etc.,
(i.e. BD20C rules, etc. overlap (do Not replace/supercede) Pathfinder rules,
Exception:You can gain BD20C feats w/3.5/Pathfinder originals. However, you
must first acquire said 3.5/Pathfinder
originals as certain BD20C variants are more powerful and, consequently,
should cost more for the sake of balance.
OPPONENTS, even if you are "low-level"
(i.e. "Mook" (as per BD20C:TCH).), you can never be autokilled (i.e.
"Mooked" (as per BD20C:TCH).) and never a-
cquire "low-level" (i.e. "Mook" (as per BD20C:TCH).) status. However, you
can autokill "low-level" (i.e. "Mook" (as
per BD20C:TCH).) and standard "Mook" (as per BD20C) NPCs normally.
Regarding V.S.C.s, you do Not gain V.S.
C.s for releases, etc. as they do not give core (permanent) bonuses (and are
more akin to enhancement (tempora-
ry) bonuses). You Do, however, gain V.S.C.s normally.
Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. Its effects stack and it stacks
w/Greater Integration.
NB:This ability is on par w/Extra Portfolio in terms of power and utilizes
BD20C as an additive,
effectively and fluidly (or potentially) gestalting two different, but similar,
var. D20 games.
Gestalt Creature (Ex)
You gain the appearance and traits of another ceature.
Benefit:You gain the traits (i.e. abilities, etc.) of one creature of your
choosing. Said creature can't have HD/Ls or Divine
Ranks (effective or otherwise) exceeding your own. You gain all of its Traits;
inc. I.C.F.s, etc.; as if they were your own.
(i.e. they're calculated according to your HD/L, Divine Rank, A.S.s, etc.)
However, I.C.F.s lvls and Portfolios; not CL/ML, save DCs, etc.; are still
calculated according to said creature's max and
subsumed (i.e. overlapped.) if your specific I.C.F.s and Portfolios exceed
theirs. (i.e. an 80 HD/L Greater Deity gaining
Angel, Solar Traits only gains I.C.F.s of a 33rd lvl Cleric, yet still has a CL of
80th lvl, etc., and he receives its
Portfolio-related abilities gained for its Divine Rank.) Any/all such Traits can
be modified normally.
You can't gain the traits of diametrically opposed creatures. Example:An evil
god of fire can't gain the traits of an Angel,
Solar (exc. unless it were fallen), nor could he gain the traits of a Xixecal (an
Abomination of Ice).
NB:"Lesser" Gestalt Creature (1/6th the power of this ability) is referred to
as "Mortal Traits", due to its common use
in acquiring Mortal traits. +36 c. (i.e. Greater Gestalting (= transcendental).)
to use your HD/L to determine any/all
existing I.C.F.s and your Divine Rank to determine any/all existing Portfolio
abilities, for either (or both) version
(s) of this ability, regardless of the number of iterations of either (or both)
version(s) of this ability.
Special:You can gain this ability mutiple times. Each time you gain this
ability, you must choose
a different creature. Your manifestation retains any desirable traits (cosmetic
or otherwise).
Example:A marilith taking this ability can retain its extra arms/serpentine
lower body.
Impermeable (Ex)
You're impervious to lesser weapons.
Prerequisites:Unyielding Damage Reduction, Weapon Breaking.
Benefit:You're immune to damage from unenchanted B, P, and S
attacks; enhanced B, P, and S attacks w/an enhancement <
your divine rank; and all secondary, etc. effects thereof.
Indelible (Ex)
You're immune to lesser magic and psionics.
Prerequisites:Int 70, Learned Occult Immunity, Occult Abatement.
Benefit:You're immune to magic and psionics (inc. (Sp), (Ps), and
(Su)) of creatures, etc. of < your divine rank and all spells and
powers of a level < your divine rank.
Pandimensional (Su)
Breach reality to attack/affect extraplanar targets (creatures, etc.).
Prerequisites:Dex 90, Wis 90, Cosmic Consciousness, Dimensional
Reach, Panversal, Telelocation, X-ray Vision, Knowledge (the planes)
90 ranks, Perception 90 ranks, Sleight of Hand 90 ranks.
Benefit:Your reach (ranged attacks, etc.) and senses extend into any/
all other realities (dimension, etc.) vs. one target (creature, etc.).
Special:This ability stacks w/Dimensional Reach, Panversal, etc.
You can't affect other universes (multidimensional, multiplanar
realities) in which you don't currently reside w/this ability.
Pantemporal (Su)
Breach time to attack/affect extratemporal targets (creatures, etc.).
Prerequisites:Dex 110, Wis 110, Cosmic Consciousness, Dimensional Reach,
Malifiecus, Pandimensional, Panversal, Postcognition, Precognition, Seventh
Sense, Sixth Sense, Slipstream, Telelocation, X-ray Vision, Knowledge (the
planes) 110 ranks, Perception 110 ranks, Sleight of Hand 110 ranks.
Benefit:Your reach (ranged attacks, etc.) and senses extend into any/all
time streams (temporal dimensions, etc.) vs. one target (creature, etc.).
Special:This ability stacks w/Dimensional Reach, Pandimensional, etc.
You can't affect other universes (multidimensional, multiplanar
realities) in which you don't currently reside w/this ability.
NB:Slipstream functions normally vs. this ability.
Panversal (Su)
Bend space to attack/affect distant targets.
Prerequisites:Dex 70.
Benefit:Your reach equals (ranged attacks, etc. add) the range of your
vs. one target (creature, etc.). NB:This, like Unearthly Reach, is a lesser form
of Transversal. It applies to any/all attacks (physical, etc.), effects, etc.
Paradoxal (Ex)
Prerequisites:Int 70, Divine Nescience, Nescient.
Benefit:You can ignore all portfolio prerequisites.
However, you must still gain portfolios normally.
Special:You still can't gain opposed portfolios.
Ratification (Su)
Prerequisites:Wis 70, Alter Reality.
Benefit:You gain the Feats of all beings within your Divine Aura.
Sacrosanct (Su)
You are invulnerable until you commit an act of aggression.
Prerequisites:Cha 70.
Benefit:Creatures cannot harm you (willingly or otherwise), unless of a divine
status equal to or higher than yours, until you willfully harm
them. "Harm", for these purposes, doesn't include emotional or psychological
harm, nor self-harm, caused by social interaction.
Special:This ability replaces Innocence.
Thelemic (Su)
Fate divorces you from reality.
Prerequisites:Perfect Damage Reduction, S/PR 70.
Benefit:You are only affected by every other attack, etc. (physical, etc.
). If you permit an attack, etc. to affect you normally, this ability resets
itself. This defense applies after all your other defenses fail.
Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. Its effects stack.
Each time it is gained, you avoid another attack, etc.
Yin-yang (Ex)
You can master contradictory/opposed forces/philosophies.
Prerequisites:Wis 70.
Benefit:You can gain a pair of opposed portfolios (or even gain
them twice). You do not suffer the penalties of either portfolio.
Special:You must still meet all remaining prerequisites.
You can gain this ability multiple times. Each time it applies to
a different pair of opposed portfolios.
Existential (Ex)
Prerequisites:Wis 130, Uncanny Karmic Mastery.
Benefit:You retain your current HD/L, templates, etc. even if you don't have
the minimum experience for them.
Further, if you don't have the minimum exp. for your current HD/L,
templates, etc. then you naturally regain
100 exp. per round, until you meet the minimum amount for your current
HD/L, templates, etc.
Everpresent (Su)
You are everywhere in your current cosmic locale at once.
Prerequisites:Cha 130, Divine Aura, Greater Aura, Perfect Aura, Superior
Benefit:Your aura(s) (divine, etc.) extend(s) from one edge of your current
cosmic locale
to the other. Your current cosmic locale is defined as the area you exist in
that is equal
in size to the locale you could either have as your Godly Realm, were your
Realm currently centered on you, or be the embodiment of, if a Sidereal,
NB:If you've expanded your Godly Realm, etc. via Greater Realm, etc. and
you're not a
Sidereal, etc. of appropriate status, you must have Greater Presence, etc. to
your aura(s) commensurately.
Special:If you have Cosmic Consciousness, its effectiveness is enhanced (i.e.
all your
senses extend into your current cosmic locale's constituent components, if
NB:This ability is not a prerequisite for the Omnipresent ability.
Quintessential (Ex)
Prerequisites:Wis 130, Uncanny Siphoning Mastery.
Benefit:You retain your current divinity template even if you don't have the
minimum quintessence for it.
Further, if you don't have the minimum qui. for your current divinity
template then you naturally regain
10 qui. (10 p.p.) per round, until you meet the minimum amount for your
current divinity template.
Rectify (Su)
You can erase foes from ever having existed.
Prerequisites:Astro [Effect] or Death Portfolio.
Benefit:If/when desired (Immediate nonaction), targets (creatures, etc.)
you kill/destroy/erase from reality are treated as if never having existed.
Resolve retcon as follows:
- Offspring, descendants:Fully affected.
- Raised, etc. by the character:50% chance of affecting.
- Allies of the character.:25% chance of affecting.
Superliminal (Ex)
Prerequisites:Dex 190, Elusion, Superluminal.
Benefit:You can fold space at will (Immediate nonaction) and exist in any
location (e.g.
spatial (i.e. never planar, etc.)) of your choosing from moment to moment,
regardless of
barriers (physical, spatial, etc.), enabling you to attack/affect any/all targets
etc.) normally (regardless any/all of the aforementioned between yourself
and it/them;
inc. armor/shield, deflection, and force (barriers, bonuses, etc.)) and evade
forms of attack (physical, etc.) (Ref save (DC = opponent's HD/L)).
Special:You can still move at Superluminal and lesser speeds, if desired.
Gramarye [Epic]
Your baleful power is magnified by your tremendous will
Metablast [Divine]
Witchfyre [Divine]
Dreadfyre [Cosmic]
Ebonfyre [Transcendental]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Blast 80d6, Cha 130, Spellcraft 163 Ranks, Astral
Blast, Tellurian Blast, Uncanny Annihilating Mastery
Benefit: Your Eldritch Blast deals Permanent Damage
Normal: Your Eldritch Blast damage is equal to ½ your HD
New Weapons
Bloodrazor [Exotic]
Statistics:2d8; 18-20/x2; 126.5 lb.; P or S or B, P, and S; deadly.
Benefit:By activating a special mechanism on the weapon, you can switch
between a heavy (+2 damage categories), reinforced (x2 hardness), Medium
(6 ft. (4 ft. 4 in. blade (x2 width and x2 thickness); 1 ft. 8 in. handle (x1.5
width and x1.5 thickness))) katana and a heavy (+2 damage categories),
reinforced (x2 hardness), Medium (15 ft.) spiked chain-whip [whip] form as a
move action.
Bloodrazors are a variety of whipsword. If you are proficient in katana
[bastard sword] or spiked chain-whip [whip], you can use the bloodrazor
proficiently when it is in the appropriate form and take Whipsword Shift w/o
proficiency in longsword. Regardless of what form the weapon is
in, it deals damage as a heavy (+2 damage categories), reinforced (x2
hardness), Medium (6 ft.(4 ft. 4 in. blade; 1 ft. 8 in. handle)) katana.
By activating a series of special mechanisms on the weapon, you can
replicate Whirlwind Attack (15 ft. r.; affects all in range (creatures (friend(s),
foe(s), etc.) and objects (unattended only)).), Storm of Throws (16-30 ft. r.;
affects all in range (creatures (friend(s), foe(s),
etc.) and objects (unattended only); up to 18 targets).), Piercing Shot (31-
70 ft. (8 sq.); affects all in range (creatures (friend(s),
foe(s), etc.) and objects (unattended only)).), and Impaling Shot (31-75 ft.;
final 1-18 targets only.) as a full round action.
This disassembles the bloodrazor.
A Perception check (DC 10) is required to find each component of the
weapon and a Craft (weaponsmithing) check (DC 20) is required for
NB:As a bloodrazor possesses 18 blades, bloodrazor wielders are loath to use
this feature w/o the "returning" weapon special quality.
Special:< 17 Str can wield 2-handed w/-4 penalty, 17 Str can wield 2-
handed w/-2 penalty, 23 Str can wield w/o penalty.
Lighten Weapon reduces the penalty by -2 and Improved Lighten Weapon
eliminates the penalty. Powerful Build reduces the penalty by
-2. The combination of all 3 eliminates the penalty and renders a bloodrazor
a light weapon.
Eclectic Defense to use a bloodrazor as a large steel shield.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (katana [bastard sword]) to wield 1-handed.
Wield Oversized Weapon to wield an even larger bloodrazor.
Nullium [Material]
Description:Nullium is a jet-black, metal alloy comprised of neutronium and
pure entropy.
Properties:Treat as neutronium, except nullifies all powers, spells, psychic
skills, psi-like abilities, spell-like abilities, and supernatural
abilities of creatures/objects in physical (or spiritual, if incorporeal) contact
(treat as null magic zone, rather than antimagic or dead
magic zone; renders Cosmic Font (cosmic) useless); massless (weapons still
inflict improved damage and armor or shields still
bestow improved armor and shield bonus due to nullium's entropic
properties); and self-repairing (treat as FH:1000/R).
Special:Nullium can only be created (by slaying a void dragon in the molten
heart of a neutron star), found, or stolen. It can't be
enhanced or purchased (NB:Myzari (a race of deicidal, psionic (nonmagical),
spacefaring (PL10), LE drow) use nullium nanotech
to imprison esp. powerful deities they can't kill. Myzari have metallic gold
eyes, hair, and nails. Myzari (all Telepaths) of less
than 20th level are never encountered (weaker myzari remain on one of their
many colonized worlds), nor are they ever
encountered w/o their life-like, metallic gold, powered armor (treat each
encountered myzari as a Myzari/Orichalcum
Guardian fusion). High ranking myzari carry psionically enhanced, metallic
gold, orichalcum spears.).
New Spell
NB:Demi-liches, etc. need not incorporate their soul gems (or equivalent
(phylacteric ribs, etc.))
into their physical form and can use their Soul Trap/related abilities in
conjunction with any/all
soul gem(s) (or equivalent (phylacteric ribs, etc.)) regardless of any/all
barriers (be they
chronal, etc.).
This spell calls forth a sphere of pure entropy, and unleashes it upon the
material world. The caster hurls the sphere at any point within 12,000 ft.,
and it explodes in a wave of darkness, dealing 35d8 damage to all creatures
and solid objects within 100 ft., often leaving a perfectly hemispherical
Everdread:A weapon with this ability functions as a dread weapon against all
creature types.
Overwhelming conjuration; CL 75th; Craft Epic Arms and Armor, summon
monster IX; Price +25 bonus.
Armor, etc.
Pricing for divine abilities on items with the price formula [Bonus^2 × 10,000
+1 bonus = Feat
+6 bonus = Divine Ability
+36 bonus = Cosmic Ability
+216 bonus = Transcendental Ability
+1200 bonus = Omnific Ability
Weapons, etc.
Pricing for divine abilities on items with the price formula [Bonus^2 × 20,000
+1 bonus = Feat
+4 bonus = Divine Ability
+25 bonus = Cosmic Ability
+154 bonus = Transcendental Ability
+857 bonus = Omnific Ability