Sangrolu, Elder (BloodLich, Elder) (i.e. all Lich (((Elder))) (AD&D 2E - M.M.,
AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - V.R.M.H.C.v.II; Phylactery:Garus's Godly Realm (The
Rotting Plain, The 181st Layer of The Infinite Layers of The Abyss (passively
contested)).; P.R.:Spell Knowledge.; S.A. (15 (1d4+6 (Lich (Priest))+1d2+3
(Elder Lich))):Animate Dead, Animate Dead (Elder Lich) (x3; Any/all known
var. of Undead (up to 30HD/L (i.e. HD/L.)), inc. combinations thereof.;
Range:As Communication/Sensing Ability (AD&D 2E - Faiths & Avatars), if
immortal, or Senses, if mortal.), Army of The Damned (Elder Lich) (+x1;
Range:As Communication/Sensing Ability (AD&D 2E - Faiths & Avatars), if
immortal, or Senses, if mortal.), Bone Command, Control Undead Legion,
Control Undead Legion (Elder Lich) (x1; Range:As Communication/Sensing
Ability (AD&D 2E - Faiths & Avatars), if immortal, or Senses, if mortal.),
Improved Immunity (x6; Garus is immune to (((ALL))) magic (spells, etc.
(inc. spell-like abilities, etc.)), psionics (powers, etc. (inc. psi-like abilities,
etc.))), and supernatural effects (i.e. attacks (i.e. breath weapons, etc..)),
etc..), though he can choose to permit any of the aforementioned to affect
him normally. Add., Most weapons are unable to harm Garus, but there are
exceptions. A warrior (fighter, paladin, or ranger) w/a sword +5 or better can
inflict normal damage on him. Further, any character w/a sword +5 or better
can inflict 1 point of damage on him each time he strikes him.; Special:After
overcoming Garus's Gaseous Form (see previous) and Regeneration (see
previous), if Garus, his phylactery, or any of his phylacteric ribs are
destroyed and Garus, his phylactery, or any of his phylacteric ribs are not
destroyed, that which was destroyed will reform in 1-10 days. If Garus, his
phylactery, and his phylacteric ribs are all destroyed and the fragments of
thereof are not destroyed by immersion in the blood of a Solar (Solar Deva),
Aasimon (AD&D 2E - Planescape - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I) and
the casting of a pierce any shield spell (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms - Cult of
The Dragon) followed by a mordenkainen's disjunction spell cast by the same
caster, Garus, his phylactery, and his phylacteric ribs will all reform in 1-10
days. ...and, even then, there's still his Transmortality (see below) to
overcome.), Skull Scry.; Special:Dark Lord (DR210; NB:All (((Beneficial)))
Traits only.). Death Knight Traits (AD&D 2E - M.M.; NB:All (((Beneficial)))
Traits only.). Death, Minor Traits (AD&D 2E - Amalgam [DMG/DVD]; NB:All
(((Beneficial))) Traits only.). DracoLich Traits (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms -
Cult of The Dragon; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.). Elder Lich (i.e. AC -
6, Corporeal/Incorporeal (ethereal) (selective (Immediate nonaction));
+Fl.=L.M. (A); THACO:Special (never misses).; Touch:37d20 (((Burst/Shot,
Strike))), etc. [Mutable (D (x10)) (i.e. [Descriptor [Subcosmic]] (50%-100%)
(x10-x5) (selective (Immediate nonaction )).; Special:Sand ( F) (sol. (Piercing
(50%)); Special:Decimates (ignores) stoneskin.)/water (F) (sol. (as Sand
(see previous)), liq. (Bludgeoning (50%))/gas; Special:No ignition.), if
desired (selective (Immediate nonaction)).]+Aging (1d4x25 years)+Energy
Drain (2)+ Paralysis.; Int 25, Wis 25, Cha 25; Special:Army of The Damned
(An elder lich may animate/control (as if possessing them via magic jar, yet
not actually residing within them) up to 5 x the elder lich's caster level in
corpses/undead creatures of any type of up to its HD/L (((each))) at once,
maintaining both the creatures' innate abilities and endowing them with full
sentience (its own) and Lich (its own (enhanced, if enhanced)), Not Elder
Lich, abilities. Any uncontrolled, sentient undead w/more than 1/2 its HD/L
receives a save vs. spell to negate the control and, if successful, do Not gain
the Lich (enhanced, if enhanced) abilities. Add., while they are aware of the
attempt to control them, they are Not aware of the elder lich or the details of
said attempt to control them. Just that it happened. The same applies to
those the elder lich successfully controls. Add., they remember nothing of
what occured while so controlled, unless the elder lich lets them remember
what occured. ...and, even then, they only remember what it lets them
remember. These undead do Not count against the elder lich's normal control
limit(s).). Curse (An elder lich can also pronounce a powerful curse on those
who annoy it. These can be so mighty as to include:always being hit by one’s
enemies, never making a saving throw, or the inability to acquire new
experience points. Elder lich curses can be overcome w/a remove curse, but
the victim loses one point of charisma permanently when the curse is
removed.), Dread Aura (The supernatural power of an elder lich is such that
the mere sight of one causes any creature to flee in panic for 2-12 (2d6)
turns (and causes any living creature to age 25 years) unless a saving throw
spells is made.), Grim Reaper (An elder lich always has initiative. An elder
lich's attacks never miss. Any living creature killed by an elder lich is drained
of its life essence and is forever dead. An elder lich can; once per round, as
an Immediate nonaction, at will; automatically gate in up to 5 minor deaths
(AD&D 2E - Amalgam [DMG/DVD], exc. HD = 1/2 the elder lich's caster level
(min. = 8HD).) per caster level. However, it can never have more than 5
minor deaths per caster level summoned at any one time, though they may
freely summon more of their kind (AD&D 2E - Amalgam [DMG/DVD], exc. HD
= 1/4 the elder lich's caster level (min. = 4 HD).), etc. as per usual. These
undead do Not count against the elder lich's normal control limit(s). An elder
lich is add. immune to fire.), Howl (Once per round, an elder lich can unleash
a howl which acts as a death ray, affecting all creatures within a 50’ radius of
itself. Those who fail to save vs. death (which has an add. -5 penalty) are
permanently dead.), Magic Immunity (An elder lich is immune to most magic
(spells, etc. (inc. spell-like abilities, etc.)), psionics (powers, etc. (inc. psi-like
abilities, etc.)), and supernatural effects (i.e. attacks (i.e. breath weapons,
etc..)), etc..), though it can choose to permit any of the aforementioned to
affect it normally. However, a dispel evil will do 5-8 (1d4+4) points of
damage to it, a shatter spell will inflict 3-18 (3d6) points of damage to it, and
holy word pronounced against it will deliver 5-30 (5d6) points of damage to
it. An elder lich can't be Turned, Destroyed, Rebuked, or Commanded.),
Malevolence (An elder lich can attack any creature (even a specific one)
within 100 yards w/a magic jar spell. If the creature fails its save vs spell
(which has an add. -5 penalty), it's trapped in either any one of the elder
lich's phylacteric ribs (regardless of the elder lich's or its phylacteric rib's
current state) of the elder lich's choice or any object in range (see previous)
of the elder lich's choice. Creatures trapped in the elder lich's phylacteric ribs
remain trapped (regardless of the elder lich's or its phylacteric rib's current
state) until either consumed or freed. Creatures trapped in objects remain
trapped until freed. (NB:True seeing reveals creatures trapped in certain
objects (crystal, etc.).)), Phylacteric Ribs (An elder Lich has enchanted all 24
of its ribs. Each of these ribs now serves as an add. phylactery and a
powerful magical device which can trap the soul (no save) of its adversaries.
The physical body of someone hit with the elder lich’s spell collapses and rots
away in a single round. The elder lich can repeat this attack until all of its
phylacteric ribs are filled. An amulet of life protection will prevail over the
phylacteric rib, but the character’s body will perish regardless. Every 24
hours, those who have been trapped inside the ribs must make a saving
throw vs. spell. Those who fail are lost forever, having been consumed by the
elder lich to power its magical nature. If the throw is made the soul can be
freed by simply crushing the rib. A new body must be within 10 yards for the
soul to enter or it will be lost. Such a body might be a clone or simulacrum.
(See spells of those names.)). Rejuvenation (If the elder lich, its phylactery,
or any of its phylacteric ribs are destroyed and the elder lich, its phylactery,
or any of its phylacteric ribs are not destroyed, that which was destroyed will
reform in 1-10 days. If the elder lich, its phylactery, and its phylacteric ribs
are all destroyed and the fragments thereof are not destroyed by immersion
in holy water and the casting of a dispel magic spell, the elder lich, its
phylactery, and its phylacteric ribs will all reform in 1-10 days.), Spell-Like
Powers (An elder lich gains one spell-like power of its choice (i.e. any 1-9th
level spell.)/century it exists that it can use at will. Elder liches typically
choose spells from the schools of Conjuration/Summoning, Lesser/Greater
Divination, and Necromancy.). Weapon Immunity (Most weapons will be
unable to harm the elder lich, but there are exceptions. A fighter or ranger
w/a sword +5 or better, sword of sharpness, or vorpal sword can inflict
normal damage on the elder lich, as can a paladin w/a sword +4 or better,
sword of sharpness, or vorpal sword. Further, any character w/a sword +5 or
better, sword of sharpness, or vorpal sword can inflict 1 point of damage on
the elder lich each time he strikes it.), Undead Lord (There is no limit to the
number of Undead an elder lich can control. However, the remaining
parameters (AD&D 2E - V.R.M.H.C.v.II) still apply.).). Living Wall Traits
(AD&D 2E - M.M.; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.). Revenant Traits (AD&D
2E - M.M.; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.).) and Vampire (AD&D 2E -
M.M., AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - V.R.M.H.C.v.I; A.C.:7 (Patriarch).; Coffin Home
(((Gravesite (or earth, etc. thereof, if its current coffin, etc. is
elsewhere)))):Garus's Godly Realm (The Rotting Plain, The 181st Layer of
The Infinite Layers of The Abyss (passively contested)).; S.A. (5):Gargoyle
Control, Superior Blood Drain (x2; Up to 5 Constitution points per round .),
Undead Master (x2).; Special:Vampire (((Nosferatu))) Traits (AD&D 2E -
M.M., AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - V.R.M.H.C.v.I; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits
only.).; Weaknesses:None (NB:Garus has no reflection/scent/shadow
(selective (Immediate nonaction)).).) Traits.; Special:Garus himself is
impervious to all vampire-specific weaknesses. However, the flesh and fluids
of a (((standard))) Sangrolu (BloodLich); Not its bones, soul, etc.; retain the
standard vampire-specific weaknesses. This is primarily cosmetic. (i.e.
harming a (((standard))) Sangrolu (BloodL ich)'s flesh /fluids does Not harm
the (((standard))) Sangrolu (BloodLich) itself. However, if, for example, a
(((standard))) Sangrolu (BloodLich) attempted to gain uninvited entrance to
a private residence while fleshed/fluided, it would be barred. However, if the
(((standard))) Sangrolu (BloodLich) first assumed gaseous form, it would Not
be restrained. Garlic, holy symbols, mirrors, and stakes are likewise
ineffectual. Though garlic could make its breath foul; holy symbols could
leave gruesome, superficial burns; its skeleton, unnervingly, has both
reflection(s) and shadow(s); and stakes in the heart could ruin its clothing.
Even running water and sunlight are mere nuisances for a (((standard)))
Sangrolu (BloodLich). While they still destroy its flesh and fluids, this does it
No harm and its flesh and fluids heal/rejuvenate normally.)), and
Lesser God Traits (AD&D 2E - Faiths & Avatars; Errata:HD:d20's (D+). Magic
Resistance (Gods' Magic vs Mortals' Magic Resistance:Mortals suffer -100%
Magic Resistance vs. Gods, Not their Avatars, if any. This is in add. any/all
other penalties, if any.). Psionics (AD&D 2E - The Complete Psionics
Handbook, Pg. 123; = HD (+31-+40 (OD (OO(S))), +21-+30 (OD (EO(D))),
+16-+20 (GD), +11-+15 (ID), +6-+10 (LD), or +1- +5 (D)); All/*All/All
(NB:*This inc. High Sciences (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun - The Will and The
Way).); All/Nil (NB:Deities are immune to all psionic attack, even from
deities of higher rank than them, as well as all psionic abilities not practiced
by a deity, and, even then, they are immune to all psionic abilities used by
deities of lower rank than themselves.); = Int; Unlimited (Max
Expenditure/Use = HD/L equivalent Psionicist PSP total.); if psionic (or totally
immune to all psionics, even from deities of higher rank than them, if
nonpsionic)).; Artifacts:1 (1 (NB:-3 for Assimilate (see previous), Creation
(As OD (EO(D)) (i.e. as GD, exc. must rest for one round per 1 tons of mass
he wishes to manifest.).; Special:Garus retains the full measure of this ability
regardless of his current eff. divine stature. (NB:Garus can't create creatures
w/greater divine stature, experience, HD/L, or knowledge than himself. They
Can, however, grow, learn, and develop normally; even, potentially, exceed
him; thereafter. )), and Omnimaven (see previous). -1/+1 for Netherfury
(see below).)).; Avatars:2 (2; NB:Deities have all beneficial Avatar abilities,
or superior var. thereof. (NB:Garus's Avatars' statistics are identical to his
own (((sans Lesser God (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms - Faiths & Avatars)
abilities, having Avatar (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms - Faiths & Avatars)
abilities instead))). Add., he creates "programmed" demonic (tanar'ri)
/undead horrors.)).; Godly Realm:The Rotting Plain, The 181st Layer of The
Infinite Layers of The Abyss (passively contested).; Portfolios: Artifice
(constructs, traps), chaos (entropy, fiends (demons)), darkness (loss, night),
death (murder, undead), evil (cannibalism, fear, fiends (demons)),
knowledge, and occult (magic, psionics).; Psionic:Yes (HD/L+10 (see
Portfolios (see previous)); ME/U:1,485.).; Special:Classes & Kits (NB:Deities,
as noted, do Not suffer from class or kit restrictions or hindrances. Add.,
multiple amalgamated class var. (up to 1/2 HD/L; C.:+10%
exp./amalgamated class.) and kits (up to 1/HD/L; C.:+5% exp./+1 Kit.) can
be adopted. (NB:These rules apply to deities' Avatars, and to Heroes as
well.)). Divinity (NB:Garus's divinity is inherent (i.e. Power (see The Power
(I.H.:A.)).) and he has no need of worship (i.e. Glory (see The Glory
(I.H.:A.)).); or Resonance (see The Resonance (I.H:A.)), etc.; to retain it.
Furthermore, Garus's divinity is (((irrevocable))) (even for powers of up to
and inc. Primordial (OO(S)) (e.g. Asmodeus (Ahriman), The Lady of Pain,
etc..) stature). Finally, Garus's eff. divine stature varies as follows:In The
Planes/Beyond The Lower Planes, Garus is considered a Lesser Deity in all
regards, having the FULL abilities thereof. In The Lower Planes/Beyond The
Infinite Layers of The Abyss, Garus is considered an Intermediate Deity in all
regards, having the FULL abilities thereof. In The Infinite Layers of The
Abyss, Garus is considered a Greater Deity in all regards, having the FULL
abilities thereof. In The Rotting Plain, The 181st Layer of The Infinite Layers
of The Abyss, Garus is considered an Over-Deity (EO(D)) in all regards,
gaining the FULL abilities thereof. (NB:Garus eff. IS the embodiment
(((manifestation))) of The Rotting Plain, The 181st Layer of The Infinite
Layers of The Abyss, itself. However, his power is increasingly suppressed
(see previous), by The Demiurge (i.e. The Planescape Kosmos itself.), the
further he is from his core (see previous). (NB:This is vaguely similar to
Asmodeus (Ahriman)'s semi-imprisonment in The Nine Hells of Perdition.));
Special:In The Material Plane/Sigil, Garus is considered a Demi-deity in all
regards, having the FULL abilities thereof. However, this is voluntary self-
suppression, Not involuntary inflicted suppression. Should he cease
suppressing his power while in The Material Plane, he will be immediately
banished. Should he cease doing so while in Sigil, he will be immediately
"destroyed" (i.e. eff. banished, as he's Transmortal .).). High Level (i.e. all
(((Beneficial))) High-Level Character (AD&D 2E - Dungeon Master®
Option:High-Level Campaigns) options apply.). Immortality (As OD (EO(D))
(i.e. as GD, exc. destroyed by powers of P (OO(S))+ stature in physical or
magical/psionic combat.).; Special: Immortality is further augmented by
Transmortality (see below).). Lord of The Occult (Garus can employ up to 5
(3 for his Avatar(s), if any) magics/5 (3 for his Avatar(s), if any) psionics
(spells/powers, item eff.s, etc.) (NB:This doesn't inc. his nightwyrm
(((dragon)))/etc. (overlap), quickling (stack), or divine (stack)
abilities.)/round in add. to his normal physical attacks. All magics/psionics
(see previous) Garus employs can range from pentuple (triple for his
Avatar(s), if any) max (normal for his Avatars, if any) eff. in (((ALL)))
respects (a.o.e., dam., etc.) and a -5 (-3 for his Avatar(s), if any) penalty to
saves against them to min. eff. or any range in between, as he desires.
Garus can creatively reshape a.o.e. to suit his desires, changing cubic forms
to spherical ones, making "holes" in an eff. so that a being is avoided, etc..
Even after he runs out of his normal number of spells/psps/charges/uses,
Garus can create 1 magic/1 psionic (spell/power, item eff., etc.)/round indef.
and infin.. Garus can take (no immunity, no magic resistance, no save) from
any being (anywhere in his current crystal sphere (((material plane))),
demiplane, or planar layer (as well as his godly realm (or locale he's the
embodiment of (The Rotting Plain, The 181st Layer of The Infinite Layers of
The Abyss, in his case)), if desired)) of equal or lower stature the ability to
use magic/psionics and prevent it from using spells/powers of any sort, or, in
an even harsher restriction, prevent it from using any sort of magic/psionics
(see previous). These restrictions persist until he ends them. Garus can't
take away powers' ability to grant their worshipers spells/powers through
prayer. If he desired to take away the ability to cast/manifest spells/powers
from all of a deity's clergy, he would have to take away all those people's
ability to use magic/psionics individually. Garus is unaffected by
magic/psionics (see previous) of any sort unless he permits himself to be.
Even if Garus's deceived into lowering his defenses, he still gains a save,
even if one isn't ordinarily allowed. Garus never fails a save vs.
magic/psionics (see previous) of any sort, regardless of any/all
circumstances/etc., exc. him being dead. Garus's ability to use
magic/psionics (see previous) can't be impaired, limited, lost, nullified, or
taken. Not even by a power of higher stature. Not even by a Primordial
(OO(S)) (e.g. Asmodeus (Ahriman), etc..). They function normally in any/all
environs (inc. anti-/dead/null/wild magic/psionic areas, etc..), regardless of
any/all circumstances/etc. (((even if he's gone berserk (see previous))), exc.
him being dead. Garus magics/psionics (see previous) have a C/ML = his
HD/L*5 (*3 for his Avatar(s), if any) (see previous (i.e. 150 (90 for his
Avatar(s), if any) (see previous).)); have a casting/manifesting (or
activation) time of 0 (((instantaneous))); have No caps (i.e. level-based (i.e.
dice, etc..) limits (i.e. can cast 150 (90 for his Avatar(s), if any) dice
fireballs, etc..).) on the eff.s of magics/psionics (see previous); and do Not
have costs (i.e. exp., etc..) or cause him ill/undesired eff.s (self-
explanatory). (NB:Some of Garus's abilities, or aspects thereof, are superior
to (overlap) some of the powers of his Lord of The Occult ability, or aspects
thereof. However, Garus's avatar(s), if any, can still benefit from them.);
Special:Garus's power is inherent, infinite, and Not reliant upon Mystra's
Weave/any var. thereof. Add., Garus retains the full measure of this ability
regardless of his current eff. divine stature.). Magic Use (NB:Deities of less
than Over-Deity (EO(D)) stature can't use their ability to cast "any" spell of
"any" level at will to cast 10th+ level spells at will, unless they would still
have the ability to cast 10th+ level spells were they mortal. (i.e. they must
have had the requisite training. This can vary from campaign setting to
campaign setting, etc..). Add., most deities of less than Over-Deity (EO(D))
stature aren't even aware 10th+ level spells even exist, let alone how to cast
them.). Omnicompetent (Benefit:Deities are divinely proficient in all
Thieving, etc. Skills (0% (+5%/HD/L (((each)))); w/No maximum.), all
NonWeapon Proficiencies (1 slot (+1 slot/HD/L (((each)))); w/No
maximum.), and all High Level Skills (1 slot (+1 slot/HD/L (((each)))); w/No
maximum.). Add., all NonWeapon Proficiencies and High Level Skills have an
eff. base cost of 1 slot (((each))), regardless of deities' class(es) or lack
thereof or its typical base cost.). Planar Travel (NB:Demigods are Not
considered "True" Gods and are, resultantly, Not prohibited from The Prime
Material, or any other, Plane. They are, however, still barred by The Lady of
Pain from Sigil, exc. under extraordinary circumstances. (NB:Garus himself is
one such exception. He is permitted to enter and remain in Sigil indefinitely.
However, he is required to periodically perform tasks for The Lady of Pain,
who communicates w/him through her Dabus; Not knowingly and willfully
promote (((ANY))) deific agenda(s) ever; and swiftly exile himself from Sigil
should he ever cease suppressing his (or otherwise ascend to) Lesser+ God
stature whilst in Sigil. The Lady of Pain, being very wise, has placed a Bladed
Bracelet (Major Artifact, Sentient (Int 25, Wis 25, Cha 25);
Powers:Unknown.) upon Garus's wrist. It constricts harmlessly, answering
Yes or No questions, if it deigns to, and grants him access to Sigil, a measure
of authority and respect, and keeps the local law enforcement out of his
business. In short, he goes where he wants, does what he wants, and
answers only to The Lady of Pain and her Dabus, exc. Fell, who he is free to
ignore, but forbidden to knowingly and willfully harm or kill.) Over-Deities
(EO(D)+) are Not (and can't be) prohibited from the The Prime Material, or
any other, Plane, exc. Sigil. Primordials (FO(C)+) are Not (and can't be)
prohibited from the The Prime Material, or any other, Plane, even Sigil.).
Transmortality (As Immortality, exc. Garus can't be permanently destroyed.
Not even by a power of higher stature. Not even by a Primordial+ (OO(O)+)
(e.g. Asmodeus (Ahriman), The Lady of Pain, etc..).; Special:Garus retains
the full measure of this ability regardless of his current eff. divine stature.).).
Psio. (AD&D 2E - The Complete Psionicists Handbook, The Will & The Way;
Primary Discipline:Claisentience.; Kits [[[2]]]:Shinobi (AD&D 2E - DR255),
Yogi (DR225; Wis +0, Con +0, Cha +0 (NB:As Garus's abilities each already
exceed 19, they can be improved no further by virtue of this ability.);
Special:As a lesser god, Garus will Never be "one with Brahman". Instead, he
persues total mastery over/understanding of his own self (body, mind, soul,
and spirit) and reality.).),
- Frostspire Forest (Events:Camped for the night. Garus finally completed his
nightwyrm metamorphosis while Vermina slept. She awoke to his immense
form curled around her, keeping her safe from potential threats.)
6 (Specialization)
10, 5, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5
10, 5, 4, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10
26 450, 460
27 450, 460
28 600, 610
29 600, 610
30 900, 910
31 900, 910
32 1,200, 1,210
33 1,200, 1,210
34 1,500, 1,510
35 1,500, 1,510
36 1,800, 1,810
37 1,800, 1,810
38 2,250, 2,260
39 2,250, 2,260
40 2,700, 2,710
26 -6, +5
27 -7, +6
28 -7, +6
29 -7, +6
30 -8, +7
31 -8, +7
32 -8, +7
33 -9, +8
34 -9, +8
35 -9, +8
36 -10, +9
37 -10, +9
38 -10, +9
39 -11, +10
40 -11, +10