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Race:ArchFiend (Lesser God (E.S.(E.B.))

Faction:The Fated.; Rank:Namer.
R.HD:30.; I.C.F.:210 (Custom).
I.C.F.:[[[[Cler. 30,*Mage 30, Psio. 30]]]]
[[[[Assa. 30,*Bard 30, Figh. 30, Monk 30]]]].
NB:*Augmented (AD&D 2E - Hellbound:The Blood
War; NB:Garus has Not altered his abilities
by virtue of this ability.).
Build:Powerful, Slenderly Muscular
Size:M (7 ft. tall).; V.S.C.s:5. Size:G (180 ft. long
(60 ft. coil)).; V.S.C.s:3.
Apparent Weight:390 lb. Apparent
Weight:114 T.
Physiological Weight:54.912 T. Physiological
Weight:3,648 T.
Psychological Weight:54.912 T. Physiological
Weight:3,648 T.
Eyes:Deep Jet-black (Cold, Disc.) Eyes:Deep Jet-black
(Cold, Disc.)
- Necrolum.:Deep Emerald-green (Bioemotive). - Necrolum.:Deep Emerald-green
Hair:Deep Jet-black (L., Silken) Claws, Scales,
etc.:Deep Jet-black (Sharp)
Skin:Deep Jet-black (Silken) Skin:Deep Jet-black
(Thickly Scaled)
Fluids:Deep Jet-black (Cold, Res.) Fluids:Deep Jet-black (Cold,
Apparent Age:15 Apparent Age:Adult
Physiological Age:15 Apparent Age:Adult
Psychological Age:15
Chronological Age:15
Apparent Gender:Male.
Physiological Gender:Male.
Psychological Gender:Male.
Alignment:Chaotic Evil
Hit Points:26,730 (2,970 ((90d20+1,170),*9 (via rift (see below)))).
NB:Garus's Living Wall abilities can't increase his hit point total beyond
his FULL normal total (3,168)*2. Rift (see below) far exceeds that.
THACO:Always hits (*-9 vs. Always defends.)
NB:Garus's an elder lich (((grim reaper, etc.))).*This total doesn't include
Garus's modifiers (racial, etc.), etc..
Att.:6/1*5 (i.e. (6/1*5 (((i.e. the 5 "Limbs" Garus uses + Omnimaven.))).).
NB:Use Table 35 - Specialist Attacks Per Round - Fighter 7-12 (x3 (i.e.
Monk + Weapon Specialization.)) to calculate Garus's Base Attacks
Per Round for each weapon type, then x5 (x1 per natural
weapon) to calculate Total Attacks Per Round.
However, remember...Certain weapons can't be dual- or multi-wielded.
(NB:This does Not inc. his quickling or divine abilities.)
Dam.:Var. (see below).; +6 d.c. (+5 d.c. [+3 d.c. Lesser God, +5 d.c. Monk;
NonStacking], +1 d.c. Grand Mastery, +5 V.C.S.s).
Netherfury (Longsword):80d10+62.; etc..
Unarmed (Bite):60d10+47.; Unarmed (Claw, etc.):40d10+47.
Daggers (ranged):12/1*2 (see previous).; Dam.:40d10+47+Special (see
below).; Shuriken (small stars; ranged):15/1*2 (see previous).;
Dam.:40d10+47+Special (see below).
Special:+1 d.c. in dragon form.
Actions:x15 (x5 Divine, x3 Speed).; Special:*Berserk,'Nightwyrm.
NB:*This doubles Garus's physical attacks/round.'This enables him to
physically act, cast a spell, and use a psionic power, all in the same
round (provided he hasn't gone berserk). Garus rarely permits
absorbed creatures (as per his Living Wall abilities) any
actions. He does, however, occassionally release
them as liches under his control.
Initiative:Always wins (-12 (-10 Dexterity, +2 Monk) vs. Always wins).
Movement (Base:18".):(((ALL))) Infinite (A) (or 166"/Bu. 166"/Cl. 166"/Fl.
166" (A)/Jp. 55"/Sw. 166").; NB:+19" (AD&D 2E - Player's Option:
Combat & Tactics - Pg. 14), +27" Monk, +90" Speed, +12"
MR:135% vs. Mortals; 105% vs. Demigods; 90% vs Lesser Gods; 65%
vs. Intermediate+ Gods. ( ∞ (via Lord of The Occult, magic immunity
(Elder Lich)).; R:All (Greater Wolfwere (see below (10/R for lost
limbs, etc.))).
Perm. "Spells/Psionic Powers":*•Rift (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun - Dragon
Kings; self only),*pierce any shield (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms
- Cult of The Dragon),*•sever lifeline (AD&D - Chronomancer).
Special:*Un(-dispellable/-negateable/-suppressable) by
anyone else; and, tech.,•elemental and•nonmagical.
Absorptions:N.E., P.E.; Immunities:Acid, cold, ele., fire, son.; chr., for.,
gra., lig.; dis., gas, poi.; etc.
NB:Garus is an Elder Sangrolu (Elder BloodLich), a divinity,
etc.. This gives him far too many immunities to list here.
PPDM:2 (-∞).; RSW:2 (-∞).; PP:2 (-∞).; BW:2 (-∞).; Spell:2 (-∞).
Special:Garus has Forseeing (Darkling) which enables him
to never be surprised (which he can't be anyway) and
always succeed on all saves automatically.
Strength:40 +22/+44; 21,635 lb.*(354.46784 KT.; 2.83574272 MT.
); 22,000 lb.*(360.448 KT.; 2.883584 MT.); 19 (19);
NB:*AD&D 2E Str assumes Medium (6 ft. tall) size. Larger creatures can
lift commensurately greater weights. (i.e. *8/*2 of height/length.) Add.,
V.S.C.s increase this by *8/V.S.C. as well. In Garus's case, the
total multiplier is *8*8*8*8*8 in his drow, etc. forms and
*8*8*8*8*8*8 in his dragon form.
Dexterity:40 +10 +10 -11
Constitution:40 +2 (+13) 100% 100% +11 7/1 Round
Intelligence:40 All 10th (15th) 100% All 0-15th-level
Wisdom:40 +4 1st:3.; 2nd:3.; 3rd:3.; 4th:3.; 5th:3.; 6th:3.;
8th:3.; 9th:3.; 10th:3.
Cause fear, charm person, command, friends, hypnotism, forget, hold
person, ray of enfeeblement, scare, fear, charm monster, confusion,
emotion, fumble, suggestion, chaos, feeblemind, hold monster,
magic jar, quest, geas, mass suggestion, rod of rulership,
antipathy/sympathy, death spell, mass charm; 0-
15th-level (ench./charm, necromancy).
Charisma:40 125 +20 +20 (+38 w/Com:45.)
Comeliness:40 (45 w/Cha.:40; fascinate, etc. (AD&D 1E - Unearthed
Arcana); NB:Garus deliberately lowers his Comeliness to 14 (19 w
/Cha.:40; etc.) to avoid drawing too much unwanted attention to
Special:Ability scores greater than 25 are possible for deities. Deities
w/ability scores greater than 25 ignore up to ([-1/-5%]/ability score
point greater than 25) of all relevant penalties.
Armor Class:-12 (-51 (-22 Dexterity, -10 Monk, -20 Natural, -9 Speed))

Abilities:All Pit Fiend, Baatezu (AD&D 2E - Planescape - Monstrous

Compendium - Appendix I; Errata:AD&D 2E - The Complete Psionics
Handbook.; Appearance:Garus appears to be a Medium (7 ft. tall) devilishly
handsome, abyssal M Drow (((Base True Form))), Gargantuan (180 ft. long
(60 ft. coil)) M Nightwyrm (((Add. Base True Form))), or any combination
thereof (((Add. Base True Forms))). Add., gains any/all comprising creatures
(i.e. assimilated (as Assimilate (cosmic), etc.), etc..), as well as shapes
(((forms)) thereof for shapechange, as well as any /all combinations of
any/all aforementioned (inc. base true form(s) (see previous)), as add.
shapes (((forms))) for shapechange. This augments his shapechange ability.
His necroluminescence (selective (Immediate nonaction)) is a deep emerald-
green.; Special:Add. I.C.F.:Cleric = R.HD (overlap). Add. I.C.F.:Monk = R.HD
(overlap). Disease (Curse) (Therianthropy (((Lycanthropy))) (Species:Yeth
Hound (AD&D 2E - Planescape - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I).).).
Renegade (i.e. loses all lawful/axiomatic-specific abilities and gains
chaotic/anarchic var. thereof. (ex. dictum becomes word of chaos)).); Solar
(Solar Deva), Aasimon (AD&D 2E - Planescape - Monstrous Compendium -
Appendix I; Errata:AD&D 2E - The Complete Psionics Handbook. Chaotic
good solars can summon titans Not "greater" titans. (i.e. fix for 1E to 2E
error.) They may also 1/week attempt (75% chance) to gate in either 1
planetar or 1d4 devas. (i.e. fix for 1E to 2E error.) (NB:Garus can
automatically summon (gate in) 1 lord, 1-2 guardian, 1d4 true, 1d6 greater,
1d8 lesser, or 2d6 least tanar'ri, once per round, at will, Not devils/any of the
aforementioned by virtue of this ability, though he has assimilated var.
summoning abilities (see below), thereby further expanding his summoning
repertoire.) Solars can see perfectly in total darkness. (i.e. fix for 1E to 2E
error.); I.C.F.:Cleric = R.HD (overlap).; Special:Add. I.C.F.:Monk = R.HD
(overlap). Assimilate (Garus is automatically, immediately, and Fully aware
of (even just their appearance, feel, flavor, scent, or sound, if any, will give
him this information) and can choose to (((irrevocably))) gain any/all traits
(abilities, etc.) of any creature (((even a deity of any stature)))/object
(((even an Artifact of an indestructible nature))) he consumes. Add., he can;
as an Immediate nonaction, at will; (((permanently))) purge himself of
any/all assimilated traits (abilities, etc.). Each trait (ability, etc.) purged is
expelled (orally, etc. (selective (Immediate nonaction))) as a larva (AD&D 2E
- Planescape - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I; NB:Beginning as a 3 in.
long horror, then growing to full power/size in 1 round.) or lichling (AD&D 2E
- Forgotten Realms - Nightmare Keep; NB:Beginning as a 3 in. tall horror,
then growing to full power/size in 1 round.) (selective (Immediate
nonaction)) that is possessed of said trait he purged. Furthermore, Garus can
limit/nullify any/all of his abilities (racial, etc. (even preexisting
ones))/delimit/denullify any/all of his abilities (racial, etc.) he
limited/nullified, as an Immediate nonaction, at will. This does Not eliminate
preexisting limits. This Does permit him to exclude targets, etc.. Finally,
creatures (((even deities of any stature))) consumed in this manner are
irrevocably destroyed and can't be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected, even
by a deity of higher stature. Objects (((even Artifacts of an indestructible
nature))) consumed in this manner are similarly destroyed.; Special:Garus
retains the full measure of this ability regardless of his current eff. divine
stature.; NB:This replaces Garus's Solar Bow.). Omnimaven (Benefit:Garus is
proficient/has Grand Mastery (AD&D 2E - Player's Option:Combat & Tactics)
w/all weapons, etc. (i.e. anything you can spend weapon proficiency slots
on.). Furthermore, all weapons, natural or otherwise, are considered "monk
weapons" for Garus. This means he gains commensurately improved attacks
per round, commensurately improved damage, and the ability to use any/all
weapons, natural or otherwise, as if they're an extension of his own body.
This even includes any/all projectile weapons. Finally, if his current form is
(dual-/multi-)limbed, he gains just as many attacks w/his add. limbs as he
does w/his primary limb and suffers no penalties for attacking w/dual or
multiple weapons, natural or otherwise.; Special:Garus retains the full
measure of this ability regardless of his current eff. divine stature.; NB:This
ability replaces Garus's Solar Sword.). Fallen (i.e. loses all good/holy-specific
abilities and gains evil/unholy var. thereof. (e.g. Bless, etc. become curse,
etc..)).); Tulani, Eladrin Traits (AD&D 2E - Planescape - Monstrous
Compendium - Appendix II; Errata:AD&D 2E - The Complete Psionics
Handbook.; I.C.F.:Cleric = R.HD (overlap).; Special:Chain Lightning (150d8).
Fallen (i.e. loses all good/holy-specific abilities and gains evil/unholy var.
thereof. (e.g. Bless, etc. become curse, etc..)).*Gaze (<21HD/L (30
((÷3×2)+1)), etc.:Slain, etc.; etc..).*Secondary Form(s) (NB:Light-beams
(9d12 (3d12×3 (i.e. x1/10 HD/L.))), etc..).; NB:*These augmentations are
unrelated to Garus's Lord of The Occult ability, being, instead, related to his
greater (i.e. 30HD/L (see previous).) relative power.), Assimilated (i.e. All
(((Beneficial))) Abat-Dolor, Tanar'ri (AD&D 2E - Abat-Dolor; Errata:AD&D 2E
- The Complete Psionics Handbook.); Abishai-Spinagon, Baatezu (AD&D 2E -
Planescape - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I; Errata:AD&D 2E - The
Complete Psionics Handbook.); Alu-Fiend-Yochlol, Tanar'ri (AD&D 2E -
Planescape - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I-II; Errata: AD&D 2E - The
Complete Psionics Handbook.; I.C.F.:Assassin = R.HD (overlap). I.C.F.:Mage
= R.HD (overlap).; Special:Death Throes (13,365 (i.e. 1/2 hp (round
down).)). Uncanny [Descriptor [Subcosmic]] Mastery (x5) ( C (x5)) (I.H.:A.;
Errata:AD&D 2E, +Burst/Shot Effect ( D) (i.e. as Strike, exc. ranged (range is
Close, if unarmed) (B).), +Cosmic (C (x2)) (i.e. d20s; Divine (100%).),
+Mutable (D (x10)) (i.e. [Descriptor [Subcosmic]] (50%-100%) (x10-x5)
(selective (Immediate nonaction)).; Special:Sand ( F) (sol. (Piercing (50%));
Special:Decimates (ignores) stoneskin.)/water (F) (sol. (as Sand (see
previous)), liq. (Bludgeoning (50%))/gas; Special:No ignition.), if desired
(selective (Immediate nonaction)).; NB:Bw (30d20 (Base (x1))), etc.. This
ability does Not stack w/Lord of The Occult (see below).).); Arcanaloth-
Yagnoloth, Yugoloth (AD&D 2E - Planescape - Monstrous Compendium -
Appendix I-II; Errata:AD&D 2E - The Complete Psionics Handbook. The entire
spectrum of radiation can be seen by nycaloths (i.e. infrared, ultra-violet, X-
rays, gamma rays, etc.). (i.e. fix for 1E to 2E error.); I.C.F.:Mage = R.HD
(overlap).); Armanite (Konsul), Tanar'ri (AD&D 2E - Planescape - Planes of
Chaos - Monstrous Supplement; I.C.F.:Cleric = R.HD (overlap). I.C.F.:Mage
= R.HD (overlap).; Special:Lightning Bolt (150d8).); Baernaloth, Yugoloth
(AD&D 2E - Planescape - Planes of Conflict - Monstrous Supplement;
Errata:AD&D 2E - The Complete Psionics Handbook.); Bebilith (AD&D 2E -
Planescape - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I); Brain Golem (Arcane,
Psionic), Illithid (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Compendium - Annual I, AD&D 2E -
Monstrous Arcana - The Illithiad); Cambion, Lord General, Tanar'ri (AD&D 2E
- Cambion, Lord General; Errata:AD&D 2E - The Complete Psionics
Handbook.; I.C.F.:Assassin = R.HD (overlap). I.C.F.:Fighter = R.HD
(overlap). I.C.F.:Mage = R.HD (overlap).); Chromatic-Metallic (1-15) Dragon
(AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual; E.A.C.:0-24.); Cloud Dragon (AD&D 2E -
Monstrous Manual; E.A.C.:0-20.); Cockatrice (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual);
Darkling (AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I); Deep
Dragon (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual; E.A.C.:0-20.); Devilkin (AD&D 2E -
The Guide To Hell); Divine-Temporal Guardian, Primal Entity (AD&D 2E -
RA760 Archmagic; NB:Guardians can travel through any medium to any
point in the multiverse desired w/no time lapse. (i.e. there's no limit to the
destination/speed w/which they can travel.) Infinite movement is akin to a
continuous no-error plane shift/teleport ability.; Special:Damage
Resistance:10. Weapon Immunity (Most weapons are unable to harm Garus,
but there are exceptions. A warrior (fighter, paladin, or ranger) w/an entropic
(i.e. black blade of disaster properties (+2d12 permanent damage; etc.;
NB:No 1d2 damage on wielder (see previous).).) weapon can inflict normal
damage (sans damage bonus(es) of magic weapon(s)) on him. Further, any
character w/an entropic weapon (see previous) can inflict 1 point of damage
on him each time he strikes him. This replaces all of Garus's previous
Weapon Immunities, though Not his Body Invulnerability or his Damage
Resistance.).); Drider (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual); Drow (AD&D 2E -
Monstrous Manual); Elder Brain (Arcane, Psionic), Illithid (AD&D 2E -
Monstrous Arcana - Masters of The Endless Night, AD&D 2E - Monstrous
Arcana - The Illithiad); Eyewing (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual); Fang
Dragon (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Compendium - Annual I; Errata:Any hit points
over the dragon’s normal total are treated as temporary additional hit points.
Any damage to the dragon is subtracted from the temporary hit points first.
After one hour, any extra hit points above the dragon’s normal total are lost.;
E.A.C.:0-23.); Gacholoth, Yugoloth (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Compendium -
Annual IV); Ghaunadan (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Compendium - Annual II);
Gorgon (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual); Goristro, Tanar'ri (AD&D 2E -
Planescape - Planes of Chaos - Monstrous Supplement); Greater Basilisk
(AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual); Greater Doppelganger (AD&D 2E -
Monstrous Compendium - Annual II); Greater Medusa (AD&D 2E - Monstrous
Manual); Greater Mimic (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Compendium - Annual II);
Greater Wolfwere (AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix
I; I.C.F.:Bard = R.HD (overlap).); Hordling (((ALL))) (AD&D 2E - Planescape
- Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I); Illithid (Psionic, Arcane), Illithid
(AD&D 2E - Monstrous Arcana - Masters of The Endless Night, AD&D 2E -
Monstrous Arcana - The Illithiad); Illithocyte (Psionic), Illithid (AD&D 2E -
Monstrous Arcana - Dawn of The Overmind); Imp (AD&D 2E - Planescape -
Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I); Kocrachon, Baatezu (AD&D 2E - The
Guide To Hell); Larva (AD&D 2E - Planescape - Monstrous Compendium -
Appendix I); Lernaean Hydra (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual; Heads:5-12
(Max.:10-24.).); Lichling (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms - Nightmare Keep);
Maedar (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual); Marraenoloth, Yugoloth (AD&D 2E -
Planescape - Monstrous Supplement); Minotaur (AD&D 2E - Monstrous
Manual); Mist Dragon (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual; E.A.C.:0-23.);
Mountain Dwarf (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual); Neothelid (Psionic), Illithid
(AD&D 2E - Monstrous Arcana - The Illithiad); Nighthag (AD&D 2E -
Planescape - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I); Nightmare (AD&D 2E -
Planescape - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I); Protein Polymorph
(AD&D 2E - The Dungeons of Despair); Quasit (AD&D 2E - Planescape -
Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I); Quickling (AD&D 2E - Monstrous
Compendium - Annual I; Special:Speed & Agility (AC -5 (-7) (-4 Dexterity, -2
(-4) Nonmagical blur/improved invisibility, -9 Speed); Movement: 96" (+90"
Speed).; Att.:x3 (Actions:x3 (((ALL))) (inc. spells, etc.)).; Dexterity:18+ (i.e.
+8 Dexterity.).; Add., Nonmagical blur/improved invisibility, Priest saves,
and Surprise Immunity.; NB:Normal Brownies already have greater speed
and agility than Most other creatures of their size. Quicklings have enhanced
these abilities.).); Red-Death, Slaad (AD&D 2E - Planescape - Monstrous
Compendium - Appendix I; Errata:AD&D 2E - The Complete Psionics
Handbook.); Rust Monster (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual); Shadow Dragon
(AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual; E.A.C.:0-22.); Shadow Drake (AD&D 2E -
Planescape - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix II; E.A.C.:0-25.); Slithering
Tracker (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual); Stone Golem (AD&D 2E - Monstrous
Manual, AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - V.R.M.H.C.v.I; E.A.(2):I.C.F.:Assassin = R.HD
(overlap). Transferable Telepathy.); Thri-kreen (AD&D 2E - Monstrous
Manual); Tiefling (AD&D 2E - Planescape - Monstrous Compendium -
Appendix I); Ulitharid (Arcane, Psionic), Illithid (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Arcana
- Masters of The Endless Night, AD&D 2E - Monstrous Arcana - The Illithiad);
Uridezu, Tanar'ri (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Compendium - Annual IV);
Vagabond (AD&D 2E - The Complete Psionics Handbook); Varrangoin Types
I-VI (AD&D 2E - Planescape - Planes of Chaos - Monstrous Supplement);
Vargouille (AD&D 2E - Planescape - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I);
Viper Tree (AD&D 2E - Planescape - The Planes of Chaos; Heads:2-15.); Xorn
(AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual); and Yeth Hound Traits (AD&D 2E -
Planescape - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I).),

Sangrolu, Elder (BloodLich, Elder) (i.e. all Lich (((Elder))) (AD&D 2E - M.M.,
AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - V.R.M.H.C.v.II; Phylactery:Garus's Godly Realm (The
Rotting Plain, The 181st Layer of The Infinite Layers of The Abyss (passively
contested)).; P.R.:Spell Knowledge.; S.A. (15 (1d4+6 (Lich (Priest))+1d2+3
(Elder Lich))):Animate Dead, Animate Dead (Elder Lich) (x3; Any/all known
var. of Undead (up to 30HD/L (i.e. HD/L.)), inc. combinations thereof.;
Range:As Communication/Sensing Ability (AD&D 2E - Faiths & Avatars), if
immortal, or Senses, if mortal.), Army of The Damned (Elder Lich) (+x1;
Range:As Communication/Sensing Ability (AD&D 2E - Faiths & Avatars), if
immortal, or Senses, if mortal.), Bone Command, Control Undead Legion,
Control Undead Legion (Elder Lich) (x1; Range:As Communication/Sensing
Ability (AD&D 2E - Faiths & Avatars), if immortal, or Senses, if mortal.),
Improved Immunity (x6; Garus is immune to (((ALL))) magic (spells, etc.
(inc. spell-like abilities, etc.)), psionics (powers, etc. (inc. psi-like abilities,
etc.))), and supernatural effects (i.e. attacks (i.e. breath weapons, etc..)),
etc..), though he can choose to permit any of the aforementioned to affect
him normally. Add., Most weapons are unable to harm Garus, but there are
exceptions. A warrior (fighter, paladin, or ranger) w/a sword +5 or better can
inflict normal damage on him. Further, any character w/a sword +5 or better
can inflict 1 point of damage on him each time he strikes him.; Special:After
overcoming Garus's Gaseous Form (see previous) and Regeneration (see
previous), if Garus, his phylactery, or any of his phylacteric ribs are
destroyed and Garus, his phylactery, or any of his phylacteric ribs are not
destroyed, that which was destroyed will reform in 1-10 days. If Garus, his
phylactery, and his phylacteric ribs are all destroyed and the fragments of
thereof are not destroyed by immersion in the blood of a Solar (Solar Deva),
Aasimon (AD&D 2E - Planescape - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I) and
the casting of a pierce any shield spell (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms - Cult of
The Dragon) followed by a mordenkainen's disjunction spell cast by the same
caster, Garus, his phylactery, and his phylacteric ribs will all reform in 1-10
days. ...and, even then, there's still his Transmortality (see below) to
overcome.), Skull Scry.; Special:Dark Lord (DR210; NB:All (((Beneficial)))
Traits only.). Death Knight Traits (AD&D 2E - M.M.; NB:All (((Beneficial)))
Traits only.). Death, Minor Traits (AD&D 2E - Amalgam [DMG/DVD]; NB:All
(((Beneficial))) Traits only.). DracoLich Traits (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms -
Cult of The Dragon; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.). Elder Lich (i.e. AC -
6, Corporeal/Incorporeal (ethereal) (selective (Immediate nonaction));
+Fl.=L.M. (A); THACO:Special (never misses).; Touch:37d20 (((Burst/Shot,
Strike))), etc. [Mutable (D (x10)) (i.e. [Descriptor [Subcosmic]] (50%-100%)
(x10-x5) (selective (Immediate nonaction )).; Special:Sand ( F) (sol. (Piercing
(50%)); Special:Decimates (ignores) stoneskin.)/water (F) (sol. (as Sand
(see previous)), liq. (Bludgeoning (50%))/gas; Special:No ignition.), if
desired (selective (Immediate nonaction)).]+Aging (1d4x25 years)+Energy
Drain (2)+ Paralysis.; Int 25, Wis 25, Cha 25; Special:Army of The Damned
(An elder lich may animate/control (as if possessing them via magic jar, yet
not actually residing within them) up to 5 x the elder lich's caster level in
corpses/undead creatures of any type of up to its HD/L (((each))) at once,
maintaining both the creatures' innate abilities and endowing them with full
sentience (its own) and Lich (its own (enhanced, if enhanced)), Not Elder
Lich, abilities. Any uncontrolled, sentient undead w/more than 1/2 its HD/L
receives a save vs. spell to negate the control and, if successful, do Not gain
the Lich (enhanced, if enhanced) abilities. Add., while they are aware of the
attempt to control them, they are Not aware of the elder lich or the details of
said attempt to control them. Just that it happened. The same applies to
those the elder lich successfully controls. Add., they remember nothing of
what occured while so controlled, unless the elder lich lets them remember
what occured. ...and, even then, they only remember what it lets them
remember. These undead do Not count against the elder lich's normal control
limit(s).). Curse (An elder lich can also pronounce a powerful curse on those
who annoy it. These can be so mighty as to include:always being hit by one’s
enemies, never making a saving throw, or the inability to acquire new
experience points. Elder lich curses can be overcome w/a remove curse, but
the victim loses one point of charisma permanently when the curse is
removed.), Dread Aura (The supernatural power of an elder lich is such that
the mere sight of one causes any creature to flee in panic for 2-12 (2d6)
turns (and causes any living creature to age 25 years) unless a saving throw
spells is made.), Grim Reaper (An elder lich always has initiative. An elder
lich's attacks never miss. Any living creature killed by an elder lich is drained
of its life essence and is forever dead. An elder lich can; once per round, as
an Immediate nonaction, at will; automatically gate in up to 5 minor deaths
(AD&D 2E - Amalgam [DMG/DVD], exc. HD = 1/2 the elder lich's caster level
(min. = 8HD).) per caster level. However, it can never have more than 5
minor deaths per caster level summoned at any one time, though they may
freely summon more of their kind (AD&D 2E - Amalgam [DMG/DVD], exc. HD
= 1/4 the elder lich's caster level (min. = 4 HD).), etc. as per usual. These
undead do Not count against the elder lich's normal control limit(s). An elder
lich is add. immune to fire.), Howl (Once per round, an elder lich can unleash
a howl which acts as a death ray, affecting all creatures within a 50’ radius of
itself. Those who fail to save vs. death (which has an add. -5 penalty) are
permanently dead.), Magic Immunity (An elder lich is immune to most magic
(spells, etc. (inc. spell-like abilities, etc.)), psionics (powers, etc. (inc. psi-like
abilities, etc.)), and supernatural effects (i.e. attacks (i.e. breath weapons,
etc..)), etc..), though it can choose to permit any of the aforementioned to
affect it normally. However, a dispel evil will do 5-8 (1d4+4) points of
damage to it, a shatter spell will inflict 3-18 (3d6) points of damage to it, and
holy word pronounced against it will deliver 5-30 (5d6) points of damage to
it. An elder lich can't be Turned, Destroyed, Rebuked, or Commanded.),
Malevolence (An elder lich can attack any creature (even a specific one)
within 100 yards w/a magic jar spell. If the creature fails its save vs spell
(which has an add. -5 penalty), it's trapped in either any one of the elder
lich's phylacteric ribs (regardless of the elder lich's or its phylacteric rib's
current state) of the elder lich's choice or any object in range (see previous)
of the elder lich's choice. Creatures trapped in the elder lich's phylacteric ribs
remain trapped (regardless of the elder lich's or its phylacteric rib's current
state) until either consumed or freed. Creatures trapped in objects remain
trapped until freed. (NB:True seeing reveals creatures trapped in certain
objects (crystal, etc.).)), Phylacteric Ribs (An elder Lich has enchanted all 24
of its ribs. Each of these ribs now serves as an add. phylactery and a
powerful magical device which can trap the soul (no save) of its adversaries.
The physical body of someone hit with the elder lich’s spell collapses and rots
away in a single round. The elder lich can repeat this attack until all of its
phylacteric ribs are filled. An amulet of life protection will prevail over the
phylacteric rib, but the character’s body will perish regardless. Every 24
hours, those who have been trapped inside the ribs must make a saving
throw vs. spell. Those who fail are lost forever, having been consumed by the
elder lich to power its magical nature. If the throw is made the soul can be
freed by simply crushing the rib. A new body must be within 10 yards for the
soul to enter or it will be lost. Such a body might be a clone or simulacrum.
(See spells of those names.)). Rejuvenation (If the elder lich, its phylactery,
or any of its phylacteric ribs are destroyed and the elder lich, its phylactery,
or any of its phylacteric ribs are not destroyed, that which was destroyed will
reform in 1-10 days. If the elder lich, its phylactery, and its phylacteric ribs
are all destroyed and the fragments thereof are not destroyed by immersion
in holy water and the casting of a dispel magic spell, the elder lich, its
phylactery, and its phylacteric ribs will all reform in 1-10 days.), Spell-Like
Powers (An elder lich gains one spell-like power of its choice (i.e. any 1-9th
level spell.)/century it exists that it can use at will. Elder liches typically
choose spells from the schools of Conjuration/Summoning, Lesser/Greater
Divination, and Necromancy.). Weapon Immunity (Most weapons will be
unable to harm the elder lich, but there are exceptions. A fighter or ranger
w/a sword +5 or better, sword of sharpness, or vorpal sword can inflict
normal damage on the elder lich, as can a paladin w/a sword +4 or better,
sword of sharpness, or vorpal sword. Further, any character w/a sword +5 or
better, sword of sharpness, or vorpal sword can inflict 1 point of damage on
the elder lich each time he strikes it.), Undead Lord (There is no limit to the
number of Undead an elder lich can control. However, the remaining
parameters (AD&D 2E - V.R.M.H.C.v.II) still apply.).). Living Wall Traits
(AD&D 2E - M.M.; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.). Revenant Traits (AD&D
2E - M.M.; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.).) and Vampire (AD&D 2E -
M.M., AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - V.R.M.H.C.v.I; A.C.:7 (Patriarch).; Coffin Home
(((Gravesite (or earth, etc. thereof, if its current coffin, etc. is
elsewhere)))):Garus's Godly Realm (The Rotting Plain, The 181st Layer of
The Infinite Layers of The Abyss (passively contested)).; S.A. (5):Gargoyle
Control, Superior Blood Drain (x2; Up to 5 Constitution points per round .),
Undead Master (x2).; Special:Vampire (((Nosferatu))) Traits (AD&D 2E -
M.M., AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - V.R.M.H.C.v.I; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits
only.).; Weaknesses:None (NB:Garus has no reflection/scent/shadow
(selective (Immediate nonaction)).).) Traits.; Special:Garus himself is
impervious to all vampire-specific weaknesses. However, the flesh and fluids
of a (((standard))) Sangrolu (BloodLich); Not its bones, soul, etc.; retain the
standard vampire-specific weaknesses. This is primarily cosmetic. (i.e.
harming a (((standard))) Sangrolu (BloodL ich)'s flesh /fluids does Not harm
the (((standard))) Sangrolu (BloodLich) itself. However, if, for example, a
(((standard))) Sangrolu (BloodLich) attempted to gain uninvited entrance to
a private residence while fleshed/fluided, it would be barred. However, if the
(((standard))) Sangrolu (BloodLich) first assumed gaseous form, it would Not
be restrained. Garlic, holy symbols, mirrors, and stakes are likewise
ineffectual. Though garlic could make its breath foul; holy symbols could
leave gruesome, superficial burns; its skeleton, unnervingly, has both
reflection(s) and shadow(s); and stakes in the heart could ruin its clothing.
Even running water and sunlight are mere nuisances for a (((standard)))
Sangrolu (BloodLich). While they still destroy its flesh and fluids, this does it
No harm and its flesh and fluids heal/rejuvenate normally.)), and

Lesser God Traits (AD&D 2E - Faiths & Avatars; Errata:HD:d20's (D+). Magic
Resistance (Gods' Magic vs Mortals' Magic Resistance:Mortals suffer -100%
Magic Resistance vs. Gods, Not their Avatars, if any. This is in add. any/all
other penalties, if any.). Psionics (AD&D 2E - The Complete Psionics
Handbook, Pg. 123; = HD (+31-+40 (OD (OO(S))), +21-+30 (OD (EO(D))),
+16-+20 (GD), +11-+15 (ID), +6-+10 (LD), or +1- +5 (D)); All/*All/All
(NB:*This inc. High Sciences (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun - The Will and The
Way).); All/Nil (NB:Deities are immune to all psionic attack, even from
deities of higher rank than them, as well as all psionic abilities not practiced
by a deity, and, even then, they are immune to all psionic abilities used by
deities of lower rank than themselves.); = Int; Unlimited (Max
Expenditure/Use = HD/L equivalent Psionicist PSP total.); if psionic (or totally
immune to all psionics, even from deities of higher rank than them, if
nonpsionic)).; Artifacts:1 (1 (NB:-3 for Assimilate (see previous), Creation
(As OD (EO(D)) (i.e. as GD, exc. must rest for one round per 1 tons of mass
he wishes to manifest.).; Special:Garus retains the full measure of this ability
regardless of his current eff. divine stature. (NB:Garus can't create creatures
w/greater divine stature, experience, HD/L, or knowledge than himself. They
Can, however, grow, learn, and develop normally; even, potentially, exceed
him; thereafter. )), and Omnimaven (see previous). -1/+1 for Netherfury
(see below).)).; Avatars:2 (2; NB:Deities have all beneficial Avatar abilities,
or superior var. thereof. (NB:Garus's Avatars' statistics are identical to his
own (((sans Lesser God (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms - Faiths & Avatars)
abilities, having Avatar (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms - Faiths & Avatars)
abilities instead))). Add., he creates "programmed" demonic (tanar'ri)
/undead horrors.)).; Godly Realm:The Rotting Plain, The 181st Layer of The
Infinite Layers of The Abyss (passively contested).; Portfolios: Artifice
(constructs, traps), chaos (entropy, fiends (demons)), darkness (loss, night),
death (murder, undead), evil (cannibalism, fear, fiends (demons)),
knowledge, and occult (magic, psionics).; Psionic:Yes (HD/L+10 (see
Portfolios (see previous)); ME/U:1,485.).; Special:Classes & Kits (NB:Deities,
as noted, do Not suffer from class or kit restrictions or hindrances. Add.,
multiple amalgamated class var. (up to 1/2 HD/L; C.:+10%
exp./amalgamated class.) and kits (up to 1/HD/L; C.:+5% exp./+1 Kit.) can
be adopted. (NB:These rules apply to deities' Avatars, and to Heroes as
well.)). Divinity (NB:Garus's divinity is inherent (i.e. Power (see The Power
(I.H.:A.)).) and he has no need of worship (i.e. Glory (see The Glory
(I.H.:A.)).); or Resonance (see The Resonance (I.H:A.)), etc.; to retain it.
Furthermore, Garus's divinity is (((irrevocable))) (even for powers of up to
and inc. Primordial (OO(S)) (e.g. Asmodeus (Ahriman), The Lady of Pain,
etc..) stature). Finally, Garus's eff. divine stature varies as follows:In The
Planes/Beyond The Lower Planes, Garus is considered a Lesser Deity in all
regards, having the FULL abilities thereof. In The Lower Planes/Beyond The
Infinite Layers of The Abyss, Garus is considered an Intermediate Deity in all
regards, having the FULL abilities thereof. In The Infinite Layers of The
Abyss, Garus is considered a Greater Deity in all regards, having the FULL
abilities thereof. In The Rotting Plain, The 181st Layer of The Infinite Layers
of The Abyss, Garus is considered an Over-Deity (EO(D)) in all regards,
gaining the FULL abilities thereof. (NB:Garus eff. IS the embodiment
(((manifestation))) of The Rotting Plain, The 181st Layer of The Infinite
Layers of The Abyss, itself. However, his power is increasingly suppressed
(see previous), by The Demiurge (i.e. The Planescape Kosmos itself.), the
further he is from his core (see previous). (NB:This is vaguely similar to
Asmodeus (Ahriman)'s semi-imprisonment in The Nine Hells of Perdition.));
Special:In The Material Plane/Sigil, Garus is considered a Demi-deity in all
regards, having the FULL abilities thereof. However, this is voluntary self-
suppression, Not involuntary inflicted suppression. Should he cease
suppressing his power while in The Material Plane, he will be immediately
banished. Should he cease doing so while in Sigil, he will be immediately
"destroyed" (i.e. eff. banished, as he's Transmortal .).). High Level (i.e. all
(((Beneficial))) High-Level Character (AD&D 2E - Dungeon Master®
Option:High-Level Campaigns) options apply.). Immortality (As OD (EO(D))
(i.e. as GD, exc. destroyed by powers of P (OO(S))+ stature in physical or
magical/psionic combat.).; Special: Immortality is further augmented by
Transmortality (see below).). Lord of The Occult (Garus can employ up to 5
(3 for his Avatar(s), if any) magics/5 (3 for his Avatar(s), if any) psionics
(spells/powers, item eff.s, etc.) (NB:This doesn't inc. his nightwyrm
(((dragon)))/etc. (overlap), quickling (stack), or divine (stack)
abilities.)/round in add. to his normal physical attacks. All magics/psionics
(see previous) Garus employs can range from pentuple (triple for his
Avatar(s), if any) max (normal for his Avatars, if any) eff. in (((ALL)))
respects (a.o.e., dam., etc.) and a -5 (-3 for his Avatar(s), if any) penalty to
saves against them to min. eff. or any range in between, as he desires.
Garus can creatively reshape a.o.e. to suit his desires, changing cubic forms
to spherical ones, making "holes" in an eff. so that a being is avoided, etc..
Even after he runs out of his normal number of spells/psps/charges/uses,
Garus can create 1 magic/1 psionic (spell/power, item eff., etc.)/round indef.
and infin.. Garus can take (no immunity, no magic resistance, no save) from
any being (anywhere in his current crystal sphere (((material plane))),
demiplane, or planar layer (as well as his godly realm (or locale he's the
embodiment of (The Rotting Plain, The 181st Layer of The Infinite Layers of
The Abyss, in his case)), if desired)) of equal or lower stature the ability to
use magic/psionics and prevent it from using spells/powers of any sort, or, in
an even harsher restriction, prevent it from using any sort of magic/psionics
(see previous). These restrictions persist until he ends them. Garus can't
take away powers' ability to grant their worshipers spells/powers through
prayer. If he desired to take away the ability to cast/manifest spells/powers
from all of a deity's clergy, he would have to take away all those people's
ability to use magic/psionics individually. Garus is unaffected by
magic/psionics (see previous) of any sort unless he permits himself to be.
Even if Garus's deceived into lowering his defenses, he still gains a save,
even if one isn't ordinarily allowed. Garus never fails a save vs.
magic/psionics (see previous) of any sort, regardless of any/all
circumstances/etc., exc. him being dead. Garus's ability to use
magic/psionics (see previous) can't be impaired, limited, lost, nullified, or
taken. Not even by a power of higher stature. Not even by a Primordial
(OO(S)) (e.g. Asmodeus (Ahriman), etc..). They function normally in any/all
environs (inc. anti-/dead/null/wild magic/psionic areas, etc..), regardless of
any/all circumstances/etc. (((even if he's gone berserk (see previous))), exc.
him being dead. Garus magics/psionics (see previous) have a C/ML = his
HD/L*5 (*3 for his Avatar(s), if any) (see previous (i.e. 150 (90 for his
Avatar(s), if any) (see previous).)); have a casting/manifesting (or
activation) time of 0 (((instantaneous))); have No caps (i.e. level-based (i.e.
dice, etc..) limits (i.e. can cast 150 (90 for his Avatar(s), if any) dice
fireballs, etc..).) on the eff.s of magics/psionics (see previous); and do Not
have costs (i.e. exp., etc..) or cause him ill/undesired eff.s (self-
explanatory). (NB:Some of Garus's abilities, or aspects thereof, are superior
to (overlap) some of the powers of his Lord of The Occult ability, or aspects
thereof. However, Garus's avatar(s), if any, can still benefit from them.);
Special:Garus's power is inherent, infinite, and Not reliant upon Mystra's
Weave/any var. thereof. Add., Garus retains the full measure of this ability
regardless of his current eff. divine stature.). Magic Use (NB:Deities of less
than Over-Deity (EO(D)) stature can't use their ability to cast "any" spell of
"any" level at will to cast 10th+ level spells at will, unless they would still
have the ability to cast 10th+ level spells were they mortal. (i.e. they must
have had the requisite training. This can vary from campaign setting to
campaign setting, etc..). Add., most deities of less than Over-Deity (EO(D))
stature aren't even aware 10th+ level spells even exist, let alone how to cast
them.). Omnicompetent (Benefit:Deities are divinely proficient in all
Thieving, etc. Skills (0% (+5%/HD/L (((each)))); w/No maximum.), all
NonWeapon Proficiencies (1 slot (+1 slot/HD/L (((each)))); w/No
maximum.), and all High Level Skills (1 slot (+1 slot/HD/L (((each)))); w/No
maximum.). Add., all NonWeapon Proficiencies and High Level Skills have an
eff. base cost of 1 slot (((each))), regardless of deities' class(es) or lack
thereof or its typical base cost.). Planar Travel (NB:Demigods are Not
considered "True" Gods and are, resultantly, Not prohibited from The Prime
Material, or any other, Plane. They are, however, still barred by The Lady of
Pain from Sigil, exc. under extraordinary circumstances. (NB:Garus himself is
one such exception. He is permitted to enter and remain in Sigil indefinitely.
However, he is required to periodically perform tasks for The Lady of Pain,
who communicates w/him through her Dabus; Not knowingly and willfully
promote (((ANY))) deific agenda(s) ever; and swiftly exile himself from Sigil
should he ever cease suppressing his (or otherwise ascend to) Lesser+ God
stature whilst in Sigil. The Lady of Pain, being very wise, has placed a Bladed
Bracelet (Major Artifact, Sentient (Int 25, Wis 25, Cha 25);
Powers:Unknown.) upon Garus's wrist. It constricts harmlessly, answering
Yes or No questions, if it deigns to, and grants him access to Sigil, a measure
of authority and respect, and keeps the local law enforcement out of his
business. In short, he goes where he wants, does what he wants, and
answers only to The Lady of Pain and her Dabus, exc. Fell, who he is free to
ignore, but forbidden to knowingly and willfully harm or kill.) Over-Deities
(EO(D)+) are Not (and can't be) prohibited from the The Prime Material, or
any other, Plane, exc. Sigil. Primordials (FO(C)+) are Not (and can't be)
prohibited from the The Prime Material, or any other, Plane, even Sigil.).
Transmortality (As Immortality, exc. Garus can't be permanently destroyed.
Not even by a power of higher stature. Not even by a Primordial+ (OO(O)+)
(e.g. Asmodeus (Ahriman), The Lady of Pain, etc..).; Special:Garus retains
the full measure of this ability regardless of his current eff. divine stature.).).


Assimilated Items (i.e. Artifacts, etc..):The Crystalline Matrix (AD&D 2E -

RA760 Archmagic; NB:Garus purged this item of all contamination(s)
(imprinted personalities, etc.), if any, then repeatedly assimilated and
recreated it countless times. He then recreated it and restored its
contamination(s) (personalities, etc.), if any, and abandoned it.), Netherfury
(Major Artifact (((Manifestation))); Description:Var. (selective (Immediate
nonaction)) (see below).; Powers:Netherfury is a +36 entropic (i.e. black
blade of disaster properties (+2d12 permanent damage; etc.; NB:No 1d2
damage on wielder (see previous).).) (selective (Immediate nonaction))
(+18), everdancing (selective (Immediate nonaction)) (+8), slaying (as per a
Solar Bow (see previous), exc. by blade, rather than arrows)) (selective
(Immediate nonaction)) (+5), umbral (negative energy (6d8)) (selective
(Immediate nonaction)) (B), vorpal (w/sharpness (selective (Immediate
nonaction))) (selective (Immediate nonaction)) (+5) Tulani blade (see
previous). Add., Netherfury can assume the form of any/all (up to as many
as Garus himself can use in a single round (splitting (manifesting) into (as)
var. physically seperate, though spiritually conjoined, as desired (selective
(Immediate nonaction)))) melee/missile weapon(s), inc. improvised
(constructed of any/all materials/facsimiles thereof (replicating any/all
qualities thereof as desired (selective (Immediate nonaction))); the limit(s)
being (((only))) what he himself could (collectively) lift/wield). However, its
natural form is a deep void-black, umbral longsword of entropy,
umbrescence, and force (i.e. entropic, umbrescent mystical darksaber/mind
blade/starsword.). (NB:A favored tactic of Garus's is to blast opponents
w/nanoscopic, deep void-black, umbral motes of high density particles that
inflict Netherfury's FULL damage on any/all targets thereof (resolve as
shuriken (needles) for rate of fire, however, range is eff. Unlimited; damage
is piercing /slashing (selective (Immediate nonaction))). Visually, this
resembles a void blast; typically, emanating from his hand(s) and has the
add. benefit of thoroughly decimating all stoneskin layers, if any, w/o
reducing the damage dealt. Another is for Garus to infuse his entire being
w/Netherfury on a subatomic level (something he always does (exc. during
training)), eff. pooling their abilities into one being. This gives Garus a deep
void-black, umbrescence (selective (Immediate nonaction)), though he
typically subsumes it entirely. This does Not prevent Netherfury from
manifesting add. weaponry, though damaging/affecting Them does
damage/affect the whole (as normal).) Add., Netherfury is Garus's add.
manifestation (i.e. possessed of all of Garus's abilities. Having, however, No
artifact(s)/avatar(s) of its own and no actual free will (being an extension of
Garus himself (much like an avatar, though far more powerful (and Not
counting against his avatar total))).).; Special:If destroyed /etc.,
Netherfury/fragments thereof can manifest/demanifest as desired (selective
(Immediate nonaction)), regardless of any/all (even divine) circumstances.
It/they can't be permanently destroyed (even by disjunction (which merely
disperses it/them temporarily (1d4 rounds)), divine intervention, etc. (unless
Garus himself is destroyed)), lost, or stolen. It's as much a part of Garus as
his own soul.; NB:Garus repeatedly assimilated and recreated Netherfury
countless times. He then recreated it and kept it. Netherfury is known to
(and greatly feared by) creatures of the lower planes (esp. demons) as
Doomsplinter. If Garus were ever to visit The DC Kosmos, he'd very likely be
mistaken for a member of The Black Lantern Corps.).


Class Abilities (Class Var.:(((11))).; Kits:[[[28]]].):

Assa. (AD&D 2E - The Scarlet Brotherhood; Kits [[[3]]]:Assassin (AD&D 2E -

The Complete Thief's Handbook), Fellblade (Hellblade (AD&D 2E - The Guide
to Hell; Fiend option)), Shinobi (AD&D 2E - The Complete Ninja's
Bard (AD&D 2E - P.H. (i.e. Defiler (((1))), Preserver (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun).);
Kits [[[4]]]:Blade (AD&D 2E - The Complete Bard's Handbook), Dirgist
(DR252), Fellblade (Hellblade (AD&D 2E - The Guide to Hell; Fiend option)),
Shinobi (AD&D 2E - The Complete Ninja's Handbook).),

Cart. (AD&D 2E - Sages & Specialists; Kits [[[0]]]: - .),

Cler. (AD&D 2E - P.H., Necromantic Priest (((1))) (AD&D 2E - The Complete

Book of Necromancers; Priests:Necrologians [Alignment:Any evil.; Minimum
Ability Scores:As Charnelist.; Weapon Proficiencies:Any.; Dress/Armor
Allowed:Any.; NonWeapon Proficiencies:As Charnelist.; Spheres of
Influence:As Charnelist.; Granted Spells:As Charnelist.; Granted Powers:As
Charnelist.; Special Restrictions:None (NB:Garus seduces his followers into
darkness by demanding nothing from life. However, due to binding
(even for deities, regardless of stature) contractual obligations, the moment
they die, or become undead, they forever after become his implicitly
obedient slaves (no resistance, no immunity, no save (((EVER)))). Said
contracts require as little as a verbal/telepathic agreement between the
Necrologian initiate and a Necrologian of at least 9th level. Attempting to
break a contract results in the Necrologian's premature demise and
subsequent enslavement. Dissolving a contract requires negotiation w/Garus
himself.).].).; Kits [[[1]]]:Shinobi (AD&D 2E - The Complete Ninja's

Demo. (AD&D 2E - Demonologist (i.e. Defiler (((1))), Preserver (AD&D 2E -

Dark Sun).); Kits [[[0]]]: - .),

Druid (AD&D 2E - P.H.; Kits [[[0]]]: - .),

Figh. (AD&D 2E - P.H.; Kits [[[3]]]:Fiend Slayer (Devil Slayer (AD&D 2E -

The Guide to Hell; Fiend option)), Planewalker Warrior (AD&D 2E -
Planescape - The Planewalker's Handbook), Shinobi (AD&D 2E - The
Complete Ninja's Handbook).Multiclass Kits [[[1]]]:Deathweaver
(((Bladesinger))) (AD&D 2E - The Complete Book of Elves;
Var.:Deathweavers (see below).).),

Hist. (AD&D 2E - Sages & Specialists; Kits [[[0]]]: - .),

Mage (AD&D 2E - P.H. (i.e. Preserver (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun).), Archmage

(((1))) (AD&D 2E - RA760 Archmagic (i.e. Defiler, Preserver (AD&D 2E - Dark
Sun).); Special:Archmagic spells are considered 10th level spells (psionic
enchantments, etc.) and use 10th level spell slots regardless of their actual
level.), Chronomancer (((1))) (AD&D 2E - Chronomancer (i.e. Defiler,
Preserver (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun).)), Defiler (((1))) (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun),
Diviner (((1))) (AD&D 2E - P.H. (i.e. Defiler, Preserver (AD&D 2E - Dark
Sun).), Eldwyrm (((Dragon))) (((1))) (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun - Dragon Kings;
Errata:AD&D 2E - Dark Sun (i.e. "In addition to its melee attacks, the dragon
can cast one magical spell and use one psionic power per round.", etc..),
AD&D 2E - Dark Sun - Defilers and Preservers:The Wizards of Athas.;
Var.:Eldwyrm (i.e. HD: +40d10 (i.e. +4d10/DL (Max:+40d10.).), Oriental
(Serpentine) (Gains Bu.= 1/2 L.M., Cl.=L.M., Fl.=L.M. (A), Sw.=L.M., and
Constrict (=Clawx2). Loses Jp 5" and wings.), Bw:30d10 (i.e. 3d10/DL
(Max:30d10.).).).; NB:Eldwyrms, like standard Dragons, require an obsidian
orb to cast psionic enchantments.), Necromancer (((1))) (AD&D 2E - The
Complete Book of Necromancers (i.e. Defiler, Preserver (AD&D 2E - Dark
Sun).), Umbral Horror (((Avangion))) (((1))) (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun - Dragon
Kings; Errata:AD&D 2E - Dark Sun - Defilers and Preservers:The Wizards of
Athas.; Var.:Umbral Horror (i.e. HD:+60d10 (i.e. +6d10/DL (Max:
+60d10.).), Fallen (i.e. loses all good/holy-specific abilities and gains
evil/unholy var. thereof. (e.g. Bless, etc. become curse, etc..)) and Umbral
(i.e. loses all light/radiant-specific abilities and gains darkness/umbral var.
thereof. (e.g. Light, etc. become darkness, etc..); Special:Umbral Horrors
can see perfectly in total (even magical (such as darkness, 15’ radius, etc.))
darkness.).; NB:Umbral Horrors, like standard Avangions, do Not require an
obsidian orb to cast psionic enchantments.).; NB:Due to Garus's assimilated
abilities and composite nature, he gains all of the (((Beneficial))) Umbral
Horror (((Avangion, Fallen))) Traits and none of the disadvantageous ones.
Add., his appearance is unchanged, save for a darker/more umbral cast to
his draconic form.).; Kits [[[10]]]: Advanced Being (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun -
Defilers and Preservers:The Wizards of Athas), Anatomist (AD&D 2E - The
Complete Book of Necromancers), Archetypal Necromancer (AD&D 2E - The
Complete Book of Necromancers), Historian (AD&D 2E - Chronomancer),
*Philosopher (AD&D 2E - The Complete Book of Necromancers), Planewalker
Wizard (AD&D 2E - Planescape - The Planewalker's Handbook; Overcome
Magic Resistance:-35% (-135% if target(s) is(are) mortal, -60% if (a) Dg(s)
or LD(s), -50% if (an) ID(s) or GD(s), -40% if (an) OD (E(D))(s) or OD
(OO(S))(s)).), Seer (AD&D 2E - Chronomancer), Shinobi (AD&D 2E - The
Complete Ninja's Handbook), Thaumaturgist (AD&D 2E - The Guide to Hell;
Fiend option), Undead Master (AD&D 2E - The Complete Book of
Necromancers).; Sage Ability (13 (AD&D 2E - Dungeon Master®
Option:High-Level Campaigns (10), AD&D 2E - The Complete Book of
Necromancers (3))):Alchemy, Chemistry, Future History (x4; Baatezu,
Fiends, Tanar'ri, Yugoloth), History (x4; Baatezu, Fiends, Tanar'ri,
Yugoloth),*Necromantic Spells (Legend Lore: 150%.),*Necromantic Magic
Items (Legend Lore:150%.), *Netherworld (esp. The Lower Planes) (Legend
Lore:150%.).; Multiclass Kits [[[1]]]:Deathweaver (((Bladesinger))) (AD&D
2E - The Complete Book of Elves; Var.:Deathweavers (see below).).; Special
Powers (3 (AD&D 2E - The Complete Book of Necromancers (3))):Enhanced
Vision (Necroluminescence:Deep emerald-green.), Regeneration (NB:No
vulnerability.), Shadow Form.),

Monk (AD&D 2E - The Scarlet Brotherhood; Kits [[[0]]]: - .),

Ninj. (AD&D 2E - The Complete Ninja's Handbook; Kits [[[3]]]:Mind Clouder

(DR255), Shadow Warrior (AD&D 2E - The Complete Ninja's Handbook),
Spirit Warrior (AD&D 2E - The Complete Ninja's Handbook (i.e. Defiler
(((1))), Preserver (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun).)).),

Psio. (AD&D 2E - The Complete Psionicists Handbook, The Will & The Way;
Primary Discipline:Claisentience.; Kits [[[2]]]:Shinobi (AD&D 2E - DR255),
Yogi (DR225; Wis +0, Con +0, Cha +0 (NB:As Garus's abilities each already
exceed 19, they can be improved no further by virtue of this ability.);
Special:As a lesser god, Garus will Never be "one with Brahman". Instead, he
persues total mastery over/understanding of his own self (body, mind, soul,
and spirit) and reality.).),

Scri. (AD&D 2E - Sages & Specialists; Kits [[[0]]]: - .).;

NB:As a divinity, Garus is Not limited by racial, class, kit, or alignment

restrictions (i.e. resultantly, he gains only the advantages (benefits, etc.) of
classes and kits and Never gains their disadvantages (hindrances, etc.).); is
omnicompetent (see previous); and automatically succeeds on all Thief
Skills, etc. (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms - Faiths & Avatars).;
Special:Deathweavers can use deathweaving (as elven bladesong (AD&D 2E
- The Complete Book of Elves), exc. silent and sneaky) even when using or
wielding two (or more) weapons (natural or otherwise) or even a "light"
double weapon such as a scythe, spear, or staff. This permits them to
attack/defend while casting a spell. However, while doing so, this also
reduces their kit-based AC bonus to level÷4, halves their normal complement
of attacks per round for their off hand (to a minimum of 1 attack), and limits
their spells to spells w/o somatic/material components. Add., Deathweavers
can fight blind w/o penalty and sense (auditory, olfactory, and tactile) their
immediate environment in a 5 ft. radius per level as if it were an extension of
their own body. This is never detrimental to them. This special training adds
the add. requirements of Wis 15, blind-fighting, direction sense, and survival
to the base Deathweaver kit. However, Deathweavers can be of any race or

Spells Known:All 0-15th level spells ever created/will

be created/could be/could have been created, inc.
all arcane var. of divine spells and vice versa.
NB:Garus needs no spellbook, etc..


Weapon Proficiencies:All nonbow (inc. crossbows) at 5 slots and all bows

(exc. crossbows) at 6 slots. (NB:This gives Garus weapon Grand Mastery
(+3/+3, etc. (as per AD&D 2E - P.H.)) w/all weapons.) Add., has Grand
Mastery in all Fighting Styles, etc. (i.e. anything you can spend weapon
proficiency slots on.). Advanced Martial Arts:All (AD&D 2E - The Complete
Ninja's Handbook, etc.). (NB:Grand Mastery improves your unarmed strikes
normally. Monk abilities overlap Advanced Martial Arts. Garus has created his
own Martial Arts Style, "The Seething Pit" (see below). He is its only Grand
Master (and, currently, its only practicioner).) The Seething Pit (#At:+1
(overlapped).; Dmg:1d6 (overlapped).; AC Mod:-3 (overlapped).; Principal
Attack:All.; Special Manuevers:All.; Weapons Allowed:All.; NB:Grand Mastery
improves The Seething Pit normally. This is a divine martial art. For a mortal
to learn it, they would have to spend +4 weapon proficiency slots.) Special
Maneuvers:All (AD&D 2E - The Complete Ninja's Handbook, etc.).
(NB:Maneuvers that add +1d2 damage, instead add +1 d.c.. Maneuvers that
add 1d4 damage, instead add +2 d.c.. This is due to how damage is
calculated.; Special:Iron Fist adds +1 d.c.. Eagle Claw adds +2 d.c..)
Deathweaving Grand Mastery (7 slots):+6 bonus to AC (+3 if attacking and
parrying (see below))/limb (unarmed strike) or weapon wielded (Max. AC:-12
AC.), +6 bonus to hit and damage (+3 if attacking and parrying (see
below)), or Attack and parry w/o using attacks to parry. (NB:This does Not
inc. the benefits of the Deathweaver (((Spellsinger))) kit (see previous).);
Special:Garus typically combines deathweaving (see previous) w/The
Seething Pit (see previous) and calls this deadly combination The Path of


Languages:All languages (spoken, etc.).

NonWeapon Proficiencies and High Level Skills:All at 30

slots. (NB:As a lesser god, Garus is omnicompetent (see
previous) and automatically succeeds on all Thief
Skills, etc. (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms -
Faiths & Avatars).)


Equipment:Explorer's outfit, cube (demigod).


Associates:Vermina (CN F Alu-Fiend (1/2 Gnome; 1/2 Incubus) Hero-deity

(Eyes:Deep Jet-black (Inq.).; Hair:Deep Jet-black (L., Silken).; Skin:Deep
Blood-red (Silken).; Height:1 ft..; Age:3.); HD:2 (Assassin 2, Mage 2, Monk
2) (20 hp).; Str 25, Dex 25, Con 25, Int 25, Wis 25, Cha 25; Com 25 (Base);
Abilities:All Gnome (Spriggan) (AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual; Appearance:A
deep blood-red Tiny-Medium (1-4 ft. tall (NB:Spriggan growth inc.
equipment, gear, and magic items.)) tailed Succubus w/deep jet-black eyes,
horns, hair, wings, and claws.), and Alu-Fiend & Succubus, Tanar'ri Traits
(AD&D 2E - Planescape - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I; Errata:AD&D
2E - The Complete Psionics Handbook.), Equipment:Tiny explorer's outfit,
Tiny +5 adamantine dagger (1pt+19), Tiny +5 cold iron dagger (1pt+19),
Tiny +5 silver dagger (1pt+19), spellbook.).

Central Castings:102:Civilized (Wilderness).; 103:Nobility/Extremely Wealthy

(Royalty (Mother is Queen Morwel of The Arborean Court of Stars.)/ -
)/Destitute.; 104:Illegitimate.; 105:Mother was abducted, raped, and
remained unmarried. Father's identity is unknown (Father is Abbadon
(Ahriman (Asmodeus)) of The Nine Hells of Perdition.).; 106:Guardians
(Character is raised by a pair of yeth hounds in The Infinite Layers of The
Abyss.).; 107:1 (F Yeth Hound).; 108:Second Born.; 109:Sept 4th, 1855 at
11:58 pm.; 110:Character was born in a cave in The Infinite Layers of The
Abyss. The aforementioned yeth hounds were there.; 112:Nothing unusual
occured (aside from the aforementioned and subsequent events).;
215:A:Character, his guardians, and his sister are banned from The Arborean
Court of Stars. Character, his guardians, and his sister encounter Syöjä, The
Necromancer, who then begins training them./215:B:Character, his
guardians, and his sister are deemed competent by Syöjä, The Necromancer
and left to their own devices.


- Frostspire Forest (Events:Camped for the night. Garus finally completed his
nightwyrm metamorphosis while Vermina slept. She awoke to his immense
form curled around her, keeping her safe from potential threats.)

- Oakenrest Village (Events:Attacked by and bbq'ed (chain lightning) 12

(very foolish) village guards (after he kicked down their gate for daring to
refuse him entry). Very nice (NG), very wise (Wis 18; very familiar with
cooking, faerie lore (esp. the eladrin), farming, herbology, and nature) old
lady gave Garus and Vermina hospitality (food, bath, and lodging for the
night (while the rest of the villagers hid in their homes like sniveling
cowards)). Garus gave her eternal youth (she's gorgeous again (Cha 18,
Com 18 (Base)), though he still didn't ask her for her name (incorrectly
thinking it might be rude to do so)) and a magic tablecloth (i.e. 1 tap for food
(heroes' feast; 1/round), 2 taps for clearing (1/round), 3 taps for poison (as
pit fiend, exc. ingested) food (1/round).; NB:The tablecloth was fabricated,
by Garus himself, from a long dead pit fiend's wing membranes (said pit
fiend had previously annoyed him by entering his lair uninvited). This causes
it to get temperamental on occasion (tossing (Str 18 00, Dex 18) dishes,
food, and beverages violently about) due a lingering vestige of its spirit (Int
20, Wis 16, Cha 25). This is remedied by taking it outside and beating it
soundly with a good, sturdy broom for about an hour (or calling it "General"
in a lustfully, flirtatious manner).). The other villagers fear (thinking her a
witch for certain) and respect (thinking her wise) her now.)

NB:1 Turn = 10 Combat Rounds. 1 Combat Round = 6 seconds.

The standard of 1 Combat Round = 1 minute is utterly retarded.)



6 (Specialization)


Nightwyrm (Eldwyrm, Umbral Horror) +58d10

Eldwyrm +41d10
Umbral Horror +58d10

10, 5, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5
10, 5, 4, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10

Str (w.a., m.p.) Pattern (cumulative)

20 50, 60
21 100, 110
22 150, 160
23 150, 160
24 300, 310
25 300, 310

26 450, 460
27 450, 460
28 600, 610
29 600, 610
30 900, 910

31 900, 910
32 1,200, 1,210
33 1,200, 1,210
34 1,500, 1,510
35 1,500, 1,510

36 1,800, 1,810
37 1,800, 1,810
38 2,250, 2,260
39 2,250, 2,260
40 2,700, 2,710

26 -6, +5
27 -7, +6
28 -7, +6
29 -7, +6
30 -8, +7
31 -8, +7
32 -8, +7
33 -9, +8
34 -9, +8
35 -9, +8
36 -10, +9
37 -10, +9
38 -10, +9
39 -11, +10
40 -11, +10

26 +2 (+7) 100% 100% +4 1/9 Rounds

27 +2 (+8) 100% 100% +5 1/8 Rounds
28 +2 (+8) 100% 100% +5 1/7 Rounds
29 +2 (+8) 100% 100% +6 1/6 Rounds
30 +2 (+9) 100% 100% +6 1/5 Rounds

31 +2 (+9) 100% 100% +7 1/4 Rounds

32 +2 (+9) 100% 100% +7 1/3 Rounds
33 +2 (+10) 100% 100% +8 1/2 Rounds
34 +2 (+10) 100% 100% +8 1/1 Rounds
35 +2 (+11) 100% 100% +9 2/1 Round

36 +2 (+11) 100% 100% +9 3/1 Round

37 +2 (+12) 100% 100% +10 4/1 Round
38 +2 (+12) 100% 100% +10 5/1 Round
39 +2 (+13) 100% 100% +11 6/1 Round
40 +2 (+13) 100% 100% +11 7/1 Round

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