PTT Public Company Limited-Annual Report (Feb-20-2020)

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The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand has audited the accompanying consolidated
financial statements of PTT Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries (the Group) and the
separate financial statements of PTT Public Company Limited (the Company) , which comprise the
consolidated and separate statements of financial position, as at December 31, 2019, the consolidated
and separate statements of income, the consolidated and separate statements of comprehensive
income, the consolidated and separate statements of changes in equity and the consolidated and
separate statements of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the consolidated and
separate financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies.

In the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s opinion, the above mentioned
consolidated and separate financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the
consolidated financial position of PTT Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries and separate
financial position of PTT Public Company Limited, respectively, as at December 31, 2019,
and their consolidated and separate financial performance and cash flows for the year then
ended in accordance with Thai Financial Reporting Standards (TFRSs).

Basis for Opinion

The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand conducted the audit in accordance with
the State Audit Standards and Thai Standards on Auditing (TSAs). The State Audit Office of
the Kingdom of Thailand’s responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s
Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements section of the
State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s report. The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of
Thailand is independent of the Group and the Company in accordance with the State Audit Committee’s
State Audit Standards and the Federation of Accounting Professions’Code of Ethics for Professional
Accountants that are relevant to the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’ s audit of the
consolidated and separate financial statements, and has fulfilled other ethical responsibilities in
accordance with these requirements. The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand believes
that the audit evidence the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand has obtained is sufficient
and appropriate to provide a basis for the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s opinion.

State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand



Emphasis of Matter

The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand draws attention to Note 47 to the financial
statements, which describes the event that Ombudsman of Thailand submitted a complaint to the
Administrative Court (the Court) against the Company as the black case No. 510/2559, requesting
the Court as follows:

1) To revoke the Cabinet Resolutions on December 18, 2007 and August 10, 2010.
2) To order the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Energy and the Company to conduct a
segregate and transfer of net assets according to the plaintiff’s allegation as of September 30, 2001
amounting to Baht 68,569.69 million, including other compensations and benefits.
3) To revoke the segregate of public assets and the preferential rights to establish the gas
pipeline system according to the plaintiff’s allegation.

On May 26, 2016, the Administrative Court ordered the Company to submit a defense.
The Company had the public prosecutor prepared the statement and additional statement for submission
to the Administrative Court. On May 11, 2018, the Administrative Court issued an order to end
the fact finding process. Currently, the case is under the consideration of the Administrative Court.
In conclusion, the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s opinion is not qualified
in respect of these matters.

Key Audit Matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of
Thailand’s professional judgment, were of most significance in the audit of the consolidated
and separate financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context
of the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s audit of the consolidated and separate
financial statements as a whole, and in forming the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of
Thailand’s opinion thereon, and the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand does not
provide a separate opinion on these matters.

The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand identifies the followings as key audit
matters to communicate:

1. Estimation of petroleum reserves

Estimation of petroleum proved reserves have a significant impact on the consolidated

financial statements for impairment testing and calculation of depreciation, depletion, and
amortization expenses of petroleum exploration and production assets. Estimated proved reser ves
may differ from the actual reserves to be recoverable in the future because the estimation is based on
available information at the time of the estimation. At the beginning of each project, the estimation

State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand



may be subject to a high variance, but the variance will decrease when the project approaches
the end of its production life. This may impact the management’s investment decisions to sustain
the Group’s business. The management relies on the Group’s internal teams of experts in
estimating the proved reserves using the estimation methods consistent with those generally
employed by the petroleum exploration and production industry. The experts have to exercise
significant judgment as well as experience in determining the appropriate estimation methods for
the available information at the time of the estimation. Therefore, the amount of proved reserves
may vary with individual judgment and experience. In addition, changes in the estimated proved
reserves will impact the recognition of depreciation, depletion, and amortization expenses in the
financial statements. As a result, the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand considers
this as a key audit matter.

The Group disclosed estimation of petroleum proved reserves information in Note 3.2.14
Accounting Policies - Property, Plant and Equipment, Note 3.2.29 Use of Estimates and
Significant Assumptions - Estimates of Petroleum Reserves, and Note 18 Property, Plant and

The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand performed significant audit procedures as
1. Obtaining an understanding of the proved reserve estimation processes, assess the
adequacy of the designed key internal controls, and perform tests of key internal controls
of such process, especially the controls over the reliability of the data used in the
preparation of reports related to the Group’s proved reserves, and the use of proved
reserves data in the calculation of depreciation, depletion, and amortization expenses, as
well as the assessment of impairment of assets.
2. Assessing the qualifications of the Group’s internal experts who are responsible for
estimating proved reserves and preparing the Group’s proved reserves data.
3. Using the results of reserves estimation audit performed by the energy regulatory agency
in Thailand, which has its own processes and experts for verifying the estimation of
domestic petroleum reserves for projects of which the operators have submitted the
required reports. The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand compared the
Group’s proved reserves for the year 2018 with those verified by the regulatory agency
and reconciled with the estimated proved reserves presented in internal reports related to
the proved reserves during the year to determine the estimated proved reserves of
domestic projects of which the Group was the operator at the end of 2019.

State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand



4. Verifying the Group recognized significant changes in the estimated proved reserves in
the appropriate accounting period and in accordance with the Group’s accounting policy
and those changes were applied to the calculation of depreciation, and amortization
expenses appropriately.

2. Provision for decommissioning costs

Provision for decommissioning costs is the significant item which included in provision
for decommissioning costs in the consolidated financial statements. Decommissioning activities
occur at the end of projects. Decommissioning methods vary with the locations of petroleum
exploration and production, which are classified into onshore and offshore production areas,
where the main infrastructure, including Central Processing Platforms, Well Head Platform,
Development Well, Pipeline, and other producing properties. Also, the regulations in each
country have varying requirements for decommissioning activities, which can be either total or
partial removal. In addition, only a small number of decommissioning activities in the past or
subject to certain natures have taken place, resulting in limited decommissioning cost
information that can be used as a reference in the Group’s estimation of future expenses. Due to
these factors, the calculation of the provision for decommissioning costs has to rely significantly
on the exercise of judgment in determining assumptions around decommissioning costs, inflation
rates, discount rates, and timing of the decommissioning based on the estimated field life of a
project. These assumptions are subject to change over time. The management relies on the Group’s
teams of experts, comprising those from Engineering and Development Group, Production Asset Group,
Operations Support Group, and Finance and Accounting Group in estimating the provision for
decommissioning costs. As a result, the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand considers this
as a key audit matter.

The Group disclosed information about provision for decommissioning costs in Note
3.2.22 Significant Accounting Policies - Provision for Decommissioning Costs, Note 3.2.29 Use
of Estimates and Significant Assumptions - Provisions, and Note 28 Provision for
Decommissioning Costs.

The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand performed significant audit procedures
as follow;

1. Obtaining an understanding of the decommissioning cost estimation processes, assess the

adequacy of the designed internal controls and perform tests of controls over the estimation,
review and adjustment of the provision for decommissioning costs, as well as related approval.

State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand



2. Assessing the qualifications of the Group’s experts who are responsible for estimating
the provision for decommissioning costs and who are responsible for inspection and
control the quality of engineering work.
3. Evaluating the reasonableness of the assumptions used in the calculation of provision for
decommissioning costs by
3.1 Evaluating the reasonableness of the decommissioning costs through inquiry of the
experts about the assumptions used, relying on the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of
Thailand’s knowledge of the business, decommissioning information of other
comparable projects and related laws;
3.2 Evaluating the appropriateness of the expected timing used in calculation provision
of decommissioning cost, by considering its consistency with investment plans,
initial decommissioning plan submitted to the energy regulatory agency in Thailand,
or any other related information; and
3.3 Evaluating the reasonableness of inflation rates and discount rates through inquiry of
the experts and comparison with the information from external sources.
4. Agreeing decommissioning costs used in the calculation of the provision for
decommissioning costs to the information obtained from the Group’s engineers, both for
projects of which the Group is operator and for projects of which the Group is non-operator.
5. Validating significant changes in the estimated decommissioning costs incurred during
the year and changes that impact the statements of income against supporting evidence.
6. Testing the calculation of the provision for decommissioning costs.
7. In case of project for which the Group had submitted the initial decommissioning plan
and the decommissioning cost estimation report, required to be audited and verified by
the Group’s external experts, to the energy regulatory agency in Thailand, the State Audit
Office of the Kingdom of Thailand assessed the reliability of the external experts by
ensuring that their qualifications, work experience and independence were in compliance with
the requirements imposed by the regulatory agency for the appointment of third parties in
auditing and verifying the accuracy of decommissioning cost estimates.
8. Comparing the actual decommissioning cost incurred with those estimation by the Group
to evaluate the appropriateness of the estimation process. In case that there is significant
difference, consider the reasonableness of the clarification from the Group about the
cause of difference, and also consider that the Group used the experience from the actual
decommissioning cost incurred within the current year to be the information for reviewing
the estimation preparation process appropriately.

State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand



3. Business combination

As disclosed in Note 43.1, Business Acquisition - Glow Energy Public Company Limited
(GLOW), Note 43.3, Business Acquisition - Murphy Oil Corporation (Murphy) in Malaysia, and
Note 43.5, Business Acquisition - Partex Holding B.V. (Partex), the Group acquired GLOW’s
business, that generates and supplies electricity, steam and water for industrial , representing
69.11% of GLOW’s registered capital, the Group acquired the 100% shareholding interests of
Murphy Oil Corporation (Murphy) in Malaysia through the acquisition of 100% shares interests
in Murphy’s subsidiaries, which are Murphy Sabah Oil Co., Ltd. (Murphy Sabah) and Murphy
Sarawak Oil Co., Ltd. (Murphy Sarawak), as well as, the Group acquired the 100% shareholding
interests of Partex Holding B.V. (Partex) which operated in a petroleum business, located in
Middle East region. According to the acquisition of Murphy and Partex, the Group has to pay the
total considerations for the acquisition of Baht 93,000.93 million, Baht 65,724.27 millio n, and
Baht 21,604.53 million, respectively, with the fair value of the acquired identifiable net assets
of Baht 89,003.01 million, Baht 46,873.69 million, and Baht 15,406.56 million, respectively.
The Group’s management assesses that the participating interests acquired is the business
combination according to the definition under Thai Financial Reporting Standard (TFRS) 3,
Business Combinations.

According to TFRS 3, Business Combinations, the Group has to recognize and measure
the fair value on the acquisition date of the identifiable assets acquired, liabilities assumed, and
the considerations transferred (the value of considerations for the acquisition), and recognize the
deferred tax assets or liabilities, and goodwill, as well as disclose relevant info rmation in
accordance with the TFRS. The Group enlisted an independent valuer to estimate the fair value
of the participating interests acquired. The fair value estimation requires the selection of
valuation techniques, and various assumptions, which may vary with individual judgement and
experience of the valuer. The information which the valuer obtained and used in the fair value
calculation also significantly affects the fair value. As a result, the State Audit Office of the
Kingdom of Thailand considers this as a key audit matter.

The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand performed significant audit procedures
as follow;

1. Examining the Sales and Purchase Agreement of the shares to obtain an understanding in
terms and conditions, including any transactions occurred with the management.
2. Examining the evidence of payments and related documents used in transaction recording
to assess the appropriateness of the identification of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed,
as well as the considerations transferred.

State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand



3. Communicating with the auditors of the companies within the Group regarding risks, as well
as reviewing their significant audit regarding the recognition and measurement of the assets, liabilities
assumed and the considerations transferred (the value of considerations for the acquisition) on the
acquisition date as follows;
3.1 Evaluating the use of management’s judgement for classification the investment as
a purchase of investment in subsidiaries and compliance with the business combinations principle
3.2 Evaluating the appropriateness of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities
assumed on the acquisition date, as well as evaluating estimation procedure for fair value of net
assets acquired that made by the management.
3.3 Assessing the knowledge, ability, independence, qualifications, and past experience
of the experts that the management assorted.
3.4 Testing the calculation of fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities
assumed, and testing by inquiring the management for the judgement regarding to the significant
assumptions of future cash flow estimation including comparison significant assumptions with
related contracts and information from external sources.
3.5 Evaluating discount rates by considering and comparing with companies in the same
industry in which are able to refer from general disclosure information.
4. Reviewing the relevant presentation and disclosures in accordance with TFRS.

Other Information

Management is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises
the information included in the annual report, but does not include the consolidated and separate
financial statements and auditor’s report thereon. The annual report is expected to be made
available to the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand after the date of this auditor’s report.

The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s opinion on the consolidated and
separate financial statements does not cover the other information and the State Audit Office of
the Kingdom of Thailand will not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.

In connection with the audit of the consolidated and separate financial statements, the
State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s responsibility is to read the other information
identified above when it becomes available and, in doing so, consider whether the other
information is materially inconsistent with the consolidated and separate financial statements or
the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise
appears to be materially misstated.

State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand



When the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand reads the annual report, if the
State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand concludes that there is a material misstatement
therein, the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand is required to communicate the matter
to those charged with governance.

Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Consolidated
and Separate Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated
and separate financial statements in accordance with TFRSs, and for such internal control as
management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated and separate
financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error .

In preparing the consolidated and separate financial statements, management is responsible

for assessing the Group’s and the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing,
as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting
unless management either intends to liquidate the Group and the Company or to cease operations,
or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Group’s and the
Company’s financial reporting process.

Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements

The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s objectives are to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the consolidated and separate financial statements as a whole are free
from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor ’s report that
includes the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s opinion. Reasonable assurance is
a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with State
Audit Standards and TSAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements
can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they
could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of
these consolidated and separate financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with State Audit Standards and TSAs, the State Audit
Office of the Kingdom of Thailand exercises professional judgment and maintains professional
skepticism throughout the audit, The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand also:

 Identifies and assesses the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated and separate
financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, designs and performs audit procedures
responsive to those risks, and obtains audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
basis for the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s opinion. The risk of not detecting

State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand



a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud
may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal
 Obtains an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an
opinion on the effectiveness of the Group’s and the Company’s internal control.
 Evaluates the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of
accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the management.
 Concludes on the appropriateness of the management’s use of the going concern basis of
accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists
related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s and the Company’s
ability to continue as a going concern. If the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand
concludes that a material uncertainty exists, the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand
is required to draw attention in the auditor’s report of the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of
Thailand to the related disclosures in the consolidated and separate financial statements or, if
such disclosures are inadequate, to modify the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s
opinion. The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s conclusions are based on the audit
evidence obtained up to the date of the auditor’s report of the State Audit Office of the Kingdom
of Thailand. However, future events or conditions may cause the Group and the Company to
cease to continue as a going concern.
 Evaluates the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated and separate
financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the consolidated and separate
financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves
fair presentation.

 Obtains sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the
entities or business activities within the Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial
statements. The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand is responsible for the direction,
supervision and performance of the group audit. The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of
Thailand remains solely responsible for the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s
audit opinion.

The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand communicates with those charged
with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audi t and
significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that the State
Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand identifies during the State Audit Office of the Kingdom
of Thailand’s audit.

State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand


- 10 -

The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand also provides those charged with
governance with a statement that the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand has complied
with the State Audit Standards and relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to
communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to
bear on the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s independence, and where applicable,
related safeguards.

From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, the State Audit
Office of the Kingdom of Thailand determines those matters that were of most significance in
the audit of the consolidated and separate financial statements of the current period and are
therefore the key audit matters. The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand describes
these matters in the auditor’s report of the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand unless
law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare
circumstances, the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand determines that a matter
should not be communicated in the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand’s report
because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public
interest benefits of such communication.

(Signed) Pasutnicha Jumpathes

(Pasutnicha Jumpathes)
Deputy Auditor General

(Signed) Mayuree Juntamat

(Mayuree Juntamat)
Director of Financial and Procurement Audit Office No. 14

State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand

February 20, 2020



Unit: Baht
Consolidated financial statements
Notes December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018 January 1, 2018
(Restated) (Restated)


Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 5 292,542,457,953 292,184,322,373 166,189,023,655
Current investments 6 38,263,305,589 142,420,735,568 229,651,255,278
Trade accounts receivable 7 167,641,021,249 174,604,696,553 174,916,243,685
Other accounts receivable 8 49,611,747,735 78,827,069,774 50,602,704,855
Short-term lending loans 9.1 2,669,222,092 1,782,916,135 1,231,329,558
Inventories 11 117,746,964,312 125,279,815,840 121,871,798,713
Materials and supplies 12 34,379,141,870 28,871,647,153 28,942,454,106
Current derivative assets 3,686,309,104 5,097,686,415 1,997,546,512
Other current assets 10,558,543,395 7,894,466,941 6,768,006,749
Total current assets 717,098,713,299 856,963,356,752 782,170,363,111

Non-current assets
Available-for-sale investments 14 6,687,351,993 10,875,929,781 17,602,408,397
Investments in joint ventures 15.2 49,512,818,297 41,317,061,064 37,937,145,910
Investments in associates 15.3 25,670,169,643 24,368,261,034 21,979,621,626
Other long-term investments 16.1 17,931,829,711 26,970,809,757 27,668,655,084
Long-term lending loans 9.2 12,474,409,002 13,862,709,357 19,078,604,450
Investment properties 17 7,987,227,078 6,583,172,619 7,210,899,284
Property, plant and equipment 18 1,294,979,084,151 1,120,513,021,057 1,082,415,861,982
Goodwill 19 111,933,136,559 53,896,299,825 51,695,037,397
Intangible assets 20 79,967,673,324 34,200,400,854 32,107,682,512
Exploration and evaluation assets 21 80,268,342,040 100,360,331,426 100,901,922,674
Deferred tax assets 22.3 47,611,099,702 28,498,932,833 15,101,219,955
Non-current derivative assets 3,810,602,110 2,079,494,926 3,734,359,338
Other non-current assets 23 28,506,223,083 33,192,551,665 30,925,373,850
Total non-current assets 1,767,339,966,693 1,496,718,976,198 1,448,358,792,459
Total assets 2,484,438,679,992 2,353,682,332,950 2,230,529,155,570

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Unit: Baht
Consolidated financial statements
Notes December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018 January 1, 2018
(Restated) (Restated)

Liabilities and Equity

Current liabilities
Bank overdrafts and short-term loans from
financial institutions 26 44,440,533,236 25,561,803,923 18,126,630,943
Trade accounts payable 158,301,915,916 160,323,070,746 160,301,286,194
Other accounts payable 80,763,972,530 98,429,474,944 72,994,649,729
Current portion of long-term loans 25, 26 51,782,356,222 63,108,598,300 66,433,929,171
Income tax payable 30,136,899,332 46,487,811,196 24,094,727,080
Short-term provision for decommissioning costs 28 1,289,373,133 1,090,300,309 -
Current derivative liabilities 2,522,074,028 2,545,871,892 4,954,839,016
Other current liabilities 24 10,548,182,486 10,801,967,333 8,958,513,286
Total current liabilities 379,785,306,883 408,348,898,643 355,864,575,419

Non-current liabilities
Long-term loans 25, 26 562,745,766,480 454,964,315,364 444,919,659,683
Deferred tax liabilities 22.3 56,673,547,421 30,527,618,830 33,438,381,058
Provisions for employee benefit 27 32,590,214,665 23,921,033,707 23,313,066,000
Long-term provision for decommissioning costs 28 90,599,917,383 73,632,219,096 74,865,436,241
Deposits on LPG cylinders 11,656,784,200 11,082,662,040 10,519,247,338
Non-current derivative liabilities 2,702,433,432 668,918,447 2,104,348,790
Other non-current liabilities 29 46,645,091,954 32,971,055,231 37,844,233,080
Total non-current liabilities 803,613,755,535 627,767,822,715 627,004,372,190
Total liabilities 1,183,399,062,418 1,036,116,721,358 982,868,947,609

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Unit: Baht
Consolidated financial statements
Notes December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018 January 1, 2018
(Restated) (Restated)

Liabilities and Equity (Continued)

Share capital
Authorized share capital
28,562,996,250 ordinary shares of Baht 1 each
(1 January 2018: 2,857,245,725 ordinary shares of Baht 10 each 30.1 28,562,996,250 28,562,996,250 28,572,457,250
Issued and paid-up share capital
28,562,996,250 ordinary shares of Baht 1 each
(1 January 2018: 2,856,299,625 ordinary shares of Baht 10 each 30.2 28,562,996,250 28,562,996,250 28,562,996,250
Premium on ordinary shares 30.2 29,211,131,966 29,211,131,966 29,211,131,966
Deficit from the change in the ownership interests in subsidiaries (36,250,864,803) (28,483,967,693) (24,311,625,093)
Retained earnings
Legal reserve 31.1 2,857,245,725 2,857,245,725 2,857,245,725
Reserve for self-insurance fund 31.2 1,243,656,319 1,222,675,618 1,199,991,563
Unappropriated 869,016,087,473 837,421,994,002 775,209,114,009
Other components of equity (16,036,143,473) 3,533,173,443 5,218,737,399
Total equity attributable to owners of the parent 878,604,109,457 874,325,249,311 817,947,591,819
Non-controlling interests 422,435,508,117 443,240,362,281 429,712,616,142
Total equity 1,301,039,617,574 1,317,565,611,592 1,247,660,207,961
Total liabilities and equity 2,484,438,679,992 2,353,682,332,950 2,230,529,155,570
- - -

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

(Signed) Chansin Treenuchagron (Signed) Phannalin Mahawongtikul

(Chansin Treenuchagron) (Phannalin Mahawongtikul)
President & Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer




Unit: Baht
Separate financial statements
Notes December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018 January 1, 2018
(Restated) (Restated)


Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 5 46,480,809,912 86,204,049,166 38,691,660,939
Current investments 6 15,002,337,892 21,971,964,949 68,056,258,825
Trade accounts receivable 7 111,557,959,067 138,675,854,879 144,265,155,266
Other accounts receivable 8 8,404,192,746 17,314,183,668 16,923,203,980
Short-term lending loans 9.1 21,369,269,521 7,334,315,325 4,648,737,018
Inventories 11 4,797,200,993 10,247,494,259 27,103,531,169
Materials and supplies 12 5,744,178,058 5,540,731,086 5,749,466,246
Current derivative assets 1,089,388,849 - -
Other current assets 7,332,818,164 4,648,056,425 3,956,768,710
Total current assets 221,778,155,202 291,936,649,757 309,394,782,153

Non-current assets
Available-for-sale investments 14 2,986,699,279 2,579,555,315 4,533,102,500
Investments in subsidiaries 15.4 335,213,563,656 315,654,139,538 218,929,325,063
Investments in joint ventures 15.5 5,961,911,690 5,927,614,973 5,927,614,973
Investments in associates - - 3,173,227,030
Other long-term investments 16.1 4,257,167,950 13,986,905,648 15,164,124,801
Long-term lending loans 9.2 24,981,890,696 32,895,679,795 22,754,737,237
Investment properties 17 3,742,809,674 2,032,718,766 3,851,133,751
Property, plant and equipment 18 273,820,653,535 274,350,952,691 288,795,950,908
Intangible assets 20 13,375,222,267 13,813,942,896 14,403,623,166
Deferred tax assets 22.3 1,256,718,197 - -
Non-current derivative assets 912,740,713 708,186,115 754,506,988
Other non-current assets 23 1,388,658,118 5,756,487,773 6,695,815,983
Total non-current assets 667,898,035,775 667,706,183,510 584,983,162,400
Total assets 889,676,190,977 959,642,833,267 894,377,944,553

Notes to interim financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements.




Unit: Baht
Separate financial statements
Notes December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018 January 1, 2018
(Restated) (Restated)

Liabilities and Equity

Current liabilities
Trade accounts payable 100,570,030,799 120,085,364,132 139,418,539,503
Other accounts payable 22,743,735,200 27,715,747,119 25,092,296,348
Current portion of long-term loans 25, 26 27,602,800,610 26,511,158,464 29,439,944,692
Short-term loans 26 3,487,561,436 3,332,695,376 2,803,042,683
Income tax payable 2,947,212,120 22,063,437,824 3,592,947,307
Current derivative liabilities - 94,600,356 86,699,923
Other current liabilities 24 3,370,344,316 4,503,619,289 4,565,821,904
Total current liabilities 160,721,684,481 204,306,622,560 204,999,292,360

Non-current liabilities
Long-term loans 25, 26 93,735,310,442 123,638,958,453 150,115,471,277
Deferred tax liabilities 22.3 - 210,202,677 473,743,077
Provisions for employee benefit 27 7,312,721,428 6,906,650,387 8,877,981,146
Deposits on LPG cylinders - - 10,519,247,338
Non-current derivative liabilities 324,316,495 160,953,165 45,185,175
Other non-current liabilities 29 20,275,424,442 19,857,469,279 21,868,611,384
Total non-current liabilities 121,647,772,807 150,774,233,961 191,900,239,397
Total liabilities 282,369,457,288 355,080,856,521 396,899,531,757

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Unit: Baht
Separate financial statements
Notes December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018 January 1, 2018
(Restated) (Restated)

Liabilities and Equity (Continued)

Share capital
Authorized share capital
28,562,996,250 ordinary shares of Baht 1 each
(1 January 2018: 2,857,245,725 ordinary shares of Baht 10 each 30.1 28,562,996,250 28,562,996,250 28,572,457,250
Issued and paid-up share capital
28,562,996,250 ordinary shares of Baht 1 each
(1 January 2018: 2,856,299,625 ordinary shares of Baht 10 each 30.2 28,562,996,250 28,562,996,250 28,562,996,250
Premium on ordinary shares 30.2 29,211,131,966 29,211,131,966 29,211,131,966
Retained earnings
Legal reserve 31.1 2,857,245,725 2,857,245,725 2,857,245,725
Reserve for self-insurance fund 31.2 1,243,656,319 1,222,675,618 1,199,991,563
Unappropriated 544,005,237,331 541,414,286,420 432,667,781,421
Other components of equity 1,426,466,098 1,293,640,767 2,979,265,871
Total equity 607,306,733,689 604,561,976,746 497,478,412,796
Total liabilities and equity 889,676,190,977 959,642,833,267 894,377,944,553
############### ############### ###############

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

(Signed) Chansin Treenuchagron (Signed) Phannalin Mahawongtikul

(Chansin Treenuchagron) (Phannalin Mahawongtikul)
President & Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer




Unit: Baht
Consolidated financial statements Separate financial statements
Notes 2019 2018 2019 2018
(Restated) (Restated)

Sales and service income 33 2,219,738,671,119 2,336,154,915,594 1,200,462,897,055 1,411,021,051,033

Cost of sales and services 35 1,967,529,006,367 2,023,038,549,872 1,144,029,399,068 1,327,673,913,481
Gross profit 252,209,664,752 313,116,365,722 56,433,497,987 83,347,137,552
Other income 34 19,979,952,680 16,935,097,726 46,685,267,551 54,224,423,007
Gain on foreign exchange rates 15,312,831,823 6,353,510,623 7,923,624,559 6,304,992,162
Profit before expenses 287,502,449,255 336,404,974,071 111,042,390,097 143,876,552,721
Selling and distribution expenses 35 27,573,729,167 26,653,497,122 10,167,504,226 8,185,037,318
Administrative expenses 35 65,002,297,170 55,183,564,436 24,614,415,403 20,618,164,425
Petroleum royalties and remuneration 36 17,882,466,882 16,435,234,907 - -
Operating profit 177,043,956,036 238,132,677,606 76,260,470,468 115,073,350,978
Share of profit from investments in joint ventures 15.6.1 3,990,793,333 6,461,651,677 - -
Share of profit from investments in associates 15.6.2 2,017,196,234 2,053,368,348 - -
Profit before finance costs and income taxes 183,051,945,603 246,647,697,631 76,260,470,468 115,073,350,978
Finance costs 37 27,971,463,717 27,627,592,591 6,164,047,845 8,009,448,341
Profit before income taxes 155,080,481,886 219,020,105,040 70,096,422,623 107,063,902,637
Income taxes 22.1 32,988,881,950 53,646,552,942 8,439,114,919 12,588,484,038
Profit for the years from continuing operations 122,091,599,936 165,373,552,098 61,657,307,704 94,475,418,599
Profit for the year from discontinued operations, net of tax 13 - - - 70,761,721,267
Profit for the years 122,091,599,936 165,373,552,098 61,657,307,704 165,237,139,866

Profit attributable to
Owners of the parent
Continuing operations 92,950,604,143 119,647,246,552 61,657,307,704 94,475,418,599
Discontinued operations, net of tax - - - 70,761,721,267
92,950,604,143 119,647,246,552 61,657,307,704 165,237,139,866

Non-controlling interests
Continuing operations 29,140,995,793 45,726,305,546 - -
Discontinued operations, net of tax - - - -
29,140,995,793 45,726,305,546 - -

Basic earnings per share

Continuing operations 32 3.20 4.15 2.16 3.31
Discontinued operations 32 - - - 2.48
3.20 4.15 2.16 5.79

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Unit: Baht
Consolidated financial statements Separate financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
(Restated) (Restated)

Profit for the years from continuing operations 122,091,599,936 165,373,552,098 61,657,307,704 94,475,418,599
Other comprehensive income (loss)
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
Currency translation differences (27,899,835,334) (2,588,215,649) - -
Gain (loss) on measurements of available-for-sale investments 43,161,764 (881,069,476) 166,031,664 (27,281,381)
Income taxes related to available-for-sale investments (21,425,435) 410,455,036 (33,206,333) 5,456,277
Gain (loss) on cash flow hedges (1,182,552,979) 684,960,036 - -
Income taxes related to cash flow hedges (92,552,256) (3,027,287) - -
Share of other comprehensive loss of joint ventures and associates (503,105,474) (380,456,659) - -

Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss

Gain (loss) on remeasurements of defined benefits plans (1,095,553,888) 946,683,776 1,167,004,596 799,889,519
Income taxes related to remeasurements of defined benefits plans 408,798,991 (183,163,864) (233,400,919) (159,977,904)
Share of other comprehensive income (loss) from joint ventures and associates (97,637,110) 27,573,904 - -
Other comprehensive income (loss) for the years, net of tax (30,440,701,721) (1,966,260,183) 1,066,429,008 618,086,511
Comprehensive income for the years from continuing operations 91,650,898,215 163,407,291,915 62,723,736,712 95,093,505,110
Comprehensive income for the year from discontinued operations, net of tax - - - 69,097,921,267
Total comprehensive income for the years 91,650,898,215 163,407,291,915 62,723,736,712 164,191,426,377

Total comprehensive income attributable to

Owners of the parent
Continuing operations 73,509,914,687 118,782,047,402 62,723,736,712 95,093,505,110
Discontinued operations, net of tax - - - 69,097,921,267
73,509,914,687 118,782,047,402 62,723,736,712 164,191,426,377

Non-controlling interests
Continuing operations 18,140,983,528 44,625,244,513 - -
Discontinued operations, net of tax - - - -
18,140,983,528 44,625,244,513 - -

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Unit: Baht
Consolidated financial statements
Equity attributable to owners of the parent
Other components of equity
Retained earnings Other comprehensive income (loss)

Deficit from Share of other Total equity

the change in Reserve for Currency comprehensive loss Total other attributable to
Issued and paid-up Premium on the ownership interests Legal self-insurance translation Available-for-sale of joint ventures components owners Non-controlling Total
Notes share capital ordinary shares in subsidiaries reserve fund Unappropriated differences investments Cash flow hedges and associates of equity of the parent interests equity

Balance as at January 1, 2018 28,562,996,250 29,211,131,966 (24,311,625,093) 2,857,245,725 1,199,991,563 775,959,276,682 1,971,688,038 3,259,236,757 74,024,494 (112,215,260) 5,192,734,029 818,671,751,122 429,883,989,506 1,248,555,740,628
Reclassification and adjustment 4 - - - - - (750,162,673) 26,003,370 - - - 26,003,370 (724,159,303) (171,373,364) (895,532,667)
Balance as at January 1, 2018 28,562,996,250 29,211,131,966 (24,311,625,093) 2,857,245,725 1,199,991,563 775,209,114,009 1,997,691,408 3,259,236,757 74,024,494 (112,215,260) 5,218,737,399 817,947,591,819 429,712,616,142 1,247,660,207,961
after reclassification and adjustment
Changes in equity for the year
Reserve for self-insurance fund 31.2 - - - - 22,684,055 (22,684,055) - - - - - - - -
Interests for subordinated capital debentures - - - - - (1,225,235,598) - - - - - (1,225,235,598) (651,473,178) (1,876,708,776)
Income taxes related to subordinated capital debentures - - - - - 101,050,715 - - - - - 101,050,715 53,729,937 154,780,652
Finance cost from issuance of subordinated capital debentures - - - - - - - - - - - - (2,600,765) (2,600,765)
Dividends paid 42 - - - - - (57,107,862,427) - - - - - (57,107,862,427) - (57,107,862,427)
Dividends paid of subsidiaries - - - - - - - - - - - - (27,845,037,703) (27,845,037,703)
Business acquisition of subsidiaries - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,363,403,595 2,363,403,595
Change in the ownership interests in subsidiaries - - (4,172,342,600) - - - - - - - - (4,172,342,600) (5,015,520,260) (9,187,862,860)
Profit for the year - - - - - 119,647,246,552 - - - - - 119,647,246,552 45,726,305,546 165,373,552,098
Other comprehensive income (loss) for the year - - - - - 820,364,806 (1,435,038,672) (409,801,919) 333,274,017 (173,997,382) (1,685,563,956) (865,199,150) (1,101,061,033) (1,966,260,183)
Balance as at December 31, 2018 28,562,996,250 29,211,131,966 (28,483,967,693) 2,857,245,725 1,222,675,618 837,421,994,002 562,652,736 2,849,434,838 407,298,511 (286,212,642) 3,533,173,443 874,325,249,311 443,240,362,281 1,317,565,611,592

Balance as at January 1, 2019 28,562,996,250 29,211,131,966 (28,483,967,693) 2,857,245,725 1,222,675,618 838,208,853,447 534,370,409 2,849,434,838 407,298,511 (286,212,642) 3,504,891,116 875,083,826,429 443,410,523,895 1,318,494,350,324
Reclassification and adjustment 4 - - - - - (786,859,445) 28,282,327 - - - 28,282,327 (758,577,118) (170,161,614) (928,738,732)
Balance as at January 1, 2019 28,562,996,250 29,211,131,966 (28,483,967,693) 2,857,245,725 1,222,675,618 837,421,994,002 562,652,736 2,849,434,838 407,298,511 (286,212,642) 3,533,173,443 874,325,249,311 443,240,362,281 1,317,565,611,592
after reclassification and adjustment
Changes in equity for the year
Reserve for self-insurance fund 31.2 - - - - 20,980,701 (20,980,701) - - - - - - - -
Deferred taxes of surplus from business combination
under common control - - - - - 6,500,542 - - - - - 6,500,542 3,456,420 9,956,962
Redemption of subordinated capital debentures 41 - - - - - (467,640,221) - - - - - (467,640,221) (32,213,720,233) (32,681,360,454)
Interests for subordinated capital debentures - - - - - (1,085,692,828) - - - - - (1,085,692,828) (825,926,719) (1,911,619,547)
Income taxes related to subordinated capital debentures - - - - - 61,654,845 - - - - - 61,654,845 32,782,656 94,437,501
Dividends paid 42 - - - - - (59,978,979,769) - - - - - (59,978,979,769) - (59,978,979,769)
Dividends paid of subsidiaries - - - - - - - - - - - - (22,112,552,296) (22,112,552,296)
Business acquisition of subsidiaries 43 - - - - - - - - - - - - 32,105,157,138 32,105,157,138
Change in the ownership interests in subsidiaries - - (7,766,897,110) - - - - - - - - (7,766,897,110) (34,321,536,220) (42,088,433,330)
Increase in share capital of subsidiary - - - - - - - - - - - - 18,386,501,562 18,386,501,562
Profit for the year - - - - - 92,950,604,143 - - - - - 92,950,604,143 29,140,995,793 122,091,599,936
Other comprehensive income (loss) for the year - - - - - 128,627,460 (18,961,746,168) 9,305,536 (387,457,536) (229,418,748) (19,569,316,916) (19,440,689,456) (11,000,012,265) (30,440,701,721)
Balance as at December 31, 2019 28,562,996,250 29,211,131,966 (36,250,864,803) 2,857,245,725 1,243,656,319 869,016,087,473 (18,399,093,432) 2,858,740,374 19,840,975 (515,631,390) (16,036,143,473) 878,604,109,457 422,435,508,117 1,301,039,617,574

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Unit: Baht
Separate financial statements

Other components
Retained earnings of equity

income (loss)

Reserve for
Issued and paid-up Premium on Legal self-insurance Available-for-sale Total
Notes share capital ordinary shares reserve fund Unappropriated investments equity

Balance as at January 1, 2018 28,562,996,250 29,211,131,966 2,857,245,725 1,199,991,563 433,069,636,210 2,979,265,871 497,880,267,585
Adjustment 4 - - - - (401,854,789) - (401,854,789)
Balance as at January 1, 2018 after adjustment 28,562,996,250 29,211,131,966 2,857,245,725 1,199,991,563 432,667,781,421 2,979,265,871 497,478,412,796
Changes in equity for the year
Dividends paid 42 - - - - (57,107,862,427) - (57,107,862,427)
Reserve for self-insurance fund 31.2 - - - 22,684,055 (22,684,055) - -

Other comprehensive loss from discontinued operations 13 - - - - - (1,663,800,000) (1,663,800,000)

Profit for the year - - - - 165,237,139,866 - 165,237,139,866
Other comprehensive income (loss) for the year - - - - 639,911,615 (21,825,104) 618,086,511
Balance as at December 31, 2018 28,562,996,250 29,211,131,966 2,857,245,725 1,222,675,618 541,414,286,420 1,293,640,767 604,561,976,746

Balance as at January 1, 2019 28,562,996,250 29,211,131,966 2,857,245,725 1,222,675,618 541,852,837,981 1,293,640,767 605,000,528,307
Adjustment 4 - - - - (438,551,561) - (438,551,561)
Balance as at January 1, 2018 after adjustment 28,562,996,250 29,211,131,966 2,857,245,725 1,222,675,618 541,414,286,420 1,293,640,767 604,561,976,746

Changes in equity for the year

Dividends paid 42 - - - - (59,978,979,769) - (59,978,979,769)
Reserve for self-insurance fund 31.2 - - - 20,980,701 (20,980,701) - -
Profit for the year - - - - 61,657,307,704 - 61,657,307,704
Other comprehensive income for the year - - - - 933,603,677 132,825,331 1,066,429,008
Balance as at December 31, 2019 28,562,996,250 29,211,131,966 2,857,245,725 1,243,656,319 544,005,237,331 1,426,466,098 607,306,733,689

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Unit: Baht
Consolidated financial statements Separate financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
(Restated) (Restated)
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit attributable to owners of the parent 92,950,604,143 119,647,246,552 61,657,307,704 165,237,139,866
Adjustment of profit to net cash provided by
(used in) operating activities
Depreciation and amortization 133,204,181,804 123,592,966,745 19,350,137,045 20,225,546,733
(Gain) loss on disposal of assets 31,182,090 2,154,902,333 (191,508,782) (4,721,245,342)
(Gain) loss on disposal of investments 221,275,460 (299,334) (1,564,028,226) (3,673,261,900)
Gain on disposal of discontinued operations - - - (80,659,172,274)
Gain on bargain purchase (31,482,857) (1,354,901,971) - -
(Reversal of) loss on impairment of assets 291,120,355 16,833,146 506,848,142 (33,926,202)
(Reversal of) loss on impairment of investments (434,016,938) - 7,347,996 22,706,862,123
Share of profit from investments in joint ventures (3,990,793,333) (6,461,651,677) - -
Share of profit from investments in associates (2,017,196,234) (2,053,368,348) - -
Profit attributable to non-controlling interests 29,140,995,793 45,726,305,546 - -
Provision for employee benefit 7,063,158,543 2,487,981,308 1,839,534,053 866,200,264
(Gain) loss on exchange rates (8,259,060,713) (809,179,160) (2,557,930,652) 50,548,585
Unrealized (gain) loss on derivatives 3,123,608,032 (4,032,097,039) (1,225,180,475) 169,989,298
(Reversal of) allowance for doubtful accounts (77,020,600) 2,320,284,952 920,415 (22,636,081,165)
Write-off exploration assets 2,368,682,811 21,470,147 - -
(Reversal of) allowance for loss on decline in value of inventories (3,079,361,551) 4,217,015,603 65,420,262 252,179,770
Allowance for obsolete materials and supplies 453,008,357 157,216,972 40,302,822 32,955,250
Dividends income (383,031,136) (347,322,347) (29,676,712,760) (35,265,935,239)
Income taxes 32,988,881,950 53,646,552,942 8,439,114,919 30,796,871,638
Interest income (7,836,966,421) (9,435,815,591) (3,342,143,771) (3,024,402,378)
Finance costs 27,971,463,717 27,627,592,591 6,164,047,845 8,013,269,693
Others 4,462,664 93,326,065 354,945,076 317,895,230
Profit from operating activities before
changes in operating assets and liabilities 303,703,695,936 357,215,059,435 59,868,421,613 98,655,433,950

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Unit: Baht
Consolidated financial statements Separate financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
(Restated) (Restated)
(Increase) decrease in operating assets
Trade accounts receivable 19,001,930,521 2,430,378,448 27,250,869,944 (15,930,100,711)
Other accounts receivable 19,903,908,602 (16,941,081,482) 9,069,258,034 (13,611,836,950)
Inventories 11,866,201,784 (5,503,049,394) 5,379,178,863 (9,382,918,320)
Materials and supplies (512,841,370) (339,304,377) (137,217,232) (141,923,476)
Other current assets (2,264,690,933) (1,193,783,986) 596,834,211 669,686,381
Other non-current assets 6,910,377,794 (5,765,733,296) (111,213,792) (2,553,304,770)
Increase (decrease) in operating liabilities
Trade accounts payable (7,439,616,831) (2,080,698,278) (19,932,742,937) 9,250,098,045
Other accounts payable (14,050,557,920) (77,973,082) (4,856,296,140) 8,181,472,744
Other current liabilities (1,955,970,779) 2,860,720,649 (1,133,000,617) (505,988,331)
Deposits on LPG cylinders 574,122,160 563,414,702 - 177,938,200
Other non-current liabilities (5,369,946,427) (16,391,850,009) 128,310,633 393,556,331
26,662,916,601 (42,438,960,105) 16,253,980,967 (23,453,320,857)
Cash received from operating activities 330,366,612,537 314,776,099,330 76,122,402,580 75,202,113,093
Income tax paid (65,259,229,065) (45,370,805,621) (29,288,868,748) (12,330,372,203)

Net cash provided by operating activities 265,107,383,472 269,405,293,709 46,833,533,832 62,871,740,890

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Unit: Baht
Consolidated financial statements Separate financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
(Restated) (Restated)
Cash flows from investing activities
Payment of property, plant and equipment and investment properties (144,336,347,465) (108,747,405,008) (19,013,996,689) (22,631,738,393)
Payment of intangible assets (2,861,367,080) (2,398,008,012) (197,386,569) (360,209,801)
Payment of exploration and evaluation assets (3,700,244,754) (1,962,665,601) - -
Payment of long-term rental contracts on land and building - (105,000,000) - (105,000,000)
Payment for avaliable-for-sale investments (241,112,299) (540,509,638) (241,112,299) (203,209,504)
Payment for business acquisition (164,377,947,967) (36,464,068,838) - -
Payment of investments in subsidiaries - - (20,607,908,492) (120,635,433,946)
Payment of investments in joint ventures (4,072,414,141) (155,360,767) (34,296,717) -
Payment of investments in associates (783,882,750) (1,368,071,960) - -
Payment of short-term lending loans - (1,984,409,281) (33,114,580,995) (2,500,000,000)
Payment of long-term lending loans (837,243,815) (118,546,111) (30,992,122,156) (26,310,000,000)
Payment of other long-term investments (2,855,860,697) (5,226,943,008) (1,827,467,081) (4,597,024,955)
Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment,
intangible assets and investment properties 929,635,294 4,646,909,629 1,007,259,109 7,235,425,913
Proceeds from disposals of avaliable-for-sale investments 10,693,125,237 2,944,665,157 - 24,501,220
Proceeds from disposal of discontinued operations - - - 117,203,264,773
Proceeds from disposals of investments in subsidiaries - - 2,612,512,600 4,618,593,100
Proceeds from disposals of investments in joint ventures 276,267,877 33,871,046 - -
Proceeds from disposals of investments in associates 212,663,057 - - -
Proceeds from short-term lending loans 269,913,000 1,659,754,291 29,709,927,871 409,068,377
Proceeds from long-term lending loans 3,490,281,246 4,294,182,245 28,115,283,133 36,683,534,122
Proceeds from disposal of other long-term investments 28,289,253 2,740,995,830 - 2,494,600,000
Proceeds from cancellation of leasehold in gas stations 16,679,180 4,712,511 - 1,400,000
Decrease in current investments 108,719,156,318 93,820,520,816 17,760,919,841 49,529,998,963
Interest received 6,424,633,174 8,358,990,106 3,357,868,462 3,500,206,798
Dividends received 4,787,566,316 4,814,106,863 29,676,712,760 35,646,436,864

Net cash provide by (used in) investing activities (188,218,211,016) (35,752,279,730) 6,211,612,778 80,004,413,531

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Unit: Baht
Consolidated financial statements Separate financial statements
Notes 2019 2018 2019 2018
(Restated) (Restated)
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares of subsidiaries 18,346,174,140 92,811,501 - -
Proceeds from short-term loans - - 154,866,060 1,564,470,776
Proceeds from long-term loans 174,649,440,702 143,626,648,847 24,031,000,790 -
Proceeds from change in ownership in subsidiaries 3,960,400 4,670,961,898 - -
Payment for treasury shares (1,187,603,325) - - -
Repayment of short-term loans (701,550,500) - - (1,034,818,082)
Repayment of long-term loans (101,517,722,881) (136,795,441,261) (50,044,500,790) (28,305,510,732)
Repayment of finance lease instalments (1,358,237,107) (974,563,334) (613,345,103) (658,200,961)
Payment for change in ownership in subsidiaries (40,806,272,121) (13,872,690,000) - -
Payment for redemption of subordinated capital debentures (30,750,894,428) - - -
Increase in bank overdrafts and short-term loans
from financial institutions 19,910,183,786 4,967,935,595 - -
Finance costs paid (25,462,319,325) (28,147,863,087) (6,720,225,233) (10,187,617,565)
Dividend paid (81,350,824,835) (85,035,352,791) (59,978,979,769) (57,107,862,427)

Net cash used in financing activities (70,225,665,494) (111,467,552,632) (93,171,184,045) (95,729,538,991)

Effects of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents (3,075,298,506) 636,628,646 402,798,181 365,772,797

Currency translation differences (3,230,072,876) 3,173,208,725 - -

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 358,135,580 125,995,298,718 (39,723,239,254) 47,512,388,227
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of periods 292,184,322,373 166,189,023,655 86,204,049,166 38,691,660,939
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of periods 5 292,542,457,953 292,184,322,373 46,480,809,912 86,204,049,166

Non cash items

Accounts payable from purchases of property, plant and equipment
and investment properties 21,829,487,413 39,104,581,381 4,072,072,617 3,403,535,367
Accounts payable from purchases of intangible assets 212,468,939 268,340,332 91,630,970 39,762,075

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.









1 General Information
2 Basis of Financial Statements Preparation
3 Accounting Policies
4 Reclassification and Adjustment
5 Cash and Cash Equivalents
6 Current Investments
7 Trade Accounts Receivable
8 Other Accounts Receivable
9 Lending Loans
10 Related Party Transactions
11 Inventories
12 Materials and Supplies
13 The Restructuring of the Oil Business Unit
14 Available-for-sale Investments
15 Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates
16 Other Long-term Investments
17 Investment Properties
18 Property, Plant and Equipment
19 Goodwill
20 Intangible Assets
21 Exploration and Evaluation Assets
22 Income Taxes and Deferred Taxes
23 Other Non-current Assets
24 Other Current Liabilities
25 Long-term Loans
26 Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities
27 Provisions for Employee Benefit
28 Provision for Decommissioning Costs
29 Other Non-current Liabilities
30 Share Capital
31 Reserves
32 Basic Earnings per Share
33 Sales and Service Income
34 Other Income
35 Expenses by Nature
36 Petroleum Royalties and Remuneration





37 Finance Costs
38 Operating Segments
39 Disclosure of Financial Instruments
40 Fair Value Measurement
41 Subordinated Capital Debentures
42 Dividend Payment
43 Business Acquisition
44 Promotional Privileges
45 Proceeding regarding the Central Administrative Court’s Ordering
the Temporary Suspension of Projects in the Map Ta Phut Area
46 Commitments and Contingent Liabilities
47 Other Events
48 Events after the Reporting Period




1. General Information

PTT Public Company Limited (the Company) is incorporated as a public limited company in
Thailand, and is listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The address of its incorporated and
registered office is as follows:

The Head Office of the Company is located at 555 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok,

The Company has a status of a state enterprise while the Ministry of Finance is the largest
shareholder and is under the supervision of Ministry of Energy.

The Company’s principal activity is the operation of its petroleum business. The Company has
invested in subsidiaries, joint arrangements and associates (the Group), which are engaged in
upstream petroleum and natural gas, downstream petroleum, and other related businesses as
described in Note 38 Operating Segments.

2. Basis of Financial Statements Preparation

The consolidated and the separate financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Thai
Financial Reporting Standards under the Accounting Act, B.E. 2543. These are Thai Financial Reporting
Standards under the Accounting Profession Act, B.E. 2547, including guidelines promulgated by the
Federation of Accounting Professions (FAP), and the financial reporting requirements of the Securities
and Exchange Commission under the Securities and Exchange Act, B.E. 2535.

The Company has presented the financial statements in compliance with the notification of the
Department of Business Development “Definition of the abbreviated components required in the
financial statements (No.2), B.E. 2559”, dated October 11, 2016, under the third paragraph of
section 11 of the Accounting Act, B.E. 2543.

The consolidated and the separate financial statements have been prepared based on the assumption
that users of the financial statements have an understanding of Thai generally accepted accounting
principles and practices, which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles adopted
in other countries.

The consolidated and the separate financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost
convention with the exception of certain amounts, which are accounted for using the fair value
method as disclosed in Note 3.2 Significant Accounting Policies.

The significant transactions arising between the Company and its subsidiaries have been eliminated
from the consolidated financial statements.

The consolidated and the separate financial statements are prepared and presented in Thai Baht and
are rounded in the notes to financial statements to the nearest million unless otherwise stated.

This English translation of the financial statements has been prepared from the statutory financial
statements that were issued in Thai language. In the event of a conflict or a difference in interpretation
between the two languages, the Thai language statutory financial statements shall prevail.


3. Accounting Policies

3.1 Thai Financial Reporting Standards (TFRSs) effective for accounting periods on or after the current
periods and will become effective in the future are as follows:

Effective for accounting periods on or after January 1, 2019

TAS 1 (revised 2018) Presentation of Financial Statements

TAS 2 (revised 2018) Inventories
TAS 7 (revised 2018) Statement of Cash Flows
TAS 8 (revised 2018) Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
TAS 10 (revised 2018) Events after the Reporting Period
TAS 12 (revised 2018) Income Taxes
TAS 16 (revised 2018) Property, Plant and Equipment
TAS 17 (revised 2018) Leases
TAS 19 (revised 2018) Employee Benefits
TAS 20 (revised 2018) Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of
Government Assistance
TAS 21 (revised 2018) The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
TAS 23 (revised 2018) Borrowing Costs
TAS 24 (revised 2018) Related Party Disclosures
TAS 26 (revised 2018) Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans
TAS 27 (revised 2018) Separate Financial Statements
TAS 28 (revised 2018) Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures
TAS 29 (revised 2018) Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies
TAS 33 (revised 2018) Earnings per Share
TAS 34 (revised 2018) Interim Financial Reporting
TAS 36 (revised 2018) Impairment of Assets
TAS 37 (revised 2018) Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
TAS 38 (revised 2018) Intangible Assets
TAS 40 (revised 2018) Investment Property
TAS 41 (revised 2018) Agriculture
TFRS 1 First-time Adoption of Thai Financial Reporting Standards
TFRS 2 (revised 2018) Share-based Payment
TFRS 3 (revised 2018) Business Combinations
TFRS 4 (revised 2018) Insurance Contracts
TFRS 5 (revised 2018) Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
TFRS 6 (revised 2018) Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources
TFRS 8 (revised 2018) Operating Segments
TFRS 10 (revised 2018) Consolidated Financial Statements
TFRS 11 (revised 2018) Joint Arrangements
TFRS 12 (revised 2018) Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities
TFRS 13 (revised 2018) Fair Value Measurement
TFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers

3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.1 Thai Financial Reporting Standards (TFRSs) effective for accounting periods on or after the current
periods and will become effective in the future are as follow (Continued)

Effective for accounting periods on or after January 1, 2019 (Continued)

TSIC 10 (revised 2018) Government Assistance - No Specific Relation to Operating

TSIC 15 (revised 2018) Operating Leases - Incentives
TSIC 25 (revised 2018) Income Taxes - Changes in the Tax Status of an Entity or its
TSIC 27 (revised 2018) Evaluating the Substance of Transactions Involving the Legal
Form of a Lease
TSIC 29 (revised 2018) Service Concession Arrangements: Disclosure
TSIC 32 (revised 2018) Intangible Assets - Web Site Costs
TFRIC 1 (revised 2018) Changes in Existing Decommissioning, Restoration and Similar
TFRIC 4 (revised 2018) Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease
TFRIC 5 (revised 2018) Rights to Interests arising from Decommissioning, Restoration
and Environmental Rehabilitation Funds
TFRIC 7 (revised 2018) Applying the Restatement Approach under TAS 29 (revised
2018) Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies
TFRIC 10 (revised 2018) Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment
TFRIC 12 (revised 2018) Service Concession Arrangements

TFRIC 14 (revised 2018) TAS 19 (revised 2018) - The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset,
Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction
TFRIC 17 (revised 2018) Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners

TFRIC 20 (revised 2018) Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine

TFRIC 21 (revised 2018) Levies

TFRIC 22 Foreign Currency Transactions and Advance Consideration

Effective for accounting periods on or after January 1, 2020

TAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements

TAS 2 Inventories
TAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows
TAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
TAS 10 Events after the Reporting Period
TAS 12 Income Taxes
TAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment
TAS 19 Employee Benefits
TAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of
Government Assistance


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.1 Thai Financial Reporting Standards (TFRSs) effective for accounting periods on or after the current
periods and will become effective in the future are as follow (Continued)

Effective for accounting periods on or after January 1, 2020 (Continued)

TAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates

TAS 23 Borrowing Costs
TAS 24 Related Party Disclosures
TAS 26 Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans
TAS 27 Separate Financial Statements
TAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures
TAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies
TAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation
TAS 33 Earnings per Share
TAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting
TAS 36 Impairment of Assets
TAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
TAS 38 Intangible Assets
TAS 40 Investment Property
TAS 41 Agriculture
TFRS 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards
TFRS 2 Share-based Payment
TFRS 3 Business Combinations
TFRS 4 Insurance Contracts
TFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
TFRS 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources
TFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures
TFRS 8 Operating Segments
TFRS 9 Financial Instruments
TFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements
TFRS 11 Joint Arrangements
TFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities
TFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement
TFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers
TFRS 16 Lease
TSIC 10 Government Assistance - No Specific Relation to Operating
TSIC 25 Income Taxes - Changes in the Tax Status of an Entity or its
TSIC 29 Service Concession Arrangements: Disclosure
TSIC 32 Intangible Assets - Web Site Costs


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.1 Thai Financial Reporting Standards (TFRSs) effective for accounting periods on or after the current
periods and will become effective in the future are as follow (Continued)

Effective for accounting periods on or after January 1, 2020 (Continued)

TFRIC 1 Changes in Existing Decommissioning, Restoration and Similar

TFRIC 5 Rights to Interests arising from Decommissioning, Restoration
and Environmental Rehabilitation Funds
TFRIC 7 Applying the Restatement Approach under TAS 29 Financial
Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies
TFRIC 10 Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment
TFRIC 12 Service Concession Arrangements
TFRIC 14 TAS 19 - The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum
Funding Requirements and their Interaction
TFRIC 16 Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation
TFRIC 17 Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners
TFRIC 19 Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments
TFRIC 20 Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine
TFRIC 21 Levies
TFRIC 22 Foreign Currency Transactions and Advance Consideration
TFRIC 23 Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments

The management of the Group has assessed impacts of the application of the amended Thai
Financial Reporting Standards (TFRS), which are applicable to annual reporting periods
beginning on or after January 1, 2020. Besides TFRS Groups of Financial Instruments and
TFRS 16 - Leases, it is believed that employing the amended TFRS have no significant impact
on both the Consolidated Financial Statements and Separate Financial Statements.

TFRS Group of Financial Instruments

TAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation

TFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures
TFRS 9 Financial Instruments
TFRIC 16 Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation
TFRIC 19 Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments

TFRS Group of Financial Instruments have been set approaches of classification and measurement
of financial instruments at fair value or amortized cost, which are determined from types of
financial instruments, contractual cash flow characteristics, and business model. The new TFRS
also introduces standards in calculating asset impairment, using expected credit loss concept and
standards of hedge accounting, including financial instrument presentation and disclosures.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.1 Thai Financial Reporting Standards (TFRSs) effective for accounting periods on or after the current
periods and will become effective in the future are as follow (Continued)

TFRS 16 - Leases

TFRS 16 has been set approaches for the identification, recognition, measurement, presentation
and disclosure of leases from both lessees and lessors. Major changed principle is cancellation for
lessees to identify the classification between operating leases and financial leases as specified in
TAS 17; and lessors should recognized a right of use assets and lease liabilities at the
commencement date for all leases, except short-term leases and leases for which the underlying
asset is of low value. Accounting by lessors is still required to classify leases as operating or finance
according to TAS 17.

The Group will apply TFRS – group of financial instruments and TFRS 16 – Leases on January 1, 2020,
acknowledging the cumulative effects of applying modified retrospective method. However, the Group
is assessing impacts of applying such standards.

The Group has subordinated capital debentures reported in equity section as such debentures
offering a single payment of principal when the business ceases operations or when the issuer uses
the right of call options complying to stated conditions. Moreover, the issuer has the right, at its
sole discretion, to defer payment without time limitations and number of times. The overdue
payment will be accumulated with no interest. However, according to Paragraph 25 in TAS 32 -
Financial Instruments: Presentation, effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after
January 1, 2020. The Group has to classify such debentures as liabilities. Due to conditions in
“The indenture of subordinated capital debentures”, it can be interpreted as the debentures’ holders
will have the right to redeem the debentures prior to the liquidation. Owing to the announcement
No. 95/2562 of the Federation of Accounting Professions, it allows relaxation in classifying the
issued (subordinated) capital debentures and paid-up before December 31, 2019 still to be the part
of issuer until December 31, 2022.

On December 31, 2019, the Group has subordinated capital debentures in a total of Baht 6,018.03
million in the consolidated financial statements, which will be classified as non-controlling
interests in the equity section in annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2020.

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies

3.2.1 Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand, deposits held at call with banks and other short-
term highly liquid investments which have original maturities within three months. Bank overdrafts
and short-term loans from financial institutions are included in current liabilities in the statements of
financial position.

3.2.2 Trade Accounts and Other Accounts Receivable

Trade accounts and other accounts receivable are carried at net realizable value. Allowance for
doubtful accounts are estimated based on uncollectible amounts estimating from outstanding
receivables at the statement of financial position date based on collection experience of their current
financial status, also with percentage of debt aging. Doubtful account is recorded as administrative
expenses in profit or loss.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.3 Inventories

Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value. The cost is calculated by using
the weighted average cost method. The cost of inventory comprises total purchasing costs,
payments related to purchasing, discounts, quantity discounts, as well as contributions to or
compensation from taxes and several funds. Net realizable value is calculated from estimated selling
price in the ordinary course of business, less the costs of completion and related selling expenses.
When net realizable value of inventories is lower than cost of acquisition, it is presented under cost
of goods sold in the statement of income. An allowance for obsolescence of inventories will be
recognized when inventories are obsoleted or defected.

3.2.4 Materials and Supplies

Materials and supplies are stated at cost calculated by using the weighted average cost method, less
allowance for obsolescence of material and supplies when there are obsolete, defective or
unserviceable items.

3.2.5 Non-current Assets and Liabilities Held-for-sale

Disposed assets or asset groups, including non-current assets and liabilities held-for-sale, are
classified as asset held-for-sale if their carrying amounts will be recovered through a sale
transaction rather than through continuing use. This condition is met only when the sale is highly
probable and the asset is available for immediate sale in its present condition, subject only to terms
that are usual and customary for sales of such assets. Management must commit to the sale of the
assets and they must be actively marketed at a price that is reasonable compared to their current
fair value, with the expectation that sale should be recorded as completed within one year from the
date of classification. These disposed assets or asset groups are measured at the lower of carrying
amount and fair value less costs to sell.

The Group ceases to depreciate and amortize property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
from the date the assets meet the criteria for classification as assets held-for-sale. The Group
continues to recognize liabilities, including interests and other expenses attributable to liabilities
classified as held-for-sale.

3.2.6 Investments in Subsidiaries

Subsidiaries are those companies which directly or indirectly controlled by the parent company.
Control exists when the parent company has the power over the subsidiaries so as to obtain variable
returns from the involvement with the subsidiaries and has the ability to affect those returns through
the power over the subsidiaries. In case of the parent company has voting rights less than half of
total voting rights in subsidiaries, the parent company will reconsider the related facts and
circumstances in order to determine whether the parent company has the power to control over such
subsidiaries or not.

The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements from
the date that the control commences until the date that the control ceases.

The parent company allocates profit or loss and each component of other comprehensive income
or loss to the equity attributable to owners of the parent and the non-controlling interests even if
this results in a deficit non-controlling interest balance.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.6 Investments in Subsidiaries (Continued)

The purchase method of accounting is used to account for business combinations, except the business
combination under common control. The cost of a business combination is measured as the sum of fair
value of any consideration transferred, the recognized amount of any non-controlling interest in the
acquiree, and the fair value of the existing equity interest as of the purchasing date (if the business
combination is achieved in stages).

 For each business combination, the Group measures the recognized amount of any non-
controlling interest in the acquiree at either the fair value or the non-controlling interest’s
proportionate share of the net of identifiable assets of the acquiree.
 In the case of a business combination achieved in stages, the Group measures the
acquisition-date fair value of the acquirer’s previously-held equity interest in the acquiree
and recognized gains or losses in statement of income.
 Costs related to the acquisition, including professional fees, appraisal fees and other
consulting fees, are recognized as expenses in statement of income.

The Group measures the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired at fair value as of the acquisition date.

Any changes in the equity interest in subsidiaries of the Group while control is retained are recorded
as surplus (deficit) from the changes in the ownership interests in subsidiaries in equity.

Upon the disposal of investments, the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying
amount of the investments is recorded in profit or loss.

Investments in subsidiaries have been presented in the separate financial statements under the cost

The list of investments in subsidiaries of the Group and proportion of ownership interests have been
set out in Note 15.

3.2.7 Investments in Joint Ventures and Associates

Joint ventures are joint arrangement whereby the Group has joint control of the arrangement and
has rights to the net assets of the arrangement. The joint control is the contractually agreed sharing
of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions about the relevant activities require
the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.

Associates are those companies whereby the Group has significant influence, but not control or
joint control, over the financial and operating policies.

The Group uses the purchase method to record the acquisition of joint ventures and associates, except
the business combination under common control. Acquisition costs which are higher than fair value of
identifiable assets and liabilities of the Group’s equity interest in joint ventures and associates are
recorded as goodwill and included in the investment in joint ventures and associates.

The consolidated financial statements of the Group include the share of profit and loss from joint
ventures and associates under equity method, from the date that significant influence commences
until the date that significant influence ceases. Unrealized gains or losses on transactions between
the Group and its joint ventures and associates are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest
in the joint ventures and associates unless the transactions provide evidence of impairment of the
transferred assets.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.7 Investments in Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

The Group records share of profit or loss from joint ventures and associates in proportion to the
Group’s equity interest in those gains and losses. Any dividends received from joint ventures and
associates are deducted from the book value of the investments.

When the Group’s share of loss in joint ventures and associates equals or exceeds its interest in the
joint ventures and associates, the Group does not recognize further losses, unless the Group has
incurred collateral or constructive obligations or made payments on behalf of the joint ventures and

Upon the disposal of investments, the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying
amount of the investments is recorded in profit or loss.

Investments in joint ventures and associates have been presented under the cost method in the
separate financial statements and under the equity method in the consolidated financial statements.

The list of investments in joint ventures and associates of the Group and proportion of ownership
interests have been set out in Note 15.

3.2.8 Joint Operations

Joint operations are joint arrangement whereby the Group has rights to assets and obligations
relating to the joint arrangement. The Group has recognized assets, liabilities, revenues and
expenses by the portion of joint operations in the separate and the consolidated financial statements
from the date that joint control commences until the date that joint control ceases.

The list of joint operations of the Group and transactions relating to its involvements have been set
out in Note 15.

3.2.9 Other Investments

Investments other than investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures, and associates are classified as
available-for-sale investments and other long-term investments.

Investments in equity securities and mutual funds that are marketable securities are classified as
available-for-sale investments and carried at fair value in the statements of financial position. Any
changes in value are recognized as gain (loss) from fair value measurement of available-for-sale
investments in other comprehensive income or loss and accumulated amounts are accumulated
differences are presented in other components of equity under equity.

Investments in non-marketable equity securities, which are classified as other long-term

investments, are carried at cost net of allowance for impairment in the statement of financial
position. Impairment testing is performed when there is a factor indicating that the investment
might be impaired. If the carrying amount of the investment is higher than its recoverable amount,
impairment losses are recognized in profit or loss immediately.

Investment in held-to-maturity debt securities which an entity intends and has an ability to hold
until the maturity date are classified as other long-term investments and carried at amortised cost
in the statement of financial position. The Group will record loss on impairment in the statement
of income immediately when it is highly probable that the Group cannot collect entire/some
principals or interests as state in contracts.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.9 Other Investments (Continued)

Upon the disposal of investments, the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the
carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss. When the available-for-sale investments are
disposed, the Group will record the cumulative amount of fair value in other components of equity
under equity as gain (loss) on disposal of investments. When disposing of some parts of the
Group’s particular investment in debt or equity securities, the carrying amount of the part disposed
is calculated by using the weighted average carrying amount of the total holding of the investment.

3.2.10 Related Parties

Related parties of the Company are those enterprises or individuals that control or are controlled
by the Company, or are under common control with the Company, including holding companies
of subsidiaries and fellow Group subsidiaries, as well as those that have equity interests in the
Company that result in significant influence or joint control over the Company. In addition,
related parties include associates, joint ventures, the management and directors of the Company,
and entities which the management or directors of the Company, directly or indirectly, control,
jointly controlled, or have significant influence.

In considering each possible related party relationship, attention is directed more to the substance
of the relationship than to the legal form.

3.2.11 Foreign Currency Translation

The consolidated financial statements and the separate financial statements have been presented
in Thai Baht, which is the Company’s functional currency. Transactions of each company
included in the consolidated financial statements are recorded in their own functional currencies.

Foreign currency transactions are translated into functional currency at the exchange rates
prevailing at the transaction date. Monetary assets and liabilities at the statements of financial
position date denominated in foreign currencies are translated into functional currency at the
exchange rate prevailing at that date. Gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such
transactions and from the translation of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign
currencies are recognized in profit or loss.

Assets and liabilities of foreign operations, that presentation currencies are foreign currencies, are
translated into Thai Baht using the closing rate at the statements of financial position date.
Revenues and expenses are translated into Thai Baht using the average rate during the period.
Differences arising from currency translation are included in other comprehensive income and
accumulated differences are presented in other components of equity under equity.

Upon the disposal of self-sustaining foreign entities, accumulated currency translation differences
under shareholders’ equity are recognized as gains or losses on disposal.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.12 Borrowing Costs

Borrowing costs comprise interest and other costs associated with the borrowings. Borrowing
costs incurred on qualifying assets are capitalized as a cost of the qualifying property until all the
activities necessary to prepare the property for its intended use are substantially completed. When
funds are specifically borrowed for the construction or the production of asset, the amount of
borrowing costs capitalized is determined from the actual borrowing costs during the year less
any income on the temporary investment of those borrowings. When funds are borrowed for
general purpose, the Group multiplies the capitalization rate by the capital expenditure in
allocating borrowing costs to costs of assets.

All other borrowing costs are expensed in the period they incurred.

3.2.13 Investment Properties

Investment properties are initially recognized at cost, including expenses directly associated with
the asset acquisition, less accumulated depreciation and allowance for impairment.

The Group has selected the cost model for accounting for its investment properties. This model is in
accordance with that described in the accounting policy for property, plant and equipment.

Depreciation is recorded as expenses in profit or loss and is calculated using the straight-line
method over the estimated useful lives of the assets, which range from 5 to 30 years. Land and
construction in progress are not depreciated.

3.2.14 Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment are initially recognized at cost less accumulated depreciation and
allowance for impairment. The costs comprise any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset
to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating. These include
decommissioning costs, delivery and restoration costs, and any obligation associated with either
its acquisition or a consequence of having used the items.

Repair and maintenance costs are recognized in profit or loss during the financial period in which
they are incurred. The costs of significant asset improvements, major turnarounds and inspections
are included in the carrying amount of the asset. In case of replacement, the Group writes off
carrying value of replaced items.

The Group depreciates each significant component of property, plant and equipment separately.

The Group estimates the residual value of the property, plant and equipment based on current
assessment of the amount that would currently obtain from disposal of the asset, after deducting
the estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were already of the age and in the condition expected
at the end of its useful life.

The Group reviews the residual value, the useful lives and depreciation methods of assets at least
once a year.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.14 Property, Plant and Equipment (Continued)

Depreciation is recorded as expenses in profit or loss and is calculated using the straight-line
method or unit of production method over the estimated useful lives of the assets, which are as

Buildings and building improvements 2 - 40 years

Machinery and equipment 2 - 40 years
Petroleum exploration and production properties 5 - 30 years or unit of production
Mining properties Unit of production
Other assets 2 - 30 years

Land and construction in progress are not depreciated.

Gains or losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment are determined by comparing the
proceeds from sales with the carrying amounts on the disposal dates, and are recorded in statement
of income when incurred.

Petroleum Exploration and Production Properties

The petroleum exploration and production business accounts for its petroleum exploration and
production properties in accordance with the successful efforts method for which the accounting
policies are as follows:

Cost of Properties

The cost of properties comprises the total acquisition costs of petroleum rights or the acquisition
costs of the portion of properties, decommissioning costs, as well as support equipment and

Exploratory drilling costs are capitalized as petroleum exploration and evaluation assets, and will
be classified as petroleum exploration and production properties of the projects if their exploratory
wells have identified proved reserves that have been found to be commercially producible.
However, drilling costs will be expensed in the statement of income when incurred, if the
exploratory wells have not identified proved reserves or have identified proved reserves but have
not been found to be commercially producible.

Exploratory costs, comprising geological and geophysical costs as well as area reservation fees
during the exploration stage, are charged as expenses in the statement of income when incurred.

Development costs, whether relating to successful or unsuccessful development wells, are

capitalized and classified as assets.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.14 Property, Plant and Equipment (Continued)

Petroleum Exploration and Production Properties (Continued)


The capitalized acquisition costs of petroleum rights are depreciated using the unit of production
method based on proved reserves. Depreciation of exploratory wells, development costs as well
as decommissioning costs, except unsuccessful projects, are calculated using the unit of
production method based on proved reserves or proved developed reserves. The Group recognizes
changes in reserve estimates prospectively.

Proved reserves and proved developed reserves are calculated by the Group’s own engineers and
are based on the information received from the joint operators.

Depreciation of support equipment, facilities and Others are determined using the straight-line
method over the useful lives of assets.

Carried Cost under Petroleum Sharing Contracts

The petroleum exploration and production business records the carried costs under Petroleum
Sharing Contracts using the following accounting policies:

Under Petroleum Sharing Contracts in which the government has a participating interest, some
contracts require the contracting parties, excluding the government, to fund the costs of all
exploration operations until the first development area is determined. During the exploration
period, the contracting parties will carry an agreed upon proportion of the government’s
exploration costs (Carried Costs). When the project commences production, such carried costs
will be fully recouped or recovered without interest by the contracting parties from the production
of petroleum under the agreed procedures. The Group classifies the carried costs based on
petroleum activities under the successful efforts method. The majority of them are recognized in
petroleum exploration and production properties, exploration and exploration and evaluation
assets in the statement of financial position and exploration expenses in the statement of income.

Mining Properties

The coal business accounts for its coal exploration and production properties, including coal
mining property rights and deferred mining exploration and development expenditures, by the
accounting policies as follows:

Coal Mining Property Rights

Coal mining property rights comprise the total acquisition costs of concession rights in coal
mining including both coal mining exploration and development expenditures.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.14 Property, Plant and Equipment (Continued)

Mining Properties (Continued)

Deferred Mining Exploration and Development Expenditures

Development expenditures and costs of area development are capitalized as mining properties
under exploration and evaluation assets and will be classified as mining properties under property,
plant and equipment if they meet the criteria and it is highly probable that they can create future
economic benefit. However, if it is proved that they cannot create future economic benefit,
development expenditures and costs of area development will be fully expensed in the statement
of income when incurred.


The capitalized acquisition costs of mining properties are depreciated using the unit of production
method based on proved reserves.

The volume of proportional production and the useful lives of coal mining concessions are
estimated and reviewed by the Group.

3.2.15 Goodwill

The Group initially records goodwill at cost, which equals to the excess of the acquisition costs
over the fair value of the net assets acquired, and carries out a test for impairment of goodwill at
least once a year or when there are circumstances indicate that an investment might be impaired.
Where the fair value of the net assets exceeds the cost of acquisition at the acquisition date, the
excess is recognized as a gain in the statement of income.

To test for impairment, the Group allocates goodwill from business combinations to each
cash-generating unit (or group of cash-generating units) that is expected to receive benefit from
the synergies of the combination. The Group evaluates the recoverable amount of each
cash-generating unit (or group of cash-generating units) and if it is lower than the carrying amount
of the unit, the Group recognizes impairment losses in profit or loss. Impairment losses of
goodwill will not be reversed.

3.2.16 Intangible assets

Intangible assets are initially recognized at cost less accumulated amortization and allowance for
impairment. Amortization is recorded as expenses in profit or loss.

The Group records the initial costs of intangible assets from business combination at the
acquisition-date fair value of the assets. Intangible assets from other sources are initially
recognized at their costs.

Intangible assets include computer software licenses, asset rights such as gas transmission
pipelines, and other intangible assets, such as other operating rights, patents, and customer


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.16 Intangible assets (Continued)

Intangible assets are amortized and recorded as expenses in profit or loss using the straight-line
method over the useful lives of the assets which range from 1 to 40 years, except customer
contracts which are amortized based on estimated sales volume.

The Group reviews the residual value, useful lives and amortization methods of intangible assets
at least once a year.

3.2.17 Exploration and Evaluation Assets

Petroleum Exploration and Evaluation Assets

Petroleum exploration and evaluation expenditures are capitalized at cost as exploration and
evaluation assets. If the projects have identified the proved reserves that have been found to be
commercially producible, the capitalized exploration and evaluation expenditures under these
projects will be transferred to petroleum exploration and production properties under property,
plant and equipment, which are subsequently measured as stated in Note 3.2.14.

The capitalized exploration and evaluation expenditure is charged to statement of income in the
period in which the projects have not identified proved reserves or have identified proved
reserves, but have not been found to be commercially producible.

Mining Properties

Exploration and evaluation expenditures are capitalized as assets at cost, where:

a) Such costs are expected to be recovered when the areas are successfully developed and mining
operations commence, or from the sales of the areas of interest.

b) Exploration activities in the areas of interest have not reached the stage which permits a
reasonable assessment of the existence of commercial recoverable reserves, and exploration
activities in the areas of interest are continuing.

Exploration and evaluation expenditures which do not meet the above criteria will be fully
expensed in profit or loss. If the areas are developed and mining operations commence,
exploration and evaluation expenditures that capitalized as assets will reclassify to mining
properties under property, plant and equipment, which are subsequently measured as stated in
Note 3.2.14.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.18 Impairment of Assets

The Group performs the following tests for impairment of assets:

 Goodwill is performed annually or whenever there is an indication that the asset may be
 Investment properties, property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and exploration and
evaluation assets are performed whenever there is an indication that the assets may be

The Group recognizes an impairment loss when the recoverable amount of an asset is lower than
its carrying amount, which is the higher of the asset’s fair value less cost to sell and its value in
use. The Group determines value in use by estimating the present value of future cash flows
generated by the asset, discounted using a pre-tax discount rate which reflects current market
assessments of the time value of money and the risk specific to the asset. In determining fair value
less costs to sell, an appropriate valuation model is used. The calculation reflects the amount that
the Group could obtain from the disposal of the asset after deducting the costs of disposal. Fair value
means the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly
transaction between market participants at the measurement date.

The Group recognizes an impairment loss in profit or loss.

3.2.19 Leases

Finance Leases - Where the Group is the Lessee

Leases of property, plant and equipment, where the Group assumes substantially all the risks and
rewards of ownership are classified as finance leases. The leased assets are capitalized at the lower
of the estimated net present value of the underlying minimum lease payments or fair value of
assets. Each minimum lease payment is allocated between liabilities and finance costs in order to
achieve a constant interest rate on the remaining balance of the liabilities. The finance leases’
liabilities less finance costs are presented as long-term loans. Finance costs are charged to profit
or loss over the lease period. Depreciation is charged over the shorter of the useful life of the asset
or the lease period.

Finance Leases - Where the Group is the Lessor

Leases of property, plant and equipment under which the Group transfers substantially all the
risks and rewards of ownership to lessees are classified as finance leases. The Group realizes the
leased assets under asset in the statement of financial position as loans at an amount equal to the
net investment in the lease, and allocates finance income based on a pattern reflecting a constant
periodic rate of return on the lessor's net investment outstanding in respect of the finance lease.

Operating Leases - Where the Group is the Lessee

Leases of assets where the lessor assumes a significant portion of the risks and rewards of
ownership are classified as operating leases. Payments made under operating leases are charged
to profit or loss using the straight-line method over the period of the lease.

The costs incurred upon termination of the operating lease agreements prior their maturity, such
as penalty paid to the lessor, are recognized as expenses in the period in which the termination
takes place.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.19 Leases (Continued)

Operating Leases - Where the Group is the Lessor

Leases of assets where the lessor assumes a significant portion of the risks and rewards of
ownership are classified as operating leases. The assets held for operating leases are stated at cost
and presented in the statement of financial position according to the nature of the assets. The
group recognizes costs, including depreciation, relating to rental income as expenses and
recognizes lease income over the lease term on a straight-line basis.

Accounting for an Arrangement Contains a Lease

The Group determined whether an arrangement contains a lease based on the substance of the
arrangement. The arrangement contains a lease which depends on the use of a specific asset and
the arrangement conveying to the purchaser (lessee) the right to control the use of the underlying

The Group separates payments for the lease and other elements on the basis of their relative fair
values. If the Group concludes that it is a finance lease but it is impracticable to separate the
payments reliably, the Group will recognize an asset and a liability at an amount equal to the fair
value of the underlying asset. Subsequently, the liability is reduced as payments are made and an
imputed finance cost on the liability recognized using the Group’s incremental borrowing rate of

3.2.20 Income Taxes

Current Tax

The Group is taxed on its non-promoted businesses pursuant to the Revenue Code of Thailand,
the Petroleum Income Tax Act, B.E. 2514 and Amendment, B.E. 2532 and other laws and
regulations related to corporate income tax of other countries in which the Group has invested.

Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable profit for the year, using tax rates enacted
at the statements of financial position date in the taxable period, and any adjustment to tax payable
in respect of previous years.

Deferred Tax

Deferred tax is recognized in the statements of financial position using the liability method for
temporary differences between tax base of assets and liabilities and the carrying amounts in the
financial statements. The principal temporary differences in consolidated financial statements
arise from property, plant and equipment, provisions for employee benefit, provision for
decommissioning costs, and cumulative loss carried forward.

Deferred tax is measured using the tax rates enacted at the statements of financial position date.

Deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is highly probable that the future taxable
profits of the Group will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilized.
Deferred tax assets are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax
benefits will be realized.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.20 Income Taxes (Continued)

Deferred Tax (Continued)

The Group recognized deferred tax as income or an expense and included in profit or loss for the
period, except to the extent that the tax arises from a transaction or event which is recognized
outside profit or loss, either in other comprehensive income or directly in equity, or a business

Deferred tax assets and liabilities can only be offset if the entity has the legal right to settle on a
net basis and the deferred tax balances relate to the same taxation authority.

The Group offsets deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities for presentation in the statement
of financial position.

3.2.21 Advance Payments for Gas Purchased under Take-or-Pay Agreements

The Company has entered into gas purchase agreements with natural gas producers, under which
the Company is required to take delivery of natural gas at annual minimum quantities. During
each contract year, if the Company cannot accept natural gas according to the minimum quantities
under the agreements, it is required to pay for the volume of natural gas which it cannot actually
take (Take-or-Pay). After the end of each contract year, the Company and the natural gas
producers have to agree on and accept the volume of gas that should be taken into the calculation
of Take-or-Pay for that contract year, which is subject to the basis and conditions in the
agreements. Under the agreements, the Company can take certain volumes of prepaid gas (Make-
up) in subsequent years after taking delivery of natural gas at the minimum quantities for that
given contract year. The Company recognizes its obligations under the agreements as advance
payments for gas purchased.

3.2.22 Provision for Decommissioning Costs

The Group records a provision for decommissioning costs whenever it is highly probable that an
obligation will arise as a result of a past event and the amount of the obligation can be reliably

The Group recognizes a provision for decommissioning costs based on an estimate of the eventual
costs relate to the removal of petroleum exploration and production properties and plant and
equipment. These costs are included as part of the cost of the assets and are amortized based on
proved reserves using the unit of production method and the straight-line method over the
estimated useful lives of the assets, respectively. The estimates of decommissioning costs are
determined based on reviews and estimates by the Group’s engineers and management’s


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.23 Provisions for Employee Benefit

Provisions for employee benefit of the Group are measured and recognized as follows:

1. Short-term employee benefits are recognized in profit or loss as expenses when incurred.

2. Post-employment benefits - defined contribution plans

The Group and its employees have jointly established a provident fund. The fund is monthly
contributed by employees and by the Group. The fund’s assets are held in a separate trust fund
and the Group’s contributions are recognized as expenses in profit or loss when incurred.

3. Post-employment benefits - defined benefit plans

The provisions under the defined benefit plan is determined based on actuarial techniques,
using the projected unit credit method, in order to determine present value of the provisions
and be recognized as a liability in the statements of financial position. Current service cost,
past service cost, net interest on the net defined benefit liability are recognized as expenses in
profit or loss. Remeasurements of the net defined benefit liability or asset, including actuarial
gains and losses are recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated amounts are
recognized as retained earnings in equity.

4. Other long-term employment benefits

The provisions under the defined benefit plan is determined based on actuarial techniques,
using the projected unit credit method, in order to determine present value of the provisions
and be recognized as a liability in the statements of financial position. Current service cost,
past service cost, net interest on the net defined benefit liability are recognized as expenses in
profit or loss. Remeasurements of the net other long-term benefit liability or asset, including
actuarial gains and losses are recognized in profit or loss immediately.

5. Termination benefits are recognized as a liability and an expense when, and only when, the
Company is demonstrably committed to either:
 Terminate the employment of an employee or a group of employees before the normal
retirement date; or
 Provide termination benefits as a result of an offer made in order to encourage voluntary

3.2.24 Revenue Recognition

The Group recognizes revenue upon completion and the delivery of promised goods or services
to customers at the transaction price which is entitled in exchange for transferring goods or
services, in accordance with the principles below.

1. Identify contract(s) with customers

2. Evaluate goods or services in contract(s) and identify separate performance obligations to
deliver to customers; it may include implied agreement following to business code of conduct.
3. Determine the reasonable transaction price which the Group expected to be entitled to receive
in exchange for transferring promised goods or services to customers, regarding to variable
consideration such as discount or fine, non-cash consideration, and significant financial
component. The Group shall include the estimated amount of consideration only to which it is
highly probable of no significant reversal in cumulative revenue.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.24 Revenue Recognition (Continued)

4. Allocate the transaction price to distinct performance obligations based on relative standalone
selling prices.
5. Recognize revenue when the performance obligation is transferred the promised goods or
services to customers. The recognized revenue is the amount allocating to performance
obligation. The performance obligation may be satisfied at a point in time. For a performance
obligation satisfied over time, the Group would measure progress of the performance
obligation in order to recognize the revenue.

3.2.25 Government Grants

Government grants, including non-monetary grants, are recognized where there is reasonable
assurance that the recipient will comply with all attached conditions and that the grant will be
received. The Group recognizes the grants as income on a systematic basis over the periods for
which the costs that the government grants are compensating. The Group recognizes the grants as
a part of income in profit or loss.

3.2.26 Earnings per Share

Basic earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the profit attributable to owners of the parent
with interests and other items related to subordinated capital debentures net of taxes related to
such debentures and dividing the adjusted profit by the weighted average number of ordinary
shares held by third parties during the year.

3.2.27 Financial Instruments

Financial assets in the statements of financial position include cash and cash equivalents, current
investments, trade accounts receivable, other accounts receivable, available-for-sale investments,
other long-term investments, lending loans, and derivative assets. Financial liabilities in the
statements of financial position include bank overdrafts and short-term loans from financial
institutions, trade accounts payable, other accounts payable, loans, and derivative liabilities. The
particular recognition methods adopted are disclosed in the individual policy statements
associated with each item.

The Group uses financial instruments to reduce its risk exposure associated with fluctuations in
foreign currency exchange rates, interest rates as well as oil and product market prices. These
instruments primarily comprise:

Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts

Forward foreign exchange contracts protect the Group from fluctuations in exchange rates by
establishing the rates at which foreign currency assets will be realized or foreign currency
liabilities will be settled. Forward foreign exchange contracts are recognized in the financial
statements at inception. The premium or discount on the establishment of each agreement is
amortized over the contract period.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.27 Financial Instruments (Continued)

Cross-currency and Interest Rate Swap Contracts

Cross-currency and interest rate swap contracts protect the Group from fluctuations in exchange
rates and interest rates. Foreign currency financial assets and liabilities as at the statements of
financial position date are protected by cross-currency contracts. The Group recognizes the total
amount of interest received from/paid to the counterparties, according to derivatives under cross-
currency and interest rate swap contracts in finance costs using the accrual basis and recognizes
derivative assets/liabilities of cross-currency and interest rate swap contracts at fair value at the
end of reporting period, in the statements of financial position. The Group recognizes movements
in the fair value of derivatives in profit or loss.

Oil and Products Hedging Contract

The hedging contracts of oil and product prices aim to reduce the risk exposure associated with
fluctuations in the global oil and product market prices in accordance with its purchase and sale
agreements by determining its future prices. Gains or losses arising from these contracts are
recorded in profit or loss at the maturity date of the contracts.

The risk management policy is described in Note 39.

Hedge Accounting

The Group considers hedge accounting criteria as follows:

For fair value hedges, a change in fair value of the hedging instruments and a change in fair value
of the hedged items attributable to the risk being hedged are both recognized in profit or loss.

For cash flow hedges, a change in fair value of the effective portion of the hedging instrument is
recognized in other comprehensive income, while a change in fair value of the ineffective portion
of the hedging instruments is recognized in profit or loss.

3.2.28 Fair Value Measurement

The Group has measured fair value and disclosed the information relating to fair value
measurement in accordance with TFRS 13 (revised 2018) “Fair Value Measurement”. The
guidance under this standard will be applied when the Group requires to measure any assets and
liabilities at fair value under relevant standards.

The Group uses the market approach to measure their assets and liabilities that are required to be
measured at fair value by relevant financial reporting standards, except that the cost approach or
income approach is used when there is no active market or a quoted market price is not available.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.28 Fair Value Measurement (Continued)

Fair Value Hierarchy

In applying the above-mentioned valuation techniques, the Group endeavors to use relevant
observable inputs as much as possible by determining a fair value hierarchy that categorizes inputs
into three levels as follows:

Level 1 Use of quoted market prices in an observable active market for such assets or liabilities
Level 2 Use of other observable inputs for such assets or liabilities, whether directly or indirectly
Level 3 Used of unobservable inputs for such assets or liabilities such as the Group’s estimates
of future cash flows

3.2.29 Use of Estimates and Significant Assumptions

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Thai Financial Reporting Standards
requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
assets, liabilities, income and expenses.

Estimates and underlying assumptions used in the preparation of financial statements are
reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in
which the estimates are revised and in any future periods affected.

Information about significant assumptions and the sources of contingent estimates that might
impact on the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities presented in the financial statements are
as follows:


The Group recognizes a provision in the statements of financial position if, as a result of a past
event, the Group has a present obligation that can be estimated reliably and it is probable that an
outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.

The Group records provisions for decommissioning costs when it is highly probable that a
commitment will arise as a result of past circumstances and the amount can be estimated reliably. The
Group recognizes the provisions for decommissioning costs based on estimated amount of
decommissioning of completed construction that is ready for its intended use. These costs are
included as part of assets and are amortized using the units of production method based on
estimated proved reserves and the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the
assets. The provision for decommissioning costs is determined based on reviews and estimates
by the Group’s engineers together with the management’s judgment.

Provisions depend on various current circumstances such as laws and regulations, technologies
and market prices. Therefore, the actual result is likely to be different from estimates and


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.29 Use of Estimates and Significant Assumptions (Continued)

Income Tax

The Group is responsible for the payment of tax in various countries. When income tax payable
is estimated, the Group uses significant judgment due to the numerous transactions and
calculations arising from its operations.

The Group recognizes income tax payable based on estimated incremental tax payments. The
difference between the actual tax paid and the estimate will affect income tax and deferred tax in
the period the difference occurs.

A deferred tax asset will be recognized when it is highly probable that the Group will have
sufficient net income against which to utilize the temporary difference. Assumptions related to
future taxable income are uncertain and may change affecting the recognition of deferred tax

Estimates of Petroleum Reserves

Petroleum reserves are of fundamental importance when assessing investments in various

exploration projects and petroleum production businesses, including impairment testing. Changes
in proved reserves will affect the present value of net cash flows and depreciation expenses which
are calculated using the unit of production method.

The proved reserves are the volume of commercial petroleum production as of a certain date with
a high probability of achievement under current economic conditions and production methods, as
well as government’s rules and regulations. The proved reserves will be checked and assessed
annually by the Group’s geologists and reservoir engineers.

Exploration Costs

The petroleum exploration and production businesses capitalize drilling costs as assets. They will
be amortized as expenses in profit or loss, except where there is (1) a discovery of proved reserves,
or (2) a discovery of commercially adequate reserves whilst having future exploration and
assessment plans. The decision to amortize drilling petroleum costs recorded as assets should be
made using the assumptions under current circumstances. In case those assumptions change in
subsequent accounting periods, the petroleum drilling costs that are capitalized as assets will be
written off as expenses in that accounting period.

Impairment of Assets

The Group considers recording an allowance for impairment of assets when an event or a
circumstance indicates that the carrying amount of an asset is higher than its recoverable amount,
which is the higher of the anticipated discounted cash flows from the continuing use of the asset
or the fair value of the asset less any costs of disposal. As a result, the carrying amount of an asset
is written down immediately to its recoverable amount. The decrease is recorded in profit or loss.
Thus, the loss on impairment of assets excluding goodwill recognized in the prior period will be
reversed if the estimates for indicated recoverable amount changes.


3. Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2 Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

3.2.29 Use of Estimates and Significant Assumptions (Continued)

Impairment of Assets (Continued)

The Group’s estimate of the selling price based on global oil market prices, the expected amount
of future petroleum production and margin rate in petroleum exploration and production
businesses are the key factors in impairment tests. The Group believes that these are the most
reasonable indicators for estimating future cash flows which is recoverable amount of value in use.
The future petroleum production comprises proved reserves and unproved reserves.

The estimation of discounted future cash flows depends on various factors such as the expected
amount of future production, future selling prices, demand and supply in the market, risks and
gross margins. The discounted rates used in the calculation of present value of future cash flows
depend on the cost of capital of the asset unit.

3.2.30 Capital Risk Management

The capital management objective of the Group is to create returns for shareholders and other
stakeholders whilst maintaining a reasonable capital structure to decrease the cost of capital.

3.2.31 Operating Segment

The operating segment information is reported by business segments and based on the internal
management reports that are received and regularly reviewed by the Chief Operating Decision Maker
(CODM) for allocating resources to the segments and assessing its performance.


4. Reclassification and Adjustment

The Group has reclassified and adjusted the investment properties, property, plant and equipment,
exploration and evaluation assets from business acquisitions, and other non-current assets in the
current year and comparative consolidated financial statements. However, there is no impact on the
consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2019 and consolidated statements
of cash flow for the year ended December 31, 2019.

In addition, on December 18, 2019, the Supreme Court rendered a judgment to the Company on an
onshore natural gas pipeline construction project as mentioned in Note 46.7. These transactions have
impact on the consolidated and separate statements of financial position as at December 31, 2018 and
January 1, 2018, consolidated and separate statements of income, consolidated statements of cash flow
for the year ended December 31, 2018.

As aforementioned, the effect of increase (decrease) on the consolidated and separate financial
statements are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
increase (decrease) increase (decrease)
Statement of financial position
as at January 1, 2018
 Investment properties (Note 17) 977.47 -
 Property, plant and equipment (Note 18) 5,509.96 1,066.02
 Goodwill (Note 19) 5,006.78 -
 Exploration and evaluation assets (Note 21) (7,857.80) -
 Other non-current assets (5,421.41) -
 Other accounts payable 1,467.87 1,467.87
 Deferred tax liabilities (Note 22.3) (2,357.34) -
 Unappropriated retained earnings (750.16) (401.85)
 Other components of equity 26.00 -
 Non-controlling interests (171.37) -

Statement of financial position

as at December 31, 2018
 Investment properties (Note 17) 977.47 -
 Property, plant and equipment (Note 18) 6,338.28 1,029.32
 Goodwill (Note 19) 4,971.38 -
 Exploration and evaluation assets (Note 21) (7,802.24) -
 Other non-current assets (6,286.43) -
 Other accounts payable 1,467.87 1,467.87
 Deferred tax liabilities (Note 22.3) (2,340.67) -
 Unappropriated retained earnings (786.86) (438.55)
 Other components of equity 28.28 -
 Non-controlling interests (170.16) -


4. Reclassification and Adjustment (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
increase (decrease) increase (decrease)
Statement of income for the year ended
December 31, 2018
 Cost of sales 36.70 36.70
 Profit for the year (36.70) (36.70)

Statement of comprehensive income

for the year ended December 31, 2018
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
 Currency translation differences 3.49 -
 Total comprehensive income for the year 3.49 -

Statement of cash flow for the year ended

December 31, 2018
 Net cash provided by operating activities 1,604.30 -
 Net cash used in investing activities (1,604.30) -


5. Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Cash on hand 555.87 1,885.77 10.57 9.77
Call deposits held at banks 192,073.45 119,956.06 36,016.15 40,015.70
Fixed deposits within 3 months 87,461.44 126,019.92 5,008.14 21,237.82
Treasury bills 593.32 16,736.58 - -
Promissory notes 1,000.00 50.07 - -
Bonds 5,445.95 24,940.76 5,445.95 24,940.76
Restricted bank cash 575.19 1,087.99 - -
Other investments 4,837.24 1,507.17 - -
Total 292,542.46 292,184.32 46,480.81 86,204.05

Call deposits held at banks, fixed deposits within 3 months, treasury bills, promissory notes, bonds,
restricted bank cash and other investments, as at December 31, 2019 bear the interest at rates
ranging from 0.00% - 7.00% per annum (December 31, 2018: interest rates ranging from 0.00% - 6.08%
per annum).

6. Current Investments

Current investments as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Fixed deposits 17,364.83 103,566.72 1,238.85 7,412.36
Treasury bills - 398.38 - 398.38
Promissory notes - 349.10 - -
Bonds - 2,293.92 - 1,297.84
Other investments 20,898.48 35,812.62 13,763.49 12,863.38
Total 38,263.31 142,420.74 15,002.34 21,971.96

Current investments as at December 31, 2019 bear the interest at rates ranging from 0.75% - 3.60%
per annum (December 31, 2018: interest rates ranging from 0.00% - 3.28% per annum).


7. Trade Accounts Receivable

Trade accounts receivable as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Trade accounts receivable - others 166,557.70 169,681.36 55,462.29 69,440.91
Less Allowance for doubtful accounts (3,126.99) (3,083.52) (1,885.88) (1,889.06)
Trade accounts receivable - others - net 163,430.71 166,597.84 53,576.41 67,551.85
Trade accounts receivable
- related parties - net (Note 10.1) 4,210.31 8,006.86 57,981.55 71,124.00
Total 167,641.02 174,604.70 111,557.96 138,675.85

Aging analysis is as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Within credit terms 161,974.85 171,248.71 108,240.53 137,068.82
- Within 3 months 5,216.34 2,730.43 3,005.71 993.14
- Over 3 - 6 months 82.97 506.99 43.58 517.70
- Over 6 - 12 months 381.51 198.70 249.01 147.44
- Over 12 months 3,112.34 3,046.51 1,905.01 1,837.81
170,768.01 177,731.34 113,443.84 140,564.91
Less Allowance for doubtful accounts (3,126.99) (3,126.64) (1,885.88) (1,889.06)
Total 167,641.02 174,604.70 111,557.96 138,675.85

Trade accounts receivable - others as at December 31, 2019 include receivables from government
agencies and state enterprises in the consolidated financial statements amounting to Baht 21,957.74
million (December 31, 2018: Baht 20,834.35 million), and in the separate financial statements
amounting to Baht 14,679.54 million (December 31, 2018: Baht 17,945.50 million).


8. Other Accounts Receivable

Other accounts receivable as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Other accounts receivable 18,649.87 37,906.98 1,660.41 1,473.57
Less Allowance for doubtful accounts (713.13) (628.18) (432.07) (427.97)
Other accounts receivable 17,936.74 37,278.80 1,228.34 1,045.60
Advance payments 8,546.03 16,199.20 291.65 270.44
Refund receivable from the Oil
Stabilization Fund 16,115.89 19,691.94 5,538.52 13,204.37
Current tax assets 5,557.52 3,491.54 - -
Other accounts receivable - others - net 48,156.18 76,661.48 7,058.51 14,520.41
Other accounts receivable - related
parties - net (Note 10.2) 1,009.94 1,709.97 1,099.34 2,440.04
Advance payments - related parties
(Note 10.2) 445.63 455.62 246.34 353.73
Total 49,611.75 78,827.07 8,404.19 17,314.18

The refund receivable from the Oil Stabilization Fund mostly comprises compensation for locally
manufactured oil and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), or imported LPG for local uses, as well as
compensation for Natural Gas for Vehicles (NGV) prices. The compensation rates are determined
by the Committee of Energy Policy Administration.


9. Lending Loans

9.1 Short-term lending loans as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Current portion of finance lease
receivable - others 1,106.23 700.86 - -
Current portion of finance lease
receivable - related parties (Note 10.2) 4.59 3.95 - -
Short-term lending loans - others - 835.97 - -

Short-term lending loans

- related parties 1,558.40 843.83 21,369.27 7,334.32
Less Allowance for doubtful accounts - (601.69) - -
Short-term lending loans - related
parties - net (Note 10.2) 1,558.40 242.14 21,369.27 7,334.32
Total 2,669.22 1,782.92 21,369.27 7,334.32

9.2 Long-term lending loans as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Long-term finance lease receivable -
others 7,578.47 4,653.33 - -
Long-term finance lease receivable -
related parties (Note 10.3) 50.90 52.71 - -
Long-term lending loans - others 1,230.39 2,979.62 - -

Long-term lending loans -

related parties 3,614.65 6,177.05 24,981.89 32,895.68
Less Allowance for doubtful accounts - - - -
Long-term lending loans -
related parties - net (Note 10.3) 3,614.65 6,177.05 24,981.89 32,895.68
Total 12,474.41 13,862.71 24,981.89 32,895.68


10. Related Party Transactions

In the separate financial statements, significant transactions carried out with related parties include
discontinued operations

Significant transactions carried out with related parties are as follows:

10.1 Trade accounts receivable - related parties as at December 31, 2019 and 2018

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Subsidiaries - - 55,738.66 65,585.72
Joint ventures 2,188.15 3,747.90 1,000.49 2,213.24
Associates 1,055.66 1,318.08 286.88 341.80
Other related parties 996.50 2,984.00 955.52 2,983.24
4,210.31 8,049.98 57,981.55 71,124.00
Less Allowance for doubtful accounts - (43.12) - -
Total (Note 7) 4,210.31 8,006.86 57,981.55 71,124.00

Aging analysis is as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Within credit terms 4,163.60 7,982.56 57,981.38 71,040.94
- Within 3 months 34.53 23.87 0.17 10.06
- Over 3 - 6 months 2.88 - - 73.00
- Over 6 - 12 months 9.27 - - -
- Over 12 months 0.03 43.55 - -
4,210.31 8,049.98 57,981.55 71,124.00
Less Allowance for doubtful accounts - (43.12) - -
Total (Note 7) 4,210.31 8,006.86 57,981.55 71,124.00


10. Related Party Transactions (Continued)

10.2 Other accounts receivable, advance payments, current portion of finance lease receivable, and
short-term lending loans - related parties as at December 31, 2019 and 2018

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Other accounts receivable
Subsidiaries - - 1,061.99 2,420.38
Joint ventures 322.26 416.42 29.09 16.18
Associates 207.52 358.17 6.06 2.91
Other related parties 480.16 1,018.76 2.20 0.57
1,009.94 1,793.35 1,099.34 2,440.04
Less Allowance for doubtful accounts - (83.38) - -
Total (Note 8) 1,009.94 1,709.97 1,099.34 2,440.04

Advance payments
Subsidiaries - - 6.38 73.77
Other related parties 445.63 455.62 239.96 279.96
Total (Note 8) 445.63 455.62 246.34 353.73


10. Related Party Transactions (Continued)

10.2 Other accounts receivable, advance payments, current portion of finance lease receivable, and
short-term lending loans - related parties as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Current portion of finance lease receivable
Joint ventures (Note 9.1) 4.59 3.95 - -

Short-term lending loans

Subsidiaries - - 21,369.27 7,334.32
Joint ventures 1,558.40 843.83 - -
1,558.40 843.83 21,369.27 7,334.32
Less Allowance for doubtful accounts - (601.69) - -
Total (Note 9.1) 1,558.40 242.14 21,369.27 7,334.32

Movements in short-term lending loans - related parties are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Balance as at January 1 242.14 - 2,500.00 -
- Payment for loans granted - 369.65 33,114.58 2,990.02
- Receipt from loans granted (224.91) - (29,709.93) (899.08)
- Gain (loss) on exchange rate (17.23) 7.33 8.08 (19.78)
- Disposal (575.64) - - -
- Reversal (recognition) of allowance for
doubtful accounts 575.64 (134.84) - 428.84
Balance as at December 31 - 242.14 5,912.73 2,500.00
Add Current portion (Note 10.3) 1,558.40 - 15,456.54 4,834.32
Balance as at December 31 - net 1,558.40 242.14 21,369.27 7,334.32

Short-term lending loans - related parties as at December 31, 2019 in the separate financial statements
bear the interest at rates ranging from 1.15% - 3.25% per annum (December 31, 2018 in the
consolidated financial statements bear the interest at rates ranging from 3.21% - 3.71% per annum
and in the separate financial statements bear the interest at rates 2.81% per annum).


10. Related Party Transactions (Continued)

10.3 Long-term finance lease receivable and long-term lending loans - related parties as at December 31, 2019
and 2018

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Long-term finance lease receivable
Joint ventures (Note 9.2) 50.90 52.71 - -

Long-term lending loans

Subsidiaries - - 24,981.89 32,895.68
Joint ventures 803.69 3,651.76 - -
Associates 2,810.96 2,525.29 - -
3,614.65 6,177.05 24,981.89 32,895.68
Less Allowance for doubtful accounts - - - -
Total (Note 9.2) 3,614.65 6,177.05 24,981.89 32,895.68


10. Related Party Transactions (Continued)

10.3 Long-term finance lease receivable and long-term lending loans - related parties as at December 31, 2019
and 2018 (Continued)

Details of finance lease receivable - related parties as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Finance lease receivable
- Within 1 year 6.67 6.00 - -
- Over 1 year but not over 5 years 26.60 24.00 - -
- Over 5 years 34.00 40.00 - -
Future finance income (11.78) (13.34) - -
Total 55.49 56.66 - -

Movements in long-term lending loans - related parties are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Balance as at January 1 6,177.05 9,282.31 37,730.00 27,403.48
- Payment for loans granted 837.24 9.95 30,992.12 26,310.00
- Receipt from loans granted (1,834.84) (3,212.38) (28,115.28) (36,949.24)
- Gain (loss) on exchange rate (215.66) 98.22 (168.41) (1,154.76)
- Business acquisition 220.00 - - -
- Currency translation differences (10.74) (1.05) - -
- Reversal of allowance of
doubtful accounts - - - 22,120.52
Balance as at December 31 5,173.05 6,177.05 40,438.43 37,730.00
Less Current portion (Note 10.2) (1,558.40) - (15,456.54) (4,834.32)
Balance as at December 31 - net 3,614.65 6,177.05 24,981.89 32,895.68

Long-term lending loans - related parties as at December 31, 2019 in the consolidated financial
statements bear the interest at rates ranging from 3.00% - 7.38% per annum (December 31, 2018:
interest at rates ranging from 3.66% - 6.94% per annum), and in the separate financial statements
bear the interest at rates ranging from 2.57% - 4.68% per annum (December 31, 2018: interest at
rates ranging from 2.88% - 4.68% per annum).


10. Related Party Transactions (Continued)

10.4 Trade accounts payable - related parties as at December 31, 2019 and 2018

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Subsidiaries - - 29,990.07 38,012.70
Joint ventures 807.72 1,078.38 245.62 260.85
Associates 337.71 320.34 - -
Other related parties 4.49 8.51 - -
Total 1,149.92 1,407.23 30,235.69 38,273.55

10.5 Other accounts payable, current portion of finance lease liabilities, and short-term loans - related
parties as at December 31, 2019 and 2018

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Other accounts payable
Subsidiaries - - 6,696.00 11,927.90
Joint ventures 58.38 46.58 15.48 7.25
Associates 19.37 24.23 12.12 16.31
Other related parties 51.18 88.86 35.43 57.51
Total 128.93 159.67 6,759.03 12,008.97

Current portion of finance lease liabilities

Subsidiaries - - 0.77 -
Joint venture 374.86 400.42 374.86 400.42
Total 374.86 400.42 375.63 400.42

Short-term loans*
Subsidiaries - - 3,487.56 3,332.70

* The Company has liquidity management policies within the Group include the use of the cash
pooling method. Inter-company loans were used for short-term financial management of cash
surpluses or deficits of each affiliate. Interests on these were calculated by using market interest rates.


10. Related Party Transactions (Continued)

10.6 Long-term finance lease liabilities and long-term loans - related parties as at December 31, 2019 and

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Long-term finance lease liabilities
Subsidiaries - - 2.98 -
Joint venture 3,180.60 3,841.51 3,180.60 3,841.51
Total 3,180.60 3,841.51 3,183.58 3,841.51

Long-term loans
Subsidiaries - - 23,872.73 -

Details of finance lease liabilities - related parties as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Finance lease liabilities
- Within 1 year 422.95 453.54 424.00 453.54
- Over 1 year but not over 5 years 1,688.31 1,815.42 1,691.73 1,815.42
- Over 5 years 1,688.31 2,270.20 1,688.31 2,270.20
Future finance charges (244.11) (297.23) (244.83) (297.23)
Total 3,555.46 4,241.93 3,559.21 4,241.93


10. Related Party Transactions (Continued)

10.6 Long-term finance lease liabilities and long-term loans - related parties as at December 31, 2019 and
2018 (Continued)

Movements in long-term loans - related parties are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Balance as at January 1 - - - -
- Receipt from loans - - 24,031.00 -
- Gain on exchange rate - - (158.27) -
Balance as at December 31 - - 23,872.73 -
Less Current portion - - - -
Balance as at December 31 - net - - 23,872.73 -

Long-term loans - related parties as at December 31, 2019 in the separate financial statements bear
the interest at rates ranging from 4.95% - 6.38% per annum.


10. Related Party Transactions (Continued)

10.7 Revenue and expense transactions carried out with related parties

For the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018

Unit: Million Baht
Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Sales and service income
Subsidiaries - - 634,492.33 779,669.46
Joint ventures 23,455.62 26,668.00 12,630.61 14,684.61
Associates 13,679.54 15,619.60 3,595.99 3,508.30
Other related parties 11,885.12 14,117.04 11,868.71 14,104.03
Interest income
Subsidiaries - - 1,834.77 1,183.95
Joint ventures 161.44 280.09 - -
Associates 170.44 160.11 - -
Dividend income
Subsidiaries - - 28,896.20 33,810.30
Joint ventures - - 657.21 610.12
Associates - - - 684.21
Other related parties 293.00 253.43 116.00 112.00
Other income
Subsidiaries - - 8,103.35 90,701.41
Joint ventures 389.53 311.71 117.72 84.00
Associates 244.43 75.00 18.63 45.94
Other related parties 107.00 47.51 43.47 46.67

Cost of goods purchased and services
Subsidiaries - - 288,485.19 475,921.74
Joint ventures 8,369.60 9,571.74 1,406.76 1,530.35
Associates 3,469.02 3,487.43 0.31 1,126.98
Other related parties 1,335.03 1,294.43 257.36 304.35
Interest expenses
Subsidiaries - - 224.32 35.18
Joint ventures 53.12 58.10 53.12 58.10
Other expenses
Subsidiaries - - 3,878.49 3,739.28
Joint ventures 11.47 166.20 0.03 0.14
Associates 82.09 54.40 4.20 4.52
Other related parties 381.57 408.66 144.13 226.10

10. Related Party Transactions (Continued)

10.7 Revenue and expense transactions carried out with related parties (Continued)

The aforementioned related party transactions exclude transactions carried out with government
agencies and state enterprises.

Stipulation prices between the Company and its related parties are based on normal prices for the
same types of business transactions carried out with non-related parties. Goods purchased from
subsidiaries are charged at the normal prices determined by the subsidiaries with reference to global
market prices.

10.8 Details of commitments to subsidiaries and joint ventures are stated in Note 46.1.

10.9 Crude oil and refined product purchase and sale transactions carried out with related parties without
physical delivery, with the objective of maintaining crude oil and refined product reserves and
inventory management, were reversed in the financial statements.

Detail of these transactions for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follow:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Subsidiaries - - 4,752.72 3,135.86

Subsidiaries - - 4,820.16 3,249.95

10.10 Executive remunerations

Detail of executive remunerations for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Directors remuneration
Meeting remuneration and bonuses 503.67 386.42 64.41 62.35

Managements remuneration
Salaries, bonuses, and other
employee benefits 1,230.29 1,100.95 94.67 97.57
Post-employment benefits 56.02 14.52 2.14 2.35
Total (Note 35) 1,789.98 1,501.89 161.22 162.27

Managements are those persons who have authority and responsibility for planning, directing and
controlling the activities of an entity, directly or indirectly.


11. Inventories

Inventories as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Oil products 86,698.62 88,625.35 2,492.12 5,653.44
Gas products 2,867.37 4,648.77 2,398.14 4,150.09
Petrochemicals products 25,173.33 32,596.48 33.59 502.44
Others 4,623.42 4,022.72 509.85 512.93
119,362.74 129,893.32 5,433.70 10,818.90
Less Allowance for decline in value of
inventories and obsolescence (1,615.78) (4,613.50) (636.50) (571.41)
Total 117,746.96 125,279.82 4,797.20 10,247.49

The Fuel Oil Trading Act B.E. 2543 was amended by The Fuel Oil Trading Act (No.2) B.E.
2550 in accordance with Notification of the Department of Energy Business “Determination of
Types, Rates, Criteria, Methods, and Conditions for Calculation of Oil Reserves B.E. 2558”.
This Act prescribes that oil traders under section 7 must reserve crude oil and petroleum
products at rates ranging from 1% - 20% of the total production output or imported volume.
Inventories - legal reserves as at December 31, 2019 in the consolidated financial statements
amounting to Baht 24,732.99 million (December 31, 2018: Baht 26,382.19 million), and in the
separate financial statements amounting to Baht 802.20 million (December 31, 2018: Baht
853.07 million). These amounts were net of allowance for net realizable value.

The cost of inventories recognized as expenses and included in cost of sales for the years ended
December 31, 2019 and 2018 comprise:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Cost of sales 1,891,038.67 1,734,967.60 1,140,733.49 1,567,916.35
Allowance for (reversal of)
decline in value of inventories
and obsolescence (2,997.72) 4,211.19 65.09 242.13
Total 1,888,040.95 1,739,178.79 1,140,798.58 1,568,158.48


12. Materials and Supplies

Materials and supplies as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Spare parts, equipment and others 36,269.15 30,390.29 5,838.42 5,594.67
Less Allowance for obsolescence (1,890.01) (1,518.64) (94.24) (53.94)
Total 34,379.14 28,871.65 5,744.18 5,540.73

13. The Restructuring of the Oil Business Unit

On June 18, 2018, the Company and PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Co., Ltd. (OR) successfully
executed the Business Transfer Agreement to transfer various assets and liabilities, and shares of
related companies ( BAFS, PTTCL, PTTOM, TLBC, THAPPLINE, PAT, IPS and FPT) to OR.
The Company has commenced the process of transferring various assets and liabilities, and shares
of related companies to OR since July 1, 2 0 1 8 . The business transfer price is Baht 117,203. 26
million. On June 28, 2018, OR made the initial payment of Baht 85,366.92 million to the Company.
Then, OR made the remaining payment of Baht 31,836.34 million on September 28, 2018.

The valuation of the business transferred had been evaluated by financial advisors following
relevant international standards in order to provide the most reasonable prices.

In cases where the registration process for the transfer of various assets and liabilities is not
completed within 6 months after the date of the business transfer, the Company must comply with
the conditions under the Business Transfer Agreement, whereby the Company has to transfer the
right of ownership and use in assets to OR, which is entitled to benefits, interests or profits from
the assets under the agreement from the date of the business transfer until the registration process
is completed.

On Febuary 28, 2019, the Company and OR successfully executed the memorandum for the revision
of the Business Transfer Agreement for extending the period for the process of registering the
transfer of ownership in assets, rights, duties and responsibilities under agreements, in accordance
with the Business Transfer Agreement. In cases where the registration process is not completed
within December 31, 2019, the Company and OR will consider the best solution in order to achieve
their interests.

On January 12, 2020, the Company and OR successfully executed the memorandum for the revision
of the Business Transfer Agreement for extending the period for the process of registering the
transfer of ownership in assets, rights, duties and responsibilities under agreements, in accordance
with the Business Transfer Agreement, whereby it is to be completed within December 31, 2020.
This Agreement is effective on January 1, 2020. As at December 31, 2019, some assets and contracts
have not yet been transferred.

As a result of the Business Transfer Agreement, the Company presented the operating results of
the related oil business unit as discontinued segment. The Company presented the operating results
of the discontinued segment separately from those of the normal operation in the separate financial
statements. The Company reclassified the transactions of this segment that were undertaken in 2018.
However, the Company presented the statement of cash flows before the deduction of discontinued
operations’ portion.


13. The Restructuring of the Oil Business Unit (Continued)

The operating results of the discontinued operations in the financial information for the year ended
December 31, 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Statement of income
Sales and service income 288,790.50
Cost of sales and services (271,949.15)
Gross profit 16,841.35
Other income 2,432.59
Gain on foreign exchange rates 285.71
Profit before expenses 19,559.65
Selling and distribution expenses (7,424.75)
Administrative expenses (3,820.15)
Profit before finance costs and income taxes 8,314.75
Finance costs (3.82)
Profit before income taxes 8,310.93
Income taxes (1,967.25)
Profit for the year from discontinued operations, net of tax 6,343.68
Gain on disposal of discontinued operations 80,659.17*
Income taxes on gain on disposal of discontinued operations (16,241.13)*
Total profit for the year from discontinued operations, net of tax 70,761.72

* Include gain and income taxes relating to the reclassification adjustment resulting from sale of available-for-sale investment.


13. The Restructuring of the Oil Business Unit (Continued)

The operating results of the discontinued operations in the financial information for the year ended
December 31, 2018 are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Statement of comprehensive income
Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods
Loss on measurement of available-for-sale investments (2,079.75)
Income taxes related to available-for-sale investments 415.95
Other comprehensive loss for the year from discontinued operations,
net of tax (1,663.80)*
* Include losses relating to the reclassification adjustment of Baht 1,114.80 million due to sale of available-for-sale investment.

Overall, there is no impact on the consolidated financial statements from the disposal of discontinued
operations since this transaction is the business combination under common control, except for the
impact of income taxes related to the disposal of discontinued operations of Baht 6,032.97 million to
the consolidated financial statements. Income taxes stand for current tax net of deferred tax.

Net cash flows of the discontinued operations for the year ended December 31, 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Net cash provided by operating activities 1,273.75
Net cash used in investing activities (3,563.77)
Net cash used in the discontinued operations (2,290.02)


14. Available-for-sale Investments

14.1 Details of available-for-sale investments as at December 31, 2019 and 2018

Unit: Million Baht
Company name Country of Business Ownership interest Consolidated Separate Dividends income
Incorporation )%( financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Investments in Equity Securities
The Company
Dhipaya Insurance Public Co., Ltd. (TIP) Thailand Insurance 13.33 13.33 312.00 312.00 312.00 312.00 116.00 112.00
Wentworth Resources Limited (WRL) Canada Oil and natural gas exploration 1.18 1.18 33.59 34.91 - - 0.32 -
OR Group
Bangkok Aviation Fuel Services Public Co., Ltd. Thailand Aircraft refuelling services 7.06 7.06 24.00 24.00 - - 61.65 56.70
IRPC Group
Bangkok Union Insurance Public Co., Ltd. (BUI) Thailand Insurance 0.35 0.35 2.35 2.35 - - - -
TPI Polene Public Co., Ltd. (TPIPL) Thailand Property, construction and petrochemicals 0.14 0.14 64.86 64.86 - - 1.43 0.62
Xanadu Mines Ltd. (XML) Mongolia Mineral exploration 3.46 3.80 221.28 238.13 - - - -
Total 658.08 676.25 312.00 312.00

Investment in Debt Securities

Debt Securities Available for Sale (in Private Fund) Thailand Private Fund 1,481.91 5,967.16 - - - -
Total 1,481.91 5,967.16 - -


14. Available-for-sale Investments (Continued)

14.1 Details of available-for-sale investments as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 (Continued)
Unit: Million Baht
Company name Country of Business Ownership interest Consolidated Separate Dividends income
Incorporation )%( financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Investments in Mutual Funds
The Company
Corporate Venture Capital Fund (CVC) United States Mutual fund 627.59 386.48 627.59 386.48 - -
of America/
The Group
CIMB - PRINCIPAL Energy and Petrochemical Thailand Mutual fund 854.03 854.03 254.03 254.03 21.70 8.68
Vayupak Fund 1 (VAYU1)** Thailand Mutual fund 14.64 15.00 10.00 10.00 0.09 0.09
Total 1,496.26 1,255.51 891.62 650.51

Total available-for-sale investments before 3,636.25 7,898.92 1,203.62 962.51

changes in value of investments
Allowance for changes in value 3,086.73 3,015.36 1,783.08 1,617.05
Less Allowance for impairment (35.63) (38.35) - -
Total 6,687.35 10,875.93 2,986.70 2,579.56 201.19 178.09

* Held by the Company, PTTGC Group and TOP Group

** Held by the Company, PTTLNG, EnCo, PTTRTC, PTT TANK Group, PTTNGD Group, OR Group, PTTT Group and PTTER Group


14. Available-for-sale Investments (Continued)

14.2 Movements in available-for-sale investments are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
As at January 1, 10,875.93 17,602.41 2,579.56 4,533.10
- Additional investments 241.11 177.49 241.11 177.49
- Reclassifications - (3,284.29) - -
- Disposal of investments (4,485.58) (2,737.43) - (24.00)
- Unrealized gain (loss) on
available-for-sale investments 60.26 (880.56) 166.03 (2,107.03)
- Currency translation differences (4.37) (1.69) - -
As at December 31, 6,687.35 10,875.93 2,986.70 2,579.56


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates

15.1 Details of subsidiaries and joint operations of the subsidiaries

Company name Country of Business Ownership interest )%(

2019 2018
Subsidiaries of PTTEP Group:
PTTEP International Limited (PTTEPI) Thailand Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Offshore Investment Company Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
Limited (PTTEPO)
PTTEP Southwest Vietnam Company Limited Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Kim Long Vietnam Company Limited Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Hoang-Long Company Limited Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Hoan-Vu Company Limited (PTTEP HV) Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Algeria Company Limited (PTTEP AG) Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Services Limited (PTTEP Services) Thailand Human resource support 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Siam Limited (PTTEPS) Thailand Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Holding Company Limited (PTTEPH) Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Indonesia Company Limited (PTTEP ID) Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Africa Investment Limited Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Australia Pty Limited (PTTEP AU) Australia Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP South Asia Limited (PTTEP SA) Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Semai II Limited (PTTEP SM) Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Australia Perth Pty Limited Australia Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP International Holding Co., Ltd. Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Southwest Vietnam Pipeline Co., Ltd. Cayman Islands Gas transmission pipelines 100.00 100.00
PTTEP FLNG Holding Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Netherland Holding Limited Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
JV Marine Limited (JV Marine) Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP South Mandar Limited Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP South Sageri Limited Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Sadang Limited (PTTEP SD) Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Malunda Limited (PTTEP ML) Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00

* On August 24, 2017, PTTEP approved for the registration for the dissolution of PTTEP FH. It is currently in process of dissolution.


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.1 Details of subsidiaries and joint operations of the subsidiaries (Continued)

Company name Country of Business Ownership interest )%(

2019 2018
Subsidiaries of PTTEP Group: (Continued)
PTTEP Netherlands Coöperatie U.A. Netherlands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Canada Limited (PTTEP CA) Canada Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Canada International Finance Limited Canada Funding services for 100.00 100.00
(PTTEP CIF) the Group’s business
PTTEP HK Holding Limited (PTTEP HK) Hong Kong Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Netherlands Holding Coöperatie U.A. Netherlands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Brazil Investment B.V. (PTTEP BI) Netherlands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Brazil Investments in Oil and Gas Brazil Petroleum 100.00 100.00
Exploration and Production Limitada
PTTEP Australia Offshore Pty Ltd Australia Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Australia Browse Basin Pty Ltd Australia Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Australia Timor Sea Pty Ltd Australia Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Australasia (Operations) Pty Ltd Australia Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Australasia (Ashmore Cartier) Pty Ltd Australia Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Australasia (Staff) Pty Ltd Australia Petroleum 100.00 100.00
Cove Energy Limited (Cove) England Petroleum 100.00 100.00
Cove Energy Mozambique Rovuma Onshore Cyprus Petroleum 100.00 100.00
Limited (CEMROL)*
Cove Energy East Africa Limited (CEEAL) Cyprus Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Mozambique Area 1 Limited Cyprus Petroleum 100.00 100.00
Cove Energy Kenya Limited (CEKL)* Kenya Petroleum 100.00 100.00
Sinphuhorm Holdings Limited (SHL) Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP SP Limited (PTTEP SP) England Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP G7 Limited (PTTEP G7) Thailand Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP HK Offshore Limited (PTTEP HKO) Hong Kong Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Treasury Center Company Limited Thailand Treasury center for 100.00 100.00
(PTTEP TC) the Group’s business
PTTEP Business Center Company Limited Thailand Petroleum 100.00 100.00
PTTEP Mexico E&P Limited, S. de R.L. de Mexico Petroleum 100.00 100.00
* On May 22, 2017, PTTEP approved for the registration for the dissolution of CEMROL and CEKL. They are currently in process of dissolution.


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.1 Details of subsidiaries and joint operations of the subsidiaries (Continued)

Company name Country of Business Ownership interest )%(

2019 2018
Subsidiaries of PTTEP Group: (Continued)
PTTEP Energy Holding (Thailand) Company Thailand Petroleum 100.00 100.00
Limited (PTTEP EH)
PTTEP Energy Development Company Thailand Petroleum 100.00 100.00
Limited (PTTEP ED)
EP-Tech Ventures Holding Company Limited Thailand Petroleum related 100.00 100.00
(EP-Tech) Technology
AI and Robotics Ventures Company Limited Thailand Technology 100.00 100.00
PTTEP MENA Limited (PTTEP MENA) Hong Kong Petroleum 100.00 100.00

PTTEP Sabah Oil Limited (PTTEP SBO) Bahamas Petroleum 100.00 -

PTTEP Sarawak Oil Limited (PTTEP SKO) Bahamas Petroleum 100.00 -

Partex Holding B.V. (PHBV) Netherlands Petroleum 100.00 -

Partex Oil and Gas (Holdings) Corporation Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 -
Partex (Kazakhstan) Corporation (PKC) Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 -

Partex (Angola) Corporation (PANG) Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 -

Partex (Brazil) Corporation (PBC) Cayman Islands Petroleum 100.00 -

Partex Gas Corporation (PGC) Panama Petroleum 100.00 -

Partex Services Corporation (PSC) Panama Human resource support 100.00 -

Participations and Explorations Corporation Panama Petroleum 100.00 -

Partex (Oman) Corporation (POC) Panama Petroleum 100.00 -

Partex Services Portugal – Serviços para a Portugal Human resource support 100.00 -
Indústria Petrolífera, S.A. (PSP)
Partex Brasil Ltda. (PBL) Brazil Petroleum 100.00 -

Partex Brasil Operações Petrolíferas Ltda Brazil Human resource support 100.00 -
Subsidiary of PTTNGD Group:
Amata Natural Gas Distribution Co., Ltd. Thailand Natural gas 80.00 80.00
Subsidiary of PTTGL Group:
PTTGL Investment Limited (PTTGLI) Hong Kong Investing in LNG business 100.00 100.00


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.1 Details of subsidiaries and joint operations of the subsidiaries (Continued)

Company name Country of Business Ownership interest )%(

2019 2018
Subsidiaries of GPSC Group:
Combined Heat and Power Producing Co., Thailand Production and distribution 100.00 100.00
Ltd. (CHPP) of electricity and chilled
water/construction and
installation of electricity
generating system
Natee Synergy Co., Ltd. (NSC) Thailand Holding company 100.00 100.00
IRPC Clean power Co.,Ltd. (IRPCCP) Thailand Production and distribution 51.00 51.00
(The Group holds 100% shareholding) of electricity, steam and
water for industrial purpose
Ichinoseki Solar Power 1 GK (ICHINOSEKI) Japan Production and distribution 99.00 99.00
of electricity
GPSC International Holdings Limited Hong Kong Holding company 100.00 100.00
Global Renewable Power Co., Ltd. (GRP) Thailand Holding company 100.00 100.00
Glow Energy Public Company Limited Thailand Production and distribution 99.83 -
(GEN) of electricity
(Former : GLOW)
GPSC Holding (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (GHT) Thailand Holding company 100.00 -
(Former : ENGIE Holding (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (EHT))
Energy Recovery Unit Co., Ltd. (ERU) Thailand Production and distribution 100.00 -
of electricity
Glow Company Limited (GCO) Thailand Consultant management 100.00 -
service for related companies
Glow SPP 2 Company Limited (GSPP2) Thailand Production and distribution 100.00 -
of electricity power and
steam for industrial
Glow SPP 3 Company Limited (GSPP3) Thailand Production and distribution 100.00 -
of electricity power, steam
and water for industrial
Glow SPP 11 Company Limited (GSPP11) Thailand Production and distribution 100.00 -
of electricity power and
water for industrial
Glow IPP 3 Company Limited (GIPP3) Thailand Development of electricity 100.00 -
power production project
Glow IPP 2 Holding Company Limited Thailand Investing in other companies 100.00 -
Houay Ho Thai Company Limited (HHTC) Thailand Investing in other companies 49.00 -
Glow IPP Company Limited (GIPP) Thailand Production and distribution 95.00 -
of electricity to EGAT
GHECO-One Company Limited (GHECO1) Thailand Production and distribution 65.00 -
of electricity power to EGAT
Houay Ho Power Company Limited (HHPC) Lao Production and distribution 67.25 -
of electricity power to EGAT
and EDL
Glow Energy Myanmar Company Limited Myanmar Technical consultants for 100.00 -
(GEMM) electricity businesses


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.1 Details of subsidiaries and joint operations of the subsidiaries (Continued)

Company name Country of Business Ownership interest )%(

2019 2018
Subsidiaries of OR Group:
PTT Retail Management Co., Ltd. (PTTRM) Thailand Petrol station and 100.00 100.00
convenience store
PTT Retail Service Co., Ltd. (PTTRS) Thailand Human resource management 100.00 100.00
Thai Lube Blending Co., Ltd. (TLBC) Thailand Blending and bottling of 100.00 100.00
lube oil
PTT Philippines Trading Corporation Philippines Oil marketing 100.00 100.00
PTT Philippines Corporation (PTTPC) Philippines Oil marketing 100.00 100.00
PTT (Cambodia) Limited (PTTCL) Cambodia Oil marketing 100.00 100.00
PTT Oil Myanmar Co., Ltd. (PTTOM) Myanmar Business services 100.00 100.00
PTT (Lao) Co., Ltd. (PTT Lao) Lao Oil marketing 100.00 100.00
PTTOR China (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. China Lube products 100.00 100.00
(PTTOR China)
PTTOR Singapore Pte. Ltd. (PTTORSG) Singapore Retail business 100.00 100.00
PTTOR International Holdings (Thailand) Thailand Investing in other companies 100.00 -
Company Limited (THHOLDCO)
PTTOR International Holdings (Singapore) Singapore Investing in other companies 100.00 -
Pte. Ltd. (SGHOLDCO)
Subsidiary of PTTT Group:

PTT International Trading DMCC United Arab International oil trading 100.00 100.00
(PTTT DMCC) Emirates
Subsidiaries of PTTGC Group:
PTT Phenol Co., Ltd. (PPCL) Thailand Manufacturing and 100.00 100.00
distributing petrochemical
GC Maintenance & Engineering Co., Ltd. Thailand Factory maintenance and 100.00 100.00
(GCME) engineering services
Thai Tank Terminal Limited (TTT) Thailand Service for the storage and 51.00 51.00
handling of liquid chemicals,
oil and gas
NPC Safety and Environmental Service Thailand Safety and environmental 100.00 100.00
Co., Ltd. (NPCSE) services
GC Styrenics Co., Ltd. (GCS) Thailand Manufacturing and 100.00 100.00
distributing petrochemical
PTTGC International (Netherlands) B.V. Netherlands Holding and operating 100.00 100.00
(GCINTERNL) international business
GC Glycol Co., Ltd. (Glycol) Thailand Manufacturing and 100.00 100.00
distributing petrochemical
Global Green Chemicals Plc. (GGC) Thailand Manufacturing and 72.29 72.29
distributing biochemical
Solution Creation Co., Ltd. Thailand Manufacturing and 100.00 100.00
(SOLUTIONCRE) distributing petrochemical
products and health and
nutrition products


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

14.1 Details of subsidiaries and joint operations of the subsidiaries (Continued)

Company name Country of Business Ownership interest )%(

2019 2018
Subsidiaries of PTTGC Group: (Continued)
Bio Spectrum Co., Ltd. (BIOSPEC)* Thailand Manufacturing and - 100.00
distributing biochemical
Auria BioChemicals Co., Ltd. (AURIA)** Thailand Research and development of - 100.00
bio-based chemicals
PTTGC International Private Limited (GC Inter) Singapore Holding and operating 100.00 100.00
international business
GC Oxirane Co., Ltd. (GCO) Thailand Manufacturing and 100.00 100.00
distributing petrochemicals
GC Polyols Co., Ltd. (GCP) Thailand Manufacturing and 82.10 82.10
distributing petrochemicals
GC Treasury Co., Ltd. (GCTC) Thailand Financial service 100.00 100.00
management for the group
GC Logistics Solutions Co., Ltd. (GCL) Thailand Transportation, warehouse 100.00 100.00
and bagging packing
management of polyethylene
GC Marketing Solutions Co., Ltd. (GCM) Thailand Development, marketing and 100.00 100.00
distributing polymers products,
by products and other
polymers-related products
PTTGC International (USA) Inc. United States of Holding and operating 100.00 100.00
(GCINTERUSA) America international business
Thai Fatty Alcohols Co., Ltd. (TFA) Thailand Manufacturing and 72.29 72.29
distributing biochemical
PTTGC Innovation America Corporation (GCIA) United States of Research and development of 100.00 100.00
America bio-based chemicals
PTTGC America Corporation United States of Holding and operating 100.00 100.00
(AMERICACORP) America international business
PTTGC America LLC (AMERICALLC) United States of Operating in petrochemical 100.00 100.00
America business
NPC S&E Security Guard Co., Ltd. (NPCSG) Thailand Safety services 100.00 100.00
Vencorex (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Thailand Manufacturing and 100.00 100.00
(VENCOREXTH) distributing chemical
Vencorex France S.A.S. (VCF) France Manufacturing and 100.00 100.00
distributing chemical
Vencorex Holding (VCR) France Manufacturing and 90.82 90.82
distributing chemical
PL Global Transport Co., Ltd. (PLGT) Thailand Transportation of polyethylene 100.00 100.00
GCM Polymer Marketing DMCC United Arab Distributing polymer products 100.00 100.00
(GCM DMCC) (Former : Polymer Marketing Emirates and other polymers-related
DMCC (PM DMCC)) products
GC Marketing SolutionsVietnam Company Vietnam Distributing polymer 100.00 100.00
Ltd. (GCM Vietnam) (Former : Polymer products and other polymers-
Marketing Vietnam Company Limited (PM Vietnam)) related products
* The liquidation process was completed on January 18, 2019.
** The liquidation process was completed on April 4, 2019.


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.1 Details of subsidiaries and joint operations of the subsidiaries (Continued)

Company name Country of Business Ownership interest )%(

2019 2018
Subsidiaries of PTTGC Group: (Continued)
GC Estate Co., Ltd. (GCEC) Thailand Real estate development 100.00 100.00
for rent and to invest in
petrochemical and related
GC Ventures Co., Ltd. (GCV) Thailand Invest in form of Corporate 100.00 100.00
Venture Capital (CVC)
GC Ventures America Corporation (GCVA) United States of Invest in form of Corporate 100.00 100.00
America Venture Capital (CVC)
outside Thailand
GC Marketing Solutions Myanmar Company Myanmar Distributing polymer 100.00 100.00
Limited (GCM Myanmar) products and other polymers-
(Former : Polymer Marketing Myanmar Company related products
Limited (PM Myanmar))
GC-M PTA Company Limited (GCM PTA) Thailand Manufacturing and 74.00 74.00
(Former : Siam Mitsui PTA Co., Ltd. (SMPC)) distributing petrochemical
Thai PET Resin Co., Ltd. (TPRC) Thailand Manufacturing and 74.00 74.00
distributing petrochemical
GGC Biochemicals Co., Ltd. Thailand Holding and operating in 100.00 100.00
(GGC Biochemicals) Thailand
GC Logistics Solutions (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. Vietnam Logistics, warehouse 100.00 -
(GCLSVN) management and
polyethylene resin
PT GCM Marketing Solutions Indonesia Indonesia Distribution of polymers 67.00 -
(GCMINDONESIA) products and other polymers-
related products
Subsidiaries of TOP Group:
Thaioil Power Co., Ltd. (TP) Thailand Power and steam generation 73.99 73.99
(The Group holds 100% shareholding) and distribution
Thai Paraxylene Co., Ltd. (TPX) Thailand Paraxylene manufacturing 99.99 99.99
and distribution
Thai Lube Base Public Company Limited Thailand Lube base oil refining and 99.99 99.99
(TLB) distribution
Thaioil Marine Co., Ltd. (TM) Thailand Providing marine 99.99 99.99
transportation services for
petroleum and liquid
chemical products
Thaioil Ethanol Co., Ltd. (TET) Thailand Investment in ethanol 99.99 99.99
business and alternative
energy products
Thaioil Energy Services Co., Ltd. (TES) Thailand Providing human resource 99.99 99.99
Thaioil Solvent Co., Ltd. (TOS) Thailand Investment in solvent and 99.99 99.99
chemical businesses
TOP SPP Co., Ltd. (TOPSPP) Thailand Power and steam generation 99.99 99.99
and distribution
Thaioil Treasury Center Co., Ltd. (TTC) Thailand Treasury center for 99.99 99.99
the Group’s business


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.1 Details of subsidiaries and joint operations of the subsidiaries (Continued)

Company name Country of Business Ownership interest )%(

2019 2018
Subsidiaries of TOP Group: (Continued)
Sapthip Co., Ltd. (SAPTHIP) Thailand Ethanol products manufacturing 50.00 50.00
and distribution
TOP Solvent Co., Ltd. (TS) Thailand Distribution of solvent and 99.99 99.99
chemical products
Sak Chaisidhi Co., Ltd. (SAKC) Thailand Solvent and chemical products 80.52 80.52
manufacturing and distribution
TOP Solvent (Vietnam) LLC. (TSV) Vietnam Distribution of solvent and 100.00 100.00
chemical products
Thaioil Marine International Pte. Ltd. (TOMI) Singapore Investment in marine 100.00 100.00
transportation for crude oil and
petroleum product business
TOP Maritime Service Co., Ltd. (TMS) Thailand Providing marine transportation 99.99 99.99
services for crew and utilities in
Gulf of Thailand
LABIX Co., Ltd. (LABIX) Thailand Linear Alkyl Benzene 75.00 75.00
manufacturing and distribution
Sapthip Green Energy Co., Ltd. (SGE) Thailand Biogas power generation and 99.99 99.99
PT.Tirta Surya Raya (PTSR) Indonesia Distribution of solvent and 67.00 -
chemical products
TOP Venture Company Limited (TVT) Thailand Invest in Corporate Venture 99.99 -
Capital (CVC) and/or Startups
TOP Ventures Hong Kong Limited (TVHK) Hongkong Invest in Corporate Venture 100.00 -
Capital (CVC) and/or Startups
TOP Ventures America LLC (TVUSLLC) United States of Invest in Corporate Venture 100.00 -
America Capital (CVC) and/or Startups
Subsidiaries of IRPC Group:

Thai ABS Co., Ltd. (TABS)* Thailand Manufacturing and sales of - 99.99
plastic resin
IRPC A&L Company Limited (IRPCAL) Thailand Distributing petrochemical 57.48 59.98
IRPC Oil Company Limited (OIRPC) Thailand Sales of oil products and gas 99.99 99.99
Rak Phasak Company Limited (RAKPHASAK) Thailand Oil vessel renting 99.99 99.99

IRPC Technology Company Limited Thailand Vocational school 99.99 99.99

R. Solution Co., Ltd. (IRPCS)** Thailand Service for security - 99.50

I-polymer Company Limited (IPOL) Thailand Distributing plastic resin and 55.00 99.99
chemical products via E-Commerce
* In the second quarter of 2019, IRPC disposed all of the investment in TABS.
** In the first quarter of 2019, IRPC disposed all of the investment in IRPCS.


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.1 Details of subsidiaries and joint operations of the subsidiaries (Continued)

Company name Country of Business Ownership interest )%(

2019 2018
Subsidiaries of PTTGM Group:
PTT Mining Limited (PTTML) Hong Kong Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
Straits (Brunei) Pte. Ltd. (Straits (Brunei)) Singapore Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
Sakari Resources Ltd. (SAR) Singapore Investing in coal mine 95.82 95.82
Yoxford Holdings (YOXFORD) Mauritius Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
Madagascar Consolidated Mining SA Madagascar Coal mines 80.00 80.00
Tiger Energy Trading Pte. Ltd. (TET) Singapore Coal mine marketing 100.00 100.00
Sakari Energy Pte. Ltd. (SAEnergy) Singapore Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
Reyka Wahana Digdjaya Pte. Ltd. (RWD) Singapore Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
Sakari Energy Trading Pte. Ltd. (SET) Singapore Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
Sakari Marine & Infrastructure Pte. Ltd. Singapore Marine engineering 100.00 100.00
PT Straits Consultancy Services (SCS) Indonesia Management services 100.00 100.00
PT Bahari Perdana Persada (BPPD) Indonesia Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
PT Bahari Putra Perdana (BPPN) Indonesia Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
PT Reyka Wahana Digdjaya (RWD) Indonesia Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
PT Bahari Cakrawala Sebuku (BCS) Indonesia Coal mines 100.00 100.00
PT Bumi Borneo Metalindo (BBM) Indonesia Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
PT Citra Pertiwi Nusantara (CPN) Indonesia Coal transport equipment and 100.00 100.00
delivery service
PT Bumiborneo Pertiwi Nusantara (BPN) Indonesia Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
PT Karbon Mahakam (KM) Indonesia Coal mines 100.00 100.00
PT Metalindo Bumi Raya (MBR) Indonesia Coal mines 100.00 100.00
PT Borneo Citrapertiwi Nusantara (BCN) Indonesia Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
PT Separi Energy (SE) Indonesia Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
PT Jembayan Muarabara (JMB) Indonesia Coal mines 100.00 100.00
PT Kemilau Rindang Abadi (KRA) Indonesia Coal mines 100.00 100.00
PT Arzara Baraindo Energitama (ABE) Indonesia Coal mines 100.00 100.00
PT Cakrawala Abadi Jaya (CAJ) Indonesia Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
PT Sakti Utama Luas (SUL) Indonesia Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
Tri Tunggall Lestari Bersama (TTLB) Indonesia Infrastructure business 100.00 100.00


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.1 Details of subsidiaries and joint operations of the subsidiaries (Continued)

Company name Country of Business Ownership interest )%(

2019 2018
Subsidiaries of PTTGM Group: (Continued)
PT Makassar Prima Coal (MPC)* Indonesia Coal mines - 70.00
PTT International Holding Limited (PTTIH) Hong Kong Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
PTT International Investment Limited (PTTII) Hong Kong Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
PTT International (Singapore) Company Pte. Singapore Investing in other companies 100.00 100.00
Limited (PTT Inter (Sing))
Sakari Royal Limited (SRL)** Cambodia Coal mines 70.00 70.00
Global Management Holding Co., Ltd. (GMH) Thailand Domestic investment 100.00 -
Siam Management Holding Co., Ltd. (SMH) Thailand Domestic investment 100.00 -
PT Sentika Mitra Persada (SMP) Indonesia Coal mines 100.00 -
PT Mutiara Kapuas (MK) Indonesia Coal mines 100.00 -
Subsidiaries of PTTGE Group:
Sabran Brothers Pte. Ltd. (Sabran)*** Singapore Investing in other companies - 100.00
PTT Green Energy (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Thailand Management services for 100.00 100.00
Subsidiary of BSA Group:
Sport Services Alliance Co., Ltd. (SSS) Thailand Football club management 100.00 100.00
(Former : SSA)
Business Professional Solutions Co., Ltd. (BPS) Thailand Business management 100.00 100.00
Joint operations of PTTEP Group:
Carigali - PTTEPI Operating Company Malaysia Petroleum 50.00 50.00
Sdn. Bhd. (CPOC)
Moattama Gas Transportation Company Bermuda Gas pipeline transportation 25.50 25.50
Taninthayi Pipeline Company LLC (TPC) Cayman Islands Gas pipeline transportation 19.32 19.32
Orange Energy Limited (Orange) Thailand Petroleum 53.95 53.95
B8/32 Partners Limited (B8/32 Partners) Thailand Petroleum 25.00 25.00
Andaman Transportation Limited (ATL) Cayman Islands Gas pipeline transportation 80.00 80.00
Groupement Bir Seba (GBRS) Algeria Petroleum 35.00 35.00
Natuna 2 B.V. (Natuna 2) Netherlands Petroleum 50.00 50.00
Hoang-Long Joint Operating Company Vietnam Petroleum 28.50 28.50
Hoan-Vu Joint Operating Company (HV JOC) Vietnam Petroleum 25.00 25.00
Petroleum Development Oman LLC (PDO) Oman Petroleum 2.00 -
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (ADGP) United Arab Petroleum 2.00 -
Private Oil Holdings Oman Limited (POHOL) England Petroleum 5.00 -

* Completely closed PT Makassar Prima Coal on August 15, 2019.

** Under liquidation process.
*** The Board of Directors of the Company passed a resolution to approve Sabran closed, consistent with the restructuring policy of the Group. Sabran was
completely closed on November 14, 2019.


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.2 Details of investments in joint ventures in the consolidated financial statements as at December 31, 2019 and 2018
Unit: Million Baht
Consolidated financial statements
Company name Country of Business Ownership interest Cost method Equity method Dividends income
Incorporation )%(
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Joint Ventures
The Company
Trans Thai-Malaysia (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (TTM(T)) Thailand Natural gas 50.00 50.00 4,341.80 4,341.80 4,124.60 4,360.08 408.13
438.52 408.13
Trans Thai-Malaysia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (TTM(M)) Malaysia Natural gas 50.00 50.00 1,001.31 1,001.31 1,096.73 1,287.38 199.99 182.33
District Cooling System and Power Plant Co., Ltd. Thailand Generation and supply of electricity and chilled water 35.00 35.00 584.50 584.50 985.60 936.03 18.70 19.67
Erawan 2 FSO Bahamas Limited (Erawan 2) Bahamas FSO rental services 13.11 13.11 470.43 506.26 545.78 565.02 77.31 95.26
APICO LLC (APICOLLC) United States Petroleum 72.82 - 3,938.96 - 3,841.17 - 196.99 -
of America
Oman LNG LLC (OLNG) Oman Petroleum 2.00 - 2,501.44 - 2,408.86 - 95.29 -
GPSC Group
Thai Solar Renewable Co., Ltd. (TSR) Thailand Invest in other company 40.00 40.00 1,697.00 1,697.00 1,579.05 1,638.80 404.37 382.43
Nam Lik 1 Power Co., Ltd. (NL1PC) Laos Generate and supply electricity 40.00 40.00 494.33 427.63 554.92 463.49 - -
Nava Nakorn Electricity Generating Co., Ltd. (NNEG) Thailand Generate and supply electricity 30.00 30.00 488.40 488.40 482.37 536.28 120.00 108.00
Thai Ethoxylate Co., Ltd. (TEX) Thailand Manufacturing and distributing of petrochemical products 50.00 50.00 210.00 210.00 584.84 735.69 222.60 91.35
Emery Oleochemicals (M) Sdn. Bhd. (EOM) Malaysia Manufacturing and distributing of biochemical products 50.00 50.00 4,965.77 4,965.77 4,494.76 4,519.32 - -
Emery Specialty Chemicals Sdn. Bhd. (ESC) Malaysia Manufacturing and distributing of chemical specialties 50.00 50.00 407.04 407.04 - - - -
NatureWorks LLC (NTR) United States Manufacturing and distributing of bioplastic products 50.00 50.00 4,793.33 4,793.33 3,274.20 2,842.40 316.09 321.00
of America


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.2 Details of investments in joint ventures in the consolidated financial statements as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 (Continued)
Unit: Million Baht
Consolidated financial statements
Company name Country of Business Ownership interest Cost method Equity method Dividends income
Incorporation )%(
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Joint Ventures (Continued)
PTTGC Group (Continued)
PTT MCC Biochem Co., Ltd. (PTTMCC) Thailand Petrochemicals 50.00 50.00 930.12 930.12 176.14 214.68 - -
PTT Asahi Chemicals Co., Ltd. (PTTAC) Thailand Petrochemicals 50.00 50.00 6,909.41 6,909.41 10,877.75 9,569.39 - -
HMC Polymers Co., Ltd. (HMC) Thailand Petrochemicals 41.44 41.44 9,117.12 9,117.12 12,337.39 12,885.23 827.86 1,242.21
GGC KTIS Bioindustrial Company Limited (GKBI) Thailand Manufacturing and distributing of biofuel 50.00 - 523.75 - 512.34 - - -
Revolve Group Limited (RGL) England Manufacturing and distributing of chemical 49.00 - 269.54 - 195.53 - - -
TOP Group
TOP-NTL Pte. Ltd. (TOP-NTL) Singapore Fund management services 50.00 50.00 0.25 0.25 17.96 15.80 - -
TOP-NTL Shipping Trust (TOP-NTL(BT)) Singapore Investing in other companies 50.00 50.00 24.05 24.05 73.54 67.29 - -
TOP-NYK MarineOne Pte. Ltd. (TOP-NYK) Singapore Marine transportation services 50.00 50.00 273.88 273.88 404.89 432.28 - 34.00
TOP Nautical Star Co., Ltd. (TOP-NS) Thailand Storage and marine transportation services 35.00 35.00 52.50 52.50 119.93 110.19 - -
IRPC Group
IRPC Polyol Co., Ltd. (IRPCP) Thailand Manufacturing and sales of chemical products 50.00 50.00 150.00 150.00 - 45.92 - -
for polyurethanes
WHA Industrial Estate Rayong Co., Ltd. (WHA IER) Thailand Industrial estate development 40.00 40.00 260.00 65.00 257.28 64.50 - -


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.2 Details of investments in joint ventures in the consolidated financial statements as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 (Continued)
Unit: Million Baht
Consolidated financial statements
Company name Country of Business Ownership interest Cost method Equity method Dividends income
Incorporation )%(
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Joint Ventures (Continued)
OGP Energy Solutions Company Limited (OGPS) Thailand Energy management and energy-related services 40.00 40.00 55.46 38.23 41.79 27.29 - -
FEE (Bru) Pte. Ltd. (FEEBRU) Singapore Coal mines 35.00 35.00 198.23 213.32 124.73 134.23 - -
Chancellor Oil Pte. Ltd. (Chancellor)* Singapore Investing in other companies - 77.56 - 2,949.98 - 1,288.56 - -
OR Group
Brighter PTT Oil and Retail Business Company Myanmar Investing in oil market and retail business 51.00 - 7.15 - 6.34 - - -
Limited (BOR)
Brighter Energy Company Limited (BE) Myanmar Warehousing and distribution of petroleum 35.00 - 494.14 - 486.83 - - -
The Group
Map Ta Phut Air Products Company Limited (MAP) Thailand Production and distribution of industrial gas 51.00 - 35.63 - 32.23 - - -
(The Company holds 49.00% shareholding)

45,195.54 40,146.90 49,637.55 42,739.85

Less Allowance for impairment (348.23) (3,163.31) (124.73) (1,422.79)
Total 44,847.31 36,983.59 49,512.82 41,317.06 2,917.72 2,884.38

* On April 30, 2019, PTTGE sold all investment in Chancellor.


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.3 Details of investments in associates in the consolidated financial statements as at December 31, 2019 and 2018
Unit: Million Baht
Consolidated financial statements
Company name Country of Business Ownership interest Cost method Equity method Dividends income
Incorporation )%(
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
PTTEP AP Group’s associates* Australia Airbase services 50.00 50.00 45.16 48.59 149.90 231.54 - -
Leismer Aerodrome Limited (LAL) Canada Air transportation 32.00 32.00 128.31 131.78 115.66 125.65 - -
GPSC Group
Bangpa-in Cogeneration Co., Ltd. (BIC) Thailand Generate and supply electricity 25.00 25.00 923.75 923.75 866.26 879.02 131.87 81.15
Xayaburi Power Co., Ltd. (XPCL) Laos Generate and supply electricity 25.00 25.00 6,993.51 6,672.53 6,727.87 6,168.79 - -
Eastern Seaboard Clean Energy Company Thailand Studying, generating and supply electricity for 33.33 - 339.27 - 332.90 - - -
Limited (ESCE) industrial use including generating electricity
from renewable energy
OR Group
FST Aviation Services Limited (FST) Hong Kong Aircraft refuelling services 25.00 25.00 0.69 0.72 1.20 1.30 - -
Petro Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (PAT) Thailand Oil marketing 35.00 35.00 131.25 131.25 8.87 - - -
PT Indo Thai Trading (ITT)** Indonesia Petrochemicals - 49.00 - 125.28 - 220.27 - -
Vinythai Plc. (VNT) Thailand Petrochemicals 24.98 24.98 3,297.39 3,297.39 5,641.76 5,130.10 384.85 266.43
Thai Eastern Topseeds Oil Co., Ltd. (TETSO) Thailand Petrochemicals 30.00 30.00 66.60 66.60 28.17 57.06 - -
S.P. Petpack Inter Group Co., Ltd. (SPPETPACK) Thailand Petrochemicals 25.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 48.94 45.84 - -

* Associates of PTTEP AP Group consist of Mungalalu Truscott Airbase Pty Ltd. and Troughton Island Pty Ltd.
** On July 31, 2019, a subsidiary of PTTGC Group sold all investment in ITT.


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.3 Details of investments in associates in the consolidated financial statements as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 (Continued)
Unit: Million Baht
Consolidated financial statements
Company name Country of Business Ownership interest Cost method Equity method Dividends income
Incorporation )%(
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Associates (Continued)
PTTGC Group (Continued)
Kuraray GC Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. (KGC) Thailand Manufacturing of chemical specialties 33.40 33.40 670.51 470.10 629.40 469.52 - -
TOP Group
T.I.M Ship Management Co., Ltd. (TIM) Thailand Marine transportation services 33.33 33.33 1.00 1.00 2.73 - - -
Ubon Bio Ethanol Co., Ltd. (UBE) Thailand Manufacturing and distributing of ethanol 21.28 21.28 769.55 769.55 809.71 818.57 - -
IRPC Group
UBE Chemicals (Asia) Public Co., Ltd. (UCHA) Thailand Manufacturing and sales of petrochemical products 25.00 25.00 5,299.82 5,299.82 4,916.85 5,113.63 99.34 34.91
East Mediterranean Gas Company S.A.E. (EMG) Egypt Natural gas transmission pipelines 25.00 25.00 14,741.74 15,864.11 11,864.45 12,767.76 - -
Gulf MTP LNG Terminal Co., Ltd. (GMTP) Boat picking up service, Unloading and storage of 30.00 - 262.50 - 262.73 - - -
liquefied natural gas, as well as transforming from
liquid to gas
The Group
Thai Petroleum Pipeline Co., Ltd. (THAPPLINE) Thailand Oil transmission pipelines 49.21 49.21 3,952.72 3,952.72 5,113.05 5,086.82 860.37 831.28
(OR Group holds 40.53% shareholding)

Eastern Fluid Transport Co., Ltd. (EFT) Thailand Infrastructure 37.65 22.65 3.77 2.27 14.17 20.15 21.08 7.48
(PTTGC Group holds 22.65% shareholding)

37,677.54 37,807.46 37,534.62 37,136.02

Less Allowance for impairment (14,872.99) (15,995.36) (11,864.45) (12,767.76)
Total 22,804.55 21,812.10 25,670.17 24,368.26 1,497.51 1,221.25


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.4 Details of investments in subsidiaries in the separate financial statements as at December 31, 2019 and 2018
Unit: Million Baht
Separate financial statements
Company name Country of Business Ownership interest )%( Cost method Dividends income
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
PTT Exploration and Production Public Co., Ltd. (PTTEP) Thailand Petroleum exploration and production 65.29 65.29 71,390.42 71,390.42 14,255.23 11,663.37
PTT LNG Co., Ltd. (PTTLNG) Thailand Natural gas 100.00 100.00 22,422.34 18,913.89 2,117.14 1,728.87
PTT Natural Gas Distribution Co., Ltd. (PTTNGD) Thailand Natural gas 58.00 58.00 418.14 418.14 986.00 1,160.00
PTT Global LNG Co., Ltd. (PTTGL) Thailand Investing in LNG business 50.00 50.00 5,210.72 5,210.72 - -
(The Group holds 100% shareholding)

Energy Complex Co., Ltd. (EnCo) Thailand Real estate development for rent 50.00 50.00 900.00 900.00 69.90 64.00
(The Group holds 100% shareholding)

PTT Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. (PTTES) Thailand Technical and operational services 40.00 40.00 62.50 62.50 - -
(The Group holds 100% shareholding)

Global Power Synergy Public Co., Ltd. (GPSC) Thailand Generation and supply of electricity, steam and water 22.81 22.58 22,024.95 4,949.93 439.75 422.83
(The Group holds 75.23% shareholding) for industries
PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Co., Ltd. (OR) Thailand Management services and oil marketing 100.00 100.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 - -
(Former : PTTOR)

PTT Tank Terminal Co., Ltd. (PTT TANK) Thailand Terminal and warehouse 100.00 100.00 2,500.37 2,500.37 120.00 121.00
PTT International Trading Pte. Ltd. (PTTT) Singapore International trading 100.00 100.00 2.50 2.50 8.09 38.21
PTT International Trading London Limited (PTTT LDN) England International trading 100.00 100.00 347.75 347.75 10.85 -
PTT Global Chemical Public Co., Ltd. (PTTGC) Thailand Petrochemicals and refining 47.92 48.18 46,933.98 47,426.03 7,581.07 9,301.33
(The Group holds 48.42% shareholding)


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.4 Details of investments in subsidiaries in the separate financial statements as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 (Continued)
Unit: Million Baht
Separate financial statements
Company name Country of Business Ownership interest )%( Cost method Dividends income
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Subsidiaries (Continued)
Thai Oil Public Co., Ltd. (TOP) Thailand Oil refining 47.53 48.03 11,016.30 11,132.20 2,096.29 5,225.83
(The Group holds 48.03% shareholding)

IRPC Public Co., Ltd. (IRPC) Thailand Petrochemicals and refining 47.55 48.05 41,899.40 42,339.93 883.77 3,829.68
(The Group holds 48.05% shareholding)

Thai Oil Power Co., Ltd. (TP) Thailand Generation and supply of electricity and steam 26.00 26.00 2,304.76 2,304.76 237.45 182.65
(The Group holds 100% shareholding)

PTT Energy Resources Co., Ltd. (PTTER) Thailand Investment consulting in energy and mining business 100.00 100.00 33,702.67 33,702.67 - -
PTT Global Management Co., Ltd. (PTTGM) Thailand Domestic and international investment 100.00 100.00 54,428.65 54,404.22 - -
PTT Green Energy Pte. Ltd. (PTTGE) Singapore Investing in palm oil business 100.00 100.00 12,403.10 12,403.10 - -
PTT Regional Treasury Center Pte. Ltd. (PTTRTC) Singapore Treasury services 100.00 100.00 31.40 31.40 39.61 -
PTT Treasury Center Co., Ltd. (PTT TCC) Thailand Treasury services 100.00 100.00 20.00 20.00 - -
Business Services Alliance Co., Ltd. (BSA) Thailand Management services 100.00 100.00 0.50 0.50 33.45 55.00
PTT Digital Solutions Co., Ltd. (PTT DIGITAL) Thailand Information technology and communication services 20.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 17.60 16.40
(The Group holds 100% shareholding)

418,050.45 398,491.03
Less Allowance for impairment (82,836.89) (82,836.89)
Total 335,213.56 315,654.14 28,896.20 33,809.17


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.5 Details of investments in joint ventures in the separate financial statements as at December 31, 2019 and 2018
Unit: Million Baht
Separate financial statements
Company name Country of Business Ownership interest )%( Cost method Dividends income
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Joint Ventures
Trans Thai-Malaysia (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (TTM(T)) Thailand Natural gas 50.00 50.00 4,341.80 4,341.80 438.52 408.13
Trans Thai-Malaysia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (TTM(M)) Malaysia Natural gas 50.00 50.00 1,001.31 1,001.31 199.99 182.33
District Cooling System and Power Plant Co., Ltd. (DCAP) Thailand Generation and supply of electricity and chilled water 35.00 35.00 584.50 584.50 18.70 19.67
Map Ta Phut Air Products Company Limited (MAP) Thailand Production and distribution of industrial gas 49.00 - 34.30 - - -
(The Group holds 51.00% shareholding)

Total 5,961.91 5,927.61 657.21 610.13


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.6 Movements in investments in the consolidated and the separate financial statements

15.6.1 Movements in investments in joint ventures under the equity method in the consolidated financial
statements are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

2019 2018
As at January 1, 41,317.06 37,937.15
- Share of profit from investments in joint ventures 3,990.79 6,461.65
- Dividend income (2,917.71) (2,884.38)
- Additional investments 5,666.51 155.36
- Business acquisitions (Note 43.5) 2,502.52 -
- Reclassifications - 104.79
- Disposal of investments (2,822.29) (5.68)
- Reversal of loss on impairment 2,822.29 -
- Share capital reduction - (33.87)
- Share of other comprehensive loss of joint ventures (987.71) (412.37)
- Currency translation differences (58.64) (5.59)
As at December 31, 49,512.82 41,317.06

15.6.2 Movements in investments in associates under the equity method in the consolidated financial
statements are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

2019 2018
As at January 1, 24,368.26 21,979.62
- Share of profit from investments in associates 2,017.20 2,053.37
- Dividend income (1,497.51) (1,221.25)
- Additional investments 783.88 1,368.07
- Business acquisitions (Note 43.1) 330.03 -
- Reclassifications - 131.15
- Disposal of investments (212.12) -
- Share of other comprehensive income (loss) of associates (88.45) 58.36
- Currency translation differences (31.12) (1.06)
As at December 31, 25,670.17 24,368.26


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.6 Movements in investments in the consolidated and the separate financial statements (Continued)

15.6.3 Movements in investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates under the cost method in
the separate financial statements are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

2019 2018
As at January 1, 321,581.75 228,030.17
- Additional investments 20,642.20 120,635.44
- Disposal of investments (1,048.48) (4,508.24)
- Loss on impairment - (22,706.87)
- Reversal of loss on impairment - 131.25
As at December 31, 341,175.47 321,581.75


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.7 Summary financial information of the material joint ventures of the Group are as follows:

Statements of financial position as at December 31, 2019 and 2018

Unit: Million Baht

2019 2018


Current assets 4,842.76 2,353.64 1,024.00 5,158.25 7,509.71 5,101.82 2,322.60 1,045.57 6,063.62 9,017.95

Non-current assets 11,276.34 3,694.31 2,263.64 21,186.05 25,477.63 13,367.07 4,599.63 2,419.54 21,710.38 26,441.47

Current liabilities (1,400.26) (780.85) (466.42) (1,428.39) (5,364.59) (1,583.90) (856.05) (716.28) (1,415.41) (4,826.40)

Non-current liabilities (6,469.64) (3,073.64) (5.22) (3,160.40) (5,186.35) (8,164.82) (3,491.44) (74.45) (7,219.80) (6,876.61)

Net assets (100%) 8,249.20 2,193.46 2,816.00 21,755.51 22,436.40 8,720.17 2,574.74 2,674.38 19,138.79 23,756.41

Group’s share of net assets 4,124.60 1,096.73 985.60 10,877.75 9,297.64 4,360.08 1,287.38 936.03 9,569.39 9,844.66

Adjustment - - - - 3,039.75 - - - - 3,040.57

Carrying amount of interest
in joint ventures 4,124.60 1,096.73 985.60 10,877.75 12,337.39 4,360.08 1,287.38 936.03 9,569.39 12,885.23


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.7 Summary financial information of the material joint ventures of the Group are as follows: (Continued)

Statements of income for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018

Unit: Million Baht

2019 2018


Revenue* 3,067.96 665.04 2,776.51 13,941.63 27,557.12 3,038.23 740.81 2,686.63 18,753.80 32,416.09

Expenses (1,946.64) (306.19) (2,531.19) (11,329.33) (25,723.51) (2,022.33) (351.00) (2,423.65) (12,726.66) (27,855.97)

Profit before taxes 1,121.32 358.85 245.32 2,612.30 1,833.61 1,015.90 389.81 262.98 6,027.14 4,560.12

Income taxes (91.53) (16.96) (49.42) 4.41 (177.48) (143.23) (143.78) (52.83) 1.33 (557.89)

Net profit 1,029.79 341.89 195.90 2,616.71 1,656.13 872.67 246.03 210.15 6,028.47 4,002.23
* Including gain (loss) on foreign exchange rate


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.8 Summary financial information of the material associates of the Group are as follows:

Statements of financial position as at December 31, 2019 and 2018

Unit: Million Baht

2019 2018

Current assets 4,763.87 2,857.48 5,879.94 4,547.65 841.16 6,917.07

Non-current assets 6,727.03 126,999.51 8,406.22 6,861.20 124,116.66 8,393.98

Current liabilities (544.04) (4,662.70) (815.03) (603.69) (1,946.53) (1,264.01)

Non-current liabilities (205.89) (98,263.33) (155.16) (117.48) (98,414.20) (85.63)

Net assets (100%) 10,740.97 26,930.96 13,315.97 10,687.68 24,597.09 13,961.41

Group’s share of net assets 5,285.63 6,732.74 3,328.99 5,259.90 6,149.27 3,490.35

Adjustment (172.58) (4.87) 1,587.86 (173.08) 19.52 1,623.28

Carrying amount of interest in associates 5,113.05 6,727.87 4,916.85 5,086.82 6,168.79 5,113.63


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.8 Summary financial information of the material associates of the Group are as follows: (Continued)

Statements of income for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018

Unit: Million Baht

2019 2018

Revenue* 3,635.95 3,154.42 10,380.63 3,584.99 - 16,074.77

Expenses (1,349.17) (2,104.48) (10,775.22) (1,279.49) (100.14) (14,850.97)

Profit (loss) before taxes 2,286.78 1,049.94 (394.59) 2,305.50 (100.14) 1,223.80

Income taxes (457.08) - 72.83 (461.26) - (179.99)

Net profit (loss) 1,829.70 1,049.94 (321.76) 1,844.24 (100.14) 1,043.81

* Including gain (loss) on foreign exchange rate


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.9 Significant events during the year ended December 31, 2019

On February 15, 2019, at the Board of Directors Meeting of PTT LNG Co., Ltd. (PTTLNG)
No. 2/2019, the Board passed a resolution to approve the call up of remaining additional share
capital of Baht 1,069.00 million. The Company made the additional payment on April 22, 2019.

On June 17, 2019, at the Board of Directors Meeting of PTTLNG No. 6/2019, the Board
passed a resolution to approve the call up of remaining additional share capital of Baht 1,865.40
million. The Company made the additional payment on August 9, 2019.

On November 29, 2019, at the Board of Directors Meeting of PTTLNG No. 12/2019, the Board
passed a resolution to approve the call up of remaining additional share capital of Baht 574.05
million. The Company made the additional payment on December 30, 2019.

On April 1, 2019, at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of PTT Global
Management Co., Ltd. (PTTGM) No. 1/2019, the shareholders passed an extraordinary resolution
to increase 40,300 authorized share capital at Baht 100.00 per share amounting to Baht 4.03 million.
The Company made the additional payment amounting to Baht 1.43 million on April 29, 2019.

On April 25, 2019, at the 2019 Annual General Meeting of PTTGM, the shareholders passed
a resolution to increase 120,000 authorized share capital at Baht 100.00 per share amounting
to Baht 12.00 million. The Company made the additional payment amounting to Baht 3.00 million
on May 7, 2019.

On October 24, 2019, at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of PTTGM
No. 3/2019, the shareholders passed a resolution to increase 200,000 authorized share capital at
Baht 100.00 per share amounting to Baht 20.00 million. The Company made the additional
payment on November 29, 2019.

On March 25, 2019, at the Board of Directors Meeting of the Company No. 3/2019, the Board
passed a resolution to approve the procedure of shareholding management in the Group’s affiliates.
During the year, the Company sold 22.54 million ordinary shares in PTT Global Chemical Public
Co., Ltd. (PTTGC), amounting to Baht 1,427.01 million. The Company recognized gain on disposal
of investments amounting to Baht 934.95 million in the separate financial statements. The shares were
sold to a subsidiary of the Group, therefore, there is no impact on the consolidated financial statements.

On May 27, 2019, at the Board of Directors Meeting of PTTGC, the Board approved a share
repurchase program for financial management purpose not exceeding the amount of 50.00 million
shares, or approximately 1.1% of the total issued shares, with the maximum amount of Baht
3,000.00 million. On December 9, 2019, PTTGC has repurchased the shares under the program
totalling 22.30 million shares, or approximately 0.50% of issued share and paid-up capital, at
a total cost of Baht 1,187.60 million.

The result of the investments disposal and shares repurchasing, causing the Company’s equity
interest in PTTGC decrease to 47.92%.


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.9 Significant events during the year ended December 31, 2019 (Continued)

On March 25, 2019, at the Board of Directors Meeting of the Company No. 3/2019, the Board
passed a resolution to approve the procedure of shareholding management in the Group’s affiliates.
During the year, the Company sold 10.20 million ordinary shares in Thai Oil Public Co., Ltd. (TOP),
amounting to Baht 658.31 million, causing its equity interest in TOP decrease to 47.53%. The
Company recognized gain on disposal of investments amounting to Baht 542.41 million in the
separate financial statements. The shares were sold to a subsidiary of the Group, therefore, there is no
impact on the consolidated financial statements.

On March 25, 2019, at the Board of Directors Meeting of the Company No. 3/2019, the Board
passed a resolution to approve the procedure of shareholding management in the Group’s affiliates.
During the year, the Company sold 102.17 million ordinary shares in IRPC Public Co., Ltd. (IRPC),
amounting to Baht 527.20 million, causing its equity interest in IRPC decrease to 47.55%. The
Company recognized gain on disposal of investments amounting to Baht 86.67 million in the separate
financial statements. The shares were sold to a subsidiary of the Group, therefore, there is no impact
on the consolidated financial statements.

On July 26, 2019, at the Board of Directors Meeting of the Company No. 7/2019, the Board
passed a resolution to increase authorized share capital of Global Power Synergy Public Co., Ltd.
(GPSC) by purchasing ordinary shares by the existing shareholders in proportion to their holdings
by way of Rights Offering and Excess Rights of 304.91 million shares, at Baht 56.00 per share
amounting to Baht 17,075.02 million. The Company made the additional payment on October 4, 2019.

The result of the ordinary shares purchase, causing the Company’s equity interest in GPSC
increase to 22.81%.

On November 16, 2018, at the Board of Directors Meeting of the Company No. 11/2018, the Board
passed a resolution to approve the establishment of Map Ta Phut Air Products Company Limited.
(MAP), which is the joint venture of the Company (holds a 49.00% shareholding), a company
of the Group (holds a 2.00% shareholding), and Bangkok Industrial Gas Company Limited (BIG)
(holds a 49.00% shareholding), to engage in the business of the production and distribution of
industrial gas. MAP has an initial registered share capital of Baht 1.00 million. The Company
made the payment amounting to Baht 0.49 million on January 14, 2019.

On April 23, 2019, at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of MAP No. 2/2019,
the shareholders passed a resolution to approve the call up of additional share capital of Baht 33.81
million. The Company made the additional payment on April 29, 2019.


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.10 Material non-controlling interests

Financial information of subsidiaries that have material non-controlling interests are as follow:

Company name Country of Non-controlling interests

Incorporation Shareholding (%)
2019 2018
PTT Exploration and Production Public
Thailand 34.71 34.71
Co., Ltd. (PTTEP)
Thai Oil Public Co., Ltd. (TOP) Thailand 51.97 51.97
IRPC Public Co., Ltd. (IRPC) Thailand 51.95 51.95
PTT Global Chemical Public Co., Ltd. (PTTGC) Thailand 51.58 51.82
Global Power Synergy Public Co., Ltd. (GPSC) Thailand 24.77 25.00


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.10 Material non-controlling interests (Continued)

Financial information of subsidiaries that have material non-controlling interests, after accounting policy adjustment, before eliminations:

Summary of financial position as at December 31, 2019 and 2018

Unit: Million Baht

2019 2018


Current assets 142,124.52 134,676.29 44,267.61 104,494.27 38,919.32 186,783.42 164,743.46 46,917.65 144,310.01 12,163.88

Non-current assets 527,339.48 148,849.69 134,578.12 348,020.12 213,015.49 448,303.91 103,870.15 136,348.55 324,945.33 52,196.15

Current liabilities (61,841.11) (38,666.70) (45,706.56) (53,033.14) (36,706.40) (80,663.14) (38,020.05) (48,895.93) (73,858.25) (4,727.37)

Non-current liabilities (250,564.18) (121,267.49) (48,896.09) (105,885.90) (106,311.74) (164,360.80) (104,232.20) (46,398.81) (91,914.88) (17,383.76)

Net assets 357,058.71 123,591.79 84,243.08 293,595.35 108,916.67 390,063.39 126,361.36 87,971.46 303,482.21 42,248.90

Owners of the parent 229,181.82 57,456.38 40,412.40 138,009.38 75,232.07 229,698.21 58,397.70 42,229.46 142,641.24 29,919.00

Non-controlling interests 127,876.89 66,135.41 43,830.68 155,585.97 33,684.60 160,365.18 67,963.66 45,742.00 160,840.97 12,329.90


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.10 Material non-controlling interests (Continued)

Financial information of subsidiaries that have material non-controlling interests, after accounting policy adjustment, before eliminations: (Continued)

Summary of comprehensive income or loss for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018

Unit: Million Baht

2019 2018


Revenue* 195,796.31 369,385.42 243,440.28 423,292.72 68,635.26 174,432.71 392,200.76 282,815.92 529,734.02 25,880.89

Expenses (126,042.07) (361,629.61) (245,115.37) (409,974.87) (62,386.95) (114,462.13) (379,848.83) (273,572.84) (486,477.09) (21,748.89)

Profit (loss) before income taxes 69,754.24 7,755.81 (1,675.09) 13,317.85 6,248.31 59,970.58 12,351.93 9,243.08 43,256.93 4,132.00

Income taxes (20,951.70) (1,239.41) 778.67 (649.36) (247.49) (23,764.29) (1,982.79) (1,146.59) (2,985.96) (242.79)

Net profit (loss) 48,802.54 6,516.40 (896.42) 12,668.49 6,000.82 36,206.29 10,369.14 8,096.49 40,270.97 3,889.21

Other comprehensive income (loss) (24,950.59) (185.79) (1,019.52) (1,841.68) (902.88) (2,929.13) (161.55) (1.30) 268.34 (55.09)

Total comprehensive income (loss) 23,851.95 6,330.61 (1,915.94) 10,826.81 5,097.94 33,277.16 10,207.59 8,095.19 40,539.31 3,834.12

Owners of the parent 15,572.08 2,928.54 (934.38) 4,922.14 2,681.58 21,725.46 4,788.58 3,873.95 19,454.10 2,478.21

Non-controlling interests 8,279.87 3,402.07 (981.56) 5,904.67 2,416.36 11,551.70 5,419.01 4,221.24 21,085.21 1,355.91
Total dividend paid to
non-controlling interests 7,579.30 2,282.08 983.26 8,732.67 1,753.03 6,200.60 5,597.24 4,152.43 10,437.75 468.22

* Including gain (loss) on foreign exchange rate


15. Investments in Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates (Continued)

15.10 Material non-controlling interests (Continued)

Financial information of subsidiaries that have material non-controlling interests, after accounting policy adjustment, before eliminations: (Continued)

Summary of cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018

Unit: Million Baht

2019 2018


Net cash provided by operating activities 109,165.77 12,775.00 7,720.82 30,168.05 17,338.06 104,710.90 18,544.52 17,848.87 52,024.71 5,849.84

Net cash provided by (used in) investing

activities (103,769.44) 23,680.90 (6,151.96) (4f1,773.00) (82,124.26) 5,102.58 (25,913.14) (6,133.88) (31,237.25) (3,358.35)

Net cash provided by (used in) financing

activities (17,180.75) 8,129.24 (870.39) (6,460.64) 77,927.38 (55,685.33) 25,380.10 (11,522.20) (27,397.36) (718.26)

Others (6,287.50) (3,446.89) - 161.85 (52.19) (354.06) 406.56 - (75.45) (25.03)

Net increase (decrease) in cash

and cash equivalents (18,071.92) 41,138.25 698.47 (17,903.74) 13,088.99 53,774.09 18,418.04 192.79 (6,685.35) 1,748.20


16. Other Long-term Investments

16.1 Details of other long-term investments as at December 31, 2019 and 2018
Unit: Million Baht
Cost /Cost amortized
Company name Country of Business Ownership interest Consolidated Separate Dividends income
Incorporation )%( financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Long-term Investments in equity securities
The Company
Petro Asia (Sanshui) Co., Ltd. (PA (Sanshui)) China Oil marketing 25.00 25.00 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.06 - -
Petro Asia (Maoming) Co., Ltd. (PA (Maoming)) China Oil marketing 20.00 20.00 14.83 14.83 14.83 14.83 - -
Baania (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. (Baania) Thailand Integrated online real estate platform 2.89 3.57 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 - -
Colour Vision International Co., Ltd. (Corpus) Thailand Finished yarn production - 0.48 - 0.60 - 0.60 - -
HG Robotics Co., Ltd. (HG Robotics) Thailand Autonomous and robotics solutions 9.49 9.49 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 - -
InnoSpace (Thailand) (InnoSpace) Thailand Investment in other companies 19.42 - 25.00 - 25.00 - - -
Mozambique LNG1 Company Pte. Ltd. (MZ LNG1)* Singapore Petroleum - 8.50 - 6.90 - - - -
Moz LNG1 Holding Company Ltd. (HOLDCO)* United Arab Petroleum 8.50 - 8.97 - - - - -
Petronas LNG 9 Sdn. Bhd. (PL9SB) Malaysia LNG liquefaction 10.00 10.00 8,987.40 9,671.67 - - - -
GPSC Group
24M Technologies, Inc. (24M) United States Research and development in battery 29.50 29.50 1,066.15 1,005.80 - - - -
of America
Ratchaburi Power Co., Ltd. (RPCL) Thailand Generate and supply electricity 15.00 15.00 888.75 888.75 - - 177.00 135.00
OR Group
Intoplane Services Co., Ltd. (IPS) Thailand Aircraft refuelling services 16.67 16.67 0.02 0.02 - - - -

* On May 7, 2019, a subsidiary in PTTEP Group has transferred its participating interests in MZ LNG1 to participating interests in HOLDCO.


16. Other Long-term Investments (Continued)

16.1 Details of other long-term investments as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 (Continued)
Unit: Million Baht
Cost /Cost amortized
Company name Country of Business Ownership interest Consolidated Separate Dividends income
Incorporation )%( financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Long-term Investments in equity securities
OR Group (Continued)
Fuel Pipeline Transportation Co., Ltd. (FPT)* Thailand Oil transmission pipelines - - 0.02 0.02 - - - -
PTTT Group
KIC Oil Terminal Sdn. Bhd. (KOT) Malaysia Logistics services 10.00 10.00 105.95 114.02 - - - -
Kadriah Integrated Facilities Sdn. Bhd. (KIF) Malaysia Logistics services 10.00 10.00 43.91 47.25 - - - -
Kadriah I Ltd. (K I) Malaysia Logistics services 10.00 10.00 220.69 237.49 - - - -
Kadriah II Ltd. (K II) Malaysia Logistics services 10.00 10.00 58.99 63.48 - - - -
ICE Futures Abu Dhabi Holdings Limited United Arab Investment in other companies 1.00 - 30.15 - - - - -
(IFAD) Emirates
Alliance Petrochemical Investment (Singapore) Singapore Investment in other companies - - - - - - - 6.43
Pte. Ltd. (API)
Exeltium SAS (EXS) France Electricity business 4.00 4.00 238.22 282.88 - - - -
TPBI & Myanmar Star Co., Ltd. (TPBIMS) Myanmar Manufacturing and distributing of polymer products 10.00 10.00 15.88 15.88 - - - -
IRPC Group
TPI EOEG Co., Ltd. (TPIE) Thailand Finance service 36.31 36.31 828.94 828.94 - - - -
TPI Holding Co., Ltd. (TPIH) Thailand Investment in other companies 35.01 35.01 1,415.90 1,415.90 - - - -
Pornchai Enterprises Co., Ltd. (PEC) Thailand Real estate for rent 23.65 23.65 1,118.95 1,118.95 - - - -
Thai Special Steel Industries Public Co.,Ltd. (TSSI) Thailand Steel wire manufacturing 16.24 16.24 673.35 673.35 - - - -
Rayong Acetylene Co., Ltd. (RAC) Thailand Industrial gas manufacturing 13.04 13.04 15.00 15.00 - - - -

* As at December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Group holds 0.0000090% of ownership interest, totaling 66 shares, amounting to Baht 22,220.00.


16. Other Long-term Investments (Continued)

16.1 Details of other long-term investments as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 (Continued)

Cost /Cost amortized

Company name Country of Business Ownership interest Consolidated Separate Dividends income
Incorporation )%( financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Long-term Investments in equity securities
IRPC Group (Continued)
DIA Polyacrylate Co., Ltd. (DIA) Thailand Plastic resin manufacturing 3.65 3.65 8.50 8.50 - - 0.69 -
Guangzhou Saiju Performance Polymet Ltd. China E-Commerce 15.00 - 600.38 - - - - -
The Group
Sarn Palung Social Enterprise Co., Ltd. (SPSE)* Thailand Social enterprise 100.00 100.00 9.94 2.49 2.00 0.50 - -
Others - - 327.11 43.22 - - - -
Long-term investments in equity securities 16,737.56 16,490.50 76.39 50.49
Less Allowance for impairment (3,487.20) (3,954.52) (20.89) (14.14)
Total 13,250.36 12,535.98 55.50 36.35 177.69 141.43

Long-term investments in debt securities

The Company
Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Public Co., Ltd. Thailand Health care services - 420.37 - 420.37 - -
Indorama Ventures Public Co., Ltd. (IVL) Thailand Petrochemicals and chemicals - 500.00 - 500.00 - -
The Commercial Bank (P.S.Q.C.) (CBQ) Qatar Banking - 6,456.96 - 6,456.96 - -
Emirates NBD (ENBD) United Arab Banking 2,098.37 4,519.87 2,098.37 4,519.87 - -
The Siam Cement Public Co., Ltd. (SCC) Thailand Property and Construction - 103.36 - 103.36 - -
Thai Beverage Public Co., Ltd. (TBEV) Thailand Manufacturing and distributing of food and 1,400.00 300.00 1,400.00 300.00 - -
* Held by the Company 20%, PTTEP Group, PTTGC Group, TOP Group, IRPC Group 15% each and GPSC Group, OR Group 10% each.

16. Other Long-term Investments (Continued)

16.1 Details of other long-term investments as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 (Continued)
Unit: Million Baht
Cost /Cost amortized
Company name Country of Business Ownership interest Consolidated Separate Dividends income
Incorporation )%( financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Long-term investments in debt securities
The Company (Continued)
Bangchak Corporation Public Co., Ltd. (BCP) Thailand Energy & Utilities - 500.00 - 500.00 - -
Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Co., Ltd. (CPF) Thailand Food & Beverage - 1,150.00 - 1,150.00 - -
Gulf Energy Development Public Co., Ltd. (GULF) Thailand Energy & Utilities 203.30 - 203.30 - - -
BTS Group Holdings Public Co., Ltd. (BTSG) Thailand Transportation & Logistics 500.00 - 500.00 - - -
The Group
Others 479.80 484.27 - - - -
Total 4,681.47 14,434.83 4,201.67 13,950.56 - -
Grand total 17,931.83 26,970.81 4,257.17 13,986.91 177.69 141.43


16. Other Long-term Investments (Continued)

16.2 Movements in other long-term investments are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Long-term investments in equity
As at January 1, 12,535.98 12,512.43 36.35 7.89
- Additional investments 1,029.45 203.03 26.50 28.50
- Reclassifications - 179.64 - -
- Disposal of investments (7.19) (290.24) (0.60) (0.04)
- Reversal of (loss on) impairment 434.62 - (6.75) -
- Currency translation differences (742.50) (68.88) - -
Long-term investments in equity
securities as at December 31, 13,250.36 12,535.98 55.50 36.35
Long-term investments in debt
securities as at December 31, 4,681.47 14,434.83 4,201.67 13,950.56
Total other long-term investments
as at December 31, 17,931.83 26,970.81 4,257.17 13,986.91

16.3 Significant events during the year ended December 31, 2019

On May 14, 2019, at the Board of Directors Meeting of Sarn Palung Social Enterprise Co., Ltd. (SPSE)
No. 2/2019, the Board passed a resolution to approve the call up of remaining share capital of Baht
1.50 million. The Company made the payment on June 28, 2019.

On August 15, 2019, at the Board of Directors Meeting of the Company No. 8/2019, the Board
passed a resolution to support the development of innovation, entrepreneurs and startups in Thailand.
On September 9, 2019, the Company signed on the shareholders agreement to invest in InnoSpace
(Thailand) (InnoSpace) with the amount of Bath 100.00 million, totalling 100,000 shares at Baht
1,000.00 per share. The Company made payment totalling Baht 25.00 million on October 21 and
November 15, 2019, respectively.


17. Investment Properties

Details of investment properties are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements
Land Buildings Other Construction Total
and building assets in progress
As at January 1, 2018
Cost 5,202.33 2,374.80 - 4.77 7,581.90
Reclassification and adjustment (Note 4) 977.47 - - - 977.47
Less Accumulated depreciation - (1,081.52) - - (1,081.52)
Allowance for impairment of assets (266.95) - - - (266.95)
Net book value 5,912.85 1,293.28 - 4.77 7,210.90

For the year ended December 31, 2018

Beginning net book value 4,935.38 1,293.28 - 4.77 6,233.43
- Reclassification and adjustment (Note 4) 977.47 - - - 977.47
Beginning net book value after
reclassification and adjustment 5,912.85 1,293.28 - 4.77 7,210.90
- Additions 12.42 123.54 3.69 27.44 167.09
- Reclassifications (595.95) 57.98 - (32.21) (570.18)
- Disposals - net (25.42) (133.47) - - (158.89)
- Depreciation for the year - (116.39) (0.11) - (116.50)
- Reversal of loss on impairment 50.75 - - - 50.75
Ending net book value 5,354.65 1,224.94 3.58 - 6,583.17

As at December 31, 2018

Cost 4,593.38 2,342.43 3.69 - 6,939.50
Reclassification and adjustment (Note 4) 977.47 - - - 977.47
Less Accumulated depreciation - (1,117.49) (0.11) - (1,117.60)
Allowance for impairment of assets (216.20) - - - (216.20)
Net book value 5,354.65 1,224.94 3.58 - 6,583.17


17. Investment Properties (Continued)

Details of investment properties are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements
Land Buildings Other Construction Total
and building assets in progress
For the year ended December 31, 2019
Beginning net book value 4,377.18 1,224.94 3.58 - 5,605.70
- Reclassification and adjustment (Note 4) 977.47 - - - 977.47
Beginning net book value after
reclassification and adjustment 5,354.65 1,224.94 3.58 - 6,583.17
- Additions 6.42 12.05 0.02 - 18.49
- Reclassifications 1,769.37 45.60 - - 1,814.97
- Disposals - net (464.01) (1.21) - - (465.22)
- Depreciation for the year - (115.67) (0.37) - (116.04)
- Reversal of loss on impairment 151.86 - - - 151.86
Ending net book value 6,818.29 1,165.71 3.23 - 7,987.23

As at December 31, 2019

Cost 6,882.63 2,365.58 3.71 - 9,251.92
Less Accumulated depreciation - (1,199.87) (0.48) - (1,200.35)
Allowance for impairment of assets (64.34) - - - (64.34)
Net book value 6,818.29 1,165.71 3.23 - 7,987.23


17. Investment Properties (Continued)

Details of investment properties are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Separate financial statements
Land Buildings Construction Total
and building in progress
As at January 1, 2018
Cost 3,571.06 503.64 4.77 4,079.47
Less Accumulated depreciation - (228.34) - (228.34)
Net book value 3,571.06 275.30 4.77 3,851.13

For the year ended December 31, 2018

Beginning net book value 3,571.06 275.30 4.77 3,851.13
- Additions - 1.36 27.44 28.80
- Reclassifications (0.05) 410.81 (32.21) 378.55
- Disposals - net (1,926.37) (133.47) - (2,059.84)
- Disposals of discontinued operations - net - (134.30) - (134.30)
- Depreciation for the year - (31.62) - (31.62)
Ending net book value 1,644.64 388.08 - 2,032.72

As at December 31, 2018

Cost 1,644.64 1,229.13 - 2,873.77
Less Accumulated depreciation - (841.05) - (841.05)
Net book value 1,644.64 388.08 - 2,032.72

For the year ended December 31, 2019

Beginning net book value 1,644.64 388.08 - 2,032.72
- Reclassifications 1,769.37 (0.09) - 1,769.28
- Disposals - net - (20.64) - (20.64)
- Depreciation for the year - (38.55) - (38.55)
Ending net book value 3,414.01 328.80 - 3,742.81

As at December 31, 2019

Cost 3,414.01 1,174.72 - 4,588.73
Less Accumulated depreciation - (845.92) - (845.92)
Net book value 3,414.01 328.80 - 3,742.81


18. Property, Plant and Equipment

Details of property, plant and equipment are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements
Land Buildings Machinery Exploration and Mining Other Construction Total
and building and production Properties assets in progress
improvements equipment properties
As at January 1, 2018
Cost 38,369.18 288,813.65 966,165.37 879,673.52 53,209.26 23,852.24 68,250.88 2,318,334.10
Reclassification and adjustment (Note 4) (977.47) - 8,849.67 - - - - 7,872.20
Less Accumulated depreciation - (150,417.72) (407,753.27) (580,556.01) (26,775.94) (15,552.03) - (1,181,054.97)
Accumulated depreciation -
Reclassification and adjustment
(Note 4) - - (2,362.24) - - - - (2,362.24)
Allowance for impairment of assets (99.65) (707.51) (3,227.56) (40,207.92) (13,872.72) (546.36) (1,711.51) (60,373.23)
Net book value 37,292.06 137,688.42 561,671.97 258,909.59 12,560.60 7,753.85 66,539.37 1,082,415.86


18. Property, Plant and Equipment (Continued)

Details of property, plant and equipment are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements
Land Buildings Machinery Exploration and Mining Other Construction Total
and building and production Properties assets in progress
improvements equipment properties
For the year ended December 31, 2018
Beginning net book value 38,269.53 137,688.42 555,184.54 258,909.59 12,560.60 7,753.85 66,539.37 1,076,905.90
- Reclassification and adjustment (Note 4) (977.47) - 6,487.43 - - - - 5,509.96
Beginning net book value after
reclassification and adjustment 37,292.06 137,688.42 561,671.97 258,909.59 12,560.60 7,753.85 66,539.37 1,082,415.86
- Business acquisition 1,922.60 337.47 7,353.87 43,209.77 - - 70.18 52,893.89
- Additions 4,527.66 2,120.71 3,638.68 33,350.65 1,496.71 1,201.51 72,132.13 118,468.05
- Borrowing costs - - - - - - 1,314.84 1,314.84
- Reclassifications 2,564.16 6,944.18 35,303.37 1,675.88 101.48 4,349.88 (51,113.05) (174.10)
- Disposals - net - (477.45) (1,070.90) (13,098.15) (56.51) (344.40) (213.97) (15,261.38)
- Depreciation for the year - (11,496.03) (44,075.33) (59,490.77) (1,537.65) (2,099.31) - (118,699.09)
- Reversal of (loss on) impairment - 40.30 818.69 - - - (41.62) 817.37
- Currency translation differences (16.30) (95.85) (340.99) (2,477.49) (88.81) (2.42) (64.57) (3,086.43)
- Others - - 1,824.01 - - - - 1,824.01
Ending net book value 46,290.18 135,061.75 565,123.37 262,079.48 12,475.82 10,859.11 88,623.31 1,120,513.02


18. Property, Plant and Equipment (Continued)

Details of property, plant and equipment are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements
Land Buildings Machinery Exploration and Mining Other Construction Total
and building and production Properties assets in progress
improvements equipment properties
As at December 31, 2018
Cost 47,367.30 295,838.40 1,023,831.31 859,932.18 54,380.77 27,210.84 90,219.80 2,398,780.60
Reclassification and adjustment (Note 4) (977.47) - 10,530.81 - - - - 9,553.34
Less Accumulated depreciation - (160,113.91) (462,814.33) (586,991.28) (28,130.33) (16,334.64) - (1,254,384.49)
Accumulated depreciation -
Reclassification and adjustment
(Note 4) - - (3,215.06) - - - - (3,215.06)
Allowance for impairment of assets (99.65) (662.74) (3,209.36) (10,861.42) (13,774.62) (17.09) (1,596.49) (30,221.37)
Net book value 46,290.18 135,061.75 565,123.37 262,079.48 12,475.82 10,859.11 88,623.31 1,120,513.02


18. Property, Plant and Equipment (Continued)

Details of property, plant and equipment are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements
Land Buildings Machinery Exploration and Mining Other Construction Total
and building and production Properties assets in progress
improvements equipment properties

For the year ended December 31, 2019

Beginning net book value 47,267.65 135,061.75 557,807.62 262,079.48 12,475.82 10,859.11 88,623.31 1,114,174.74
- Reclassification and adjustment (Note 4) (977.47) - 7,315.75 - - - - 6,338.28
Beginning net book value after
reclassification and adjustment 46,290.18 135,061.75 565,123.37 262,079.48 12,475.82 10,859.11 88,623.31 1,120,513.02
- Business acquisition (Note 43) 648.51 303.67 74,255.30 64,256.13 395.31 13.49 207.01 140,079.42
- Additions 957.23 3,485.62 6,061.54 42,792.16 1,345.61 1,127.89 98,616.74 154,386.79
- Borrowing costs - - - - - - 3,517.52 3,517.52
- Reclassifications (72.75) 7,915.07 31,200.52 30,843.54 100.33 645.25 (43,179.23) 27,452.73
- Disposals - net (0.29) (133.89) (311.39) (1,078.36) (41.06) (189.73) (44.64) (1,799.36)
- Depreciation for the year - (11,600.83) (48,329.86) (61,750.25) (2,017.92) (2,263.83) - (125,962.69)
- Reversal of (loss on) impairment 27.10 154.36 (612.14) - - (0.03) - (430.71)
- Currency translation differences (121.15) (420.88) (1,473.52) (19,448.27) (883.26) (20.47) (410.09) (22,777.64)
Ending net book value 47,728.83 134,764.87 625,913.82 317,694.43 11,374.83 10,171.68 147,330.62 1,294,979.08

As at December 31, 2019

Cost 47,801.38 302,477.99 1,166,627.33 933,235.17 52,262.94 28,221.21 148,833.28 2,679,459.30
Less Accumulated depreciation - (167,200.77) (537,817.83) (605,447.77) (28,088.03) (18,032.41) - (1,356,586.81)
Allowance for impairment of assets (72.55) (512.35) (2,895.68) (10,092.97) (12,800.08) (17.12) (1,502.66) (27,893.41)
Net book value 47,728.83 134,764.87 625,913.82 317,694.43 11,374.83 10,171.68 147,330.62 1,294,979.08

As at December 31, 2019, the Group had pledged assets amounting to Baht 78,983.48 million (December 31, 2018: Baht 50,740.55 million.)


18. Property, Plant and Equipment (Continued)

Details of property, plant and equipment are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Separate financial statements
Land Buildings Machinery Other assets Construction Total
and building and in progress
improvements equipment
As at January 1, 2018
Cost 11,030.38 47,075.51 383,419.77 15,128.11 20,237.17 476,890.94
Adjustment (Note 4) - - 1,467.87 - - 1,467.87
Less Accumulated depreciation - (19,098.62) (158,630.96) (11,342.11) - (189,071.69)
Accumulated depreciation -
Adjustment (Note 4) - - (401.85) - - (401.85)
Allowance for impairment of assets - (53.00) (36.32) - - (89.32)
Net book value 11,030.38 27,923.89 225,818.51 3,786.00 20,237.17 288,795.95

For the year ended December 31, 2018

Beginning net book value 11,030.38 27,923.89 224,752.49 3,786.00 20,237.17 287,729.93
- Adjustment (Note 4) - - 1,066.02 - - 1,066.02
Beginning net book value after adjustment 11,030.38 27,923.89 225,818.51 3,786.00 20,237.17 288,795.95
- Additions 316.71 229.16 839.99 604.18 23,186.86 25,176.90
- Borrowing costs - - - - 697.49 697.49
- Reclassifications 1,206.22 1,951.04 13,220.00 4,214.04 (21,903.18) (1,311.88)
- Disposals - net - (400.94) (81.37) (144.06) (0.62) (626.99)
- Disposals of discontinued operations - net (5,182.14) (4,565.43) (8,336.34) (473.12) (1,465.38) (20,022.41)
- Depreciation for the year - (1,839.30) (15,112.35) (1,432.90) - (18,384.55)
- Reversal of loss on impairment - 26.44 - - - 26.44
Ending net book value 7,371.17 23,324.86 216,348.44 6,554.14 20,752.34 274,350.95

As at December 31, 2018

Cost 7,371.17 38,360.19 369,986.08 17,819.69 20,752.34 454,289.47
Adjustment (Note 4) - - 1,467.87 - - 1,467.87
Less Accumulated depreciation - (15,008.77) (154,630.64) (11,265.55) - (180,904.96)
Accumulated depreciation -
Adjustment (Note 4) - - (438.55) - - (438.55)
Allowance for impairment of assets - (26.56) (36.32) - - (62.88)
Net book value 7,371.17 23,324.86 216,348.44 6,554.14 20,752.34 274,350.95


18. Property, Plant and Equipment (Continued)

Details of property, plant and equipment are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Separate financial statements
Land Buildings Machinery Other assets Construction Total
and building and in progress
improvements equipment
For the year ended December 31, 2019
Beginning net book value 7,371.17 23,324.86 215,319.12 6,554.14 20,752.34 273,321.63
- Adjustment (Note 4) - - 1,029.32 - - 1,029.32
Beginning net book value after adjustment 7,371.17 23,324.86 216,348.44 6,554.14 20,752.34 274,350.95
- Additions 8.62 91.61 251.57 431.04 19,817.16 20,600.00
- Borrowing costs - - - - 995.92 995.92
- Reclassifications (1,720.92) 879.97 6,947.55 303.78 (9,499.34) (3,088.96)
- Disposals - net (0.13) (292.79) (66.15) (47.25) (394.02) (800.34)
- Depreciation for the year - (1,708.83) (14,573.18) (1,459.33) - (17,741.34)
- Loss on impairment - (6.16) (489.39) (0.03) - (495.58)
Ending net book value 5,658.74 22,288.66 208,418.84 5,782.35 31,672.06 273,820.65

As at December 31, 2019

Cost 5,658.74 38,795.75 378,010.70 18,386.39 31,672.06 472,523.64
Less Accumulated depreciation - (16,474.37) (169,066.15) (12,604.01) - (198,144.53)
Allowance for impairment of assets - (32.72) (525.71) (0.03) - (558.46)
Net book value 5,658.74 22,288.66 208,418.84 5,782.35 31,672.06 273,820.65

Borrowing costs were capitalized as a part of costs of property, plant and equipment. During the year,
the Group used capitalization rates ranging from 0.85% - 5.25% per annum (2018: 1.10% - 5.67% per


18. Property, Plant and Equipment (Continued)

Details of property, plant and equipment are as follows: (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019 and 2018, details of other assets include vehicles and natural gas
pipeline acquired under finance leases which were recorded as machinery and equipment are as

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Cost 10,806.99 10,664.03 9,537.43 9,516.59
Less Accumulated depreciation (5,429.42) (4,849.07) (4,893.69) (4,406.14)
Net book value 5,377.57 5,814.96 4,643.74 5,110.45

19. Goodwill

Movements of goodwill are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

financial statements
2019 2018
Net book value as at January 1, 48,924.92 46,688.26
- Reclassification and adjustment (Note 4) 4,971.38 5,006.78
Net book value as at January 1, after reclassification and
adjustment 53,896.30 51,695.04
- Business acquisition (Note 43) 61,151.61 2,521.18
- Reclassification 205.36 -
- Currency translation differences (3,320.13) (319.92)
Net book value as at December 31, 111,933.14 53,896.30


20. Intangible Assets

Details of intangible assets are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements
Computer Right Other Total
software of use Intangible

As at January 1, 2018
Cost 19,996.09 32,687.28 9,228.14 61,911.51
Less Accumulated amortization (10,860.71) (13,645.30) (4,438.74) (28,944.75)
Allowance for impairment of assets - (837.23) (21.85) (859.08)
Net book value 9,135.38 18,204.75 4,767.55 32,107.68

For the year ended December 31, 2018

Beginning net book value 9,135.38 18,204.75 4,767.55 32,107.68
- Business acquisition 10.54 3.37 - 13.91
- Additions 1,235.35 103.43 1,185.34 2,524.12
- Reclassifications 2,116.54 1,261.50 (19.97) 3,358.07
- Disposals - net (0.13) (85.82) (2.49) (88.44)
- Amortization for the year (2,148.00) (1,069.06) (522.14) (3,739.20)
- Reversal of loss on impairment - 85.82 - 85.82
- Currency translation differences (15.94) (26.76) (18.86) (61.56)
Ending net book value 10,333.74 18,477.23 5,389.43 34,200.40

As at December 31, 2018

Cost 23,154.90 33,816.97 10,348.07 67,319.94
Less Accumulated amortization (12,821.16) (14,595.60) (4,936.79) (32,353.55)
Allowance for impairment of assets - (744.14) (21.85) (765.99)
Net book value 10,333.74 18,477.23 5,389.43 34,200.40


20. Intangible Assets (Continued)

Details of intangible assets are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements
Computer Right Other Total
software of use Intangible

For the year ended December 31, 2019

Beginning net book value 10,333.74 18,477.23 5,389.43 34,200.40
- Business acquisition (Note 43) 138.92 45,360.16 1,124.87 46,623.95
- Addition 1,343.85 573.07 1,256.58 3,173.50
- Reclassifications 559.13 2,162.14 (548.94) 2,172.33
- Disposals - net (2.26) - (95.72) (97.98)
- Amortization for the year (2,331.18) (2,748.34) (534.28) (5,613.80)
- Currency translation differences (172.34) (74.14) (244.25) (490.73)
Ending net book value 9,869.86 63,750.12 6,347.69 79,967.67

As at December 31, 2019

Cost 24,860.92 82,886.51 11,675.47 119,422.90
Less Accumulated amortization (14,991.06) (18,444.89) (5,305.93) (38,741.88)
Allowance for impairment of assets - (691.50) (21.85) (713.35)
Net book value 9,869.86 63,750.12 6,347.69 79,967.67


20. Intangible Assets (Continued)

Details of intangible assets are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Separate financial statements
Computer Right Other Total
software of use Intangible
As at January 1, 2018
Cost 6,691.53 19,963.08 67.50 26,722.11
Less Accumulated amortization (3,982.62) (8,326.24) (9.63) (12,318.49)
Net book value 2,708.91 11,636.84 57.87 14,403.62

For the year ended December 31, 2018

Beginning net book value 2,708.91 11,636.84 57.87 14,403.62
- Additions 226.78 - - 226.78
- Reclassifications 1,061.40 166.10 - 1,227.50
- Disposals - net (3.92) - - (3.92)
- Disposal of discontinued operations - net (395.65) - (55.82) (451.47)
- Amortization for the year (1,060.29) (526.23) (2.05) (1,588.57)
Ending net book value 2,537.23 11,276.71 - 13,813.94

As at December 31, 2018

Cost 7,178.44 20,129.18 - 27,307.62
Less Accumulated amortization (4,641.21) (8,852.47) - (13,493.68)
Net book value 2,537.23 11,276.71 - 13,813.94

For the year ended December 31, 2019

Beginning net book value 2,537.23 11,276.71 - 13,813.94
- Additions 246.82 3.00 - 249.82
- Reclassifications 773.72 18.82 - 792.54
- Disposals - net (27.29) - - (27.29)
- Amortization for the year (925.66) (528.13) - (1,453.79)
Ending net book value 2,604.82 10,770.40 - 13,375.22

As at December 31, 2019

Cost 8,131.08 20,151.00 - 28,282.08
Less Accumulated amortization (5,526.26) (9,380.60) - (14,906.86)
Net book value 2,604.82 10,770.40 - 13,375.22


21. Exploration and evaluation assets

Details of exploration and evaluation assets are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements
Petroleum Mining Total
exploration and properties
As at January 1, 2018
Cost 166,614.27 847.84 167,462.11
Reclassification and adjustment (Note 4) (7,857.80) - (7,857.80)
Less Allowance for impairment of assets (58,539.28) (163.11) (58,702.39)
Net book value 100,217.19 684.73 100,901.92

For the year ended December 31, 2018

Beginning net book value 108,074.99 684.73 108,759.72
- Reclassification and adjustment (Note 4) (7,857.80) - (7,857.80)
Beginning net book value after reclassification
and adjustment 100,217.19 684.73 100,901.92
- Additions 1,968.02 6.38 1,974.40
- Reclassifications (1,675.87) - (1,675.87)
- Disposals - net (2.36) - (2.36)
- Currency translation differences (824.03) (13.73) (837.76)
Ending net book value 99,682.95 677.38 100,360.33

As at December 31, 2018

Cost 160,814.99 839.34 161,654.33
Reclassification and adjustment (Note 4) (7,802.24) - (7,802.24)
Less Allowance for impairment of assets (53,329.80) (161.96) (53,491.76)
Net book value 99,682.95 677.38 100,360.33


21. Exploration and evaluation assets (Continued)

Details of exploration and evaluation assets are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements
Petroleum Mining Total
exploration and properties
For the year ended December 31, 2019
Beginning net book value 107,485.19 677.38 108,162.57
- Reclassification and adjustment (Note 4) (7,802.24) - (7,802.24)
Beginning net book value after reclassification
and adjustment 99,682.95 677.38 100,360.33
- Business acquisition (Note 43) 15,607.92 27.38 15,635.30
- Additions 3,700.24 27.46 3,727.70
- Reclassifications (30,914.47) - (30,914.47)
- Disposals - net (2,043.21) - (2,043.21)
- Currency translation differences (6,442.37) (54.94) (6,497.31)
Ending net book value 79,591.06 677.28 80,268.34

As at December 31, 2019

Cost 131,643.14 827.78 132,470.92
Less Allowance for impairment of assets (52,052.08) (150.50) (52,202.58)
Net book value 79,591.06 677.28 80,268.34


22. Income Taxes and Deferred Taxes

Applicable tax rates for the Group are as follows:

Rates (%)
Petroleum income tax on petroleum business in Thailand
pursuant to the Petroleum Income Tax Act, B.E. 2514 and B.E. 2532 50
Income tax under the Revenue Code of the Company and its subsidiaries 20
Corporate income tax in foreign countries 1 - 80
Corporate Income tax from the Petroleum business in the
Thai-Malaysia co-development area under
the Petroleum Income Tax Act (No.5) B.E. 2541 0 - 20
Petroleum resource rent tax in Australia 40
Petroleum Income tax in foreign countries 38
* The petroleum income tax rate for marginal field which are approved to the tax reduction incentive to 25% tax rate.

22.1 Income taxes recognized in the statements of income for the years ended December 31, 2019 and
2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Current tax:
Current tax 48,568.51 67,814.56 10,203.25 12,806.19
Adjustments in respect of current
tax of previous year (1,176.02) 1,495.93 (30.61) (215.60)
47,392.49 69,310.49 10,172.64 12,590.59
Deferred tax:
Change in temporary differences (13,574.05) (15,204.04) (1,733.53) (2.11)
Tax effect of currency translation
on tax base (829.56) (459.90) - -
(14,403.61) (15,663.94) (1,733.53) (2.11)
Total 32,988.88 53,646.55 8,439.11 12,588.48


22. Income Taxes and Deferred Taxes (Continued)

22.2 Reconciliations between income taxes and the product of profit before income taxes multiplied
by the applicable tax rate are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Profit before income taxes from
continuing operations 155,080.48 219,056.80 70,096.42 107,100.60
Profit before income taxes from
discontinued operations - - - 88,970.10
Profit before income taxes 155,080.48 219,056.80 70,096.42 196,070.70
Adjustment (Note 4) - (36.70) - (36.70)
Profit before income taxes after
adjustment 155,080.48 219,020.10 70,096.42 196,034.00
Tax calculated at a tax rate of 20% 31,016.10 43,804.02 14,019.28 39,206.80
Tax effect of :
Income not subject to tax (4,382.39) (8,616.73) (5,935.34) (8,563.77)

Non-deductible expenses 1,902.70 15,681.81 342.59 471.55

Expenses deductible at a greater
amount (418.89) (471.64) (81.76) (92.88)
(Gain) loss from the entities not
subject to tax 902.54 (128.74) - -
Adjustment in respect of prior
period (1,176.02) 1,495.93 (30.61) (215.60)
Share of profit from investment in
joint ventures and associates (1,082.88) (1,731.67) - -
Tax credit on petroleum royalty (15,693.36) (14,561.41) - -
Tax credit on foreign corporate
income tax - (375.26) - -
Differences in tax rate 21,824.85 11,904.42 - -
Deferred tax on functional
currency (829.56) (459.90) - -
Effect from the restructuring of
the Oil Business Unit
(Note 13) - 6,032.97 - -
Others 925.79 1,072.75 124.95 (9.24)
Total income taxes 32,988.88 53,646.55 8,439.11 30,796.86
Less Income taxes of discontinued
operations - - - (18,208.38)
Income taxes 32,988.88 53,646.55 8,439.11 12,588.48


22. Income Taxes and Deferred Taxes (Continued)

22.3 Movements in deferred taxes are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements

As at December 31, 2019
Net balance
Net balance Reclassification after
as at and reclassification Other Business Currency
January 1, Adjustment and comprehensive acquisition translation Net Deferred tax Deferred tax
2019 (Note 4) adjustment Profit (loss) income (loss) (Note 43) differences Others balance assets liabilities

Property, plant and equipment (58,068.11) 2,340.67 (55,727.44) 8,589.12 - (21,632.13) 3,912.54 (22.37) (64,880.28) 11,154.78 (76,035.06)
Intangible assets 7,153.63 - 7,153.63 (203.44) - (9,035.08) 3.14 (0.25) (2,082.00) 6,846.09 (8,928.09)
Investments 70.36 - 70.36 14.56 - - - - 84.92 84.92 -
Available-for-sale investments (333.37) - (333.37) 0.01 (21.43) - 0.01 - (354.78) 42.96 (397.74)
Trade and other accounts receivable (4,082.88) - (4,082.88) 747.20 - - 2.23 - (3,333.45) 464.27 (3,797.72)
Inventories (39.21) - (39.21) 210.81 - - (0.01) - 171.59 211.31 (39.72)
Loans (128.50) - (128.50) (257.65) - - - 0.18 (385.97) - (385.97)
Provisions for employee benefit 5,854.70 - 5,854.70 1,569.56 408.80 80.37 (186.67) 3.66 7,730.42 7,730.42 -
Provision for decommissioning costs 26,911.88 - 26,911.88 2,313.46 - 3,448.68 (1,992.88) - 30,681.14 30,681.14 -
Cumulative loss carried forward 10,394.14 - 10,394.14 975.46 82.05 15.34 (592.79) - 10,874.20 10,874.20 -

Tax effect of currency translation on

tax base 2,482.96 - 2,482.96 830.04 - - (225.39) - 3,087.61 3,123.51 (35.90)
Others 5,415.04 - 5,415.04 (385.52) 64.28 4,348.21 (276.32) 178.46 9,344.15 10,767.03 (1,422.88)

Total before set-off of taxes (4,369.36) 2,340.67 (2,028.69) 14,403.61 533.70 (22,774.61) 643.86 159.68 (9,062.45) 81,980.63 (91,043.08)
Set-off of taxes - (34,369.53) 34,369.53

Net deferred tax assets (liabilities) (9,062.45) 47,611.10 (56,673.55)


22. Income Taxes and Deferred Taxes (Continued)

22.3 Movements in deferred taxes are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements

As at December 31, 2018
Net balance
Net balance Reclassification after Other
as at and reclassificatio comprehensiv Currency
January 1, Adjustment n and e Business translation Net Deferred tax Deferred tax
2018 (Note 4) adjustment Profit (loss) income (loss) acquisition differences Others balance assets liabilities

Property, plant and equipment (57,969.58) 2,357.34 (55,612.24) 4,448.29 - (3,870.02) (693.47) - (55,727.44) 8,920.09 (64,647.53)
Intangible assets 18.17 - 18.17 7,136.72 - - (1.26) - 7,153.63 7,299.68 (146.05)
Investments 55.75 - 55.75 14.61 - - - - 70.36 70.36 -
Available-for-sale investments (743.83) - (743.83) - 410.46 - - - (333.37) 14.79 (348.16)
Trade and other accounts receivable (3,137.13) - (3,137.13) (945.90) - - 0.30 (0.15) (4,082.88) 481.37 (4,564.25)
Inventories 177.41 - 177.41 (217.73) - 1.54 - (0.43) (39.21) 216.19 (255.40)
Loans (140.50) - (140.50) 12.00 - - - - (128.50) - (128.50)
Provisions for employee benefit 6,001.54 - 6,001.54 31.50 (183.16) 18.67 (16.37) 2.52 5,854.70 5,854.70 -
Provision for decommissioning costs 19,992.74 - 19,992.74 3,093.89 - 4,003.69 (178.44) - 26,911.88 26,911.88 -
Cumulative loss carried forward 7,029.89 - 7,029.89 1,877.27 100.57 157.81 1,240.16 (11.56) 10,394.14 10,394.14 -
Petroleum resource rent tax in Australia 2,265.76 - 2,265.76 (29.39) - - (1.89) (2,234.48) - - -

Tax effect of currency translation on

tax base 2,041.88 - 2,041.88 459.91 - - (18.83) - 2,482.96 2,511.42 (28.46)
Others 3,713.40 - 3,713.40 (217.23) (16.62) 2,098.89 (180.76) 17.36 5,415.04 6,328.98 (913.94)

Total before set-off of taxes (20,694.50) 2,357.34 (18,337.16) 15,663.94 311.25 2,410.58 149.44 (2,226.74) (2,028.69) 69,003.60 (71,032.29)
Set-off of taxes - (40,504.67) 40,504.67

Net deferred tax assets (liabilities) (2,028.69) 28,498.93 (30,527.62)


22. Income Taxes and Deferred Taxes (Continued)

22.3 Movements in deferred taxes are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Separate financial statements
As at December 31, 2019
Net balance Other
as at comprehensive Deferred tax Deferred tax
January 1, 2019 Profit (loss) loss Net balance assets liabilities
Property, plant and equipment (587.69) 157.97 - (429.72) - (429.72)
Intangible assets 135.74 2.20 - 137.94 137.94 -
Investments 54.89 - - 54.89 54.89 -
Available-for-sale investments (323.40) - (33.21) (356.61) - (356.61)
Trade and other accounts receivable (2,008.02) 1,679.13 - (328.89) 420.52 (749.41)
Inventories 70.68 (13.66) - 57.02 57.02 -
Loans (90.53) (245.03) - (335.56) - (335.56)
Provisions for employee benefit 1,381.33 314.60 (233.40) 1,462.53 1,462.53 -
Others 1,156.80 (161.68) - 995.12 996.76 (1.64)
Total before set-off of taxes (210.20) 1,733.53 (266.61) 1,256.72 3,129.66 (1,872.94)
Set-off of taxes - (1,872.94) 1,872.94
Net deferred tax assets (liabilities) 1,256.72 1,256.72 -


22. Income Taxes and Deferred Taxes (Continued)

22.3 Movements in deferred taxes are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Separate financial statements
As at December 31, 2018
Net balance Other
as at comprehensive Deferred tax Deferred tax
January 1, 2018 Profit (loss) income (loss) Net balance assets liabilities
Property, plant and equipment (533.59) (54.10) - (587.69) - (587.69)
Intangible assets 132.59 3.15 - 135.74 135.74 -
Investments 54.89 - - 54.89 54.89 -
Available-for-sale investments (744.81) - 421.41 (323.40) - (323.40)
Trade and other accounts receivable (1,914.08) (93.94) - (2,008.02) 460.00 (2,468.02)
Inventories 61.71 8.97 - 70.68 70.68 -
Loans (124.52) 33.99 - (90.53) - (90.53)
Provisions for employee benefit 1,775.60 (234.29) (159.98) 1,381.33 1,381.33 -
Others 818.47 338.33 - 1,156.80 1,156.80 -
Total before set-off of taxes (473.74) 2.11 261.43 (210.20) 3,259.44 (3,469.64)
Set-off of taxes - (3,259.44) 3,259.44
Net deferred tax assets (liabilities) (210.20) - (210.20)


23. Other Non-current Assets

Details of other non-current assets as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018

Long-term other accounts receivable 1,433.93 1,375.95 45.24 8.39

Advance payments and deferred charge 9,650.46 16,283.11 1,062.72 1,176.88
Advance payments for gas purchases - - 82.59 61.83
Decommissioning fund 7,154.48 5,247.82 - -
Others* 10,267.35 10,285.67 198.11 4,509.39
Total 28,506.22 33,192.55 1,388.66 5,756.49

The Company made advance payments for some gas that cannot take-up as the minimum volumes
committed in the Gas Sales Agreements (Take-or-Pay). The Company has the right to take those
volumes of prepaid gas (Make-up Right) in subsequent years, with no maturity period.

As at December 31, 2019, advance payments for gas purchases comprise the balance of advance
payments made for gas purchases from the Sirikit gas fields in Thailand, for the untaken-up gas
volumes in 2017 - 2018.

* As at December 31, 2018, the Company has a restricted bank cash amounting to Baht 4,372.75 million
placed as a security to stay the enforcement of the judgment. During the year, the Company records
this restricted bank cash as other current assets.

24. Other Current Liabilities

Details of other current liabilities as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Undue output VAT 3,762.68 4,945.93 2,975.26 4,364.83
Provision for remuneration for
the renewal of petroleum production 2,348.14 2,890.32 - -
Others 4,437.36 2,965.72 395.08 138.79
Total 10,548.18 10,801.97 3,370.34 4,503.62


25. Long-term Loans

Details of long-term loans as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Current portion of long-term loans

Unit: Million Baht
Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Loans - Baht currency 20,796.77 12,344.94 1,000.00 -
Loans - foreign currencies 3,525.16 2,439.19 - -
Debentures - Baht currency 26,118.00 47,504.98 26,118.00 26,000.00
Finance leases liabilities 1,342.43 819.49 484.80 511.16
Total 51,782.36 63,108.60 27,602.80 26,511.16

Long-term loans

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Loans - Baht currency 118,469.88 118,096.85 - 1,000.00
Loans - foreign currencies 44,347.33 21,304.70 23,872.73 6,830.15
Debentures - Baht currency 204,024.66 147,477.25 57,583.70 83,715.20
Debentures - foreign currencies 188,176.39 163,462.61 8,806.94 27,969.16
Finance leases liabilities 7,727.51 4,622.90 3,471.94 4,124.45
Total 562,745.77 454,964.31 93,735.31 123,638.96


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

Original currency of loans and debentures in foreign currencies as at December 31, 2019 and 2018
as follows:
Current portion of long-term loans
Unit: Million
Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Loans - foreign currencies
- USD 109.17 47.74 - -
- EURO 1.20 10.92 - -
- JPY 408.57 408.57 - -
- LAK 12,855.64 12,855.64 - -
- VND 28,879.60 228,506.04 - -

Long-term loans and debentures

Unit: Million
Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Loans - foreign currencies
- USD 1,026.18 219.80 575.05 -
- EURO 149.14 141.01 - -
- JPY 29,341.05 29,749.62 23,000.00 23,000.00
- LAK 25,711.28 38,566.93 - -
- VDN 216,857.20 - - -
Debentures - foreign currencies
- USD 6,239.28 5,020.33 290.36 857.56


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

Long-term loans, including the current portion, outstanding as at December 31, 2019 and 2018
can be classified by types of interest rate as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Floating interest rate 173,324.03 143,045.16 - -
Fixed interest rate 441,204.10 375,027.75 121,338.11 150,150.12
Total 614,528.13 518,072.91 121,338.11 150,150.12

Interest rates charged on long-term loans as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: % per annum

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Loans - Baht currency 1.50 - 7.83 1.22 - 7.83 7.83 7.83
Loans - foreign currencies
- USD 1.89 - 5.00 1.00 - 6.00 5.00 - 6.83 -
- EURO 1.65 - 2.50 2.50 - -
- JPY 1.50 - 4.45 1.50 - 4.45 4.95 4.45
- LAK 4.75 4.75 - -
- VND 6.40 6.40 - -
Debentures - Baht currency 1.97 - 6.80 2.21 - 6.80 3.50 - 6.80 3.50 - 6.80
Debentures - foreign currencies
- USD 3.50 - 6.35 3.63 - 6.51 4.50 - 5.88 4.50 - 5.88
Finance leases liabilities 1.10 - 10.73 1.15 - 12.00 1.15 - 8.28 1.15 - 8.28


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.1 Loans

Loans - Baht currency

As at December 31, 2019, detail of long-term loan in Baht currency of the Company which is secured by the Ministry of Finance is as follows:

Principal Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

THB 1,000 Fixed rate Principal is repayable at the end of contract, in July 2020.

As at December 31, 2019, details of long-term loans from financial institutions in Baht currency of the subsidiaries are as follows:

Principal Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

THB 10,000 6M FDR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 24 instalments, commencing in December 2017.
THB 169 Fixed rate Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 29 instalments, commencing in June 2017.
THB 3,500 6M THBFIX plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 22 instalments, commencing in November 2020.
THB 1,000 3M BIBOR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 17 instalments, commencing in May 2020.
THB 500 3M BIBOR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 13 instalments, commencing in June 2020.
THB 4,000 Fixed rate Principal is repayable at the end of contract in May 2023.
THB 9,960 3M THBFIX plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 33 instalments, commencing in October 2008.
THB 3,700 3M THBFIX plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 10 instalments, commencing in July 2015.
THB 3,000 6M FDR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 10 instalments, commencing in September 2017.
THB 5,000 6M FDR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 10 instalments, commencing in May 2020.
THB 4,000 6M FDR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 12 instalments, commencing in December 2018.


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.1 Loans (Continued)

Loans - Baht currency (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019, details of long-term loans from financial institutions in Baht currency of the subsidiaries are as follows: (Continued)

Principal Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

THB 10,000 6M FDR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 12 instalments, commencing in June 2016.
THB 15,000 6M FDR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 10 instalments, commencing in November 2020.
THB 450 6M THBFIX plus margin Principal is repayable every 3 months, totalling 14 instalments, commencing in April 2023.
THB 2,500 6M FDR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 10 instalments, commencing in March 2022.
THB 3,000 6M FDR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 10 instalments, commencing in January 2023.
THB 3,000 6M FDR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 10 instalments, commencing in June 2023.
THB 3,000 Highest rate on 6-month- Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 10 instalments, commencing in July 2015.
fixed deposit plus margin
THB 7,000 Highest rate on 6-month- Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 15 instalments, commencing in September 2013.
fixed deposit plus margin
THB 3,000 Highest rate on 6-month- Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 14 instalments, commencing in March 2014.
fixed deposit plus margin
THB 6,000 Highest rate on 6-month- Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 10 instalments, commencing in March 2016.
fixed deposit plus margin
THB 5,000 6M THBFIX plus margin Principal is repayable 2 times, in December 2020 and December 2023.
THB 8,654 Highest rate on 6-month- Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 17 instalments, commencing in September 2018.
fixed deposit plus margin


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.1 Loans (Continued)

Loans - Baht currency (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019, details of long-term loans from financial institutions in Baht currency of the subsidiaries are as follows: (Continued)

Principal Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

THB 575 3M BIBOR plus margin Principal is repayable every 3 months, totalling 13 instalments, commencing in September 2019.
THB 700 3M BIBOR plus margin Principal is repayable every 3 months, totalling 16 instalments, commencing in March 2016.
THB 1,000 Fixed rate Principal is repayable every 3 months, totalling 16 instalments, commencing in September 2016.
THB 900 Highest rate on 6-month- Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 14 instalments, commencing in April 2016.
fixed deposit plus margin
THB 900 Highest rate on 6-month- Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 14 instalments, commencing in May 2016.
fixed deposit plus margin
THB 900 Highest rate on 6-month- Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 12 instalments, commencing in May 2017.
fixed deposit plus margin


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.1 Loans (Continued)

Loans - Baht currency (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019, details of long-term loans from financial institutions in Baht currency of the subsidiaries are as follows: (Continued)

Principal Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

THB 500 Fixed rate Principal is repayable every 3 months, totalling 13 instalments, commencing in January 2021.
THB 14,357 3M THBFIX plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 24 instalments, commencing in February 2021.
THB 6,004 3M THBFIX plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 20 instalments, commencing in February 2021.
THB 500 Fixed rate Principal is repayable every 3 months, totalling 10 instalments, commencing in June 2019.
THB 500 6M THBFIX plus margin Principal is repayable at the end of contract in November 2020.
THB 5,000 6M FDR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 17 instalments, commencing in September 2020.
THB 10,000 MLR minus discount Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 16 instalments, commencing in March 2021.
THB 10,000 3M THBFIX plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 12 instalments, commencing in June 2021.


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.1 Loans (Continued)

Loans - Baht currency (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019, details of long-term loans from financial institutions in Baht currency of the subsidiaries are as follows: (Continued)

Principal Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

THB 9,500 3M BIBOR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 9 instalments, commencing in September 2020.
THB 3,000 3M BIBOR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 15 instalments, commencing in September 2020.
THB 24,000 6M FDR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 17 instalments, commencing in September 2020.
THB 5,400 THBFIX plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 20 instalments, commencing in June 2019.
THB 1,500 MLR minus discount Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 24 instalments, commencing in September 2012.
THB 300 MLR minus discount Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 12 instalments, commencing in September 2015.
THB 800 FDR plus margin Principal is repayable every 3 months, totalling 36 instalments, commencing in March 2020.
THB 141 6M FDR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 8 instalments, commencing in June 2017.
THB 8,500 3M THBFIX plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 38 instalments, commencing in June 2018.
THB 1,800 6M FDR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 16 instalments, commencing in June 2015.
THB 504 THBFIX plus margin Principal is repayable as the conditions specified in the contract.
THB 56 MLR minus discount Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 8 instalments, commencing in December 2019.
THB 44 MLR minus discount Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 10 instalments, commencing in June 2020.


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.1 Loans (Continued)

Loans - foreign currency

As at December 31, 2019, details of long-term loans from a subsidiary in foreign currency of the Company are as follows:

Principal Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

USD 245 Fixed rate Principal is repayable at the end of contract in August 2035.
USD 330 Fixed rate Principal is repayable at the end of contract in October 2042.
JPY 23,000 Fixed rate Principal is repayable at the end of contract in April 2036.


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.1 Loans (Continued)

Loans - foreign currency (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019, details of long-term loans from financial institutions in foreign currency of the subsidiaries are as follows:

Principal Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

USD 86 6M USD-LIBOR plus margin Principal is repayable at the end of contract in February 2022.
USD 82 6M LIBOR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 18 instalments, commencing in June 2015.
USD 460 3M LIBOR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 33 instalments, commencing in October 2012.
USD 200 LIBOR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 9 instalments, commencing in June 2020.
USD 480 6M LIBOR plus margin Principal is repayable at the end of contract in October 2024.
USD 120 6M LIBOR plus margin Principal is repayable at the end of contract in October 2024.
USD 100 6M LIBOR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 10 instalments, commencing in March 2016.
EURO 180 3M EURIBOR plus margin Principal is repayable every 12 months, totalling 6 instalments, commencing in 2021.
JPY 7,900 JPY-LIBOR plus margin Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 37 instalments, commencing in May 2018.
JPY 23,000* Fixed rate Principal is repayable at the end of contract in April 2036.
LAK 81,500 Fixed rate Principal is repayable every 3 months, totalling 20 instalments, commencing in March 2018.
VND 310,791 Fixed rate Principal is repayable every 6 months, totalling 18 instalments, commencing in July 2019.

* Guaranteed by the Company which the maximum liability under the guarantee will be capped at an amount equal to 125% of the principal or equivalent to JPY 28,750.00 Million.

The Group has entered into derivative contracts on long-term loans to cover foreign currency exchange rates risks and interest rates risks as mentioned in
Note 39.2 to Note 39.4.


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.2 Debentures

Debentures - Baht currency

As at December 31, 2019, the details of unsecured, unsubordinated debentures in Baht currency of the Company are as follows:

Principal Par value Period Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) (per share) (years) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

THB 22,000 1,000 6 years 4.75 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in November 2020.
11 months
19 days
THB 4,118 1,000 15 5.95 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in August 2020.
THB 1,030 1,000 15 6.53 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in May 2021.
THB 10,000 1,000 6 years 4.00 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in November 2021.
11 months
THB 4,200 1,000 6 years 3.50 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in November 2021.
27 days
THB 4,000 1,000 12 4.50 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in February 2022.
THB 10,000 1,000 10 6.58 Interest is repayable at the maturity date and mature in September 2023.


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.2 Debentures (Continued)

Debentures - Baht currency (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019, the details of unsecured, unsubordinated debentures with the debenture holders’ early redemption right of the Company in Baht
currency are as follows:

Principal Par value Period Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) (per share) (years) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

THB 14,967 1,000 15 Year 1 - 5 : 5.00 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in March 2024.
Year 6 - 8 : 6.20 (The debenture holders can early redeem at the end of 8th year.)
Year 9 - 15 : 6.80
THB 9,387 1,000 15 Year 1 - 5 : 4.25 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in July 2024.
Year 6 - 10 : 5.50 (The debenture holders can early redeem at the end of 10th year.)
Year 11- 15 : 5.75
THB 4,000 1,000 100 5.90 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in December 2110.
(The debenture holders can early redeem at the end of 50th and 75th year
and other cases specified in the regulations regarding the rights and
obligations of the issuer and the debenture holders.)


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.2 Debentures (Continued)

Debentures - Baht currency (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019, the details of unsecured, unsubordinated debentures in Baht currency of the subsidiaries are as follows:

Principal Par value Period Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) (per share) (years) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

THB 3,500 1,000 4 2.21 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in September 2021.
THB 1,500 1,000 7 2.82 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in September 2024.
THB 5,555 1,000 10 5.00 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in August 2021.
THB 4,000 1,000 10 3.95 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in September 2025.
THB 3,000 1,000 10 2.81 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in May 2026.
THB 2,000 1,000 3 1.97 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in November 2022.
THB 5,000 1,000 5 2.24 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in November 2024.
THB 6,000 1,000 7 2.52 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in November 2026.
THB 8,000 1,000 10 2.86 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in November 2029.
THB 7,500 1,000 12 3.15 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in November 2031.
THB 6,500 1,000 15 3.25 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in November 2034.
THB 6,890 1,000 7 4.96 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in May 2021.


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.2 Debentures (Continued)

Debentures - Baht currency (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019, the details of unsecured, unsubordinated debentures in Baht currency of the subsidiaries are as follows: (Continued)

Principal Par value Period Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) (per share) (years) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

THB 11,400 1,000 15 4.82 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in June 2029.
THB 15,000 1,000 3 2.26 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in June 2022.
THB 10,000 1,000 7 4.50 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in August 2021.
THB 1,500 1,000 5 2.20 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in September 2024.
THB 7,000 1,000 7 2.43 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in September 2026.
THB 1,500 1,000 10 2.75 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in September 2029.


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.2 Debentures (Continued)

Debentures - Baht currency (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019, the detail of unsecured, unsubordinated debentures with the debenture holders’ early redemption right of the subsidiaries in Baht
currency is as follows:

Principal Par value Period Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) (per share) (years) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

THB 10,000 1,000 4 3.05 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in August 2021.
THB 10,000 1,000 5 2.90 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in August 2024.
THB 3,000 1,000 12 4.80 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in April 2022.
THB 7,500 1,000 15 5.05 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in March 2027.
THB 3,000 1,000 7 4.61 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in March 2021.
THB 7,000 1,000 10 4.84 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in March 2024.

Debentures - foreign currency

As at December 31, 2019, the details of unsecured, unsubordinated debentures in foreign currency of the Company are as follows:

Principal Par value Period Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) (per share) (years) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

USD 53 1,000 30 5.875 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in August 2035.
USD 241 1,000 30 4.50 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in October 2042.


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.2 Debentures (Continued)

Debentures - foreign currency (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019, the details of unsecured, unsubordinated debentures in foreign currency of the subsidiaries are as follows:

Principal Par value Period Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) (per share) (years) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

USD 700 1,000 10 5.692 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in April 2021.
USD 490 1,000 30 6.35 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in June 2042.
USD 504 1,000 10 4.25 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in September 2022.
USD 496 1,000 4 4.25 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in September 2022.


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.2 Debentures (Continued)

Debentures - foreign currency (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019, the detail of unsecured, unsubordinated debentures with the debenture holders’ early redemption right of the subsidiaries in
foreign currency are as follows:

Principal Par value Period Interest rate

Currency (unit: million) (per share) (years) percent (per annum) Repayment terms

USD 650 1,000 40 3.903 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in December 2059.
USD 245* 1,000 15 5.875 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in August 2035.
USD 330** 1,000 23 4.50 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in October 2042.
USD 216 1,000 10 3.625 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in January 2043.
USD 172 1,000 30 4.875 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in January 2023.
USD 284 1,000 10 3.625 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in January 2023.
USD 328 1,000 30 4.875 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in January 2043.
USD 400 1,000 10 4.625 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in November 2028.
USD 600 1,000 30 5.375 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in November 2048.
USD 565 1,000 30 3.50 Interest is repayable every 6 months and mature in October 2049.

* Guaranteed by the Company which the maximum liability under the guarantee will be capped at an amount equal to 125% of the principal or equivalent to approximately USD 306.19 Million.
** Guaranteed by the Company which the maximum liability under the guarantee will be capped at an amount equal to 125% of the principal or equivalent to approximately USD 412.61 Million.

The Group has entered into derivative contracts on debentures to cover foreign currency exchange rates risks and interest rates risks as mentioned in Note
39.2 to Note 39.4.


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.3 Finance leases liabilities

Details of finance leases liabilities as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Finance leases liabilities
- Within 1 year 1,728.97 928.78 560.31 588.63
- Over 1 year but not over 5 years 4,982.44 2,679.59 2,017.26 2,138.29
- Over 5 years 4,060.17 2,270.20 1,688.31 2,270.20
Future finance charges (1,701.64) (436.18) (309.14) (361.51)
Present value of finance leases
liabilities 9,069.94 5,442.39 3,956.74 4,635.61

Present value of finance leases

- Current liabilities 1,342.43 819.49 484.80 511.16
- Non-current liabilities 7,727.51 4,622.90 3,471.94 4,124.45
Total 9,069.94 5,442.39 3,956.74 4,635.61


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.4 Maturities of long-term loans as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements

Baht Foreign Baht Foreign Finance
Currency Currency Currency Currency leases
Loans Loans Debentures Debentures liabilities Total
Within 1 year 20,796.77 3,525.16 26,118.00 - 1,342.43 51,782.36
Over 1 year but
not over 5 years 71,903.85 30,705.03 137,686.69 66,340.34 4,079.36 310,715.27
Over 5 years 46,566.03 13,642.30 66,337.97 121,836.05 3,648.15 252,030.50
Total 139,266.65 47,872.49 230,142.66 188,176.39 9,069.94 614,528.13

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements

Baht Foreign Baht Foreign Finance
Currency Currency Currency Currency leases
Loans Loans Debentures Debentures liabilities Total
Within 1 year 12,344.94 2,439.19 47,504.98 - 819.49 63,108.60
Over 1 year but
not over 5 years 68,877.54 10,895.33 91,720.17 71,376.58 2,435.33 245,304.95
Over 5 years 49,219.31 10,409.37 55,757.08 92,086.03 2,187.57 209,659.36
Total 130,441.79 23,743.89 194,982.23 163,462.61 5,442.39 518,072.91


25. Long-term Loans (Continued)

25.4 Maturities of long-term loans as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Separate financial statements

Baht Foreign Baht Foreign Finance
Currency Currency Currency Currency Leases
Loans Loans Debentures Debentures Liabilities Total
Within 1 year 1,000.00 - 26,118.00 - 484.80 27,602.80
Over 1 year but
not over 5 years - - 53,583.70 - 1,838.92 55,422.62
Over 5 years - 23,872.73 4,000.00 8,806.94 1,633.02 38,312.69
Total 1,000.00 23,872.73 83,701.70 8,806.94 3,956.74 121,338.11

Unit: Million Baht

Separate financial statements
Baht Foreign Baht Foreign Finance
Currency Currency Currency Currency Leases
Loans Loans Debentures Debentures Liabilities Total
Within 1 year - - 26,000.00 - 511.16 26,511.16
Over 1 year but
not over 5 years 1,000.00 - 55,348.00 - 1,936.88 58,284.88
Over 5 years - 6,830.15 28,367.20 27,969.16 2,187.57 65,354.08
Total 1,000.00 6,830.15 109,715.20 27,969.16 4,635.61 150,150.12


26. Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities

Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements
Cash flows from financing Non-cash items
As at As at
January 1, Additions Repayments Finance leases (Gain) loss Currency Business Others December 31,
2019 liabilities - on exchange translation acquisition 2019
additions rates differences (Note 43)
Bank overdrafts and short-term
loans from financial institutions 25,561.80 134,671.61 (114,761.43) - (27.60) (965.66) - (38.19) 44,440.53
Short-term loans - - (701.55) - - - 701.55 - -
Loans - Baht currency 130,441.79 16,989.03 (16,932.09) - - - 8,725.38 42.54 139,266.65
Loans - foreign currencies 23,743.89 32,754.84 (16,363.83) - (845.39) (1,494.28) 11,071.30 (994.04) 47,872.49
Debentures - Baht currency 194,982.23 69,898.20 (50,698.40) - 1,725.96 (1,843.72) 16,301.86 (223.47) 230,142.66
Debentures - foreign currencies 163,462.61 55,007.37 (17,523.40) - (7,685.59) (5,196.84) - 112.24 188,176.39
Finance lease liabilities 5,442.39 - (1,358.24) 509.04 (249.48) (99.96) 4,631.07 195.12 9,069.94
Total 543,634.71 309,321.05 (218,338.94) 509.04 (7,082.10) (9,600.46) 41,431.16 (905.80) 658,968.66

As at December 31, 2019 and 2018, the bank overdrafts and short-term loans from financial institutions bear interest at rates ranging from 1.00 % to 4.75% per annum


26. Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities (Continued)

Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities are as follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

Separate financial statements

As at Cash flows from financing Non-cash items As at

January 1, Additions Repayments Finance leases Gain on Others December 31,
2019 liabilities - exchange rates 2019

Short-term loans - related party 3,332.70 240.49 (85.63) - - - 3,487.56

Loans - Baht currency 1,000.00 - - - - - 1,000.00

Loans - foreign currencies 6,830.15 24,031.00 (6,507.60) - (480.82) - 23,872.73

Debentures - Baht currency 109,715.20 - (26,013.50) - - - 83,701.70

Debentures - foreign currencies 27,969.16 - (17,523.40) - (1,902.48) 263.66 8,806.94

Finance leases liabilities 4,635.61 - (613.35) 127.25 (252.08) 59.31 3,956.74

Total 153,482.82 24,271.49 (50,743.48) 127.25 (2,635.38) 322.97 124,825.67


27. Provisions for Employee Benefit

Movements in the present value of provisions for employee benefit are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
As at January 1 23,921.03 23,313.07 6,906.65 8,877.98
Service cost 1,983.76 1,817.43 527.17 643.16
Past service cost 4,218.86 95.51 1,068.50 -
Interest cost 679.92 600.11 222.18 236.74
Actuarial (gain) loss from provisions
for post-employment benefit 1,095.55 (946.68) (1,167.00) (799.89)
Actuarial (gain) loss from provisions
for other long-term employee
benefit 180.63 (25.07) 21.68 (13.70)
Actual payment (1,023.07) (969.83) (266.46) (236.52)
Business acquisition (Note 43) 1,609.69 89.61 - -
Disposal of assets and
discontinued operations - (10.04) - (1,801.12)
Others 3.93 - - -
Currency translation differences (80.09) (43.08) - -
As at December 31 32,590.21 23,921.03 7,312.72 6,906.65

Details of actuarial (gain) loss from provisions for post-employment benefit are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Loss from experience adjustments 639.73 335.61 0.23 493.17
(Gain) loss from changes in
financial assumptions 1,584.90 (1,371.90) (369.02) (1,293.06)
(Gain) loss from changes in
demographic assumptions (1,129.08) 89.61 (798.21) -
Total 1,095.55 (946.68) (1,167.00) (799.89)


27. Provisions for Employee Benefit (Continued)

Expenses recognized in the statements of income and comprehensive income for the years ended
December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Cost of sales and services 2,529.26 809.99 331.10 141.63
Selling and distribution expenses 383.74 168.28 76.96 115.44
Administrative expenses 4,093.41 1,494.87 1,429.33 606.78
Management remuneration 56.76 14.84 2.14 2.35
Other comprehensive (gain) loss 1,095.55 (946.68) (1,167.00) (799.89)
Total 8,158.72 1,541.30 672.53 66.31

Principal actuarial assumptions used in determining the present value of provisions for
post-employment benefit of the Group are as follows:

Annual percentage rate

2019 2018

Discount rate 1.18 - 7.15 1.73 - 8.15

Inflation rate 0.00 - 5.00 0.00 - 6.50
Employee turnover rate 0.00 - 70.00 0.00 - 70.00
Mortality rate based on the published based on the published
statistics of each country statistics of each country


27. Provisions for Employee Benefit (Continued)

Sensitivity analysis of principal actuarial assumption used in determining the present value of
provisions for post-employment benefits of the Group as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Increase (decrease) in present value of the provisions

2019 2018
Discount rate
Increase 1% (3,916.23) (3,086.77)
Decrease 1% 4,942.54 4,115.71

Weighted average duration of the provisions for post-employment benefit of the Group for the years
ended December 31, 2019 is 18.14 years (for the year ended December 31, 2018: 18.75 years).

The Labor Protection Act (No. 7) B.E. 2562 has been announced in the Royal Thai Government
Gazette on April 5, 2019 and will be effective after 30 days from the date announced in the Royal
Thai Government Gazette. This Labor Protection Act stipulates additional legal severance pay rates
in the event of termination of an employee who has worked for an uninterrupted period of 20 years
or more, whereby the employee is entitled to receive compensation of not less than 400 days at the
employee’s lastest wage rate. This change affects the Group, except the Company, which is
covered by the State Enterprise Labour Relations Act, B.E. 2543.

Subsequently, the State Enterprise Labour Relations Committee, by virtue of State Enterprise
Labour Relations Act, B.E. 2543, had issued the Announcement of the State Enterprise Labor
Relations Committee for Minimum Standards of Employment Conditions in State Enterprises
(No.4) which has been announced in the Royal Thai Government Gazette on September 26, 2019
and will be effective in the next day after the date announced in the Royal Thai Government
Gazette. This Announcement of the State Enterprise Labor Relations Committee additional legal
severance pay rates in the event of termination and retirement of an employee who has worked for
an uninterrupted period of 20 years or more, whereby the employee is entitled to receive
compensation of not less than 400 days at the employee’s lastest wage rate. This change affects the
Company since the Company is covered by this Act.

Consequently, these changes are considered an amendment to post-employment benefits plan, and
result in the increase of Baht 4,218.86 million in provision for employee benefits liabilities in the
consolidated financial statements and Baht 1,068.50 million in the separate financial statements. The
Group has recorded the effects of these changes by recognizing the past service costs as expenses in
the income statement of the period in which the law is effective.


28. Provision for Decommissioning Costs

Movements in the provision for decommissioning costs which will occur in the future are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

financial statements
2019 2018
As at January 1 74,722.52 74,865.44
- Business acquisition (Note 43) 10,367.26 8,007.39
- Additional provision 13,647.21 4,223.32
- Use during the year (454.27) (729.43)
- Reversal of non-occurred provision (587.84) (5,336.16)
- Disposals - (5,631.24)
- Currency translation differences (5,805.59) (676.80)
As at December 31 91,889.29 74,722.52
- Current portion (1,289.37) (1,090.30)
- Long-term portion 90,599.92 73,632.22

29. Other Non-current Liabilities

Other non-current liabilities as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Long-term other accounts payable 4,457.77 3,603.00 4,148.10 3,490.10
Provision for remuneration for
the renewal of petroleum production 5,752.11 7,744.52 - -
Long-term liability: Make-up 10,782.35 10,782.35 10,782.35 10,782.35
Deferred revenue 19,130.34 6,609.13 4,969.25 5,244.77
Others 6,522.52 4,232.06 375.72 340.25
Total 46,645.09 32,971.06 20,275.42 19,857.47

Long-term liability (Make-up) arises from the difference amount between the natural gas price
for the committed gas volumes that the Company paid in advance and the natural gas price as at
the date of taking the gas that exceeds the interest paid for the advance payment for untaken-up
gas volume (Take-or-Pay). The Company has to distribute the difference to the parties who paid
for the Take-or-Pay interest for the Yadana and Yetagun gas fields.


30. Share Capital

30.1 Share Capital - Authorized Shares

The number of
Par Value authorized The value of authorized
(Baht per share) shares (Shares) shares (Baht)

As at December 31, 2018 1 28,562,996,250 28,562,996,250

As at December 31, 2019 1 28,562,996,250 28,562,996,250

30.2 Share Capital - Issued and Paid-up Shares

Number of issued Value of issued Premium on Total

and fully paid-up and fully paid-up Ordinary
shares shares shares
(Shares) (Baht) (Baht) (Baht)

As at December 31, 2018 28,562,996,250 28,562,996,250 29,211,131,966 57,774,128,216

As at December 31, 2019 28,562,996,250 28,562,996,250 29,211,131,966 57,774,128,216

31. Reserves

31.1 Legal Reserve

Under the Public Limited Companies Act B.E. 2535, the Company is required to appropriate not
less than 5% of its annual net profit as legal reserve until the reserve fund reaches 10% of the
authorized share capital. The reserve is non-distributable. The Company’s reserve has already
reached the 10% of its authorized share capital, stipulated in the Act.

31.2 Reserve for Self-insurance Fund

Movements of reserves for self-insurance fund are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Balance as at January 1 1,222.68 1,199.99 1,222.68 1,199.99
Appropriated during the year 20.98 22.69 20.98 22.69
Balance as at December 31 1,243.66 1,222.68 1,243.66 1,222.68

The self-insurance fund was set up to provide insurance coverage for the Company’s business.
The Company appropriates net profit from operations and the interest income of the self-insurance
fund each year to the fund.


32. Basic Earnings per Share

Basic earnings per share for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Baht
Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
(Reclassification) (Reclassification)

Profit attributable to owners of the parent

from continuing operations 92,950,604,143 119,647,246,552 61,657,307,704 94,475,418,599

Adjustment of profit (1,491,678,204) (1,124,184,883) - -

Profit for calculation of earnings per share

from continuing operations 91,458,925,939 118,523,061,669 61,657,307,704 94,475,418,599
Profit for calculation of earnings per share
from discontinued operations - - - 70,761,721,267

Total profit 91,458,925,939 118,523,061,669 61,657,307,704 165,237,139,866

Number of weighted average of ordinary

shares (shares) 28,562,996,250 28,562,996,250 28,562,996,250 28,562,996,250

Earnings per share from continuing

operations (Baht/share) 3.20 4.15 2.16 3.31
Earnings per share from discontinued
operations (Baht/share) - - - 2.48

Earnings per share (Baht/share) 3.20 4.15 2.16 5.79


33. Sales and Service Income

Details of sales and service income for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Oil products 1,362,258.64 1,440,216.43 665,455.01 862,501.80
Gas products 406,176.68 405,644.09 503,552.88 495,125.46
Petrochemicals products 348,250.81 423,744.74 26,467.05 49,693.12
Mining products 15,078.02 20,527.20 - -
Non-oil businesses 17,272.74 15,914.60 416.55 300.76
Utilities 60,121.36 21,413.26 - 0.75
Services 9,159.22 7,732.32 3,814.26 1,696.63
Others 1,421.20 962.28 757.15 1,702.53
Total 2,219,738.67 2,336,154.92 1,200,462.90 1,411,021.05

Sales and services income for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 include sales to
government agencies and state enterprises amounting to Baht 132,609.09 million and Baht
111,936.72 million in the consolidated financial statements, and Baht 90,606.14 million and Baht
79,998.69 million in the separate financial statements, respectively.

34. Other Income

Details of other income for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Transportation income 4,921.71 3,667.94 6,916.45 5,074.53
Dividend income 383.03 347.32 29,676.71 34,534.25
Interest income 7,836.97 9,435.82 3,342.14 3,013.86
Compensation for loan interest
on advance payments for gas
purchases (2.32) (2.20) (2.32) (2.20)
Gain (loss) on disposal of assets
and investments (252.46) (2,154.60) 1,759.09 8,398.04
Gain (loss) on derivatives (417.40) (2,369.19) 1,225.18 (575.85)
Others 7,510.42 8,010.01 3,768.02 3,781.79
Total 19,979.95 16,935.10 46,685.27 54,224.42

Compensation for loan interests on advance payments for gas purchases (Take-or-Pay) represents
the compensation, which the Company received from the Electricity Generating Authority of
Thailand (EGAT) and the Independent Power Plants (IPP) in order to absorb the interests on loans
that the Company obtains to make advance payments for gas purchases.


35. Expenses by Nature

Details of expenses by nature for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
(Restated) (Restated)

Changes in finished goods

and work in process 9,260.72 (6,446.60) 5,447.31 (5,569.11)
Goods purchased and
raw materials used 1,736,549.42 1,829,951.29 1,106,202.44 1,302,747.62
Executive remunerations (Note 10.10) 1,789.98 1,501.89 161.22 162.27
Staff costs 60,823.22 51,285.46 9,865.35 8,387.47
Outsourcing 12,906.63 11,132.93 6,097.12 3,744.17
Transportation 19,289.32 17,511.16 6,940.73 5,058.57
Depreciation and amortization 133,204.18 123,592.97 19,350.14 18,652.95
Repairment 19,284.71 15,394.38 2,984.52 2,634.09
Utilities 13,488.16 12,451.88 11,812.36 11,109.06
Rental fees and property insurance
premium 10,359.62 9,240.47 2,341.93 2,301.46
Petroleum exploration expenses 3,950.74 1,481.06 - -
(Reversal of) doubtful accounts (77.02) 2,320.28 0.92 (22,646.38)
(Reversal of) loss on impairment of
assets and investments (142.90) 16.83 514.20 22,706.87
Others 39,418.25 35,441.61 7,093.08 7,188.08
Total 2,060,105.03 2,104,875.61 1,178,811.32 1,356,477.12


36. Petroleum Royalties and Remuneration

Details of petroleum royalties and remuneration for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018
are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

financial statements
2019 2018
Petroleum royalties 17,312.40 16,435.23
Special remuneration benefits 570.07 -
Total 17,882.47 16,435.23

37. Finance Costs

Details of finance costs for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Interest expenses:
Loans 7,696.07 6,659.17 510.34 415.45
Debentures 13,976.53 15,883.08 5,160.49 7,211.49
Finance leases liabilities 252.50 92.92 81.34 70.93
Others 4,432.60 3,881.90 0.21 0.02
Other finance costs 1,613.76 1,110.52 411.67 311.56
Total 27,971.46 27,627.59 6,164.05 8,009.45


38. Operating Segments

These operating segments are consistent with the internal management reports provided to the
Chief Operating Decision Maker (CODM), who makes decisions related to the allocation of
resources to the segments and assesses their performance.

For management purposes, the Group is organized into business groups based on types of
products and services. The major segments of the Group are as follows:

Upstream Petroleum and Natural Gas Business Group

1. Petroleum exploration and production business:
The Group conducts petroleum exploration and production business both domestically and
overseas. The Group is the operator and jointly invests with leading petroleum exploration
and production companies. Most domestic projects are located in the Gulf of Thailand, while
overseas projects are located in Southeast Asia, Australia, America and Africa.
2. Natural gas business:
The Group conducts natural gas business including procurement, natural gas pipeline
transmission, distribution, and natural gas separation. Products from the natural gas
separation plants are used as feedstock for the petrochemical industry and as fuel in the
household, transportation and industry sectors.
3. Coal business:
The Group conducts coal mining business, involving overseas exploration, production and
distribution of coals.

Downstream Petroleum Business Group

1. Oil business:
The Group conducts marketing of petroleum products and lube oil in both domestic and
overseas markets under an efficient operating system of procurement, storage, and
distribution of products as well as the retail business at service stations.
2. International trading business:
The Group conducts international trading business including the import and export of
petroleum and petrochemical products as well as other related products. This includes
the price risk management and international chartering.
3. Petrochemical and Refining business:
The Group conducts refining business including the production and distribution of petroleum
and petrochemicals products in both domestic and overseas markets.

Technology and Engineering Group

The Group conducts innovation, digital, technology, engineering, the production and
distribution of electricity, stream and water for industrial purpose, and the project
management of the Group. This includes seeking the business opportunities for the
sustainability of the Group.

Other operations of the Group are included in other segments, none of which constitutes a separately
reportable segment.


38. Operating Segments (Continued)

The Group changed the operating segment by detaching Technology and Engineering from the
Other business segment in order to reflect the business operations and internal Group reporting.
In addition, The Group reclassified and adjusted as described in Note 4. The Group therefore
reorganized the operating segment information of 2018 to enable comparison with the current
period’s information.

Pricing among business groups is based on normal market prices except for pricing among
business groups within the Company, for which net market prices, after deducting management
fees for petroleum terminals and operating fees, are applied.


38. Operating Segments (Continued)

Consolidated financial statements
For the year ended December 31, 2019
Unit: Million Baht
Upstream petroleum and natural gas Downstream petroleum Technology Others Elimination Total
Petroleum Natural gas Coal Oil International Petrochemicals and
exploration and trading and Engineering
production Refining
Sales - others 36,329.66 349,411.22 15,078.02 575,776.68 596,179.89 594,595.85 52,173.87 193.48 - 2,219,738.67
- related parties 154,723.07 152,699.51 301.93 3,890.78 488,849.61 381,553.85 20,511.34 3,210.05 (1,205,740.14) -

Net sales 191,052.73 502,110.73 15,379.95 579,667.46 1,085,029.50 976,149.70 72,685.21 3,403.53 (1,205,740.14) 2,219,738.67
Gross profit (loss) * 166,295.97 83,075.64 5,044.87 37,503.29 2,844.37 67,334.75 20,098.88 (166.15) (6,821.05) 375,210.57
EBITDA 136,853.63 71,406.65 3,731.46 17,893.81 (136.09) 45,282.58 18,489.28 (3,003.85) (1,545.27) 288,972.20
Depreciation and amortization expenses (62,810.84) (18,923.61) (2,437.48) (4,109.28) (118.00) (35,222.68) (9,229.25) (353.04) - (133,204.18)
Segment operating profit (loss) 74,042.79 52,483.04 1,293.98 13,784.53 (254.09) 10,059.90 9,260.03 (3,356.89) (1,545.27) 155,768.02
Share of profit (loss) from investments
in joint ventures and associates 119.97 682.44 (5.50) 902.52 - 3,402.91 905.65 - - 6,007.99
Others 0.35 (2,611.40) (13.44) 89.26 (29.93) 1,171.23 71.92 (134.45) - (1,456.46)
Unallocated revenue and expenses:
Interest income 7,836.97
Loss on derivatives (417.40)
Gain on foreign exchange rate 15,312.83

EBIT 183,051.95

Profit for the year 122,091.60

* Gross profit (loss) excludes depreciation and amortization expenses in cost of sales.


38. Operating Segments (Continued)

Consolidated financial statements

As at December 31, 2019

Unit: Million Baht
Upstream petroleum and natural gas Downstream petroleum Technology Others Elimination Total
Petroleum Natural gas Coal Oil International Petrochemicals and
exploration and trading and Engineering
production Refining
Segment assets 607,842.39 406,650.15 25,658.57 135,286.18 75,971.30 775,737.42 253,761.78 80,736.80 - 2,361,644.59
Inter-company assets 18,994.71 14,652.72 917.73 5,132.53 44,531.92 27,491.98 4,643.75 45,519.53 (161,884.87) -
Investments in joint ventures
and associates 7,061.37 5,253.56 41.79 5,616.29 - 45,681.02 11,528.96 - - 75,182.99
Total segment assets 633,898.47 426,556.43 26,618.09 146,035.00 120,503.22 848,910.42 269,934.49 126,256.33 (161,884.87) 2,436,827.58
Non-allocated assets 47,611.10

Total assets 2,484,438.68

Segment liabilities 270,802.27 75,323.46 3,189.89 69,651.06 96,500.40 354,575.40 126,926.71 129,756.32 - 1,126,725.51
Inter-company liabilities 632.50 32,453.09 2,633.51 42,668.99 9,762.01 52,975.89 10,584.54 9,918.16 (161,628.69) -
Total segment liabilities 271,434.77 107,776.55 5,823.40 112,320.05 106,262.41 407,551.29 137,511.25 139,674.48 (161,628.69) 1,126,725.51
Non-allocated liabilities 56,673.55

Total liabilities 1,183,399.06

Capital expenditure 48,255.29 24,867.09 2,035.38 10,381.86 154.65 73,159.04 6,390.26 586.09 (1,005.65) 164,824.01


38. Operating Segments (Continued)

Consolidated financial statements
For the year ended December 31, 2018
Unit: Million Baht
Upstream petroleum and natural gas Downstream petroleum Technology Others Elimination Total
Petroleum Natural gas Coal Oil International Petrochemicals and
exploration and trading and Engineering
production Refining
Sales - others 24,848.91 346,496.13 20,527.20 594,808.16 661,512.22 673,931.56 13,895.55 135.19 - 2,336,154.92
- related parties 146,960.25 143,052.68 - 6,255.59 577,608.87 458,148.48 16,128.28 2,732.71 (1,350,886.86) -

Net sales 171,809.16 489,548.81 20,527.20 601,063.75 1,239,121.09 1,132,080.04 30,023.83 2,867.90 (1,350,886.86) 2,336,154.92
Gross profit (loss) * 149,826.56 106,024.30 9,182.22 33,672.26 5,322.09 118,323.25 7,348.44 (398.60) (2,638.19) 426,662.33
EBITDA 126,842.63 94,083.75 7,444.80 15,270.93 2,701.46 97,820.92 7,878.25 (2,225.16) 1,578.32 351,395.90
Depreciation and amortization expenses (60,141.43) (18,032.99) (1,928.95) (4,316.17) (110.21) (34,898.87) (3,861.00) (303.35) - (123,592.97)
Segment operating profit (loss) 66,701.20 76,050.76 5,515.85 10,954.76 2,591.25 62,922.05 4,017.25 (2,528.51) 1,578.32 227,802.93
Share of profit from investments in
joint ventures and associates 83.97 558.71 - 905.82 - 6,298.16 668.36 - - 8,515.02
Others (1,886.17) (3.38) (109.24) (29.56) (434.52) (707.06) 124.17 (44.63) - (3,090.39)
Unallocated revenue and expenses:
Interest income 9,435.82
Loss on derivatives (2,369.19)
Gain on foreign exchange rate 6,353.51

EBIT 246,647.70

Profit for the year 165,373.55

* Gross profit (loss) excludes depreciation and amortization expenses in cost of sales.


38. Operating Segments (Continued)

Consolidated financial statements

As at December 31, 2018

Unit: Million Baht
Upstream petroleum and natural gas Downstream petroleum Technology Others Elimination Total
Petroleum Natural gas Coal Oil International Petrochemicals and
exploration and trading and Engineering
production Refining
Segment assets 585,364.40 414,805.70 27,195.61 126,978.19 77,049.54 815,640.67 69,186.31 143,277.66 - 2,259,498.08
Inter-company assets 24,184.24 21,277.41 329.60 8,513.94 42,484.39 29,233.93 4,472.01 42,202.59 (172,698.11) -
Investments in joint ventures
and associates 922.20 5,674.75 - 5,088.13 - 43,377.82 10,622.42 - - 65,685.32
Total segment assets 610,470.84 441,757.86 27,525.21 140,580.26 119,533.93 888,252.42 84,280.74 185,480.25 (172,698.11) 2,325,183.40
Non-allocated assets 28,498.93

Total assets 2,353,682.33

Segment liabilities 216,808.23 91,177.23 4,192.10 71,704.14 91,809.07 341,388.31 22,556.47 165,953.55 - 1,005,589.10
Inter-company liabilities 502.99 39,427.53 91.59 45,538.49 13,963.28 55,406.04 3,872.70 14,494.62 (173,297.24) -
Total segment liabilities 217,311.22 130,604.76 4,283.69 117,242.63 105,772.35 396,794.35 26,429.17 180,448.17 (173,297.24) 1,005,589.10
Non-allocated liabilities 30,527.62

Total liabilities 1,036,116.72

Capital expenditure 36,778.18 21,656.80 1,876.49 8,170.56 82.55 54,294.83 8,093.19 468.05 (6,972.15) 124,448.50


38. Operating Segments (Continued)

Geographical information

Sales and service income are presented in respect of the geographical location of customers for the
years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

financial statements
2019 2018
Thailand 1,369,540.32 1,320,864.92
Asia 745,411.14 872,716.49
Europe 53,150.17 117,831.47
America 31,870.54 11,005.66
Others 19,766.50 13,736.38
Total 2,219,738.67 2,336,154.92

Non-current assets are presented in respect of the geographical location of the assets as at
December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

financial statements
2019 2018
Thailand 1,308,326.09 1,135,697.98
Asia 226,250.42 130,414.37
Europe 6,769.06 7,249.27
America 19,219.96 9,732.45
Others 111,864.68 124,413.39
Total 1,672,430.21 1,407,507.46


39. Disclosure of Financial Instruments

The Group faces the principal financial risks associated with fluctuations in exchange rates, interest
rates, and global oil market prices. The Group also has certain portions of sales, purchases and loans
for operations nominated in foreign currencies which are paid in both fixed and floating interest
rates. Accordingly, the management has entered into derivative contracts to cover these risks. The
financial instruments used for hedging risks are forward foreign exchange contracts, interest rate
swap contracts, cross-currency swap contracts, participating swap contracts etc. Risk exposure
relating to global oil market prices is managed by forward oil contracts.

The department responsible for managing exposure to exchange rate risks and fluctuations in oil
market prices has to report details of the costs and market prices of all financial instruments to
management, including outstanding forward foreign exchange contracts and forward oil contracts.
The reported information principally covers risk exposure from:

 foreign exchange rate risk

 currency risk
 currency and interest rate risks
 interest rate risk
 fluctuations in oil market price risk
 credit risk

39.1 Foreign Exchange Rate Risk

The Group has entered into forward foreign exchange contracts. The contract prices and exchange
rates under the forward foreign exchange contracts as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as

Unit: Million Baht

financial statements
2019 2018
Forward foreign exchange purchase contracts
Baht 0.3224 - 0.3234 = 1 JPY 338.75 -
Baht 0.2940 - 0.3234 = 1 JPY - 461.96
Baht 29.9625 - 34.0525 = 1 USD 76,363.05 -
Baht 30.4210 - 34.1175 = 1 USD - 86,864.07
Baht 34.1000 = 1 EUR 6.18 -
Baht 37.1600 - 37.6300 = 1 EUR - 31.67
Baht 41.4270 = 1 GBP - 265.13

Forward foreign exchange sale contracts

Baht 29.9950 - 31.1025 = 1 USD 10,352.00 -
Baht 30.7540 - 32.8300 = 1 USD - 20,697.05
Baht 0.2790 - 0.2806 = 1 JPY 5,595.50 -
Baht 0.2894 - 0.2952 = 1 JPY - 17,506.89
EUR 1.1125 - 1.1363 = 1 USD 1,820.34 -


39. Disclosure of Financial Instruments (Continued)

39.1 Foreign Exchange Rate Risk (Continued)

The Group has entered into forward foreign exchange contracts. The contract prices and exchange
rates under the forward foreign exchange contracts as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as
follows: (Continued)

Unit: Million Baht

financial statements
2019 2018
Forward foreign exchange purchase contracts
Baht 30.1085 - 30.3866 = 1 USD 21,778.19 -
Baht 32.3760 - 33.0504 = 1 USD - 24,429.29

Forward foreign exchange sale contracts

Baht 29.9950 - 31.1025 = 1 USD 9,536.97 -
Baht 32.1780 - 32.8300 = 1 USD - 14,753.80
Baht 0.2790 - 0.2806 = 1 JPY 5,595.50 -
Baht 0.2894 - 0.2952 = 1 JPY - 17,506.89

39.2 Currency Risk

The Group has entered into a cross-currency swap contract of a long-term loan in the form
of a participating swap contracts. The term of such contract as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 is
as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018

JPY 23,000.00 million/USD 196.94 million 6,430.87 6,830.15 6,430.87 6,830.15

This contract has a maturity later than five years.


39. Disclosure of Financial Instruments (Continued)

39.3 Currency and Interest Rate Risks

The Group has entered into cross-currency swap contracts of other long-term investments,
long-term loans and debentures. The terms of the outstanding cross-currency swap contracts as
at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018

Baht 26,400.00 million/USD 829.05 million 26,400.00 - - -

Baht 9,322.55 million/USD 280.00 million 9,322.55 - - -
Baht 4,000.00 million/USD 120.55 million 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00
Baht 27,100.00 million/USD 844.85 million - 27,100.00 - -
Baht 8,285.45 million/USD 250.00 million - 8,285.45 - -
Baht 6,811.50 million/USD 200.00 million - 6,811.50 - -
Baht 745.00 million/USD 23.40 million - 745.00 - -
USD 200.00 million/THB 6,880.00 million 5,995.34 6,456.95 5,995.34 6,456.95
USD 70.00 million/THB 2,331.00 million 2,098.37 2,259.94 2,098.37 2,259.94
USD 70.00 million/THB 2,184.00 million 2,098.37 2,259.94 2,098.37 2,259.94
Total 49,914.63 57,918.78 14,192.08 14,976.83


39. Disclosure of Financial Instruments (Continued)

39.3 Currency and Interest Rate Risks (Continued)

The maturity periods of contracts are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018

Due within 1 year 8,093.71 3,245.00 8,093.71 -

Over 1 year but not over 5 years 30,420.92 43,273.78 6,098.37 14,976.83
Over 5 years 11,400.00 11,400.00 - -
Total 49,914.63 57,918.78 14,192.08 14,976.83

39.4 Interest Rate Risk

The Group has entered into interest rate swap contracts of long-term loans and debentures.
The terms of the outstanding interest rate swap contracts as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are
as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Interest rate swap contracts to swap floating
for fixed rate in USD currency 501.54 324.50 - -
Interest rate swap contracts to swap fixed for
floating rate in USD currency - 16,148.53 - 16,148.53
Interest rate swap contracts to swap fixed for
lower fixed rate in USD currency 3,033.13 - 3,033.13 -
Interest rate swap contracts to swap floating
for fixed rate in Baht currency 6,392.66 6,241.13 - -
Interest rate swap contracts to swap fixed for
floating rate in Baht currency 16,000.00 18,000.00 16,000.00 18,000.00
Interest rate swap contracts to swap fixed for
lower fixed rate in Baht currency 12,000.00 - 12,000.00 -
Interest rate swap contracts to swap floating
for fixed rate in JPY currency - 7,473.61 - -
Total 37,927.33 48,187.77 31,033.13 34,148.53


39. Disclosure of Financial Instruments (Continued)

39.4 Interest Rate Risk (Continued)

The maturity periods of contracts are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018 2019 2018
Due within 1 year 301.54 16,575.15 - 16,148.53
Over 1 year but not over 5 years 27,233.13 8,030.95 27,033.13 6,000.00
Over 5 years 10,392.66 23,581.67 4,000.00 12,000.00
Total 37,927.33 48,187.77 31,033.13 34,148.53

39.5 Fluctuations in Oil Market Price Risk

The Group has entered into oil price derivatives. As at December 31, 2019, the volume of oil
under those contracts that mature during January to December 2020 is 40.86 million barrels in the
consolidated financial statements (December 31, 2018: 20.01 million barrels), and 0.80 million
barrels in the separate financial statements (December 31, 2018: 0.01 million barrels).

39.6 Credit Risk

Credit risk arises when customers do not comply with the terms of agreements or the conditions
of credit agreements, causing financial losses to the Company. However, the Company has
managed risk by adjusting its credit policies according to the current economic situation, focusing
on using financial instruments, such as the Bank Guarantee, Letter of Guarantee or Standby Letter
of Credit, making payment by using Letter of Credit (L/C), Trade Credit Insurance. The Company
also manages credit risk in various ways, such as Cash collateral and Advanced payment, in order
to reduce credit risk and to determine procedures for risk prevention and mitigation, including
credit rating for all trading partners. In addition, the Company reviews their credit ratings
regularly to be standardized and be effective for credit consideration process.


40. Fair Value Measurement

The fair value of the current portions of financial assets and liabilities approximates the carrying
value due to the relatively short-term maturity of these financial instruments.

The fair value of long- term lending loans and borrowings carrying interest at market rates
approximates the carrying values.

As at December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Group had the assets and liabilities that were measured
at fair value using different levels of inputs as follows:

As at December 31, 2019

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated financial statements

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Financial assets measured at fair value
Available-for-sale investments
Equity instruments 3,360.42 - - 3,360.42
Mutual funds 1,170.19 - 653.49 1,823.68
Debt instruments - 1,503.25 - 1,503.25
Foreign currency forward contracts - 357.37 - 357.37
Cross-currency swap contracts - 4,949.08 - 4,949.08
Interest rate swap contracts - 264.63 - 264.63
Commodity swap contracts - 696.00 - 696.00
Other derivative contracts - 1,229.82 - 1,229.82
Other non-current assets
Others 1,353.50 - - 1,353.50

Financial liabilities measured at fair value

Foreign currency forward contracts - 727.17 - 727.17
Cross-currency swap contracts - 154.37 - 154.37
Interest rate swap contracts - 2,492.38 - 2,492.38
Commodity swap contracts 1,365.19 412.14 - 1,777.33
Other derivative contracts - 73.25 - 73.25
Other non-current liabilities
Deferred considerations acquired
through business acquisition - - 213.94 213.94
Contingent consideration from participating
interest acquisition in joint venture - - 1,563.84 1,563.84


40. Fair Value Measurement (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Group had the assets and liabilities that were measured
at fair value using different levels of inputs as follows: (Continued)

As at December 31, 2018

Unit: Million Baht
Consolidated financial statements
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Financial assets measured at fair value
Available-for-sale investments
Equity instruments 3,425.91 - - 3,425.91
Mutual funds 1,104.59 - 388.27 1,492.86
Debt instruments - 5,957.16 - 5,957.16
Foreign currency forward contracts - 985.65 - 985.65
Cross-currency swap contracts - 1,672.28 - 1,672.28
Interest rate swap contracts - 257.46 - 257.46
Commodity swap contracts 1,731.90 1,373.50 - 3,105.40
Other derivative contracts - 1,156.39 - 1,156.39

Financial liabilities measured at fair value

Other accounts payable
Deferred considerations acquired
through business acquisition - - 15,120.70 15,120.70
Foreign currency forward contracts - 556.87 - 556.87
Cross-currency swap contracts - 471.79 - 471.79
Interest rate swap contracts - 366.14 - 366.14
Commodity swap contracts - 1,738.15 - 1,738.15
Other derivative contracts - 81.84 - 81.84


40. Fair Value Measurement (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Group had the assets and liabilities that were measured
at fair value using different levels of inputs as follows: (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019

Unit: Million Baht
Separate financial statements
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Financial assets measured at fair value
Available-for-sale investments
Equity instruments 1,936.00 - - 1,936.00
Mutual funds 397.21 - 653.49 1,050.70
Cross-currency swap contracts - 1,763.13 - 1,763.13
Interest rate swap contracts - 239.00 - 239.00

Financial liabilities measured at fair value

Interest rate swap contracts - 324.32 - 324.32

As at December 31, 2018

Unit: Million Baht
Separate financial statements
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Financial assets measured at fair value
Available-for-sale investments
Equity instruments 1,816.00 - - 1,816.00
Mutual funds 375.29 - 388.27 763.56
Cross-currency swap contracts - 703.07 - 703.07
Interest rate swap contracts - 5.12 - 5.12

Financial liabilities measured at fair value

Cross-currency swap contracts - 103.22 - 103.22
Interest rate swap contracts - 152.34 - 152.34


40. Fair Value Measurement (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Group had the assets and liabilities that were disclosed
at fair value using different levels of inputs as follows:

As at December 31, 2019

Unit: Million Baht
Consolidated financial statements
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Financial assets disclosed at fair value
Investments in long-term debt securities - 15,013.76 - 15,013.76
Investment properties - 15,749.62 11,855.57 27,605.19
Foreign currency forward contracts - 11.30 - 11.30
Foreign exchange option contracts - 604.46 - 604.46
Commodity swap contracts - 0.50 - 0.50

Financial liabilities disclosed at fair value

Debentures - Baht currency - 189,826.48 - 189,826.48
Debentures - foreign currencies - 203,316.58 - 203,316.58
Foreign currency forward contracts - 330.03 - 330.03
Cross-currency swap contracts - 473.20 - 473.20
Interest rate swap contracts - 1,281.22 - 1,281.22
Commodity swap contracts - 3.95 - 3.95


40. Fair Value Measurement (Continued)

As at December 31, 2 0 1 9 and 2018, the Group had the assets and liabilities that were disclosed
at fair value using different levels of inputs as follows: (Continued)

As at December 31, 2018

Unit: Million Baht
Consolidated financial statements
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Financial assets disclosed at fair value
Investments in long-term debt securities - 17,262.15 - 17,262.15
Investment properties - 11,442.89 11,322.16 22,765.05
Foreign currency forward contracts - 254.90 - 254.90
Foreign exchange option contracts - 1,139.83 - 1,139.83

Financial liabilities disclosed at fair value

Debentures - Baht currency - 180,413.98 - 180,413.98
Debentures - foreign currencies - 103,881.63 - 103,881.63
Foreign currency forward contracts - 166.14 - 166.14
Commodity swap contracts - 2.13 - 2.13


40. Fair Value Measurement (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Group had the assets and liabilities that were disclosed
at fair value using different levels of inputs as follows: (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019

Unit: Million Baht
Separate financial statements
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Financial assets disclosed at fair value
Investments in long-term debt securities - 15,013.76 - 15,013.76
Investment properties - 7,775.23 387.33 8,162.56
Foreign currency forward contracts - 11.13 - 11.13
Foreign exchange option contracts - 604.46 - 604.46
Commodity swap contracts - 0.50 - 0.50

Financial liabilities disclosed at fair value

Debentures - Baht currency - 96,925.10 - 96,925.10
Debentures - foreign currencies - 10,123.18 - 10,123.18
Foreign currency forward contracts - 209.74 - 209.74


40. Fair Value Measurement (Continued)

As at December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Group had the assets and liabilities that were disclosed
at fair value using different levels of inputs as follows: (Continued)

As at December 31, 2018

Unit: Million Baht
Separate financial statements
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Financial assets disclosed at fair value
Investments in long-term debt securities - 17,262.15 - 17,262.15
Investment properties - 4,111.04 436.71 4,547.75
Foreign currency forward contracts - 254.59 - 254.59
Foreign exchange option contracts - 1,139.83 - 1,139.83

Financial liabilities disclosed at fair value

Debentures - Baht currency - 121,082.31 - 121,082.31
Debentures - foreign currencies - 28,248.78 - 28,248.78
Foreign currency forward contracts - 166.05 - 166.05
Commodity swap contracts - 2.13 - 2.13


40. Fair Value Measurement (Continued)

Fair value valuation techniques and inputs for Level 2 valuation

The fair values of debt securities and derivatives were determined based on discounted future cash
flow and valuation model techniques, using an appropriate risk-adjusted discount rate. Most of the
inputs used for the valuation are observable in the relevant markets such as spot rates of foreign
currencies, yield curves of the respective currencies, interest rate yield curves, bonds yield curves,
and commodity price yield curves, etc.

The fair value of land categorized as investment property was determined by independent property
appraisers under the market approach.

Fair value valuation techniques and inputs for Level 3 valuation

The fair values of available- for- sale investments in mutual funds were determined based on the
net asset value as reported in the Capital Call Statement and translated by using the closing
exchange rate.

The fair value of other non-current liabilities categorized as deferred considerations acquired
through business acquisition was determined by using income approach based on discount rate at
2.76% and other probability assumptions which is classified as fair value level 3.

The fair value of other non-current liabilities categorized as a contingent consideration from
participating interest acquisition in joint venture which was resulted from discounting the
contingent consideration value. The fair value was determined by using income approach based
on discount rate of 2.62% and probability assumption which is classified as fair value level 3.

The fair values of land and buildings for rent categorized as investment property were determined
by using the income approach. The inputs used for the valuation consisted of the rate of return
and finance costs.

During the year, there was no transfer within the fair value hierarchy.


41. Subordinated Capital Debentures

During the year 2019, the PTTEP Group redeemed the US Dollar subordinated capital debentures
as follows:

Consolidated financial statements

Unit : Million USD Unit : Million Baht

Before (Redeemed/ After Before (Redeemed/ After

redeemed Repurchase) redeemed redeemed Repurchase) redeemed

Issuance and offering value 145.31 (145.31) - - - -

Net value from finance cost 144.66 (144.66)* - 4,679.78 (4,679.78)* -

Issuance and offering value 354.69 (354.69) - - - -

Net value from finance cost 354.16 (354.16)* - 11,808.63 (11,808.63)* -

Issuance and offering value 500.00 (469.15) 30.85 - - -

Net value from finance cost 499.29 (468.43)** 30.86 16,761.35 (15,725.31)** 1,036.04

Issuance and offering value 1,000.00 (969.15) 30.85 - - -

Net value from finance cost 998.11 (967.25) 30.86 32,249.76 (32,213.72) 1,036.04

* The redemption of subordinated capital debentures is the first exercise of the redemption rights stipulated in the offering memorandum
at the par value.

** PTTEP Treasury Center Co., Ltd. (PTTEP TC) repurchased the subordinated capital debentures in accordance with specified conditions
and procedures.


42. Dividend Payment

On April 11, 2019, at the 2019 Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company, the
shareholders approved dividend payments for the year 2018 of Baht 2.00 per share, approximately
amounting to Baht 57,123.07 million. On October 26, 2018, the Company paid an interim
dividend from the operating results of the first half of 2018 at Baht 0.80 per share for
28,562,591,709 shares, amounting to Baht 22,850.07 million. The remaining dividend was paid
as follows:

Dividend For operating period Dividend Number of shares Total Payment date
payment rate (shares) dividend
(Baht/share) (Million
For the year July 1, 2018 -
1.20 28,560,830,446 34,273.00 April 30, 2019
2018 December 31, 2018

On September 27, 2019, at the Board of Directors Meeting of the Company No.9/2019, the Board
approved interim dividend payments for the first half of 2019 as follows:

Dividend For operating period Dividend Number of shares Total Payment date
payment rate (shares) dividend
(Baht/share) (Million
January 1, 2019 - October 25,
Interim 0.90 28,562,203,593 25,705.98
June 30, 2019 2019

43. Business Acquisition

43.1 On June 20, 2018, GPSC entered into a Share Purchase Agreement with ENGIE Global
Developments B.V. (ENGIE) to acquire shares totaling 1,010,976,033 both directly and indirectly
in Glow Energy Public Company Limited (GLOW), a company that generates and supplies
electricity, steam and water. The share acquisition represents 69.11% of total registered and
paid-up capital at the purchase price of Baht 91.99 per share, totaling Baht 93,000.93 million. The
acquisition of GLOW's shares was achieved by acquiring 218,696,260 direct shares and
792,279,773 indirect shares from acquiring all the shares of ENGIE Holding (Thailand) Company
Limited. Sources of funding are a financial institution and related parties. GPSC made a full
payment to ENGIE and changed a shareholder’s name on March 14, 2019.

Details of net assets acquired and goodwill at the acquisition date are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Purchase consideration 93,000.93
Fair value of net assets acquired (56,911.09)
Goodwill (Note 19) 36,089.84


43. Business Acquisition (Continued)

43.1 Assets and liabilities arising from the business acquisition at the acquisition date are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Cash and cash equivalents 14,487.72
Trade accounts receivable 6,133.04
Other accounts receivable 285.91
Short-term lending loans 306.66
Inventories 1,158.31
Materials and supplies 4,342.64
Other current assets 34.89
Investments in associates (Note 15.6.2) 330.03
Long-term lending loans 4,020.32
Property, plant and equipment (Note 18) 75,335.59
Intangible assets (Note 20) 45,419.71
Deferred tax assets (Note 22.3) 3,359.89
Other non-current assets 285.63
Trade accounts payable (3,128.52)
Other accounts payable (1,592.04)
Short-term loans (Note 26) (701.55)
Current portion of long-term loans (Note 26) (4,802.84)
Income tax payable (677.25)
Other current liabilities (778.23)
Long-term loans (Note 26) (31,295.70)
Deferred tax liabilities (Note 22.3) (10,706.65)
Provisions for employee benefit (Note 27) (255.61)
Provision for decommissioning costs (Note 28) (192.43)
Other non-current liabilities (12,366.51)
Fair value of net assets 89,003.01
Less Non-controlling interests (32,091.92)
Fair value of net assets acquired 56,911.09
Add Goodwill (Note 19) 36,089.84
Total purchase consideration transferred 93,000.93
Less Cash and cash equivalents of subsidiaries (14,487.72)
Cash outflow on the business acquisition 78,513.21


43. Business Acquisition (Continued)

43.1 Rights to customer contracts which represented as intangible assets are amortized using the straight
line method based on their estimated useful lives between 5 - 31 years. Goodwill is not amortized
but is tested annually for impairment.

On May 22, 2019 and December 2, 2019, GPSC acquired securities of GLOW from tender offer and
on August 13, 2019, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of GLOW passed a resolution
to approve the delisting of Securities, and on the same date, GLOW submitted the Application for
delisting of Shares (F10-7) to the Board of the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The Board of the Stock
Exchange of Thailand ordered to delist the ordinary shares of GLOW from being listed securities from
December 13, 2019 onwards.

During the year 2019, GPSC acquired securities by tender offer from non-controlling interests of Baht
40,806.27 million. As a result, GPSC has total investment in GLOW of Baht 133,807.21 million. This
increased direct and indirect shareholding interests from 69.11% to 99.83% of registered and paid-up
capital. The Group recognized deficit from the change in the ownership interests in subsidiaries
amounting to Baht 6,513.00 million is presented in shareholders’ equity in the consolidated
financial statements.

43.2 On December 17, 2018, the PTTGM Group entered into a Share Purchase Agreement with
PT Sentika Mitra Persada (SMP) and PT Mutiara Kapuas (MK), the companies have potential
coal resources located in Indonesia. The acquisition was completed on May 3, 2019 and paid-up
capital at the purchase price totaling Baht 268.12 million and Baht 101.70 million, respectively.

Details of net assets acquired and goodwill at the acquisition date are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Purchase consideration 268.12 101.70
Fair value of net assets acquired (268.12) (101.70)
Goodwill (Note 19) - -


43. Business Acquisition (Continued)

43.2 Assets and liabilities arising from the business acquisition at the acquisition date are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Other accounts receivable 5.14 1.02
Property, plant and equipment (Note 18) 274.14 121.17
Intangible assets (Note 20) 20.03 -
Exploration and Evaluation Assets (Note 21) 23.64 3.74
Deferred tax liabilities (Note 22.3) (54.83) (24.23)
Total purchase consideration transferred 268.12 101.70

The PTTGM Group has attributed the excess of consideration paid and the fair value of the assets
and liabilities in SMP and MK to mineral rights (coal reserves), which represented as intangible
assets. A corresponding deferred tax liabilities was recognized.

Management is currently performing the purchase price allocation exercise to determine the fair
value of the identifiable assets and liabilities at the date of acquisition. This process will to
be finalized within 12 months from the date of acquisition.

43.3 On March 21, 2019, PTTEP HK Offshore Limited (PTTEP HKO), a subsidiary of the PTTEP
Group, had signed the Share Sale and Purchase Agreement (SSPA) to acquire the 100%
shareholding interests of Murphy Oil Corporation (Murphy) in Malaysia through acquisition of
shares in Murphy’s subsidiaries, which are Murphy Sabah Oil Co., Ltd. (Murphy Sabah) and
Murphy Sarawak Oil Co., Ltd. (Murphy Sarawak), with total acquisition value of approximately
USD 2,130.86 million (Baht 65,724.27 million). Moreover, according to the SSPA, there may be
contingent consideration of not exceeding USD 100.00 million if there is significant petroleum
found from exploration of SK405B project. The acquisition was completed on July 10, 2019.

Details of net assets acquired and goodwill at the acquisition date are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Purchase consideration 65,724.27
Fair value of net assets acquired (46,873.69)
Goodwill (Note 19) 18,850.58


43. Business Acquisition (Continued)

43.3 Assets and liabilities arising from the business acquisition at the acquisition date are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Cash and cash equivalents 1,816.86
Trade accounts receivable 4,257.70
Other accounts receivable 2,331.52
Inventories 240.00
Materials and supplies 604.51
Other current assets 347.26
Property, plant and equipment (Note 18) 50,194.82
Intangible assets (Note 20) 76.71
Exploration and Evaluation Assets (Note 21) 12,660.24
Deferred tax assets (Note 22.3) 3,026.87
Other non-current assets 1,635.75
Trade accounts payable (193.74)
Other accounts payable (4,918.17)
Current portion of long-term loans (Note 26) (529.44)
Other current liabilities (1,104.31)
Long-term loans (Note 26) (4,101.63)
Deferred tax liabilities (Note 22.3) (11,184.83)
Provision for decommissioning costs (Note 28) (8,286.43)
Fair value of net assets acquired 46,873.69
Add Goodwill (Note 19) 18,850.58
Total purchase consideration transferred 65,724.27
Less Cash and cash equivalents of subsidiaries (1,816.86)
Cash outflow on the business acquisition 63,907.41

Goodwill of USD 611.16 million (Baht 18,850.58 million) arises mainly from the recognition of
deferred tax liabilities arising from the difference between the fair value of net identifiable assets acquired
from the acquisition and the book value which is the tax base of these net assets. The fair value of
the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed may be adjusted to reflect new information
obtained about facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date, however, the
measurement period shall not exceed one year from the date which the PTTEP Group has control.

The fair value of total considerations transferred on the acquisition date of USD 2,130.86 million
(Baht 65,724.27 million) consists of cash payment on acquisition date of USD 2,123.76 million
(Baht 65,505.43 million) and deferred consideration of USD 7.10 million (Baht 218.84 million),
which is recognized in other non-current liabilities in the consolidated financial statements.


43. Business Acquisition (Continued)

43.4 On September 12, 2019, TOP Solvent Company Limited (TS), a subsidiary of the TOP Group,
purchased the shares for investment in PT. Tirta Surya Raya (TSR), from the existing shareholders
of TSR representing 67.00% shareholding interest. TSR is a company registered in Indonesia and
engages in distributing solvent and chemical products. TS purchased 15,410 shares, totalling USD
1.28 million or equivalent to Baht 40.24 million.

Details of net assets acquired and goodwill at the acquisition date are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Purchase consideration 40.24
Fair value of net assets acquired (27.02)
Goodwill (Note 19) 13.22

Assets and liabilities arising from the business acquisition at the acquisition date are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Cash and cash equivalents 1.46
Trade accounts receivable 14.79
Other accounts receivable 31.11
Inventories 4.09
Property, plant and equipment (Note 18) 3.01
Other current liabilities (14.21)
Fair value of net assets 40.25
Less Non-controlling interests (13.23)
Fair value of net assets acquired 27.02
Add Goodwill (Note 19) 13.22
Total purchase consideration transferred 40.24
Less Cash and cash equivalents of subsidiaries (1.46)
Cash outflow on the business acquisition 38.78

The TOP Group is under the process of determining fair value of the acquired net assets which is
expected to be finalized within 12 months from the acquisition date.


43. Business Acquisition (Continued)

43.5 On June 17, 2019, PTTEP HK Holding Limited (PTTEP HK), a subsidiary of the PTTEP Group,
signed the Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) to acquire the 100% shareholding interests of Partex
Holding B.V. (Partex) from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation with the total acquisition value of
approximately USD 716.16 million (Baht 21,604.53 million). The value may be adjusted according
to conditions in the SPA. The acquision was completed on November 4, 2019.

Details of net assets acquired and goodwill at the acquisition date are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Purchase consideration 21,604.53
Fair value of net assets acquired (15,406.56)
Goodwill (Note 19) 6,197.97

Assets and liabilities arising from the business acquisition at the acquisition date are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Cash and cash equivalents 4,196.90
Trade accounts receivable 1,373.26
Other accounts receivable 24.16
Materials and supplies 418.87
Other current assets 17.24
Investments in associates (Note 15.6.1) 2,502.52
Property, plant and equipment (Note 18) 14,150.69
Intangible assets (Note 20) 1,107.50
Exploration and Evaluation Assets (Note 21) 2,947.68
Other non-current assets 1,776.48
Trade accounts payable (1,800.82)
Other accounts payable (358.44)
Income tax payable (390.66)
Other current liabilities (4.52)
Deferred tax liabilities (Note 22.3) (7,190.83)
Provisions for employee benefit (Note 27) (1,354.08)
Provision for decommissioning costs (Note 28) (1,888.40)
Other non-current liabilities (120.99)
Fair value of net assets acquired 15,406.56
Add Goodwill (Note 19) 6,197.97
Total purchase consideration transferred 21,604.53
Less Cash and cash equivalents of subsidiaries (4,196.90)
Cash outflow on the business acquisition 17,407.63


43. Business Acquisition (Continued)

43.5 Goodwill of USD 205.46 million (Baht 6,197.97 million) arises primarily from the recognition of
deferred tax liabilities arising from the difference between the fair value of net assets acquired from
the acquisition and the book value which is the tax base of these net assets. The fair value of the
identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed may be adjusted to reflect new information
obtained about facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date, however, the
measurement period shall not exceed one year from the date which the PTTEP Group has control.

The fair value of total considerations transferred on the acquisition date of USD 716.16 million
(Baht 21,604.53 million) was fully paid in cash by PTTEP HK on the acquisition date.

43.6 On August 8, 2018, the PTTGC Group entered into the Shares Purchase Agreement to acquire
74.00% share of Siam Mitsui PTA Company Limited, Purified Terephthalic Acid producer, and
74.00% share of Thai PET Resin Company Limited, Polyethylene Terephthalate resin producer,
directly and indirectly, from SCG Chemicals Co., Ltd. and Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. Subsequently
on December 27, 2018, the PTTGC Group completed the share acquisition of subsidiaries for a
preliminary cash consideration of approximately Baht 4,122.83 million. The final purchase price
was settled with the seller for an additional payment of approximately Baht 1,248.88 million,
which already paid in March 2019.

Management of the PTTGC Group believes that the acquisition is harmonized with the business
strategy of the PTTGC Group that intends to expand the downstream investment and increases
market potential in polymer business to satisfy customer's need.

However, the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities have been already completed. Therefore,
the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities have been adjusted and gain on bargain purchase
of Baht 31.48 million, which is presented in other revenues in the consolidated income statements
for the year ended December 31, 2019.

Details of net assets acquired and gain on bargain purchase at the acquisition date are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Fair value of net assets acquired 6,726.61
Purchase consideration (5,371.71)
Gain on bargain purchase 1,354.90


43. Business Acquisition (Continued)

43.6 Assets and liabilities arising from the business acquisition at the acquisition date are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Cash and cash equivalents 1,588.95
Trade accounts receivable 2,480.47
Inventories 2,200.85
Property, plant and equipment 9,549.91
Intangible assets 8.12
Other non-current assets 600.53
Bank overdraft and short-term loans from financial institutions (2,955.00)
Trade accounts payable (2,777.93)
Other accounts payable (182.74)
Long-term loans (750.00)
Deferred tax liabilities (583.54)
Provisions for employee benefit (89.61)
Fair value of net assets 9,090.01
Less Non-controlling interests (2,363.40)
Fair value of net assets acquired 6,726.61
Less Gain on bargain purchase (1,354.90)
Total purchase consideration transferred 5,371.71
Less Cash and cash equivalents of subsidiaries (1,588.95)
Deferred consideration (1,248.88)
Cash outflow on the business acquisition 2,533.88


44. Promotional Privileges

The Company has been granted promotional privileges for the following activities from the Board
of Investment (BOI) under the Investment Promotion Act, B.E. 2520
 the Ethane Separation Plant project
 the Fourth Rayong-Kangkoi gas pipeline project
 the Thai-Myanmar onshore gas pipeline project
 the Nakhon Sawan gas pipeline project
 the Nakhon Ratchasima gas pipeline project
 the Fifth onshore gas pipeline project
 the Ratchaburi - Wang Noi 6 gas metering station to Ratchaburi province gas pipeline project
 Expansion of the First onshore gas pipeline project covering Rayong Chonburi and Saraburi
new laid pipelines.

The promotional privileges include:

 an exemption from import duties on machinery approved by the BOI
 an exemption from corporate income tax on net income from the promoted business for
periods of eight years starting from the date on which the income is first derived from such

During the year 2018, the Company has exercised the privileges for the Ethane Separation Plant project.
For the year 2019, there is no the promotional privileges for the Company.

The sales and service income of the Company from the promoted and non-promoted businesses
for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Promoted businesses 27,545.26
Non-promoted businesses 1,383,475.79
Total 1,411,021.05


44. Promotional Privileges (Continued)

Some subsidiaries received the following promotional privileges from the BOI under the Investment
Promotion Act, B.E. 2520

The TOP Group has been granted privileges from the BOI for its power and steam generation,
petrochemical product production, chemical product production, ethanol product production,
marine transportation, offshore crude oil unloading facilities and industrial zone. The promotional
privileges include exemption from import duties and tax on the machinery and equipment approved
by the BOI, exemption from corporate income tax on the net income from the promoted business
for seven to eight years starting from the date on which income is first derived from such operations
or eight years from the date on which the income is received subsequent to when the privileges
were granted, and a 50% reduction of corporate income tax on the net income from the promoted
business for five years starting from the expiry date of the corporate income tax exemption.

The PTTGC Group has been granted privileges for its production of upstream, intermediate and
downstream petrochemical, utilities and production support facilities, jetty for loading and
storage of liquid product and transportation by marine vessels, petroleum product production,
research and development of polymer products and chemical formula, lab testing services and
refinery. The promotional privileges include exemption from import duties and tax on the machinery
approved by the BOI, exemption from corporate income tax on the net income from the promoted
business up to 100% of its investment excluded the cost of land and working capital for eight years
starting from the date on which income is first derived from such operations and a 50% reduction of
corporate income tax on the net income from the promoted business for five years starting from the
expiry date of the corporate income tax exemption.

The GPSC Group has been granted privileges for its production of electricity, steam, water ,
chilled water, refuse derived fuel and Li-ion battery. The promotional privileges include
exemption from import duties on the machinery approved by the BOI, exemption from
corporate income tax on the net income from the promoted business for four or eight years
starting from the date on which income is first derived from such operations, and a 50%
reduction of corporate income tax on the net income from the promoted business for five years
starting from the expiry date of the corporate income tax exemption for some promotional

The IRPC Group has been granted privileges for its manufacture of Compounded Plastic, the
cogeneration and steam power plant project (CHP), Propylene project (PRP), EBSM Upgrading for
ABS Specialties project (EBSM), Multi Product Pipeline project (MPPL), Polypropylene Resin
(PPE) project, Polypropylene Compound (PPC) project, High Pressure HDPE Compound project,
Investment project in Industrial zone and Upstream Project for Hygiene, Value Added Products
(UHV) and Floating Solar project. The promotional privileges include exemption from import duties
and tax on materials and necessary parts including machinery approved by the BOI, exemption
from corporate income tax on the net income from the promoted business for five to eight years
starting from the date on which income is first derived from such operations, a 50% reduction of
corporate income tax on the net income from the promoted business for five years starting from the
expiry date of the corporate income tax exemption, and double deduction of logistics, electricity
and water expenses for a period of ten years since income is first derived from such operations.

PTTLNG has been granted promotional privileges, Category 7.1: Public utilities and basic
services, for its liquefied natural gas transportation business. The promotional privileges include
exemption from import duties on the machinery approved by the BOI, exemption from corporate
income tax on the net income from the promoted business for eight years starting from the date
on which income is first derived from such operations, and a 50% reduction of corporate income
tax on the net income from the promoted business for five years starting from the expiry date of the
corporate income tax exemption.


44. Promotional Privileges (Continued)

Some subsidiaries received the following promotional privileges from the BOI under the Investment
Promotion Act, B.E. 2520 (Continued)

The PTT TANK Group has been granted promotional privileges for its service and public utilities,
Category 7.1: Public utilities and basic services. The promotional privileges include exemption from
import duties on the machinery approved by the BOI, exemption from corporate income tax on the
net income from the promoted business for eight years starting from the date on which income is
first derived from such operations, and a 50% reduction of corporate income tax on the net income
from the promoted business for five years starting from the expiry date of the corporate income tax
exemption. Moreover, the PTT TANK Group has been granted promotional privileges for its service
and public utilities, Category 7.1.4.: Public utilities and basic services for its loading/unloading
facilities for sea transport. The promotional privileges include exemption from import duties on the
machinery approved by the BOI, exemption from corporate income tax on the net income from the
promoted business for six years starting from the date on which income is first derived from such
operations, and a 50% reduction of corporate income tax on the net income from the promoted
business for five years starting from the expiry date of the corporate income tax exemption.

As promoted company, the Group must comply with certain terms and conditions prescribed in
the promotional certificates.


45. Proceeding regarding the Central Administrative Court’s Ordering Temporary Suspension of
Projects in Map Ta Phut Area

On June 19, 2009, the Stop Global Warming Association and a group of individuals totaling
43 parties (the Petitioners) filed a complaint with the Central Administrative Court (the Court) as
the black case No. 908/2552, against eight government agencies, together with a motion seeking
the Court injunction to temporarily suspend all operations and activities of 76 industrial projects
in the Map Ta Phut area in Rayong Province.

On September 29, 2009, the Court ordered the temporary injunction by requiring the eight accused
government agencies to issue the order to temporarily suspend all 76 projects pending the Court’s
judgment or order otherwise, except for those projects or activities which received the permits
before the effective date of the Constitution of Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2550 or which were
not required to prepare the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports pursuant to the
Ministerial Announcement of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment dated
June 16, 2009. 25 projects of the Group were under the suspension order, and 3 of those 25 projects
belonged to the Company.

On October 16, 2009, the Group, as an interested person, submitted a motion to appeal the Court’s order
to the Supreme Administrative Court.

On December 2, 2009, the Supreme Administrative Court issued an order No. 592/2552 amending
the Court’s injunction by requiring the eight accused government agencies to order the temporary
suspension of all projects or activities listed in the complaint except for 11 projects, which clearly,
according to the Supreme Administrative Court, did not severely affect the community but were
projects intended to mitigate pollution or only additional installation to the existing projects.
Among those 11 projects, 7 of them belonged to the Group, comprising 1 project of the Company
and 6 projects of the other companies in the Group. 2 projects of the Company were still under
the Court’s order to suspend.

On December 18, 2009, the public prosecutor submitted the answer rejecting all allegations in the

On September 2, 2010, the Court rendered a judgment revoking the permit of the projects listed
in the complaint which, according to the law, were categorized as project that might severely
affect the community and did not comply with the procedures set forth in Section 67 paragraph 2 of
the Constitution, B.E. 2550. The revocation was effective as of the date of the judgment.
1 project of the Group is within the scope of the judgment.

On October 1, 2010, the 43 prosecutors appealed the Court’s judgment to the Supreme Administrative
Court. On December 7, 2010, the eight accused government agencies by the public prosecutors
submitted a reply to the appeal. The appeal is currently under the consideration of the Supreme
Administrative Court.


46. Commitments and Contingent Liabilities

Details of significant changes in commitments and contingent liabilities are as follows:

46.1 Details of commitments to subsidiaries and joint ventures are as follows:

46.1.1 The Company has provided loans to its subsidiaries with credit limits totalling Baht
142,277.00 million. As at December 31, 2019, the Company made these loans payments
to its subsidiaries totalling Baht 94,146.51 million. The remaining credit limits were Baht
48,130.49 million.

46.1.2 The Company entered into the Sponsor Support Agreements with subsidiaries and joint
ventures with credit limits equal to the sum of the loan obligations to financial institutions
of such subsidiaries and joint ventures. Under these agreements, as at December 31, 2019, the
Company had commitments of USD 16.91 million or equivalent to Baht 512.90 million.

46.1.3 The Company had obligations under the Shareholder Agreements to pay for ordinary shares
in proportion to its shareholding. As at December 31, 2019, the Company had remaining
obligations amounting to Baht 2,656.46 million.

46.2 Commitments under operating leases - the Group as a lessee, the future minimum lease payments
under uncancellable operating leases as at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are as follows:

Unit: Million Baht

Consolidated Separate
financial statements financial statements
2019 2018* 2019 2018*
Within 1 year 6,422.59 2,607.35 442.66 441.86
Over 1 year but not over 5 years 11,407.19 6,210.69 1,374.01 1,453.18
Over 5 years 29,996.76 27,995.30 3,031.04 3,254.79
Total 47,826.54 36,813.34 4,847.71 5,149.83

* The Company has adjusted the financial information to be comparable with the financial statement presentation for the years ended
December 31, 2019.

Operating lease commitments recognised as expense for the year ended December 31, 2019
amounting to Baht 11,633.94 million (2018: Baht 5,066.58 million) in the consolidated financial
statements and Baht 1,936.39 million (2018: Baht 2,837.45 million) in the separate financial

46.3 As at December 31, 2019, the Group had capital commitments of Baht 94,215.41 million in the
consolidated financial statements.

46.4 As at December 31, 2019, the Group had outstanding letters of credit of Baht 44,966.06 million
in the consolidated financial statements and Baht 2,745.86 million in the separate financial statements.

46.5 As at December 31, 2019, the Group had contingent liabilities in the form of letter of guarantee
amounting to Baht 28,682.96 million in the consolidated financial statements and Baht 71.32
million in the separate financial statements.


46. Commitments and Contingent Liabilities (Continued)

Details of significant changes in commitments and contingent liabilities are as follows: (Continued)

46.6 A subsidiary entered into a contract to sell a product to the Company and the Company entered
into a contract to resell the same product to a listed company. The term of the two contracts was 15
years, expiring on January 31, 2012. Before the expiration of the contract, the subsidiary notified
the Company that the contract would not be renewed. Consequently, without product to resell, the
Company had to notify the listed company that the contract would also not be renewed. The
Company’s notice was served to the listed company in accordance with the terms and conditions
set forth in the contract. On December 3, 2009, the listed company submitted claims with the Thai
Arbitration Institute (the Institute) requesting the Company and the subsidiary, as the seller and
the supplier, respectively, to comply with the contracts by continuing to sell the product to the listed
company or be jointly liable to pay damages.

On February 10, 2010, the subsidiary submitted motion with the Institute asking to dismiss the claims
against it from the case list. The Institute issued an order to dismiss the claims relating to the subsidiary.

The Company forwarded the case to the Office of the Attorney General to submit a defense to
the Institute. On April 28, 2010, the public prosecutor submitted the defense with the Institute for
the Company. The tribunal finished the witness examination. Consequently, on March 25, 2016,
the tribunal ruled that the Company make a partial payment for compensations to the listed
company. However, the Company was of the opinion that the arbitral award might be both factually
and legally inconsistent. Therefore, the Company could exercise its legal right by filing a motion
with the court requesting the arbitral award to be revoked. On June 30, 2016, the Company by the
public prosecutor filed a motion to revoke the arbitral award with the Civil Court. Subsequently,
on December 16, 2016, the listed company submitted a motion with the Civil Court asking for the
enforcement of the arbitral award. The Company by the public prosecutor submitted the objection
with the Civil Court. On September 19, 2019, the Civil Court rendered a judgment to enforce the
arbitral award that the Company to make payment of damages according to the abovementioned
award in the amount of Baht 390.00 million per annum from February 1, 2012 to March 25, 2016
with the interest thereof at the rate of 7.50% per annum accrued from the date of the arbitral award
to the date on which the Company makes full payment. However, the Company respectfully cannot
concur with the judgment and, therefore, will appeal the Civil Court’s judgment with the Supreme
Court in accordance with the law.

46.7 On May 26, 2010, the contractor for an onshore natural gas pipeline construction project
(the “Contractor”) submitted claims to the Thai Arbitration Institute (the Institute) seeking overdue
payment and damages for the work performed in the aforementioned project from the Company. The
Company, however, considered that the submission of the claims was incompliant with the dispute
resolution procedure agreed upon the contract. Therefore, the Company filed an opposition to the
Contractor’ s claim submission with the Institute and reserved right to protest such contractually
incompliant claim submission in the arbitration procedure. After the claim submission, the Central
Bankruptcy Court ordered the Contractor to be under an absolute receivership which rendered the
official receiver to have sole power in any litigation pertaining to the Contractor’ s assets.
Subsequently, the Contractor’s official receiver has petitioned the Institute to substitute the Contractor
in the dispute against the Company. Regarding the Contractor’ s bankruptcy case, the Company
submitted a motion for receiving a debt payment in accordance with the law as a creditor. With respect
to the arbitration process, the Company submitted the defense together with counterclaims seeking
damages from the Contractor. Subsequently, the Arbitral Tribunal rendered an award ordering the
Company to partially pay for the Contractor’s claims. However, the Company considered that the
arbitral award is materially both factually and legally inconsistent. The Company, therefore, filed a
motion to revoke the arbitral award, while the contractor submitted a motion with the Civil Court to
enforce the arbitral award. On October 17, 2017, the Civil Court delivered a judgment to enforce the
arbitral award whereby some penalty amounts were reduced. However, The Company submitted with
the Supreme Court an appeal of the Civil Court's judgment and, together with the appeal, the Company


46. Commitments and Contingent Liabilities (Continued)

Details of significant changes in commitments and contingent liabilities are as follows: (Continued)

46.7 also placed with the Civil Court a Company's book bank as a security to stay the enforcement of the
judgment as stated in Note 23. Subsequently, the Contractor also submitted with the Supreme Court
an appeal of the Civil Court's judgment. On December 18, 2019, the Supreme Court rendered
judgment in not accepting the Company’ s appeal for consideration and the case was final.
Therefore, the Company was obliged to make payment in accordance with the Civil Court’ s
judgment. On January 8, 2020, the Company made payment in accordance with the Civil Court’ s
judgment in the approximate amount of 4,543.51 million Baht with the Civil Court.

On September 8, 2010, the Contractor by the official receiver submitted another claim to the Institute
seeking overdue payment and damages from the Company for the work performed in connection with
another pipeline construction project. The Company, however, considered that the submission of the
claims was incompliant with the dispute resolution procedure agreed upon the contract. Therefore, the
Company filed an opposition to the Contractor’s claim submission with the Institute and reserved the
right to protest such contractually incompliant claim submission in the arbitration procedure. In
contention against the alleged claims, the Company submitted the defense together with
counterclaims seeking damages from the Contractor.Subsequently, the Arbitral Tribunal was mutually
appointed to consider the disputes. On November 30, 2018, the tribunal rendered an award that both
claims and counterclaims were dismissed. However, the Company already submitted the application of
repayment of debt in the bankruptcy case. The Contractor, then, file a motion for revocation of the
arbitral award with the Civil Court and the Company by the Office of the Attorney General submitted
the motion to object the revocation of the arbitral award with the Civil Court. The case is currently under
the consideration of the Civil Court.

46.8 On February 25, 2014, the contractor for an onshore natural gas pipeline construction project (the
“Contractor”) filed a lawsuit against the Company with the Civil Court on the grounds of wrongful
termination and breach of contract and claimed for outstanding payment of the work and damages.
On the contrary, the Company considered that all of the Company’s actions have been in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract. Therefore, the Company forwarded the
case to the Office of the Attorney General for consideration to arguing the case for the Company
and the prosecutor has submitted the answer with the Court. Consequently, the Civil Court ordered
the case be transferred to the Central Administrative Court for consideration and judgment because the
Civil Court and the Central Administrative Court has the corresponding opinions that this case was
an administrative case. The Civil Court transferred this case to the Central Administrative
Court. Currently, the case is under the consideration of the Central Administrative Court.

After the Company terminated the contract with the Contractor, the Company completed an
onshore natural gas pipeline construction project. Subsequently, on June 20, 2018, the Company
filed a lawsuit against the Contractor with the Central Administrative Court on the grounds of
breach of contract and absent from service and claimed for damages. Currently, the case is under
the consideration of the Central Administrative Court.

On September 25, 2019, the Contractor filed a statement of fact with the Central Administrative
Court that on March 8, 2019, the National Company Law Tribunal of India ordered that the
Contractor to be under the Corporate Insovency Resolution Process and appointed the Resolution
Professional in accordance with India Law. The Company conducted an investigation and found
that such statement was true. Subsequently, on November 26, 2019, the Company filed a petition to
request the payment of debt with the Resolution Professional in India. Currently, the Resolution
Professional is in consideration of the Company’s petition. With regard to the Central
Administrative Court’s case, the Court is in consideration of the proceedings of the case.


46. Commitments and Contingent Liabilities (Continued)

Details of significant changes in commitments and contingent liabilities are as follows: (Continued)

46.9 On March 11, 2016, PTTEP AA received a letter from a firm of Australia lawyers representing a
group of West Timorese seaweed farmers, notifying PTTEP AA of their intention to commence
a legal action for compensation relating to the Montara oil spill incident in the Timor Sea in 2009.
Subsequently, on August 9, 2016, PTTEP AA was notified of a claim made in the Sydney
Registry of the Federal Court of Australia seeking damages on behalf of a group of seaweed
farmers (Class Action). The Statement of Claim as filed does not quantify the claim, and no
supporting evidence has yet been presented to the court. PTTEP AA has appointed lawyers and
to defend against the claim. Currently, the case is under the court determination.

PTTEP considers that the claims from representative of West Timorese seaweed farmers related to
Montara oil spill incident remain unproven due to insufficient evidence to support the claim.

46.10 During the third quarter of 2014, the number of people in Rayong filed several lawsuits with
the Civil Court and the Rayong Provincial Court against PTTGC to claim the extra
compensation from oil spill incident and to perform the rehabilitation of the sea and natural
environmental recovery. Some cases have been dismissed and some cases have been passed a
judgment by the Civil Court on August 25, 2016 ordered PTTGC to compensate for damages
including interest and rehabilitation of approximately Baht 11.26 million. PTTGC has appealed
on February 17, 2017. Subsequently, on May 11, 2018, PTTGC made a compromise agreement
with majority plaintiffs at the Civil Court. On December 20, 2018, the Court of Appeal has
passed the judgment according to the compromise contracts which PTTGC has already paid
compensation in full amount. For the remaining plaintiffs, the Court of Appeal orders PTTGC
to pay compensation with its interest according to the judgement of the Court of First Instance
and reduced the amount of interest. PTTGC has paid compensation to all plaintiff completely
and no petition is submitted to Supreme Court by any of plaintiff. This case has become final.

For the case at Rayong Provincial Court, on September 28, 2018, the Court has made the judgement
ordering PTTGC to pay damage cost with its interest approximately Bath 37.74 million by
deducting the remedy payment paid to the plaintiffs of Baht 24.00 million. PTTGC deposited the
remaining damage cost with its interest to the Rayong Provincial Court on February 25, 2019. Some
plaintiffs filed an appeal with the Rayong Provincial Court and PTTGC has filed an answer to the
appeal with the Rayong Provincial Court on October 2, 2019. Subsequently, on January 22, 2020
the Rayong Provincial Court sent an appointment to hear the judgment of the Court of Appeal
Region 2 on March 19, 2020.


47. Other Event

On April 4, 2016, the Ombudsman of Thailand submitted a complaint to the Administrative Court
against the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Energy, the Company and other defendants as a
black case No. 510/2559, requesting the Court as follows:

1) To revoke the Cabinet Resolutions on December 18, 2007 and August 10, 2010.
2) To order the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Energy and the Company to conduct a
segregate and transfer of net assets according to the plaintiff’s allegation as of September 30, 2001
amounting to Baht 68,569.69 million, including other compensations and benefits.
3) To revoke the segregate of public assets and the preferential rights to establish the gas pipeline
system according to the plaintiff’s allegation.

On May 26, 2016, the Administrative Court ordered the Company to submit a defense, responding to
the particular issue that was whether the Company completely transferred the assets of the
Petroleum Authority of Thailand (the tenth defendant), which were public assets, to the first
defendant (the Minister of Finance) in accordance with the Cabinet Resolution on December 18, 2007.
The Company had the public prosecutor prepared the statement and additional statement for submission
to the Administrative Court. On May 11, 2018, the Administrative Court issued an order to end the
fact finding process. Currently, the case is under the consideration of the Administrative Court.

Nevertheless, on December 14, 2007, the Supreme Administrative Court in a red case No. Fo. 35/2550,
ordered the defendants to jointly segregate the public assets to the Minister of Finance,
in accordance with the judgment. Therefore, on December 18, 2007, the Cabinet acknowledged the
aforesaid judgment and assigned the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Energy to jointly
segregate the public assets to comply with the judgment. Consequently, on December 26, 2008, the
Supreme Administrative Court declared that the defendants had completely complied with the
judgment of the Court. Furthermore, the plaintiff and the co-plaintiffs had submitted complaints
regarding such segregation of public assets to the Court for four times but the Court ordered to
dismiss such complaints and reaffirmed that the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court in
the red case No. Fo. 35/2550 was completed. Consequently, on August 10, 2010, the Cabinet
acknowledged the conduct followed the Supreme Administrative Court’s judgment in accordance
with the proposals of the Minister of Energy and the Minister of Finance.

48. Events after the Reporting Period

48.1 On November 29, 2019, at the Board of Directors Meeting of PTT LNG Co., Ltd. (PTTLNG)
No.12/2019, the Board passed a resolution to approve the call up of remaining additional share
capital of Baht 25.66 million. The Company made the additional payment on January 24, 2020.

48.2 On February 20, 2020, at the Board of Directors Meeting No. 2/2020 of the Company, the Board
passed a resolution to propose to the Annual General Meeting of the Company’s shareholders for
approval a dividend payment of Baht 2.00 per share for the year 2019. On October 25, 2019, the
Company paid an interim dividend of Baht 0.90 per share as described in Note 42. Accordingly, the
remaining dividend of Baht 1.10 per share or approximately Baht 31,419 million will be proposed for
approval by the Annual General Meeting of the Company’s shareholders for the year 2020.

48.3 The board of directors of the Company approved these financial statements for public issuance
on February 20, 2020.


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