Project 13 Framework
Project 13 Framework
Project 13 Framework
Framework #JoinProject13
Project 13 is a new approach to delivering high performing infrastructure, focused on moving from
transactions to enterprises. It features:
Five Pillars – Capable Owner, Governance, Organisation, Integration
and Digital Transformation have been identified as the key features of
Project 13. They are the pillars around which Project 13 is formed.
There are sixteen Project 13 Principles which sit beneath those key
features and can be used to create a high-performing Enterprise
focused on outcomes.
How the Project 13 Pillars and Principles will vary in line with the required outcomes, organisations and
relative starting points. Moving to this new P13 approach can be managed effectively by using the Pillars,
Principles and Maturity Matrix as the framework for change.
Click on each pillar to get more detail.
An Enterprise should be enabled by effective governance. The principles of good corporate
governance apply equally to an integrated, collaborative Enterprise.
In an Enterprise Governance will include
▪ integrated processes providing collective effective decision making
▪ high degrees of transparency, supported by a combination of independent, owner and self-
Enterprise Governance will support the following principles:
➢ Value is defined at outcome level
Benchmarks, baselines or the affordability of outcomes provides the starting point for defining
value and the point of engagement with partners. Value is not defined through cost-based
competition for the delivery of defined scope or work.
➢ The Enterprise is rewarded for outcome performance
Reward for the Enterprise is aligned with the value created. This could be for outperformance
against baselines or benchmarks. It could also include a return for generating value related to
outcomes. This back to back commercial arrangement is an important step in creating aligned
Enterprise relationships.
➢ Risk allocation is aligned with capability and where possible jointly owned
Risk is not transferred. Specific risks are identified together with the specific capability required to
manage them. Risks are allocated though the commercial model and through Enterprise
relationships, with incentives that encourage effective mitigation.
➢ The commercial arrangements provide the potential for sustainable returns
Enterprise partners should have the potential for sustainable returns. Owners should share in this
aspiration for a positive return.
➢ The Integrated Enterprise is aligned with the outcomes to be delivered
Alignment with the outcomes to be delivered should extend to key suppliers and partners. This
alignment will inevitably increase with increasing maturity and the development of relationships.
However, from the outset the Enterprise should include those suppliers who have the greatest
influence on the outcomes required.
➢ Supplier capability is engaged early in developing solutions
Partners and suppliers that can add the greatest value should be involved from the outset of the
solution development phase. Understanding where this capability exists within the ecosystem and
developing associated engagement strategies is fundamental to developing an effective
Enterprise. Strategies that determine supplier engagement simply on the basis of lowest price will
limit the influence capability will have on the ultimate solution.
➢ The Enterprise integrates the required capability in high performing collaborative teams
The development of effective high performing teams is a core competence in an Enterprise.
Bringing together ‘best for task’ capability in integrated delivery teams. Enterprise teams are not
undermined by the interfaces, hand-offs and hierarchical boundaries associated with traditional in-
series arrangements.
➢ The Integrator brings together capabilities that deliver effective solutions through production
The role of the integrator is to:
▪ Integrate the capabilities required to progress from development of a solution to delivery
through effective production systems.
▪ Establish the procurement strategy and incentivised commercial agreements for the
Enterprise ecosystem.
▪ Integrate individual strategies within an effective platform approach that achieves high
levels of reliability and productivity.
▪ Working with the owner, establish the common processes and systems that enable the
enterprise to operate as a high-performing integrated team.
▪ Develop and maintain high performing integrated teams.
➢ The Integrator enables a platform approach to delivery
The integrator will develop a platform approach where digital products and components are used
across the proposed solution. Standardised and interoperable components enable a production
approach to delivery, with construction increasingly being more like manufacturing.
➢ Supply systems are organisationally and commercially aligned with the outcomes to be
This platform approach is enabled by the engagement of suppliers in the development of
standardised whole life components and products. This will be outside the project delivery
process, with subsequent solution development simply integrating pre-developed digital products.
➢ The Enterprise has a common and committed approach to health, safety and wellbeing
Enterprise partners share best practice and collectively learn through a shared continuous
improvement process. All Enterprise organisations will be part of and contribute to the
development of an integrated health and safety system.
Digital Transformation
➢ The Enterprise digital transformation strategy enables an integrated digital approach to
delivery and asset management.
Digital transformation is applied in the delivery of new assets and in the ongoing use, operation
and maintenance of the built assets. The Enterprise digital transformation strategy unlocks value
across the whole Enterprise by providing a coherent and shared approach. Digital transformation
is an essential enabler of integration.
➢ The Enterprise effectively integrates engineering and digital technology to deliver intelligent
Effective integration of engineering and digital capability enables the development of intelligent
infrastructure solutions, with digital twins enabling right to left thinking and a customer first
approach to the delivery of improved outcomes.
➢ Data and information are recognised and treated as digital assets that enable improved
customer outcomes.
Information is managed as an asset, with the quality and consistency of data recognised as
essential for secure, resilient data sharing. Information management processes connect asset
management, delivery, operations and customers. This effective information management enables
better decisions and leads to improved outcomes for the customer.