Developing Individual, Teams, and Organizations: Student Name:Rosinaalam Student Id:14910
Developing Individual, Teams, and Organizations: Student Name:Rosinaalam Student Id:14910
Developing Individual, Teams, and Organizations: Student Name:Rosinaalam Student Id:14910
Student Name:RosinaAlam
Student ID:14910
Table of Contents
Determine appropriate and professional knowledge, skills and behavior that are required by
Analyze a completed personal skills audit to identify appropriate knowledge, skills, and
behaviors and develop a professional development plan for a given job role.............................4
Analysis of the differences between organizational and individual learning, training and
Analyze the need for continuous learning and professional development to drive sustainable
business performance...................................................................................................................8
LO 3...............................................................................................................................................10
Demonstrate understanding of how HPW contributes to employee engagement and
competitive advantage within a specific organizational situation.............................................10
Evaluate different approaches to performance management and using specific examples
showing how they support high-performance culture and commitment....................................11
The purpose of this report shows different key activities for development individuals, teams, and
organizations. Here, teams and individuals refer to employees of an organization. The
organization means one type of place where employees are working for achieving organization
targets and objectives. The HR manager of an organization should develop an employee's skills
and knowledge so that employees can achieve sufficient knowledge to complete a particular task
effectively(Shonk, 2019). The HR of an organization takes different types of programs to
develop individual and team skills and knowledge. Now, it is a very crucial factor for any
organization because the current business is so more competitive than before. In this situation,
developing individual and team skills are very important in the modern business
organization.The HR manager also should apply different strategies to motivate employees. The
business organization can perform very well when individual and team performance will be very
good in the workplace(Marquardt, 2014). So, now it is going to very essential for each employee
to develop skills and knowledge to achieve sustains position in the competitive marketplace.
Organization Background
Determine appropriate and professional knowledge, skills and behavior
Each organization operates its business for achieving some particular target. For this reason, the
HR manager of an organization hires employees to achieve their specific target. After hiring
employees, the HR manager should apply different types of business strategies to increase
individual and team skills(Warner, 2013). In this situation, the HR manager needs to good
knowledge, skills and knowledge of employees hiring process.
What is CPD?
The HR manager of an organization can use continuing professional development (CPD) for
developing employee's skills and knowledge. Continuing professional development (CPD) is a
remarkable and essential process. It is gradual in developing the process of individual and team
skills. It is a very necessary tool to gain organization goals. It is also called the ongoing
development process(Pearce, 2015).
How to engage CPD
CPD is a very effective developing strategy because it helps to identify the team and individual
skills and weaknesses. It helps to identify employees' skills that are needed to gain organization
targets. The organization should do more focus on two steps to achieve organizational goals and
targets. These steps are describing below:
CPD is a very effective developing strategy. It plays a very important role to develop
employee's skills based on relevant jobs.
CPD plays a very vital role in progress employee's skills and knowledge in the
workplace. Employees can know many unknown things by learning and developing the
process(Frame, 2015).
Continuous Profession Development helps to increase each employee's profit in the organization.
When employees can achieve high personal profit, they understand their activity in the
organization and identify requirements that must needto achieve the organization leading
Recording and Evaluating CPD
The HR manager of an organization can keep a vital role by using the continuous professional
development process in the business organization. In CPD, there involve two factors that are
very important to make an effective plan to improve individual and team skills and knowledge in
the workplace. These strategies and effective plans need to make a good future for both the
organization and employees. The recording and evaluating manager of an organization can create
evidence for regarding and evaluation of team and individual progress and failures of the training
and development program(Frame, 2018).
The HR manager of an organization should arrange more individual and team training and
development program so that they can achieve sufficient knowledge about their duty. For this
reason, the business organization should keep big funds for training and development programs.
The structure of CPDactivities
Evaluate Define
Reflect Assess
Act Design
Define:The term defines is the first step of the continuous development process. This step does
determine what types of knowledge and skills are needed to attain organization goals and
objects(Earley and Ang, 2018). The define step must be completed based on the job description,
job specification, and recruitments.
Assess:After completing of define step of continuous professional development, the assessment
step is started. Employee's knowledge and skills must evaluate in the assess step. It is called a
very significant step in the CPD process.
Design:Design is the third step of the CPD structure. This step of CPD helps to define the exact
activities of individuals and teams for reaching company objectives ad targets. It is also a very
vital step in the CPD process because it helps to adjust company targets and goals.
Act: This step is started after completing the design steps of the CPD framework. This step
ensures the employee's good performance in the workplace.
Reflect:It is the fifth step of the Continuing Professional Development framework. It is a very
effective step to asses learning outcomes.
Evaluate:The evolution is the final and last of the CPD framework. In this step HR manager of
an organization evaluate individual and team performance in the workplace and remove
employees weakness.
learning process provides to the employee of work-related emotion which may good perform
such as self-motivation for individual and team development. Reflect learning also lead to the
empowerment of employees in the workplace. Actions provide an objective view of self-
performance.Jane Cambridgeeasily can identify her lacking in IT and measure her presentation
skills and knowledge about IT through this learning process. Action provides an objective view
of self-performance(Earley and Ang, 2018). Jane Cambridge can identify the place where she
needs to improve. The feedback is a very effective tool to measure the individual level of
performance in the working place. The feedback tool provides deeper insight into individual and
team performance.
Individual and team learning is a continuous ASDA learning process is also a continuous
professional development process that can development process of the Correction and
relate to time duration. Detection of errors.
Individual and group learning process is free ASDA learning process must have a
of any time. This learning process is a particular period in which a person can
continuous learning process develop his skills and knowledge by a specific
The HR manager of ASDA uses training and development programs for developing employee's
skills and knowledge. Both training and development program is a subsystem of a company. It is
very important in the development of the performance of individuals and teams in the company.
Training is an educational learning process that includes sharpening knowledge, concept, skills,
and attitude to increase the performance of the staff and employees in the organization.
Organization development is one type of method that strives to build the capability to gain new
desired of an organization(Parker, 2014). Now, this part is going to a discussion about the
difference between training and development. There are
Training Development
Training needs for operative business activities It is meant for executive
The training process is reactive. Development is a pro-active process.
The main purpose of training improves The purpose of development improves total
additional knowledge and skills. personality.
Training is short process Development is continuous development
The training program helps to meet the present Development program helps to meet the future
demand of an individual. demand of an individual
Continuous learning and professional development to drive sustainable
business performance.
ASDA should give more important both continuous learning and professional development for
gaining instant ASDA targets and goals. ASDA can achieve sustainable business performance
when individual and team members will be very efficient in the organization(Pearce, 2015). The
management team of ASDA can manage and control the learning and development method for
employee's knowledge and skill development so that each employee can deliver good
performance in the workplace. It is so much vital factor for each employee to work according to
the ASDA target and goal. The continuous learning is one typical way of ensuring individual and
team. This way is very effective to develop new knowledge and skills. Continues learning
processes manage the business environment to induce continuous improvement. GAP analysis
is another significant method because this method helps to determine what stage needs to take
for gaining the expected knowledge and skills(Sage, 2015). This method has three big steps:
GAP analysis is an effective way to determine what steps need to be taken in order to achieve the
expected skill. GAP analysis has three major steps-
ASDA also gives a different type of learning opportunities for employees.
Companies also provide training and other learning opportunities for employees. There are five
types of learning opportunities. There are
Systematic thinking: It indicates employees' discipline in the workplace(Shonk, 2019).
Systematic thinking helps to understand employees of a system by examining the interactions of
the system.
Personal mastery:The term personal mastery helps to develop an employee's skills and
knowledge. It must need for achieving both organization and personal targets and goals.
Mental models: An individual mental capability can be improved many times. The mental
method is very effective in both organization and personal learning style.
Team learning: Team learning process is a very effective learning system for an organization
and individual form different aspects.
Shared Vision: In this learning process, ASDA can share its vision to employees.
David Kolb and Honey and Lewin's theory propose the Experiential Learning Model. This model
is a very effective model to understand the learning cycle. This theory gives more important four
major points such as concrete experience, observation experience, formation and testing of new
ideas or concepts(Warner, 2013).
There involve two types of learning processes such as the formal learning process which are
primarily ASDA learning that serves a particular purpose and informal learning process which is
primary done ASDA learning that does not serve a particular purpose.
The learning process has different types of barriers such as health barrier, external and internal
environment barrier, psychological barrier and cognitive barrier
LO 3
HPW contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage
The employee's high-performance workplace is so much need for achieving the competitive
advantage of ASDA. High-Performance Workplace (HPW) is also needed for gaining ASDA
targets and goals. ASDA can apply different types of strategies in the company for ensuring
employees' high performance in the workplace(Wendover, 2016). In this situation, ASDA can
give chance employees for the organization's decision-making process. The HR manager of
ASDA also can hire efficient employees to ensure employee's high performance in the
workplace. ASDA also can give chance employees to work for a group or team-wise so that they
can deliver high working performance based on higher-level communication. ASDA should
select a group leader for this because the strong leadership is so much significant to control of
group members(Armstrong and Armstrong, 2019). On the other hand, employers and employees
can be so beneficial from high performance working organization. The HR manager of ASDA
can achieve high job satisfaction by implementation HPW in the workplace. The employees of
ASDA will be beneficial from different aspects such as job previews, profit-related bonuses,
training and development opportunity, individual performance-related appraisals and rewards,
and flexible job description(Ashton and Sung, 2014). The employers of ASDA also will be
beneficial such as increasing employee productivity, delivering good working performance;
different critical problems solve easily, higher job satisfaction of employees, higher customer
satisfaction and so on.
Now, this portion is going to describe big external stakeholder that has a great impact on HRM:
National and Regional Conditions: This stakeholder has a great impact on country GDP
growth, political stability, VAT and so on that are greatly affected by business activities.
Global Labor market:It influences of the business activities of ASDA. The organization labour
cost will be increased when the global labour wage becomes raised.
Evolving technology: New technology is also crucially impacting of ASDA business activities.
Machine and robots make business activity very easier(NILSON, 2017). ASDA can use this
machine and robots for high performance working in the workplace.
Customers:The customers are more important external stakeholders in the organization.
Business organizations operate their business activities to catch a number of valuable customers.
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If the business organization delivers better customer services, customers will be more satisfied.
As a result, the organization can gain its target and goals.
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responsibility to encourage each employee for self-reflection of performance for creating own
role and responsibility of employees in the organization.
Organization culture: Culture is a very important term in any business organization. The level
of employees' working performance depends on organization culture. By considering this factor,
ASDA should create such a type of working culture in the organization so that all employees
become encourage increasing level performance in the organization.
Transformation Process: This tool is very effective for measuring employees' working
performance in the working place. This process is a very good guideline for the ASDA towards
high performance. The main purpose of the transformation process is to change the
organizational structure and activities of employees for ensuring better performance in the
workplace. There are three major processes of transformation:
Redesign Process
Leadership Process:Under this leadership process, the larder influences his team members or
employees to complete objects of ASDA. ASDA is one of the successful business organizations.
ASDA is largely depended on the leadership process by leaders for gaining ASDA objectives
and targets(Grimshaw and Baron, 2017).
Development Process: This process indicates organization business strategy, marketing plan
creation, commercialization, new idea generation and evaluation of new goods and services that
help to develop the HR of the ASDA.
Redesign Process: The term of company redesign means to change of company structure and
formulation. When ASDA takes the step to redesign company formulation and structure, it is
called the redesign process.
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Development performance management process: This process suggests a change in the ways
of the manager of ASDA think. The development performance management process indicates of
the Human resource manager provides continuous support for each staff and employee so that
they can deliver the highest working performance in the working place. This performance
developing process has two steps(Grimshaw and Baron, 2017). There are setting up criteria and
implementation of business strategy.
Setting up criteria:It is the first criteria in the job specification. It must need for the expected
achievement of ASDA. In this step, the employees develop their skills and knowledge for a
specific position in the company.
Implementation of strategy:According to job specification criteria, ASDA should apply
business strategy and provide training for a specific job position so that employees can develop
their knowledge and skills for a specific position in the workplace.
By discussion of the above points, it is clear that individual, team and organization development
is very important factor for ASDA because it helps to gain ASDA ambition. The HR of ASDA
takes different types of programs to develop individual and team skills and knowledge. Now, it
is a very crucial factor for any organization because the current business is so more competitive
than before. In this situation, developing individual and team skills are very important in the
modern business organization.
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Parker, G. (2014). Cross-functional teams. 23rd ed. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass, pp.48-55.
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Warner, J. (2013). Janus performance management system. 4th ed. Amherst, Mass.: HRD Press,
Wendover, R. (2016). High performance hiring. 8th ed. Menlo Park, CA: Axzo Press, pp.128-
Walsh, B. (2019). Tales of Broken Water Mains and ASDA Employees: Drafting Evolution or
Drafting for Confusion?.Statute Law Review, 123(1555), pp.123-130.
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