Title of The Project Managing Flood Prone Areas
Title of The Project Managing Flood Prone Areas
Title of The Project Managing Flood Prone Areas
I Introduction
II Literature Review
VI Methodology
VII References
S.No Description Page No
The frequency and intensity of floods has grown in the country over the years primarily because
of the increased encroachment of flood plains. Interestingly, while the number of deaths caused
by flooding has decreased over the last decade, the number of affected populations and
economic losses has increased significantly. These trends demand better preparedness at
national, provincial and local levels to make sure that appropriate and effective response
measures are taken during flood emergency to minimize the loss of lives and properties. In
India, around 75% of the total rainfall is concentrated over 4 months of monsoon (June –
September) and, as a result almost all the rivers carry heavy discharge during these four
months.. Around 12% of the country’s land area is prone to floods which means around 40
million hectares are prone to flood and annually on an average 8 million is affected by floods.
The most flood prone are the Brahmaputra, Ganga and the Meghana basins. The states are
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam and Orissa. But of late floods have also become a
serious affair in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat. Over 30 million people are displaced
Recognizing the need of the hour, the decade 1990- 99 was declared as “International Decade
for Natural Disaster Reduction” with a main objective to focus on disaster management
planning for prevention, reduction, mitigation, preparedness and response to reduce the loss of
life and property due to natural disasters. India’s high risk and vulnerability is highlighted by
the fact that 40 million hectares out of a geographical area of 328 million hectares is prone to
floods. On an average every year, 75 lakh hectares of land is affected, 1600 lives are lost and
the damage caused to crops, houses and public utilities is about Rs.2000 crores due to floods.
The maximum number of lives (11,316) was lost in the year 1977. The frequency of major floods
is more than once in five years. Floods have also occurred in areas, which were earlier not
considered flood prone. Eighty per cent of the precipitation takes place in the monsoon months
from June to September. The rivers bring heavy sediment load from the catchments. These,
factors coupled with inadequate carrying capacity of the rivers are responsible for causing
floods, drainage congestion and erosion of river-banks. The fact is that some of the rivers
causing damage in India originate in neighboring countries, adds another complex dimension to
the problem. The present paper deals with review on the established practices and the present
status of management and preparedness on the floods in India.
“Disasters do not cause effects; the effects are what we call a disaster” Wolf Dombrowsky
Above quotation conveys a message that the disaster is an effect of an event that brings
vulnerability in environment. Thus, it implies that there is a need to study the effects of disasters.
Natural disasters are common nowadays in today’s world. They are result of sudden change in
state of natural elements due to natural forces. Most of the natural disasters are beyond control
of human beings and cannot be predicted accurately when it occurs. Major natural disaster like
floods, earthquakes, landslides and droughts when they happen, it result in threat of human life,
loss of property; affect infrastructure, agriculture and environment. The impact of disaster is
different due to its intensity and coverage area.Increasing trend of urban flooding is a universal
phenomenon and poses a great challenge to urban planners the world over. Urban floods will
happen in a relatively short period of time and can inundate an area with several feet of water.
Although volume of water to be handled is not as severe as a flash flood of a river system the
property damages and indirect financial losses are significant as surface water runoff is
controlled and managed by humans in a concrete world as this flooding occurs in highly
populated areas.
As the Environment Agency sustainable development Unit said in June 2001: “Major floods
that have only happened before say, every 100 years on average, may now start to happen
every 10 or 20 years. The flood season may become longer and there will be flooding in places
where there has never been any before”[1].
Urban flooding is significantly different from rural flooding as urbanisation leads to developed
catchments which increases the flood peaks from 1.8 to 8 times and flood volumes by up to 6
times. Consequently, flooding occurs very quickly due to faster flow times, sometimes in a
matter of minutes. Urban areas are centers of economic activities with vital infrastructure which
needs to be protected 24x7.
In urban areas, water must follow the prescribed pathways set forth by large water systems
that direct water where to flow. According to FEMA, the basic philosophy of urban drainage
systems, or "storm water management", for re- directing water flow has been to seek maximum
convenience at an individual site by the most rapid possible elimination of excess surface
water after a rainfall and the containment and disposal of that water as quickly as possible
through a closed/ Open conveyance system. In other words, "get that water out of here NOW"
has been the overlying philosophy of creating drainage systems in urban areas.
Fig 1: Urban flooding caused by plastic clogging, poor drainage in Punjagutta area
Floods are the most common occurring natural disasters that affect human and its surrounding
environment (Hewitt 1997). It is more vulnerable to Asia and the Pacific regions. It affects social
and economic stability of a country. There are many occurrence of flood in China, the worst
flood in China 1998 affected 223 million people, 3004 people reported dead, 15 million were
homeless and the economic loss was over US$ 23 billion for that year. Due to heavy flood in
Cambodia and Vietnam during year 2000, 428 people reported dead and estimated economic
loss of over US$250 million. In 1991, 140,000 people across the world were reported dead and
in 1998, it affected 25 million lives (United nation 2003). For the last 10 years due to frequent
occurring of floods thousands of people have been affected due to flood in India, Pakistan,
Korea, China, and Bangladesh with their agricultural field, residential areas
i.e. livelihood and food. An effect of floods in less developed countries is more vulnerable. It has
lot of problems with emergency response and early warning preparation (United nation 2003;
Chorley 1978).
It occurs when a river or stream breaks out through their natural or artificial bank due to heavy
rainfall, melting of snow, dam failure etc. Floods are of mainly three types: flash flood, river flood
and coastal flood (GSL 2001). Such kind of flood occurrence are influence by natural
phenomena and human involvement like deforestation, land management (timber harvest,
reforestation and afforestation, herbicide application and controlled burning), industrial
development, agriculture, regulation of rivers. However, the recent causes for frequent flooding
of some areas are mainly due to un-planned landuse, construction and operating of dams in
upstream. If a hydraulic structure is not design properly then it could even lead to catastrophic,
the dam can fail, the highway can be flooded and bridge can be collapse thus increasing the risk
for flood (Gebeyehu 1989). In spite of all this its again human involvement to control flood
disaster by immense use of different technology. The use of technology can facilitate
stakeholder to have an early warning for flood and know what impact are likely to be caused by
flood (Chorley 1978). Here thesis tries to focus the impact of flood on environment along Lake
Roxen and Lake Glan’s flood prone area. Additionally, to prepare the maps and its output, which
can be use during flood emergency in flood, inundated areas.
Fig 2: Panjagutta and Kairathabad Flood Prone Areas in Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Floods can be mentioned as one of the most recurring and devastating disasters affecting
human lives and causing severe economic damage worldwide. It can be dated as far back in
history to the time of Noah. Floods occur naturally; nevertheless they pose a threat when they
go beyond the capacities of affected communities, destroying lives and properties. Flood risks
do not look likely to subside in the future, and with the recent incidence of climate change, flood
intensity and frequency will pose as threats to many parts of the world (Ouma and Tateishi,
A flood is defined as the ―An overflowing or irruption of a great body of water over land in a built
up area not usually submerged (Oxford English Dictionary, 2015).
Approximately 15% to 20% of rainfall usually ends up as surface runoff in rivers. The rest of the
rainfall water soaks into the ground or returns back to the atmosphere by means of evaporation
and transpiration from plants (Plummer and McGeary, 1993). The amount of rainfall runoff runs
between 2% - 25% with variations in climate, elevation/slope, soil and rock type, infrastructure
and vegetation. Steady and rather continuous rainfall can saturate the ground and the
atmosphere which can further lead to floods as runoff nears 100% of rainfall‖ (Plummer and
McGeary, 1993).
Flood risk mapping is a fundamental element of flood risk management. It further aids in the
assessment and management of flood risks. Flood risk mapping and understanding requires
knowledge of the various types and causes of flooding, their socio- economic impact and
effects, the probability of it occurring, how they can be modeled and mapped, the relevant data
for the production of flood risk maps and the likely sources of data and information for these
disasters (Jha et al., 2012). A relatively detailed knowledge and understanding of flood risk
relevant to different communities is also critical to the implementation of appropriate flood risk
prevention/ reduction measures such as development planning, emergency systems,
forecasting/prediction, and early warning measures.
The problems associated with environmental disasters which widely includes flooding poses
major challenges yet to be totally eliminated. This Chapter of the study will focus on reviewing
existing literature on the use of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System in flood
risk management worldwide; and particularly Ghana. It will further take a closer look at the
types, causes and socio-economic impact and effects of flooding and techniques of mitigating
flood hazards
Floods occur due to the fast accumulation and release of runoff waters from upstream to
downstream, which is caused by very heavy rainfall. Discharges quickly reach a maximum and
diminish almost rapidly (Ouma and Tateishi, 2014). Floods also occur as a result of flow of a
stream becoming so great that it exceeds the capacity of its channel and therefore overflows its
banks (Cunningham and Cunningham, 2011).
A flood simply can be described as water overflowing onto usually dry land. Flooding mostly is
as a result of heavy rainfall; nevertheless floods can occur in diverse ways that are indirectly
related to current weather events. Therefore a total explanation of flooding should embrace
practices that may not directly be related to meteorological events (Doswell, 2007).
Floods claim approximately 20,000 lives and in one way or the other have adverse effects on at
least 20 million people worldwide, especially the homeless (Smith,2004). Flooding, after
epidemics and transport accidents is considered one of the most common environmental
disasters that occur all over the world. This is as a result of the geographical distribution of river
floodplains and low-lying coasts and their long- standing attractions for human settlement
(Smith, 2004).
Flooding in Global Perspective
According to the Belgium-based Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED), the
world's most disastrous floods to have occurred in terms of the number of people who lost their
lives happened in the year 2004 in Haiti, a Caribbean island nation (CRED, 2011). The report
also indicated that for fourteen (14) days, there were continuous and heavy rains which caused
swelling of rivers and subsequently. overflowing of river banks mostly in the southeastern parts
along the areas that share borders with the Dominican Republic. The continuous rain generated
floods that killed over 2,400 people, the Guardian Newspaper reported (CRED, 2011).
In Pakistan, the floods which destroyed at least 1,200 lives are already listed as the world's
second worst flooding in the decade from 2001 to August 2010. "The number of people killed is
very high for a natural event like a flood, which is among the easier disasters to predict and plan
for," said CRED director Debarati Guha-Sapir.
The monsoon rains generated the floods that occurred in India in 2005 (CRED, 2011). These
floods caused approximately 1,000 deaths, placing this disaster in second place after the
floods that hit Pakistan. The monsoon rains in the region normally carries on into September
and the help/aid workers feared the number of lives lost to flood occurrence could increase
annually. Notably, one-third of Pakistan (an area close to the size of England) is under water
(CRED, 2011).
Reports indicate that 7 out of the 11 worst floods on CRED's list for the decade between 2000
and 2009 occurred in India (CRED, 2011). Guha-Sapir asserts that countries like India, Pakistan
and Bangladesh appeared top of the list of numbers of lives affected by floods due to the high
concentration of relatively poor rural people living along and within some distance from the river
During the years between 1996 and 2005, floods have had serious devastating effects on the
continent of Africa (Satterthwaite et al., 2007). During that seven year period, approximately
290 flood-disasters have been recorded across the continent of Africa
.Approximately 8,183 people were reported dead, 23 million people affected and there were
reported economic losses worth approximately $1.9 billion (Satterthwaite et al., 2007).
Several media and aid organizations have widely reported a lot of flooding incidences in Sub-
Saharan Africa. These floods are mostly flash floods which resulted from several and
continuous days of rainfall (Paeth et al., 2010).
Mozambique for instance, is consistently affected by flooding almost annually and in 2000
recorded losses amounting to millions of dollars (ADB, 2007). Approximately 800 lives were lost
and consequently there was the need for setting up a community- based early warning system.
These community-based early warning systems have
dramatically reduced the number of casualties as well as fatalities in Mozambique‘s the yearly
flood season (Wisner, 1979; ADB, 2007).
In 2013, the Ghana News Agency (GNA) reported the flooding incidence in Central Nigeria‘s
Plateau State which resulted in the loss of at least 39 human lives. In similar reports,
it was indicated that torrential rain has caused flooding paralyzing most parts of the Philippine
Capital, Manila. Nigeria has recorded some of the highest death tolls in the West African region.
In the northern parts of the country, entire villages and agricultural land have been destroyed by
flooding (ARB, 2010).
Flooding in Ghana has become a yearly menace. Experts are grappling with ways and means of
containing the floods in order to save lives and property. Over the past decade, floods have
claimed several lives, and destroyed public infrastructure and property (Sam Jr, 2009). Ghana
has been highly ranked amongst the African countries that is most exposed to risks from
multiple weather related hazards particularly natural hazards such as floods and droughts
(UNDP/NADMO, 2009)
In urban areas, the flood-damage potential is high, due to the concentration of property and
people in relatively small areas and also haphazard ways of building.
Urban flooding can simply be defined as a natural process in which drainage network systems
overflow to their floodplains during rain storms. The causes of urban flooding in Ghana are
generally diverse and to some great extent, highly interrelated (Sam Jr , 2009)
Water from the Bagre Dam in Burkina Faso aids in irrigation of farms during the dry season and
replenishes water levels in the Akosombo Dam when it drops to minimal levels. However, in
2007 severe rainfall caused the dam to overflow. Consequently, water from the dam was then
released into the White Volta River which flow into Ghana at a force of 900 m³ per second
causing floods. This flood affected the whole nation and the northern regions in particular
(Karley, 2009). The flood destroyed houses, water supply and drainage systems, collapsed
bridges, schools, roads; and also crops and livestock. Many families were displaced. The
displaced families sought
shelter in school buildings and churches (Forkuo, 2010). Furthermore, the floods added health
implications, more especially the threat of the outbreak of epidemics. The National Disaster
Management Organisation (NADMO) found it rather difficult to provide adequate food and other
forms of aids for the flood victims (NADMO, 2007).
It has been noted that heavy and continuous rainfalls are not solely the major cause of recent
flooding in Ghana. This plight has been heightened by human activities such as damming and
opening of dam gates as well as dumping of filth to hinder flow in water courses (Karley, 2009).
During the Accra flooding incidence in July 1995, floods caused damage to lives and property,
disrupted utility services and public amenities such as water supply, telephone, electricity, roads
and railways (Songsore, et al., 2006). Seventeen (17) lives were lost in this flood while
commercial and industrial activity was disrupted. The most affected areas were those located
within the flood plain of the Odaw and the Onyasia rivers (Songsore, et al., 2006).
In the Kumasi Metropolis, it is observed that the terrain is generally undulating, characterised by
steady, steep rising areas and valleys. In 2013, the Metropolis reported a lot of deaths due to
the flooding in May- June (NADMO, 2014). Most commonly affected areas were Ahinsan Estate,
Anwomaso, Oforikrom New Site, Aboabo and Asuoyeboah. These communities are fast
growing urban areas and human activities such as dumping of refuse into drains and building in
flood plains mostly obstructed the natural flood plains. The areas severely affected were
realized to be relatively low lying areas and mostly have valley-like landscapes therefore
causing runoff from upstream to downstream in the cause of either heavy or continuous rainfall
(NADMO, 2014).
Some communities such as Aboabo, Atonsu S- Line, Susuanso and Suame also, have
constructed structures and buildings very close to the course of rivers/ streams or obstructed
the rivers/stream system. In the case of rainfall, rain from upstream collects into these streams
and easily overflows its capacity causing floods. In 2013, two girls lost their lives as a result in
Asuoyeboah (NADMO, 2014).
Over the past ten years, in the study area (Aboabo Community) the low-lying areas are mostly
susceptible to severe annual flooding. This is generally as a result of insufficient and inadequate
drains and culverts. Furthermore, there is the presence of silt which somewhat blocks and
chokes major drains in the Community. The annual flooding is to a large extent caused by the
streams not being able to cope with the increase in surface runoff arising from continual
increase in paved surfaces, although lack of maintenance of drains and the disposal of solid
waste into the stream also contribute to flooding (Duncan, 2000).
Flooding, is prevalent in low lying areas or lowlands since the flow of water accumulates in such
areas. Aboabo has several areas affected by annual flooding within these low lying areas and
much noticeably along streams and the Aboabo River. This happens if the water volume due to
flow accumulation increases abruptly due to continuous and heavy rains which hit the
communities during the rainy season (NADMO, 2014).
There has been a steady increase in the amount of surface water runoff in Aboabo over the past
decade. This is as a result of the rapid increase in residential, commercial, infrastructure and
urban development. Some years back, some amount of road works resulted in the increase of
surface runoff. This caused an upsurge in the occurrence of flooding and erosion in some parts
of the community which had not known such problems in the past (NADMO, 2014).
The number of people migrating from the rural to urban areas tends to be increasing greatly on
daily basis. As urbanization increases, the need for construction of buildings and structures for
shelter and other activities increases.
The construction of buildings and structures has in some cases come into close proximity to
streams and other primary drainage facilities. These drainage channels have subsequently
been rendered incapable of coping with the high volume of runoff water during rainfall, which
invariably carries large amounts of silt (Sam Jr, 2009).
The drainage systems in Aboabo have been impacted negatively due to the fast growing
settlement rate in this area.
Due to ignorance and sheer disregard of building regulations many people build haphazardly
putting them at risk to the dangers of erosion and flooding. Paved roads and setting up of these
buildings/shelters increases the imperviousness of the catchment areas. The catchment areas
easily respond to rainfall and subsequently increase runoff (A MMA, 2014).
Hyderabad became the capital of the state of Andhra Pradesh in 1956 and experienced a
large scale of migration from coastal areas, Rayalseema and other parts of Telangana
region. Poverty was the main factor for this rural-urban migration because of the
employment opportunities created by the rapid development that took place especially in the
Ninety’s. As per 2001 census, Hyderabad city is one of the fastest growing metropolitan
cities with a decadal growth rate of 32%.After creation of Greater Hyderabad Municipal
Corporation (GHMC), Hyderabad became the second largest in India, in terms of its’
geographical area, with a spread of 7,000 sq. km.
This population shift resulted in enormous pressure for shelter and services fraying the
infrastructure. Urban development plans could not cope with the population settlements
which came up quickly wherever land was available. This haphazard growth had its
consequential effect on the communities, whenever there is a heavy rain fall which caused
inundation of the low lying areas due to the peculiar topography of the city and surrounding
areas. The drainage system did not have the capacity to drain the runoff of the rains quick
enough to prevent inundation. The common experience has been that the surplus rain water
created major traffic jams inundated several areas of the built up area, and floods in some
parts of the city resulting in damages to public and private property.
Details 28/29 Feb 2000 23/24 Aug 2008 8/9/10 Aug 2018
Floods in Hyderabad
Musi River was the cause of frequent flood devastation of Hyderabad city. History Records that
flood occurred eleven times in Hyderabad since 1572AD. The city had experienced 15.32 cms
of rainfall on September 28, 1908. According to historians, 15,000 people were killed and over
80,000 were rendered homeless. As many as 600,000 people were affected by the river’s fury
Year wise record of heavy rainfall events are given below:
On August 1, 1974 recorded a rainfall was 190.5 mms
In 1997 recorded rainfall was 140 mm.
On 24th Aug 2010, recorded rainfall was 240mm, of rainfall in just 24 hours. Total
rainfall in August was 469mm.This has been the worst calamity for the city in almost 50
years, with as many as 90 residential areas in the city under water (in some places
under 10 to 15 feet) and many parts of the roads were washed away.
In August 2011 recorded rainfall was 230.4mm.
In August 2012 recorded rainfall was 179.4mm.
In 2016 recorded rainfall was 218.7 mm.
In August 2018, recorded rainfall was 220.7mms in 36 hours
This project aims at building a flood risk map showing areas (suburbs and communities) prone
to flood in the GHMC Community. The map will enable:
Stakeholders with flood prone areas like Panjagutta and Kairathabad to be involved with
disaster prevention and adaption methods to improve upon and make better policies in
regards to managing flooding.
It further aims at showing areas that are at greater risk when flooding occurs and those
areas vulnerable to flooding. The map makes it easier to prepare for flooding and to make
emergency plans for evacuation should members of the community be caught in a flood.
It has been seen from the records of rainfall from the District Planning Office of the Hyderabad
District, the months of July, August and September are generally heavy rain months. The total
rain in these months works out to 490.2 mm for normal rain fall. Hyderabad city gets annual
average rainfall nearly 787mms. Out of this, nearly 75% is from South west Monsoon and rest of
the rainfall from North East monsoon. City gets nearly 590 mms of rain fall in June to September
period. Due to its unique topography of many undulations, rain water flows to the low-lying
areas rapidly resulting in inundation of many low lying areas very quickly.
Due to the above reasons several parts of the city experiences local floods mainly confined to
the low lying areas in the built up areas and the fore shore areas of the tanks. This type of
situation was not experienced in the past, possibly due to much less population as compared to
the present level and also the fact that infrastructure and constructions were limited. Due to this
situation the city experienced floods as a result of heavy rains in recent years.
Enable the determination of hot spot areas of flooding in the GHMC Community.
Provide planners and disaster management institutions with a practical and cost-
effective way to identify floodplains and other susceptible areas and to assess the extent
of disaster impact.
Provide basic information for land use planning. Allow development plans for new urban
Enable adequate evaluation of cost of flood and flood reduction benefits.
Show areas that are more vulnerable/ prone to flood as it is easier to ensure that
emergency plans for evacuation or preparedness are developed well and easily.
Serve as the basis for insurance plans.
Give a general guide for developer on where and how to build.
It is intended to serve as a basic reference to stakeholders of flood management policies
as well.
Engineering Level
Separate drainage system must be constructed.
In order to reduce the surface runoff, pervious pavements must be laid especially in
areas where heavy traffic was not there especially in colony bye lanes etc
Rainwater harvesting structures must be constructed wherever possible by GHMC
rather than putting the responsibility on individuals
Policy Level
Although not having a formal definition, flood mitigation[4] can be accepted as a variety of
measures that alter the exposure of life and property to flooding. It reflects the holistic nature of
those flood management measures that do not have structural nature.
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