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Research Paper

Macro, Microscopic and Preliminary Analytical

Evaluation of Root and Leaf of Globba marantina Linn. -
An Extrapharmacopoeial Drug of Ayurveda
Department of Dravyaguna, 1Pharmacognosy Laboratory, 2Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory, Institute for
Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar-361 008, India

Roy, et al.: Microscopic and Analytical Evaluation of Globba marantina Root and Leaf

Globba marantina Linn., an extra pharmacopoeial plant of Ayurveda, locally known as chhota rasna by tribal
people of Orissa, belongs to the family Zingiberaceae. Ethnomedicinally roots and leaves of G. marantina is
claimed to be used in the management of asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, cough, cold, snakebite and others.
Though used traditionally, no proper scientific evaluation of this plant for its pharmacognostical characters
has been reported. Hence, the present study has been performed to establish the root and leaf of the plant
for its microscopical and physicochemical characters along with different qualitative tests, as per Ayurvedic
Pharmacopoeia of India. Powder microscopy of the root shows ample amount of starch grain, prismatic
crystal, lignified fiber, scalariform vessel whereas that of leaf shows monocot type III stomata, ample amount
of prismatic crystal, fiber and covering trichome. Surface study shows presence of more number of stomata
as well as stomatal index, in lower surface, in comparison to upper surface. Physicochemical parameters
show higher moisture content in leaf sample (9.8060±0.0265% w/w) than the root sample (9.505±0.465%
w/w) and water soluble extractive value of both the samples has been found more in comparison to alcohol
soluble extractive value. The observed data can be helpful to identify and standardize root and leaf of G.

Key words: Chhota rasna, Gndhamardan Hills, Globba marantina, pharmacognostical evaluation,

The knowledge about medicinally important plants of the upper bract. It is found in Eastern Himalayas,
has been scientifically documented, and systematically West Bengal, Khasia hills, Sri lanka, and Orissa[2-4].
presented in Ayurvedic samhitas, nighantus and
Different parts of G. marantina have been claimed
other texts. Codified information regarding plants
ethnomedicinally by traditional practitioners of Orissa
of folklore origin has not been documented in the
in the management of different disease conditions
classical texts of Ayurveda. The plants which are not
like conjunctivitis, cough, cold, rheumatism, snake
codified in the classical literature of Ayurveda i.e.
bite, asthma, leucoderma and others[2,3]. It is also
samhitas or in nighantus but are used traditionally
used as spice and eaten as a seasoning in Malaya[4].
to combat of different diseases are called as anukta
Inspite of its ethnomedicinal claims, this plant has
dravya (undocumented)/extrapharmacopoeial plants in
not been evaluated scientifically, to set standards of
Ayurveda. These anukta dravyas are the contribution
pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical
of the studies published through various ethomedicinal/
characters for its proper identification. Hence, this
anthropological survey studies[1].
Globba marantina, Zingiberaceae, an
extrapharmacopoeial plant is known as chhota rasna This is an open access article distributed under terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which
in Orissa and Dancing Girl Ginger in English. It is allows other the remix, tweak, and build up to the non-commercially, as
an erect or inclined herb, leaves oblong to lanceolate long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under
the identical terms.
attached with sheathing base, inflorescence compact,
and flower yellow in colour in the axil of one or more Accepted 13 July 2016
Revised 02 June 2016
Received 17 June 2015
*Address for correspondence
E-mail: sudiptagau@gmail.com Indian J Pharm Sci 2016;78(4):469-478

469 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences July-August 2016

present study has been carried out to establish its iodine solution (2 g iodine and 3 g potassium iodide
identification and standardization characters through in 100 ml water), respectively and again examined
pharmacopoeial parameters. to assess different cellular structure and content. The
samples were observed under compound microscope
MATERIALS AND METHODS (Quasma, India) and photographs were taken by using
Whole plant of G. marantina was collected and Kodak EasyShare C140 HD camera[8,9].
identified by the local taxonomist from its natural habitat Surface study, micrometric evaluation and
Paikmal, Orissa, during the months of September- organoleptic characters:
November 2014. Then the plant herbarium was
authenticated from Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata Leaf pieces were first cleaned by boiling in choral
(Specimen No. SR-01/CHN/Tech.II/2014/108/261). A hydrate solution. Then clear leaf pieces were observed
specimen of the sample herbarium has been deposited under microscope with distilled water for the
in Pharmacognosy Laboratory, Institute for Post determination of vein islet number per sq. mm and
Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat palisade ratio of leaf. For the determination of stomatal
Ayurved University (Specimen No. Ph. M: 6143/14/15) index, the upper and lower surface/epidermal layers of
(fig. 1a). The roots and leaves were separated and clear leaf piece were peeled out separately by means of
washed with tap water and stored in a solution of 70% forceps and kept on slide to mount in glycerin water.
ethyl alcohol:glacial acetic acid:formalin (AAF) in the The epidermal layer was observed under microscope
ratio of (90:5:5) to utilize them for microscopic studies for the determination of stomatal index and type[10-12].
whenever needed[5]. All determinations were performed in triplicate and the
results are presented as mean or mean±standard error
Preparation of plant extract: mean (SEM).
The remaining parts of roots and leaves were dried Measurement of the length, breath of stomata, crystal,
under the shade. Then dried roots and leaves were saponin content, trichome was taken into consideration
powdered individually by mechanical grinder for micrometric evaluation[13] with the help of compound
and sieved through 60# for powder microscopy, microscope (Quasma, India) and photographs were
physicochemical parameters and qualitative tests. The taken by using Kodak EasyShare C140 HD camera.
powder was stored in air tight glass container. All determinations were performed in triplicate and the
Five gram powder of each sample (root and leaf results are presented as mean value.
powder) was macerated with 100 ml water in a closed The colour, odour and taste of both root and leaves
flask for 24 h, shaking frequently during 6 h and were recorded separately through visual and sensory
allowed to stand for 18 h. After 24 h samples were observation[14].
filtered and water extract was collected. Methanol and
chloroform extracts were also prepared following same Powder microscopic evaluation:
procedure. All three extracts were used for preliminary Root and leaf powders (60#) were cleaned individually
phytochemical screening[6]. with chloral hydrate to clear the samples. Then the
samples were kept on a slide and studied under
microscope using distilled water. The samples were
Morphological characters of roots and leaves of G. also examined after staining with different suitable
marantina were studied as per visual observation, reagents i.e. phloroglucinol (20 mg/ml of alcohol)
following standard procedure of taxonomy and verified along with hydrochloric acid (6 N), ferric chloride (5%
with existing floras for authentication[2,7]. w/v in 90% alcohol) and iodine solution (2 g iodine
and 3 g potassium iodide in 100 ml water)[14] under
Microscopic evaluation:
compound microscope and photographs were taken by
Thin free hand transverse sections of root and leaf using Kodak EasyShare C140 HD camera.
(leaf sheathing base and lamina through midrib) of G.
marantina were taken. Then sections were first observed Physicochemical parameters:
in distilled water then stained with phloroglucinol (20 Assessment of the parameters such as foreign matter,
mg/ml of alcohol) along with hydrochloric acid (6 N) moisture content, ash value, acid insoluble ash, pH,
ferric chloride solution (5% w/v in 90% alcohol) and water soluble extractive and alcohol soluble extractive
July-August 2016 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 470
were carried out by following standard procedures slightly dried roots, the surface appears longitudinally
recommended by Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India wrinkled and short transverse fissures have been found.
and other standard texts[6,15,16]. All determinations were Outer portion of roots is yellowish brown in colour.
performed in triplicate and the results are presented as The transversely cut surface of a fresh root shows a
mean±SEM. creamish coloured inner portion with a silvery white
fleshy soft middle region which forms the bulk part
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of the root. In fresh roots, the creamish coloured outer
G. marantina is an erect or inclined herb, about 3 feet part can be easily separated from the silvery white part,
high with yellow flowers (fig. 1b). The root arises from but adheres firmly in dried roots (fig. 1c). The root
the short root-stock/node. Single node bears more than possess strong aromatic odour with pungent and slight
20-30 roots, each about 7.6×0.4 cm in size. They are astringent taste.
all generally long, thick, fleshy, tuberous (resembles Leaves are alternate to spirally arranged, simple, and
Satavari). Roots are gradually tapering towards the sessile attached by sheathing base which is about 1.5-2
basal and distal ends. Outer surface is smooth except feet in length, varies as per the arrangement of leaves.
for the presence of a few rootlets. The surface skin has Leaves are shaped oblong to lanceolate, margin is
been found quite soft and can be easily scraped. On slightly wavy with acuminate apex. Leaves are variable

Fig. 1: Morphology of Globba marantina Linn.

(A) whole plant, (B) herbarium (C) measurement of roots, (D) upper and lower surface of leaf and twig with flowers and fruits.
471 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences July-August 2016
in size and are 15-18 cm in length and 3-5 cm in width. filled with yellowish brown content also. Single layer
The leaf has parallel venation with a prominent midrib endodermis followed by cortex, made up of barrel
and several oblique secondary veins running parallel to shaped cells forming a ring like structure. Vascular
each other (fig. 1 d). Upper surface of leaves is darker bundles are made up of alternative xylem and phloem
green in colour in comparison to the lower surface, components circularly. Xylem consists of metaxylem
smooth in touch with no characteristic odour. toward pith, protoxylem toward endodermis covered
by xylem parenchyma. Some of the xylem vessels
Diagrammatic section shows the root is more or less
show intraxylary pittings. Phloem alternates the xylem
circular in shape. Detailed transverse section shows
made up of sieve elements and phloem fibers. Adjacent
that outer most layer consists of 8-10 layers of thick
to the xylem, 2-3 layers of pericyclic fibers are present
walled tangentially elongated cork cells. Outer most
discontinuously all over the circle. Pith is centrally
cork cells bear piliferous hairs. The cortex occupies
located made up of parenchyma cells loaded by some
the larger area of the section made up of parenchyma
simple starch grains (fig. 2a-f).
cells which are densely filled with simple oval shaped
starch grains, oil content and some of the cells are Transverse section of root after staining with suitable

Fig. 2: Microscopic characters of root of Globba marantina Linn.

(A) transverse section of root, (B) stelar region after staining, (C) cork layers, (D) lignified pericyclic fiber after staining, (E) starch
grain after staining with iodine solution, (F) piliferous hair; Ck- cork; St- starch grains; Co. rg- cortex region; Xy- xylem; P. fb-
pericyclic fiber; Ph- phloem; En- endodermis; Pi- pith; Pi.h- piliferous hair.
July-August 2016 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 472
reagents shows that the pericyclic fibers are slightly root. Ample amount of starch grains all over the ground
lignified when treated with phloroglucinol along with tissue show bluish to purple colour after staining with
hydrochloric acid, vascular bundle shows slight bluish iodine solution (Table 1).
black colour after staining with FeCl3, which indicates Diagrammatic section shows that leaf sheathing base is
the presence of slight amount of tannin content in the crescent shape in outline (fig. 3). Detailed section of leaf


Reagents Characteristics Sample Observation Result
Phloroglucinol+HCl Lignified cells Root Pericyclic fiber in T.S and fragment of fiber in powder shows
orange to pink colour
Leaf Pericyclic fiber in T.S and fragment of fiber in powder orange to
pink colour
Iodine solution Starch Root Formation of bluish to purple colour in powder +
Leaf Formation of bluish to purple colour in powder +
FeCl3 Tannin content Root Vascular bundles, trichomes shows slight bluish black colour in T.S +
Leaf Vascular bundle shows dark bluish black colour in T.S of sheathing
base whereas slight in T.S of midrib through lamina
‘+’ is positive; ‘-’ is negative

Fig. 3: Microscopic characters of Globba marantina Linn. leaf sheathing base.

(A) transverse section of leaf sheathing base (B) transverse section of leaf sheathing base after staining with phloroglucinol+HCl,
(C) lignified pericyclic fiber along with vascular bundle after staining with phloroglucinol+HCl, (D) microcrystal (M. cr) and brown
content, (E) bulliform cells of upper epidermis, (F) oil globules; Oe- Outer epidermis; Ie- inner epidermis; Vb- vascular bundle;
Xy- xylem; P. fb- pericyclic fiber; Ph- phloem; Bu.c- billiform cell; M. cr- microcrystal.
473 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences July-August 2016
sheathing base shows that both outer and inner single multicellular glandular trichomes are found in the
layers of epidermis are covered with thin cuticle. Some empty space of air chamber. Vascular bundles are
of the epidermal cells seem to be larger in size known closed type with 1-2 xylem vessels and phloem which
as bulliform cells. Between the epidermis, ground is made up of phloem fiber and sieve elements forming
tissue is made up of parenchyma cells with chlorophyll cap like structure. Vascular bundles are surrounded
pigments. Some of the ground tissue parenchyma cells by 4-5 layers of lignified pericyclic fibers. Some of
consist microcrystals, brown content and oil globules. the xylem vessels show intraxylary pittings. Isolated
Vascular bundles are alternatively arranged i.e. two groups of vascular bundles are found scattered in the
bundles are attached with epidermis and one vascular ground tissue (fig. 4a-f).
bundle in between them approximately situated in
Transverse section of midrib through lamina after
the middle portion of ground tissue. Vascular bundles
staining with suitable reagents shows that the
closed type with 2-4 xylem vessels and phloem which
pericyclic fibers are being lignified after staining with
is made up of phloem fibers and sieve elements forming
phloroglucinol along with hydrochloric acid, vascular
cap like structure. Vascular bundle surrounded by 3-4
bundle shows slight bluish black colour after staining
layers of lignified pericyclic fibers. Some of the xylem
with FeCl3, which indicates the presence of slight
vessels show intraxylary pittings (fig. 3a-f).
amount tannin content in the midrib (Table 1).
Transverse section of sheathing base after staining with
Results obtained from the transverse section of leaf
suitable reagents shows that the pericyclic fibers are
shows that the leaf is isobilateral and the mesophyll
being lignified after staining with phloroglucinol along
is usually not differentiated into palisade and spongy
with hydrochloric acid, vascular bundle shows slight
parenchyma but consists only of parenchyma cells,
dark bluish black colour after staining with FeCl3,
having chloroplasts and intercellular spaces among
which indicates the presence of tannin content in the
them. Bulliform cells are also found toward the upper
sheathing base (Table 1).
epidermis. These results predominantly represent the
Diagrammatic section shows that upper and lower characters of monocot plants. Root structure under
epidermis consist undifferentiated mesophyll tissue microscopy also depicts the characters of a monocot
with vascular bundles. Detailed transverse section family[17].
of midrib with lamina shows that the leaves are
Both the surfaces consist of monocot type 3 stomata
isobilateral; the mesophyll tissue is not differentiated
(stoma is surrounded by two subsidiary cells placed
properly into palisade and spongy parenchyma. Near
lateral to the guard cells). Lower surface shows huge
the upper epidermal cells, 1-2 layers of parenchyma
amount of prismatic crystals and saponin containing
cells which are somewhat thick walled are densely
cells as compared to upper surface (Table 2 and fig.
filled with brown content and oleoresin content. Both
sides of this thick walled parenchyma cell layer,
loosely arranged cells are found with cells having Micromeasurements i.e. length and width of stomata,
well developed intercellular spaces among them. The trichome, fiber, crystal, saponin containing cells and
epidermis is found on both upper and lower surfaces of vessels of both root and leaf have been taken into
the leaf. Outer wall of epidermal cells is cuticularized. consideration (fig. 5b, 5h, 6b and 6d). Then mean value
The epidermal layers are uniseriate and composed of has been calculated and depicted in Table 3.
more or less oval shaped cells. The upper and lower The powder of G. marantina root is creamish brown
epidermis may be easily identified due to the presence in colour, slightly ginger like aromatic in odour and
of bulliform cells, stomatal openings and ample amount pungent, astringent in taste (fig. 5a). The powder of
of simple, covering trichomes. leaf is yellowish brown in colour with no characteristic
Ground tissue of midrib is made up of parenchyma odour and pungent, astringent in taste (fig. 6a).
cells which are filled with prismatic crystals of calcium Diagnostic character of root shows fragment of
oxalate, most of the parenchyma cells filled with lignified and non-lignified epidermal cell. Silica
chlorophyll pigments. Some of the vascular bundles deposits, covering and simple trichomes, lignified
are located toward the lower epidermis. fibers, fragment of parenchyma cells filled with
Air chambers and the vascular bundles alternatively starch grain, brown content, scalariform vessel, ample
arranged towards the lower epidermis. Some of the amount of simple starch grains, oleoresin content (fig.

July-August 2016 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 474


Fig. 4: Microscopy of Globba marantina Linn. midrib through lamina.

(A) transverse section of midrib with lamina, (B) transverse section of midrib after staining, (C) transverse section of lamina, (D)
lignified pericyclic fiber along with vascular bundle, (E) trichomes in air chamber and epidermis, (F) bulliform cells. Ue- Upper
epidermis; Le- lower epidermis; Tri- trichome; Ac- air chamber; Vb- vascular bundle; Gt- ground tissue; TWprc- thick walled
parenchyma; M. xy- metaxylem; P. xy- protoxylem; P. fb- pericyclic fiber; Ph- phloem; ORC- oleoresin content; Bu.c- billiform cell.

5b-h). Diagnostic characters of leaf shows simple and in root than the leaf[16]. Both the sample solutions
covering trichomes, starch grain, fragment of wavy (5% w/v) show slightly acidic to neutral pH i.e. 6.47
parenchyma cell, lignified fiber, fragment of epidermal and 6.57 of root and leaf, respectively. Water soluble
cell, stomata, saponin content, brown content, aleurone extractive in both the samples has been found more in
grain, annular vessel, silica deposits, prismatic crystal, comparision to alcohol soluble extractive value which
oil globule, cluster crystal (fig. 6b-g). indicates the probability of the presence of high water
soluble constituents than the alcohol soluble in both the
Detailed results of physicochemical parameters are
given in Table 4. Moisture content has been found more
in leaf sample (9.8060±.0265% w/w) in comparison Qualitative tests show the presence of carbohydrate,
to the root sample (9.505±0.465% w/w). Foreign protein, steroid, terpenoid, alkaloid, tannin and
matter has not been found in both the samples, which flavonoid in both the samples of leaf and root of G.
may be due to the good harvesting practice followed marantina. Results also show that glycoside is absent
during the collection of the drugs. Both ash value and or may be present in very negligible amount in leaf
acid insoluble ash have been found to be less in the samples (Table 5).
root sample than the leaf sample, which may signify
The data specified in the present study regarding
low level of inorganic matter, sand and silica content
475 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences July-August 2016

Fig. 5: Powder characters of Globba marantina Linn. root.

(A) powder of root, (B) unicellular and covering trichomes, (C) scalariform vessel, (D) aleurone grain and brown content, (E)
lignified fragment of epidermal cell, (F) lignified fiber, (G) starch grain after staining with iodine solution, (H) silica deposits (S) and
measurement of crystal.


Sample Type of stomata Stomatal Index (mean±SEM)(n=3) Vein-islet number (per
UE per sq. mm LE per sq. mm sq. mm) (10×)
40× 10× 40× 10×
Leaf Monocot type 3 3.505±0.0650 1.175±0.0450 9.433±1.538 15.337±0.0475 13-18
SEM=Standard error of mean; UE-upper epidermis; LE-lower epidermis


Sample Length and Width
Stomata Crystal (40×)Saponin Trichome Fiber
UE (mm) LE (mm) content cell
40× 10× 40× 10×
Leaf L-0.15; L-0.04; L- 0.16; L-0.046; L-0.046; W-0.033 L-0.053; L-0.64; L-0.47; W-0.12
W-0.14 W-0.03 W- 0.15 W-0.03 W-0.046 W-0.07
Root Nil Nil Nil Nil L-0.04; W-0.03 Nil L-0.2; W-0.05 L-0.67; W-0.03
L-length; W-Width; UE-upper epidermis; LE-lower epidermis

July-August 2016 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 476


Fig. 6: Powder characters of Globba marantina Linn. leaf.

(A) powder of leaf, (B) measurement of covering trichome, (C) fragment of wavy parenchyma cell, (D) measurement of lignified
fiber, (E) brown content, (F) prismatic and cluster crystal, (G) aleurone grain, (H) stomata in upper (U) and lower (L) surface-
surface study.


Physicochemical parameters Root Leaf
Foreign matter Nil Nil
Loss on drying (%w/w) 9.505±0.465 9.8060±.0265
Ash value (%w/w) 4.605±0.615 7.410±0.420
Acid insoluble ash (%w/w) 0.518±0.177 1.131±0.419
pH (5% w/v) 6.47 (RT) 6.57 (RT)
Water soluble extractive value (%w/w) 8.454±1.284 13.630±1.210
Alcohol soluble extractive value (%w/w) 4.284±0.256 4.416±1.014
Valves are given as mean±SEM of 3 results (n=3), RT-room temperature; SEM-standard error of mean

Plant metabolite Test Root Leaf
Carbohydrate Molisch’s test + + - + + -
Fehling’s test (for reducing sugar) + + - - - -
Iodine test (for starch) + - - + - -
Protein Biuret test + + - + + -
Ninhydrin test (for Amino acid) + + - + + -
Steroid and terpenoid Salkowski test + + + + + +

477 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences July-August 2016


Glycoside Borntrager’s test (for anthraquinone + + - - - -

Modified Borntrager’s test (for + + - - - -
anthraquinone glycoside)
Foam test (for saponin glycoside) + + - - - -
Flavonoid Lead acetate test + + - + + -
Vanilline-HCl test + + - + + -
Alkaloid Dragendorff’s test - - + - - +
Hager’s test - - + - - +
Tannin FeCl3 + - - + - -
WE: Water extract; ME: methanol extract; CE: chloroform extract; ‘+’ is positive; ‘-’ is negative

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July-August 2016 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 478

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