Lovibond® Water Testing
Tintometer® Group
MD 100 Chlorine DUO, tablet reagents
Precise Water Analysis in High-Quality Design
‘The MO 100 has several key features that make it favorite among
Waterproof Design
“The IP 68 design of his instrument ensures thatthe MO 109 remains,
water ght for up to 1 hour at 0.1 meter
Dont worry about ropping the instrument into a body of water it
Accurate, Reproducible Results
‘The optical system of the MD 100 utiizes LEDS and interference fiters
which quickly gives you results that you can be confident in.
User Calibration Mode
‘Acone-point calibration is possible.
‘Additionally, all MD 100 instruments have the ably to display read-
ings directly in ABS or %T units.
One-time-Zero Function
Don't waste timo waiting for your instrument to Zero after each test
When testing anew sample, zero the instrument once and all sub-
sequent fests ofthat sample de not require you to re-26r0 the instu-
Automatic Data Storage with Transfer Capabilities
‘The MO 100 automatically stores the last 16 reacngs with ime and
dato stamp,
“These resuits can be transferred toa spreadsheet using the IRiM ac-
OST mate cogs an
Se acute ann
or break
Part Number: 276020
Ergonomic Design
Wether youre using the MD 100 out in the fe orn the ab the de-
sign of theinsturnent makes iteasy to handle and view the dsay
{you using the insiiment inte la, the rubber fet onthe baton
ofthe housing siminatas tne nee for wo hand operation oro chase
your instrument around the workbench
Factory Programmed
‘AIL MO 100 instruments are supped ready to use with up to 14 ca
bration curves
Al you need todo is select he test you need. prepare your sample
and test
Scroll Driven Menu System
“The simple interface allows you to quickly reach the test you need
\When the instruments tumed on, itll auomatically dsplay the last
test used,
2-Year WarrantyIndustry
(Chemical Industy | Food and Beverage Industry | Industries Others |
Marine industry | Municipalities | NGO | Oil and Gas | Pharmacut-
«al industry | Pool Domestic | Pool Pubic | Pool Services | Power an-
Boiler Water | Coating Water | Disinfection Contot | Drinking Wa-
{er Treatment | Pool Water Control | Pool Water Treatment | Raw Wa-
ter Treatment | Waste Water Treatment
MD 100 Chlorine DUO, tablet reagents
‘The MD 100 colorimeter i a single parameter colorimeter for water
{quality analysis. This line of rugged, waterproof instruments is ight
‘Weight and ideal for field testing or for use inthe laboratory.
Chine is one of the most popular water quali testng parameters
‘and the MD 100 Chiorine Duo Colrimeter offers a tasting solution to
{ita wide variety of industries and applications.
This instrument is pre-programmed with three testing ranges for tst-
ing Free, Total and Combined Chlorine. Alltesting ranges use the
DPD method and utile label or Powder Pack reagents, depending
‘on the range selected
Measuring Range
Test Name Meesuring Renge Chemical Method
Cchorne HRT (04-10 mgi'Gi" DPD
CChorne T ‘001-60 mah Cl,® DPD
Technical Data
Light Source Lep
Optics LEDs, nerference titers (IF and photo sensor n
"wansparent sample chamber. Depending an the ver
‘ion, up to 3 ferent interference its aro used
Wavelength spectiestons of teeronce Bers
420m k= Sm
‘Soom Bh= som
Se0nm Bk= Som
storm ak= eam
storm ak= Som
Wavelength Acura: +
Photometric Range 2600-2600 mabe
Photometric Acura: 3% S(T =20°C-25°0)
pertion Felteypad
Display ack fon keypress)
Suable Viale Round Cuvee 24 mn
Calibration {acory clan and user clbaten Reset fe
{ay carton poste
tmertaces inate
Intemal Storage ints ng memory for 16 dala sls
Power Supply 4 mio batleres (MAA)
Bator Life Time approx. 17 hours
‘Ato OFF Yes
lock Rea Time Gock and Date
Porabity Pete
Environmental Cn Temperature: 6: 40°C re ami 30-90% (on
fitone cendonig)
Compliance ce
Protction Cis P68
Dimensions 159x75x35mm
Wight 206
Delivery Scope
eens kos
sete eran
Stirring rod
ete Maen
Water Samper, AF 631
Micro batteries (AAA), set of 4
Maly cwvite2, set of 2
Round cuvete2¢ mm, eet of 12
‘Sealing rng for ound vis 24 me, sat of 12
Round cuvete 24 mn, set of 5
Cleaning cot
Round cuvete 18mm, set of 10
‘Adaper for round cuvettes 16 mn
Ming ender. 25m
Infor data ransmision modu IRM
‘Veriton Standard Kx MD 100 200
Reference Standard Kit Cherine -0.2 and 1.0
Reference Standord Kit Horne -0.5 and 2.0,
Reference Standard Kit Horne -.0 and 4.0,
‘String 08, 13.2 knath
‘String re, 10 em tngth
‘String 09, 13. lath, set of 10
‘String od, 10m length, set of 10
‘Momérane fit stor use when preparing sampios, 25 mor
brane iter 0.45 pm 2 sytinges 20 m
Ua, AF 651
500 mibote, AF 631
Brush, tT em ength
Messuring beaker, 100 mi
‘Cuvee stand for ound cuvettes @ 24 mm
‘Cuvee stand for 10 ound cuvettes 2 16 men
Piast funnel with hence (white)
Basic price for calbraton cerfcao for each unt
‘ational fr each method
Part Num-