R. R92L (Q R92L Porrugue ( Theduich ,, Cona - Tvez (O Carnaiio 4. LD Cobils (D Lrdsalilbut 6. Cut Nberg G) Gunil A 6. Arr32 G) ' 352 ?, Sjps 8. Usob Nait O)
R. R92L (Q R92L Porrugue ( Theduich ,, Cona - Tvez (O Carnaiio 4. LD Cobils (D Lrdsalilbut 6. Cut Nberg G) Gunil A 6. Arr32 G) ' 352 ?, Sjps 8. Usob Nait O)
R. R92L (Q R92L Porrugue ( Theduich ,, Cona - Tvez (O Carnaiio 4. LD Cobils (D Lrdsalilbut 6. Cut Nberg G) Gunil A 6. Arr32 G) ' 352 ?, Sjps 8. Usob Nait O)
r. tte Wagor T€sldJ, tne hagic incidenl ol Maltbar Re!€rrion rel pbe on :
(A) rlNov r92l (B) 22Novr92l
(q 10Nov r92l (D) 25Novr92l
(A) Porrugue*
The (B) The sPtni3h
({) TheDuich (D) Th' Bn$6h
,, Name the Spadsh Mis5iolarv, who initi .d the 6rst printing in Mlllvalu at cd :
(A) Cona.tvez
Jovannet (B) FFffis xdlier
(O Melcliior Carnaiio (D) Aresndef valignarc
4. wllo fled . sit .t th€ @un agailst th6 hish.r @.te Dd anrl asted tlB @uJt t. issue ordeE
p4oitri.g the ChtnDa! v@eb to v@r jact€td
(A) Ld Cobils (D CAebs w@d
(C) Lrdsalilbut (D) It€ed
6. Which .nicle ol ch. lndi$ coshbtion d.d! eith the N'tional E6el3!!ct?
(A) Arr32 G) An 363
' (C) Art 352 (D) &t356
?, Which of the lollowins olsaDiztiotu later tlalsforB€d int' Polavar Mdhq SabLa ia 1933?
(q Kss (D) luMs
0_ $sE rel'rcd !o Ccnlrc Slat€.elalonsl
G) Delli
(c) (D) Jammu andKutshnif
11, .fr,l
'= ir rl
fll-.3 -rlI j (B)
-t 2'
l-3 4l
11 rl
vatue or deierEinant fltr 3l3l*i[b€i
(B) o
(c) 8 (D) 4
(c) (D "E
16. wlat will h6 ihe esL bet*een ihe.imhhi linds r=J3r 5=0 and Vlr-r+6=0?
(c) 45. (D)
r?. $ h.i *i[ b. rbe dcivarive of los(knr) f,itb re5De@ to r ?
(4 tai' G) .otr
(o ,l (D) sc'coscx
(c) 1 (D) I
20 1(hat rill be tle alca bou e'l t'v tlE c'ft J- tt + l nil tnc x dts?
lA) I (B) o
,", _
t_, 6
21, llocb ro.ned as a result of th€ alteration of odstn,I shuctu.e due lo heat and €*cosrve
presure are call€d :
(A) edidoltary.s.tt (B) icn@us er.3
(O net{bo.phic mt6 (D) shatiG€d M}s
9!. The bord in wnich €.ch ouh. @ns;t3 ol sitanar€ lav€rt oI .!Ft.!€$ atd head€n are
(A) bord
EDclilb G) Flenilh bold
(C) nddtsbonil (D) Si4L llditL hond
,3. Th€ ildt,n€ b.iween tto pointE neasured bv . 20 cm clain *aE re@rded $ 6?'0 n, w!€n
ilE chain ir 5 cm ioo long. Tho tNo ilist3ne i.:
(A) 5r8.?n (B) 521 3n
(ct 520 s (D) !9!n
24. Th€ bsnch nark o6t bushed bt the.u46v ot India delartient id:
(A) Pernan.tBM (B) TeePoErY BM
(C) Albiilatv BM O) Grelrtnsonne|nctl BM
A 5 05V2016
25. tn a lerelinsrork the.!n ofbacl.ieht! atd fore6isht! sB?0 5mhd7r'050m lfrh€
6r6t pdued level as ben b narl i€ IO5 oos E' tho hst r€du@d lerel is :
IN rO422on G) 105 790 n
(C) 105 005 n O) 1O5n
{D) Flyv}€l
2t, which ol tLe follMila i. . wst3. rub. boiler?
(A) t4ndtboiler (B) N"iler bo
(C) incL.shiE hoild (D) C€rltt boiler
81. Foqr i&ntiel Fsi.ior6 d 6fti coNc!.d in palsuel tnd lh€n in rcrie.- Th6 rctult'nt
resiltde of ihe 6r.t dnbin,lion to th€ a@nd {iU b. :
3g, Wliicl ot ihe touowins ttlledent. ia mt noc..s6itv vaud for a. 4ftlt€ Altsnating
34. Thd opclaling cost of tr 1OO W lamps et dreir rct€d hltase fo! 20 houB dt thB nte of
Rs.2,50 D€! unii is :
(A) Ils.5oo G) Rs 20'00
(C) Ile.,tooo (D) R3 50 0o
37. If the PIV a.rcss eeh .liode of ! bridee .ectifi.r i! 23'3 v cdlculutc ii' tvemge dc voluo :
(a v
r4.r (B) 3'lv
(cr) r83v o) 1&0rv
(A) wase
Red (R) Livinc*,se
(c) Ndinar uase c') None
'rd Ae 6rFquiFd
Dddactlls 3 6T.e of doiles lhely A B, dd C. ltrd, Creetr a.d Btu. olo!. wdl
rd it, Fd oDo unii le4th of ryp6 A clorh Fqlned 2 o red w@t, s m blls Noor.
Ty"o B cloth reed 3 n rad.2 h creen anrl4 n bhe. I\Te C cloth€6 need s @sen and 4 n
blue. The frm has Et ck ol 8 a of reil w@1, 10 o of elen w6t dd 15 n blu€ w@1. If rh€
in6he fmm one uit lonsil of rype A i6 Rs. 3, B i6 R3. 6 dnd C i. Rs. a. whth forulsrio! i.
(c) Sodiun
54 lleaiinc th. job abo!€ tt 3 cntical t€olabturo lnd cMl it iiside lhe fumace iklf is
(A) Temp€.ing
(C) Ann$ule
55. I-d test is Dsd lo 6nd olt :
iC) Hadnes
stte divi6ion 0.5 tt tnd rcmi€. *al€ lenci-I 12 nn a
56. A vemier cllip3r silh id8 oain
divid€d equaDy with 25 dlviliont' na. I
59. The nandltulwhich nscd10makeoil polkcrs iD mntiDssurfa.ejs l
{A) chhel (B) {xapo
(c) ptrnch 0) &ribor
60. wbrcl .u(i.c condiiion ishclpirt tor Drodu.ins cdnrinrous chip?
( ) low cuttins€p.od (B) slr.lrlhc bol nhslo
(c) hish depihofcut (r)) udnscuttincllid
6r. wher is the best netho.l for producjn! ,hod ex&hal t"pon wth vrioN anslesz
{A) cohpound red ncrhod (D) forh tool nethod
(C) etovefnerhod (D) tnp.r turninc rh{hnenr nethod
62, wlich ind€nnc E.tbod t b.!! suit fd psdrcing 16 n@b..s of roerh tor a se!r?
(A) dilTerentEl indcxing (B) dil(iind.rnc
(C) Binple i"derins (tr) conpound indexinc
63. Amons ihe listed bond wbich ono is rh. sr@nsest?
(A) vitnfied (B) silj@t€
061/2016 l0
68- The head lo$ tor unit r€n€lh of a cimla' pipc i! depende'! I
(A) di.ectly on squae of oow velocitv
(B) direcdy on flow vel@iiy
(C) inver@lY o. sqrtre or dianeter
(D) dnccily on PiPe didei€r
(A) Flo{, F2liel Lub.idt
(B) Filt r, Relielvalv€ l,uhncabr
(q rilter, Beculator, Lubli€dtor
O) nN aDtlol valve Rel@f "Ire, l'b DuEp
m' impingeF pcrp€ndi(ular on a movins pbt' sith
7t. A wlkr '.t sirh n@zlc ea of 0ooli prsb!
;;;#it;: ;;;,iv orthe 5 E/s sh'ti3lhe inp"i roft?
(A) 340 N
(B) r.l?o N
(c) 9oo N @) 160N
,^, x'F (B) -e;
.^ XJF
,ur (D)
for .oEming nuch of powet bv a @tlituc'l punD dtv be
(B) th€ p@p beitrg er al ld 6peed
(c) f@t valve is mi €ft€ctive
(D) heaw liqdd naY b€ Punped
lt 06u2010
?6. Tte *ork oaveil !y filring an air ve8*l ir r bciprccnting pump i6:
(A) 39,2% (B) 34.3%
(c) 48.8% (D) 23.9%
73, The force ofticlion acts in a direcdon to lhe direclion ofmotion ofobjed.
8r. Wheb . 14 ioint b .urj€ct€d b ten.ile lord ihe .tfte indwrt in th. iEt ir :
(A) .hed ltsa (B) @DE..i% .tEs
{q t€ftn 6ti&. (D) beidi!3lEe.d
82. Tbe EaiDu b.ldira loDent in ! qnlileEr of !!.n , o!.yirt. u!i6!oly diltlibuted load
ofint€Giiy e p.r ait lewtl b :
(A)932 @e!
(c) ut' @) wl
(c): (r)r1-
85, The citlc ttlawr {iih its cenbe as ihe csh cenire. t' psss thrcugh the pilch poini is the :
(A) cirde
prine G) Piich oilcle
(C) base cird. (D) can circre
(B) 9:!t
s?. Fo. the samo .ontfe ilistancc ihe lensth of opstr bcli is
(A) eioat€f tha
(c) mde ole$ ihu
88. Aubbobil€ dliding ge& hox se.r rd'd it :
39. A ti.mody.tnic cycle laving two msi.nt @lune d t'o di'b'tic p*$e! G:
l3 05t2016
93. WLich *suption js srens for LMTD?
(A) Overa[ hea.lrsnsr€r a.mcicnt.hould vary thlolshoui the heai exchalge.
(B) The heai exch,nse tdllcs ploce only b.trccn the two truid8
(q Tempcraiure oi boih fluidc are c6tst,nt ovor a $wn *066 secibn
(D) TLe sD€cinc hc,i at conshnN prcsrure retrarns snotlnt thmusnout the heat
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