Muinu NRK Li: L. (D) 6ut .Tel NB

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Muinu : r0O nrk

Tia€ : I hou .trd li diluts.
l. Which ore of th€ foUdin3 6F dti!3ui.hcr i. .uihble fot el€ctli4l fi81

(D) Lique6€d ch€Ei€l

TIE ledt 6ut of .tel nb n :

83wl Dlug t@l .!d bii i. u!€d b! :

LA) Mtkins hol€. in w@il
(S) Metils PioLi hole. h r@d
(C) Mdils boL. i! eetd.lEet!
(D) Mrld.C 1@l€! in bric!6 anil @nGt€ w,I
h D ltoo th. .dh.t ofptut r i! :
(A) Equdt th€ luoberofel*ieE (B) Eqltl tt thc neutrcn
(C) Equlriotn. nucteu (D) Equ'rt.*tu

6. llE O@ of.Lctid. i! c.ll€d :

(A) C\aelt
(C) Rdist.6
6. Tho v.I@ of one Eqa ohh is :
(A) o
lor (B) lOiO
(c) ro' o @) rc:o
7. Wlicb oI th. bUosila.quatid i. 6Eed .eldins to Obd

(A i=+ c) 8=;
(c) l-; 0)) --i

L Wlicb Det!. i! @d L neasw the pow*?
(A) Pow€.faclor neter
(c) watt n6t.r
9. h . pdltlel ciFuit thg toial resi€tae i3 i
(A) The €uE oI irdividu.l si.t$e.
(B) Eqld t! hish6! sis.5@ e.rE
(C) MoE ihe th€ n@
(D) Ls thgr rh€ eda[66t lesistaM of the conbituiion

rO. If th. ftr of @s! &ction of . wire Fiih . gi@t le4tl i6 douDl.d it. rdisisre witt
(A) dlubLd
D. (B) B. halEd
(c) R.mi! @. @) B. iou 6De noE
tl, ll6.t d*lop€d in a ontluctd i6 pFponiord lo the:
(A) Sq@ofih. power (B) Sqwls olihe rihe
(C) Squdd ol the cuent @) Squue olth€ re.i*a@

lt, Which or rh€ 6llowir3 ha. @aaiie teop.lrt@ ddcient of F!i!t @?

(A) C.ppsr (B) Auiriu
(c) cold @) crhon
r8, A sub.tlM that hss low lot€ntivity cauot b6 @d fo. ih€ 6anqf.ct!re! of :
(A) ElNtr E!3ret (B) Pedan.nt nds!6t
(C) lbnro.rlj. i.3!et @) Praba8n t
ra. llD ilitin nrEtio! of a .hok6 in r tuh.
(A) LiEit th€ .ttniDs clrent (B) Eeat up tLo 6&Dent
(C) Indue hish rcltlge (D) Keep tho Eltaee sqee

16, Wtic! o!€ ot ths foUosins i6 uit of iailucl.Ne?

(A) E€Ey (B) ldD
(c) oIE (D) Krh
16. The 6nuhe 6r C.lculltins poE€r in E L cimit i6i
(A) Vrl lB' r"Z
(c) vlcG, @) vlsi^a
1Z li ihe rrqu€ncy changes fron 60fi2 to 100llr k*piry rcllage @!etd| tb. induciivo
€act.n e olthc cou Enn€ciod io lupply :
(a) saE€ (B) b€cone
(() b€@E€ hau (D) b€cone rour tins.
18. lr ! 4pdc is AC circuir the I

(A) Cunnt L.d. the @liate (B) VoltasE l€ad. clelt

(C) Curent and dtase in pl@ (D) Cudlt lts. volt s.
19. Th6 Dowor f.cior of an AC .iEuit i! giE! by :
(A) C.€ine ofthe Dh@ rDsL (B) Ttnse,i ofth€ phae mgl.

rct Tne latioor

i O) Th.Etioor;
20. tLe.lpsit ofu €! i. 6€3uEd in I
{A) w.ti-[ou (B)
(c) Aar6Es (D) AEp.F.bou
tl In a a !b!e s|ar @nnated lalatrFd lood, ib. c!@ni h dt€ Eutdl ,ia i. :
(A) zhh (B) 3rL
lA zere (D) lL
lr. h r 3 phaF Delta dciEuit:
(A) TL€ li@ rclt.s! i. oqu.l b plee hlt3sB
(B) Tt€ li@ @tt s!ilequ.lto 6 Dh* rclt4e
(u) 1re@duce 6equ.r
.b Ph@ ulra1e
(D) TIP lim loltlg€ ig eqoal to aE
,8. fh. n€te! in.trued rou ho@ !o d€aoE .l€ctlicel eners i. r!
at Mple of i
(A) ltrdiodua trF id!.ue6ni
(B) R€@ldine itle imtruEeni
(C) Indioridg s w€U $ t@rdins tyDe i!.t!u€!{
(D) ldt4taling tr?.
24. DymDo heter tt"€ istrr
(A) Only Ac quntitia (B) A.thAca Dc
(C) Dconly @) AConlY
A 6 10u2010
26, Tte ldi of 6Eeti.l elecFicd sB!e, i. Eot.uFd itr :
(A) XW (B) IffA
(c) KIVII (D) volidD.E
!6. Wlen tbe di@ ol an elelsy oeta i! rctatin! *n wftnout oM€cti!3 anv loq4 the mr i!
(A) Cr*pirg €N! (B) Phade eNr
(c) Flictionerd (D) TeBpedts6tu
,7. An el*irh.l osuit ib.t !@ itflib n.idt@.tom ir mss!.i. cdtr d.

2s. Fd pipo e.rthilg iho niribm intehtl of goled&.d is! d.tol Pi!. FquiEd i6:

29. ft€ h€.t pFof iBalatils natllist usd for heat rh8a:
(4) Mi.! (B) PoreLi!
(C) A.bat4 (D) chs woot
30. Tt6 ueootat i! d .ltoutia €Lciic nb! will :
(A) R.d@ tlD c1lmt to @!t!ol t dD.ntr
(B) Chsse tte cl@!t gffi ttFuah .L6eot
(C) R€albt6 th. h€at by dwitclina ON.OrT
(D) gwit h ON anil OIF th6 itdi@ting bnp
31. Whft irT€ of Eotd i. q6.d in a M Ei$r?
(A) Dc.hutEotc (B) udEtarEob!
(c) C.r.cito; .bn notol (D) Perdent 6D.dtor
3r. If t]e rolbl! .DDIi.d lt the teditni. of 280V .i!de pn@ r2rm Do t6! colirg &! i3
r20V thoa lL. fo :
(A) Wi[tur@ (B) WillMd.o6rl.p@d
(C) WiU b€ !€ated (D) win M.bEtY
33. Th6.w*p ofth. @ilins bn i. d6t6!hin6il by r
(A) Ln3th of tlB blade 6on ft! atrtF
(B) Th€ ddeter of tbe cir.L bn€d bt the bl,aite tils ol rh. fan
(O BE.ddh or the bl.ds
(D) Th€ dlt G 6et*.n .djdrt bLd. tir.
1011016 0 a
84. Tt. uit of ImimB inton.itt i. :

(A) Codera G) StesdiaD

(C) Lu (D) I'n.n
36. TlE pot Dtid drf€Ene th.t cau@6 tLe bF* do*d ofimulltion b caU€d :
(A) Dislecticsi6n3th (B) Iruurltion resi8t!!@
(O atardorytrEl|lao @) Arp4il'
Tt p@ibL niniEuo cldils rhih qn !. t l.! bt G25 nn dt lnb mi@€t r i. :
(A) o.r nn G) 0.6 nn
(c) 1d6 (D) 0.01Fd
87. Bdtlnri. joint it u*d in :
(A) Urile. 3oud 6b14.
(C) C.nFil€d ririrs (D) O.H. Lin€.

t8. SoliLlirr i6 done on joint€ to ihprve :

(A) Tensn dFngth
(C) Coniluctitity (D) Duciilit,
t9. S*itch ho.!d ii 6r.d !t . hei8hi of :

Ih lo.d on e&L powd lub ciEuit .hall b6

(c) 300olv @l
{1, Th. runbo. ol ligLt point. .dni.sible tu a

1lz. A fu. Btils is erDrc.*d in tettu of:

(q rivA (D)

43. Fu.ins fact r oI 1IRC tu3e. FiU te :

(A) r.! (B)
(q r.r (D)

,r,r. In qb.h of th" louwing wirs, b op€dta $ee |ldpa in rI se require sir tso wty

(A) Godo@riling
(C) Cdidd sjiinc
t6. Flehinds rigli h@d nle i! {ed io i<londly rb6 ;
(A) DiEctimof du (B) Dt€.tioDofinilucede.6.i
(C) DiEctid oI curent in a notd (D) Magneticf,q
.16. TID dnat@ coF i6 lamilated t! ninini* th€ :

(A) Lon los (B) Dddyenentlos

(c) Eyst€restu loss (D) Ithtion ldg
17. A DC cen€lator wok3 or the pdrcido of;
(A) F,Bds/s lsus of el*.rco.3nerc inddion
(B) FeilaF' rawr of €letbly.i.
(C) Mutusl ilituctid
(D) Fl€ninc'.I€ft hud nL
In !n 8 pole diaplea wave aiadias dt@i@, th. r{6t r of pslllel}rth ft :
(A) 4 (B) 3
(c) 6 o)2
al. In a 250 v.D.c. M,chin€. .Luni fi6ld tuli.ian@ is forDd to be 600 ohaE, The Bhut 66ld

(A) 2A (B) 0.2A

(c) 5A (D) 0.6A

60. IlE cuent i! th€ alnature of 3 D.C. 6hunt s€nemtor can b€ dei.mined by tt€ lomule :

{A) ,. E6
(L, ,
(c) L+Ia[ (D) Il,-rlh
6r, Wticl oe of the 6llori4 s.eatot i. led tor ch.rging riee yich 6Et6c @liqe?
(A) seneEtor
conDoud (B) Se@.eeleator
(C) Ane@to! (D) Shui sB!@t !
t0l/l0t0 a A
52- the dir€.tion of rctation of a DC motor is dstedineil by :
(A) nesins's risLt hand rule (B) Ilening s lefi hdnd rule
(C) Ri8ht hanrl sdp rule (D) Maxwets cor! srew.{le
63. The brcl €.b.t ot a D.C notor d€pen& on r

(A) ShaD€ of@trductoE (B) Fieunu

(C) Type of @Entlb.
6a, Ttle Eain tuncrion of rt€rt€. ol the DC Moto! n ro :

(.4) Un jt tne siftins ffiDt (B) UEit the tad e.b.t

(C) Incmse the ddd .iEuii EsiBr.ncc (D) D€@e 9ndE e.i!

5!. Th€ 6p*d of DC shult notor ha6 to be contloll.d ihroush the 6eld, the D@t .uit!bl. .i.ti.r
(A) D.o.Lstaft.!
(C) 3 point 6tan{
6G. fie speed of a DC notnr is :
(A) DiE tly prcponion,l to tho btcL e.n.t dd inEr*ly pEportio.d to rhe 0ur
(B) InEely prcpo.tio,r b btck ..n.f dd dit tl.y prcportion rbf,u
(C) DiEcdr praportion,r b th€ €.n.f aa tell !s tL€ llu
(D) DiE.tly pr.portion.l to cuani

67. In.ul.tio! E.iltsna tu me*wd in :

53, Th. runnin3.peerl ofa 3 phare squ!.el caa€ induciion Eot ris:
(A) Slachftmu speed (B) More than 3vnchbnou. rp..d
(C) Doublo dymhrcnou sp*d (D) kss tl,n 3ynchonouB tp.ed

6e. For 3 lIP. 3phe .115V, 50 qt oquiEel ca3! induction motor €tarteil tb&ush ! D O L 6t tt€r.
th€ bacl up fw
mtitrgwill be:

00. Wher Fmot€ ON dd OFF e ussil iD r D O L .i.rt€r, rho rcDote 'oN buiton .hould b6 ri$ 6e exigtinc ON buiion in :
(l) Sei€s qnd paralsl

6r. Wlt€! a 3 pLac inductio! eotd i! .witclod to 6t.r po.itio! tlDugh ! st!! dolta ltaltar r

(A) i6 tin€s tle tolqE plodued tlan th. d€lt! pGition

(B) 3 tined torqu€ ptudued th.n tb. d€lt! lciiion
(c) + bes lhe totque pFd@d thln tlE psitid
(D) bD6 torq@ etldued thrn !h. &lt po.iti@
6r. In . @dd .t$ .Ielh 3t$te!, lh. .top bltt n @oletiu n i! sio rith t!. :

(A) No eh oil
(B) O€! lo.d Er.y €Dtlct
(C) No yolt €il md Mr lord Elay @Dticts
(D) No rclt @il ud at,!t butto!

01. A High .iarting toq@ i! obtsin d h a .Up nns inductid boid by u.i!3 . :

(A) Rotlrrbstat.tarter (B) St !.brti.t{t !

(C) 4poiri.hiter (D) D,O.L6I rt r
61. We @ iilediry t tuuil Ftor irducti,! Dotor hy @i!g :
(A) Dindionofrotation (B) S[Dn c6
(c) sn lenilab (D) size ofD..hi!.
46. A pob phe Dduchob ootor i! qqlly .

(4) S.rst trins (B) slow st.lritrs

(C) Not eu.tdtils @) lliststartins
6d. Fr €ilinr h! Be@ra\ which try!. of notc i. q.€d?
(A) SDliipn.& (B) ca!'c or
- (c) PoluMi dp&itor (D) uoivsal noro!
6?. T16 EuiDun 66.i.!cy oflia!.66er i. obt ilsd rL.!:
(A) CoDperlBil ndin@ (B) C.'Dp€.ld n.qlrl ioie L..
(C) lM l@ j! naiDm (D) RuEils dahdr lo€!
e6. Buchhol'r El y i! a d.eie Ebt!.il ri6 :
(.4,) (B) SrchMoE botor
(O Atrto tRnsfomr (D) br€!
10ut0t0 r0
60, Auio o,nsforner worls on the ptucrplo of:

?0. Which ore of tlE tollwilc, is the enj equlio! of ttaDfom€.?

' !!.]l=!q
ES IS !v?
ts) E-a adrdrNvorrs

.^. ^ dzNtr .)) v-t,R

71. The oain No of bydJo olsrtric pd€! .rsdon i! :
(4) w.ter (B) Colr
(c) Nuclc& (D) Di€*l
?2. whi.h ilsulator is u6ed on d€ail enil6 of tuedim hliscE lire?
(A ryp€
Ess (B) Pin tYP€
(C) shacue typ6 (D) Dbc tlTe

?t, Whic! tr?e of glfdins i. pmvi{red on a r.ilwry line .fud4?

(A) ||e
Cace (B) Chdle ttTe
(C) Bird tr?. (D) B€ailAPe

?4, Ir , hansnission line which t'Te of i!.ulat!!a are u*d :

(A) ttlE
Pin (B) Shacklo t}!e
(c) Ess type (D) suspemion tYP6

7t. MoCB 6t tr& for:

(A) Metil Cl@o Cieuii Bmke. (B) M!i! Cl|rDl CiEuit Beal€r
(C) Moulded Ca.. CircuitB*,trer (D) MiniatN Ci{uit BEate'

?6. Fo. a given line cumlt dd liDe votilce tn. poq€. tal€n bv tb€ deli! onnecied l@d id
il€ powc! taken by ihe star conrccted lod.

??. Th€ sie. t T€ ObE det!. till hare am Esditg .t th. :

(A) c€ftrcorth.Gore G) t.ft ned end ol *'le

(C) A,D'Ieb i. neter (D) Rish hlnd end ofede
A 11 101/2016
7a, To cldgE r *cond.ry d[, ih. .y.tea q.ed i. I

(A) hwrcuaseAc (B) DC

(c) EighvolhsE Ac (D) Ac
?9. 'l'le apprcxinat€ Iu[ lord .urant of . S phac delta connectd 3 IIP hoto. is :
(A) ,t.6Amp5 (B) 3.6Anpg
(c) 2.6Amps (D) 1oAbpd
80. ft€t ial oppo8ition o$.rd by an AC citcuit i. clll€d :

(A) lDdutiEfe&tqn@ (B) R€ddue

(c) Cap&itiereactaG @) rnFdar@
81. Tle b4d ir! Thid S6sion on :
CoDtitu€trt &&Ebb of India
OD I'L DeEb.! (B) rld D€@nbe.1946
(C) 236A!ril194t @) 26d M.y 19.17
6t. Wbicl Aiticle of alili.n C.r.titutiotr 6..tions abolc tlp St ta esDouihility to phnotG
eduetidal nd €mDic iltoetr of th. db.l p6p1€?
(A) Articl6l7 (B) Aftial€.r6
(C) Alticb 16 (2) (D) Altide 31(E)
81. Whi.! @i,l refodq ot I{.!.tr .tatt d .n A$icdiuat B.nL mDely "ILalurkal
Aifyd'syi S.4n.6'?
(A) SeN.Ey.a3@ (B) Brabnrn"nrr siv$Dd
(C) SalDillEn Aw.pp.r
8'L h rhich r€e tl8 e€ld erhava D€Edid 16. pr.*Dtei by ttD leadeE of Ez:hrva
@@uity tefore Innl Cui@n, then th6 Vic.Fy ol Indi,, dun.s llis visir to
(A) 1393 @) 1896
(c) 1900 (D) 1903

36. The lctire pslticiprtaon of *hich stNsgl€ in Do.l€rn KErala Hirto.y gave c. Pdan€.wdan
?ilbi the €pithet of'Father of Poliii@l hov.h€nt. in nod€m Tfuvlncore"?
(A) St ussle again.t untouchability
(B) Elethicitr.sit tion
(C) Nirutbaaa agitrtid
O) Srlusgle.sai$t apputug m!.tlahnc@an. xo Srdt4 eni€t
10u2016 1, A
86. one ol the proninont fanilieB Mong thc church Mission Sdiel,v missiondios in Cert'al

(A) Eeffy Bal6r ftnily (B) faanv

(C) Riraletaube f,nny (D) D,w.on fanilv

8?. Nabe th€ titie. @iveil by &P. I(3ruppad, fanoB ditl Flormer and p@l oi K€ral'' nob

(A) (avjltjM.DdSahrts@hta!
(B) Mah*aei alil SahitYad*PM
(C) KMrilrtt md Sahitytnipun.n
(D) KdwnakauEltli .nd Mahopdlvav!
86. Ore of ihe early d€teciire .m]! in lGrals ftr€d'r@,o,'€ t{o'6}ard ws' Writt'r bt :

(4) O.M. Cheriyln (B) APDan Tllnpu.u

(C) K$td B.lakrishntpillsi (D) Jorph Pitt

8t. ivho we th. tust €ditoi of'$ma&6ir?

(A) Ic tuna]rilhldpillai (B) Kandainn V.€h€& MaDpila
(c) KullaihJ&adltdaMsnon (D) A B'kLnshla Pilai

sO. "E ev@nnhnit!" i.nE Ntobiognpnvof:

(A) K€sava Dev (B) G sanLan KuruP
(c) Thatrzni @) Pqtu'an varb
Sr-'V6olo s^nAqo p..itnEddMso/u"w6fdrnedhlhe'-rt :

(A) 1910 G) 1912

(c) 1916 (D) 1918

,r. Who uoos ih. foUo{ibg wo@n acdYn6 ol (ercla tol pai il tb6 seldsr 'FiLe lod bv
Tinvitlnku C.n ldctory WolLer. Union (ICFrJvtD AlapDuzla in 1938?
(B) A|va PgIM
(A) Pddhi Nebninidds.lan
(C) lalitha ?.dbhu O) Alm Cbaldy

03, What 4ent @urEd itr 2OA Alslst 1921 ihlt be@e lhe prin€ crdlvrt ol Malabr

(A) ,lftsi ofv ManF€4 a l@.1 Khil,6t ro'le' ltv cbe Briibb polie
(B) The siege olTiiumngadi Mo.que bv lhe Bitish drnv atrd pnli@
(c) Tlr of M'hatDa Gudhji md Shoukath ali ta M3'hbe
(D) Oltllpako PoUticar Conferen@

A r3 10r/2016
9a. N6ne th. n4azin€ thai loun.Ld ,nd €dii.d by Ama l-hanili for prcmorin{ !b€ @u* oI

(A) Sir.€sbdd (B)

(c) sunan8ara (D)

96. Who auihord th€ bo! 'Voi?ron Sa tto Ba ha 6 n d G.dndni f 1

(A) D.. KN. Gane.h (B) Dr. K.N. Pdi}L.!
(C) Dr T,IC Ravi.dran (D) D., M.C.S. Nalyatrd

96. nE SuildYaDua Linl Cmal (SYL) @rtrEEy is a@i.ted witt th. st te. botwen I

(A) Delhi dd UttarPnddh (B) Pu\jab .dd llqlyana

(q lJtt3rPmd*l dd Biht. (D) UttrrP$d$h and Uii&!}}dd

0?. S.&q Kh.a rlo bd b€€n a hi.toric Wir WbiL he eleted a3 Lndo! . tusi otluic-nirolity
Mrvor in !h. 201€ .Lction6, ftltsseni! shicn Poutical Party?
(A) laloq Party
(C) Consrativo Pirty

93. rudnadrb Bu.ldhGt lenpl€ iE ldrt€d h i


el,. W\rr ia Cdt prnphobi'!

(A) F€$ olAccident6
(c) F€ar of caftled

(A) votqr Verifiable Paror Ac@unt Trail

(B) votl! V.!i6!bL Parer Audii T.aiI
(C) voio! Verifdble ftirt Ac@unt Trail
(D) Votir Veriiable Paper Audii T@t


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