Research Assistant Zoology PSC

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Mdinu : too nrrlG

nno: t hournd 16lilutes
l. viral replicationvithin cclls i inhiliied hy I

(A lrti G) IL1
(C) IFN trr]la (D) TNI.lpba

2, A's tuBt breath b laciliiat6d by r apaid @tids *hich ir lmdr@d by IunF6:

(A) Pyidoxine (B) l'edtin
(C) &rbon dioxide (D) Surfacroi

A. A!ft€nololo$ pafthercc€resis is €xhibited by :

(A) Art€nid (B) Daph^ia

(C) weevils (D) Beee

r. Coloul€s plaoti& shich sre fould in €obryo,ic and g€n ceil3 :

5. Mst poiroFw re.toblqte on enb i

(A) JeXy Fi6h (B) Odlden D.rt Fftg
(C) Bmrilian wud€ilg Spidd (D) Puf€r 6sh

6. A .aud6l ir thai is NsybEetical inteEally, syamehical sup{6ci.lly but vsltebral coluen

i! .bortened and susndy uprad .t tho ed i! Inwd a :
(A) IeoslEercer (D honaercal
(c) pftiftdl (D) dipLy6rcal

t. ln Phitsd.bhia sFdrcn€ :

(A) trd.l@riotr botren e d 1, chmomne dwa

(B) han.ldstion b€iween 9 ond 22 cbrcno$ne ecurd
(q) itrEFid alil 9.hDEo.oue.
b€tw*tr 5
(D) addition i! betten 9 dd 22 ctsno$D€3
3. DN pro6lins l€chdque tdeDoBrlale rhe sibjlanry b€r,eed differ€nt adinat Ap€cias Firh
rcfercnce 10 some spccliic prorein mdins DNA sequeloe is cailed l
(A) PlylosenerjcBlot G) %o Btot
(C) ,lniEal Blot O) Anieal profiling

9. If a *l,e pmduct in Sp€cies .A is 90% simjlar to s€n6 p.oducr in Speci€s B. Sudh gen€. d
(a) orrhotoclus (B) Paratogous
(C) Allolo€ouB _ (D) perjlogou.

r0. Pl:lebotoau is bDionty kroq! as :

(A) tb.klttr (B) SEldny

(C) Bufi€rlty

11. N,oo r€r sporg€ :

12. Wlich ol the followins is tmwn as eye *d.m?

(A) L, G) EniEbiug
(c) D€.unculus @) Rlab.litig
r3. Cair n sspared 6bh :
(A) Polyprerus G) Acip€@!
(c) Poly<lon (D) kpiitosres
1,1. tmo nanert Ashaeopt€rya?
(A) voaEutor G) andEw w.slu
(C) CldlesDrsin (D) votr M.yer

15, rlo* mdy moleutes of ATp @ Iom€d,nen I bole of sI@* ,6 6tr@te.t t! I4ric Add :
(A) 2A?P (3) 4ATP
{c) 64T? (D) s ATP

16. Ob€a, qidarion rjl 6 plre i! :

11. whic! df the follosing id a ketogenic qDinoaoid?

18. Name dr€ anMo nitbs€n d.ret€d by spid€rs

(C) Cytooine (D)

ls. Pho.lhrg€tu D*il in re ebsteg

(c) Aerylcloline (D)

20, &aich ol the mrsl€ is syncr4ial?

(A) Flis) G) cat hMusle
(C) cadjtc M@le (D) Fibliuar Murcle

21. Fi€ld anil SpLo dr€ory sapl8sizes the iNolveDe.f of lollowl4 in blmd coagulalion I

(A) sbnnbolha&
(C) ThrcdboDlastin

12. Angtoter6{osd is 6rE$€d into Alciotemi!

(A) Prer6nin

23- wlub of rh. tollosrns D lhe irhihitory Dediator { the bhin?

(B) NoladreEri@
(D) GAB,{

u. Mn*le tole i. daint.inod in the nus.le by :

(A) stEtchDg
(C) P.!ti.l @nhlction

t6. Ndo ihe hdrnone shich inducq lact.tion in

(A) Proe€rtehre
(C) Oxytenr

26. Nane 6i@h.nical @bpoud prsent ih lSIt l
( ) cbFprotei.

27, Osicolyeis is caus.d by :

(A) Thyronre (B)

(C) ftiodothyrenine (D)

23. nlocn ion sn.t deotruction of Dut,nt @Us iB

(A) Hobeo.ta3is (B)
(C) Pha3ocr'[oai. (D)

29. Thc mai! eU surf!@ nalko ol NK eU i3 |

(B) cD*
(c) cD$' (D) cD*

80, Fe rinkins imDq.oslobulin Eol€cule chains :

(A) S.E bond (B) B-Ehond

(c) s.8 bond

3r. Whi.L or tne folowing rntibody is €@tod by MALT?

(B) I8D
(c) IsE @) KM

32, Plotein of th€ alt€@t! codpleeenf Dathw{y flcto. D :

(A) a clobulin (B)
(C) d stobnlin .(D)

33. MIiC Cldos I artig€s expEded

(A) Mon@yts
(q B-r,ynphocyt !
34. fll,A Antigen ao@i.i€d wit[
(A) DR3 (B)
(c) DR2 (D)

siiDllal B-ell to prcdtre andlody?

ic) (D) qtl- dll

ta*et ,ntibo{v of Myastenia gravi.

(c) (D) Adren€Eic ra€ptor

3?, vlhich of rh€ tolNing ernenc nsLqr aa pE*ni in the lngh6t nmb€s ir fie *ithin ihe

(c) sN! (D) RNLF

38. 1tre usual prepe.ty of Taq Polyne@ lh'r i3 diiical to the PCR i6 it5 :
(A) ability b u* ddNlPs 6 eub€triie (B) lbility t! @ dNTPr a .uh6tEt
(C) ability io u.e RN& ds r6nprat€

39, wlrich of the folowirs is ooi charucteristic of gomnic [brri€!?

(A) mey @ltain .addoh ftagDeli. oa germic DNA
(B) they dtlin i.tbns as vell as .!ds
(C) Thcy irdud€ CDNA @Pieg
(D) Th.y ontlin all tlc ,bore

{0, mnoh of dre ioUowi.s onzyma activiti€s 1,5 an RNA @hponert?

(A) P
eNAa.e (D) P€PtiilYt i.dmfcm$
(C) Telonaera& @) Allorti6abd€
,rr. ADons tn. fouo*ins chebi$ls, whi.h ore is u@d 6. DEEriEc Diilir{y s|ld redt lot

(A) looau! (B)

(C) Mothtlena Blu€ (D)

12. lndiu state {iih the hich@t m n€ @ptN tulenes preducbon s p6r ilE ltt3!! bdbr
Filhenes Stalistic. (2014) b:
(A) Andlrd Prdileoh (B)
(c) cujahi (D)
7 0a?/lo16
(A) PrlandNu hd'naphrodnca (B) Pml.DcrDou. hdmsplrcdil!
(C) ctnDs€nctic

44, \]rch of lhe folowinc, i3 nor €onnonded for oredimlion of$e€n fish in Ponds?
(B) AnnoniDD sulplate and line
(D) Mahuaoilcnke

.15. MrxiDUm re@nddd€d dtcling d€!.itt otri!op.@6 ldmrti D@t lanae fo. fadins ag
pq CAA said€lined in India b :
(A) aO Prnt (B) 50PLm'
(c) 6OPLn, (D) 30PI-/m'

a6. r*idL msrhodofstrppirs r oer pElered io !3h1

{A) Eot (B) cold
(c) wet (D) Dry

47. Appred liait of tobl litmg€a (a. ft in thc wa6te wst r dishargad fen aquacr ture
facilitieB as reconnend€d by c.AA is :

(B) 2 nc/L
(D) 6 ndl
,r8. Norn,l deaed for pmwn Elhation i Pothli fieldG oa(crd! b:
(A) June - NoveDl€.
(C) S€pt€nb€r - Febtury

19. A .'{ait ol Vibri' p@dn@nroirrtm cau*s the di*.& eDdition ir 6llisp caled
(A) A}IPND (B) Whit€ spot disesF
(c) Er{P (D) l,unin$@ni di*,*

60. z.ea lary,€ of tle min shriDD Pzadeu3 nozodoz l€eds on :

61. All nal€ eed prcduction in lielh*ater prawng

(A) Y-Y Super Dale t€chniq@ (B) Testoltetunelhe.apy
(c,) AndEromy
o47n0t6 a
lSHandLE (!) C'RIIanddop3ninebldLe.

t3. Amo.e the folosing, $hich is nor lrue sbout tn€ FAO Cod€ of Condnci fq R€spon.ibl€

CA) 1h. Code is clobdl inopc (B) Th€ Codc B non-wlu.tir,

(C) ]\plrlies to tthetos and lqtdc\liua (D)

6{, Whicb ot tne foilosing 66h h.s rh6 bShest Narer6nt nt?

66. Alout 6e?e/6 ot prot iri!6!h

(A) Saropla3dic pbt in (B) Myo6bnu* pet€id
@) Alblhin md glob'rrin

65, Efrect ve idhibtrnn olt snprcducinc Chlosttidiun botuli^u^ in E* js W .

(B) Packincino@ne
(D) lacting i! annonia

5?. mrich of tle folmitrg is . 6nbon qustiv€ ofofi_!.@u in irlDed 6dr n€at:
(A) s-ilopo.tasltDdin G) r? leb €thadior
{C) zm€ibyl-i.6b.lsol (D) t aetyr phemthiauno

68. Wlich of ihe folowirg, il PF..nt, is e 6rjor qualtr'ndcaior of @n.ed tuna?

(A) hctio Acid
(C) Tryptamine (D) Volatile fltty 4ids

5t Stif.rils of Dud.le of6sh sn6! it i! detd i. calt€d :


60. Wlich of the foUoNi.s orsanishs if pr€senr in &t would rellect th€

61, CButaro pMnrng rs cau.d by errs(rtain I

(D) S6a cucMber

62, Which oltbe folrying c]eEical. is rci a Esuldr @nponert of syDtlrcric &arater?
(A) SoiliuDbicarbonat6 (!r)Uthiun chloride
(C) Pot $ila.dphat€ (D) PcrasilE bobid€
6r. Cod* Alinentlriua Comniston wm 6orEed it
(A) Wlro Gr) wm
(C) IAO ud wlIO
la) Thau oti. dn 8) P@uliu tn tu
(c) PohLtitu pobphosu (D) PdLuUtu taMtus
Aniau loaipadit it a :

(A) lira.iiic ebrtode

(C) Preco&e patuite
56. Tlto p.ot@ab parasite BoNntd inn ct€ :

07. Tinst ler by Ps@@ @Do&n ladse noD €sB r.E clt PLI stt$.t:-30.C n:
(B) 8.9 d.y8
(C) 12'13 d.yo (D) 16.1? ilay!

08. Ar oaeiqti@ pmuly t dposd 6!hd x@r ii Ke..L i! :

(c) KAl1r, (D) SlFrS
69. A n.Jo. epidenio oautirg in nannc 6si t :

(A) -*grogatcdT$trslorhedMicrvilli
(O \arel Ne.vdus Nec.osid

70, lrod Munbli b nat@srri @si, on€ uftl'e nosr comoon fidtrnc.rsfts,q ofl
(A) Mdsuh bo.t rype
(C) SdNpali iyre

71, For pelag:c ratbEd tuh shodls, one oltne tnost suitobb goar tt?63 i.
(B) Trdp

72, Whidh one Monc the lollowing b not r pslasic fBh:

\A) Sdrdii. olo Eiept A) Ro,beLlrser hru.hlconu
(C) PcroJitu,,yo d?i@cd (D)

73, Gl@hidiun is on inporlani ldrvd sia8e of :

71. rhe ndo.66n ry of Pomr@p6i6 sryI/em in

(?, IGiacnel Coet
(c) Kdwar co$t

76, Wlicl or ihe foUNilg i! Dot amons the R.ns€. siies in ldia?
(A) PenydLle (B) A.hiamudi lal€
(C) SasrhamLo$a l,Le (D) wullr Lele

?6. The lat4t !'AO mnt ing of Indi! smo.s tho wdrld s iop narine capture 6sh prcdueE b :

(A) Tro (B) lr'rce

rc) nr O) SeEn

7?- T16 highesl @ptu.o 6sle.i4 @rrributiq reslon ol iLe world lie in
(A) North*.t lnd W*t€rn Cdntral Paciic
(B) Norihe.dt P.cinc
(C) Solttq* P&'nc
(D) Indi.d oc€d
?8. g€adquart€rs of NIDB tu loqted in :

(A) Chennal
(O Kodhi @) NewDehi

79, l:hich ol the ioUo*ing 66h i. not includ€d un&r Schednle I o{ the Ind'Hn w!{thfe Act (t972)?

<A) Epir.pleLB lfuoldtu (qtu'rp.r)

lB) Hippeo^p@ trihuulaaua (senhdae)
(c)!6 (Shek)
(D) Aiatid deDisozti (Mi$ I<*sla)

80. which of the foU$irs lind of 6sh st4lina in oped wdter cag€s?

(A) lnt€$pecidchYbridg (B)

(O Tnploill nsl (D)

el, VlhE[ p,d of .h? Indra n @btutio. i3 @trb'ned dF

(a /,I (B) xv
(c) xl.Il (D) x!1II

8r. Wber ra! EnviMDsnt (Prctstior) Act @Ee inb foe?

(A) 1986 (B) I99l
(c) 2o0l (D) 2003

$. rvho est Dlbh.d th. 64i printina pF* ir Kealt i, 1al1!

(A) SiCharl6l{wst (B) ReY. Bedjdin Blilev
(c) MajorDow (D) Fr' Muu€.

3!t. mo irtlodu@d 'prc@.,y (viUas€ school) eL€m€ ir T.t@@ft i! l3?l?

(A) D€warTMadhlh&o (B) A SertDr}! Sst i
(C) T. Rui R,o (D) rC Ici.lnaswmy R@

E6. wlb sas the tust Gorem4ert l.spe.tor ol Scl$I. id M,ldbs. anil CtnaE?

(C) Dr, Ileda. oundgn

the [Fi p.esident or ilo T.lvancore Devasqon Bdrd?
KumaranasFn (B) Manhath Padnantbhan
(() M.P. Mannadhar (r)) N PJbi

8?. WlE. sai Potitayil noEinobd ,o tlE See Mllam Praju Sabh, roi the fiFt tino?
(l\) l92t (B) 1924
(c) l$r (D) 1e33

83. who aholg rhe fo[owins ruleN had u.ouoed that th€ los€. c.stee incindids lLe Ndr.
CliDberRon€n lare no lisht to s€ar upper clorho!,
(A) Kaftnika Ti.unal Rdnstdna
(B) Avittob Thilunal B3larand Vdma
(C) Vidkah Tirunal R.msvdna
fD) M&lan Thitunal Rida Varna

89. which amdnc th€ fo[osing o.Eali.tiio$ {43 n)udeil i! the }aa. 190??
(A) S,nathsa dab.jan
(B) S.i Nara]€n. Dlama Pa.ipalat! Yo3ab
(C) Sadhljan. Pdip.l,na $n3hu
(D) Vdat! Sanuday! PaEhhlrahi Sabha

lvhich ieiaent is a*@iatod Fit! '..b. W4on

(A) P,tiyd Satya$sha (B) Kdildkdan S.ty.snta
(C) M3hb6t Rebeui@ (D) Civil Dieb€die@ MoreFent

,1. wlo stlrted ihs tust Mllsydan Newspap€r 'I{€ft]lpdtrila Aon Malab,. iD tll. t.s l3a4?
(A) Chensulsih Kubhnaod M€noD (B) Appu Ngdugadi
(C) Vensayil Kudi.dtn Nryanar (D) C.V Rane Pinsi

9r, \Yho wot€ th€ tabou Mals'€lab

(A) Nand6nar

{C) M. Mukutrikn

ll olTnota
93. Who rnons the foUowins wonen lr€cdom frglt€ls is lopuldLr caU€d !s ihe 'Jhanli Rtni of

(B) AV. Xuttimalu Ahna

(c) Acmma ch.rian (D) Ahnu Swanilailhan

94. Wbat i! ihe onch.l dee of BdhnaM.d! Sivalqi?

(D) Kdat Gwindanlutty Menon

05. Who found€d SE Nday.Da vidy.laya at ParTalrr fd tle edudtion rnd,[ reunil
prcse$ of ilo I{slija$ of Kerala?
(A) Mlhatna o. Ii (B) se Na..yaE Gutu
(C) sr@i Aenil Tl€.rtta (D) Vagblhdaran.h

06. In rhich r€a! tl4 G@rnherr oflndia had 6n&ced rlE dde 'A!o B,hrdd to Oyydtnq

(A) 1899 (B) 1895

(c) 1896 (D) 139?

17. Whi.n dtr itr Cdsp n identi6€d 6 th€ p€rfet ple ftf EIV to €ptsad AlIi€ anrl irto wi&!

08. Which Dlte i! Dopulady tnm e the Nobel Pria h M.iben.tie?

lr, Whic! |tk n .ebcrld .r lhe dlte R of K.mb].?

(D) Mrqo

rm. Wlic[ .ms ih. tlliorirg yeE h4 b..n dei&d s tl4 SAAiC ye& b! Cdtud lL!it4e?
(A) 2015-16 (B) 2016.17
(c) 201r.18 (D) 2018.19

o11nole 11

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