SG Ans
SG Ans
SG Ans
A. Electrolytic motor
B. Mercury motor
C. Induction motor
D. Both (a) and (b)
Q3. An electrolytic ampere hour meter can be converted into watt-hour meter by
D. Cannot be converted
A. Ac supply
B. Dc supply
C. Both ac and dc supply
D. None of these
A. Directly proportional to the current in case of ampere hour meter and to power in case of
watt-hour meter
B. Directly proportional to the current in case of ampere hour meter and inversely proportional to
the power in case of watt-hour meter
C. Inversely proportional to the current in case of ampere hour meter and directly proportional to
the power in case of watt-hour meter
D. Inversely proportional to the current in case of ampere hour meter and to power in case of
watt-hour meter
Q6. In motor meters, the speed control of the rotating system is done by using
A. Permanent magnet
B. Train of gear wheels and dials
C. Pinion
D. All of these
A. Control spring
B. Pointer
C. Brake magnet and spindle
D. All of these
Q9. In induction watt-hour meter, due to shunt magnet the torque is not zero power
factor. It can be compensated by using
A. Shading ring
B. Power factor compensator
C. Drilling holes in the disc on a diameter
D. Both (a) and (b)
A. The ratio of the shunt magnet flux and series magnet flux large with the help of two shading
B. The ratio of the series magnet flux and shunt magnet flux large with the help of two shading
C. The ratio of the shunt magnet flux and series magnet flux large with the help of three shading
D. The ratio of the series magnet flux and shunt magnet flux large with the help of three shading
Q11. Current transformers and potential transformers are used to increase the ranges of
A. Exciting current
B. Secondary current
C. Power factor of secondary circuit
D. All of these
Q15. The potential transformers are used to measure large voltage using
16. What is Smart Grid and what are the need of Smart Grid?
A smart grid distribution system, whose objective is to develop a power grid more
efficient and reliable, improving safety and quality of supply in accordance with
the requirements of the digital age. Higher Penetration of renewable resources
or distributed generation Extensive and effective communication overlay from
generation to consumers Use of advanced sensors and high speed control
Higher operating efficiency. Greater resiliency against attacks and natural
disasters Automated metering and rapid power restoration Provided greater
customer participation
Presently the Indian Electricity System faces a number of challenges such as:
Shortage of power Power Theft Poor access to electricity in Rural areas
Huge losses in the Grid Inefficient Power Consumption Poor reliability To
overcome these problems; smart grid is needed.
Grid to carry more power: Need for, Reliability and greater Security
he OMS is a system which combines the trouble call centre and DMS tools to identify, diagnose and
locate faults, then isolate the faults and restore supply. It provides feedback to customers that are
affected. It also analyses the event and maintains historical records of the outage as well as calculating
statistical indices of interruptions. The information flow of an OMS is shown in Figure 7.18. Outage
management is important in distribution networks with goals (and sometimes penalties) to restore the
supply to a faulted section of the network within a period of time. The main functions of each part of
OMS are as follows.
Fault identification Fault identification is based on customer calls through telephone voice
communication. It may also use automatic voice response systems (Computer Telephony Integration –
CTI), automatic outage detection/reporting system, or SCADA detection of circuit breaker trip/lockout.
Fault diagnosis and fault location Fault diagnosis and fault location are carried out based on the
grouping of customer trouble calls using reverse tracing of the electrical network topology. It
determines the protective device that is suspected to be open, for example, fuse, sectionaliser, recloser,
or substation circuit breaker. Automatic feeder switching is also taken into account. The extent of the
suspected outage will be calculated including the number of customers affected and the priority of the
affected customers. Confirmation or modification of the fault diagnosis and its location is based on
feedback from field crews. Supply restoration Remedial action depends on the severity of the problem.
If the fault is a simple problem, the field crew can make the repair and restore supplies in a short time. If
the fault causes a major outage, after the isolation of the faulted area, the unfaulted portions will be
restored using normally open points. The OMS tracks partial restorations. Automated fault detection,
isolation, restoration schemes with feeder automation is widely used. Computer aided modelin
Feeder Automation with its Application & Features Feeder Automation Solution reduces capital
investment in the distribution network by limiting the replacement of legacy devices. It contributes to
more direct cost savings by facilitating preventative maintenance. Arctic Control is also ideally suited to
retrofitting into existing disconnectors. It enables remote control of these devices and further extends
the life cycle of the disconnectors themselves. Feeder Automation Solution provides means for the
utilities to reduce the frequency of power outages and faster restoration time by remote monitoring and
control of medium voltage network assets such as disconnectors, load break switches and ring main
units in energy distribution networks. It provides an always-on wireless connectivity together with the
intelligence needed for disconnector control and monitoring. Wireless connectivity is implemented via
commercial mobile networks, thus reducing investment and operational costs. Used in conjunction with
always-on communication from a SCADA system, this method achieves an ideal combination of local and
centralized intelligence for real time systems in a cost-efficient way
19.Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV)
Plug-In Hybrid Electric vehicles (PHEVs) are being introduced in the market as an option for
transportation. The introduction of HEVs into the transportation sector can be viewed as a good start,
but the range (the distance that can be travelled with one charging cycle) is not adequate. So PHEVs
have started penetrating the market, in which the batteries can be charged at any point where a
charging outlet is available. For HEVs, the impact on the grid is not a matter of concern, since HEVs are
charged from their internal combustion engine by regenerative braking, whenever the driver applies a
brake. As a result batteries in HEVs maintain a certain amount charge (70–80%). In the case of PHEVs the
car batteries are used steadily while driving in order to maximize fuel efficiency and the battery charge
decreases over time. The vehicle thus needs to be connected to the power grid to charge its batteries
when the vehicle is not in use. During its charging time, the plug-in vehicle more than doubles the
average household load [1]. Hence, for PHEVs, a major concern is the impact on the grid, since they can
be plugged in for charging at any point in the distribution network regardless of time. PHEVs will be
posed as a new load on the primary and secondary distribution network, where many of these circuits
are already being operated at their maximum capacity. With the increase in the number of PHEVs, the
additional load has the potential to disrupt the grid stability and significantly affect the power system
dynamics as a whole. The following sections will discuss the various approaches that have been
proposed in order to face the problem of overloading the grid. There has been movement in the recent
years to modernize the aging US power grid and the concept of smart grid has been introduced as the
power grid of the future which will be reliable, providing dependable power at competitive prices and
offer means for swift correction. Types of PHEVs: 1. Series PHEV‘s or Extended Range Electric Vehicles
(EREV‘s) Series PHEV‘s or Extended Range Electric Vehicles (EREV‘s): only the electric motor turns the
wheels, the ICE is only used to generate electricity. Series PHEV‘s can run solely on electricity until the
battery needs to be recharged. The ICE will then generate the electricity needed to power the electric
motor. For shorter trips, these vehicles might use no gasoline. 2. Parallel or Blended PHEV‘s Parallel or
Blended PHEV‘s: Both the engine and electric motor are mechanically connected to the wheels, and
both propel the vehicle under most driving conditions. Electric only operation usually occurs at low
speed. the parts of DR system DR system consists of the following major parts: Prime movers, Power
converters, Transformer, switches, relays, and communications devices Prime movers—this represents
the primary source of power. There are several prime movers available today, such as reciprocating
engines, CTs, microturbines, wind turbines, PV systems, fuel cells, and storage technologies. Power
converter—this represents the way that power is converted from one entity to another. Synchronous
generators, induction generators, double-fed asynchronous generators, inverters, and static power
converters are examples of power converters. Transformer, switches, relays, and communications
devices—these devices enable the protection of the DR from the distribution system and vice versa.
some of the Technologies of Smart Grid Distribution? There are several technologies under the umbrella
of Smart Grid Distribution (SGD); the most typical ones are Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
Demand Response (DR) Distribution Automation (DA) Electric Vehicles (EV) Distributed
Generation (DG) System Efficiency Improvement Self-Healing Cyber security Distributed
20. technologies for Smart Grid
There are several technologies under the umbrella of Smart Grid Distribution (SGD); the most typical
ones are Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI): AMI is architecture for automated, two-way
communication between a smart utility meter with an IP address and a utility company. Demand
Response (DR): Demand response is a change in the power consumption of an electric utility customer
to better match the demand for power with the supply. Distribution Automation (DA): It optimises a
utility‘s operations and directly improves the reliability of its distribution power system. Electric Vehicles
(EV): Electric Vehicles are being introduced in the market as an option for transportation so as to
eliminate Carbon Foot Prints, etc., Distributed Generation (DG): Distributed generation (also known as
Distributed Energy) refers to power generation at the point of consumption. System Efficiency
Improvement: By adopting Smart Sensors, AMI, IED‘s, Automated control schemes, etc., enables cost
reduction and improves the system Efficiency Self-Healing: A smart grid automatically detects and
responds to routine problems and quickly recovers if they occur, minimizing downtime and financial
loss. Cyber security: Cyber Security is the body of technologies, processes and practices designed to
protect networks, Computers, Programs and Data from attack, damage or unauthorized access.
Distributed Storage: Energy storage to facilitate greater flexibility and reliability of the power system.
Information and communications technologies: Two-way communication technologies to provide
connectivity between different components in the power system and loads. Open architectures for
plug-and-play of home appliances, Electric Vehicles and Micro Generation Communications, and the
necessary software and hardware to provide customers with greater information, Software to ensure
and maintain the security of information and standards Sensing, Measurement, Control and
Automation Technologies: Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED) to provide advanced protective relaying,
measurements, fault records and event records for the power system; Phasor Measurement Units
(PMU) and Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC) to ensure the security of the
power system; Information and communication technologies provide rapid diagnosis and timely
response to any event in different parts of the power system. Smart appliances, communication,
controls and monitors to maximise safety, comfort, convenience, and energy savings of homes Smart
meters, communication, displays and associated software to allow customers to have greater choice
and control over electricity and gas use. Energy storage to facilitate greater flexibility and reliability of
the power system