Travel Expense Statement (Simulation) : Itinerary
Travel Expense Statement (Simulation) : Itinerary
Travel Expense Statement (Simulation) : Itinerary
Date Time City Reason Country
16.11.2019 04:00:00 IN
30.11.2019 11:00:00 IN
DA Computation
From Date Time To Date Time No. DA Reimbursement amount
16.11.2019 04:00 16.11.2019 00:00 1 1/4 Comp. DA-B&L/Home Tow-OTH 188.00
17.11.2019 00:00 29.11.2019 00:00 13 1/4 Comp. DA-B&L/Home Tow-OTH 2,444.00
30.11.2019 00:00 30.11.2019 11:00 1 1/4 Comp. DA-B&L/Home Tow-OTH 94.00
0 Sum of Meals per Diems 2,726.00
Date Rcpt Expense type Amount
No. (INR)
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Emp. No. 90544 Emp. Name Wakil Choudhary Trip No. 230035746
Emp. No. 90544 Emp. Name Wakil Choudhary Trip No. 230035746
I Have read the DPE Circular No. DPE/3(4)/08-Fin. Dated 20th February 2013 and CHRC No. 726/2013
dated 13 June 2013. It is Certified that:
1. Mileage points, if any, earned on tickets purchased for official travel will be utilized for official travel.
2. I have not availed Companion Scheme ticket for domestic travel.
3. The vehicle for which reimbursement of re-registration charges is claimed , is being used for performance
of official duty.
Further it is also certified that the amount claimed towards cost of air tickets is actually incurred by me and
the PNR Number(s) indicated above relate to the above journeys performed by me.