Web Application Cinema Enhanced by Classification

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Republic of Iraq

Ministry of Higher Education and

Scientific Research
University of Babylon
College of Information Technology
Department of Information Networks

Web application cinema enhanced by classification

A Project
Submitted to the council of the College of Information Technology at
University of Babylon in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
project In the fourth stage


Hussein mohammed Kbehan

Supervised by
Raaid Alubady

2020 A.D 1441 A.H

Supervisor Certification

I certify that project entitled “Web application cinema enhanced by

classification” was prepared at the Department of Information Networks /

College of Information Technology / University of Babylon, by Hussein

mohammed Kbehan

as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor Degree in

Information Technology.


Name: Asst. Prof. Mahdi S. Almhanna

The Head of Department Certification

In view of the available recommendation, I forward the dissertation

entitled “Web application cinema enhanced by classification” for debate
by the examination committee.


Name: Dr. Mahdi Ebadi

This dissertation is dedicated to my beloved parents and all of my friends,
without whom none of my success would be possible. To my supervisor and
respected teachers whose their efforts, commits and opinions are a grateful
Today technology has dominated almost all facets of the life and being no
longer a luxury, it has become an ordinary component of everyday life.
In addition to indispensable functions in such fields as healthcare,
industry and education, it is becoming more and more important in
arts and entertainment. While art branches are transforming and preserving
their essence, they should be open to innovations. Technologic screens are
now being used in theatre plays, museums and exhibitions and movies can
simultaneously be broadcasted alive in cinema halls at different countries of
the world. Cinema halls are no longer places where only movies are shown
. However, in this research, we developed an online system for cinema
house called Web application cinema enhanced by classification We used
Hypertext MarkUp Language, Cascading Style Sheet and JavaScript for the
front end and MySQL database as the back end; and PHP as the scripting
language. The designed system was implemented using the XAMPP
package. XAMPP comes with the Apache as the server, NetBeans and
Dreamweaver CSS were used at the customer-side for the development. The
developed system was successfully tested on a computer system with a 4
gigabyte RAM and a DUAL CORE processor with a processor speed of
Chapter One

1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
Initially, technology was mostly one of the key subjects of future
insights, science-fiction literature and movies and studies related to the
space. After Industrial Revolution, age of communication and age of
computer, today such phenomena as Industry 4.0 and Web 3.0 as well as
5G technologies are being mentioned and discussed. Computer and internet
infrastructure, software and hardware quickly develop and get stronger
thanks to technology. Digital devices and mediums are no longer relatively
expensive or inaccessible and getting more prevalent. From time to time,
various scientific and industry-specific studies in this field share statistical
data with the public. According to these data, now a lot of people are
connecting to the internet through computers or mobile phones in an online
way (Şakiroğlu-Akyol, 2018). While some of the internet activities are
mailing, playing games and reading news, the majority of internet users are
spending time at social media and watch series or movies
The number of subscribers to digital platforms which are mostly paid are
gradually increasing both in Turkey and abroad. Subscribers can watch the
movies, series and similar contents they wish regardless of time and place.
Studies conducted in the field emphasize that ways of watching and
viewer habits are changing. Movies or series are now being watched on
mobile phones and computers rather than traditional televisions. Moreover,
people binge-watch the seasons of series in a couple of

Chapter One

days. In this context, some series are being shot with big budgets,
episode numbers are kept in minimum and new seasons are being released
later. These kinds of approaches also reflect to the quality of series. Series
produced by the various film companies can be broadcasted in a lot
of countries and can reach millions of people. While the most known digital
platforms having the highest number of subscribers abroad are Netflix,
Amazon Prime and Hulu etc., TV+, Blu TV, Puhu TV and Tivibu are the
first examples that come to mind in Turkey.

Netflix, the leading and pioneering digital platform in its area, will be
predominantly focused analyzed in this study. Founded as a DVD renting
company during 1990s in the USA, Netflix is now a digital platform
presenting hundred-thousand hours of series and movie content to near
130 million subscribers in 190 countries. The platform which is using the
20% of world’s internet traffic has recently more focused on producing their
own series and movies. It is also supporting local series and
films in some countries at Europe. In 2017 Netflix attended Cannes Film
Festival with two movies and withdrew from the festival when the festival
committee mandated these two movies to be shown at cinema halls in
France because the movies shown in France can’t be shown online and
in digital platforms until 36 months after their cinematic release. Netflix,
having considered that it would incur commercial loss, withdrew these
movies from the festival. Although two years passed over the tension
in 2017, debates are still going on. When the old and traditional one
confronts to the new and groundbreaking, the future of cinema has
been included among the mostly debated issues. After

Chapter One

Cannes Film Festival, the position of Netflix in Oscar Awards was started to
be discussed before the Oscar ceremony and went on until the award
ceremony. In this study, the present and near-future impacts of
technology and being online on cinema will be argued by reviewing the
related studies and opinions published in written, digital, daily, weekly or
monthly periods within the last 2 years.

1.2 The problem statement

In the past, things required that people go to the cinemas in order to watch a
certain movie, and they might get upset about the long line that must be
standing in order to get the movie ticket..

1.3 Aim of project

• Facilitate and speed up the matter for people to receive all that is exclusive
and new movies and series

• Faster, more comfortable and you sit watching free movies with your

• Using technology in managing movie sites to keep pace with development

Chapter One

1.4 Outline
In chapter one represent in generally introduction and aim of
In chapter two represent the software of the project and why using
these software in details.
In chapter three represent the overall structure of the project and
filming special services for it, and explanation of how to connect
devices in a practical.
In chapter four represent the results of the project and discuss the
conclusion and future business for the project .

Theory Part
Chapter Two Theory Part

2 Theory Part
2.1 Introduction

The previous chapter discusses an overview about the project, the

problems that can be solved with it, brief description about similar projects
and lastly the main goal of it.
In this chapter, we provide the theoretical background that is needed for
this work. We discussed all platforms and software used in this project, in
addition to some important terms with the definition of the web application
and its characteristics.

2.2 Web Application

Millions of businesses use the Internet as a cost-effective communications
channel. It lets them exchange information with their target market and make
fast, secure transactions. However, effective engagement is only possible
when the business is able to capture and store all the necessary data, and
have a means of processing this information and presenting the results to the
Web applications use a combination of server-side scripts (PHP and ASP) to
handle the storage and retrieval of the information, and client-side scripts
(JavaScript and HTML) to present information to users. This allows users to
interact with the company using online forms, content management systems,
shopping carts and more. In addition, the applications allow employees to
create documents, share information, collaborate on projects, and work on
common documents regardless of location or device.

Chapter Two Theory Part


 Web applications run on multiple platforms regardless of OS or device
as long as the browser is compatible
 All users access the same version, eliminating any compatibility issues
 They are not installed on the hard drive, thus eliminating space
 They reduce software piracy in subscription-based web applications
(i.e. SaaS)
 They reduce costs for both the business and end user as there is less
support and maintenance required by the business and lower
requirements for the end user’s computer

2.3 PHP Application Life Cycle

The application life cycle has the following stages:
 User makes a request for accessing application resource, a page.
Browser sends this request to the web server.
 A unified pipeline receives the first request and the following events
take place:
o An object of the class Application Manager is created.
o An object of the class Hosting Environment is created to
provide information regarding the resources.
o Top level items in the application are compiled.
 Response objects are created. The application objects such as Http
Context, Http Request and Http Response are created and initialized.
 An instance of the Http Application object is created and assigned to the

Chapter Two Theory Part

 The request is processed by the Http Application class. Different events

are raised by this class for processing the request.

2.4 The Post Method In PHP

The POST method transfers information via HTTP headers. The information
is encoded as described in case of GET method and put into a header called

• The POST method does not have any restriction on data size to be sent.

• The POST method can be used to send ASCII as well as binary data.

• The data sent by POST method goes through HTTP header so security
depends on HTTP protocol. By using Secure HTTP (https) you can make
sure that your information is secure.

Chapter Two Theory Part

• The PHP provides $_POST associative array to access all the sent
information using GET.

2.5 Database
A database is a data structure that stores organized information. Most
databases contain multiple tables, which may each include several different
fields. For example, a company database may include tables for products,
employees, and financial records. Each of these tables would have different
fields that are relevant to the information stored in the table.

Nearly all e-commerce sites use databases to store product inventory and
customer information. These sites use a database management system (or
DBMS), such as Microsoft Access, FileMaker Pro, or MySQL as the "back
end" to the website. By storing website data in a database, the data can be
easily searched, sorted, and updated. This flexibility is important for e-
commerce sites and other types of dynamic websites.
[ https://techterms.com/definition/database]

2.6 MySQL
MySQL is an Oracle-backed open source relational database
management system (RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language
(SQL). MySQL runs on virtually all platforms, including Linux, UNIX
and Windows. Although it can be used in a wide range of applications,
MySQL is most often associated with web applications and online

Chapter Two Theory Part

MySQL is an important component of an open source enterprise stack

called LAMP. LAMP is a web development platform that uses Linux as
the operating system, Apache as the web server, MySQL as the relational
database management system and PHP as the object-oriented scripting
language. (Sometimes Perl or Python is used instead of PHP.)

Originally conceived by the Swedish company MySQL AB, MySQL was

acquired by Sun Microsystems in 2008 and then by Oracle when it
bought Sun in 2010. Developers can use MySQL under the GNU
General Public License (GPL), but enterprises must obtain a commercial
license from Oracle.

Today, MySQL is the RDBMS behind many of the top websites in the
world and countless corporate and consumer-facing web-based
applications, including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

2.6.1 How MySQL works

MySQL is based on a client-server model. The core of MySQL is

MySQL server, which handles all of the database instructions (or
commands). MySQL server is available as a separate program for use in
a client-server networked environment and as a library that can be
embedded (or linked) into seperate applications.

MySQL operates along with several utility programs which support the
administration of MySQL databases. Commands are sent to MySQL
Server via the MySQL client, which is installed on a computer.

MySQL was originally developed to handle large databases quickly.

Although MySQL is typically installed on only one machine, it is able to

Chapter Two Theory Part

send the database to multiple locations, as users are able to access it via
different MySQL client interfaces. These interfaces send SQL statements
to the server and then display the results.

2.6.2 Core MySQL features

MySQL enables data to be stored and accessed across multiple storage

engines, including InnoDB, CSV, and NDB. MySQL is also capable of
replicating data and partitioning tables for better performance and
durability. MySQL users aren't required to learn new commands; they
can access their data using standard SQL commands.

Getting started with MySQL tutorial for beginners

MySQL is written in C and C++ and accessible and available across over
20 platforms, including Mac, Windows, Linux and Unix. The RDBMS
supports large databases with millions records and supports many data
types including signed or unsigned integers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 bytes long;
SET; ENUM; and OpenGIS spatial types. Fixed- and variable-length
string types are also supported.

2.6.3 MySQL Security

For security, MySQL uses an access privilege and encrypted password

system that enables host-based verification. MySQL clients can connect
to MySQL Server using several protocols, including TCP/IP sockets on
any platform. MySQL also supports a number of client and utility
programs, command-line programs and administration tools such as
MySQL Workbench.

Chapter Two Theory Part

[ https://searchoracle.techtarget.com/definition/MySQL]

2.7 Language of project

The language that used in the project are:

1. PHP
PHP stands for PHP HyperText PreProcess. Its a recurring acronym, that is a
programmers gimmick, meaning that no matter how many times you define
the acronym it will loop for eternity. PHP is used for making websites
dynamic. HTML and CSS only provide structure and styling. PHP is a server
side language, meaning it is not understand by the browser. PHP can tell you
the time, translate information, do math, connect to databases and more. Its
an open source language meaning you don't need a license to develop with it.
It has the ability to generate HTML, loop over sections of content based on
conditions, ask the computer questions and similar programming functions.

1. CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing
the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML.
CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML
and JavaScript. CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation and
content, including layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve
content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification
of presentation characteristics, enable multiple web pages to share formatting
by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .CSS file, and reduce
complexity and repetition in the structural content.

Chapter Two Theory Part

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It allows the user to create
and structure sections, paragraphs, headings, links, and block quotes for web
pages and applications. HTML is not a programming language, meaning it
doesn’t have the ability to create dynamic functionality. Instead, it makes it
possible to organize and format documents, similarly to Microsoft Word.

3. JavaScript
JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to
implement complex things on web pages every time a web page does more
than just sit there and display static information for you to look at displaying
timely content updates, interactive maps, animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling
video jukeboxes, etc. You can bet that JavaScript is probably involved. It is
the third layer of the layer cake of standard web technologies, two of which
(HTML and CSS) we have covered in much more detail in other parts of the
Learning Area.

Chapter Two Theory Part

2.8 Software
The Software Programs that used in the project
1. Visual Studio Code

At its heart, Visual Studio Code features a lightning fast source code editor,
perfect for day-to-day use. With support for hundreds of languages, VS Code
helps you be instantly productive with syntax highlighting, bracket-
matching, auto-indentation, box-selection, snippets, and more. Intuitive
keyboard shortcuts, easy customization and community-contributed
keyboard shortcut mappings let you navigate your code with ease.

For serious coding, you'll often benefit from tools with more code
understanding than just blocks of text. Visual Studio Code includes built-in
support for IntelliSense code completion, rich semantic code understanding
and navigation, and code refactoring.

And when the coding gets tough, the tough get debugging. Debugging is
often the one feature that developers miss most in a leaner coding
experience, so we made it happen. Visual Studio Code includes an
interactive debugger, so you can step through source code, inspect variables,
view call stacks, and execute commands in the console.

VS Code also integrates with build and scripting tools to perform common
tasks making everyday workflows faster. VS Code has support for Git so you
can work with source control without leaving the editor including viewing
pending changes diffs.

Chapter Two Theory Part

2. Xampp

XAMPP stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MariaDB (M), PHP (P)
and Perl (P). It is a simple, lightweight Apache distribution that makes it
extremely easy for developers to create a local web server for testing and
deployment purposes. Everything needed to set up a web server – server
application (Apache), database (MariaDB), and scripting language (PHP) – is
included in an extractable file. XAMPP is also cross-platform, which means
it works equally well on Linux, Mac and Windows. Since most actual web

Chapter Two Theory Part

server deployments use the same components as XAMPP, it makes

transitioning from a local test server to a live server extremely easy as well.

Previously explains with details in this chapter, this is MySQL
Database panel

 Apache Server

Apache is the most popular Web server software. It enables a

computer to host one or more websites that can be accessed over the
Internet using a Web browser. The first version of Apache was
released in 1995 by the Apache Group. In 1999, the Apache Group
became the Apache Software Foundation, a non-profit organization

Chapter Two Theory Part

that currently maintains the development of the Apache Web server


Apache's popularity in the Web hosting market is largely because it is

open source and free to use. Therefore, Web hosting companies can
offer Apache-based Web hosting solutions at minimal costs. Other
server software, such as Windows Server, requires a commercial
license. Apache also supports multiple platforms, including Linux,
Windows, and Macintosh operating systems. Since many Linux
distributions are also open-source, the Linux/Apache combination has
become the most popular Web hosting configuration.

Apache can host static websites, as well as dynamic websites that use
server-side scripting languages, such as PHP, Python, or Perl. Support
for these and other languages is implemented through modules, or
installation packages that are added to the standard Apache
installation. Apache also supports other modules, which offer
advanced security options, file management tools, and other features.
Most Apache installations include a URL rewriting module called
"mod_rewrite," which has become a common way for webmasters to
create custom URLs.

 While the Apache Web server software is commonly referred to as just

"Apache," it is technically called "Apache HTTP Server," since the
software serves webpages over the HTTP protocol. When Apache is

Chapter Two Theory Part

running, its process name is "httpd," which is short for "HTTP

daemon."[ https://techterms.com/definition/apache]

Practical Part
3 Practical Part

3.1 Main design

This is the main design of the proposed system
3.2 Implementation of the project
In this interface everyone can see It contains a group of sections, the first
section is represented by the most viewed or most popular movies. The
second section is represented by the most rated films and series.
In this interface you can see the films that were recently downloaded to the
site as well as the most requested films
In this interface, you can log in to the site by writing the user name and e-
mail to it, and also writing the password and confirming it, as well as
agreeing to the things imposed by the site.
In this interface you can log in to the site if you are already registered with
that by typing your username and e-mail, and also writing the password
In this interface, after clicking on any movie or series, you can see all the
information related to it
In this interface you can watch all movies
In this interface you can watch all series
In this interface, the administrator can add movies, series and all information
related to it .
In this interface, the administrator can add movies and all information related
to them .
In this interface, the administrator can add serials and all information related
to them .
3.3 Network web application form Database

Database design is very important to ensure that any information insert is not
lose and make the application perfect to use.
Network web application form Database is build and designed by using
MySQL and this Database is generating in phpMyAdmin By XAMPP
Server. In this figure Illustrates the tables used in this web application.

Figure shows four tables, series table, movie table, geners table, profile table
and country table.
1. series table: this table is contains all information about series
such as description, name direactor, and others details
2. movies table: this table is contains all information about movies
such as description, name director, and others details
3. profile table: this table is contains all information about profile
such as password, name , and others details
4. country table: this table is contains all information about country
such as id, name .
5. geners table: this table is contains all information about geners
such as id, name .
Conclusion and Future Works
Chapter Four Conclusion and Future

4 Conclusion & Future Work

4.1 Introduction
In this chapter will be discuss experimental results, and discussion,
conclusions and Future work.

4.2 Conclusion
Finally, online movie series, we have developed a secure and easy-to-use
online movie management system. This system can sponsor each member,
whether its owner or its viewer. This system will help them to properly
manage the system and help grow without creating and disturbing. This
system is completely safe as each user is provided with a user ID and
password, so there is no opportunity for unauthorized access. So, using this
system will help reduce recruitment and provide more facilities for viewers
who will work to increase the level of their ease as they can do everything
from anywhere and at any time.

So, the system is useful for viewers.

Chapter Four Conclusion and Future

4.3 Future work

This project can implement an online reservation system for cinemas mainly
the entire system is implemented, and all the advantages of the online
reservation system, such as saving time, 24-hour work service, accessing the
service from anywhere in the world, checking availability and immediate,
Collect all guest payments (i.e. using your merchant account / payment
gateway), and more will be done. Moreover, the full implementation of this
project will improve the reservation system in cinemas, even in other areas of
life where reservations or reservations are made, and watching dead movies
in cinemas can also be revived, while also helping to reduce the cost of the
additional manpower service needed to operate Sort reports.

]2[ .Retrieved from en.wikipedia.org
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XAMPP. (n.d
]4[ https://www.guru99.com/what-is-php- ]3[" ،Retrieved from guru99
.". .).first-php-program.html. (n .d
[5] Retrieved from en.wikipedia.org., "[4]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetBeans. (n.d.).".
[6] Retrieved from searchsqlserver., "[5]
management-system. (n.d.).".
]7 [ ،Retrieved from searchoracle .
.").https://searchoracle.techtarget.com/definition/MySQL. (n .d

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