Perspectives On Learning To Teach: January 1996

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Perspectives on learning to teach

Article · January 1996

154 978

2 authors:

Sharon Feiman-Nemser Janine Remillard

Brandeis University University of Pennsylvania


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Choosing to Teach Project View project

Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum View project

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Sharon Feiman-Nemser
Janine Remillard

This chapter provides teacher educators with perspectives on learning to teach that
have implications for the structure, content, and pedagogy of teacher education. For some
time, teacher educators have looked to research on teaching for guidance in designing
programs for teachers. But knowing what good teachers do, how they think or what they
know is not the same as knowing how teachers learn to think and act in particular ways and
what contributes to their learning. Researchers, policymakers, and teacher educators are
beginning to recognize that understanding more about who teachers are as learners, what
they need to know, and how they learn their craft can help in clarifying the role of formal
teacher education in learning to teach.
The phrase "learning to teach" rolls easily off the tongue, giving the impression that
this is a straightforward, easily understood process. In fact, we do not have well developed
theories of learning to teach, and the phrase itself covers many conceptual complexities. What
does learning teaching entail? How is teacher learning similar to and different from other
learning? What sort of teaching is being learned? What sort of teaching do we hope teachers
will learn? As these questions imply, learning to teach raises both descriptive and normative
issues which must be addressed in any serious effort to build a model of learning to teach.
Of course, common sense theories abound. "Anyone can teach." "If you know your
subject, you can teach it." "Teachers are born not made." "Everything you need to know
about teaching can be learned on the job." (Widely held in our society, these assertions find
little support in the field or the research literature. Nor do they accord a significant role to
teacher education.)
Despite the absence of dependable theories, teacher education programs and policies
reflect different ideas about learning to teach. For instance, the traditional structure of
preservice programs—foundations courses followed by methods courses followed by student
teaching—implies that learning to teach is a matter of first acquiring formal knowledge and
then applying it in the field. Policies that limit professional education requirements for

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undergraduates and increase academic requirements endorse the view that academic study
offers the most important preparation for teaching. And policies that mandate the assessment
of beginning teachers without providing them with assistance rest on an implicit assumption
that learning to teach is not a lengthy or serious undertaking since it can be completed in a
short time. Like the common sense theories mentioned above, these ideas also lack
compelling empirical support.
A major purpose in writing this chapter is to persuade teacher educators that
attending to issues subsumed by the phrase "learning to teach" can enhance the design and
conduct of university- and school-based teacher education. In order to unpack the phrase
"learning to teach," we have to ask questions about who is doing the learning, what they are
learning, how the learning proceeds, and when/where the learning takes place. By exploring
questions about teachers as learners, about teaching as a practice to be learned, about teacher
learning as a complex social-psychological process that occurs over time in different contexts,
we can begin to understand some of the theoretical, practical, and normative issues covered
by the phrase "learning to teach."
We organize this chapter around different though related aspects of learning to teach,
pulling each forward one at a time to discuss salient issues and to present illustrative findings.
The first section presents a temporal perspective on learning to teach. The second section
looks at preservice and beginning teachers as learners. The third section examines different
ways that people have conceptualized the content of learning to teach, while the fourth
section discusses learning processes and opportunities. By presenting ideas about the when,
where, who, what, and how of learning to teach, we hope to raise teacher educators'
consciousness about a neglected part of the conceptual and practical foundations of their


Learning to teach is not synonymous with teacher education. Teacher educators

intervene in a process that begins long before teachers take their first education course and

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that continues afterwards on the job. Nor can teachers' formal learning about teaching be
confined to professional studies since teachers learn about their subjects and the teaching and
learning of those subjects in other academic contexts, including elementary and secondary
school, as well as on the job. These basic facts about the times and places of learning to teach
have important implications for teacher education. In this section we outline the chronology
of learning to teach, locating formal teacher education in a broad temporal framework, and
identifying important issues concerning the curriculum of teacher education that derive from
this perspective.

The Chronology of Learning to Teach

It is hard to say exactly when learning to teach begins. From an early age we are
surrounded by teaching, most notably by parents and teachers. These early experiences with
authority figures help shape teachers' pedagogical tendencies (Stephens l969, Wright and
Tuska l968, Nemser l983).
The influence of schooling is especially strong. Future teachers spend thousands of
hours in elementary and secondary school watching what teachers do and developing images
about and dispositions toward teaching, learning, and subject matter. This long, informal
"apprenticeship of observation" (Lortie l975) distinguishes learning to teach from other kinds
of professional learning, posing unique challenges for teacher educators.
Formal preparation for teaching occurs in universities and schools. Teachers are
supposed to lay an intellectual and practical foundation for teaching in education courses and
field experiences. Many teachers say that their preservice program did not prepare them for
teaching, and a variety of research using both surveys and case methods documents the
limited impact of teacher education on prospective teachers' perspectives and beliefs (e.g.,
National Center for Research on Teacher Education l991; Tabachnick, Popkewitz, and
Zeichner l979/80). At the same time, we have some evidence that powerful and innovative
teacher preparation can affect the way teachers think about teaching and learning, students
and subject matter (See, for example, Florio and Lensmire l990; Ball l990; Feiman-Nemser
and Featherstone l992; Cochran-Smith l991).

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Preparation for teaching also includes academic study in liberal arts courses where
intellectual dispositions are shaped and subject-matter knowledge is acquired. Research on
what prospective teachers actually learn in liberal arts courses raises questions about whether
academic study automatically provides teachers with the kind of subject-matter knowledge
they need to foster meaningful and integrated understandings in their students (McDiarmid
l990). Still, university study of academic subjects does influence the way teachers think about
knowledge and approach the teaching of academic content (Wilson, Shulman, and Rickert
l987; Grossman l990; Wilson and Wineberg l988).
No matter how much teachers learn during preservice preparation, learning teaching
inevitably occurs on the job. First year teachers essentially have two jobs—they have to
teach, and they have to learn to teach (Wildman, Niles, Magliaro, and McLaughlin l989). The
spread of induction programs suggests that policymakers recognize what teachers know and
research confirms—that the first year of teaching is an intense and potentially formative phase
in learning to teach (Lortie l975; Nemser l983).
No one learns to teach in a year. Efforts to describe the "stages" teachers go through
in learning to teach through generally posit an initial stage of survival and discovery, a second
stage of experimentation and consolidation, and a third stage of mastery and stabilization
(See, for example, Fuller and Brown l975; Field l979; Watts l980; Berliner l986). These
stages are loosely tied to amounts of experience with stabilization occurring around the time
of tenure.
Self-knowledge appears to be a major fruit of early teaching (Kagan l992). In what
Featherstone (l993) calls "the journey in, the journey out," novices begin to craft a
professional identity through their struggles with and explorations of students and subject
matter. Over time teachers develop instructional routines and classroom procedures and learn
what to expect from pupils. Experience generally yields greater confidence, flexibility and a
sense of professional autonomy. After five to seven years, most teachers feel they know how
to teach. Whether we choose to call these teachers "masters" or "experts," depends on how
we define mastery and expertise (Leinhardt l988; Livingston and Borko l989; Carter, Sabers,
Cushing, Pinegar, and Berliner l987).

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Research on teachers' professional lives reveals that learning and change do not
necessarily stop once teachers consolidate a teaching style. Still, it becomes more difficult to
describe a common trajectory (Huberman l989). Personal dispositions, educational
opportunities, and social and political movements provide incentives for continued learning,
but whether learning is incremental or dramatic seems to vary with the individual teacher, the
school, and the socio-political context.

Lessons for Teacher Educators

This temporal portrait of learning to teach sets the stage for thinking about what
teacher education should be like at different times and in different places. It also foreshadows
our discussion about who teachers are as learners, what they need to learn, and how that
learning can be fostered. For example, knowing that biography plays a powerful role in
learning to teach does not tell us what teacher candidates have come to believe about
teaching or how we should work with those beliefs during teacher preparation. It does,
however, focus our attention on the content of teacher candidates' beliefs and how that
content helps or hinders professional learning. Similarly the fact that the first year of teaching
is mostly a time of learning does not tell us what novices need to learn. It should, however,
push us to conceptualize the content of learning to teach and to sort out what can best be
taught and learned at the university prior to teaching, what can best be learned through
guided practice in someone else's classroom, what should be learned through structured
induction support, and what depends on learning from teaching over time.


All good teachers, including teacher educators, draw on knowledge about their
students in deciding what and how to teach. Fortunately there is a growing literature on who
teacher education students are and what they bring to teacher education in the way of
entering knowledge, beliefs, and dispositions. In this section we sample three areas of
scholarship that shed light on teacher candidates as learners—demographic surveys, studies
of women's ways of knowing, and research on the content of teacher candidates' beliefs. We

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also consider the obligation of teacher educators to learn about their own students'
backgrounds and entering beliefs and the ways they make sense of their professional studies
and teaching experience.

Who Prospective Teachers Are

Demographic profiles of teachers and teacher education students suggest remarkable
similarity and stability. The data also reveal several characteristics that distinguish teacher
education students as a group from their higher education colleagues. Because of limitations
in the research (e.g., too little attention to subpopulations such as elementary vs. secondary
candidates and too much reliance on samples from single institutions), we should regard the
generalizations with caution (Brookhart and Freeman l992). Still, the patterns help us think
about who teacher education students are in relation to what they need to become as
professional teachers.
Teacher education students are not likely to upset the demographic stability of the
current teaching population. The typical American teacher is a Caucasian female, married
with two children. She teaches in a suburban elementary school. She is not politically active
(Feistritzer l986). The typical teacher candidate is female; 75% of prospective secondary
teachers and 93% of those intending to teach elementary, compared to 54% of all student in
higher education, are women. Ninety-three percent are Caucasian, 10% more than all higher
education students. Over half of these students grew up in small, rural towns or suburbs. Few
are from large, urban areas. Most attend college full time. The average age is 25, and a third
of those intending to teach elementary school are already married (Book and Freeman l986;
Brookhart and Freeman l992).
Teacher education students have been characterized as "culturally insular" with
"limited career horizons." Most selected their university because of its proximity to home,
and few wish to travel or work more than a hundred miles from their hometown. A majority
prefer to teach middle class children of average ability in traditional settings. In one national
survey, 57% percent said they wanted to teach in suburban areas, while only 15% expressed
interest in teaching in urban settings (Zimpher l989).

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While over generalized, this portrait of prospective teachers highlights domains of
experience that could be informative to teacher educators. Three areas seems especially
salient: (1) prospective teachers' experiences as women; (2) prospective teachers' limited
exposure to people who are socially, ethnically, and culturally different from themselves; and
(3) prospective teachers' experiences as students in school.

Orientations to Learning
Research on feminist epistemology and on women's perceptions of the work of
teaching shed light on how many women perceive themselves as learners and teachers
(Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger, and Tarule l986; Gilligan l982; Biklen l983; Laird l988).
Given the preponderance of women in teaching and teacher education, this research can help
us think about how preservice students may approach teacher preparation and teaching.
Many students who choose to become teachers are hard-working and serious. They
have grown up in a school system that rewards passivity and obedience rather than
self-directed learning. They have learned to see teachers and texts as authoritative sources of
knowledge. Seldom have they been encouraged to build their own knowledge or value their
own ideas and questions. Disenfranchised as learners, they have achieved success by figuring
out what the teacher wants and by doing it (Belenky et al. 1986).
For many women, success in formal education is strongly linked to a sense of self.
While men are more apt to blame poor school performance on bad luck or circumstances
beyond their control, women tend to interpret bad grades and teacher reproofs as indicators
of their own inadequacies (Belenky et. al. 1986; Holland and Eisenhart 1990; McDade 1988).
Large numbers of women describe their college classes as stifling and disempowering,
reminding them of their mental shortcomings. These orientations toward schooling and higher
education are likely to influence how preservice teachers think about themselves as learners
and how they approach learning to teach.
Teacher candidates' orientations toward learning to teach are also influenced by their
views of teaching as work. Many preservice teachers, particularly those who are women,
choose teaching because of its nurturing and caring attributes. In a survey of over 400
elementary teacher candidates, Book, Byers, and Freeman (1983) found that many viewed

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teaching as "an extended form of parenting" learned through experience and dependent on
natural instincts and intuitions. Because respondents emphasized the nurturing aspects of the
teacher's role over responsibilities for intellectual development, they assumed that teacher
education had little to teach them.
By telling us about a significant proportion of our students, research on women's
ways of knowing highlights a central challenge for teacher educators—helping intending
teachers develop intellectual confidence. Unless teacher candidates experience their own
intellectual powers, they may not value this quality in their pupils.

Experience With Diversity

In order to build bridges between students and subject matter, teachers need to know
how their students think about what they are learning. Attending to the thinking of others
means trying to see the world through their eyes. Like most people, teachers often assume
that students who share their language and culture, experience it as they do (Jackson l986).
Like the teacher candidates interviewed by Holt-Reynolds (l992), they ask "What works for
me?" in deciding what will work for their students. One of the central tasks of teacher
education is to help teacher candidates overcome this "presumption of shared identity" in
order to learn to attend to the thinking and actions of others (Jackson l986).
When we consider the ethnic and cultural diversity of American school children and
the homogeneity and cultural insularity of those intending to teach, this task becomes
increasingly more complex. The "narrow framework of experience" (Paine 1989) that teacher
candidates often bring to teacher education has provided limited contact with people who are
ethnically or culturally different from themselves and few opportunities in their formal
schooling to consider that others may learn, understand, or experience things differently.
Drawing on their own experience, they develop assumptions about the learning and thinking
of others that fit with their own. Even more problematic is the tendency to interpret
differences in approaches or orientations to learning or schooling as indicators of limited
cognitive ability or lack of motivation. Wary of racial stereotypes, teacher candidates resist
cultural or ethnic explanations for student performance (Paine l989).

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Teacher educators must help prospective teachers learn to look beyond their own
experience and actively seek to know students, their thinking, and culture. Teachers and
teacher candidates can also benefit from gaining perspective on their own cultural roots and
the beliefs they have developed as a consequence (Cazden and Mehan l989).

Prospective Teachers' Beliefs

The beliefs and commitments that intending teachers hold significantly influence what
they learn in teacher education (Calderhead l991; Bird and Anderson 1992; Borko,
Livingston, McCaleb, and Mauro 1988). Having spent more than 13 years in classrooms
learning about teaching through an "apprenticeship of observation" (Lortie l975), prospective
teachers have beliefs about what teachers do and say, how children learn, and what should be
taught (Ball 1988; Feiman-Nemser and Featherstone 1992; Weinstein 1988). Recent research
on the content of these beliefs can alert teacher educators to images and ideas their students
may hold while providing a map of relevant categories of beliefs to explore (Nespor l987).

Beliefs About Teaching and Learning. Like much of our society, prospective
teachers believe that teaching is a process of passing knowledge from teacher to student and
that learning involves absorbing or memorizing information and practicing skills (Cohen
1988; Cuban 1984; Ball and McDiarmid 1987; Calderhead and Robson l991). Students wait
like empty vessels to be filled, and teachers do the filling. Teachers tell students what they
need to know, and students listen and learn (e.g., memorize) what they have been told. When
prospective teachers imagine themselves teaching, they often picture themselves standing
before a group of students presenting, talking, explaining, showing, "going over" the material
to be learned (Ball 1988).
This perspective places sole authority for knowing on the teacher, making her the
source and provider of information. It is reflected in a common concern of teacher
candidates—that they might not be able to answer students' questions. Deeply-rooted, these
views of teaching and learning are not likely to change unless alternative experiences
challenge their validity (Duckworth 1987; McDiarmid 1992; see the discussion on conceptual
change and learning to teach in the last section of this chapter).

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Beliefs About Subject Matter. The views of teaching and learning sketched above
relate to and are supported by beliefs about subject matter. Most often, the subject matter is
seen as a fixed collection of facts, concepts, and skills that must be "learned" before they can
be applied (Ball 1988; Florio and Lensmire 1990; Grossman 1990; Leinhardt and Smith
1985). For example, mathematics is often viewed and treated as a set of discrete rules best
learned through repeated practice. Based on their own experiences as students, prospective
teachers think of "doing math" as a matter of completing a page of 40 problems. While
reading and writing may be viewed as more creative, expressive, and pleasurable, many
preservice teachers also regard these subjects as highly prescriptive and rule-based
(Hollingsworth 1989). They consider approaches to instruction that are not rigidly sequenced
or structured or that encourage student collaboration unsettling (Florio and Lensmire 1990).
Given these views of knowledge, it is not surprising that many prospective teachers believe
they already know most of what they need to teach (McDiarmid 1992).

Beliefs About Students. Prospective teachers also have preconceptions about their
future students rooted in their experiences in and outside school and their commitments to
the altruistic, nurturing ideals of teaching (Brookhart and Freeman 1992; Weinstein 1988).
Often these beliefs are contradictory. On the one hand, prospective teachers believe that they
should treat all students fairly. This generally means the same. At the same time, they hold
that every child is unique and deserves an education suited to his or her special needs
(McDiarmid l991; Paine l989). The tension between treating students as individuals and
treating all students alike may cause intending teachers to disregard or overlook student
diversity that is race- or class-related and that reflects social inequities.
Limited experience and exposure to stereotypes embraced in mainstream society
shape preservice teachers' perceptions of diverse groups. In one study researchers found that
many preservice teachers are willing to accept ethnic or cultural stereotypes about groups of
students to explain certain behaviors or to adjust their expectations for students (Paine 1989;
McDiarmid l992). Some believe that certain ethnic groups "are more concrete oriented" or
respond more readily to particular instructional styles (McDiarmid 1992). Others confound

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low-achievement with lower class. Such views hardly represent dependable bases for
pedagogical decisions.

Learning About the Learners of Teacher Education

We have sampled three areas of scholarship that shed light on who teacher candidates
are as learners and what they bring to teacher preparation. The research sensitizes us to
possible beliefs and orientations that intending teachers might hold and helps us think about
what we can build on and what needs to be challenged. It underscores the need for teacher
educators to investigate their own students' backgrounds and beliefs. Finally, it highlights an
opportunity for teacher educators to add to the knowledge base of teacher education by
extending and refining our understanding of teacher education students as learners.


We cannot talk about learning to teach without considering the content of that
learning. In learning to teach, what do teachers need to learn? Answers to this question bear
on decisions about the curriculum and pedagogy of teacher education. They also reflect ideas
and assumptions about what teaching is like and what forms of knowledge and expertise
guide teachers' practice.
Most often, the question of what teachers need to learn is framed in terms of
professional knowledge and skills. We ask, "What do teachers need to know and be able to
do in order to teach?" While lacks in knowledge and skill may limit what teachers can do,
having them does not guarantee their wise use. Recently some researchers and teacher
educators have begun to use the term "dispositions" to signal additional qualities, sensibilities,
attitudes, and commitments required for teaching. Dispositions are tendencies or inclinations
to act in particular ways. Tied to occasions, they unite ability with desire (Schwab l976).
Thinking of the content of learning to teach in terms of knowledge, skills, and
dispositions provides a rough analytic starting point. The larger challenge is specifying what
these categories consist of and how their contents interact in teaching. This is generally

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referred to as defining a knowledge base for teaching, though the term "knowledge base"
often connotes a narrower undertaking (Tom and Valli l990). Even though the knowledge
base rhetoric far outstrips the reality, some progress has been made. This progress reflects
shifting paradigms in research on teaching from a focus on what teachers do to a focus on
how they think and then on what they know and how they organize and use their knowledge
(See Shulman l986b for a review).
We organize this discussion around three contemporary efforts to frame the content
of learning to teach. The first, Knowledge Base for Beginning Teachers (M. Reynolds l989),
outlines various domains of professional knowledge that beginning teachers need to know
about in order to do their work. The second, formulated by Anne Reynolds at the
Educational Testing Service (A. Reynolds l992), identifies core teaching tasks on the
assumption that if novices can perform these tasks, they possess the requisite knowledge and
skills required for beginning teaching. The third, based on work of the National Board for
Professional Teaching Standards (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards l990),
offers a set of standards which integrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions required for
excellence in teaching. While they illustrate the state of the art, these examples also reveal the
limits of our knowledge about what teachers need to learn and the challenges that face
teacher educators in trying to figure out what to teach.

Domains of Professional Knowledge

One effort to articulate a distinctive body of knowledge for teaching is contained in a
286 page volume called Knowledge Base for Beginning Teachers (M. Reynolds l989).
Commissioned by the American Association of College of Teacher Education, Knowledge
Base for Beginning Teachers attempts to describe what every beginning teacher should
know. The preface spells out the assumptions guiding the project: (1) We know enough to
codify a knowledge base for teaching; (2) The knowledge base is inevitably incomplete and
changing; (3) It takes various forms and comes from diverse sources; (4) It can be structured
in different ways.
The project organizers identified domains which, in their judgement, every beginning
teacher should know about. Then they invited experts associated with each domain to write a

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chapter outlining "confirmed knowledge" appropriate for "professionally responsible
beginning teachers." The table of contents reveals topics that are part of the emerging work
on professional knowledge for teaching (Shulman l987; Grossman l990)—classroom
organization and management, learners and learning, classroom instruction, the
developmental needs of pupils, subject-matter knowledge for teaching, subject specific
pedagogy, knowledge about reading and writing, students with special needs, the social
organization of classes and schools, the school district, ethical dimensions of teaching, to
name about half of the chapter titles.
Knowledge Base for the Beginning Teacher reflects the range and richness of
professional knowledge that bears on teachers' work, but it leaves open the question of what
it means to know and use such knowledge in teaching. To explore this issue, we briefly
examine the treatment of four domains of knowledge directly related to the central task of
teaching—connecting students and worthwhile subject matter. This allows us to highlight the
special status of subject-matter knowledge and its interaction with other domains and to
acknowledge the role and limits of propositional knowledge as a guide to practice.
Traditionally not part of the teacher education curriculum, subject-matter knowledge
is a central component of the content of learning to teach. Whatever else teachers need to
know, they need to know their subjects. Current educational reforms have prompted renewed
interest in teachers' subject-matter knowledge because they call for a kind of teaching that
promotes powerful and flexible knowledge and understanding in students (see, for example,
Brophy l989; Cohen l989). Still the question of what teachers need to know about their
subjects to realize this goal has been difficult to answer (Kennedy l991).
Grossman, Wilson, and Shulman (l989) provide a very general answer by specifying
three kinds of subject-matter knowledge for teaching—content knowledge which includes
knowledge of facts, concepts, and procedures within a discipline; substantive knowledge or
knowledge of explanatory frameworks in a field; and syntactic knowledge or knowledge of
the ways in which new knowledge is brought into a field. A growing body of case studies of
subject-matter teaching reveals how the presence or absence of this kind of knowledge affects
the learning opportunities that prospective and practicing teachers provide for their students.
(For one review of this work, see Ball and McDiarmid l990). These portraits make a

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compelling case for why teachers need deeper and more flexible subject-matter knowledge
than they generally have a chance to learn. Combined with mounting evidence that even
prospective teachers who major in the subjects they teach often cannot explain fundamental
concepts in their discipline (National Center for Research on Teacher Education l991), the
research underscores the importance of addressing this often neglected domain of knowledge
for teaching.
McDiarmid, Ball, and Anderson (l989) extend the argument about subject-matter
knowledge in their treatment of subject specific pedagogy (also called pedagogical content
knowledge). They concentrate on the role of instructional representations which include all
the different ways that teachers convey messages to pupils about the substance and nature of
a subject—activities, questions, problems, explanations, as well as the way answers are
sought and validated. They argue that prospective teachers need to develop a repertoire of
representations for the subjects they teach and standards for judging the validity and
appropriateness of different representations. This will enable teachers to design and adapt
learning activities that foster ideas and patterns of thinking parallel to knowledge and ways of
thinking in the academic disciplines.
In two related chapters, Linda Anderson (l989a, 1989b) outlines compatible
perspectives on learners, learning, and classroom instruction. Arguing that beginning teachers
need to develop coherent personal theories to guide their perceptions and decisions, she
presents a small set of core ideas about learners and learning which she translates into a
perspective on classroom instruction. Rooted in constructivist theory and research, these
concepts about knowledge, metacognition, and motivation, on the one hand, and academic
tasks, scaffolding, and learning environments, on the other, provide the intellectual
foundation for a personal theory of learning and teaching. Besides learning what these
concepts mean, Anderson argues, prospective teachers must learn how the concepts relate to
each other and how they come together in particular teaching episodes.
Framing a professional knowledge base around discrete domains helps us appreciate
the range of knowledge and values that bear on teaching. At the same time, it misrepresents
the interactive character of teachers' knowledge and sidesteps the issue of knowledge use.
Teachers do not draw on knowledge one domain at a time. Rather they weave together

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different kinds of knowledge as they reason about what to do and take action in particular
situations (McDiarmid et. al. l989). For instance, in planning an instructional activity, a
teacher may consider what concepts she wants students to learn (content), how those topics
fit with previous and future topics (curriculum), how appropriate the activity is for her
particular group of students (learners), what might be difficult for them (learning), how she
will find out what students do and do not understand. Researchers are just beginning to study
the processes by which teachers meld different kinds of knowledge in teaching and to
consider how best to represent the results.
Declarative knowledge can never be a complete guide to practice. For one thing,
teaching depends on judgement and reasoning which must also be learned. Moreover, much
of what teachers need to know to respond to immediate classroom situations must be
discovered by them over time in their particular context (Richardson l994). If expertise in
teaching consists of knowledge and commitments tied to actions, then we must consider not
only what teachers know (or need to learn), but how they transform their knowledge into
professional activity (Kennedy l987).

Tasks of Teaching
A second approach to framing the content of learning to teach begins with the
question, "What should teachers be able to do?" and then reasons backwards to the
knowledge and skills required for performing these tasks. This is the tack taken by the
Educational Testing Service in its recent efforts to design new performance assessments for
beginning teachers.
To lay the intellectual foundation for this initiative, Anne Reynolds (l992) prepared a
synthesis of research reviews on effective teaching and learning to teach. Reynolds
acknowledges serious problems with the literature: (1) The research does not reflect teachers'
perspective; (2) Empirical evidence linking teacher actions and student learning is limited and
does not generalize across settings; (3) The differences between effective experienced
teachers and effective beginning teachers is not well understood; (4) What we know about
teaching from the research literature may not fit our vision of good teaching. Still, she uses it
to frame a set of teaching tasks that beginning teachers should be able to perform. These

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tasks, she argues, fit any teaching situation regardless of the teacher's philosophy, subject
matter, or students. Having an adequate knowledge base means being able to do the
1. Plan lessons that enable students to relate new learning to prior understanding and
2. Develop rapport and personal interactions with students.
3. Establish and maintain rules and routines that are fair and appropriate to students.
4. Arrange the physical and social conditions of the classroom in ways that are
conducive to learning and that fit the academic task.
5. Represent and present subject matter in ways that enable students to relate new
learning to prior understanding and that help students develop metacognitive
6. Assess student learning using a variety of measurement tools and adapt instruction
according to the results.
7. Reflect on their own actions and students' responses in order to improve their
teaching (p. 26).
The idea of framing a knowledge base around tasks of teaching has a certain face
validity. Teaching is a practical art, and the tasks of teaching cover familiar territory.
Additional support for this approach comes from research on teachers' classroom knowledge
which also uses the construct of "tasks" to describe the way individual teachers acquire and
organize their knowledge of classroom events. According to the researchers, teachers
organize their knowledge around particular tasks of teaching such as teaching lessons or
maintaining order (e.g., Doyle l986; Leinhardt and Greeno l986). While these tasks are
common to all classrooms, the meaning individual teachers bring to them is a function of their
unique knowledge and experience. Furthermore as teachers act to accomplish tasks of
teaching, their understanding of what a given task involves and what it means to accomplish
it changes. From this perspective, teachers learn to teach as they make sense of and take on
the tasks of teaching (Carter l990).
Reynolds does not actually work out the connections between the ability to perform
the tasks and the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required to do so. Rather she identifies

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broad requirements such as knowledge of pedagogy appropriate to the content being taught
and the disposition to find out about one's students and school and the skills to do so. But it
is also the case that we simply do not know enough about how teachers think through and
pull off these tasks in particular contexts or what combination of general and "local"
knowledge they depend on.
Any performance model rests on ideas about the nature of teaching and the role of the
teacher. Reynolds' tasks of teaching framework gives the impression that teaching is relatively
straightforward work. Teachers plan lessons, arrange classroom conditions, present content
so that students will learn. Teachers note the results of their actions and make appropriate
adjustments. Teaching seems like a form of technical problem solving in which teachers apply
familiar means to accomplish predetermined ends (Schon l983).
A different picture emerges from studies that describe what teaching is like for
teachers. Jackson (l968) portrays classrooms as complex, unpredictable, and multidimen-
sional settings. Research on teachers' "practical" or "classroom knowledge" (e.g., Elbaz l983;
Doyle l990; Carter and Doyle l987) further reveals the complexities and uncertainties of
interactive teaching and the need for considerable thinking-in-action (Schon l987). For
example, in a study of her own practice, Lampert (l985) argues that teachers do not solve
problems; rather they navigate among competing goals as they make moment-to-moment
decisions about what do to in particular instructional situations.
Both portraits capture important aspects of teaching with implications for defining the
content of learning to teach. Besides learning to handle the routine and predictable, teachers
must develop the capacity to think on their feet and to respond in appropriate ways to an
ever-changing situation. Just as uncertainty challenges teachers, so preparing teachers for
uncertainty challenges teacher educators (Floden and Buchmann l993).
While teaching performance depends on knowledge and skills, it cannot be defined
independent of purposes, commitments, and values. Except for the reference to "fairness" in
relation to classroom rules and routines, the tasks of teaching framework avoids moral
language. But teaching is a moral practice as well as a technical activity, and this has
implications for thinking about the content of learning to teach. Besides acquiring requisite

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knowledge and skills, teachers must also develop values, commitments, and images of good
Professional Standards
Values and commitments figure prominently in the standards framework generated by
the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) which was founded in l987
in response to a major recommendation in a Carnegie-commissioned report on education and
the economy (l986). Governed by a 63-member board dominated by classroom teachers, this
independent, nonprofit organization is devoted to creating a voluntary national certification
system for experienced elementary and secondary teachers.
As a first step in defining professional standards, the Board adopted a policy
statement entitled What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do (l990). The statement sets
out five core propositions which reflect what the Board values in teaching and serve as a
foundation for its work.
1. Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
2. Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.
3. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.
4. Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.
5. Teachers are members of learning communities.
The policy statement underscores the value and limits of formal knowledge in
teaching. In relation to the first proposition, for example, we are told that highly
accomplished teachers base their practice on prevailing theories of cognition and intelligence
as well as on "observation and knowledge of their students' interests, abilities, skills,
knowledge, family circumstances, and peer relationships" (p. 13). We are also told that
"teaching ultimately requires judgement, improvisation, and conversation about ends and
means" (p. 13).
The propositions reflect teachers' responsibilities both inside and outside the
classroom. For example, teachers orchestrate learning in group settings, assess student
progress on a regular basis, use multiple methods to meet their goals (Proposition 3). They
strengthen their teaching by seeking advice, studying educational research, reflecting on their

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own classroom experience (Proposition 4). They work collaboratively with parents and other
professionals (Proposition 5).
Professional values and commitments lie at the heart of the standards. The first
proposition articulates the ethical foundation of teachers' practice—the conviction that all
students can learn and the commitment to making knowledge accessible to all. References to
other values appear throughout the document—respect for disciplinary thinking, a
commitment to lifelong professional development, reverence for the craft of teaching. The
document invokes teachers who exemplify the personal and intellectual virtues they seek to
cultivate in their students—curiosity and love of learning, tolerance and open-mindedness,
fairness and justice, respect for human diversity and dignity, the ability to question received
wisdom (p. 25).
The policy statement projects a vision of good teaching and an image of what it
means to be a professional teacher. Good teaching emphasizes conceptual understanding,
problem solving, multiple perspectives. Professional teachers make decisions based on
personal experience and the best knowledge available. Excellence in teaching depends on
human qualities, expert knowledge and skill, and professional commitment.
These propositions and their elaboration serve as a philosophical basis for more
focused standards in thirty different areas defined by disciplines (e.g., mathematics,
English/language arts, science) and developmental levels (e.g., early childhood, middle
childhood, early adolescence). Compatible standards for beginning teachers have been
developed by the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC), a
program of the Council of Chief State School Officers (l993). Both sets of professional
standards reflect a vision of good teaching which is a necessary prerequisite to figuring out
what teachers need to learn.

Lessons for Teacher Educators

These three examples represent "state of the art" efforts to frame a knowledge base
for teaching. Associated with different purposes—teacher education, teacher assessment,
teacher licensure, and teacher certification—they draw mainly on research and scholarship
and, in the case of the NBPTS, on the "wisdom of practice". Overlap among the three

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examples suggests consensus about broad domains of knowledge and values and agreement
about core tasks of teaching. Differences in focus and format highlight the absence of a
shared structure to frame a knowledge base and a way to represent expertise in teaching.
What lessons can teacher educators derive from this brief discussion of these efforts
to frame the content of learning to teach? First, there is a lot to learn—more than teachers
could possibly master in the limited time allotted to teacher preparation. Some of this content
falls outside the traditional boundaries of the teacher education curriculum; much of it has not
been codified. Second, what teachers need to learn not only includes knowledge, skills, and
dispositions, but also ways of knowing, thinking, caring, and acting. Third, since much of
what teachers need to know can only be learned in situ, an important part of learning to teach
involves learning to learn in context. Fourth, defining the content of learning to teach depends
on clarifying a vision of good teaching.
On the one hand, we seem to know quite a lot about what teachers need to learn. On
the other hand, we still have mostly general statements and fragmented research. This means
that teacher educators have to figure out for themselves what to teach in light of who their
students are and what time frame they have to work in. Getting clear about the kind of
teaching they want teachers to learn will not only help teacher educators make decisions
about what to teach, it will also insure that this "content" adds up to a coherent vision of
Until now we have separated the "what" from the "how" of learning to teach in order
to focus on the question of what teachers need to learn. Ultimately, content and processes of
learning to teach must be brought together since how teachers learn shapes what they learn
and is often part of what they need to know. Unfortunately, we know even less about the
processes of learning to teach than we do about the content.


As we turn to the "how" of learning to teach, we gather together the threads of our
argument in order to relate them to a consideration of learning processes and opportunities.

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The following general points bear on this discussion: (1) Different times and places are more
or less suited to the learning of different aspects of teaching; (2) What gets learned at one
time influences teachers' readiness for and openness to subsequent learning; (3) The
constellation of dispositions and beliefs, knowledge and understandings that teachers bring to
a given learning opportunity affects what they learn from it; (4) The content of learning to
teach takes different forms which, in turn, call for different kinds of learning opportunities;
(5) How teachers learn affects what they learn.
When we talk about the "how" of learning to teach, we mean both cognitive
processes and learning opportunities. Cognitive processes loosely refer to what goes on in
teachers' heads. Learning opportunities include both the contexts of learning (e.g., programs,
settings, interventions) and the social interactions within these contexts that promote
learning. To understand how teachers learn to teach, we need to attend to teacher cognitions
and to the conditions and opportunities that facilitate their learning (Cobb l994).
By and large, research on how teachers learn has tended to focus on how teachers'
beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, orientations, understandings, knowledge, skills change over
time or on descriptions of the contexts of learning. Connecting the internal changes to the
learning opportunities is at the heart of research on teacher learning. Scholars and researchers
are just beginning to define this messy and "ill-structured" domain through their programs of
research (Carter l990; Kagan l992; Kennedy l993).
Promising lines of work include (a) studies of efforts to transform prospective
teachers' beliefs; (b) studies of how teachers gain subject-matter knowledge and pedagogical
content knowledge; (c) studies of teachers' practical knowledge and how it develops;
(d) studies of how teachers learn ambitious forms of teaching on their own and in the
company of other teachers; (e) studies of how teachers' knowledge, skills, and dispositions
change as they participate in different teacher education programs. Because they focus on
how teachers learn particular aspects or versions of teaching under specific conditions, these
studies represent an important advance over previous research which tended to treat learning
to teach as a global and undifferentiated process.
Conventional teacher education reflects a view of learning to teach as a two-step
process of knowledge acquisition and application or transfer. Lay theories assume that

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learning to teach occurs through trial and error over time. Neither view captures the
prevailing position that learning occurs through an interaction between the learner and the
learning opportunity. If we want to understand how and why teachers learn what they do
from a given learning opportunity, we have to investigate both what the experience was like
and what sense teachers made of it. If we want to design an appropriate learning opportunity,
we have to clarify what we want teachers to learn, what kind of intellectual work that will
entail, where teachers are in relation to the desired outcome, and what kinds of resources and
activities are likely to help teachers move in the desired direction.
No single theory or model of learning can adequately account for all aspects of
learning to teach. Rather we need perspectives that fit with what is being learned and that
take into account who is doing the learning and when or where the learning is taking place. In
this section, we briefly examine a cluster of theoretical ideas from cognitive psychology,
anthropology, and sociology that seem especially relevant in thinking about how some of the
important constituents of teaching are or should be learned. These ideas also help explain
why teacher education has not been a powerful force in teacher learning. We use cases to link
this discussion with what has come before.

Conceptual Change and Learning to Teach

We have already described the kinds of beliefs about teaching, learning, subject
matter, and diversity that many teacher candidates bring to teacher preparation. While teacher
educators often intend to change those beliefs, prospective teachers frequently leave teacher
preparation with their beliefs intact. When such beliefs limit the range of ideas and actions
that teachers consider, this consequence is problematic.
Feiman-Nemser and Buchmann (l986) report a case of mislearning during teacher
preparation which illustrates the problem. The researchers describe how Janice, an elementary
education major, fits ideas she encounters in her courses into a framework of beliefs based on
what she saw and heard growing up, leaving her with beliefs that work against equal
educational opportunities. Asked to describe an article that stood out to her, Janice selected
Anyon's (l981) critique of the unequal distribution of school knowledge by social class and
school location which she misinterpreted as simply a description of the way things are. She

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connected this to something she read in math methods on motivation—that poor children are
more present-oriented and require immediate reinforcement. Asked whether she had any
experiences with children from backgrounds different from her own, Janice talked at length
about Mexican migrants who worked on the family farm and whose children were not
interested in going to school. Adding a final piece to the picture, she recalled a discussion in
her curriculum class about "why teach poetry to lower class, low achievers" which made her
think that "maybe certain things should be stressed in certain schools, depending on where
they're located" (p. 247).
While current beliefs and conceptions can serve as barriers to change, they also
provide frameworks for interpreting and assessing new and potentially conflicting
information. That is the paradoxical role of prior beliefs. Like all learners, teachers can only
learn by drawing on their own beliefs and prior experiences, but their beliefs may not help
them learn new views of teaching and learning advocated by teacher educators (Bird and
Anderson l994) Recognizing the challenge of transforming prospective teachers' beliefs and
committed to promoting new visions of teaching and learning, some teacher educators have
turned to conceptual change models for insights about the conditions under which people are
more likely to change their minds.
Conceptual change theory (Posner, Strike, Hewson, and Hertzog l982; Strike and
Posner l985) suggests that changing teachers' beliefs depends on their recognizing
discrepancies between their own views and those underlying new visions of teaching and
learning. Research on human judgement suggests that change is more likely to occur if
alternatives are vivid, concrete, and detailed enough to provide a plausible alternative
(Nesbitt and Ross l980).
From these theoretical perspectives and from the work of teacher educators interested
in transforming teacher candidates' beliefs (see, for example, Florio and Lensmire l990;
Feiman-Nemser and Featherstone l992; Bird, Anderson, Sullivan, and Swidler l993; Wilcox,
Schram, Lappan, and Lanier l992; Holt-Reynolds l992), several conditions seem necessary to
induce conceptual change. First, teachers need an opportunity to consider why new practices
and their associated values and beliefs are better than more conventional approaches. Second,
they must see examples of these practices, preferably under realistic conditions. Third, it

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helps if teachers can experience such practices firsthand as learners. If we also want teachers
to incorporate these ideas and practices into their own teaching, we need to provide ongoing
support and guidance (Kennedy l991). All these requirements find additional justification in
theories of situated cognition.

Situated Cognition and Learning to Teach

Teacher educators generally assume that knowledge and skills exist independently of
the contexts in which they are acquired. The notion that teachers can first learn concepts and
skills and then apply them in real-world teaching situations reflects this assumption. Cognitive
psychologists (e.g., Brown, Collins, and Duguid l989; Lave l988; Resnick l989) challenge this
notion by claiming that all knowledge is situated in and grows out of the contexts of its use.
Besides providing a compelling explanation for why teachers use so little of what they are
taught, the theory of situated cognition directs teacher educators to embed teacher learning in
"authentic" activity (Brown et al. l989).
From studies of learning in and out of school, it appears that people build up
knowledge by solving real problems using available clues, tools, and social supports
(Resnick l987a, l987b). Traditional apprenticeships provide one model of this kind of
learning. In an apprenticeship, a beginner develops flexible skills and conditional knowledge
by working on genuine tasks in the company of a master. For example, Lave and Wengner
(l991) describe the situated and sequenced process by which apprentice tailors learn to
produce garments. From observing masters, apprentices develop an image of how an entire
garment is produced while they work on specific components (e.g., a sleeve) and practice
specific skills (e.g., cutting, pressing, using the sewing machine). In such an apprenticeship,
knowing cannot be separated from doing.

Cognitive Apprenticeship. The term "cognitive apprenticeship" has been applied to

classroom-based instructional models that incorporate key features of an apprenticeship
(Brown et al. l989; Collins, Brown, and Newman l989). These features include authentic
activity, social interaction, collaborative learning, and a teacher/coach who makes his or her
knowledge and thinking visible to the learner(s). Adding "cognitive" is intended to convey the

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idea that the same conditions or opportunities which support the development of physical
skills can also support the development of cognitive skills.
An obvious application of cognitive apprenticeship to learning to teach is student
teaching, internships, and other mentored learning situations where the teacher's learning is
"situated" in the context of practice. Ideally, the novice would learn how to think and act like
teacher by observing and engaging in the activities of teaching alongside a more experienced
practitioner. The mentor would model ways of thinking and acting, coach the novice in her
attempts to carry out particular tasks, and gradually withdraw support as the novice learns to
perform on her own. This calls for classroom teachers to take on the role of school-based
teacher educator, a role that requires special preparation and coaching.

Assisted Performance. Vygotsky's (l978) theory of assisted performance in the zone

of proximal development (ZPD) accounts for how learning through social interaction with a
more capable other occurs. The ZPD is the distance between what an individual can do
independently and what he or she can do with assistance. Assistance from and cooperative
activity with a teacher, expert, or more capable peer enables the learner to perform at levels
beyond his or her level of independent performance. Knowledge and skills which initially exist
in the interaction between the novice and the more capable other eventually get internalized
by the learner. Vygotsky's work is primarily concerned with children. Some contemporary
proponents, claiming that identical processes operate in the learning adult, are beginning to
explore the application of these ideas to teacher education (e.g., Tharp and Gallimore l988).
We should not let the terms "situated learning," "cognitive apprenticeship", "assisted
performance" mislead us into thinking that these theories only apply to teacher learning in
school settings. They pertain to education courses which are often criticized for being "too
theoretical" and "not very practical" as well as to teachers' academic preparation. In these
university classrooms, teachers often encounter concepts and ideas disconnected from any
meaningful contexts or they work alone without the benefits of collaboration or modeling.
Teachers are more likely to develop usable knowledge if we situate their learning in
practice. For example, some advocates of case-based teacher education argue that cases
provide one promising way to situate teacher learning in problems of practice. (See Sykes

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and Bird l994 for a review of different uses of cases in teacher education.) Through the
analysis of cases, teachers can learn concepts in ways that reveal their use, and practice the
kind of reasoning and problem solving that "real" teaching entails.
The learning theories and instructional models that we have reviewed constitute a
valuable resource for teacher educators interested in promoting and understanding teacher
learning. Besides suggesting important features of powerful interventions, these theoretical
perspectives give us lens to use in explaining the learning that does (or does not) occur.
To illustrate what this could look like, we describe a unique teacher education
intervention designed to help an experienced, successful elementary teacher learn to teach
mathematics in new ways (Heaton and Lampert l993). This intervention honors the
contextualized quality of knowing and learning in teaching. It also shows how the kind of
teaching to be learned shapes the content of the learning.

A Case of Learning to Teach for Understanding

As a doctoral student, Heaton read about the kind of mathematics teaching and
learning advocated by reformers. Unsure how, as a prospective teacher educator, she would
be able to help novices learn to teach in ways that she herself had never taught, Heaton
decided to try to learn a new kind of mathematics teaching. She arranged to teach fourth
grade mathematics next door to Lampert, a scholar and teacher educator, who was teaching
math in the fifth grade and using her classroom as a setting for prospective and practicing
teachers and teacher educators to study a new kind of teaching practice (Lampert l992).
Once a week, Lampert observed Heaton's teaching and wrote notes about specific
teaching problems that occurred. Heaton also observed Lampert's teaching, and they met
regularly to talk about their practice. Sometimes they looked at samples of children's work or
designed problems to use with their students. They also worked math problems and discussed
connections between the elementary mathematics curriculum and the discipline of
Lampert based her approach to helping Heaton on ideas about what teachers need to
know and how that knowledge is learned. The approach consisted primarily of classroom
observation and discussion of situated problems of practice and alternative solutions.

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Lampert justifies this approach by drawing a parallel between teaching for understanding and
teaching teaching for understanding. In both cases, deciding whether a solution or a practice
is appropriate depends having a contextualized understanding of the problem or
circumstance. By observing and reflecting on Heaton's lessons, Lampert models ways of
thinking about teaching and learning. Through this process, she hopes to help Heaton
develop what Shulman calls "strategic knowledge"—the knowledge that "comes into play as
the teacher confronts particular situations or problems, whether theoretical, practical, or
moral, where principles collide and no simple solution is possible" (Heaton and Lampert l993,
p. 58).
The kind of teaching Heaton wanted to learn requires the teacher to manage the
exchange of mathematical ideas in the context of managing complex social interactions. This
not only depends on having different kinds of knowledge about subject matter, students,
curriculum, social interactions, teaching, and so on. It also requires holding that knowledge
flexibly, "not in the form of a script, but in the form of a web of multiply connected ideas for
things to try...It is not a matter of learning the rules and then following them; it is a matter of
casing out the situation you are in on a moment by moment basis, watching how students
react to your response, constructing a new response in a cyclical improvisation" (Heaton and
Lampert l993, p. 58).
This description recalls our earlier discussion about the interactive nature of teachers'
knowledge and reinforces the intersection of the "what" and the "how" in learning to teach.
In trying to conceptualize what teaching mathematics for understanding entails, Lampert is
describing what we usually treat as tacit knowledge. Her formulation illustrates some of the
problems with trying to frame a knowledge base around discrete domains of knowledge or
generic tasks of teaching. Teacher education rarely addresses the problem of helping teachers
develop coordinated or flexible or integrated knowledge. This may help explain why teacher
candidates have difficulty constructing new kinds of pedagogy even when they have come to
believe that it is both possible and desirable (Wilcox et al. l992).
Describing her own learning, Heaton reports that she was faced with struggles
"everywhere I turned" (Heaton and Lampert l993, p. 60). The difficulties began with
planning—trying to follow a script yet teach in ways that opened up the discourse to

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students' ideas. They also encompassed how to get students to talk and then, when they did,
what to do with their ideas. "Deciding which ideas to pursue, which to drop, and which to
suspend for the moment was hard" (p. 61). Heaton also struggled with the mathematical
questions and found her knowledge inadequate to help students learn what they needed to
know. (See also Heaton l994).
In many ways, Heaton represents our best foot forward in terms of candidates for
teacher development. She had been a successful student of mathematics through college
calculus. When she began working with Lampert, she was already a competent teacher who
had already done the kind of teaching in social studies that she wanted to learn in
mathematics. So it is instructive for teacher educators to note that Heaton still needed to
learn new mathematical and pedagogical knowledge in order to teach in a way that was
responsive to students' thinking and to the mathematical ideas under discussion.
Heaton's story raises many questions about what and how we teach teachers at the
preservice and induction levels as well as during inservice. If preservice teacher education
provided a stronger foundation in subject matter and pedagogy, what kinds of learning needs
would novices present? Could those needs be addressed by creating cognitive apprenticeships
with experienced teachers who were also trying to change their practice? Do experienced
teachers have more to unlearn than novices when they try to embrace new forms of teaching
and learning?
We note that the case says relatively little about how teachers learn to teach
mathematics to diverse students. Researchers are just beginning to frame and study the
question of how teachers learn to teach demanding content to all students, a question that is
central to the current reform agenda. Still, we believe that this story and other stories of
learning to teach for understanding bear careful reading and rereading by teacher educators
not only for images and insights about what new pedagogies can look like, but also for ideas
about how to help others learn to teach in these ways and to think deeply about their practice.
Clearly, there is a lot that we do not know about the content and processes of
learning to teach. Teacher educators are in a good position to enlarge our understanding by
inventing and studying new ways to situate teacher learning in practice. The story that

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Heaton and Lampert tell is a model both for what such learning opportunities might look like
and for how we can tell about them.

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