Hp-Ux Root Mirror
Hp-Ux Root Mirror
Hp-Ux Root Mirror
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 2
Four Disk Scenario – Mirroring the Clone When it is Created ................................................................... 2
Three Disk Scenario – Mirroring the Clone When it is Booted ................................................................... 3
Splitting a Mirror from an Inactive Image to Provide a Free Disk................................................................ 4
How to Mirror vg00 – HP 9000 System ................................................................................................ 6
How to Mirror vg00 – HP Integrity Systems (v2 and v3) ........................................................................... 7
Notifying DRD that the Booted System has Been Mirrored....................................................................... 11
Updating the Inactive Image with the Changes...................................................................................... 11
Automating the Three Disk Scenario..................................................................................................... 12
Two Disk Scenario – Splitting a Mirror to Provide a Clone Disk ............................................................... 12
Glossary........................................................................................................................................... 13
System administrators frequently use MirrorDisk/UX to create a redundant copy of an HP-UX system
as protection against hardware failures. HP’s Dynamic Root Disk (DRD), alternatively, provides a
means of protecting against software failures — changes can be staged on an inactive copy of the
system and an unchanged copy can be retained for recovery.
Because a DRD clone or patched clone will become a booted system, it is desirable to mirror the
clone as well. Depending on the number of available disks and policies about use of the storage in
the Storage Area Network (SAN), DRD users can:
• Mirror their clone when it is created.
• Mirror it after creation but before boot.
• Mirror it after the clone is booted.
Some data centers always boot from internal disks on a system; others use SAN disks for mirrors or
DRD clones. This document describes the various mirroring strategies a system administrator can use
for combining the benefits of DRD clones and LVM mirrors.
The scenarios below describe strategies that a system administrator might use in four-disk, three-disk,
and two-disk environments.
To apply this scenario, a system administrator needs to have the following resources available:
One way to determine if you have a licensed copy of MirrorDisk/UX is to execute the
following command:
# /usr/sbin/lvextend -?
If the usage statement displays the following option, then you have access to
-m MirrorCopies
Alternatively, you can check for the LVM.LVM-MIRROR-RUN fileset with the following
If you do not have access to MirrorDisk/UX and want to mirror a DRD clone, you need to
license MirrorDisk/UX. (This release of DRD does not support mirroring of VxVM
volumes.) This product is available either through several of the Operating Environments
(including the Mission Critical Operating Environment) as well as from the bundle
B2491BA. To obtain a license and a copy of the software, contact your HP support
representative or search for “MirrorDisk” at http://software.hp.com/.
• A copy of Dynamic Root Disk
• Two disks that are currently in use as the boot disk and the boot mirror
(If the boot mirror has not already been created, the procedure described below in How
to Mirror vg00 – HP 9000 System can be used.)
• Two disks available that can be used for the DRD clone and the clone mirror
Each disk must be large enough to contain all the logical volumes that are currently in
vg00. The logical volumes in the clone volume group, drd00, will be the same sizes as
those in vg00. In the case of an Integrity system, the disks must also be large enough to
hold Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) and HP Service Partition (HPSP) partitions of the
same size as the current root disk.
The disks must be “standalone” disks, as opposed to disk partitions, but they may actually
be areas in a Storage Area Network that have been presented to the HP-UX operating
system as a single disk.
When the necessary resources have been identified, execute the following command:
Where target_disk is the block device special file of the target disk and mirror_disk is the
block device special file of the mirror.
The DRD clone disk is then mirrored from its creation, through its modification by drd runcmd, and
its activation as a boot disk by drd activate. For customers with sufficient internal disks or the
ability to use SAN allocations, this is the ideal scenario.
In this case, the system administrator needs to check for the following resources:
• Two disks that are currently in use as the boot disk and the boot mirror
(If the boot mirror has not already been created, the
procedure described below in
How to Mirror vg00 – HP 9000 System can be used.)
• One disk available that can be used for the DRD clone
The disk must be large enough to contain all the logical volumes that are currently in
vg00. The logical volumes in the clone volume group, drd00, will be the same sizes as
those in vg00. In the case of an Integrity system, the disk must also be large enough to
hold EFI and HPSP partitions of the same size as the current root disk.
The disk that is currently the boot mirror will be “broken off” when the clone is booted
and used to mirror the clone.
When the necessary resources have been identified, execute the following command:
Where target_disk is the block device special file of the clone disk.
The clone will not be mirrored during the time it is modified with drd runcmd.
The procedure below describes how the system administrator may “move” or split the mirror from the
previously booted image to the clone.
1. Mount the inactive (original) system image so that it is available for LVM commands:
# /opt/drd/bin/drd mount
# /opt/drd/bin/drd_unregister_mirror mirror_disk
Where mirror_disk is the mirror to be split off from the inactive image.
The drd_unregister_mirror command will find that the mirror is associated with the inactive
image and remove its record of the disk.
The un-registration is needed because a system administrator may want to use drd mount to
browse the original disk. The mount of the original system image requires information about the
exact list of disks on which it resides.
The system administrator will have the choice of “breaking off” either
disk in the mirrored pair. However, DRD is only aware of a single
boot disk. This disk should not be removed! Doing so will prevent
drd activate from working correctly. To prevent removal of DRD’s
boot disk, the drd_unregister_mirror command will fail if the
boot disk is used as an argument. If this occurs, un-register—and
subsequently remove—the other disk of the mirrored pair.
The LVM infrastructure on the inactive system image itself will not be affected by the mirroring
commands on the booted system. It will not be aware that half of its mirror pair has been broken
off. However, in the event of a problem, it is desirable to be able to boot the inactive image. To
facilitate this, the AUTO file on the inactive image should include the -lq option, which overrides
the need for a quorum of the volume group to boot.
On a PA system, to change the AUTO file on the inactive system image (which is still mounted
from Step 1 above) execute the following commands:
# /usr/bin/lifrm inactive_image_disk:AUTO
Where inactive_image_disk is the block device special file of the (remaining) disk on the
inactive system image (that is, the disk for drd00).
On an Integrity system, to change the AUTO file on the inactive system image (which is still
mounted from Step 1 above) execute the following commands:
Where efi_part is the block device special file of the EFI partition on the (remaining) disk on
the inactive system image. The EFI partition is the first partition, and its device file is formed by
appending s1 on 11iv2 Integrity or _p1 on 11iv3 to the block device special file of the entire
5. Use lvremove to remove the mirror disk from the inactive system image:
Set the mirror environment variable to the mirror disk for PA-RISC systems, or to the second partition of
the mirror disk for Integrity systems:
Once the environment variable is set, run the following (applies to all systems):
# for logical_volume in `vgdisplay -v drd00 | \
/usr/bin/grep "LV Name" | awk '{print $3}'`
> do
> lvreduce -m 0 $logical_volume $mirror
> done
# /usr/sbin/pvremove character_device_of_mirror
You are now ready to mirror the booted system with LVM commands:
Because there are a number of differences in this procedure for PA-RISC and Integrity systems, the
description for PA-RISC is provided in its entirety, followed by the description for Integrity systems.
For more information on mirroring, you may also want to consult Chapter 6 of Managing Systems
and Workgroups: A Guide for HP-UX System Administrators, which is located at:
1. Identify a disk that is not currently in use to be used as the mirror. This disk should be sufficiently
large enough to hold all the logical volumes in the clone. It should not currently be used as a
mirror of the original system image, or for any other purpose.
2. Run the pvcreate command on the character device file for the disk that will be the mirror,
using the -B option to make the disk bootable, and the -f option to overwrite any pre-existing
data on the disk:
# /usr/sbin/pvcreate –f -B /dev/rdsk/mirror_disk
3. Extend the root volume group vg00 to include the block device special file of the mirror disk:
# /usr/sbin/vgextend /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/mirror_disk
4. Run the mkboot command to create the boot areas on the disk. (Either the character or block
device may be used, but both must exist.)
# /usr/sbin/mkboot /dev/rdsk/mirror_disk
5. Run the mkboot command again to update the boot string in the AUTO file. The–lq option ensures
that the system will boot without quorum. In the event of the primary boot disk failing this will
allow the mirror disk to boot.
6. Starting with the boot, swap, and root logical volumes, run lvextend to mirror each logical
7. Run the following lvlnboot commands to reestablish LVM’s knowledge of the root and boot file
systems and primary swap and dump:
# /usr/sbin/lvlnboot -b /dev/vg00/lvol1
# /usr/sbin/lvlnboot -r /dev/vg00/lvol3
# /usr/sbin/lvlnboot -s /dev/vg00/lvol2
# /usr/sbin/lvlnboot -d /dev/vg00/lvol2
# /usr/sbin/lvlnboot -R
8. Add the block device special file of the mirror to the file /stand/bootconf. The lower
case “l” in the following command indicates that the disk is managed by
LVM or VxVM.
9. If desired, set the alternate boot path to the mirror_disk, using the hardware address determined
in Step 5.
# /usr/sbin/setboot -a hardware_path_of_mirror_disk
# /usr/sbin/diskinfo -b /dev/rdsk/boot_disks2 \
| awk '{print $1 / (1024)}'
# /usr/sbin/diskinfo -b /dev/rdsk/boot_disks3 \
| awk '{print $1 / (1024)}'
Where boot_disk is the block device special file of the current boot disk.
For 11iv3:
# /usr/sbin/diskinfo -b /dev/rdsk/boot_disk_p1 \
| awk '{print $1 / (1024)}'
# /usr/sbin/diskinfo -b /dev/rdsk/boot_disk_p2 \
| awk '{print $1 / (1024)}'
# /usr/sbin/diskinfo -b /dev/rdsk/boot_disk_p3 \
| awk '{print $1 / (1024)}'
Where boot_disk is the block device special file of the current boot disk (for example,
2. Identify a disk that is not currently in use to be used as the mirror (If you were referred to this
section from ‘Three Disk Scenario’ above, this would be your mirror_disk). This EFI partition
should be as large as the EFI partition on the current disk. The HP-UX partition should be large
enough to hold all the logical volumes in the clone. Although the HPSP partition is optional, if it is
created, it should be the same size as the HPSP on the clone.
4. Use the file created in Step 3 to partition the mirror disk with idisk. (The echo will reply to the
confirmation request from the idisk command.)
5. Use ioscan –fnkC disk to determine the hardware path to the mirror disk.
6. Use the insf command to create device files for all the newly-created partitions:
# /usr/sbin/insf –e –H hardware_path_to_mirror_disk
7. Run the pvcreate command on the character device file for the HP-UX (second) partition of the
mirror disk, using the -B option to make the disk bootable, and the -f option to overwrite any
pre-existing data on the disk:
# /usr/sbin/pvcreate –f -B /dev/rdsk/mirror_disks2
For 11iv3:
# /usr/sbin/pvcreate –f -B /dev/rdsk/mirror_disk_p2
8. Extend the root volume group to the HP-UX partition of the mirror disk, using the block device file
of the second (HPUX) partition in the following command:
For 11iv3:
9. Run mkboot to complete the setup of the disk as a boot disk. The -e option tells mkboot to use
EFI layout and the -l option tells mkboot that this volume will be used by a volume manager
(even if it is not currently used by one). Note that no partition number is given to this command; it
looks at the whole disk.
# /usr/sbin/mkboot -e -l /dev/dsk/mirror_disk
10. Create a temporary AUTO file and use the efi_cp command to copy it to the mirror, using the
block device of the first (EFI) partition. The –lq option ensures that the system will boot without
quorum. In the event of the primary boot disk failing this will allow the mirror disk to boot.
For 11iv3:
# /usr/bin/rm /tmp/AUTO
11. Starting with the boot, swap, and root logical volumes, run lvextend to mirror each logical
For 11iv3, specify _p2 for the second partition after the block device special file (for example,
12. Run the following lvlnboot commands to reestablish LVM’s knowledge of the root and boot file
systems and primary swap and dump.
# /usr/sbin/lvlnboot -b /dev/vg00/lvol1
# /usr/sbin/lvlnboot -r /dev/vg00/lvol3
# /usr/sbin/lvlnboot -s /dev/vg00/lvol2
# /usr/sbin/lvlnboot -d /dev/vg00/lvol2
# /usr/sbin/lvlnboot –R
13. Add the block device special file of the HP-UX (second) partition of the mirror to the file
/stand/bootconf. The lower case “l” in the following command indicates that the disk is
managed by LVM or VxVM.
For 11iv3:
14. If desired, set the alternate boot path to the mirror_disk, using the hardware address determined
in Step 5. For 11iv3, you can just use the block device special file name.
# /usr/sbin/setboot -a hardware_path_of_mirror_disk
For 11iv3:
# /usr/sbin/setboot -a mirror_disk
15. If the mirror disk includes an HPSP partition, use the efi_fsinit command on the character device
file for the HPSP (third) partition to initialize it with an EFI file system:
# /usr/sbin/efi_fsinit -d /dev/rdsk/mirror_disks3
For 11iv3:
# /usr/sbin/efi_fsinit -d /dev/rdsk/mirror_disk_p3
16. This release of DRD does not copy the contents of the HPSP to the clone. There are two methods
you can use to populate the service partition on both the clone and the mirror. One alternative is
to use the HP Itanium Processor Family Diagnostics and Utilities CD to install the diagnostics to
one or more of the disks. If the diagnostics have already been installed to the original system
disk, the dd command can be used to copy them to both the clone and its mirror:
To see if the diagnostics are installed on the original boot disk, execute the command:
# /usr/sbin/efi_ls –d /dev/rdsk/disks3
For 11iv3:
# /usr/sbin/efi_ls –d /dev/rdsk/disk_p3
For 11iv3:
To notify DRD that the booted system has been mirrored, issue the following command:
# /opt/drd/bin/drd_register_mirror mirror_disk
In the future, the update of the DRD infrastructure on the inactive image will be incorporated into DRD
commands. For this release, the registry file itself must be copied from the booted system to the
inactive system image with the following commands:
# /opt/drd/bin/drd mount
# /usr/bin/cp /var/opt/drd/registry/registry.xml \
# /opt/drd/bin/drd umount
The LVM infrastructure on the inactive image cannot be updated by LVM commands run on the
booted system; they will only change the LVM control information on the booted system itself. Instead,
the commands must be run when the system is booted.
A way to automate this process is to create an rc script that will rename /etc/lvmtab and re-create
it with vgscan –v when the inactive system image is booted, then remove itself. Here is a sample
creation of such a script:
# initfile=/sbin/init.d/lvm_update
# rcfile=/sbin/rc2.d/S900lvm_update
# /usr/bin/rm -rf $rcfile $initfile
# print "#!/sbin/sh " > $initfile
# print " /usr/bin/mv –f /etc/lvmtab /etc/lvmtab.old " >> $initfile
# print " /vgscan –v " >> $initfile
# print " rc = \$?" >> $initfile
# print " /usr/bin/rm -rf $initfile $rcfile " >> $initfile
# print " exit \$rc " >> $initfile
# /usr/bin/chmod 555 $initfile
# /usr/bin/chown bin:bin $initfile
# /usr/bin/ln -s $initfile $rcfile
1. Break off the mirror from the currently booted disk, by following the steps from the section
Splitting a Mirror from an Inactive Image to Provide a Free Disk (above). There is no need to
notify DRD about the broken mirror in this case, because it is not yet aware of the system
2. Clone the booted system to the newly available mirror disk. If desired, use drd runcmd to
patch the clone.
3. Boot the clone.
4. Mirror the newly booted system, using the steps described above in How to Mirror vg00 – HP
9000 System for PA-RISC systems (or How to Mirror vg00 – HP Integrity System for 11iv2
Integrity systems or 11iv3 systems). Although DRD may be notified of the new mirror by calling
drd_register_mirror mirror_disk, it is not required. There is no other disk to boot, so
drd activate and subsequent drd mount commands need not be considered.
In this case, no DRD commands are useful after the scenario is completed, because the clone has
been overwritten by the mirror. However, the clone procedure may be repeated when new patches
need to be installed.
EFI Extensible Firmware Interface is the firmware interface for Itanium®-based systems.
Also the name of the first partition on a HP-UX boot disk.