Eta Xrad

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Schenkenstrasse FÜR
4 T +43 1 533 65 50 BAUTECHNIK No 305/2011
1010 Vienna Ι Austria F +43 1 533 64 23 Ι

European ETA-15/0632
Technical Assessment of 16.12.2015
General part

Technical Assessment Body issuing the Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik (OIB)
European Technical Assessment Austrian Institute of Construction Engineering

Trade name of the construction product X-RAD

Product family to which the construction Three-dimensional nailing plate

product belongs

Manufacturer Rotho Blaas srl

Via Dell’Adige 2/1
39040 Cortaccia (BZ)

Manufacturing plant Manufacturing plant X1

Manufacturing plant X2
Manufacturing plant X3

This European Technical Assessment 18 pages including 5 Annexes which form an

contains integral part of this assessment.

This European Technical Assessment Guideline for European Technical Approval

is issued in accordance with Regulation ETAG 015 “Three-dimensional nailing plates”,
(EU) No 305/2011, on the basis of Edition November 2012, used as European
Assessment Document
Page 2 of European Technical Assessment ETA-15/0632 of 16.12.2015

Translations of this European Technical Assessment in other languages shall fully correspond to the
original issued document and should be identified as such.
Communication of this European Technical Assessment, including transmission by electronic means,
shall be in full. However, partial reproduction may be made with the written consent of Austrian Institute
of Construction Engineering. Any partial reproduction has to be identified as such.

Specific parts
1 Technical description of the product
1.1 General
This European Technical Assessment (ETA) applies to the connector X-RAD. The X-RAD
connector consists of a steel element (1) filled with a hardwood core as well as a steel plate (2),
both connected to the steel element by bolts and nuts. The connector is installed to the edges of
cross laminated timber elements with six inclined fully threaded screws VGS of diameter 11 mm.
For installation purposes, the connector is fixed to the cross laminated timber elements with two
self-tapping screws via positioning holes, which will be removed later, or with special mounting

1.2 Steel element

The steel element is made of 2.5 mm thick, curved steel. Around the holes for the fully threaded
screws, 2.5 mm thick steel cover plates are mounted with rivets to the steel element for additional
reinforcement. The single parts of the X-RAD connector together with their most important
dimensions are shown in Annex 2.
The steel element and cover plates are produced of steel DX51D according to EN 103461 or
equivalent with a minimum characteristic tensile strength of Rm = 270 MPa.

Reference documents are listed in Annex 5.

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1.3 Wooden core

The steel element is provided with a predrilled inner core of laminated veneer lumber made of
beech according to EN 14374 with density ρk ≥ 680 kg/m ³ or equal or better.
1.4 Steel plate
The steel plate, made of 6 mm thick steel, further connects the bolts leading through the inner core
with the load introduction point. The steel plate together with its most important dimensions is
shown in Annex 2.
The steel plate is produced of steel DX51D according to EN 10346 or equivalent with a minimum
characteristic tensile strength of Rm = 270 MPa.
1.5 Bolts and nuts
The bolts used to connect the inner core and the steel plate to the steel element are described in
Annex 1. Standard nuts, produced according to EN ISO 10511, or special nuts, according to
Annex 1, may be used. Bolt and nut diameter is 12 mm. They are made of carbon steel.
1.6 Fully threaded VGS screws
The VGS screws for installation of the X-RAD connector to the cross laminated timber element are
described in Annex 1. They are CE-marked according to ETA-11/0030. Screw diameter is 11 mm.
They are made of carbon steel.

2 Specification of the intended use(s) in accordance with the applicable European Assessment
Document (thereafter EAD)
2.1 Intended use
The X-RAD connector is intended to be used in load bearing connections between cross laminated
timber elements according to European Technical Assessments or national standards and
regulations in force at the place of use.
The X-RAD connector may be subjected to static, quasi static and seismic actions.
The X-RAD connector is intended to be used in service classes 1 and 2 according to EN 1995-1-1.
2.2 General assumptions
The X-RAD connector is manufactured in accordance with the provisions of the European
Technical Assessment using the manufacturing process as identified in the inspection of the
manufacturing plant by Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik and laid down in the technical file2.
It is the responsibility of the ETA holder to ensure that all necessary information on design and
installation is submitted to those responsible for design and execution of the works constructed
with X-RAD connectors.
The European Technical Assessment only applies to the manufacture and use of the X-RAD
connector. Verification of stability of the works including application of loads on the X-RAD
connector is not subject of the European Technical Assessment.
The following conditions shall be observed:
- Design of connections with X-RAD connectors is carried under the responsibility of an engineer
experienced in timber structures.

2 The technical file of the European Technical Assessment is deposited at Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik and, in so
far as is relevant to the tasks of the notified factory production control certification body involved in the assessment and
verification of constancy of performance procedure, is handed over to the notified factory production control certification

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- Design of the works shall account for the protection of the connections to maintain service
class 1 or 2 according to EN 1995-1-1.
- The X-RAD connectors are installed correctly.
- It shall be checked in accordance with EN 1995-1-1 that splitting will not occur.
Design of connections with X-RAD connectors may be according to EN 1995-1-1 taking into
account the Annexes of the European Technical Assessment. Standards and regulations in force
at the place of use shall be considered.
Packaging, transport, storage, maintenance, replacement and repair
Concerning product packaging, transport, storage, maintenance, replacement and repair it is the
responsibility of the manufacturer to undertake the appropriate measures and to advise his clients
on the transport, storage, maintenance, replacement and repair of the product as he considers
It is assumed that the product will be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions or (in
absence of such instructions) according to the usual practice of the building professionals.
The X-RAD connectors shall be screwed as specified in Annex 2.
For the cross laminated timber elements which are connected with the X-RAD connector the
following shall be observed:
- Minimum thickness of cross laminated timber is 100 mm, minimum thickness of surface layer for
three-layer panels is 30 mm;
- Minimum strength class of lamellas for cross laminated timber is C24 according to EN 338;
- The cross laminated timber elements shall have plane surfaces against the X-RAD connector;
- There is virtually no gap between the cross laminated timber elements;
2.3 Assumed working life
The provisions made in the European Technical Assessment (ETA) are based on an assumed
intended working life of the construction product of 50 years, when installed in the works, provided
that the product is subject to appropriate installation, use and maintenance (see clause 2.2). These
provisions are based upon the current state of the art and the available knowledge and
The indications given as to the working life of the construction product cannot be interpreted as a
guarantee neither given by the product manufacturer or his representative nor by EOTA nor by the
Technical Assessment Body, but are regarded only as a means for choosing the appropriate
products in relation to the expected economically reasonable working life of the works.

The real working life of a product incorporated in a specific works depends on the environmental conditions to which that
works is subject, as well as on the particular conditions of the design, execution, use and maintenance of that works.
Therefore, it cannot be excluded that in certain cases the real working life of the product may also be shorter than referred
to above.

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3 Performance of the product and reference to the methods used for its assessment
3.1 Essential characteristics of the product

Table 1: Essential characteristics and product performance

№ Essential characteristic Product performance

Basic Requirement 1: Mechanical resistance and stability 1)

1 Characteristic load bearing capacity 3.1.1
2 Stiffness 3.1.2
3 Ductility in cyclic testing 3.1.3
Basic Requirement 2: Safety in case of fire
4 Reaction to fire 3.1.4
-- Resistance to fire No performance assessed
Basic Requirement 3: Hygiene, health and the environment
5 Content, emission and/or release of 3.1.5
dangerous substances
Basic Requirement 4: Safety and accessibility in use
6 Same as BR 1
Basic Requirement 5: Protection against noise
-- No characteristic assessed
Basic Requirement 6: Energy economy and heat retention
-- No characteristic assessed
Basic Requirement 7: Sustainable use of natural resources
-- No characteristic assessed
General aspects
7 Resistance to corrosion and deterioration 3.1.6
8 Dimensional stability 3.1.7
1) These characteristics also relate to BR 4.

3.1.1 Characteristic load bearing capacity

The characteristic load bearing capacity of the X-RAD connectors was determined by testing.
The X-RAD connectors are installed with the defined number of screws with respective nominal
diameter as specified in Annex 1 and Annex 2.
The values of the characteristic load bearing capacities for the loading directions defined in
Annex 3, are given in Annex 4.

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3.1.2 Stiffness
The stiffness of the X-RAD connectors was determined by testing. The X-RAD connectors are
installed with the defined number of screws with respective nominal diameter as specified in
Annex 1 and Annex 2. The stiffness values are given in Annex 4.
3.1.3 Ductility in cyclic testing
The ductility in cyclic testing was determined by testing. The X-RAD connectors are installed with
the defined number of screws with respective nominal diameter as specified in Annex 1 and
Annex 2. The ductility in cyclic testing is given in Annex 4.
3.1.4 Reaction to fire
Steel element, cover plates and steel plates, are made of steel DX51D according to EN 10346
and the screws, bolts and nuts are made of carbon steel, all classified as Euroclass A1 according
to Commission Decision 96/603/EC as amended.
The inner core is made of laminated veneer lumber made of beech according to EN 14374,
classified as Euroclass D-s2,d0 according to Commission Decision 2005/610/EC.
3.1.5 Content, emission and/or release of dangerous substances
The release of dangerous substances is determined according to Guideline for European
Technical Approval ETAG 015 “Three-dimensional nailing plates”, Edition November 2012, used
as European Assessment Document. No dangerous substances is the performance of the X-
RAD in this respect. A manufacturer’s declaration to this effect has been submitted.
NOTE In addition to the specific clauses relating to dangerous substances contained in the European
Technical Assessment, there may be other requirements applicable to the products falling within its
scope (e.g. transposed European legislation and national laws, regulations and administrative
provisions). In order to meet the provisions of the Construction Products Regulation, these
requirements need also to be complied with, when and where they apply.

3.1.6 Resistance to corrosion and deterioration

The product is intended to be used in service classes 1 and 2 according to EN 1995-1-1 and low
and medium corrosive category according to EN ISO 12944-2.
In accordance with ETAG 015 and EN 1995-1-1 the steel element and the steel plate are made
of steel DX51D according to EN 10346 or equivalent and coated according to EN 1995-1-1. The
screws, bolts, and nuts are made of carbon steel and galvanised.
3.1.7 Dimensional stability
The effects of dimensional changes on the cross laminated timber elements being jointed due to
varying moisture content was considered by the determination of the strength and the stiffness of
the joints. The conditions of Clause 2.2 shall be observed.

3.2 Assessment methods

3.2.1 General
The assessment of the X-RAD connectors for the intended use in relation to the requirements for
mechanical resistance and stability, for safety in case of fire, for hygiene, health and the
environment and for safety and accessibility in use in the sense of the Basic Requirements 1, 2, 3
and 4 of Regulation (EU) № 305/2011 has been made in accordance with Guideline for European
Technical Approval ETAG № 015 “Three-dimensional nailing plates” used as European
Assessment Document.

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3.2.2 Identification
The European Technical Assessment for the X-RAD connector is issued on the basis of agreed
data, deposited with Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik, which identifies the product that has
been assessed. Changes to materials, to the composition or to characteristics of the product, or
to the production process, which could result in this deposited data being incorrect, should be
immediately notified to Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik before the changes are
introduced. Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik will decide whether or not such changes
affect the European Technical Assessment, and, if so, whether further assessment or alterations
to the European Technical Assessment are considered necessary.

4 Assessment and verification of constancy of performance (thereinafter AVCP) system

applied, with reference to its legal base
4.1 System of assessment and verification of constancy of performance
According to Commission Decision 97/638/EC the system of assessment and verification of
constancy of performance to be applied to the X_RAD connector is System 2+. As laid down in the
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) № 568/2014 of 18 February 2014, Annex, 1.3, under
System 2+ the manufacturer shall draw up the declaration of performance and determine the
product-type on the basis of
(a) The manufacturer shall carry out:
(i) an assessment of the performance of the construction product carried out on the basis of
testing (including sampling), calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of
that product;
(ii) factory production control;
(iii) testing of samples taken at the manufacturing plant by the manufacturer in accordance
with a prescribed test plan4.
(b) The notified factory production control certification body shall decide on the issuing, restriction,
suspension or withdrawal of the certificate of conformity of the factory production control on
the basis of the outcome of the following assessments and verifications carried out by that
(i) initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of factory production control;
(ii) continuing surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control.

4.2 AVCP for construction products for which a European Technical Assessment has been
Manufacturers undertaking tasks under Systems 2+ shall consider the European Technical
Assessment issued for the construction product in question as the assessment of the performance
of that product. Manufacturers shall therefore not undertake the tasks referred to in point 4.1 (a)(i).

The prescribed test plan has been deposited with Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik and is handed over only to the
notified factory production control certification body involved in the procedure for the assessment and verification of
constancy of performance. The prescribed test plan is also referred to as control plan.

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5 Technical details necessary for the implementation of the AVCP system, as provided for in
the applicable European Assessment Document
5.1 Tasks for the manufacturer
5.1.1 Factory production control
At the manufacturing plant the manufacturer has implemented and continuously maintains a
factory production control system. All the elements, requirements and provisions adopted by the
manufacturer are documented in a systematic manner in the form of written policies and
procedures. The factory production control system ensures that the performance of the product is
in conformity with the European Technical Assessment.
The manufacturer shall only use raw materials supplied with the relevant inspection documents
as laid down in the prescribed test plan. The incoming raw materials shall be subject to controls
and tests by the manufacturer before acceptance. Check of incoming materials shall include
control of inspection documents (comparison with nominal values) presented by the manufacturer
of the raw materials by verifying the dimensions and determining the material properties.
The frequencies of controls and tests conducted during manufacturing and on the assembled
product are defined by taking account of the manufacturing process of the product and are laid
down in the prescribed test plan.
The results of factory production control are recorded and evaluated. The records include at least
the following data:
 Designation of the product, basic materials and components
 Type of control or test
 Date of manufacture of the product and date of testing of the product or basic materials or
 Results of controls and tests and, if appropriate, comparison with requirements
 Name and signature of person responsible for factory production control
The records shall be kept at least for ten years time after the construction product has been
placed on the market and shall be presented to the notified factory production control
certification body involved in continuous surveillance. On request they shall be presented to
Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik.
5.1.2 Declaration of performance
The manufacturer is responsible for preparing the declaration of performance. When all the
criteria of the assessment and verification of constancy of performance are met, including the
certificate of conformity of the factory production control issued by the notified factory production
control certification body, the manufacturer shall draw up a declaration of performance.

5.2 Tasks for the notified factory production control certification body
5.2.1 Initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of factory production control
The notified factory production control certification body shall ascertain that, in accordance with
the prescribed test plan, the factory, in particular personnel and equipment, and the factory
production control, are suitable to ensure a continuously and orderly manufacturing of the X-RAD
connectors with the specifications given in the specific parts as well as in the Annexes of the
European Technical Assessment.

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5.2.2 Continuing surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control

The notified factory production control certification body shall visit the factory at least once a year
for routine inspection. It shall be verified that the system of factory production control and the
specified manufacturing process are maintained, taking account of the prescribed test plan. On
demand the results of continuing surveillance shall be made available by the notified factory
production control certification body to Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik. When the
provisions of the European Technical Assessment and the prescribed test plan are no longer
fulfilled, the certificate of conformity of the factory production control shall be withdrawn by the
notified factory production control certification body.

Issued in Vienna on 16.12.2015

by Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik

The original document is signed by:

Rainer Mikulits
Managing Director

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Bolt 8.8 M12x110 mm

Tensile strength  600 N/mm²
E-Modulus 210 000 N/mm²
Head diameter dk 30.65 mm
Head height k 6.95 mm
Nominal diameter d 12 mm
Length l 110 mm
Threaded length b 30 mm
Pitch 1.75 mm

X-RAD Annex 1

of European Technical Assessment

Fastener specification – bolts and nuts
ETA-15/0632 of 16.12.2015

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Special nut
Thread diameter d M12
Head dimension sw 24 mm
Head thickness t 5 mm
Height h 15 mm
Outer diameter D 18 mm

X-RAD Annex 1

of European Technical Assessment

Fastener specification – bolts and nuts
ETA-15/0632 of 16.12.2015

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VGS 11350 self-tapping screw 11.0 x 350 mm

Tensile strength  600 N/mm²
E-Modulus 210 000 N/mm²
Char. yield moment My,k 45.9 Nm
Head diameter dk 19.3 mm
Outer thread diameter d1 11 mm
Inner thread diameter d2 6.6 mm
Flange diameter ds 7.7 mm
Length L 350 mm
Head thickness t1 8.2 mm

X-RAD Annex 1

of European Technical Assessment

Fastener specification – self-tapping screws
ETA-15/0632 of 16.12.2015

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Steel element

X-RAD Annex 2

Product details definitions of European Technical Assessment

ETA-15/0632 of 16.12.2015

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Steel cover

Steel plate

X-RAD Annex 2

Product details definitions of European Technical Assessment

ETA-15/0632 of 16.12.2015

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Assembling of connector

X-RAD Annex 2

Product details definitions of European Technical Assessment

ETA-15/0632 of 16.12.2015

Page 16 of European Technical Assessment ETA-15/0632 of 16.12.2015

Tension load RT

Shear load RS

X-RAD Annex 3

of European Technical Assessment

Definition of forces and their directions
ETA-15/0632 of 16.12.2015

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BR Essential characteristic Method of assessment Level / Class / Description

1 Mechanical resistance and stability

Characteristic load bearing capacity
Tension perpendicular to the joint ETAG 015 RT,k = 141 kN
Shear in joint direction ETAG 015 RS,k = 97 kN
Connection stiffness for tension ETAG 015 kS = 21 kN/mm
perpendicular to the joint
Connection stiffness for shear in ETAG 015 kS = 33 kN/mm
joint direction
Rotational stiffness for shear in ETAG 015 Mφ,S = 2 990 kNm/rad
joint direction
Ductility in cyclic testing
EN 12512 Medium capacity to dissipate
Tension configuration
EN 12512 Low capacity to dissipate
Shear configuration
2 Safety in case of fire
Reaction to fire Commission Decision Steel element, steel plate,
96/603/EC screws, bolts and nuts:
Euroclass A1
Commission Decision Inner core of LVL of beech:
2005/610/EC. Euroclass D-s2,d0
3 Hygiene, health and the environment
Content, emission and/or release ETAG 015 No dangerous substances
of dangerous substances
- General aspects
Resistance to corrosion and EN 1995-1-1 Service class 1 and 2
Dimensional stability Moisture content during service shall not change to
such an extend that adverse deformation will occur.

X-RAD Annex 4

of European Technical Assessment

Characteristic load bearing capacities and stiffness
ETA-15/0632 of 16.12.2015

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Guideline for European Technical Approval ETAG 015 “Three-dimensional nailing plates”,
Edition November 2012, used as European Assessment Document

EN 338 (10.2009) Structural timber – Strength classes

EN 10346 (03.2009), Continuously hot-dip coated steel flat products – Technical delivery

EN 1995-1-1 (11.2004) +AC (06.2006) +A1 (06.2008), Eurocode 5 – Design of timber

structures – Part 1-1: General – Common rules and rules for buildings

EN 14374 (11.2004), Timber structures – Structural laminated veneer lumber –


EN ISO 10511 (12.2012), Prevailing torque type hexagon thin nuts

Commission Decision 96/603/EC of 4 October 1996 establishing the list of products

belonging to Classes A ‘No contribution to fire’ provided for in Decision 94/611/EC
implementing Article 20 of Council Directive 89/106/EEC on construction products, Official
Journal L 267 from 19.10.1996, page 23, amended by Commission Decision 2000/605/EC
of 26 September 2000, Official Journal L 258 from 12.10.2000 and Commission Decision
2003/424/EC of 6 June 2003, Official Journal L 144 from 12.6.2003

Commission Decision 2005/610/EC of 9 August 2005 establishing the classes of reaction-to-

fire performance for certain construction products, Official Journal L 208 from 11.08.2005,
page 21.

X-RAD Annex 5

of European Technical Assessment

Reference documents
ETA-15/0632 of 16.12.2015


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