Asphalt Pavement Repair Manuals of Practice

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Manuals of Practice

Materials and Procedures for Sealing and

Filling Cracks in Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements
Kelly L. Smith, A. Russell Romine

Materials and Procedures for the Repair of

Potholes in Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements
Thomas P. Wilson, A. Russell Romine

ERES Consultants, Inc., Savoy, Illinois

Strategic Highway Research Program

National Research Council
ISBN 0-309-05607-1
Contract H-106
Product Code 3003

Program Manager: Don M. Harriott

Project Manager: Shashikant C. Shah
Program Area Secretary: Francine A. Burgess
Production Editor: Katharyn L. Bine

August 1993
Reprinted February 1994

key words:
asphalt concrete
cold mix
crack filling
crack sealing
pavement maintenance
spray injection

Strategic Highway Research Program

2101 Constitution Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC 20418

(202) 334-3774

The publication of this report does not necessarily indicate approval or endorsement by the
National Academy of Sciences, the United States Government, or the American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials or its member states of the findings, opinions,
conclusions, or recommendations either inferred or specifically expressed herein.

©1993 National Academy of Sciences

This book contains two pavement maintenance manuals
intended for use by highway maintenance agencies and
contracted maintenance firms in the field and in the office.
Each is a compendium of good practices for asphalt concrete
(AC) crack sealing and filling and pothole repair,
respectively, stemming from two Strategic Highway
Research Program (SHRP) studies.

In project H-105, Innovative Materials and Equipment for

Pavement Surface Repair, the researchers conducted a
massive literature review and a nationwide survey of
highway agencies to identify potentially cost-effective repair
and treatment options. The information and findings from
this study were then used in the subsequent field experiments
conducted under project H-106, Innovative Materials
Development and Testing.

In the H-106 project, the installation and evaluation of many

different test sections were conducted to determine the cost-
effectiveness of maintenance materials and procedures. Test
sections were installed at 22 sites throughout the United
States and Canada between March 1991 and February 1992,
under the supervision of SHRP representatives. The
researchers collected installation and productivity information
at each site and periodically evaluated the experimental
repairs and treatments for 18 months following installation.

Long-term performance and cost-effectiveness information

for the various repair and treatment materials and procedures
was not available at the time these manuals were prepared.
However, subsequent performance evaluations may lead to
future editions of these manuals to address performance and
cost-effectiveness more thoroughly.

For the reader's convenience, potentially unfamiliar terms
are italicized at their first occurrence in the manuals and are
defined in glossaries. Readers who want more information
on topics included in the manuals should refer the reference
lists for each manual. The final report for the H-106 project
may be of particular interest to many readers. 2 It details the
installation procedures, laboratory testing of the materials,
and field performance of each of the repair and treatment

The research described herein was supported by the Strategic
Highway Research Program (SHRP). SHRP is a unit of the
National Research Council that was authorized by Section
128 of the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation
Assistance Act of 1987.

Special thanks are due the project management team at

SHRP, and to the following highway agencies.

Manual for sealing and filling cracks:

Texas Department of Transportation
Kansas Department of Transportation
Washington State Department of Transportation
Iowa Department of Transportation
Ministry of Transportation of Ontario.

Manual for pothole repair:

Illinois Department of Transportation
Vermont Agency of Transportation
Ontario Ministry of Transportation
City of Draper, Utah
California Department of Transportation
Oregon Department of Transportation
Texas Department of Transportation
New Mexico Highway and Transportation Department

The contributions of the following individuals are also


Manual for sealing and filling cracks: Michael Darter,

Samuel Carpenter, David Peshkin, Mike Belangie, Henry
Bankie, and Jim Chehovits.
Manual for pothole repair: Michael Darter, Samuel
Carpenter, and David Peshkin.

Materials and Procedures for
Sealing and Filling Cracks
in Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements

Manual of Practice

Strategic Highway Research Program

National Research Council
Preface .................................... iii
Acknowledgments ............................ v

1.0 Introduction .............................. 1

1.1 Scope of Manual ....................... 2

2.0 Need for Crack Treatment .................... 4

2.1 Pavement/Crack Evaluation ................ 4
2.2 Determining the Type of Maintenance ......... 6
2.2.1 Other Considerations ................. 9
2.3 Objectives of Sealing and Filling ............ 9
2.4 Determining Whether to Seal or Fill ......... 10
2.4.1 When to Seal and When to Fill ........ 11

3.0 Planning and Design ....................... 14

3.1 Primary Considerations .................. 14
3.2 Selecting a Sealant or Filler Material ........ 15
3.2.1 Laboratory Testing ................. 20
3.3 Selecting a Placement Configuration ......... 21
3.4 Selecting Procedures and Equipment ......... 27
3.4.1 Crack Cutting .................... 29
3.4.2 Crack Cleaning and Drying ........... 34
Airblasting ....................... 34
Hot Airblasting ................... 35
Sandblasting ..................... 37
Wirebrushing ..................... 38
3.4.3 Material Preparation and Application .... 38
Bond-Breaker Installation ............ 38
Cold-Applied Thermoplastic Materials ... 39
Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Materials .... 40
Cold-Applied Thermosetting Materials . o. 42
3.4.4 Material Finishing/Shaping ........... 42
3.4.5 Material Blotting .................. 43

3.5 Estimating Material Requirements ........... 44
3.6 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis ............... 44

4.0 Construction ............................ 47

4.1 Traffic Control ........................ 47
4.2 Safety .............................. 48
4.3 Crack Cutting ......................... 48
4.4 Crack Cleaning and Drying ............... 49
4.4.1 High-Pressure Airblasting ............ 51
4.4.2 Hot Airblasting ................... 51
4.4.3 Sandblasting ..................... 53
4.4.4 Wirebrushing ..................... 53
4.5 Material Preparation and Application ........ 54
4.5.1 Installing Backer Rod ............... 55
4.5.2 Material Preparation ................ 56
4.5.3 Material Application ................ 58
4.5.4 Asphalt Kettle Cleanout ............. 60
4.6 Material Finishing/Shaping ............... 61
4.7 Material Blotting ...................... 62

5.0 Evaluating Treatment Performance ............. 63

Appendix A Material Testing Specifications ........ 65

Appendix B Determining Material Quantity
Requirements ..................... 69
Appendix C Sample Cost-Effectiveness
Calculations ...................... 71
Appendix D Inspection Checklists for
Construction ..................... 75
Appendix E Material and Equipment Safety
Precautions ...................... 81
Appendix F Partial List of Material and
Equipment Sources ................. 83

Glossary .................................. 87
References ................................ 91

List of Figures
Figure 1. Pavement/crack survey form ........... 5

Figure 2. Pavement candidate for surface

treatment: high-density cracking ........ 7

Figure 3. Pavement candidate for crack repair ...... 7

Figure 4. Pavement candidate for transverse

crack sealing ...................... 8

Figure 5. Pavement candidate for longitudinal

crack filling ....................... 8

Figure 6. Material placement configurations ...... 22

Figure 7. Rotary-impact router ................ 33

Figure 8. Diamond-blade crack saw ............ 33

Figure 9. High-pressure airblasting using

compressed air .................... 36

Figure 10. Hot airblasting using HCA

(heat) lance ...................... 36

Figure 11. Sandblasting operation .............. 37

Figure 12. Backer rod installation tool ........... 39

Figure 13. Asphalt kettle with pressure

applicator ....................... 40

Figure 14. Industrial squeegee molded into a

"U" shape ....................... 43

Figure 15. Worksheet for determining material
quantity requirements ............... 45

Figure 16. Cost-effectiveness computation

worksheet ....................... 46

Figure 17. Crack segment missed by cutting

equipment ....................... 49

Figure 18. Primary crack accompanied by

secondary crack ................... 50

Figure 19. Sandblasting wand with wooden

guide attached .................... 54

Figure 20. Example graph of treatment effectiveness

versus time ...................... 64

Figure B-1. Solution to material requirements

problem ......................... 70

Figure C-1. Example of cost-effectiveness analysis ... 73

List of Tables
Table 1. Steps in a crack treatment program ....... 3

Table 2. Guidelines for determining the type of

maintenance to conduct ............... 6

Table 3. Recommended criteria for determining

whether to seal or fill ............... 12

Table 4. Summary of AC crack treatment

materials ........................ 18

Table 5. Properties associated with various

material types .................... 19

Table 6. Placement configuration considerations . . . 28

Table 7. Crack treatment equipment characteristics

and recommendations ............... 30

Table 8. Typical manpower requirements

and production rates for crack
treatment operations ................ 32

Table A-1. Asphalt rubber specifications .......... 66

Table A-2. Self-leveling silicone specifications ...... 66

Table A-3. Rubberized asphalt specifications ....... 67

1.0 Introduction
Cracking in asphalt concrete (AC)-surfaced pavements is a
phenomenon that pavement design and maintenance
engineers have had to contend with for years. It is one of
two principal considerations (fatigue cracking and rutting) in
the pavement design process, and it is the primary mode of
deterioration in AC pavements. Cracks are inevitable, and
neglect leads to accelerated cracking and/or potholing, further
reducing pavement serviceability.*

The problem of cracks is handled in many ways, ranging

from pavement maintenance activities, such as surface
treatments and crack filling, to full-scale pavement
rehabilitation projects, like resurfacingo Maintenance
departments bear most of the burden of dealing with cracks.
Departments with sufficient funding are often responsible for
adding a few more years of serviceable life to deteriorated
pavements, through preventive or routine maintenance, or

Two of the more common options exercised by maintenance

departments are crack sealing and crack filling. These
operations have been conducted for many years, generally on
a routine basis. However, only in the last two decades has
their potential benefits as preventive maintenance tools been
realized. With proper and timely application, crack sealing
and filling can extend pavement life past the point where the
cost-benefit of added pavement life exceeds the cost of
conducting the operation.

Italicizedwordsare definedin the glossary.

1.1 Scope of Manual

This manual has been prepared to guide pavement

maintenance personnel (i.e., engineers, supervisors, and
crewpersons) in the selection, installation, and evaluation of
materials and procedures used to treat (seal or fill) cracks in
AC-surfaced pavements. The information contained herein is
based on the most recent research, obtained through literature
reviews and current practices, and on the results of an
ongoing field study, l'z

This manual provides both general and specific information

for carrying out each of four primary phases associated with
a crack treatment program. These phases are as follows:

1. Determining the need for crack treatment

2. Planning and designing the crack treatment project
3. Construction
4. Evaluating and assessing the performance of the crack

Crack treatment is far from being the long, involved process

typical of a pavement construction or rehabilitation project.
However, like these projects, it must be carefully planned
and conducted to be successful. Table 1 illustrates the steps
involved in the crack treatment process, as well as the factors
that must be considered. Chapters 2 through 5 provide in-
depth guidance for successfully completing each of the four
phases listed above.

Table 1o Steps in a crack treatment program

Step I Description

1 Obtain and review construction and maintenance records.

- Pavement age, design, repairs, etc.

2 Perform pavement/crack survey.

- Record distress types, amounts, and severities.

3 Determine appropriate type of maintenance for cracked

pavement based on density and condition of cracks.
- High density of cracks with moderate to no edge
deterioration _ pavement surface treatment.
- Moderate density of cracks with moderate to no edge
deterioration _ crack treatment.
- Moderate density of cracks with high level of edge
deterioration _ crack repair.

4 For crack treaUnent, determine whether cracks should be sealed

or f'tlled.
- Cracks typically show significant annual horizontal
movement _ crack sealingoa
- Cracks typically show very little annual horizontal
movement _ crack filling, a

5 Select materials and procedures for crack Ireatment operation

based on the following considerations:
- Climate (dry-freeze, dry-nonfreeze, wet-freeze,
- Traffic (high, medium, low).
- Crack characteristics (width, deterioration).
- Available equipment.
- Available manpower.
- Cost-effectiveness (anticipated treatment cost and

6 Acquire materials and equipment.

7 Conduct and inspect crack Ireatment operation.

8 Periodically ev,'duate treatment performance.

a See sections 2.3 and 2.4°

2.0 Need for Crack Treatment

If a particular cracked pavement appears to be in need of

some sort of maintenance, a relatively quick assessment can
be made to ascertain the need and, more important, to help in
determining the appropriate action. Such an assessment
requires an evaluation of existing pavement conditions and a
knowledge of future rehabilitation plans.

2.1 Pavement/Crack Evaluation

While maintenance engineers or supervisors are normally

quite familiar with the roads they maintain, a quick review of
construction, maintenance, and other records will provide
important general information regarding the following:

• Pavement age
• Pavement and geometric design
• Pavement section boundaries
• Traffic
• Climate
• Type and extent of previous maintenance treatments
• Condition rating

After these records are reviewed, a shoulder survey should

then be performed on a small representative sample of the
pavement section, about 500 ft (153 m), to determine the
amount, type, and condition or severity of cracks, as well as
the condition or effectiveness of any previously applied crack
treatments (see chapter 5). A sample survey form for
recording pavement and crack information is provided in
figure 1.

Pavement/Crack Survey Form
Location and Geometrics
Highway/road: Milepost/station of section:
Number of lanes: Length of section:
Lane widths: Shoulder type and width:

Design_ Construction_ and Rehabilitation

Year of original construction:
_Type and year of most recent rehabilitation:
Future rehabilitation planned:

Climat% Traffi% and Highway Classification

Average annual precipitation (in): Pavement Cross-Section
No. days below 32°F (0°C): Material= Thickness=
NO. days above 100°F (38°C): Material = Thickness =
Functional classification: Material = Thickness =
Most recent 2-way ADT: Material= Thickness =

Pavement Condition
Cracking Distress
Primary crack type/orientation:
Density (lin ft/500-ft section): Average width (in):
Edge deterioration (%):
Cupping? Lipping? Faulting? Average depth/height (in):
Previous treatment? Y N
Material type?
Effectiveness (%):
Other crack type/orientation:
Density (lin ft/500-ft section): Average width (in):
Edge deterioration (%):
Cupping? Lipping? Faulting? Average depth/height (in):
Previous treatment? Y N
Material type?
Effectiveness (%):

Other Significant Distresses

Type: Density:
Type: Density:
Type: Density:

Figure 1. Pavement/crack survey form

Table 2. Guidelines for determining the type
of maintenance to conduct

Crack Average Level of Edge Deterioration

Density (percent of crack length)
Low Moderate High
(0 to 25) (26 to 50) (51 to 100)
Low Nothing Crack Crack
treatment?? repair
Moderate Crack Crack Crack
treatment treatment repair
High Surface Surface Rehabilitation
treatment treatment

2.2 Determining the Type of Maintenance

The appropriate type of maintenance for cracked pavements

often depends on the density and general condition of the
cracks. If cracks are abundant (i.e., high in density) and do
not exhibit a high degree of edge deterioration, they may
best be treated through chip seals, slurry seals, or the like. If
cracks are low to moderate in density and have typically
progressed to a point of high edge deterioration, then crack
repair strategies, such as partial-depth patching or spot
patching, may be warranted. Finally, if cracks are moderate
in density and show moderate to no deterioration at the
edges, they may be treated effectively through sealing or
filling operations. Table 2 summarizes these guidelines.

As table 2 indicates, crack density levels are described in

general terms. This is because experienced personnel can
usually make reasonable assessments of density. Figures 2
through 5 illustrate typical crack situations and potential
Figure 2. Pavement candidate for surface
treatment: high-density cracking

Figure 3. Pavement candidate for crack repair 7

Figure 4. Pavement candidate for
transverse crack sealing

Figure 5. Pavement candidate for

longitudinal crack filling

In general, a large number of cracks or severely deteriorated
cracks indicate a pavement in an advanced state of decay.
Crack sealing or filling in these circumstances is both
uneconomical and technically unsound, as it does little to
delay the need for more extensive corrective actions.

Most highway agencies have established policies that specify

the type of maintenance to perform on cracked pavements
and when to perform it. The policies are often based on an
assessment of the overall pavement condition (extent of
cracking) or specific crack characteristics (type and/or width).

2.2.1 Other Considerations

On occasion, cracks may be found to have other types of

deficiencies. In particular, crack edges may exhibit vertical
distresses, such as cupping, lipping, or faulting, and/or may
undergo significant vertical deflections or movements under
traffic loading. Such deficiencies can add significantly to
overall pavement roughness and often worsen rapidly with

Normally, repair alternatives, such as patching and/or milling,

are appropriate for correcting these deficiencies. However, if
the amount of vertical deflection and the severity of the
distress (cupping especially) are not too high, a temporary fix
with crack treatment may be adequate.

2.3 Objectives of Sealing and Filling

Although little distinction has been made in the past between

crack sealing and crack filling, the purposes and functions of
each must be clearly understood so that the most cost-
effective and long-lasting treatment is applied.

Crack Sealing--The placement of specialized materials
either above or into working cracks using unique
configurations to prevent the intrusion of water and
incompressibles into the crack.

Crack Filling--The placement of materials into

nonworking cracks to substantially reduce infiltration of
water and to reinforce the adjacent pavement.

Working refers to horizontal and/or vertical crack movements

greater than or equal to 0.1 in (2.5 ram); nonworking refers
to movements less than 0.1 in (2.5 mm). It is assumed in
this manual that where cracks are exhibiting significant
vertical deflections, the appropriate repair strategy(s) will be
sought. Hence, for cracks with limited vertical movement,
horizontal movement becomes the critical factor in
determining the need for, and planning for, a crack treatment

As the above definitions indicate, the objectives of crack

sealing are significantly more difficult to accomplish than
those of crack filling. Sealing requires considerably more
forethought, greater costs, and the use of specially formulated
materials and more sophisticated equipment.

2.4 Determining Whether to Seal or Fill

Frequently, the first type of cracks to appear in a pavement

are transverse cracks. However, several different types of
cracks may appear at one time. In these cases, one
treatment, using a material appropriate for the most
demanding crack type, is desirable.

The amount of annual horizontal movement of the targeted
crack type is the principal basis for determining whether to
seal or fill. Normally, working cracks with limited edge
deterioration should be sealed, while nonworking cracks with
moderate to no edge deterioration should be filled.

Whether a crack is working or nonworking can generally be

determined by its type. Working cracks are usually
transverse in orientation; however, some longitudinal and
diagonal cracks may meet the 0.1-in (2.5-mm) movement
criterion. Materials placed in working cracks must adhere to
the crack sidewalls and flex as the crack opens and closes.
Rubber-modified materials designed for low-stress
elongation, especially at low temperatures, are preferred for
treating these cracks.

Nonworking cracks typically include diagonal cracks, most

longitudinal cracks, and some block cracks. Because of the
relatively close spacing or free edges between nonworking
cracks, little movement occurs. Minimal movement permits
the use of less expensive, less specialized crack-filler
materials. Experienced personnel can usually determine if
the targeted crack type is working or nonworking. Table 3
provides recommended criteria for determining which cracks
to seal and which to fill.

2.4.1 When to Seal and When to Fill

Crack sealing is a preventive maintenance activity. Ideally,

it is conducted shortly after working cracks have developed
to an adequate extent and at a time of year when
temperatures are moderately cool (45 to 65°F [7 to 18°C]),
such as in the spring or fall. When newly developed cracks
are sealed, deteriorated crack segments (i.e., secondary
cracks, spalls), which adversely affect seal performance, are
minimized. Typically, transverse thermal cracks in AC

Table 3. Recommended criteria for determining
whether to seal or fill

Crack Crack Treatment Activity

Crack Sealing Crack Filling

Width, in' 0.2 to 0.75 0.2 to 1.0

Edge Deterioration Minimal to none Moderate to none

(i.e., spaUs, (_ 25 percent of crack length) _ 50 percent of crack length)
secondary cracks)
Annual Horizontal > 0.1
< 0.1
Movement, in

Type of Crack Transverse thermal cracks Longitudinal reflective cracks

Transverse reflective cracks Longitudinal cold-joint cracks
Longitudinal reflective cracks Longitudinal edge cracks
Longitudinal cold-joint cracks Distantly spaced block cracks

• 1 in = 25.4 mm

flexible pavements appear 2 to 7 years after construction,

while transverse reflective cracks in AC overlayed concrete
pavements materialize 1 to 3 years after resurfacing.

Sealing cracks in moderately cool temperatures is beneficial

from two standpoints. First, cracks are partly opened so that
a sufficient amount of material can be placed in the crack if
cutting is not performed. Second, the width of the crack
channel, whether cut or uncut, is nearly at the middle of its
working range. This is important to the performance of the
sealant material because it will not have to undergo excessive
extension or contraction.

Most crack-filling operations can be conducted year-round.

However, they often take place during cool or moderately
cool weather (35 to 55°F [2 to 13°C]). At these
temperatures, cracks are most or all the way open, and more
material can be applied.

Crack-filling operations can be preventive or routine in
nature, depending on the highway agency's approach to
treating the cracks. Like sealing operations, preventive
crack-filling maintenance should be conducted shortly after
nonworking cracks have developed adequately. Depending
on the type of cracks to be filled, this may be between 4 and
8 years after construction or resurfacing. Durable filler
materials should be used to reduce the number of repeat
applications. By filling cracks shortly after they are fully
developed, further growth as a result of the collection of
debris and/or stripping of the asphalt is delayed.

Historically, most crack filling was done on a routine basis

with inappropriate materials that provided less than desirable
performance. This approach to crack filling is rarely cost-
effective because treatment performance is generally poor
and maintenance costs are high. In addition, the safety of
the workers and traveling public is compromised since the
filling operation must be conducted frequently.

3.0 Planning and Design
3.1 Primary Considerations

The following factors should be addressed when planning

crack-sealing or crack-filling operations:

1. Climatic conditions
a. At time of installation
b. General
2. Highway classification
3. Traffic level and percent trucks
4. Crack characteristics and density
5. Materials
6. Material placement configurations
7. Procedures and equipment
8. Safety

The planning process centers on selecting an appropriate

material and placement configuration, and determining the
procedures and equipment to use based on the existing and
future roadway conditions.

The site-specific climatic conditions during treatment

operations can occasionally influence which procedures or
materials should be used. For instance, in areas where
moisture or cold temperatures present scheduling problems,
the use of a heat lance may help expedite operations.

Overall climatic conditions must also be considered in

deciding which materials and procedures to use. Hot
climates necessitate the use of materials that will not
significantly soften and track at high temperatures. Very
cold climates, on the other hand, will generally require
materials that retain good flexibility at low temperatures.

Highway classification and traffic characteristics are
important from two standpoints. First, highway geometrics
and traffic levels may be such that overall safety during
installation is greatly compromised. Applying longer lasting
treatments reduces the number of subsequent applications.
Fewer applications mean less time on the roadway and
increases safety.

Second, if a material is to be placed in an overband

configuration, consideration must be given to the amount of
traffic expected over the material and whether or not
snowplows, particularly direct-contact plows, are used. The
most durable, yet flexible, material would be desirable on
roads where traffic levels are medium or high (average daily
traffic [ADT] > 5,000 vehicles/day) and/or snowplows are

Crack characteristics, such as width, movement, and edge

deterioration, will also influence which materials and
procedures should be used. Some of these characteristics,
along with crack density, are needed for estimating the
amount of material required for the project.

3.2 Selecting a Sealant or Filler Material

There are many different crack treatment material products

on the market today, each with distinct characteristics. The
products essentially comprise three material families and are
often grouped by material type, according to their
composition and manufactured process. The principal
material families and types are as follows:

• C01d-applied thermoplastic materials

- Liquid asphalt (emulsion, cutback)
- Polymer-modified liquid asphalt

• Hot-applied thermoplastic materials
- Asphalt cement
- Mineral-filled asphalt cement
- Fiberized asphalt
- Asphalt rubber
Rubberized asphalt
Low-modulus rubberized asphalt
• Chemically cured thermosetting materials
Self-leveling silicone

Asphalt cement and liquid asphalt possess little, if any,

flexibility and are very temperature susceptible. Hence, they
are limited to use as fillers for nonworking cracks.
Similarly, since additives such as mineral fillers and fibers
provide minimal elasticity to asphalt and do not significantly
affect temperature susceptibility, mineral-filled and fiberized
asphalts are most appropriate in crack-filling operations.

The addition of rubber polymer to liquid or heated asphalt

generally improves field performance because it imparts
flexibility to the asphalt. The degree of flexibility basically
depends on the type and nature of the asphalt, the percentage
of vulcanized rubber used, and how the rubber is
incorporated into the asphalt (i.e., mixed or melted in).
Other polymers are often incorporated into asphalt, either
exclusively or along with rubber, to increase resilience. The
following is the general increasing trend in performance
characteristics of polymer-modified asphalts:

Polymer-Modified Liquid Asphalt --_ Asphalt Rubber ---)

Rubberized Asphalt _ Low-Modulus Rubberized Asphalt

Chemically cured thermosetting materials are one- or two-

component materials that cure by chemical reaction from a
liquid state to a solid state. This type of material has been
used in asphalt concrete pavement only in recent years. Self-

leveling silicone is a one-component, cold-applied sealant
that requires no tooling since it is self-leveling.

Table 4 provides general information about each material

type, including examples of products, applicable
specifications, and cost ranges. It should be noted that
asphalt cutback is not listed in this table. This material is
used rarely today because it presents environmental hazards;
it will not be discussed in this manual.

The first step in selecting a material is to identify the key

properties that a material must possess to be efficiently
placed and perform successfully in the conditions provided
for the time desired. Several of the more desirable properties
include the following:

• Short preparation time

° Quick and easy to place (good workability)
o Short cure time
° Adhesiveness
° Cohesiveness
° Resistance to softening and flow
° Flexibility
° Elasticity
• Resistance to aging and weathering
• Abrasion resistance

Table 5 illustrates the material types that possess most of the

above properties. As can be seen, the rubberlike properties
associated with the materials on the fight make them good
choices for sealing working cracks, whereas the preparation
and installation attributes of emulsion and asphalt cement
make them desirable for crack filling.

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Table 5 shows which type(s) of material will best meet the
demands of the project. For instance, if the material to be
used must be moderately flexible, resistant to tracking and
abrasion, and rapidly installable, then a rubberized asphalt
should be considered. If the project requires a material that
is adhesive, resistant to abrasion, rapidly installable, and
quick to cure, then asphalt rubber or rubberized asphalt
should be considered.

Actual field performance should always be considered when

determining which material to use. Assuming adequate
placement, filler materials placed in nonworking cracks
generally last between 1 and 4 years, while sealant materials
placed in working cracks last between 2 and 6 years. It is
recommended that maintenance planners keep abreast of
information about the local performance of specific materials.

In order to obtain the maximum benefit from each

maintenance dollar spent, all costs associated with installing
a material must be added and compared with the service life
of the material. This is referred to as a cost-effectiveness
analysis. Again, table 4 provides general information on
material purchasing costs. Cost-effectiveness analysis is
discussed in greater detail in section 3.6.

3.2.1 Laboratory Testing

Laboratory testing of the selected sealant or filler material is

highly recommended. Testing ensures that the material
obtained exhibits the properties for which it was selected.

The testing process begins with material sampling. As a

general rule, a minimum sample of 5 to 10 lb (2.2 to 4.5 kg)
should be taken from each batch, or lot, of material shipped.
These samples should then be submitted for testing at an
agency-approved testing laboratory prior to placement.

Laboratory testing should be conducted in full accordance
with the test methods specified for the material. Variations
in testing parameters, such as rates, temperatures, and
specimen sizes, can significantly affect test results.

If the material does not meet all applicable specifications, it

should be rejected. On the other hand, good performance
does not guarantee material compliance with specifications.
Proper installation is a must, no matter how good the

For illustrations of commonly used test criteria for the major

sealant material types, refer to appendix A.

3.3 Selecting a Placement Configuration

Sealant and filler materials can be placed in cracks in

numerous configurations; the most common are shown in
figure 6. These placement configurations are grouped into
four categories: 3

1. Flush-fill
2. Reservoir
3. Overband
4. Combination (reservoir and overband)

In the flush-fill configuration, material is simply dispensed

into the existing, uncut crack, and excess material is struck
off. Configuration A in figure 6 illustrates the flush-fill

In a reservoir configuration, material is placed only within

the confines of a cut crack (i.e., crack reservoir). The
material is placed either flush with or slightly below the
pavement surface. Configurations D, F, H, J, and K in figure
6 are reservoir-type configurations.

iiiiiiltiipitii'_iti'?'% iiJJiiiJiii_ii!iii__ _ ii iiiiJiiii _Jii_iiii! _ I _J

iiiii il i ii ii i{{iiii ii ! !!!iiiH!i_!!i_il

,i_i!! !ii ,_!
iiii!iiii[!ii_ iii !ii ii i
iiiiii iii ii _iiii_dii!i

i ilgHiHiliHiiiiiiii!iiiiiiii
i!iiiiiii i
iiliiiliiiiiiig_iiii_iiii[iiH ii! iiiiii!iiiiiiiiii!
iiiibil iiii_iiii'iiii_iill

A. Flush-Fill B. Simple Band-Aid

0_" to 09S"

' iiiiiilliiii
!iii!!iii!!!!!!! ! ill[i!! i H_
iiiiii i i!i i_l _ iiii_iiiiiiii_Hii_ii!i_iil_i

C. Capped D. Standard Reservo/r-and-Flusl

0.5" to 0.75" 0.5"

...._' iiiiiiilgiiiiiiiiii _!iiiiihilliiihiiiiiiillill

i!iiii!iiii!iiii!iiii!iii!!iii! i_

i iiiiiiii!
i!iiiilii!iii ii!ii!i!i

E. Standard Recessed Band-Aid F. Deep Reservoir-and-Flush

Figure 6. Material placement configurations

P'_ 1.5" "]_'

..................., ,:

iiiiiiHiiiiiiiiifiiiiifiiiiiii _iiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiHiiiii!_i!iiii!i

_! HiiH)i iH_!! !i_i_!i!!!iig i ii!!i !!!!) [)_ i )i ))1)! i) o, TL

i!liiii )
i i i ii i_) ii_ii_i_ii')iiiHiilHiiiliiii

_ii_iiii_iii_iiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiih Jh,B,,II)......!ifi_,,!ilfilh
ii hiiiiiiml
llil)illlllllil)illllifillllillH)i )lillliilllllliiiiill)iiiiiiiill) i i i i_ii iliiii)_;_ii
HIIIUHHi[HHiUUUHHUHfi) )UiHUiiiifiiiUiiiiiiiiHiUi) ............... :....... ::
ii _iii!iiii[iiiiiiiiiiiiii_liiiiiii!i[ Hfiifi)iiii!!UUUUU!Ufii
!lii!i(iii((iiii(iii)_((ifililifii iiiiiiiii!liiiiiilliiiii!)!igii= HHI)HHHUiifiiUhiiiii

G. Deep RecessedBand-Aid H. Shallow Reservoir-and-Flush

p_,, 1.5" =i

:'mm'""m?';mmlmm) )))fiUUiififififififififiififii
iiiii}iiiiii})}}_}H[ii]iih;;;;;:; i iiiii_)[}
I. Shallow Recessed Band-Aid J. Deep Reservoir-and Recess
(Backer Rod)

,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,, ,,,,,,,,,,, iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)_)(1)fi a))))iii)

i l ii)) Qiiiiii)iiiiii_ Fi! .i!i
I fi!
m_m_ m_ }mm(u

: .................
) i i ilii):i]i)))iii))))))i[ ) ii!ii )i )!iiiiiiii
)))I)))I))))H}))))H))()HH)))))) ) -_)i)_ )):)))H))H))))))))))))))ii

ii _ ii_miiih_HiiiiH)i)H)iHifiiiiii
H_))iEH))(_))H)HHHiiHH(( )H{())i}()(()()))))(()))i))()))}}i!

K. Deep Reservoir-and-Flush

L. Deep Recessed

(Backer Rod) (Backer Rod)

Figure 6. Material placement configurations (cont.)

In an overband configuration, the material is placed into and
over an uncut crack. If the material over the crack is shaped
into a band using a squeegee, then the simple band-aid
configuration is formed (configuration B). If the material
over the crack is left unshaped, then the capped configuration
is created (configuration C).

A combination configuration consists of a material placed

into and over a cut crack. A squeegee is used to shape the
material into a band that is centered over the crack reservoir.
Configurations E, G, I, and L in figure 6 are combination-
type configurations.

Individual configurations are based on four controlling


1. Type of application
a. Direct--Material applied directly to crack channel
b. Bond-breaker--Backer material placed at bottom
of crack reservoir prior to material installation in
order to prevent three-sided adhesion (i.e.,
bonding by material to crack reservoir bottom and
2. Type of crack channel
a. Uncut
b. Cut--Router or saw used to create uniform crack
3. Strike-off or finishing characteristics
a. Recessed
b. Flush
c. Capped
d. Band-aid
4. Dimensions of crack reservoir and/or overband

Nearly all sealing and filling operations have the material

applied directly to the crack channel (configurations A
through I). Occasionally, however, a bond-breaker material,

such as a polyethylene foam backer rod, is placed at the
reservoir bottom of a working crack prior to sealant
application (configurations J, K, and L). The backer rod
prevents sealant material from running down into the crack
during application and also from forming a three-sided bond
with the reservoir perimeter. As a result, the sealant's
potential performance is enhanced.

Sealant shape, particularly for reservoir configurations, also

influences performance. It is the primary design
consideration and is often dealt with in terms of shape factor.
The shape factor is defined as the ratio between the width
and depth of the sealant. 4 In direct applications, shape factor
is controlled solely by the crack-cutting operation (i.e.,
cutting width and depth). In backer rod applications, shape
factor is controlled by both the cutting operation and the
depth to which the backer rod is placed.

Current recommendations for both direct and bond-breaker

applications are that rubber-modified asphalt sealants be
given a shape factor of 1 and silicone sealants a shape factor
of 2. Generally, seals with smaller shape factors risk
adhesion loss, while those with larger shape factors have
increased resistance to adhesion loss.

Bond-breaker application should be considered only when the

following two factors apply.

1. The costs of installing backer rod are anticipated to be

lower than the cost-benefits of improved performance.
2. Working cracks are relatively straight (as with joint
reflection cracks) and are accompanied by very little
edge deterioration.

Most hot-applied, rubber-modified sealants are recommended
for direct application; the increased cost of using backer rod
with these materials is not justified. Silicone is perhaps the
only material recommended for placement with backer rod.

A meandering crack is often difficult to follow accurately

with cutting equipment. Portions of the crack may
occasionally be missed, resulting in two adjacent channels.
This presents the dilemma of whether to seal both the cut
and uncut crack segments or cut the missed crack segment
too and seal both reservoirs. A similar dilemma arises with
secondary cracks along the primary crack.

Routers and saws are usually equipped with controls for

varying the depth of cut, and the width setting can normally
be adjusted manually. Backer rod can be placed in deep
reservoirs (1.0 to 1.5 in [25 to 38 mm]) to a depth that
allows for the desired shape factor. This depth normally
varies between 0.5 and 0.75 in (12.7 and 19.1 mm). The
backer rod should be about 25 percent wider than the width
of the crack reservoir for it to maintain its vertical position
and provide proper shape for the material.

The decision of whether or not to overband a sealant or filler

material depends primarily on the material being used. Some
materials, such as silicone and emulsion, simply must not
come in contact with traffic. Also, some materials wear
away more easily under traffic than others.

If overbanding of hot-applied, rubber-modified asphalt is

desired, it also must be decided if the material will be shaped
into a band-aid or left as a capped configuration. The latter
process generally requires one less laborer, but possibly at
the sacrifice of treatment effectiveness. This is because
shaping with a squeegee or dish attachment helps in
establishing a "hot bond" for the entire band. In capped
configurations, the material may continue to flow and level

out after being applied. Bonds occurring as a result of this
self-leveling are likely to be weaker because the material will
have decreased in temperature.

The dimensions of the band-aid are typically 3 to 5 in (76 to

127 mm) wide and 0.125 to 0.188 in (3.2 to 4.8 mm) thick.
The simple band-aid configuration (configuration B) evolved
out of a desire to make application quick and easy by
eliminating crack-cutting operations. The recessed band-aid
configuration was devised to improve the performance of
reservoir-type configurations through the addition of the band
as a wearing surface.

Selecting a placement configuration is an involved process.

Table 6 offers a few basic considerations to aid the planner.

3.4 Selecting Procedures and Equipment

Crack treatment consists of at least two and up to five steps,

depending on the type of treatment (sealing or filling),
treatment policy, and available equipment. These steps are:

1. Crack cutting (i.e., routing or sawing)

2. Crack cleaning and drying
3. Material preparation and application
4. Material finishing/shaping
5. Blotting

Steps 1, 4, and 5 above are considered optional. Crack

cutting is rarely done in filling operations but frequently
done in sealing operations. In regions with significant annual
temperature variations, typical of many northern states, crack
cutting is often performed in order to achieve material shape
factors that can provide added flexibility for withstanding
high crack movements.

Table 6. Placement configuration considerations

Consideration Applicability
Type and Extent of Most f'dling operations and some sealing
Operation operations omit crack-cutting operation.
Many northern states find crack cutting
necessary and/or desirable.
Traffic Overband configurations experience wear and
subsequent high tensile stresses directly
above the crack edges, leading to internal
Crack Overband configurations are more appropriate
Characteristics for cracks with a considerable amount of edge
deterioration (> 10% of crack length), because
the overband simultaneously fills and covers
the deteriorated segments in the same pass.
Material Type Materials such as emulsion, asphalt cement, and
silicone must not be exposed to traffic because
of serious tracking or abrasion problems.
Desired For long-term sealant performance, flush or
Performance reservoir configurations and recessed band-aid
configurations should be considered.
Aesthetics Overband and combination configurations detract
from the appearance of the pavement.
Cost Omission of crack-cutting operation reduces
equipment and labor costs.
Combination configurations cost more than
reservoir configurations because they use
significantly more material.

Most crack treatment programs use squeegees to finish or
shape the material at the surface; capped and recess
configurations require no finishing.

Finally, blotting, in which a temporary covering such as

toilet paper, sand, or limestone dust is placed directly on top
of the material, may be necessary to prevent tracking.
Asphalt emulsions and hot-applied materials placed in
overband configurations and prematurely subjected to traffic
are prime candidates for blotting.

Many types and brands of equipment are available for crack

treatment operations. Table 7 lists the types of equipment
commonly used, examples of equipment manufacturers, and
general recommendations concerning each piece of
equipment. Table 8 provides additional information about
the manpower requirements and typical production rates
associated with each procedure.

3.4.1 Crack Cutting

Crack cutting is done with routers or saws, as illustrated in

figures 7 and 8. However, because crack cutting can inflict
additional damage on the pavement and is often the slowest
activity in sealing operations, it is desirable to use a high-
production machine that follows cracks well and produces
minimal spalls or fractures.

The vertical-spindle router is perhaps the least damaging and

most maneuverable cutting machine; however, its production
rate is quite low. Rotary-impact routers are much more
productive than vertical-spindle routers but, depending on the
type of cutting bit used, can cause considerably more
damage. Carbide router-bits are highly recommended over
steel router-bits.

Table 7. Crack treatment equipment characteristics
and recommendations

Operation Type of Example Recommendations"

Equipment Equipment

Crack Vertical- Berry Use only with sharp, carbide or

Cutting spindle router diamond router-bits

Rotary-impact Crafco, Use only with sharp, carbide router-

router Tennant bits

Random-crack Cimline, Use only on fairly straight cracks

saw Target Diamond-blade saw--8-in maximum

Crack Blowers Toro, Not Recommended Insufficient

Cleaning and (backpack and Maintenance blast velocity (200 to 330 ft/s)
Drying power-driven) Inc.

Air compressor IngersoU-Rand, Equipped with oil and moisture

Worthington, filters
Joy Pressure---90 lbfm 2 minimum
Flow--150 ft3/min minimum
Velocity--3250 ft/s minimum

Hot air lance Linear Vdocity--2000 ft/s minimum

Dynamics, Temp---2500°F minimum
Seal-All, No direct flame on pavement
Cimline, L/A Highly Recommended
Velocity--3000 ft/s minimum
Temp---3000*F minimum

Sandblaster Clemco, Acceptable air compressor

Ingersoll-Rand, (minimum 90 lb/in 2 pressure and
P.K. Lindsay 150 ft3/min)
Minimum l-in inside diameter lines
and 0.25-in diameter nozzle

Wirebrush Crafco, Berry Do not use with wom brushes

Not recommended for cleaning
previously treated cracks as there
is a tendency to smear material

Table 7. Crack treatment equipment characteristics
and recommendations (cont.)

Operation Type of Example Recommendations

Equipment Equipment

Material Pour-pots Maintenance Not recommended for production

Installation Inc. operations

Asphalt Westem, Rosco, Not suitable for fiber- or

distributor LeeBoy rubber-modified asphalt

Melter- Crafco, Cimline, Direct-heat kettles not suitable

applicator Aeroil, Berry, for fiber- or rubber-modified
Western asphalt materials
Industries, Indirect-heat kettles should be
Ghausse, Stepps, equipped with:
Bearcat * Double-boiler, mechanical
agitator with separate
automatic temperature controls
for oil and melting chamber
• Sealant heating range to
• Full-sweep agitator
• Accurately calibrated material
and heating oil temperature

Backer rod Control Tool, Maintains proper recess

installation O.J.S. Machines, Does not damage backer rod
tools Sealing

Silicone Pyles-Graco lnc, Flow Rate--0.4 gal/min

pump and Aro Corp, minimum
applicator Semco Hose lined with teflon; all seals
and packing made with teflon

Material Squeegee Crafco, Heavy-duty, industrial LI- or

Finishing janitorial supply V-shaped

• 1 in = 25.4 mm; 1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 lb/in 2 = 6.895 kPa; °C = 5/9"C'F - 32);

1 gal]min = 0.063 L/s

Table 8. Typical manpower requirements and production
rates for crack treatment operations

Operation Equipment Manpower Approximate

Equipment Driver ft/min"

Crack Routing (veaical-spindle 1 -- 1.5 to 2.5

Cutting router)

Routing (rotary-impact 1 -- 12 to 15

Sawing (diamond-blade 1 to 2 -- 4 to 7
crack saw)

Crack Airblasting (blowers) 1 -- 12 to 18

Cleaning and
Airblasting (compressed 1 1 10 to 15
Drying air)

Hot airblasting (hot 1 1 5 to 10

compressed-air lance)

Sandblasting (sandblaster) 2 to 3 1 3 to 4
(2 passes)

Wirebmshing (wirebmsh) 1 -- 9 to 12

Material Drums and pour-pots 2 to 3 1 5 to 10

Asphalt distributor with 2 1 15 to 25
wand and hose

Melter-applicator 2 1 15 to 25
Backer rod 2 -- 9 to 15

Silicone pump and 2 1 6 to 12


Material LI-or v-shaped squeegee 1 -- 25 to 35

Material Sand 1 to 2 0 to 1 12 to 18

Blotting Toilet paper 1 -- 30 to 45

° 1 ft = 0.305 m

Figure 7e Rotary-impact router

Figure 8. Diamond-blade crack saw

A random-crack saw with 6- to 8-in (152- to 203-mm)
diameter diamond blades can follow meandering cracks
moderately well. While its cutting rate is not nearly as high
as the rotary-impact router, it provides a more rectangular
reservoir with smoother walls and a higher percentage of
aggregate surface area.

3.4.2 Crack Cleaning and Drying

Crack preparation procedures are the techniques used to clean

and/or dry crack channels to attain the best conditions
possible for the material to be placed. It is perhaps the most
important aspect of sealing and filling operations because a
high percentage of treatment failures are adhesion failures
that result from dirty and/or moist crack channels.

The four primary procedures used in preparing crack

channels are as follows:

1. Airblasting
2. Hot airblasting
3. Sandblasting
4. Wirebrushing


Airblasting is done with one of two types of equipment:

• Portable backpack or power-driven blowers

• High-pressure air compressors with hoses and wands

Backpack and power-driven blowers are generally used to

clean pavement surfaces prior to sealcoating. However, they
have also been used to clean cracks. These blowers deliver
high volumes of air but at low pressures. As a result, blast
velocity is generally limited to between 250 and 350 ft/s

(76 and 107 m/s). Although blowers require only one
laborer and provide better mobility, the high-pressure
(>100 lb/inz [690 kPa]) capabilities of compressed-air units
make them more desirable than blowers for crack cleaning.

High-pressure airblasting (figure 9) is fairly effective in

removing dust, debris, and some loosened AC fragments.
However, it is not nearly as effective in removing laitance or
in drying the crack channel.

Compressed-air units should have a minimum blast pressure

of 100 lb/in 2 (690 kPa) and a blast flow of 150 ft3/min
(0.07 m3/s). In addition, compressed-air units equipped with
oil- and moisture-filtering systems are highly recommended,
as the introduction of oil or moisture to the crack channel
can seriously inhibit bonding of the sealant to the sidewall.

Hot Airblasting

Hot airblasting is performed with a hot compressed-air

(HCA) lance, or heat lance, connected to a compressed-air
unit, as shown in figure 10. This form of crack preparation
is quite effective at removing dirt, debris, and laitance.
Moreover, the extreme heat it delivers to a crack provides
two unique benefits. First, crack moisture is quickly
dissipated, thereby improving the potential for bonding of the
sealant or filler material. Second, assuming the material
installation operation follows closely behind the hot
airblasting operation, the heated crack surface can enhance
the bonding of hot-applied sealant or filler materials.

There are a number of HCA lance models available on the

market today, each with its own heat and blast capacities and
operational control features (push-button ignition, wheels,
balancing straps, etc.). Minimum requirements for these
units are a 2500°F (1370°C) heat capacity and a 2000 ft/s
(610 m/s) blast velocity. Heat lances with high heat and

Figure 9. High-pressure airblasting using
compressed air

Figure 10. Hot airblasting using HCA (heat) lance

blast velocity (3000°F [1650°C] and 3000 ft/s [915 m/s]) are
preferred for production operations. However, caution must
be exercised with these units to avoid burning the asphalt
concrete. Finally, direct-flame torches should never be used,
and air compressors used in hot airblasting operations should
be equipped with oil- and moisture-filter systems.


Sandblasting is a labor-intensive operation that is quite

effective at removing debris, laitance, and loosened AC
fragments from the sidewalls of sawn cracks. The procedure,
depicted in figure 11, leaves a clean, textured surface that is
ideal for bonding.

Sandblasting equipment consists of a compressed-air unit, a

sandblast machine, hoses, and a wand with a venturi-type
nozzle. A second air compressor is often necessary for
follow-up cleaning after the sandblasting operation.

Figure 11. Sandblasting operation

The compressed-air supply is the most critical part of a
sandblasting operation. At least 90 lb/in z (620 kPa) of
pressure and 150 ft3/min (0.07 m3/s) of oil- and moisture-free
air volume should be provided. Large air supply and
sandblast hoses should also be used to reduce friction losses
and resulting pressure drops. A minimum of 1-in (25-ram)
inside diameter lines and a 0.25-in (6.4-mm) diameter nozzle
orifice size are recommended.


Occasionally, sawn or routed cracks are cleaned using

mechanical, power-driven wirebrushes in conjunction with
some form of compressed air. Depending on the brush and
bristle characteristics, this combination is quite effective at
removing debris lodged in the crack reservoir, but not as
effective at removing laitance and loosened AC fragments
from the crack sidewalls.

Wirebrushes are available commercially, with and without

built-in airblowers. Some agencies have had success
modifying pavement saws by removing the sawblades and
attaching wirebrush fittings to the rotor of the machine.

3.4.3 Material Preparation and Application

Bond-Breaker Installation

The simplest and easiest tool for placing backer rod is one
equipped with two roller wheels and an adjustable central
insertion wheel, as illustrated in figure 12. This type of tool
generally accommodates a threaded broom handle and comes
with insertion wheels of various widths.

Figure 12. Backer-rod installation tool

CoM-Applied Thermoplastic Materials

Emulsion materials can be prepared and applied in various

ways. They can be loaded into distributors for partially
heated application or kept in drums for unheated application.
Distributors are often equipped with pressure or gravity hoses
for wand application. Hand-held or wheeled pour-pots may
be used to apply heated or unheated emulsion in the cracks.

Deciding which method to use for preparing and installing

emulsion depends primarily on the availability of equipment.
However, the need for partial-heating and the size of the job
must also be considered.

Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Materials

Material heating for hot-applied thermoplastics is usually

done with an asphalt distributor or an asphalt kettle/melter,
similar to that shown in figure 13. Unmodified asphalt
materials, such as asphalt cement, are usually heated and
placed using distributors or direct-heat kettles. These units
typically burn propane gas for heat, and the heat is applied
directly to the melting vat containing the asphalt material.
The direct-heat system is not recommended for heating
modified asphalt materials because it can cause uneven
heating or overheating of the asphalt, particularly when no
agitation devices are available.

Rubber- and fiber-modified asphalt materials must be heated

and mixed in indirect-heat, agitator-type kettles. These
machines bum either propane or diesel fuel, and the resulting
heat is applied to a transfer oil, which surrounds a double-

Figure 13. Asphalt kettle with pressure applicator

jacketed melting vat containing the treatment material. This
indirect method of heating is safer and provides a more
controlled and uniform way to heat the material. Agitation
devices are usually standard equipment on these units.

As with other crack treatment equipment, several types and

sizes of asphalt kettles are available and in use. Some items
that should be considered when determining which kettle to
use include the following:

• Type of material
° Size of job
° Constraints on preparation time
• Air temperature during preparation
° Safety

Rubber-modified asphalt sealants can be adequately heated

and applied by most indirect-heat kettles equipped with
pressure applicators. However, because of their thick
consistency, fiberized asphalt materials often require the use
of kettles with heavy-duty application pumps, large hoses,
and full-sweep agitation equipment. A 20-hp (14.9-kW)
engine is generally recommended for fiberized applications
along with a 2-in (51-mm) recirculating pump and discharge

For small jobs, a small-capacity kettle (100 gal [378 L]

maximum) is desirable. Since it is generally recommended
that kettles be filled to at least one-third of their capacity to
avoid overheating the material and allow effective operation,
large-capacity kettles would not be appropriate because more
material would be heated than necessary.

Unless the kettle operator begins work several hours prior to

normal starting time, material heating time can substantially
cut into operational time. This is particularly true in cold
weather and when using large kettles. Depending on the

amount of material prepared, large kettles (400 gal [1515 L]
plus) may take as long as 3 hours to bring a material to
application temperature. Small kettles (50 to 100 gal
[190 to 380 L]) usually take between 60 and 75 min.

In general, kettles should allow the operator to regulate

material temperatures up through 425°F (218°C). Accurate
thermostats should monitor both the material and heating oil
temperatures, and these thermostats should control the
operation of the burners. The kettle should allow
recirculation of materials back into the vat during idle
periods. Insulated applicator hoses and wands are
recommended, and hoses should meet or exceed the kettle
manufacturer's specifications.

Cold-Applied Thermosetting Materials

Silicone pumps must be capable of directly attaching to the

original material container, typically a 5- or 55-gal
(19- or 208-L) drum. Pumps and applicators should provide
sealant to the crack at a rate that does not limit the operator;
0.4 gal/min (0.025 L/s) is recommended as a minimum flow
rate. Teflon-lined application hoses and seals are also
recommended because they are able to prevent silicone from
curing in the pump or hose.

3.4.4 Material Finishing/Shaping

Material finishing can be accomplished in two ways. First,

various sizes of dish-shaped attachments are available that
can be connected to the end of the application wand for one-
step application and finishing. Second, industrial rubber
squeegees, like the one shown in figure 14, can be used
behind the material applicator to provide the desired shape.

Figure 14. Industrial squeegee molded
into a "U" shape

The one-step method requires one less worker but often does
not provide as much control in finishing as the squeegee
method, especially for overband configurations.

3.4.5 Material Blotting

The equipment necessary for blotting depends on the type of

blotter material to be used. Sand generally requires a truck
or trailer on which it can be stored and shovels for spreading.

Toilet paper can often be loaded on the same truck with the
prepackaged sealant blocks. Rolls of toilet paper can then be
placed on a modified paint roller (equipped with a long
handle) for easy application.

3.5 Estimating Material Requirements

Although maintenance agencies frequently purchase a year's

supply of one or two materials, reliable estimates of material
necessary for a particular project can be very useful in
attempting to use the fight material in each situation. The
worksheet in figure 15 should help the crack treatment
planner compute how much material to acquire for a project.
An example calculation is provided in appendix B.

3.6 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

While performance is important, cost-effectiveness is often

the preferred method of determining which materials and
procedures to use. Obviously, a treatment that costs $5/ft
($16.40/m) in-place and performs adequately for 5 years is
more desirable than a treatment that costs $10/ft ($32.80/m)
in-place and performs for the same amount of time.
However, this philosophy has limits. For instance, it would
be impractical to treat a particular pavement with asphalt
cement every other month even if this was the most cost-
effective solution.

The worksheet in figure 16 should assist the planner in

computing treatment cost-effectiveness. An example of how
to compute cost-effectiveness with this worksheet is provided
in appendix C.

Determining Material Quantity Requirements

A. Length of section to be treated ft

B. Length of sample segment inspected ft

C. Amount (length) of targeted crack in

sample segment inspected lin ft

D. Amount (length) of targeted crack in

section [D = C x (A/B)] lin ft

E. Average estimated width of targeted crack in

F. Type of material configuration planned

G. Cross-sectional area of planned

configuration in2

H. Total volume in ft3 of targeted crack to

be treated [H = (G/144) x D] ft3

I. Total volume in gal of targeted crack to

be treated [I = H x 7.48 gal/ft3) gal

J. Unit weight of planned treatment

material in lb/gal lb/g,'d

K. Theoretical amount of material needed

in lb [K = J x I] lb

L. Total amount of material recommended

with. percent wastage [L = 1. x K] lb

Figure 15. Worksheet for determining material

quantity requirements

Treatment Cost-Effectiveness

A. Cost of purchasing and shipping

material in $/lb $ /lb

B. Application rate in lb/lin ft (including wastage) lb/lin ft

C. Placement cost (labor and equipment)

in S/day $ /day

D. Production rate in lin ft of crack per day lin ft/day

E. User delay cost in S/day $ /day

F. Total installation cost in $/lin ft

F = (A x B) + (C/D) + (E/D) $ /lin ft

G. Interest rate %

H. Estimated service life of u'eatment in years

(time to 50% failure) years

I. Average annual cost in $/lin ft

I = Fx $ /lin ft
(1 + G)"- 1

Figure 16. Cost-effectiveness computation worksheet

4.0 Construction
Once the most appropriate material and placement procedure
are selected, proper field application must be carried out.

The best method for achieving proper application is to ensure

that the objective of each step in the crack treatment
operation is met. Toward this end, crews should be fully
aware of what they are expected to do, and of the importance
of what they will be doing. Likewise, supervisors/inspectors
must know what to expect as a result of each operation.

This chapter presents the fundamental objective of each

operational step and provides general guidance on how the
operations should be performed to best meet the objectives.
Operational checklists have been prepared to help both crews
and supervisors/inspectors monitor work quality. These
checklists are provided in appendix D.

4.1 Traffic Control

A vital part of crack treatment operations is traffic control.

Whether it's provided as a moving operation or a stationary
work zone, good traffic control is necessary to provide a safe
working environment for the installation crew, and a safe,
minimally disruptive path for traffic.

The appropriate traffic control setups are usually stipulated

by department policies. However, a quick survey of the
roadway to be treated can help identify special precautions
and the need for additional safety equipment during the
installation. Flag persons are often needed on operations that
encroach into adjacent lanes, particularly on moderately and
highly trafficked highways. Such operations often include
crack cutting, crack cleaning, and squeegeeing.

4.2 Safety

Another aspect of safety is worker protection from material

and equipment hazards. Mandated highway safety attire,
such as vests and hard hats, should always be worn by crews
and foremen during operations. In addition, crews should be
made aware of all safety precautions associated with the
particular materials and equipment with which they are
working. A more detailed explanation of material and
equipment safety is provided in appendix E.

4.3 Crack Cutting

Objective: To create a uniform, rectangular reservoir,

centered as closely as possible over a particular crack, while
inflicting as little damage as possible to the surrounding

If crack cutting is to be performed, saw blades or router-bits

must be checked for sharpness and sized or spaced to
produce the desired cutting width. Most cutting equipment
have mechanical or electric-actuator cutting-depth controls
and depth gauges for quick depth resetting. The desired
cutting depth and corresponding gauge setting should be
established prior to formal cutting of cracks.

Regardless of the type of cutting equipment used, every

effort should be made to accurately follow the crack while
cutting. Even though production may be considerably
compromised on meandering cracks, missed crack segments,
such as those shown in figure 17, can be minimized, and
high performance potential can be maintained. Centering the
cut over the crack as much as possible provides added
leeway when cutting.

Figure 17. Crack segment missed by
cutting equipment

If a secondary crack is encountered along a primary crack,

such as that shown in figure 18, a decision must be made as
to whether or not to cut it. Two closely spaced channel cuts
can significantly weaken the integrity of the AC along that
particular segment. A general rule is to cut only secondary
cracks spaced farther than 12 in (305 mm) from a primary
crack. Secondary cracks closer than 12 in (305 mm) should
be cleaned and sealed only.

4.4 Crack Cleaning and Drying

Object!ve: To provide a clean, dry crack channel, free of

loosened AC fragments, in which the crack treatment
material and any accessory materials can be placed.

Figure 18. Primary crack accompanied by
secondary crack

Crack-cleaning operators are likely to encounter some

loosened AC fragments while cleaning, particularly if cracks
are cut. Operators should remove these fragments because
they will be detrimental to sealant or filler performance. If
the cleaning equipment is unable to remove these fragments,
they should be removed manually with hand tools.

Finally, the cutting operator should periodically inspect

newly created reservoirs for shape and size. Cold
temperatures, coarse AC mixes, or dull cutting elements can
lead to spalled crack edges and/or highly distorted
rectangular channels. These have an adverse effect on
material performance.

4.4.1 High-Pressure Airblasting

Because high-pressure airblasting provides no heat and very

little drying, it should performed only when the pavement
and crack channels are completely dry and when ambient
temperatures are above 40°F (4°C) and rising. Furthermore,
since many modem air compressors introduce water and oil
into the air supply, compressors should be equipped with
moisture and oil filters that effectively remove these

High-pressure airblasting equipment must be able to provide

a continuous, high-volume, high-pressure airstream using
clean, dry air. Recommended operational criteria are 90
lb/in 2 (620 kPa) pressure and 150 ft3/min (4.3 m3/min) flow.

Operators should make at least two passes of high-pressure

airblasting along each crack or crack segment. The first pass
dislodges loose and partially loose dirt and debris from the
crack channel. The wand should be held no less than 2 in
(51 mm) away from the crack. The second pass completely
removes all the dislodged crack particles from the roadway
and shoulder. In this pass, the wand can be held further
away from the pavement surface to make use of a larger
blast area.

High-pressure airblasting should be conducted just ahead of

the sealing or filling operation. The greater the time interval
between these two operations, the more likely dust and debris
will resettle in the crack channel.

4.4.2 Hot Airblasting

Unlike high-pressure airblasting, hot airblasting can be used

in both ideal and partly adverse conditions for cleaning,
drying, and warming cracks. Its most practical applications
are: drying damp cracks resulting from overnight dew or a

short sprinkle and warming pavement cracks below 50°F
(10°C) to promote bonding with hot-applied materials.
However, a heat lance should not be used as part of a crack
treatment operation being conducted during rainshowers or in
saturated pavement conditions.

Heat lances should provide a continuous stream of hot, high-

pressure air with no flame at the exit nozzle. As stated
earlier, units with high heat and blast capabilities (3000°F
[1650°C] and 3000 ft/s [915 m/s]) are recommended but must
be used with extreme caution so that the asphalt concrete is
not burned.

Like high-pressure airblasting, hot airblasting should be

conducted in two steps. The first pass, made along the crack
in a steady fashion, should clean and heat, but not burn, the
crack sidewalls (and surrounding pavement if material is to
be overbanded). The heat lance should be held
approximately 2.0 inches (51 mm) above the crack channel.
Proper heating is manifested by a slightly darkened color;
burning is apparent by a black color and a very gritty texture.
The second pass completely removes all the dislodged crack
particles from the roadway and shoulder.

Hot airblasting should be conducted immediately ahead of

the sealing or filling operation. This will not only limit the
amount of dust and debris blown into the cleaned crack
channel, but it will also maximize crack warmth and
minimize the potential for the formulation of moisture
condensation in the crack channel. The less time between
the two operations, the greater the bonding potential of the
sealant or filler material.

4.4.3 Sandblasting

Sandblasting operations should be done in dry weather and

should be followed up by airblasting to remove abrasive sand
from the crack reservoir and roadway° The sandblasting
equipment must be capable of removing dirt, debris, and
sawing residue with a correctly metered mixture of air and
abrasive sand.

A minimum of 100 lb/in2 (690 kPa) and 150 ft3/min

(4.3 m3/min) of oil and moisture-free air should be supplied
to the sandblaster, such that a minimum nozzle pressure of
90 lb/in 2 (620 kPa) is maintained. In addition, 1-in (25-mm)
inside diameter hoses and a 0.25-in (6.4-mm) diameter
nozzle orifice are recommended.

One pass of the sandblaster should be made along each side

of the crack reservoir. The flow of air and sand should be
directed toward the surfaces (generally crack sidewalls),
which will form bonds with the sealant material. In general,
the wand should be kept 4 to 6 in (102 to 152 mm) from the
crack channel to provide optimal cleaning without damaging
the integrity of the crack reservoir. An adjustable guide,
such as that shown in figure 19, can be attached quickly to
the nozzle to consistently provide the desired results and
reduce operator fatigue.

4.4.4 Wirebrushing

Power-driven, mechanical wirebrushes should be used only

for cleaning dry crack channels that have very little laitance.
They must be able to closely follow the crack and should be
supplemented with some form of airblasting. In addition,
brush attachments should contain bristles flexible enough to
allow penetration into the crack channel, yet rigid enough to
remove dirt and debris.

Figure 19. Sandblasting wand with wooden
guide attached

As with saws and routers, most mechanical wirebrushes have

actuator-type depth-control switches. The absence of depth
gauges, however, requires careful setting for each new crack
to be cleaned.

4.5 Material Preparation and Application

Objective: To install any accessory materials into the crack

channel, prepare the crack treatment material for
recommended application, and place the proper amount of
material into and over the crack channel to be treated.

The material installation operation must follow closely

behind the crack cleaning and drying operation in order to
ensure the cleanest possible crack channel.

4.5.1 Installing Backer Rod

If bond-breaker sealant application is specified, backer rod

may be installed only after the crack reservoir and pavement
surface have been adequately cleaned. The recommended
method of installing backer rod is as follows:

1. Adjust the insertion disk on the backer rod installation

tool to the appropriate depth for placement. The
depth should be slightly greater than the required
depth of backer rod because the rod compresses
slightly when installed.
2. Reel out a sufficient amount of backer rod from the
spool to cover the length of the crack.
3. Insert the end of the rod into one end of the crack
4. Tuck the rod loosely into the reservoir at various
points along the crack, leaving a little slack in the rod
between points. Stretching and twisting of the backer
rod should be avoided.
5. Starting from the end, push the rod into the reservoir
to the required depth using the installation tool. It
will be necessary during this time to periodically take
out any slack in the rod that might have developed or
already existed.
6. Roll over the rod a second time with the installation
tool to ensure proper depth.
7. Cut the rod to the proper length making sure no gaps
exist between segments of backer rod.
8. If segments of the crack reservoir are wider than the
rod, it will be necessary either to place additional
pieces of rod or install larger diameter backer rod in
those sections.

4.5.2 Material Preparation

Every crack treatment material requires some form of

preparation, whether it's loading the material into the
applicator, heating it to the appropriate temperature, or
mixing it for proper consistency and uniform heating. While
this manual presents some basic guidelines for the
preparation and installation of materials, the specific
recommendations provided by the manufacturer of the
material to be placed should be followed closely. Such
recommendations generally pertain to items such as
minimum placement temperature, material heating
temperatures, prolonged heating, and allowable pavement
temperature and moisture conditions.

The best placement conditions for most materials are dry

pavement and an air temperature that is at least 40°F (4°C)
and rising. However, the use of a heat lance will usually
permit many hot-applied materials to be placed in cold or
damp conditions, as discussed earlier. Some emulsion
materials can be placed in temperatures below 40°F (4°C),
but the threat of rain generally precludes their placement
because they are susceptible to being washed away by water.

Two temperatures are important to monitor while preparing

hot-applied materials:

• Recommended application temperature---The

temperature of the material at the nozzle that is
recommended for optimum performance.

• Safe heating temperature--The maximum

temperature that a material can be heated to before
experiencing a breakdown in its formulation.

Recommended application temperatures for hot-applied

asphalt materials generally range from 370 to 390°F

(188 to 200°C). Notable exceptions to this are some
fiberized asphalt materials that must be applied at
temperatures in the range of 280 to 320°F (138 to 160°C).
Emulsions may be applied at ambient temperature or may be
partially heated to between 125 and 150°F (52 to 66°C).

Prior to heating a material, kettle operators should know

what its safe heating temperature is and what the effects of
overheating or extended heating are. Safe heating
temperatures for hot-applied materials are typically 20 to
30°F (11 to 17°C) higher than recommended application
temperatures. The effects of overheating or extended heating
depend on the specific material. Some materials exhibit a
thickened, gel-like consistency, while others thin out or
soften considerably. In either case, the material should be
discarded, and new material should be prepared.

Other preparation-related concerns for hot-applied materials

include prolonged heating and reheating as a result of work
delays. Most hot-applied materials have prolonged heating
periods between 6 and 12 hours, and they may be reheated
once. In both instances, more material should be added, if
available, to extend application life.

Substantial carbon buildup should be cleaned off the melting

vat walls before an asphalt kettle is used. In addition, all
temperature gauges on the unit should be calibrated to
display exact temperatures. An ASTM 11F or equivalent
thermometer should be available for verifying material
temperatures in the kettle and measuring material
temperatures at the nozzle.

A few guidelines for initial heating of hot-applied materials


1. Heating should begin so that the material is ready by

the time normal work operations begin.

2. Heating oil temperature should be kept no more than
50 to 75°F (28 to 42°C) above the safe heating
temperature of the material, depending on the material
manufacturer's recommendation.
3. Material temperatures must remain below the
recommended pouring temperature.
4. The agitator should be started as soon as possible.

An emulsion material applied cold from the original

container may need to be mixed if asphalt particles have
settled during storage. Simple stirring at the bottom of the
container will bring the material to a uniform consistency.

4.5.3 Material Application

Hot-pour application should commence once the material has

reached the recommended application temperature and the
first few cracks have been prepared. From this point, the
focus is on three items:

1. Consistently maintaining the material at or near the

recommended application temperature without
2. Maintaining a sufficient supply of heated material in
the kettle.
3. Properly dispensing the right amount of material into
the crack channels.

The kettle operator must be fully aware of the recommended

application temperature and the safe heating temperature of
the material being installed. These temperatures are
generally marked on the material containers for quick and
easy reference.

Maintaining a consistent material temperature can be rather

difficult, especially in cold weather. Underheated material
may produce a poor bond and/or freeze the application line,

causing a work delay. Overheating, on the other hand, will
lead to either poor treatment performance or a suspended

Guidelines for maintaining hot-applied material in a

sufficient quantity and at the proper temperature during
application are as follows:

1. Check the temperature of the material at the nozzle

and in the melting vat.
2. Adjust the heating controls to reach the recommended
application temperature (or as near to as possible
without exceeding the safe heating temperature).
3. Regularly check the sealant temperatures and adjust as
4. Watch for carbon buildup on the sidewalls of the
heating chamber and visually inspect material for
changes in consistency.
5. Periodically check the level of material in the melting
vat. Add material as needed.

The application procedure for all crack treatment materials is

basically the same, regardless of what application device is
used. Pressure applicators are almost always used; however,
pour-pots are occasionally used for applying cold-applied
emulsion materials. In all cases, a relatively free-flowing
material must be poured into, and possibly over, the crack

General guidelines for material application include the


1. Apply the material with the nozzle in the crack

channel, so that the channel is filled from the bottom
up and air is not trapped beneath the material.

2. Apply the material in a continuous motion, making
sure to fill the channel to the proper level for recessed
configurations or provide a sufficient amount of
material for flush, capped, or overbanded
3. Reapply material to crack segments where material
has sunk into the crack or an insufficient amount was
furnished in the previous pass.
4. Recirculate material through the wand into the
melting vat during idle periods.

4.5.4 Asphalt Kettle Cleanout

At the end of each day's work, the applicator system lines on

the asphalt kettle must be purged of hot-pour material. In
addition, if nonreheatable materials are being used, material
left in the melting vat must be removed. In any case, the
amount of material in the melting vat should be closely
monitored so that as little material as possible remains when
work is finished for the day.

When using reheatable materials, the applicator lines can be

purged of material using either reverse flow or air cleanout
procedures. Thorough cleaning can be accomplished using
reverse flow procedures followed by solvent flushing

When using nonreheatable materials, as much material as

possible should be placed in cracks at the project site. Any
leftover material will have to be discharged into containers
for subsequent disposal. Solvent may then be added and
circulated through the system to flush it of any excess

If flushing solvents are used in cleanout, the kettle operator

must ensure that they do not contaminate the sealant or filler
material. Step-by-step instructions on how to clean kettles

and applicator lines are generally found in the kettle
manufacturer's operation manual.

4.6 Material Finishing/Shaping

Objective: To shape or mold the previously applied material

to the desired configuration.

Prior to installation, the finishing tool should be tested to

ensure that the desired configuration is achieved. If a dish
attachment is to be used on the applicator wand, it should be
the proper size and aligned to facilitate application.

Squeegees should be properly molded into a "U" or "V"

shape so that the material can be concentrated over the crack.
If strike-off is to be flush, the rubber insert should be flat. ff
a band-aid configuration is required, the rubber insert should
be cut to the desired dimensions. The depth of the cut
should be a little larger than the desired thickness of the
band because some thickness will be lost as a result of the
squeegee being pushed forward and slightly downward.

A few recommendations for finishing are as follows:

1. Operate the squeegee closely behind the wand. If the

material is runny enough to sink into the crack or
flows from the mold provided by the squeegee,
maintain a little distance to allow for reapplication
and/or material cooling.
2. Concentrate on centering the application dish or band-
aid squeegee over the crack channel.
3. Keep the squeegee free from material buildup by
regularly scraping it on the pavement. It may be
necessary periodically to remove built-up material
with a propane torch.

4.7 Material Blotting

Objective: To apply a sufficient amount of blotter material

to protect the uncured crack treatment material from

When rubber-modified asphalt materials must be blotted to

prevent tracking, toilet paper, talcum powder, and limestone
dust are often used. These blotters should be applied
immediately after finishing so that they can stici_ to the
material and serve as temporary covers. Care must be taken
not to overapply dust and powder materials.

Sand is used primarily as a blotter for many emulsion

materials and occasionally asphalt cement. It should be
applied in a thin layer and should fully cover the exposed
treatment material.

5.0 Evaluating Treatment

Monitoring the performance of crack treatments is good

practice, and it can be done rather quickly (1 or 2 hours)
with fair accuracy. At least one inspection should be made
each year to chart the rate of failure and plan for subsequent
maintenance. A mid-winter evaluation is highly
recommended as it will show treatment effectiveness during
a time of near maximum pavement contraction and near
maximum crack opening.

As in the initial pavement/crack survey, a small

representative sample of the pavement section, about 500 ft
(153 m), should be selected for the evaluation. The sealant
or filler material in each crack within the sample section
should then be visually examined to determine how well the
material is performing its function of keeping out water.

Items signifying treatment failures include the following:

• Full-depth adhesion loss

• Full-depth cohesion loss
° Complete pull-out of material
° Spalls or secondary cracks extending below treatment
material to crack
• Potholes

A good estimate of the percentage of treatment failure can be

calculated by measuring and summing the lengths of failed
segments and dividing this figure by the total length of
treated cracks inspected.

Percent Failure = 100 x (Failed Length/Total Length)

Treatment effectiveness can then be determined by
subtracting the percentage of treatment failure from 100

Percent Effectiveness = 100 - Percent Failure

After a few inspections, a graph of effectiveness versus time

can be constructed, such as the one in figure 20. A
minimum allowable effectiveness level (often 50 percent)
will help indicate when future maintenance should be

90 __ _ _:_.
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_e__._ _ , _
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- *. - - 4 - - ..t - -I - -i .... i ..... i- - l- - i- - _ - i- -

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' 'i 'i 'I 'i 'i '
• _ '- _ _ _ 2 .... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... '.- -
i i , f i i i ,
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Time After Placement, years

Figure 20. Example graph of treatment effectiveness

versus time

Appendix A

Material Testing Specifications

This appendix presents testing specifications for the primary
material types used for sealing cracks. These criteria are
based on specifications prepared by national agencies, such
as ASTM and AASHTO, state highway agencies, and
material manufacturers.

Table A-1. Asphalt rubber specifications

Test" ASTM D 5078 Test Criteria

Cone Penetration (77°F, dmm) 70 max

Cone Penetration (39.2°F, dmm) 15 min

Resilience (77"F, % recovery) 30 min

Softening Point (*F) 150 min

Asphalt Compatibility Pass

• 1 dmm = 0.1 mm; *C = 5/9(*F - 32)

Table A-2. Self-leveling silicone specifications

Test • Test Method Manufacturer's Suggested

Test Criteria

Extrusion Rate (gm/min) Mil S 8802 b 275 to 550

Specific Gravity ASTM D 1475 1.26 to 1.34

Skin-Over Time (min) Manufacturer 60 max

Tack-Free Time Oar) ASTM C 679 3 to 5

Nonvolatile content (%) Manufacturer 96 min

Elongation (%) ASTM D 412 (Die C) 1400 min

Modulus 0b/in 2) ASTM D 3583 7 max (@ 50%)

8 max (@ 100%)
9 max (@ 150%)

TensileAdhesion ASTM D 3583 600 rain

(% Elongation)

• 1 gm/min = 0.0353 oz/min; 1 ]b/in2 = 6.895 kPa

b Dow Coming Corporation

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Appendix B

Determining Material Quantity

The following is an example of how to calculate the amount
of sealant or filler material needed for a project.

A pavement/crack survey reveals the following information

about a particular pavement section:

Project length: 8 mi or 42,240 ft

Length of sample segment: 500 ft
Length of targeted crack in segment: 200 ft
Average width of targeted crack: 0.25 in

A rubberized asphalt product with a unit weight of 9.8 lb/gal

will be placed in the shallow reservoir-and-flush
configuration (configuration H, p. 23). A 15 percent waste
factor is assumed.

Calculation of the amount of material required is shown in

figure B-1.

A. Length of section to be treated 42,240 ft

B. Length of sample segment inspected 500 ft

C. Amount (length) of targeted crack in

sample segment inspected 200 lin ft

D. Amount (length) of targeted crack

in section [D = C x (A/B)] 200 x (42240/500) = 16896 lin ft

E. Average estimated width of targeted crack 0.25 in

F. Type of material configuration planned Shallow Reservoir-and-Flush

G. Cross-sectional area of planned

configuration 0.188 x 1.5 = 0.282 in2

H. Total volume in ft3 of design crack to

be treated [H = (G/144) x D] (0.282/144) x 16,896 = 33.1 ft 3

I. Total volume in gal of design crack to

be treated [I = H x 7.48 gal/ft 3) 33.1 x 7.48 = 248 gal

J. Unit weight of planned treatment

material in lb/gal 9.8 lb/gal

K. Theoretical amount of material needed

in lb [K = J × I] 248 × 9.8 = 2,430 lb

L. Total amount of material recommended

with 15 percent overage [L = 1.15 × K] 1.15 × 2,430 = 2,795 lb

Figure B-1. Solution to material requirements problem

Appendix C

Sample Cost-Effectiveness Calculations

The following is an example illustration of how material
cost-effectiveness can be computed using the worksheet
provided in figure 16. In the exercise, two different
treatment options are being considered by a maintenance
agency for an AC transverse crack-sealing project.

Option #1
Rubberized asphalt, unit weight = 9.5 lb/gal (or 71.1 lb/ft 3)
Standard recessed band-aid configuration (config E, p. 22)
Material and shipping cost: $ 0.65/1b
Estimated production rate: 3,000 lin ft of crack per day
Estimated service life: 3 years

Option #2
Low-Modulus rubberized asphalt, unit weight = 8.9 lb/gal
(or 66.6 lb/ft 3)
Shallow recessed band-aid configuration (config I, p. 23)
Material and shipping cost: $ 0.86/1b
Estimated production rate: 2,500 lin ft of crack per day
Estimated service life: 5 years

The following assumptions are made for both options:

• Same wastage factors (15 percent)

• 10 laborers, each @ $120/day
• 1 supervisor @ $200/day
• Equipment costs = $500/day
• User delay cost = $2000/day

Application rates are computed on the following page and the

actual cost-effectiveness analysis is illustrated in figure C-1.

Option #1
Cross-sectional area
of reservoir = (0.5 in x 0.5 in) + (4 in x 0.125 in)
= 0.75 inz (0.00521 ftz)
Volume of reservoir
(1 lin ft of crack) = 1 ft x 0.00521 ft z
= 0.00521 ft 3
Gross application
rate (no waste) = 71.1 lb/ft 3 × 0.00521 ft3
= 0.37 lb/lin ft of crack
Net application
rate (15% waste) = 1.15 × 0.37 lb/lin ft
= 0.43 lb/lin ft of crack

Option #2
Cross-sectional area
of reservoir = (1.5 in x 0.188 in) + (4 in x 0.125 in)
= 0.782 inz (0.00543 ft z)
Volume of reservoir
(1 lin ft of crack) = 1 ft x 0.00543 ftz
= 0.00543 ft3
Gross application
rate (no waste) = 66.6 lb/ft 3 x 0.00543 ft 3
= 0.36 lb/lin ft of crack
Net application
rate (15% waste) = 1.15 x 0.36 lb/lin ft
= 0.41 lb/lin of crack

Placement Cost (both options)

Labor cost = (10 lab x $120/lab) + (1 sup x $200/sup)
= $1400/day

Equipment cost = $500/day

Placement cost = $1400/day + $500/day

= $1900/day


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• _
o + *==

.._ ._
_ _ _ -
-_ +
_ _ _ -

._ _ _ _ _ r," _ _ _" 73
Based on the calculations made in figure C-l, option #2, with
an average annual cost of $0.44/1in ft, is more cost-effective
than option #1, with an average annual cost of $0.58/lin ft.

Appendix D

Inspection Checklists for Construction

This appendix contains inspection checklists for the various
operational steps in a sealing or tilting operation. These
checklists were developed for use by inspectors or
supervisors to maximize workmanship in the field, giving
crack treatment the best chance possible to perform well.

D.1 Crack-Cutting

[] 1. Cutting tips or blades are sufficiently sharp to

minimize spalling and cracking?

[] 2. Operator is wearing appropriate safety attire?

[] 3. All guards and safety mechanisms on equipment are

functioning properly?

[] 4. Cutting equipment follows cracks so that the

percentage of missed cracks is minimized (less than 5
percent missed crack)?

[] 5. AC surface is not so cold as to inhibit cutting

operations and cause excessive spalling or cracking?

[] 6. AC surface mixture is not so coarse as to inhibit

cutting operations and cause excessive spalling or

[] 7. Crack reservoir dimensions satisfactory and uniform,

especially for bond-breaker sealant application so that
appropriate backer rod depth can be achieved?

D.2 Crack Cleaning and Drying

[] 1. Oil and moisture filters on air compressor functioning

properly? Periodic check for oil and moisture made
by placing white towel over nozzle during operation?

[] 2. Operator is wearing appropriate safety attire?

[] 3. Dirt and debris are adequately blown from crack

channel and surrounding pavement area to well off
edge of roadway?

[] 4. At least one pass on each side of crack channel is

made with cleaning equipment?

[] 5. When cleaning and drying with hot compressed air,

intended bonding surfaces are partially darkened but
not burned?

[] 6. Cleaning operation is maintained just ahead of sealing

or filling operation to retain crack cleanliness?

[] 7. Hot-airblasting operation is conducted immediately

ahead of hot-applied sealant or filler installation so
that the potential for moisture condensation is
minimized and crack surface warmth is maximized (5
rain or 150 ft [46 m] maximum)?

[] 8. Check periodically for crack cleanliness by running

finger along crack sidewalls and examining for dirt,
dust, or oxidized asphalt grit?

[] 9. Check periodically for crack moisture visually and by

feeling crack sidewalls?

[] 10. Consistently check cracks for loosened fragments, and

remove by hand those that will come free?

[] 11. Blasting operations (sand or air) always proceeding
away from and are directed away from passing

[] 12. Airblasting and hot-airblasting nozzles are held no

more than 2 in (51 mm) away from crack channel
during first pass?

[] 13. Sandblasting nozzle is directed against crack sidewalls

and maintained 4 to 6 in (102 to 152 mm) away?

D.3 Material Preparation and Installation

D.3.1 Backer Rod Installation

[] 1. Backer rod placed to specified depth?

[] 2. Wide crack segments filled with additional backer rod

or larger sized backer rod?

[] 3. Backer rod sufficiently compressed in reservoir so

that the weight of uncured sealant does not force it
down into the reservoir.

[] 4. Surface of backer rod not damaged, twisted, or

excessively stretched during installation?

D.3.2 Sealant or Filler Preparation and Installation

[] 1. A double-boiler, agitator-type kettle with oil heat

transfer is used for hot-applied, rubber-modified
asphalt materials?

[] 2. Kettle with full-sweep agitation and 2-in (51-mm)

recirculating pump used for fiberized asphalt

[] 3. Operator is wearing appropriate safety attire?

[] 4. Melting vat kept at least one-third full of material to

reduce chance of burning material or introducing air
into pumping system (surges of material extruded)?

[] 5. Systematic check of material temperature in vat by

both kettle temperature gauge and thermometer probe?

[] 6. Recirculate material during idle periods?

[] 7. Pump functions efficiently (loss of power causing

surges of material extrusion)?

[] 8. Crack channel filled with material from bottom up?

[] 9. Crack channel filled with material to specified level

in recessed configurations?

[] 10. Sufficient amount of material is dispensed to form

design configuration, but not so much as to
oversupply squeegee?

[] 11. Material is reapplied to crack segments that initially

received too little material or experienced settling of

[] 12. Material installation operation follows immediately

behind cleaning and drying operation in order to
retain crack cleanliness and, if hot airblasting,
minimize the potential for moisture condensation in
the crack and maximize crack warmth?

[] 13. Bubbling due to moisture in crack channel after

installation of hot-applied materials?

[] 14. Spilled material is removed from the pavement

[] 15. Melter vat and application equipment thoroughly

cleaned of contaminant materials?

D.4 Material Finishing/Shaping

[] 1. Squeegee size and shape appropriate for planned

material placement configuration?

[] 2. Rubber inserts on squeegee cut to desired dimension

for creating overband (periodically checking for cut-
out wear)?

[] 3. Material buildup on squeegee being removed with

propane torch?

[] 4. Squeegee operated immediately after material

application or delaying strike-off to allow overly
runny material to cool in order to prevent slumping of

[] 5. Band-aid squeegee consistently centered over crack?

[] 6. Hot-applied material is cooling sufficiently to prevent

tracking given the type of traffic control setup and
ambient conditions?

[] 7. Checking for bond by peeling "cooled" hot-applied

sealant from crack channel (check for moisture and

[] 8. Bubbling due to moisture in crack channel after

installation of hot-applied materials?

D.5 Material Blotting

[] 1. Sufficient amount of sand applied to fully cover

emulsion material?

[] 2. Toilet paper, dust, or powder applied so as to fully

cover hot-applied, rubber-modified asphalts?

Appendix E

Material and Equipment Safety

E.1 Materials

To protect their health and well-being, maintenance workers

who handle the various treatment materials should review
material safety data sheets (MSDS). These sheets provide
important information about health, fire, and reactivity

Some common-sense precautions for preventing harmful

contact or ingestion of materials includes wearing the
following protective clothing and equipment:

• Long-sleeved shirts
• Long pants
° Gloves
• Steel-toed boots
• Eye protection

E.2 Equipment

Safety precautions should also be taken for those operating

equipment used in sealing or filling operations. In general,
this includes the following:

° Routers and saws--Eye and hearing protection,

protective clothing, steel-toed boots

• Air compressors--Eye and hearing protection,

protective clothing

• HCA/heat lances--Eye and hearing protection and
fire-retardant clothing including boots and leggings
that cover lower legs

° Sandblasters--Air-fed protective helmet, air supply

purifier, and protective clothing

• Distributors and asphalt kettles--Eye protection,

protective clothing

Appendix F

Partial List of Material and

Equipment Sources
This appendix includes a partial listing of crack treatment
material and equipment manufacturers. Addresses and phone
numbers are provided for major manufacturers who can
provide the user with information regarding products,
installation practices, and safety procedures.

This list is intended to serve as a starting point for the user

pursuing information about materials and equipment. It is
not an endorsement for the manufacturers included and is not
intended to carry negative connotations for manufacturers not

F.1 Materials

F.I.1 Manufacturers of Cold-Applied Thermoplastics

Hy-Grade Corporation Witco Corporation

3993 East 93rd Street Golden Bear Division
Cleveland, OH 44105 P.O. Box 456
(216) 341-7711 Chandler, AZ 85244-0161
(800) 341-7751 (602) 963-2267

F.l°2 Manufacturers of Hot-Applied Thermoplastics

Koch Materials Company Crafco Inc.

4334 NW Expressway 6975 W. Crafco Way
Suite 281 Chandler, AZ 85226
Oklahoma City, OK (602) 276-0406
(405) 848-0460 (800) 528-8242
(800) 654-9182

W.R. Meadows, Inc.

P.O. Box 543
Elgin, IL 60121
(708) 683-4500

F.1.3 Manufacturers of Self-Leveling Silicone

Dow Coming Corporation

Midland, MI 48686-0094
(517) 496-4000

F.2 Equipment

F.2.1 Manufacturers of Cutting Equipment

Crafco Inc. Cimline, Inc.

6975 W. Crafco Way 7454 Washington Ave South
Chandler, AZ 85226 Eden Prairie, MN 55344
(602) 276-0406 (800) 328-3874
(800) 528-8242

F.2.2 Manufacturers of Heat Lances

L/A Manufacturing Inco Cimline, Inc.

1000 Mary Laidley Drive 7454 Washington Ave South
Covington, KY 41017 Eden Prairie, MN 55344
(606) 356-1222 (800) 328-3874

F.2.3 Manufacturers of Asphalt Kettles

Crafco Inc. Cimline, Inc.

6975 W. Crafco Way 7454 Washington Ave South
Chandler, AZ 85226 Eden Prairie, MN 55344
(602) 276-0406 (800) 328-3874
(800) 528-8242

White Asphalt Equipment Bearcat Manufacturing

Midwest Tank and P.O. Box 2059
Manufacturing Co. Wickenburg, AZ 85358
2075 South Belmont Ave (602) 684-7851
Indianapolis, IN 46221
(317) 632-9326

Stepp Manufacturing Co.

North Branch, MN 55056
(612) 674-4491

F.2.4 Manufacturers of Silicone Pumps

Pyles Business Unit

Graco, Inc.
28990 Wixom Road
Wixom, MI 48096
(313) 349-5500


Abrasion--The wearing away of treatment material by tire

friction or snowplow scraping.

AdhesivenessmThe ability of a material to remain bonded to

crack sidewalls and/or pavement surface.

Band-aid--An overband configuration where material is

shaped/finished to desired dimensions.

Capped--An overband configuration where material is not

shaped/finished. The material is allowed to level over
the crack channel by itself.

CohesivenessmThe ability of a material to resist internal


Cost-effectiveness_The degree to which a treatment is both

useful and economical.

Crack channel--The crack cavity as defined by either the

original (uncut) crack or cut crack.

Crack repairmMaintenance in which badly deteriorated

cracks are repaired through patching operations.

Crack reservoir--A uniform crack channel resulting from

cutting operations. Generally rectangular in shape.

Crack treatment_Maintenance in which cracks are directly

treated through sealing or filling operations.

Cupping_A depression in the pavement profile along crack

edges caused by damaged or weakened sublayers.

Edge deteriorationmSecondary cracks and spalls that occur
within a few inches of the edges of a primary crack.

Eff ectivenessmSee Treatment effectiveness

Elasticity_The ability of a material to recover from

deformation and resist intrusion of foreign materials.

Faulting_A difference in elevation between opposing sides

of a crack caused by weak or moisture-sensitive
foundation material.

Flexibility_The ability of a material to extend to

accommodate crack movement.

Incompressible--Material, such as sand, stone, and dirt, that

resists the compression of a closing crack channel.

Lipping_An upheaval in the pavement profile along crack

edges. Lipping may be the result of bulging in
underlying PCC base or the infiltration and buildup of
material in the crack.

Longiludinal--Parallel to the centerline of the pavement or

laydown direction. 5

Nonworking (cracks)BCracks that experience relatively little

horizontal and/or vertical movement as a result of
temperature change or traffic loading. As a general
rule, movement less than 0.1 in (2.5 mm).

OverbandmA type of finish in which material is allowed to

completely cover crack channel by extending onto
pavement surface. Overbands consist of band-aid and
capped configurations.

Secondary crackmA crack extending parallel to and/or
radially from a primary crack. A form of edge

ServiceabilitymThe ability, at time of observation, of a

pavement to serve traffic that use the facility. 6

Spall--A chipped segment of asphalt concrete occurring

along a primary crack edge. A form of edge

Thermoplastic (material)_A material that becomes soft

when heated and hard when cooled.

Thermosetting (material)_A material that hardens

permanently when heated.

Transverse_Perpendicular to the pavement centerline or

direction of laydown. 5

Treatment failure_The degree to which a treatment is not

performing its function.

Treatment effectivenessmThe degree to which a treatment is

performing its function.

Working (cracks)_Cracks that experience considerable

horizontal and/or vertical movement as a result of
temperature change or traffic loading. In general,
movement greater than or equal to 0.1 in (2.5 mm).

1. Smith, K.L., et al. Innovative Materials and Equipment
for Pavement Surface Repairs-Final Report. Volumes I
and II. Report no. SHRP-M/UFR-91-504. SHRP,
National Reserch Council, Washington DC: 1991.

2. Evans, L.D., et al. Innovative Materials Development

and Testing-Final Report. Volumes I-V. SHRP,
National Reserch Council, Washington DC.

3. Cook, J.P., F.E. Weisgerber, and I.A. Minkarah.

"Development of a Rational Approach to the Evaluation
of Pavement Joint and Crack Sealing Materials-Final
Report." University of Cincinnati: 1991.

4. Peterson, D.E. NCHRP Synthesis of Highway Practice

No. 98: Resealing Joints and Cracks in Rigid and
Flexible Pavements. TRB, National Research Council,
Washington DC, December 1982.

5. Distress Identification Manual for the Long-Term

Pavement Performance Project. Report no. SHRP-P-
338. SHRP, National Research Council, Washington
DC: 1993.

6. AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures.

American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, Washington DC: 1986.

Materials and Procedures
for the Repair of Potholes
in Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements

Manual of Practice

Strategic Highway Research Program

National Research Council

1.0 Introduction ............................ 1

1.1 Scope of Manual ................... 1
1.2 Pothole Repair ..................... 2

2.0 Need for Pothole Repair ................... 3

3.0 Planning and Design ..................... 5

3.1 Materials ........................ 5
3.1.1 Compatibility testing ........... 6
3.1.2 Acceptance testing ............ 7
3.2 Repair Techniques .................. 7
3.2.1 Throw-and-roll ............... 8
3.2.2 Semi-permanent ............. 11
3.2.3 Spray injection .............. 11
3.3 Patching Costs .................... 16
3.3.1 Materials .................. 16
3.3.2 Labor .................... 19
3.3.3 Equipment ................. 19
3.4 Overall Cost-Effectiveness ........... 20
3.4.1 Cost-effectiveness worksheet .... 20
3.4.2 Determining cost-effectiveness
inputs .................... 25

4.0 Construction .......................... 27

4. I Traffic Control ................... 27
4.2 Safety .......................... 28
4.3 Winter Patching ................... 28
4.3.1 Materials .................. 29
4.3.2 Selecting a procedure ......... 29
4.3.3 Other considerations .......... 29
4.4 Spring Patching ................... 30
4.4.1 Materials .................. 30
4.4.2 Selecting a procedure ......... 31
4.4.3 Other considerations .......... 31

5.0 Evaluating Repair Performance ............. 33

5.1 Data Required .................... 33
5.2 Calculations ..................... 33

Appendix A Material Testing .................. 39

Appendix B Sample Cost-Effectiveness Calculations .. 53
Appendix C Partial List of Material and Equipment
Sources ........................ 67
Glossary .................................. 71
References ................................ 73

List of Figures
Figure 1. Throw-and-roll procedure--material
placement ........................ 9

Figure 2. Throw-and-roll procedure compaction

of patch ........................ 10

Figure 3. Semi-permanent procedure--straightening

edges using hand-held pavement saw .... 12

Figure 4. Semi-permanent procedure--straightening

edges using cold-milling machine ...... 13

Figure 5. Semi-permanent procedure---compaction using

vibratory-plate compactor ............ 14

Figure 6. Semi-permanent procedure--single-drum

vibratory roller used for compaction ..... 15

Figure 7. Spray-injection device--truck and

trailer unit ....................... 17

Figure 8. Spray injection device--self-contained

unit ........................... 18

Figure 9. Worksheet for patching costs ......... 21

Figure 10. Example of patch survival curves ...... 35

Figure A-1. Workability testing box and penetrometer

adapter ......................... 48

Figure A-2. Rolling sieve cohesion test ........... 51

Figure B-1. Cost worksheet for example 1 ......... 56

Figure B-2. Cost worksheet for example 2 ......... 58

Figure B-3. Cost worksheet for example 3 ......... 60

Figure B-4. Cost worksheet for example 4 ......... 62

Figure B-5. Cost worksheet for example 5 ......... 64

List of Tables

Table 1. Sample patch performance data ........ 34

Table 2. Worksheet for calculating patch survival

rate ........................... 36

Table A-1. Data table for coating test ............ 42

Table A-2. Data table for stripping test ........... 44

Table A-3. Data table for drainage test ........... 46

1.0 Introduction

As asphalt pavements age and deteriorate, the need for

corrective measures to restore safety and rideability increases.
Funding for rehabilitation and overlay of these pavements is
not likely to keep up with the demand, requiring more
agencies to use the most cost-effective methods when
patching distressed areas. The patches will also be expected
to survive longer and carry more traffic loadings.

1.1 Scope of Manual

This manual describes materials and procedures for the repair

of potholes* in asphalt surfaced pavements. The materials
and procedures discussed are for cold-mix, stockpiled
materials and for spray injection patching devices. The
information in this manual is based on the most recent
research, and has been obtained through reviews of literature
and current practice, and the results of an ongoing study.
This study investigated the performance of various cold-mix
patching materials and procedures, as well as spray-injection
patches) The use of hot mix asphalt concrete, while
recognized as a preferred alternative for patching operations,
is not covered in this manual.

The patching operations described in this manual can be done

during any type of weather. With the exception of the spray-
injection procedure, they require the use of cold-mix patching
materials. The spray-injection procedure requires a device
that can place virgin aggregate and heated emulsion into a
pothole simultaneously; even so, this procedure can be
carried out in most weather conditions.

* Italicizedwordsare definedin the glossary.

1.2 Pothole Repair

Any agency responsible for asphalt-surfaced pavements

(either full-depth or composite) eventually performs pothole
patching. Potholes occur on pavements subjected to a broad
spectrum of traffic levels, from two-lane rural routes to
multilane interstate highways. Pothole patching can be
performed during weather conditions ranging from clear
spring days to harsh winter storms, with temperatures
anywhere from I00 °F (38 °C) to 0 °F (-18 °C).

Pothole patching is generally performed either as an

emergency repair under harsh conditions, or as routine
maintenance, scheduled for warmer and drier periods.

Even though the moisture and traffic conditions patches

experience vary, the materials and methods for placing
quality repairs are fairly similar. This manual describes
patching techniques that have been used successfully under
actual field conditions across the United States and Canada.
2.0 Need for Pothole Repair
The decision to patch potholes is influenced by many factors:

• The level of traffic

o The time until scheduled rehabilitation or overlay
° The availability of personnel, equipment, and
• The tolerance of the travelling public

In most cases, the public likes all potholes to be promptly

repaired, and forms a negative opinion of the highway
agency when this fails to happen.

Potholes are generally caused by moisture, freeze-thaw

action, traffic, poor underlying support, or some combination
of these factors. Pothole repair is necessary in those
situations where potholes compromise safety and pavement

Pothole repair operations can usually be divided into two

distinct periods. The first period is winter repairs, when
temperatures are low, base material is frozen, and additional
moisture and freeze-thaw cycles are expected before the
spring thaw. The second period is spring repairs, when base
material is wet and soft, and few additional freeze-thaw
conditions are expected.

Regardless of the climatic conditions, when deciding whether

a pothole should be patched, the potential safety and
rideability problems that could result from the unrepaired
distress should always be considered. A highway agency
must repair potentially hazardous potholes as soon as it
becomes aware of them.

3.0 Planning and Design
For any pothole repair operation, two main elements of
quality patching are material selection and repair procedures.
For every combination of these two factors, the cost-
effectiveness of the overall patching operation will be
affected by material, labor, and equipment costs. For each
agency, different combinations of materials and procedures
will produce optimum cost-effectiveness. The following
sections discuss each of these items.

3.1 Materials

Most agencies have three types of cold mixes available to

them. The In'st of these is cold mix produced by a local
asphalt plant, using the available aggregate and binder,
usually without an opportunity to consider compatibility or
expected performance.

The second type is cold mix produced according to

specifications set by the agency that will use the mix. The
specifications normally include the type of aggregate and
asphalt that are acceptable, as well as acceptance criteria for
the agency to purchase the material. Testing the aggregate
and asphalt for compatibility is usually performed before
specifying acceptable sources. The use of spray-injection
devices by agency employees would fall into this category,
since the agency must check the asphalt-aggregate
compatibility before placing patches.

The third type is proprietary cold mix. A local asphalt plant

generally produces this material using specially formulated
binders. These binders are produced by companies that test
the local aggregate, design the mixes, and monitor production
to ensure the quality of the product. These materials (like
other cold mixes) can be produced in bulk and stockpiled or
they can be packaged into buckets or bags to make the
material easier to handle in the field. Spray-injection
patching performed by a contractor would fall into this third
category, since the aggregate and binder are supplied by and
should be tested by a patching contractor.

For each of these materials, and agency must address

different concerns when verifying the quality of materials
used for patching. When using cold mixes that are produced
according to agency specifications, the compatibility of the
binder and aggregate needs to be checked. When using
proprietary materials that are already mixed, some acceptance
testing must to be done before purchasing the material.
Acceptance testing of spray injection materials is more
difficult than for a stockpiled cold mix due to the nature of
the finished product. Examples of both compatibility and
acceptance testing procedures are provided below.

3.1.1 Compatibility testing

The first step in producing a quality cold-mix material is to

test the compatibility of the binder and aggregate. While the
majority of asphalt-aggregate combinations will produce
satisfactory results, there are combinations that produce cold
mixes that do not perform well. Being able to identify
potential mix problems prior to large-scale production can be
very beneficial.

In addition to determining compatibility, target asphalt

contents also need to be determined. Appendix A
summarizes a testing plan for material compatibility and for
estimating the optimum asphalt content. This testing plan is
recommended when an agency is considering using a
previously untried combination of asphalt and aggregate.

Most agencies use cold mixes consisting of asphalt-aggregate
combinations that have been used successfully. The
following section describes a testing plan to ensure the
quality of the cold-mix material before use under actual
roadway conditions.

3.1.2 Acceptance testing

When a previously used cold mix or proprietary material is

being considered for use, acceptance testing is recommended
to ensure the quality of the current batches. The acceptance
test procedure is presented in appendix A. While the
acceptance procedure does not guarantee a successful
patching material, it is designed to identify materials likely to
perform poorly in the field.

3.2 Repair Techniques

Many maintenance agencies use the throw-and-go method for

repairing potholes. While not considered the best way to
patch potholes, it is the most commonly used method because
of its high rate of production. The procedure, as described in
this manual, is more accurately termed "throw-and-roll," and
should be considered a superior alternative to the traditional

An installation technique used by many agencies is the semi-

permanent repair procedure. This procedure represents an
increased level of effort for patching potholes. This
increased effort increases the performance of the patches by
improving the underlying and surrounding support provided
for the patches; it also raises the cost of the patching
Agencies also use spray-injection devices for repairing
potholes. This technique has higher equipment costs than the
other procedures, but also has a high rate of productivity and
lower material costs.

3.2.1 Throw-and-roll

The throw-and-roll method consists of the following steps:

• Place the material into a pothole (which may or may

not be filled with water or debris), as shown in figure
• Compact the patch using truck tires, as shown in
figure 2.
• Verify that the compacted patch has some crown
(between 0.125 in and 0.25 in [3.2 mm and 6.4 mm]).
• Move on to the next pothole.
• Open the repair to traffic as soon as maintenance
workers and equipment are clear.

One difference between this method and the traditional

throw-and-go method is that some effort is made to compact
the patches. Compaction provides a tighter patch for traffic
than simply leaving loose material. The extra time to
compact the patches (generally 1 to 2 additional minutes per
patch) will not significantly affect productivity. This is
especially true if the areas to be patched are separated by
long distances and most of the time is spent traveling
between potholes.











3.2.2 Semi-permanent

The semi-permanent repair method is considered one of the

best for repairing potholes, short of full-depth removal and
replacement. This procedure includes the following steps:

• Remove water and debris from the pothole.

• Square up the sides of the patch area until vertical
sides exist in reasonably sound pavement, as shown in
figures 3 and 4.
• Place the mix.
* Compact with a device smaller than the patch area
(single-drum vibratory rollers and vibratory plate
compactors work best), see figures 5 and 6.
* Open the repair to traffic as soon as maintenance
workers and equipment are clear.

This repair procedure provides a sound area for patches to be

compacted against, and results in very tightly compacted
patches. However, it requires more workers and equipment
and has a lower productivity rate than either the throw-and-
roll or the spray-injection procedure.

3.2.3 Spray Injection

The spray-injection procedure consists of the following steps:

• Blow water and debris from the pothole.

• Spray a tack coat of binder on the sides and bottom of
the pothole.
• Blow asphalt and aggregate into the pothole.
• Cover the patched area with a layer of aggregate.
• Open the repair to traffic as soon as maintenance
workers and equipment are clear.



r_ _










l °_









This procedure requires no compaction after the cover
aggregate has been placed. Figures 7 and 8 illustrate the two
main types of spray injection devices available. The first is a
trailer unit towed behind a truck carrying the aggregate. The
second is a unit with aggregate, heated binder tank, and
delivery systems all contained in a single vehicle.

3.3 Patching Costs

The three main costs for pothole patching for most agencies
are: material, labor, and equipment. There may also be
some user-delay costs associated with pothole-patching
operations, and the associated lane-closure time. The
following sections discuss the costs of these aspects of the
patching operation.

3.3.1 Materials

The cost most commonly associated with pothole patching is

the cost of purchasing material. This is usually one of the
least significant contributors to the overall cost of a patching
operation. However, the material used for patching does
impact the cost of the overall operation when there are
differences in performance. More expensive materials that
are placed with less effort and last longer can reduce the cost
of the initial patching effort, as well as the amount of
repatching needed. This reduces the labor and equipment
costs for the overall operation.

















3.3.2 Labor

For the throw-and-roll technique, the labor cost can be as

little as two workers who do the actual patching, plus traffic
control costs. One of the two workers drives the truck and
compacts the patches, and the other shovels the material from
the truck into the pothole. In some instances, the driver of
the vehicle is able to shovel material when patching large
areas. This generally improves the productivity of the overall

The semi-permanent patching operation has proven most

efficient when four workers are used, plus the appropriate
traffic control. Basically, two workers clear out debris and
square up the edges, while the other two follow behind,
placing material and compacting the patches. This procedure
can be accomplished using more or fewer workers, although
the experience of many agencies has found four to be the

The cost of traffic control can be handled in several different

ways, depending upon the site of the patching operation and
the needs of the particular agency° Labor costs for traffic
control should be included when necessary.

The single-unit spray-injection device requires a single

operator. Two operators are recommended when using the
trailer-unit equipment (one to operate the vehicle and one to
place the material). In both cases, traffic control is required.

3.3.3 Equipment

For the throw-and-roll and semi-permanent procedures,

shovels, rakes, or other hand tools are needed for placing the
material. For the throw-and-roll method, the only major

equipment costs are for the truck carrying the material and
the traffic control vehicles and signs.

For the semi-permanent repair procedure, the necessary

equipment varies from agency to agency. A basic list

• Material truck (with hand tools)

• Equipment truck
• Compaction device (vibratory plate and single-drum
vibratory roller are generally both the most
inexpensive and the most maneuverable)
• Air compressor
• Edge straightening device (jack hammer, pavement
saw, cold milling machine)
• Traffic control vehicles and signs

The only equipment needed for spray injection is the spray-

injection device and the traffic control trucks and signs.

3.4 Overall Cost-Effectiveness

In order to evaluate its current patching operation, an agency

must calculate the cost-effectiveness of the overall operation.

Figure 9 shows a worksheet that can be used to calculate the

cost of a patching operation. This form can be used either for
a current operation or for a proposed patching operation,
using different materials or procedures.

3.4.1 Cost-effectiveness worksheet

The worksheet shown in figure 9 requires the user to enter

information for each material-procedure combination to be
evaluated. Explanations of the inputs are given below.


Material Purchase Cost S/ton (A)

Material Shipping Cost S/ton (B)

Anticipated Material Needs tons (C)


Number in Patching Crew (D)

Average Daily Wage per Person S/day (E)

Number in Traffic Control Crew (F)

Average Daily Wage per Person S/day (G)

Supervisor Daily Wage S/day (H)


Material Truck S/day (I)

Traffic Control Truck and Signs S/day (J)

Preparation Equipment (i.e. Compressor, S/day (K)

Jack Hammer, Pavement Saw, etc.)

Compaction Equipment (i.e. Vibratory S/day (L)

Plate, Single-Drum, etc.)

Extra Equipment Truck S/day (M)

Specialty Equipment (i.e. Spray injection S/day (N)



User Delay Costs S/day (O)

Figure 9. Worksheet for patching costs

Total Material Cost [(A+B)xC] $ (P)

Total Daily Labor Cost S/day (Q)


Total Equipment Cost S/day (R)


Average Daily Productivity tons/day (S)

Estimated days for Initial Patching days (T)

Operation (C+S)

Total User, Labor, and Equipment Cost $ (U)

[(O+Q+R) xT]

Total Labor and Equipment Cost $ (V)


Total Patching Operation Cost $ (W)

with User Costs (P+U)

Total Patching Operation Cost $ (X)

without User Costs (P+V)

Patch Survival Rate (Duration may vary) % (Y)

Effective Patching Operation Cost $ (Z)

with User Costs [Wx{2-(Y+100)}]

Effective Patching Operation Cost $ (AA)

without User Costs [Xx{2-(Y+100)}]

Cost per Original Pothole Volume $/ft 3 (BB)

with User Costs [Zx(0.0625+C)]

Cost per Original Pothole Volume $/ft 3 (CC)

without User Costs [AAx(0.0625+C)]

Figure 9. Worksheet for patching costs (continued)

(A) Material Purchase Cost-The cost of purchasing or
producing the material, not including shipping costs.
The amount entered should be in dollars per ton.
(B) Material Shipping Cost-The cost of shipping the
material from the site of production to the location of
the stockpile° The amount entered should be in
dollars per ton.
(C) Anticipated Material Needs-The amount of patching
material needed for one year of pothole patching.
The amount entered should be in tons.
(D) Number in Patching Crew-The number of workers
who will be performing the patching operation. This
number does not include traffic control personnel.
(E) Average Daily Wage per Person-The average wages
paid to the members of the patching crew.
Multiplying this figure by (D) results in the total labor
costs for the patching crew. The amount entered
should be in dollars per day.
(F) Number in Traffic Control Crew-The number of
workers required to set up and maintain the traffic
control operation. When the patching crew sets up
traffic control before patching, the number of traffic
control workers is zero, so that workers are not
counted twice.
(G) Average Daily Wage per Person-The average wages
paid to the members of the traffic control crew.
Multiplying this figure by (F) results in the total labor
costs for the traffic control crew. The amount entered
should be in dollars per day°
(H) Supervisor Daily Wage-The wage paid to a
supervisor or foreman who oversees the patching
operation. If the supervisor is not exclusively
involved in patching operations for the entire time, a
fraction of the daily wage should be entered to
estimate the time spent with the patching operation.
The amount entered should be in dollars per day.

(I) Material Truck-The operating charges associated
with the truck carrying the material. Only trucks
transporting patching material should be included.
The amount entered should be in dollars per day.
(J) Traffic Control Truck and Signs-The cost
associated with all traffic control trucks and devices,
including arrow boards, attenuators, etc. If vehicles
are used to both set up traffic control and for other
activities during the day, a fraction of the daily cost
should be used to estimate the time spent in
establishing traffic control. The amount entered
should be in dollars per day.
(K) Preparation Equipment-The cost associated with
any equipment used to prepare the pothole before
placing the patching material. If the throw-and-roll or
spray-injection methods are used, this value is zero.
The amount entered should be in dollars per day.
(L) Compaction Equipment-The cost associated with
any extra equipment used to compact the patches, ff
the material truck is used for compaction, this value is
zero. The amount entered should be in dollars per
(M) Extra Equipment Truck-The cost associated with
any extra truck used to transport preparation or
compaction equipment to the site. The amount
entered should be in dollars per day.
(N) Specialty Equipment-The cost associated with any
special equipment used for the patching operation
(e.g., spray-injection devices). The amount entered
should be in dollars per day.
(O) User Delay Cost-The cost to the users of the
roadway of the delay caused by the patching
operation. The amount should be entered in dollars
per day.
(S) Average Daily Productivity-The rate at which the
patching crew can place the patching material. This

amount should be for the crew size specified above.
The amount entered should be in tons per day.
(W) Patch Survival Rate-An estimate of the percent of
patches that will survive for one year. The value
should be entered as a percentage.

3.4.2 Determination of Cost-effectiveness Inputs

A supervisor of foreman familiar with the crew and the

available equipment can provide most of the information
required to complete the cost-effectiveness worksheet.

The most difficult value to obtain accurately is the "patch

survival rate." The pavement condition, material quality,
climatic influence, crew ability, and past repair performance
will all factor into this value. Chapter 5 presents one method
for estimating the patch survival rate.

Appendix B contains examples of the cost-effectiveness

calculation for several different types of patching operations.

4.0 Construction
Pothole-patching operations are usually performed when
potholes have developed at various locations throughout a
maintenance area. Most patching operations simply try to
repair the distress and restore rideability as quickly as
possible. This chapter contains recommendations for
improving the overall quality of the patches.

These recommendations are divided into winter and spring

patching alternatives, and include preparation, placement, and
compaction alternatives. Suggestions for traffic control and
safety are also included. The person most familiar with local
conditions and the requirements for a safe traffic control
situation should always make the final decisions concerning
the safety of both the patching crew and the passing vehicles.

4.1 Traffic Control

Whenever any pothole-patching operation is performed,

adequate traffic control must be provided. This ensures a
safe working environment for the maintenance crew and safe
travel lanes for vehicles. Traffic control operations should
disturb the flow of traffic as little as possible.

While the actual traffic control requirements for each agency

will vary, every maintenance agency has the responsibility
of providing a work area that is as safe as possible for
both workers and drivers and of ensuring that all
necessary steps are always taken to maintain safety.

4.2 Safety

Safety concerns are not limited to traffic control. There are

also safety concerns when using the repair materials and
equipment. Material safety data sheets are available for the
majority of cold-mix materials which are available. Special
recommendations for handling and storing of all cold-mix
materials should be followed closely.

Operators of jack hammers and other compressed-air

equipment should exercise caution with the equipment as
should operators of spray-injection devices. In particular, the
aggregate from spray injection-devices can rebound with
great force, and eye protection is highly recommended.
Vehicle operators must exercise caution when moving in
reverse, especially if other workers are in the area.

Everyone on the job should know where the potential hazards

are located and should take care to avoid any possibly
dangerous situations.

4.3 Winter Patching

Winter patching operations generally take place during

periods of snow melt, when maintenance crews do not have
to plow or apply abrasives or salt. Warmer weather not only
provides time to patch, it also creates conditions conducive to
the development of potholes. Warmer temperatures cause
thawing and softening of frozen base materials, reducing
underlying pavement support.

Since winter patching occurs while more winter conditions

are expected, more stress is placed on the patching materials
as they cycle between very cold and warm conditions.

4.3.1 Materials

Aggregates used for winter patching conditions should be

high-quality, crushed aggregate with few fines. Binders
should be emulsified asphalts with at least an anti-stripping
additive. The mixture should be workable at low
temperatures, to allow both easier handling by the workers
and easier compaction in the hole. It is highly likely that
water will be in the pothole, so an anti-stripping additive is

4.3.2 Selecting a procedure

Patching potholes under winter conditions does not usually

allow time for using the semi-permanent procedure.
Increasing the time required to patch the potholes decreases
the productivity of the operation and increases the amount of
time that the crew is exposed to traffic.

With a high-quality material, the throw-and-roll procedure

provides a cost-effective means of patching under winter
conditions. It is extremely important that a high-quality
material be used, and that it be compacted by the truck.
Leaving the patch to be compacted under traffic will result in
premature patch failures.

4.3.3 Other Considerations

Patches placed under winter conditions have a shorter life

expectancy than patches placed in the spring. This document
presents information that can extend the life of winter
patches from several days to several months. The goal of
winter patching is to restore rideability and safety as quickly
as possible (not to repair the distress permanently).

4.4 Spring Patching

Spring patching differs from the winter operation in that the

climatic conditions will not stress the patches to the same
degree. Because freeze-thaw cycling is finished, most of the
conditions which soften the underlying support will have
passed. Better climatic conditions increase the life
expectancy for patches placed in the spring.

4.4.1 Materials

The choice of materials for spring patching should be based

on a calculation of their cost-effectiveness. However, even
when the cost-effectiveness calculation may indicate the
superiority of one material over another, the experience of
the local maintenance crew should be considered.

Also, any material acceptable for winter patching is generally

acceptable for spring patching. However, the effects of
having been stockpiled over the winter and the differences in
workability over wide temperature ranges should be
considered. Materials that are workable at very low
temperatures tend to be very sticky and hard to use at higher

High-quality, crushed aggregate, again with few fines, and an

emulsified asphalt should be used for spring patching. Anti-
stripping additives are still advised. The mixtures can set
more slowly than winter materials, since higher temperatures
allow more rapid evaporation.

4.4.2 Selecting a procedure

Spring patching can be done by spray injection, or by either

the throw-and-roll or semi-permanent procedures. Cost-
effectiveness and the availability of equipment and workers
should be the most important criteria. Because the semi-
permanent procedure requires more equipment and workers,
that procedure may be impractical.

The throw-and-roll procedure should be considered a viable

alternative for placing spring patches. Results from a recent
study indicate that patches placed with this method can
provide satisfactory results when high-quality materials are

4.4.3 Other considerations

Patches placed during the spring are expected to last longer

than patches placed under winter conditions. Observations in
a recent field test indicated that patches in place after the
initial setting period (2 to 4 weeks) were likely to remain in
place until the surrounding pavement begins to deteriorate.
The goal of spring patching operations should be to place
patches which last as long as the surrounding pavement.
Patches surviving more than one year reduce the cost of the
overall operation by reducing the amount of labor,
equipment, and material needed in subsequent years,
However, cost-effectiveness calculations should still be based
on survival for one year.

5.0 Evaluating Repair Performance
When two or more patch types have been installed for the
purpose of comparison, some method is needed to rank the
patch types from best to worst. One method for calculating a
performance factor is described here.

5.1 Data Required

To determine the effectiveness of a given patch type, the

highway agency must monitor the repairs for at least one
year. Monitoring repairs simply consists of checking for the
presence of repairs and noting the survival or failure of each
one. The time elapsed from installation to monitoring is also
noted. Table 1 contains a typical collection of patch
performance data.

Figure 10 illustrates several plots of patch survival over time.

In all three cases, the percentage of patches remaining at the
end of monitoring is the same. However, material B would
have the highest patch survival rating when compared with
materials A and C.

5.2 Calculations

The patch survival rate is defined as the area under the patch
survival curves over time° To calculate the area, table 2 can
be used for any available patch survival data. As an
example, the data from table 1 have been used to calculate a
patch survival rate.

Table 1. Sample patch performance data

Time In-place Failed Lost to Percent
(weeks) Repairs Repairs Overlay Surviving
(TT) (RIP) (RF) (RE) (Ps_v)

0 (Inst.) 30 0 0 100
4 28 2 0 93

10 26 2 2 93

16 24 3 3 89

30 20 7 3 74

40 19 8 3 70

52 15 10 5 6O

Ps_v = {RIP/ (RF + Rn,)} x 100


Table 2. Worksheet for calculating patch survival rate

Observ. Time Percent Average Time Partial Total

No. (weeks) Surviving Percent Interval Area Possible
(i) (T) (PsuRv) Surviving (TT) (APART) Area
(PAvG) (AToT)
0 0 100

......... : 96.5 4 3861 400
.:.. :.:.:....................

91 6 546 600
3 16 89
81.5 14 1141 1400
4 30 74
:. I11
.::il::,:i:i 72 10 720 1000

::::: ..............


16 I 41311 5200

Patch Survival Rate PAVG= (Ps_v(i) + Ps_v(i+l))/2

(_ApART)/(_AToT) × 100 TT = T0+I) - T(i)
ATO x = T T × 100

Each average percent surviving (PAvo) is calculated by
averaging the two percent surviving values that straddle the
line being calculated, as shown in the two shaded portions of
Table 2. Each time interval (TT) is calculated by subtracting
the smaller time (To_)from the larger time (T0 the two
lines straddling the line being calculated.

Each partial area (APART) is calculated by multiplying the

PAVGand TT values for that line. Each total possible area
(Aa-oa-)is simply the time interval (TT) multiplied by 100.
The total possible area (AToT)represents the best possible
performance that can be expected for a patch type (that is,
100 percent survival for the interval observed).

Appendix A

Material Testing

An agency involved in pothole patching conducts materials

testing that generally falls into one of two categories:

• Compatibility testing for new combinations of asphalt

and aggregate to be used in producing cold-mix
° Acceptance testing for new cold-mix materials
produced by proprietary sources

This appendix suggests testing methods for each of these

categories. The testing methods are based on previous
studies.a. 4.5

These testing methods are intended to provide information

concerning combinations of materials or cold-mix materials
with which an agency has no prior experience. Testing may
not be necessary when agencies are using cold-mix materials
that have been successfully used in the past and that do not
need confirmation of quality. However, testing these
materials could provide reference values to compare with
other cold mixes.

A.1 Compatibility Testing Procedure

When combining asphaltic cement and aggregate to produce

cold-mix patching materials, there are several criteria for

• The asphalt should coat the aggregate well and remain

coated, even after being stockpiled and subjected to
various climatic conditions.
• The stockpiled material should remain workable and
be easy to handle with shovels. (The outside crust of
the stockpile may harden as the asphalt cement
hardens, but this skin should prevent the inner
material from hardening, so that when a loader breaks
through the outer skin, the material is workable
• The material should remain in the holes where it is

The following testing plan presents of a series of simple

laboratory tests to determine the ability of a particular
asphalt-aggregate combination to meet all the requirements
listed above. These tests can also identify a range of
optimum asphalt content for materials determined to be
compatible. The compatibility-testing procedure involves
three tests, for coating, stripping, and drainage.

A.I.1 Coating test

1. Obtain samples of asphalt binder (emulsion or

cutback) and aggregate proposed for production of
cold mix. The aggregate should fall within the same
gradation as the material that will be used for full-
scale production. Aggregate samples should be
approximately 2,000 g (4.4 Ibs) in weight.
2. Dry aggregate samples at approximately 60 °C
(140 °F). Stir the samples to prevent formation of
3. Mix dried aggregate and binder in proportion so that
the residual asphalt content V_ouldbe 4.0 percent.
Enter the weights of both aggregate and the asphalt
binder in columns C and D of table A-1. Continue
mixing until the binder is dispersed throughout the
4. Spread mixture onto absorbent paper to dry. If
desired, place the mixture can be placed in an oven at
96 °C (205 °F) to speed the drying process.
5. Continue to mix and dry batches of aggregate and
binder at the residual asphalt contents listed in column
A of table A-1. If mixture becomes soupy at any
asphalt content, do not mix batches with any higher
asphalt content.
6. When the mixtures are dry, estimate the percentage of
aggregate covered with asphalt for each mixture.
Enter the coating values for each mixture in column E
of table A-1.
7. Enter the lowest asphalt content at which the coating
value is at least 90 percent on line F below table A-1.
The technician performing the test should judge
whether the coating is acceptable.

Table A-1. Data table for coating test

Emulsion residual factor from specification testing:


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Residual Emulsion Aggregate Emulsion Percent
Asphalt Content Weight Weight Coating
Content % gm gm %
% (A/R) (C x B)










1 lb = 454 g

Minimum asphalt content value for 90 percent coating:


A.I.2 Stripping test

1. Prepare five aggregate samples of approximately

1,100 g (2.4 lbs). Heat the samples to 60 °C (140 °F).
Part of each sample will be used in the drainability
test that follows.
2. Beginning with minimum value from the coating test
(F), mix the aggregate and asphalt samples, recording
the actual weights of aggregate and binder used in
columns G and I of table A-2. Increase the asphalt
content in 0.5 percent increments for the remaining
samples to be mixed. Do not increase asphalt content
if mix becomes soupy during mixing.
3. Verify that the percent coated is greater than 90
percent for each of the samples that is mixed.
4. Remove approximately 100 g (3.5 oz) of mixture and
allow to cool to room temperature. Set aside the
remaining 1,000 g (2.2 lbs) from each sample for the
drainability test.
5. Place the 100 g (3.5 oz) sample of the mixture into a
l-liter (1-quart) jar filled with distilled water. Place
jar into an oven at 60 °C (140 °F) for 16 to 18 hours.
6. After heating, shake the jar vigorously for
approximately 5 seconds, and then pour off the water.
Spread the mixture on absorbent paper.
7. Estimate the coating of the mix as was done in the
coating test. Record the percentage of aggregate
coated in columns K and L of table A-2. Record on
line M the minimum asphalt content at which the
coating is greater than 90 percent. The technician
performing the test should judge whether the coating
is acceptable.

Table A-2. Data table for stripping test

Emulsion residual factor: (R)

Minimum asphalt content from coating test: (F)

(G) (H) (I) (J) Percent

Aggregate Desired Actual Actual Asphalt Coated
Weight, Emulsion Emulsion Content
g Weight, Weight, % (K) (L)
g g (I/G)xl00xR Initial Final




Gx[(F+ 1.5)/(100xR)l




1 lb = 454 g

Minimum asphalt content for stripping test:


A.1.3 Drainage Test

1. Record the weights of several 25 cm (10-in) diameter

disposable aluminum pie pans in row N of table A-3.
2. Place the 1,000 g (2.2 lb) sample from stripping test
into an aluminum pie pan, and enter the weight of the
sample with the pie pan and the sample alone in rows
O and P of table A-3.
3. Place mixtures (on the pie pans) into a 60 °C (140 °F)
oven for 24 hours.
4. After heating, remove the mixture from the pie pan by
simply turning the pan over and tapping the bottom
until all aggregate particles are off pan.
5. Enter the weight of the pie pan with asphalt residue in
row Q of table A-3.
6. Determine the highest asphalt content with a
drainability of less than 4 percent of the original
weight of asphalt, as calculated in row T, and record
it on line U beneath table A-3.

Table A-3. Data table for drainage test

Minimum asphalt content from coating test: __.(F)

Emulsion residual factor: __.(R)

Desired Asphalt
Content, % F F+0.5 F+I.0 F+l.5 F+2.0 F+2.5

(J) Actual Asphalt

Content, %

(N) Pie Pan

Weight, g

(O) Pie Pan and

Sample Weight, g

(P) Sample
Weight, g

(Q) Pie Pan and

Asphalt Weight, g

(S) Asphalt
Weight, g (Q-N)

(T) Percentage

1 lb = 454 g

Maximum asphalt content with drainage less than 4 percent:


When the three tests have been completed, the values of the
asphalt contents determined by coating and stripping (F and
M) will represent lower boundaries for the true optimum
asphalt content and the asphalt content determined by the
drainage test (U) will represent an upper boundary. As these
tests are being performed, the compatibility of the asphalt
and aggregate combination will become apparent. If the
asphalt content for acceptable drainability is below that for
stripping and coating, the combination is unlikely to perform
well in the field.

These testing procedures are intended to give a rough idea of

the optimum asphalt content and to identify those
combinations of asphalt binder and aggregate that would
perform poorly in the field in terms of coating, stripping, and
drainability. However, even reasonable values for the
different tests do not guarantee that the material will perform
satisfactorily in actual patching applications.

A.2 Acceptance Testing Procedure

For materials the agency will purchase in pre-mixed form,

tests should ensure that the material will not perform poorly
in the field. The two tests suggested for acceptance attempt
to quantify two important characteristics of cold mixes;
workability and cohesion. As with the compatibility-testing
procedure, these tests do not guarantee success for the
materials tested; rather, they indicate the potential for poor
performance in the proposed materials.

A.2.1 Workability Test

This test requires a workability box, a pocket penetrometer

(normally used for soil testing) and a penetrometer adapter.
Figure A-1 illustrates the necessary equipment

Top View Side View
_\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\%_ I
102 mm

._ 1--_ _
mm_--- ,
-_ Ic2 '



Testing Box

: I6.4°
View 9.5

Side [ J
View 75nun


J //J
Penetrometer Adapter

Figure A-1. Workability testing box and

penetrometer adapter
(1 in = 25.4 ram)

The workability box should measure 102 mm (4 in) on all
sides and should have a 10 mm (0.375-in) hole in one side.
The Soiltest CL 700-A is one acceptable penetrometer; it has
a scale of 0 to 4.5 tons per ft2, with a 6.4 mm (0.25-in)
diameter end. The penetrometer adapter will increase the
diameter of the penetrometer to 9.5 mm (0.375 in).

1. Prepare three samples of cold mix of approximately

2,500 g (5.5 lbs) and cool the samples to 4 °C (40 °F).
2. Place the cooled mixture into the workability box.
Drop the mixture loosely into the box, making no
effort to pack the material into the box.
3. Push the penetrometer with adapter through the holes
in both sides of the box. Record the maximum
resistance as the workability measurement.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all three samples. Calculate
the average workability measurements for all samples.

An average workability reading between 3 and 4 would be

considered marginal, while a value over 4 should be rejected.
Values under 3 are acceptable.

A.2.2 Cohesion Test

1. Cool several 1,200 g (2.6 lbs) samples of cold mix to

a temperature of 4 °C (40 °F).
2. Place the cold mix into a standard Marshall mold,
63.5 mm (2.5 in) high, with a diameter of 102 mm (4
in). Compact the sample using 5 blows of a standard
Marshall hammer (4.5 kg [10 lb]) to each side, from a
drop height of 457 mm [18 in].
3. Extrude the sample, and record the weight of the
compacted sample.
4. Place the compacted sample along the bottom edge of
a 12-in (305 mm) diameter sieve while both the sieve

and the sample are standing on end, as shown in
figure A-2.
5. Place the cover on the sieve while it is still on end.
Roll the sieve with the sample inside back and forth
20 times, taking approximately 1 second for each of
the 20 passes.
6. Lay the sieve (with the sample still inside) against the
edge of a table, allowing room for sample pieces to
fall through the sieve openings. Leave the sieve in
this position for 10 seconds.
7. Flip the sieve and lid over so that the sample in the
sieve falls onto the lid. Weigh the material retained.
8. Determine the average percentage retained by dividing
the weight retained by the original weight. A
minimum retention value of 60 percent is
recommended for this test.

1-in Nominal 12-in Diameter Sieve
Opening Size

\ Lid

Table top

Figure A-2. Rolling Sieve cohesion test

(1 in = 25.4 mm)

Appendix B

Sample Cost-Effectiveness Calculations

This appendix contains sample worksheets for cost-
effectiveness calculations. Different material and procedure
combinations illustrate the financial differences between
patching operations. The examples demonstrate how to use
the worksheet for calculating the cost-effectiveness of several
different pothole-patching operations (figures B-1 through B-
5). These examples illustrate the differences in materials,
procedures, equipment, and location when performing pothole
patching operations. Values for the variables are given

Example 1

Material Local cold mix

Method Throw-and-roll
Cost $20.00 per ton
Patching Crew Size 2 laborers
Traffic Control Crew 2 laborers
Daily Wage $100 per day per laborer
Equipment Cost $20 per day (material truck)
$25 per day (traffic control)
Productivity 4 tons per day
Patch Survival Rate 25 percent (after 12 months)
User Delay Costs $1,000 per day

Example 2

Material UPM High Performance Cold

Method Throw-and-roll
Cost $85.00 per ton
Patching Crew Size 2 laborers
Traffic Control Crew 2 laborers
Daily Wage $100 per day per laborer
Equipment Cost $20 per day (material truck)
$25 per day (traffic control)
Productivity 4 tons per day
Patch Survival Rate 90 percent (after 12 months)
User Delay Costs $1,000 per day

Example 3

Material Local cold mix

Method Semi-permanent
Cost $20.00 per ton
Patching Crew Size 4 laborers
1 supervisor
Traffic Control Crew 2 laborers
Daily Wage $100 per day per laborer
$120 per day per supervisor
Equipment Cost $20 per day (material mack)
$25 per day (traffic control)
$10 per day (preparation)
$5 per day (compaction)
$10 per day (equipment truck)
Productivity 1.5 tons per day
Patch Survival Rate 80 percent
User Delay Costs $1,000 per day

Example 4

Material Spray injection

Method Spray injection
Cost $0.00 per ton
Patching Crew Size 0 laborers
Traffic Control Crew 2 laborers
Daily Wage $100 per day per laborer
Equipment $750 per day (spray injection
device, crew and material)
Productivity 4 tons per day
Patch Survival Rate 90 percent (after 12 months)
User Delay Costs $1,000 per day

Example 5

Material Local cold mix

Method Throw-and-roll
Cost $20.00 per ton
Patching Crew Size 2 laborers
Traffic Control Crew 2 laborers
Daily Wage $100 per day per laborer
Equipment Cost $20 per day (material truck)
$25 per day (traffic control)
Productivity 4 tons per day
Patch Survival Rate 25 percent (after 12 months)
User Delay Costs $10,000 per day


MaterialPurchaseCost 20.00 S/ton (A)

Material Shipping Cost 0.00 S/ton (B)

Anticipated Material Needs 200 tons (C)


Number in Patching Crew 2 (D)

Average Daily Wage per Person 100.00 S/day (E)

Number in Traffic Control Crew 2 (F)

Average Daily Wage per Person 100.00 S/day (G)

Supervisor Daily Wage 0.00 S/day (H)


Material Truck 20.00 S/day (I)

Traffic Control Truck and Signs 25.00 S/day (J)

Preparation Equipment (i.e. Compressor, 0.00 S/day (K)

Jack Hammer, Pavement Saw, etc.)

Compaction Equipment (i.e. Vibratory 0.00 S/day (L)

Plate, Single-Drum, etc.)

Extra Equipment Truck 0.00 S/day (M)

Specialty Equipment (i.e. Spray injection 0.00 S/day (N)



User Delay Costs 1,000.00 S/day (O)

Figure B-1. Cost worksheet for example 1

Total Material Cost [(A+B)xC] 4,000.00 $ (P)

Total Daily Labor Cost 400.00 S/day (Q)


Total Equipment Cost 45.00 S/day (R)


Average Daily Productivity 4 tons/day (S)

Estimated days for Initial Patching 50 days (T)

Operation (C+S)

Total User, Labor, and Equipment Cost 72,250.00 $ (U)


Total Labor and Equipment Cost 22,250.00 $ (V)


Total Patching Operation Cost 76,250.00 $ (W)

with User Costs (P+U)

Total Patching Operation Cost 26,250.00 $ (X)

without User Costs (P+V)

Patch Survival Rate (Duration may vary) 25 % (Y)

Effective Patching Operation Cost 133,440.00 $ (Z)

with User Costs [Wx{2-(Y+100)}]

Effective Patching Operation Cost 45,940.00 $ (AA)

without User Costs [Xx{2-(Y+100)}]

Cost per Original Pothole Volume 41.70 $/ft3 (BB)

with User Costs [Zx(0.0625+C)]

Cost per Original Pothole Volume 14.36 $/ft3 (CC)

without User Costs [AAx(0.0625+C)]

Figure B-1. Cost worksheet for example 1 (continued)


Material Purchase Cost 70.00 S/ton (A)

Material Shipping Cost 15.00 S/ton (B)

Anticipated Material Needs 200 tons (C)


Number in Patching Crew 2 (D)

Average Daily Wage per Person 100.00 S/day (E)

Number in Traffic Control Crew 2 (F)

Average Daily Wage per Person 100.00 S/day (G)

Supervisor Daily Wage 0.00 S/day (H)


Material Truck 20.00 S/day (I)

Traffic Control Truck and Signs 25.00 S/day (J)

Preparation Equipment (i.e. Compressor, 0.00 S/day (K)

Jack Hammer, Pavement Saw, etc.)

Compaction Equipment (i.eoVibratory 0.00 S/day (L)

Plate, Single-Drum, etc.)

Extra Equipment Truck 0.00 S/day (M)

Specialty Equipment (i.e. Spray injection 0.00 S/day (N)



User Delay Costs 1,000.00 S/day (O)

Figure B-2. Cost worksheet for example 2

Total Material Cost [(A+B)xC] 17,000.00 $ (P)

Total Daily Labor Cost 400.00 S/day (Q)


Total Equipment Cost 45.00 S/day (R)


Average Dally Productivity 4 tons/day (S)

Estimated days for Initial Patching 50 days (T)

Operation (C+S)

Total User, Labor, and Equipment Cost 72,250.00 $ (U)

[(O+Q+R) xT]

Total Labor and Equipment Cost 22,250.00 $ (V)


Total Patching Operation Cost 89,250.00 $ (W)

with User Costs (P+U)

Total Patching Operation Cost 39,250.00 $ (X)

without User Costs (P+V)

Patch Survival Rate (Duration may vary) 90 % (Y)

Effective Patching Operation Cost 98,180.00 $ (Z)

with User Costs [Wx{2-(Y+100)}]

Effective Patching Operation Cost 43,180.00 $ (AA)

without User Costs [Xx{2-(Y+I00)}]

Cost per Original Pothole Volume 30.68 $/ft3 (BB)

with User Costs [Zx(0.0625+C)]

Cost per Original Pothole Volume 13.49 $/ft3 (CC)

without User Costs [AAx(0.0625+C)]

Figure B-2. Cost worksheet for example 2 (continued)


Material Purchase Cost 20.00 S/ton (A)

Material Shipping Cost 0.00 S/ton (B)

Anticipated Material Needs 75 tons (C)


Number in Patching Crew 4 (D)

Average Daily Wage per Person 100.00 S/day (E)

Number in Traffic Control Crew 2 (F)

Average Daily Wage per Person 100.00 S/day (G)

Supervisor Daily Wage 120.00 S/day (H)


Material Truck 20.00 S/day (I)

Traffic Control Truck and Signs 25.00 S/day (J)

Preparation Equipment (i.e. Compressor, 10.00 S/day (K)

Jack Hammer, Pavement Saw, etc.)

Compaction Equipment (i.e. Vibratory 5.00 S/day (L)

Plate, Single-Drum, etc.)

Extra Equipment Truck 20.00 S/day (M)

Specialty Equipment (i.e. Spray injection 0.00 S/day (N)



User Delay Costs 1,000.00 S/day (O)

Figure B-3. Cost worksheet for example 3

Total Material Cost [(A+B)xC] 1,500.00 $ (P)

Total Daily Labor Cost 720.00 S/day (Q)


Total Equipment Cost 80.00 S/day (R)


Average Daily Productivity 1.5 tons/day (S)

Estimated days for Initial Patching 50 days (T)

Operation (C+S)

Total User, Labor, and Equipment Cost 90,000.00 $ (U)


Total Labor and Equipment Cost 40,000.00 $ (V)


Total Patching Operation Cost 91,500.00 $ (W)

with User Costs (P+U)

Total Patching Operation Cost 41,500.00 $ (X)

without User Costs (P+V)

Patch Survival Rate (Duration may vary) 80 % (Y)

Effective Patching Operation Cost 109,800.00 $ (Z)

with User Costs [Wx{2-(Y+100) }]

Effective Patching Operation Cost 49,800.00 $ (AA)

without User Costs [Xx{2-(Y+I00)}]

Cost per Original Pothole Volume 91.50 $/ft3 (BB)

with User Costs [Zx(0.0625+C)]

Cost per Original Pothole Volume 41.50 $/ft3 (CC)

without User Costs [AAx(0.0625+C)]

Figure B-3. Cost worksheet for example 3 (continued)


Material Purchase Cost 0.00 S/ton (A)

Material Shipping Cost 0.00 S/ton (B)

Anticipated Material Needs 200 tons (C)


Number in Patching Crew 0 (D)

Average Daily Wage per Person 0.00 S/day (E)

Number in Traffic Control Crew 2 (F)

Average Daily Wage per Person 100.00 S/day (G)

Supervisor Daily Wage 0.00 S/day (H)


Material Truck 0.00 S/day (I)

Traffic Control Truck and Signs 25.00 S/day (J)

Preparation Equipment (i.e. Compressor, 0.00 S/day (K)

Jack Hammer, Pavement Saw, etc.)

Compaction Equipment (i.e. Vibratory 0.00 S/day (L)

Plate, Single-Drum, etc.)

Exlra Equipment Truck 0.00 S/day (M)

Specialty Equipment (i.e. Spray injection 750.00 S/day (N)



User Delay Costs 1,000.00 S/day (O)

Figure B-4. Cost worksheet for example 4

Total Material Cost [(A+B)xC] 0.00 $ (P)

Total Daily Labor Cost 200.00 S/day (Q)


TotalEquipmentCost 775.00 S/day (R)


Average Daily Productivity 4 tons/day (S)

Estimated days for Initial Patching 50 days (T)

Operation (C+S)

Total User, Labor, and Equipment Cost 88,750.00 $ (U)


Total Labor and Equipment Cost 38,750.00 $ (V)

[(Q+R) xT]

Total Patching Operation Cost 88,750.00 $ (W)

with User Costs (P+U)

Total Patching Operation Cost 38,750.00 $ (X)

without User Costs (P+V)

Patch Survival Rate (Duration may vary) 90 % (Y)

Effective Patching Operation Cost 97,620.00 $ (Z)

with User Costs [Wx{2-(Y+100)}]

Effective Patching Operation Cost 42,620.00 $ (AA)

without User Costs [Xx{2-(Y+100)]]

Cost per Original Pothole Volume 30.51 $/ft3 (BB)

with User Costs [Zx(0.0625+C)]

Cost per Original Pothole Volume 13.32 $/ft3 (CC)

without User Costs [AAx(0.0625+C)]

Figure B-4. Cost worksheet for example 4 (continued)


MaterialPurchase Cost 20.00 S/ton (A)

MaterialShipping Cost 0.00 S/ton (B)

AnticipatedMaterialNeeds 200 tons (C)


Number in Patching Crew 2 (D)

Average Daily Wage per Person 100.00 S/day (E)

Number in Traffic Control Crew 2 (F)

Average Daily Wage per Person 100.00 S/day (G)

Supervisor Daily Wage 0.00 S/day (H)


Material Truck 20.00 S/day (I)

Traffic Control Truck and Signs 25.00 S/day (J)

Preparation Equipment (i.e. Compressor, 0.00 S/day (K)

Jack Hammer, Pavement Saw, etc.)

Compaction Equipment (i.e. Vibratory 0.00 S/day (L)

Plate, Single-Drum, etc.)

Extra Equipment Truck 0.00 S/day (M)

Specialty Equipment (i.e. Spray injection 0.00 S/day (N)



User Delay Costs 10,000.00 S/day (O)

Figure B-5. Cost worksheet for example 5

Total Material Cost [(A+B)×C] 4,000.00 $ (P)

Total Daily Labor Cost 400.00 S/day (Q)


Total Equipment Cost 45.00 S/day (R)


Average Daily Productivity 4 tons/day (S)

Estimated days for Initial Patching 50 days (T)

Operation (C+S)

Total User, Labor, and Equipment Cost 522,250.00 $ (U)


Total Labor and Equipment Cost 22,250.00 $ (V)


Total Patching Operation Cost 526,250.00 $ (W)

with User Costs (P+U)

Total Patching Operation Cost 26,250.00 $ (X)

without User Costs (P+V)

Patch Survival Rate (Duration may vary) 25 % (Y)

Effective Patching Operation Cost 913,940.00 $ (Z)

with User Costs [Wx{2-(Y+100)}]

Effective Patching Operation Cost 45,940.00 $ (AA)

without User Costs [Xx{2-(Y+100)}]

Cost per Original Pothole Volume 285.61 $/ft3 (BB)

with User Costs [Zx(0.0625+C)]

Cost per Original Pothole Volume 14.36 $/ft3 (CC)

without User Costs [AAx(0.0625+C)]

Figure B-5. Cost worksheet for example 5 (continued)

Appendix C

Partial List of Material and

Equipment Sources

This appendix contains a directory of manufacturers and

representatives who can explain how an agency would obtain
any of the materials used in the SHRP H-106 project.
Addresses and phone numbers are given for national
representatives of the different proprietary materials and
spray-injection devices. Information on obtaining
specifications for other materials is also provided.

All manufacturers should provide material safety data sheets

where applicable. All highway agencies should follow
instructions regarding the safe use of all materials, to ensure
the safety of their workers and the traveling public.

Inclusion of a particular material, piece of equipment, or

supplier in this list does not serve as an endorsement of that
material, piece of equipment, or supplier. Likewise, omission
from this list is not intended to carry negative connotations
for those materials, pieces of equipment, and suppliers. In
cases in which some discrepancy exists as to which patch
type will perform better for a particular agency, side-by-side
testing of all available patch types is encouraged.

C.1 Patching Materials

UPM High Performance Cold Mix

Sylvax Corporation
83 South Bedford Road
Mount Kisco, New York 10549
(516) 753 2525

QPR 2000
US Pro-Tech
7471 Tyler Boulevard
Mentor, Ohio 44060
(800) 263 7511

National Paving and Contracting Company
4200 Menlo Drive
Baltimore, Maryland 21215
(410) 764 7117

HFMS-2 (modified with Styrelf)

Elf Asphalt
Tulsa, Oklahoma
(918) 438 6450

PennDOT 485 and PennDOT 486

IA Construction
P. O. Box 366
Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania 15767
(814) 938 7650

C.2 Patching Equipment

Durapatcher Spray Injection

Duraco Industries
P. O. Box 6127
Jackson, Mississippi 39288-6127
(601) 932 2100

Roadpatcher Spray Injection

Wildcat Manufacturing
P. O. Box 523
Freeman, South Dakota 57029
(605) 925 4512

Asphalite 200 Spray Injection

Rosco Manufacturing Company
1001 S.W. 1st Street
Madison, South Dakota 57042
(605) 256 6942

C.3 Patching Services

RoadPatch Services, Inc.

P. O. Box 191
Mountainhome, Pennsylvania 18342
(800) 468 1108

Pothole-Localized distress in an asphalt-surfaced pavement
resulting from the breakup of the asphalt surface and
possibly the asphalt base course. Pieces of asphalt
pavement created by the action of climate and traffic
on the weakened pavement are then removed under
the action of traffic, leaving a pothole.

Pothole patching-The repair of severe, localized distress in

asphalt-surfaced pavements. This maintenance
activity is generally done by agency responsible for
the roadway, and is intended to be a temporary repair
at best. Pothole patching is not intended to be a
permanent repair. Full-depth reconstruction of the
distressed areas is necessary for a permanent repair in
most instances.

Semi-permanent-Repair technique for potholes in asphalt-

surfaced pavements that includes removing water and
debris from the pothole before placing repair material.
Once the pothole has been cleaned, the edges of the
distress are straightened using a pavement saw, jack
hammer, milling machine, or similar equipment.
After the edges have been straightened and are in
sound pavement, the cold mix is placed. The patch is
compacted using a single-drum vibratory roller or a
vibratory-plate compactor.

Spray injection-Repair technique for potholes in asphalt-

surfaced pavements and spans in PCC-surfaced
pavements that uses a spray-injection device. Spray-
injection devices are capable of spraying heated
emulsion, virgin aggregate, or both into a distress

Throw-and.go-Repair technique for cold-mix patching
materials in which material is shoveled into the
pothole, with no prior preparation of the pothole, until
it is filled; compaction of the patch is left to passing
traffic, while the maintenance crew moves on to the
next distress location.

Throw-and-roll-Repair technique for cold-mix patching

materials in which material is shoveled into the
pothole, with no prior preparation of the pothole, until
it is filled; the material truck tires are used to compact
the patch before the crew moves on to the next
distress location.

1. Smith, K.L., et al. Innovative Materials and Equipment
for Pavement Surface Repairs-Final Report. Volumes I
and II. Report no. SHRP-M/UFR-91-504. SHRP,
National Reserch Council, Washington DC: 1991.

2. Evans, L.D., et al. Materials and Procedures for

Pavement Repairs-Final Report. SHRP, National
Reserch Council, Washington DC. Forthcoming.

3. Anderson, D.A., et al. More Effective Cold, Wet-

Weather Patching Materials for Asphalt Pavements.
Report no. FHWA-RD-88-001. Federal Highway
Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation,
Washington DC: 1988.

4. Tam, K.K. and D.F. Lynch. "New Methods for Testing

Workability and Cohesion of Cold Patching Material.
Bituminous Section, Engineering Materials Office,
Ontario Ministry of Transportation: December 1987.

5. Carpenter, S.H., and T.P. Wilson. "Evaluations of

Improved Cold Mix Binders-Field Operations Plan."
Contract no. DTFH61-90-00021. Federal Highway
Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation,
Washington, DC: October 1991.

Highway Operations Advisory Committee

Dean M. Testa, chairman John P. Zaniewski

Kansas Department of Transportation Arizona State University

Clayton L. Sullivan, vice-chairman Ted Ferragut, liaison

Idaho Transportation Department Federal Highway Administration

Ross B. Dindio Joseph J. Lasek, liaison

Massachusetts Highway Department Federal Highway Administration

Richard L. Hanneman Frank N. Lisle, liaison

The Salt Institute Transportation Research Board

Rita Knorr Byron N. Lord, liaison

American Public Works Association Federal Highway Administration

David A. Kuemmel Mohamed Y. Shahin, liaison

Marquette University U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Magdalena M. Majesky Harry Siedentopf, liaison

Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Federal Aviation Administration

Michael J. Markow Jesse Story, liaison

Cambridge Systematics, lnc. Federal Highway Administration

Gerald M. (Jiggs) Miner Expert Task Group


E.B. Delano
Richard J. Nelson
Nevada Department of Transportation

Peter A. Kopac
Rodney A. Pletan
Federal Highway Administration
Minnesota Department of Transportation
Frank N. Lisle
Michel P. Ray Transportation Research Board
The Worm Bank

Barry D. Martin
Michael M. Ryan Saskatchewan Highways and
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Richard Nicholson
Bo H. Simonsson
QUIKRETE Technical Center
Swedish Road and Traffic Research
Institute Leland Smithson

Leland Smithson Iowa Department of Transportation

Iowa Department of Transportation Arlen T. Swenson

John Deere
Arlen T. Swenson

John Deere A. Haleem Tahir

Anwar E.Z. Wissa American Association of State Highway

and Transportation Officials
Ardaman and Associates, Inc.

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