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Microbial-Induced Calcium Carbonate

Precipitation: from Micro to Macro


Yuze Wang

Department of Engineering

University of Cambridge

This dissertation is submitted for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

Queens’ College September 2018

Yuze Wang

Microbial-Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation: from micro

to macro scale

Microbial-Induced Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) Precipitation (MICP) is a biological process

in which microbial activities alter the surrounding aqueous environment and induce CaCO3
precipitation. Because the formed CaCO3 crystals can bond soil particles and improve the
mechanical properties of soils such as strength, MICP has been explored for potential
engineering applications such as soil stabilisation. However, it has been difficult to control and
predict the properties of CaCO3 precipitates, thus making it very challenging to achieve
homogeneous MICP-treated soils with the desired mechanical properties. This PhD study
investigates MICP at both micro and macro scales to improve the micro-scale understandings
of MICP which can be applied at the macro-scale for improving the homogeneity and
mechanical properties of MICP-treated sand.

A microfluidic chip which models a sandy soil matrix was designed and fabricated to
investigate the micro-scale fundamentals of MICP. The first important finding was that, during
MICP processes, phase transformation of CaCO3 can occur, which results in smaller and less
stable CaCO3 crystals dissolving at the expense of growth of larger and more stable CaCO3
crystals. In addition, it was found that bacteria can aggregate after being mixed with
cementation solution, and both bacterial density and the concentration of cementation solution
affect the size of aggregates, which may consequently affect the transport and distribution of
bacteria in a soil matrix. Furthermore, bacterial density was found to have a profound effect on
both the growth kinetics and characteristics of CaCO3. A higher bacterial density resulted in a
quicker formation of a larger amount of smaller crystals, whereas a lower bacterial density
resulted in a slower formation of fewer but larger crystals.

Based on the findings from micro-scale experiments, upscaling experiments were conducted
on sandy soils to investigate the effect of injection interval on the strength of MICP treated
soils and the effects of bacterial density and concentration of cementation solution on the
uniformity of MICP treated soils. Increasing the interval between injections of cementation
solution (from 4 h to 24 h) increased the average size of CaCO3 crystals and the resulting
strength of MICP-treated sand. An optimised combination of bacterial density and cementation
solution concentration resulted in a relative homogeneous distribution of CaCO3 content and
suitable strength and stiffness of MICP-treated sand.

This thesis study revealed that a microfluidic chip is a very useful tool to investigate the micro-
scale fundamentals of MICP including the behaviour of bacteria and the process of CaCO3
precipitation. The optimised MICP protocols will be useful for improving the engineering
performance of MICP-treated sandy soils such as uniformity and strength.

I hereby declare that this dissertation is the result of my own work and includes nothing which
is the outcome of work done in collaboration except as declared in the Preface and specified in
the text.

I also declare that it is not substantially the same as any that I have submitted, or, is being
concurrently submitted for a degree or diploma or other qualification at the University of
Cambridge or any other University or similar institution except as declared in the Preface and
specified in the text. I further state that no substantial part of my dissertation has already been
submitted, or, is being concurrently submitted for any such degree, diploma or other
qualification at the University of Cambridge or any other University or similar institution
except as declared in the Preface and specified in the text.

I confirm that this dissertation contains less than 65,000 words including appendices,
bibliography, footnotes, tables and equations and has less than 150 figures, as required by the
Engineering Degree Committee.

Yuze Wang

September 2018

First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisors Professor
Kenichi Soga and Dr Alexandre Kabla for supervising this PhD project and for providing me
with help, support, advice and motivation throughout the course my PhD. Professor Kenichi
Soga has been an inspiring role model not only in his profound knowledge and admirable
work, but also in the way that he works with his students. Even after he moved to Berkeley in
the US, he continued constantly supporting my research in every way possible. Dr Alexandre
Kabla was my PhD advisor during my first two years and became my primary supervisor after
Professor Kenichi Soga moved to Berkeley. He is an expert in microfluidics and gave me a
lot of useful advice at the start of my PhD. He also greatly supported me as a supervisor during
the final year of my PhD. I really consider myself privileged to have worked with them. I have
learned a lot from them, and for this, I am most grateful.

I would also like to deliver my special thanks to Professor Jason DeJong of the University of
California at Davis for the chance to work with him during the second year my PhD during
his visit to Cambridge. Professor Jason DeJong is an expert in MICP and has a lot of
experience in it. He gave me many useful suggestions for my research, and I feel that his visit
greatly influenced my research. In addition, I would also like to thank Prof Douglas C. Nelson
for giving lots of suggestions regarding my research whilst I was vising UC Davis in
December 2017.

My special thanks also go to all of the other people who have been providing me with a lot of
help with my research over the years of my PhD. I would like to thank Dr Ningjun Jiang and
Dr Osama Dawoud for helping me a lot at the start of my PhD; Mr Charalampos Konstantinou
and Mr Christopher Wilkes for helping me with my soil experiments whenever I needed help;
Professor Tuomas Knowles for granting access to his laboratory in the Chemistry Department,
University of Cambridge; Dr Thierry Savin and Dr Jerome Charmet for teaching me how to
fabricate a microfluidic chip; Dr Giovanna Biscontin, Dr Xiaomin Xu, Dr Fei Jin and Dr Livia
Ribeiro de Souza for giving me advice on my research; Dr Xiang Sun for teaching me how to
use COMSOL to simulate fluid transport; Prof Toshiro Hata, Dr Chaosheng Tang, Dr
Kazuyuki Hayashi and Mr Tsubasa Sasaki for discussing MICP techniques; Prof Gopal
Santana Phani Madabhushi for his feedback on my first year report and Prof Malcolm Bolton
for his insightful suggestions during seminars.

I would also like to deliver my thanks to my officemates and friends at GRO, colleagues in
the Geotechnical group and lab mates in the biolabs. They provided a pleasant working
environment and spending the spare time with them is always enjoyable.

My appreciation also goes to my college tutor Dr Laurence Tiley for his support over the past
few years. I would like to thank laboratory technicians Mr Chris Knight, Mr Alex Casabuena-
Rodriguez, Mr Len Howlett, administrative staff Mrs Jennifer Fusiello, and IT officer Mr Tim
Ablett for being friendly, professional and supportive. I would also like to thank my examiners
for their time looking through my thesis and my viva.

I am also extremely grateful to the Chinese Scholarship Council and Cambridge Trust
Scholarship Council for funding my PhD in Cambridge; Cambridge Philosophical Society
and Great Britain-China Centre for financially supporting me during the last five months of
my research; Cambridge Philosophical Society, Cambridge Trust Scholarship Council,
Queens’ College Cambridge and the Engineering Department for providing me with financial
support to attend conferences.

Last but certainly not least, I would like to express all my love and gratitude to my parents,
my boyfriend, my aunts and cousin for giving me endless love, support and encouragement
throughout every stage of this PhD.
Table of Contents

List of Figures ....................................................................................................... i

List of Tables ......................................................................................................ix

List of Abbreviations .........................................................................................xi

Introduction ................................................................................... 1
1.1 Research background ............................................................................................... 1
Bio-considerations in the field of geotechnical engineering................................ 1
Microbial-Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) ............................. 2

1.2 Research challenges................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Research objectives ................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Structure of the thesis ............................................................................................... 4

Literature review .......................................................................... 7

2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Process and kinetics of ureolysis and carbonate precipitation ........................... 10

Kinetics of ureolysis .......................................................................................... 10 Influence of urea concentration on ureolysis rate .......................................... 11 Reported density and activity of S. pasteurii and their influence on ureolysis
rate ........................................................................................................................ 13 Influence of other factors (Ca2+ concentration, temperature, pH and oxygen
concentration) on ureolysis rate ................................................................................... 18
Process and kinetics of CaCO3 precipitation ..................................................... 20 Crystal nucleation and nucleation rate ........................................................... 20 Crystal growth and growth rate ...................................................................... 23 Polymorphs and phase transformations ......................................................... 25

2.3 Micro-scale study of MICP..................................................................................... 27

Properties of Sporosarcina pasteurii ................................................................. 28 Bacterial growth ............................................................................................. 28 Morphology of Sporosarcina pasteurii .......................................................... 28 Movement of Sporosarcina pasteurii in liquid .............................................. 29 Attachment to and detachment from a solid surface ...................................... 29 Aggregation of Sporosarcina pasteurii .......................................................... 31
Properties of CaCO3 precipitates formed during MICP .................................... 31 Shapes and types of CaCO3 crystals formed during MICP ............................ 32 Size and number of CaCO3 crystals formed during MICP ............................. 34 Spatial distribution of CaCO3 crystal formed during MICP........................... 37
Micro-scale ureolysis-driven MICP processes and microfluidics ..................... 38 Current understanding of ureolysis-driven MICP processes at the micro-scale
........................................................................................................................ 38 Microfluidics as a potential useful way to study MICP processes at the micro-
scale ........................................................................................................................ 40

2.4 Macro-scale study of MICP .................................................................................... 41

Homogeneity of MICP ....................................................................................... 41 Effects of injection protocols on treatment homogeneity .............................. 41 Effects of bacterial distribution on homogeneity ........................................... 42 Effects of flow rate and CaCO3 precipitation rate on treatment homogeneity...
........................................................................................................................ 42 Effects of cementation solution concentration on treatment homogeneity .... 43
Strength of MICP-treated sandy soils ................................................................ 43 Effects of CaCO3 content on the strength of MICP-treated soils ................... 44 Effects of sand gradation on the strength of MICP-treated soils ................... 45 Effects of bacterial number/activity and temperature on the strength of MICP-
treated soils .................................................................................................................. 46
Chemical efficiency and performance efficiency of MICP ............................... 47 Chemical efficiency of MICP ........................................................................ 47 Performance efficiency of MICP ................................................................... 48

Materials and Methods ............................................................... 49

3.1 Bacteria and chemicals ........................................................................................... 49
Bacterial strain and cultivation .......................................................................... 49
Bacterial density measurement .......................................................................... 50
Bacterial activity measurement .......................................................................... 51
Cementation solution ......................................................................................... 51

3.2 Liquid batch test to assess ureolysis kinetics ........................................................ 51

3.3 Micro-scale experimental setup ............................................................................. 52

Microscope slide experiments............................................................................ 52
Microfluidic chip experiments ........................................................................... 53
Micro-scale visualization and image quantification .......................................... 54

3.4 Macro-scale experimental setup and materials .................................................... 55

Sand.................................................................................................................... 55
Small soil column experiments .......................................................................... 55
1.2-meter column experiments........................................................................... 57
Flow rate measurement ...................................................................................... 58
Unconfined compression strength (UCS) test.................................................... 58
Assessment of CaCO3 content ........................................................................... 59
Micro-scale properties of CaCO3 crystals in MICP-treated sandy soils assessed
by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) ....................................................................... 60

A microfluidic chip and its feasibility for characterising micro-

scale properties of MICP .................................................................................. 61
4.1 Research aims .......................................................................................................... 61

4.2 Design of a mask for fabricating microfluidic chips ............................................ 62

4.3 Fabrication of microfluidic chips ........................................................................... 64

4.4 MICP microfluidic experiment .............................................................................. 65

4.5 Observations of bacteria and calcium carbonate crystals during MICP processes
................................................................................................................................... 68
Observations during bacterial injection ............................................................. 68
Observations during bacterial settling ............................................................... 71
Observations during the injection of cementation solution ............................... 73
Formation of cementation with time .................................................................. 77

4.6 Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 83

Micro-scale visualisation of MICP processes ........................... 85

5.1 Research aims .......................................................................................................... 85

5.2 Experimental design and procedures .................................................................... 87

MICP processes which occur after mixing bacterial suspension with cementation
solution ............................................................................................................................ 87
MICP processes occurring after the first and second injections of cementation
solution ............................................................................................................................ 88

5.3 MICP processes in the mixtures of bacterial suspension and cementation solution
................................................................................................................................... 89
Bacterial aggregation ......................................................................................... 89
Overview of the MICP process after mixing bacterial suspension with
cementation solution ........................................................................................................ 90
Precipitation and dissolution of irregular shaped CaCO3 precipitates ............... 93
Dissolution of irregularly-shaped CaCO3 and re-precipitation of CaCO3 crystals
............................................................................................................................ 96

5.4 MICP processes occurring in a porous medium during a staged injection

procedure .......................................................................................................................... 100
MICP processes after the first injection of cementation solution .................... 101
MICP processes after the second injection of cementation solution ............... 104

5.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 105

Effects of bacterial density on growth kinetics and

characteristics of microbial-induced calcium carbonate crystals .............. 107
6.1 Research aims ........................................................................................................ 107

6.2 Experimental protocols ......................................................................................... 109

6.3 Results and discussion........................................................................................... 110

Bacterial quantification .................................................................................... 110
Effect of bacterial density on the kinetics of ureolysis .................................... 113
Effect of bacterial density on overall precipitation kinetics ............................ 114
Effect of bacterial density on growth kinetics of individual calcium carbonate
crystals .......................................................................................................................... 117
Effect of bacterial density on crystal dissolution ............................................. 122
Effect of bacterial density on crystal number .................................................. 129
Effect of bacterial density on crystal morphology ........................................... 131

6.4 Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 134

Enhancing strength of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro

to macro ..................................................................................................... 137
7.1 Research aims ........................................................................................................ 137

7.2 Experimental procedures ..................................................................................... 138

Micro-scale MICP experiments ....................................................................... 138
Macro-scale MICP experiments ...................................................................... 139

7.3 Results of micro-scale experiments ...................................................................... 140

Short injection interval (4 h) experiment ......................................................... 140
Long injection interval (24 hr) experiment ...................................................... 144
Effect of higher concentrations of cementation solution (0.5 M and 1.0 M)... 149

7.4 Results of macro-scale experiments ..................................................................... 150

Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) ........................................................ 151
Chemical efficiency ......................................................................................... 153
Relationship between CaCO3 content and unconfined compressive strength . 155
Performance efficiency .................................................................................... 156
Micro-scale properties of CaCO3 crystals observed by SEM .......................... 158

7.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 160

Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from

micro to macro ................................................................................................ 163
8.1 Research aims ........................................................................................................ 163

8.2 Experimental procedures ..................................................................................... 164

Micro-scale MICP experiments ....................................................................... 164
Macro-scale MICP experiments ...................................................................... 165

8.3 Results and discussion........................................................................................... 166

Bacterial aggregates ......................................................................................... 166
Injection flow rate ............................................................................................ 168
Distribution of CaCO3 content and transformation efficiency ........................ 170
Distribution of strength and stiffness obtained from UCS tests ...................... 175
Effects of CaCO3 content on the mechanical performance of MICP-treated soils
.......................................................................................................................... 179
CaCO3 crystal properties and the relationship between micro-scale and macro-
scale properties .............................................................................................................. 184

8.4 Implications for engineering applications ........................................................... 189

8.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 190

General conclusions and recommendations for further work ...

..................................................................................................... 193
9.1 Summary of findings and implications ............................................................... 193
A microfluidic chip is a useful tool to study the micro-scale mechanisms of MICP
.......................................................................................................................... 194
Phase transformation of CaCO3 during MICP processes ................................ 194
Aggregation of S. pasteurii during MICP processes ....................................... 195
Bacterial density affects the kinetics of CaCO3 crystal growth and the
characteristics of CaCO3 formed during MICP ............................................................. 195
Strength of MICP-treated sand can be enhanced by increasing the intervals
between cementation solution injections ....................................................................... 196
Homogeneity of MICP-treated sand can be improved by optimising bacterial
density and the concentration of cementation solution .................................................. 197
Implications for practice .................................................................................. 198

9.2 Recommendations for further work .................................................................... 199

References .................................................................................................... 203


List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Overview of bio-mediated soil improvement systems (DeJong et al., 2010).......... 2
Figure 1.2 Schematic of the thesis structure ............................................................................. 6
Figure 2.1 Michaelis-Menten curve for ureolysis showing the relationship between the urea
concentration (Curea) and ureolysis rate (ru). Km represents the urea concentration at
which the initial reaction rate is half maximal (1/2Vmax) ...................................... 12
Figure 2.2 Schematic showing how the optical density (OD) of a culture is measured using a
spectrophotometer (Widdel, 2007) ....................................................................... 14
Figure 2.3 Bacterial activity and density reported for ureolysis-driven MICP: (a) activity; (b)
density ................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 2.4 Increase in ureolysis rate with the increase in the density of S. pasteurii at urea
concentration of 330 mM (Lauchnor et al., 2015) ................................................ 18
Figure 2.5 Influence of temperature on urease activity of S. pasteurii (van Paassen, 2009) .. 19
Figure 2.6 The correlation between the nucleation rate of calcite and the supersaturation ratio,
S, in a pure solution (solid lines, γ = 0.098 J m-2 by Söhnel and Mullin, 1982) and
in the presence of a substrate (dashed lines, γ = 0.029 J m-2 by Dalas et al. 1988).
Thick lines are for T = 283 K and thin lines for T = 298 K (summarized by van
Paassen 2009) ........................................................................................................ 22
Figure 2.7 Correlation between dr/dt and [Ca2+]×[CO32-] for calcite and vaterite, based on
Equation 2.7. k values of vaterite and calcite are 0.56 nm/s and 0.014 nm/s,
respectively (Kralj et al., 1990 and 1997), Ksp values of vaterite and calcite are 10-
and 10-8.48 M2, respectively (Plummer and Busenberg, 1982; Brečevic and
Nielsen, 1990). ...................................................................................................... 24
Figure 2.8 Polymorphs of CaCO3. (a) Amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) (Rodriguez-
Blanco et al., 2011); (b) calcite (Chu et al., 2013); (c) vaterite (Chu et al., 2013);
(d) aragonite (Zhou et al., 2004) ........................................................................... 25
Figure 2.9 Phase transformation of CaCO3 crystallisation pathways reported in literature. (a)
transformation from vaterite to calcite (Wei et al., 2003); (b) transformation from
ACC to vaterite and calcite (Kawano et al., 2002); (c) transformation from ACC to
vaterite and then to calcite (Rodriguez-Blanco et al., 2011) ................................. 27
Figure 2.10 S. pasteurii cells with different sizes (Fujita et al., 2000; Bang et al, 2001; Warren
et al., 2001; Bang et al., 2010; Keykha et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2018) .............. 29
Figure 2.11 Two mechanisms through which bacteria can adhere to a solid substrate. (a)
Flagella, pili, and adhesive substances are useful for attachment of individual
bacterial cells to surfaces. (b) Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) aid in
maintaining the integrity of community structures composed of multiple cells
(Persat et al., 2015) ............................................................................................... 30
Figure 2.12 The forces on bacteria. A cell attaching to a surface is subject to a local adhesive
force (F) in the direction normal to the surface; Shear stresses due to fluid flow
generate a force (F) on the cell that is parallel to the surface (Persat et al., 2015)30
Figure 2.13 Microbial floc formed by mixing S. pasteurii with CaCl2 solution (El Mountassir
et al., 2014)............................................................................................................ 31
Figure 2.14 Relative abundance of vaterite as a function of bacterial activity (van Paassen,
2009) ..................................................................................................................... 33

Figure 2.15 Representative SEM images of spherical vaterite crystals (a) or rhomboidal calcite
crystals (b) in a MICP-treated sand specimen. Vaterite crystals preferentially
formed when the bacterial activity was high (a), whereas rhomboidal calcite
crystals formed when the bacterial activity was low (b) (Al Qabany, 2011) ....... 34
Figure 2.16 Representative SEM images of CaCO3 crystals observed in MICP-treated sandy
soils after injecting cementation solution with a concentration and injection interval
between cementation soluion injection. (a) 0.25 M and 6 h; (b) 0.5 M and 12 h; (c)
1 M and 24 h (Al Qabany et al., 2012) ................................................................. 35
Figure 2.17 CaCO3 crystals observed in MICP-treated sandy soils with different bacterial
activities: 50 U/mL (a) and 5 U/mL (b) (Cheng et al., 2017) ............................... 36
Figure 2.18 SEM images of CaCO3 crystals observed in MICP-treated sandy soils when MICP
treatment was performed at 4°C (a), 25°C (b) or 50°C (c) (Cheng et al., 2017) .. 37
Figure 2.19 Illustration of calcite distribution alternatives within pore space (DeJong et al.,
2010) ..................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 2.20 Relationship between hydraulic conductivity and precipitated CaCO3 content. The
concentration of cementation solution used in the studies are listed in the legend
[unit: M (mol/L)] ................................................................................................... 44
Figure 2.21 Correlation between UCS and precipitated CaCO3 content (CaCO3 content is
based on the total weight of soil and CaCO3 in the CaCO3 range of 0-32%. The
correlation between UCS and precipitated CaCO3 content in the CaCO3 content
range of 0-10% is also shown in the figure. .......................................................... 45
Figure 2.22 CaCO3 content and models as a function of the grain size. Pictures correspond to
each data point (Rebata-Landa, 2007) .................................................................. 46
Figure 3.1 Photo of the spectrophotometer for bacterial optical density measurement .......... 50
Figure 3.2 Schematic of a setup for ureolysis kinetics experiments. Three parallel samples
were prepared for each experimental condition; flasks containing mixtures of
bacterial suspension and cementation solution were placed on a shaker placed at
room temperature, constantly shaking at a shaking speed of 100 rpm; at designed
time points, the electronic conductivities of the mixtures were measured for the
calculation of ureolysis rates ................................................................................. 52
Figure 3.3 Schematic of the setup used for the microscope slide experiments ...................... 53
Figure 3.4 Schematic of the microfluidic chip experiments ................................................... 54
Figure 3.5 Schematic of setup for small soil experiments ...................................................... 56
Figure 3.6 Schematic of setup for long column experiment. .................................................. 57
Figure 3.7 Calcium carbonate measurement chamber and measurement procedure. (a) Placing
dry MICP-treated sand into the chamber; (b) placing HCl into the chamber; (c)
close the chamber; (d) mixing sand with HCl; (e) pressure reading and CaCO3
calculation by the correlation between pressure and CaCO3 content (Dawoud 2015)
............................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 4.1 (a) Cross-sectional image of a solidified and sectioned 3-D Ottawa 30-50 sandy soil
specimen by Yang (2015); (b) magnified image of top-left square in image; (c)
AutoCAD image of the modified image of the image shown in (b). (d) Microscope
image of a printed mask for making the microfluidic chip ................................... 63
Figure 4.2 Schematic illustrating main steps of microfluidic chip fabrication ....................... 65
Figure 4.3 Photo of a fabricated silicon wafer master containing two microfluidic models. The
wafer is 7.62 cm in diameter. ................................................................................ 65

Figure 4.4 Observations during the bacterial injection: (a) images taken at the left, middle and
right of the porous medium to enable counting of bacteria; (b) time series images
of squares A, C and E in (a) taken at intermediate stages of 0.25 PV during the
injection of 1.5 PV of bacterial suspension........................................................... 69
Figure 4.5 Number of bacteria counted at different time points during the bacterial injection,
with each data point representing the mean number of bacteria present in two
counting areas (A and B for the left image, C and D for the middle image, E and F
for the right image in Figure 4.4a). Error bars correspond to standard errors. ..... 70
Figure 4.6 Observations during bacterial settling: (a) optical microscope images of bacteria in
three pores of the microfluidic chip during bacterial settling at t0, t0 + 2 h and t0 +
4 h after the bacterial injection. t0 was about 10 minutes after the completion of the
bacterial injection; (b) bacteria counted during bacterial settling, with each data
point representing the average value of the three counting areas and error bars
corresponding to standard errors ........................................................................... 73
Figure 4.7 (a) Optical microscope images of bacteria inside three pores at the left (first row),
middle (second row) and right (third row) of the microfluidic chip during the
injection of 1.25 PV of cementation solution; (b) bacterial numbers during the
injection of 1.25 PV of cementation solution, with each data point representing the
average value of the three counting areas and error bars corresponding to standard
errors ..................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 4.8 (a) Optical microscope images of bacteria taken during the injection of cementation
solution (CS). From left to right, images were taken after bacterial settling for 4.5
hours (before the 1st CS injection), after the first CS injection, after the third CS
injection, and after the twelfth CS injection; (b) Number of bacteria present after
bacterial settling after the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 12th injections of cementation
solution, with each data point representing the average value of the three counting
areas and error bars corresponding to standard errors .......................................... 76
Figure 4.9 Time series microscope images taken from the start of the first until the sixth PV
injection of cementation solution: bacterial aggregation and nucleation appear at a
narrow pore throat (first row); crystals grow next to the side wall (second row); and
a crystal growing out from the bottom of the inner surface of the microfluidic chip
(third row) ............................................................................................................. 78
Figure 4.10 Image of the whole porous medium captured at the end of the final (20th) injection
of cementation solution and six magnified images of pores A-F ......................... 79
Figure 4.11 Images of pores A to F captured after the completion of the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and
20th injections ........................................................................................................ 80
Figure 4.12 Quantification of the sizes of the five CaCO3 crystals at position A in Figure 4.11
at the completion of the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th injections ............................... 81
Figure 4.13 Ratios of the total area occupied by the crystals to the total area of pores in the
narrow and open pores at the completion of the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th injections,
with each data point representing the average value of the three counting areas and
error bars corresponding to standard errors .......................................................... 82
Figure 5.1 Optical microscope images of (a) a bacterial suspension (OD600 = 1.0), in which
bacteria did not aggregate; (b) a bacterial aggregate observed after mixing bacterial
suspension (OD600 = 1.0) with cementation solution (1 M). All images were taken
immediately after the completion of the sample preparation, which took about 2
mins. ...................................................................................................................... 90

Figure 5.2 Time-lapse microscope images of microscope glass slides containing the mixture
of bacterial suspension and cementation solution. (a) at 0 min bacterial aggregates
(BAs) and irregular-shaped precipitates (ISP) formed; (b) by 30 mins more ISPs
formed; (c) at 50 mins, crystal A formed (shown by the arrow) and ISPs became
lighter compared with image b; (d) Crystal A became larger compared with image
c and ISPs surrounding Crystal A dissolved; (e) at 1 h 5 min, new crystals formed
(shown by arrows), crystal A continued growing and ISPs surrounding Crystal A
continued dissolving; (f-h) circular zones where ISPs dissolved became larger with
time as shown by the arrows; (i) undissolved ISPs (arrow); (j-l) only regular-shaped
crystals remained after 2 hours. ............................................................................ 92
Figure 5.3 Microscope images showing the precipitation of irregular-shaped CaCO3 crystals
and the fixation of bacterial cells during the precipitation process. (a) at 0 min,
bacterial aggregates (BAs) and irregular-shaped precipitates (ISP) formed; (b and
c) ISPs formed on bacterial aggregates; (d and e) three bacterial cells shown by
arrows; (f) at 50 mins, ISPs grew on the bacterial cells shown by the bottom two
arrows but did not form on the bacterial cell shown by the top arrow ................. 94
Figure 5.4 The dissolution of an irregular-shaped precipitate and the movement of bacterial
cells after the dissolution. Bacterial aggregate (BA); Irregular-shaped precipitate
(ISP) ...................................................................................................................... 96
Figure 5.5 Microscope images showing the dissolution of spherical CaCO3 crystals while
rhombohedral CaCO3 crystals continued to be stable. (a-c) growth of irregular-
shaped CaCO3 precipitates; (c-h) spherical CaCO3 crystals and rhombohedral
CaCO3 crystals grow at the expense of the dissolution of irregular-shaped CaCO3
precipitates; (i-p) rhombohedral CaCO3 crystals stay stable, whereas spherical
CaCO3 crystals dissolved ...................................................................................... 97
Figure 5.6 Microscope images showing the growth and dissolution of a spherical CaCO3
crystal. (a-c) events preceding the formation of the crystal; (d-g) crystal growth
phase; (h-p), dissolution of the crystal.................................................................. 99
Figure 5.7 Microscope images showing growth of a rhombohedral CaCO3 crystal. (a-c) events
preceding the formation of the crystal; (d-l) crystal formation and growth. ...... 100
Figure 5.8 Microscope images of a pore in the middle of the microfluidic chip taken
immediately after the injection of a bacterial suspension with an OD600 of 1.0 (a)
and 24 hours after allowing the bacteria to settle (b).......................................... 101
Figure 5.9 Microscope images of five pores in the microfluidic chip at 0, 1, 3 and 24 hours
after the first injection of cementation solution .................................................. 103
Figure 5.10 Microscope images of pore V in the microfluidic chip at 0, 1, 3 and 24 hours after
the second injection of cementation solution ...................................................... 104
Figure 6.1 (a) Microscope images of one pore at the centre of the microfluidic chip taken ten
mins after bacterial injection (first row), after two hours of settling (second row)
and after the first injection of cementation solution (third row); (b) correlations
between the initial OD600 of the bacterial suspensions and bacterial density at ten
mins after bacterial injection (black squares), after settling (red circles) and after
the first injection of cementation solution (blue triangles). Data are presented as
mean ± standard error, and each measurement was repeated three times. .......... 112
Figure 6.2 Ureolysis rate and specific ureolysis rate plotted against bacterial density ........ 113
Figure 6.3 (a) Microscope images at the centre of the microfluidic chip taken 0.5, 1, 3 and 24
hours after the first injection of cementation solution, the bacterial densities were

0.5 × 10 8 cells/ml, 2.0 × 108 cells/ml and 5.2× 10 8 cells/ml in the first row, second
row and third row, respectively; (b) the mean intensity value of the pictures vs.
time; (c) mean intensity values of the images normalised to the highest mean
intensity of the images vs. time; white dots in (a) represent the CaCO3 crystals
............................................................................................................................. 115
Figure 6.4 Microscope images of three protocols captured at 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 hours after the
first injection of cementation solution. The bacterial densities in the protocols were
0.5×108 cells per ml (a), 2.0×108 cells per ml (b), and 5.2 ×108 cells per ml (c) 118
Figure 6.5 Average crystal volume vs time .......................................................................... 119
Figure 6.6 Microscope images of three protocols captured at 2 h, 6 h, 15 h and 24 h after the
first injection of cementation solution. The bacterial densities in the protocols were
0.5×10 8 cells per ml (a), 2.0×10 8 cells per ml (b), and 5.2 ×10 8 cells per ml (c)
............................................................................................................................. 120
Figure 6.7 Scatter plot of average crystal size vs time.......................................................... 121
Figure 6.8 Microscope images captured at 3 h, 6 h, 12 h and 24 h after the first injection of
cementation solution in the three protocols in which the bacterial densities used
were 0.5×108 cells per ml (a), 2.0×108 cells per ml (b), or 5.2 ×108 cells per ml (c)
............................................................................................................................. 123
Figure 6.9 Scheme illustrating the precipitation-dissolution and phase transformation,
assuming the concentration of Ca2+ is constantly 1.0 M..................................... 124
Figure 6.10 Microscope images captured at 0 h, 3 h, 6 h, 12 h and 24 h after the second injection
of cementation solution in protocols involving bacterial densities of 0.5×108 cells
per ml (a), 2.0×10 8 cells per ml (b), or 5.2 ×10 8 cells per ml (c) ..................... 127
Figure 6.11 Microscope images during three protocols captured after the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th
injections of cementation solution. The bacterial densities in the protocols were (a)
0.5×108 cells per ml (first row), (b) 2.0×108 cells per ml (second row), and (c) 5.2
×108 cells per ml (third row) ............................................................................... 129
Figure 6.12 Scatter plot showing the change in the concentration of CaCO3 crystals with time
............................................................................................................................. 130
Figure 6.13 Bacterial aggregates formed after the first injection of cementation solution (a);
crystal aggregates formed 24 hours after the 12th injection of cementation solution
(b). ....................................................................................................................... 132
Figure 6.14 Magnified images of the squares in Figure 6.13 taken at (a) 0 min, 10 min, 20 min,
1 hr, 1 day after the 1st injection of cementation; (b) at 24 hours after the 2nd, 3rd,
5th and 7th injections of cementation solution ..................................................... 133
Figure 7.1 Microscope images of the centre pore of microfluidic chip No.1 (4 h injection
interval) at the completion of the retention period of all the 12 injections of
cementation solution ........................................................................................... 141
Figure 7.2 Increase in volume of three crystals with injection; the average volume of the three
crystals was also plotted with time, and data presented as mean ± standard error
............................................................................................................................. 142
Figure 7.3 Microscope images of microfluidic chip No. 1-3 (4 h injection interval) at the
completion of the retention period of the final injection of cementation solution.
(a) images of the centre 2 mm by 2 mm squares; (b) magnified images of pores at
the centre of the images marked by black squares in (a) .................................... 143
Figure 7.4 Microscope images of the centre pore of sample 1 (24 h injection interval) at the
completion of the retention period of each injection of cementation solution.... 145

Figure 7.5 Crystal sizes after each injection of cementation solution; the average volume of
the three crystals was also plotted with time, and data presented as mean ± standard
error ..................................................................................................................... 146
Figure 7.6 Microscope images of microfluidic chip No. 4-6 (24 h injection interval) at the
completion of the retention period of the final injection of cementation solution.
(a) images of the centre 2 mm by 2 mm squares; (b) magnified images of the pores
marked by black squares in (a) ........................................................................... 147
Figure 7.7 Microscope images of microfluidic chip No. 4 (24 h injection interval) at 0, 4, and
24 h after the second (a) and third (b) injection of cementation solution. .......... 148
Figure 7.8 Microscope images of 250 µm by 250 µm square at the centre of microfluidic chip
No. 7 at 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours after the completion of the second injection of
cementation solution ........................................................................................... 149
Figure 7.9 Microscope images of 250 µm by 250 µm square at the centre of microfluidic chip
No. 8 taken at 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours after the completion of the first injection of
cementation solution ........................................................................................... 150
Figure 7.10 Exemplary photos of samples in the six macro-scale MICP experiments ........ 151
Figure 7.11 (a) a photo of an MICP-treated specimen in a UCS test; (b) a photo of the sample
after being broken during the UCS test ............................................................... 152
Figure 7.12 Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) values of MICP-treated sand samples.
Data presented as mean ± standard error, n=3 (n is the number of times each
treatment condition and the relative measurement was repeated) ...................... 153
Figure 7.13 Chemical efficiencies of the MICP-treated sand samples. Data presented as mean
± standard error, n=3 (n is the number of times each treatment condition and the
relative measurement was repeated) ................................................................... 155
Figure 7.14 CaCO3 content vs UCS (comparison with the results of Al Qabany and Soga,
2013) ................................................................................................................... 156
Figure 7.15 Performance efficiency of MICP-treated sand samples. Performance efficiency
was obtained by dividing the UCS values by the CaCO3 contents. Data presented
as mean ± standard error, n=3 (n is the number of times each treatment condition
and the relative measurement was repeated)....................................................... 157
Figure 7.16 SEM images of CaCO3 crystals inside MICP-treated sand samples after MICP
treatments. a. 0.25 M-6 day treatment, CaCO3 content is 6.1 %; b. 0.50 M- 6 day
treatment, CaCO3 content is 7.0 %; c. 1.00 M-6 day treatment, CaCO3 content is
7.0 %; d. 0.25 M-12 day treatment, CaCO3 content is 6.6 %; e. 0.50 M-12 day
treatment, CaCO3 content is 7.0 %; f. 1.00 M-12 day treatment, CaCO3 content is
5.8 % ................................................................................................................... 159
Figure 7.17 Proposed schematic of inefficient (a) and efficient (b) CaCO3-mediated bonding
of soil particles .................................................................................................... 160
Figure 8.1 Microscope images of the mixtures of bacterial suspension and cementation
solution with various optical densities and concentrations ................................. 167
Figure 8.2 Quantification of sizes of bacterial aggregates in Figure 8.1. (a) and (b), depict the
relationship between the size of bacterial aggregates and the concentration of
cementation solution when the OD600 of bacterial suspension was 1.0. (c) and (d)
depict the effect of the optical density of bacterial suspension on the size of
bacterial aggregates formed when the concentration of cementation solution was
1.0 M ................................................................................................................... 168

Figure 8.3 Relationship between average flow rate and injection number of cementation
solution ................................................................................................................ 169
Figure 8.4 Cemented samples after extraction from rigid columns. From left to right the
column numbers are 1 to 6 .................................................................................. 170
Figure 8.5 Distribution of CaCO3 content along 1 metre-long columns of MICP-treated sandy
soil ....................................................................................................................... 172
Figure 8.6 Box plots of CaCO3 content and transformation efficiency. The square dot inside
the box is the mean value; the line inside the box is the median value; the other
lines are the lower quartile (25th percentile) and upper quartile (75th percentile); the
height of the box (difference between the lower and upper quartile) being referred
to as the interquartile range (IQR) ...................................................................... 173
Figure 8.7 Bacterial aggregates in the outflow of Column 4. (a) the outflow tube and outflow
container; (b) magnified image of the square shown in (a) ................................ 174
Figure 8.8 (a) Photo showing a typical tensile failure pattern during a UCS test; (b) Typical
stress-strain curve of an unconfined compressive strength test. The elastic Young’s
modulus are derived from the slope of the tangent to the stress-strain curve at 50%
of the maximum stress value reached ................................................................. 176
Figure 8.9 (a) Distribution of unconfined compressive strength (UCS) values along the length
of each of the six soil columns; (b) box plots of UCS values of each sample .... 177
Figure 8.10 (a) distributions of elastic modulus; (b) box plot of elastic modulus ................ 178
Figure 8.11 (a) UCS vs CaCO3 Content; (b) CaCO3 content vs rigidity (elastic modulus / UCS)
............................................................................................................................. 181
Figure 8.12 (a) CaCO3 content vs performance efficiency; (b) box plots of performance
efficiency............................................................................................................. 183
Figure 8.13 SEM images of samples obtained in the six columns at around top, middle and
bottom along their length .................................................................................... 185
Figure 8.14 Box plots of crystals size. Data were obtained from nine images taken at top,
middle and bottom of each of the columns ......................................................... 186
Figure 8.15 Effect of CaCO3 crystals on the mechanical properties of MICP-treated sand,
Column 2 ............................................................................................................. 187
Figure 8.16 Effect of CaCO3 crystals on the mechanical properties of MICP-treated sand,
Column 3 ............................................................................................................. 188
Figure 8.17 Effect of CaCO3 crystals on the mechanical properties of MICP-treated sand,
Column 4 ............................................................................................................. 189

List of Tables
Table 2.1 Bacterial density, activity, cultivation and storage reported for ureolysis-driven
MICP ..................................................................................................................... 16
Table 2.2 Summary of CaCO3 properties in MICP-treated samples....................................... 32
Table 3.1 Chemical analysis of silica sand (%), provided by SIBELCO................................ 55
Table 4.1 Bacterial properties of the experiments................................................................... 67
Table 4.2 Chemical properties of the experiments .................................................................. 67
Table 6.1 Summary of bacterial, chemical and injection parameters associated with the
microfluidic chip experiments ............................................................................ 110
Table 6.2 Summary of the changes in bacterial density during MICP treatment and associated
overall precipitation times ................................................................................... 117
Table 7.1 Parameters of microfluidic chip experiments ....................................................... 139
Table 7.2 Parameters of macro-scale experiments ................................................................ 140
Table 8.1 Parameters of macro-scale MICP experiments ..................................................... 166

List of Abbreviations
°C Degree Celcius
[−] Concentration
µm Micron or micrometres [L]
µm2 Square micrometres [L2]
µm3 Cubic micrometres [L3]
µl Microliters
µS Microsiemens
1-D One dimensional
2-D Two dimensional
3-D Three dimensional
% Percent
-CH3 Methyl groups
-Si-O-H Silanol groups
ɛf Axial strain at failure
A Area [L2]
A Arrhenius constant
A Aggregated
ACC Amorphous calcium carbonate
ATCC American Type Culture Collection
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
BA Bacterial aggregates
BS Bacterial suspension
C Concentration [M L-3]
C Calcite
CA CaCO3 aggregates
Curea Concentration of urea [M L-3]
Cbacteria Bacterial density
CCa2+ or [Ca2+] Concentration of Ca2+
Ca Calcium
Ca Calcium ion
CaCl2 Calcium chloride

CaCl2 2H2O Calcium chloride dihydrate

CaCO3 Calcium carbonate
CCS Carbon capture and storage
CO32- Carbonate ions
CFU Colony-forming units
cm Centimetre(s) [L]
cm2 Square centimetre(s) [L2]
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CO(NH2)2 Urea
CS Cementation solution
d Day(s)
D Diameter [L]
D10 Sieve size passed through by the first 10 % by weight of soil
D50 Sieve size passed through by the first 50 % by weight of soil
D90 Sieve size passed through by the first 90 % by weight of soil
Da The ratio of reaction rate to transport rate
Dd Diffusion coefficient [L2 T-1]
DO Dissolved oxygen
DI Deionised
DSMZ Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen
Eact Activation energy
EPS Extracellular polymeric substances
F Force
g Gram [M]
g/g grams of CaCO3 per gram of soil
H Height [L]
H+ Hydrogen ion
HCl Hydrochloric acid
H2O Water
hr or h Hour(s) [T]
i Hydraulic gradient [unitless]
ISP Irregular-shaped precipitates
k Hydraulic conductivity (water permeability) [LT-1]
[K] Product constant

Ksp Equilibrium CaCO3 solubility product

Km The substrate concentration at which the reaction rate is half of Vmax (The
Michaelis constant)
kg Kilogram [M]
kN Kilo Newton(s) [MLT-2]
kPa Kilo Pascal(s)
l Litre(s)
L Length
m Metre(s)
mM Millimolar [ML-3]
M Molar (mole/litre) [ML-3]
m2 Square meter [L2]
m3 Cubic meter [L3]
mg Miligrams(s) [M]
ml Millilitre(s) [L3]
min Minute(s) [T]
mm Millimetre(s)
MPa Mega Pascal(s)
MICP Microbially-Induced carbonate precipitation
mS Millisiemen (s)
n Porosity [dimensionless]
n Reaction order
n The number of times each measurement was repeated
Na2CO3 Sodium carbonate
NaHCO3 Sodium bi-carbonate
NH4+ Ammonium ion
NH4Cl Ammonium chloride
(NH4)2SO4 Ammonium sulphate
NH4-YE Ammonium-yeast
nm Nano meter
OD Optical density
OD600 Optical density at 600 nanometres
OH- Hydroxyl ion
PV Pore volume

PDMS Polydimethylsiloxane
PVC Polyvinyl chloride
Q Volumetric flow [L3T-1]
r Radius [L]
R Gas constant [L3M-1θ-1]
R Rhombohedral
R2 Correlation coefficient
ru Ureolysis rate
rp Precipitation rate
rpm Rotations per minute
S Spherical
(s) (solid)
S. pasteurii Sporosarcina pasteurii
Sec Second(s)
SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy
t Time
T Temperature
TEM Transmission electron microscopy
U μmol of urea hydrolyzed per minute
UCS Unconfined Compressive Strength
UV Ultraviolet
v Velocity [LT-1]
Vmax Maximum ureolysis rate (mMT-1) in Michaelis-Menten model
V Vaterite
XRD X-Ray Diffraction

1.1 Research background

Bio-considerations in the field of geotechnical engineering

Studies of soil behaviour in the field of geotechnical engineering in the 19th - 20th century
considered soils as an inert construction material and had been primarily focussed on
mechanical principles, geological processes, mineralogy and colloidal chemistry (Mitchell and
Santamarina, 2005). However, there are an estimated 109 to 1012 organisms in a kilogram of
soil near the ground surface (Mitchell and Santamarina, 2005), and the variability and changes
in properties of ground due to the effect of microbial activities over time mean that engineering
mechanics alone are insufficient to address many practical problems (DeJong et al., 2013). In
the past one to two decades, some biological processes such as bio-mineralization, biofilm
generation and biogas production have been suggested as potential soil improvement
techniques (DeJong et al., 2010). The consideration of soil as a living ecosystem was addressed
in the field of geotechnical engineering (DeJong et al., 2013). Figure 1.1 shows an overview
of the bio-mediated soil improvement techniques which use biological activity to manage and
control chemical reactions within soils and produce by-products that alter the engineering
properties of soil (DeJong et al., 2010).
2 Introduction

Figure 1.1 Overview of bio-mediated soil improvement systems (DeJong et al., 2010)

Microbial-Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (MICP)

Microbial-Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) is a bio-mediated soil

improvement technique in which subsurface microbes are employed to create a supersaturated
environment conducive to the desired carbonate precipitation (Stocks-Fischer et al., 1999).
Several possible bio-mediated processes such as ureolysis (urea hydrolysis), denitrification and
sulfate reduction (DeJong et al., 2010), could be used to induce MICP. Among these, ureolysis
has been the most widely explored MICP treatment process due to its ease of control, high
chemical conversion efficiency and short amount of time required (Dhami et al., 2013). During
the ureolysis-driven MICP process, bacteria with ureolytic activity express a urease enzyme
which catalyses the hydrolysis of urea (Equation 1.1); the addition of calcium (Ca2+) to this
system induces the precipitation of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) as the CO32- ions produced by
the hydrolysis of urea react with the supplied Ca2+ (Equation 1.2) (van Paassen et al., 2010; Al
Qabany and Soga, 2013):
1.2 Research challenges 3

CO( NH 2 )2  2 H 2O 
 2 NH 4   CO32 1.1

Ca 2  CO32  CaCO3 ( s) 1.2

The CaCO3 crystals formed can bond soil particles together, thus increasing the strength of
soils (DeJong et al., 2006, 2010), whilst maintaining the permeability (Al Qabany and Soga,
2013). Therefore, MICP has many potential applications including soil stabilization,
liquefaction prevention, dam safety, erosion prevention, slope stabilization and hydraulic
control (van Paassen et al., 2010; DeJong et al., 2013; Montoya et al., 2013; Jiang et al., 2017).
However, it is worth noting that the application of MICP is not limited to soil improvement, as
it can also be applied in concrete remediation (Kim et al., 2013; Joshi et al., 2017) and soil
environmental-remediation (Warren et al., 2001; Fujita et al., 2010).

1.2 Research challenges

Although a large body of research has been conducted on ureolysis-driven MICP for its
potential application in soil stabilization, many challenges still remain. Due to a lack of
available methods to visualise and study the process of CaCO3 precipitation occurring at the
conditions that can simulate real MICP applications, the micro-scale mechanisms of MICP are
largely unknown. Therefore, it has so far been very challenging to control and predict the
micro-scale properties of CaCO3 precipitates which affect the mechanical properties of MICP-
treated soils. Therefore, because the micro-scale MICP process remains unclear, it is extremely
challenging to control and predict CaCO3 precipitation temporally and spatially at macro-scale.

1.3 Research objectives

This PhD project focuses on developing a better understanding of the MICP process for soil
stabilization at micro-scale which can be used to improve the engineering properties of MICP-
treated soils at macro-scale. At the micro-scale, this study is to investigate the fundamental
mechanisms of MICP, such as the behaviour of bacterial cells and CaCO3 crystals, the
processes of CaCO3 precipitation and the kinetics and characteristic of CaCO3 crystal growth
4 Introduction

during MICP. In addition, at the macro-scale, this study also aims to improve the engineering
properties of MICP-treated sand, including mechanical properties and homogeneity, by
applying the improved understanding of micro-scale mechanisms in upscaling experiments.
The specific objectives of this study are:

 To develop a micro-scale testing procedure for MICP which enables bacterial cells and
CaCO3 crystals to be observed and characterised at particle-scale throughout the entire
MICP process
 To investigate the process of CaCO3 precipitation during MICP and to determine the
effect of modifying the MICP treatment procedure on the relationship between CaCO3
precipitation and the final size of CaCO3 crystals formed
 To investigate the effect of bacterial density on the growth rate (kinetics) and the micro-
scale properties of CaCO3 crystals
 To perform an upscaling study to investigate the effect of varying the MICP treatment
procedure on the strength of MICP-treated soil samples
 To perform and upscaling study to investigate the effect of bacterial density and the
concentration of cementation solution on the uniformity of MICP-treated soil samples

1.4 Structure of the thesis

The schematic of the thesis structure is shown in Figure 1.2. This thesis contains nine chapters.

Chapter 2 presents a literature review on MICP which includes the kinetics and process of
ureolysis and CaCO3 precipitation; micro-scale mechanisms of MICP and the investigation
method which might be useful for studying the fundamental processes occurring during MICP
at micro-scale; the macro-scale engineering properties of MICP-treated soils, and their
relationships with the micro-scale properties of CaCO3 precipitates.

Chapter 3 describes the materials and methods used for this research, including cultivating
bacteria, measurement of bacterial density and activity, and assessment of ureolysis kinetics in
liquids. This chapter also presents the setup of microscope slide experiments and microfluidic
1.4 Structure of the thesis 5

chip experiments for MICP micro-scale studies, as well as small and long soil column
experiments for MICP macro-scale studies.

Chapter 4 presents the design and fabrication of a micro-scale porous medium which can model
the porous structure of a soil matrix. A series of MICP tests were conducted to investigate the
utility of this porous medium to study MICP under conditions which mimic fluid flow through
soil matrices and enable the number of bacterial cells and the size of CaCO 3 crystals to be

Chapters 5 and 6 describe two micro-scale experimental studies which investigate the process
and kinetics of CaCO3 precipitation during MICP. In the ‘process’ experiment, the MICP
process in terms the behaviour of both bacterial and CaCO3 crystals and their changes with
time was investigated. In the ‘kinetics’ experiment, the effects of bacterial density on the
kinetics of CaCO3 crystals growth and the properties of CaCO3 crystals formed were addressed.

Based on the results obtained in Chapters 4-6, Chapters 7 and 8 present two upscaling
experimental studies conducted in soil columns to increase the strength and homogeneity of
MICP-treated soils. In Chapter 7, different treatment procedures were conducted in an attempt
to establish a correlation between the CaCO3 precipitation process and the final size of CaCO3
crystals formed, after which small soil column tests were conducted to study the effect of these
different treatment procedures on the strength of MICP-treated soils. In Chapter 8, another
macro-scale experiment was conducted using 1.2-metre long soil columns in attempt to
optimise the biological properties and chemical reactants of MICP, the density of the bacterial
suspension and the concentration of cementation solution, to increase the homogeneity of
MICP-treated soils.

Finally, Chapter 9 contains a summary of the main results of this study, the limitations and the
implications of this study, as well as recommendations for future work.
6 Introduction

1. Introduction

2. Literature Review- A review of MICP from micro to macro scale

3. Materials and methods

4. A microfluidic chip and its use in characterizing the particle-scale

behavior of Microbial - Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation

5. Process study 6. Kinetics study

Micro-scale visualisation of Micro-scale study on growth kinetics
MICP processes and characteristics of microbial-
induced CaCO3 crystals

7. Enhancing the strength of 8. Enhancing the homogeneity of

MACRO MICP-treated samples by MICP by optimizing bacterial density
increasing treatment intervals and concentration of cementation

9. Conclusions

Figure 1.2 Schematic of the thesis structure

Literature review

2.1 Introduction

Microbial-Induced Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) Precipitation (MICP) is a natural

biomineralisation process in which microbial activity alters the surrounding aqueous
environment and produces CaCO3 (Stocks-Fischer et al., 1999; DeJong et al., 2006). The
CaCO3 precipitates formed in soil porous matrixes have been shown to be able to bond soil
particles and fill soil pores, which consequently increases the strength and stiffness of the soils.
As a result, MICP has been proposed as a promising soil stabilization technique.

Compared with traditional soil stabilization materials such as synthetic cement which is highly
alkaline and may contaminate the groundwater, CaCO3 is one of the main natural components
of many soils, therefore is more environmental friendly (DeJong et al., 2006; Zhang et al.,
2018). In addition, the bacterial suspensions and chemical solutions used in MICP have much
lower viscosities (similar to water) than cement slurry, and therefore they can be delivered a
longer distance from the injection point (up to 5 meter by Whiffin et al., 2007) or penetrate
small fractures (Phillips et al., 2013a) where it is difficult for cement to penetrate. The low-
viscosity liquids also cause less pressure within the subsurface (Phillips et al., 2013a).
Furthermore, unlike cement, a ureolysis-driven MICP process enables the amount of CaCO3 to
be controlled by varying the amount of reactants such as urea and CaCl2 that are injected into
soils, thus allowing soils to be strengthened whilst maintaining adequate permeability (van der
Ruyt et al., 2009; Burbank et al., 2011). This is very useful for avoiding the pore water pressure
increasing and therefore can be used in applications such as slope liquefaction or dam erosion
control (van der Ruyt et al., 2009). Apart from being proposed for soil stabilization, MICP has
also been considered for alternative applications such as surface treatment (De Muynck et al.,
2011), repairing cracks in concrete or building materials (Achal et al., 2013; Joshi et al., 2017),
8 Literature review

pore plugging in carbon capture and storage (CCS) (Mitchell et al., 2010) and environmental
remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils (Lauchnor et al., 2013).

Despite the extensive studies that have been conducted, there are still many challenges in the
research field of MICP, such as the control and prediction of the properties of CaCO3 spatially
and temporally at both micro-scale (soil particle-scale) and macro-scale (soil matrix-scale).
However, this is crucially important because both the micro-scale properties of CaCO3, such
as size, number and distribution, and the macro-scale content of CaCO3 may significantly affect
the engineering properties of MICP-treated soils (DeJong et al., 2010; Al Qabany and Soga,
2013; Cheng et al., 2017).

At the micro-scale, the properties of CaCO3 mainly refer to the type, size, number, and
distribution of CaCO3 crystals, which directly affect the ability of CaCO3 crystals to bond soil
particles or fill soil pores, thus affecting the extent to which MICP is able to improve the
strength and permeability of the soil matrix at the macro-scale (DeJong et al., 2010; Al Qabany
and Soga, 2013; Cheng et al., 2017). The properties of CaCO3 crystals may change both
spatially and temporally at the micro-scale during their formation process. Understanding the
process of CaCO3 crystal formation under different conditions would be useful for engineers
to design MICP treatment protocols that can produce the desired properties of CaCO3 crystals
for different applications. In addition, the growth rate of CaCO3 crystals is another factor that
needs to be considered. For given properties of CaCO3 crystals, a faster growth rate will reduce
the time taken for the CaCO3 precipitation process to become complete, which would be
beneficial for large-scale engineering applications of MICP (van Paassen, 2009). Both the
process and rate of CaCO3 crystal formation might be affected by the amount of bacterial cells
in the soil pores at the micro-scale, which in turn may be affected by the initial density and
transport behaviour of bacteria with flow (Tobler et al., 2014), as well as by the attachment of
bacteria to soil particles (Dunne, 2002; Persat et al., 2015). In addition, chemicals such as Ca2+
have also been reported to cause bacterial aggregation (EI Mountassir et al., 2014), and the
formation of bacterial aggregates might affect the amount of bacteria in the pores and hence
the process and rate of CaCO3 crystal formation. Furthermore, the formation process and
growth rate of CaCO3 crystals may also be affected by the concentrations and distribution of
2.1 Introduction 9

urea and Ca2+ (Al Qabany and Soga, 2013), as well as by environmental factors such as
temperature, pH and oxygen concentration (Cheng et al., 2017).

At the macro-scale, the properties of CaCO3 normally refer to CaCO3 content, which is the
mass or volume of CaCO3 relative to the mass or volume of soil particles or soil matrix (Whiffin
et al., 2007; van Paassen, 2009; Al Qabany and Soga, 2013). CaCO3 content has been suggested
to affect the engineering properties of MICP-treated soils (Whiffin et al., 2007; van Paassen,
2009; Al Qabany and Soga, 2013). Ideally, the CaCO3 content needs to be homogenously
distributed throughout the whole volume of soil matrix being used for MICP treatment.
However, treatment homogeneity remains the most critical component to date (Mujah et al.,
2017). In theory, the local CaCO3 content can be predicted as long as the local amount of
chemicals, urea, Ca2+ and the chemical reaction efficiency (the percentage of urea and Ca2+
that transform into CaCO3 precipitates, Al Qabany et al., 2012) are known. However, the
injection of bacteria and chemicals inside a soil matrix is a reactive-transport process in which
the biochemical reactions involving bacteria occur during and after the transport of bacteria
and chemicals through the soil matrix (Phillips et al., 2013b). Therefore, to predict the CaCO3
content spatially and temporally, it is essential to understand how bacteria and chemicals are
transported through a soil matrix and the factors affecting their transport, how the bio-chemical
reaction occurs during or after transport, and how the transport and reaction affect each other.
To understand these, micro-scale fundamentals such as the interactions between bacterial cells
with soil particles, interactions between bacteria and chemicals and interactions between flow
rate and reaction rate need to be considered.

Therefore, understanding MICP from both micro-scale fundamentals to macro-scale

engineering properties and the correlations between them is essential for designing robust and
effective MICP treatment protocols. This chapter focusses on reviewing MICP in terms of its
micro-scale mechanisms and macro-scale properties. To begin with, basic principles associated
with MICP via the urea hydrolysis pathway, including the kinetics of ureolysis and
precipitation and the process of CaCO3 precipitation, will be reviewed (Section 2.2). Ureolysis-
driven MICP studies at both micro- and macro-scales will also be reviewed (Sections 2.3 and
2.4). At the micro-scale, this review focusses on: 1) the properties of bacteria used in MICP,
such as morphology, their interactions with chemicals, solid surfaces and flow, and the effect
10 Literature review

of bacteria on CaCO3 formation; 2) the properties of CaCO3 observed in MICP-treated samples

along with the parameters that affect them; and 3) the current understanding of the micro-scale
process of CaCO3 crystal formation during MICP. At the micro-scale, a microfluidic technique
as a novel method that could be used to investigate the micro-scale properties and processes of
MICP under the conditions which represent the real MICP conditions is also reviewed. At the
macro-scale, this review focusses on the engineering properties of MICP-treated soils such as
strength, uniformity, and efficiency.

2.2 Process and kinetics of ureolysis and carbonate precipitation

Ureolysis and CaCO3 precipitation are the two key processes involved in the ureolysis-driven
MICP process, and understanding the kinetics and process of these two process is essential for
designing a MICP protocol. When MICP is applied for soil stabilization, the CaCO 3 content
produced in the soil matrix is controlled by the amount of urea and Ca2+ (volume multiplied by
concentration) injected and the chemical transform efficiencies of urea hydrolysis and CaCO 3
precipitation (Equations 1.1 and 1.2). To produce the desired CaCO3 content, it is essential to
know how much urea and Ca2+ to inject and the amount of time required for the reactions
(Equations 1.1 and 1.2) to complete. The time needed for the reactions to complete is dependent
on both the ureolysis rate and precipitation rate. Understanding the kinetics of these two
reactions is important for predicting and controlling the time needed for MICP, which is useful
for designing an appropriate MICP protocol for its engineering applications. Studies relating
to the kinetics of ureolysis and CaCO3 precipitation are reviewed in Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2,

Kinetics of ureolysis

Ureolysis kinetics are determined by the rate of ureolysis and the factors that affect this rate.
The ureolysis rate (ru) is defined as the rate of decrease in the concentration of urea (Curea) with
time (t) (Equation 2.1).

ru   2.1
2.2 Process and kinetics of ureolysis and carbonate precipitation 11

The rate of ureolysis is influenced by several factors such as the concentration of urea, bacterial
density, Ca2+ concentration, temperature, pH and oxygen concentration (Stocks-Fischer et al.,
1999; Ferris et al., 2003; Dupraz et al., 2009; van Paassen, 2009; Tobler et al., 2011; Mortensen
et al., 2011; Lauchnor et al., 2015) (Equation 2.2):

ru    f (Curea , Cbacteria , Cca2 , temperature, pH , oxygen,...) 2.2
dt Influence of urea concentration on ureolysis rate

The ureolysis reaction (Equation 1.1) is a reaction that is catalysed by the urease enzyme. When
only urea and urease are present in a urease-urea reaction system, the ureolysis rate is affected
by the concentration of urea and the specific activity of the urease enzyme. The Michaelis-
Menten model, a common model used to describe the kinetics of enzyme-catalysed reactions,
can be used to describe the correlation between ureolysis rate and urea concentration. In this
model, the activity of urease is assumed to be constant. Based on the Michaelis- Menten model,
the ureolysis rate ru is calculated using Equation 2.3:

Vmax Curea
ru  2.3
K m  Curea

where Curea is the urea concentration (mM), Vmax (mM/h) represents the maximum ureolysis
rate and Km (mM/L) represents the urea concentration at which the initial reaction rate is half
maximal (Stocks-Fischer et al., 1999). The typical Michaelis-Menten curve is shown in Figure
12 Literature review

Ureolysis rate (ru)

Urea concentration (Curea)

Figure 2.1 Michaelis-Menten curve for ureolysis showing the relationship between the urea
concentration (Curea) and ureolysis rate (ru). Km represents the urea concentration at which the initial
reaction rate is half maximal (1/2Vmax)

The typical method for determining the constants Km and Vmax involves running a series of
liquid batch tests at varying urea concentrations whilst keeping all the other experimental
variables constant and measuring the ureolysis rate shortly after the mixing of urease and urea
solution. In the case of testing the ureolysis rate of ureolytic bacteria, an ureolytic bacterial
suspension is mixed with urea solution (Tobler et al., 2011; Mortensen et al., 2011; Lauchnor
et al., 2015). A conductivity method has been widely used to determine ureolysis rate (Whiffin,
2004; Whiffin et al., 2007; van Paassen, 2009; Al Qabany and Soga, 2013). In this method, the
conductivity change of a mixture of bacterial suspension and urea solution over a certain period
of time is recorded, so as to calculate the ureolysis rate. This is because bacteria with an
ureolysis activity hydrolyse the non-ionic substrate urea into ionic produces thus generating a
proportionate increase in conductivity, and because the increase of conductivity change is
linearly correlated with the change of the concentration of ionic products, the concentration of
urea hydrolyzed can be calculated (Whiffin, 2004). Lauchnor et al. (2015) investigated the
effect of urea concentration on the rate of ureolysis using the ureolytic bacteria Sporosarcina
pasteurii. The range of urea concentrations investigated was 1.1 to 722 mM and the
concentration of bacterial suspension was kept constant at an optical density of 0.1 when tested
at 600 nm wavelength (OD600- a more detailed description of bacterial density is reviewed in
Section Lauchnor and colleagues found that the ureolysis rate increased as the
2.2 Process and kinetics of ureolysis and carbonate precipitation 13

concentration of urea increased up to 423 mM, beyond which the ureolysis rate stayed
approximately constant. Reported density and activity of S. pasteurii and their influence

on ureolysis rate

There are many bacterial strains with urease activity which could be used in MICP studies,
such as Sporosarcina pasteurii (S. pasteurii) (Whiffin et al., 2007; van Paassen et al., 2010),
Bacillus megaterium (Soon et al., 2014) and Bacillus sphaericus (De Muynck et al., 2008).
Among these bacterial strains, S. pasteurii is the most commonly used bacterial strain due to
its high urease activity (Whiffin et al., 2007; van Paassen et al., 2010). However, even for the
same bacterial strain, environmental factors such as cultivation and storage procedures may
substantially affect ureolysis activity. This section summarises the reported density and activity
of S. pasteurii and then reviews studies related to the influence of bacterial density on the rate
of ureolysis.

There are normally two different ways of reporting bacterial density. The first one involves
reporting the optical density (or absorbance) by measuring the proportion of light absorbed by
a sample at a wavelength of 600 nm (OD600). Optical density indicates the turbidity of the
bacterial suspension, which is correlated with both bacterial concentration and bacterial size
(Zapata and Ramirez-Arcos, 2015). A schematic illustrating how the optical density of a
bacterial culture was measured is shown in Figure 2.2. The intensity of the light that reaches
the photoelectric cell after passing through a clear sterile medium in a cuvette is taken as the
reference intensity (zero extinction or zero OD). When the liquid medium contains bacterial
cells, a significant portion the light is scattered and no longer reaches the photoelectric cell.
Therefore, the weaker electrical signal obtained when bacterial cells are present in the cuvette
is converted to an extinction or OD value. When bacterial size is the same, optical density is
linearly correlated with bacterial concentration, although this correlation tends to deviate from
linearity at high ODs (Widdel, 2007). Optical density does not have a unit.
14 Literature review

Figure 2.2 Schematic showing how the optical density (OD) of a culture is measured using a
spectrophotometer (Widdel, 2007)

The second measure is bacterial density which is reported as the number of bacterial cells or
colony-forming units (CFU) per millilitre of cell suspension. Bacterial density in the unit of
cells/ml is normally obtained by counting the number of bacteria observed under a light
microscope in a given area. However, bacterial concentration in the unit of CFU/ml is obtained
by culturing the bacteria on an agar plate and counting the number of colonies that appear on
the dish. Although a linear correlation between OD and cell density has been proposed (Widdel,
2007; Kim et al., 2012), different cell densities have previously been linked to the same OD
value. For example, Lin et al. (2017) reported that an OD600 of 0.8-1.0 corresponds to a bacterial
density of 1.5×107 cells/mL, whereas Cardoso et al. (2018) reported that an OD600 of 1.0
corresponds to 1.0×109 cells/mL - a difference of nearly two orders of magnitude. The
discrepancy between OD600 values of the bacterial suspension and bacterial cell counts on agar
plates in these studies might, on one hand, be due to the fact that the OD600 value accounts for
both dead and live bacteria within the suspension, whereas only live bacteria are counted on
agar plates. Because the ratio of live and dead bacteria in the bacterial suspensions might be
different in these two studies, there would therefore be a difference in the correlations between
these two values. On the other hand, as the optical density of the bacterial suspension is
dependent on bacterial size (Zapata and Ramirez-Arcos, 2015) and the size of bacteria used in
these studies might be different, this might cause different suspensions to have the same optical
density but different bacterial densities.
2.2 Process and kinetics of ureolysis and carbonate precipitation 15

There are normally two ways of reporting the urease activity of bacteria - total bacterial activity
(in mM/h or U/ml) or specific bacterial activity (in mM/h/OD). The conversion of total
bacterial activity from the unit of U/ml to mM/h is given as

1 U=1 μmol of urea hydrolyzed per minute 2.4 a

1 U/ml=1μmol/minute/ml=1 mM/min= 60 mM/h 2.4 b

Due to the fact that many factors such as cultivation, storage and testing methods (such as the
bacterial density used for measuring activity and urea concentration) may affect the ureolysis
activity of bacteria, different ureolysis activities for the same type and density of S. pasteurii
bacteria have been reported in the literature. In addition, the bacterial density used in previous
MICP studies also varied significantly. For comparison, a summary of the activities and
densities of S. pasteurii reported in the literature is presented in Table 2.1 and Figure 2.3.
Optical density is used to indicate the bacterial density, whilst bacterial activity is stated in the
unit of mM/h. Because the bacterial density and activity are tested before commencing MICP
treatment, and because they may change with time during the ureolysis process, they are
sometimes referred to as the initial bacterial density and initial bacterial activity. The range of
bacterial activity reported for MICP is very large (2-3000 mM/h), with normal values ranging
from 2 to 300 mM/h (Figure 2.3a). In addition, the range of bacterial densities is also large
(OD600 values between 0.02 and 2.5), with normal values ranging between 0.2 and 1.2 (Figure
16 Literature review

Table 2.1 Bacterial density, activity, cultivation and storage reported for ureolysis-driven MICP
OD600 Bacterial activity (mM/h) Reference

1.5 1050 (17.5 U/mL) Sarda et al., 2009

- Up to1100[1] van Paassen et al., 2010
0.8–1.2 2–30[2] Al Qabany, 2011
0.8–1.2 5–20 Al Qabany et al., 2012
0.3 - Cuthbert et al., 2012
8×104 cell per ml 36 DeJong et al., 2014
0.02-0.15[3] 50-300 Lauchnor et al., 2015
0.2-0.8 - Rowshanbakht et al., 2016
2-2.5 600 (10 U/L) Cheng et al., 2017
1.1-11 300-3000 (5-50 U/L) [4] Cheng et al., 2017
0.8-1(1.5×107 cells/mL) - Lin et al., 2017
0.22 *125 mM/h/OD Jiang et al., 2017
1 (~109 cells/mL) - Cardoso et al., 2018
0.8–1.0(107 cells/mL) 84-120 Omoregie et al., 2017[6]

Note: BA-bacterial activity. The activity reported by van Paassen (2009) (up to 1100 mM/h)[1] is
relatively high, which may be because the composition of the cultivation medium (20 g/L yeast extract,
0.17 M ammonia sulphate, and 0.1 mM NiCl2, with a pH value of 9.25) was different compared to the
cultivation medium used in other studies. The bacterial activity reported by Al Qabany (2011) (2 mM/h)
was considered to be relativity low and was attributed to sub-optimal bacterial growth conditions due
to the absence of an incubator and lack of proper shaking. The optical density tested was 0.02-0.15[3],
lower than the other studies, which might be because the testing method involved using a Synergy HT
reader (Biotek Instruments, Inc., Winooski, VT) in a 96-well plate with 100 μl per well is different than
the others. The bacterial activity was extremely high in this range (3000 mM/h) [4], which is likely to be
mainly due to a high bacterial density (OD600=11) being used. This high bacterial density was obtained
by concentrating bacterial cells by centrifugation. The specific activity was reported[5]. Bacteria isolated
from soil was used in the study of Omoregie et al. (2017) , with the activity in the normal range as
reported for the bacterial strains purched commerically.
2.2 Process and kinetics of ureolysis and carbonate precipitation 17

Omoregie et al., 2017

Jiang et al., 2017

Cheng et al., 2017

Lauchnor et al., 2015

Dejong et al., 2014

Al Qanaby 2012

van Paassen et al., 2010

Sarda et al., 2009

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Bacterial activity (mM/h)


Cardoso et al., 2018

Omoregie et al., 2017

Jiang et al., 2017

Lin et al., 2017

Cheng et al., 2017

Rowshanbakht et al., 2016

Lauchnor et al., 2015

Feng and Montoya, 2015

Cuthbert et al., 2012

Al Qabany et al., 2012

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5


Figure 2.3 Bacterial activity and density reported for ureolysis-driven MICP: (a) activity; (b) density
18 Literature review

The effect of bacterial density on ureolysis rate was studied in liquid batch tests by Lauchnor
et al., (2015). The rate of ureolysis linearly increased from 50 mM/h to 300 mM/h with an
increase in cell density from 1 × 107 to 2 × 108 colony-forming units per millilitre of cell
suspension (CFU/ml), corresponding to optical densities between 0.02 and 0.15 (Figure 2.4)
(Lauchnor et al., 2015). However, it is also suggested that at very high bacterial cell densities,
saturation kinetics with respect to cell concentration might be observed, even though no
experimental data was presented to confirm this (Lauchnor et al., 2015).


Ureolysis rate (mM/h)






0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

Figure 2.4 Increase in ureolysis rate with the increase in the density of S. pasteurii at urea concentration
of 330 mM (Lauchnor et al., 2015) Influence of other factors (Ca2+ concentration, temperature, pH

and oxygen concentration) on ureolysis rate

In addition to the concentration of urea and the density/activity of bacterial cells, the potential
effects of factors such as Ca2+ concentration, temperature, pH and oxygen levels on ureolysis
rate have also been studied. It was found that increasing the calcium concentration up to 1.5 M
resulted in a decrease in ureolytic activity to a point at which ureolysis was almost completely
inhibited (van Paassen, 2009). By contrast, other studies found that the rate of ureolysis was
not affected by calcium concentration up to 50 mM (Whiffin, 2004) and that Ca2+ concentration
2.2 Process and kinetics of ureolysis and carbonate precipitation 19

in the range of 50 to 500 mM did not inhibit the ureolytic activity of S. pasteurii (Tobler et al.,
2011). Therefore, the precise effect of Ca2+ concentration on the rate of ureolysis remains

Temperature has been reported to affect the rate of urea hydrolysis. For example, a previous
study reported that the ureolysis rate of S. pasteurii was stable between 15 and 25°C and
exhibited a linear increase between 25 and 60°C, reaching an optimum at 70°C, above which
the urease activity quickly decreased (Whiffin, 2004). However, van Paassen (2009) reported
that a rise of 10°C within the temperature range of 5-35°C causes the urease activity to increase
by a factor of 3.4 (Figure 2.5).

4.0 ● 0.5 M urea

3.5 ○ 0.5 M urea and CaCl2
ru/ru (at 25°C)

0 10 20 30 40
Temperature (°C)

Figure 2.5 Influence of temperature on urease activity of S. pasteurii (van Paassen, 2009)

In terms of the influence of pH, it was found that ureolysis rate by S. pasteurii measured in a
batch system was not strongly pH-dependent within the range of pH 6-9, and only a slight pH
dependence was observed in the pH range 5-10 (Whiffin, 2004, Lauchnor et al., 2015). It was
found that rate of the ureolysis rate by S. pasteurii decreases with the increase of pH from 9 to
11, and decreases with the decrease of pH from 6 to 4 (Whiffin, 2004).
20 Literature review

The influences of oxygen concentration on urease activity of S. pasteurii have been studied. It
was suggested that an anoxic environment does not impair urease activity of S. pasteurii, with
anaerobic cultures in fact showing an approximately 1.5-2 greater increase in the rate of
ureolysis than aerobic cultures over the same period of time (Mortensen et al., 2011). Similarly,
zero oxygen levels did not inhibit the ureolytic activity of S. pasteurii (Tobler et al., 2011).
Martin et al. (2012) found that S. pasteurii is unable to grow anaerobically and that the ureolytic
activity previously shown under anoxic conditions is a consequence of the urease enzyme
already present in the cells of the aerobically grown inoculum (Martin et al., 2012). It was
suggested that S. pasteurii could still be used as a source of enzyme in the anoxic subsurface,
but ureolysis may decline over time as the urease degrades or becomes inhibited (Martin et al.,

Process and kinetics of CaCO3 precipitation

The process and kinetics of CaCO3 precipitation have been investigated in many research fields
such as chemistry, biology and geology because it is a common chemical reaction which occurs
in natural water systems, biochemical-mediated processes and during the evolution of the
Earth-atmosphere-ocean system (Stumm and Morgan, 1981). Despite substantial theoretical
and experimental investigations, the precise mechanisms involved in CaCO3 precipitation are
still highly debated and not fully understood. This section reviews the current understanding
of the process and kinetics of CaCO3 precipitation. Crystal nucleation and nucleation rate

Based on classic nucleation theory, the process of CaCO3 precipitation occurs when Ca2+ and
CO32- ions in a supersaturated solution interact to form a cluster of crystals whose size
overcomes the free-energy barrier required for nucleation to occur (Stumm and Morgan, 1981).
A supersaturated state is required for CaCO3 precipitation to occur, meaning the solution has
to contain more Ca2+ and CO32- ions than could normally be dissolved by the solvent. The
supersaturation ratio S has been used to quantify the level at which supersaturation induces
CaCO3 precipitation, which is defined in Equation 2.5:
2.2 Process and kinetics of ureolysis and carbonate precipitation 21

[Ca 2 ]  [CO32 ]
S 2.5
K sp

where [Ca2+] and [CO32-] are the concentrations of calcium and carbonate ions, and Ksp is the
equilibrium CaCO3 solubility product for each experimental temperature (Stumm and Morgan,
1996). A supersaturation ratio that is higher than 1 is required for precipitation to occur. CaCO3
precipitates can exist as several polymorphs, each of which have different Ksp values at different
temperatures. For example, at 25 °C, the Ksp values of the four main polymorphs of CaCO3
(calcite, aragonite, vaterite, and amorphous CaCO3) are 10-8.48 M2, 10-8.34 M2, 10-7.91 M2 and
10-6.40 M2, respectively (Plummer and Busenberg, 1982; Brečevic and Nielsen, 1990).

The supersaturation ratio affects the nucleation rate which is defined as the number of nuclei
formed per unit time per unit volume [m-3 s-1]. In addition, other factors such as temperature
and tension between the crystalline surface and the supersaturated solution also affect the
nucleation rate. The nucleation rate is expressed in the form of the Arrhenius Equation (Mullin

dN 16 3 2
 A exp(G / kT )  A exp( 3 3 ) 2.6
dt 3k T (ln S )2

where A is Arrhenius constant [m-3s-1]; ΔG is the activation energy [J]; k is the Boltzmann
constant, 1.3805 ×10-23J K-1; ν is the number of ions per mole of solute (in the case of CaCO3,
ν = 2); T is temperature in [K]; γ is the interfacial tension in [J m-2], and S is the supersaturation

However, it was found that using only this equation is not enough to predict the nucleation rate
in many cases, as nucleation occurs either homogeneously and spontaneously from the solution
itself or heterogeneously from the presence of other substances in the solution, such as surfaces,
dispersed particles or crystals (Cöelfen and Antonietti, 2008). The nucleation rates of calcite
crystals for different values of γ and T reported in the literature were summarised by van
Paassen (2009) (shown in Figure 2.6). It was found that as the effect of the substance that
causes the heterogeneous nucleation, the nucleation rate is difficult to predict.
22 Literature review

dN/dt (m-3s-1)

1 10 100
Figure 2.6 The correlation between the nucleation rate of calcite and the supersaturation ratio, S, in a
pure solution (solid lines, γ = 0.098 J m-2 by Söhnel and Mullin, 1982) and in the presence of a substrate
(dashed lines, γ = 0.029 J m-2 by Dalas et al., 1988). Thick lines are for T = 283 K and thin lines for T
= 298 K (summarized by van Paassen, 2009)

These observations have therefore challenged the classical nucleation theory that has been
widely used to analyse nucleation phenomena. As shown in Figure 2.6, the wide range of
theoretical nucleation rates illustrates the difficulty of predicting the rate of precipitation in the case
of spontaneous nucleation. In addition, very big deviations between classical nucleation theories
and the experimental findings have been observed, especially in regions far from the
equilibrium, which indicates that the actual crystallisation process is more complicated than a
description based on single molecules only (Cöelfen and Antonietti, 2008). Moreover, a recent
study found that the measured free Ca2+ concentration was lower than the dosed Ca2+
concentration even in under-saturated conditions (Gebauer et al., 2008). Therefore, it was
suggested that stable pre-nucleation ion clusters even exist in under-saturated solutions
(Gebauer et al., 2008). Because the nucleation process depends critically on many parameters
such as temperature, pH, and crystal type, the process of nucleation and growth of CaCO 3
crystals remains subject to debate. In addition, during MICP processes, the CaCO3 precipitation
2.2 Process and kinetics of ureolysis and carbonate precipitation 23

in a soil porous medium, the existence of bacteria, and the surfaces of soil particles may greatly
affect the nucleation rate. However, the exact effects of these parameters on CaCO3
precipitation are so far largely unknown. Crystal growth and growth rate

Classical nucleation theory suggests that CaCO3 crystals grow from the nuclei after nucleation
is complete. According to the experimental data obtained by Kralj and colleagues (1990, 1994
and 1997), the growth rate of vaterite and calcite, two of the main CaCO3 polymorphs, can be
described as:

dr [Ca 2 ]  [CO32 ]
 k ( S  1) 2  k (  1) 2 2.7
dt K sp

where r is the crystal radius, S is the supersaturation ratio for the specific mineral phase and k
is the growth rate constant. Based on the experimental data of Kralj and colleagues (1990;
1997), k increases with temperature in the range of 10 °C to 55 °C, and at 25 °C, the k values
of vaterite and calcite are 0.56 nm/s and 0.014 nm/s, respectively. Based on Equation 2.7, at
the same temperature, crystal grow rate is affected by k, Ksp and the concentration of Ca2+ and
CO32-. As described in the previous section, at 25 °C, the Ksp values of vaterite and calcite, are
10-7.91 and 10-8.48 M2, respectively (Plummer and Busenberg, 1982; Brečevic and Nielsen,
1990). Based on the experimental data and Equation 2.7, the growth rate of vaterite and calcite
crystals can be plotted against [Ca2+]×[CO32-] as shown in Figure 2.7.When [Ca2+]×[CO32-]is
between the Ksp of calcite and vaterite, only calcite can precipitate. When [Ca2+]×[CO32-] is
higher than the Ksp of vaterite, both calcite and vaterite can precipitate. However, the
precipitation rate of these two forms of CaCO3 crystals varies. When [Ca2+]×[CO32-] is between
the Ksp of vaterite and about 2.5×10-8 M2, the growth rate of calcite crystals is higher than
vaterite, whereas when [Ca2+]×[CO32-] is higher than 2.5×10-8 M2, the precipitation rate of
vaterite is higher than that of calcite.
24 Literature review


Supersaturation Supersaturation
state of calcite state of vaterite
2+ 2- -8.48 2 2+ 2- -7.91 2
10 [Ca ][CO3 ]>10 M [Ca ][CO3 ]>10 M

dr/dt (nm/s)




1E-8 1E-7
2+ 2- 2
[Ca ][CO3 ](M )

Figure 2.7 Correlation between dr/dt and [Ca2+]×[CO32-] for calcite and vaterite, based on Equation
2.7. k values of vaterite and calcite are 0.56 nm/s and 0.014 nm/s, respectively (Kralj et al., 1990 and
1997), Ksp values of vaterite and calcite are 10-7.91 and 10-8.48 M2, respectively (Plummer and Busenberg,
1982; Brečevic and Nielsen, 1990).

The crystal growth rate calculated using Equation 2.7 revealed that crystal growth is complex,
as the [Ca2+]×[CO32-] in the solution is normally changing with time. The different Ksp values
of the calcite and vaterite also indicate that vaterite is less stable compared with calcite, as
when the [Ca2+]×[CO32-] is lower than the Ksp of vaterite, vaterite would dissolve while calcite
can still growth as long as [Ca2+]×[CO32-] is higher than the Ksp of calcite. In addition, vaterite
can grow and dissolve during the CaCO3 precipitation process (Kralj et al., 1994; 1997).
2.2 Process and kinetics of ureolysis and carbonate precipitation 25 Polymorphs and phase transformations

Vaterite and calcite are two of the main polymorphs of CaCO3. In addition, two other CaCO3
polymorphs have also been observed during CaCO3 precipitation, namely aragonite at high
temperatures (>35°C) and amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) nanoparticles. These CaCO3
polymorphs vary in their shapes, such as rhombohedral calcite (Kawano et al., 2002; Lian et
al., 2006; Dhami et al., 2013), spherical vaterite (Kawano et al., 2002; Lian et al., 2006; van
Paassen 2009; Dhami et al., 2013), aragonite which normally crystallizes as clustered needles
(Morse et al., 2007; Dhami et al., 2013) (Ogino et al., 1987; Carteret et al., 2009), and non-
crystalline amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) nanoparticles which have a complex hybrid
structure (Kawano et al., 2002; Bots et al., 2012; Dhami et al., 2013; Rodriguez-Navarro et al.,
2011). Four images showing the polymorphs of CaCO3 reported in the literature are
summarised in Figure 2.8.

a b

c d

Figure 2.8 Polymorphs of CaCO3. (a) Amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) (Rodriguez-Blanco et al.,
2011); (b) calcite (Chu et al., 2013); (c) vaterite (Chu et al., 2013); (d) aragonite (Zhou et al., 2004)
26 Literature review

The polymorphs of CaCO3 not only vary in their morphology, but also vary in their stability
and precipitation rate. Consistent with the prediction of crystal growth rate based on Equation
5.7 and the dissolution of vaterite reported by (Kralj et al., 1994; 1997), Wei et al. (2003)
observed the transformation from vaterite to calcite (Figure 2.9a). However, others have also
reported that ACC forms first and subsequently transforms to vaterite and calcite (Figure 2.9b,
Kawano et al., 2002) or subsequently transforms to calcite via the intermediate formation of
vaterite (Figure 2.9c, Rodriguez-Blanco et al. 2011). These phase transformations of CaCO3
during precipitation processes are consistent with the Ostwald’s step rule, which suggests that,
usually, the least dense phase is formed first and transforms to the next dense phase until finally,
the densest (which is usually also the most stable phase) is formed (reviewed by Cöelfen and
Antonietti, 2008). It should be mentioned that not all CaCO3 polymorphs show up along such
lines. Aragonite is normally not observed along this sequence as it is notoriously hard to
nucleate (reviewed by Cöelfen and Antonietti, 2008). How far the metastable intermediates are
stable or transform to the next stable species according to Ostwald’s step rule depends on the
solubility of minerals and on the free energies of the activation of nucleation in different
environments, all of which are strongly influenced by other substances such as minerals or
other solids present in the system.

The phase transformations reported by Kawano et al. (2002), Wei et al. (2003) and Rodriguez-
Blanco et al. (2011) were based on the chemical precipitation of CaCO3 in aqueous solutions
containing CaCl2 and Na2CO3 rather than on bacterial-induced CaCO3 precipitation. As
described in Section, the CaCO3 precipitation during the MICP process might be more
complex due to the presence of bacteria and a porous medium. In the next section, the micro-
scale understanding of MICP processes, including the properties of bacteria, will be addressed.
2.3 Micro-scale study of MICP 27



Figure 2.9 Phase transformation of CaCO3 crystallisation pathways reported in literature. (a)
transformation from vaterite to calcite (Wei et al., 2003); (b) transformation from ACC to vaterite and
calcite (Kawano et al., 2002); (c) transformation from ACC to vaterite and then to calcite (Rodriguez-
Blanco et al., 2011)

2.3 Micro-scale study of MICP

At the micro-scale, the properties of individual bacterial cells such as distribution and number
may affect the local supersaturation zone, thus affecting the kinetics and process of MICP
28 Literature review

which in turn affects the properties of CaCO3 crystals. In addition, the formed CaCO3 modifies
the sandy soil matrix via processes such as coating on the surfaces of soil particles, filling in
the pores, or bonding soil particles together, and therefore improves the engineering properties
of the soils.

Properties of Sporosarcina pasteurii Bacterial growth

Bacterial growth experiments in a laboratory have shown that under optimized conditions,
bacterial growth follows six phases - lag phase, the starting phase, exponential phase, slow-
down phase, stationary phase and death phase (Widdel, 2007). After an initial lag phase, a rapid
increase in bacterial population occurs during the exponential growth phase (Widdel, 2007).
During rapid growth, bacteria consume the surrounding nutrients from the bulk fluid (Widdel,
2007). During MICP studies, bacteria are normally grown in the lab until the bacterial cells
reach the exponential phase (Whiffin, 2004), and are then injected into the soil matrix. The
bacterial density reported in the literature to date was tested after cultivation before
commencing the MICP experiments. However, in situ growth of bacteria within the soil matrix
after the injection has not previously been studied. Morphology of Sporosarcina pasteurii

Bacterial cells are too small to be visualised without a microscope. Transmission electron
microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and high resolution optical
microscope have been used to observe bacterial cells (Fujita et al., 2000; Yoon et al., 2001;
Bang et al, 2001; Warren et al., 2001; Keykha et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2018). Exemplar micro-
scale images of S. pasteurii reported in the literature are presented in Figure 2.10. It is shown
in Figure 2.10 that S. pasteurii are of rod-shaped and have a length of about 1.5 to 10 µm. S.
pasteurii cells are motile due to the presence of a single polar flagellum in each of these
bacterial cells (Yoon et al., 2001).
2.3 Micro-scale study of MICP 29

Fujita et al., 2000 Warren et al., 2001 Bang et al., 2001


10 µm

Bang et al., 2010 Keykha et al., 2013 Zhang et al., 2018


Figure 2.10 S. pasteurii cells with different sizes (Fujita et al., 2000; Bang et al, 2001; Warren et al.,
2001; Bang et al., 2010; Keykha et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2018) Movement of Sporosarcina pasteurii in liquid

Transport of bacteria in a porous medium with flow is governed by advection and dispersion
(Tufenkji, 2007; Liu et al., 2011). At high flow rates, bacteria migrated mainly by advection
and bacteria were most likely to travel along with the convective flow. However, as S. pasteurii
bacteria are motile due to the presence of a single polar flagellum in each of these bacterial
cells (Yoon et al., 2001), when the flow rate is low, especially when the flow rate is comparable
with the average bacterial swimming speed, bacteria are able to approach solid surfaces via
their own motility (Liu et al., 2011). In addition, when the bacterial size is larger than 1 µm,
gravity should also be taken into account (Chen et al., 2010). As the size of S. pasteurii is larger
than 1 µm, they may settle at the bottom substrate within the soil pores. Attachment to and detachment from a solid surface

Previous research has shown that bacteria tend to secrete structures such as flagella, pili,
exopolysaccharides, and other matrix components to attach to solid surfaces and live at the
solid-liquid interface (Dunne, 2002). This process results in an adhesive force between bacteria
and solid surfaces (Persat et al., 2015, see Figure 2.11). Because bacterial adhesion might be
30 Literature review

one of the most important mechanisms that enables bacterial cells to be retained inside a soil
matrix, understanding the interactions between bacterial cells and the surface of soil particles
is very important for designing MICP procedures. However, to date, due to a lack of suitable
methods, very few studies have investigated the interactions between soil particles and bacteria
such as S. pasteurii which are commonly used in MICP.

(a) (b)
Figure 2.11 Two mechanisms through which bacteria can adhere to a solid substrate. (a) Flagella, pili,
and adhesive substances are useful for attachment of individual bacterial cells to surfaces. (b)
Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) aid in maintaining the integrity of community structures
composed of multiple cells (Persat et al., 2015)

Apart from being adhered to the surfaces, where a bacterial cell is subject to a local adhesive
force (F) in the direction normal to the surface, bacterial cells also experience a variety of other
mechanical effects on surfaces. Shear stresses due to fluid flow generate a force (F) on the cell
that is parallel to the surface (Figure 2.12). If the shear force is higher than the friction force,
such as under the condition of flow, the attached bacterial become unattached again.

Figure 2.12 The forces on bacteria. A cell attaching to a surface is subject to a local adhesive force (F)
in the direction normal to the surface; Shear stresses due to fluid flow generate a force (F) on the cell
that is parallel to the surface (Persat et al., 2015)
2.3 Micro-scale study of MICP 31 Aggregation of Sporosarcina pasteurii

S. pasteurii cells have been shown being able to aggregate when bacterial cells are mixed with
CaCl2 solution (Figure 2.13, El Mountassir et al., 2014), and the bacterial aggregates were
applied for producing MICP. However, the study conducted by El Mountassir and colleagues
did not focuses on the effect of bacterial aggregates on the MICP properties, to date the precise
effects of bacterial aggregates on CaCO3 precipitation and growth were studied.

Figure 2.13 Microbial floc formed by mixing S. pasteurii with CaCl2 solution (El Mountassir et al.,

Properties of CaCO3 precipitates formed during MICP

Scanning electronical microscopy (SEM) has been applied to visualise MICP-treated soil
specimens at the particle scale of sandy soils to observe the micro-scale properties of CaCO3
crystals such as shape, size and their distribution on the surface of the soil particle or inside
soil pores. The type of CaCO3 crystals formed can be determined by observing the shape of
CaCO3 crystals or by performing an X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) test. A summary of the observed
properties of CaCO3 reported in the literature is presented in Table 2.2. Crystal sizes were
obtained either from the relevant literature or by measuring crystal size using GetData Graph
Digitizer 2.26.
32 Literature review

Table 2.2 Summary of CaCO3 properties in MICP-treated samples

CaCO3 Properties Experimental parameters CaCO3
Shape/ Size Distribu C BA T (°C) Sample content
Type (µm) tion (M) (mM/) condition
Al R 5 Coating 0.25 2-30 20 Silica 80 kg/m3
Qabany, R 3-10 0.5 100 kg/m3
2011 R 10-150 1 65 kg/m3
S 3-40 1 60 kg/m3
Van S 10-40 In pores 0.5 130 20 ± 2 Siliceous -
Paassen, R 2-5 Coating - - Calcareous -
2009 - - - 1 9-180 Batch I -
S-H 3-30 - 1 60 Batch II -
S-H S-H: 20-40 - 1 170 glass-slide -
R R: 2-6
RA RA:20-40
Cheng S 2-5 1 3000 25 Silica 0.061 g/g
et al., A 20-50 300 0.039 g/g
2017 S 2-5 600 4 0.021 g/g
A 20-50 600 25 0.028 g/g
R 2-5 600 50 0.034 g/g
Zhang et C &V 5-20 - 0.025 25 - Bacteria- -
al., 2018 inclusive
CA 1-10 - 0.025 25 - Bacteria- -
Note: S-Spherical; R- Rhombohedral; A-Aggregated; H-Hollow; Batch I- Unstirred Batch; Batch II-
Stirred batch; C- Calcite; V-Vaterite; g/g grams of CaCO3 per gram of soils Shapes and types of CaCO3 crystals formed during MICP

Two types of CaCO3 crystal have been reported to occur in MICP-treated samples, namely
vaterite and calcite (van Paassen, 2009). Vaterite crystals are spherical, with both hollow and
dense types being reported (van Paassen, 2009), whereas calcite crystals are rhombohedral.
2.3 Micro-scale study of MICP 33

Two factors have been suggested to influence the types and shapes of CaCO3 crystals formed
in MICP-treated soil samples, namely initial bacterial activity (van Paassen, 2009; Al Qabany
2011) and sand mineral type (van Paassen, 2009). The initial bacterial activity refers to the
bacterial activity tested before MICP treatment and the two types of sand that have been
reported to affect the type and shape of CaCO3 crystals were siliceous sand and calcareous sand
(van Paassen, 2009). By performing batch tests and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analyses, van
Paassen (2009) reported that when the initial bacterial activity increased from 9 to 36 mM/h,
the relative abundance of vaterite increased from 5 to 90 %. Spherical vaterite crystals were
preferably formed when the bacterial activity was higher than 30 mM/h, whereas rhomboidal
calcite crystals were preferably formed when bacterial activity was lower than 10 mM/h
(Figure 2.14).


Vaterite (%)




0 50 100 150 200
Initial bacterial activity (mM/h)
Figure 2.14 Relative abundance of vaterite as a function of bacterial activity (van Paassen, 2009)

By conducting soil tests and Scanning Electronic Microscopy analyses, Al Qabany (2011) also
suggested that high bacterial activities may result in the precipitation of vaterite, whereas low
activities may result in the precipitation of calcite (Figure 2.15). However, although the
activity range in this study was reported to be 2-30 mM/h, the exact values of the activities for
each sample were not reported (Al Qabany, 2011).
34 Literature review

a b

Figure 2.15 Representative SEM images of spherical vaterite crystals (a) or rhomboidal calcite crystals
(b) in a MICP-treated sand specimen. Vaterite crystals preferentially formed when the bacterial activity
was high (a), whereas rhomboidal calcite crystals formed when the bacterial activity was low (b) (Al
Qabany, 2011) Size and number of CaCO3 crystals formed during MICP

The sizes of CaCO3 crystals formed in MICP-treated samples varied significantly from 2 µm
to 150 µm (Table 2.2). Three factors that have been suggested to influence the size of CaCO3
crystals formed in MICP-treated soil samples are (i) concentration and injection interval of
cementation solution, (ii) bacterial activity and (iii) temperature.

Al Qabany et al. (2012) concluded that the size of CaCO3 crystals formed was smaller when
soil samples were treated more frequently with a lower concentration of cementation solution
compared with soil samples that were treated less frequently with a higher concentration of
cementation solution (Figure 2.16). However, the exact reason behind this finding remain
largely unknown.
2.3 Micro-scale study of MICP 35

a b

Figure 2.16 Representative SEM images of CaCO3 crystals observed in MICP-treated sandy soils after
injecting cementation solution with a concentration and injection interval between cementation solution
injection. (a) 0.25 M and 6 h; (b) 0.5 M and 12 h; (c) 1 M and 24 h (Al Qabany et al., 2012)

In terms of the effect of bacterial activity on the characteristics of CaCO3 crystals, based on the
observation that larger carbonate crystals were generated in the presence of ureolytic bacterial
cells, whereas smaller ones developed in the absence of ureolytic bacterial cells, it was
proposed that higher bacterial concentrations may generate larger carbonate crystals (Mitchell
and Ferris, 2006). However, on the contrary, Cuthbert et al. (2012) and Cheng et al. (2017)
found that ureolysis rate affects the average size of CaCO3 crystals. As the rate of ureolysis
increased from 0.1 to 10 mM/d, indicated by the rate of ammonia production, Cuthbert et al.
found that the average size of CaCO3 crystals decreased from 100 µm to 10 µm. Similarly,
Cheng et al. (2017) found that the crystal sizes in MICP-treated soils varied significantly as the
ureolysis rate was different, with the ureolysis rate decreasing from 50 U/L to 5 U/L, the crystal
sizes increased from 2-5 µm to 20-50 µm (Figure 2.17). It has been proposed that the initial
ureolysis rate appears to govern the final distribution of crystal sizes, which might be because
nucleation rate increases with the degree of saturation, as indicated by the Arrhenius equation
36 Literature review

(Mullin, 2001). The higher the ureolysis rate, the higher the nucleation rate, thus resulting in
the formation of a larger number of smaller crystals.

a b

Figure 2.17 CaCO3 crystals observed in MICP-treated sandy soils with different bacterial activities: 50
U/mL (a) and 5 U/mL (b) (Cheng et al., 2017)

Temperature is the third factor that has been reported to affect both the size and number of
CaCO3 crystals in MICP-treated soil samples. The size of CaCO3 crystals was found to be 2-5
µm after MICP treatment at 0°C or 50°C, and 20-50 µm after MICP treatment at 20°C (Figure
2.18 by Cheng et al., 2017). It was suggested that higher temperatures reduce the activation
energy required for nucleation to proceed and increase the rate of nucleation and CaCO 3
precipitation (Wojtowicz, 1998). Therefore, this concept was used to explain the reason why
more crystals formed at 50°C than at 20 °C. However, this does not explain why fewer crystals
formed at 20°C than at 4°C. In addition, it was suggested that the competition between the
formation of new crystals and the growth of existing crystals affects crystal size (Cheng et al.,
2017). However, as neither the formation of new crystals nor crystal growth were observed in
this study, this suggestion appears to be speculative. To date, the exact effects of temperature
on the size of CaCO3 crystals formed during MICP and the reason behind this remain largely
2.3 Micro-scale study of MICP 37

a b

Figure 2.18 SEM images of CaCO3 crystals observed in MICP-treated sandy soils when MICP
treatment was performed at 4°C (a), 25°C (b) or 50°C (c) (Cheng et al., 2017) Spatial distribution of CaCO3 crystal formed during MICP

The effectiveness of the MICP technique for soil stabilisation is directly dependent on the
spatial distribution of the CaCO3 precipitates (DeJong et al., 2010). In theory, the precipitates
that are produced at particle contacts rather than uniformly distributing on the surfaces of soil
particles (help to) bind sand particles together (Figure 2.19) (DeJong et al., 2010).

Figure 2.19 Illustration of calcite distribution alternatives within pore space (DeJong et al., 2010)
38 Literature review

However, in reality, SEM images of the distribution of CaCO3 precipitates have shown that
CaCO3 crystals can coat particle surfaces, deposit at particle contacts, and even grow within
pores. In addition, in most cases, these three distribution patterns coexist. It is important to note
that in most cases CaCO3 precipitates exist as individual crystals, even though they sometimes
aggregate. The particle ‘coating’ pattern was usually described when the crystals were relative
small and covered most of the surface area of the soil particles, as shown in Figure 2.16a,
Figure 2.17a and Figure 2.18c. When the particles deposit at particle contacts, this is
sometimes referred to as a bonding pattern, with the preferential distribution described in
Figure 2.19. In this pattern, the crystals are normally large enough to bond soil particles at soil
particle contacts and if the particles are large, CaCO3 crystals can also precipitate on the soil
particle surface away from any particle contacts, as shown in Figure 2.17b and Figure 2.18b.
Therefore, the spatial distribution of CaCO3 crystals should be considered together with other
crystal parameters such as size and number. To date, the reasons why these different CaCO3
crystal precipitation patterns form remain largely unknown.

Micro-scale ureolysis-driven MICP processes and microfluidics Current understanding of ureolysis-driven MICP processes at

the micro-scale

The theories behind CaCO3 nucleation and precipitation processes reviewed in Section 2.2.2
are all based on chemical reactions between Ca2+ and CO32- rather than on bacteria-driven
MICP processes. Similar to classic nucleation and crystal growth theory, a widely believed
assumption of the CaCO3 precipitation process during MICP is that bacterial cells serve as
nucleation sites for CaCO3, and that once the nucleation sites are formed, the CaCO3 crystals
continue growing from them (Stocks-Fischer et al., 1999; Hammes et al., 2002; DeJong et al,
2006; Siddique et al., 2011; Dhami et al., 2013; Ganendra et al., 2014). This is assumed because
bacterial cell walls are negatively charged and can adsorb Ca2+ (Rodriguez-Navarro et al., 2011;
EI Mountassir et al., 2014). Therefore, once the bacterial cells hydrolyse the urea, the released
CO32- ions precipitate with the Ca2+ cations which are attached to bacterial cell walls, forming
the CaCO3 nucleation sites required for CaCO3 crystal growth.
2.3 Micro-scale study of MICP 39

By contrast, others have found the effect of bacterial cells on nucleation of CaCO3 is very
limited. By using a cellulose dialysis membrane to divide a cylinder containing urea and CaCl 2
into a bacterial free reaction part and a bacterial inclusive reaction part, it was found that CaCO3
could precipitate in both the presence and the absence of bacterial cells (Mitchell and Ferris,
2006). More recently, using the same membrane to separate bacterial cells from an agar plate
containing urea and CaCl2, it was found that the CaCO3 precipitates did not grow on bacterial
cells (Zhang et al., 2018). Despite the studies that have been reported, the understanding of
MICP process in real soils is still very limited because the experimental conditions such as
liquid reactions in a cylinder or on agar plates cannot represent the real MICP conditions when
MICP is applied in a porous soil matrix under the influence of flow. During an MICP process
occurring in the pore fluid inside a porous soil matrix, the properties of the soil matrix itself
might also affect the MICP process. In addition, in a MICP treatment procedure, a single
injection or multiple injections of cementation solution are normally conducted, where the
injection flow rate, injection volume and injection procedure significantly affects CaCO 3
precipitation processes. The experimental conditions in the liquid in a cylinder and on agar
plates cannot represent the real MICP conditions at all. To date, the precise process of
ureolysis-driven MICP especially in the real soils remains largely unknown.

As reviewed in Section 2.3.2, bacterial activity affects crystal type, bacterial density affects
crystal size, and bacterial distribution may affect crystal distribution. Therefore, it is essential
to know the factors affecting bacterial activity, density and distribution at the micro-scale. The
density of bacteria inside the pores depends on the density of bacterial cells that were injected
into the soil matrix, as well as on the transport of the bacteria during the injection, their
interactions with soil particles, and the interactions between bacteria and ions such as Ca2+.
Therefore, to understand the micro-scale ureolysis-driven MICP process, it is essential to
understand the behaviour of bacterial cells and the effect of bacterial cells on the process of
CaCO3 precipitation. However, as reviewed in Section 2.3.1, our understanding of S. pasteurii
behaviour in a saturated porous medium is still very limited, and the precise nature of the
processes implicated in CaCO3 precipitation during MICP are largely unknown. Although
SEM enables the CaCO3 properties after the MICP treatment to be observed, SEM does not
allow the actual MICP process to be observed. In addition, although the growth of CaCO3
crystals in liquid contained in a petri dish or on an agar pad was observed (Zhang et al., 2018),
40 Literature review

neither of these two methods can model fluid flow through a porous medium which occurs in
real MICP processes. A suitable method which can observe both bacterial cells and CaCO3
crystals during the entire MICP process under conditions that are relevant MICP treatment of
real soils is therefore required. Microfluidics as a potential useful way to study MICP processes

at the micro-scale

Originating from micro-analytical methods and microelectronic circuits in the early 1990s
(Whitesides, 2006), the field of microfluidics has expanded dramatically in the past decade.
This is largely due to the introduction of soft lithography, an easily accessible fabrication
technique which is used to create microfluidic chips based on patterned elastomeric polymers.
This technique enables the fabrication of a master which contains channels with dimensions of
tens to hundreds of micrometres. The master is used to mould the channels that are built into a
small optically transparent device called a microfluidic chip. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is
the most common material used to make a microfluidic chip which is due to its low cost, easy
fabrication, flexibility and optical transparency (Sia and Whitesides, 2003; Weibel et al., 2007).
In addition, the surface properties of microfluidic chips, such as wetting properties
(hydrophobic and hydrophilic) and charges (positive and negative), can be varied using
different surface treatment technologies (Bodas and Khan-Malek, 2007; Wong and Ho, 2009;
Zhou et al., 2010, 2012).

Microfluidic chips can be used to manipulate small volumes of fluid transport through the
channels and to study the micro-scale transport behaviour of fluids (Grate et al., 2013) and fluid
components such as colloids, nanoparticles, bacteria or biofilms (Lanning and Ford, 2002;
Auset and Keller, 2006; Durham et al., 2012; Drescher et al., 2013). In addition, microfluidic
chips have also been used to study chemical reactions such as precipitation (Yoon et al., 2012;
Jaho et al., 2015) or biological processes such as bacterial growth and motility (Mannik et al.,
2009). Microfluidics has revolutionised fundamental and applied research to investigate and
observe small-scale physical, chemical, and biological processes in the fields of chemical,
biological, medical and environmental engineering (Tohidi et al., 2002; Sia and Whitesides,
2003; Jaho et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2010; Long et al., 2013). Microfluidic platforms might
2.4 Macro-scale study of MICP 41

therefore be useful to study the particle-scale behaviour of Microbial-Induced Carbonate

Precipitation (MICP) for applications in geotechnical engineering.

2.4 Macro-scale study of MICP

Research into MICP as an engineering technique is application-driven. The ultimate aim of

MICP studies is to apply MICP in real projects to treat different in situ soils in different
environmental conditions for different applications. This requires: (i) the ability to control and
predict the properties of CaCO3 crystals formed in situ and for these properties to be
homogeneous, (ii) MICP-treated soils to be strong, and (iii) the treatment procedure to be
efficient by using fewer chemicals to achieve better engineering properties such as strength.

Homogeneity of MICP

As mentioned in the introduction of this Chapter, one of the advantages of MICP over the
traditional cementation method using cement is that MICP has the potential to treat larger
volumes of soil because the injected bacterial suspension and cementation have much lower
viscosities compared to cement. However, because the injection of bacterial suspension and
cementation solution is a reactive transport process, it has been difficult to control and predict
the amount and properties of CaCO3 formed in situ. In many cases, CaCO3 was found to be
heterogeneously distributed within the soil matrix after MICP-treatment (Whiffin et al., 2007;
van Paassen et al., 2010). The homogeneity of MICP in terms of the spatial distribution of
CaCO3 content within the soil matrix therefore became one of the key challenges associated
with MICP. Before MICP can be used in industrial and environmental applications, calcium
carbonate deposition must be shown to be controllable at a relevant scale while maintaining
economic feasibility (Harkes et al., 2010). Ideally, calcium carbonate deposition should be
uniform over the desired scale for the purpose of economic feasibility. Effects of injection protocols on treatment homogeneity

A widely used MICP injection protocol, referred to as 'staged injection', in which a bacterial
suspension is injected prior to injecting cementation solution in a subsequent step (Whiffin et
42 Literature review

al., 2007; van Paassen et al., 2010) has been suggested to produce a more homogeneous
distribution of CaCO3 within a soil matrix compared with injecting a mixture of bacterial
suspension and cementation solution (Tobler et al., 2012). This might be because mixing
bacterial suspension with cementation solution produces bacterial aggregates (as reviewed in
Section 2.3.1) which might be more difficult to be injected into the soil matrix and cause
clogging at the injection point. However, homogeneity is still a big challenge even when using
the staged injection protocol, as shown by the large variations in the CaCO3 content formed in
the soil matrix after MICP treatments (Whiffin et al., 2007; van Paassen et al., 2010). Effects of bacterial distribution on homogeneity

The distribution of bacteria has been suggested to be an important factor that affects the
distribution of CaCO3 in MICP-treated soils (Martinez et al., 2013). As reviewed in Section
2.2, bacterial density affects the kinetics of the ureolysis reaction which produces CO32-, which
in turn affects the local supersaturation state of CaCO3 and may thus affect the CaCO3
precipitation process. Therefore, a homogeneous distribution of bacteria might be essential to
achieve a uniform distribution of CaCO3. As reviewed in Section 2.3, bacterial behaviour inside
the soil matrix such as transport with flow, attachment to and detachment from the soil
particles, and aggregation with chemicals such as Ca2+ might affect the distribution of bacteria
in a soil matrix. However, neither these bacterial behaviours at the micro-scale nor the
consequent effects of these behaviours on the distribution of bacteria inside a soil matrix at the
macro-scale are fully understood yet. Effects of flow rate and CaCO3 precipitation rate on treatment


As the injection of MICP reactants (bacterial suspension and cementation solution) is a reactive
transport process, injection flow rate and CaCO3 precipitation rate are thought to affect the
uniformity of MICP treatment. It was suggested that a more homogeneous distribution could
be achieved by increasing the flow rate of cementation solution or lowering the precipitation
rate of MICP to deliver the reactants over larger distances. However, this hypothesis has not
yet been proven. In addition, this hypothesis does not consider the effect of flow rate on the
2.4 Macro-scale study of MICP 43

number of bacteria remaining in the soil matrix. As reviewed in Section, increasing
flow rate may increase the detachment of bacteria from solid surfaces and soil particles, which
would consequently affect the number of bacteria remaining in the soil matrix. Because
bacterial amount may affect both the process and kinetics of MICP, an optimised injection flow
rate and CaCO3 precipitation rate might be helpful for increasing the uniformity and
maintaining the efficiency of MICP. Effects of cementation solution concentration on treatment


The concentration of cementation solution has also been found to affect the uniformity of MICP
(Al Qabany et al., 2012; Dawoud et al., 2014 a, b), with a low concentration solution (0.1 M-
0.5 M) resulting in a higher uniformity of CaCO3 precipitation compared with a 1.0 M solution.
However, as the experiments were conducted in a soil matrix without a way to monitoring the
micro-scale effect of concentration of cementation solution on the MICP processes, the reason
behind this is still largely unknown.

Strength of MICP-treated sandy soils

As mentioned in the introduction of this Chapter, another main advantage of MICP for soil
stabilisation is that soil can be strengthened without interfering with the hydraulics of the
treated soil. Therefore, natural aquifers are not interrupted by construction work, and maintain
their function even at a local level. Furthermore, the soil can be strengthened without the need
for excavation or replacement (van der Ruyt and van der Zon, 2009). The correlation between
the hydraulic conductivity of MICP-treated soils and the CaCO3 content, defined as the ratio
of mass of CaCO3 to the total volume of soil (Al Qabany and Soga, 2013; Cheng et al., 2017),
reported in literature is summarised in Figure 2.20. Apart from the result of Martinez et al.
(2012), where permeability decreased by a factor of 102 when the CaCO3 content increased
from about 3% to 8%, soil permeability in the other studies only decreased slightly as the
CaCO3 content increased from 0 to 14%. The reduction in permeability observed by Martinez
et al. (2012) may be because the treatment processes including the injection type and flow rate
of cementation solution varied between the six samples, which might explain the difference in
44 Literature review

the micro-scale properties of CaCO3 crystals formed in the soils after MICP treatment.
However, as the effect of microscale properties of CaCO3 crystals on the permeability was not
investigated, the exact reason behind this remains unclear.


Hydraulic conductivity (m/s)


Cheng et al. 2013, coarse sand, 1M
Cheng et al. 2013, fine sand, 1M
Martinez et al. 2013, 0.05 M-0.33M
1E-7 Whiffin et al. 2007, 1.1 M
Qabany and Soga 2013, 0.25 M
Qabany and Soga 2013, 0.5 M
Qabany and Soga 2013, 1.0 M

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
CaCO3 content (%)

Figure 2.20 Relationship between hydraulic conductivity and precipitated CaCO3 content. The
concentration of cementation solution used in the studies are listed in the legend [unit: M (mol/L)] Effects of CaCO3 content on the strength of MICP-treated soils

Although the effect of CaCO3 on reducing hydraulic conductivity is not obvious, research has
shown that CaCO3 can improve mechanical properties such as strength, stiffness and
volumetric strain of sand. Research has also shown that these mechanical properties are
affected by CaCO3 content, sand gradation, relative density, and confining stress (Rebata-
Landa, 2007; Chou et al., 2011; van Paassen et al., 2010; Al Qabany and Soga, 2013; Cheng et
al., 2013). The correlations between CaCO3 content in the MICP-treated soil specimen and the
relative unconfined compressive strength (UCS) values of the MICP-treated soil specimen
reported in literature, are summarized in Figure 2.21. An increase in UCS of MICP-treated
2.4 Macro-scale study of MICP 45

soils with increasing CaCO3 content was found, while it is worth noting that different treatment
strategies and methods create different correlations between UCS and CaCO3 content.

12000 Qabany and Soga 2013 (0.1 M)
Unconfined compressive strength (kPa)
Unconfined compressive strength (kPa)

3000 Qabany and Soga 2013 (0.25 M)

Qabany and Soga 2013 (0.5 M)
Qabany and Soga 2013 (1 M)
2500 Cheng et al., 2013 (1 M)
10000 Zhao et al. 2014 (0.25 -1.5 M)
van Paassen et al. 2010 (1 M)
2000 Whiffin et al. 2007 (1.1 M)


6000 500

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4000 CaCO3 content (%)


1 2 4 8 16 32
CaCO3 content (%)

Figure 2.21 Correlation between UCS and precipitated CaCO3 content (CaCO3 content is based on the
total weight of soil and CaCO3 in the CaCO3 range of 0-32%. The correlation between UCS and
precipitated CaCO3 content in the CaCO3 content range of 0-10% is also shown in the figure. Effects of sand gradation on the strength of MICP-treated soils

Another factor which affects the strength of MICP-treated soils is soil gradation (particle size).
The content of CaCO3 is shown as a function of grain size in Figure 2.22. Pictures of the
different soils after MICP treatment are superimposed on the figure. Maximum carbonate
deposition is observed on grains of 100 microns in size. The clay was un-cemented and coarse
grains were readily disintegrated upon manipulation. All other intermediate cases exhibited a
well-bonded fabric. Because the size of S. pasteurii is larger than 1 µm, for clay with grain
sizes lower than 1 µm, the pore size may be too small for bacteria to pass through, which may
have resulted in uncemented samples. On the other hand, because the size of CaCO3 crystals
46 Literature review

produced after MICP treatment is in the range of 2 - 150 µm, for coarse sands and gravel which
have a grain size larger than 500 µm, the crystals may not be large enough to effectively bond
the grains, thus resulting in poor cementation.

Figure 2.22 CaCO3 content and models as a function of the grain size. Pictures correspond to each data
point (Rebata-Landa, 2007). Effects of bacterial number/activity and temperature on the

strength of MICP-treated soils

The effect of bacterial number and total bacterial activity has previously been shown to affect
the strength of MICP-treated sand (Shahrokhi-Shahraki et al., 2015; Cheng et al., 2017). It was
found that the strength of MICP-treated sand decreased as the bacterial density was increased
from 6 × 107 cells/ml to 4 × 108 cells/ml. (Shahrokhi-Shahraki et al., 2015). Similarly, when
bacteria with an optical density ranging between 1.1 to 11 and activities between 300 to 3000
mM/h (5-50 U/L) were used, a low level of urease activity resulted in a more effective
improvement in strength (Cheng et al., 2017).
2.4 Macro-scale study of MICP 47

Temperature was also shown to have an effect on the strength of MICP-treated sand. Strength
improvement was higher at 25°C compared to either 4°C or 50°C. The crystals which formed
at 50°C were the least efficient in terms of improving soil strength.

As reviewed in Section, both bacterial number/activity and temperature might have an
effect on the formation and growth of crystals, which in turn affects the number and size of
CaCO3 crystals formed. Bacterial number/activity and temperature may thus have an effect on
the strength of MICP-treated sand. However, because the micro-scale CaCO3 formation
process during MICP is still not fully understood, our current understanding of the effects of
these parameters on the formation and growth of CaCO3 crystals is very limited.

Chemical efficiency and performance efficiency of MICP Chemical efficiency of MICP

The chemical efficiency (transformation efficiency) is defined as the percentage of injected

urea and calcium chloride that precipitate as calcium carbonate (Al Qabany et al., 2012).
Improving the precipitation efficiency of CaCO3 is essential for avoiding excessive use of raw
materials. Al Qabany et al. (2012) studied the effect of chemical treatment factors (i.e.
cementation liquid concentrations, retention times and effective input rates) on precipitation
efficiency. It was found that when the urea and CaCl2 input rate was below 0.042 mol/L/h and
the bacterial optical density was between 0.8 and 1.2, the reaction efficiency remained high
and the amount of precipitation was not affected by the concentration of liquid medium for
input concentrations up to 1 M. However, the study by Al Qabany and colleagues did not
consider the effects of bacterial activity and bacterial number on chemical efficiency. As
reviewed in Section 2.2, bacterial activity and density, as well as many environmental factors
such as temperature and oxygen, affect the kinetics of ureolysis which in turn affects the
kinetics of CaCO3 precipitation and transformation efficiency.
48 Literature review Performance efficiency of MICP

The performance efficiency here refers to the efficiency with which CaCO3 is added to improve
the strength and other engineering properties of MICP-treated soils. As reviewed in Section, when the CaCO3 content is kept constant, the increase in strength of MICP-treated soils
varied significantly. This is partially because the soil properties varied between those different
studies, but also because of the difference in the micro-scale properties of CaCO3 crystals
formed and variation in the percentage of CaCO3 crystals that can bond soil particles.
Therefore, it is important to understand the factors that affect the formation of the CaCO 3
crystals with different properties, as well as how to increase the amount of CaCO3 crystals that
can contribute to the increase of the strength of MICP-treated soils.

Micro-scale properties of CaCO3 crystals such as type, size and distribution affect the macro-
scale engineering properties of a soil matrix. The type of CaCO3 is thought to affect the
mechanical behaviour of MICP-treated soils. By comparing two samples containing a similar
CaCO3 content but different types of CaCO3 (calcite and vaterite), the MICP-treated sample
containing calcite was found to be relatively strong and maintained its shape, whereas the
MICP-treated sample containing vaterite was extremely weak and almost turned into powder
when held by hand (Al Qabany, 2011). This study suggested that the size and distribution of
CaCO3 crystals affects the strength of MICP-treated soils. It was suggested that crystals that
are large enough and precipitate at soil-particle contacts are more efficient in bonding soil
particles and therefore provide the greatest contribution to the increase in soil strength
compared with smaller crystals that cannot bond soil particles, or with crystals which distribute
on the surfaces of a soil particles which face away from the surfaces of neighbouring soil
Materials and Methods

3.1 Bacteria and chemicals

Bacterial strain and cultivation

Sporosarcina pasteurii (S. pasteurii) is a naturally-occurring strain of soil bacteria with

ureolysis activity. S. pasteurii has been widely used in MICP studies (DeJong et al., 2006;
Whiffin et al., 2007; van Paassen et al., 2010; Al Qabany and Soga, 2013; Dawoud, 2015,
Zhang et al., 2018). As reviewed in Chapter 2, bacterial storage/cultivation procedure
significantly affect bacterial activity. Two different strains of S. pasteurii were cultivated and
stored in the lab under different conditions. The first strain was cultivated from a frozen S.
pasteurii glycerol stock (ATCC 11859) prepared by Dawoud (2015). Once defrosted, cells
from the glycerol stock were grown in ATCC 1376 NH4-YE agar medium (20 g/L yeast extract,
10 g/L ammonium sulphate, 20 g/L agar, and 0.13 M Tris base) for 48 hours at 30°C.
Subsequently, several colonies on the agar plate were picked and transferred to 100 mL of NH4-
YE liquid medium containing the same components without agar in a 250 mL flask and
cultivated in a shaking incubator for 12 hours at 30°C and a shaking rate of 200 rpm to obtain
a bacterial suspension with an optical density of around 1.0~2.0 measured at a wavelength of
600 nm (OD600). Details regarding how bacterial density was measured is described in Section
3.1.2. This bacterial suspension was stored in a refrigerator at 4 °C for up to one month before
cultivating bacteria in a fresh liquid medium by adding 1 ml of this bacterial suspension to 100
ml of freshly autoclaved liquid medium and repeating the same cultivation process mentioned
above. Bacterial density and activity were measured prior to each experiment as described in
Sections 3.1.2 and 3.1.3. Using this method, the bacterial activity observed in our study was in
the range of 20-40 mM/h when the OD600 was 1.0.
50 Materials and Methods

To obtain a bacterial strain with a higher bacterial activity, the second strain of S. pasteurii was
cultivated from a freeze-dried S. pasteurii stock (strain DSM 33, purchased from DSMZ,
Germany) and activated according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. After activation, glycerol
stocks of the bacteria were prepared by adding 225 µl of 80 % glycerol (autoclaved) to 1 ml of
overnight liquid culture in cryogenic vials, after which the liquid culture was immediately
frozen at -80°C. Bacterial colonies and liquid medium were prepared in the same way as
mentioned above. However, for each new experiment, a new frozen stock was used for
cultivation on agar plates and in liquid medium. In addition, for each experiment, the plate
cultures and liquid cultures were stored in the fridge for a maximum of two days before the
experiment. In this way, the bacterial activity observed in our study was in the range of 200-
300 mM/h when the OD600 was 1.0.

Bacterial density measurement

Bacterial density was measured using a spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific Helios Zeta) at
a fixed wavelength of 600 nm (OD600) (Figure 3.1). When the density of the bacterial
suspension was high, the bacterial suspension was diluted using the same nutrient medium to
optical density values between 0.05-0.4 when measuring the OD. When this was the case, the
OD of the bacterial suspension was determined by multiplying the OD reading of the diluted
suspension by the dilution factor.

Figure 3.1 Photo of the spectrophotometer for bacterial optical density measurement
3.2 Liquid batch test to assess ureolysis kinetics 51

Bacterial activity measurement

The activity of bacterial cells in a liquid suspension of urea was measured as described in
Whiffin (2004). Samples were prepared by mixing a urea solution with a bacterial suspension
at 25°C at a volume ratio of urea solution to bacterial suspension of 9:1. The concentration of
urea was 1.11 M and the bacterial density was 1.0 when measuring OD600. The conductivity of
the mixed content was assessed by using a conductivity meter (FiveGo, Meter Toledo)
immediately after the mixing and five minutes after mixing. The concentration of hydrolysed
urea during these five minutes and the relative ureolysis rate were calculated using equation
3.1 (Whiffin, 2004). Measurements were performed in triplicates for each of the different
media tested, with data presented as mean ± standard error.

Conductivity ( S / cm)
BA(mM / h)   (103 11.11)(mM / (  S / cm))  60(min/ h) 3.1
t (min)

Cementation solution

The cementation solution for MICP treatment was created using calcium chloride (CaCl2), urea
(CO(NH2)2), ammonium chloride (NH4Cl), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), and Thermo
Scientific™ Oxoid™ Nutrient Broth dissolved in deionised (DI) water. The cementation
solution was not autoclaved. Urea and calcium chloride served as important ingredients for
promoting calcium carbonate precipitation, and the nutrient broth served as an energy source
for bacterial activity. Three concentrations of calcium chloride were used: 0.25 M, 0.5 M and
1.0 M. The concentration of urea was 1.5 times higher than the concentration of calcium
chloride (0.375 M, 0.75 M and 1.5 M) and the concentration of nutrient broth was kept constant
at 3 g/L.

3.2 Liquid batch test to assess ureolysis kinetics

A set of liquid batch experiments were conducted to examine the influence of bacterial density
and urea concentration on ureolysis kinetics. The experiments were conducted by testing the
change in the conductivity of the mixture of bacterial suspension with urea solution as
described in Whiffin (2004). The experimental setup for assessment of ureolysis kinetics is
52 Materials and Methods

shown in Figure 3.2. Samples were prepared by mixing urea solution and bacterial suspension
at 20°C at volume ratios between 9:1 and 1:1 to obtained desired bacterial density and urea
concentration in the mixture. The change in the concentration of urea with time was measured
using the same method described in Section 2.2.1, but over a wider time interval which ranged
from immediately after to 1 hour after mixing. In addition, the mixed liquid culture was placed
on a shaker shaking at a constant rate of 100 rpm at 20°C. Apart from when the activity of the
liquid was tested, the mixed culture was constantly shaken to ensure that the bacterial cells and
urea were fully mixed. Batch tests were performed in triplicates for each of the different media
tested, with data presented as mean ± standard error.

Figure 3.2 Schematic of a setup for ureolysis kinetics experiments

3.3 Micro-scale experimental setup

Microscope slide experiments

To observe the MICP processes including the behaviour of bacteria and the process of calcium
carbonate crystal formation during the biochemical reactions at the micro-scale, the first micro-
scale experimental setup-microscope slide experiments is shown in Figure 3.3. This
experimental setup mainly contains a microscope slide sample made of a glass slide, a cover
slip and a liquid sample, and a micro-scale visualisation and image quantification system.
Microscope slide samples were prepared by placing either a single 10 µl drop or two successive
5 µl drops of liquid specimen at the centre of a microscope slide, after which a cover slip was
3.3 Micro-scale experimental setup 53

placed on top of the liquid specimen. The edges of the cover slip were sealed using nail varnish
to avoid the drying of the samples on the microscope slide. Micro-scale visualisation and image
quantification of the samples are described in Section 3.3.3. The microscope slide experiments
were conducted at 20 °C.

Cover slip
Nail varnish
Liquid specimen

Microscope lens
Microscope slide

Figure 3.3 Schematic of the setup used for the microscope slide experiments

Microfluidic chip experiments

In the first micro-scale experimental setup-microscope slide experiments, the bacterial

suspension and cementation solution have to be mixed first and after which the MICP process
in mixture of bacterial suspension and cementation solution is observed. However, in real
MICP treatment conditions, bacterial suspension and cementation solution are injected into a
soil matrix. On the one hand, the injection flow rate, injection volume and injection procedure
affect the MICP processes significantly. The speed and volume of the injection of bacterial
suspension and cementation solution can be varied; the injection of bacterial suspension and
cementation solution can be injected sequentially or together. In addition, the soil matrix as a
porous medium also has effects on the MICP processes. This is because the structure of the
porous medium affects the flow conditions including the distribution of flow rate, which
consequently affects the transport of bacterial cells and chemical ions in the medium. The
surface properties of soil particles also affect the interactions between bacterial cells and soil
particles, which consequently affect the adsorption/desorption of bacterial cells. Therefore, to
visualize the MICP process under the conditions that are equivalent to the real MICP
conditions, a micro-scale porous medium with and flow manipulating system is necessary. As
reviewed in Chapter 2, a microfluidic chip made by soft lithography can be made to contain
54 Materials and Methods

the porous channels. Therefore, the second micro-scale experimental setup was designed
including the use of a microfluidic chip. Figure 3.4 shows the schematic of the microfluidic
chip experiments. The setup for a microfluidic chip experiment includes a microfluidic chip, a
microscope, and a flow injection system which consists of a syringe, syringe pump and tubing.
The designing and fabrication of the microfluidic chip will be described in Chapter 4. The
microfluidic chip experiments were conducted at 20 °C.

Irregularly-shaped pillars designed based on

real soil particle shape and size Pore

Phase 1 Bacterial suspension

Phase 2 Cementation solution

Injection tube
Effluent tube

microfluidic chip Microscope lens

Figure 3.4 Schematic of the microfluidic chip experiments

Micro-scale visualization and image quantification

Images of samples were taken using an optical microscope (Zeiss Axio Observer Z1) to
visualise the micro-scale MICP process in all of the experiments. The microscope is equipped
with an automated stage (Prior Scientific Instruments), as well as a black and white camera
(Hamamatsu C11440-22CU) connected to a computer. Images were taken at 100×
magnification using phase field illumination with image resolution of 0.65 µm/pixel. For tests
that investigate bacterial numbers, S. pasteurii were imaged at 100× magnification using a
black and white camera and phase field illumination. For tests that investigate CaCO3 size and
amount, images were taken at 100× magnification using a black and white camera using either
bright field illumination or phase field illumination. Images were analysed using Zeiss Axio
Vision image analysis software to determine the areas of the corresponding crystals (will be
3.4 Macro-scale experimental setup and materials 55

described later in the results of Chapter 4). The number of bacteria was counted manually at
selected positions and time points during the injection process (will be described in Chapter

3.4 Macro-scale experimental setup and materials


The sandy soil used in this study was fraction D silica sand (British standard, Sibelco, UK) (Al
Qabany, 2011). This sand has a d50 value of 165 µm, with 50% of sand grains having a diameter
of 165 µm or lower, and a d90 of 250 µm, with 90% of the grains having a diameter of 250 µm
or less (Al Qabany, 2011). The density of the sand used was 2.65 g/cm3. The sand contains
99.8 % SiO2 and 0.005 % CaO. The full chemical composition of Sibelco sand is listed in
Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Chemical analysis of silica sand (%), provided by SIBELCO

Chemicals Content (%)
SiO2 99.80
Fe2O3 0.009
Al2O3 0.040
TiO2 0.016
K2O 0.006
CaO 0.005
Cr2O3 0.00005

Small soil column experiments

Based on experiments described in Al Qabany (2011), small soil column experiments were
conducted by using plastic 100 mL syringes. The syringes were positioned vertically and
packed with Fraction D sand to a dry density of 1.65 g/cm3 (porosity of 0.37-0.38). The
columns were positioned vertically with downward flow direction to avoid any settling of the
56 Materials and Methods

material inside the column or the generation of preferential flow paths that might have occurred
if the column was positioned horizontally. The bottom of the column was fitted with filter
material consisting of 2 layers of Whatman filter paper and the top of the column was fitted
with 1 layer of filter paper. 180 g of sand was packed into the column ensuring that sand was
compacted evenly to achieve at least 95 % of the maximum dry density to maintain consistency
across experiments. After the dry sand was packed inside the column, at least 100 ml of DI
water, equivalent to two times the total volume of the pores inside the soil column [2 Pore
Volumes (PV)], were injected into the soil column to saturate the soil before performing MICP
treatment. During the injection of bacterial suspension or cementation solution, a flexible tube
that is connected to the outlet of the columns was put inside a flask to allow the liquid to be
injected into the soil by gravity. After the completion of this injection, the tube was bent
upwards up to keep the liquid inside the column for MICP reactions (Figure 3.5). After the
MICP treatment, sand sample were taken out of the column for testing the CaCO 3 content,
strength, stiffness and micro-scale properties of CaCO3 by using an SEM. The small soil
column experiments were conducted at 22 ± 2 °C.

Figure 3.5 Schematic of setup for small soil experiments

3.4 Macro-scale experimental setup and materials 57

1.2-meter column experiments

A 1.2-meter-long polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tube (internal diameter 75 mm) was positioned
vertically and packed with Fraction D sand. A schematic of the setup of the long column
experiment is shown in Figure 3.6. The columns were positioned vertically, with each end of
the column being fitted with filter material consisting of 8 layers of filter paper. The sand was
packed into the column in 6 consecutive layers, ensuring that each layer was compacted evenly
to achieve at least 95% of the maximum dry density to maintain the consistency across
experiments. The height of the soil samples placed in the columns were about 100 cm Same as
the setup of small soil column experiment, during the injection of bacterial suspension or
cementation solution, the tube was put down, to let them to be injected via gravity, while after
injection during retention, the tube was put up to stop the flow; the liquid was always kept to
be as high as the top of the columns either during injection or retention. After MICP-treatment,
the specimen inside each column was taken out, and divided into about 10 pieces, to be tested
of CaCO3 content, strength and stiffness, and subsequently analysed of the pore-scale
properties of CaCO3 crystals using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The 1.2-meter soil
column experiments were conducted at 22 ± 2 °C

20 cm

100 cm



7 cm

During During
injection retention

Figure 3.6 Schematic of setup for long column experiment

58 Materials and Methods

Flow rate measurement

The injection volume (V) and duration of injection (T) were measured during each of the
injections where the treated soil samples were still intact inside the PVC column. The injection
flow rate (Q) was calculated by dividing the volume of cementation solution injected (V) by
the duration of the injection (T) (Equation 3.2). The permeability of soil samples (k) was tested
using DI water before and after treatment and by using cementation solution during treatment
where the treated soil samples were still intact inside the PVC column. The injection duration
of water, bacterial suspension and cementation solution were recorded as for the permeability
of the sand during the MICP treatment procedure following equations by Equations 3.2 and
3.3. It should be noticed that normally the permeability of soil is measured using water, while
in this study, the permeability of the sand was measured by cementation solution.

Q V /T 3.2

k 3.3
A n
where A is the cross-sectional area of the soil columns and n is the porosity of the soil sample.

Unconfined compression strength (UCS) test

Unconfined compression strength (UCS) test has been applied extensively in the studies of
MICP for testing the strength of MICP-treated soils (van Paassen, et al., 2010; Al Qabany and
Soga, 2013; Cheng et al., 2017). UCS was chosen as an indicator for the strength of MICP-
treated soil specimens. After MICP treatment, the treated sand samples were flushed with at
least two pore volumes of DI water to wash away all excess soluble salts prior to drying the
sand samples at 100.5°C for at least 24 hours. The top and bottom of the soil samples were
treated to be flat and horizontal for Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) experiments
conducted following the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard D2938-
86-standard test method for measuring unconfined compressive strength of an intact rock core
specimen. The axial load was applied at a constant rate of 0.014 mm/min. The length of the
sample was measured before UCS tests, and the height to diameter ratios were about 1: 2
because the exact height of the specimen varied when the specimen was taken out and prepared.
The measured UCS values were computed to be the UCS values of an equivalent H/D=2
3.4 Macro-scale experimental setup and materials 59

specimen based on Equation 3.4 as suggested by the ASTM standard D2938-86-standard test

C 3.4
0.88  (0.24 D / H )

where C is the computed compressive strength of an equivalent H/D=2 specimen; Ca is the

measured compressive strength of the specimen tested; D is the core diameter; and H is the
core height.

Assessment of CaCO3 content

The calcium carbonate (CaCO3) content of MICP-treated soil samples was determined using
the method described by Dawoud (2015) using a chamber connected to a gas pressure meter.
After the UCS test, about 20-30 g of the soil specimen was ground, after which the exact mass
of the ground specimen was measured before being placed in the chamber (Figure 3.7a). A
container with 30 ml of HCl (2.5 M) was then placed in the chamber (Figure 3.7b). After the
chamber was closed tightly (Figure 3.7c), it was shaken to mix the acid with the ground soil
(Figure 3.7b). Because the CaCO3 reacts with HCl and generates CO2 (Equation 3.5), the gas
pressure inside the chamber increases. The actual amount of CaCO3 was calculated based on
an established relationship (Equation 3.6) between the pressure of CO2 gas and the amount of
pure analytical grade CaCO3 powder (Dawoud, 2015). Based on a calibrated pressure-CaCO3
mass curve which is measured using mixtures of HCl and pure CaCO3 powder, and the reading
of the pressure in the experiments, the mass of CaCO3 inside the ground soil can be calculated
using Equation 3.6.

CaCO3  2HCl  CaCl2  CO2   H 2O 3.5

CaCO3 content ( g )  pressure  1.922  0.011 3.6

60 Materials and Methods

a b

c e

Figure 3.7 Calcium carbonate measurement chamber and measurement procedure. (a) Placing dry
MICP-treated sand into the chamber; (b) placing HCl into the chamber; (c) close the chamber; (d)
mixing sand with HCl; (e) pressure reading and CaCO3 calculation by the correlation between pressure
and CaCO3 content (Dawoud, 2015).

Micro-scale properties of CaCO3 crystals in MICP-treated sandy soils

assessed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

To characterise the shapes, size and distribution of precipitated CaCO3 crystals inside the soil
specimen, scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of MICP-treated soil samples were
captured after the UCS test using a Philips XL20 scanning electron microscope (Philips
Electron Optics, Eindhoven, The Netherlands). Samples were dried in an oven at 100.5°C for
24 hours. Before imaging, the surfaces of the samples were not gold-coated. Images were taken
at 300× magnification.
A microfluidic chip and its feasibility for
characterising micro-scale properties of MICP

4.1 Research aims

Due to a lack of a micro-scale testing technique that could capture the behaviour of both
bacteria and CaCO3 crystals in the pore fluid of a soil matrix during Microbial-Induced
Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) treatment procedures, MICP mechanisms such as its micro-
scale process and kinetics have so far been poorly understood. As a result, it has been very
challenging to control and predict the micro-scale properties of CaCO3 precipitates which
affect the macro-scale mechanical properties and uniformity of MICP-treated soils. Therefore,
an appropriate testing technique that can be used to study the MICP fundamental mechanisms
such as the behaviour of both bacteria and CaCO3 crystals in the pore fluid of a soil matrix
during MICP treatment procedures is needed.

As reviewed in Chapter 2, microfluidics techniques can be used to create a micro-scale porous

medium that replicates the structure of a soil matrix and has surface properties equivalent to
soil particles. In addition, microfluidics also allows the control of micro-scale flow conditions
in the porous medium, including flow rate and volume, which can simulate the conditions of
MICP treatment in real soils at the soil particle-scale.

Therefore, microfluidics has the potential to be used as an appropriate technique to study the
micro-scale fundamental mechanisms of MICP. The research aim of this chapter was to design
and fabricate a microfluidic chip which can model the porous structure of a soil matrix and can
be used to study MICP under conditions which mimic fluid flow through soil matrices. In
addition, a series of MICP tests were conducted in the fabricated microfluidic chips to
62 A microfluidic chip and its feasibility for characterising micro-scale properties of

investigate their utility in characterising the micro-scale properties of MICP, including the
quantification of bacteria and the sizes and shapes of CaCO3 crystals. The content of this
chapter has been accepted for publication in the Journal ‘Géotechnique’ as a general paper
entitled ‘A microfluidic chip and its use in characterising the particle-scale behaviour of
Microbial-Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (MICP)’.

4.2 Design of a mask for fabricating microfluidic chips

A microfluidic chip which represents a sandy soil matrix was designed based on a cross-
sectional image of solidified and sectioned 3-D Ottawa 30-50 sandy soil specimen (Figure
4.1a). In a real sandy soil matrix, fluid flows through pores between soil particles even though
the soil particles are in contact with each other. However, in the cross-sectional image of a soil
specimen (presented by Yang, 2015) (Figure 4.1a and b), some of the particles are connected
to each other, meaning that if this image was used to make a microfluidic chip with pillars,
fluid would not be able to flow between these pillars. Therefore, contacts between the particles
(Figure 4.1 b) were manually modified to create open channels that would allow flow between
the pillars (Figure 4.1c). Most of the width of the opened channels were about 50 microns,
which is roughly equivalent to the distances between narrow pore throats in the porous medium
of the soil specimen. The depth of the microfluidic chip was designed to be 50 microns, which
is also roughly equivalent to the distances between narrow pore throats in the porous medium
of the soil specimen. The porous medium of the microfluidic chip is 15 mm in length and width
and has a porosity approximately 0.40 (calculated by dividing the total pore area of the pores
by the total area of the porous medium). The two-dimensional design of the microfluidic chip
is shown in Figure 4.1d. The microfluidic chip also contains an inlet, upstream flow
distribution channels, a porous medium, downstream flow distribution channels, and an outlet.
The inlet and outlet enable solutions to be injected and flow out of the microfluidic chip. The
flow distribution channels distribute the flow evenly into and out of the porous medium. The
porous medium, in the middle of the microfluidic chip, represents the porous soil matrix.
Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2015 was used to design the mask for fabricating the microfluidic
4.2 Design of a mask for fabricating microfluidic chips 63

chips used in this study. The designed mask was printed by Micro Lithography Services
(Chelmsford, UK) on a transparent film for the fabrication of the microfluidic chips.

1 mm

(a) (b) (c)

Upstream flow Porous medium Downstream flow

distribution distribution
channels channels

Inlet Outlet
5 mm
5 mm

Figure 4.1 (a) Cross-sectional image of a solidified and sectioned 3-D Ottawa 30-50 sandy soil
specimen by Yang (2015); (b) magnified image of top-left square in image; (c) AutoCAD image of the
modified image of the image shown in (b). (d) Microscope image of a printed mask for making the
microfluidic chip.
64 A microfluidic chip and its feasibility for characterising micro-scale properties of

4.3 Fabrication of microfluidic chips

Standard photolithography techniques were used to fabricate the master for the microfluidic
device, involving the use of a silicon wafer (MicroChemicals GmbH, Germany), SU-8 3025
photoresist (MicroChem, US) and EC solvent (Dow Chemical Company, Denmark). A
schematic illustrating the main steps during the fabrication is shown in Figure 4.2. The silicon
wafer was coated with SU-8 3025, which is a photoresist polymer. Coating was conducted
using a spin coater, the speed and spinning duration of which controls the thickness of SU-8
(Figure 4.2a). The SU-8-coated silicon wafer was heated to be solid after coating (Figure 4.2a)
and was then selectively exposed to UV light by placing the mask directly above the wafer
(Figure 4.2b). The areas of the photoresist which were not exposed to UV light were weakened
and removed by EC solvent (Figure 4.2c). The fabrication of the microfluidic device was
conducted after the fabrication of the silicon master. A 10:1 v/v mixture of
polydimethylsiloxane base (PDMS, Sylgard 184, Ellsworth Adhesives) and curing agent
(Sylgard 184, Ellsworth Adhesives) was poured over the master and cured in an oven at 65 °C
for 5 hours (Figure 4.2d), after which the cured PDMS stamp was peeled from the silicon
master. After the inlet and the outlet hole were cut with a Harris Uni-Core 0.75 mm punch (Ted
pella, Inc.), the PDMS chips were irreversibly sealed with clean PDMS bottom slips by
exposing them to air plasma (Harrick Plasma) (Figure 4.2e). It is generally thought that PDMS
consists of repeated units of –O-Si(CH3)2-, with methyl groups (-CH3) being converted to
silanol groups (-Si-O-H) after exposure to oxygen plasma (Zhou et al. 2010). The surface of
PDMS was subjected to plasma treatment to make it hydrophilic and negatively charged. A
photo of the fabricated master is shown in Figure 4.3.
4.4 MICP microfluidic experiment 65

a. Spin-coating and soft baking

b. UV cross-linking
c. Development

d. PDMS moulding

e. PDMS bonding

Figure 4.2 Schematic illustrating main steps of microfluidic chip fabrication.

Figure 4.3 Photo of a fabricated silicon wafer master containing two microfluidic models. The wafer
is 7.62 cm in diameter.

4.4 MICP microfluidic experiment

S. pasteurii [American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) 11859] was used in these experiments
due to its ability to hydrolyse urea (Al Qabany et al., 2012). The bacterial cultivation procedure
is described in Section 3.1.1. S. pasteurii cells were grown for 5.5 - 16 hours at 30°C to obtain
66 A microfluidic chip and its feasibility for characterising micro-scale properties of

an optical density at 600 nm (OD600) of 0.8 - 4.0. The cementation solution contained
CaCl2·2H2O (0.25 M), CO(NH2)2 (0.375 M), NH4Cl (0.187 M), NaHCO3 (0.0252 M) and
nutrient broth (3 g/L) (Al Qabany et al., 2012). The NaHCO3 was added to stabilise the pH of
the cementation solution (Al Qabany and Soga, 2013). The measured pH of the cementation
solution was about 7.1 ± 0.1.

A staged-injection treatment procedure has been widely utilised in MICP for soil treatments
due to its capability of delivering bacterial and chemical reactants over longer distances in soils
(Whiffin et al., 2007; van Paassen et al., 2010; Al Qabany et al., 2012). To model this procedure
in a MICP microfluidic chip experiment, the microfluidic chips were fully saturated with
deionised (DI) water prior to the MICP treatment procedure. Bacterial suspension was injected
into the microfluidic chips using a syringe pump at different flow rates over different periods
of time. Bacteria were then given time to settle and attach to the PDMS surfaces within the
chip. Subsequently, the syringe containing the bacterial suspension was displaced by a syringe
containing cementation solution and, in the meantime, a new tubing was also replaced. The
process of injecting the cementation solution was the same as the process of injecting bacteria,
with different flow rates, volumes and numbers of injections being trialled. Images of the
samples were taken at different time points.

PDMS microfluidic chips were fully saturated with deionized (DI) water prior to commencing
microfluidic experiments to remove the effect of partial saturation on the transport of bacterial
cells and chemicals in the porous medium which might have otherwise affected the CaCO3
precipitation process. Bacterial suspension and cementation solution were injected into the
microfluidic chips using a syringe pump which can be used to adjust injection flow rate. The
bacterial cells and the CaCO3 crystals formed within the microfluidic chip were observed under
a light microscope as described in Chapter 3. Six tests were conducted to characterise the
bacterial distribution during injection (Test 1), bacterial growth during bacterial settling (Test
2), bacterial detachment during the injection of cementation solution (Tests 3 and 4), and
crystal growth during and after the injection of cementation solution (Tests 5 and 6). The
bacterial, chemical and injection parameters associated with each test are summarised in Table
4.1 and Table 4.2. The OD600 of the bacterial suspension was measured immediately before
4.4 MICP microfluidic experiment 67

the bacterial injection. The amount of fluid perfused through the microfluidic chip was
measured by dividing the volume injected by the total pore volume (PV) of the device (Table
4.1 and
Table 4.2). The settling time is the time interval between the completion of the injection of
bacterial suspension and the start of the injection(s) of cementation solution (Table 4.1). In
Tests 4 and 6, multiple injections of cementation solution were applied. The injection intervals
between two successive injections are shown in Table 4.2. The injection flow rates of bacterial
suspension and cementation solution were either 5.6 or 56 PV/h, corresponding to Darcy
velocities of 4.6 × 10-5 m/s and 4.6 × 10-4 m/s, respectively. These values are within the range
of values reported in the literature (Al Qabany and Soga, 2013; Martinez et al., 2013; Montoya
et al., 2012). When observing bacterial transport during the bacterial injection, bacterial
suspension was injected at a flow rate of 5.6 PV/h to allow enough time for images of the
sample to be taken at different locations and at different time points during the injection.

Table 4.1 Bacterial properties of the experiments

Test No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
OD600 4.0 0.8 1.6 1.6 0.8 1.6
Injection PV 1.5 1.5 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.25
Flow rate, PV/h 5.6 56 56 56 56 56
Settling time, h - 4 3.5 4.5 4 3.5

Table 4.2 Chemical properties of the experiments

Test No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ca2+ concentration, M - - 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Injection PV - - 1.25 1.25 6 1.25
Injection times - - 1 12 1 20
Flow rate, PV/h - - 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6
Injection intervals, h - - - 6 - 24
68 A microfluidic chip and its feasibility for characterising micro-scale properties of

4.5 Observations of bacteria and calcium carbonate crystals

during MICP processes

Observations during bacterial injection

A uniform distribution of bacteria is thought to be the most important factor for achieving
uniform calcium carbonate precipitation (Martinez et al., 2013). During bacterial injection, the
bacterial cells are transported through the porous medium by advection and dispersion. To
enable bacteria to become perfused through the whole microfluidic chip, the volume of
bacterial suspension injected into the microfluidic chip should at least be the same as the total
volume of the microfluidic channels within the device (the pore volume, PV). Due to the
inhomogeneous distribution of the pores and particles in the porous medium, some of the
bacteria are transported through the chip faster than others during the injection of bacterial
suspension. Even though dispersion can help to achieve a more homogenous distribution of
bacteria in the porous medium, the injection volume should be higher than 1 PV to achieve
this. Therefore, in Test 1, to check that flow is smooth and to check whether a uniform bacterial
distribution can be obtained after the injection, the change in the number of bacteria with time
and space in the porous medium during the injection of bacteria was investigated after
saturating the microfluidic chip with DI water. The direction of the injection of bacterial
suspension into the microfluidic chip was from left to right in the images presented in this
thesis. Three areas were imaged - at the left, middle and right of the porous medium of the
microfluidic chip (Figure 4.4a). Time-series images of these three areas were taken during the
injection of 1.5 PVs of bacterial suspension and the number of bacteria present in two squares
in each of these images was counted. Magnified images of squares A, C and E in Figure 4.4a
showing intermediate stages during this injection (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25 and 1.5 PVs) are
shown Figure 4.4b. The bacterial density within the pores was greater closer to the injection
side and increased at all measured locations as the number of pore volumes (PV) injected
increased (Figure 4.4b).
4.5 Observations of bacteria and calcium carbonate crystals during MICP processes 69



0.25 PV 0.5 PV 0.75 PV 1 PV 1.25 PV 1.5 PV

Figure 4.4 Observations during the bacterial injection: (a) images taken at the left, middle and right of
the porous medium to enable counting of bacteria; (b) time series images of squares A, C and E in (a)
taken at intermediate stages of 0.25 PV during the injection of 1.5 PV of bacterial suspension

Bacteria in the six squares (A-F in Figure 4.4a), were counted during the bacterial injection,
with the results shown in Figure 4.5. Each data point represents the average number of bacteria
counted across two areas (A and B for the left image, C and D for the middle image, and E and
F for the right image in Figure 4.4), with error bars corresponding to standard errors. After
injecting 1 PV of bacterial suspension, the number of bacteria on the left side of the porous
medium was higher than in the middle, which in turn was higher than on the right-hand side of
the porous medium closest to the outlet. The differences in the number of bacteria between
70 A microfluidic chip and its feasibility for characterising micro-scale properties of

these three areas became smaller as the PV number of injected bacteria increased. The
minimum pore volume of bacterial suspension required to achieve a relatively homogeneous
distribution of bacteria inside the porous medium was between 1.0 and 1.25 PV. Therefore, in
most of the experiments in this study, 1.25 PV of bacterial suspension was injected into the
microfluidic chips to obtain a uniform distribution of bacterial cells. However, it should also
be noted as that as bacterial cells contain flagella that enable them to move through fluids, a
homogenous distribution of bacterial cells may also be achieved by allowing sufficient time
for the bacteria to distribute within the media due to their motility.

4.0 Left
3.5 Right
Number of bacteria (X10 )







0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50
PV number
Figure 4.5 Number of bacteria counted at different time points during the bacterial injection, with each
data point representing the mean number of bacteria present in two counting areas (A and B for the left
image, C and D for the middle image, E and F for the right image in Figure 4.4a). Error bars correspond
to standard errors.
4.5 Observations of bacteria and calcium carbonate crystals during MICP processes 71

Observations during bacterial settling

Before being injected into soil matrix, bacteria in MICP studies are normally cultivated in a
laboratory to reach a certain density, concentration and biological activity, both of which
depend on the application (Fauriel and Laloui, 2012). Bacterial growth experiments in a
laboratory have normally shown that under optimised conditions, bacterial growth follows six
phases - lag phase, the starting phase, exponential phase, slow-down phase, stationary phase
and death phase (Widdel, 2007). In most studies, bacteria are cultivated to exponential phase
(or early stationary phase) before being injected into the soil matrix, after which the bacterial
number in situ is not assessed. In theory, bacteria exhibiting exponential growth still have the
ability to increase in number even after being injected. Test 2 was therefore conducted to
observe bacterial growth in situ during bacterial settling.

It is shown in Test 1 that the OD600 for S. pasteurii suspension can reach a value of 4.0. Because
the OD600 of the bacterial suspension in this experiment was 0.8 prior to the injection of
bacterial suspension and the growth medium was the same as that used in Test 1, it was assumed
that the bacterial suspension contained sufficient nutrients for bacteria to grow further. To test
this assumption, optical microscope images of bacteria in three pores of the microfluidic chip
were taken at t0, t0 + 2 h and t0 + 4 h during the settling of bacteria, as shown in Figure 4.6a.
t0 was about 10 minutes after the completion of the bacterial injection. The number of bacteria
in each image depicted in Figure 4.6a was counted, with the results shown in Figure 4.6b. The
number of bacteria at each time point represents the average number of bacteria present in the
three counting areas (left, middle and right), with error bars corresponding to standard errors.

It is shown in Figure 4.6 that the concentration of bacteria increased during the bacterial
settling period due to in situ growth of bacteria. Bacteria with an OD600 of 0.8 were growing
during bacterial settling, with the bacterial density increasing by 80% between t0 and t0 + 2
hours, and by another 80 % between t0 + 2 hrs and t0 + 4 hrs. The microfluidic chip was
manufactured using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a gas-permeable material which allows
oxygen to diffuse into the porous medium of the chip (Leclerc et al., 2003). Based on the
parameters given by Leclerc et al. (2003) and the thickness of the PDMS (5 mm) in this study,
the estimated rate of oxygen diffusion into the porous medium of the chip is 4.8 ×10-5 mol per
72 A microfluidic chip and its feasibility for characterising micro-scale properties of

day, which is considered to be sufficient for S. pasteurii to grow (Leclerc et al. 2003). However,
it is important to note that since bacterial growth is affected by multiple factors such as
temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO) content, availability of nutrients and pH (Garrett et al.,
2008), the observations in this study may not fully mimic bacterial growth in real soils.
Nevertheless, the direct observation of bacteria during the MICP process provides a possible
way to investigate the effects of environmental factors on bacterial growth and the effects of
bacterial amount on the properties of the calcium carbonate precipitates.




t0 t0 + 2 hours t0 + 4 hours
4.5 Observations of bacteria and calcium carbonate crystals during MICP processes 73

Number of bacteria (X10 cells/ml)

t0 t0+2 hr t0+4 hr

Figure 4.6 Observations during bacterial settling: (a) optical microscope images of bacteria in three
pores of the microfluidic chip during bacterial settling at t 0, t0 + 2 h and t0 + 4 h after the bacterial
injection. t0 was about 10 minutes after the completion of the bacterial injection; (b) bacteria counted
during bacterial settling, with each data point representing the average value of the three counting areas
and error bars corresponding to standard errors

Observations during the injection of cementation solution

The settling period was followed by the injection of the cementation solution that will trigger
the formation of calcium carbonate precipitates. Optical microscope images of bacteria inside
three pores on the left-hand side, middle and right-hand side of the microfluidic chip during
the 1.25 PV injection of cementation solution are shown in Figure 4.7a. Bacteria in three
representative images at the left, middle and the right of the microfluidic chip at injection PV
numbers of 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25 were counted, and the average results are shown in
Figure 4.7b. The number of bacteria in the pores on the left side of the microfluidic chip (close
to the inlet where flow through the chip commences) continuously decreased throughout the
74 A microfluidic chip and its feasibility for characterising micro-scale properties of

time course of the injection, while the number of bacteria in the pores in the middle and right-
hand side of the chip (closer to the outlet) were increasing until around 0.25 to 0.5 PVs were
injected, after which they began to decrease. This might be because during the injection of
cementation solution, the bacterial cells at the left of the microfluidic chip were initially
replaced by cementation solution which does not contain bacteria. Therefore, the bacterial
density in the pores at the left-hand side decreased after the start of the injection. Meanwhile,
during the injection of cementation solution, the bacterial cells which became detached on the
left-hand side of the chip were flushed through the chip and accumulated on the right-hand
side. Therefore, the bacterial density in the right-hand side of the chip increased during the first
0.5 PV injection of cementation solution. After the cementation solution reached the middle of
the chip, some of the bacteria in the middle of the chip became displaced by the cementation
solution, resulting in a decrease in bacterial density at this location. Bacteria in the pores in the
left, middle and right of the microfluidic chip stopped decreasing after around 0.75, 1 and 1.25
PV were injected, respectively. The number of bacteria remaining in the microfluidic chip after
the injection of 1.25 PV of cementation solution was about half of the initial amount.

0 PV 0.25 PV 0.5 PV 0.75 PV 1 PV 1.25 PV

4.5 Observations of bacteria and calcium carbonate crystals during MICP processes 75

Number of bacteria (× 10 cells/ml)

8 Right

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25

PV numbers

Figure 4.7 (a) Optical microscope images of bacteria inside three pores at the left (first row), middle
(second row) and right (third row) of the microfluidic chip during the injection of 1.25 PV of
cementation solution; (b) bacterial numbers during the injection of 1.25 PV of cementation solution,
with each data point representing the average value of the three counting areas and error bars
corresponding to standard errors

Optical microscope images of bacteria in one of the pores at the centre of the microfluidic chip
taken after bacteria were allowed to settle for 4.5 hours (before the first cementation solution
injection), and after the first, third and twelfth injection of cementation solution during twelve
sequential injections are shown in Figure 4.8a. It is shown that the bacterial population
decreased with continued injections of cementation solution, with the greatest reduction
occurring during the first injection of cementation solution. Bacteria were counted (i) after the
bacterial injection, (ii) after the bacteria were allowed to settle for 4.5 hours, and (iii) after each
of the twelve injections of cementation solution (Figure 4.8b). About half of the bacteria were
flushed out after the first 1.25 PV of the cementation solution was injected. The number of
bacteria continued decreasing until around the seventh cementation solution injection, after
76 A microfluidic chip and its feasibility for characterising micro-scale properties of

which the number of bacteria remained constant. The number of bacteria present at the end of
the series of cementation solution injections was about 80% lower than the number of bacteria
present immediately after settling.


Number of bacteria (x 10 cells/ml)


After 1 3 5 7 9 12
Injection number

Figure 4.8 (a) Optical microscope images of bacteria taken during the injection of cementation solution
(CS). From left to right, images were taken after bacterial settling for 4.5 hours (before the 1st CS
injection), after the first CS injection, after the third CS injection, and after the twelfth CS injection; (b)
Number of bacteria present after bacterial settling after the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 12th injections of
cementation solution, with each data point representing the average value of the three counting areas
and error bars corresponding to standard errors
4.5 Observations of bacteria and calcium carbonate crystals during MICP processes 77

Previous research indicates that bacteria tend to secrete adhesive structures such as flagella,
pili, exopolysaccharides and other matrix components to attach to the solid surface and live at
the liquid-solid interface (Dunne, 2002). This process generates an adhesive force between
bacterial and solid surfaces (Persat et al., 2015). During the injection of cementation solution,
the viscosity of the cementation solution generates a hydrodynamic (shear) force on the cell
that is tangential to the surface in the direction of the flow (Persat et al., 2015). Surface motility
may produce a frictional force that is tangential to the cell wall and is localised at the interface
with the substrate (Persat et al., 2015). When the forces on the cell are balanced, the cell
attaches to the surface, whereas the cell detaches from the surface when the forces are not
balanced. The shear stress generated by flow at a solid-liquid interface can easily overcome the
adhesive forces which anchor cells to surfaces, thus potentially detaching them from the
substrate. In this study, the cementation solution and the injection flow rate of the cementation
solution were the same in each injection. Bacteria detached during the injections of cementation
solution, possibly because the forces were not balanced. Bacterial attachment and detachment
to and from the substrate is complex, and these forces also strongly depend on the chemical
and mechanical properties of the substrate (Garrett et al., 2008; Licheter et al., 2008).

Formation of cementation with time

To observe the formation of cementation with time during a continuous injection of

cementation solution, in Test 5, six PVs of cementation solution were continuously injected
into one microfluidic chip at a flow rate of 0.05 ml/h, and optical microscope images were
taken from the start of the first until the sixth PV injection of cementation solution (Figure
4.9). It is shown that the formation of cementation with time might occur during the injection
of cementation solution. Bacterial aggregates were observed during this experiment (Figure
4.9, first row). Bacteria may have aggregated because that bacterial cell walls are negatively
charged and could thus be bonded by the Ca2+ cations of CaCl2 in the cementation solution
(Rodriguez-Navarro et al., 2007 and EI Mountassir et al, 2014). Crystals appeared either at the
narrow pore throat, next to the side wall or at the bottom of the inner surface of the microfluidic
chip (Figure 4.9, second and third row). After being formed, the calcium carbonate crystals
continued growing during the injection process.
78 A microfluidic chip and its feasibility for characterising micro-scale properties of

1 PV 2 PV 3 PV 4 PV 5 PV 6 PV

Figure 4.9 Time series microscope images taken from the start of the first until the sixth PV injection
of cementation solution: bacterial aggregation and nucleation appear at a narrow pore throat (first row);
crystals grow next to the side wall (second row); and a crystal growing out from the bottom of the inner
surface of the microfluidic chip (third row)

To observe the formation of cementation with time during a staged injection of cementation
solution procedure, in Test 6, 20 sequential 1.25 PV of cementation solution were injected into
the microfluidic chip at an interval of about 24 hours between injections after the completion
of bacterial settling. An image showing cementation throughout the whole porous medium of
the microfluidic chip after the completion of the final cementation solution injection is
presented in Figure 4.10. Representative images of crystals inside six pores of this porous
medium at the completion of the final cementation solution injection are also shown in this
figure. Pores A-C are narrow, whereas pores D-F are wide. The shape of the crystals was
mainly prismatic, suggesting that the crystals might be calcite (Al Qabany et al., 2012; Zhao et
al., 2014).
4.5 Observations of bacteria and calcium carbonate crystals during MICP processes 79

Figure 4.10 Image of the whole porous medium captured at the end of the final (20th) injection of
cementation solution and six magnified images of pores A-F

Images of pores A to F at the completion of the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th injection of
cementation solution are shown in Figure 4.11. Most but not all crystals present after the final
stage of the injection process were formed at the completion of the 4th injection of cementation
solution. Once the crystals were formed, they continued to grow with subsequent injections of
cementation solution.
80 A microfluidic chip and its feasibility for characterising micro-scale properties of

Figure 4.11 Images of pores A to F captured after the completion of the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th

The sizes of the five crystals in pore A (quantified by measuring their areas) at the completion
of the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th injection of cementation solution are shown in Figure 4.12.
Although crystal volumes could not be calculated from the two-dimensional images,
4.5 Observations of bacteria and calcium carbonate crystals during MICP processes 81

quantifying bacterial size by measuring the areas that they occupy in the microscope images
could still be useful to study and compare their relative sizes and growth rates. At the
completion of the 4th cementation solution injection, only one crystal was formed, whereas
other crystals were formed between the 4th and the 8th injection of cementation solution (Figure
4.12). The sizes of the five crystals at the same time point were different, with all of these
crystals continuing to grow during subsequent injections of cementation solution. Crystals that
were smaller at earlier stages were also smaller at later time points.

Crystal 1 1
Crystal 2
1200 Crystal 3 3
Crystal 4 5
Crystal 5 4
Crystal size (m )





0 4 8 12 16 20
Injection number
Figure 4.12 Quantification of the sizes of the five CaCO3 crystals at position A in Figure 4.11 at the
completion of the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th injections

To quantify the micro-scale distribution of the crystals within the pores, the proportion of the
total pore area occupied by the crystals in narrow and open pores after every 4th injection is
shown in Figure 4.13. The ratio of crystal area to pore area in this study is not necessarily the
same as the ratio of crystal volume to pore volume because the crystals might not occupy the
whole height of the microfluidic chip. The crystal areas to pore area ratios in the narrow and
82 A microfluidic chip and its feasibility for characterising micro-scale properties of

open pores at the completion of the 4th cementation solution injection were about 0.06 and 0.05,
respectively. These ratios increased gradually to about 0.45 and 0.38, respectively, after the
completion of the final (20th) injection of cementation solution. Cementation preferentially
formed in narrow pore throats over open pore bodies. It should be noted that the proportion of
the pore area occupied by crystals might vary if other pores were chosen.

Narrow pore throats
Open pore bodies
Proportion of pore area

occupied by crystals




0 4 8 12 16 20
Injection number
Figure 4.13 Ratios of the total area occupied by the crystals to the total area of pores in the narrow and
open pores at the completion of the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th injections, with each data point
representing the average value of the three counting areas and error bars corresponding to standard

The cementation formed at narrow pore throats might represent the effective CaCO3 required
for increasing the strength and stiffness of soils (DeJong et al., 2010). Any cementation present
inside soils decreases soil permeability, and large crystals at the open pore throat might
correspond to the effective CaCO3 required to reduce soil permeability (Al Qabany and Soga,
2013). The concentration of chemicals used during MICP treatment affects the size and
distribution of crystals, which in turn affects the mechanical properties of MICP-treated
4.6 Conclusions 83

samples (Al Qabany and Soga, 2013). However, to date, no research has been conducted to
explain the reason behind this. The observation of nucleation and crystal growth inside the
porous medium can shed light on the mechanisms responsible for the spatial distribution of
CaCO3 at particle scale, as well as possible reasons for the formation of different shapes, sizes,
and amounts of CaCO3.

4.6 Conclusions

In this study, transparent microfluidic chips, which were designed based on a cross-sectional
image of Ottawa 30-50 sandy soil, were fabricated using PDMS. Pore-scale MICP tests were
conducted using the microfluidic chips and the behaviour of both bacteria and carbonate
precipitates at different stages during the whole MICP process were investigated. The
observations are summarised as follows:

Bacterial cells and calcium carbonate crystals inside the microfluidic chip can be observed
under an optical microscope. The porous medium of a soil matrix can be simplified and
simulated in a microfluidic chip. The PDMS microfluidic chip is impermeable to water and the
injection flow rate of both bacterial suspension and cementation solution in the chip can be
kept at the same level as in macro-scale soil column experiments. In contrast to sample
preparation for SEM, samples do not need to be dried to be observed using an optical
microscope, thus making it possible to observe bacteria and calcium carbonate crystals in a
saturated condition. The image intensities of bacteria, water, PDMS chip, and crystals are
different, which makes it very easy to distinguish them. The process of MICP inside the porous
medium both during and after the MICP treatment can be observed without breaking the

Flow of bacterial suspension and cementation solution through the microfluidic chip perfused
the entire porous medium and the bacteria distributed homogeneously within the chip after 1.25
PV was injected. This observation supports the findings of Tobler et al. (2014) that the
distribution of S. pasteurii in sandstone at a larger scale (1.8 - 7.5 cm) was fairly homogeneous
after the initial bacterial injection when the bacterial optical density was either 0.5 or 1.0.
84 A microfluidic chip and its feasibility for characterising micro-scale properties of

However, as the transport of bacteria through the porous medium might be affected by factors
such as bacterial density, the size of the samples, the porosity of the porous medium, and the
injection flow rate, further studies will be required to study the effects of these parameters on
the transport of bacteria.

The microfluidic chip enabled the growth and distribution of bacteria to be monitored
throughout the MICP treatment procedure. The early exponential growth of bacteria inside the
porous medium during bacterial settling and the detachment of bacteria during the injection of
cementation solution were observed. Because it is difficult to observe bacteria inside soils even
by using a scanning electron microscope, the bacterial density reported in the literature was
usually measured before injecting bacteria (Al Qabany et al., 2012; Montoya et al., 2013; Jiang
et al., 2017). However, as the number of bacteria might change after the bacterial injection, the
number of bacteria present by the time the cementation solution is injected might affect the
precipitation rate and morphology of carbonate crystals. Using the microfluidic chip, further
studies can be conducted to study the factors affecting bacterial growth properties and the
relationship between the number of bacteria and the properties of carbonate crystals such as
growth rate and morphology. In addition, as the distribution of bacteria might affect the
distribution of carbonate precipitation, the microfluidic chip could also be used to investigate
the correlation between the distributions of bacteria and carbonate crystals.

CaCO3 crystal growth were observed during either one continuous injection or twenty
sequential injections of cementation solution. The observation of CaCO3 crystals during the
MICP process using microfluidic chips has great advantages over traditional ways of studying
MICP, by which only the CaCO3 content at the end of the MICP treatment process can be
measured (van Paassen, 2009; Al Qabany et al., 2012). The mechanisms responsible for the
spatial distribution of CaCO3 at the particle scale and the reasons for the formation of different
shapes, sizes, and amount of CaCO3 can be further explored. Furthermore, monitoring CaCO3
size and amount during the MICP process can also be useful to study the rate of CaCO 3
precipitation, which might be helpful for optimising MICP treatment parameters.
Micro-scale visualisation of MICP

5.1 Research aims

In real MICP applications such as soil stabilisation, bacterial suspension and cementation
solution are injected into a soil matrix, resulting in CaCO3 precipitation with time within the
soil pores which bonds adjacent soil particles, thereby improving the engineering properties of
the soil matrix such as stiffness and strength. It is essential to be able to better understand and
control the MICP process in the soil pores so that MICP protocols can be designed accordingly
to produce the CaCO3 precipitates with desired properties (such as size, number and
distribution) for different applications.

A MICP process in a soil pore starts with the bacteria in the pore fluid hydrolysing urea to form
CO32- ions, which react with the available Ca2+ cations in the pore fluid to form CaCO3. A
conventional belief is that bacteria serve as nucleation sites for CaCO3 because the negative-
charged cell walls of bacteria can adsorb Ca2+ for nucleation with the CO32- ions (Stocks-
Fischer et al., 1999; Hammes et al., 2002; DeJong et al, 2006; Siddique et al., 2011; Dhami et
al., 2013; Ganendra et al., 2014). This conventional belief was challenged by a direct
observation which showed that CaCO3 crystals did not grow on bacterial cells which were
immobilised on an agar pad containing urea and CaCl2 (Zhang et al., 2018). Despite the studies
that have been reported, the understanding of MICP processes in real soil pores is still very
limited because the above conclusions were either obtained based on indirect observations
using electron microscopy (Stocks-Fischer et al., 1999; Bang et al., 2010), or based on a direct
observation under experimental conditions which do not mimic the flow of fluid through a
porous medium in real MICP conditions (Zhang et al., 2018). In addition, the results of Test 5
86 Micro-scale visualisation of MICP processes

presented in Chapter 4 showed that bacterial aggregates and crystals can form within the
narrow pore throat after the injection of cementation solution. Similarly, 0.05 M CaCl2 solution
was thought to be able to stimulate flocculation of S. pasteurii bacterial cells and increase the
fixation of bacteria in a soil column (Harkes et al., 2010). During the MICP procedure, S.
pasteurii cells can aggregate after bacterial cells are mixed with CaCl2 solution (El Mountassir
et al., 2014). This suggests that bacterial aggregates may affect CaCO3 precipitation during
MICP. However, the precise effects that bacterial aggregates have on CaCO3 precipitation are
largely known.

As reviewed in Chapter 2, CaCO3 precipitates have a number of polymorphs with distinguished

shapes, such as rhombohedral calcite, spherical vaterite, clustered needle-like aragonite and
non-crystalline amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) nanoparticles (Kawano et al., 2002; Lian
et al., 2006; Dhami et al., 2013). Some of these polymorphs have also been observed in MICP
studies, such as the CaCO3 crystals with spherical and rhombohedral shapes observed in the
experiments presented in Chapter 4 and in a previous study by van Paassen (2009). The
polymorphs varied in their stabilities, and during the formation of CaCO3 in aqueous solutions
as a result of chemical reactions between CaCl2 and Na2CO3, less stable phases of CaCO3 form
first and transform to more stable phases according to Ostwald’s step rule (Kawano et al., 2002;
Bots et al., 2012). Because of the phase transformation of CaCO3 during precipitation, the size
and shape of CaCO3 precipitates changes during the precipitation process (Kawano et al., 2002;
Bots et al., 2012) even though the total CaCO3 content remains the same. However, the phase
transformation reported by Kawano et al. (2002) and Bots et al. (2012) was based on the
chemical precipitation of CaCO3 by CaCl2 and Na2CO3, rather than on bacterial-induced CaCO3
precipitation, with the similarities and differences between these two processes remaining
largely unknown. It is therefore essential to understand if this transformation also occurs during
ureolysis-driven MICP processes, as it is important to design MICP treatment protocols that
produce stable CaCO3 crystals for a permanent stable cementation (van Paassen, 2009).

As described in Chapter 4, a phase-contrast microscope can be used to observe both bacteria

and CaCO3 crystals. In addition, the designed and fabricated microfluidic chip can simulate the
features of a real soil matrix and be used to manipulate the flow conditions based on real MICP
conditions. In this chapter, micro-scale experiments were therefore designed and conducted to
5.2 Experimental design and procedures 87

improve the understanding the effects of bacterial cells/aggregates on CaCO3 precipitation and
the evolution of the shape and size of the CaCO3 precipitates during the MICP process under
the real MICP conditions. The experimental design and procedures in line with these research
aims are described in the next section.

5.2 Experimental design and procedures

MICP processes which occur after mixing bacterial suspension with

cementation solution

As shown in Chapter 4, bacterial aggregates can form during the injection of cementation
solution. However, as it is difficult to predict when and where the bacterial aggregates are going
to form in a microfluidic experiment during the injection of cementation solution, the capture
of the whole MICP process from the formation of bacterial aggregates may be difficult.
Therefore, to explore the effects of individual bacterial cells and bacterial aggregates on CaCO3
precipitation and the changes in shape and size of the CaCO3 precipitates during a MICP
treatment procedure, the first micro-scale experiment was conducted by using glass slides as
described in Section 3.3. This experiment was conducted based on the assumption that the
interactions between bacterial cells and Ca2+ can be maximised during the mixing of bacterial
suspension and cementation solution, which would enable large amounts of bacterial
aggregates to be formed. To prove this assumption, a preliminary experiment was conducted
before performing the glass slide experiment to examine whether large numbers of bacterial
aggregates occur after mixing bacterial suspension with cementation solution. After the
preliminary test, another glass slide sample was prepared which contained bacterial suspension
with an OD600 of 2.5 mixed with an equal volume of cementation solution containing 1 M
CaCl2, 1.5 M urea, and 3 g/L nutrient broth. Immediately after preparing this mixture (which
took about two minutes), time series images of this sample were taken at an imaging interval
of five minutes over a period of twelve hours.
88 Micro-scale visualisation of MICP processes

MICP processes occurring after the first and second injections of

cementation solution

In the glass slide experiment, bacterial suspension and cementation solution can only be mixed
once, whereas in real MICP applications the injection of cementation solution is normally
repeated multiple times to increase the amount of CaCO3 formed (van Paassen et al., 2010; Al
Qabany et al., 2012). In addition, the glass slide experiment cannot simulate the flow of
bacterial suspension and cementation solution through a porous soil matrix which may affect
the distribution of bacterial aggregates and individual bacterial cells, and which in turn may
affect the properties of MICP-treated soils. Therefore, after performing the glass slide
experiment, a microfluidic chip experiment was conducted to further explore the MICP process
under conditions that more closely mimic MICP conditions occurring in real soils. To achieve
this, a staged injection MICP procedure (similar to the one described in Chapter 4) was
conducted which involved a single injection of bacterial suspension after which bacteria were
given time to ‘settle’ and attach to the inner surface of the porous medium before performing
multiple injections of cementation solution in stages. However, some of the parameters of this
experiment differ to the parameters of the staged injection procedure described in Chapter 4.

As shown in the results presented in Chapter 4, bacterial cells continued growing during the
settling time. Therefore, the bacterial settling time may affect the number of bacteria present
just before the injection of cementation solution. It was assumed that the presence of a larger
number of bacterial cells would result in more bacterial aggregates being formed. Therefore,
in this experiment the settling time was set at 24 hours to increase the number of bacterial cells
present after the settling before the injection of cementation solution. In addition, whilst images
were taken every 24 hours in Test 6 described in Chapter 4, images of the sample in this
experiment were taken at 0, 1, 3, 6, 10 and 24 hours after the injections of cementation solution
to visualise the effects of individual bacterial cells and bacterial aggregates on MICP processes
and track changes in the shape and size of the crystals during MICP. The OD600 of the bacterial
suspension measured prior to the injection of bacterial suspension was 1.0. Two injections of
cementation solution were conducted to observe the MICP process occurring after each of these
two injections. The flow rate and pore volume of bacterial suspension injection, as well as the
5.3 MICP processes in the mixtures of bacterial suspension and cementation 89

interval, flow rate and pore volume of cementation solution injection were the same as
described in Test 6 in Chapter 4.

5.3 MICP processes in the mixtures of bacterial suspension and

cementation solution

Bacterial aggregation

Before the glass slide experiment was conducted to study the effects of bacterial
cells/aggregates on MICP processes, a preliminary glass slide experiment was conducted to
test if both bacterial aggregates and individual bacterial cells are present after mixing bacterial
suspension with cementation solution. Equal volumes of bacterial suspension (OD = 1.0) and
cementation solution containing 1 M CaCl2, 1.5 M urea and 3 g/L nutrient broth, were mixed
on a glass slide sample. For comparison, a sample containing S. pasteurii suspension (OD =1.0)
was also prepared. The images of the two samples are shown in Figure 5.1. Consistent with
the results shown in Chapter 4, the S. pasteurii cells did not aggregate in the bacterial
suspension (Figure 5.1a), but aggregated in the presence of cementation solution (Figure 5.1b).
In addition, as expected, the size of the bacterial aggregate shown in Figure 5.1b was larger
than the one observed in Test 5 presented in Chapter 4 (shown in first row of Figure 4.8).
90 Micro-scale visualisation of MICP processes

a b

Figure 5.1 Optical microscope images of (a) a bacterial suspension (OD600 = 1.0), in which bacteria did
not aggregate; (b) a bacterial aggregate observed after mixing bacterial suspension (OD600 = 1.0) with
cementation solution (1 M). All images were taken immediately after the completion of the sample
preparation, which took about 2 mins.

Overview of the MICP process after mixing bacterial suspension with

cementation solution

To obtain an overview of the main stages of the MICP process after mixing bacterial suspension
with cementation solution, 145 images of a 0.5 mm by 0.5 mm square of the sample were taken
over a period of 12 hours after mixing to show the main stages of the precipitation process,
with twelve of these images presented in Figure 5.2. Bacterial aggregation and CaCO3
precipitation started immediately after the mixing (Figure 5.2a), which is consistent with the
observation made by van Paassen (2009). The shapes of both bacterial aggregates and CaCO 3
precipitates at the initial stage were irregular (Figure 5.2a). By 30 min after mixing, more
irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates formed (Figure 5.2b), shown by more areas becoming
lighter at 30 min compared with 0 min. The irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates continued
growing until 50 minutes when one spherical CaCO3 crystal (Crystal A) appeared (Figure
5.2c). After that, the irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates surrounding Crystal A started
dissolving. The area containing dissolving irregular-shaped CaCO3 became larger with the
growth of Crystal A (Figure 5.2e compared with Figure 5.2d). In the meantime, several new
crystals formed (Figure 5.2e compared with Figure 5.2d). It is worth noting that the zones
5.3 MICP processes in the mixtures of bacterial suspension and cementation 91

where the irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates dissolved were not only increasing in size with
the growth of the crystals, but also had a circular shape (Figure 5.2f-h). By 1 h and 45 minutes,
some undissolved irregular-shaped CaCO3 crystals (Figure 5.2 i) remained, but by 2 hours all
irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates dissolved (Figure 5.2j). Between 2 and12 hours, all of the
existing CaCO3 precipitates were regular-shaped crystals (Figure 5.2j-l). Therefore, in general,
the overall MICP process between 0-12 hours after the mixing of bacterial suspension and
cementation solution can be divided into the following three main stages: (1) bacterial
aggregation occurred immediately after the mixing of bacterial suspension and cementation
solution; (2) growth of irregular-shaped CaCO3 crystals (0-1 hr); (3) dissolution of irregular-
shaped CaCO3 crystals (1-2 hr) at the expense of the growth and formation of regular-shaped
CaCO3 crystals (1-12 hr).

The irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates which formed during the initial stage of CaCO3
precipitation were not stable and dissolved easily with the precipitation of the regular-shaped
CaCO3 crystals, which is consistent with the observations made by Kawano et al. (2002).
According to Ostwald’s step rule, amorphous CaCO3 (ACC), which is the most unstable form
of CaCO3, is the first to precipitate during CaCl2- and Na2CO3-induced chemical precipitation
of CaCO3 (Rodriguez-Navarro et al., 2015). This is because ACC has the highest solubility
among all the CaCO3 precipitates and because the concentrations of Ca2+ and CO32- in the
mixed solution drop to the solubility for ACC during its precipitation, whilst still being high
enough for more stable CaCO3 crystals such as vaterite and calcite to nucleate and grow
(Kawano et al., 2002). In this thesis study, the CaCO3 precipitates that formed first were
irregular-shaped and had a higher solubility compared with the crystal form of CaCO3
precipitates, which is consistent with the parameters of amorphous phase CaCO3 (Kawano
2002; Bots et al., 2012; Dhami et al., 2013; Rodriguez-Navarro et al., 2015). In addition,
irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates dissolved surrounding the crystals which formed, the
shapes of the zones where the irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates dissolved were circular, and
these areas increased with the growth of the CaCO3 crystals. This also suggests that the crystals
grew at the expense of the dissolution of irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates (Kawano 2002).
92 Micro-scale visualisation of MICP processes

As the magnification level in the images shown in Figure 5.2 is not high enough to observe
the details of bacterial cells and CaCO3 crystals, images taken at higher magnification levels
(squares I and II in Figure 5.2a) are shown in the next two sections to observe more details
regarding the effects of individual bacterial cells and bacterial aggregates on CaCO3
precipitation and the evolution of CaCO3 crystals.

a. 0 min b. 30 min c. 50 min d. 1 h

Square I
Crystal A

Square II

e. 1 h 5 min f. 1 h 10 min g. 1 h 15 min h. 1 h 20 min

i. 1 h 45 min j. 2 h k. 6 h l. 12 h

Figure 5.2 Time-lapse microscope images of microscope glass slides containing the mixture of bacterial
suspension and cementation solution. (a) at 0 min bacterial aggregates (BAs) and irregular-shaped
precipitates (ISP) formed; (b) by 30 mins more ISPs formed; (c) at 50 mins, crystal A formed (shown
by the arrow) and ISPs became lighter compared with image b; (d) Crystal A became larger compared
with image c and ISPs surrounding Crystal A dissolved; (e) at 1 h 5 min, new crystals formed (shown
by arrows), crystal A continued growing and ISPs surrounding Crystal A continued dissolving; (f-h)
circular zones where ISPs dissolved became larger with time as shown by the arrows; (i) undissolved
ISPs (arrow); (j-l) only regular-shaped crystals remained after 2 hours.
5.3 MICP processes in the mixtures of bacterial suspension and cementation 93

Precipitation and dissolution of irregular shaped CaCO3 precipitates

Magnified images of square I (shown in Figure 5.2a) at selected time points (0 min, 20 min
and 50 min) are shown in Figure 5.3a-c to observe whether individual bacterial cells or
bacterial aggregates have an effect on nucleation and growth of CaCO3 precipitates. To observe
the images in more detail, magnified images of the square in Figure 5.3a-c are shown in Figure

A large amount of the bacterial cells aggregated and irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates
started forming immediately after the start of the imaging process (Figure 5.3 a). The irregular-
shaped CaCO3 precipitates formed mostly on bacterial aggregates (Figure 5.3 b) and
occasionally also formed on top of individual bacterial cells (arrows in Figure 5.3 f). The
CaCO3 precipitates continued to grow from 0 to 50 min, as shown by the image pixels
becoming brighter (Figure 5.3 b compared with a, or Figure 5.3 c compared with Figure 5.3
b). The time at which the precipitates started forming varied, with some precipitates forming
at 0 minutes, whereas others formed after 20 minutes (Figure 5.3 d and e).

The images in Figure 5.3 suggest that bacterial aggregation has great effects on the formation
of irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates. Based on Equation 1.1 and 1.2 (in Chapter 1), bacteria
hydrolyse urea and produce CO32- which react with Ca2+ to form CaCO3. Assuming that the
ureolysis capacity of each bacterial cell is the same, bacterial aggregates containing a large
number of bacteria are more effective at hydrolysing urea compared to individual bacterial
cells. Therefore, the concentration of CO32- surrounding the bacterial aggregates increases more
quickly. In addition, the bacterial aggregates contained a large amount of Ca2+ surrounding the
bacterial cells, thus causing CaCO3 to precipitate on bacterial aggregates more quickly. As the
local concentration of urea surrounding the bacterial aggregates decreases, more urea diffuses
to them, thus resulting in the continued precipitation of CaCO3 on the bacterial aggregates.

As reviewed in Section 2.2.3, the effects of ureolytic bacteria on the process of CaCO3
precipitation have been debated. A widely believed assumption regarding the CaCO 3
precipitation process during MICP is that bacterial cells serve as nucleation sites for CaCO 3,
94 Micro-scale visualisation of MICP processes

and that once the nucleation sites are formed, the CaCO3 crystals continue growing from them
(Stocks-Fischer et al., 1999; Hammes et al., 2002; DeJong et al, 2006; Siddique et al. 2011;
Dhami et al., 2013; Ganendra et al., 2014). In contrast, some recent studies claimed that the
effects of bacterial cells on the precipitation of CaCO3 is very limited (Zhang et al., 2018).
However, the observations made in this study suggest that, during the initial stage of CaCO 3
precipitation, bacterial aggregates formed and had an effect on CaCO3 precipitation where the
irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates grew on top of the bacterial aggregates. In addition, the
observations in this thesis study suggest that individual bacterial cells also have an effect on
the precipitation of irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates, but the effect of individual bacterial
cells is less compared with the effect of bacterial aggregates.

a. 0 min b. 20 min c. 50 min

BAs ISPs grew on BAs


d. 0 min e. 20 min f. 50 min

Figure 5.3 Microscope images showing the precipitation of irregular-shaped CaCO3 crystals and the
fixation of bacterial cells during the precipitation process. (a) at 0 min, bacterial aggregates (BAs) and
irregular-shaped precipitates (ISP) formed; (b and c) ISPs formed on bacterial aggregates; (d and e)
three bacterial cells shown by arrows; (f) at 50 mins, ISPs grew on the bacterial cells shown by the
bottom two arrows but did not form on the bacterial cell shown by the top arrow
5.3 MICP processes in the mixtures of bacterial suspension and cementation 95

To observe the dissolution of irregularly-shaped CaCO3 precipitates in more detail, magnified

images of square II (shown in Figure 5.2a) at selected time points (between 30 min and 2 hrs)
are shown in Figure 5.4. With the dissolution of the CaCO3 precipitate, the bacterial cells
become free to move. The mobility of S. pasteurii is consistent with that of Bacillus bacteria
(Yoon et al. 2001). These observations suggest that bacterial aggregation and the formation of
irregularly-shaped CaCO3 precipitates encapsulate bacterial cells. By contrast, because the
irregularly-shaped CaCO3 precipitates were not stable, the dissolution of the irregularly-shaped
CaCO3 resulted in the bacterial cells becoming free to move again.

The fixation of bacteria in bacterial aggregates or irregular-shaped precipitates might affect the
transport of bacterial cells as they are notably larger than individual bacterial cells and may
therefore become more easily trapped at narrow pore throats of a soil matrix. In addition, as
the bacterial aggregates encapsulate bacterial cells which later become released with the
dissolution of the irregular-shaped precipitates, the distribution of aggregates/irregular-shaped
precipitates in a soil matrix may affect the distribution of the bacterial cells in the matrix, which
may consequently affect the MICP process. Further work is warranted to explore the factors
affecting the size of the bacterial aggregates and their effect on the distribution of bacteria at
the macro-scale and the resulting effects that this might have on the properties of the CaCO3
96 Micro-scale visualisation of MICP processes

a. 30 min b.1 h c. 1 h 20 min


d. 1 h 25 min e. 1 h 30 min f. 2 h

spread out
Half of the ISP dissolved
with bacteria being Whole ISP dissolved
released and bacteria released

Figure 5.4 The dissolution of an irregular-shaped precipitate and the movement of bacterial cells after
the dissolution. Bacterial aggregate (BA); Irregular-shaped precipitate (ISP)

Dissolution of irregularly-shaped CaCO3 and re-precipitation of

CaCO3 crystals

To observe the precipitation process and stabilities of CaCO3 crystals, magnified images of
square I (shown in Figure 5.2a) at selected time points from 0 hr to 12 hrs are shown in Figure
5.5. As can be seen from this figure, CaCO3 crystals grew with the dissolution of the irregular-
shaped CaCO3 precipitates. Most crystals were spherical, such as crystals A-F, or
rhombohedral, such as crystals G-Q. Spherical crystals were not stable and dissolved later on.
For example, Crystal B dissolved by 12 hrs and crystals C-F dissolved by 7 hrs. Rhombohedral
crystals such as crystals G-Q were stable and did not dissolve after being formed.
5.3 MICP processes in the mixtures of bacterial suspension and cementation 97

a. 0 h b. 1 h c. 1 h 10 min d. 1 h 20 min


e. 1 h 25 min f. 1 h 30 min g. 1 h 40 min h. 2 h



i. 3h j. 4 h k. 5 h l. 6 h

m. 7 h n. 8 h o. 10 h p. 12 h

Figure 5.5 Microscope images showing the dissolution of spherical CaCO3 crystals while rhombohedral
CaCO3 crystals continued to be stable. (a-c) growth of irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates; (c-h)
spherical CaCO3 crystals and rhombohedral CaCO3 crystals grow at the expense of the dissolution of
irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates; (i-p) rhombohedral CaCO3 crystals stay stable, whereas spherical
CaCO3 crystals dissolved
98 Micro-scale visualisation of MICP processes

To observe the formation of spherical CaCO3 crystals and rhombohedral CaCO3 crystals in
more detail, such as changes in their shape and size with time, magnified images of crystals C
and I, which are shown in Figure 5.5, were picked as representations and their shapes at
selected time points are shown in Figure 5.6 and Figure 5.7, respectively.

The spherical crystal (crystal C) started to form by 1 hr 25 min (Figure 5.6d), and then grew
until 2 hrs (Figure 5.6f), after which it started to dissolve and was fully dissolved by 7 hrs.
Therefore, spherical crystal C is relatively unstable. This dissolution of spherical crystals is
consistent with the dissolution of vaterite according to Ostwald’s step rule, as well as with the
SEM images showing the dissolved vaterite (van Paassen 2009) taken 1 week after MICP
treatment. By contrast, the rhombohedral crystal (crystal I) was stable after being formed
(Figure 5.7d-l).

The growth of CaCO3 crystals during an MICP process occurred on a soft agar or in liquid
contained in a petri dish was observed by Zhang et al. (2018), and it was found that CaCO3
crystals grew after formed without dissolution. However, the results presented in this thesis are
the first direct observation of the process of dissolution of spherical CaCO3 crystals and steady
growth of rhombohedral crystals in the same sample during MICP. The rhombohedral crystals
appear to be more stable than the spherical crystals, which in turn are more stable than the
irregular-shaped precipitates. This is reminiscent of the transformation of irregular-shaped
amorphous CaCO3 precipitates to spherical vaterite and then to rhombohedral calcite
(Rodriguez-Blanco et al., 2011). Together with the morphological aspects of these structures,
this suggests that rhombohedral crystals are calcite, spherical crystals are vaterite, and
irregular-shaped precipitates are amorphous CaCO3 precipitates, as proposed by Rodriguez-
Blanco et al. (2011) and Chu et al. (2013). In addition, these results are consistent with several
studies in which the percentage of rhombohedral CaCO3 crystals relative to all crystals
increased at later stages during the precipitation process (Wei et al., 2003; Rodriguez-Blanco
et al., 2011).
5.3 MICP processes in the mixtures of bacterial suspension and cementation 99

a. 0 h b. 1 h c. 1 h 20 min d. 1 h 25 min


e. 1 h 30 min f. 2 h g.2 h 30 min h.3 h

Crystal dissolving area
Crystal growing Crystal dissolving increasing

i. 3 h 30 min j. 4 h k. 4 h 30 min l. 5 h
Crystal dissolving area Crystal dissolving

m. 5 h 30 min n. 6 h o. 7 h p. 12 h

Figure 5.6 Microscope images showing the growth and dissolution of a spherical CaCO3 crystal. (a-c)
events preceding the formation of the crystal; (d-g) crystal growth phase; (h-p), dissolution of the
100 Micro-scale visualisation of MICP processes

a. 0 h b.1 h c. 1 h 25 min d. 1 h 30 min

e. 1h 35 min f. 1 h 40 min g. 1 h 45 min h.1 h 50 min

i. 2 h j. 4 h k. 8 h l. 12 h

Figure 5.7 Microscope images showing growth of a rhombohedral CaCO3 crystal. (a-c) events
preceding the formation of the crystal; (d-l) crystal formation and growth.

5.4 MICP processes occurring in a porous medium during a

staged injection procedure

The effects of bacterial aggregates and individual bacterial cells on the MICP process were
explored in the glass slide experiment, and it was shown that bacterial aggregates have an effect
on the initial stage of CaCO3 precipitation. The glass slide experiment also revealed that the
CaCO3 phases formed during the initial stage were not stable and dissolved after more stable
CaCO3 crystals formed. However, as stated previously, the glass slide experiment cannot
manipulate the injection of bacterial suspension and cementation solution, whereas real-world
MICP applications normally involve multiple injections of cementation solution. In addition,
5.4 MICP processes occurring in a porous medium during a staged injection 101

the presence of a soil matrix as a porous medium may affect the distribution of bacterial
aggregates and individual bacterial cells, which may consequently affect the MICP process.
Therefore, after the glass slide experiment, a microfluidic chip experiment was conducted to
further explore the effects of individual bacterial cells and bacterial aggregates on MICP
processes and the changes in shape and size of the CaCO3 precipitates in a porous medium
during a staged injection MICP procedure.

Representative images taken immediately after and 24 hrs after the injection of bacterial
suspension are shown in Figure 5.8. Bacterial cells continued to multiply after being injected
as shown by the difference in bacterial number between Figure 5.8b and Figure 5.8a. Counting
the number of bacteria present in three pores of the microfluidic chip revealed that the number
of bacteria increased by about 5 times [from (3.8 ± 0.2)×108 to (2.0 ± 0.1)×109 cells per ml]
during the 24-hour settling period.

(a) (b)

Figure 5.8 Microscope images of a pore in the middle of the microfluidic chip taken immediately after
the injection of a bacterial suspension with an OD600 of 1.0 (a) and 24 hours after allowing the bacteria
to settle (b)

MICP processes after the first injection of cementation solution

To observe the MICP processes after the first injection of cementation solution, time series
images of five pores in the microfluidic chip taken directly after the first injection of
102 Micro-scale visualisation of MICP processes

cementation solution, and at 1 hr, 3 hrs, and 24 hrs are shown in Figure 5.9. As expected, the
higher bacterial density in this experiment (compared with Test 5 in Chapter 4), resulted in
more bacterial aggregates being formed after the injection of cementation solution. In addition,
this experiment suggests that bacterial aggregation and the formation of irregular-shaped
CaCO3 fix the bacterial cells and reduce their ability to move. However, because S. pasteurii
bacteria can swim and irregular-shaped CaCO3 eventually dissolved, the bacteria became more
homogeneously distributed at 24 hr compared with 0 hr. Furthermore, these observations
suggest that the distribution of bacterial aggregates may affect the distribution of crystals. For
example, the crystals formed closer to the bacterial aggregates and irregular-shaped precipitates
in pores II, III and V (shown by the circles). These observations are consistent with those
obtained in Test 5 in Chapter 4. In addition, these observations also suggest that the distribution
of bacterial aggregates is not the only factor that affects the distribution of the crystals. This is
because many irregularly-shaped precipitates dissolved without forming crystals closer to
them, such can be seen in pores I, III and V (shown by the arrows). As it still difficult to predict
the positions within the pores where crystals form, more investigations on the nucleation
processes are needed to improve our understanding of these events.

The main events occurring during the MICP process in the microfluidic chip were also in
general consistent with the events observed in the glass slide experiment. Bacterial cells
aggregated after the injection of cementation solution (see Figure 5.9, pore I, II, III and V, 0
hr photos). Irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitates were formed on the bacterial aggregates or
individual bacterial cells (see Figure 5.9, pore I, II, III and V, 0 hr photos). Irregular-shaped
CaCO3 precipitates continued to grow from 0 to 1 hour (see Figure 5.9, pore I, II, III and V, 1
hr photos compared with 0 hr photos) and then dissolved (see Figure 5.9, pore I, II 3 hr photos;
pores III V 24 hr photos compared with 0 hr photos). With the dissolution of the irregular-
shaped CaCO3 precipitates, the bacterial cells that were enclosed became dispersed (see Figure
5.9, pore I, II 3 hr phots). CaCO3 crystals appeared with the dissolution of the irregular-shaped
CaCO3 precipitates (such as pore V, 3 hr photo compared with 1 hr photo). Finally, the
spherical crystals dissolved but the other crystals remained (such as pore IV, 24 hrs photo).
5.4 MICP processes occurring in a porous medium during a staged injection 103

0h 1h 3h 24 h


Bacteria spread out

I ICP dissolved
Bacteria released

ICP grow

ISP ISP Crystal
growing formed

Nucleation Nucleation formed
Bacterial surrounding surrounding
aggregation or bacterial cells bacterial cells


No bacteria
IV Crystals

Figure 5.9 Microscope images of five pores in the microfluidic chip at 0, 1, 3 and 24 hours after the
first injection of cementation solution
104 Micro-scale visualisation of MICP processes

MICP processes after the second injection of cementation solution

To observe the MICP processes after the second injection of cementation solution, images of
Pore V at 0, 1, 3 and 24 hours after the completion of the second injection of cementation
solution are shown in Figure 5.10. The two crystals formed after the first cementation solution
injection were still at the same place inside the pore after the second injection of cementation
solution. This suggests that the crystals were stable inside the porous medium and could not be
flushed out at a flow rate of 5.6 PV/h. At 3 hours, small crystals formed (light dots in Figure
5.10). However, by 24 hours, the small crystals dissolved. The big crystals in these two pores
continued to grow during the first 24 hours, after which only the big crystals and several newly
formed crystals remained.

0h 1h 3h 24 h
Smaller Smaller
crystals crystals
formed dissolved

Figure 5.10 Microscope images of pore V in the microfluidic chip at 0, 1, 3 and 24 hours after the
second injection of cementation solution

This observation suggests that the dissolution of less stable CaCO3 crystals at the expense of
growth of more stable crystals not only occurred after mixing the bacterial suspension and
cementation solution but could also occur after the second injection of cementation solution.
This implies that when the interval between cementation solution injections is long enough for
smaller and unstable crystals to dissolve and larger, more stable crystals to grow, the larger
crystals become larger and more stable as the number of cementation solution injections
increases. By contrast, when the injection interval is not long enough for the small crystals to
dissolve, they may continue growing during subsequent injections. It would therefore be
interesting to conduct further experiments to study the effect of the interval between
cementation solution injections in stage-injection procedures on the size and number of the
crystals. In addition, as the size and number of the crystals may affect the mechanical properties
5.5 Conclusions 105

of the MICP-treated sand, further experiments could be conducted to study the effect of
injection interval on the mechanical properties of MICP-treated sand.

5.5 Conclusions

In this study, MICP processes were visualised at the microscale by conducting both glass slide
experiments and microfluidic chip experiments in order to understand the effects of bacterial
cells/aggregates on CaCO3 precipitation and changes in the shape and size of the CaCO3
precipitates during the MICP process. The main findings of this study are summarised as

Bacteria aggregated after the mixing of bacterial suspension and cementation solution in the
glass slide experiments and after the injection of the cementation solution in the staged-
injection microfluidic chip experiments, even though less aggregation was observed in the
latter case. Bacterial aggregation resulted in CaCO3 precipitates growing on top of bacterial
aggregates and the bacterial cells becoming trapped inside them. Comparisons between the
bacterial aggregates produced in the staged injection experiment in this Chapter with Test 5 in
Chapter 4 suggest that bacterial density may affect the number of bacterial aggregates formed.
Further work is warranted to investigate the effect of bacterial density on the formation of
bacterial aggregates and the effects that this has on the MICP process. In addition, bacterial
aggregates fix bacterial cells, and the transport and filtration of bacterial aggregates in a porous
medium might affect the distribution of bacteria in a soil matrix, which may consequently affect
the MICP process and the properties of the CaCO3 crystals formed. Further work would be
useful to study the effects of factors such as the size of bacterial aggregates, the injection flow
rate of cementation and the pore size of the porous medium on the transport and distribution of
bacterial aggregates in soil matrices.

The shape and size of the CaCO3 precipitates changed during the MICP process. Irregular-
shaped CaCO3 precipitates formed during the initial stage of the precipitation process but
dissolved when new CaCO3 crystals formed. In addition, with the dissolution of irregular-
shaped CaCO3, spherical and rhombohedral CaCO3 crystals formed. Furthermore, spherical
106 Micro-scale visualisation of MICP processes

CaCO3 crystals and smaller CaCO3 crystals dissolved at the expense of growth of
rhombohedral CaCO3 crystals and larger CaCO3 crystals. Because less stable calcium
carbonate crystals may be dissolved at the expense of growth of more stable calcium carbonate
crystals, the interval between cementation solution injections during a staged injection MICP
treatment process may affect crystal morphology, which in turn would affect the engineering
properties of MICP-treated soils. Further work involving translation of these findings to real
soil applications will be useful for determining the relationship between the injection protocol
used and the effect of this on the engineering properties of MICP-treated soils.

However, it is worth noting that the CaCO3 precipitation during MICP might be affected by
many factors such as bacterial density, cementation solution concentration, temperature,
pressure and the presence of other ions. The experiments presented in this paper only show the
possible effects of phase transformation during MICP at room temperature and normal pressure
using a combination of bacterial suspension and cementation solution that are normally used
in MICP. Further work can be conducted to investigate the effects of all the above-mentioned
factors on the MICP process and the final properties of CaCO3 produced.
Effects of bacterial density on growth
kinetics and characteristics of microbial-induced

calcium carbonate crystals

6.1 Research aims

Understanding the growth kinetics of CaCO3 precipitates is essential for predicting the time
needed for CaCO3 precipitation to complete and for designing an appropriate MICP protocol
for engineering applications. Zhang et al. (2018) presented CaCO3 crystal growth kinetics
induced by S. pasteurii in a liquid medium which was placed in a petri dish or on an agar pad
which was immobilised with S. pasteurii cells and contained Ca2+ and urea. However, the
kinetics of CaCO3 crystal growth obtained in the study by Zhang and colleagues (2018) might
have limited implications for real MICP applications, as the experimental conditions in these
two methods do not mimic real MICP conditions occurring in the pore fluid of a porous soil
matrix. As shown in Chapter 4, the use of a microfluidic chip in this PhD study enables the
MICP process to be simulated under conditions which more closely resemble MICP conditions
found in real soils. In addition, the use of a microfluidic chip enables both the density of
bacteria and the main parameters of CaCO3 crystals such as size, shape and number to be
quantified. Therefore, microfluidic chip experiments could be used to develop a better
understanding of the kinetics of CaCO3 precipitation which might occur during MICP
processes in real soils.

As reviewed in Chapter 2, bacterial density has a positive effect on the ureolysis rate. Previous
work has shown that the rate of ureolysis increases linearly from 50 mM/h to 300 mM/h as the
bacterial density increases from 1 × 107 to 2 × 108 colony-forming units per millilitre of cell
108 Effects of bacterial density on growth kinetics and characteristics of microbial-
induced calcium carbonate crystals

suspension (CFU/ml) (Lauchnor et al., 2015). Ureolysis rate increases the rate of formation of
CO32- in the solution, which consequently affects the supersaturation state of the solute and the
growth kinetics of CaCO3 crystals. However, no research has yet been conducted to study the
effect of bacterial density on the kinetics of microbial-induced CaCO3 crystal growth.

Understanding the factors affecting the growth kinetics of CaCO3 crystals is essential for
designing appropriate MICP protocols. In addition, the effects of these factors on the micro-
scale characteristics of CaCO3 crystals should also be considered. As shown in Chapter 5, the
phase, shape, and size of the CaCO3 precipitates might change with time during an MICP
process. Therefore, when the total amount of CaCO3 is the same, the engineering properties of
MICP-treated soils can vary significantly due to differences in the micro-scale properties of
CaCO3 crystals. As reviewed in Section, bacterial density might affect the size and
number of CaCO3 crystals. Based on observations that larger carbonate crystals were generated
in the presence of ureolytic bacterial cells, whereas smaller crystals were produced in the
absence of ureolytic bacterial cells, it was proposed that higher bacterial concentrations may
generate larger carbonate crystals (Mitchell and Ferris, 2006). Others have found that the higher
the ureolysis rate, the smaller the size of the crystals which formed. For example, Cuthbert et
al. (2012) found that the average size of CaCO3 crystals decreased from 100 µm to 10 µm when
the ureolysis rate increased from 0.1 to 10 mM/d. Similarly, Cheng et al. (2017) found that
crystal sizes decreased from 20-50 µm to 2-5 µm when the ureolysis rate increased from 300
mM/h to 3000 mM/h. As the ureolysis rate is positively correlated to bacterial density
(Lauchnor et al., 2015), the conclusions of Cuthbert et al. (2012) and Cheng et al. (2017) seem
to contradict those proposed by Mitchell and Ferris (2006). As a result, the precise effects of
bacterial density on the characteristics of microbial-induced CaCO3 crystals are still largely

Therefore, in this Chapter a microfluidic chip experiment was conducted to investigate the
effects of bacterial density on the growth kinetics and characteristics of microbial-induced
CaCO3 crystals. In addition, having shown that bacterial density may also affect the formation
of bacterial aggregates which in turn affect the MICP process and the properties of the CaCO3
formed, the effects of bacterial density on the formation of bacterial aggregates and the
6.2 Experimental protocols 109

characteristics of CaCO3 were also investigated in these experiments. Furthermore, depending

on the application, injections of cementation solution are normally repeated multiple times to
increase the level of CaCO3 content. In this Chapter, 12 injections of cementation solution were
conducted, and the effects of bacterial density on crystal growth and characteristics during
these 12 injections were investigated.

6.2 Experimental protocols

Sporosarcina pasteurii (DSM 33) bacteria were used in all experiments. The bacterial
suspension was cultivated as described in Chapter 3 to reach an OD600 of 3.0. Five bacterial
suspensions were then prepared from this bacterial suspension (OD600 = 3.0) by diluting this
bacterial suspension using autoclaved NH4-YE liquid medium at dilution ratios, v (bacterial
suspension): v (NH4-YE liquid medium) of 1:14, 1:5, 1:2, 2:1 and 1:0. 1.25 PV of the bacterial
suspensions were then injected into five microfluidic chips at an injection flow rate of 56 PV/h
(same as to those in Test 6 described in Chapter 4), to quantify bacterial density and to
determine the correlation between bacterial cell density and optical density. Microscope images
of these five microfluidic chips were taken at 10 minutes after the completion of the injection
of bacterial suspension, after bacteria were left to settle for 2 hours, and immediately after
injecting the cementation solution. The cementation solution contained 0.25 M of CaCl2, 0.375
M of urea and 3 g/L of nutrient broth.

To investigate the effects of bacterial density on the growth kinetics and characteristics of
microbial-induced CaCO3 crystals inside the microfluidic chips during MICP, bacterial
suspensions with dilution ratios of 1:14, 1:2 and 1:0 were chosen to represent low, medium and
high bacterial density conditions. The injection of cementation solution was repeated for twelve
times at an injection interval of 24 hours to increase the content of CaCO3 formed. Time-series
images were taken at an imaging interval of 15 minutes after each of the 12 injections. The
main parameters of bacterial suspension and cementation solution together with their injection
parameters in these protocols are summarised in Table 6.1.
110 Effects of bacterial density on growth kinetics and characteristics of microbial-
induced calcium carbonate crystals

Table 6.1 Summary of bacterial, chemical and injection parameters associated with the microfluidic
chip experiments
Protocol No. Volume Bacterial OD600 Injection number Injection interval (day)
proportion *
1 1:14 0.2 12 1
2 1:5 0.5 1 -
3 1:2 1.0 12 1
4 2:1 2.0 1 -
5 1:0 3.0 12 1
Note: Volume proportion refers to v (bacterial suspension): v (nutrient liquid)

In parallel to the microfluidic chip experiment, a set of liquid batch experiments were
conducted to examine the influence of bacterial density on ureolysis kinetics and to compare
the findings with the results obtained from the microfluidic chip experiments to determine the
correlation between the kinetics of ureolysis and precipitation. The experimental setup was
described in Section 3.2. The concentration of urea and the optical density of bacterial
suspension in each bacteria-urea mixture were designed to be in a similar range compared to
the concentrations and densities used in the microfluidic experiments.

6.3 Results and discussion

Bacterial quantification

Microscope images taken at the centre of the microfluidic chip at 10 min after the injection of
bacterial suspensions, after the two-hour settling period, and after the first injection of
cementation solution are shown in Figure 6.1a. The bacterial densities were correlated with
the initial OD600 of bacterial suspension and the results are shown in Figure 6.1b. After
bacterial injection, the bacterial density was linearly correlated with OD600. The correlation is:

Bacterial density (cells / ml )  (0.18  OD600  3.60) 108 6.1

6.3 Results and discussion 111

The bacterial densities after bacterial settling and after the injection of cementation solution
were also linearly correlated with the initial OD600 of bacterial suspension. The R2 values of
the all three linear regression lines in Figure 6.1 b were higher than 0.98. The bacterial
densities which were present 10 mins after the injection of bacteria varied between 1.0 × 108
and 1.20 × 109 cells/ml (Figure 6.1b), and after two-hours of settling, the bacterial densities
increased to 2.0 × 108 -1.55 × 109 cells/ml due to bacterial growth in situ (Figure 6.1b). This
suggests that bacteria grew in all of the five protocols, although the growth rate varied. The
highest growth rate was obtained from Protocol 1 (in which the initial bacterial OD600 was 0.2)
where the cell density doubled after two hours of settling. The lowest growth rate was obtained
from Protocols 4 and 5, where the bacterial densities after two-hours of settling were about
1.25 times higher than the initial densities (OD600 was 2.0 and 3.0). The growth rate of bacteria
in Protocols 2 and 3 was about 1.5 times higher than the initial densities (OD600 was 0.5 and
1.0). The difference in bacterial growth rate might be because the relative abundance of
nutrients available to the bacterial population varied depending on the initial bacterial density,
with individual bacteria in more concentrated bacterial suspensions being exposed to a smaller
share of the total nutrients available.

About 30% of the bacteria (0.5 × 10 8 to 5.2 × 10 8 ml-1) remained attached to the inner surface
of the porous medium after the injection of cementation solution compared to the number of
bacteria present after bacterial settling (Figure 6.1b). As bacterial aggregates also occurred
after the injection of cementation solution, especially when the bacterial density was high, and
the number of bacteria present in bacterial aggregates was not counted, the actual bacterial
density should be higher than 30 % of their amount after bacterial settling.
112 Effects of bacterial density on growth kinetics and characteristics of microbial-
induced calcium carbonate crystals

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5


10 mins after bacterial injection

(b) 16
After 2 hours settling
After the first CS injection R =0.98
Cell concentraion (×10 cell/ml)



R =0.99

6 2
R =0.99

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Figure 6.1 (a) Microscope images of one pore at the centre of the microfluidic chip taken ten mins after
bacterial injection (first row), after two hours of settling (second row) and after the first injection of
cementation solution (third row); (b) correlations between the initial OD600 of the bacterial suspensions
and bacterial density at ten mins after bacterial injection (black squares), after settling (red circles) and
after the first injection of cementation solution (blue triangles). Data are presented as mean ± standard
error, and each measurement was repeated three times.
6.3 Results and discussion 113

Effect of bacterial density on the kinetics of ureolysis

In parallel to the microfluidic experiments, the ureolysis rate in mixtures of bacterial

suspensions with various bacterial densities and urea solution at constant concentration (0.375
M in the mixture). The results are shown in Figure 6.2. The ureolysis rate increased with the
increase of bacterial density until the bacterial density reached 4 × 108 cells per ml, beyond
which the ureolysis rate stopped increasing (Figure 6.2). The increase in ureolysis rate
associated with a bacterial density in the range of 1 × 107 - 2 × 108 per ml is consistent with the
results obtained by (Lauchnor et al., 2015). In addition, for bacterial densities exceeding around
4 × 108 cells per ml, the ureolysis rate no longer increased as the bacterial density increases,
which is also consistent with the hypothesis made by Lauchnor et al. (2015). Specific bacterial
activity decreased as the bacterial density increased, suggesting that there was a competing
effect among bacteria to hydrolyse the urea, and the higher the bacterial density, the lower the
specific ureolysis rate became. This is also consistent with the results of Stocks-Fisher et al.
(1999) which showed that the specific ureolysis rate decreases with the increase in bacterial
density in the range of 2 × 106 - 2 × 108 cells per ml.

Ureolysis rate
250 Specific ureolysis rate 250
Specific ureolysis rate (mM/h/10 cells)

200 200
Ureolysis rate (mM/h)

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Bacterial density (10 cells per ml)

Figure 6.2 Ureolysis rate and specific ureolysis rate plotted against bacterial density
114 Effects of bacterial density on growth kinetics and characteristics of microbial-
induced calcium carbonate crystals

Effect of bacterial density on overall precipitation kinetics

To observe the kinetics of CaCO3 precipitation after a single injection of cementation solution,
images showing the 2 mm by 2 mm squares at the centre of the microfluidic chips containing
CaCO3 crystals (appearing as white dots) were captured at an imaging interval of 15 mins for
24 hours. The images taken at 0.5 hr, 1 hr, 3 hr and 24 hr after the injection of cementation
solution are presented in Figure 6.3. The mean intensity values and normalised mean intensity
values of all images taken during the 24-hour period after injection of cementation solution,
were plotted against time (Figure 6.3 b, c). The mean intensity of the images here represents
the relative areas which were occupied by the precipitates. The time when the image intensity
stops changing is clear and represents the completion of precipitation. The CaCO3 precipitated
at different rates as the bacterial density was varied, with a higher bacterial density resulting in
a higher overall precipitation rate. When the bacterial densities after the completion of the
cementation solution injections were 0.5 × 108, 2.0 × 108, or 5.2 × 108 cells per ml, the time
taken for CaCO3 precipitation to complete was about 15 hrs, 3 hrs and 1.5 hrs, respectively. At
24 hrs, the areas occupied by CaCO3 crystals in these three cases were also different; a higher
initial bacterial density resulted in the precipitated crystals occupying a larger area.

These results suggest that bacterial density has an effect on the overall precipitation rate of
CaCO3 crystals. For bacterial densities between 0.5 × 108 and 5.2 × 108 cells per ml, the overall
precipitation rate was higher when the bacterial density was higher. This might be explained
by the fact that bacteria hydrolyse urea into CO32- and NH4+, thereby increasing the local
supersaturation for CaCO3 precipitation. Therefore, at higher bacterial densities, bacteria
hydrolyse more urea over the same amount of time, which consequently causes more local
supersaturation zones to emerge, thus promoting the nucleation and growth of CaCO3 crystals.
6.3 Results and discussion 115

0.5 h 1h 3h 24h

1200 1.2
Normilized mean intensity value
Change of mean intensity value

1000 1.0
0.5 *10 cells per ml
800 2.0 *10 cells per ml 0.8
5.2 *10 cells per ml
600 0.6
0.5 *10 cells per ml
400 0.4 2.0 *10 cells per ml
5.2 *10 cells per ml
200 0.2

0 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Time (min) Time (min)

(b) (c)

Figure 6.3 (a) Microscope images at the centre of the microfluidic chip taken 0.5, 1, 3 and 24 hours
after the first injection of cementation solution, the bacterial densities were 0.5 × 10 8 cells/ml, 2.0 × 108
cells/ml and 5.2× 10 8 cells/ml in the first row, second row and third row, respectively; (b) the mean
intensity value of the pictures vs. time; (c) mean intensity values of the images normalised to the highest
mean intensity of the images vs. time; white dots in (a) represent the CaCO3 crystals.
116 Effects of bacterial density on growth kinetics and characteristics of microbial-
induced calcium carbonate crystals

The bacterial density present at the ten minutes after injection, after settling, and after the injection of
cementation solution in the three protocols, together with the overall precipitation time and the
maximum input rate calculated by dividing the concentration of Ca2+ in the cementation solution by the
overall precipitation time, are summarised in Table 6.2. By conducting soil column tests in which the
concentration and interval between cementation solution injections were varied and the CaCO3 content
within the soil columns was measured after the MICP treatment process was completed, Al Qabany et
al. (2012) suggested that the input rate of urea and CaCl2 should not be higher than 0.042 M/h to achieve
high chemical efficiency (result also shown in Table 6.2). However, the effects of bacterial density on
chemical efficiency were not considered in the study of Qabany et al. (2012).

Because the difference in the overall precipitation rate was due to differences in bacterial
density, the maximum input rates required to achieve high efficiency were 0.016 M/h, 0.083
M/h and 0.160 M/h for the protocols when bacterial densities after the injection of cementation
solution were 0.5 × 108, 2 × 108 and 5.2 × 108 cells per ml, respectively. The initial bacterial
density in the study by Al Qabany et al. (2012) was 1.0, which is the same as the bacterial
density in protocol 3 in this study. However, the maximum input rates obtained by Al Qabany
and colleagues were different from the maximum input rate for protocol 3 in this study. This
might be because even though the initial bacterial density is the same, the number of bacteria
present may change during the injection of bacterial suspension and cementation solution. It is
therefore difficult to quantify the change in bacterial density within the porous soil matrix
during this procedure. In addition, the ureolysis rate in this study was about 140 mM/h when
the bacterial density was 1.0, which was also much higher compared to the activity of bacteria
(20 mM/h) reported by Al Qabany et al. (2012). The difference in bacterial activity may also
affect the overall precipitation rate and thus affects the input rate required to achieve a high
chemical transformation efficiency.
6.3 Results and discussion 117

Table 6.2 Summary of the changes in bacterial density during MICP treatment and associated overall
precipitation times
OD600 Bacterial density Overall Reference
Before (×108 cells per ml) Precipitation
injection After BS After After Time Rate
injection settling CS (h) M/h
0.2 1 1.9 0.5 15 0.016 P1, this study
1.0 4 8.1 2.0 3 0.083 P3, this study
3.0 12 17.4 5.2 1.5 0.160 P5, this study
1.0 - - - - 0.042 Al Qabany et al., 2012
Note: BS-bacterial suspension; CS-cementation solution

Effect of bacterial density on growth kinetics of individual calcium

carbonate crystals

To observe the growth kinetics of individual CaCO3 crystals, magnified images of one pore
taken at 0.5 hour, 1 hour, 1.5 hours and 2 hours after the first injection of cementation solution
in each protocol are shown in Figure 6.4. To quantify the growth rate of the crystals in the
three protocols during the two-hour period after the first injection of cementation solution, each
crystal was assumed to be a hemisphere growing on the surface of the microfluidic channel,
with the volume of the crystal being calculated based on its measured diameter. The average
crystal volumes of individual crystals were plotted against time between 0 - 2 hrs in Figure
6.5. The bacterial density was found to have a limited effect on the growth rate of individual
crystals during the first two hours because the crystals grew steadily at the same growth rate
even though the bacterial density varied (Figure 6.5). The growth rate of the crystals over the
two-hours was about 240 µm3/h.

Comparing Figure 6.5 with Figure 6.3, it can be seen that a higher bacterial density resulted
in a higher overall precipitation rate (Figure 6.3) but did not increase the growth rate of
individual crystals (Figure 6.5). This is because bacterial density has an effect on the number
of the crystals produced in this pore, the higher the bacterial density, the larger number of
118 Effects of bacterial density on growth kinetics and characteristics of microbial-
induced calcium carbonate crystals

crystals formed in this area (see Figure 6.5). A more detailed discussion of the effect of
bacterial density on the number of crystals formed is presented in the next section.

0.5 h 1h 1.5 h 2h

Figure 6.4 Microscope images of three protocols captured at 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 hours after the first
injection of cementation solution. The bacterial densities in the protocols were 0.5×108 cells per ml (a),
2.0×108 cells per ml (b), and 5.2 ×108 cells per ml (c)
6.3 Results and discussion 119

0.5E8 cells per ml
2.0E8 cells per ml
400 5.2E8 cells per ml
Average crystal volume (µm )




0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Time (h)

Figure 6.5 Average crystal volume vs time

To observe the growth individual crystal over a longer period of time after the first injection of
cementation solution, microscope images of the same pores, as shown in Figure 6.4, at
different time points taken between 2 hours and 24 hours after the first injection of cementation
solution are shown in Figure 6.6. To quantify the growth rate of individual crystals during the
24-hour period after the first injection of cementation solution, average crystal volumes in the
three protocols, 1, 3, and 5, were plotted against different time for different time points between
0 and 24 hours, with the results presented in Figure 6.7.

After 2 hours, the crystals in the protocol which contained the lowest concentration of bacteria
(0.5× 10 8 cells per ml) continued growing at a rate that was similar to their growth rate during
the first 2 hours and stopped growing after 15 hours. The time taken for the average crystal
volume to stop increasing was the same as the time required for their overall precipitation to
stop. Similarly, crystals in the protocol which contained the highest concentration of bacteria
(5.2 × 10 8 cells per ml) continued growing for about 1.5 hours, which is the same as the overall
120 Effects of bacterial density on growth kinetics and characteristics of microbial-
induced calcium carbonate crystals

precipitation time. However, for the protocol with a bacterial density of 2 × 10 8 cells per ml,
the time taken for the average crystal to stop growing was about 10 hours, which is different
than the time required for the overall precipitation to stop (3 hours) (Figure 6.3). It is shown
in Figure 6.7 that some of the crystals in Protocol 3 continued growing between 3 and 10 hours
at the expense of the dissolution of other crystals. The dissolution of the crystals is discussed
in more detail in the next section.

2h 6h 15 h 24 h

Figure 6.6 Microscope images of three protocols captured at 2 h, 6 h, 15 h and 24 h after the first
injection of cementation solution. The bacterial densities in the protocols were 0.5×10 8 cells per ml (a),
2.0×10 8 cells per ml (b), and 5.2 ×10 8 cells per ml (c)
6.3 Results and discussion 121

0.5E8 cells per ml

8000 2.0E8 cells per ml
5.2E8 cells per ml
Average crystal volume (µm )




0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (h)

Figure 6.7 Scatter plot of average crystal size vs time

The CaCO3 precipitation rate was estimated by measuring the rate of decrease in Ca2+
concentration in liquids processed by batch tests. It was found that in the presence of 106 -108
cells/ml of S. pasteurii, the concentration of insoluble Ca2+ ions increased to about 25 mM
within about 16 hours (Stocks-Fischer et al., 1999). In this thesis study, in the presence of 0.5,
2 and 5 ×108 cells/ml of S. pasteurii, the time taken for 250 mM of Ca2+ to precipitate was about
15, 3 and 1.5 hours, respectively, with an overall precipitation rate of 0.016, 0.083 and 0.16
M/h, respectively (see Table 6.2). Based on the linear correlation between bacterial density
and precipitation rate, when bacterial density is 106 cells/ml, the estimated precipitation rate is
0.00032 M/h, with the estimated time to complete the precipitation being 78 h. Similarly, when
the bacterial density is 108 cells/ml, the estimated precipitation rate is 0.032 M/h, with the
estimated time to complete the precipitation being 0.78 h. The range is consistent with the
results of Stocks-Fischer et al. (1999). Apart from being estimated by measuring the rate of
decrease in Ca2+ concentration in liquids, precipitation rate was also estimated by measuring
the rate of increase in the volume of individual crystals. Experimental studies on MICP were
normally conducted in real soils where the growth of individual crystals cannot be observed,
or under conditions such as on agar pads (Zhang et al., 2018), where the individual crystal
122 Effects of bacterial density on growth kinetics and characteristics of microbial-
induced calcium carbonate crystals

growth can be observed, but cannot be simulated under real MICP conditions. This thesis study
presents the first results which demonstrate the growth rate of microbial-induced CaCO3
crystals under the conditions similar to those present in real soils, as well as the effect of
bacterial density on this process, thereby providing useful insights to inform further MICP

These results demonstrate that, even though the total amount of CaCO3 might be the same, the
size of CaCO3 crystals may be different when different bacterial densities are used. In turn this
difference would affect the engineering properties of the MICP-treated samples such as
permeability, stiffness, and strength. All of the cementation inside soils decreases permeability,
and large crystals at the open pore throat might correspond to the effective CaCO3 required to
reduce soil permeability (Al Qabany and Soga, 2013). The production of larger crystals at
narrow pore throats that are able to bond soil particles might be more efficient in increasing the
stiffness/strength of MICP-treated soils (DeJong et al., 2010). Further work involving
translation of these findings to real soil applications will be useful for determining a
relationship between the treatment process and the engineering properties of MICP-treated

Effect of bacterial density on crystal dissolution

As shown in the second row of Figure 6.6, crystals formed may be unstable and can dissolve.
To observe the effect of bacterial density on crystal dissolution in more detail, 0.5 mm by 0.5
mm microscope images captured at a central pore at 3 h, 6 h, 12 h and 24 h after the first
injection of cementation solution during the three protocols are shown in Figure 6.8. The
images in the second row of Figure 6.8 show that crystal dissolution occurred in the protocol
containing bacteria with a density of 2 × 10 8 cells per ml (Protocol 3). For example, crystals
were no longer visible in the circled area of the image taken at 12 hours compared with the
existence of the crystals in the same area in the image taken at 6 hours. In addition, the third
row of Figure 6.8 shows that in the protocol containing bacterial cells with a high bacterial
density (Protocol 5, 5.2 × 10 8 cells per ml), dissolution occurred at a later time point during
the 24 hour imaging period (crystals circled at 12 h disappeared by 24 h) compared to the
6.3 Results and discussion 123

dissolution observed when the bacterial density was medium (second row in Figure 6.8).
However, crystals in the first row of Figure 6.4, Figure 6.6 and Figure 6.8 continued growing
once formed when the bacterial density was low (Protocol 1, 0.5 × 10 8 cells per ml). These
observations suggest that bacterial density has an effect on the formation and dissolution of
CaCO3 crystals.

3h 6h 12 h 24 h

Figure 6.8 Microscope images captured at 3 h, 6 h, 12 h and 24 h after the first injection of cementation
solution in the three protocols in which the bacterial densities used were 0.5×10 8 cells per ml (a),
2.0×108 cells per ml (b), or 5.2 ×108 cells per ml (c)

As reviewed in Section 2.2.2, many studies have found that during the reaction between CaCl2
and Na2CO3 in aqueous solutions, the CaCO3 precipitation process tends to follow Ostwald’s
step rule (Kawano et al., 2002; Wei et al., 2003; Rodriguez-Blanco et al., 2011). A diagram
illustrating the relationship between precipitation-dissolution, phase transformation and the
initial supersaturation state associated with this process is shown in Figure 6.9. The
124 Effects of bacterial density on growth kinetics and characteristics of microbial-
induced calcium carbonate crystals

equilibrium CaCO3 solubility products of amorphous CaCO3, vaterite and calcite at 25°C are
10-6.4, 10-7.91, and 10-8.48 M2, respectively (Plummer and Busenberg, 1982; Brečevic and
Nielsen, 1990). This means that, assuming the concentration of Ca2+ is 1 M, the formation of
these types of CaCO3 requires local concentrations of CO32- to be higher than 10-6.4, 10-7.91, and
10-8.48 M to achieve the supersaturation states (based on Equation 2.5 in Chapter 2), which are
above the red, blue and black lines in Figure 6.9, respectively.

Precipitation rate


Supersaturation state of ACC

Concentraion of CO3


1E-7.91 Supersaturation state of vaterite


Supersaturation state of calcite




Figure 6.9 Scheme illustrating the precipitation-dissolution and phase transformation, assuming the
concentration of Ca2+ is constantly 1.0 M

During the MICP process, Ca2+ ions are normally present at concentrations in the range of 0.1
M-1.5 M (Whiffin et al., 2007; van Paassen et al., 2010; Al Qabany and Soga, 2013; Cheng et
al., 2017) from the beginning of CaCO3 precipitation process, whereas the initial concentration
of CO32- is zero. The concentration of CO32- only starts increasing after ureolysis occurs.
6.3 Results and discussion 125

Therefore, the MICP process is affected by the balance between the ureolysis rate and
precipitation rate.

When the bacterial density is low, which causes the rate of urea hydrolysis to be low, the
amount of CO32- hydrolysed from urea increases slowly up to the black line in Figure 6.9, after
which calcite starts forming. With the formation of more and more CO32-, the calcite crystals
continued growing. This might explain the case shown in the first row of Figure 6.6 and Figure
6.8, where when the bacterial density was low (5×107cells per ml), stable CaCO3 crystals
formed slowly with during the MICP process.

When the bacterial density is higher, the overall rate of urea hydrolysis is higher, resulting in
more urea being hydrolysed into CO32- over the same period of time. When the rate of CO32-
production is higher than the precipitation rate of calcite, the concentration of CO32- in the
system accumulates until the concentration of CO32- exceeds the threshold denoted by the blue
line in Figure 6.9, after which vaterite can form as well. When the concentration of CO32- is
between 10-8.48 and 2.5 × 10-8 M in the case when the concentration of Ca2+ is 1 M based on
Figure 2.7, the precipitation rate of calcite is higher than that of vaterite; when the
concentration of CO32- is higher than 2.5 × 10-8 M (in the case when the concentration of Ca2+
is 1 M), the precipitation rate of vaterite is higher than that of calcite. Therefore, there would
be a combination growth of calcite and vaterite until the concentrations of CO32- and Ca2+ drop
below the blue line, at which point vaterite starts dissolving while calcite can still precipitate.
As the precipitation –dissolution –re-precipitation process progresses, the stability of CaCO3
crystals increases. This might explain the case shown in the second row of Figure 6.6 and
Figure 6.8, where when the bacterial density was medium (2 × 108 cells per ml), both stable
and unstable CaCO3 crystals and the unstable form of CaCO3 crystals form and growth at the
beginning of the precipitation process, until around 6 hours, after which the unstable CaCO3
crystals dissolved whilst the stable form of CaCO3 crystals can still grow.

Similarly, if the rate of CO32- production is higher than the precipitation rate of vaterite, the
concentration of CO32- in the system accumulates until it exceeds the threshold denoted by the
red line in Figure 6.9, after which ACC can form. Subsequently, the dissolution-
reprecipitation process was governed by the concentration of CO32- in the system according to
126 Effects of bacterial density on growth kinetics and characteristics of microbial-
induced calcium carbonate crystals

the same process as described above. This might explain the case shown in the third row of
Figure 6.6 and Figure 6.8, as well as the results shown in Chapter 5, where irregular-shaped
CaCO3 formed first, but later on transformed into more stable phases. The relative abundance
of each CaCO3 crystal phase varies depending on how fast the ureolysis rate is relative to the
precipitation rate. The higher the ureolysis rate, the higher the likelihood that a greater number
of less stable CaCO3 crystals can precipitate. This is the case shown in the third row of Figure

To further explore the reason behind the dissolution, microscope images taken 0, 3, 6, 12 and
24 hours after the completion of the second injection of cementation solution in the three
protocols containing low, medium and high bacterial concentrations are shown in Figure 6.10.
As predicted, in the protocol containing low bacterial density, the crystals which formed after
the first injection of cementation solution continued growing after the second injection of
cementation solution (Figure 6.10b). In addition, new crystals formed during the 24-hour
injection interval, shown by the arrows in Figure 6.10a. Existing crystals formed after the first
injection of cementation solution and new crystals which were formed after the second
injection of cementation solution continued growing during the 24-hour period, whilst no
crystals dissolved during this time period.

When a medium bacterial density was used, as expected, the formation and dissolution of
unstable crystals was observed after the second injection of cementation solution during the 24
hours injection interval (Figure 6.10b). However, the pattern of crystal formation/dissolution
in Protocol 3 (Figure 6.10b) was very different to the pattern observed in Protocol 1 (Figure
6.10a). In the medium bacterial density (2.0 × 10 8 cells per ml) protocol, a considerably large
proportion of the small crystals formed a continuous coating on the surfaces of the microfluidic
chip after the second injection of cementation solution. Small crystals continued growing after
being formed until around 3 hours, as shown by the increase in the intensity of the images.
Small crystals were not stable and dissolved, as shown by their dissolution at 6 hours. By 12
hours after the second injection of cementation solution, the newly formed crystals, which were
relatively unstable, disappeared. By 24 hours, most of the crystals which remained were larger
6.3 Results and discussion 127

crystals which were formed after the first injection of cementation solution. These results are
consistent with the results obtained in Chapter 5.

Using the high bacterial density protocol (5.2 × 108 cells per ml), small crystals, which look
the same as those which formed when a medium bacterial density was used, were also observed
after the second injection of cementation solution, but unlike in medium bacterial density
protocol, these crystals did not dissolve by 24 hours (Figure 6.10c). Nevertheless, the trend
that unstable crystals do not dissolve within 24 hours after the second injection of cementation
solution was the same as the trend in crystal dissolution after the first injection.

0h 3h 6h 12 h 24 h

Figure 6.10 Microscope images captured at 0 h, 3 h, 6 h, 12 h and 24 h after the second injection of
cementation solution in protocols involving bacterial densities of 0.5 × 108 cells per ml (a), 2.0 × 108
cells per ml (b), or 5.2 × 10 8 cells per ml (c)

These observations are to some extent consistent with the explanations related to the effects of
bacterial density on the crystal solubility described previously. However, unlike after the first
injection of cementation solution, a larger amount of small unstable crystals coated the inner
surface of the microfluidic chip after the second injection. The surfaces of the microfluidic
128 Effects of bacterial density on growth kinetics and characteristics of microbial-
induced calcium carbonate crystals

channels were treated to be negatively charged, which might adsorb some Ca2+ cations after
the injections of cementation solution and hence contribute to CaCO3 crystal nucleation on the
surface of the porous medium. In addition, the surfaces of bacterial cell walls and calcite
crystals are also negatively charged, which might adsorb Ca2+ cations as well. Compared to the
number of bacteria present after the first injection of cementation solution, fewer bacterial cells
were present inside the porous medium after the second injection of cementation solution,
therefore contributing less to the adsorption of Ca2+, which might consequently cause more
Ca2+ to be adsorbed to the surface of the porous medium. However, the nucleation of CaCO3
itself is a very complex process which is affected by many factors and is so far largely unknown
(De Yoreo et al., 2015).

As was found in Chapter 4 the bacterial density in the microfluidic chip progressively
decreased with each subsequent injection of cementation solution that was performed. Based
on this observation, it can be predicted that as the number of injections increases, the ureolysis
rate decreases. Therefore, the use of a low bacterial density and a 24-hour interval between
injections might not be suitable for fully transforming the injected chemicals into crystals.
However, as the injection interval in this experiment was kept constant at 24 hours, this may
result in a decrease in crystal growth rate with each subsequent injection. On the other hand, if
using the protocol with a high bacterial density, the ureolysis rate may decrease to a point where
more stable crystals start forming and unstable crystals dissolve at the expense of the growth
of more stable crystals. To test whether these scenarios were indeed the case, microscope
images during the three protocols taken after the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th injections of cementation
solution are shown in Figure 6.11.

It is shown in Figure 6.11a that the crystals which formed in the low bacterial density protocol
after the 3rd to 12th injections of cementation solution were stable, which is consistent with the
observations obtained after the first and second injections of cementation solution. In addition,
this was also consistent with the prediction that a decrease in bacterial density may cause rate
of crystal growth to decrease. It is shown in Figure 6.11c that by the 6th injection of
cementation solution, dissolution of the unstable crystals can be observed, and after 9 th
injection of cementation solution, the crystals which remained were relative large and stable.
6.3 Results and discussion 129

The tendency for relatively unstable crystals to dissolve after the 3 rd to the 12th injections of
cementation solution when higher bacterial densities are used being slower was the same as the
events observed after the first and second injections of cementation solution.

3rd 6th 9th 12th

Figure 6.11 Microscope images during three protocols captured after the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th injections
of cementation solution. The bacterial densities in the protocols were (a) 0.5×108 cells per ml, (b)
2.0×108 cells per ml, and (c) 5.2 ×108 cells per ml

Effect of bacterial density on crystal number

It is shown in Figure 6.3, Figure 6.4, Figure 6.6 and Figure 6.8 that bacterial density had an
effect on the concentration of CaCO3 crystals (i.e. the number of CaCO3 crystals formed per
unit volume (per ml)). The quantification of crystal concentration at different time points in the
three protocols where the bacterial density varied is shown in Figure 6.12. In the protocol
involving the lowest bacterial density, the crystal concentration increased with time to about 1-
2 × 106 per ml during the initial stages after the injection of cementation solution. Together
130 Effects of bacterial density on growth kinetics and characteristics of microbial-
induced calcium carbonate crystals

with the images shown in Figure 6.4, the results of this experiment suggest that the time taken
for the crystal number to reach a plateau was less than 0.5 hours. In the protocol involving the
use of a medium bacterial density, the number of crystals increased with time until about 2
hours, and then decreased with time until about 10 hours. The highest crystal concentration
was about 1.4 × 107 per ml, and the concentration of stabilised crystals was about 7 × 106 per
ml. In the protocol which contained the highest concentration of bacteria, the crystal
concentration increased with time until about 2 hours, after which the concentration remained
relatively constant. The concentration of crystals in this case was about 2.1 × 107 per ml
between 2 to 24 hours. As previously discussed, dissolution of unstable crystals also occurred
in this case, and the time taken for the crystal number to reach a stabilised plateau should be
higher than 24 hours. However, because the interval between injections was kept constant at
24 hours in this experiment, the time for the crystals to transform into more stable crystals after
the first injection of cementation solution was not investigated in this case. However, in
general, this experiment suggests that the higher the bacterial density, the higher the number
of crystals which formed, and as the crystal formed are not stable when the bacterial density is
high, the time required for crystal number to reach a plateau increases with bacterial density.

0.5E8 cells per ml
2.0E8 cells per ml
25 5.2E8 cells per ml
Crystal concentraion (× 10 /ml)




0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (h)
Figure 6.12 Scatter plot showing the change in the concentration of CaCO3 crystals with time
6.3 Results and discussion 131

Effect of bacterial density on crystal morphology

As described in the previous sections of this Chapter, bacterial density has an effect on CaCO3
morphology. More stable crystals tend to form when the bacterial density is lower. In this thesis
study, when the bacterial density was low (0.5 × 108 cells per ml), the crystals present 24 hours
after the injection of cementation solution were mainly prismatic, suggesting that the crystals
might be calcite (Al Qabany et al. 2012; Zhao et al. 2014). These crystals continued growing
during the intervals between injections, and the size of these crystals increased with each
subsequent injection. They did not dissolve during the whole MICP process.

When the bacterial density was 2 × 108 cells per ml, the crystals formed at the beginning of
each of the first few injections of cementation solution were mainly spherical, which is
consistent with the shape of vaterite (van Paassen, 2009; Al Qabany et al., 2012; Zhao et al.,
2014). However, more stable crystal types were also observed in this protocol after each of the
injections, and more stable crystals continued growing even after the unstable crystals started
to dissolve. The solubility and the shapes of these crystals are consistent with those of calcite
and vaterite.

When the bacterial density was high (5 × 108 cells per ml), bacterial aggregates formed after
the first injection of cementation solution and irregular-shaped crystals formed on top of them
(Figure 6.8c). This observation is consistent with the observations obtained in Chapter 5.
Concomitantly, spherical crystals were also observed. Even though these two forms of CaCO3
precipitates remained present after several initial injections of cementation solution (Figure
6.8c, Figure 6.10c and Figure 6.11c), they were eventually replaced by the more stable form
of CaCO3 crystals. The stability and shapes of these forms of CaCO3 suggests that when
bacterial density is high, the formation of CaCO3 follows the ACC-vaterite-calcite sequence
described in Chapter 5.

Using the high bacterial density protocol, bacterial aggregates were observed after the first
injection of cementation solution, as shown in Figure 6.13a. In the same spot, crystal
aggregates were observed after the 12th injection of cementation solution, as shown in Figure
132 Effects of bacterial density on growth kinetics and characteristics of microbial-
induced calcium carbonate crystals

(a) (b)
Figure 6.13 Bacterial aggregates formed after the first injection of cementation solution (a); crystal
aggregates formed 24 hours after the 12th injection of cementation solution (b).

To observe the effect of bacterial aggregates on the formation of CaCO3 crystals in more detail,
magnified images of the squares in Figure 6.13 taken 0, 20 min, 1 h and 1 day after the first
injection of cementation solution are shown in Figure 6.14a, and images taken 24 hours after
the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th injections of cementation solution are shown in Figure 6.14b. After the
first injection of cementation solution, bacteria aggregated and irregular-shaped CaCO3
crystals formed on the bacterial aggregate (Figure 6.14a, 0 min image). The bacterial aggregate
continued growing, shown by the increase in image intensity at 20 min compared with 0 min
(Figure 6.14 a, 20 min image). At 20 mins, however, spherical crystals formed on the bacterial
aggregates (Figure 6.14a, 20 min image). The spherical crystals continued growing in size
during the first hour after injection (Figure 6.14a, 1 h image). In addition, more spherical
crystals also formed, but not on the bacterial aggregates (Figure 6.14a, 1 h image). The
spherical crystals were not stable and some dissolved by 24 hours after injection (Figure 6.14
a, 1 d image). During the following injections from the 2nd to the 7th, even though more unstable
crystals appeared and disappeared, the crystals which were formed on the bacterial aggregates
continued growing. Because the crystals are so close to each other, they merged into one large
crystal aggregate as they grew (Figure 6.14b, 7th injection image).
6.3 Results and discussion 133

Crystal aggregates have been observed in many MICP studies (van Paassen, 2009; Cheng et
al., 2017). This experiment suggests that the crystal aggregates may have formed due to crystal
nucleation points being close to each other, and as the crystals grew, they merged into one big
aggregate. As the number of bacteria has an effect on the number of nucleation sites, more
crystals formed when more bacterial cells were present in a given volume. Therefore, the
crystals are more likely to be located closer to each other. In addition, because bacterial
aggregates contain a high density of bacterial cells, the likelihood of crystals growing on or
surrounding them may also be higher than for single bacterial cells. In this particular case, the
crystal aggregates present within the pores occurred at a similar location to the bacterial

0 min 20 min 1h 1d

nd rd
2 3 5th 7th

Figure 6.14 Magnified images of the squares in Figure 6.13 taken at (a) 0 min, 10 min, 20 min, 1 hr, 1
day after the 1st injection of cementation; (b) at 24 hours after the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th injections of
cementation solution
134 Effects of bacterial density on growth kinetics and characteristics of microbial-
induced calcium carbonate crystals

6.4 Conclusions

Microfluidic chip experiments were conducted in this study to investigate the effects of
bacterial density on the kinetics and characteristics of CaCO3 formation during MICP. The
main findings of the study are summarised as follows.

In addition to affecting the rate of ureolysis, bacterial density also affected the overall
precipitation rate, with the time required for CaCO3 precipitation to complete decreasing as the
bacterial density was increased, provided that the same bacterial strain was used and the
bacterial density was less than 4 × 108 cells per ml. Therefore, the use of higher bacterial
densities makes the MICP treatment protocol more time-efficient.

However, in addition to affecting the precipitation rate, bacterial density also affected the
characteristics of CaCO3 crystals. Bacterial density affected crystal density (the number of
crystals formed within a given volume), with a higher bacterial concentration resulting in a
larger number of crystals being formed in the same volume. Therefore, when crystals are given
enough time to grow and when the bacterial activity and the concentration and volume of the
injected cementation solution are kept constant, a lower bacterial density produces fewer but
larger crystals and vice versa. This suggests that a lower bacterial density could be useful for
treating sand containing large particles, which has so far been a challenge for MICP
applications. Assuming two types of sand have the same particle shape, surface properties, and
packing level, larger sand particles would result in a smaller number of particle contacts but
with larger gaps between the particles. Therefore, fewer but larger CaCO3 crystals would be
required to bond the soil particles together in this case. However, it should be noted that when
the bacterial density is low, maintaining bacterial activity might be a problem. For example, as
shown in Figure 6.11a, crystal size did not increase from the 9th to the 12th injection of
cementation solution, which might be because the bacterial activity was not high enough to
maintain the precipitation.
6.4 Conclusions 135

In addition, the crystals which formed when the bacterial density was low were more stable,
continued growing after being formed and did not dissolve. However, when the bacterial
density was higher, less stable crystals formed first, followed by the formation of more stable
crystals at the expense of growth of less stable crystals. The higher the bacterial density, the
longer the less stable crystals remained before dissolving. Based on solubility and density,
calcite is the most stable form of CaCO3 both physically and chemically, and it has been
suggested that the precipitation of calcite is preferred for a permanent stable cementation (van
Paassen, 2009). Therefore, when designing an MICP treatment protocol, the effect of bacterial
density on the phase transformation and the time required for the crystals to become stable need
to be considered.

Furthermore, bacterial density affects the formation of bacterial aggregates after the injection
of cementation solution, which in turn affects the formation of crystal aggregates. As bacterial
aggregates are notably larger compared with individual bacteria, bacterial aggregates might be
less likely to become homogenously distributed within the soil matrix, especially when they
are large enough to clog the pores which prevents the transport of other bacteria and bacterial
aggregates with flow. As the formation of crystal aggregates is affected by bacterial aggregates,
a non-homogenous distribution of bacteria within a soil matrix also results in a non-
homogenous distribution of CaCO3. Further work would be useful to investigate the effect of
bacterial density on the distribution of bacteria and the resulting effect this has on the
distribution of CaCO3 content.
Enhancing strength of MICP-treated
sandy soils: from micro to macro

7.1 Research aims

In the tests described in Chapter 5, unstable CaCO3 crystals dissolved at the expense of the
growth of more stable crystals after the first and second injections of cementation solution. The
crystals that appeared three hours after the second injection of cementation solution were
predominantly large crystals, with some small crystals also being observed. However, all the
small crystals disappeared, and only large crystals remained 24 hours after the second injection
of cementation solution. Therefore, even though the total CaCO3 content between three hours
and 24 hours was the same, the distribution of crystal sizes was different between these two
time points.

In the study described in this chapter, micro-scale experiments were conducted by using
microfluidic chips to observe the formation of calcium carbonate crystals with time during a
staged-injection MICP process and to investigate the effects of injection intervals on the
properties of calcium carbonate crystals. In the first two microfluidic chip experiments, the
main variable was injection interval between two successive injections of cementation solution
during the treatment procedure, in an attempt to establish a correlation between the CaCO3
precipitation process and the final size of CaCO3 crystals. The third microfluidic chip
experiment was conducted to test whether the dissolution of unstable and smaller CaCO3
crystals at an expense of more stable and larger crystals also occurred when the concentration
of cementation solution was either 0.5 M or 1.0 M.
138 Enhancing strength of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

Based on the findings from the micro-scale experiments, macro-scale experiments were
conducted using sandy soil columns by injecting cementation solution at various
concentrations and injection intervals during MICP treatment. The parameters of MICP-treated
sandy samples that were evaluated included their compressive strength, CaCO3 content, and
the micro-scale properties of CaCO3 after MICP treatment. The objectives of this series of
experiments were to investigate (i) the effects of injection interval on the chemical
transformation efficiency of MICP and the strength of MICP-treated sand; (ii) the correlation
between CaCO3 content and strength of MICP-treated sand; and (iii) the correlation between
the micro-scale properties of CaCO3 crystals and the strength of MICP-treated sand.

7.2 Experimental procedures

Micro-scale MICP experiments

Three micro-scale experiments were conducted using microfluidic chips to observe the
formation of calcium carbonate crystals over time during a staged-injection MICP processes.
The first two experiments were conducted to assess the effects of injection interval on the
properties of calcium carbonate crystals. In these two experiments, the staged-injection MICP
processes involved a single injection of bacterial suspension followed by twelve injections of
cementation solution with an injection interval of either 4 or 24 hours. In experiment 1,
cementation solution was injected 2-4 times per day over a total period of 4 days in the
experiment involving a short injection interval (4 hours). In experiment 2, the cementation
solution was injected only once per day over 12 days in the experiment where the interval
between injections was 24 hours. Experiment 3 was conducted to test whether the crystal
dissolution observed when the concentration of cementation solution was 0.25 M (Chapter 5)
could also occur when the concentrations of cementation solution were either 0.5 M or 1.0 M.
The parameters of bacteria, bacterial injection, cementation solution and the injection of
cementation solution in the three experiments are summarised in Table 7.1.
7.2 Experimental procedures 139

Table 7.1 Parameters of microfluidic chip experiments

Experiment No. 1 2 3
Microfluidic chip No. 1-3 4-6 7 8
Bacterial OD600 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
suspension Flow rate (PV/h) 56 56 56 56
and injection Injection PV 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Number of injections 12 12 1 1
Settling duration (h) 18-24 24 24
Cementation Content 0.25 M* 0.25 M* 0.5 M** 1 M ***
solution Flow rate (PV/h) 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6
and injection Injection PV 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Number of injections 12 12 2 2
Injection interval (h) 4 24 24 24
Number of injections per day 2-4 1 1 1
Total treatment duration (days) 4 12 2 2
Note: PV-pore volume of the microfluidic chip; *0.25 M CaCl2, 0.375 M urea, and 3 g/L nutrient broth;
**0.5 M CaCl2, 0.75 M urea, and 3 g/L nutrient broth; ***1.0 M CaCl2, 1.5 M urea, and 3 g/L nutrient

Macro-scale MICP experiments

Six MICP treatment procedures at varied concentrations and injection intervals of cementation
solution were applied to eighteen soil columns prepared in syringe tubes. The total amount of
cementation solution injected was kept constant in these eighteen columns. The parameters of
bacterial suspension, bacterial injection, cementation solution and the injection of cementation
solution in this macro-scale experiment are summarised in Table 7.2.

After performing MICP treatment, the treated sand samples were flushed with at least two pore
volumes of DI water to wash away all excess soluble salts. The sand samples were then dried
at 100.5 °C for at least 24 hours. Subsequently, the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of
the treated samples and the total calcium carbonate content present in the MICP-treated soil
columns were measured as described in Section 3.4. The chemical transformation efficiencies
of CaCO3 in these specimens were evaluated based on the relationship between CaCO3 content
140 Enhancing strength of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

and the amount of chemicals injected. It should be noted that the concentration of urea was 1.5
times higher than the concentration of CaCl2, and when evaluating the chemical transformation
efficiency, the extra urea that could not transform into CaCO3 was not accounted for. Scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the microscale parameters of the calcium
carbonate crystals (such as size and distribution) which formed in inside the soil columns. The
samples are assumed to be homogeneous from top to bottom and samples for SEM analysis
were selected at around the centre of each of the soil columns as representative to examine the
micro-scale properties of the whole sample.

Table 7.2 Parameters of macro-scale experiments

Short interval Long interval
Treatment protocol No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Soil column No. 1~3 4~6 7~9 13~15 10~12 16~18
Bacterial OD600 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
suspension Number of injections 1 1 1 1 1 1
and injection Injection PV number 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Settling duration (h) 24 24 24 24 24 24
Cementation Concentration (M) 0.25 0.5 1.0 0.25 0.5 1.0
solution Number of injections 12 6 3 12 6 3
and injection Injection interval (h) 12 24 48 24 48 96
Number of injections per day 2 1 0.5* 1 0.5 0.25
Total treatment duration (days) 6 6 6 12 12 12
Note: Concentration of cementation solution were indicated by the concentration of CaCl2 in the
cementation solution; the concentration of urea is 1.5 times of CaC2; 3 g/L nutrient broth was contained
in the cementation solution; * 0.5 injection per day means 1 injection in two days.

7.3 Results of micro-scale experiments

Short injection interval (4 h) experiment

Images of one pore containing CaCO3 crystals at the centre of microfluidic chip No.1 taken at
the completion of the retention period (the time in between two adjacent injections given to the
7.3 Results of micro-scale experiments 141

crystals to grow) of each of the cementation solution injections are shown in Figure 7.1. When
the injection interval of cementation solution was 4 hours, the crystals continued growing once
formed. This observation is quite different from the case of a 24-h injection interval where
dissolution of unstable CaCO3 crystals at the expense of more stable crystals after either the
first or the second injection of cementation solution (Chapters 5 and 6). Taken together, this
finding suggests that an injection interval of 4 hours was not long enough for unstable crystals
to dissolve.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

5th 6th 7th 8th

9th 10th 11th 12th

Figure 7.1 Microscope images of the centre pore of microfluidic chip No.1 (4 h injection interval) at
the completion of the retention period of all the 12 injections of cementation solution

To quantify the growth of the crystals in the images shown in Figure 7.1, the diameters of three
randomly selected crystals were measured and the volumes of the crystals were calculated
based on their shapes assumed to be half-sphere. The bar chart of the volumes of the three
142 Enhancing strength of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

crystals in the images are presented in Figure 7.2. The three crystals selected were also shown
in Figure 7.2. These three crystals occurred after the second injection of cementation solution.
They grew during the twelve injections of cementation solution treatment, while the growth
rate over the time frame between the 2nd and the 5th injections was greater than that between
the 5th and the 12th injections. The decreasing growing rate of these crystals might be due to
the formation of new crystals, which consume the CaCl2 and urea injected. The sizes of the
three crystals were between 30 and 60 µm3 after the second injection of cementation solution,
increased by about 4-5 times after the 5th injection of cementation solution, and became
between 220 to 350 µm3 after the 12th injection of cementation solution. The growth rate and
the final sizes of the three crystals varied. The growing of the crystals is affected by many
factors such as the local concentration of bacterial cells, and the local concentration of urea and
CaCl2, which are time dependent and are affected by the existence and growth of the
surrounding crystals.

Crystal 1 Crystal 1
350 Crystal 2
Crystal 3 Crystal 2
Crystal 3
300 Average
Crystal volume (m )






0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Injection number

Figure 7.2 Increase in volume of three crystals with injection; the average volume of the three crystals
was also plotted with time, and data presented as mean ± standard error
7.3 Results of micro-scale experiments 143

Images of the middle squares with areas of 2 mm by 2 mm of microfluidic chip No. 1, 2 and 3,
taken at the completion of the retention time of the last injection of cementation solution are
shown in Figure 7.3a. Magnified images of the central pores of the squares in the images
shown in Figure 7.3a are presented in Figure 7.3b. The crystals coated the inner surface of
the microfluidic chip. The crystals formed after MICP treatment with short injection intervals
(4 h) were 5 - 10 m in size, spherical in shape, with 200 - 1000 crystals being present per 106
m3. As stated earlier, small crystals remained inside the pores because a 4 -hour retention time
was not long enough for small crystals to dissolve. The results of the three parallel samples are
consistent with each other, in which the CaCO3 crystals were generally small and coated the
surface of the chip, even though the number of crystals in the third sample was less than the
number of crystals present in the first two samples.

Microfluidic chip No.1 Microfluidic chip No. 2 Microfluidic chip No.3


Figure 7.3 Microscope images of microfluidic chip No. 1-3 (4 h injection interval) at the completion
of the retention period of the final injection of cementation solution. (a) images of the centre 2 mm by
2 mm squares; (b) magnified images of pores marked by black squares in (a)
144 Enhancing strength of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

Long injection interval (24 hr) experiment

Images of one pore containing CaCO3 crystals at the centre of microfluidic chip No.4 (long
injection interval of 24 hr) taken at the completion of retention period of each of the 12
injections of cementation solution are shown in Figure 7.4. Three crystals formed in the pore
shown in Figure 7.4 after the first injection of the cementation and then continued growing
after subsequent injections. New crystals were formed after the 4th injection, and the sizes of
the new crystals were shown to increase with the injections. At the completion of the retention
period (24 hr) of each injection of cementation solution, the crystals formed were larger but
fewer in number compared with the crystals formed in the same stage in microfluidic chip No.1
(shown in Figure 7.1).

The crystals formed after the first injection of cementation solution in this sample were in the
shape of a rhombohedron (Figure 7.4), which is consistent with the shape of calcite. However,
the morphology of crystals 2 and 3 after the second injection of cementation solution and the
morphology of crystal 1 after the sixth injection could not be clearly distinguished. Similar
phenomena were observed in a previous study (Mitchell and Ferris, 2006) in which SEM was
used to assess crystal morphology. It was found that crystal morphology was not clear, and
often appeared poorly ordered, with a stepped surface topography which resulted in somewhat
rounded crystal edges (Mitchell and Ferris, 2006). Apart from these three crystals, some other
crystals formed between the 6th and 12th injections of cementation solution. The crystals formed
during this time period were rhombohedral in shape.
7.3 Results of micro-scale experiments 145

1st 2nd 3rd 4th


5th 6th 7th 8th

9th 10th 11th 12th

Figure 7.4 Microscope images of the centre pore of sample 1 (24 h injection interval) at the completion
of the retention period of each injection of cementation solution

The increase in crystal size with respect to the injection number is presented in Figure 7.5.
From the first to the 12th injection of cementation solution, the average crystal size increased
from about 1 × 104 µm3 to about 5-8 × 104 µm3. The growth rate decreased after about the 6th
injection, which is similar as sample 1, and also possibly because the other crystals which
formed after the 6th injection of cementation solution also consumed the cementation solution.
146 Enhancing strength of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

Crystal 1
80000 Crystal 2
Crystal 3
70000 Average
Crystal volume (m )



Crystal 1

Crystal 2


0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Injection number

Figure 7.5 Crystal sizes after each injection of cementation solution; the average volume of the three
crystals was also plotted with time, and data presented as mean ± standard error

Images of the middle squares with areas of 2 mm by 2 mm of microfluidic chip No. 4 to 6,

taken at the completion of the retention time of the last injection of cementation solution are
shown in Figure 7.6a. Magnified images of the central pores of the squares are shown in
Figure 7.6b. The sizes of crystals are larger (10 - 80 m) than those in microfluidic chip No.
1-3 experiment 1. The shapes of the crystals are rhombohedral, which is consistent with the
shape of calcite. The number of crystals inside the pores is small (5 - 20 per 106 um3), which is
about 40 times smaller than the number of crystals observed in microfluidic chip No. 1-3.
Although the number of crystals in the three samples varied, each sample showed a similar
trend in crystals size and distribution.
7.3 Results of micro-scale experiments 147

Microfluidic chip No.4 Microfluidic chip No.5 Microfluidic chip No.6


Figure 7.6 Microscope images of microfluidic chip No. 4-6 (24 h injection interval) at the completion
of the retention period of the final injection of cementation solution. (a) images of the centre 2 mm by
2 mm squares; (b) magnified images of the pores marked by black squares in (a).

Consistent with the results shown in Chapter 5, unstable CaCO3 crystals dissolved at the
expense of the growth of more stable crystals after the second and third injections of
cementation solution (Figure 7.7). The dissolution of the unstable crystals occurred between
the 4th and 24th hour after each of the injections. A 24 -hour retention time resulted in smaller
spherical crystals being dissolved, and the dissolved calcium and carbonate ions from the small
crystals formed into bigger crystals.
148 Enhancing strength of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro


Figure 7.7 Microscope images of microfluidic chip No. 4 (24 h injection interval) at 0, 4, and 24 h after
the second (a) and third (b) injection of cementation solution.

Al Qabany et al. (2012) concluded that the size of CaCO3 crystals formed was smaller when
soil samples were treated more frequently with a lower concentration of cementation solution
compared with soil samples that were treated less frequently with a higher concentration of
cementation solution. In light of this finding, the results presented in this thesis suggest that
when the concentration of cementation solution is constant, the treatment frequency or injection
interval also affect the final size of the crystals. In this sense, longer injection intervals (24
hours), compared with 4 hours, result in larger crystals being formed. Because crystal size may
affect engineering properties such as strength, this might be the reason why the strength of the
MICP-treated samples varied when the properties and the CaCO3 content of the treated soils
were the same. Additionally, previous research suggests that the formation of stable CaCO 3
crystals is important for improving the stability of MICP-treated soils (van Paassen, 2009).
7.3 Results of micro-scale experiments 149

Therefore, based on these results, a long injection interval (24 hours) might be better compared
with a shorter injection interval (4 hours).

Effect of higher concentrations of cementation solution (0.5 M and 1.0


Concentrations of cementation solution that have been normally used are between 0.25 M and
1.0 M. Another microfluidic chip experiment (Experiment 3) was conducted to investigate
whether the dissolution of smaller or relatively unstable crystals occurs as an expense of larger
or more stable crystals when the concentration of cementation solution is 0.5 M or 1.0 M.
Microscope images of 250 µm by 250 µm squares at 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours after the completion
of the second injection of cementation solution with a concentration of 0.5 M are shown in
Figure 7.8. Similar to what was observed when the concentration of cementation solution is
0.25 M, small crystals also formed after the second injection of cementation solution and
subsequently dissolved to then be replaced by larger crystals.

1h 3h 6h 24 h


Figure 7.8 Microscope images of 250 µm by 250 µm square at the centre of microfluidic chip No. 7 at
1, 3, 6 and 24 hours after the completion of the second injection of cementation solution

The dissolution of unstable crystals at the expense of growth of more stable crystals was also
observed after the first injection of cementation solution when the concentration of cementation
solution was 1 M (Figure 7.9). During the 1st hour, irregular-shaped CaCO3 crystals and
spherical CaCO3 crystals were observed in the pore as shown in Figure 7.9. The irregular-
shaped CaCO3 dissolved and the spherical CaCO3 continued growing during the next 3 hrs. At
6 hrs, three more crystals appeared, while the regular-shaped CaCO3 observed previously
150 Enhancing strength of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

almost disappeared, and the spherical CaCO3 was larger compared to its size at 3 hrs. By 24
hrs, the spherical-shaped CaCO3 crystal dissolved while the three rhombohedral crystals
became larger. This result is consistent with the observations mentioned in Chapter 5, even
though the concentration of cementation solution is this experiment was 1.0 M, which is higher
than the concentration used in Chapter 5 (0.25 M).

In summary, the growth of more stable crystals at the expense of the dissolution of less stable
crystals seems to be the trend during MICP processes, regardless of whether the concentration
of cementation solution is 0.25 M, 0.5 M or 1.0 M. Therefore, in general, as long as the interval
between injections does not result in a decrease in bacterial activity, longer intervals between
injections result in more stable CaCO3 crystals being produced.

1h 3h 6h 24 h


Figure 7.9 Microscope images of 250 µm by 250 µm square at the centre of microfluidic chip No. 8
taken at 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours after the completion of the first injection of cementation solution

7.4 Results of macro-scale experiments

As shown by the results of the micro-scale experiments, the time interval between injections
of cementation solution affects the micro-scale properties of the CaCO3 crystals such as size,
shape, number, and stability. A smaller number of larger and more stable rhombohedral CaCO3
crystals formed during the MICP process when a longer injection interval (24 h) was used,
whereas a larger number of smaller and less stable rhombohedral CaCO3 crystals formed during
the MICP process with a shorter injection interval (4 h). As stated before, the micro-scale
properties of CaCO3 crystals have significant effects on the macro-scale mechanical properties
of MICP-tread sandy soils, such as strength. Therefore, after performing micro-scale MICP
7.4 Results of macro-scale experiments 151

experiments, macro-scale experiments were conducted to explore the effect of injection

interval on the mechanical properties of MICP-treated sand. Six experimental conditions of
MICP treatment with combinations of various concentrations of cementation solution and
injection intervals were used (Table 7.2). Three parallel samples were prepared for each of the
six conditions. Photos of one of the three parallel samples after each of the six different
treatment protocols are shown in Figure 7.10. Samples processed using protocols 1, 2, 4, and
5 (0.25 M and 0.5 M) were well extracted from the moulds, while samples processed using
protocols 3 and 6 (1.0 M) were found to break at points where they were relatively weakly
cemented. The other two samples from each of the six different experimental conditions were
consistent with these six samples. These results are consistent with the results presented in Al
Qabany et al. (2012), which showed that that a 1.0 M cementation solution produced weaker
samples compared to 0.25 M and 0.5 M cementation solutions. To analyse the strength of each
sample, UCS tests were conducted on these samples, with the results presented in the following

1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 7.10 Exemplary photos of samples in the six macro-scale MICP experiments

Unconfined compressive strength (UCS)

A photo of a MICP-treated specimen in a UCS test is shown in Figure 7.11a, and a photo of
the sample after being broken in the UCS test is shown in Figure 7.11b. Typical tensile failure
pattern appeared from top to bottom along the sample were observed in the UCS tests, which
152 Enhancing strength of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

was similar to the previous observation by van Paassen et al. (2009), Al Qabany et al. (2012)
and Cheng et al. (2012).

(a) (b)
Figure 7.11 (a) a photo of an MICP-treated specimen in a UCS test; (b) a photo of the sample after
being broken during the UCS test

Large variations in the UCS values (from 1000 kPa to 5500 kPa) of the samples occurred when
the concentration of cementation solution or treatment duration was varied (Figure 7.12), even
though the total amount of reactant (urea and CaCl2) injected was the same for all of the
samples (3 M *1.1 PV). Samples treated with 0.25 M and 0.5 M of cementation solution had
higher average UCS values than samples treated with 1 M cementation solution. When the
concentration of cementation solution was kept constant, samples treated over longer treatment
intervals had higher UCS values than samples treated over shorter intervals. For example,
samples treated with 0.25 M cementation solution over 12 days had higher UCS values than
samples treated with the same concentration of cementation solution over 6 days, whereas
samples treated with 0.5 M cementation solution had higher UCS values when treated over 12
days instead of 6 days. It should be noticed that because the 1 M samples were broken (Figure
7.10), the UCS values of samples treated with 1.0 M cementation solution shown in Figure 7.12
were calculated by testing the larger part of the two broken parts of each of the samples. Al
Qabany et al. (2012) also present the UCS results of MICP-samples when the concentration of
cementation is 1.0, while as the samples were very weak, the UCS could not be conducted, and
therefore the UCS values was presented as having null strength. However, in the experiment
7.4 Results of macro-scale experiments 153

present here, the samples treated with cementation solution with a concentration of 1.0 were
broken into two pieces during the extraction process from the column cells, the strength of the
samples obtained in this experiment are higher than the strength obtained in the study of Al
Qabany et al. (2012).

C1: 0.25 M-6 d
C2: 0.50 M-6 d
5000 C3: 1.00 M-6 d
C4: 0.25 M-12 d
C5: 0.50 M-12 d
C6: 1.00 M-12 d
UCS (kPa)




1 2 3 4 5 6
Treatment protocol No.

Figure 7.12 Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) values of MICP-treated sand samples. Data
presented as mean ± standard error, n=3 (n is the number of times each treatment condition and the
relative measurement was repeated)

Chemical efficiency

Following the study conducted by Al Qabany et al. (2012), chemical efficiency was defined as
the percentage of tested mass of CaCO3 in relative to the calculated mass of CaCO3 if all of the
CaCl2 injected into the soil pores transform into CaCO3. The equation is given as,

m(CaCO3 ) / m1 ( sand )
Efficiency (%)  100% 7.1
C (CaCl2 )  PV  IN  M (CaCO3 ) / m2 (sand )
154 Enhancing strength of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

where m(CaCO3)/m1(sand) is the measured CaCO3 content; C(CaCl2) (mol/L) is the

concentration of CaCl2 in the cementation solution; PV (L) is the pore volume of the soil
column; IN is the injection number of cementation solution; M(CaCO3) is the molar mass of
CaCO3, which is a constant 100 g/mol; m2 (sand) is the dry mass of the total sand in the column.

The chemical efficiencies of the samples are shown in Figure 7.13. In general, when the
concentration of cementation solution was either 0.25 M or 0.5 M, the chemical efficiency was
relatively high (higher than 75 %). By contrast, when the concentration of cementation solution
was 1 M, the mean chemical efficiency was lower, which are 71 % and 64% for 6 day treatment
and 12 day treatment, respectively. The variation in chemical efficiency was also smaller when
the concentration of cementation solution was lower (0.25 M or 0.5 M) compared to the
chemical efficiency when the concentration of cementation solution was 1.0 M. The sample
treated with 1 M cementation solution over 12 days had the lowest average efficiency (64 %)
and efficiency range of 53 % - 69 %, which might be because the intervals between injections
being 4 days caused a decrease in bacterial activity. During the 4-day retention time, only 3
g/L nutrient broth was injected to maintain bacterial activity. However, as the bacterial activity
inside the soil was difficult to measure, this can only be speculated. The variations in the
efficiencies of samples 1.0 M - 6 d and 1.0 M - 12 d were about 42% and 16%, respectively,
which were the largest among all the samples tested. Together with the appearance of the
samples shown in Figure 7.10, the large variations in the chemical efficiency of these 1.0 M
samples suggest that the samples treated with 1.0 M cementation solution were in-
homogeneously cemented. It was suggested by Al Qabany et al. (2012) that to achieve a
chemically efficient condition, the time interval between each injection of cementation solution
(retention time) should be long enough to allow sufficient time for the urea and CaCl2 to react
and form CaCO3. However, in addition to this suggestion, the results obtained from this PhD
study suggested that the retention time should not be too long because the bacterial activity
may decrease as the nutrient resources become limited.
7.4 Results of macro-scale experiments 155

0.25 M-6 d 0.50 M-6 d 1.00 M-6 d

100 0.25 M-12 d 0.50 M-12 d 1.00 M-12 d

Efficiency (%)




1 2 3 4 5 6
Treatment protocol No.
Figure 7.13 Chemical efficiencies of the MICP-treated sand samples. Data presented as mean ±
standard error, n=3 (n is the number of times each treatment condition and the relative measurement
was repeated)

Relationship between CaCO3 content and unconfined compressive


UCS values of the samples were plotted against CaCO3 content, with the results shown in
Figure 7.14. For comparison, the results of Al Qabany and Soga (2013) were also plotted in
the same figure. Large variations in the UCS values from 0 to 5.5 MPa were observed even
when the CaCO3 content was the same. This large variation in UCS values at a given CaCO 3
content is consistent with the summary of the results reported in literature made by the author
of this thesis and colleagues (Wang et al., 2017). For the samples treated with cementation
solution with a concentration of either 0.25 M or 0.5 M, higher UCS values were obtained
when the treatment interval was longer. The UCS values of samples treated with 1.0 M
cementation solution were in general lower than the UCS values of samples treated with 0.25
M or 0.5 M, which is consistent with the results presented in Al Qabany and Soga (2013).
156 Enhancing strength of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

0.25 M_3 d (Al Qabany and Soga, 2013)
0.50 M_3 d (Al Qabany and Soga, 2013)
5000 1.00 M_3 d (Al Qabany and Soga, 2013)
0.25 M_6 d
0.50 M_6 d
4000 1.00 M_6 d
0.25 M_12 d
0.50 M_12 d
1.00 M_12 d
UCS (kPa)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CaCO3 content (%)

Figure 7.14 CaCO3 content vs UCS (comparison with the results of Al Qabany and Soga, 2013)

Performance efficiency

A higher chemical efficiency enables the desired amount of CaCO3 to be produced using lower
amounts of CaCl2 and urea. However, the engineering properties of MICP-treated sandy soils
do not only depend on the CaCO3 content, but are also highly dependent on the micro-scale
properties of CaCO3 crystals. The CaCO3 crystals that efficiently bond soil particles contribute
to the increase in the strength of MICP-treated sandy soils. Therefore, apart from calcium
carbonate content, the microscale properties of the CaCO3 precipitates have also been
suggested to play an important role in determining the engineering properties of MICP-
treatment soils (Al Qabany and Soga, 2013; Wang et al., 2017). In this study, another factor
considered to be important for designing MICP processes is the performance efficiency, which
refers to the effectiveness with which CaCO3 crystals are able to bond soil particles for
increasing strength and is quantified as the ratio of the strength of the MICP-treated sandy
specimen to the CaCO3 content formed in the specimen. It is shown in Figure 7.15 that when
the concentration of cementation solution is kept as constant, the performance efficiency was
higher when the injection intervals were longer. The performance efficiency is 22 % higher in
7.4 Results of macro-scale experiments 157

Protocol 4 (0.25 M-12 day treatment) than in Protocol 1 (0.25 M-6day treatment); 27% higher
in Protocol 5 (0.50 M-12 day treatment) than in Protocol 2 (0.50 M-6 day treatment); and 33
% higher in Protocol 6 (1.00 M-12 day treatment) than in Protocol 3 (1.00 M-6 day treatment).
In addition, when the total duration of the injection procedure was the same, the average
performance efficiency was higher when a lower concentration of cementation solution was
injected more times. For example, the average performance efficiency of Protocol 1 was higher
than Protocol 2, which in turn was higher than Protocol 3; and the average performance
efficiency of Protocol 4 was higher than Protocol 5, which was higher than Protocol 6 (Figure
7.15). The performance efficiency of Protocol 6 is 69 % higher than Protocol 3; the
performance efficiency of Protocol 4 is 55% higher than Protocol 6. These results are consistent
with the results presented in Al Qabany and Soga (2013), which showed that performing
multiple injections of cementation solution with a lower concentration over a longer period of
time can produce samples with higher unconfined compressive strength.

800 0.25 M-6 d

0.50 M-6 d
1.00 M-6 d
700 0.25 M-12 d
(kPa in UCS per 1% CaCO3 content)

0.50 M-12 d
600 1.00 M-12 d
Performance efficiency






1 2 3 4 5 6
Treatment protocol No.

Figure 7.15 Performance efficiency of MICP-treated sand samples. Performance efficiency was
obtained by dividing the UCS values by the CaCO3 contents. Data presented as mean ± standard error,
n=3 (n is the number of times each treatment condition and the relative measurement was repeated)
158 Enhancing strength of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

Micro-scale properties of CaCO3 crystals observed by SEM

As described previously, increasing the interval time between injections can increase the
performance efficiency. Together with the findings that the micro-scale properties of CaCO3
are affected by the injection interval, these results support the observation that a smaller number
of larger and more stable CaCO3 formed when the interval between cementation solution
injections was increased. To observe the micro-scale properties of CaCO3 crystals after the
MICP treatment, SEM images of the samples were taken, with the results presented in Figure
7.16. When the concentrations of cementation solution were the same, the crystals in the
samples treated by a staged-injection procedure with a longer interval between cementation
solution injections treatment were larger than that in the samples treated over a shorter time
interval. Compared to the samples when the concentration of cementation solution was 0.25
M, it can be found that when increasing the injection interval from 3 hours, to 6 hours and then
to 24 hours, the average size of the crystals formed after the 12th injection of cementation
solution increased from about 5 µm (Figure 2.16a, Al Qabany et al., 2012) to 30 µm (Figure
7.16 a) and then to 50 µm (Figure 7.16 d), respectively. These results are also consistent with
the results obtained in the micro-scale experiments. When the concentration of cementation
solution was 0.25 M and the injection interval was increased from 4 hours to 24 hours, the
crystal size after the 12th injection of cementation solution increased from about 10 µm to 50
µm (see Figures 7.3 and 7.6).

The observation that the samples with a higher strength tend to have larger CaCO3 crystals is
also consistent with the results presented by Cheng et al. (2012) which showed that when the
CaCO3 content is similar, the UCS values of the MICP-treated samples tend to be higher when
the CaCO3 crystals are larger.
7.4 Results of macro-scale experiments 159

a. 0.25 M- 6 d d. 0.25 M-12 d

b. 0.50 M- 6 d e. 0.50 M- 12 d

c. 1.00 M- 6 d f. 1.00 M- 12 d

Figure 7.16 SEM images of CaCO3 crystals inside MICP-treated sand samples after MICP treatments.
a. 0.25 M-6 day treatment, CaCO3 content is 6.1 %; b. 0.50 M- 6 day treatment, CaCO3 content is 7.0
%; c. 1.00 M-6 day treatment, CaCO3 content is 7.0 %; d. 0.25 M-12 day treatment, CaCO3 content is
6.6 %; e. 0.50 M-12 day treatment, CaCO3 content is 7.0 %; f. 1.00 M-12 day treatment, CaCO3 content
is 5.8 %
160 Enhancing strength of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

Research has shown that many factors such as the concentration of cementation solution and
the bacterial activity affect the size and type of CaCO3 precipitates formed. This thesis study
suggests that the interval between cementation solution injections also has an effect on the size
of CaCO3 crystals, with the size of the CaCO3 being larger when the interval between injections
of cementation solution is longer. In the experimental setup described in this research, samples
treated with an injection interval of 1 day using 0.25 M cementation solution, as well as samples
treated with an injection interval of 2 days using 0.5 M cementation solution, had higher UCS
values than when the injection intervals were shorter. A possible explanation for the effect of
crystals size on increasing the performance efficiency of MICP-treated samples might be that
the crystals should be large enough to fill the gaps between soil particles to sufficiently bond
them (Figure 7.17). In addition, when the CaCO3 crystals are large, the soil particles may be
more difficult to rotate during shearing (Zhao et al., 2018). The experiments presented in this
study provide a way to increase the percentage of larger and more stable CaCO3 crystals by
increasing the injection interval of cementation solution and thus increase the compressive

(a) (b)

Figure 7.17 Proposed schematic of inefficient (a) and efficient (b) CaCO3-mediated bonding of soil

7.5 Conclusions

In this study, both micro-scale and macro-scale experiments were conducted to investigate the
effect of changing the interval between cementation solution injections on the size of CaCO3
crystals formed after MICP treatment and the strength of MICP-treated sandy soils. The
findings of this study are summarised as follows.
7.5 Conclusions 161

The interval between cementation solution injections was found to have an effect on the CaCO3
precipitation process. When the injection interval was long enough (24 hours for 0.25 M
cementation solution), unstable and smaller CaCO3 crystals dissolved at an expense of the
growth of more stable and larger CaCO3 crystals. However, in the case of shorter injection
intervals (4 hours for 0.25 M cementation solution), the unstable and smaller CaCO3 crystals
formed, did not have enough time to dissolve and promote the growth larger and more stable
CaCO3 crystals. The interval between cementation solution injections therefore affects crystal
size and the strength of MICP-treated samples. By varying the interval between cementation
solution injections in a staged-injection procedure, a larger number of crystals (200 - 1000 per
106 m3) with smaller sizes (5 - 10 m) were produced when the interval was 4 hours, whereas
the crystals were larger (10 - 80 m) and fewer in number (5 - 20 per 106 um3) when the interval
was 24 hours. The dissolution of unstable or smaller CaCO3 crystals at the expense of growth
of more stable or larger CaCO3 crystals also occurred when the concentration of cementation
solution was 0.5 M or 1.0 M.

The results of the macro-scale experiments showed that the injection interval and concentration
of cementation solution had an effect on the chemical efficiency of CaCO3 formation. The
CaCO3 transformation efficiency in the six treatment procedures was generally high (75% -83
%) with a smaller variation (1.5% - 4.5%) when the concentration of cementation solution was
either 0.25 M or 0.5 M. Samples treated with 0.25 M cementation solution injected at intervals
of either 12 hours or 24 hours, or with 0.5 M cementation solution injected at intervals of 24
hours or 48 hours, had high CaCO3 transformation efficiencies. However, the CaCO3
transformation efficiency was lower with a larger variation in range when the concentration of
cementation solution was 1.0 M. The mean transformation efficiencies in Protocols 3 and 6,
when the concentration of cementation solution was 1.0, were 71 ± 29 % and 64 ± 12%,
respectively. Together with the observation that samples treated with 1.0 M cementation
solution broke after being taken out from the columns, these findings suggest that CaCO3
content is not uniformly distributed in the soil columns and is thus not as effective at binding
soil particles together when the concentration of cementation solution is 1.0 M.
162 Enhancing strength of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

Despite the similarities observed in CaCO3 transformation efficiency, the strength of MICP-
treated soils varied considerably. The variation in the strength of MICP-treated sandy soils in
relative to CaCO3 content varied. It was found that by increasing the total treatment duration
from 6 days to 12 days, the performance efficiency increased by 22 %, 27 % and 33 % when
the concentration of cementation was 0.25 M, 0.50 M and 1.00 M, respectively. In addition,
when CaCO3 content were the same, the unconfined compressive strength of the samples
obtained in this study, where the total treatment duration was either 6 days or 12 days, were
higher than the UCS values of samples when the treatment duration was 3 days. Considering
together with the results obtained in micro-scale experiment, and from the SEM imaging on
the soil samples after MICP treatment, this may be due to differences in the micro-scale
properties of CaCO3 crystals. When the treatment duration is longer, larger and more stable
crystals tend to be the dominant crystals which tend to be able to bond soil particles and be
more efficient in increasing the strength of the MICP-treatment samples.
Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-
treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

8.1 Research aims

Homogeneity in MICP treatment (i.e. uniform distribution of CaCO3 within a soil matrix after
MICP treatment) is critical to the success of MICP soil improvement procedures but remains
poorly studied (Mujah et al., 2017). As described in Chapters 4-5, bacterial aggregation
occurred after injecting bacterial suspension and cementation solution into the medium, and it
was found that bacterial aggregation was induced by the CaCl2 present in the cementation
solution. Therefore, the concentration of CaCl2 in the cementation solution and the density of
bacterial cells inside the bacterial suspension would affect the size of bacterial aggregates.
Compared with individual bacterial cells, bacterial aggregates are notably larger and are hence
more likely to become trapped in pore throats. Therefore, when the MICP process is applied in
a soil matrix, the bacterial distribution might be affected by the filtration of the bacterial
aggregates along the injection path, which in turn affects the distribution of CaCO 3 inside the
soil matrix. It was also found from the experiment presented in Chapter 6 that bacterial density
has an effect on crystal size and number. Therefore, if the bacteria are not distributed
homogeneously throughout the soil matrix, the micro-scale properties of CaCO3 crystals
formed would vary between different areas, thus affecting the uniformity and strength of
MICP-treated soils.

The aim of the research described in this chapter was to investigate the effects of bacterial
density and the concentration of cementation solution on the homogeneity of MICP-treated
sandy soils, including the distribution homogeneity of the macro-scale CaCO3 content and the
164 Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

micro-scale properties of CaCO3 crystals. In addition, the strength, stiffness, rigidity and
uniformity of MICP-treated sandy soil were also investigated.

First, a microscope slide experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of bacterial
density and the concentration of cementation solution on the size of bacterial aggregates.
Subsequently, macro-scale experiments were conducted by applying MICP treatment in six
one-metre-long soil columns using various bacterial densities and cementation solution
concentrations whilst keeping the total amount of cementation solution injected (calculated by
multiplying the injection volume of cementation solution by its concentration) the same. The
CaCO3 content, the strength and stiffness of the MICP-treatment soil specimen along the soil
columns were measured, in order to evaluate the homogeneity of MICP along the soil columns.
Soil samples at selected points along the soil columns were also imaged using scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) to investigate the relationship between the macro-scale mechanical
behaviour of MICP-treated soils and the micro-scale properties of CaCO3 crystals (such as size
and distribution) inside the soil pores.

8.2 Experimental procedures

Micro-scale MICP experiments

A glass slide experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of bacterial density and the
concentration of cementation solution on the size of bacterial aggregates. The experimental
setup and the procedure associated with the glass slide experiment was described in Chapter
3. Microscopic images of the glass slide samples containing mixtures of equal volumes of
bacterial suspension and cementation solution were taken immediately after mixing the
bacterial suspension with cementation solution. When testing the effect of bacterial density on
the size of the bacterial aggregates, the concentration of cementation solution was kept constant
at 1.00 M, and the OD600 values of bacterial suspensions trialled were 0.1, 0.3, 1.0 and 3.0.
When testing the effect of the concentration of cementation solution on the size of bacterial
aggregates, the OD600 of bacterial suspension was kept constant at 1.0, and the concentrations
of cementation solution trialled were 0.10 M, 0.25 M, 0.50 M, and 1.00 M. It is worth noting
8.2 Experimental procedures 165

that the optical density values of bacterial suspension and the concentrations of cementation
solution mentioned here refer to their initial values before mixing.

Macro-scale MICP experiments

A soil column experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of bacterial density and the
concentration of cementation solution on the homogeneity of MICP-treated soils. The soil
columns were one-metre long, with the experimental setup described in Chapter 3. Six soil
columns were treated using different bacterial densities and concentrations of cementation
solution whilst keeping the total amount of cementation solution injected constant. The
experimental parameters are summarised in Table 8.1. During the injection of cementation
solution, the duration of each injection was measured, and the average injection flow rate was
calculated as

V ( m3 )
v(m / s )  8.1
n  A(m2 )  t ( s)

where v is the injection flow rate, V is the volume of cementation solution injected through the
soil columns in each injection (2.2 ×10-3 m3), A is the cross-sectional area of the soil samples
(0.0038 m2), n is the porosity of the soil matrix (0.4), and t is the duration of each injection. It
should be noted that the porosities of the soil matrices decreased during MICP treatment due
to an increase in CaCO3 content during the injection events. However, for simplification, n was
assumed to be constant. After MICP treatment, the cemented sands were removed from the
moulds to test unconfined compressive strength (UCS), to measure CaCO3 content, and to be
analysed by SEM.
166 Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

Table 8.1 Parameters of macro-scale MICP experiments

Column OD600 Concentration Number Injection Volume injected Molar mass of CS
number of BS of CS of interval each time injection each time
injections (days) (L) (mol)
1 0.1 0.125 M 20 0.5 2.2 0.275
2 1.0 0.125 M 20 0.5 2.2 0.275
3 0.1 0.25 M 10 1 2.2 0.55
4 1.0 0.25 M 10 1 2.2 0.55
5 0.1 0.5 M 5 2 2.2 1.1
6 1.0 0.5 M 5 2 2.2 1.1
Note: BS-bacterial suspension; CS-cementation solution; In the cementation solution, 0.125 M, 0.25 M
and 0.5 M refer to the concentrations of CaCl2 present in the cementation solution; Apart from CaCl2,
urea with a concentration of 1.5 times of CaCl2 and nutrient broth with a concentration of 3 g/L were
also contained in the cementation solution.

8.3 Results and discussion

Bacterial aggregates

The optical microscope images of glass slide samples containing mixtures of bacterial
suspension with different densities and cementation solution with different concentrations are
shown in Figure 8.1. Bacterial aggregates formed in all of the samples, while the sizes of the
bacterial aggregates varied between different samples. Within each individual sample, the size
of bacterial aggregates also varied.

The quantification of the sizes of the bacterial aggregates is shown in Figure 8.2. When the
OD600 of bacterial suspension was kept constant at 1.0, the effect of the concentration
cementation solution on the size of bacterial aggregates was not obvious when the
concentration of cementation solution was gradually increased from 0.10 M to 0.50 M, but was
more pronounced when the concentration of cementation solution was 1.00 M. At this
concentration, the average size of bacterial aggregates was more than two times larger than the
size of bacterial aggregates when the concentration of cementation solution was 0.10 - 0.50 M.
When the concentration of cementation solution was kept constant at 1.00 M, the average size
8.3 Results and discussion 167

of bacteria increased as the optical density of the bacterial suspension increased. As the optical
density increased from 1.0 to 3.0, the average size of bacterial aggregates increased by more
than two-fold, from 1672 µm2 to 4882 µm2. It is worth noting that the size of the bacterial
aggregates in the glass slide experiment cannot represent the size of the bacterial aggregates in
a soil column experiment. This is because in the soil column experiment, the bacterial
suspension and cementation solution are injected into the soil at different times rather than
being mixed and then injected together. However, this glass slide experiment was conducted
to estimate the effect of changing the bacterial density or the concentration of cementation
solution on the size of the bacterial aggregates formed.

OD600 1.0 - 0.10 M OD600 1.0 - 0.25 M OD600 1.0 - 0.50 M OD600 1.0 – 1.00 M

OD600 0.1 – 1.00 M OD600 0.3 – 1.00 M OD600 1.0 – 1.00 M OD600 3.0 – 1.00 M

Figure 8.1 Microscope images of the mixtures of bacterial suspension and cementation solution with
various optical densities and concentrations
168 Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

8000 2000


Average size of bacterial aggregate (m )

Size of bacterial aggregate (m )

6000 1500


4000 1000




0.1 0.25 0.5 1.0 0.1 0.25 0.5 1.0
Concentraion of cementation solution (M) Concentraion of cementation solution (M)

(a) (b)


Average size of bacterial aggregate (m ) 5000

Size of bacterial aggregate (m )






0.1 0.3 1 3 0.1 0.3 1 3
OD600 OD600

(c) (d)
Figure 8.2 Quantification of sizes of bacterial aggregates in Figure 8.1. (a) and (b), depict the
relationship between the size of bacterial aggregates and the concentration of cementation solution
when the OD600 of bacterial suspension was 1.0. (c) and (d) depict the effect of the optical density of
bacterial suspension on the size of bacterial aggregates formed when the concentration of cementation
solution was 1.0 M

Injection flow rate

The average injection flow rates during each injection of cementation solution in the six
columns were plotted against the injection number of cementation solution (Figure 8.3). For
columns 1 to 5, the injection flow rate decreased gradually as the number of injection increased,
suggesting that CaCO3 crystals are formed gradually during the MICP treatment. However, for
column 2, during the second injection, the injection flow decreased from about 3 × 10-4 m/s to
1 × 10-5 m/s, whereas the injection flow rates of the other columns were still above 1 × 10-4
m/s. The rapid reduction in the injection flow rate suggests that local clogging by CaCO3 due
8.3 Results and discussion 169

to the large bacterial aggregates is caused by the combined effect of a high bacterial density
(OD600 1.0) and a high concentration of cementation solution (0.50 M).

This result is consistent with the experimental result of Al Qabany and Soga (2013), which
showed that the use of a cementation solution with a high concentration of urea and calcium
chloride resulted in a rapid drop in permeability at the early stage of calcite precipitation,
whereas the use of a cementation solution with a low concentration of urea and calcium
chloride resulted in a more gradual and uniform decrease in permeability. However, following
this finding, the results presented here suggest that not only the concentration of cementation
solution but also the density of bacterial suspension has an effect on the reduction of
permeability at the early stage of MICP treatments. The use of a high-calcium chloride (0.50
M) and urea (0.75 M) together with a bacterial suspension with a high bacterial density (OD600
= 1.0) resulted in a rapid drop in permeability at the early stage of calcite precipitation.
However, the use of a solution with a high concentration of calcium chloride (0.50 M) and urea
(0.75 M) together with a bacterial suspension with abut low bacterial density (OD600 = 0.1) did
not result in a rapid drop in permeability at the early stage of calcite precipitation.

Column 1: OD6000.1 - 0.125 M

Column 2: OD6001.0 - 0.125 M
Column 3: OD6000.1 - 0.25 M
Average flow rate (m/s)

Column 4: OD6001.0 - 0.25 M

1E-4 Column 5: OD6000.1 - 0.5 M
Column 6: OD6001.0 - 0.5 M


0.125 M 0 4 8 12 16 20

0.250 M 0 2 4 6 8 10
0.500 M
0 1 2 3 4 5

Injection Number

Figure 8.3 Relationship between average flow rate and injection number of cementation solution
170 Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

Distribution of CaCO3 content and transformation efficiency

After the MICP-treated process, the cemented soil samples were removed from the moulds.
After visual inspection, they were found to be fully cemented (Figure 8.4). However, the
extraction of the soil specimen from the column cells caused the samples to break at points
where they were found to be weakly cemented. Based on the number of the fractures, it appears
that samples 1, 3 and 5 have higher strength compared with samples 2, 4 and 6. Additionally,
sample 4 seems stronger than samples 2 and 6. The difference in the strength along different
parts of the columns might due to differences in the distribution and micro-scale properties of
CaCO3 crystals. Further information about the CaCO3 content and the strength of these samples
is described in the next two sections.

Figure 8.4 Cemented samples after extraction from rigid columns. From left to right the column
numbers are 1 to 6

The distribution of CaCO3 content along the soil columns from the top to the bottom is shown
in Figure 8.5. An experiment was conducted to estimate the measurement error of CaCO3
8.3 Results and discussion 171

content. The CaCO3 content of three samples processed from the long column test was
measured three times for each sample, and it was found that average CaCO3 content in these
three samples were 3.87±0.12%, 10.86±0.05% and 3.63±0.05%. Because the error associated
with these measurements was found to be small, samples at each point of the columns were
therefore assumed to be homogeneous. When comparing the results for the six columns, apart
from column 6, in which the total amount of cementation solution injected was 60% lower than
the total amount injected in the other columns, the CaCO3 distribution in the other five columns
varied considerably from column to column even though the total amount of cementation
solution injected was the same. The amount of cementation solution injected into the five
columns apart from column 6 were 5.5 mol. Both bacterial density and the concentration of
cementation solution affect the distribution of CaCO3 content.

Columns 1, 2, 4 and 6 show relatively good homogeneity in the distribution of CaCO3

throughout each column, and among these four columns, column 4 has the highest overall
CaCO3 content. Columns 3 and 5 show large variations in CaCO3 content. These results suggest
that, irrespective of the concentration of cementation solution, CaCO3 was relatively
homogeneously distributed along the height of the column when the bacterial suspension of
OD600 1.0. On the other hand, when the optical density of the bacterial suspension was 0.1,
only the column treated with a low concentration of cementation solution (0.125 M) produced
a homogenous distribution of CaCO3, while in the case of 0.25 M or 0.5 M, CaCO3 was
heterogeneously distributed. Taken together, these results suggest that a homogenous
distribution of CaCO3 can be achieved when the bacterial density is 1.0 or when the bacterial
density is 0.1 and a low concentration of calcium chloride is used.
172 Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

CaCO3 content (%)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Distance from injection point (cm)




Column 1: OD600 0.1 - 0.125 M

Column 2: OD600 1.0 - 0.125 M
80 Column 3: OD600 0.1 - 0.25 M
Column 4: OD600 1.0 - 0.25 M
Column 5: OD600 0.1 - 0.5 M
Column 6: OD600 1.0 - 0.5 M

Figure 8.5 Distribution of CaCO3 content along 1 metre-long columns of MICP-treated sandy soil

To analyse CaCO3 content in more detail, box plots were produced to visualise the range and
distribution of CaCO3 content and the associated transformation efficiencies (Figure 8.6). The
mean and median values are represented as lines and square dots inside the box, respectively;
the other lines are the lower quartile (25th percentile) and upper quartile (75th percentile); the
height of the box (difference between the lower and upper quartile) being referred to as the
interquartile range (IQR). When comparing Columns 1 and 2 for which the concentration of
cementation solution introduced was 0.125 M, the soil column treated with the higher bacterial
density (OD600 = 1.0, Column 2) had a lower average CaCO3 content and a lower
transformation efficiency compared with Column 1 which was treated with a lower bacterial
density (OD600 = 0.1) (Figure 8.6). The same phenomenon was observed when comparing
Columns 3 and 4, or Columns 5 and 6. Comparisons between Columns 1, 3 and 5, all of which
were treated with bacterial suspension with an OD600 of 0.1, revealed that increasing the
concentration of cementation solution resulted in an increased average transformation
efficiency. The same conclusions can also be drawn when comparing the average
transformation efficiencies of Columns 2, 4 and 6. Taken together, these results suggest that
within the range of bacterial density and concentration of cementation solution tested in this
8.3 Results and discussion 173

study, a higher bacterial optical density decreases the transformation efficiency, while a higher
concentration of cementation solution increases transformation efficiency.

As has been described in the glass slide experiment in this chapter and the results shown in
Chapters 4, 5 and 6, bacterial aggregates formed after the bacterial suspension and cementation
solution were mixed. Bacterial aggregates adsorb Ca2+ and are capable of being flushed out of
the column if their size is not large enough for them to be trapped in pore throats. When the
bacterial density is higher (OD600 = 1.0 compared with OD600 = 0.1), more bacterial aggregates
tend to form. Bacterial aggregates were also observed during the injection of cementation
solution in Columns 2, 4 and 6 (see Figure 8.7), but were not observed in Columns 1, 3 and 5.
Therefore, because of the adsorption of Ca2+ to the bacterial aggregates that were then flushed
out from the soil matrix during injections, the amount of Ca2+ that remained in the soil columns
decreased, thus reducing CaCO3 content and transformation efficiency after MICP treatment.

12 165.48
Column 1: OD600 0.1 - 0.125 M
Column 2: OD600 1.0 - 0.125 M
Column 3: OD600 0.1 - 0.25 M
10 Column 4: OD600 1.0 - 0.25 M 137.90
Column 5: OD600 0.1 - 0.5 M
Column 6: OD600 1.0 - 0.5 M

8 110.32
CaCO3 content (%)

Efficiency (%)

6 82.74

4 55.16

2 Efficiency 27.58

CaCO3 content
0 0.00
1 2 3 4 5 6
Column number

Figure 8.6 Box plots of CaCO3 content and transformation efficiency. The square dot inside the box is
the mean value; the line inside the box is the median value; the other lines are the lower quartile (25 th
percentile) and upper quartile (75th percentile); the height of the box (difference between the lower and
upper quartile) being referred to as the interquartile range (IQR)
174 Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

(a) (b)

Figure 8.7 Bacterial aggregates in the outflow of Column 4. (a) the outflow tube and outflow container;
(b) magnified image of the square shown in (a)

When the bacterial density was 1.0, compared with the other columns, the injection flow rate
decreased substantially during the second injection of cementation solution in Column 6, in
which the concentration of cementation solution used was 0.50 M. This suggests that the
column was clogged locally due to the formation of large bacterial aggregates. The glass slide
experiment showed that the size of bacterial aggregates is affected by both the density of
bacterial suspension and the concentration of cementation solution. When both the bacterial
density and concentration of cementation solution are high (Column 6: OD600 1.0-0.50 M), the
bacterial aggregates are large and therefore can be trapped inside the column. This may explain
the large reduction in the injection rate.

These results are consistent with the results obtained by Al Qabany and Soga (2013), who
stated that inhomogeneity along the sand column samples is a result of localised clogging,
especially when the concentration of cementation solution is high. It should be noted that the
concentration of cementation solution that caused inhomogeneity was 1.0 M in Al Qabany and
Soga (2013) while in this thesis project the concentration was 0.5 M. However, the sand
columns in this experiment were much longer than the columns used by Al Qabany and Soga
(2013), meaning that the bacterial aggregates had a longer distance to travel and accumulate
during the injection of cementation solution, which might have caused the bacterial aggregates
to become large enough to cause local clogging. However, since the effect of the concentration
of cementation solution and the scale of experimental samples on the transport of bacterial
8.3 Results and discussion 175

aggregates was not the focus of this study, further work related to this needs to be conducted
to confirm whether this is indeed the case.

Distribution of strength and stiffness obtained from UCS tests

The soil columns were divided into around 10 pieces for UCS test. A typical tensile failure
pattern appeared from top to bottom along the sample during the UCS tests (shown in Figure
8.8a), which was similar to previous observations made by van Paassen et al. (2010), Al
Qabany et al. (2012) and Cheng et al. (2012). A typical stress-strain curve obtained from one
of the UCS tests on the MICP-treated specimen is shown in Figure 8.8b. The unconfined
compressive strength (UCS) value is defined as the highest stress value along stress-strain
curve, and the stiffness (Young’s modulus) is determined by calculating the slope of the loading
curves at 50 % of maximum stress.

In Figure 8.9a, the UCS values of MICP-treated soils are plotted against the distances from
the top of the soil columns at which these values were measured. The distribution of UCS
values for each column is presented as box plots in Figure 8.9b. The trends observed here are
similar to the trends observed for the distribution of CaCO3 content along the soil columns.
Higher average UCS values (higher than 600 kPa) were obtained in Columns 3, 4 and 5. Among
these three columns, Column 4 was the most homogenous (less than 600 kPa difference
between the highest and lowest UCS value) whilst it also had the lowest average UCS values
(about 600 kPa); Columns 3 and 5 had higher average UCS values (800 kPa and 1300 kPa,
respectively) with a higher range of UCS values (the difference between the highest and lowest
UCS values was higher than 1800 kPa and 2200 kPa, respectively). Relatively good
homogeneity in the distribution of UCS values was also obtained in Columns 1, 2 and 6, with
the average UCS values of these three columns being relatively low (lower than 300 kPa)
(Figure 8.9 a, b). In general, higher UCS values were obtained closer to the injection point,
whereas lower UCS values were obtained further closer to the outlet, even though occasionally
the highest UCS value was obtained further away from the injection point, such as in Column
176 Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

(a) 1000


Stress (kPa)



0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014


Figure 8.8 (a) Photo showing a typical tensile failure pattern during a UCS test; (b) Typical stress-
strain curve of an unconfined compressive strength test. The elastic Young’s modulus are derived from
the slope of the tangent to the stress-strain curve at 50% of the maximum stress value reached

UCS (kPa)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Distance from injection point (cm)




Column 1: OD600 0.1 - 0.125 M

Column 2: OD600 1.0 - 0.125 M
80 Column 3: OD600 0.1 - 0.25 M
Column 4: OD600 1.0 - 0.25 M
Column 5: OD600 0.1 - 0.5 M
Column 6: OD600 1.0 - 0.5 M

8.3 Results and discussion 177

Column 1: OD600 0.1 - 0.125 M
Column 2: OD600 1.0 - 0.125 M
3000 Column 3: OD600 0.1 - 0.25 M
Column 4: OD600 1.0 - 0.25 M
Column 5: OD600 0.1 - 0.5 M
2500 Column 6: OD600 1.0 - 0.5 M

UCS (kPa)




1 2 3 4 5 6
Column number

Figure 8.9 (a) Distribution of unconfined compressive strength (UCS) values along the length of each
of the six soil columns; (b) box plots of UCS values of each sample

In Figure 8.10a, the stiffness of MICP-treated soils, expressed as elastic modulus values, is
plotted against the distance from the top of the soil columns at which these values were
measured. The distribution of stiffness values for each column being presented as box plots in
Figure 8.10b. Similar to the trend in the average UCS values and the distribution of UCS
values presented earlier, the highest average elastic modulus (stiffness, 1300 MPa) was
obtained in Column 5, followed by the average elastic modulus of Column 3 (1000 MPa),
which is higher than the average elastic modulus of Column 4 (700 MPa) (Figure 8.10). In
addition, larger variations in the values of the elastic modulus (about 2300 MPa) were also
observed in Columns 3 and 5. In comparison, the variation in the elastic modulus in Column 4
(about 500 MPa) is much smaller. Columns 1, 2, and 4 have good homogeneity in the elastic
modulus (about 500 MPa), with the average elastic modulus of these three samples being
around 250-300 MPa.
178 Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

Elastic modulus (MPa)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Distance from injection point (cm)




Column 1: OD600 0.1 - 0.125 M

Column 2: OD600 1.0 - 0.125 M
80 Column 3: OD600 0.1 - 0.25 M
Column 4: OD600 1.0 - 0.25 M
Column 5: OD600 0.1 - 0.5 M
Column 6: OD600 1.0 - 0.5 M


Column 1: OD600 0.1 - 0.125 M
Column 2: OD600 1.0 - 0.125 M
300 Column 3: OD600 0.1 - 0.25 M
Column 4: OD600 1.0 - 0.25 M
Column 5: OD600 0.1 - 0.5 M
250 Column 6: OD600 1.0 - 0.5 M
Elastic modulus (MPa)





1 2 3 4 5 6

Column number

Figure 8.10 (a) distributions of elastic modulus; (b) box plot of elastic modulus

Research has shown that the unconfined compressive strength and stiffness of MICP-treated
soils is not only affected by the CaCO3 content (Whiffin et al., 2007; van Paassen et al., 2010;
8.3 Results and discussion 179

Qabany and Soga, 2013; Cheng and Shahin, 2013; Zhao et al., 2014), but also affected by the
microscale properties of CaCO3 crystals (Qabany and Soga, 2013; Cheng and Shahin, 2013;
Zhao et al., 2014). The effects of CaCO3 content and CaCO3 micro-scale properties on the
mechanical performance of MICP-treated soils will be described in the next two sections.

Effects of CaCO3 content on the mechanical performance of MICP-

treated soils

To observe the effects of CaCO3 content on the strength and stiffness of MICP-treated soils,
the UCS (represents strength) and rigidity values (represents stiffness) of all the specimens
obtained from the six soil columns were plotted against the CaCO3 content (shown in Figure
8.11). Rigidity is calculated according to the following equation:

Rigidity  Elastic modulus / UCS  1/  f 8.2

where ɛf is the axial strain at failure.

In general, UCS values increased with the increase in CaCO3 content, with huge variations in
UCS values being observed when the CaCO3 content was the same, as shown in Figure 8.11a.
This trend is consistent with several studies (such as Whiffin et al., 2007; van Paassen et al.,
2010, Al Qabany and Soga, 2013; Cheng and Shahin, 2013; Zhao et al., 2014). When
comparing the UCS-CaCO3 content relations obtained from the six columns, it can be seen that
Columns 3 and 5, which are treated with low bacterial densities and medium to high
concentrations of cementations solution, have larger variations in CaCO3 content and therefore,
larger ranges in the UCS values. CaCO3 contents that were higher than 6 % and UCS values
that were higher than 1000 kPa were obtained from these two columns. The uniformity of
CaCO3 formation along the soil columns affect the uniformity of the mechanical performance
of the MICP-treated soils. With the exception of three points circled in Figure 8.11b, and the
points between the two lines in this figure, it can be seen that, when the CaCO3 content is
similar, the rigidity of the samples cemented using a bacterial suspension with an optical
density of 1.0 is higher than that of the samples treated at a bacterial optical density of 0.1.
Compared with the effects of bacterial density on the rigidity of MICP-treated sand, the effect
of the concentration of cementation solution on rigidity is not very obvious.
180 Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

As reviewed in Chapter 2, MICP treatment is a reactive transport process during which CaCO3
may precipitate. As shown in Chapters 4-6, irregular-shaped CaCO3 may form during the
injection of cementation solution. The formation of irregular-shaped CaCO3 delays the
formation of CaCO3 crystals which are formed with the dissolution of irregular-shaped CaCO3.
The solubility and morphology of the irregular-shaped CaCO3 crystals are consistent with
properties of amorphous phase CaCO3 (ACC). During the injection of cementation solution, as
long as the concentration of CO32- and Ca2+ in the cementation solution is higher than the
supersaturation state of ACC, the ACC tends to be stable. After the completion of the injection
of cementation solution, the concentration of CO32- and Ca2+ in the cementation solution may
decrease due to the formation of crystals. When the concentration of CO32- and Ca2+ drop below
the supersaturation state of ACC, ACC crystals start to dissolve.

The ACC forms on bacterial aggregates whose size is affected by the concentration of
cementation solution and the density of bacterial suspension. As shown in Chapter 5, ACC has
been shown to be able to move with the flow, while the movement might be affected by the
size of ACC crystals. If ACC is formed and the distribution of ACC is relatively homogenous,
CaCO3 is more likely to be uniformly distributed throughout the columns.

If no ACC is formed, the crystals might form directly and keep growing during the injection of
cementation solution. As shown in Chapter 4, CaCO3 crystals formed and kept growing during
a procedure involving a continuous injection of cementation solution (6 PV for 1 hour). During
the injection of cementation solution, more cementation solution flows past crystals located
closer to the injection point compared to crystals located closer to the outlet. Therefore, if
crystals continue to grow during the injection of cementation solution, the CaCO3 content
would be expected to be higher closer to the injection point and lower closer to the outlet,
which would therefore result in a non-uniform distribution of CaCO3 content and mechanical

In this study, ACC was formed when the bacterial density was 1.0 (Figure 8.7), but was not
formed when the bacterial density was 0.1. Consistent with the hypothesis, the soil columns in
which the bacterial density 1.0 were contained a relatively uniform distribution of CaCO3
crystals after MICP treatment.
8.3 Results and discussion 181



UCS (kPa)


Column 1: OD600 0.1 - 0.125 M
Column 2: OD600 1.0 - 0.125 M
Column 3: OD600 0.1 - 0.25 M
Column 4: OD600 1.0 - 0.25 M
Column 5: OD600 0.1 - 0.5 M
Column 6: OD600 1.0 - 0.5 M
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
CaCO3 content (%)

Column 1: OD600 0.1 - 0.125 M
Column 2: OD600 1.0 - 0.125 M
Column 3: OD600 0.1 - 0.25 M
Column 4: OD600 1.0 - 0.25 M
Column 5: OD600 0.1 - 0.5 M
Column 6: OD600 1.0 - 0.5 M



0 2 4 6 8 10 12
CaCO3 content (%)

Figure 8.11 (a) UCS vs CaCO3 Content; (b) CaCO3 content vs rigidity (elastic modulus / UCS)
182 Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

As shown in Chapter 6, the size and number of crystals formed are both affected by bacterial
density. In addition, when the CaCO3 content are the same, the size and number of crystals
would affect the mechanical properties of MICP-treated sand. Therefore, to discuss the
mechanical properties of the MICP-treated soils in more detail, the performance efficiency of
MICP (the stiffness of MICP-treated soil divided by the percentage of soil containing CaCO3
content) is plotted against CaCO3 content in Figure 8.12a, and the box plot of the performance
of each columns is shown in Figure 8.12b. With the exception of three points circled in Figure
8.12a, when the CaCO3 content was similar, the performance efficiency of the samples
cemented at a bacterial optical density of 1.0 was higher than that of the samples treated at a
bacterial optical density of 0.1.

It is also shown in Figure 8.12b that, apart from column 6, in which the injection amount of
cementation solution was 60 % lower than the others, column 2 had higher average
performance efficiency than column 1, and column 4 had higher average performance
efficiency than column 3. Comparisons between columns 1, 3 and 5, where the samples were
treated at a bacterial density of 0.1, suggest that a higher concentration of cementation solution
results in a higher the average performance efficiency (Figure 8.12b). Similarly, when
comparing columns 2, 4 and 6 where the samples were treated a bacterial density of 1.0, again
apart from column 6, the highest average performance efficiency was obtained in Column 4,
where the concentration of cementation solution was 0.25 M, which is higher than that in
column 3 (0.125 M) (Figure 8.12b).
8.3 Results and discussion 183

Column 1: OD600 0.1 - 0.125 M
Column 2: OD600 1.0 - 0.125 M
50 Column 3: OD600 0.1 - 0.25 M
Column 4: OD600 1.0 - 0.25 M
(MPa, stiffness per 1 % CaCO3)

Column 5: OD600 0.1 - 0.5 M

Column 6: OD600 1.0 - 0.5 M
Performance efficiency


30 OD600=1.0



0 2 4 6 8 10 12
CaCO3 content (%)

Column 1: OD600 0.1 - 0.125 M
Column 2: OD600 1.0 - 0.125 M
Column 3: OD600 0.1 - 0.25 M
50 Column 4: OD600 1.0 - 0.25 M
Column 5: OD600 0.1 - 0.5 M
Column 6: OD600 1.0 - 0.5 M
(MPa stiffness per 1 % CaCO3)

Performance efficiency




1 2 3 4 5 6
Column number

Figure 8.12 (a) CaCO3 content vs performance efficiency; (b) box plots of performance efficiency
184 Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

The above-mentioned results suggest that the CaCO3 formed when the bacterial density was
1.0 (compared with being 0.1) or when the concentration of cementation solution was higher
are more likely to be more efficient in increasing the stiffness of MICP-treated soil. However,
this does not mean that, the higher the bacterial density is and/or the higher the concentration
of cementation solution is, the better the stiffness becomes. This is because when the bacterial
density was 1.0, the concentration of cementation being high (0.5 M) caused clogging and
became difficult to be injected further after 2nd injection. Research has suggested that crystals
size, number and distribution all affect the efficiency of crystals in increasing the
strength/stiffness of MICP-treated soils. To further discuss the reason behind the difference in
the performance efficiency, the microscale properties of the CaCO3 crystals are discussed in
the next section.

CaCO3 crystal properties and the relationship between micro-scale

and macro-scale properties

To investigate the micro-scale properties of CaCO3 crystals, SEM images of three selected
locations (close to the top, in the middle and towards the bottom) along the six MICP-treated
sand column samples are shown in Figure 8.13. Box plots showing the variation in crystal
sizes obtained from nine images taken at top, middle and bottom of each of the columns,
including the three images shown in Figure 8.13, are presented in Figure 8.14. The crystal
size varied from column to column and from top to bottom within the same column. The crystal
sizes in Column 1 were larger than those in Column 2. Similarly, crystals were larger in Column
3 than in Column 4, and were larger in Column 5 compared to Column 6. When the
concentration of cementation solution was the same, a higher bacterial density resulted in the
formation of smaller crystals. These results are consistent with the results obtained in the micro-
scale experiment shown in Chapter 6. For Columns 1, 3, and 5, the average crystal size
increased with the increase in the concentration of cementation solution. These results are
consistent with the results obtained by Al Qabany et al., 2012.
8.3 Results and discussion 185

top middle bottom

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Column 5

Column 6

Figure 8.13 SEM images of samples obtained in the six columns at around top, middle and bottom
along their length
186 Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

Column 1: OD600 0.1 - 0.125 M
Column 2: OD600 1.0 - 0.125 M
140 Column 3: OD600 0.1 - 0.25 M
Column 4: OD600 1.0 - 0.25 M
Column 5: OD600 0.1 - 0.5 M
120 Column 6: OD600 1.0 - 0.5 M

Crystal size (m)





1 2 3 4 5 6
Column number

Figure 8.14 Box plots of crystals size. Data were obtained from nine images taken at top, middle and
bottom of each of the columns

To investigate the effect of micro-scale properties of CaCO3 crystals on the macro-scale

properties of MICP-treated sand, the data associated with Columns 2, 3 and 4 were picked as
examples to correlate the micro-scale properties of CaCO3 crystals to the macro-scale
mechanical properties of MICP-treated sandy specimens. The elastic modulus values of the
soil specimen were normalized with respect to the average values of all of the six columns and
are plotted against distance from the injection point (Figure 8.16). In the same figure, the
efficiencies were also plotted against depths. SEM images of the samples are shown in the
figure as well. Apart from one point tested, the stiffness values in Column 2 are all below
average (Figure 8.15). It has been suggested that those crystals filling the gaps between the
sand grains and forming effective bridges contribute to the pathway where the load transferred
from particle to particle, and thus improve soil stiffness and strength (Martinez and DeJong,
2009). The crystals formed in Column 2 are small and cannot fill the gaps of between the sand
grains, which consequently caused an overall low stiffness of the MICP-treated soils.
8.3 Results and discussion 187

Efficiency or normalised elastic modulus

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Distance from injection point (cm)


40 elastic

80 Efficiency


Figure 8.15 Effect of CaCO3 crystals on the mechanical properties of MICP-treated sand, Column 2

The stiffness results for Column 3 are above average at the top (point 1), whilst being below
average at the middle and bottom (points 7 and 11) (Figure 8.16). When looking at the SEM
photos of the three points, the size of the crystals decreases from top to bottom, which correlates
with the decrease in stiffness from top to bottom along the column. It has been stated that large
crystals located at the gaps between the sand grains are deemed to be effective crystals which
contribute the most to the strength gain of bio-cemented soils (Cheng et al., 2017). Similarly,
in this study, the large crystals contribute the increase in stiffness.
188 Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

Efficiency or normalised elastic modulus

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Distance from injection point (cm)


40 Normalised

60 



Figure 8.16 Effect of CaCO3 crystals on the mechanical properties of MICP-treated sand, Column 3

The stiffness values in Column 4 were all above average (Figure 8.17). Compared with
Column 3, the crystals are smaller, but larger in number. Compared with Column 2, the crystals
are larger in size but smaller in number. It is shown in Figure 8.12b that the performance
efficiency of Column 4 is higher than both Columns 2 and 3.

Previous work has shown that the efficiency (strength per mass of CaCO3) of larger calcite
crystals precipitated at the gaps between the sand grains is higher than the efficiency obtained
from smaller crystals being randomly precipitated throughout the sand matrix (Cheng et al.,
2017). Consistent with this study, considering together with the results shown in Figure 8.12b,
this thesis study suggests that the crystals that bond soil particles should be large enough to
sufficiently increase the mechanical performance of MICP-treated soils (Column 3 compared
with 2), but once they are large enough, further increase in crystals size might decrease
performance efficiency. This might be because although larger crystals are more likely to
sufficiently bond soil particles, for the same amount of CaCO3, the larger crystal size would
8.4 Implications for engineering applications 189

result in the smaller crystal number. If the number of crystals is much smaller than the number
of contacts between soil particles, even though big crystals can sufficiently bond soil particles
at some contacts, there would be not enough crystals available to bond all the soil particles
together, thus resulting in an overall lower performance efficiency. Therefore, there needs to
be a balance between the size and number of crystals to maximize the performance efficiency
of MICP-treated soils.

Efficiency or normalised elastic modulus

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Efficiency 
Distance from injection point (cm)







Figure 8.17 Effect of CaCO3 crystals on the mechanical properties of MICP-treated sand, Column 4

8.4 Implications for engineering applications

The findings from this study show that different micro-scale distributions of CaCO3
precipitation that form as a result of using different bacterial densities and different
concentrations of cementation solution affect the macro-scale strength, stiffness, efficiency,
and homogeneity of MICP-treated soils. This finding potentially has implications for how
MICP could be applied in engineering practice.
190 Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

A bacterial optical density OD600 of 1.0 resulted in the precipitation of calcium carbonate
crystals with a similar size along the length of the column together with homogeneous
carbonate precipitation, but with weaker efficiency, stiffness and UCS values. A bacterial
optical density OD600 of 0.1 resulted in the precipitation of calcium carbonate crystals with a
larger variation in size, with crystals located closer to the injection point being larger and those
located closer to the outlet of the column, being smaller. In this case the crystals were less
homogeneous overall but the MICP-treated soils had higher efficiency, stiffness and UCS

When the OD600 of the bacterial suspension was 1.0, the cementation solution with a
concentration of 0.5 M could only be injected twice, which was due to the large bacterial
aggregates causing clogging during the injection. However, when bacterial optical density was
1.0, a cementation solution with a concentration of 0.125 M could be injected 20 times, with
the resulting efficiency being low. This might be because the bacterial aggregates were small
in size and could not be trapped inside the column, therefore being flushed out together with
Ca2+ that formed on the bacterial aggregates. For field applications that require an increase in
homogeneity, a bacterial suspension with an OD600 of 1.0, and cementation solution with a
concentration of 0.25 M could therefore be used.

To achieve the same amount of calcium carbonate precipitation, a greater number of injections
would be required when a solution with a lower concentration of chemicals is used. However,
for practical reasons, the number of injections should preferably be minimised. One possible
approach that could be examined is to start with a 0.25 M solution for an initial homogeneous
distribution of precipitation, then increase the chemical concentration of the solution to 0.5 M
or 1.0 M in order to reduce the subsequent number of injections. Such an approach could be
applicable, yet further research is needed to prove its effectiveness.

8.5 Conclusions

The results presented in Chapter 5 showed that bacteria aggregated in response to the presence
of calcium chloride in the cementation solution, and the results in Chapter 6 showed that the
8.5 Conclusions 191

size of CaCO3 crystals at the pore scale was affected by the bacterial density used to induce
MICP. Following the micro-scale experiment, a macro-scale experiment on one-meter soil
columns were then conducted to investigate the effects of bacterial number and concentration
of cementation solution on the engineering properties and homogeneity of MICP-treated soils.
The main findings are summarised as follows.

Results of microscopic glass slide experiments show that both bacterial density and the
concentration of cementation solution affect the size of bacterial aggregates. When the bacterial
density was 1.0 M (0.5 M in the mixture of bacterial density and cementation solution) and the
concentration of cementation solution was increased from 0.5 M (0.25 M in the mixture) to 1.0
M (0.5 M in the mixture), the average size of bacterial aggregates increased by a factor of
higher than two. When the concentration of cementation solution was 1.0 M (0.5 M in the
mixture), the average size of bacterial aggregates increased as the bacterial density increased
from OD600 of 0.1 to 3.0.

Results show that the distribution of CaCO3 content, as well as the distribution of strength and
stiffness of MICP-treated soil columns were more homogenous when the bacterial density used
was 1.0 M compared with 0.1 M. Additionally, when the optical density (OD600) of bacterial
suspension was 1.0, a lower concentration of cementation solution (0.25 M) resulted in higher
strength and stiffness of MICP-treated specimens. When the concentration of cementation
solution was 0.5 M, a large reduction in injection flow rate occurred after only two injections
of cementation solution. This suggests that some of the pores within the soil columns which
the chemical solution could access were reduced in size due to bacterial aggregates being
formed together with adsorbed amorphous CaCO3. When the concentration of cementation
solution was 0.125 M, the efficiency of the MICP treatment was only 35 %, which was the
lowest amongst the six columns tested. This suggests that the size of bacterial aggregates and
amorphous CaCO3 were too small to be trapped inside the soil columns, resulting in them being
flushed out during the injection of cementation solution, thus reducing the chemical efficiency
of MICP treatment.

When a bacterial density OD600 of 0.1 was used, larger crystals precipitated closer to the top of
the columns and bonded the sandy soil particles, thus increasing the strength and stiffness of
192 Enhancing the homogeneity of MICP-treated sandy soils: from micro to macro

the soil. By contrast, smaller crystals were produced closer to the bottom of the column and
were therefore not as efficient in increasing the strength and stiffness of the soils. Therefore,
the treatment homogeneity of the columns was lower than when a bacterial suspension with an
OD600 of 1.0 was used. Larger crystals which formed closer to the top of the columns decreased
in size as the depth of the column increased, possibly because there were fewer bacterial cells
at the top than at the bottom due to the accumulation of bacteria at the bottom of the column
with flow. However, when the bacterial density was 1.0, the bacterial aggregates formed in the
column can help to fix bacterial cells throughout the whole length of the column. Further
research needs to be conducted to investigate the transport of bacterial cells and aggregates.
General conclusions and
recommendations for further work

9.1 Summary of findings and implications

In this PhD research project, both micro-scale and macro-scale experiments were conducted to
develop a better understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of MICP at the micro-scale,
which can be applied to improve the engineering properties including both mechanical
properties and the uniformity of MICP-treated soils at the macro-scale.

At the micro-scale, Chapter 4 describes the design and fabrication of a microfluidic chip to
model a sandy soil specimen and to study MICP under conditions which mimic fluid flow
through soil matrices. The utility of the microfluidic chip in characterising the micro-scale
properties of MICP, including the quantification of bacteria and the sizes and shapes of CaCO3
crystals, was also investigated. In Chapter 5, micro-scale experiments were conducted to
improve insights into the effects of bacterial cells/aggregates on CaCO3 precipitation and the
changes in shape and size of the CaCO3 precipitates during the MICP process under real MICP
conditions. Chapter 6 presented a quantitative study which investigated the effects of bacterial
density on both the growth kinetics and characteristics of CaCO3 during MICP. At the macro-
scale, the effects of the interval between cementation solution injections on the micro-scale
properties of CaCO3 crystals such as size and number, as well as the effects on the strength of
MICP-treated sand, were investigated, with the results presented in Chapter 7. In Chapter 8, a
macro-scale experimental study was performed by using one-metre-long soil columns to
investigate the effects of bacterial density and concentration of cementation solution on the
strength and homogeneity of MICP-treated soils.
194 General conclusions and recommendations for further work

These micro- and macro-scale experiments provided new insights into fundamental
mechanisms of MICP such as the behaviour of both bacteria and CaCO3 crystals and the effects
of bacteria on CaCO3 growth. In addition, this thesis study suggests possible ways in which
MICP treatment protocols can be optimised to improve the mechanical properties and
homogeneity of MICP-treated sand. The main findings and implications of this PhD study are
summarised as follows.

A microfluidic chip is a useful tool to study the micro-scale

mechanisms of MICP

This study revealed that the microfluidic chip is a useful tool to study the micro-scale
mechanisms of MICP, including the behaviour of both bacteria and CaCO3 crystals. The
microfluidic chip designed in this study was based on a cross-sectional image of a solidified
and sectioned sandy soil matrix to model its main features including shape, size and distribution
of both soil particles and soil pores. By using the combination of transparent microfluidic chips
and a phase-contrast microscope, this study revealed that bacterial cells and CaCO3 crystals
can be observed under a saturated condition at the particle-scale throughout the entire MICP
processes, which has not been possible before.

Phase transformation of CaCO3 during MICP processes

An important observation in this study was that when the bacterial density (OD600) used was
1.0 or higher which is common in other MICP studies (Al Qabany et al., 2012; Feng and
Montoya, 2015; Lin et al., 2017; Cheng et al., 2017; Cardoso et al., 2018), the phase
transformation of CaCO3 which occurred during MICP followed Ostwald’s step rule. During
this transformation process, irregular-shaped CaCO3 precipitated at the beginning of the MICP
process and subsequently dissolved at the expense of growth of spherical and rhombohedral
CaCO3 crystals. With time, spherical CaCO3 crystals dissolved and re-precipitated as
rhombohedral CaCO3 crystals. The shapes, precipitation rates and stabilities of the irregular-
shaped, spherical and rhombohedral CaCO3 crystals are all consistent with those of the three
main phases of CaCO3 - ACC, vaterite and calcite. The transformation of these phases with
time is consistent with Ostwald’s step rule, which states that less stable phases of CaCO3 form
9.1 Summary of findings and implications 195

quickly and first, after which they become transformed into more stable phases of CaCO3 with
time by dissolution and reprecipitation. This study provided the first direct observations which
revealed that the phase transformation of CaCO3 not only occurs during the chemical
precipitation of CaCO3 induced by chemicals such as CaCl2 and Na2CO3 (Rodriguez-Blanco
et al., 2011), but also occurs during MICP processes. These observations are important as they
suggest that the phase transformation of CaCO3 should be considered when designing MICP
protocols as it affects the type, number and size of CaCO3 crystals and thus the engineering
properties of MICP-treated sand.

Aggregation of S. pasteurii during MICP processes

Another important observation in this study is that S. pasteurii cells aggregate after being mixed
with cementation solution or after the injection of cementation solution during staged-injection
procedures. In addition, this study showed that the sizes of bacterial aggregates are affected by
both bacterial density and the concentration of cementation solution, with a higher bacterial
density and concentration of cementation solution generally resulting in the formation of larger
bacterial aggregates. This suggests that depending on the pore size and the flow rate, the size
of bacterial aggregates may affect their transport through the soil matrix. This is because larger
bacterial aggregates are more likely to become trapped within the soil matrix, which would
prevent the transport of other bacteria and bacterial aggregates and may result in a
heterogeneous distribution of bacteria and CaCO3. However, as long as the bacterial aggregates
are not too large, in which case they clog the soil pores, the bacterial aggregates helped bacteria
to be retained inside the porous medium. Therefore, bacterial density and the concentration of
cementation solution may affect both the distribution and amount of bacteria inside the soil
matrix, which consequently affects the MICP process and CaCO3 properties at the micro-scale
and the uniformity and mechanical properties of MICP-treated sand at the macro-scale.

Bacterial density affects the kinetics of CaCO3 crystal growth and the
characteristics of CaCO3 formed during MICP

Another key finding of this study was that bacterial density affects both the kinetics of CaCO3
growth and the characteristics of CaCO3 formed during MICP. Although the effects of bacterial
196 General conclusions and recommendations for further work

density on the precipitation rate of CaCO3 have previously been investigated indirectly in batch
test conditions by measuring the change in Ca2+ concentration with time in the liquid (Ferris
et al., 2003), the effects of bacterial density on the changes in crystals number and size could
not be investigated using this method. This PhD study provided the first direct micro-scale
observations of the effects of bacterial density on the kinetics of CaCO3 crystal growth. Direct
real-time observations of crystal growth revealed that the number of crystals formed increased
as the bacterial density was increased from 5 × 107 to 5 × 108 cells per ml, while each of the
crystals grew at the same rate. Therefore, when the crystals are given sufficient time to grow
and when the concentration and volume of the injected cementation solution are kept constant,
a lower bacterial density produces fewer but larger crystals and vice versa. This observation
suggests that a lower bacterial density could be useful for treating sand containing large
particles, which has so far been a challenge for MICP applications. Assuming two types of
sand have the same particle shape, surface properties, and packing level, larger sand particles
would result in a smaller number of particle contacts but with larger gaps between the particles.
Therefore, fewer but larger CaCO3 crystals would be required to bond the soil particles together
in this case. However, it should be noted that when the bacterial density is low, maintaining
bacterial activity might be a problem. For example, as shown in Figure 6.11a, crystal size did
not increase from the 9th to the 12th injection of cementation solution, which might be because
the bacterial activity was not high enough to maintain the precipitation.

Strength of MICP-treated sand can be enhanced by increasing the

intervals between cementation solution injections

Following the improved understanding of the phase transformation of CaCO3 during the MICP
process at the micro-scale, the interval between cementation solution injections was found to
have an effect on the number and size of the CaCO3 crystals, as well as on the strength of
MICP-treated sand. This study found that a larger number (200 - 1000 per 106 µm3) of small
crystals (5 - 10 µm) were produced when the interval was 4 hours, whereas the crystals were
larger (10 - 80 µm) and fewer in number (5 - 20 per 106 µm3) when the interval was 24 hours.
At the micro-scale, the strength of MICP-treated soils increased by 200 % when the total
duration of the injection protocol was 12 days compared to 3 days.
9.1 Summary of findings and implications 197

Homogeneity of MICP-treated sand can be improved by optimising

bacterial density and the concentration of cementation solution

Macro-scale experiments performed using one-metre long soil columns revealed that the
homogeneity of MICP-treated sand can be improved by optimising bacterial density and the
concentration of cementation solution used. It was found that the treatment homogeneity of the
columns in terms of both mechanical properties and CaCO3 concentration was higher when a
bacterial suspension with an OD600 of 1.0 was used compared to a bacterial suspension with an
OD600 of 0.1. Together with the observations of crystals properties along the length of the
columns, these observations are consistent with the hypothesis of this study that an optimised
bacterial density and concentration of cementation solution can help fix bacteria inside the soil
column and create a uniform distribution of bacteria. When a bacterial density OD600 of 0.1
was used, larger crystals precipitated closer to the top (inlet) of the columns, while smaller
crystals were produced closer to the bottom (outlet) of the column, possibly because there were
fewer bacterial cells at the top than at the bottom due to the accumulation of bacteria at the
bottom of the column with flow. However, when an OD600 of 1.0 was used and the size of the
bacterial aggregates was moderate, bacteria distributed along the whole length of the column.
This might be because fewer bacteria accumulated at the bottom of the column with flow as
some of the aggregates became trapped between the sand particles further towards the top of
the column.

In addition, when the bacterial density was 1.0, a large reduction in injection flow rate occurred
after only two injections of cementation solution when the concentration of cementation
solution was 0.5 M, which is also consistent with the hypothesis that large bacterial aggregates
cause local clogging and impede flow. When the concentration of cementation solution was
0.125 M, the efficiency of MICP treatment was only 35 %, which was the lowest amongst the
six columns tested. This suggests that the size of bacterial aggregates and amorphous CaCO3
crystals were too small to be trapped inside the soil columns, resulting in them being flushed
out during the injection of cementation solution, thus reducing the chemical efficiency of MICP
treatment. A cementation solution with a concentration of 0.25 M resulted in a relatively high
strength and stiffness of MICP-treated specimens.
198 General conclusions and recommendations for further work

These observations suggested that the combination of a moderate concentration of cementation

solution and density of bacterial suspension can generate bacterial aggregates with moderate
sizes, thereby helping to retain bacteria inside the soil column and resulting in a homogenous
distribution of bacteria and CaCO3 content. However, the optimal size of the bacterial
aggregates required to treat different types of sand might be different. Further work to
investigate the transport of bacterial aggregates in porous media with different pore parameters,
such as the size of the pores and pore throats, might aid the development of optimised MICP
treatment protocols for treating different types of sands.

Implications for applications

The results of the micro-scale to macro-scale experiments conducted in this PhD study suggest
that the micro-scale MICP processes greatly affect the micro-scale properties of CaCO3 formed
such as size and number of CaCO3 crystals. In turn, this affects the macro-scale engineering
properties of MICP-treated sand, such as strength, permeability and uniformity. Micro-scale
MICP processes involve time-dependent precipitation of CaCO3, including the possibility of
formation of CaCO3 polymorphs and phase transformation, which are highly affected by
bacterial density, concentration of cementation solution, as well as by the interval between
injections and the number of cementation solution injections used.

Based on the results of this study, for engineering practice it is suggested that a combination of
OD600 of 1.0, bacterial activity of 200-300 mM/h, concentration of cementation solution of 0.25
M and injection Darcy flow velocity of about 3 × 10-4 m/s can produce relatively uniform one
metre columns of MICP-treated silica sand with size of d50 160 µm and d90 250 µm, and
compaction of 95% of maximum dry density. To increase the strength of the MICP-treated
sand under these conditions, the results of this thesis study suggest that the injection interval
should be 24 hours, even though the chemical efficiency can be higher than 80% when the
injection interval is three hours. The reason behind this is because the phase transformation
coupled with a longer injection interval can produce larger and more stable CaCO 3 crystals,
thereby increasing the strength of MICP-treated sand. The UCS of the sand obtained when 10
injections of cementation solution were applied was 500 to 1000 kPa. If a higher UCS is
needed, the number of cementation solution injections can be increased accordingly. If this
9.2 Recommendations for further work 199

process was to be scaled up for a field trial, similar conclusions might be expected, but
conditions might need to be altered due to the impact of outdoor temperatures, soil properties,
and native bacteria.

9.2 Recommendations for further work

 Improve microfluidic porous medium from 2-D to 3-D

The microfluidic chip designed and fabricated in this PhD project enabled the study of the
fundamental mechanisms of MICP including the behaviour of both bacteria and CaCO3, and
has shed new light on the process and the kinetics of MICP. The improved understanding
obtained from the micro-scale experiments was helpful for optimising MICP protocols at the
macro-scale in order to improve the strength and uniformity of MICP-treated soils. However,
even though the current design of the microfluidic chip can represent the main features of a
soil matrix such as the surface properties of the soil particles, the size and the distributions of
the pore throats, the design is still a simplified version of a real three-dimensional soil matrix.
Improving the design of a microfluidic chip by making it three-dimensional might help improve
the understanding of the distribution of bacteria, bacterial aggregates and CaCO3 crystals in
real soils. This will further aid our understanding of how to predict where and how the CaCO3
would bond the soil particles, which will consequently be helpful for designing more effective
MICP protocols. However, the fabrication of a 3-D porous matrix, as well as the observation
of bacteria and CaCO3 in a 3-D porous matrix are still very challenging. The 3-D fabrication
of the 3-D porous medium cannot be achieved using the fabrication procedure described in this
study. Other techniques such as 3-D printing might therefore be worth considering. In addition,
the observation of bacteria and crystals in the 3-D porous medium would be technically
challenging, and would therefore require further exploration.

 Explore the effects of surface properties and pore size on the MICP process and
upscaling studies

The properties of a soil matrix, such as size, shape and distribution of sand particles and pores,
and the surface properties of the sand particles such as roughness and surface charge may affect
200 General conclusions and recommendations for further work

the transport, attachment and detachment of bacteria, which consequently affect the process
and kinetics of MICP and the characteristics of the CaCO3 crystals formed. As the geometric
design of the porous medium of the microfluidic chip is flexible, the surface properties of the
porous medium could be modified using certain chemical and physical surface treatment
methods to simulate different types of sand. Micro-scale MICP experiments can be conducted
using these different porous media to investigate the effects of sand type on MICP processes,
and upscaling studies can be conducted accordingly to optimise MICP protocols.

 Explore the effects of experimental factors such as temperature and oxygen levels
on the MICP process at the micro-scale

Many experimental factors such as temperature and oxygen level might affect the ureolysis
activity of bacteria, which in turn affects the ureolysis rate and the process and kinetics of
CaCO3 precipitation. In addition, apart from the effect of bacteria, environmental factors such
as temperature also affect CaCO3 growth kinetics. The MICP process and kinetic studies were
conducted in the lab at 20-25°C and normal room air conditions. When MICP is applied in real
environments, the environmental temperature and oxygen level may vary, and their effects on
the MICP process are still largely unknown. Therefore, it would be interesting to conduct
further work to study the process and kinetics of CaCO3 precipitation and the characteristics of
CaCO3 at different temperatures and oxygen levels.

 Optimise the protocols for MICP applications such as clogging: from micro- to

Bacteria were found to aggregate when mixed with cementation solution, and the size of the
aggregates is dependent on both the density of bacterial suspension and the concentration of
cementation solution. Bacterial aggregates also occurred after the injection of cementation
solution in a staged-injection procedure, during which bacterial suspension and cementation
solution are injected into a soil matrix sequentially. The size of bacterial aggregates during the
staged injections are smaller than in the mixtures of bacterial suspension and cementation
solution where the densities of bacterial suspension and concentration of cementation are the
same. This explains why the staged-injection procedure has been suggested to be more
9.2 Recommendations for further work 201

effective at delivering bacterial suspension and cementation solution over longer distances
compared with injecting the mixture of bacterial suspension and cementations solution. The
staged-injection procedure is therefore a more effective injection protocol for soil stabilisation.
However, for some other applications, such as for bio-clogging in a shallow zone, which
requires the formation of a large amount of CaCO3 crystals over a shorter period of time, a
protocol involving the injection of a mixture of bacterial suspension and cementation solution
might be preferable. Further work using the microfluidic chip and upscaling studies to
investigate the suitability of different MICP treatment protocols for different applications
might help improve the MICP design for applications beyond soil stabilisation, such as bio-

 Explore the micro-scale MICP process involving bacterial strains other than S.

The results presented in this thesis study showed that bacterial properties such as mobility,
aggregation, attachment, detachment, and activity affect MICP processes. These properties
may vary depending on the bacterial strain used in the experiments. In addition to S. pasteurii,
many other types of bacteria have also been applied in MICP studies, especially for different
applications of MICP. For example, the use of Bacillus sphaericus has been shown to result in
a higher treatment efficiency compared to S. pasteurii for treating concrete surfaces.
Furthermore, bacteria isolated from local environments might suit the local environmental
conditions such as temperature, pH, pressure, and oxygen levels more than S. pasteurii. Further
micro-scale experiments could therefore be performed to investigate MICP processes involving
different bacterial strains for different MICP applications.

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