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مهم 1
مهم 1
Deng, Wu
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Wu Deng
The built environment (BE) in cities has significant impacts on environmental quality, socio-economic wellbeing and human health.
Neighbourhoods are the key spatial link between individual buildings and the broader urban context. Sustainability efforts at building and city level
will be less effective if this link is not appropriately addressed.
There are two primary types of assessment approach for evaluating the sustainability performance of the BE: qualitatively based building rating
systems and quantitatively based material & energy accounting (MEA) methods. Both can only partially address the neighbourhood sustainability.
Building rating systems can take a snapshot of the sustainability state of a neighbourhood at a particular time but cannot describe the actual
material and energy flows over its life cycle. MEA methods calculate physical flows from a life-cycle perspective but cannot address socio-
economic and spatial concerns.
This thesis hypothesizes that the two distinct approaches complement one another and their simultaneous use can generate additional data and
better quality decision-making information for neighbourhood stakeholders such as buyers, planners and managers. In order to validate this
hypothesis, a conceptual framework is proposed, which consists of a regionally specific neighbourhood rating system and life-cycle energy and
carbon accounting.
China’s Small residential district (SRD), which is a type of ‘gated’ neighbourhood and the major residential form in urban China, is used for the
case study. Two case study SRDs are used in this research to validate the working of the proposed framework and to understand what additional
decision-making information can be generated by using both approaches in an empirical context. Applying the framework involves: a) quantifying
the life-cycle material & energy flows and the related carbon emissions for the case study SRDs; b) developing a regionally specific neighbourhood
rating system and applying it to the case studies. Applications further leads to create two profiles: a sustainability profile, presenting the full range
of sustainability issues at a particular time point; and an energy and carbon profile, describing material & energy flows and the related emissions
from a life-cycle perspective.
The case study research indicates that the proposed framework can provide a more comprehensive evaluation of the sustainability performance of
the BE at neighbourhood level. The thesis concludes that using multiple approaches for neighbourhood assessment, qualitatively and
quantitatively, can significantly improve the quality of decisions of the various stakeholders.
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The following publications and papers have resulted during the course of this research:
Deng W., D. Prasad and P. Osmond (2011) Application of ‘Streamlined’ MIPS Concept to
China’s Small Residential District, fully accepted by Journal of Industrial Ecology, In press.
Deng W., Prasad D., P. Osmond and Li F.T., Quantifying Energy Consumption and CO2
Emission for Urban Scale Built Environment: Case Study of China’s Urban Small
Residential District, fully accepted by Journal of Green Building, In press.
Deng W. and D. Prasad (2010) Quantifying Sustainability for the Built Environment at
Urban Scale: A Study of Three Sustainable Urban Assessment Systems, in the proceedings
of Sustainable Building Conference South East Asia, 4-6th May 2010 Malaysia.
Deng W., D. Prasad and L. J. He (2008) Measuring Sustainability for the Built Environment
at Urban Scale: Initial Study for Four Large Size Chinese Cities, in the proceedings of The
3rd International Solar Energy Society Conference Asia Pacific Region, Sydney, 25-28th
November 2008.
For his patience, dedication and friendship, I would like to thank my supervisor Professor
Deo Prasad – your support and commitments were inspirational. I would also like to thank
my co-supervisor Dr. Paul Osmond for always being there for sound advice and a good chat.
I will forever be grateful for having the opportunity to take my PhD journey under their
It has been a pleasure and privilege to be surrounded over the past three and half years by so
many passionate and committed people in the Faculty of the Built Environment (FBE) at the
University of New South Wales (UNSW). In particular I would like to thank Muhammad
Azzam Ismail and Mohd Farid Muhammad from my research group, for always being
willing to discuss and for always a constant source of inspiration. I would also like to thank
the other PhD students in the faculty, Louise Mckenzie, Steven Chang, Alireza Salahi, Bart
Marirana and Haitham Alrasheed. I enjoyed our conversions, from politics to cooking. I also
owe a huge debt of gratitude to Dr. John Blair for his excellent editing work and many
My thanks also go to the UNSW for offering me the University Postgraduate Award and to
the FBE for offering me the funds for conducting fieldworks and attending international
conferences. Without these financial supports, I could not have focused on my research.
To my wife, Yan, your patience and trust through these difficult times got me there in the
end. To my son, Congwen, the past three and half years have seen you growing from a little
I will forever remember the Red Center Building, to which many memorable moments relate.
This dissertation is then dedicated to the building, and to you and me.
Originality Statement
‘I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and to the best of my knowledge it
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diploma at UNSW or any other educational institution, except where due acknowledgement
is made in the thesis. Any contribution made to the research by others, with whom I have
worked at UNSW or elsewhere, is explicitly acknowledged in the thesis. I also declare that
the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of my own work, except to the extent that
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The built environment (BE) in cities has significant impacts on environmental quality, socio-
economic wellbeing and human health. Neighbourhoods are the key spatial link between
individual buildings and the broader urban context. Sustainability efforts at building and city
There are two primary types of assessment approach for evaluating the sustainability
performance of the BE: qualitatively based building rating systems and quantitatively based
material & energy accounting (MEA) methods. Both can only partially address the
sustainability state of a neighbourhood at a particular time but cannot describe the actual
material and energy flows over its life cycle. MEA methods calculate physical flows from a
This thesis hypothesizes that the two distinct approaches complement one another and their
simultaneous use can generate additional data and better quality decision-making
information for neighbourhood stakeholders such as buyers, planners and managers. The
purpose of this research is to identify, investigate and strategically assess the use of both
specific neighbourhood rating system and life-cycle energy and carbon accounting.
China’s Small residential district (SRD), which is a type of ‘gated’ neighbourhood and the
major residential form in urban China, is used for the case study. Two case study SRDs are
used in this research to validate the working of the proposed framework and to understand
material & energy flows and the related carbon emissions for the case study SRDs; b)
developing a regionally specific neighbourhood rating system and applying it to the case
studies. Applications further lead to create two profiles: a sustainability profile, presenting
the full range of sustainability issues at a particular time point; and an energy and carbon
profile, describing material & energy flows and the related emissions from a life-cycle
The case study research indicates that the proposed framework can provide a more
level, in terms of neighbourhood labelling, and for existing development, point to possible
refurbishment needs and future regeneration. The framework can also be used to improve
comparison between design solutions. The thesis concludes that using multiple approaches
for neighbourhood assessment, qualitatively and quantitatively, can significantly improve the
Table of Content
Chapter 1: Introduction………………………………………………………………………..1
1.1 Overview………………………………………………………………………………………...1
1.2 Research gaps…………………………………………………………………………………...2
1.3 Research questions……………………………………………………………………………..4
1.4 Research aims…………………………………………………………………………………...4
1.5 Research Methodology…………………………………………………………………….…..5
1.6 Structure of thesis………………………………………………………………………………7
6.1 Overview of China’s urban built environment…………………………………………….132
6.2 Building related material and energy consumption in China…………………………….136
6.3 China’s small residential district…………………………………………………………….142
6.4 Sustainability concerns of China’s small residential district……………………………..149
6.5 Case study city: Guilin………………………………………………………………………..151
6.6 Case study small residential districts………………………………………………………..155
6.7 Summary………………………………………………………………………………………..159
Chapter 8: Life Cycle Energy and Carbon Accounting for Case Studies………185
8.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….185
8.2 Assessment boundary…………………………………………………………………………187
8.3 Methodology…………………………………………………………………………………...189
8.4 Data analysis……………………………………………………………………………...……196
8.5 Results and analysis: energy and carbon profiles………………………………………….201
8.6 Summary………………………………………………………………………………………..209
Appendix 1: Household operational resource and energy survey…………………………...279
Appendix 2: SRD public operational resource and energy consumption survey………….282
Appendix 3: The initial set of indicators………………………………………………………..284
Appendix 4: Questionnaire for expert survey………………………………………………….286
Appendix 5: Scoring the case study SRDs……………………………………………………...296
List of Figures
List of Tables
Table 2.1: Building sector impacts on global resources and pollution ......................................... 20
Table 3.1: Screening criteria scores of building rating systems .................................................... 50
Table 3.2: Applicable rating tools after screening analysis............................................................ 51
Table 3.3: Summary of CASBEE-NC 2008..................................................................................... 52
Table 3.4: Summary of LEED-NC 2.2 ............................................................................................. 54
Table 3.5: Summary of SBTool 2007 ............................................................................................... 55
Table 3.6: Summary of BREEAM-Ecohomes (2006) ................................................................... 57
Table 3.7: Summary of Green Star-Multi Unit Residential V1 (2009) ........................................ 58
Table 3.8: Summary of GOBAS 2003 .............................................................................................. 60
Table 3.9: Summary of CEPAS (2006)............................................................................................. 61
Table 3.10: Scope comparison of the seven building rating systems reviewed .......................... 64
Table 3.11: Scale Comparison of the seven building rating systems reviewed .......................... 67
Table 3.12: Scope comparison between LEED-ND and LEED-NC ............................................ 75
Table3.13: Scope comparison between BREEAM-Communities and BREEAM-EcoHomes . 78
Table 3.14: Scope comparison between CASBEE-UD and CASBEE-NC ................................. 81
Table 3.15: Comparison between CEATM and LEED-NC ........................................................... 83
Table 3.16: Percentage of assessment criteria at different scales in different systems .............. 84
Table 6.1: China’s building energy consumption and projections .............................................. 139
Table 6.2: Comparison of urban conditions in Guilin and the average Chinese city ............... 154
Table 8.1: Energy intensity and the associated emission factors of materials & water ........... 192
Table 8.2 Life spans of building materials and elements ............................................................. 194
Table 8.3: Life-cycle material consumption and construction related electricity & water
consumption of SRD 1 ...................................................................................................................... 196
Table 8.4: Life-cycle material consumption and construction related electricity & water
consumption of the SRD 2 ............................................................................................................... 199
Table 8.5: Life-cycle energy consumption and the related CO2 emissions .............................. 201
Table 8.6: Operational energy and carbon emissions in 50 years life span ............................... 207
Table 9.1: Statistical data for weighting the Neighbourhood Sustainability Principles .......... 215
Table 9.2: Weighting distribution of sustainability principles by different groups .................. 216
Table 9.3: Statistical data for weighting the ‘environmental quality’ indicators ...................... 218
Table 9.4: Weights assigned to ‘environmental quality’ indicators by different groups .......... 218
Table 9.5: Measures selected for ‘environmental quality’ indicators ......................................... 219
Table 9.6: Statistical data for weighting the ‘social neighbourhood’ indicators ....................... 220
Table 9.7: Weights assigned to ‘social neighbourhood’ indicators by different groups .......... 221
Table 9.8: Measures selected for ‘social neighbourhood’ indicators.......................................... 222
Table 9.9: Statistical data for weighting the ‘infrastructure’ indicators ..................................... 224
Table 9.10: Weightings assigned to ‘infrastructure’ indicators by different groups ................. 225
Table 9.11: Selected measures for ‘infrastructure’ indicators...................................................... 225
Table 9.12: Statistical data for weighting the ‘transport’ indicators ........................................... 226
Table 9.13: Weights assigned to ‘transport’ indicators by different groups............................... 228
Table 9.14: Measures selected for ‘transport’ indicators.............................................................. 229
Table 9.15: Statistical data for weighting ‘economy’ indicators ................................................. 230
Table 9.16: Weightings assigned to ‘economy’ indicators by different groups ........................ 230
Table 9.17: Measures selected for ‘economy’ indicators ............................................................. 231
Table 9.18: Statistical data for weighting ‘resource and energy’ indicators .............................. 231
Table 9.19: Weights assigned to ‘resource and energy’ indicators by different groups ........... 232
Table 9.20: Measures selected for ‘resource and energy’ indicators .......................................... 233
Table 9.21: Statistical data for weighting ‘environmental impact’ indicators ........................... 234
Table 9.22: Weightings assigned to ‘environmental impact’ indicators by different groups .. 235
Table 9.23: Measures selected for the ‘environmental impact’ indicators................................. 236
Table 9.24: Statistical data for weighting ‘site ecology’ indicators ............................................ 237
Table 9.25: Weightings assigned to ‘site ecology’ indicators by different groups ................... 238
Table 9.26: Measures selected for ‘site ecology’ indicators ........................................................ 238
Table 9.27: Statistical data for weighting ‘sustainable management’ indicators ...................... 239
Table 9.28: Weightings assigned to ‘sustainable management’ indicators by different groups240
Table 9.29: Measures selected for ‘sustainable management’ indicators .................................. 240
Table 9.30: Statistical presentation of the selection of the most important five indicators ..... 241
Table 9.31: Overall sustainability scores of the SRDs and their distributions .......................... 243
Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms
BE Built Environment
BQ Bill of Quantities
BEEC Building Energy Conservation Center
BRE Building Research Establishment
CEATM China Eco-housing Assessment Technical Manual
CEPAS Comprehensive Environmental Performance Assessment Scheme
CF Carbon Footprint
EEP Energy and Environmental Prediction
EF Ecological Footprint
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ETS Emission Trading Scheme
GFA Gross Floor Area
GHG Greenhouse Gases
GIS Geographic Information System
GJ Giga-joules
GOBAS Green Olympic Building Assessment System
GPDI Guilin Planning and Design Institute
ICE Inventory of Carbon and Energy
IEA International Energy Agency
IEQ Indoor Environmental Quality
LCA Life Cycle Analysis
LCC Life Cycle Costs
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
MEA Material and Energy Accounting
MFA Material Flux Analysis
MOC Ministry of Construction
NC New Construction
ND Neighbourhood Development
NSF Neighbourhood Sustainability Framework
SD Sustainable Development
SEI Stockholm Environmental Institute
SRD Small Residential District
UD Urban Development
UNPF Unite Nations Population Fund
UNSW University of New South Wales
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Overview
development that “confuses improving quality of life with achieving an affluent consumer
life-style” (Dresner 2002:74). The famous Brundtland‘s Our Common Future implies there
are three core values of sustainability, respectively, meeting basic needs, ecological
sustainability and social equity (WCED 1987). The three core values constitute a much
broader concept than simply maintaining the environment, reflecting the whole overlay of
Cities in general and the built environment (BE) in particular, during their life-cycle, have a
significant environmental impact both at local and global levels (Graham 2004:12, Girardet
2003:5). Buildings account for an estimated 40% of all resource consumption and produce
about 40% of all waste including greenhouse gas emissions (Prasad and Hall 2003). The BE
also has great influence on economic affluence, social wellbeing and human health (Jones et
Neighbourhoods are a vital link between individual buildings and the greater urban area.
They are linkages and intermediary spaces/places that offer much scope for influencing
sustainability both at the local and wider scale. The neighbourhood scale mediates between
the city scale and individual building level - contributing to 1 1data generation and policy
formulation at city and building scale and absorbing/adopting from both other levels.
Ignoring such a link places the viability of efforts at the individual building level in jeopardy
Sustainability assessment is a useful tool that can steer societies in a more sustainable
direction (Devuyst 2001:419). One of the key questions of the BE-related sustainability
assessment is how to provide various decision-makers with adequate range and quality of
information required so that they can address their concerns appropriately (Lutzkendorf and
Lorenz 2006).
neighbourhood level, using both qualitative and quantitative assessment approaches. China’s
Small residential district (SRD) is used as case study. The research argues that using
Currently there are a great number of methods and tools for environmental assessment of the
BE (Forsberg and Malmborg 2004), ranging from construction material selection, energy
labeling and indoor air quality analysis to whole building environmental assessment, and
then to urban scale sustainability assessment. The current BE assessments can be roughly
classified into two groups: qualitatively based building rating systems such as LEED and
BREEAM, and quantitatively based material & energy accounting (MEA) techniques that
often involve life-cycle considerations (Reijnders and van Roekel 1999, cited in Forsberg
A typical building rating system is composed of a checklist of items organized into themes
such as transport, siting, energy and water. The judgment of which item should be included in
a system and the assignment of weightings are subjectively based (Retzlaff 2008, Retzlaff
2009). Current building rating systems operate at two spatial scales: individual building level
and neighbourhood level. The building level rating systems focus on environmental aspects
and are mostly spatially limited to building sites (Retzlaff 2008). In contrast the
CASBEE-Urban Development (CASBEE-UD) and BREEAM-Communities, give a more
balanced assessment between environmental, social and economic dimensions (Deng and
Prasad 2010). However, building rating systems cannot report real material and energy flows
and related environmental impacts. This restricts the possibility of increasing the actors’
(Lutzkendorf and Lorenz 2006). In addition, they generally take a snapshot of the
sustainability state of the BE at a particular point in time and cannot address it from a
life-cycle perspective.
MEA methods aim to quantify and represent flows of materials and energy used in a
and Brunner 1996). They can take the temporal frame into account and can be applicable at
different levels from individual buildings to urban systems (Kohler 2007:348). This approach
reports quantitative and absolute values of material & energy flows and the related
MEA methods is that they deal only with material and energy aspects, and are not capable of
assessing social, spatial and site specific issues such as community involvement, accessibility
to public transport and urban heat island effect (Keeler and Burke 2009:250-252, IEA 2004b,
Studies comparing the qualitatively based building rating systems and the quantitatively based
MEA methods are often found in the literature, but empirical analysis is not used to support
the comparisons. This thesis will provide this empirical analysis by combining two
based energy and carbon accounting and applying them to the same case studies. The purpose
1.3 Research Questions
systems and quantitatively based material & energy accounting (MEA) methods, capable
z How can the simultaneous use of the two approaches generate additional data and better
The first question looks at what sustainability means to a neighbourhood, and how current
critical review of the building rating systems and the MEA methods that neither individually
performance, this research argues that using both approaches in tandem could generate more
The second question addresses the essential aim of this research. A conceptual assessment
framework is proposed which includes an LCA energy & carbon accounting method and a
regionally specific neighbourhood rating system. The application of the framework to the
same case studies indicate that using multiple approaches for neighbourhood assessment,
To identify, investigate and strategically assess the use of both qualitative and quantitative
assessment approaches for improving decision-making quality at neighbourhood level.
z Objective 1: Identify the generic theories and practices that underlie neighbourhood
z Objective 3: Develop a conceptual framework that allows the simultaneous use of both
z Objective 4: Explore the way in which the conceptual framework can be applied to the
case studies.
Research originates with questions about a phenomenon of interest. Research questions help
researchers to focus thoughts, manage efforts and choose the appropriate approach (Williams
2007). There are three commonly used approaches to conducting research including
quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. Researchers typically select the quantitative
approach to respond to research questions requiring numerical data, the qualitative approach
for research questions requiring textual data, and the mixed methods approach for research
complex situations (Leedy and Ormrod 2001:102), which is often based on documenting
information from the literature and its review. Quantitative research begins with a problem
experiment and surveys, and data collection on pre-designed determined instruments that
yield statistical data (Creswell 2003). Historically there are three trends pertaining to
quantitative research including research design, test and measurement procedures, and
Two primary research questions have been proposed in 1.3. Qualitative research is used to
identify the research gaps and generate the conceptual assessment framework (research
question 1). The quantitative approach can be used to test the proposed framework using
deductive analysis (Leedy and Ormrod 2001), thus it is adopted to address research question
(including a material & energy accounting and a neighbourhood rating system) to the same
This research uses China’s Small residential district (SRD) as the case study. The choice is
guided primarily by the author’s research interest in this area. Currently there is no
sustainability rating system operating at SRD level and very few studies have been
Creswell (2003:15) defines a case study as the “researcher explores in depth a program, and
even an activity, a process, or one or more individuals”. The data collection for a case study
is extensive and draws from multiple sources such as direct or participant observations,
interviews and archival documents (Williams 2007). Case studies can be used for different
types of research purpose such as exploration, theory building, theory testing and theory
extension. In this research, the case study technique is used to test the theory (or hypothesis)
developed on the basis of the qualitative literature review. The question is, can the
hypothesis survive the test of empirical data? It should be noted that the results from the case
strong enough to indicate that the conceptual assessment framework is working, which
illustrates the concept of using both qualitative and quantitative approaches to generate more
decision information. Figure 1.1 presents the flowchart of research methodology in this
Research Question 1: Are current BE assessment approaches capable to
adequately address the neighbourhood sustainability on their own?
This thesis uses a structured framework to address the overall aims and objectives. A basic
schematic description of the thesis structure is provided in Figure 1.2, which involves five
key linked steps. Each step is related to a research objective, and the chapters written to
Step 1: Understanding general neighbourhood sustainability (Research Objective 1)
Step 5: Identifying the opportunities for improving decision-making quality (Research Objective 5)
summarized in Chapter 2 of the research. The general literature review, exploratory in nature,
explores the current debates on sustainable development, and identifies the core values of
sustainability. It sets the course of the research by addressing some fundamental questions
about the meaning of and barriers to achieving sustainability. A more investigative literature
review then identifies issues relating to neighbourhood BE that are vital to moving towards
sustainability. These issues, including the temporal and spatial frame, neighbourhood
This step is to understand the current state of the art in the area of sustainability assessment
of the BE, aiming to address research objective 2. This is achieved by a more interpretive
and critical literature review presented in Chapters 3 and 4. The qualitatively based building
rating systems and quantitatively based MEA methods that are currently employed for
assessment of the BE are identified and reviewed to understand three specific issues:
Based on the literature review conducted in Steps 1 and 2, it is argued that neither qualitative
building rating systems nor quantitative MEA methods can adequately address the
that using both approaches could expand the amount of decision-making information
neighbourhood rating system and a life-cycle energy & carbon accounting method (Chapter
This step carries out a ‘test run’ of the proposed assessment framework. China’s SRD, which
is a type of ‘gated’ neighbourhood and the major residential form in urban China, is chosen
for the case study research. First, a contextual description of China’s overall built
environment and the concept of SRD is given in Chapter 6. Two case study SRDs are
selected for application of the proposed assessment framework. In Chapter 7, data collection
methods for implementing the framework are described. Applying life-cycle energy and
carbon accounting methods will lead to an energy & carbon profile for the case study SRDs
(Chapter 8). The regionally specific neighbourhood rating system, on the other hand, will be
used to establish a sustainability profile for the case study SRDs (Chapter 9). The case study
This step identifies what additional information is generated by applying both assessment
approaches simultaneously to the case studies (Chapter 10). The purpose of the analysis is to
examine if the proposed assessment framework has the robustness to provide better
information and more decision making opportunities for various stakeholders such as
housing buyers and urban planners. The analysis addresses research objective 5.
Chapter 2: Contextual Description: Sustainability and
Neighbourhood Built Environment
This chapter provides the research context by defining general sustainability and its relevance
to the neighbourhood scale BE. In this chapter, the research first reviews the international
progression of sustainable development in the last few decades. Based on Brundtland’s Our
Common Future, the research adopts meeting basic needs, recognizing ecological limits and
social equity as the core values of sustainability. The research will then define the concept of
The research further examines three existing sustainable neighbourhood programs and nine
alleged by some scholars that it tracks back to some ancient philosophies, such as Taoism in
China (Kumar 2006:12) as well as to the Enlightenment and the Age of Reason. Examples of
the latter include the notable book, Utopia, written by Thomas More in 1516 (White
2001:47), and the famous Essay on Population written by Malthus in 1798 (Dresner
2002:8-9). However, in practice, this term was hardly heard until the late 1980s, 20 years
after the contemporary environmental movement got going (Dresner 2002:1). From then on,
sustainability has gradually come into the forefront of public discussion. We can find the
term in national strategies, newspaper editorials, and even awarded movies such as The Day
After Tomorrow and An Inconvenient Truth. Davison (2001:12) concludes “the language of
sustainable development has guided environmental issues from the margins towards the core
of political debate”.
The World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) and its influential
report Our Common Future (so-called Brundtland Report) in 1987 represents a milestone for
the concept of sustainable development on the international stage and contributes to the
implementation of sustainability at national, sub-national and local levels. The WCED was
established following a UN General Assembly Resolution adopted at the 38th Session of the
Unite Nations in 1985 (WCED 1987). This commission was chaired by former Norwegian
z Raise the level of understanding of, and commitment to, action on the part of
By criticizing current development trends that “leave increasing numbers of people poor and
vulnerable, while at the same time degrading the environment” (WCED 1987:5), the
Brundtland Report calls for a new path of ‘sustainable development’. The report arises at a
time when the humans face real threats emerging from “business as usual” approaches to
scarcity. Since then, the term ‘sustainable development’ has been “repeated, quoted and
rewritten countless times” (Dresner 2002:31). While there is much disagreement over what
sustainability means and how it can be implemented, after Brundtland, few governments
sustainability now forces governments and international agencies such as the World Bank to
In the Brundtland report, the definition of sustainable development comes out as a single
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (WCED 1987:8).
The report goes on to say, immediately after this single sentence so often quoted:
The concept of sustainable development does imply limits—not absolute limits but
environmental resources and by the ability of the biosphere to absorb the effects of human
activities(WCED 1987:8).
Meeting essential needs requires not only a new era of economic growth for nations in which
the majority are poor, but an assurance that those poor get their fair share of the resources
Sustainable global development requires that those who are more affluent adopt life-styles
By this, the Brundtland Report recognizes that the commitment to eliminate world poverty
must be accepted as a priority, while simultaneously the wealthier people of the world must
radically change their life-style to reduce the consumption of materials, energy, and water
In another crucial passage, the Brundtland Report further reveals the interrelationships
path that is sustainable in a physical sense could theoretically be pursued even in a rigid
social and political setting. But physical sustainability cannot be secured unless
From this passage, we can take a distinct impression that sustainability tries to draw a
balance between economic development, ecological conservation and social equity, or, using
more specific terms, meeting basic needs, recognizing ecological limits, and social equity,
which actually constitute the core values of sustainable development. Clearly, sustainable
development covers much more than purely environmental protection. There are three
2002:33). First, a healthy economy requires a healthy environment because “ecology and
globally—into a seamless net of causes and effects” (WCED 1987:5) and “today’s
environmental challenges arise both from the lack of development and from the unintended
poverty because “environmental degradation often affects the poorest groups in society most
severely as they are unable to protect themselves from the environmentally destructive
activities of richer and more powerful people” (Dresner 2002:33). Vulnerable people are
unlikely to move away from heavily contaminated areas to seek a better quality environment
due to financial and employment constraints. So, over the long-term, vulnerable
communities will appear that are isolated from other parts of the city. This phenomenon has
been observed in many cities around the world, for example, isolated slums on the city edges
Thirdly, a healthy society implies meeting the basic needs of everyone, an appeal to equity,
requires meeting the basic needs of all and extending to all the opportunity to fulfill their
aspirations for a better life (WCED 1987:8)” and “Even the narrow notion of physical
sustainability implies a concern for equity between generations, a concern that must
Criticisms of the Brundtland definition often refer to its vagueness and that it has not been
operationalized in practice. Jacobs (1991:60) argues that sustainable development is a
conceptions”. The greatest divide is between those who place environmental concerns at the
heart of their thinking and those who focus more upon socio-economic development. Both
groups can realize their aims to a degree by emphasizing either the ‘environmental
responsibility’ part or the development part. However, most commentators agree that the
emergence of the concept of sustainability is a positive thing, especially its core values. For
example, Fischer and Hajer (1999:2) concede that “the concept of sustainable development
different key economic and environmental interests could converge”. Whilst the concept
does not yet provide clarity, many other socio-political objectives such as liberty, social
justice and democracy were vague in definition when they first came into being. We should
bear in mind that the term ‘sustainable development’ is relatively new and the most
important issue at this point is whether the values of sustainability and its implied direction,
is acceptable.
Perhaps Nitin Desai is right. In an interview with Dresner (2002:63), Desai said: the problem
upon a precise definition, but about agreeing upon the values that would underlie any such
Sustainable development is not rocket science. Sustainability is something that everyone can
understand (Bell and Morse 2003:7). The looseness of the sustainability framework gives
people at different locations and with different world views an opportunity to select their
own specific way towards sustainable development. People in Australia and Cambodia, even
people in Sydney and rural NSW, have their own opinions on this matter, based on their
As noted earlier, sustainability has three core values: meeting basic needs (economic
(social dimension). The interrelationships between them are illustrated in Figure 2.1. At
present, a large part of the world population has not gained their basic needs. It is hard to
sustainability before meeting the basic needs of their people. On the other hand, effort to
increasing economic welfare should not permit permanent damage to ecological processes
and should be limited to the natural carrying capacity. Furthermore, we also should bear in
mind that social equity cannot be neglected. Social equity, such as gender equity, racial
equity and many other forms of equity, have been a huge challenge in many countries
By the mid-21st Century, 70 to 80 percent of the world’s population will live in concentrated
urban centres (Battle and McCarthy 2001:88). Rees (2001:37) describes “for the first time in
the two-million-year history of our species, the immediate human environment will be the
built environment” and alleges that cities are simultaneously a major part of the [sustainability]
buildings and structures as opposed to natural features”. This definition is general and simple.
A more concrete and tangible definition is provided by Health Canada (Srinivasa et al. 2003)
that states “the built environment includes our homes, schools, workplaces, parks/recreation
areas, business areas and roads. It extends overhead in the form of electric transmission lines,
underground in the form of waste disposal sites and subway trains, and across the country in
the form of highways. The built environment encompasses all buildings, spaces and products
that are created or modified by people”. This definition gives a broader dimension of the
physical components of the BE, which actually refers to any physical alteration of the natural
Although the Health Canada’s definition of physical BE is very broad, it still overlooks an
important aspect of the BE - behaviour and the aspirations of users. Buildings are not standing
alone in a vacuum. They stand in a concrete context with complex interrelations to other
components of the anthropic-natural system. Individual components of the BE are defined and
shaped by context, and simultaneously they contribute either positively or negatively to the
overall quality of environments, both built and natural and to the human-environment
considerations, i.e. environment, society and economy, which are generally accepted as the
three essential elements of sustainability. The assessment of the BE should encompass social,
economic, and environmental dimensions that emerge simultaneously with the erection of
In practice, the boundary and scope of the BE vary greatly in different studies. Some
researchers use the term “built environment” only representing building stocks (see for
example Plessis et al. 2003). Some prefer a broader definition which adds road and other
man-made products to the content of research (see for example Kumar 2006, Srinivasa et al.
2003). Others see the terms ‘built environment’ and ‘urban area’ as virtually
inter-changeable (see for example Brandon et al. 1997, Forsberg and Malmborg 2004).
various buildings (e.g. residential, office, commercial); b) the open space between buildings
(e.g. roads, parks, playgrounds); c) occupants and users who impact or are impacted by the
existence of the BE; and d) various infrastructure and services that support the existence of
the BE (e.g. energy, water and transport). So defined, the BE can be examined systematically.
The BE is a component of the total city system and interacts with other component systems
such as water systems, agricultural systems, and urban natural systems. At the same time the
BE is comprised of its own sub-systems, respectively physical building systems, land use
patterns, and socio-economic systems. There are also flows of materials, energy, information
and wastes across and within the boundary of the urban BE system, which is necessary in
maintaining functioning and producing a relatively stable state at a particular time point
single-standing site to an area with multiple buildings and open space, accompanied by
intensive socio-economic interaction between users and affiliated facilities and urban
support services.
A city is an area in which built environment predominates over the natural environment
(Kumar 2006:40). Alberti (1996) puts forward a more comprehensive definition which states
“[a city] is an organized system of many interacting biophysical and socioeconomic
components and that the system itself affects the level of pressure that individuals exert”.
Indeed, cities are a concentration of buildings where intensive social and economic activities
take place, accompanied by a large amount energy and resources input and waste and
pollution output. The Chapter 9 of Brundtland Report, titled Urban Challenge, also states that
“settlement - the urban network of cities, towns, and villages - encompass all aspects of the
environment within which economic and social interaction take place” (WCED 1987:243).
Therefore, cities physically are a complexity in which people, buildings, facilities, hinterlands
From a historical perspective, the exponential growth of cities in the last several centuries is
a result of cities “becoming the destination for fulfilling people’s aspiration for material
process that involves the movement of people from countryside to cities or migration from
small towns to big cities. This movement results in the expansion of urban population and
urban scale which could be interpreted as a “social-culture transition to a higher level human
existence” (Rees 1999). This kind of transition can further lead to two essential
transformations, first, the change of production patterns and second, the change of
consumption patterns. Both of them imply increasing consumption of resources and energy
because “the sub-cultures of cities, in many cases, are consumption orientated life style”
(Alberti 1996).
Building or building stock today means much more than its original connotation such as
protecting us from weather and physical attacks. It has become something that is related to
the human mind. The BE has become a place where we can meet our aspirations for
opportunity, welfare and cultural entertainment. Homes are places where we can retreat from
the outside world. We prefer to live in a suburb whose residents possess similar values and
social status. Moreover, there is increasing evidence that indicates the physical
characteristics in and around a building directly impact our health. For example, as indicated
in the Energy and Environmental Prediction (EEP) model (Jones 2007), cardio-vascular
disease, injuries in the home and mental health, are directly related to the indoor
environment, house layout and neighbourhood. In addition, poor design and maintenance of
buildings can lead to acute respiratory illnesses, allergies and asthma, and the so-called ‘sick
building syndrome’ resulting from mould, moisture problems, and various indoor pollutants
Table 2.1 gives an overall view of resources used and wastes produced in the building sector
at global level. It is clear that the BE and cities in particular, are the key factor in global
resource use and need to spearhead global endeavors towards sustainable development.
threat of climate change, the BE needs to change its planning, design, construction and
operation. Argued by Pyke et al. (2007), the traditional planning and design approach, which
is typically based on the assumption that climate is static, should change because:
z climate is changing - trends are toward warmer temperatures, more frequent heat waves,
more intense precipitation events, and longer, potentially more severe droughts, and,
z These changes have significant consequences for the performance of the built
(Pyke et al 2007)
In the vision of urban researchers, the BE means much more than its visible physical
who are ecologically literate and environmentally aware) are thinking when looking at a
When BEEs look at a building they see the mines, the minerals and forests from which
materials are made, they see the road upon which materials have traveled and the
power-plants and refineries that supply the fuel for the journey. BEEs see the rivers that
supply our water and which receive our run-off. BEEs see the atmospheric emissions caused
by the production of the electricity running our building, and by the burning fuels used to
transport people to and from it. Most importantly, BEEs see the demands on nature created by
the choices we make and know how to make decisions that are life sustaining.
(Graham 2004:17)
Neighbourhood is a term that is hard to define, but everyone knows a neighbourhood when
neighbourhood is small enough that the neighbours are all able to know each other. However
in practice, neighbours may not know one another very well at all”. From this it seems that
place which has the ability to generate social interaction. Galster (2001) synthesizes a number
of neighbourhood definitions and classifies them into two categories: one with a purely
geographical perspective and the second with an integrated social and geographical
perspective. Some researchers look at the neighbourhood as a purely geographical unit. For
example, Keller (1968:89) defines neighbourhood as a “place with physical and symbolic
boundaries”. Golab (1982:72) uses the phrase “a geographical entity with specific (subjective)
boundaries” (cited in Glaster 2001). Others have attempted to integrate social and
geographical dimensions, as in Hallman’s (1984:13) definition: “a limited territory within a
larger urban area, where people inhabit dwellings and interact socially”. Warren (1981:62)
proximate locale”. “Geographic units within which certain social relationships exist” is the
Neighbourhoods have their own geographic sizes and are linked to the broad urban matrix
through various transport networks. Glaster (2001) points out that neighbourhood
characteristics can be observed and measured only after a particular location has been
specified and many neighbourhood characteristics are intrinsically coupled with geography
such as infrastructure, topography, and buildings. Daniell et al. (2004) stress that spatial
development, and suggest a number of spatial issues that should be included in the assessment
elements of a neighbourhood are likely to exist for a few decades before they are demolished
or redeveloped. Both the built entities and the residents within a neighbourhood will consume
resources and energy to sustain their existence throughout its service life, and the social,
over time. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is often used to address such temporal considerations.
It could be inferred from the above discussion that a neighbourhood is a relatively small
geographical area (compared to a city or a district) and within it a certain level of social
services provided by its urban matrix. Since neighbourhoods are spatially and temporally
It is important to recognize that the discussion generally reflects a concept of open community,
its geographical size is loosely defined and it is dependent on residents’ “familiarity and
geographical form well defined by walls and gates. This will be discussed in detail in Chapter
buildings are at the centrepoint of a neighbourhood, providing shelter for residents. The
existence of other types of buildings and the open space is to support the residential function.
residents such as banking, dining, and shopping. Often they are embraced in a large
building with street frontages. The community buildings mainly include neighbourhood
Beside buildings, a neighbourhood also includes the open space between buildings such as
streets, walkways, lawns and parking lots. Open space is important for people to socialize or
walk their dogs. Neighbourhood analysis needs to address how well buildings and the space
around them work collectively. For example, a building that overshadows over the adjacent
open space can provide additional benefit in summer for people moving around.
As noted above, neighbourhoods are linked to the broader urban context. In order to support
their functioning, the urban context needs to provide them with infrastructure such as
electricity and water connection, and public transport. Without them, a neighbourhood cannot
exist as a viable urban unit. Cole (2010:279) also argues that considering urban context can
other systems and accounting for the social and economic consequences of buildings.
Alongside the functional aspects of buildings, spaces and urban infrastructure, their design,
quality and aesthetics all work together to shape neighbourhood BE and exert a collective
influence over the activities and behaviours that take place there. Neighbourhood form and its
features have social and environmental consequences. For instance, neighbourhood layout
should consider issues such as facilitating daily lives, integration with scenic axes and skyline
of the surrounding areas, and provision of social facilities. It should be noted that a specific
neighbourhood form may have both advantages and disadvantages, for example, the gated
neighbourhood form may improve security and increase the community cohesion within the
neighborhood, but also promotes segregation from other neighbourhoods and spaces in the
neighbourhoods. Understanding social processes around and within the neighbourhood and
involving people in partnerships are critical to moving towards sustainability of both the
neighbourhood community and the wider urban area. This mainly involves people’s life style,
the way they consume resources and energy, and their aspirations for sustainability. The
encourage a shift of life style and forge environmental awareness. For example, walkable
streets around and within a neighbourhood can reduce the use of cars.
Based on the above discussion, it can be summarized here that the neighbourhood, physically,
has four basic components: buildings (residential, commercial and community), infrastructure
(e.g. transport, water, waste, and information), spaces (e.g. car parking, parks, playgrounds,
roads, and walkways) and, people and their life style. Behind these physical components,
there are other not-so-visible factors that also influence the neighbourhood performance such
as urban context and energy & resource consumption patterns. For example, big cities may
have city-wide rail connection that is a more reliable and efficient public transport means than
public buses. Neighbourhoods sitting in the city center may have better transport service but
Energy and resource consumption patterns vary greatly between different neighbourhoods.
Many neighbourhoods in Sydney, in the top band of the property market, are without rail
connection and a large-size shopping mall nearby. There are also some Chinese SRDs
locating on the city fringes which have better landscaping areas and environmental quality but
a less efficient public transport system. People living in such neighbourhoods often have
better social facilities but consume more energy and resources to construct and to operate
(larger housing sizes and public areas) and use more petrol because of longer commuting
Current sustainability programs and policies are generally focused on city and individual
building level (Humber and Soomet 2006:714). However, the recent emergence of a number
The following section will give a brief review of three sustainable neighbourhood programs,
Beddington Zero Energy Development or BedZED, is the largest eco-village in the United
Kingdom. The development was designed by architect Bill Dunster and developed by the
Peabody Trust. BedZED comprises 82 homes, office space and live-work units. The village
has a mix of social housing, shared ownership, key-worker homes and private houses for sale
The key features of BedZED’s planning and design are summarized as follows (BRE 2002a):
and provides an increased sense of community resulting from the layering and interaction of
Home Zone regulation: At BedZED, ‘Home Zone’ principles are designed to involve
measures including reducing car speeds, giving priority to cyclists and pedestrians, having
safe and convenient cycle routes and providing secure cycle storage facilities.
Public transport and car sharing: The BedZED development is located on a major road used
by two bus routes, which connect to local centers. BedZED has also established a car club to
Site ecological conservation: A Biodiversity Plan was developed to maximise spaces for
wildlife in the urban environment. Existing features of the site have been retained or enhanced
Energy efficiency design of the buildings: First, energy efficiency can be increased through
considered zoning of activities. Second, insulation levels are considerably higher than those
low-emissivity glass, large panes and timber frames further reduce heat loss.
Energy efficiency appliances: ‘A’-rated domestic appliances (including light bulbs) were
specified throughout the development. Such appliances can cost a little more to buy, but
return considerable energy savings and reduced running costs.
Renewable energy: The main source of energy in BedZED is a Combined Heat and Power
(CHP) plant which runs on chipped tree surgery waste. The CHP has been sized so that over
the course of a year it generates enough electricity to provide for all of the development's
Water efficiency: By using water efficient fittings and appliances such as washing machines,
spray taps, showers and dual-flush low-flush toilets, reductions in mains water usage of 40%
are achieved.
Waste disposal: Target for waste during construction was to be set at 5% of total construction
Sourcing construction materials locally: 52% of the construction material (by weight) was
sourced from within a 35 mile radius of the site, reducing pollution and energy impacts from
Avoiding unhealthy materials: Certain materials have been avoided due to their potential
(BRE 2002a)
BedZED has gained publicity since its completion and continues to be an often cited case
it realizes a reduction of hot water heating of 45%, electricity consumption is 55% less, and
water consumption about 60% less (Twinn 2003). In an ideal situation, a four-person
BedZED household can reduce the overall eco-footprint from 6.19 hectares (typical UK
27 Neighbourhood Sustainability Framework (NSF) in New Zealand
NSF has been developed by the research consortium called Beacon Pathway Limited in New
community. The group focuses on the residential built environment encompassing buildings,
infrastructure and space such as green and open space as well as connecting and dividing
spaces (Bijoux et al. 2007, Saville-Smith et al. 2007, Bijoux et al. 2008, Lietz et al. 2008).
A Neighbourhood Sustainability Framework (Figure 2.2) and supporting tools has been
developed and this has been tested and refined by applying it to nine case study
This framework comprises three neighbourhood BE elements and six critical domains. The
BE elements include infrastructure, buildings and space, representing the physical form of the
neighbourhood. The six domains reflect the functional aspects of the neighbourhood. Within
each of the functional domains, a number of sustainability issues are addressed, which can be
Functional flexibility: The built environment can be continuously adapted to the needs of
Figure 2.2: Neighbourhood sustainability framework in New Zealand
Source: Bijoux et al. (2008)
neighbourhood satisfaction:
z housing quality
z street safety
Minimised Costs: The built environment minimises the direct and indirect costs and cost
z travel
z equitable access to basic services and amenities for children and adults with diverse
z formal interaction and spaces for formal interactions for neighbourhood governance,
Appropriate Resource Use and Climate Protection: The neighbourhood built environment
encourages resource efficiency, resource conservation and the use of more sustainable
z land consumption
z lifecycle impacts
There are two tools that support the NSF (Lietz et al. 2008), which are:
judgment structured through a set of well-defined requirements and guidelines. The Resident
results are reported as relative values to a baseline database of neighbourhood behaviours and
perceptions. The aim of the tools is to pinpoint neighbourhood strengths and weaknesses and
assist in identifying the critical priorities for the management and retrofit of neighbourhoods.
In summary, the Beacon Neighbourhoods Research Team consider that neighbourhoods tend
to work well if they can achieve a specific number of the design goals including: an
safety in the street both from traffic and other people; low noise disturbance; access to
facilities and services; access to other sites in the settlement system; manageable cost of both
residences in the neighbourhood and in connecting to other parts of the city system; ability to
have pleasant, friendly and non-threatening casual social relations; ability to provide
opportunities for neighbourhood action on local issues, and low tenure mix (Saville-Smith et
project partly funded by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Research &
Development Programme. The objective of the HQE2R project is to allow local authorities
to implement plans of action for the renewal of their neighbourhoods and to renovate their
The HQE2R project proposes the use of five global objectives of sustainable development for
constructed or natural heritage, natural resources (energy, water, space), whether local or
z To improve the quality of the local environment, for the residents and users of the city
z To ensure diversity: diversity of the population, the habitat, human activities and space
z To improve integration: integration of the inhabitants in the city, in order that everyone
feels he or she is both an inhabitant of and has a role to play in the city. An example is
z To reinforce social life through local governance, and relations of social cohesion and
These five objectives must serve as the foundation for regeneration projects, development,
and construction, whether for a city or a neighbourhood as well as for buildings. Below these
z To minimise waste
To ensure diversity
To improve integration
z To improve access for all residents to all the services and facilities of the city by means
z To improve the integration of the neighbourhood in the city by creating living and
Furthermore, 65 indicators are identified and grouped into the 21 targets. This process reflects
targets and assessment indicators form a chain to ensure the whole process is not deviated
The objectives, targets and indicators constitute a hierarchy indicator suite (INDI model) to
evaluate the state of neighbourhoods and different neighbourhood renovation plans. The
INDI model can lead to establishment of a sustainability profile of the renovation plan. It is
interesting to note, together with the INDI model, HQE2R employs an environmental impact
model (ENVI model) to give a calculation of the environmental impact of the renovation
scenario at the building level. It covers seven areas: buildings, transportation, ground
occupation, public lighting and network, local energy production, water and sewage, and
waste. The environmental model can lead to construction of an environmental profile.
However, the ENVI model has not taken life-cycle impacts into account but only focuses on
the operational stage. Beside these two models, HQE2R also runs an assessment of
sustainable construction and technology cost model (ASCOT model), which calculates the
global cost of efficient technologies from an environmental point of view at the building
From the above three sustainable neighbourhood programs, it seems that a sustainable
generally include:
z Increasing density in urban areas can protect valuable ecological areas by reducing
sprawl, reducing the amount of land that is developed, improving the viability of town
z Providing communication facilities and quality public spaces, which play a key role in
neighbourhood sustainability. They can encourage people to interact and forge a sense of
community, and improve resident satisfaction. Public space also provides local habitat,
facilitates the use of rainwater, increases walking and is the stage for creative activities.
z Providing efficient solutions to energy, water and materials. Related issues include
installing efficient appliances, onsite generation of renewable energy, reuse of water and
z Improving economic efficiency and reducing operation cost. Key action pathways
include a mixture in building typology and dwelling size, mixed use, local facilities,
neighbourhood should have acceptable air quality and noise quality although these are
partially affected by the broad urban environment. The use of unhealthy materials should
be avoided and site ecology maintained. The neighbourhood also needs to reduce the
waste generation.
interpretation for the core values of sustainability and help to “provide further guidance for
implementation” (Harding 2006) in the context of neighbourhood BE. Shepherd and Ortolano
(1996) stress that sustainability principles can trickle down to policies, plans and programs,
then to projects. Through a set of defined principles that guide the development process,
various dimensions of the rhetoric of sustainable development are merged and explored and
bring the sustainability concept closer to its original value based roots (Kobus 2005).
This approach is also called the “principle to indicator” model (Mawinney 2002:166) in
which the principles are further developed into sets of operational performance indicators. It
has been used by some researchers for sustainability design, planning and assessment (e.g.
Aall 2001, Curwell and Cooper 1998, Fahy and Cinnéide 2007, López-Ridaura et al. 2002,
Utne 2008). A recent work finished by Hyde et al. (2007) used the “principle to indicator”
model as the basis for developing a design tool for sustainable precincts in Australia. They
argued that “[since] the environmental principles espoused are connected to environmental
environmental assessment”.
In this research, the neighbourhood sustainability principles, which are rooted in the
sustainability core values, will serve as the basis for the further development of the regionally
This thesis seeks a set of principles that properly addresses the BE at neighbourhood scale.
Based on these, this research can move on to identify and select a number of regionally
specific indicators according to the local context, which will be discussed in the case study
section of the thesis. As noted earlier, sustainability principles provide relatively more clear
interpretations for the sustainability values, so the question emerges as to what principles
best explain the core values of sustainability in the context of the neighbourhood BE.
Based on the discussion in the previous sections of this chapter, the matching of
The requirement of meeting basic needs represents the core of the development aspirations
of the Brundtland definition. Given the context of neighbourhood BE, meeting basic needs
providing efficient public transport. The fundamental need of creating the neighbourhood
BE is to improve the life quality of people and a healthy environment is a crucial factor for
life quality. Neighbourhood residents should live in a sound environment that is related to
factors such as air quality, acoustic pollution, and urban heat island. The environmental
quality within a neighbourhood is determined by both onsite and offsite pollution sources
and the related environmental laws and regulations of the city. Urban infrastructure such as
water supply, wastewater treatment, waste disposal and communications are all relevant to
the basic needs of people and they are also issues related to the general urban context.
Neighbourhood residents also need to travel between different destinations every day. Thus
means. Sustainable neighbourhoods should also reduce dependence on the use of private
vehicles which is related to air pollution, land consumption, and congestion. The key issues
transport service, providing sufficient conveying capacity and encouraging use of bicycles.
Accessibility to public transport and local facilities & amenities is also argued by Fields
The second core value is ecological sustainability which means that development needs to
recognize natural limits. As argued earlier, without a healthy environment, basic needs
cannot be met in the long-term. The earth’s natural capital is seen as a finite quantity and its
use must be spread out over time in order to benefit as many generations of people as
possible (Aall 2001:229). Buildings, unlike many other physical entities, may exist from
several decades to over one hundred years. Thus it is important to develop a life-cycle view
on their consumption of energy and resources, which have significant environmental and
future of humanity itself, it is vital for each level of human society to prevent irreversible
Brundtland Report, it is not only an issue at a technical level, but “a moral obligation to the
current generation and for future generations” (WCED 1987:51). The principle of reducing
local and global environmental impact also addresses other local and global environmental
impacts such as water pollution and waste generation. In many developed countries,
technologies of dealing with local environmental contamination such as air and water
pollution are quite mature. The priority is moving to combat global environmental woes
such as climate change, acid rain and ozone depletion. But in the developing world, both
site will be changed permanently. Thus the principle of maintaining site ecology involves
reducing site disturbance, preserving site ecosystems, improving use of recycled materials,
and complying with construction codes. These issues are related to the construction
Sustainability Core Values Neighbourhood Sustainability Principles
Figure 2.3: Matching values to principles in the context of neighbourhood built environment
The third core value - social equity - covers a wide range of sustainability issues and is often
interwoven with the requirements of meeting needs and preserving the environment. For
example, the poor are more vulnerable to environmental degradation, thus, many
environmental problems are equity-related. Since not everyone owns a car, the availability of
transportation, the location of mass transit and the option of a walkable environment are also
equity-related. School proximity may also be an issue of gender equity because women,
rather than men, often need to pick up their children at schools. Since planning is about
influencing the future distribution of activities in space to create a more rational organization
of land uses and linkages between them (Reeves 2005), neighbourhood layout has the most
layout should facilitate sound environmental, social and economic consequences. For
example, provision of social facilities and open space is important to forge a sense of
community and improve life quality, especially in the compact urban context of many Asian
cities. Improving housing affordability and local economy refer to issues such as improving
housing affordability, reducing operational cost and benefiting the local economy. For
example, neighbourhood developments should boost the local economy by using local labor
These nine neighbourhood sustainability principles depict what the profile of a sustainable
neighbourhood should encompass and they represent some common characteristics that
describe the challenges (or targets) that sustainable neighbourhoods are facing wherever
they are located, even if the particularities of different neighbourhoods lend themselves to
different mixes of priorities and solutions. These principles will be used as the assessment
It should be noted that this research does not attempt to universally apply these nine
nine principles represent at least the core part of urban neighbourhood sustainability since
they are rooted in its core values. It should also be noted that since the urban context and the
priorities and solutions will be needed within the framework of these principles.
2.6. Summary
This chapter has discussed in detail general sustainability and its relation to the
neighbourhood BE. A neighbourhood is not only a group of buildings with open spaces
between them, but also a place where social activities occur. In addition, the existence of
neighbourhoods is dependent on the infrastructures and services provided by the urban matrix.
Neighbourhood is the key link between individual buildings and the broader urban areas.
Sustainability efforts will be less effective at city and building level if neighbourhoods are not
properly addressed.
assessment. First, neighbourhoods should be evaluated in the spatial and temporal frame.
Second, neighbourhoods have four basic components including buildings, open space,
infrastructure and people. Third, there are nine sustainability principles applied to
systems and material & energy accounting methods, will be examined to understand their
Chapter 3: Review of Building Rating Systems
There are a great number of tools for environmental assessment of the BE (Forsberg and
Malmborg 2004), ranging from construction material selection, energy labeling, indoor air
quality to whole building assessment, and then to urban scale BE. Reijnders and Roekel
(1999) have roughly classified current BE assessment tools into two groups: qualitatively
based building rating systems, and quantitative tools “using a physical life cycle approach
with quantitative input and output data on flows of materials and energy” (Forsberg and
Malmborg 2004). In both groups there exist a diverse variety of concepts all over the world
This chapter will discuss building rating systems, which currently operate at two spatial
scales: individual building level and neighbourhood level. In this chapter, the research first
tries to define green building and green building assessment. Then a number of rating
systems at individual building level are selected and compared. The purpose of this
comparison is to examine their scope and assessment scales, as well as identify the common
issues addressed in these systems. Since the individual building assessment cannot address
the public space and the collection of a group of buildings, currently there is a trend to
expand rating systems to neighbourhood level. This chapter will further examine a number
of rating systems at neighbourhood level. The capacity of current rating systems to address
also be discussed.
Building assessment is defined in this research as the endeavors that attempt to evaluate
technique that “has building environmental assessment as one of its core functions, but
label” (Cole 2010:274). This can distinguish them from other building related assessment
methods such as Life cycle assessment (LCA) methods and building ecological footprint,
which currently are not used as market-based tools.
environmental quality, siting, infrastructure, and pollution”. Kilbert and Grosskopf (2005)
argue that the ideal green building should have five major features including integration with
local ecosystems, closed loop material systems, maximum use of passive design and
renewable energy, optimised building hydrologic cycles, and full implementation of indoor
environmental quality measures. Burnett (2007) suggests that the green building definition
The above definitions all primarily address the environmental performance of a building. In
recent years, there are arguments that green building approach should move on to consider
broader sustainability issues (Cole 2005; Kohler 1999), i.e. the socio-economic dimension,
which constitutes the major distinction between ‘green building’ and ‘sustainable building’.
As stated by Lutzendorf and Lorenz (2006), ‘green building’ focuses on “the assessment of
environmental and (to some extent) health-related attributes of buildings, while ‘sustainable
building’ leads to the inclusion of economic and social matters that results in a substantially
wider scope of assessment criteria”. One of the most radical criticisms toward the current
green building initiative is proposed by Tuan-Viet (2008), who argues that the expansion in
the application of green building rating systems, while pushing buildings as much as possible
to the highest rating level, may ignore some other social and economic issues and thus may
possibly not increase the sustainability outcomes of the urban area as a whole.
Lutzendorf and Lorenz (2006) describe the history of building rating systems in four stages.
In the first stage, systems compared buildings based solely on construction costs. In the
second stage, systems added environmental impacts and technical solutions to their life cycle
cost analyses. In the third stage, they shifted their aims from operationally defining green
building to operationally defining sustainable building. The fourth stage will go beyond this to
compare multiple themes, such as water, energy, livability, and others, addressing them as an
integrated system and accounting for interdependencies. Lutzendorf and Lorenz suggest that
building rating systems are currently between stages three and four.
Cole (2010:273) points out that regulatory approach and building rating systems (that are
The regulatory approach refers to the introduction and enforcement of building related
environmental laws, regulations, codes and standards. They can be very effective due to the
“nature of mandatory requirement”. (Cole 2010:273). But Cole (2010:273) argues that
level of performance” and do not necessarily “drive developers to achieve higher levels of
environmental impact such as energy use or indoor environmental quality (Cole 2010:273).
occurred through the introduction of voluntarily based building rating and labeling systems
(Cole 2010:274). The primary objective of these systems is to stimulate market demand for
buildings with improved environmental performance. An underlying premise is that “if the
market is provided with improved information and mechanisms, discerning buyers can and
will provide leadership in environmental responsibility and others will follow suit to remain
The building rating systems have directly influenced the performance of buildings (Cole
2010:274). Examples can be seen in many countries around the world, such as LEED in the
US, BREEAM in the UK, CASBEE in Japan, and Green Star in Australia. Cole suggests that
these programs are increasingly positioned “not only as the most potent mechanism for
affecting change, but, seemingly and unfortunately, as the sole focus of the current
There are also signs that these assessment systems have moved beyond voluntary market
compulsory performance requirements (Cole 2005), for example, LEED has been required
by many federal agencies, and state, county, and local governments as the compulsory
requirement for new buildings funded by them in the US (Retzlaff 2008). In Australia,
government-funded public buildings also need to meet the requirement of Green Star.
Based on the description in Retzlaff (2008) and Retzlaff (2009), a typical building rating
system is composed of a checklist of items organized into categories such as water, energy,
siting, planting, and indoor environmental quality, some of which may be optional. In most
systems, each item is assigned a point value, and users must obtain a certain number of points
in each category. The judgment of which item should be included in a system and the
assignment of point values are subjective. Ultimately, a building receives a total score to
reflect its environmental performance. Often, the scores are used to assign a ranking, such as
platinum, gold, or silver. Users typically pay to use the system, and get in return market
recognition, and promotional opportunities. Many of the major building rating systems offer a
suite of products each targeted at a specific building type, phase or situation, for example,
The use of this type of building assessment system is not only for labeling purposes and
marketing promotion. In many cases, they have been used as planning and design tools
(Crawley and Aho 1999, Cole 2005, Lutzendorf and Lorenz 2006, Pyke et al. 2007, Retzlaff,
2008, Retzlaff, 2009) because they present “a set of organized environmental criteria. By
default they are understood as being the most important environmental considerations by the
planning and design teams” (Cole 2005). Lutzendorf and Lorenz (2006) also point out that the
use of the building rating systems by planners and designers can facilitate “comparison
between different solutions or optimizing sketches and designs during the whole design
Current building environmental rating systems have enjoyed considerable success and have
“dwarfed all other mechanisms for instilling environmental issues within the building
industry” (Cole 2010:275). Cole (2005, 2010) identifies a number of factors that have
z The prior absence of any means to both discuss and evaluate building performance in a
comprehensive way.
manageable form.
z Public-sector building agencies have used the building rating system as a means of
z Manufacturers of ‘green’ building materials have been given the opportunity to make
However, suggestions about the inadequacies of current building assessment systems and
their future development paths are also endemic in the research community. Some studies
have urged the need to extend the current practice into the sustainability domain by
methods in building assessment (Crawley and Aho 1999, Fay et al. 2000, Zhang et al. 2006,
Li et al. 2010). Other studies have focused on the scale issue and concluded that it is
necessary to expand the assessment from individual building level to urban scale BE (Cole
2005, Kumar 2006, Jones et al. 2007, Cole 2010). Some studies have stressed the
importance of developing regionally and locally specific systems to fit the local contexts and
goals (Liu et al. 2006, Retzlaff 2008). Others call for the calculation of ‘absolute’ values of
the actual environmental impact of a building (Kohler 1999, Olgyay and Herdt 2004).
Among all these criticisms, the subjective nature of the existing building assessment systems
is most vulnerable. This has led some researchers to question their “factual basis” (Retzlaff
2009). The rating systems provide only relative, not absolute, assessments of building
measures and their corresponding weights determined based on subjective judgments. Thus
they cannot indicate the specific impacts of a development on the environment (Cooper 1999).
For example, using LEED, it is possible to construct a ‘gold’ rated building of 250,000 square
feet and a small 25,000 square foot ‘‘silver’’ rated building. The large building will have a
better environmental rating but will also have a larger environmental impact (Olgyay and
Herdt 2004). Olgyay and Herdt argue that this would skew the evaluation because there has
More clearly, Kohler (1999) criticizes current building rating practice since “it hides the real
mass and energy flows which determine the effective environmental impact” based on the
assertion that “the specific environmental impact of one human being can enormously vary
according to the society in which he lives; some building rated ‘green’ in one country would
(1999) proposes that the building assessment should be based on ‘absolute flows’, e.g.
energy, materials and land. By this, it allows “us to really compare the impacts created by
In addition, as these assessments are relative and contextually implicit, they cannot take the
temporal dimension into consideration (Cooper 1999). They intend to take a snapshot
assessment of the environmental (or sustainability) state at a particular time point but are
often unable to address the past (e.g. embodied impacts) and the future (e.g. operational
impacts). For example, Pearce and Fischer (2001) find that there are two categories of
z Impacts associated with manufacturing products and transporting them to the project
site, or the impacts associated with disposal of waste, even if that disposal involves
Furthermore, Treloar et al. (2000) argue there is a need to consider not only the
environmental impacts related to a building but also the environmental impacts attributable
to activities being undertaken by the actual users of the building. Essentially, energy is not
used by buildings, it is used by people, who participate in many different types of activities
during their lives. Thus, in the analysis of buildings, it is also necessary to understand the
impacts generated by users’ activities and life styles such as individual transportation and
household daily consumption. In this regard, current building rating systems mainly aim at
providing green labels to the development itself and ignore the influence generated by the
Finally, another criticism is that the existing assessment methods at individual building level
do not address the “many economic, social and performance facets over the life span of a
building and do not provide building assessment results for all dimensions of sustainable
development” (Lutzendorf and Lorenz 2006). To some extent this inadequacy may be
explained by the fact that they are whole building assessment tools, and essentially deal with
issues lying within their sites. Also it may be because “many of the issues related to building
impacts (especially social and economic) are difficult to quantify when considered on the
There are numerous individual building assessment systems in current practice which are
used to evaluate how buildings affect the environment. These systems are very diverse in
terms of development history, strategy choices, assessment structure, assessment criteria and
local benchmarks. Some comparative studies can be found in the literature which generally
look at the effectiveness and applicability of these systems (see for examples, AIA 2008,
In order to understand the essentials of the individual building rating systems, five major
international building assessment tools and two China specific systems are selected by a
screening analysis. The purpose is to study three specific matters: first, to gain an
employed in these systems; second, to identify common and specific issues; and finally, to
Fowler and Rauch (2006) conducted a screening analysis to find applicable rating systems
with the potential to be used for evaluating General Services Administration (GSA, which is
the managing body of federal properties) projects in the US. They identified 34 systems for
further investigation and set up screening criteria in order to concentrate the review on the
z Relevance: Does the rating system provide a “whole building evaluation” rather than an
z Measurable: Does the rating system use measurable characteristics to demonstrate the
z Applicability: Can the rating system be used on all of the types of commercial buildings
that GSA builds or leases (e.g., offices, courthouses, and border stations)?
z Availability: Is the rating system easily adaptable to the U.S. market or currently
Fowler and Rauch (2006) finally identified five building rating systems that scored
positively on all of the screening criteria. The systems were CASBEE, BREEAM, LEED,
Similar to the approach adopted by Fowler and Rauch, the initial 34 rating systems (the
number reduces to 23 after combing sub-systems affiliated to the same system family, for
example, LEED Canada, LEED India and LEED Mexico all belong to the LEED family) are
used as reference systems to conduct the screening analysis in this thesis. However, the
screening criteria need to be adapted to the research purpose of this thesis. The new
z Relevance: Does the system provide a “whole building evaluation” rather than an
environmental performance?
z Applicability: Can the system be used on residential buildings including multiple unit
z Availability: Can access to a full version of the rating system (an application manual and
z Adaptability: Has the rating system been used in countries other than the original
It is apparent that the first two criteria are almost the same as those of Fowler and Rauch
(2006) and their scoring on these two criteria is adopted by the thesis. If one of the first two
criteria indicates negative scoring (i.e. does not meet the criterion or information is unknown)
by Fowler and Rauch (2006), there is no need to check the next three criteria. The result is
shown in Table 3.1.
Finally, five rating tools score positively on all screening criteria (see Table 3.2). Besides
these five tools, CEPAS and GOBAS are also added to the list because they are applied to
the Chinese territory. Each of the tools in Table 3.2 will be examined more thoroughly in the
3.2.3 CASBEE
first launched in 2004 by the Japan Sustainable Building Consortium (Saunders 2008). The
current CASBEE building assessment comprises four basic tools tailored to evaluate
(CASBEE-EB), and CASBEE for Renovation. A newly emerging tool, CASSBEE for Urban
buildings, or urban scale. This is one of the discussion focuses later in this chapter.
According to the technical manual of CASBEE-NC (2008), CASBEE assessment tools are
designed to examine both the Environmental Quality (Q) and the Environmental Load (L),
evaluation indicator. ‘Q’ refers to the environmental quality within the building site while ‘L’
represents the impact that the building exerts on the exterior environment. The current
framework of CASBEE building assessment includes three categories in the ‘Q’ aspect,
respectively, indoor environment, quality of service and outdoor environment on site. The ‘L’
aspect also comprises three categories, being energy, resources & materials, and off-site
environment. Each of the categories consists of a number of issues and each issue comprises a
deemed to be much more complex than BREEAM, LEED or Green Star (Saunders 2008).
Weighting is applied to each level through the whole assessment process. Scores firstly are
assigned to each of the assessment criteria by a certificated CASBEE assessor. The scores are
then weighted and aggregated from criteria level, to issue and category level, and finally reach
a unique Q score and L score. The BEE result is calculated based on the Q and L scores and is
Generally CASBEE is a relatively new system developed for the Japanese market. Fewer than
10 buildings have used the system and all of those are in Japan (Fowler and Rauch 2006).
However, it seems that CASBEE has influenced the development of green building
Beijing 2008, is largely dependent on CASBEE (Fowler and Rauch 2006, TopEnergy
3.2.4 LEED
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) was developed by the US Green
Building Council in the U.S. in 1998 as a consensus-based building rating system based on
the use of existing building technology. It has provided a relatively simple way to label the
performance approach.
Currently there are 7 versions of LEED developed to assess various types of buildings
including schools, retail, homes, core and shell development projects, commercial interiors
projects, existing building and new construction & major renovation. A pilot version of
LEED for Neighborhood Development was developed in 2007, which will be discussed in
LEED-New Construction 2.2 (LEED-NC 2.2) is organized into six assessment categories:
sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor
environmental quality, and innovation and design process. Each category includes a few
prerequisites that must be achieved, and a number of optional assessment criteria. Each of the
assessment criteria is assigned one credit point and where there are multiple performance
levels each level is worth one point. Achieving credit points is dependent on the
accomplishment of the requirements given by the criteria, for example, one credit point will
be given if a building can reduce potable water use for landscape irrigation by 50%. The
LEED overall score is determined by totalizing the number of points achieved in all
assessment criteria, and then ranked in one of the five levels – Uncertified, Certified, Silver,
Gold and Platinum. There are no formal weightings assigned to the assessment categories and
criteria in LEED. However, since the assessment categories have different numbers of criteria
(thus different numbers of points), it is argued by some researchers that the number of points
related to each category is a de facto weighting (Retzlaff 2008). For example, in LEED-NC,
14 possible points are assigned to sustainable sites, 5 to water efficiency, 17 to energy and
innovation and design process. The maximum points that an assessment category can achieve
LEED is currently dominant in the US and is being adapted to other countries worldwide
(Fowler and Rauch 2006). Since the initial launch LEED has been used to certify 1823
3.2.5 SBTool
SBTool, is formerly known as GBTool, which was developed in 1996 by the International
Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment (iiSBE) in Canada. Compared to the GBTool,
SBTool has added some socio-economic and urban planning criteria to extend from ‘green
Unlike market-based tools such as CASBEE and LEED, SBTool (2007) follows a different
development mode. It is not a rating tool that can be directly used to evaluate buildings unless
it is validated by an independent third party (AIA 2008) by defining scope and setting weights,
designed to allow countries to design their own locally relevant rating systems” (iiSBE 2007)
in line with the local contexts. The reason underlying SBTool method is because assessment
tools are context specific, and it is neither appropriate nor sufficient to directly adopt existing
methods for evaluation of buildings in a different context. SBTool allows authorized users to
establish a scope for assessment, to have the system reflect the relative importance of
performance issues in a particular region, and also to contain regionally relevant benchmarks
(iiSBE 2007). By replacing the default benchmarks and their responding weights provided in
SBTool with their own, users in different countries and regions can ensure that the system will
be relevant to their unique local conditions (iiSBE 2007). Custom versions of SBTool have
already been implemented in several countries including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Italy, UK,
respectively performance issues, categories and criteria. In total it has seven performance
issues, 29 categories and 125 criteria. The seven issues comprise site selection, energy and
quality, social and economic aspects, and cultural and perceptual aspects.
SBTool establishes a weighting system for each of the assessment levels. A default value is
recommended for each criterion, providing the “base for a green building performance target”
(AIA 2008). Similar to CASBEE, the weighted scores are aggregated from criteria level to
issue level, and then to an overall score. Buildings evaluated will be ranked into one of the
four levels: negative, minimum acceptable performance, good practice and best practice.
3.2.6 BREEAM
developed in the United Kingdom in 1990 and is the “building environmental assessment
method with the longest track record” (Fowler & Rauch 2006). BREEAM covers a range of
building types including offices, eco-homes, industrial units, retail units, courts, prisons,
The BREEAM methodology also calculates an environmental rating by awarding points, for
meeting the requirements of a series of criteria. Each of the criteria is usually worth a single
credit except where there is a large variation in the performance of buildings which meet the
requirements of the criteria (Saunders 2008). For example Reduction in CO2 Emissions is
assigned 15 credits awarded on a scale which runs from one credit for a building just above
the minimum level required to meet UK Building Regulations, up 15 credits for a building
BREEAM is structured hierarchically in two levels: criteria and categories. Each of the
eight categories and 33 criteria. The categories comprise: energy, transport, pollution,
material, water, land use and ecology, health and wellbeing, and management.
Similar to LEED, BREEAM does not have a formal weighting system that assigns weighting
coefficient to each of the criteria and categories. Instead, each of the criteria is given a number
of points which represent “the perceived importance of the environmental issue” (Saunders
2008). For example, Building Fabric (improving insulation performance) is given 2 points
while Drying Space (minimizing energy for drying clothes) is assigned only 1 point. In total,
assessed, points are awarded for each criterion and the points are added for a total score. The
overall building performance is then awarded a “Pass”, “Good”, “Very Good” or “Excellent”
rating based on the score. There have been more than 100,000 buildings certified by
BREEAM and another 500,000 buildings registered (Saunders 2008).
The Green Star rating scheme is provided by the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA)
in 2003 to “promote sustainable development and the transition of the property industry to
(Tredrea and Mehrtens 2008). It was developed on the basis of BREEAM and LEED. Green
Star uses the same mechanisms to calculate the environmental performance as those
employed by BREEAM. However, adaptations have been made in order to reflect the various
differences between Australia and the UK, such as the climate, local environment and the
All Green Star projects are evaluated against eight categories of environmental impact plus
innovation. Akin to BREEAM, the eight environmental categories are: Management, IEQ,
Energy, Transport, Water, Materials, Land Use & Ecology, and Emissions. Each category
comprises a number of criteria, each of which addresses a few requirements that need to be
met. Achieving points is dependent on the accomplishment of the requirements given by the
criteria. Once all assessment criteria in each category are evaluated, a percentage score is
calculated and Green Star environmental weighting factors (only for category level) are then
applied. A single overall score is then determined by adding all the environmentally weighted
category scores plus any innovation points. The final score of Green Star is ranked into three
A distinction between Green Star and BREEAM is in the addition of a category for
Innovation. There are a maximum of 5 points available for innovation and the innovation
points achieved are added to the weighted score calculated from the eight environmental
categories. Since Innovation is one of LEED’s assessment areas, Fowler and Rauch (2006)
also put LEED as another development basis of Green Star together with BREEAM.
The current Green Star assessment can be used for building types including healthcare, retail
centres, education, offices, and office interior work. In July 2009, the Green Star extended its
assessment range from the public building domain to residential buildings by releasing Green
Star-Multi Unit Residential V1, which is specifically designed for evaluating buildings with
more than 2 dwellings. It retains the same structure as other Green Star tools but some of the
criteria are eliminated in the multi-unit residential version, for example, Ventilation Rates, Air
Change Effectiveness, Carbon Dioxide Monitoring and Control are deemed to be not
3.2.8 GOBAS
GOBAS (Green Olympic Building Assessment System) was developed by a research project
team in 2003 specifically for evaluating Beijing Olympic construction. It was developed on
the basis of CASBEE and LEED (Fowler and Rauch 2006) with the consideration of
As indicated in its technical manual (Jiang et al 2003), GOBAS mainly covers three building
types - office buildings, residential buildings and sport stadiums. The whole assessment is
divided into four stages, including planning, design, construction, and operation &
categories, issues and criteria. GOBAS has 11 assessment categories including Site
Selection, Environmental Impact Assessment for Master Plan, Transport, Green Space,
Energy, Water, Material & Resource, Indoor Air Quality, Outdoor Environment,
number of issues and each issue includes a number of criteria. GOBAS establishes a
separate weighting table for weighting reference. Weighting is applied to category level and
issue level. Similar to CASBEE, GOBAS uses Q (Quality) scores refer to environmental
quality and service quality, while LR (Load Reduction) scores are used to reflect reduction
levels of environmental loading. The final Q/LR score is calculated based on the Q and LR
GOBAS has been successfully applied to Olympic construction in Beijing. However, the
rating system does not seem to have been applied to other projects.
Table 3.8: Summary of GOBAS 2003
Scale Whole building
Development basis Based on CASBEE and LEED
Approach Performance benchmark
Weighting Applied to category and issue level
Categories Site selection, environmental impact assessment for
master plan, transport, green space, energy, water,
material & resource, IEQ, outdoor environment on site,
construction management, operation management
Complexity Relatively complex
Results display Five levels
Application China
Addressing social concerns? Sparse
Addressing economic concerns? No
3.2.9 CEPAS
under Hong Kong’s 2001 Government Policy Objectives to form a green building labeling
scheme. CEPAS (2006) is designed as a generic assessment scheme for various new and
existing building types (both residential and non-residential) as well as building demolition
and alteration works. The entire assessment process covers the pre-design, design,
CEPAS establishes a three level hierarchy in structure. Eight performance categories are
identified for CEPAS, which are Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), Building Amenities,
Impacts, and Neighbourhood Impacts. The IEQ, Building Amenities, Site Amenities and
Neighbourhood Amenities are mainly human-related and the remaining categories are mainly
physical factors. Each category is allocated with a specific weighting, which directly
numbers of performance & strategy indicators and each indicator may include a number of
criteria. There is no weighting for individual indicators and criteria. These indicators and
criteria reflect the unique local characteristics in Hong Kong such as high urban density, hot
and humid climate (Wu and Yau 2005). The CEPAS performance labels are divided into 4
levels, which are `Platinum’, `Gold’, `Silver’ and `Bronze’.
A very significant feature is the intense, high density built environment in Hong Kong, which
improves the efficiency of the public transportation network in Hong Kong, but also reduces
the potential for the sun and daylight access and wind. It also incurs visual impacts and
creates social problems such as lack of privacy (Wu and Yau 2005). Therefore, amenities for
site and neighbourhood are considered important social assets. Site amenities such as open
CEPAS (2006) considers a broad picture of building performance beyond the boundary of the
It is a challenging task to put these systems side by side and conduct comparisons between
them. Many systems have generally similar assessment categories (e.g., energy, water,
building materials, sites, neighborhoods, indoor air quality) but the number of indicators and
benchmarks included within each category varies widely across systems. Different systems
also often classify similar indicators and benchmarks under different categories (Retzlaff
2008). Moreover, they also have different development approaches, strategic choices,
structure and local benchmarks, which lead to an evident heterogeneity (Ali-Toudert 2008).
Nevertheless, such an effort is useful in understanding how the building assessment systems
work and how they may be applied at larger scales of the urban built environment. The
findings of the evaluation concentrate on five aspects - overall structure, scope, scale,
All seven rating systems reviewed adopt multi-level (i.e. categories, indicators and
weighting systems, implicitly or explicitly, for example, CASBEE gives weights to all
assessment levels while LEED relies on the number of points attached to each criterion.
Figure 3.1 gives an example of assessment category Transport in BREEAM, which consists
of four assessment indicators. Each indicator includes a few benchmarks (criteria). Weights
It is apparent that all the systems reviewed evaluate building performance by þcountingÿ the
number of ‘green measures’ that are incorporated, and not by the actual environmental impact
the buildings have on the environment. Building performance is represented by scores it earns
from the accomplishment of the requirements given by the assessment criteria. These systems
do not directly address the actual environmental load in real measurable units.
which leads to one of the major criticisms of current building rating systems in the literature,
as noted in the previous section. However, compared to MEA methods such as LCA and
Eco-footprint, building rating systems provide relatively easy and comprehensive ways of
instructing the assessment process. In addition, buildings are human-related and many social
issues, especially those related to people’s ‘feeling’ and ‘views’ are hardly quantitatively
Cycle storage
local amenities
3.3.2 Scope
Scope comparisons between different building rating systems have been conducted by some
researchers, e.g. Retzlaff (2008), Lowe and Ponce (2008), Sinou and Kyvelou (2006), and
Ali-Toudert (2008). These studies reveals that many rating systems take a relatively
Basically, the seven systems reviewed here handle the major environmental issues
experienced within a building site boundary including energy, water, materials, wastes and
indoor environment. However, opinions diverge on what aspects of the issues should be
examined and how much weighting should be given to them. For example, regarding the
assessment category of transport, four points, or 5% are given in LEED, eight points, or 7%
are given in BREEAM and 14 points or 10% of the total in Green Star. The percentages of
points falling under each category of each system are shown in Table 3.10:
Table 3.10: Scope comparison of the seven building rating systems reviewed
Categories Star
Site 14% 8% 7% √ √ √ √
Water 7% 5% 8% √ √ √ √
Energy & 25% 32% 28% √ √ √ √
Material & 19% 29% 18% √ √ √ √
Indoor 22% 7% 14% √ √ √ √
Transport 6% 7% 9% √ No √ √
Building 7% 10% 15% √ √ √ √
innovation, and
Socio-economic 0% 0% 0% √ No √ No
Note: (1) The percentages in LEED, BREEAM and GreenStar are the ratios of available points of each category to the total
available points. Columns may not add to 100% due to rounding.
(2) Tick means the category is addressed. It is not possible to calculate the value of each category in SBTool, CASBEE,
CEBAS and GOBAS due to their scoring structures.
It is apparent from the above table that the majority of the assessment categories covered by
the systems are either classified as environmental (e.g. those relating to greenhouse gas
relating to building user comfort) in that they have a combined social and environmental
A few observations are presented as follows:
z Site ecology, energy consumption, water use, and indoor environmental quality are
common to all the systems. These environmental concerns constitute 87%, 81% and 75%
of the total available credits respectively in LEED, BREEAM and Green Star.
commercial, has developed a relatively comprehensive view with consideration for the
human dimension. However, one should be aware that SBTool is a generic framework
providing many criteria that users can choose from. It needs adaptation before being
z It shows that a holistic view on economic, social and environmental dimensions is not
affordability and access for physically handicapped people, are still marginal or absent
in the systems.
Retzlaff (2008), they normally also relate to an underlying environmental concern. For
example, access to transit facilities is important for social and economic reasons, but
that help to reduce transport usage but also provides economic benefits for the local
z Many of these systems claim a life cycle view (e.g. CASBEE, CEPAS, and GOBAS).
However, impacts related to the pre-occupation stage such as embodied energy are
neglected. BREEAM is the only system that addresses the life-cycle issues by linking
the material selection criteria to the Envest program that assesses the life-cycle impacts
of building materials and elements (see detailed discussion in Chapter 4). However,
there are no parameters used to directly measure the life-cycle environmental impacts of
the whole building, let alone those impacts related to users’ activities.
The comparative analysis demonstrates that the systems reviewed have been predominantly
developed to assess environmental issues and none of them have the capacity to adequately
assess the full range of neighbourhood sustainability. These systems also lack the capacity to
examine the building over the long-term.
A valid question is “how broad should a building rating system be”? Sinou and Kyvelou
(2006) and Retzlaff (2008) stress that the expectation of assessing the whole socio-economic,
technical and environmental system is not realistic. Nevertheless, there is evidence that
building assessment systems have begun to move towards a broader scope (Retzlaff 2008,
Cole 2005).
3.3.3 Scale
Visually, there are different spatial scales of the built environment. These physical
boundaries may be visualized as a building site, a building block, a district or a whole city.
Buildings, together with support facilities and services, are developed to form residential
neighborhoods that are organized within cities (regulated by an urban master plan for
example). Thus a building is one space within an interconnected social and spatial network
The sustainability of a building has internal dimensions and is also affected by outside
factors in its surrounding environment. Retzlaff (2008) uses a scaling system of five
hierarchies to examine different systems and concludes that most building rating systems
assess performance at a fairly small scale. Again, a comparative evaluation of the 7 selected
assessment systems is conducted for issues of scale and the results illustrated in Table 3.11.
It is apparent that the reviewed systems are site limited. These systems tend to assess the
building in isolation from the rest of the world (that is, the urban context). On average, 74%
of the total assessment criteria refer to either building level or site level. The CEPAS has 79%
of its operational criteria within the site boundary while Green Star has the smallest
percentage of 66%. In regard to the offsite impacts, SBTool and CASBEE have the greatest
percentage (24%) of their criteria addressing offsite impacts, while LEED has only 11%.
There is no attempt to address how buildings perform vis-à-vis other human activities or
what type of urban context they stand in.
Table 3.11: Scale Comparison of the seven building rating systems reviewed
Building 54% 42% 50% 47% 67% 50% ─
Site 22% 27% 16% 28% 10% 29% ─
Community& 11% 12% 11% 20% 19% 18% ─
Global 0% 6% 5% 4% 5% 3% ─
Other 14% 12% 18% 0% 0% 0% ─
Note: (1) The percentages are the ratios of the number of criteria in each scale to the total number of criteria, regardless of the
number of points assigned to each. GOBAS divides the whole assessment into four stages and each stage use different criteria so
a classification is not possible. Columns may not add to 100% due to rounding.
(2): Definitions of scale elements (Retzlaff 2008):
Building level: criteria relate to attributes of a building or types of building materials;
Site level: site-specific attributes such as landscaping, site design, site preservation, and site impacts;
Community & Regional level: impacts on the neighborhood, community, and region, such as offsite transport, neighborhood
design, and neighborhood density;
Global level: global impacts such as GHG emissions and ozone depletion potential; Only direct criteria that are related to the
measure of carbon emissions are included. Energy-related criteria are classified into building scale.
Other: attributes that do not fit the above classification, usually administrative criteria.
It should be noted that this only provides a rough indication of the criteria falling in each
scale element since some criteria also can be referenced to another scale. For example,
building energy consumption also implies the GHG emission. However, this comparison
indeed provides evidence that current building rating systems are more focusing on building
performance rather than examining the interwoven relationships with outside environments.
In general, these systems are obviously limited to building sites and are focused on building
environmental performance. The spatial issues addressed in these systems mainly include
transport-related issues and accessibility to facilities (schools, hospitals, etc). Many other
spatial issues such as open space, urban infrastructure, and spatial configuration are largely
3.3.4 Adaptability
Building rating systems vary significantly in how they were developed and how they are
applied to buildings (Retzlaff 2008). For example, LEED is based on US building guidelines
and therefore it assumes every building has air conditioning (Vreenegoor et al 2008). All the
Regarding adaptability, LEED may surpass other systems. It is the most commonly used
whole-building rating system around the world (Low 2009). LEED is already used in 24
countries including China (Yudelson 2008:73). In 2006, there were 513 projects certificated
by LEED with a construction area around 53 million sq. ft. (Yudelson 2008:5). In the UK
there are over 115,000 buildings certificated by BREEAM and over 700,000 homes and
been applied in countries including the USA, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey and Hungary
Green Star is used in South Africa, New Zealand, as well as Australia (Slavid 2009). The
adaptation of SBTool to local context is found in the literature such as Shari (2007) and
CASBEE has influenced the development of Chinese systems such as GOBAS (Jiangyi et al
2003). GOBAS and CEPAS do not seem to have been applied outside their region of origin.
It is interesting to note that vastly different results would be produced when different rating
systems are applied to the same building. Slavid (2009) discusses an empirical case study
conducted by a Glasgow-based simulation company IES. The purpose of this study was to
conduct a comparison between LEED, CASBEE, and Green Star. However, only the energy
building in Dubai is used as the case study. The case study building failed its LEED
assessment. Under BREEAM, the building fell into category B for its energy rating, which
gave it 2 out of a maximum of 15 points available. In contrast, under Green Star, the building
scored 11 points out of a potential 20. As explained by the research leader, Green Star was
designed for a hot climate, and LEED covers all the very diverse US climate zones.
Kawazu et al. (2005) also conducted a similar comparative study. Four high performance
office buildings in Japan and 1 fictitious low performance building were evaluated using
LEED, BREEAM, GBTool and CASBEE. The assessment results showed that BREEAM and
Variation may occur in the same country across different climate zones. Some criteria are
relatively easy to achieve in one location but not in another. Cidell and Beata (2009) have
demonstrated that spatial variation in the implementation of the LEED assessment does exist
across the US. Variability across criteria and across space underscores the intuitive fact that
designers, architects, and builders take advantage of the flexibility allowed in the LEED
certification process, and that they apply the criteria that best fit the budget, resource
constraints, and human and physical environments of specific projects (Cidell and Beata
In general, the strength of adaptation may depend on factors such as cost, complexity,
language, market promotion, time consumed in the rating systems’ use and flexibility within
different climates. Assessment tools are all designed for internal comparison between
buildings scored under the system, rather than comparisons of buildings appraised under
different systems.
3.4.1 Incentives
The review of the rating systems at individual building level reveals that they are building site
together with the consequences for urban infrastructure systems” (Cole 2010:273). Buildings
are built within neighbourhoods and Saville-Smith et al. (2005) argue that the spatial
al. 2005). The efforts to reduce the environmental impact of individual buildings will be more
development form. For example, a mixed use neighbourhood development can greatly reduce
Thus there are incentives to expand building level rating systems to neighbourhood scale
while at the same time, keeping the original assessment structure unchanged. Among the 7
building level rating systems examined in the previous section, 3 of them have released a
Green Star Precinct is currently under development. The purpose of such expansion can be
stated as “assessment [that] can go beyond the environmental design of each building, to
identify new or expanded environmental measures, and their effects, that are made possible
their sites, and the public environment such as roads, open spaces, and landscaping features
which exist in between those sites. Neighbourhoods also embrace socio-economic features
such as social interactions that are generally more intensive at this spatial scale. It is obvious
from the foregoing discussion that, without modification, the current single building
assessments are not capable of dealing with the neighbourhood BE of merged sites and
Though different names are adopted for these neighbourhood systems, respectively
larger scale of the BE beyond single building sites. There are no confines on their
evaluated may be a few buildings on two or three adjoining plots, but they also can combine
tens, hundreds or thousands of building plots and land not built up, such as roads and parks.
LEED-ND also defines a wide range of development that may constitute whole
or maximum for project size and no strict definition for what would comprise a
neighborhood (LEED-ND 2007). The current pilot projects under LEED-ND program are
range from 0.17 acres to over 12,000 acres (USGBC website 2009). The
BREEAM-Communities defines the size of developments that fall into its jurisdiction as
small (up to 10 units), medium (between 10 and 500 units), and large. These scale
definitions actually are open-end in terms of spatial levels of the BE. They can be applied to
any ‘organized urban area’ that is beyond a single building site and are universally subject to
The majority of eco-labels in the building industry cover building materials or elements rather
than whole buildings (Scheuer and Keoleian 2002). However, with the wide application of the
building rating system, labeling for the whole building has greatly increased in the market, as
discussed in previous sections. Like their building counterparts, the main objective of
neighbourhood rating systems is to “provide a credible and holistic environmental, social and
The neighbourhood labeling process is also akin to the certification process at building level.
structured in the systems. The scores achieved will be aggregated to an overall rating score by
multiplying the weights assigned to each level of the assessment (except LEED-ND that has
no formal weighting system), which will determine the final certification level of the
neighbourhood projects may have a significant longer construction period than single
buildings, the whole labeling process could be split into stages. For example, LEED-ND
allows some form of approval issued to the projects at different stages, which may include:
z Optional Pre-review: a letter is issued by USGBC stating that if the project is built as
z Certification of an Approved Plan: USGBC will issue a certificate stating that the
approved plan is a LEED-ND Certified Plan and will list it as such on the USGBC
similar awards for public display at the project site and will list it as such on the USGBC
Beside them, the China Eco-housing Assessment Technical Manual (CEATM) that is
focusing on the SRD level is also reviewed. One distinction between the CEATM and the
other systems is that it is not developed from the building version. However, they have
72 Development background
In the early years of the 21st century, Americans are beginning to realize that the urban
unhealthy and damaging to the natural environment (Yudelson 2008). The concept of
Council (USGBC) 2006 report, increased density and greater proximity to various services
will increase walking, bicycling, and public transit use as well as reduce vehicle travel and
emissions, and improve public health (Ewing and Kreutzer 2006:122). LEED-ND was
developed to reflect this trend (USGBC website 2009) and tried to define what constitutes
‘green development’ on a broader scale than just one building (Yudelson 2008:139).
The USGBC, together with the Congress for New Urbanism (CNU), and the Natural
Resources Defense Council (NRDC), launched the LEED-ND pilot program in 2007. There
are about 238 projects currently participating in the pilot program (USGBC website 2009)
The USGBC has examined the notable features of 205 out of 238 LEED-ND pilot projects.
z The pilot projects are primarily located in dense, urban areas with more compact
z Residents in the pilot projects’ zip codes are 2.5 times more likely to use public
transportation than residents in all zip codes. Furthermore, they are more than twice as
z While the average project size is 298 acres, the median project size is 30 acres. The
smallest project size is 0.17 acres, while the largest is approximately 12,800 acres.
in New Zealand and it was found to be unsuitable for NZ conditions (Lietz et al 2008). It
seemed to be very labour intensive, less useful in relation to existing neighbourhoods, and
generated some quite contradictory outcomes (Lietz et al 2008). For instance, the NZ test
neighbourhoods against which the draft LEED-ND was applied had good surveillance
features although none had the characteristics that would generate a good LEED-ND score
make it relevant to the NZ context by replacing US standards and laws with New Zealand
LEED-ND maintains the same assessment structure as the previous building level systems.
It consists of four main issue categories, namely Smart Location & Linkage, Neighborhood
Pattern & Design, Green Construction & Technology, and Innovation & Design Process.
Each category encompasses a few prerequisites and many credits (LEED-ND 2007). In
order to be certificated, a project must meet each prerequisite. Each credit is optional, but
achievement of each credit contributes to the project’s point total. There are 106 total
possible points. A minimum point total (40-49) is required for certification, and higher point
scores are required for silver (50-59), gold (60-79), and platinum (80-106). There is no
formal weighting system. The number of points assigned to each assessment criterion
actually gives a de-facto weighting, and as argued by Retzlaff (2008), it also provides
flexibility for developers to choose suitable strategies according to their budget and time and
LEED-ND is mainly focusing on location, neighborhood pattern, and urban layout with less
environment. Looking at its mandatory prerequisites, six of the nine are concerned with site
selection & location, two refer to neighborhood layout and one reflects construction
pollution. Accessibility to existing urban services and employment (job, school, amenities,
public space etc) seems to be predominant. There are six criteria directly addressing this
issue with possible scores of 11, 10% of the total possible scores. Table 3.12 indicates the
percentages of each theme in the content of LEED-NC and LEED-ND. A few observations
waste disposal.
z Offsite issues in terms of transport, location, site impact and neighbourhood fabric are
Like its building counterparts, LEED-ND provides a way to measure environmental impact
without clearly addressing each stage of the neighbourhood life span because it is not
designed as a life-cycle assessment tool. However, it is clear that LEED-ND gives greater
consideration to socio-economic matters and urban context issues compared to its building
3.5.2 BREEAM-Communities
The newest product of the BREEAM family, BREEAM-Communities, was launched in June
2009 with the purpose of assessing the overall sustainability of a proposed development at the
planning stage. This scheme has been piloted on projects in nine regions in the United
Kingdom including the Athletes’ Village for the London 2012 Olympics which includes
existing Regional Sustainability Checklist for each of the nine English regions. The Checklists
cover regionally specific sustainability and planning issues, emphasizing those of higher
based on the established BREEAM building systems. The current version of BREEAM
Communities is only focused on the statutory planning (developer application) stage of the
Communities 2009).
LEED-ND. It can be generally divided into three phases. First, the developer, subject to
agreement by the local planning authority, selects the most appropriate “compliant assessment
methodology” (e.g. the Regional Sustainability Checklists) to assist in determining the final
assessment criteria for the specific development. Second, based on the compliant assessment
development and local area requirements. Finally, through an independent and qualified
BREEAM assessor, the compliant assessment framework is certificated against the
Scoring and weighting are also regionally specific. First, applicable credit issues that apply to
the specific development in its defined region are selected from a comprehensive issue list.
Mandatory issues must be consistent throughout each of the regions. Second, each individual
issue has a maximum of three credits available. This is then multiplied against the
corresponding regional weighting to the score available for that particular issue. Third, the
section scores are added together to give the overall BREEAM Communities score which is
then compared to the benchmarks. Providing all mandatory requirements have been met, the
relevant rating is achieved. Fourth, an additional 1% can be added to the final BREEAM
Communities score for each innovation credit achieved (up to a maximum of 10%)
(BREEAM Communities 2009). The final score is presented in percentage of achieved scores
PASS, and higher point percentages are required for Good (40%-55%), Very Good
There are eight main categories in the current BREEAM-Communities framework. They
include Climate and Energy, Community, Place Shaping, Ecology and Biodiversity, Transport,
Resource, Business and Economy and Buildings. Each of them comprises of a number of
assessment criteria covering the environmental, social and economic impact of a development
project. In order to score, they need to meet the requirements of the benchmarks designated.
Where a performance benchmark has been achieved the number of available BREEAM
matters and urban context issues such as location, transport, community connectivity, and
urban layout. Compared to LEED-ND, it takes a broader view of economic sustainability that
not only includes housing affordability but also addresses the economic benefits that
quality also is ignored in BREEAM Communities. It does not directly address GHG
emissions instead embracing outcomes of climate change such as increased flood risk. The
From this table it is clear that there is a significant increase in the number of criteria
addressing issues of site, transport, community, and economy while emphasis on individual
building performance and environmental dimensions is reduced. There are 24% of the total
criteria examining water, energy and material & waste compared to 66% in Ecohomes. Issues
beyond building site such as transport, location, community and economy are significantly
BREEAM-Communities addresses many more social, economic and urban layout issues than
Construction independently which may constitute a significant part of energy & resource
3.5.3 CASBEE-Urban Development
CASBEE for Urban Development (CASBEE-UD) has been developed by the Japan
Sustainable Building Consortium (JSBC) and was announced on July 2006. According to
buildings at urban scale, focusing on the phenomena that can accompany the conglomeration
of buildings, and the outdoor spaces around the buildings. CASBEE-UD deliberately excludes
the interior of buildings from assessment (although there are exceptions in some assessment
items) because it focuses on ‘collective effects’. Therefore, the function of CASBEE-UD and
It is also mentioned in the CASBEE-UD (2007) that further work is required in future to
develop an assessment framework which integrates both methods. There is currently a version
called ‘CASBEE-Urban Area + Buildings’ that assess the urban fabric as a whole, including
be evaluated separately against the CASBEE building version and aggregated to the whole
area, while the area as a whole must also be examined against CASBEE-UD. Since the
individual buildings but which have high levels of public interests (CASBEE-UD 2007).
buildings varying from a few to hundreds or even thousands. Thus the scale and composition
of the development evaluated is very diverse, but there are two basic types to be assessed.
One is the city-center type (high usage development with standard floor-area ratios of 500%
or more). The second type is general development with a standard floor-area ratio below
500%. These two types use basically the same system and a common approach but may differ
CASBEE-UD maintains the same assessment structure as the CASBEE building version
which examines both environmental quality (Q = Quality) and the environmental load on the
exterior of the building (L = Load), and uses the function Q/L to calculate Building
CASBEE-UD and its building version address similar themes in their assessment
frameworks but there are great divergences in terms of scope and scale. For example, both
address Service Quality, but CASBEE building assessment examines the building service
services provided to the development such as waste treatment system, information systems,
The current framework of CASBEE-UD, includes three categories in its ‘Q’ section,
the Designated Area, and Contribution to the Local Community (history, culture, scenery,
and revitalization). The ‘L’ section also comprises of three categories, namely,
issues and each issue comprises of a number of assessment criteria. Weightings are applied
to each level of the assessment structure. In order to score, it needs to meet the requirements
of the benchmarks allocated to the criteria. Certificated buildings are ranked in five grades:
Excellent (S), Very Good (A), Good (B+), Fairly Poor (B-) and Poor (C). Table 3.14
Again, this table indicates there is a trend towards large scale building assessments which
are designed to emphasize the whole area with much less consideration of individual
buildings. There is no criterion directly addressing buildings and their interior environment
in CASBEE-UD (though a few criteria may indirectly examine it). The emphasis is placed
on community and local environment beyond the individual site scale which takes up 45%
CEATM was developed by a group of building experts from diverse research organizations
led by the Chinese Society for Housing Industry in 2001. The latest version was issued in
2007 (updated from 2003). It focuses on the planning, design and management of China’s
Small residential district (SRD). It was developed on the basis of a number of international
building level rating systems such as LEED, BREEAM, GBTool, CASBEE, and NABERS
divided into two stages: a planning and design stage, and a completion and operation stage.
Both stages consist of a limited number of assessment categories. Each category constitutes
issues and criteria. There are two types of criteria in the categories: compulsory and optional.
The compulsory criteria are those required by building laws, regulations and standards. The
optional criteria are a number of ‘green’ measures. The compulsory criteria must be met
before the development is allowed to enter the formal assessment procedure. No formal
weighting system is established. Scores are given if these measures are realized. Each
assessment category is given a maximum 100 points. Therefore, the maximum points for the
CEATM emphasizes its application to different parts of China. There are two issues related
z Heating and cooling load, both reflecting building energy consumption and the
z The assessment for the indoor thermal environment which also refers to different
climate zones.
From the above description of the working of CEATM, it is very akin to LEED in terms of
structure and scoring approach. However, its application is neither as wide as LEED, even in
China, nor is there third-party certification, nor are accredited assessors required.
CEATM comprises 5 assessment categories: environmental plan and design, energy and
environment, indoor environmental quality, water environment, and materials and resources.
z Environmental plan and design: site selection, transport, green space, air quality, noise
reduction, lighting.
z Energy and environment: building energy saving, optimization of energy system, use of
z Indoor environment: indoor air quality, indoor thermal environment, indoor lighting
wastewater treatment and reuse of wastewater, reuse of rainwater, water use for
z Materials and resources: use of green materials, materials obtained locally, recycling of
resources, indoor renovation, and treatment of solid waste.
Compared to the other three systems aforementioned, CEATM has traversed the scales of
neighbourhood and individual buildings. The reason may be because it was not developed
neighbourhood and building scales. However, the competing demands between maintaining
a working number of assessment criteria and addressing both neighbourhood and building
issues may be not practical. CEATM has 29 assessment issues, addressed repeatedly in each
of the two stages and 389 criteria (including both compulsory and optional criteria). The
large number of criteria makes the assessment time-consuming and laborious. In addition,
sometimes assessors need to make subjective judgments due to the ambiguous statements of
the criteria. For example, one criterion requires that ‘the development must be reasonably
planned and has sound connection to the public service facilities’, but there is no explanation
on what is a ‘reasonable plan’ or ‘sound connection’. These could be a reason why CEATM
is not robust in the market and lacks the capacity to develop third-party based assessment.
Furthermore, its assessment scope is akin to the individual building level tool, LEED-New
Table 3.15 indicates that, with the solitary exception of LEED-NC addressing additional
‘innovation & design’, other assessment categories are the same. It is obvious that it largely
focuses on environmental issues and lacks a social and economic dimension. Its assessment
focuses are placed on the individual buildings rather than the neighbourhood as a whole. It
environmental issues such as transport, green space, and local air quality. Overall, CEATM
looks more suitable if operated at building level than neighbourhood level, according to the
Table 3.16 shows the spatial scales the assessment criteria address in different rating systems.
It is apparent that the building level systems assess performance at fairly small scale. On
average, 54% of the total assessment criteria refer to building level while only 20% are
concerned with site level. Only 14% of the total criteria are addressing issues at community
& City level. Predictably, the neighbourhood rating systems (exclude CEATM) have broader
scales than their building versions. On average, 55% of the total criteria examine community
and urban issues and 32% address development level. Only 9% of the total criteria refer to
building level. CEATM is more akin to the building level assessment systems. It has 43% of
the total assessment criteria relating to the building level and 48% addressing the site level.
Only 9% of its criteria address social and economic issues like the community, urban context
3.6.2 Contrasts and common factors
order to generate an overall view as well as identify the common factors they address. A few
First, resource and energy consumption including land, energy, renewable energy, water and
materials, are addressed by all systems, as they are common environmental challenges
emphasis placed on individual building performance. Only a few criteria such as building
energy efficiency and green building certification directly address building performance.
The interior of buildings such as indoor environmental quality is largely ignored. CEATM,
on the other hand, tends to evaluate the environmental performance of individual buildings.
The building performance, including indoor environmental quality, is still an important part
of its assessment.
site preservation, project location, neighbourhood design, and transport. The most frequently
addressed issues in LEED-UD are Conservation of wetland and water body within site, and
Access to local amenities and facilities. Both have four criteria relating to them. In
CASBEE-UD, the most frequently addressed issues are Conservation of site ecology and
Heat island reduction with four related criteria, followed by Access to local amenities,
Urban Integrity, Disaster facilities, and a few others, with three related criteria. In
BREEAM-Communities Safety is the most frequently examined issue with four criteria
accessibility and walkability with relatively less consideration given to local and global
environmental impact, urban infrastructure capacity and economic dimension. Density is now
considered a critical component in sustainable urban development in North America and is
central to many of the credits within LEED-ND (Cole 2010:280). The weight of this issue
seems not as significant as in CASBEE-UD. This reflects the fact that many Japanese cities
are already built at high urban density. In such high-rise and high-density compact cities, the
questions could be more concerned with air and noise pollution, limited access to daylight and
natural ventilation, and limited space for vegetation (Cole 2010:280). Thus, CASBEE-UD is
more concerned with environmental issues such as site ecology, local environmental impact,
attention on issues such as project location, street layout, and housing affordability which are
layout, transport and economics & costs with less reference to local environmental impact and
urban infrastructure. It is the only rating system that puts economic dimension as an
buildings, it is not surprising that energy performance and water conservation are the most
addressed issues.
Fourth, there are 15 common issues that are covered by LEED-ND, CASBEE-UD, and
Reducing water use, Reuse of rainwater and greywater, Access to local amenities and
management, Access to public transport, Public transport capacity, Use of bicycle and
electronic vehicles, Transport planning and management, Waste disposal facilities, and
Overall, compared to their building versions, neighbourhood rating systems are more focused
on urban issues, particularly on three aspects: open space, social interaction and spatial
features (e.g. location, accessibility, urban infrastructure, etc). However, they also lack
BREEAM-Communities presents a few criteria relating to the selection of materials for the
construction of open space through the use of the LCA tool Envest, but other neighbourhood
components, i.e. residential buildings, community buildings and users’ activities, are not
3.7 Summary
The review indicates that building rating systems operating at both individual building level
issues proposed. The individual building level systems are limited to the building sites and do
not address social and economic dimensions adequately. On the other hand, the
The major advantage of qualitatively based building rating systems is that they are capable to
address many socio-economic matters and spatial issues that are often hard to quantify.
Besides, they provide a subjectively based assessment method that is easy to use which is low
cost and saves time, and their relatively simple structure and the score-based results are
added some urban issues (e.g. location and transport) to the building performance based
z It has not addressed the socio-economic activities that are naturally intensive at
neighbourhood level.
z It has not fully addressed the interrelationship between neighbourhood and the city such
z Its attempt to cover environmental issues at both building and neighbourhood scale
It seems that both building and neighbourhood level assessment should be applied to a
neighbourhood development because they each focus on a different scale that exists in the
neighbourhood, i.e. the individual building assessment concentrates on issues such as indoor
environmental quality, thermal insulation and ventilation while the neighbourhood dimension
of the tool emphasizes issues such as location, transport and community. However,
public areas and the cost of applying both of them (neighbourhood as a whole and each of the
incremental design cost, commissioning fees, documenting compliance with the various
criteria selected, energy modeling, and application fees may incur an increase of 1.5% to 3.1%
over the total construction cost of a building if applying for a LEED certification. The
commissioning fees alone may incur 0.5% to 1.5% of the construction cost.
Beside the increased cost, neighbourhood developers may also lack an incentive to adopt a
Building gives one point to the development in which 20-30% construction area of individual
buildings are certificated by a building level assessment system, two points for 30-40%, and
three points (the maximum) for above 40%. Given the whole LEED-ND assessment has 106
points assigned, it is unlikely many neighbourhood developers and designers would seek such
building level certificates at a cost incommensurate with the outcome. In this case, LCA
material & energy accounting could be an alternative because it addresses the material and
In addition, the systems at both spatial levels cannot address the temporal frame, which
constitute a major shortcoming of such assessment. Therefore they cannot deliver information
about the environmental impacts at different life stages. The neglect of life-cycle
consideration (e.g. the additive embodied energy and carbon emissions) may lead to
Furthermore, an inherent characteristic of this kind of assessment is that it cannot describe the
actual impacts in recognizable measurement units, e.g. tons of CO2 emission per capita, per
m2, per m3 and for housing purposes, per annum. They concentrate on the introducing of
‘green measures’. In other words, they cannot deliver information about the actual
environmental outputs produced by the original planning and designs. Planners and designers
cannot obtain appropriate information about the consequences of their decisions on the
environment (Olgyay and Herdt 2004, Lutzkendorf and Lorenz 2006). The increasing number
of ‘green certificated neighbourhoods’ does not allow decision-makers to identify the ‘hot
points’ of their concerns. For example, based on such scoring systems, it is difficult to
determine what measure could have the maximum effect in reducing carbon emissions at
neighbourhood level, and identify which type of neighbourhood should be given more
Finally, the scoring-based systems cannot use qualitative assessment results for aggregation
purposes at another spatial level (e.g. city building stock) (Lutzkendorf and Lorenz 2006).
that can provide absolute values of environmental impact and address the temporal concern
should be considered. In the next chapter, another primary BE assessment approach, material
Chapter 4: Review of Material and Energy Accounting
In the previous chapter, the building rating systems operating at individual building level and
neighbourhood level have been evaluated. Another primary approach relating to building
environmental assessment is Material & Energy Accounting (MEA). MEA methods are
defined as primarily seeking to quantify and represent flows of material and energy used in a
and Brunner, 1996). The main MEA methods include Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), Ecological
Footprint (EF), Carbon Footprint (CF), and Stock Aggregation. Material Flux Analysis (MFA)
underlies all these MEA methods. Compared to the increasing application of BE rating
systems, MEA methods still largely exist in the research community. In this chapter, detailed
reviews of the current MEA methods will be conducted and their strengths and inadequacies
The MFA approach was introduced by Baccini and Brunner in 1991. It originated in system
environmental accounting” (Kohler 2007:348). Baccini and Brunner (1991:10-11) point out
system. The subsystem environment comprises the compartments soil, water and air, while
anthroposphere consists of agriculture, industry, trade and commerce, households and waste
management. The anthroposphere actively acquires additional material and energy from
external sources to sustain it. The environmental compartments serve not only as source
provider, but also are sinks for the residual fluxes in a certain time frame. The calculation of
material fluxes between the anthroposphere and the environment involves three basic
‘processes’: transformation, transport and storage. Transformation refers to the process that
goods are changed into - new products with new qualities and usually new chemical
composition. Transportation is included because it requires energy and other goods and
materials (electricity, fuel oil, steel, etc). Storage involves the material and energy fluxes
relating to the treatment of the residuals (e.g. energy and material investment in the treatment
system in a specific geographic area during a certain period of time (Kytzia 2003). MFA is
often used in modelling for large scale regional studies. MFA quantifies the flows of specified
materials through a nominated region or industrial process and maps the principal material,
energy, and waste systems, including key linkages, over a given period (Blair et al. 2003).
The output typically uses a flux diagram, showing the quantity of a material flow which is
Kytzia (2003) describes a general system for models of the BE in MFA research (Figure 4.1).
maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) of the BE, usage of the BE, waste
treatment/recycling, deposition (landfill) and energy supply. The system also corresponds
with the remaining national economy via inputs and outputs of money, material and energy.
z System analysis: system boundaries, processes, materials and the choice of indicators;
(Kytzia 2003)
MFA provides a system methodology to calculate the absolute values of material flows for a
product or an industrial process. Material flux is one of the fundamental dynamics between
the anthroposphere and the environment. Other MEA methods, more or less, use it as a
conceptual underpinning to calculate the physical flows, though different methods are
adopted and different outcomes are presented. For example, the EF is in general not based on
actual land use or land cover data, but starts from the resource consumption of a specific
population in terms of mass units and transforms this mass (including CO2) into land
LCA is probably the most developed and widely used material accounting technique (Blair et
al. 2003). LCA is a method for the analysis of the environmental burden of products (goods
and services) from cradle to grave, including extraction of raw materials, production of
materials, product parts and discards, either by recycling, reuse or final disposal (Guineé
2002). This method is now widely used for building materials accounting and is emerging at
the level of whole buildings (Popovici and Peuportier 2004). Building LCA encompasses the
analysis and assessment of the environmental impact of building materials, components and
assemblies throughout the entire life of the building construction, use and demolition (Cole
Heat Recovery/ Sink
Pre-occupation Post-occupation Demolishment
GHG Emissions
Building life cycle can be generally classified into three phases: pre-occupation,
post-occupation and demolishment. Each phase involves material & energy inputs and waste
outputs. Pre-occupation often refers to embodied energy, which involves the energy used for
construction sites, and energy used for the construction process. The post-occupancy phase
involves operation of the building, i.e. heating, cooling and maintaining it. It should be noted
that it is also related to the users’ activities such as individual transportation and household
considering not only the life cycle energy of a building but also the life cycle energy
attributable to activities being undertaken by the actual users of the building. The
demolishment phase involves the demolishment of the building and the rate of material
Building LCA analysis is more complex than for many other industrial products because it
requires the aggregate effects of a host of life cycles of their constituent materials,
components, assemblies and systems. The International Energy Agency (IEA 2004b) points
z The life expectancy of a building is both long and unknown which causes imprecision.
z buildings are site specific and many of the impacts are local – something not normally
considered in LCA;
Therefore much data is needed and the associated product manufacturing processes can
z In the use phase, the behaviour of the users and of the services operators or facilities
functional unit;
z Buildings are closely integrated with other elements in the building environment,
particularly urban infrastructure like roads, pipes, wires, green space and treatment
facilities. Because building design characteristics affect the demand for these other
(IEA 2004b)
Thus, LCA in the construction industry is less developed today than in other industries
(Scheuer and Keoleian 2002). Recent studies have tried to use LCA to document the impacts
of a whole building, considering all building materials and operation. Several recent computer
programs incorporate LCA methods into tools for design and analysis of buildings such as
BEES, Athena and Envest. However, “because of data limitations, the large range of
construction techniques, material and system choices in buildings, none of these tools are
currently capable of modeling an entire building, or computing environmental impacts for all
LCA has been generally accepted within the environmental research community as the only
legitimate basis on which to compare alternative materials, components and services (Cole
2010:274). This constitutes one of the most prominent advantages of this type of assessment
because they can provide quantitative comparisons, for example, international indicators of
CO2 emissions are common and can potentially enable comparison between different scales of
the built environment and various contexts (Cole 2005). Such comparison is unrealistic based
on a BE rating system that is qualitatively based and contextually diverse. LCA methods also
enable aggregation from small spatial scale to larger scale, for example, material use at the
However, as summarized by Blair et al. (2003), building LCA is trenchantly criticised for a
requirements, a somewhat arbitrary method for setting study scope, and the way
IEA (2004b) points out that LCA method is powerless in evaluating the linkages between a
building and its environment and is typically beyond the capacity of LCA practitioners, for
example, the interaction between a building and the local environment such as noise, glare
and other factors. It is also incapable to deal with the occupant behaviour in the use phase,
transportation inputs, and the processes (and related flows) linked to the infrastructure of the
building (in particular water supply, sewage, and solid waste processing). These services
emphasize the fact that a building is an active ‘processor’ during the use phase, and that a
building is only one dependant element within a broader and much more complex urban
Keeler and Burke (2009:250-252) summarize the main limitations of the current building LCA
practice. First, LCA is a time-consuming and complex evaluation tool; second, LCA does not
consider sociological implications, such as the issues of social justice that are encountered
when resources are extracted from developing countries, altering patterns of living and habitat;
third, LCA does not adequately calculate human-health impacts mainly attributable to the
was found that only five criteria could be addressed or partially addressed by LCA. They were
MR2 (Construction Waste Management), MR4 (Recycled Materials), EA1 (Optimize Energy
Performance), EA2 (Renewable Energy), and EA6 (Green Power). These criteria are all about
material and energy flows. For many other LEED credits, LCA method cannot be applied.
In summary, building LCA analysis provides a way to quantify and compare material &
energy flows and the related emissions of the built environment at different spatial scales and
in different contexts. However, LCA methods are currently focusing on material and energy
flows and the tool has not been adapted to assess many sustainability issues such as social and
spatial concerns and site-specific impacts. Some studies have suggested responses to the
limitations of LCA methods. For example, IEA (2004b) suggests that the best alternative may
There are already several LCA-based building-oriented decision support tools in use or under
Envest, and ATHENA. Keeler and Burke (2009:252) classify the current building related LCA
methods into three levels: the first level such as BEES that is only evaluating the environmental
performance of building products. The second level is represented by Envest and ATHENA that
can deal with the whole building. The third level refers to the building environmental
assessment systems (e.g. BREEAM) that incorporate the methods at the second level into their
assessments. This section will give a brief review of the working of BEES, Envest and
BEES is a software tool developed by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) via its Building Fire and Research Laboratory. This tool uses inventory and impact
analysis to normalize and weight data and sum them into a single score (NIST website 2010).
The current Model 4.0 comprises ten categories of environmental impacts: acid rain,
ecological toxicity, eutrophication, global warming, human toxicity, indoor air quality, ozone
depletion, resource depletion, smog and solid waste (see Figure 4.3). These environmental
factors are aggregated into an Environmental Performance Score. In addition, the initial
maintenance, repair, and disposal are also evaluated and summed into an Economic
Performance Score. The environmental score and the economic score will be further
BEES adopts the LCA approach specified in the International Standards Organization (ISO)
14040 series of standards. The life stages include raw material acquisition, manufacture,
using the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard life-cycle cost
method. The technique examines costs over a given study period of initial investment,
replacement, operation, maintenance and repair, and disposal (Lippiat and Boyles 2001).
BEES is only used for evaluating the environmental performance of building products and
Figure 4.3 Screen clip of BEES 4.0 demonstration
Source: NIST website (2010) Envest
impacts attributed to the construction materials and the energy and resources consumed at the
whole building level and throughout the building life cycle. The current version of Envest 2
addresses the categories of environmental impacts including climate change, fossil fuel
depletion, ozone depletion, water disposal, human toxicity to air, ozone creation, human
toxicity to water, waste disposal, water extraction, acid deposition, ecotoxicity to water,
are a measure of overall environmental impact developed by BRE. Ecopoints are normalized
scores, obtained by dividing the total environmental impact of UK by its population. One
hundred Ecopoints are equivalent to the environmental impact of the average UK citizen in
one year. More Ecopoints indicate higher environmental impact (Vijayan and Kumar 2005).
Vijayan and Kumar (2005) summarize the Envest evaluation process. The first stage of the
tool requires input of the building details that include physical details and structural
characteristics. These details constitute the preliminary information on the project to be
analyzed. Varied building shapes are made available on the tool with their corresponding
Whole Life Costs (WLC) and Ecopoints. This facilitates the comparison of the user’s building
shape to that provided in the tool, and an opportunity to the user to select a different building
shape with better Life Cycle Costs (LCC) compared to that of the original (Vijayan and
Kumar 2005).
Building Fabric and Structure is the next area of analysis in the tool. This carries out a
detailed analysis on the different elements of structure and fabric and presents the Ecopoints
and WLC for each element. The elements involved in this part of analysis include: structure
and cement, external wall, internal wall, floors at different levels, external openings (windows,
roof lights), ceiling, and roof. The tool also analyzes the various services in a building that
include heating, lighting, water, ventilation, cooling, lifts, catering, office equipment and
humidification and discusses heat losses through walls, roofs, windows, and flooring (Vijayan
The final results of the analysis are supplied in the form of a number of reports and graphs
that compare the environmental and economic impacts of the various designs. The user has
the option of choosing the reports on Ecopoints or Ecopoints/sq-m and LCC or LCC/sq-m
(Vijayan and Kumar 2005). The reports and graphs can reflect various details about the
Ecopoint performance of various building parts as well as different building life stages, e.g.
embodied ecopoints vs. operational ecopoints. Figure 4.4 and 4.5 show the screen clips of
Envest 2 Demonstation programs that indicate the embodied ecopoints and the operational
ecopoints, and the breakdown of the whole building impact by different environmental issues
Figure 4.4: Screen clip of BRE Envest demonstration: embodied vs operational energy
Source: BRE Envest website (2010)
Figure 4.5: Screen clip of BRE Envest demonstration: building impact by different
environmental issues
Source: BRE Envest website (2010)
Because this tool deals with the environmental impact, the user has an opportunity to assess
the different impacts an element can produce when replaced with another – a sensitity
analysis. Results are interpreted in terms of environmental impacts. This feature highlights the
software because it enables the user to analyze a building’s impact under different types and
ATHENA has been developed in the Athena Sustainable Material Institute in Canada which
offers two tools for the LCA assessment of whole buildings and assemblies (assemblies are
complete systems, such as a wall or roof system, composed of individual products and/or
LCA-based decision support tool focused at the level of whole building, while the
EcoCalculator is working on the level of complete building assemblies. The EcoCalculator for
Assemblies can evaluate more than 400 commonly used building structure and envelope
The Impact Estimator applies to industrial, institutional, office, and residential buildings and
captures the systems implications of product selections related to a building’s structure and
envelope, taking into account the environmental effects of the following (Trusty undated):
z related transportation;
z on-site construction;
z building type and assumed lifespan, which can be varied to allow users to assess relative
durability effects;
The software also includes a calculator to convert operating energy to primary energy and
generate emissions to allow users to compare the environmental effects of embodied and
operating energy over the building’s life. The operating energy calculator requires a separate
Regarding results reporting, the software provides a detailed environmental life cycle
inventory of the embodied effects associated with the building as well as a set of six summary
measures. These summary measures include primary (embodied) energy, raw material use,
greenhouse gas potential (both fuel and process related), measures of air and water pollution,
Embodied primary energy is reported in Gigajoules (GJ). Embodied energy includes all
non-renewable energy, direct and indirect, used to transform and transport materials into
products and buildings. Solid waste is reported on a mass basis in kilograms and includes all
solid waste generated during manufacturing, construction, replacement, and demolition that is
destined for the landfill. Global warming potential is a reference measure. Carbon dioxide is
the common reference standard for global warming or greenhouse gas effect. All other
greenhouse gases are referred to as having a ‘CO2 equivalent effect’ which is a multiple of the
The air and water pollution measures are similarly intended to capture the pollution or human
health effects of groups of substances emitted in different life stages. It calculates and reports
these critical volume measurements based on the worst offender, i.e. the substances requiring
the largest volume of air and water to dilution to acceptable level (Carmody et al 2007:336).
Figure 4.6: Example of the results report in ATHENA
Source: Trusty (undated)
By reviewing the above building LCA methods, it is clear that they only measure
from a material consumption perspective. They do not address social and spatial issues such
as users’ consumption patterns, social cohesion, neighbourhood layout and transport network.
Furthermore, they work at the whole building level by aggregating the environmental impacts
from materials to assemblies of materials, and then to the whole building. The current Envest
and ATHENA have not incorporated the open space between buildings into their models. In
order to produce a holistic LCA analysis at neighbourhood level, it is important to address the
open space as well as the life-cycle energy attributable to activities being undertaken by the
However, Trusty and Horst (2002) argue that LCA methods such as Envest and ATHENA
establish a much better basis for informed environmental choices and therefore for assessing
the relative merits of a building from a materials use perspective. In summary, LCA methods
can calculate the ‘real values’ of materials & energy flows through a building’s life span. By
using LCA methods, building planners and designers can make comparison between different
Some studies argue the need to integrate LCA methods into building rating systems. Trusty
and Horst (2002) point out that the credit points assigned for building material selections in
many building rating systems have typically evolved from “an aura of conventional
environmental wisdom that does not always stand up to objective analysis”. For example,
LEED offers substantial credit for the use of recycled materials, the presumption being that
recycled materials will automatically result in reduced environmental burdens. However, this
may not always be the case, and recycling in any given situation may be good or bad. For
instance, recycling can save landfill space, but the process of recycling a given product may
take more energy and adversely affect air quality more profoundly than would production
from virgin resources (Trusty and Horst 2002). Trusty and Horst argue that the focus on
recycling in LEED ignores this possibility and implicitly gives more weight to solid waste
There are two ways to integrate LCA methods into current building environmental rating
systems (Cole 2010:276). First, existing LCA-based tools such as Athena Impact Estimator
and Envest can be used as the basis for evaluating materials, components and assemblies, and
can generate a ranked dataset. The building rating systems then give credits for selecting
highly ranked products or assemblies based on this dataset. Second, credits can be given to
decisions based on the use of an LCA tool by the design. For example, the Canadian building
rating tool, Green GlobeTM, offers credit for selecting materials that reflect the results of a
“best-run” life cycle assessment for foundation and floor assembly and materials, and many
BREEAM could be a good example to further explore the working of the LCA in current
building rating systems. First, the major building elements would be assessed by the Envest
program that produces a single score, referred to as an Ecopoint. According to the ecopoints
scored, these building elements then are classified into category A-C in the BRE’s Green
Guide for Housing Specification where ‘A’ represents the least environmental impact. Finally,
the relevant credits are allocated to a particular BREEAM criterion. For example, the Mat 1 in
obtaining an ‘A’ rating from the Green Guide for Housing Specification, for 80% by area of
the element, for each of the following elements (roof, walls, window, flooring, etc)’.
However, many building environmental assessment systems are still reluctant to provide LCA
input, e.g. the LEED system. The reasons could be the time and cost increase that is less
acceptable for systems functioning in a commercial market (Trusty and Horst 2002), and the
need to compile and keep up to date the life-cycle inventory database. In 2004, the USGBC’s
Life Cycle Assessment Working Group began an “LCA into LEED” project commissioned by
the LEED steering committee, and released a report in 2006 containing recommendations on
how best to achieve that (Keeler and Burke 2009:253). The proposed pre-approved list of
environmental impacts of building materials and assemblies would be based on the running of
ATHENA EcoCalculator (USGBC website 2009). The results of EcoCalculator would be then
translated into LEED LCA Credit Calculator to create LEED LCA impact scores. It was
expected to be incorporated into the LEED 2009 version (Keeler and Burke 2009:253) or
LEED V3. However, it did not happen. So far, the LEED is still lacking an LCA module.
From the above review, it is obvious that LCA is only used in the current building assessment
systems to select the building materials and components. It cannot give a full picture of the
building life-cycle environmental profile that should be much broader than materials selection.
Furthermore, since LCA analysis is integrated into the scoring system (e.g. BREEAM) and
presented as some standard measures (e.g. percentage of materials selected from a ‘green’
materials category), the ‘relative’ rating score covers much information that could help the
decision-making process. For example, designers cannot obtain information about the
‘absolute’ values of material and energy flows, thus cannot conduct in-depth analysis of the
environmental outcomes of the original designs. In addition, such integration occurs in the
assessment at whole building level, which itself can not deal with multiple buildings with
large open spaces. Finally, this integration is only focusing on the performance of building
without considering the users’ activities such as transport during the post-occupancy phase.
Ecological Footprint (EF) quantifies the amount of land area required to sustain the lifestyle
of a population at any size, from an individual, household, community, city, country or the
world. For example, if we divide the amount of productive land available on the planet
(approximately 13.6 billion hectares) by the world population then we would have 2.1
hectares each to provide us with all our resources and absorb all our waste (WWF 2008).
would have to be 2.1 hectares or less. This number can be seen as a target for ecological
sustainability globally.
The calculation of EF can be applied to different spatial scales. The World Wildlife Fund’s
Living Planet Report (WWF 2008) calculates EFs for 152 countries. This report indicates that
individuals in industrialized countries often have footprint as large as 4-10 hectares compared
to the world average of 2.7 hectares in 2005. EFs have been also calculated at region (e.g.
Rees and Wackernagle 1996), city (e.g. Wackernagel, 1998), neighbourhood (e.g. McLean
and Korol, undated), household (e.g. Høyer and Holden 2003) and product level (e.g.
On a larger scale the use of the EF has been more widespread (Barrett and Simmons 2003).
The EF analysis is primarily conducted at the national level where EF generalizations are
reasonably accurate and where sufficient data are available to allow calculations of total
apparent national consumption (McLean and Korol, undated). Generally there are two
methods to calculate EFs (Kumar 2006:65): the compound approach and the component
approach. The compound approach is applied to a whole country and it uses national
statistical data such as energy consumption and agricultural and forestry production. The aim
is to footprint the amount of various goods consumed by the country’s citizens. It depends on
a national input-output analysis that maps the total inflows and outflows of materials and
energy on annual basis. To do this, exports are subtracted from imports and added to domestic
production (Kumar 2006:65). For example, in order to calculate the EF of grain consumption,
the total domestic production will be added to total imports and total exports subtracted to get
an apparent national consumption. This is divided by the average yield of grain per hectare in
a specific country to get the total area of land required to provide grain. Dividing this by the
country’s human population provides the per capita EF of the average utilization of grain
(McLean and Korol, undated). WWF’s Living Planet Report is also an example of this
The component approach, on the other hand, analyses data on a life cycle basis (Kumar
2006:65). The unit quantity of products and activities is pre-calculated. It is then multiplied
by the total quantity (such as population, or number of items, as the case may be) to get the
gross ecological footprint. It is akin to a kind of bottom-up approach. This makes it possible
to calculate the sub-EFs in different life stages of a man-made product such as a building or a
There is very little information found in the literature about the calculation of EF for
neighbourhoods. McLean and Korol (undated) suggest that there is insufficient data
availability. No data are available on how much food residents of a particular neighbourhood
consume, or on what types of food they prefer, or on what distance that food may have
traveled to the households. Generally these consumption data are not collected at
neighbourhood level. It is also difficult to manage the scale of land use for a specific
neighbourhood (McLean and Korol, undated). McLean and Korol give an example about the
land used for EF calculation. 20% of the land in neighbourhood A may be devoted to a large
shopping mall and only 2% set aside for commercial uses in neighbourhood B but it does not
necessarily mean that the residents in neighbourhood A are consuming much more land for
The Integrated Spatially Enable Tool (ISET) has been developed by Kumar and Prasad
(Kumar 2006) at the University of New South Wales, Australia. It provides a framework for
the environmental assessment of study areas at various scales, from individual building to
entire city. The ISET basically is union of a GIS-based urban spatial model and an assessment
scenario. This framework is useful to quantify indicators with spatial meaning by aggregating
basic units to a certain spatial scale. This tool has been applied to part of the Sydney CBD.
The ISET uses four tangible indicators that can be quantified and aggregated to represent the
four key areas of sustainability. The four indicators include: return on investment representing
environmental impact, and embodied energy representing resource consumption. IEST uses
Stock Aggregation methods (see details in 4.5) to aggregate data from individual buildings to
urban scale BE. In assessment of Sydney CBD area, building data are aggregated into Census
Collection District level (typically each has 225 households), then further grouped into 5
customized zones.
ISET suggests a hybrid method to compute the EF. The analysis focuses on the built
environment (i.e. buildings, roads, parking lots etc) without consideration on the users’
activities such as the consumption of clothing, food and consumables. Thus, it is assumed that
buildings and the related infrastructure do not appropriate crop land, pasture land, and marine
or inland water for their construction and operation. The land use categories involved include
only energy land, degraded land, garden land and forest land. The scope of this study is
shown in Figure 4.7. The methodology for EF calculation adopts a bottom-up method. Each
of the land uses and related building characteristics such as building type, gross floor area
(GFA), and transport data are investigated. Some coefficients are used to calculate the total
quantity, for example, timber quantities are estimated using “GFA to Timber” coefficients
according to the types of buildings. Based on the calculation of individual buildings and the
related infrastructure, the EFs can be aggregated to the census districts, customized zones and
the whole CBD area. The results are illustrated in GIS maps.
At present, most EF studies are being used for educational and awareness-raising purposes
(Barrett and Simmons 2003). It can clearly delineate the ecological deficits of countries,
regions and cities. For example, the total EF in China, as a measure of the total demand on
nature that is required to sustain China’s total economic production, including the production
of exports, was 1.78 global hectares per capita in 2001 (Hubacek et al. 2009). The figure is a
bit less than the world’s average of 2.1 global hectares per capita, and about 40% of the
Japanese level. However, this national average cannot describe the whole picture of China.
Due to the polarized economic development in China, the EFs of different regions vary
greatly. For example, the total use of EFs in Beijing was 4.99 global hectare per capita, which
was 2.8 times greater than the national average (Hubacek et al. 2009), and even larger than
the EFs of the average Japanese citizen. This indicates that Beijing residents have a much
more resource intensive lifestyles than the rest of the population in China.
Based on the analysis and results of EF, it is possible to gain a general understanding of the
state of sustainability in a particular area. However, there are some criticisms of the
energy) and waste output (GHG emission, land degrading). This over-simplification of
z The highly aggregated EF score may hide much information during the process of
z The conversion of measurement unit from real impact values (e.g. tonnes of CO2
emissions) to global land area needs a variety of assumptions thereby increasing the
generality, uncertainties and errors associated with a particular estimate (Wiedmann and
Minx 2008).
With the concern of global warming gradually taking up the center of political debate,
calculation of carbon emissions have been applied to various aspects of society. A number of
carbon emission trading schemes (ETS) have been introduced in European countries, NSW in
Australia, New Zealand and some states of the US. These schemes are administrative
reduction targets. Under the ETS of the European Union, large emitters must monitor and
annually report their CO2 emissions, and they are obliged every year to return an amount of
emission allowances to the government that is equivalent to their CO2 emissions in that year.
There are more radical emission control measures currently under discussion. For example,
Personal Carbon Allowance Program, suggested by the Institute of Public Policy Research in
UK, may be the next step in tackling carbon emissions (Guardian website, 2009). Under this
program, every individual would be given a set allocation of carbon credits, which they could
use to ‘pay’ for purchases like home energy usage and petrol. Those with low carbon usage
would be able to sell their surplus credits on a carbon market, whilst those with high carbon
consumption levels would have to buy credits. Therefore, carbon emission calculation or
a company, an organization or an area, can influence various aspects of society like lifestyle
and behaviour. CF has become a widely used term and concept in the public debate on
responsibility and abatement action against the threat of global climate change (Wiedmann
The CF is a measure of the total amount of CO2 emissions that are directly and indirectly
caused by human activity. It measures the CO2 emissions associated with the domestic energy
we use and the way we travel as well as what we eat and what we buy and use. Most emission
protocols involve a tier structure (Matthews et al. 2008). The “Tier 1” definition consists of
the direct emissions (e.g. the CO2 emissions coming out of a firm’s factories and vehicles by
using primary energy types such as coal and petrol). Tier 2 expands the boundary to include
the carbon emissions from the use of secondary energy types (e.g. electricity and LPG in
homes). Tier 3 may involve ‘other indirect activities’ such as the embodied energy for
manufacturing various materials, semi-products and final products (Matthews et al. 2008).
Minx 2008, Matthews et al. 2008). Wiedmann and Minx (2008) found that there are a large
variety of definitions that differ in which gases are accounted for, where boundaries of
analysis are drawn, and several other criteria. The spectrum of definitions ranges from direct
CO2 emissions to full life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions and even the units of measurement
are not clear. For example, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) uses the total amount of
CO2 emissions per capita to measure the carbon footprint for the city of York (Haq and Owen
2009). Some definitions involve the total amount of CO2 equivalent emissions by
incorporating other greenhouse gas substances. Others argue that CF is a part of the
Ecological Footprint and it is measured in terms of “CO2 land” that is the amount of
“unharvested forests, needed to absorb that fraction of fossil CO2 that is not absorbed by the
Life-cycle thinking has been developed into one characteristic of CF estimates (Matthews et
al. 2008). For example, Haven (2007) mentions the CF analysis of an office chair is a
life-cycle assessment which took into account materials, manufacture, transport, use and
disposal at every stage of development (cited in Wiedmann and Minx 2008). Dadd (2007)
also uses LCA methods to measure the CF of a material recycling facility. Dadd’s analysis
involves the initial embodied energy for construction of buildings and roads, direct energy use
Currently, there is very little research regarding the CF calculation at neighbourhood level
mainly because the data required are not available at this spatial level.
footprints of neighbourhoods in York, UK, disassembles the assessment scope into six
categories including housing (e.g. energy used in the home), transport (e.g. private vehicle,
public transport), food (e.g. food, drink), consumables (e.g. clothing, household appliances),
services (e.g. financial advice, private education), and government spending (e.g. roads,
schools, hospitals) (Haq and Owen 2009). Compared to other studies that concentrate on
national input-output analysis, SEI’s study indicates how the CF can be calculated and
displayed at smaller levels of geography. The census based Super Output Area is considered
118 Super Output Areas in the City of York and on average, each contains around 1600
By calculating the carbon footprint associated with people’s everyday lives, it helps relate
climate change to local needs and priorities. Also it can be used as an educational and
SEI’s research found that the top ten York neighbourhoods which have the highest footprints
tend to be in commuter areas, urban centres or rural areas. Conversely, the ten
urban communities’ or areas with high concentrations of students. This kind of information
can help urban managers identify their policy priorities to reduce carbon emissions. This
research also shows that the average York resident has a carbon footprint of 12.58 tonnes of
CO2 per year. The breakdown by the categories of calculation is shown in Figure 4.8. It is
clear that the construction and running of houses, and the use of vehicles make up 57% of the
total carbon footprint, followed by the individual share of the public environment (hospitals,
schools, roads, etc) that constitutes 17%. The combination of consumables and food takes up
20% of the total carbon footprint. Considering only housing and transport, the average York
resident has a carbon footprint of 7.16 tonnes annually, and the range varies between 4.68 and
Figure 4.8: The breakdown of the carbon footprint of an average York resident
Source: Haq and Owen (2009:6)
A similar suburb scale study is conducted by Troy et al (2003) in Adelaide, Australia,
focusing on energy consumption and the related CO2 equivalent emissions. This study has
addressed both embodied energy estimates (buildings, roads, water supply network, sewerage
system, and vehicle fleet) and operational energy (electricity, gas and transport). Excluding
the embodied energy estimates for infrastructure and vehicles, the estimated annual CO2
equivalent per capita of Adelaide is between 4.7 and 6.7 tonnes. Troy et al (2003) also find
that operational (including transport) energy accounted for 72-83% of the total annualized
Stock Aggregation is “the process of evaluating the performance of a building stock using
environmental assessments of components of the stock” (IEA 2004c:1). For example, total
consumption of a resource like water in a building stock can be estimated by aggregating the
estimates of all the individual buildings in the stock. The consumption of resources and
energy directly depends on the dynamic relationships between a building’s structure and
proposed as the best method available for analyzing stock performance because “it can
capture the dynamic relationships within buildings that significantly affect energy and mass
‘bottom up’ approach. Any performance issues that can be assessed at the ‘bottom’ – for an
individual building or specific technology - can be aggregated upwards and used to evaluate
the performance of a building stock (IEA 2004b). A sketch of the working of the stock
aggregation technique is shown in Figure 4.9. The scale of stock aggregation can vary, from a
small housing stock within a single project, all the way to national building stocks for the
residential, commercial, and institutional sectors. It also can show the breakdown of energy
and resource use by each end-use (e.g. heating, cooling, lighting, equipment) and by each
building type (e.g. office, school, apartment, and retail). Thus, stock aggregation is a powerful
analytical instrument for analysis of the dynamics of the built environment at large scale.
Stock aggregation methods can contribute to decision-making in two ways: (IEA 2004b)
richer, more powerful database on building costs, energy and resource use, and
environmental effects.
At present no commercially available tools exist specifically for stock aggregation purposes
(IEA 2004c). However the evolution of micro models suggests that it should soon be possible
to create dynamic urban scale models of the stock. A number of Geographical Information
System (GIS) applications are currently available which used the results from micro models
to populate layers of data on houses and commercial buildings, and to provide easy
aggregation of data within user-defined spatial boundaries. Such tools can provide planners
with aggregated data on the performance of building stocks, and with rudimentary forecasts
(IEA 2004c).
Recently a number of tools have been developed to assist with the modeling and aggregating
of buildings. These tools tend to be based upon urban models created from GIS applications,
and contain layers of information on buildings and resource use. In order to better understand
the working of stock aggregation, the Energy and Environment Prediction (EEP) model is
The computer based Energy and Environmental Prediction (EEP) model has been developed
in the UK by the University of Wales, Cardiff, and has been used in some local authorities in
the UK and Australia to help in energy management and environmental planning (Jones et al.
2007, Snow et al. 2000). The current version of EEP has five principle sub-models to analyze
energy performance and related CO2 emissions in different sectors at city scale, which include
housing energy use, traffic flow, non-domestic energy use, industry and BE-related public
health (see Figure 4.10). The inclusion of the health problems related to the built environment
takes this tool beyond considerations of energy and environment. The current health
user’s needs, and the results are presented simultaneously through the associated GIS which
contains an Ordinance Survey (OS) map of the city describing the buildings and roads.
Sub-models exchange data through a data highway, making all data available to all
The individual building is the starting point for area aggregation. Postcode units, consisting of
30 dwellings or so, are considered a suitable spatial level of detail for displaying results in the
assessment of a town. The user therefore can pinpoint excessive energy use and associated
carbon emission “hotspots” on a thematic map at postcode level in a city (Jones et al 2007).
However, for larger spatial levels, such as a whole local authority area, postcode units are
considered to be too detailed with too many areas to be displayed (may be up to 3500
postcode units). Thus, the data need to be aggregated to a higher level, which would enable
the identification of larger problem areas, before focusing on the more localised ‘hot spots’.
Ward areas, each of them typically include 65 postcode units or 1300 houses, are chosen for
the analysis of larger spatial scales. Similarly, those postcode groups or ward areas with
unusual occurrence of BE-related health problems can be also identified on such a GIS-based
thematic map (Jones et al. 2007). Figure 4.11 illustrates the variation in CO2 emissions of
Figure 4.11: EEP model for a village illustrating variation in CO2 emissions of postcode units.
Source: Jones et al. (2007)
It is a very challenging, sometimes impossible, task to survey each of the buildings of a city
complete data collection and input for application to the Neath Port Talbot town which
includes 60,000 domestic and 4,000 non-domestic properties. In order to reduce time and
resource costs, the EEP model uses “house types” representing dwellings with similar
Jones et al. (2007), if all houses within an area can be reduced to 100 types, then subsequent
calculations only have to deal with 100 house types and not every house in the area. Then the
buildings in the area can be assigned to one of the 100 building classes by a ‘drive by’ survey.
consumption and carbon emissions. The cluster analysis procedure ‘forces’ dwellings into a
specified number of ‘clusters’ based on selected built form characteristics and the age of the
dwelling. The five characteristics of individual buildings used to create clusters and which are
considered to have the greatest influence on energy and emission performance are as follows:
z Façade (m2)
z Property age
By this means, it would considerably speed up the access and acquisition of data and make it
Overall, the EEP model enables city planners and managers to calculate, identify and present
energy use and carbon dioxide emissions at urban scale by aggregating data from single
buildings to postcode units, ward areas and the whole city. It can be used as a planning and
policy tool that will allow local government to select sites for development and improve the
building stock that is already present (Jones et al. 2001). It can also assist planners in making
comparisons between energy efficiency measures (e.g. double glazing, installing condensing
boilers, improving U-values of walls etc) for a group of buildings or urban area (Mitchell
However, there are some inadequacies in the current version of EEP. First, it is focusing on
buildings without consideration of the public environment such as roads, open space and
landscaping that exists between the building sites and also constitutes a significant part of
energy consumption and carbon emissions. Second, it does not take into account the
embodied energy of the BE, which is substantial and has significant impact on the total
resource consumption of any city. Third, the current models are labour intensive, time
consuming, and expensive to apply (Kumar 2006:57), and appear to offer few opportunities
for assessing the energy implications of city scale designs tested using strategic land use
Since Stock Aggregation begins with the analysis of individual buildings, and can aggregate
upwards to a certain spatial level of the built environment, it can facilitate the identification of
sensitive variables that may be especially important to the overall performance (IEA 2004c).
It is a useful tool to evaluate the material & energy flows of an area, e.g. a neighbourhood.
However, it should be noted that the open space of a neighbourhood should be also added to
The review of current MEA methods indicates that they are potent in quantifying material &
energy flows and related emissions, particularly in a long-term temporal frame. This is mainly
attributable to the intrinsic nature of such methods, i.e. they measure the absolute values of
environmental impacts, which facilitates the estimation of future material & energy intake by
adding time considerations such as replacement factors of building materials and expected
building lifespan.
However, these methods are weak in addressing many spatial issues, and site-specific
to urban services (e.g. transport, shopping, etc) and community cohesion are largely
qualitatively based and in any event, it is hard to link these issues to the flows of material and
energy. Moreover, site-specific environmental impacts such as noise, urban heat island and
light pollution, as well as impacts relating to site ecology (e.g. habitat loss, local water bodies)
cannot be properly addressed.
4.6. Summary
This chapter has reviewed the major material & energy accounting methods available and the
current practices of these methods. The MEAs’ strength in sustainability assessment is “their
capability to take long time frames both in the past and in the future into account and to be
applicable at different levels from individual buildings to urban systems” (Kohler 2007:348).
First, they provide quantitative and objective assessment in term of GJs of energy
consumption and tonnes of carbon emissions or other equivalent proxies, e.g. ecopoints in
Envest. These absolute values can spur planners and designers to envisage the environmental
outcomes of their work. They also facilitate in-depth analysis of various design options, for
example, designers can use Envest and ATHENA to evaluate different design alternatives
based on their real environmental impacts. Furthermore, some of these methods, such as EF
and CF, can be used for management and educational purposes so that lay people can easy
Second, MEA-based methods can facilitate life cycle thinking. Building is a particular
product that has a life span often over one hundred years. Cole (2005) argues that building
that LCA-based methods, compared with the scoring methods, demonstrate an in-depth
demonstrating how energy and mass flows or carbon emissions are caused through individual
actors’ decisions and actions, LCA-based tools will potentially increase actors’ motivation as
well as their willingness and ability to take self responsibility. For example, as discussed in
carbon profile.
Third, MEA-based methods can facilitate comparison and aggregation between different
buildings or building stocks in different contexts on a common basis. For example, tonnes of
carbon emissions per m2 or per capita can be used to compare the environmental impact of
different neighbourhoods that may be greatly diverse in terms of housing sizes, open space,
travel patterns, and so on. Thus material and energy accounting methods can help to generate
the best practices and benchmarks. By using stock aggregation methods, material and energy
flows can be summed up to different scales of the built environment, from building materials
However, existing MEA methods have been solely focused on the assessment of new
buildings at the design and planning phase or shortly after completion. Methodological
problems exist in connection with the assessment of existing buildings (e.g. the treatment of
embodied energy) (Cole 2010:280). They also suffer from huge data requirements that
hamper the use of these methods, especially at neighbourhood level because data typically are
not collected at this level. Thus, many assumptions have to be made or large scale surveys
have to be conducted. Beyond these technical limitations, a critical shortcoming is that MEA
methods do not comprehensively assess social (e.g. community involvement) and spatial
(e.g. noise, habitat). Thus parallel analyses (e.g. socio-economic analysis) would be needed.
It seems that MEA methods and building assessment systems are mutually complementary.
The former can provide objective and quantitative values about real environmental impacts
but fail to address broad sustainability issues (e.g. social and spatial). The latter can address
long-term time frame and cannot provide quantitative environmental outcomes. Therefore, a
hypothesis is proposed in this research that the union of them in the assessment could
generate better decision-making, especially in the case of the Chinese SRD which is suitable
Chapter 5: Conceptual Framework for Assessing
Neighbourhood Sustainability
This chapter follows from a review of the literature on the major BE assessment approaches.
The review indicates that both building rating systems and MEA methods can only partially
In this chapter, the research gap identified in Chapter 3 and 4 will be recapitulated, which
leads to a hypothesis that using both quantitative and qualitative approaches in tandem may
framework including a regionally specific neighbourhood rating system and LCA energy &
There are two primary approaches currently in the literature dealing with the environmental
assessment of the built environment, respectively qualitatively based building rating systems,
and quantitatively based material & energy accounting methods. Through the review of these
sustainability performance have only partially been captured. Building rating systems take a
snapshot of the sustainability state for a neighbourhood at a particular time point but cannot
describe the actual resource flows over its life cycle. Material and energy accounting methods
calculate life-cycle physical flows from a material and energy perspective but cannot address
The market prefers tools that are predominantly based on qualitative information because of
their ease of use (which saves cost and time) and because their assessment results can be
easily applied for marketing and analytic purposes (Lutzkendorf and Lorenz 2006). Building
rating systems are compatible with these market demands and thus have been the most
socio-economic and spatial issues because of their qualitative nature and open structure.
However, their main disadvantage is that they do not provide building related stakeholders
with appropriate information on the impacts of their actions on the environment. This
“restricts the possibility of increasing the actors’ motivation as well as their willingness and
In contrast, MEA methods are capable of potentially increasing actors’ willingness to take
responsibility by providing the actual environmental values behind their decisions. In addition,
this type of assessment can provide quantitative comparison at different spatial levels by
using the stock aggregation methods, for example, LCA energy and carbon accounting can
encourage comparisons between different scales of the built environment and various contexts.
Such comparison cannot be conducted based on scoring based assessments that are regionally
and contextually diverse. However, a major weakness of such methods is that they cannot
appropriately address and aggregate social and spatial issues, as well as site specific
environmental impacts. As noted earlier, solely focusing on material and energy concerns
may ignore many other problems and lead to unsustainability. It is worth reiterating here the
emissions, if residents feel excluded and isolated, suffer from poor health, will not go out for
fear of crime, and have nowhere to meet their friends or watch their children play in safety”
(BRE 2002b:26).
One of the key questions within the building-related assessment debate is how to provide
various decision-makers with the information required so that they can address their concerns
appropriately (Lutzkendorf and Lorenz, 2006). This means that decision-makers need more
decision information to improve the quality of their decisions. Since the assessment purposes
are greatly diverse among different users, an assessment framework that is flexible to
be highly beneficial.
In many cases, mixed information is needed to better understand the sustainability state of a
neighbourhood. For example, property buyers may like to know the LEED rating of a
neighbourhood development as well as the actual CO2 emissions implied by their buying
decisions. The need to employ both qualitative and quantitative assessment approaches is
“The use of the [building assessment] checklists merely allows for a qualitative verification if
the designer has met the posed requirements; without being able to assess the direct
economic, environmental, and social impacts of the design and/or building solution. This is
“It is increasingly understood that single [building] tools cannot be expected to serve all the
different conditions and requirements needed to infuse sustainability considerations into the
market. Indeed, a meaningful infusion of sustainability thinking into the building process
cannot, as Kaata et al. (2004) suggest, be effectively achieved through stand-alone methods
Other studies have also addressed this need. Pearce (undated) concludes that use of LEED
based analysis together with systems-based analysis can result in more recommendations than
either approach used independently. The complementary aspects of the two techniques may
help to identify issues missed by one or the other. Blair et al. (2003) suggests parallel analyses
should be conducted along with LCA methods because they cannot comprehensively assess
social and economic issues. IEA (2004b) concludes that since the LCA methods are currently
unable to predict most of the site-specific impacts of the BE, the best alternative may be to
combine LCA with more passive and qualitative evaluation tools. Liu et al. (2006) argue that
any single building evaluation tool, functionally and temporally, could hardly satisfy the
many different conditions and requirements in this area. Kumar (2006:247) suggests a similar
point that a single assessment technique probably cannot serve as the ultimate method for
assessing the sustainability of the built environment because a single technique cannot suit all
quantitatively based MEA methods are often found in the literature, and, to an extent, the
need to employ both approaches has been implicitly or explicitly addressed. However,
empirical analysis is not used to support these inferences and there are no studies found in the
literature that attempt to apply both approaches to the same case study neighbourhoods. This
research will provide this empirical analysis by combining two assessment approaches, the
neighbourhood rating system and LCA based material, energy and carbon accounting, to the
same case studies. The basic objective is to understand what additional decision-making
No single BE assessment method could satisfy the many different conditions and
requirements in the sustainable BE area. This is reflected in two dimensions: the contextual
and functional (Liu et al. 2006). In the contextual dimension, a single method cannot be
universally applied to different locations. Lietz et al. (2006) demonstrates that LEED-ND
cannot be used in New Zealand without modification. Cidell and Beata (2009) prove that
spatial variation in the implementation of LEED standards does exist across the United States.
Prasad and Hall (2003) observe that LCA practice appears to be a luxury in many developing
countries due to the high operating costs and intensive data requirements. Thus it is pivotal
that a method is adapted to the local context in terms of prevailing socio-economic conditions.
In the functional dimension, different functions are required by various users for different
purposes such as education, design support, and performance assessment. The fundamental
factor underpinning these functions is how much information the assessment can provide to
the decision-makers. Some effort has been made to combine several or all of these functions
into the overall building performance assessment tools (Liu et al. 2006). For example,
Lutzkendorf and Lorenz (2006) propose a suite approach, consisting of different tools, to suit
The critical review of the building rating systems and the MEA methods indicates that both on
their own are insufficient basis for decisions intended to optimize neighbourhood
regionally specific neighbourhood rating system and an LCA energy and carbon accounting
system usually can qualitatively address a full range of sustainability themes in a regionally
specific context. Its application will create a neighbourhood sustainability profile. On the
other hand, application of LCA-based energy and carbon accounting will generate a
neighbourhood energy & carbon profile which represents the real flows of materials and
energy from a life-cycle perspective. By evaluating the two profiles, it is inferred that they
can provide more decision-making information for various users such as planners, designers,
LCA Energy and Neighbourhood
Carbon Accounting Energy and Carbon
Is additional
Neighbourhood Neighbourhood
Rating Assessment Sustainability Profile
The above proposed assessment framework is not to generate a unified assessment outcome,
such as an index, an overall score or an absolute value. Instead, it tends to generate two sets of
data from the mutually complementary assessment methods which are supposed to facilitate
better decision making opportunities than using only a single assessment method. The LCA
Energy and Carbon Accounting can provide objective and quantitative values of energy
consumption and carbon emission throughout the life span of a neighbourhood development,
but fail to address broad sustainability issues (e.g. social and spatial). The Neighbourhood
Rating System can address sustainability issues holistically on a qualitative basis but cannot
effectively evaluate the BE in a long-term time frame and cannot provide quantitative
information. The application of the proposed framework will be provided later in this thesis,
empirical context. Also, the two methods are implemented separately and thus may be not
The loose structure of the framework, which is the absence of a rigid hierarchy which dictates
how a component method is to interact with the others, allows for flexibility, and makes
combinations and permutations possible, limited only by the user’s imagination. The
accordance with different assessment purposes. For example, if transport concern is a high
priority, a transport assessment method can be added to the framework. The framework can
be used to get different types of output depending on the assessment approaches and
environmental criteria used. This would help users to contrast different priorities. For
example, given quantitative value of carbon emission and qualitative value of social
sustainability (e.g. public area, parking and community facility), designers can make tradeoff
between sometimes conflicting priorities, which will finally enhance the quality of
The suggestion of using LCA energy and carbon accounting is based on the following
z It calculates physical material & energy flows and the related CO2 emissions of a
z It addresses physical material & energy flows and the related CO2 emissions of a
z It can also be aggregated from building material level, to whole building, then to
consumption and energy use, which can provide more information than use of a single
“ecologically productive land”, energy and carbon accounting can present the impact in
absolute values such as “energy consumption per resident”, and “CO2 emission per
construction area”. This can facilitate the comparison between different SRDs.
Overall, LCA energy and carbon accounting can present the fundamentals of the MEA
concept. More importantly, since the success of building assessment methods is dependent on
the extent to which they can reference absolute metrics to climate stabilization (Cole 2010),
evaluating energy and carbon performance can help stakeholders such as residents and
designers move towards climatically friendly neighbourhoods.
All neighbourhoods are dynamic and unique in relation to their developmental histories, their
built environments, their populations, and their geographical and socio-economic positioning
within the broader settlement (Saville-Smith et al. 2005:14). A key problem of customizing
existing tools from other countries is that they are unlikely to be fully applicable or
compatible with all regionally specific conditions (Liu et al. 2006). There are no standard
versions of assessment that can be applied universally. As pointed by Hardi and Pinter
available, one that is generally accepted and applicable across regions and sectors of the
The adaptation to the local context has been addressed in many research papers and
evaluation tools. The SBTool has set up an indicator database with eight issues, twenty-nine
categories and 125 criteria. Based on this generic framework, users can design their own
assessment indicator suite in line with the local context (see section 3.2.5).
BREEAM-Communities has classified the whole English region into nine sub-regions by
tailored to meet specific planning requirements and local conditions in different sub-regions.
It also requires creation of bespoke assessment standards when it is applied to other regions or
Liu et al (2006) argue that building rating tools should consider both generic issues and
specific issues. They suggest that the generic indicators at the international level would need
to be established first; then nationally, regionally and locally specific indicators need to be
added separately and consecutively at each spatial level (Figure 5.2).
The hierarchic structure shown in Figure 5.2 indicates the transmission process from generic
issues to specific issues. In this research, generic issues are those universally applied to
definition (see for examples Aall 2001, Charlot-Valdieu and Outrequin 2003, Saville-Smith et
al. 2005), or by identifying the commonalities from a number of international systems and
tools (see for examples Liu 2005, Fahy and Cinnéide 2007, López-Ridaura et al. 2002).
So far, this research has identified nine neighbourhood sustainability principles that were
developed on the basis of the sustainability core values (see details in section 2.5). These
principles represent the original sustainability values, as well as the common threads of
categories in the proposed neighbourhood rating system (see details in Chapter 7) and be
further transmitted into the local context by proposing a set of initial indicators generated
from the neighbourhood assessment systems reviewed in Chapter 3, which will be then
examined by a local survey to identify specific indicators in line with the local conditions.
The suggestion of using a regional neighbourhood rating system is based on the following
z Since it is qualitatively based, it can address many social, spatial and site-specific issues
that are hard to quantify and aggregate. Thus it complements gaps in the LCA energy and
applied, thus a system that can adequately address the local context needs to be prepared.
In summary, LCA energy and carbon accounting can generate quantitative information of
material and energy flows and related emissions, particularly in a long-term temporal frame.
The qualitatively based neighbourhood rating system, on the other hand, strongly addresses
many other social, spatial and site-specific issues that cannot be properly addressed by MEA
5.3 Summary
The critical review of the building rating systems and the MEA methods indicates that both on
their own are insufficient basis for decisions intended to optimize neighbourhood
sustainability performance. Based on this, this research hypothesizes that using both
approaches in tandem could generate better and more decision-making information for
framework, in which the application of the two approaches will lead to two profiles for the
neighbourhood investigated: a sustainability profile and an LCA energy & carbon profile.
China’s small residential district (SRD) will be used as the case study to validate the
robustness of the proposed framework. Case study research cannot generate universally
applicable results, but it is indicative of how well the proposed framework functions. In the
next chapter, the Chinese built environment in general, the SRD, and the case study SRDs
Chapter 6: Contextual Description: China, Small residential
district and the Case Studies
urbanization represents a net population movement from hinterlands to towns and cities, and
from small towns to larger cities. Suburbanization mainly occurs in developed countries,
which manifests as movement of people from urban central areas to satellite towns in the
region, attributable to the wide use of private vehicles and increasing environmental problems
and working pressures in compacted city centers. The phase urban renaissance refers to a
process that aims to attract people back to central urban areas via reconstruction to establish a
In general, Chinese cities are undergoing a rapid centripetal urbanization. Population in cities,
especially in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, has experienced explosive growth in the last
several decades. The urbanization is the result of natural increase, transformation of rural
areas into urban areas, and continuing rural-urban migration. Migration is the most important
factor (Sicular et al. 2007), and the reason behind this phenomenon largely accounts for the
In less than thirty years, China’s urban population has increased from 179 million to 593
million, or 17.9% to 44.9% in percentage terms (Figure 6.1). It can be seen from the chart that
between 1978 and 2007 the total population of China increased 25% while urban population
doubled. An even more radical increase may be expected since urbanization is used as a major
development strategy by governments to maintain long term economic growth. The
urbanization rate in China is projected by the Unite Nations Population Fund (UNPF) to be
almost 2% per year over the period to 2030 (UNPF 2007). According to UNPF projections,
the rural population will drop to 40% by 2030. That implies another 250 million people will
move into cities in the coming two decades. The International Energy Agency (IEA 2007:257)
projects an annual increase of urban population of 14 million if urbanization levels are to rise
from 40% to 60%. Even at that time, China will be less urbanized than many areas in 2007
including European countries (72.2%), Latin America countries (78.3%), and North America
35 1 total population
30 0.8
25 urbanization rate
20 0.6
15 0.4
5 0.2
0 0
Urbanization will generate a huge demand for infrastructure, housing and services. Between
1978 and 2007, 400 million people were provided with urban housing. Urbanization also
affects energy use. Energy consumption per person in cities is much higher than in rural areas,
This huge demand driven by rapid urbanization gives China confidence to maintain economic
growth in the foreseeable future. It is estimated that an annual addition to building stock in
China of 1.5 billion to 2 billion m2 is probable until 2020 (Fernandez 2007). Alongside
buildings, infrastructure such as massive power plants, highways, rail, water and wastewater
treatment plants need to be established to provide services to the added population in the
urban areas.
China’s volume of existing building stock is huge. In 2006, the existing urban building stock
had reached 17.4 billion m2, an almost triple jump from 1997 which was around 6.5 billion m2
(Figure 6.2). The increase of buildings in the housing sector is even more striking, leaping
from 3.62 billion m2 in 1997 to 11.3 billion m2 in 2006, increasing more than threefold.
the annual rate of new construction in China equals the total amount of new building in all
developed countries (BECC 2009). In 2005 Shanghai alone added more space in the form of
residential and commercial towers than exists in all of New York City (Fernandez 2007).
Taking the annual addition to the residential building stock, the number has soared from 0.4
billion m2 to approximately 0.7 billion m2, a growth rate of 69% in the last 10 years. Fernandez
(2007) estimates that the construction of housing space constitutes approximately 80% of all
200 7
building stock (100 million m2)
50 2 urban population
0 0
Figure 6.2: The growth rate of Chinese urban building stock 1997-2006
Source: Synthesis based on the China Statistic Yearbook (2008), Table 10-6
Taylor et al. (2001) have attributed this huge boom in the construction of urban residential
z Steady urbanization, causing high population growth in large and medium-sized cities;
z High growth in household incomes, and corresponding increases in residential floor area
The International Energy Agency (IEA 2007:306) also noted decreasing average household
size in China. It dropped from 4.5 people in 1985 to 3.5 in 2005 and is projected to continue to
diminish to 3.0 in 2030. IEA suggested decreasing household size as an important a factor
Together with the growth of household income, per capita residential floor area has increased
rapidly. It has increased from 17.8 m2 in 1997 to 27.1 m2 in 2006 in urban China (Figure 6.3), an
average annual growth rate of 5% in the last 10 years. The Ministry of Construction has set a
target of 35 m2 per capita for urban residents and 40 m2 for rural residents for 2020 – official
benchmarks for achieving a “well-off society”. These targets are expected to be met (IEA
Annually added urban and rural residential stocks and per capita
housing area
9 35
annually newly built urban
newly added housing area
per capita housing area
30 residential buildings
6 25
5 20 annually newly built rural
4 15 residential buildings
3 10
1 5 per capita urban housing
0 0 space
Figure 6.3: Annually added urban and rural residential stock and per capita housing area
Source: Synthesis based on the China Statistic Yearbook (2008), Table 9-35
6.2 Building Related Material and Energy Consumption in China
There is little research regarding material consumption in the current and future Chinese
construction industry. One research paper from the Tsinghua University (Chen and Zhang,
2005) analyzed material input-output flow of construction and demolition materials for
accommodation and dismantle 2.3 million m2 area in Beijing in 2002, the total volume of
input was 7253 x 104 tonnes (materials, energy and air), while the output volume is 4137 x 104
tonnes (solid waste, CO2, and other air pollutants). The balance of 3115 x 104 tonnes material
is transformed to various types of residential buildings. However, this paper did not give
details on some key assumptions such as material intensity and energy use for the
construction process. It also does not consider the reuse of demolished building materials.
A survey of more than 50 buildings conducted in the Building Technology Program at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology has revealed that housing consumes more material
than other building types (Fernandez 2007). For example, a six-floor residential building will
consume approximately five to eight times the volume of materials used in an industrial
building of comparable floor area. This is due to the more demanding needs of users in
residential buildings requiring greater volumes of materials for interior partitions, ceilings,
floor and wall finish materials, water and electrical fixtures and distribution devices, lighting,
heating and air conditioning, and other space-defining and service-providing elements. In
contrast, most industrial buildings consist of relatively large and open spaces of relatively
Figure 6.4 shows the material content of 3 building types (Fernandez 2007). Assuming that
residential buildings are 100% and that the same floor area is enclosed, commercial and
industrial buildings respectively will require 62% and 13% of the bulk volume of the material
required by residential buildings.
By analyzing the data from the China Statistic Yearbooks, housing constitutes 72%, 73% and
84% of the total national construction area in 2005, 2006 and 2007 respectively. Thus it is
clear that recent construction boom in China not only has progressed at an unprecedented
pace but has been focused on the building type of greatest material density per m2 of floor
industrial buildings with the assumption that construction technology to produce these
buildings is of limited diversity. It is found that material volume totals for each building type
are 0.36 m3 for per m2 residential floor area, 0.28 m3 for commercial, and 0.06 m3 for
industrial (Figure 6.5). Again, it is clear that residential construction in China is more material
intensive than either commercial or industrial construction: 6 times and 1.3 times more
Figure 6.5: Material intensity of different building types in China
Source: Fernandez (2007)
constituting 80% of that total, Fernandez (2007) estimates that housing alone will consume
512 million m3 concrete yearly. This volume is equal to 1.24 billion tonnes of Portland
concrete. In contrast to China’s total production of concrete in 2005 (1.06 billion tonnes,
nearly half of the world total production), there is a net import of 18 million tonnes of
concrete to only meet the demand of residential construction in China. This huge import
requirement will expose China to risks associated with global shortage and varying
transportation and fuel costs which also require substantial import of energy and associated
6.2.2 Life cycle energy consumption
Estimating life cycle energy consumption in the Chinese building sector is an even more
difficult task. It is difficult to assess accurately the total volume of energy consumption in
buildings owing to deficiencies in China’s statistical collection system and the lack of national
survey (Yang and Kohler 2008). However, there is an increasing number of studies conducted
by some organizations and individual researchers that either focus on the assumption of
existing building energy use or projection of future consumption. Table 6.1 summarizes some
of these studies which present assumptions of China’s existing building energy consumption
World Energy Outlook (IEA Residential buildings in 30% of the national total Not applicable
2007:305, 314) operation
Building Energy Residential and public 23.1% of the national total 14% and 270% increase in
Conservation Annual buildings in operation 2030 based on the best and
Report (BEEC 2009:5, 69) worst conservative scenario
Synthesis in Yang and Various buildings in 17.7%, 20%, and 27.09% Not applicable
Kohler (2008) operation of the national total
Yang and Kohler (2008) Various buildings in 16% of the national total Not applicable
Note: * Three references are synthesized in Yang and Kohler (2008) which give different assumptions of the proportions of
building operation energy consumption to the national total. The three references include: (1) Li, Zh.J. and Jiang, Y. (2006)
Pondering over the situation of domestic generalized building energy consumption. Architectural Journal, 7, 30–33. (2) Long, W.D.
(2006) How to achieve the national goal of ‘the energy use per unit of GDP must be reduced by 20%’ in civil buildings. Heating
Ventilating and Air Conditioning, 36(6), 35–41. (3) Jiang, Y. and Yang, X. (2006) Chinese building energy situation and the energy
saving approaches. Paper presented at the Green City Development Mechanisms (GCDM): Proceedings of the Chinese–German
Conference on Urban Sustainability, 11–13 October, Beijing, China, pp. 169–173.
It can be seen again from this table that estimations of China’s building energy use vary
across sources. Building operational consumption varies between 16% and 30% of the total
national consumption owing to the research scope and different methods used. If embodied
energy used for manufacturing building materials is taken into account, the total building
energy consumption may be around 40% of the national total (Li and Jiang 2006, cited in
Yang and Kohler 2008).
Though there are widely differing assumptions in the literature, a rapid growth in building
Centre (BEEC) in Tsinghua University is based on the trends of three variables, respectively,
floor area per capita, life-style and technology evolution. The combined effects of these three
factors would determine building operation consumption in 2030 varying from an increase of
only 14% (the best scenario) to 270% (the worst scenario). This implies there is huge
According to International Energy Outlook 2008 (EIA 2008), USA and China are the top two
countries in either total energy consumption or total building operation energy consumption
the building operation sector is much lower than that of developed countries (Figure 6.6 and
Figure 6.7). China’s per area consumption is only one third in urban areas and one-sixth
nation-wide of that in the USA. Per capita consumption is even smaller, less than 5% of the per
capita consumption in the USA or slightly more than a quarter of world average level. This is
mainly because of the difference in per capita floor area, number of end-use appliances and
Figure 6.6: International comparison of building energy consumption per unit of floor area
Source: BEEC (2007:7)
However, on the other hand, energy waste in housing operation is also significant. The
average annual urban residential heating energy consumption per unit of floor area is about 20
kgce/m2-year (kg coal equivalent, or kgce, is an energy measurement unit) which is about
twice that of many developed countries under similar climate zones such as the USA and
western European countries (Yang and Kohler 2008, Fernandez 2007, Liu et al. 2006, Taylor
et al. 2001). This is mainly attributable to the low efficiency of the building service system
Building codes and standards were established in 1986 and revised in 1995 by the Ministry of
Chinese buildings do not meet the energy requirements (Fernandez 2007, IEA 2007, Taylor et
al. 2001, Yang and Kohler 2008). The reasons can be attributed to the lack of implementation
system and financial incentive (BEEC 2009). As estimated by the International Energy Agency,
compliance rates with building standards in new buildings are around 60% in the northern
region, 20% in the central region and 8% in the southern region. (IEA 2007:306). If looking at
existing buildings, only 0.5% of the existing residential buildings in China met energy
Yang and Kohler (2008) identifies another important factor that influences material and
energy consumption in Chinese buildings: relatively short building life span. The assumed
standard service life time of buildings is generally 50 years. However, China experts estimate
the average real life time of the existing buildings in China is only about 25-30 years on
average, reported by China Daily (China Daily 2010). The major causes are the low quality of
urban development projects, and the lack of regular maintenance and refurbishment.
In summary, China has already been the top construction market in the world and will retain
this place for the foreseeable future. Since residential housing constitutes the largest part of
the national total construction volume and consumes more resources and energy than other
building types, it is a top priority for the application of energy conservation plans if any are
As neighourhoods in other countries, the Chinese SRD appears to be the interface of urban
economic reform policies in 1978, especially after the Housing Reform in 1998, which
Bray (2006) observes that the appearance of huge numbers of SRDs in recent years is the key
feature of China’s urban transformation. The concept of the SRD was developed in the late
1980s and has gradually become the model for residential development throughout China
(Bray 2005:177). The reason for the booming of SRDs in urban China can be attributable to
the scarcity of land and population pressure that has influenced planning authorities to
promote high-rise and high-density development (Bray 2005:176) and security considerations
(Miao 2003). This type of residential development has dramatically changed and redefined
Chinese new urban space. As estimated by Sun (2004), between 1991 and 2000, 83% of
housing development in Shanghai is in this form and 80% of Guangdong’s population is
living in SRDs. While national statistics are not available, these figures give a rough picture
of how extensively the SRDs have influenced both the urban form and people’s lives. It is
safe to say that the SRD is “the housing form for the majority of Chinese residents” (Miao
The concept of SRD, sanctioned by national planning codes, has become the basic unit in
planning and developing residential construction in China (Miao 2003:47, Bray 2005). It is
convenience shops, and communication infrastructure (Sun 2004, Bray 2005:176-177, Read
2003) all under the control of a professional property management company. The public
space within the neighbourhoods is very diverse. Depending on the price range of the flats, it
ranges from “a mere concentrated green space as the minimum to a variety of extras such as
The SRD is often bounded by major roads and natural boundaries, characterized by a close
perimeter of walls and fences. It usually consists of small residential streets within the sites.
For large communities, it may be possible for residents to stay within the community for most
day-to-day activities (Sun 2004). Most SRD have some kind of barrier-walls, or fence, and
may have security guards monitoring the entire site (Sun 2004), as well as gates which are
Most SRDs have similar residential building types, primarily high- (10 or more stories) and
mid-rise (6-storey walk-ups) (Miao 2003:48).The SRD normally has buildings from a few to
dozens. But for some so-called “super-blocks” they may constitute hundreds of buildings. The
Figure 6.8: A typical Chinese small residential district
Source: Miao (2003: 48)
6.3.2 SRD system model
The SRD system model and the interaction between the sub-systems are shown in Figure 6.9.
Before the construction of an SRD development, compliance is required with various policies
and regulations, mainly including city master plans (zoning and land use type), various
planning and design codes (connection to urban infrastructure and SRD configuration) and
approval). Within the boundary residential buildings are integrated with open space and
communal facilities, and interactions between users of the SRD and the environment occur.
Beyond its boundary, the SRD is connected to the broad urban context through its location as
well as various urban infrastructures such as transport, water supply, and wastewater
treatment. In order to construct and operate the SRD, resource and energy input is needed and
In general, the elements illustrated in Figure 6.9 can be classified into three categories: SRD
components, urban context and resources & emissions. The SRD components include:
z Open space: roads, parking area, green space, landscaped area, etc.
Services Services URBAN SERVICES
Transport ΦSewer
ΦGreenfield ΦBrownfield
Φ Bank Φ Schools Φ Hospital
ΦWater ΦEnergy
ΦRedeveloped Land ΦInfill Land
ΦShopping ΦFood Market
Occupy Occupy
Interact Manage
ΦEnergyΦWater ΦMaterials
Figure 6.9: SRD system and the interactions between the subsystems
The urban context consists of:
z Policies: local zoning, land use plans, building codes and environmental impact
The context for assessment of life-cycle resources and energy flows consists of:
z Resources and Energy: energy, water and materials use in different life stages and with
z Emissions: CO2, SO2, NOx emissions in different life stages and with different SRD
physical components.
Open neighbourhood or open community is the major residential form in many countries. In
this residential form, neighbourhood area is a concept largely defined by the individual’s
perception towards the immediate environment beyond his home. As Saville-Smith et al.
(2005:13) observe, neighbourhood boundaries are loosely defined although those boundaries
The most distinctive feature of Chinese SRDs is that they are well-defined by enclosed walls
and gates. Thus it is a neighbourhood with clear physical boundaries. Furthermore, Clause 73
of China’s Real Right Law stipulates that the roads, green lands, common facilities and
houses, and other public place are commonly owned by all the property owners of the SRD.
This means that residents are not only the owner of their apartments, but also the joint owners
of the public area (public area hereafter refers to the collection of open space and community
This has significant environmental implications. Since the residents of a particular SRD are
the owners or joint owners of the SRD, they presumably ‘own or jointly own’ the
environmental outcomes during the construction and operation of the SRD. In other words,
the environmental auditing of an SRD resident (or a household) should not only include the
energy and emissions attributable to the construction and operation of his/her apartment, but
also take into account the individual shares of the environmental outcomes generated by the
construction and operation of the public area. In many cases, the calculation of an individual’s
carbon accountability is very difficult at neighbourhood level because data (e.g. energy use in
public facilities) are not collected at this level. In the case of China’s SRD, since its boundary
is clear and the property rights of the whole SRD are well-defined, it could be possible to
establish an individual’s carbon profile by combining the emissions from his home and the
Miao (2003) has conducted comparisons between the gated SRD in China and the ‘gated
First, a Chinese gated community tends to be much larger in population and land area, and
more standardized in its layout than an American one. It usually covers 12-20-plus hectares of
land and holds 2000-3000 families (assuming 3.2–3.5 persons each family). In contrast,
nearly half of all gated communities in the US have less than 150 units each, and they have
Second, China’s SRD is at much higher density. While the mainstay in US urban housing
types is the low-rise, single-family home with about 12–15 families per hectare, the buildings
in a Chinese residential quarter are primarily high- (10 or more stories) and mid-rise (6-storey
walk-ups), with 120-180 families per hectare and a floor area ratio of 1.2-1.5. Developments
in the central city could demand even higher densities. In such a dense city, hardly any
residential development can find itself surrounded by green fields. This is often the opposite
Third, Chinese urban residents are heavily reliant on walking and public transportation due to
relatively low car ownership rates. Even the car ownership will be increased in the future, cars
will probably not be used for trips within the urban area due to structural congestion, as can
be inferred from the current situation in Tokyo, Hong Kong and similar Asian cities.
Fourth, the gated community in the US caters mainly for the needs of the rich and the middle
class. On the other hand it is the major housing form in China’s urban area for lower, middle
and even upper income people seeking shelter. Gating in the US serves to prevent outsiders
from using privatized public amenities, and to ensure prestige. The primary reason for gating
(Miao 2003)
Based on Miao’s study and the other literature mentioned in the previous sections, the
z The SRD is the basic and compulsory planning level in Chinese urban development.
z As the major residential form in urban China, the SRD can be located in any part of the
z The residents of an SRD not only own their apartments, but also a share of the public
area. If equipped with appropriate information, they can exert influence on the
z The size and variety of publicly shared open area and buildings vary greatly across SRDs
depending on their unit prices. Some SRDs may have larger public areas and various
facilities (e.g. playgrounds and shops) within the SRD boundaries while others may only
z The residential building type of SRD concentrates on either medium rise or high rise
z SRDs are under the supervision of a professional housing management company that is
nominated by the resident committee. It is responsible for maintaining, cleaning,
Most residential SRDs are managed by commercial housing management companies, paid for
by residents, usually through a fixed charge based on floor area. These companies perform
various duties, including general maintenance and grounds work, community security, and
management of other publicly-shared services. While the developer often may determine
which housing management companies will receive initial contracts, the business has become
resident committee with fixed tenure may be elected by ballot of all households in the SRD.
This committee, as representative of all residents, is responsible for selecting the housing
management company. Sometimes, a referendum could be held in order to select the housing
company. The housing management companies could play an important role in facilitating
building energy management, especially in space heating, because of their direct and
contractual relationships with residents (Bray 2005). Since they need to communicate with the
residents day by day, they are also a suitable body to promote the environmental profile of the
One of the fundamental characteristics of China’s SRDs is that they have a defined and
organized physical boundary, and the SRD buyers are not only the owners of their apartments
but also the joint owners of the open space and community buildings, legally and in practice.
In other words, a Chinese housing buyer purchases an apartment and at the same time he
purchases part of the public area of the SRD. It is argued in this thesis that SRDs should be
z The SRD is an integrated planning unit thus assessment should be conducted on the
whole rather than on its constituent elements, in order to generate a holistic picture and
z Cole (2010:280) observes that the current building environmental assessment methods
cover those performance issues over which owners and the design team excise some
level of control. Thus public space is not typically accounted for in current methods. The
SRD, on the contrary, is fully controlled by the planning and design team and assessment
can successfully examine both buildings and the public area in an integrated way.
generated by the construction and running of the public area. Thus, the full range of
The life style of residents in different SRDs may also be diverse, mainly attributable to the
fact that the estate is created as an ‘enclave’ of those with similar socio-economic status by
affordability filtration (Wu 2005: 241). This is confirmed by researchers like Golley et al.
(2008) who indicate the top 10 percentile income group in China consumes 86% more energy
than the lowest 10 percentile income group. Wang and Shi (2009) suggest a greater margin
than the study of Golley et al. (2008) by estimating 7.5 times difference between the top 10
percentile income households and the lowest 10 percentile, mainly attributable to the larger
housing area and the use of private cars. If the difference in size and variety of public area
across different SRDs is considered, the gap would be even larger. Thus, the environmental
The extent of sustainability may also vary greatly between SRDs. Some affluent SRDs may
have better social facilities and landscaped areas, but are often located on the city fringe
where the residents have to rely heavily on private cars. Some locate in the city center with
better public transport infrastructure but suffer from noise and air pollution. To develop a
profile is needed, which covers all the neighbourhood sustainability principles mentioned in
Chapter 2. It is interesting to note that the environmental profile and the sustainability profile
of an SRD may not be on the same track. For example, an SRD with a bigger housing area,
larger public area and higher private car usage, will lead to relatively poor environmental
performance, but it may also have better natural environmental quality, more social facilities
and better safety, which will increase the overall sustainability rating. In some cases, a more
‘sustainable’ SRD, may contribute more, for instance, to climate change in terms of per capita
CO2 emissions.
Another concern is about the physical form of neighbourhoods. These walled and gated
residential neighbourhoods, as argued by Landman (2000), may give some advantages to their
residents such as a stronger feeling of community and crime reduction within community.
These are also the priorities of Chinese SRD designers. According to Zou (2001), the SRD
designers focus particularly on the communal spaces of the compound, striving to promote
attributes like social cohesion, neighborliness, and feeling of security and belonging. Miao
(2003) points out that security is the top consideration for the wide occurrence of this type of
residence. The more affluent the SRD, the better the security - higher wall, more guards, and
more sophisticated electronic surveillance and entry systems (Wu 2002:177). However, they
may also exert negative impacts on urban sustainability in the long run. These impacts may
include social exclusion, urban fragmentation and separation, traffic congestion, increase of
car-based residential sprawl, and increase of vehicle ownership (Landman 2000). It is also
pointed out by Pow (2007) that gated neighbourhoods may lead to residential segregation by
class and income. The facilities locked inside the gates cannot generate social connections
among people with enough variety in income level and cultural background due to the limited
number of users in one community and the possible homogeneity among them. (Miao 2003).
The city of Guilin, located in the south of China, is selected as the case study city to develop
the regionally specific neighbourhood rating system. The choice is guided primarily by the
reason that the author has been working in this city which facilitates accessibility to the
6.5.1 Terminology
The term ‘regional’ and the way it is used require clarification within the context of this
research. First, ‘regional’ is used here in contrast to the terms ‘international’, ‘national’ and
‘local’. ‘International’ relates to the global context, and ‘national’ refers to a whole country.
The term ‘regional’ refers to a larger geographical or administrative area (e.g. a municipality)
administrative area (e.g. an urban district, a community) with basically unified characteristics.
Considering China is a country with greatly varied conditions, it is not realistic to develop an
indicator suite that is universally applied to the whole country. Also, the community or
neighbourhood level is the basic planning unit in Chinese cities (Bray 2006) but it has no
legal right to propose and implement its own planning and design regulations. It is likely to
act as an analysis unit in urban context rather than prepare and apply its own assessment
China has four province-level municipalities and 29 provinces, many of them with a
population greater than Australia, and a land area larger than Germany. China also has a
number of municipalities or cities under the provincial level. Very importantly, the city
master plans, which greatly affect the neighbourhood operations are developed and
also have the legal authority to propose and implement building related laws and regulations.
Many municipalities have their own design standards and planning regulations that are
developed on the basis of national guidelines and incorporate local considerations. Thus, it
seems suitable to develop the proposed regionally specific neighbourhood rating system at
municipality level.
6.5.2 Regionally specific conditions of Guilin
Guilin is one of the most internationally renowned cities in China. This city is praised with
two ‘crowns’, an ‘international scenic tourism city’, and a ‘national historic cultural city’ for
its city scenes blending with mountains, lakes and rivers, and its historic and cultural remains
and local environmental standards and codes. By summarizing The Gazette of Environmental
State of Guilin (Guilin EPA 2009), the city’s environmental features in 2008 can be stated as
z Overall air quality was acceptable. The Air Pollution Index (API) is an index reporting
Nitrogen Dioxide, and Inhaled Particles. The API met the national air quality standard of
Level 1 (the best air quality) for 265 days and Level 2 for 101 days.
z Water environmental quality was generally acceptable. The major rivers, especially the
Lijiang River that is the major tourist attraction of the city, and the main water resource
and the final river to carry the discharges from the city, met the national water
tributaries of the Lijiang River did not meet the national standards because discharges
from some urban settlements are not piped to the wastewater treatment plants.
z Noise pollution was getting worse. Fifty percent of the urban area exceeded the
requirements of the local noise control ordinance, mainly attributable to the increased
ownership of private vehicles and the growth of the entertainment industry (night clubs,
bars, karaoke clubs, etc) which were often mixed with residential areas.
153 Urban conditions
Guilin had a total population of about 5.08 million, including an urban population of 1.22
million (Guilin Statistical Yearbook 2007:47). The total number of households of the city was
about 1.34 million with an average household size of 2.93 persons in the urban area. It was
one of the most important tourist destinations in China. Guilin attracted 13.4 million domestic
and international tourists in 2006 (Guilin Statistical Yearbook 2007:426), a number tenfold
higher than its urban population. It has a total territory of 27,809 km2 with an urban built-up
area of 565 km2. Usually, urban plans are revised every 5 years. Urban planning is critical to
The comparison of the use of urban infrastructure in Guilin and the average Chinese city is
shown in Table 6.2. It indicates that Guilin has more energy and water consumption per capita
than the average levels of all Chinese cities and less green space on average. However, in
regard to wastewater treatment, it has much better performance than the average Chinese city
because the water environment is a key environmental and economic issue for the city. The
conservation of Lijiang River that is a symbol of the country’s tourism industry has attracted
Table 6.2: Comparison of urban conditions in Guilin and the average Chinese city
Criteria Guilin China average
Source: The Statistical Yearbook of Chinese Cities 2008. The national average wastewater
treatment ratio is based on Tian and Liu (2009)
6.6 Case Study Small Residential Districts
Two case study SRDs have been selected to test the proposed framework and both are located
in the case study city, Guilin. Two case study SRDs have been selected to test the proposed
framework and both are located in the case study city, Guilin. They are completed at a similar
time and it is not surprising that they have employed the similar construction technologies and
complied with the same planning, construction and environment regulations. This common
noted that the results from the case studies cannot be generalised universally. However, the
accurate LCA tool (if does, identification of typical SRD must be conducted), but to indicate
that the conceptual assessment framework is working and demonstrate how the simultaneous
empirical context.
SRD 1 was completed in 2007, with 462 households. The average floor area per household is
116 m2. It has a site area of 3.35 ha with a total residential construction area of 53,592 m2. It
(14,00m2), walls (concrete base with steel bars on the top), parking lots with permeable
pavement (812m2), and a landscaped area (about 1,000m2, green area with paved alley)
(Figure 6.10). There is no indoor communication space such as a gym, residential hall or
playground. SRD 1 is reconstructed on a land that was originally occupied by some old
This SRD is being managed by a company that maintains an onsite office with 17 staff
working on cleaning, guarding, gardening and other public duties. The SRD is located in the
developed area of the city with existing facilities such as shops, hospital and schools. Thus
there are no facilities in the development. The walking distances from its main entrance to the
nearest services are: 100m (bus stop), 700m (food market), 1,300m (park), 1,500m (hospital),
SRD 1 is located in a traditional residential area mixed with some lightly-polluting industrial
plants. The average housing price per m2 residential construction area is about 3,000 RMB.
The average housing price in Guilin in 2008 is 3,567 RMB (Sina website, 2010). Assuming a
10% increase in price between 2007 (the year the SRD was placed on the market) and 2008, it
implies that SRD 1 might be a residential neighbourhood for the residents with medium social
The SRD 2 is located on the left bank of the Lijiang River, which is one of the most
well-known rivers in China because the water and mountains form picturesque scenes.
Unsurprisingly, the location close to the river became the major selling point of the SRD.
This SRD was completed in 2008, with 350 households. It has a site area of 3.68 ha with a
total residential construction area of 44,030 m2. The average floor area per household is 125.8
residential buildings (with elevators installed). It has internal walkways and roads (2,600m2),
walls (concrete base with steel bars on the top), parking lots with permeable pavement
(830m2), an underground car parking area (4,300m2) and landscaping in the form of green
area, fountain, pavilions. It also has a kindergarten (500m2), a management office area
(300m2), a community social club (450m2) and a badminton court. There are about 1,100 m2
commercial area that is built on the interval space between buildings (Figure 6.11). Compared
to SRD 1, it has a bigger site area with fewer residential households, and the variety of the
The SRD management company maintains an onsite office with 21 staff working on cleaning,
guarding, gardening and other public duties. Security cameras have been installed throughout
the SRD. The SRD is located on the edge of the traditional urban area and developed on land
originally occupied by some low-rise village houses mixed with vegetable plots. Thus many
of the facilities are not within walking distance of the SRD. The walking distance from its
main entrance to the nearest facilities and services are: bus stop (800m), food market (1200),
park (within the SRD), hospital (2000m), and primary school (2500m). Another problem is
that the residents need to walk about 400m along the river bank before they can get onto the
urban road and then to other attractions. Safety might be a concern because not many people
come down to this area at night. The SRD may rely more on the use of private cars than SRD
1. Figure 6.11 illustrates the SRD’s configuration, which shows that SRD 2 has a more
The average housing price per m2 residential construction area is about 4,800 RMB for
medium and high-rise apartments, and 11,000 RMB for townhouse style apartments. These
townhouse style apartments are closest to the river. Compared to the average housing price of
3,567 RMB in the city in 2008, the average prices in SRD 2 imply that it is in the medium-top
Figure 6.11: The layout and configuration of case study SRD 2
6.7. Summary
This chapter has given a contextual description of the case study research. China has been
experiencing rapid urbanization in the last few decades, which led it to be the top construction
market in the world. Residential housing constitutes the largest part of the national total
construction volume and it consumes more materials and energy compared to other building
The SRD, as the major housing form in Chinese cities, is the basic planning unit and a type of
‘gated neighbourhood’, which has a defined and organized physical boundary. It often has
residential buildings, public open space, commercial facilities and community buildings
within its boundary. However, the size and variety of the public area in different SRDs vary
greatly. The residents of a particular SRD may be socially homogeneous due to the highly
stratified nature of apartment prices. Residents are not only the owners of their apartments,
but also the joint owners of the open space and other public facilities and amenities enclosed
A particular SRD is physically different from other SRDs in terms of average housing size,
community amenity, open space and configuration, and the lifestyles of residents of different
SRDs can vary greatly. Therefore, it is possible that a more ‘sustainable’ SRD in a
Materials and Energy Accounting (MEA) analysis. First, an SRD that has better community
facilities and open space will perform better on the social sustainability scale but possibly at
the cost of increased material and energy inputs and carbon outputs. Second, from a life-cycle
view, since SRDs with larger housing sizes, open space and community facilities often have
greater car ownership and need more material and energy inputs to operate, their energy and
carbon values could be even larger than those with smaller public areas.
Therefore, the residents of a particular SRD are obligated, at least morally, to react to the
whole. To facilitate their reactions, appropriate assessments that can pinpoint the
sustainability position of the SRD as a whole, as well as the individual shares of the
systems for individual building level and neighbourhood level in China such as GOBAS and
The proposed framework, including a neighbourhood sustainability rating system and an LCA
energy & carbon accounting, will be applied to the two case study SRDs in Guilin. Compared
to SRD 1, SRD 2 has larger site area with lower residential density and the greater variety in
The next chapter will discuss the research methods relating to the application of the
Chapter 7: Case Study Research Methods
As noted earlier, the proposed framework will be tested using China’s SRD as case study,
which involves the combination of a material & energy accounting and neighbourhood rating
system. The description of the two case study SRDs is given in Chapter 6. Once the
assessment methods and the case study SRDs are decided upon, the data required to inform
the framework have to be collected. Since material and energy data are not available at SRD
level, nor is there an existing neighbourhood rating system which can be applied to the case
studies, this research involves several methods to collect the data required to calculate LCA
material & energy consumption, and develop the neighbourhood rating system. In this chapter,
building operation in China, let alone energy use for building materials and construction. A
report from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Fridley et al. 2007) has reviewed the
existing major literature in English and Chinese to determine type, nature, and scope of
energy use data available in the Chinese building sector. Some of the report’s general findings
z Overall, China’s building sector is very poorly characterized in the national statistics and
the academic literature. Data sources and series are sparse, the national statistical system
only reporting a few series of relevance, including new construction floor area of
per-capita living space in urban and rural area, and some statistics on household
z The national series on industrial energy use include consumption by fuel in 39 industrial
sub-sectors, but the sub-sectors are presented at a level at which is impossible to equate
within buildings.
z Almost completely lacking are the ‘upstream’ components of building energy use in the
Therefore, this research needs to find appropriate data to calculate life-cycle material &
energy consumption and the related emissions for the SRDs investigated. Two basic methods
A Bill of Quantities (BQ) is a detailed description of the items that make up the component
parts of a building. The primary function of a BQ is to assist the builder in the preparation of
the tender price and facilitate management of the construction cost. The submission of BQ is
required by the Code of Valuation with the Bill of Quantity of Construction Works
(GB50500-2008) that is issued by the Chinese Ministry of Construction. The BQs must be
prepared by certificated engineering cost professionals. The Code sets out the rules and
procedures to regulate the preparation of BQs on the basis of drawings, specifications and
other requirements and site conditions. The BQ contains sections of work items and these are
materials, plant, management, risks plus profit and taxes etc (Ho 2008).
Thus, based on the specifications of the BQs, it is possible to aggregate the total quantity of
each materials consumed by the construction of an SRD. It should be noted that the BQ in the
tendering preparation is an estimation of the quantity of the engineering works, while the BQ
in the final settlement report is more accurate because some modifications may be made to the
preliminary BQ. Besides materials consumption, direct energy use and water consumption in
Since operational energy and water consumption data are not collected at SRD level, and the
city average data cannot be applied to different SRDs, a survey of the households in the case
study SRDs was conducted to collect data such as material and energy use for maintaining the
public areas in the SRD, electricity, gas and water use in homes and residents’ travel patterns.
Sampling error can occur when researchers survey only a subset or sample of all people in the
sample and random sampling (Salant and Dillman 1994:15). Considering households from a
particular SRD is highly homogeneous (see discussion in section 6.4) in terms of ownership
of household appliances and life style, a sample of at least 10% of the total households is
owners will be invited to fill the questionnaire if they are passing the SRD management office,
which means they have the equal opportunity to be sampled. Again, the purpose of this
research is not to conduct an accurate LCA analysis, but to prove the robustness of the
z First, questionnaires were designed and given to the SRD management companies for
approval. There are two types of questionnaires (see appendix 1 and 2). One is for the
management company’s use that includes questions about the energy and water
consumption in the public area and other information about the SRD (e.g. household
number and car ownership). Another is for household use that includes questions related
to the energy and water usage in homes, flooring decoration materials, household
residential area, household size, and transport means.
z Second, the SRD management companies agreed with the survey and issued a Support
z Third, the survey was conducted on Saturdays and Sundays in December 2009. The staff
from the SRD management companies introduced the researcher to the residents passing
by their onsite management office and allowed the researcher to use this office to
communicate with the residents. In this way it became much easier to solicit the residents
to fill in the questionnaires. The questionnaires do not ask the residents to expose their
names, contact numbers or flat numbers. Nobody can track their personal identities based
on the questionnaires. They could also choose to fill the questionnaire in the office or
The detailed description of material and energy accounting for the case study SRDs is given
in Chapter 8.
The discussion in Chapter 3 indicates that international neighbourhood rating systems, such as
specific conditions in China, and the current version of Chinese building rating systems
neighbourhood level. Since China is a huge country with diverse climate zones and different
regional priorities, a nation-wide assessment system might be also unrealistic. A rating system
The core part of a rating system involves identification of assessment categories and
individual indicators. In practice, they are usually identified and validated through a “focused
exercise either using a public hearing/public consultation process or working with
representatives of major stakeholders from government, NGOs, the private sector, academia
indicators from existing indicator systems and modify them to suit local circumstances. These
initial indicators will be examined against the local context to ensure the selection of the most
appropriate indicators and the allocation of the suitable weights. The examination is often
conducted by groups of local researchers and practitioners. During the examination, new
indicators that are absent in the initial indicator set can also be added. Examples of such an
approach include Cui et al. (2004), Blair et al. (2004), Rao and Rogers (2006), Liu et al. (2006)
Similarly, the methods used in this research to develop the neighbourhood rating indicators
involve three steps (Figure 7.1). First, based on the review of the current building rating
systems, an initial model set of indicators will be generated (see details in 7.3). Second, the
initial indicators will be examined by groups of local practitioners and researchers from the
case study city. Third, based on the survey results, assessment indicators and the related
Ste p One :
Identifying initial indicators from the existing systems
Ste p Two:
Initial indicators examined by loccal researchers and
Ste p Thre e :
Determining indicators and the related weights
Figure 7.1: Steps of developing the neighbourhood rating indicators for the case study city
Charlot-Valdieu and Outrequin (2003) suggest that the point of departure for any
sustainability approach must follow the universal principles rooted in Bruntland definition.
Chapter 2 of this thesis identified three sustainability core values based on the Brundland
Report, and further proposed nine neighbourhood sustainability principles that interpreted the
sustainability values and guided this research in a practical way to address the sustainability at
neighbourhood level.
The review of the current building rating systems in Chapter 3 also reveals that hierarchical
layers are used to structure all these systems. They usually comprise two weighted layers:
individual indicators and indicator categories (or assessment categories). Each indicator
includes several measures, which are used to assign points to the indicator. The weighted
indicators are aggregated to assessment categories, and further aggregated to an overall score.
The overall score is often given a certain grade to denote the performance of a particular
building or neighbourhood.
Figure 7.2 shows the hierarchical structure of the neighbourhood rating system in this
research. The nine neighbourhood sustainability principles, proposed in Chapter 2, have a root
in the sustainability core values and represent some common characteristics that recur across
reiterated as follows:
Each of the principles represents an assessment category that should be manifested in the
sustainability principles into the local context. Each individual indicator also includes several
measures so that performance can be evaluated. Weights will be given to indicators and
7.3.1 Definition
The initial set of indicators in this research refers to a ‘long-list’ of indicators that are
locally relevant indicators by learning from the experience of other indicator systems.
Using an initial indicator set and refining it for local circumstances has been used to select
sustainability assessment indicators in China. For example, Dijka and Zhang (2005) derived
indicator database of 387 indicators through three rounds of consultation of experts using
pre-coded questionnaires. Fan (2006) reduced the initial indicator set of 64 to the final
number of 30 in selection of China’s urban life quality indicators by using one round of
Measure X (1a)
Indicator X 1
Measure X (1n)
Principle X
Measure X (na)
Indicator X n
Measure X (nn)
Overall Score
Measure Y (1a)
Indicator Y 1
Measure Y (1n)
Pinciple Y
Measure Y (na)
Indicator Y n
Measure Y (nn)
In this research, an initial set of 44 indicators is compiled based on the review of the current
BREEAM-Communities and CEATM (see Appendix 3). It covers all the common issues
identified in section 3.6, and many other issues that are not addressed in all the systems but
judged by the author to be included for the later expert survey. An important principle
underpinning the selection of the initial indicators is that indicators from the existing rating
systems are chosen unless it is obvious that they are not applicable to the context of Chinese
However, it should be noted that detailed building performance indicators (e.g. thermal design,
indoor ventilation) in CEATM are excluded from the initial indicator set since the assessment
focus is on the whole SRD rather than individual buildings. Open Community is a compulsory
criterion in LEED-ND, which requires “all streets and sidewalks that are built as part of the
project or serving the project directly are available for general public use and not gated”. This
requirement directly challenges the basis of Chinese SRD development that places security as
the top priority. The research in this dissertation does not intend to discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of ‘gated’ and ‘open’ neighbourhoods. It focuses on the existing form of SRD
which is driven by the Chinese urban socio-economic context. Thus, Open Community is not
included in the initial indicator list. Another example is Car Pool addressed by
private car is still a luxury for many Chinese households, Car pool seems irrelevant to the
Chinese context.
The 44 initial indicators are classified into the nine sustainability principles (assessment
consists of one to several measures (in total there are 101 measures, see the survey
benchmarks. However, there are no existing benchmarks in China for many of the indicators
proposed and international benchmarks cannot apply to the Chinese context, especially in the
social and economic arena. This research has recognized the difficulty of establishing such a
suite of benchmarks since it is systematic work typically requiring many rounds of large scale
participation by various stakeholders covering the public service sector, building sector,
research sector, and general public. Establishing a suite of benchmarks for each of the 44
energy generation onsite represent the effort toward the best practice, 5% or 10%’ and ‘what
proportions of housing priced for households with medium income should be given the
maximum credits, 15% or 20%’. These questions, which often involve a range of
a few panel discussions and interviews. Further study is needed to reform the rating system
for the case study city based on the findings of this research.
comparison between different SRDs is based on common ground. Several factors are taken
z If quantitative benchmarks can be found in Chinese CEATM (many of its measures are
qualitatively based), they will be used as measures for a particular indicator. For example,
CEATM requires public transport should be within 400m from the development, thus
z Most indicators proposed in the initial list do not have CEATM benchmarks, as noted
earlier since it focuses on detailed building environmental analysis rather than spatial and
though there are some exceptions. For example, Measure 29a says “is there consideration
this issue in the design and construct process, scores will be given no matter what the
effort is and how well it could be. There is no scale of achievement level within each
measure. More research is needed in the future to allocate scores in proportion with the
z These measures will be examined by a group of local planners and researchers through a
questionnaire survey. They are given opportunities to eliminate or modify the proposed
Here again, this research has recognized the inadequacies of the measures proposed to
evaluate the indicators. However, the purpose of the exercise is not to develop a faultless SRD
using a union of a rating system and an LCA energy & carbon accounting approach. A
preliminary system should be able to achieve this purpose, as a well-developed system would
7.4 Survey of Local Experts
As noted earlier, the initial indicators will go through a survey participated by the local
experts to identify the relevant indicators according to the local context and add new
indicators to fill any gaps. The purpose is to provide preliminary evidence for the validity of
the proposed neighbourhood rating system for the case study city. In this section, methods
Survey research is an excellent tool for measuring attitudes and orientations (Babbie 1995),
populations” (Salant and Dillman 1994:27). It is probably the best method available to the
social scientist interested in collecting original data for describing a population too large to
observe directly and “it is especially appropriate for making descriptive studies of large
populations” (Babbie 1995:257). If the research goal is to find out what percentage of some
population has a particular attribute or opinion, and the information is not available from
secondary sources, then survey research is the only appropriate method (Salant and Dillman
1994: 9).
The idea of ‘sample’ is linked to that of ‘population’. Population refers to all cases (Robson
1993:135). A sample is “a set of respondents selected from a larger population for the purpose
of a survey” (Salant and Dillman, 1994:53). Proper sampling can reflect the perception of a
particular population.
Generally, there are two sampling methods: Probability Samples and Non-Probability
Statistical inferences about the population can be made from the responses of the sample.
Non-probability sampling refers to any sampling plan where it is not possible to ensure any
person (or other unit) has an equal chance to be included in the sample (Robson 1993:140).
Subjective judgments are needed in selection of the sample from the population of interest. It
is also possible to get something sensible about the population of interest from
non-probability samples, but not on statistical grounds (Robson 1993:140, Pratt and Loizos
sample is the one that you get because people who are willing to complete the survey are also
available when you need them (Fink 2009:56). It involves choosing the nearest and most
convenient persons to act as respondents. The process is continued until the required sample
In many cases, Convenience Sampling is only method available (Henry 1990:23). Ideally the
research in this dissertation would sample a population that is concerned with every aspect of
the SRD sustainability, from planners, architects to engineers, developer, contractors and city
managers. However, it would be impossible to put together a name list of all these
stakeholders from which to draw a probability sample (even the total number of them is
unclear). Thus, using convenience sampling methods to investigate the key groups of
173 Population of Interest
There is a need to identify the key groups of stakeholders that have the greatest influence on
SRD sustainability. Urban planners, who are responsible for SRD planning practice, are
selected as the main investigated group (called the “planner group” hereafter). In order to
compare with the urban planners’ preferences, a general researcher group (called ‘researcher
group’ hereafter) comprising of researchers from several SRD related research areas is also
The two groups are considered to be mutually complementary. The former are the
practitioners responsible for the planning and design of an SRD. They may have sufficient
experience in SRD design, but may be lacking in knowledge about the latest development in
sustainability theory. The general researchers, on the other hand, are well-positioned in the
knowledge frontier. However, they often do not understand the local context, and also, there
is always a gap between the knowledge theory and the practice of real world.
A local planner group is selected for the detailed investigation primarily based on the
following considerations:
z SRD development, which is the basic planning unit in China, is largely shaped by local
SRD sustainability constitute important parts of the specific conditions and requirements
in their region.
z In their daily practice, urban planners communicate directly with a large variety of
people, including researchers, developers, designers and sometimes residents. They are
well-positioned not only to gain up-to-date knowledge and information regarding SRD
planning theories and technologies in the market place. They are also able to achieve an
understanding of other SRD stakeholders’ requirements and expectations that help them
develop a more balanced view of SRD sustainability in the region. Therefore, their
reflect the perceived overall specific conditions and requirements for developing SRD
decided by urban planners whose work either involves the use of the tool (for internal
In China, urban planners are classified into two levels according to their professional
experience and expertise: unregistered and nationally registered urban planners. A nationally
registered urban planner must sit a series of four accreditation exams organized by the
Ministry of Construction (MOC) and the Ministry of Personnel. People must possess
university degrees in urban planning or the relevant programs and have engaged in the
practice of urban planning for a certain tenure (e.g. 3 years working experience for bachelor
degree holders and 1-2 year working experience for PhD degree holder) before they are
admitted to such examinations. Their signatures and endorsements on planning drawings and
documents are nationally recognized. Registered urban planners must renew their
registrations every 3 years. One compulsory requirement for renewing is that they must attend
and practice are included. In principle, they should be more informed about sustainability
issues than those without the national certificate. Therefore, it is considered appropriate to
According to the name list promulgated by the Guangxi Provincial Construction Commission
(GPCC 2008), there were in total 35 national registered urban planners in Guilin in 2008.
Twenty-one of them are working in the Guilin Planning and Design Institute (GPDI), the
major planning body in the city. Others are working in the city’s Planning and Construction
Therefore, it was very important to get support from the GDPI to arrange interviews with its
Sample of researcher group
Researchers in this group refer to those who are conducting research in sustainability-related
areas rather than undertaking planning practice. There is limited consensus in the literature as
to the definition of a researcher. This study defines the researchers as PhD degree holders or
professorship holders in the 5 research areas identified as the most relevant to neighbourhood
architecture and transport. The researchers must also have at least 5 years professional
designers, developers, and government officers in the case study city. This is not included
within this research due to resource limitations. In addition, the purpose of the case study
research is to validate the performance of a dual assessment approach rather than develop a
There are four main survey methods that are widely used: mail survey, telephone survey,
face-to-face survey and drop-off survey (Salant and Dillman 1994, Babbie 1995). Which
method is best for a particular survey depends not only on budget, staff and time constraints,
but also on what a specific study topic and population are dealt with (Salant and Dillman
According to the nature of the survey in this thesis, face-to-face survey in groups, or focus
group survey, seems to be the most suitable method for investigating the planner group,
z Focus group surveys typically attain higher response rates than do other methods.
z It is a good way to address the complex questions in this survey. Participants may need
instruction in filling out the questionnaires.
z Participants in the planner groups are relatively homogeneous with regard to their
characteristics. They are all nationally registered urban planners who presumably have
undertaken similar training and have passed accreditation exams before they could be
registered (planner group is not mixed with researcher group). Thus, participants are
Focus groups hold many advantages as a method of gathering qualitative data. As Basch
(1987) noted, group interviews are an effective and relatively inexpensive means of
interviewing a number of people at once. They allow an investigator to hear the richly
contrasting viewpoints that become evident when group members react to each other’s
In this research, the director of the GPDI agreed to organize a focus meeting with
participation by its all nationally registered planners, but refused to split them into two groups.
Thus, the group size was 21 (all registered planners attended) which was larger than the ideal
scale proposed by Morgan (1988:44) who suggested the best size of a focus group might be
between 4 and 12. However, Morgan (1988:43) agreed, if the group meeting were properly
moderated, larger groups could also provide a quick and clean solution.
It seemed not suitable to apply the focus group method to the researcher group because they
were dispersed across different locations and organizations. Identification of the researchers
was also different from that of urban planners. There were three universities that provided
also some eligible researchers working in various governmental agencies and other research
organizations. It was impossible to know both the number of eligible researchers and their
names. To start the survey, a particular convenience sampling method, snowball technique,
was adopted. The author identified the first eligible expert in each of the 5 research areas, got
them to sign the consent letters and then answer the questionnaires. Then they were asked to
recommend other members. They were expected to call the persons they recommended
immediately and then the author would speak to them and explain the survey. If their
agreement was obtained, a time and location for an interview was then decided. In many cases,
the researchers tended to nominate the persons working in the same research areas and the
same organization.
However, one problem is that no energy-related researchers can be found in the case study
city that meets the selection criteria of a researcher. There are no energy related programs in
the local universities, and there is no research organization in Guilin focusing on energy study.
There are some staff in the municipal government’s policy research center working on energy
policy research but they do not meet the selection requirements. In this case, 4 experts from
the Beijing Energy and Environment Center were invited to the survey. The questionnaires
For the researcher group, the participants were interviewed individually in any place they
preferred (normally in their offices). Four eligible participants were required in each of 5 key
sustainability research areas identified. So, in total there were 20 researchers involved.
There are two primary types of questions: open-end and structured. Open-ended questions do
not provide choices from which to select an answer. Instead, respondents must formulate an
answer in their own words. It has both advantages and disadvantages (Salant and Dillman
but they do not provide chances for participants who wish to give an answer outside the
In this research, structured questions were primarily used in the survey questionnaire
(Appendix 4), whereas open-ended questions were used occasionally to identify a range of
possible answers (e.g. possible indicators and benchmarks). For example, participants were
required to write down any indicator they felt was important but was missed in the initial
indicator list. All structured questions were presented with Likert scale of 5, from very
Participants firstly were asked to read the cover letter and also the brief description on the
front page of the questionnaire. Both of them provided information on what the study was
about and why they should respond. This helped participants to establish an overall
impression on the survey and the questionnaire. Then they needed to determine the
importance of each of the nine assessment categories (principles) before they came to the
individual indicators. Finally, they were asked to select the most important 5 indicators and
also to add those indicators they think important but which were missed in the questionnaire.
It was estimated to take 20-30 minutes to finish the questionnaire. The front page consisted of
the title and the UNSW logo, as well as a brief description of the survey background. A few
sentences were placed in front of each part of the questionnaire that indicated the purpose of
and requirements for filling out that part of survey. A Chinese version of the questionnaire
was translated from the English version so that it could be delivered in China. The
As noted earlier, most of the existing building assessment systems, either for individual
mechanism. Some tools have established a ‘formal and hierarchical’ weighting mechanism.
Examples include CASBEE and BREEAM. Weights are given to multiple levels of the
assessment structure. Others are designed as ‘flat rate’ tools with no formal and
comprehensive weighting factors involved. For example, there is no formal weighting system
in LEED. However, the different credits assigned to each of the assessment criteria in LEED
actually reflect the variations in importance between different assessment categories and
assessment indicators.
This research agrees with the argument made by Cole (1999:232) that “weighting is the
mechanism by which a very large number of performance criteria are reduced to a small and
more manageable number and [a score] is a critical part of the output module”. A weighting
mechanism can help to adjust the measured values of different SRD sustainability principles
and indicators. This means a formal and hierarchical weighting mechanism is needed in the
proposed rating system. Weighting factors are applied to each of the principles and the
individual indicators. Thus, there are two levels of weighting factors in the proposed rating
Sustainability Principles
Weighting Factors
Individual Indicators
Weighting Factors
As summarized by Liu (2005:101-103), there are three methods usually used for establishing
weights in building assessment tools. The following description is based on her research.
The first and most common method is to let a panel group argue and vote for weights of
sustainable building issues. The GBTool and CEATM apply this method (Liu 2005:101).
The second method is to rank the issues on a semantic scale; for example, from no importance
to great importance, and seek a consensus on broad bases. The weighting system in
The third method is to establish weights following the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).
AHP is an approach to decision making that involves structuring multiple choice criteria into
a hierarchy, assessing the relative importance of each factor by pair wise comparison of all
factors with respect to a certain criteria. In the building assessment area, the Swedish
EcoEffect has established weighting systems by using the AHP method (Glaumann 2000:670,
Liu (2005) further cites a study from the Center for the Built Environment, University of
Gavle (Westerberg 2000), which makes comparisons between the above three weighting
methods. This study concludes that “the individual results differed depending on the scale
used and as a whole there was little accordance in the answers”. Regarding the AHP method,
it is revealed that, “almost 50% of the answers turned out to be unacceptably inconsistent
according to the AHP inconsistency test”. Finally, the study showed that “just rating on a
semantic scale gave the least distinct but probably most reliable result” (Westerberg 2000,
relative importance of the principles and individual indicators, since this method avoids the
potential problems of AHP and best recognizes the limitations placed by the investigated
organizations. The GPDI required the focus meeting should be ended in 2 hours in their letters
of support. Accordingly, most questions in the questionnaire required the participants to tick
their answers on a Likert scale of 5, from ‘very unimportant’ to ‘very important’. The results
then can be analyzed to reflect the perceptions of the planner group and the researcher group
The survey was given approval by the ethics panel of FBE at UNSW, which agreed to
conduct such an expert survey on the condition that support letters were issued from the
relevant organizations.
Because the majority of Guilin’s registered urban planners are working in GPDI, it was
necessary to get the support of the organization. On 12 December 2009, a support letter was
issued by the director of GDPI, who agreed to organize a panel discussion participated in by
all its registered urban planners. On 20 December 2009, such a focus group meeting was held
in the conference room of GDPI. A total of 21 planners attended the meeting. The author gave
a half-hour presentation before the commencement of the discussion. Then a discussion about
the research was conducted. Participants could raise any concern they had about the content
of the questionnaire during the discussion. The questionnaires were filled out at the end of the
In interviewing the researchers, the author first explained the purpose of the survey and the
survey technique, and then asked them to sign the consent letters. A discussion about the
research could occur (depending on their wishes and time availability). The researchers were
given enough time to fill the questionnaire. Discussion often continued during their
completion of the questionnaire. Finally the author collected the finished questionnaires and
According to the pre-defined size of the researcher group, a total of 20 researchers were
interviewed and completed the questionnaires between 10 October 2009 and 8 January 2010.
7.5 Summary
This chapter describes the methods used to conduct the case study research. The case study in
this thesis involves the application of the proposed framework to the two case study SRDs in
Guilin, i.e. an LCA energy and carbon accounting, and a neighbourhood rating system.
Literature review indicates data relating to embodied material and energy consumption of
housing development are not available in China, and also, the operational consumption data
are not collected at SRD level. In this research, the BQs prepared for the case study SRDs was
used to source the embodied consumption data, and a household survey was conducted to
The international rating systems, such as LEED-ND and CASBEE-UD, cannot be applied to
China’s SRD, and the Chinese systems (e.g. CEATM) cannot address the SRD as a whole.
Therefore, a neighbourhood rating system needs to be developed for the case study SRDs.
Similar to other systems, the proposed neighbourhood rating system consists of three layers,
The survey involved a planner group and a researcher group. The planner group had 21
participants; all of them were nationally registered urban planners. The research group, on the
other hand, had 20 participants. They were selected from the 5 key sustainability research
areas identified. According to the nature of the survey and the limitations placed by the
investigated organization, the Focus group method was used to investigate the preferences of
the local planners. For the researcher group, the researchers were interviewed individually. All
This research recognizes the limitations of the proposed neighbourhood rating system. First,
the selection of locally adaptable indicators should be based on a broader participation in their
property managers, residents and many others. It is also subject to urban master plans and
various laws and regulations so that public decision-makers play an important role in
determining its sustainability performance. The involvement of only a group of nationally
though this research lays the ground for further development of the system. Second, many of
the measures are not quantitatively based. They are intentionally written in a subjective way
However, this preliminary rating system provides a qualitative way of measuring the
sustainability performance of SRDs in the case study city and a common ground to compare
their performance. The principle purpose of the case study research is to present the working
of the framework proposed in Chapter 5, and validate its robustness. The preliminary system
that has been adapted to the local context should adequately address this purpose, though
In the next chapter, the calculation of LCA energy consumption and the related carbon
emissions for the case study SRDs is described in detail. Chapter 9 will analyze the survey
results and apply the finalized rating system to the case studies.
Chapter 8: LCA Energy and Carbon Accounting for the Case
Chapter 5 has proposed an assessment framework that consists of an LCA energy and carbon
accounting model and a regionally specific neighbourhood rating system. This framework
will be tested to prove its robustness. In this chapter, the LCA energy and carbon accounting
model is applied to the two case study SRDs. It starts with a discussion of the calculation
scope and assessment boundary. The methodology of LCA energy and carbon accounting is
then discussed. The results will be presented in a number of figures and tables that reflect the
8.1. Introduction
The literature review has revealed that little research has been undertaken in this area in China,
particularly in terms of modeling life-cycle material & energy flows and the related carbon
emissions for large groups of building sites such as residential neighbourhoods. Studies have
typically assessed either the national total building stock (e.g. Fernandez 2007, Yang and
Kohler 2008) or the single building (e.g. Zhang et al. 2006, Gu et al. 2006). These studies
have typically focused on building performance without consideration of the users’ activities
such as travel between home and work. Some concerns such as interior housing decoration
The calculation of carbon emissions is often presented in the form of carbon footprint (CF).
As discussed in section 4.4, there is no universally accepted CF definition. Even the units of
CF measurement are diverse in the literature. This research acknowledges the definition
proposed by Wiedmann and Minx (2008) that is, “the carbon footprint is a measure of the
exclusive total amount of carbon dioxide emissions that are directly and indirectly caused by
This definition includes only CO2 in the analysis and adopts life-cycle thinking. It provides a
simple, straightforward and practical way to facilitate the generation of clear solutions.
Wiedmann and Minx (2008) argue that many other GHG substances (e.g. CF4) are either not
based on carbon or are more difficult to quantify because of data availability. In addition, the
definition also refrains from expressing the carbon footprint as an area-based indicator (e.g.
Eco-footprint). The ‘total amount’ of CO2 is physically measured in mass units (kg, t, etc) and
thus no conversion to an area unit (ha, m2, km2, etc) takes place. Wiedmann and Minx further
point out that the conversion into a land area would have to be based on a variety of different
assumptions and increases the uncertainties and errors associated with a particular footprint
estimate. For this reason accounting should try to avoid unnecessary conversions and attempt
In this research, energy consumption and carbon emissions will be reported in units of per
residential construction area and per resident. First, residential function is the core service of
an SRD, and the existence of community buildings, commercial buildings and open space is
to support such a function. The unit of energy consumption and carbon emissions per
residential construction area can link the energy & carbon performance of whole SRD
(including the public area) to the residential area. Thus it can encourage individual residents
to calculate their shares (or household share) of the total energy consumed and the resulting
carbon emissions based on the construction area of their apartments. In addition, it can
provide a common ground for comparison between different SRDs in which size and
Second, the number of residents of a particular SRD also determines the total quantity of
energy consumed and carbon emissions. The assessment results can be presented in units of
GJ/per capita and tonnes of carbon/per capita, which are also easy to understand as an
educational and management tool. This research will use both measurements to present the
Overall, life-cycle energy and carbon accounting is a suitable tool to evaluate the SRD,
z The SRD is enclosed by gates and fences that provide a physical assessment boundary
z Life-cycle energy and carbon accounting is a good management and educational tool to
illustrate the variety of different SRDs in which the average housing size, provision of
open space, provision of public buildings and life patterns may be very diverse.
z The tool may complement the neighbourhood building assessment methods by offering
In its broadest context the ‘carbon footprint’ calculates not just the carbon produced as a
result of the energy used for the construction, operation and maintenance of the SRD. There
are broader issues that relate to carbon emissions produced as a result of the users interacting
with their environmental, social and economic contexts. This is particularly important with
regard to the location of an SRD, the urban configuration and local transport network. Such
workplaces, amenities and urban services greatly increases the overall carbon footprint of the
SRD. In addition, carbon generation is associated with people’s everyday lives such as life
sustaining necessities (e.g. food, clothing), life quality commodities (e.g. TVs, fridges) and
Historically, the single greatest obstacle to evaluating buildings within their urban context has
been access to data on the composition and condition of the stock (IEA 2004a). As discussed
in section 7.1, data related to building construction and operation (e.g. embodied energy of
materials and operational energy of households) in China are very poor. Data are also lacking
with regard to the daily amounts of consumer goods such as food and clothes, as well as items
like housing appliances. Given data availability in the Chinese context, this study is only
concerned with energy based CO2 emissions as defined in Figure 8.1. It is not the full carbon
footprint of the SRD. Further research would be required to understand the full carbon
footprint and the links between the users’ behaviours and their socio-economic contexts.
Given there is no consensus on the scope and boundaries for life cycle energy consumption
and carbon footprint analysis, it is vital to define them clearly at the outset. For this study, the
construction, interior housing decoration, maintenance, direct energy for operation, and
energy used for transport between home and work. Emissions associated with people’s
life-styles such as consumption of food and consumer goods, embodied energy used for
manufacturing household appliances and the treatment of various wastes are excluded from
this analysis due to data availability. Figure 8.1 shows the boundaries that have been defined
According to Figure 8.1, the whole analysis can be generally expressed by the following
These equations split the whole SRD life cycle into two stages: pre-occupation and
manufacturing of building materials, conveyance to the construction site and the construction
process, which is mainly under control of developers, designers and contractors. The
post-occupation stage involves energy and emissions associated with activities such as
interior decoration, operation of buildings and open space, maintenance and transport between
home and work, which is mainly controlled by individual householders and SRD management
Within the scope of study
Outside the scope of study
T ransport
Site Preparation
Construction Wastes
Figure 8.1: System boundary for the carbon footprint calculations used in this study
8.3. Methodology
It is important to define the service life of an SRD to assess its life-cycle impact. The service
life of an SRD will affect the total recurring embodied energy as well as the life-cycle
operational energy and related emissions. The Chinese Residential Building Code (GB
50386-2005) requires the service life of residential buildings to be not less than 50 years.
In this study, the service life of buildings is assumed to be 50 years given the assumption that
they all meet the requirements of the national building code. Regarding the open space of the
SRDs, there is no specification on its service life in the national building codes. As required
by the China’s Design Standards for Urban Roads (CJJ 37-91), the expected lifespan of hard
pavement with asphalt concrete surface is 15 years. Thus, it is assumed that the open pace (e.g.
roads, walls, and parking lots) of the case study SRDs also has a service life of 15 years.
difficult to account for all of them. As demonstrated in Chen et al. (2001), the use of steel,
aluminum, concrete, timber, PVC, and tiles constitutes 99% of total material inputs and 97%
of the total embodied energy in the residential buildings of Hong Kong. In order to reduce
analytical complexity, this study only examines these six main building materials in
assessment of the case study SRDs (In this study, concrete is replaced by cement because
cement is the major component by environmental impact of concrete and its quantities are
In China, the housing transferred to the buyers usually has only low-quality flooring and
painting. The buyers often conduct some interior decoration by replacing the provided
finishes with higher-quality materials such as timber tiles to suit their personal preferences.
Interior housing decoration, in the Chinese context, may include a number of activities such
as tiling the floor, decorating the ceiling, painting the walls, and installing the kitchen. Due to
data availability, only flooring materials including timber decking tiles, marble tiles and
8.3.2. Energy consumption in the pre-occupation phase
Energy will be consumed to convert raw materials into various construction materials which
can be assembled into a building or a road. The calculation of embodied energy for each
ª n º
Emanufactoring « ¦ qi ei »
¬i 1 ¼
Where qi is the quantity of material i used in the SRD that can be totalled based on the BQ. ei
is the energy intensity for material i (MJ per unit). It should be noted that this equation does
not consider the waste factors of materials that represent the wastages and losses incurred
The literature review has revealed that there is very little information found related to
non-operational energy consumption in China such as material intensity and embodied energy
intensity (ei)of construction materials (see also Fridley et al. 2008). As a result, studies have to
rely on international data to act as proxies for China’s calculation (see examples Fridley et al.
2008, Gu et al. 2006 and Chen et al. 2001). A study from Tsinghua University (Yang 2003:86)
provides the cradle-to-gate energy intensities and the related emission factors of some
Chinese building materials including steel, cement, aluminum, and timber. For other materials
not included in the Yang (2003) study, the data from the University of Bath’s Inventory of
Carbon and Energy (ICE) database (Hammond and Jones 2008) will be adopted. The ICE is
one of the most comprehensive databases available. It covers not only embodied energy
coefficients of building materials but also the related carbon emission factors. The current
It should be noted that these data only provide an initial and rough estimate of the total energy
use and carbon footprint of a Chinese SRD. The embodied energy intensities and the related
emission factors greatly vary in different studies. For example, in producing 1kg steel (one of
the most studied materials) in China, Yang et al. (2002:117-119) suggest a 56.65MJ energy
consumption and 8200g CO2 emission; Yang (2003:86) gives 38.6MJ and 6778g respectively.
Gong and Zhang (2004) suggest 24.97MJ energy consumption and Gu et al. (2006) estimates
29MJ energy consumption. This reflects a fact that the calculation of embodied energy
intensities for China’s building materials is still underdeveloped. To improve accuracy, further
research including establishing a reliable database for China’s building materials would be
needed. The synthesis of energy intensity of the main construction materials and water
Table 8.1: Energy intensity and the associated emission factors of materials & water
Material Steel* Timber* Cement* Aluminum* PVC Ceramic Marble Water
(kg) (m ) (kg) (kg) (kg) tile (kg) tile (kg) (m3)
Energy 38.6 3355 10.2 424 67.5 9 3.33 0.72
CO2 6778 95000 1594 24978 2500 590 187 213
Source: Materials with an asterisk are based on Yang (2003:86)
Materials without asterisk are based on Hammond and Jones (2008)
Energy used for transport of construction materials from manufacturing plants to construction
Econveyance ¦Q d e i i it
Where Qi is the amount of construction material i dealt with for conveyance; di is the
conveyance distance for material i; eit is the energy intensity for a specific type of conveyance.
The average distance of freight transport in China is 61 km in 2004 (cited in Gu et al. 2006).
This distance is assumed to be the average distance of transferring building materials. Given
the assumption that all materials are road conveyed and fueled by diesel oil, it is suggested by
Yang et al. (2002:118) that the average energy consumption for road transportation in China is
2.423MJ/tonne-km and the related CO2 emission is 0.2377kg/tonne-km. Thus, the total energy
for conveyance of building materials can be calculated given the amount of materials, average
The energy calculation for the construction process is given in Chen et al (2001), which is
estimated by:
Econstruction ¦Q e
i 1
i i
Where Qi is the amount of construction material i dealt with in producing the buildings, roads
and facilities; ei is the energy intensity required for the construction process dealing with
consumed for the construction of one meter square area in the Chinese context. For more
accuracy, this data may also be obtained directly from the BQ in which contractors often
Interior decoration is normally carried out by the home buyers after completion of the SRD.
Only floor decking is included in this analysis. Generally, timber tiles, ceramic tiles and
marble tiles are the most frequently used flooring materials in China. The energy intensities of
The energy and emissions associated with material or component replacement and periodic
maintenance during the life of a building can be up to 32% of the initial embodied energy or
emissions (Crawford 2009). A replacement factor is the coefficient of the lifespan of a
element has a life expectancy of 10 years, the replacement factor is 5 given the building
lifespan of 50 years. This also means this material or element needs to be replaced four times
after the completion of the building. The replacement factors of various materials and
elements can be found in Chen et al. (2001) and Chau et al. (2007) (see Table 8.2). In this
thesis, cement and steel used in building construction are assumed to be all for structural
components. Thus their lifespan is as the same as the building that means no material
replacement for cement and steel during the building lifespan. For other building materials
examined, replacement materials and energy consumption are determined by both the initial
material inputs and the related replacement factors. It should be noted that the material and
energy recurrence for the open space of the SRD is different from the buildings. Since the
expected lifespan of the open space (e.g. roads, walls) of an SRD is assumed to be only 15
years, maintenance work required for the open environment such as roads, walls and parking
Source: Synthesis based on Chen et al. (2001) and Chau et al. (2007)
The energy and water consumed for operation can be categorized as:
The quantity of energy and water used to run the public area can be obtained from the
property management company. The data relating to the energy and water consumption in
homes are not collected at SRD level, thus, a household survey needs to be conducted to
Yang et al. (2002:113) give a CO2 emission factor of 317 grams in producing 1MJ
(approximately 0.278 kWh) electricity in China. The University of Bath’s ICE database
estimates 213 grams CO2 emission in producing 1m3 tap water (Hammond and Jones 2008)
that will be used as the proxy in the case study SRD calculations. Jungbluth et al. (1997)
suggest 122kg CO2 emission in using 1 GJ Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). Given the above
assumptions, the CO2 emissions in operating the SRD can be calculated by linking them with
In order to calculate the petrol consumption for traffic between home and work, information
such as transportation means, modal split, and average commuting time is required. This type
of information can be gained by a household survey. This thesis only involves the use of
private car, motorbike, and bus. Other transportation means such as walking, cycling, and
in 2006 estimated the average car speed in the urban area of Guilin was 40km/hour (Li and
Qin 2006). No research has been found regarding the average speed of bus and motorbike in
the case study city. The average speed of bus in Beijing ranged between 14km/hour and
20km/hour in 2007 (China Net 2007). Considering Guilin is a city smaller than Beijing in
terms of size and population. 20km/hour is assumed to be the average bus speed in Guilin.
The average speed of motorbike in the urban area of Guilin, assumed by the author, is
30km/hour. The average petrol consumption for a 100km ride in China is 8.06 liters (Beijing
Daily 2009) for cars, 3 liters (Financial Times 2006) for motorbikes and 31 liters (Zhen and
Chen 2008) for buses. Each bus ride conveys 50 passengers. It should be noted that the
If the transport means and the related average commuting time can be obtained by a
household survey, the total petrol consumption for travel between home and work would be
available. Other assumptions include the yearly working days (250) and the density of petrol
(0.725kg/liter) with a heating value of 32MJ/liter. Yang et al. (2002:136) suggests a CO2
emission coefficient of 3172 grams in using 1kg petrol in China. Thus, the total carbon
emissions attributable to travel between home and work can be also quantified. BQ survey
A set of BQs has been obtained for each of the buildings in SRD 1, and also for the roads,
walkways, green areas and parking lots. The material consumption for construction of the
wall is based on the author’s estimation due to not being included in the BQs. Life-cycle
material consumption and electricity & water usage during the construction process are
shown in Table 8.3. It reveals that the total consumption of various construction materials
during a life-cycle of 50 years is 20,864 tonnes. The initial construction materials consumed
in the largest quantities for this SRD are cement and steel, followed by timber (given a
density of 900kg/m3), various tiles, aluminum and PVC. However, the order will be
re-arranged in a view of the life cycle consumption. In a life-cycle context, the materials
consumed in the largest quantities are cement and various tiles, followed by timber, steel,
PVC and aluminum. The reason is because materials such as timber, tiling materials and PVC
Table 8.3: Life-cycle material consumption and construction related electricity & water
consumption of SRD 1
Material/SRD Steel Timber Cement Aluminum Tiles PVC Water Electricity
component (kg) (m3) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (m3) (kWh)
Buildings 2064,000 1,703 10293,000 52879 537,180 48,729 42,489 244,216
Public open space 12,000 226,000 978 1,748
Housing decoration 212 264,542
Recurrent materials 24,000 1,915 452,000 52879 3206,888 194,916
Total 2088,000 3,830 10971,000 105758 4008,610 243,645 43,467 245,964
Grand total: 20864 tonnes
Note: (1) The aggregation of the initial material consumption and the construction related electricity & water consumption is
based on the BQs and there is no consideration of material recycling.
(2) The public open space includes roads, walkways, parking lots, pavement in landscaped area and walls. The calculation of roads,
walkways, and parking lots is based on the BQs. The materials used for construction of walls and the pavement in the landscaped
area are estimated by the author due to not being included in the BQs.
(3) The types of materials used for interior decoration are based on the household survey; the tiles used for floor decking consist of
ceramic tiles (240180kg), marble tiles (24362kg) and timber flooring tiles (212 m3); the tiles are assumed to be 10mm thick with
densities of 2000kg/m3, 2600 kg/m3 and 900kg/m3 respectively.
(4) Water and electricity usage for housing decoration and maintenance are ignored due to lack of data;
(5) Recurrent materials during the life cycle are calculated based on the synthesis of Chen et al. (2001) and Chau et al. (2007) (see
table 8.2). An expected life-span of 10 years means requiring replacement four times during the life span of 50 years. Steel and
cement in building construction are assumed to be used for building structure.
(6) It is assumed that the public open space (e.g. roads, walkways, parking lots, wall) needs to be totally reconstructed every 15
years. This means the reconstruction of public area need to conduct twice during 50-year life span.
A household survey was conducted with the focus on the operational energy and water
consumption for SRD 1. It involved 46 households or 10% of the total households. The
survey indicates that the average household size is about 3.39 persons and it is estimated that
the total residents of this SRD is 1566. This survey also reveals the energy and water
consumed per month per household or 4.38 m3 /month-person. Regarding gas consumption,
each household consumes 11.74 LPG containers annually (each container has 16.5kg LPS).
The monthly electricity and water used for public area are provided by the property
management office, which include: street lamps (750kWh), office and guard kiosks
(2230kWH), vegetation irrigation (500 m3).
The survey revealed that interior decoration was conducted in all sampled households. Marble
tile, ceramic tile and timber are the most frequently used materials for interior decoration. In
total, there are 68% households using ceramic tiles to decorate their living rooms, while 25%
use timber and 7% use marble tiles. Regarding the decoration of bedrooms, 86% use timber
The percentages of various transport means are shown in Figure 8.2. The survey shows that
cycling (including cell-powered scooters), motorbikes, buses and cars are the most frequently
used modes of transport and the average time used for travel between home and work is
around 50.05 minutes per day (two-way). The average commuting time for private cars,
motorcycles and buses is 40.8 minutes, 54.8 minutes and 57.3 minutes respectively.
24% cycling
21% bus
other BQ survey
A set of BQs has been obtained for each of the buildings in SRD 2, and also for the
kindergarten, roads, walkways, green areas, underground garage and surface parking lots. The
community center and the management office area are located on the ground floor of building
No. 9 and 19 respectively (see Figure 6.11). Since they cannot be separated from the BQs of
the two buildings, it is assumed that their energy and material consumption is proportional to
the ratio of their floor area to the respective total area of the buildings. Life-cycle material
consumption and electricity & water usage during the construction process is shown in Table
8.4. It reveals that the total consumption of various construction materials during a life-cycle
of 50 years is 17,368 tonnes, which is about 3,496 tonnes less than that of the SRD 1. Since
both case studies were located in the same city and completed in similar time, it is
unsurprising that they have used the same construction technology. Therefore, the life-cycle
construction materials consumed in the largest quantities for SRD 2 are of the same order:
Table 8.4: Life-cycle material consumption and construction related electricity & water
consumption of the SRD 2
Material/SRD Steel Timber Cement Aluminum Tiles PVC Water Electricity
component (kg) (m3) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (m3) (KWH)
Residential Buildings 1866,900 1,441 6388,697 43,459 415,700 67,875 136,493 368,090
Community and 155,920 85 1202,880 3,630 22,675 2,057 726 20,231
commercial buildings
Public open space 15,000 313,000 778 10,178
Housing decoration 202 204,702
Recurrent materials 30,000 1,728 626,000 47,089 2572,308 279,728
Total 2067,820 3,456 8530,577 94,178 3215,385 349,660 137,977 398,499
Grand Total: 17,368 tonnes
Note: (1) The calculation of community and commercial buildings includes material consumption for the underground parking
(2) Other assumptions are as the same in Table 8.3.
A survey of households was conducted with the focus on energy and water consumption for
households. The survey indicates that the average household size in the SRD is about 3.42
persons (the average household size of the city is 2.93 persons, see section so it is
estimated that the total residents of this SRD is 1197. This survey also reveals energy and
water consumption for the SRD 2. On average, 293kWh electricity is consumed per
consumed per month per household or 5.88 m3 /month-person. Regarding gas consumption,
on average each household consumes 13.21 LPG containers annually. The monthly electricity
and water used for the public area are provided by the property management office, which
include: street lamps (750kWh), office and guard kiosks (2,725kWH), the community center
(1,700kWh), the kindergarten (2,500), vegetation irrigation and a fountain (750 m3).
This survey has revealed that interior decoration has been conducted in all sampled
households. Forty six percent of households use ceramic tiles to decorate their living rooms,
while 35% use timber and 19% use marble tiles. Regarding decoration of bedrooms, 91% use
The percentages of various transport means are shown in Figure 8.3. Similar to SRD 1, the
survey shows that cycling (including cell-powered scooter), private cars, motorbikes and buses
are the most frequently used transport means. However, compared to SRD 1, the percentage of
people using public transport has decreased about 4%, and use of private cars has increased 8%.
The average commuting time used for traffic between home and work is around 47.26 minutes
per day (two-way). The average time for private cars, motorcycles and bus is 38.8 minutes,
6% car
24% cycling
21% walk
8.5. Results and Analysis: Energy and Carbon Profiles
Following the previously discussed analysis methodology and the survey results, the
life-cycle energy consumption and the related CO2 emissions can now be quantified and lead
to a number of figures and tables that describe energy and carbon profiles for the case studies.
The energy use and CO2 emissions in different life stages of the case study SRDs are shown in
Table 8.5.
Table 8.5: Life-cycle energy consumption and the related CO2 emissions
Life Stages Manufacturing Conveyance Construction Decoration Maintenance Operation Traffic
SRD 1: life-cycle energy consumption: 1100,108 GJ; life-cycle CO2 emission: 169,855 tonnes
Energy(GJ) 223,684 3,083 1,067 2,955 77,981 458,838 332,500
SRD 2: life-cycle energy consumption: 1016,289; life-cycle CO2 emission: 155,031 tonnes
Note: The table is calculated based on Table 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4.
(1) Energy consumption and carbon emission for manufacturing is calculated by multiplying the initial material inputs (see
Table 8.3 and 8.4) with their respective energy intensities and emission factors (see Table 8.1).
(2) Energy consumption and carbon emission for conveyance is calculated by multiplying the total amount of material
input (see Table 8.3 and 8.4, 20864 tonnes and 17368 tonnes for SRD1 and SRD2 respectively) with the average
distance of freight transport 61km and the energy & emission coefficients, 2.423MJ/tonne-km energy consumption and
0.2377kg/tonne-km CO2 emission.
(3) Energy consumption for the construction process is directly from the BQs. Then the usage of electricity is multiplied
with the emission factor of producing 1MJ electricity in China (317g/MJ).
(4) Energy consumption and carbon emission for decoration is calculated by multiplying the decoration material inputs (see
Table 8.3 and 8.4) with their respective energy intensities and emission factors (see Table 8.1).
(5) Energy consumption and carbon emission for maintenance is calculated by multiplying the recurrent material inputs
(see Table 8.3 and 8.4) with their respective energy intensities and emission factors (see Table 8.1), and then further
multiplying with their replacement factors (see Table 8.2).
(6) Energy consumption and carbon emission for operation is calculated by multiplying the electricity, gas and water usage
(see section and with their respective energy intensities and emission factors (see Table 8.1), and then
further multiplying with the prescribed building life span (50 years).
(7) Energy consumption and carbon emission for traffic is calculated by multiplying the number of vehicle users (car,
motorbike and bus, see section and with the average traffic time and the assumed average speed, then
further multiplying with the average petrol consumption per 100km and emission factors (see section
The total life-cycle energy use of SRD 1 is 1100,108 GJ with CO2 emission of 169,855 tonnes.
As a whole, SRD 2 uses slightly less energy and emits less CO2. The energy consumption
and CO2 emission of SRD 2 are 1016,289 GJ and 155,031 tonnes respectively. Given a life
span of 50 years, the annualized energy use and carbon emissions are 22002GJ and 3397
tones CO2 for SRD 1, and 20,325GJ and 3,101 tonnes for SRD 2.
However, the picture is different if the two SRDs were measured in units of energy
consumption per residential area or per resident. Compared to SRD 1, SRD 2 provides larger
open space and more community facilities, but accommodates fewer residents. Given the
assumption of unchanged household size, the annualized per capita energy consumption and
carbon footprint are 14.1GJ and 2.17 tonnes for SRD 1 and, 17.0 GJ and 2.59 tonnes for SRD
2 respectively. The annualized energy consumption and carbon emissions per m2 residential
area are 0.41 GJ and 0.063 tonnes CO2 for SRD 1, and 0.46 GJ and 0.070 tonnes CO2 for
SRD 2.
(manufacturing, conveyance and construction) are 4.25 GJ and 0.62 tonnes CO2 per m2
residential area for SRD 1, which are about 5.4% and 6.5% smaller than those of SRD 2 (4.48
GJ and 0.66 tonnes respectively). The reason is attributable to the larger public area of SRD 2.
The pre-occupation profile can be used as an environmental label to denote the actual
environmental impact of a new SRD. This label links the environmental impact of the whole
SRD to the unit of residential area. By this, housing buyers can readily evaluate the actual
The percentages of energy use in different life stages are shown in Figure 8.4. Operational
energy use including electricity, water and LPG takes up 42% and 41% of the total life-cycle
energy consumption of SRD1 and SRD2 respectively, followed by energy use for travel
between home and work (30% and 32% respectively). Energy used for manufacturing the
initial construction materials constitutes 20% and 19% respectively. Gu et al. (2006) in a study
of a single residential building in Beijing also give a similar result in that embodied energy
constitutes 20% of life span consumption.
Energy used for SRD maintenance is relatively smaller with 7% in both SRDs. The
SRDs. Overall, total energy use in the pre-occupation phase (manufacturing, conveyance, and
construction) of SRD 1 and SRD 2 constitutes 20.7% and 19.4% respectively, while the
and 80.6%. This is also similar to the results of some other studies such as Fernandez (2007)
and BECC (2009:1). Both estimate the post-occupation energy consumption is about 80% of
Manufacturing SRD 2
Transport between home and work
Figure 8.4: Percent energy use in different life stages of the case study SRDs
Carbon emissions in different life stages of the case studies are illustrated in Figure 8.5.
Carbon emissions from running SRD 1 and SRD 2 constitutes 64% and 63% of the total
life-cycle emissions, followed by manufacturing of the initial construction materials (19% and
18%), and travel between home and work (14% and 15%). The maintenance of both SRDs
constitutes about 3% of the total emissions, and the combination of conveyance, construction
and decoration constitutes only 1%. In overall, the total CO2 emission in pre-occupation phase
of SRD 1 and SRD 2 constitutes 19.6% and 18.6% respectively, while the post-occupation
Conveyance, construction and
Figure 8.5: Percent CO2 emissions in different life stages of the case study SRDs
Noteworthy in the analysis, travel between home and work alone constitutes about 30% of the
total energy consumption and 15% of the total life-cycle carbon emissions. If considering
other city travel such as shopping and excursion, and long distance travel by train and plane,
the energy consumption and carbon emissions for transport would be more significant.
Embodied energy use involves the initial embodied energy, recurring embodied energy for
SRD maintenance (material replacement), energy for interior decoration, and energy use for
conveyance and construction. From the breakdown in Table 8.4, it can be seen that the total
embodied energy use for SRD 1 and SRD 2 are 308,770 GJ and 274,646 GJ respectively. The
total embodied carbon emissions are 38,307 and 33,774 tonnes respectively. Further analysis
reveals that the manufacturing of building materials constitutes 72% and 70% of the total
embodied energy consumption for SRD 1 and SRD 2, and 85% and 84% of the total
25% and 27% of the total embodied energy consumption, and 13% and 14% of the total
embodied carbon emissions (see Figure 8.6). The significance of the use of recurrent
materials and energy cannot be ignored in any life-cycle assessment. However, energy use for
conveyance, construction and interior decoration are much less. The combination constitutes
Conveyance, construction,
SRD 2 (carbon)
Maintenance SRD 2 (energy)
SRD 1 (carbon)
SRD 1(energy)
Since both SRDs have been built in the same city and completed in similar time, they should
comply with the same design codes and construction technology. Thus the material contents
for them should be also similar though there are some minor differences between high-rise
buildings and medium-rise buildings. SRD 1 is used as an example here to present the energy
and carbon profiles of different construction materials. The breakdown of initial embodied
energy and the associated CO2 emissions of different construction materials is shown in
Figure 8.7. Cement constitutes 37% of the total embodied energy and 48% of the total
embodied emission, followed by steel with 26% and 38% respectively. It should be noted that
aluminum represents 15% of the total embodied energy and 7% of the total embodied
emissions given only 0.5% of the total quantity of material consumption. Various tiles
constitute 12% of the total embodied energy and 6% of the total emissions. The impact of
timber and PVC are smaller, together representing 10% of the total embodied energy
respectively and 3% of the emissions. It is also should be noted that the percentages of carbon
emission of cement and steel are higher than their respective energy consumption percentages,
while other materials demonstrate reverse results. The reason may be attributed to current
cement and steel industry is heavy users of coal, which emits more carbon than other energy
Figure 8.7: Initial embodied energy and carbon emissions of different construction materials
Operational energy use involves the consumption of electricity, water and LPG in homes and
public area. The values of operational energy use and its related CO2 emissions are shown in
Table 8.6. Given the life span of 50 years, the use of electricity has the greatest impact. It
constitutes 57% of the total operational energy use and 78% of the total carbon emission of
SRD 1, followed by the use of LPG for cooking and bathing, representing 42% and 21%
respectively (see Figure 8.8). SRD 2 presents similar distributions as those in SRD 1. The
energy used for producing water is minor, only representing 1% of the total operational
energy and the total operational CO2 emission in both case studies. This reflects a fact that the
water footprint analysis should be undertaken to delineate a holistic picture of resource and
energy consumption.
Annualized per capita life-cycle operational energy use and CO2 emission are 5.86 GJ and
1.37 tonnes for SRD 1, and 6.97 GJ and 1.64 tonnes for SRD 2. This suggests that the
residents of SRD 2 consume 18.9% more energy and produce 19.7% more CO2 emission on
average compared to the residents of SRD 1. The reasons behind this may include:
z SRD 2 has more open space and more community facilities, and
z Life-styles between them may be different.
Table 8.6: Operational energy and carbon emissions in 50 years life span
Energy types Electricity Water LPG
SRD 1: total operational energy use is 458,838 GJ with the related CO2 emission of 107,673 tonnes
Energy (GJ) 262,902 3,049 192,887
Emission (tonnes) 83,252 889 23,532
SRD 2: total operational energy use is 417293 GJ with the related CO2 emission of 97907 tonnes
Energy (GJ) 238,086 3,366 175,841
Emission (tonnes) 75,460 995 21,452
RSD 2 (carbon)
LPG SRD 2 (energy)
SRD 1 (carbon)
SRD 1 (energy)
Figure 8.8: Operational energy and carbon emissions by different energy types
Life-cycle energy consumption for travel between home and work is 332,500 GJ for SRD 1
and 324,350 GJ for SRD 2. Annualized per capita transport energy consumption and the
related CO2 emissions are 4.25 GJ and 0.31 tonnes respectively for SRD 1, and 5.42 GJ and
Figure 8.9 and 8.10 indicate the relationships between energy use of different transport means
and the respective proportions of commuters conveyed. In this thesis, only the use of the
private car, motorbike and bus is included. The use of the private car consumes 61% of the
total transport energy but only conveys 16% of the residents of SRD 1. However public
transport, consuming only 4% of the total transport energy conveys 21% of the total
commuters. The users of motorbikes constitute 24% of the commuters and consume 35% of
the total transport energy. In SRD 2, the use of private car consumes 74% of the total
transport energy but only displaces 24% of the total commuters, while public transport
consumes 3% to convey 17%. The motorbike users constitute 21% of the total commuters and
consume 23% of the total transport energy. Unsurprisingly, the use of public transport has the
Private car
Figure 8.9: Energy consumption (%) commuters of different transport means in SRD 1
Private car
Figure 8.10: Energy consumption (%) of commuters of different transport means in SRD 2
Figure 8.11 shows the total CO2 emission (excluding travel between home and work) for
different components of the SRDs. The construction and operation of the public area of SRD
1 constitute only 2% of the total carbon emission and the residential buildings constitute 98%.
Compared to SRD 1, SRD 2 has some community facilities and more open space. The carbon
emissions from the construction and operation of the community and commercial sector
constitute about 9% of the total emissions, and the open space constitutes 2%. In total the
public area constitutes about 11% of the life-cycle emissions. These figures reflect that the
public area plays a more important role in determining the energy and carbon profile of SRD
Open space
Community and commercial facilities
Residential buildings
Figure 8.11: CO2 emissions by main physical components of the case study SRDs (%)
8.6. Summary
This chapter represents one of the pioneering studies that quantify the life-cycle energy and
carbon profiles of two case study SRDs in China. Compared to other LCA-based studies in
China, it shifts the assessment focus from single building assessment to precinct level in order
The results have been illustrated in a number of figures and tables that interpret the energy
and carbon performance of the SRDs with regard to their life stages, construction materials,
transport means and SRD components. Together these figures and tables create an energy and
carbon profile for the SRDs investigated. Useful information can be generated based on such
profiles to help various stakeholders, such as developers, designers and buyers, to make
decisions. However, it is also obvious that the energy and carbon profile cannot address
sustainability in a holistic way: many social, spatial and site-specific issues are not reflected.
The analysis reveals that the annualized per resident life-cycle energy use and carbon
footprint are 14.1GJ and 2.17 tonnes for SRD 1, and 17 GJ and 2.59 tonnes for SRD 2. The
post-occupation phase consumes energy and emits CO2 at about four times the rate of the
pre-occupancy phase. The results indicate that CO2 emitted from the operation of the SRD
constitutes the largest proportion of total emissions; followed by initial embodied energy,
travel between home and work, and recurrent energy for maintenance. This study indicates
that cement and steel are the most energy intensive materials in the construction of an SRD. It
also shows that the life-cycle environmental impact of daily commuter travel is significant
and that there is an urgent need to promote the use of public transport. The analysis
unsurprisingly shows that residential buildings consume much more construction materials
and embodied energy than other component parts of the SRD. However, this may vary
according to the SRD evaluated because larger landscaped areas and more community
amenities could be built in many affluent SRDs. As illustrated in this study, the public area of
SRD 2 emits about 11% of the total carbon emissions compared to only 2% in SRD 1.
The energy and carbon calculation in this chapter has roughly similar assessment scope with
the two cases given in section 4.4.2 (York and Adelaide). SRD 1 has only about 38% and 30%
of the average carbon footprint of Adelaide and York residents respectively, while SRD 2 has
about 45% and 36% respectively. Reasons may be mainly attributable to climate diversity,
It should be noted that the energy consumption in the life-cycle analysis is secondary energy.
The difference between primary and secondary energy can be 3 to 4 times different depending
on the quality and efficiency of fuel sources. On average, coal constitutes 69.5% of China’s
overall energy source, followed by oil (19.7%), gas (3.5%), and hydropower (7.3%) (BEEC
2009:271). However, considering China is a huge country, the use of primary energy varies
between different regions in terms of fuel source and efficiency of power production. Thus,
More generally, the carbon emissions of the day-to-day operational use of the SRDs are about
four times greater than embodied impact. This implies that increasing material inputs in the
construction stage, e.g. providing thermal mass or installing passive facilities, may
considerably reduce impacts over the full life cycle (Osmond 2010) of the SRDs. In addition,
evaluating the SRD as a whole helps designers to expand their views beyond single buildings
by incorporating public open space which helps to form a holistic picture of their work.
Furthermore, such a calculation can aid decision-making at an early stage of the design
process. For example, providing life-cycle energy and emission data helps designers to select
SRDs are enclosed by walls and gates, and the community facilities and open space are
owned by all residents. They are not open to people outside a particular SRD, for example, a
gym within SRD ‘A’ is not open to the residents from SRD ‘B’. Thus, energy consumption
and carbon emissions attributable to the construction and operation of the gym, should be also
shared by all residents in SRD ‘A’. However, it should be noted that any SRD needs the
facilities and services provided by the larger urban context, which are shared by the whole
society. The residents of an SRD may use the public gyms of the city because their
community gym does not provide a particular sport court. Therefore, the calculation of energy
and carbon flows for the case study SRDs does not necessarily represent the energy
Chapter 9 will discuss the qualitatively based SRD rating system, which leads to the creation
Chapter 9: Neighbourhood Rating System and Its
Application to the Case Study SRDs
The previous chapter has examined the life-cycle energy and carbon profile of the case study
SRDs in Guilin. In this chapter, the neighbourhood rating system will be developed and
applied to the case study SRDs. The review of the current building rating systems in Chapter
3 indicates that the international systems, such as LEED-ND and CASBEE-UD, cannot be
applied to the Chinese context without modification, and the Chinese building rating systems,
e.g. GOBAS and CEATM, cannot adequately address neighbourhood sustainability. Chapter 6
also argues that a regionally specific system will be more suitable due to the country’s large
territory and diverse conditions. Therefore, a regionally specific assessment system needs to
be generated for Guilin, in which the case study SRDs are located. In Chapter 7, the methods
used to develop the system are described. It involves a survey of the local practitioners and
researchers based on an initial set of indicators. The proposed rating system is structured with
three layers, principles (assessment categories), indicators and measures respectively. The
preliminary system has in total nine assessment categories, 44 individual indicators and 101
measures (see section 7.3.1 and 7.3.2). Weights are assigned to the category and indicator
level (see section 7.4.3). The initial indicator set is attached in Appendix 3 and the
In this chapter, the survey results will be analyzed and collated in order to generate a
Guilin-specific neighbourhood rating system, and weights will be assigned to the assessment
categories and indicators. Then the neighbourhood rating system will be applied to the case
As noted in Chapter 7, the survey involves two groups of participants. The planner group
which has 21 participants represents the view of the planning practitioners. The researcher
group has 20 participants from the 5 sustainability research areas who reflect the perceptions
The Excel calculation function is used to count the maximum values, minimum values, mean
Figure 9.1 shows that half of the participants who joined in the survey had between 10-20
years of professional career. In each of the two groups, the participants having professional
experience between 10 and 20 year constituted nearly 50% of the total. Overall, the
proportion of participants with more than 10 years working experience was around 70%.
50% 45%
40% 35%
30% 24% Planners
22% 24% 20%
5-10 professional years 10-20 professional 20-30 professional
years years
9.1.2 Gender
Figure 9.2 shows that there is double the number of male participants in the survey compared
with female participants, and this proportion is about the same in both two groups.
70% 63% 62% 61%
37% 38% 39% All
Planners Group
30% Experts Group
Male Female
As noted earlier, the nine neighbourhood sustainability principles are used as the assessment
categories in the rating system. This is Part 1 of the questionnaire. The only question in Part 1
is designed to explore local participants’ perceptions about the relative importance of the
principles, and also the potential for other principles to be added. The participants are required
to tick their answers on a Likert scale of 5 in the given table, where ‘1’ represents “very
unimportant, ‘4’ is “important” and ‘5’ is “very important”. Score 3 is the minimum value for
acceptance. If an item is scored below 3, it will be excluded from the analysis. If they have
other principles to suggest, there is space below the table to allow such addition.
Descriptive statistics of the results (Table 9.1) shows that the mean values of all the 9
principles are between 3 and 5, which reflects they are considered between ‘neutral’ and ‘very
important’ by both groups. Generally speaking, all the principles are perceived positively to
be of some degree of importance for SRD assessment in the case study city. There was no
new principle raised by the participants. Within the 9 principles, ‘environmental quality’ was
voted as the most important one, which is followed by ‘transport’ and ‘sustainability
Table 9.1: Statistical data for weighting the Neighbourhood Sustainability Principles
Sustainability Principles N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
The weight of each principle is calculated as the percentage of the mean value of any
particular principle out of the total mean value. For example, the weight of ‘environmental
quality’ is
The weights of other principles are calculated in the same way and the results are shown in
Figure 9.3. This figure indicates that “environmental quality” is assigned the highest weight
with 13%, while “infrastructure”, “transport”, “resource and energy” and “sustainable
management” are given weights of 12% each. The principle of ‘social neighbourhood’ and
‘economy’ are allocated weights of 11% and 10% respectively. The principle of
‘environmental impact’ and ‘site ecology’ are given the lowest weights with 9%. Note that all
social neighbourhood
12% 11%
9% 12%
resource and energy
12% environmental impact
site ecology
10% sustainability management
Comparing the results from the planner group and the researcher group, it is noted that
weights of the principles given by both groups are roughly the same (Table 9.2). The planner
group gives 1% higher weight to ‘infrastructure’ than the researcher group and a 1% lower
9.3 Evaluating Individual Indicators
This part of the questionnaire aims to evaluate environmental quality within the
neighbourhood. The question is designed to explore the participants’ perception about the
relative importance of the indicators within the principle. There are 5 individual indicators
including: (1) air quality, (2) acoustic quality, (3) urban heat island effect, (4) conservation of
water bodies within the project sites, (5) conservation of wetlands and habitats within the
project site. Each of them consists of several measures to score the indicator.
The participants are required to tick the answers on the same 5 point Likert scale. If they have
any other concerns regarding the indicators, a space is provided just below the table where
they can give their comments or add an indicator. Also, the participants are asked to select the
measure/measures which are thought to be suitable for measuring the indicators. Multiple
ticks are allowed if there is more than one suitable measure. If the participants think other
measures might be more suitable, they should specify them in the “other” option.
Descriptive statistics of the data distribution and the relative importance of the indicators
within the “environmental quality” principle are shown in Table 9.3 and Figure 9.4. The mean
values are between “neutral” and “very important”. Briefly speaking, all indicators listed
under this principle are considered important by both groups. Air Quality is considered the
Conservation of Water Bodies within the Project Site, while the average score of Urban Heat
Island Effect is only slightly above 3, the minimum acceptance level. Accordingly Air quality
has the highest weight of 24% and Urban Heat Island Effect has the lowest of 16%. The other
Table 9.3: Statistical data for weighting the ‘environmental quality’ indicators
‘Environmental Quality’ Indicators N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Air Quality 41 3 5 4.756 0.663
Acoustic Quality 40 2 5 4.073 0.932
Urban Heat Island Effect 39 1 5 3.316 0.904
Conservation of Water Bodies 40 2 5 4.125 0.911
Conservation of Wetlands and Habitats 40 1 5 3.975 0.999
air quality
24% acoustic quality
20% conservation of water body
The weights assigned by the planner group and the general expert group are nearly exactly the
same (Table 9.4). The both cases, the highest weight is given to Air Quality; the lowest weight
is given to Urban Heat Island Effect, and all other indicators are given a medium weight. It is
interesting to note that all participants in the planner group give maximum importance to the
issue of Air Quality. This is the only indicator on which all participants in a group give the
If 50% or more of the participants think a measure is useful and available, it will be accepted
as an effective measure for the indicator. In other words, a 50% agreement vote is needed for
a measure to be selected. If more than one measure is selected, points are given evenly to
each of the measures. For example, if both of the measures ‘shaded area’ and “green space
and open water area” within the indicator Urban Heat Island Effect are singled out by the
participants, the points assigned to the indicator will be evenly distributed between the two
measures. In case there is no measure selected, the measure with the highest positive
respondent rate will be singled out. The measures selected by the two focus groups are shown
in Table 9.5.
It is noteworthy that two participants, both from the planners’ group, suggest that the quality
of landscaping should be included in this principle. Attractive landscaping (open water, trees,
green space, fountains, etc) will increase resident satisfaction and reduce the urban heat island.
This concern is partially addressed in Indicator 6 ‘access to public places’ and Indicator 13
9.3.2 Principle 2: Providing social neighbourhood layout and facilities
This part of the questionnaire aims to evaluate diverse issues that relate to neighbourhood
layout and community facilities. There are 8 individual indicators addressed in this principle,
including (1) proximity to school, (2) access to public place, (3) access to daily-use stores and
facilities, (4) universal accessibility, (5) walkable streets, (6) community involvement, (7)
safety in public areas, (8) urban integration. Each of them consists of several measures.
Descriptive statistics of the relative importance of the indicators within the principle area are
shown in Table 9.6. Generally, all indicators score between “neutral” and “very important”.
The indicator of safety achieves the highest score, followed by access to daily-use stores and
facilities. The indicator of urban integration gains the lowest score, only slightly above the
level of neutral.
The weights assigned to each of the indicators can be seen in Figure 9.5. Accordingly safety
and access to daily-use stores and facilities have the highest weight of 14%, followed by
proximity to school with 13%. The indicator of urban integration has the lowest of 11%.
Table 9.6: Statistical data for weighting the ‘social neighbourhood’ indicators
‘Social Neighbourhood’ Indicators N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Proximity to school 41 2 5 4.098 0.944
Access to public place 41 2 5 3.854 0.823
Access to daily-use stores and facilities 41 3 5 4.195 0.601
Universal accessibility 41 3 5 3.805 0.843
Walkable streets 41 2 5 3.634 0.662
Community involvement 41 2 5 3.707 0.814
Safety in public areas 41 2 5 4.244 0.830
Urban integration 41 1 5 3.317 1.012
12% 13% proximity to school
access to public place
access to facilities
12% 12%
universal accessibility
walkable streets
12% community involvement
The weights assigned by the planner group and the researcher group are slightly different
(Table 9.7).The major divergences between the two groups include: (1) access to public place
is given the highest weight in the researcher group in contrast to the lowest in the planner
group. (2) community involvement is given the second highest score in the planner group in
The effective measures selected by the participants are shown in Table 9.8.
Table 9.8: Measures selected for ‘social neighbourhood’ indicators
Indicators Measures
Indicator 6: Proximity to school 6a) is there a kindergarten within 600m walking
6b) is there a primary school within 600m walking
Indicator 7: Access to public place 7a) is there a park, green plaza or square of at least
700m2 area within 600m walking distance?
Are the following amenities within 600m walking
Indicator 8: Access to daily-use stores and facilities distance?
8a) supermarket 8b) food market 8c) bank 8d)
sport facility 8e) restaurant 8f) library 8g)
hospital 8h) children’s playground
Indicator 9: Universal accessibility 9a) are there barricade-free facilities for disabled and
elderly people?
Indicator 10: Walkable streets 10a) is an active frontage created?
10b) are there speed limits and traffic calming measures
taken within the SRD?
10c) are there continuous sidewalks along both sides of
streets within the SRD?
11a) are there community facilities or open spaces as
Indicator 11: Community involvement centers for community activity?
11b) are the local community stakeholders consulted
during the planning, design and construction process?
11c) is a resident committee put in place after
12a) is the layout plan free of intersections between
Indicator 12: Safety in public areas pedestrians and vehicle movement?
12b) are surveillance cameras and guards provided
through the project site?
12c) are there dead zones or obscured spots that are
hard to see from the surroundings?
13a) does the layout consider scenic axes, continuity
Indicator 13: Urban integration and skyline of the surrounding area?
13b) does the layout consider aesthetic concerns
including wall positioning, color harmonization,
planted trees positioning, and illumination?
13c) does the layout consider connectivity to
surrounding vicinity?
walkable streets.
The concept of separating pedestrian and vehicle movement involves the separation of
pedestrian ways and vehicle roads. The separation can increase safety. However, as argued by
many researchers, it may also reduce the robustness of the street frontages. The vehicle-only
roads may become “dead zones” because of the loss of pedestrians. Therefore, Xu and Yan
(2008) suggest that a certain level of mix of pedestrians and vehicle movements is more
suitable for Chinese neighbourhood planning. Since this concern is still largely dependent on
(3) Disaster sheltering facilities should be included in the issue of “safety in public areas”.
A disaster prevention (or sheltering) facility is an issue addressed in CASBEE-UD, but not
presented in LEED and BREEAM. Generally disaster facilities are planned and constructed
by city governments according to the levels and types of risk, and population distribution.
They are normally not considered at neighbourhood level. Thus, disaster facilities are not
There are also a few minor suggestions such as a theater and hairdressing shop should be
included in access to daily-use stores and facilities, and the distance to a high school should
be addressed in proximity to school. These suggestions are not adopted since neighbourhood
9.3.3 Principle 3: Providing quality infrastructure
There are three individual indicators within this principle. The three indicators are: (1) quality
of information systems, (2) quality of water and wastewater systems, and (3) quality of waste
Descriptive statistics of the relative importance of the indicators within this principle is shown
in Table 9.9. All individual indicators score between “neutral” and “very important”. The
weights assigned to the indicators within the principle can be seen in Figure 9.6. Accordingly
water and wastewater systems and waste disposal facilities have the similar weights of 36%
and 35% respectively. The indicator quality of information systems has only 29%.
The weights assigned by the planner group and the researcher group are almost the same
(Table 9.10). The quality of the information systems is considered less important by both
information system
water and wastewater
waste disposal system
Table 9.10: Weightings assigned to ‘infrastructure’ indicators by different groups
Indicator/Group Information systems Water and wastewater Waste disposal facilities
Both groups 29% 36% 35%
Planners 30% 37% 33%
Researchers 29% 35% 36%
The measures selected by the two groups are shown in Table 9.11. Measure 16c in the
because participants argue such facilities should not be installed in an SRD because of odor
and sanitary concerns. Wastes should be collected and classified, then sent to a central
Five indicators are addressed within this principle. They are: (1) access to public transport; (2)
effectiveness of public transport; (3) transport facilities; (4) reducing car parking; (5) use of
Descriptive statistics of the relative importance of the indicators can be seen in Table 9.12.
Access to public transport is given the highest score and the score is much higher than those
of other indicators. This reflects that proximity to public transport is considered the most
decisive factor influencing the use of public transport. Effectiveness of public transport,
transport facilities and use of bicycle are considered much less important though they are
It should be noted that “reducing car parking” is scored below the level of “neutral”. This is
the first individual indicator that is deemed not suitable for China’s situation. This indicator
has been addressed in LEED and BREEAM. The intent of NPD 6 in LEED is to “minimize
the adverse environmental effects of parking facilities”. It requires that “for any
non-residential buildings and multifamily residential buildings that are part of the project,
locate all off-street surface parking lots at the side or rear of buildings, leaving building
frontages and streetscapes free of surface parking lots”, and “Use no more than 20% of the
total development footprint area for surface parking facilities, with no individual surface
parking lot larger than 2 acres”, and “provide bicycle and/or carpool parking spaces
equivalent to 10% of the total automobile parking for each non-residential and multifamily
building on the site” (LEED-ND 2007). Two credits are given to this issue in LEED. The
TRA 8 of BREEAM also requires that a certain percentage of car parking area should be
flexible enough for other uses to be encouraged. The TRA 9 encourages the placement of car
However, the participants in this survey seem not to support the parking limitation measures
in USA and UK. Some of their comments are: (1) the increase of car use and parking area is
inevitable in China. Planning should reflect and adapt to this trend; (2) in China’s SRD, the
problem is the shortage of parking area; (3) the planning priority may be the increased use of
underground parking; (4) this issue is not suitable for China’s situation, instead, the issue of
‘access to parking area’ should be addressed. Regarding the issue of reducing parking
footprint, the planner group gives a clearly negative opinion. An averagely of only 2.57 points
are assigned to this issue. The researcher group gives 3.05 points that is slightly higher than
“neutral”. Both of them are aware of the conflict between the rapid growth of private cars and
the shortage of parking area. The divergence between the two groups may reflect the fact that
the planners tend to tolerate the increased use of cars and try to find a way to accommodate
the extra vehicles that they think are inevitable. At the same time as finding a way to increase
the parking area, the planners group also struggles not to consume land beyond a certain level.
Since the issue of car parking has not achieved consensus, it will be excluded from the
assessment checklist. Further research is needed to address the dilemma between the
increased use of cars and land saving, and pollution including GHG reduction. Perhaps the
combination of underground and multi-storey car parking is a way to avoid wasteful at-grade
car parks.
The weights assigned to the ‘transport’ indicators exclude reduce car parking are illustrated in
Figure 9.7. Access to public transport is given the highest weight of 30%, followed by
effectiveness of public transport with 26%. The other two issues are assigned the same weight
of 22%.
9.13). The planners give more emphasis on encouraging the use of bicycles while the
researchers seem be more inclined to transport facilities. However, both groups think “access
to public transport” and “effectiveness of public transport” are the most important factors in
this area.
Note: the indicator of “reducing parking footprint” is excluded from the analysis of both groups’ preference
The measures selected by the two groups are shown in Table 9.14. Most measures are
considered suitable except Measure 21b (see Appendix 4) that addresses the bicycle network.
Only 40% of the participants voted for it. The reason given was “a totally separate bike
network is not realistic in China”. Cyclists are used to sharing the road with vehicles; some
places there is a barrier to separate the bike lane and vehicle lanes, some places not”. This
Two comments in the focus group work suggested the safety of bike storage should be
included in use of bicycle. That means the bicycle parking area should be secure and protected
in an SRD. Since there is a very high rate of bicycle theft in China, this suggestion is adopted
in Measure 20b.
Table 9.14: Measures selected for ‘transport’ indicators
Indicators Measures
Indicator 17: Access to public transport 17a) is there bus stop within 400m walk distance?
Indicator 18: Effectiveness of public transport 18a) does a bus arrive in the stop every 10 mins during
Indicator 19: Transport facilities 19a) is a safe, well-lit and openly waiting area provided
for bus or train?
19b) are there timetable information and seats
Indicator 20: Use of bicycle 20a) is there off-street parking area provided for bicycle
20b) is there a sheltered and security space for bicycle
Four indicators are addressed in this principle: (1) housing affordability; (2) use of local
labour and resources; (3) creating new jobs; and (4) creating new business complementing
existing ones.
Descriptive statistics of the relative importance of the indicators can be seen in Table 9.15.
Housing affordability is given the highest score of 4.525, between “important” and “very
important”, and is close to “very important”. The issue of creating complementing business is
given the second highest score of 3.154, between “neutral” and “important” (and close to
‘neutral’). Both indicators, use of local labor and resources and creating new jobs are scored
between “unimportant” and “neutral”. According to the prescribed selection criteria, these two
It is a little surprising that local planners and researchers give very low emphasis to economic
issues relating to building activities, except for building affordable houses. One comment is
“using local labor & resources or not is a matter determined by the market. It should not be a
burden for developers and contractors if they find more competitive labor and resource
elsewhere”. This reflects a fact that the priorities of the current planning practice in China
governmental officials and professionals in line with the planning regulations. Local
community has little say on this issue. Therefore developers have no incentive to take the
z Economic consideration (using local labour is also a social issue) is not required by the
Since only two indicators meet the selection criteria, it is simple to calculate their weights. The
indicator of housing affordability takes up 60% of the total weight while creating complementing
business has 40%. The weights allocated by the planner and researcher group are almost the same
(Table 9.16).
Table 9.16: Weightings assigned to ‘economy’ indicators by different groups
Indicators/ Housing Local labor and Creating new Creating
Groups affordability resources jobs complementing
Both groups 60% 40%
Planners 34% 22% 21% 23%
Researchers 34% 19% 23% 24%
Note: “Local labor & resources” and “creating jobs” are excluded from the analysis of both groups’ preference
The available measures are shown in Table 9.17. It should be noted that three comments
suggested the inclusion of a property management fee related to the indicator of housing
affordability. This fee is charged by the property management companies for the services they
provide, which is based on floor area of an apartment. This expense is normally negotiated
between the property management company and the resident committee during which
residents can have an input. It is also very difficult to quantify the fee’s impact on
affordability (no benchmarks can be found). Thus, it is not included in the analysis. Further
There are five individual indicators addressed in this principle, which are: (1) use of
brownfield, infill and previously developed land, (2) use of environmentally sound building
materials, (3) use of water, (4) use of energy, (5) generation of renewable energy. It involves
the assessment of major resources & energy input required by construction of SRDs.
Descriptive statistics of the relative importance of the indicators within the principle area can
be seen in Table 9.18. In general, all indicators are given scores between “neutral” and “very
important”. The indicator of use of energy is given the highest score of 4.366, followed by use
of materials - 4.341, and use of water - 4.244. The indicator of use of land is given the lowest
score of 3.976. It is observed that the score margins between different indicators are relatively
low. The highest score is only 0.35 points greater than the lowest, less than 10%.
Table 9.18: Statistical data for weighting ‘resource and energy’ indicators
‘Resources and Energy’ Indicators N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Use of brownfield, infill and previously developed land 41 1 5 3.976 1.036
Use of environmentally sound building materials 41 2 5 4.341 0.794
Use of water 41 2 5 4.244 0.916
Use of energy 41 2 5 4.366 0.829
Generation of renewable energy 41 1 5 4.049 1.094
The weights assigned can be seen in Figure 9.8. Accordingly use of energy and use of
environmentally sound materials have the highest weight of 21%. The issue of use of water is
given a medium weight of 20%, as use of brownfield, infill and previously developed land and
generation of renewable energy are given the lowest weight of 19%. In general, weights
assigned to the indicators are very similar. The weights assigned by the planners group and
use of land
19% 19%
use of materials
use of water
21% 21%
use of energy
Figure 9.8: Weighting assigned to the ‘resources and energy’ indicators by both groups
Table 9.19: Weights assigned to ‘resource and energy’ indicators by different groups
Indicators/ Use of land Use of Use of water Use of energy Generation of
Groups materials renewable
Both groups 19% 21% 20% 21% 19%
Planners 18% 20% 20% 21% 21%
Researchers 20% 21% 20% 21% 18%
The measures selected by the two focus groups are shown in Table 9.20. There is no
Table 9.20: Measures selected for ‘resource and energy’ indicators
Indicators Measures
Indicator 23: Use of land 23a) does the project use of brownfield, infill or
previously developed land?
Indicator 24: Use of material 24a) is there consideration of the use of materials with
low health impact?
24b) is there consideration of the use of recycled
24c) is there consideration of the use of low embodied
Indicator 25: Use of water 25a) is there a greywater recycling system connected
to toilets, baths and washing machines?
25b) is there consideration on water use reduction
through efficient equipment and controls?
25c) use only captured rainwater, recycled wastewater
and recycled greywater for landscaping irrigation
Indicator 26: Use of energy 26a) is there consideration on maximizing the thermal
efficiency of building envelopes?
26b) is there consideration on energy end use
reduction through efficient equipment and controls?
Indicator 27: Generation of renewable energy 27a) is there consideration on minimizing energy
demand through orientation and passive design?
27b) is there onsite renewable energy generation
27c) are buildings that are not fitted with active solar
devices designed to allow future installation?
There are five indicators addressed within this principle, which are: (1) reducing thermal
impact on the adjacent environment, (2) reducing stormwater runoff impact on the local
environment, (3) prevention of air pollution affecting the local, regional and global
environment, (4) prevention of impact on local water bodies and groundwater, (5) prevention
of noise, light, vibration and odor impact on adjacent and local environment. It involves the
assessment of negative impacts on the offsite environment (beyond the SRD boundaries)
Descriptive statistics of the relative importance of the indicators within the principle can be
seen in Table 9.21. In general, all indicators are given scores between “neutral” and “very
important”. The indicators of preventing air pollution, preventing water pollution and
preventing noise and other types of pollution are given similar scores ranked between
“important” and “very important”. The issues of reducing thermal impact and reducing runoff
impact are assigned scores between “neutral” and “important”. The highest score is given to
preventing air pollution with 4.244, while the lowest is given to reducing runoff impact with
The weights assigned to the indicators within this principle can be seen in Figure 9.9.
Accordingly preventing air pollution has the highest weight of 22%, followed by preventing
water pollution and preventing noise and other types of pollution, both at 21%. Weights given
to reducing thermal impact and runoff impact are relatively low, both at 18%. Greater
significance is given to the issues of urban heat island and stormwater runoff impacts in the
international systems but this may reflect the particular features of Guilin which has a mild
climate, evenly distributed precipitation, and sound stormwater infrastructure. The weights
assigned by the planners group and the researcher group are almost the same (Table 9.22).
reducing thermal impact
21% 18%
reducing runoff impact
Figure 9.9: Weights assigned to the ‘environmental impact’ indicators by both groups
The measures selected by the two focus groups are shown in Table 9.23. All measures are
considered suitable to Guilin’s situation. There is no significant comment on the issues and
There are five indicators addressed in this area: (1) acquisition of green certificate (e.g. an
SRD or part of an SRD is successfully certificated by a green rating system); (2) construction
management program; (3) avoidance of site disturbance; (4) reduction of construction waste,
and (5) energy and water saving in construction process. It involves the assessment of
Table 9.23: Measures selected for the ‘environmental impact’ indicators
Indicators Measures
28a) is there consideration on building group layout to
avoid blocking wind in summer?
Indicator 28: Reducing thermal impact 28b)is there consideration on positioning of air
conditioning heat discharge
28c) is there consideration on roofing, cladding and
paving materials?
29a) is there permeable paving, percolation sumps,
percolation trenches and outdoor spaces that allow rain
Indicator 29: Reducing stormwater runoff impact 29b) is there consideration on roofs designed to
harvesting rain water?
29c) is there a flood risk assessment conducted to
minimize the peak runoff rate to watercourses and other
receiving bodies?
30a) are there source control measures?
Indicator 30: Preventing air pollution 30b) is there consideration on use of plants for
atmospheric purification such as CO2 sequestration?
31a) is there restriction on the pumping of
Indicator 31: Preventing water pollution 31b) if any potential source of water pollution identified
within the project site such as vehicle maintenance area
and waste disposal area, are there counter-measures
being installed?
32a) is there any noise source identified and treated?
32b) is there any light pollution source identified and
Indicator 32: Preventing noise, light, vibration and treated?
odor impact 32c) is there any vibration source identified and treated?
32d) is there any odor source identified and treated?
Descriptive statistics of the relative importance of the indicators can be seen in Table 9.24. In
general, all indicators are given scores between “neutral” and “very important”. The indicator
of avoidance of site disturbance is given the highest mean score of 4.293, followed by energy
and water saving in construction process and reducing construction waste, with 4.098 and
4.024 respectively. The other two indicators are slightly lower than 4, with 3.974 and 3.725
Table 9.24: Statistical data for weighting ‘site ecology’ indicators
Indicators N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Acquisition of green certificate 39 2 5 3.974 0.843
Construction management program 40 2 5 3.725 0.938
Avoidance of site disturbance 41 3 5 4.293 0.844
Reduction of construction waste 41 2 5 4.024 0.851
Energy and water saving in construction process 41 2 5 4.098 0.831
The weights assigned to the indicators by all participants can be seen in Figure 9.10. The
weights assigned to each of the indicators are quite close. Accordingly avoidance of site
disturbance has the highest weight of 21%, while construction management program has the
lowest weight of 19%. The other three indicators all have the same weight of 20%.
20% 19%
reducing construction waste
Figure 9.10: Weighting assigned to the ‘site ecology’ indicators by both groups
The weights assigned by the two groups are also alike (Table 9.25). Both the planner group
and researcher group give the highest weight to avoidance of site disturbance, and give the
lowest weight to construction management program. In general, the weights assigned to each
The measures selected by the two focus groups are shown in Table 9.26. All measures are
considered suitable for local situation. Group comments are focused on the definition of
“green building certificate”. The participants hope to know what building eco-label is suitable
Table 9.25: Weightings assigned to ‘site ecology’ indicators by different groups
Indicators/Groups Acquisition of Construction Avoidance of Reduction of Saving energy
green management site construction and water in
certificate program disturbance waste construction
Both groups 20% 19% 21% 20% 20%
Planners 20% 19% 21% 19% 21%
Researchers 20% 18% 21% 21% 20%
There are four indicators addressed in this principle, which are: (1) development user guide;
(2) community facility management; (3) transport demand management; and (4) a
management system for operational energy and water usage. It focuses on post-occupation
Descriptive statistics of the relative importance of the indicators can be seen in Table 9.27. In
general, all indicators are given scores between “neutral” and “very important”. The
indicators of community facility management and operational management are given the
scores between “important” and “very important”. The other two indicators are given scores
The weights assigned to the indicators can be seen in Figure 9.11. The indicator, community
facility management is assigned the highest weight of 27%, followed by operational energy &
water management (26%) and user guide at 24%. Transport management is given the lowest
weight of 23%.
user guide
26% 24%
community facility
transport demand
23% 27% operational management
Figure 9.11: Weights assigned to the ‘sustainable management’ indicators by both groups
Both the planner group and researcher group give the highest weights to community facility
management and operational management (Table 9.28). However, the planners give more
weight to development user guide than transport management. The order is reversed in the
researcher group.
Table 9.28: Weightings assigned to ‘sustainable management’ indicators by different groups
Indicators/Groups Development user Community Transport demand Operational
guide facility management management
Both groups 24% 27% 23% 26%
Planners 25% 27% 22% 26%
Researchers 22% 28% 24% 26%
The measures selected by the two focus groups are shown in Table 9.29. All measures are
considered suitable to the local situation. There are no comments suggested by the
This question requires the participants to select the most important five indicators from the
indicator list, no matter what sustainability principles they are grouped in. There are in total
39 questionnaires that properly address this question. Twenty are from the planner group and
19 from the researcher group. The results are shown in Table 9.30. This table indicates that
there is a certain level of convergence. Though there is slight difference in the order of
importance in different groups, only 7 out of the 44 initial indicators are considered to be
particularly important by the respondents in the two groups.
The most important indicators voted by both groups are (in order of importance):
5. Indicator 2: acoustic quality; and Indicator 15: quality of water and wastewater system.
Table 9.30: Statistical presentation of the selection of the most important five indicators
Indicators Most 2nd most 3rd most 4th most 5th most
important important important important important
indicator indicator indicator indicator indicator
There is a slight different in the order of importance between the planners and the researchers.
For example, Indicator 17 is ranked the second most important in the planner group but is
considered the fourth in the researcher group. Indicator 15 is considered the third important in
the researcher group but is ranked only the fifth in the planner group. However, it seems the
convergence is greater than the divergence. Both of them consider Indicator 1, 22, 8, 2 and 27
are amid the most important issues, in an order from high to low.
The selected most important indicators are generally given the highest weight in the principle
they are grouped in. These important indicators could be considered as compulsory
requirements in the design of a rating system. However, this interpretation is not adopted in
this study because prerequisites need underpinning of very reliable benchmarks, and may also
prerequisites needs more detailed research and this would be one of the priorities for future
This chapter has developed an SRD rating system for the case study city, which consists of
nine principles, 41 indicators and 95 measures. The next step is to apply this system to the
two case study SRDs and then to create a sustainability profile for them.
The sustainability profile will describe the sustainability position of an SRD by aggregating
the weighted scores from the indicators to the principles (assessment categories), then to an
overall sustainability score. The sustainability profile appears as a ‘radar’ chart that reflects
the scoring design of the rating system, which includes the following considerations:
BREEAM-Communities). The credits are evenly divided by the number of measures. For
example, if there are two available measures within an individual indicator, 1.5 points
z The score of each indicator will be then multiplied against the corresponding weight to
z The scores of each of the indicators within a sustainability principle are then added
together to give the score of the principle, which is then multiplied against the
z The overall score of the SRD will be obtained by aggregating the weighted score of each
principle. It would be a number between 0 and 3.
Besides producing an overall score for the SRD, the scores of each sustainability principle are
presented on the radar chart to indicate the distance to sustainability of each principle.
The scores for the principles and the overall sustainability of the two case study SRDs are
shown in Table 9.31, and the details of the scoring process is described in Appendix 5.
As noted earlier, scoring starts when points are assigned to the measures. Then each
indicator’s score can be obtained by summing up the points of its constituent measures. The
scores at indicator level are aggregated to a principle score by multiplying the corresponding
weights, and finally an overall score is obtained by aggregating the weighted scores of all
Table 9.31: Overall sustainability scores of the SRDs and their distributions
Principles Scores of SRD 1 Scores of SRD 2
Some data sources were used to assign points to the measures, mainly including the
environmental impact assessment (EIA) report, site observation and interview with the
developers, contractors, designers and SRD managers. The EIA report for an SRD
development was required by the law before a construction approval was issued. EIA was a
and potential atmospheric emissions (including particulate matter 10, SO2 and NOx), and
waterborne pollutants (including chemical oxygen demand and suspended solids). Thus, EIA
was a data source that presented the pre-development environmental conditions. For the
as distance to the nearest supermarket (Measure 8a) and bank (Measure 8c), and continuous
sidewalks (Measure 10c). For some other measures, such as the high-speed internet
connection (Measure 14a) and measures relating to the original development strategy and
design concept (e.g. Measure 9a, 22a, and 25b), interviews with the relevant persons (e.g.
designers, contractors) were carried out in order to assign points to these measures. The data
As shown in Table 9.31, SRD 2 has an overall sustainability score of 1.523, which is slightly
higher than that of SRD 1 which is 1.502. SRD 1 performs better in the principles of
‘transport’ and ‘resources & energy’. SRD 2 performs better in the principles of
They achieve the same scores in the principles of ‘infrastructure’, ‘site ecology’ and
‘sustainability management’. If roughly dividing the assessment results into three categories,
i.e. unsustainable (scoring between 0 and 1), conventional practice (scoring between 1 and 2)
and sustainable (scoring between 2 and 3), both case studies are classified into the category of
‘conventional practice’. Since the two SRDs were built around the same time under identical
planning and construction codes, the similarity of scores is hardly surprising and at the same
time representing the sustainability level that can be expected from current SRD practices in
Based on the Table 9.31, a sustainability profile depicting the distance of each SRD to
sustainability can be drawn on a scale of 0 and 3. The sustainability profiles report at the level
Sustainable Neighbourhood
management 2 layout
Site ecology Infrastructure SRD 1
Resource and
As discussed in section 3.3.4, assessment tools are all designed for internal comparison
between buildings scored under the system, rather than comparisons of buildings appraised
under different systems. It should be noted vastly different results could be obtained if
different rating systems are applied to the same neighbourhood. For example, using
LEED-ND may generate scores in which SRD 1 could be slightly better than SRD 2 and
applying CASBEE-UD may give the reverse order. This is because the criteria and their
weights vary across rating systems. Here again, the purpose of this research is not to develop
an unblemished rating system but to prove the proposed framework (a union of two
assessment approaches) can produce more information which is useful for decision-making.
9.6. Summary
This chapter has developed a regionally specific SRD rating system for the case study city. It
has three hierarchical levels, i.e. principles, indicators, and measures. An initial model set of
indicators, which was derived from the current neighbourhood rating systems, has been
examined by local planners and researchers in the case study city with regard to the local
context. The survey results indicate that nine principles, 41 indicators and 95 measures were
considered suitable to evaluate the SRD sustainability performance in the case study city.
A set of weighting coefficients has been established for this system. Weights are assigned to
each of the principles and individual indicators based on the opinions derived from the expert
surveys. With this organized structure, the state of sustainability of the case study SRDs can
be ascertained by multiplying scores and the weights allocated to the assessment levels.
The SRD sustainability profile is illustrated by a radar chart that reflects distance to
overall score for the SRD, as well as reports the performance of each sustainability principle.
The application of the rating system to the case study SRDs indicates that SRD 2 is slightly
more sustainable than SRD 1. Both can be classified as ‘conventional practice’ developments.
The sustainability profile shows that SRD 1 performs well in ‘transport’ principle while SRD
combining the sustainability profile and the energy & carbon profile, more decision
Chapter 10: Conclusions
This research has proposed a new framework for neighbourhood sustainability assessment,
which consists of an LCA energy & carbon accounting and a neighbourhood rating system.
This framework has been tested in the two SRDs and the testing led to creation of an energy
& carbon profile and a sustainability profile for the case studies. In this chapter, the benefits
of the new framework will be summarized together with the main findings of the diagnostic
analysis which was applied to the two SRDs. It will focus on exploring what information can
be generated by combining these two profiles, and how the information can aid the decision
process. Based on the twofold outcomes of the research, the contributions to knowledge are
then highlighted. The inadequacies of this research and future research paths are also explored.
qualitatively and quantitatively, can provide more decision-making information for planners,
10.1 Introduction
The aim of this research was to test the hypothesis that using multiple assessment approaches,
Five research objectives were proposed in Chapter 1. The first objective focused on general
theories and practices that underlie neighbourhood BE sustainability and influence their
Based on this, three general sustainability core values were discussed. By combining the
sustainability principles were proposed. These sustainability core values and neighbourhood
sustainability principles constitute the theoretical underpinning for this research. This chapter
has also developed a suite of issues that should be addressed in the sustainability assessment
process at neighbourhood level.
The second research objective focused on how the neighbourhood BE is currently being
assessed. In Chapter 3 and 4 respectively, qualitatively based building rating systems and
quantitatively based material & energy accounting methods were reviewed. In these chapters
it was concluded that neither approach can adequately address the neighbourhood
sustainability. The building rating systems cannot address the life-cycle environmental
impacts of a neighbourhood, as well as the real values of such impacts. The material & energy
accounting methods, on the other hand, cannot effectively deal with many social, spatial and
Based on the previous literature review, a hypothesis was proposed in Chapter 5 that a
combination of multiple approaches may generate better quality and more decision-making
opportunities than using each system alone. The third research objective was then achieved by
China’s SRD was selected as the case study for testing the working of the proposed
assessment framework. The fourth research objective then focused on exploring the way in
which the ‘absolute’ value of material & energy flows and the ‘relative’ value of the state of
sustainability can be monitored and measured. In Chapter 6, the overall BE in China and the
features of Chinese SRD were reviewed. In Chapter 7, the methods used to collect data for the
case study research were described. Chapter 8 conducted life-cycle energy & carbon
accounting for the two case study SRDs, which created a life-cycle energy & carbon profile.
The regionally specific neighbourhood rating system was developed and then applied to the
The fifth research objective was to identify the opportunities for improving decision-making
quality. By analyzing both the energy & carbon profile and the sustainability profile of the
two case studies in Chapter 10, it is proposed that the new assessment framework can provide
more decision-making opportunities for different stakeholders, such as housing buyers, urban
managers, planners and designers. The contributions to knowledge are also described in this
As noted earlier, the proposed framework has used two assessment approaches. The results
lead to a sustainability profile as well as an energy & carbon profile for the case study SRDs:
z The neighbourhood rating system can present a sustainability profile for the SRDs
z The LCA energy & carbon accounting presents a life-cycle energy & carbon profile of
the case studies, because it analyses material and energy flows, and the related carbon
emissions during the construction and operation of the SRDs. It conducts the assessment in a
quantitative and objective way by calculating the real values of such flows and emissions.
The neighbourhood rating system has a hierarchical structure that allows aggregation to occur.
To make aggregation possible, it proposes for each indicator and principle a weight, which
finally leads to an overall sustainability score for the SRD reviewed. The sustainability profile
is presented in the form of a “sustainability scale”, which indicates the distance each of the
assessment categories (i.e. principles) from sustainability. If needed, an SRD profile could
be presented on the basis of the 41 indicators selected. However, aggregation on the basis of
The energy & carbon accounting analysis, on the other hand, aims at giving a calculation for
the SRD in terms of material & energy consumption and carbon emissions. A number of
figures and tables forming the case studies’ energy and carbon profiles have been presented in
z Distribution of energy consumption and carbon emissions in different life stages (Figures
Generally, the first stage is under control of planners and designers, while the second is
z Distribution of embodied energy (Figure 8.6 and 8.7): manufacturing, transport and
z Distribution of different energy types (Figure 8.8): electricity, gas and water.
z Distribution of different transport means (Figure 8.9 and 8.10): buses, motorbikes and
private cars.
z Distribution of energy and carbon emissions in different parts of the SRD (Figure 8.11):
Again, the application of the proposed assessment framework to the case studies has provided
two sets of data: one is qualitatively based, addressing the full range of sustainability. The
other is quantitatively based, examining material & energy flows and related emissions. The
framework’s application to the two SRDs and the results of the comparative analysis are
presented in the following section. They add weight to the view that simultaneous use of both
The case study research indicates that SRD 2 has an overall sustainability score of 1.523,
which is slightly better than SRD 1 of 1.502. Both are considered within the category
‘conventional practice’. SRD 2 appears to be a little more sustainable than SRD 1. However,
from a life-cycle perspective, the residents of SRD 2 on average will consume more energy
and emit more carbon. The annualized energy and carbon footprint per resident of SRD 2 are
17 GJ and 2.59 tonnes respectively, compared to 14.1 GJ and 2.17 tonnes of SRD 1. In
addition, SRD 2 has more open space and community facilities, so the total pre-occupation
energy divided by the total residential construction area is higher (the construction
technologies would be equivalent given the SRDs were completed in the same city and at a
similar time). SRD 2 consumes 4.48 GJ energy and emits 0.66 tonnes CO2 in order to
construct one m2 residential area, in contrast to 4.25 GJ and 0.62 tonnes for SRD 1. This
z The rating system addresses only neighbourhood performance without considering the
residents’ interactions with the environment, e.g. travel between home and work, life
z Increased social sustainability (e.g. providing more community facilities and open space)
In order to generate more information for potential buyers, the results of both assessment
approaches can be used for labelling purposes. Assuming that SRD 1 is a newly completed
development, it can be labelled by the union of a sustainability rating score of 1.502 (or the
rating level as conventional practice), and a pre-occupation carbon emissions figure of 0.62
tonnes CO2 per m2 residential construction area (developing benchmarks to help interpret the
labelling level would be more preferable for general buyers than using absolute values). The
first label indicates the sustainability quality of the SRD as a whole, while the second label
reflects a specific environmental liability which is of global concern at present. Given a 100
m2 apartment in SRD 1, a potential buyer will need to make a trade-off between two sets of
z The buildings and open space are already in place thus there is no opportunity to
z There are limited opportunities to change the SRDs’ layout and configuration.
z Any change to buildings and infrastructure would carry energy and carbon penalties..
However, by analyzing the sustainability profiles of the two case studies, it is possible to see
principles of resource & energy efficiency, sociable neighbourhood, economy and sustainable
resource & energy. In contrast, SRD 1 performs well in transport but weakly in
neighbourhood sociability, the reverse of SRD 2. The life-cycle energy and carbon profiles
(Figure 8.4 and 8.5) reveal that the operational carbon emissions constitute the largest part of
the total emissions, followed by manufacturing of initial construction materials, traffic and
maintenance. The breakdown of energy consumption and carbon emissions by different SRD
components (Figure 8.11) further indicates that the energy use in homes (electricity, water,
and LPG) constitutes the largest part of the total emissions. Regarding energy types,
electricity use is the major source of emission (Figure 8.8). The carbon emissions associated
with running the public area only take up about 2% of the total operational emissions in SRD
1, and about 11% in SRD 2. These findings suggest some priority areas for future
z Reducing emissions from running the public area is also a priority for SRD 2.
Suggestions on the possible improvements for the case studies are summarized as follows.
Except for a small central green space, there is neither open space nor indoor community
interactive space within SRD 1. The nearest public park is about 1300m away from the main
entrance of SRD 1. The lack of social facilities is a major concern which will need to be
addressed in order to improve the overall sustainability of SRD 1. Since the SRD is already in
place, it has limited opportunity to change its form and build such facilities within its
boundary. Opportunities may exist for the provision of community facilities such as a park,
gym and playground in the adjacent areas, which do not belong to a particular SRD but which
are shared and accessible by the residents from SRD 1, as well as by other SRDs. Such
‘genuine’ public space can facilitate more interaction between people from different SRDs
and different social contexts than those enclosed by a particular SRD in which the residents
are homogeneous.
Lack of public transport is one of the most urgent concerns for sustainability improvement of
SRD 2. The annualized per capita transport energy consumption and the related CO2
emissions in SRD 2 are 5.42 GJ and 0.39 tonnes respectively, which are 27.5% and 25.8%
higher than SRD 1. This reveals that the residents of SRD 2 are more dependent on the use of
private vehicles. Investigations reveal that 24% of the SRD 2 residents use private cars for
transport and 17% use public bus, while the car users reduce to 16% and bus riders increase to
21% in SRD 1 (see Figure 8.9 and 8.10). The sustainability profile of SRD 2 indicates that it
only scored 0.66 for the ‘transport’ principle due to the lack of public transport accessibility
z Improving the bus operation frequencies and conditions in the transition facilities.
z The residents of SRD 2 need to walk about 400m along the river bank before they can
get onto the urban road and then to other attractions. Safety might be a concern because
not many people come down to this area at night. In order to further reduce the use of
private cars, some security measures such as enhancing police patrols should be
If the number of car users in SRD 2 is reduced to that in SRD 1 (8% lower) by introducing the
above improvements, it means a net reduction of 79500 GJ energy consumption and 5716
The energy and carbon profiles of both case studies indicate that the operational stage
constitutes the largest share of the total SRD emissions, and the residential sector (household
usage) constitutes the largest part of the operational energy and emissions. Among the three
major energy consumption sources, the use of electricity has the greatest life-cycle
environmental impacts. The sustainability profiles show that both SRDs fail to address many
energy and resource indicators such as the installation of energy and water efficient
appliances. SRD 1 achieves 1.285 points in this area and SRD 2 achieves only 0.715.
z If possible, enhancing the thermal performance in homes (e.g. add roof insulation layer)
z Applying the above measures to the community and commercial sector in SRD 2.
10.4 Contributions to knowledge
cannot adequately address neighbourhood sustainability and provide only limited information
to various stakeholders. The most significant contribution of this research lies in meeting its
neighbourhood rating system (e.g. LEED-ND) to a much more appropriate system and then
allying it with material and energy accounting. Through testing this framework in the case
One problem regarding current neighbourhood labelling (e.g. LEED-ND) is that eco-labels
themselves include limited or no information describing the basis for the certification so
consumers cannot evaluate the value of the label itself (Scheuer and Keoleian 2002).
instance, a ‘Gold’ level in the assessment of LEED-ND, this equates to a high environmental
profile in the housing market and would be attractive to many buyers with environmental
conscience. However, a rating level of ‘Gold’ cannot reveal the actual environmental impact
This research proposes and validates another type of neighbourhood labelling, in which the
area (e.g. tonnes of CO2 emissions per m2 residential construction area). Equipped with this
information, a potential housing buyer can easily count the environmental impact generated
not only from the construction of one’s apartment, but also the individual share of the open
By using the framework, housing buyers can obtain more information than using a
neighbourhood rating system alone. This will help them to envisage one of the most
significant buying decisions in their lives. The decision will be based on the combined
consideration on the overall sustainability quality the SRD provides and the actual carbon
emissions it produces.
Current neighbourhood rating systems can present a sustainability rating for an existing
neighbourhood development, and help urban managers (e.g. local governments) to identify
the weak points of a particular neighbourhood and seek possible solutions for improvement.
However, they cannot further pinpoint the priority areas for such improvement. For example,
resource & energy efficiency category was identified as a weak point for both SRD 1 and
SRD 2 by using the neighbourhood rating system. However, using a neighbourhood rating
system alone does not answer questions such as ‘what type of energy consumption should be
given more attention, gas or electricity?’ and ‘what component parts of a neighbourhood
should be given priority, homes or the public area?’ Without the simultaneous use of an LCA
material and energy accounting analysis, it is impossible to further identify the priority areas
In addition, the framework is helpful in evaluating different scenarios for improvement. For
example, lack of community facilities is identified as a weak point for SRD 1. In order to
improve its social sustainability, community facilities need to be built. Possible solutions may
include a) using existing open land within the SRD (if there is any); b) replacing the existing
residential buildings with higher buildings in order to vacate land for community facilities; c)
using land adjacent to the SRD. In any scenario, additional resources and energy are involved,
and carbon emissions are produced. Thus, using the framework can help urban managers not
only identify the weak points of a neighbourhood, but also be aware of the environmental
As noted in section 3.1.2, Current neighbourhood rating systems are often used as planning
and design tools because they provide a set of organized criteria that planners and designers
can follow (Cole 2005). However, they cannot provide planners and designers with
The proposed assessment framework can be used to improve the design quality of a
solutions. In the case of China’s SRD, the neighbourhood rating system can be used to
evaluate the original SRD designs and then generate a sustainability profile. An initial
estimate of material & energy consumption and the related carbon emissions can be
calculated for the original SRD designs by internally involving construction cost engineers
(the preliminary Bill of Quantities is required in the bidding process according to the current
construction regulation in China). Thus a rough calculation of the pre-occupation energy and
carbon profile for the original designs can be generated. By combining the two assessment
approaches, planners and designers can develop a sustainability profile and an energy &
carbon profile for their work and make comparisons between different design scenarios. It
facilitates the thinking of different scenarios and also of the deficiencies of parts of the
made such as between the demand of increasing community facilities and open space and the
257 Improving neighbourhood management
Potentially the assessment framework can be used as an instrument for educational and
management purposes. In the case of China’s SRD, urban managers can present both the SRD
sustainability profile and the energy & carbon profile on a yearly basis. The sustainability
profile presents a sustainability state for the whole SRD while the energy and carbon profile
denotes the individual shares of each household and residents’ contribution to climate change.
By this, households and residents are provided with information that links SRD sustainability
to individual activities, which finally leads to the change of attitude and life style.
The framework can also be used to compare SRDs in a city. Some SRDs may have a better
sustainability profile, but weak energy and carbon performance. Some may have low per
capita carbon emissions but may also suffer from poor social facilities. With better
10.4.2 Quantifying the life-cycle energy and carbon profile at SRD level
The calculation of energy consumption and carbon emissions for China’s SRD in this research
represents a pioneering study that quantifies life-cycle material and energy flows of an SRD
in the Chinese context. Currently there is no research found in the literature that has
conducted such calculation at this spatial level, as discussed in Chapter 8. Current studies
have typically used for assessment either the national total building stock or the single
building level. These studies have typically focused on building performance without
consideration of the users’ activities such as travel between home and work. Other concerns
such as interior housing decoration and recurring energy for building maintenance are also
The research proposes an analytical methodology by using the data from the BQs and
household surveys to facilitate the calculation. Providing BQs is required by the construction
related regulations and codes in China. Using the household survey material is also an
effective way to obtain the operational energy data of the post-occupation stage (such data is
not available at SRD level). The methodology used to quantify the energy and carbon profile
for the case study SRDs is meaningful in that it can be applied to other SRDs in the country
This research proposes two innovative measurements that present the overall energy and
carbon performance of an SRD. One is used to measure a newly completed SRD, e.g. CO2
emission per m2 residential construction area. This measurement helps an individual buyer to
calculate the total carbon emissions due to the construction of his/her apartment, as well as
the individual share of the public area (community buildings and the open space). The
measurement is potentially powerful and can be developed into a labelling tool. The other
measurement is used to measure life cycle energy and carbon performance for an existing
SRD, e.g. CO2 emissions per resident. It involves quantification of the embodied energy,
operational energy and energy consumed by residents’ activities (e.g. transport between home
and work). This measurement is useful for urban managers to evaluate SRD’s energy and
three layers including nine principles, 41 individual indicators and 95 measures. The nine
sustainability principles are developed on the basis of three sustainability core values, in the
context of neighbourhood built environment. They reflect the original sustainability values as
well as the threads of current neighbourhood practice in the sustainability arena. These
principles were used as the assessment categories for the neighbourhood rating system in this
The research uses an initial set of indicators, which is derived from the current neighbourhood
rating systems. The initial indicators are then adapted through a survey of local stakeholders
in order to generate regionally suitable indicators and corresponding weights. Considering
(principles) and individual indicators for SRD assessment. These categories and indicators
can be applied, with minor adaptation, to other Chinese regions where a neighbourhood rating
system is needed.
The author has cognized a number of limitations and inadequacies in this thesis, especially in
the case study part. First, LCA energy and carbon accounting aims at calculating all related
activities of an SRD. However, this research has excluded certain energy consumption types,
such as daily used goods and waste treatment, from the assessment due to data availability.
Second, the development of the neighbourhood rating system for the case city is imperfect, as
discussed in Chapter 7. This system has been developed by surveying a group of local urban
planners and researchers which may be insufficient basis for a robust and permanent
assessment tool. The measures proposed in this system are subjectively judged because
currently there are no relevant benchmark data in China. It should be noted that the research
aim of this thesis was not to develop a faultless LCA tool or neighbourhood rating system, but
The author has also recognized a number of future research directions arising from this
First, the proposed assessment framework applies the two assessment approaches separately
to the neighbourhoods, and the application then generates two sets of data, i.e. two
neighbourhood profiles. Future research on integration of the two data sets could be
interesting. Integration has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, some
information may be covered during the process of integration and aggregation. On the other
hand, integration would overcome the problem of how to interpret two separate labels that
may be contradictory to a degree, and can generate a clear and unique explanation for the
assessment results.
methods. For example, water accounting methods could be included in the assessment if
water is a concern, or a household satisfaction survey could be conducted along with the
LCA-based material and energy assessment. The investigation of such multiple approaches,
together with the derivation of reliable material and energy accounting data for the Chinese
environmentally friendly from a life-cycle perspective. A further question is about the balance
point between increased living standards (e.g. more car ownership, larger housing size, larger
open space), and energy & carbon efficiency of a neighbourhood. This is largely dependent on
the values of society in general. Further research on this matter would help to establish
Fourth, the calculation of an energy and carbon profile of a Chinese SRD could be
significantly improved by further research in areas in which China-specific data are lacking.
Further research would also involve establishment of a full energy & carbon profile for a SRD
by incorporating energy and emissions relating to daily lives such as consumption of food,
Fifth, currently there are no benchmarks for measuring many SRD related indicators,
especially in the socio-economic area. These benchmarks can be either developed at national
level, or at regional level and the quantification of the SRD rating system would be more
credible. It is also a need to develop benchmarks to help interpret the labelling level which
would be more preferable for general buyers than using absolute values.
Finally, it would be interesting to conduct further research on gated neighbourhoods in other
countries. The physical forms and legal ownerships over the public area may be diverse in the
gated neighbourhoods in different countries. Also the sustainability implications of the gated
In conclusion, evidence from this research indicates that using multiple assessment methods
at the neighbourhood scale, qualitatively and quantitatively, can significantly improve the
quality of decisions of the various stakeholders. This research also represents one of the most
comprehensive studies to quantify life-cycle energy and carbon flows at Chinese SRD level,
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Appendix 1: Household Operational Resource and Energy Survey
Residential District
This survey is part of a research study about evaluating sustainability for small residential
districts (SRD) in the context of Chinese cities. It is conducted by Wu Deng, from the
University of New South Wales, Australia. Based on a survey of the local urban planners and
researchers, a regionally specific SRD sustainability indicator set has been established for the
case study city of Guilin. The proposed indicator set is then applied to a few case study SRDs
in Guilin to validate its usefulness. A household survey in the case study SRDs needs to be
conducted in order to collect data relating to household resource and energy consumption.
These data will help us to quantify life-cycle resource & energy consumption and the related
The SRD where you are living is selected to conduct such a survey. We solicit you to provide
us with some information about you and your family such as annual water consumption,
annual electricity consumption and transport modes. This survey has been approved by the
property management company of your SRD. You Do Not need to expose your name, your
flat number or any contact number. You can also choose to fill the questionnaire in the office
or take it home and return to the office later. All information will be strictly confidential.
If you have any question or concerns about the project, you are welcome to contact me on
Part 1: Household Information
1. The number of people living in your flat ________
3. Building type˖
price _______yuan/kWh
price_______ yuan/m3.
Area (m2)
Part 4: Transport
Please indicate the time and transport means you and your family members used to travel between home and work (school)
Transport means Time of travel to Private car Bus Motorbike Cycling and cell-powered Walk Other
work or school scooter
(two way)
Family member 1
Family member 2
Family member 3
Family member 4
Family member 5
Appendix 2: SRD Public Resource and Energy Consumption
This survey is part of a research study about evaluating sustainability for small residential districts
(SRD) in the context of Chinese cities. It is conducted by Wu Deng, from the University of New
South Wales, Australia. Based on a survey of the local urban planners and researchers, a regionally
specific SRD sustainability indicator set has been established for the case study city of Guilin. The
proposed indicator set is then applied to a few case study SRDs in Guilin to validate its usefulness. A
survey needs to be conducted in order to collect data relating to public resource and energy
consumption in the case study SRDs. These data will help us to quantify life-cycle resource & energy
consumption and the related carbon emissions for the case study SRDs.
The SRD under your management is selected to conduct such a survey. We solicit you to provide us
with some information about the SRD such as water used for irrigation and electricity consumption
for street lamps. All information will be strictly confidential.
If you have any question or concerns about the project, you are welcome to contact me on
00612-93856488 or email to dengwu2000@hotmail.com, or Prof. Deo Prasad on 00612-93854868
and d.prasad@unsw.edu.au.
7. How many vehicles parking in the SRD: _______
8. Is there elevators used in the SRD _______, and the number_______
9. The average expense of monthly electricity for the operation of the public open space including
street lamps and underground garage:_______ yuanˈthe unit price _______yuan/kWh
10. The average expense of monthly electricity for running of the community facilities including
community centers, gyms, schools, shops and elevators:_______ yuanˈthe unit price _______
11. The average expense of monthly electricity for running of the management office:_______ yuanˈ
the unit price _______ yuan/kwh
11.The average expense of monthly water for maintaining the public area including irrigation and
cleaning:_______ yuanˈthe unit price _______m3
12. The number of full-time staff working in the SRD: _______
Appendix 3: The Initial Set of Indicators
In total, an initial set of 44 indicators is compiled based on the review of the current neighbourhood rating systems, including LEED-ND, CASBEE-UD and
BREEAM-Communities and CEATM. The 44 initial indicators are classified into the 9 sustainability principles (assessment categories). The following table
indicates the initial indicators and the sources they were derived from.
Indicator 27: Use of materials LEED-ND, BREEAM-Communities, CEATM
Principle 6: Improving resource and energy Indicator 28: Use of water CASBEE-UD, LEED-ND, BREEAM-Communities,
efficiency Indicator 29: Use of energy CASBEE-UD, LEED-ND, BREEAM-Communities,
Indicator 30: Generation of renewable energy CASBEE-UD, LEED-ND, BREEAM-Communities,
Indicator 31: Reducing thermal impact CASBEE-UD
Indicator 32: Reducing stormwater runoff CASBEE-UD, LEED-ND, BREEAM-Communities,
Principle 7: Reducing environmental impact on Indicator 33: Preventing air pollution CASBEE-UD, CEATM
local and global environment Indicator 34: Preventing water and groundwater pollution CASBEE-UD
Indicator 35: Preventing noise, light, vibration and odor CASBEE-UD, LEED-ND, BREEAM-Communities,
impact CEATM
Indicator 36: Acquisition of green certificates CASBEE-UD, LEED-ND, BREEAM-Communities
Indicator 37: Construction management plan LEED-ND, BREEAM-Communities
Indicator 38: Avoiding site disturbance LEED-ND, BREEAM-Communities, CEATM
Indicator 39: Reducing construction waste CASBEE-UD, LEED-ND, BREEAM-Communities,
Principle 8: Maintaining site ecology Indicator 40: Saving water and energy in construction BREEAM-Communities, CEATM
Indicator 41: Neighbourhood user guide BREEAM-Communities
Indicator 42: Community facility management BREEAM-Communities
Indicator 43: Transport demand management CASBEE-UD, LEED-ND, BREEAM-Communities,
Principle 9: Proving sustainability management
Indicator 44: Energy and water monitoring and management CASBEE-UD
Appendix 4: Questionnaire for Expert Survey
(Neighbourhood Rating Systems)
BUILT Environment
This survey is part of a research study about evaluating sustainability for urban small residential
districts (SRD) in the context of Chinese cities, focusing on identification of assessment categories
and individual indicators. It is conducted by Wu Deng, from the University of New South Wales,
Australia. SRD, or xiaoqu, is the basic planning unit in Chinese residential development and is a vital
link between single buildings and greater urban form. SRDs are linkages and intermediary
spaces/places that offer much scope for influencing sustainability both at the local and wider scale.
However, they cannot be appropriately evaluated by either the whole building rating tools or the
urban assessment systems. Currently there is a trend to expand the individual building assessments to
larger scale building groups. Examples are LEED-ND, CASBEE-UD and BREEAM-Communities.
In the following tables, an initial set of indicators are derived from the current neighbourhood rating
systems, including LEED-Neighborhood Development, CASBEE-Urban Development,
BREEAM-Communities and China Eco-housing Assessment Technical Manual. You will help us to
further identify what assessment categories and individual indicators are suitable for the assessment of
Guilin’s SRDs. The indicators are grouped into 9 assessment categories depending on their
characteristics. Also, some possible measures are assigned to each of the individual indicators. These
measures will help to quantify the indicator performance.
Part 1: First, please indicate how important you think each of the assessment areas is a way to
measure sustainability of SRD. Please tick your answer on a scale of 5. If you have other ideas, please
specify them in the blank below the table.
Very Very
Assessment Categories Unimportant Neutral Important
1 2 3 4 5
Providing livable environmental
Providing social neighbourhood
layout and facilities
Providing quality infrastructure
Providing efficient public transport
Improving housing affordability
and local economy
Improving resource and energy
Reducing environmental Impact on
local and global environment
Maintaining site ecology
Providing sustainability
Other ideas or
Part 2: Please indicate how important you think each of the indicators within Providing Livable
Environmental Quality is a way to measure sustainability of SRD. Please tick your answer on a scale
of 5. Also, please tick the code numbers of the measures based on their scientific soundness and data
availability (multiple ticks if there is more than one answer). If you have other ideas, please specify
them in the blank below the table.
Other ideas or
Part 3: Please indicate how important you think each of the indicators within Providing Social
Neighbourhood Layout and Facilities is a way to measure sustainability of SRD. Please tick your
answers as aforementioned.
Other ideas or
Part 4: Please indicate how important you think each of the indicators within Providing qualify
Infrastructure is a way to measure sustainability of SRD. Please tick your answers as aforementioned.
Other ideas or
Part 5: Please indicate how important you think each of the indicators within Transport is a way to
measure sustainability of urban small residential districts. Please tick your answers as aforementioned.
Other ideas or
Part 6: Please indicate how important you think each of the indicators within Economic & Costs is a
way to measure sustainability of urban small residential districts. Please tick your answers as
Other ideas or
Part 7: Please indicate how important you think each of the indicators within Improving Resource &
Energy Efficiency is a way to measure sustainability of SRD. Please tick your answers as
Other ideas or
Part 8: Please indicate how important you think each of the indicators within Reducing Impact on
Local and Global Environment is a way to measure sustainability of SRD. Please tick your answers as
Other ideas or
Part 9: Please indicate how important you think each of the indicators within Maintaining Site
Ecology is a way to measure sustainability of SRD. Please tick your answers as aforementioned.
Other ideas or
Part 10: Please indicate how important you think each of the indicators within Providing
Sustainability Management is a way to measure sustainability of SRD. Please tick your answers as
Other ideas or
Part 11: Thank You. Now please select the most important 5 indicators for SRD sustainability assessment
in the context of Guilin. Please simply write down the code number of the indicators that you think are
most important, no matter what assessment categories they are grouped in.
Part 12: Finally, we are going to ask some questions about you. Your answer will be kept
e) How many years have you been involved in the above research/professional area?
5-10 [ ] 10-20 [ ] 20-30 [ ] above 30 [ ]
Appendix 5: Scoring the Case Study SRDs
The neighbourhood rating is comprised of three layers, principles (assessment categories), individual indicators, and measures. In total there are 9 principles,
41 indicators and 95 measures. Each individual indicator has three credits available (this is similar to BREEAM-Communities). The credits are evenly divided
by the number of measures. For example, if there are two available measures within an individual indicator, 1.5 points will be assigned to each measure.
The score of each indicator is multiplied against the corresponding weight to provide the weighted score available for that particular indicator. The scores of
each of the indicators within a sustainability principle are then added together to give the score of the principle, which is then multiplied against the
corresponding weight of the principle. The overall score of the SRD is obtained by aggregating the weighted score of each principles. It would be a number
between 0 and 3.
Principle 1: Providing livable environmental quality
This principle consists of 5 individual indicators and 12 measures. The scoring results of each indicator are shown in the following table. By aggregating the
weighted scores of each indicator, the results indicate that the SRD 1 gets 2.14 points in this principle compared to 2.38 points of SRD 2. The difference is
mainly produced in the performance of Indicator 1.3 (urban heat island). SRD 1 has less green space and open water area.
Principle 2: Providing social neighbourhood layout and facilities
There are 8 individual indicators and 24 measures within this principle. The scores for each indicator and the overall point for the principle are shown in the
following table. The SRD 1 has a score of 0.793 compared to 1.833 in SRD 2. The difference is attributable to the better provision of community facilities in
SRD 2. For example, it has a kindergarten, a sport field and a community club within its boundary. It also provides video cameras monitoring the whole SRD.
Indicators Measures SRD 1 Scores SRD 2 Scores Data Sources
Indicator 6: Proximity to school 6a) is there a kindergarten within 600m walking distance? 0 1.5 point Site observation
(13% weight)
6b) is there a primary school within 600m walking distance? 0 0 Site observation
Indicator 7: Access to public place 7a) is there a park, green plaza or square of at least 700m2 area within 600m 0 3 points Site observation
(12% weight) walking distance?
Principle 3: Providing quality infrastructure
There are 3 indicators and 6 measures within this principle area. The 3 indicators embrace the provision of internet connection, water and wastewater
treatment, and on-site waste disposal facilities. Both SRDs perform well in the first two indicators but fail to provide on-site waste disposal facilities. Both of
them score 1.95 in this principle.
Principle 4: Providing effective public transport
This principle area involves 4 indicators and 6 measures. The scores for each indicator and the overall points for the principle are shown in the following table.
The SRD 1 has an overall score of 2.01, which is much better than the score of 0.66 of SRD 2. There is no public transport service within the walking distance
of SRD 2. Residents of SRD 2 have to walk about 400m along the river bank to reach a city road and walk another 400m to get a bus stop. In contrast, there is
a bus stop sitting outside of the main entrance of SRD 1 (about 100m) and there are three routes operating from 6am to 11pm. However, the conditions of the
bus waiting area are not good. There are no seats or timetables provided for the commuters.
Indicators Measures SRD 1 Scores SRD 2 Scores Data Sources
Indicator 17: Access to public transport 17a) is there a bus stop within 400m walk distance? 3 0 Site observation
(30% weight)
Indicator 18: Effectiveness of public 18a) does a bus arrive in the stop every 10 mins during 3 0 Site observation
transport (26% weight) daytime?
Indicator 20: Use of bicycle (22% 20a) is there off-street parking area provided for 1.5 points 1.5 points Site observation
weight) bicycle parking
20b) is there a sheltered and security space for bicycle 0 1.5 points Site observation
Overall principle score NA 2.01 0.66 NA
Principle 5: Improving housing affordability and local economy
There are 2 indicators and 3 measures addressing this principle area. The scores for each indicator and the overall points are shown in the following table. The
SRD 1 has an overall score of 0.9, which is less than the score of 1.80 of SRD 2. The difference is due to SRD 2 having a diversity of building types including
townhouse style buildings, medium-rise buildings and high-rise buildings. On the other hand, there is only one building type in SRD 1- medium-rise buildings
(7-stories). Both of them provide different housing sizes including two-bedroom apartments and three-bedroom apartments.
Principle 6: Improving resource and energy efficiency
There are 5 indicators and 12 measures within this principle. The scores for each indicator and the overall principle points for the principle are shown in the
following table. SRD 1 has an overall score of 1.285, as the SRD 2 is scored of 0.715. The difference of the scores between them is due to the land use type.
SRD 1 is a development constructed on land previously developed while SRD 2 has included some vegetable planting plots in the development. The weak
performance of both SRDs in the water, energy and material efficiency areas may reflect the current construction practice in Guilin which has neglected these
issues. During the conversation with the developers and designers of the case study SRDs, they indicated that except complying with the building codes and
standards, they were reluctant to engage in resource and energy efficiency practices such as reuse of greywater and onsite generation of renewable energy
because they were worried about the increased costs of such approaches.
Principle 7: Reducing environmental impact on local and global environment
There are 5 indicators and 14 measures within this principle. The scores for each indicator and the overall points for the principle are shown in the following
table. These indicators examine the environmental impact attributable to the construction and operation of the SRDs. The scores of the two case study SRDs
are very close. SRD 1 has an overall score of 1.95, as the SRD 2 is scored at 2.13.
31a) is there restriction on the pumping of groundwater? 1.5 points 1.5 points Conversation with the SRD managers
Indicator 31: Preventing water 31b) if any potential source of water pollution identified in the SRD 1.5 points 1.5 points Site observation
pollution (21% weight) such as vehicle maintenance area and waste disposal area, are there
counter-measures being installed?
32a) is there any noise source identified and treated? 0.75 point 0.75 point Site observation
Indicator 32: Preventing noise, light,
vibration and odor impact (21% weight) 32b) is there any light pollution source identified and treated? 0.75 point 0.75 point Site observation
32c) is there any vibration source identified and treated? 0.75 point 0.75 point Site observation
32d) is there any odor source identified and treated? 0.75 point 0.75 point Site observation
Principle 8: Maintaining site ecology
There are 5 indicators and 12 measures with this principle. The scores for each indicator and the overall points for the principle are shown in the following
table. These indicators address the issues related to the construction process. Since both SRDs are built in the same city and completed at a similar time, it is
not surprising that they have employed the similar construction technologies and complied with the same requirements by the Environmental Impact
Assessment report. It is a compulsory requirement before getting construction approval. Thus both of them achieve the same score of 1.6. They are strong in
addressing site disturbance issues that are required by the EIA report, but have not attempted to achieve a ‘green’ certificate for any building, and fail to save
energy and water consumption during the construction process.
35a) is there consideration of outflow of mud and 0.75 point 0.75 point Environmental Impact Assessment
Indicator 35: Avoidance of site turbid water? reports for the case study SRDs
disturbance (21% weight) 35b) is there consideration on noise and vibration? 0.75 point 0.75 point Ditto
35c) is there consideration of ecosystem 0.75 point 0.75 point Ditto
35d) is there consideration of scenic appearance? 0.75 point 0.75 point Ditto
36a) is there consideration of reducing the generation 1 point 1 point Conversation with the contractors
Indicator 36: Reduction of construction of construction waste?
waste (20% weight) 36b) is there consideration of sorting and recycling of 1 point 1 point Ditto
construction waste?
36c) is there consideration of re-using construction 0 0 Ditto
site soil?
37a) are there measures to reduce energy use in 0 0 Ditto
Indicator 37: Energy and water saving construction process?
in construction process (20% weight)
37b) are there measures to reduce water use in 0 0 Ditto
construction process?
Principle 9: Providing sustainability management
There are 4 indicators and 6 measures with this principle. The scores for each indicator and the overall points for the principle are shown in the following
table. These indicators are concerned with post-occupation management. Except for community facilities and open space, which are under the management of
the property management companies, both SRDs fail to address other post-occupation management and monitoring programs on energy & water consumption
and transport patterns. Both of them only achieve a score of 0.81 in this principle.
Indicator 40: Transportation demand 40a) is there a transportation program with reduction targets? 0 0 Conversation with the SRD managers
(23% weight)
40b) is there a system for monitoring improvement toward 0 0 Conversation with the SRD managers
the targets?
Indicator 41: Management system for 41a) are there reduction targets for the use of energy and 0 0 Conversation with the SRD managers
operational energy and water usage water?
(26% weight) 41b) is there a system for monitoring improvement toward 0 0 Conversation with the SRD managers
the targets?
Overall principle score NA 0.81 0.81 NA