Comparison of Transformerless Converter Topologies For Photovoltaic Application Concerning Efficiency and Mechanical Volume
Comparison of Transformerless Converter Topologies For Photovoltaic Application Concerning Efficiency and Mechanical Volume
Comparison of Transformerless Converter Topologies For Photovoltaic Application Concerning Efficiency and Mechanical Volume
Diode VF,0 îL Mπ
PC,V SI = 1− cos ϕ + waveform is the sum of the sinusoidal grid current and the
2π 4 shoot-through peaks, which are non-linear. The mean and rms
rF î2L π
2 values of the shoot-through current through one IGBT are:
−M cos ϕ
2π 4 3
2 Pin
They depend on the line current iL , the modulation index M īIGBT
ST = D (14)
3 Vin
and on the power factor cos ϕ. The switching losses are given v
in (3) and (4) by subsituting the actual vv by Vdc and iv by iL .
Pin VC Tst 2
The losses of the boost converter depend on the input current ĩIGBT
ST = t D − +
9 Vin 2L 2
iin and the modulation index a that is defined as: (15)
2 "
Ton Vin Pin VC Tst VC Tst 1 VC
a= = 1− (7) + − +
Ts Vdc Vin 2L 2 L 2 3 L 3
The modulation index is a function of the ratio of the input where D is the duty cycle of the shoot-through states. The
voltage to the output voltage that is in this case the dc link mean and rms values of the current through one IGBT and
voltage. The IGBT of the boost converter is turned on for the one diode are:
time Ton . The conducting losses for the IGBT and the diode r
IGBT /Diode 2 Pout πM
īL = 1± cos ϕ (16)
3 2πVout,l2l 4
PCIGBT = VCE,0 īV + rCE ĩV2 · a
(8) s
2 Pout π 2
PCdiode = VF,0 īV + rF ĩV2 · (1 − a)
IGBT /Diode
(9) ĩL = 2
± M cos ϕ (17)
3 2πVout,l2l 4 3
The switching losses of the semiconductors of the boost
converter are calculated by (3) and (4) with vv = Vdc and iv = There the +-sign is for the IGBT and the −-sign for the
iin . diode. While the mean value of the current through one IGBT
is the sum of īIGBT
G and īIGBT
ST the rms values cannot be
C. Power Losses NPC summed. As proposed in [10] an approximation for calculating
The power losses of the boost converter with IGBT of the rms value can be applied by defining the rms current as
the NPC topology are derived according to (8) and (9). The done in the last factor of the following equations:
conducting losses of the NPC inverter with MOSFETsare 2
given in the following equations for the first leg and half a PCIGBT
L + īST + rCE īIGBT
L + ĩST (18)
fundamental period referening to (1), (2) and [15]. 2
L + īST + rCE ĩIGBT
L + īST (19)
î2 RDS,on M
Pcon = L (1 + cos ϕ)2 (10) Depending on the ratio of the input and output voltage
6π equation (18) or (19) has to be applied. If the higher losses
î2 RDS,on M 3π
v2 are chosen the error is always below 3%. The losses for the
Pcon = L + 4 cos ϕ − cos 2ϕ − 3 (11)
12π M diodes are given by
′ V f îL M
′ î2 R f M
v1 ,v2
Pcon = (sin ϕ − ϕ cos ϕ) + L (1 − cos ϕ)2 (12)
4π 6π PCDiode = VF,0 īDiode
L + r ĩ
(1 − DST ) (20)
D1 îLV f M 4
Pcon = + 2ϕ cos ϕ − π cos ϕ − sin ϕ + The conducting losses of the dc link diode and the switching
4π M
(13) losses also based on (3) and (4) can be found in [10].
1 M
+î2L R f 1 + cos2 ϕ
4 3π E. Leakage Current
The switching losses are calculated by (3) and (4) applying One of the main issues of transformerless solar inverters is
Vdc the leakage current at the pv array. It arises due to variation of
2 for vv and iL for iv .
the dc link potential to ground that derives from the switching
D. Power Losses ZSI pattern. Assuming that the load is y-connected the midpoint
For the calculation of the losses of the Z-source inverter with of the dc link has four different potential during one switching
IGBT the two operating modes have to be distinguished. In period. During one of the two zero-states all three phases of the
case that the ZSI is working as VSI because the input voltage grid are short circuited by having all upper devices conducting
is above 750 V the losses can be calculated as for the VSI. and the lower ones blocking or vice versa. In this state the
In case that it is working in boost mode the additional losses upper or lower rail of the dc link is connected to ground so
of the shoot-through-states have to be considered as well. The that the midpoint of the dc link is at ± V2dc . During active states
derivation of the losses is performed in [10]. The main issue one device of each phase is conducting whereas at least one of
is to derive the current through the valves, since the current them is in the upper half and one is in the lower half. In case
that two upper device and one lower device is conducting two valid for the proposed three phase four wire system.For the
phases are switched in parallel and connected to the upper dc NPC inverter the current passing through the clamping diodes
link rail. Thus the voltage drop across the load is only half of into the dc link has to be considered that leads to very long
the voltage drop of the phase that is connected to the lower equations. Calculations and simulations have shown that (22)
dc link rail. That leads to a midpoint voltage of the dc link also lead to acceptable results for the NPC inverter. Beside the
to ground of − V6dc and to V6dc in case that two device in the current ripple caused by the inverter also the current ripple
lower half are conducting. To reduce the leakage current at of the boost converter has to be considered that is for both
the panel one very effective way is to connect the midpoint to inverters the same:
ground. The leakage current is reduced by a factor of 2C dc
3 (1 − a) ∆iind 2 + 12 iin 2 a
F. Volume ĩBC =
The volume of the solar inverter is given by the size of īBC = (1 − a) iin (23)
the discrete parts as heat sink, filter inductors and capacitors, r
dc link capacitors, boost inductor, power semiconductors and 1
(1 − a) ∆iind 2 + 12 iin 2 a
ĩC,BC =
control section. In this paper the heat sink, the dc link 12
capacitors and the inductors are regarded. Since the dc link capacitor decouples the ripple of the boost
1) Heat sink: The size of the heat sink is determined by its converter and the VSI, it has to carry both ac components.
ability to dissipate the power losses of the semiconductors Ptot . Typically ripple currents produced by the inverter and the
The heat dissipation is proportional to the thermal resistance boost converter have different frequencies. For calculating the
Rth,HA between the heat sink and the ambient. The maximum lifetime of the capacitor the current ripple has to be transferred
thermal resistance that limits the junction temperature of to an equivalent current ripple at 100 Hz ĩ100 for the specific
the power device to their maximum temperature T j,max is capacitor by a factor given in the datasheet [18].
calculated by [16] For the worst case when none of the ripples are canceled
out the rms of ac current is
T j,max − TA
Rth,HA,max = − Rth,tot (21) q
Ptot ĩ100,C,tot = ĩ2100,C,V SI + ĩ2100,C,BC (24)
Here Rth,tot describes the total thermal resistance between
junction and heat sink. The volume of the heat sink is inversely Current Ripple of the DC Link Capacitors of the ZSI
proportional to Rth,HA The ZSI requires three capacitors and two inductors in the
2) DC Link Capacitors: The number of the electrolytic dc link. In case the ZSI is not in boost operation the ripple
capacitors in the dc link is determined by the maximum current for all four capacitors is the same and can be calculated
allowed current ripple for a specified lifetime of the capacitors according to (22) since the high frequent current has to pass
and the maximum allowed voltage drop during load steps. For through all four capacitors. Assuming that the inductor current
solar applications the load steps are not a big issue, since the is constant, the ripple current through the boost capacitors C1
power of the pv array changes slowly and the changes in the and C2 in boosting mode is
grid voltage are occur infrequently. Therefore the number of r
Vin D
capacitors is derived due to a lifetime of 10 years. From the ĩC1,2 = (25)
datasheet of the capacitors its lifetime for a specific magnitude Pin 1 − D
of the rms value of the ripple current at 100 or 120 Hz can For calculating the ĩ100 value, twice the switching frequency
be extracted. Higher frequencies have to be converted into its has to be taken as a basis. Since the rms current from (25)
equivalent 100 Hz frequency concerning the application notes. is for typical boost duty cycles (D = 0.1...0.3) much higher
In the following the current ripples for the different topologies than the rms value of the capacitor current due to the switching
are calculated. transients calculated by (22), the last one can be neglected. The
Current Ripple of the DC Link Capacitor for the BC+VSI inductances L1 and L2 are designed according to the maximum
and BC+NPC allowed current ripple that is calculated for the maximum
The ripple current for the VSI is calculated by boost modulation by
√ ! √ "
q 3D Vin 3 1
ĩC,V SI = ĩ2dc − ī2dc ∆iL1,2 = √ 1− D (26)
3D − 1 2L 2 2 fsw
√ !√
v !
u ""
u 3 3 9M and the input current.
= îL tM + cos2 ϕ −
4π π 16 Calculation of the required number of capacitors
The number of capacitors in parallel is determined by the re-
The derivation of the ĩdc , īdc and (22) can be found in quired lifetime of the inverter. The lifetime L of the aluminum
[17]. Even though the equations are derived for a three phase electrolytic capacitors depend on the ambient temperature TA
three wire system simulations have shown that they are also and the standardized current ripple ĩ100,C,tot [18]:
T0 −TA − 1k ∆T0 ĩC,rated
L = L0 2 10 2 (27)
There L0 , T0 , k, ∆T0 and ĩC,rated can be found in the
datasheet. If the required lifetime is not reached the current
ripple per capacitor has to be reduced by connecting capacitors
in parallel. The volume of the capacitors depends on the dc
voltage and the capacitance. For the EPCOS B43501 with a
rated voltage of VR = 500V the volume can be approximated
VolCdc = µF
+ 27cm3 (28)
2.5 cm 3
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inverter are designed similar. For the ZSI the sum of both the
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