Mq,ximum deflection
First find the point where maximum deflection takes place. The maximum deflection is between the tangents at PI and QI' Hence the angle between the lines CP and DQ will be
equal to de. I J
likely to occur in the larger segment AC of the beam. For maximum deflection : should be For the deflected part P1QI of the beam, we have
zero. Hence equating the slope given by equation (i) upto dotted line to zero, we,get P,Q, =R.dS
But P,Q, ~ dx
- - x'
+ 200 = 0 (.: C, = 200) dx =R.dS
or 2
-25x +200=O dx
dS=- ... (i)
or x = J200 = 2 x .J2 m But for a loaded beam, we have
Now substituting x = 2 x J2 in equation (iii) upto dotted line, we get the maximum i=Ii or M
deflection. Substituting the values of R in equation (i), we get
Elxy =_ 25 x(2x,/2)3+200(2x,/2) dS=~~Mdx
m= 3
= - 188.56 + 565.68
(!;) EI ... (ii)
ing some type of loading, and hence sub~ the area of B. M. diagram between A and B.
jected to bending moment as shown in 1
Fig. 12.17 (a). Let the beam bent into
EI::::: EI [Area of B. M. diagram between A and B]
AQIPIB as shown in Fig. 12.17 (b). But 8 = slope atB = 8B
Due to the load acting on the beam. .'. Slope at B,
Let A be a point of zero slope and zero . d,
deflection. I~ x ~ !~ B.M. Diagram a - Area of B. M. diagram between A and B
... (12.15)
14 L ~I B- EI
Consider an element PQ of small I t
. But x x M.dx represents the moment of area of the B.M. diagram of length dr: about
POInt B.
2 2
Mohr's theorems. They are state as :
1. The change of slope between any two points is equal to the net area of the B.M. D
diagram between these P9ints divided by EI.
II. The total deflection between any two points is equal to the moment of the area of
B.M. diagram between the two points about the last point (i.e., B) divided by El.
The Mohr's theorems is conveniently used for following cases:
1. Problems on cantilevers (zero slope at fixed end). A. C B
2. Simply supported beams carrying symmetrical loading (zero slope at the centre).
3. Beams fixed at both ends (zero slope at each end).
The B.M. diagram is a parabola for uni-
formly distributed loads. The following prop-
erties of area and centroids or parabola are
given as :
Area A,
x2.... G2
I I+-- E. x 1 -----+I
3 2
Fig. 12.19
B.M. Diagram
Let BC=d
In Fig.AB=b
12.18, ABC is a parabola and
ABCD is a surrounding rectangle.
Let Al :::: Area of ABC
Slope at A:::: Area of B.M. diagram between Aand C
3 2 3
WL 2 L
16 3 WL'
Fig. 12.20 (a) shows a simply supported beam AB of length L and carrying a uniformly 1. The relation between curvature, slope, deflection etc. at a section is given by :
distributed load ofw/unit length over the entire span. The B.M. diagram is shown in Fig. 12.20 Deflection::: y
(b), This is a case of symmetrical loading, hence slop~ is zero at the centre i.e., at point C. dy
Slope = ~
1<-1.-------- L ---,::;==~---->l.1
;/ d 2y
A ;: B
80M. = EI dx 2
-----_. d 3y
S.F. = EI dx 3
w=EI d y
+-- 5 x L -----.. D
dx 4
8 2
As deflection is very small, hence slope is also given by dy = tan a = e.
w.e dx
8 2~ Slope at the supports of a simply supported beam carrying a point load at the centre is given by :
9A =9B =- l6EI
B.M. Diagram
~ ----+1·1 where W:::: Point load at the centre, L :::: Length of beam
E:::: Young's modulus, 1= M.O.1.
Fig. 12.20 3. The deflection at the centre of a simply supported beam carrying a point load at the centre is
(i) Now using Mohr's theorem for slope, we get WL3
given by Yc = - 48EI .
Slope at A:::: Area of B.M. diagram between A and C
EI 4. The slope and deflection of a simply supported beam, carrying a uniformly distributed load of
wlunit length over the entire span, arc given by,
But area ofRM. diagram between A and C
= Area of parabola ACD WL2 5 WL2
6A =BB= 24EI and Yc= 384 EI'
:::: ~xACxCD 5. Macaulay's method is used in finding slopes and deflections at any point of a beam. In this
3 method:
2 L wL2 w.L3 (i) Brackets are to be integrated as a whole.
3 2 8 24 (it) Constants of integrations are written after the first term.
Slope at
A::::: W.L3 (iii) The section, for which RM. equation is to be written, should be taken in the last part of the
24EI beam.
(ii) Now using Mohr's theorem for deflection, we get from equation (12.17) as
6. For maximum deflection, the slope dy is zero.
AX dx
Y= EI 7. The slope at point B if slope ot A is zero by moment-area method is given by,
where A :::: Area of B.M. diagram between A and C e _ Area of R M. diagrall! between A and B
w.L3 B - EI
24 8. The deflection by moment area method is given by
and x ::: Distance of C.G. of area A from A Ax
= i5. x AC = i5. x £ = 5L where A = Area of RM. diagram between A and B
8 8 2 16
w.L3 5L ~ = Distance of C.G. of area from B.
24 16 5 w.L4
EI 384 EI
EXERCISE 121 7. A beam of length 10 m is simply supported at its ends and carries two point loads of 100 kN and
60 kN at a distance of 2 m and 5 m respectively from the left support. Calculate the deflections
under each load. Find also the maximum deflection.
(A) Theoretical Questions Take I = 18 X 10 8 mm 4 and E = 2 x 10 5 N/inm2 .
1. Derive an expression for the slope and deflection of a beam subjected to uniform bending mo- [Ans. (i) - 4.35 mm (ii) - 6.76 mm (iii) Y"""" = - 6.78 mm]
ment. 8. A beam of length 20 m is simply supported at its ends and carries two point loads of 4 kN and
10 kN at a distance of 8 m and 12 m from left end respectively. Calculate: (i) deflection under
d'y each load (ii) maximum deflection.
2. Prove that the relation that M = EI --,
dx Take E = 2 X 106 Nlmm 2 and I = 1 X 109 rnm4.
where M = Bending moment, E:;: Young's modulus, I:;: M.O.I. fAns. (i) 10.3 mm and 10.6 downwards, (ii) 11 mm]
3. Find an expression for the slope at the supports of a simply supported beam, carrying a point 9. A beam of length 6 m is simply supported at its ends. It carries a uniformly distributed load of
load at the centre. 10 kN/m as shown in Fig. 12.21. Determine the deflection of the beam at its mid·point and also
4. Prove that the deflection at the centre of a simply supported beam, carrying a point load at the the position and the maximum deflection.
3 Take EI = 4.5 x lOs N/mm 2 • [Ans. - 2.578 mm, x::;; 2.9 m, Ym = = - 2.582 mm]
. . b WL
centre, IS gIVen y Yc = 48EI L10 kN/m
where W = Point load, L = Length of beam.
Find an expression for the slope and deflection of a siinply supported beam, carrying a point load
Wat a distance 'a' from left support and at a distance 'b' from right support where a > b.
Prove that the slope and deflection of a simply supported beam of length L and carrying a uni-
formly distributed load of w per unit length over the entire length are given by
fl+-_m_'I:~_3m~-6m-_-_-~:_I<--' =_2m_9
Fig. 12.21
WL2 5 WL3 10. A beam ABC of length 12 metre has one support at the left end and other support at a distance
Slope at supports - - and Deflection at centre::;; - - - -
24EI' 384 EI of 8 m from the left end. The beam carries a point load of 12 kN at the right end as shown in
where W ::;; Total load = w x L. Fig. 12.22. Find the slopes over each support and at the right end. Find also the deflection at the
7. What is a Macaulay's method? Where is it used? Find an expression for deflection at any section right end.
of a simply supported beam with an eccentric point load, using Macaulay's method. Take E = 2 X 10 5 N/mm 2 and 1=5 x 10 8 mm4.
8. What is moment-area method? Where is it conveniently used? Find the slope and deflection of [Ans. eA = 6.00364, eB = - 0.00128, fie = - 0.00224, Yc = - 7.68 mm]
a simply supported beam carrying a (i) point load at the centre and (ii) unifonnly distributed
load over the entire length using moment-area method. 12kNL
(B) Numerical Problems A B
1. A wooden beam 4 ill long, simply supported at its ends, is carrying a point load of 7.25 kN at
its centre. The cross-section of the beam is 140 mm wide and 240 mm deep. If E for the beam =
6 x 103 N/mmz, find the deflection at the centre. [Ans. 10 mm]
2. A beam 5 m long, simply supported at its ends, carries a point load W at its centre. If the slope at
t 8m
Fig. 12.22
t 4m --->I
the ends of the beam is not to exceed i 0, find the deflection at the centre of the beam.
11. An overhanging beam ABC is loaded as shoyvn in ·Fig. 12.23. Determine the deflection of the
[Ans. 29.08 mm]
beam at point C.
3. Determine: (i) slope at the left support, (ii) deflection under the load and (iii) maximum deflec- Take E = 2 X 10 5 N/mm 2 and 1 = 5 x lOs mm4. [Ans.yc = - 4.16 mm]
tion of a simply supported beam of length 10 m, which is carrying a point load of 10 kN at a
distance 6 m from the left end.
Take E = 2 X 10 5 N/mm 2 and I::;; 1 X 10 8 mm4. [Ans. 0.00028 rad., 0.96 mm and 0.985 mm}
4. A beam of uniform rectangular section 100 mm wide and 240 mm deep is simply supported at its
ends. It carries a uniformly distributed load of 9.125 kN/m run over the entire span of 4 m. Find
the deflection at the centre if E::;; 1.1 X 104 N/mm 2 • [Ans. 6.01 mm] 4m-->k--- 4m-->k--- 4m----+I
5. A beam of length 4.8 m and of uniform rectangular section is simply supported at its ends. It
carries a uniformly distributed load of 9.375 kN/m run over the entire length. Calculate the Fig. 12.23
width and depth of the beam if permissible bending stress is 7 N/mm 2 and maximum deflection
12. A bealJl of span 8 m and of uniform flexural rigidity EI = 40 MN-m 2 , is simply supported at its
is not to exceed 0.95 em. ends. It carries a uniformly distributed load of 15 kN/m run over the entire span. It is also
Take E for beam material = 1.05 x 104 N/mmz. [Ans. b = 240 mm and d :::: 336.8 mm]
subjected to a clockwise moment of 160 kNm at a distance of 3 m from the left support. Calculate
6. Solve problem 3, using Macaulay's method. the slope of the beam at the point of application of the moment. [Ans. 0.0061 rad.]
1 Integration again, we get
Ely =_
2 3
~+W+ C 1x + C2 x
..• (ii)
are constant of integrations. Their values are obtained from boundary condi-
h C Iand C 2
(i) By substituting x =O,y =0 in equation (W, we get
0= 0 + 0 + 0 + C 2 :. C2 = 0
Cantilever is a beam whose one end is ftxed and other end is free. In this chapter we
shall discuss the methods of finding slope and deflection for the cantilevers when they are (ii) By substituting x = 0,
dy .
dx = 0 In t· C')
equa IOn ~, we
subjected to various types of loading. The important methods are (i) Double integration method
0= 0 + 0 + C, :. C, = 0
(ii) Macaulay's method and (iii) Moment-area-method. These methods have also been used for
finding deflections and slope of the simply supported beams. Substituting the value of C 1 in equation (i), we get
dy Wx
dx 2
... (iii)
A cantilever AB of length L fixed at the point A and free at the point B and carrying a =_W(Lx_X;)
point load at the free end B is shown in Fig. 13.1. AB shows the position of cantilever before
any load is applied whereas AB' shows the position of the cantilever after loading. The equation (iii) is known as slope equation. We can find. the slope a~ any po~n;:enf~~:
cantilever by substituting the value of x. The slope .and deflectIO~ are maxImum a __ '--...
These can be determined by substituting x = L III these equatIOns. .
en . . C") t
Substituting the values of C 1 and C 2 in equatIOn n, we ge
x 2 Wx 3
Ely=- WL "2+-6-
Equating the two values ofB.M., we get EI8 B =_W(LL-L;)=-W.
" d.'y
E'dx' =- WCL-x)=- WL+ Wx WL' ... CI3.1)
.. 8 B =- 2EI . . .
Integrating the above equation, we get
Negative sign shows that tangent at B makes an angle in the anti-clockwIse dIrectIon
dy Wx 2
EI dx =- WLx + -2- + C, ... Ci) withAB
... C13.lA)