Mbuya2017 PDF
Mbuya2017 PDF
Mbuya2017 PDF
Approaches based on Taguchi and analysis of variance (ANOVA) methods have been
proposed for studying the leaching of copper–cobalt flotation tailings. Taguchi method
was used to determine the optimum leaching conditions as well the most influential
operating parameters. ANOVA was used to determine the relationship between the
parameters on the leaching yields. An L25 (55) orthogonal array experimental plan was
used to assess the effects of initial acidity (25, 50 , 75, 100 and 125 g/L), leaching time
(30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 min.), temperature (25, 35, 45, 55 and 65°C), pulp density
(S/L=10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 solid percent ) and ferrous iron concentration (0.0, 1.0, 2.5,
5.0, and 7.5 g/L) on individual dissolution of Cu and Co. Under the optimum conditions
(50 g/L, 60 min, 45 ° C, 15%, 2.5 g/L for Cu and 100 g/L, 60 min, 65 ° C, 15% and 2.5
g/L for Co), leaching yields were 95.98% Cu and 97.74% Co. pH and Fe2+ were found to
KEYWORDS: Taguchi, ANOVA, copper, cobalt, tailings, flotation, leaching
Owing to their unique physical, chemical and mechanical properties, copper and cobalt
are extensively used in various engineering applications. Copper is a ductile metal with
very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Its main usages include electrical
equipment such as wiring and motors, electromagnets, and gold alloys. Cobalt is a hard
and lustrous metal and is mainly obtained as a by–product of copper and nickel mining
magnets, glasses and ceramic pigments. The Katanga Province in the Democratic
Republic of Congo hosts the northwestern part of the Central African Copperbelt. This
region abounds with large and rich deposits of sulphide and oxidised copper–cobalt ores
the Central African Copperbelt and processing environmental considerations, slag and
tailings materials are the subject of many reclamation studies for the recovering of metals
such as copper and cobalt (Ramakokovhu et al., 2012; Lutundula et al., 2013). This is
mostly aimed at minimising waste disposal and at the same time generating revenues.
Reclamation of tails from old metallurgical extraction processes has also been identified
as key to the lifespan extension of mines (Ramakokovhu et al., 2012). The interest in
exploiting man–made tailings dams is not only getting the minerals back to production, it
is also encouraged by reduced operational costs (Antonijevi´c et al., 2008) since they
consist of mined and comminuted metal bearing materials (Lutundula et al., 2013). The
Katanga province of the Democratic Republic of Congo has been the stronghold of
intensive copper and cobalt mining operations in the last decades. These operations
generated great amount of tailings piles scattered throughout the province that were often
These tailings represent a real threat to the ecosystem and human health as they are
subjected to weathering and erosion through exposure to the rainfall and winds that lead
to the contamination of surrounding areas and the aquifer (Lutundula et al., 2013;
Andrews et al., 2013). It is, therefore, important to quell this threat through the
continuous research and development towards a cost effective processing of the tails.
The Kambove concentrator is a business unit of Gecamines that processes about 120,000
t/month of both copper and cobalt sulphide and oxidised ores (Progogine, 1972; Kime et
al., 2015; Mulenga and Mwashi, 2016). The plant receives three different types of
copper–cobalt ores mainly from three mines: Shangolowe, grading about 2.90% Cu and
0.12% Co (Kime et al., 2015); Kamfundwa, grading an average of 2.5% Cu and 0.3% Co;
as well as Kamoya Sud II at 2.7% Cu and 0.5% Co (Kanda, 2013). The industrial
flowsheet involves obtaining a bulk concentrate of copper and cobalt by flotation (Fig. 1)
The concentrator adopts the regime of the following reagents: sodium silicate, Na2SiO3
(66%SiO2, 250g/t) as the dispersant; Senfroth, G41 (10 g/t) as the frother; sodium
carbonate, Na2CO3 (99.99%, 50g/t) as the pH modifier; sodium hydrosulfide, NaHS (70–
72%, 3500 g/t) as the sulphidisation agent. Potassium amylxanthate, PAX (95%
minimum, 350 g/t) is the primary collector and the mixture (150g/t) of gasoil (93–94%)–
rinkalore (6–7%) is the secondary collector. The surface sulphidisation mechanism is
As can be seen from Eqs. (2–4), the dissociation constants of H2S and HS- are very low
compared to the dissociation constant of NaOH. This means that an alkaline pulp will be
obtained, where OH-, HS- and S2- will react with valuable minerals. The general Equation
Eq. (5) yields a bulk concentrate of copper and cobalt and a tail that is stockpiled over
the years pending further processing.In general, the copper–cobalt tailings generated have
complex mineralogy. In fact, they combine different gangue minerals such as cupriferous
micas, calcites, siliceous, feldspar and iron bearing oxide gangue materials. These
materials are known for increasing acid consumption which is accompanied by impurity
co–extraction and operational cost incline (Whyte et al., 2001). The dissolution of Cu and
CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 + 2H2SO4 2CuSO4 + CO2 + 3H2O (7)
leaching of Co can only successfully be achieved in the presence of reducing agents like
FeSO4.7H2O. In fact, cobalt high oxides such as Co2O3 require the addition of a reducing
agent to the leaching medium to enhance their dissolution (Philibert et al., 2002; Kime
and Makgoale, 2016). Considering the more or less refractory nature of tailings from
under which the dissolution of copper and cobalt is optimised. Many parameters can
influence the behaviour of the leaching of tailings. The most important are chemical
composition, leaching solution, solid/liquid (S/L) ratio, leaching time and pH (Lutandula
et al., 2013). Taguchi method has been applied in several previous works to determine
the optimum leaching conditions (Çalban et al., 2005; Safarzadeh et al., 2007; Guo et al.,
2010; llyas et al., 2010; Nkulu et al., 2013; Popescu et al., 2015). Taguchi method’s
advantages lie in that it helps optimising parameters in reducing the number of trials, a
time gain and a minimum cost (Phadke, 1988). ANOVA statistical method can be used in
synergy with Taguchi method to determine the relative importance of each parameter
(Hvalec et al., 2004). Taguchi and ANOVA are the two statistical methods that will be
used in this work. They will be applied to the leaching of the copper–cobalt flotation
tailing considering an L25(55) orthogonal experimental design. The current study used the
statistical software package Statistica v13, compatible with Microsoft Windows 8
operating system.
The copper–cobalt flotation tailings from the Kambove concentrator were used for this
study. Particle size distribution (PSD) analysis of the tailings materials was performed
using a series of ASTM sieves between 300 and 38 µm. Given the fineness of the grains,
wet sieving was preferred to dry sieving. Nine fractions were hence obtained. The
chemical analysis of the size fractions was carried out using both Atomic Absorption
Plasma (ICP–AES).
Leaching tests were carried out in 600 mL glass beakers that were carefully cleaned with
distilled water. H2SO4 aqueous solutions were prepared by mixing distilled water with
selected amounts of H2SO4 (98%, p.a., Merck®) and FeSO4.7H2O (98%, p.a., Merck®)
as the reducing agent. A known amount of the sample was then poured into the beaker
containing the aqueous solution. The assembly was placed on a hot plate equipped with a
mechanical stirring device. The temperature was monitored using a thermometer that was
placed permanently in the solution. After completion of the leaching time, the leachates
2.3. Experimental Plan
a) Taguchi method
Following parameters were considered for the leaching experimental testwork: initial
acidity (A), Time (B), Temperature (C), Pulp density (D) and Concentration of Fe2+ (E).
The fractional experimental plan based on the L25(55) orthogonal array was used in order
to conduct the testwork. The L25(55) orthogonal array experimental plan comprised 5
the orthogonal matrix were not considered. The order of tests was obtained by inserting
the parameter values in the L25(55) orthogonal array experimental plan. The L25(55)
orthogonal array experimental plan is shown in Table 2. This array displays in the
columns, integer values that represent the levels of factors and in the rows, the values
representing a set of specific levels for each factor (Çalban et al., 2005; Safarzadeh et al.,
2007; Guo et al., 2010; llyas et al., 2010; Nkulu et al., 2013; Popescu et al., 2015).
The philosophy of the robust Taguchi design method lies in minimising the impact of
order to make the process more robust. This amounts to jointly optimise the mean results
and dispersion results around the calculated mean (Droesbeke et al., 1997). Taguchi
method takes then into account the dispersion of results by integrating the analysis of
additional information like the signal–to–noise ratio (Madhav and Phadke, 2010). It also
uses a quality loss function to measure the variability in the performance characteristics
around the targeted robustness value. The value of the quality loss function is
(Bernard, 2000). The value of the performance indicator can be obtained directly from
the quality loss function as follows (Safarzadeh et al., 2007; Goupy, 1996):
Generally, there are 3 categories characterising the performance in the analysis of the
ratio S/N: the minimiser, the maximiser and the target value (Phadke, 1988). The largest
S/N ratio corresponds to the best performance. Therefore, the optimum level of a
parameter is the one with the largest S/N ratio (Demirci et al., 2011). The performance
1 1
SN L 10log (12)
n Yi2
SN S 10log Yi2 (13)
where SNL and SNS are performance characteristics, n is the number of repetitions of the
performance for the experimental combination and Yi is the value of the performance of
The value of the experiment performance can be predicted using the following prediction
YOpt Ai Bi ... (14)
n n n
where n is the total number of tests, T is the sum of all the test responses and Ai, Bj,… are
ANOVA is the second statistical approach that was used. Unlike what its name suggests,
ANOVA does not consider differences in variances amongst populations but mean
differences (Vivier, 2002). This method takes its name from its use of variance measures
to judge the significance of test results. In other words, the significance of the average
the regression equation or model and a residual component. The first component is tested
with respect to the second one. The factorial and residual components are mathematically
represented by mean squares (Bernard, 2005). Ultimately, the interest in using ANOVA
response. Equations resulting from ANOVA are well presented in Mohd et al. (2009);
Laffly (2007); and Hvalec et al. (2004). ANOVA will be useful to determine statistically:
the most significant parameters, the contribution and the degree of contribution of each
Chemical analysis results of the sample are shown in Table 3. It can be seen that about
73.66% Cu oxide and 86.67 % Co contained in the tailings sample was in the oxide form,
the remaining percentages were in sulphide form. As can be seen from Fig. 2, the
chemical assay of the size fractions showed that well above 50.00% of the sample was
less than 38 μm. The chemical analysis revealed that this fraction had a high content of
The mineralogical examination results revealed that Cu was mostly in the form of
malachite (Cu2CO3(OH)2). Copper was also found in low proportions in the forms of
The gangue was constituted of limonite (Fe2O3.H2O), dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) and silica
Results from the test conducted according to the L25 (55) orthogonal array experimental
Table 5 provides the average S/N ratio of factors for each variation level.
Since higher S/N ratio is better in Cu–Co stirred leaching (Safarzadeh et al., 2007; Nkulu
et al., 2013), the leaching is optimised when responses are as large as possible. Fig. 3
shows the numerical value of the maximum point corresponds to the optimised value of
the extraction of Cu according to the experimental design. It can be seen that the
optimum for Cu corresponds to the levels A2B2C3D2E3 (letters represent the parameters
and indexes represent the levels). The optimum leaching conditions obtained for Cu were
50 g/L; 60 min; 45 °C; 15 solid% and 2.5 g/L and correspond to the initial acidity (A),
time (B), temperature (C), pulp density (D) and amount of ferrous iron (E), respectively.
The optimum leaching conditions for Co are given in Fig. 4. One can notice that the
corresponds to the followings: 100 g/L; 60 min; 65 °C; 15 % solids et 2.5 g/L for the
initial acidity, time, temperature, pulp density and the amount of ferrous iron,
In order to examine the validity of the results obtained using Statistica v13, an
experiment was performed under the optimum leaching conditions. The results are shown
in Table 6. It can be seen that the leaching yields of Cu and Co were 95.98% and 97.74%,
respectively, and their respective total acid consumptions were 116.71 kg/dmtu (dry
metric tonne unit) and 123.20 kg/dmtu. The predictive model (Eq. 14) applied under
optimum conditions for the leaching of Cu and Co gave the leaching yields of 96.05% Cu
Taguchi oriented practitioners often use ANOVA to determine the factors that influence
the average response and signal–to–noise ratio. So the statistical analysis of variance
(ANOVA) was performed to see whether the process parameters were statistically
significant. The ANOVA results are given in Tables 7 and 8, which shows the
the percentage contributions of all factors to the leaching yields of copper and cobalt are
ANOVA results of Cu leaching yields are shown in Table 7. It can be seen that all the
Fexp obtained were lower than F0.05;4;4 = 6.3882 read in the Ficher–Senedor tables. In other
words, no parameter was significant. The initial acidity contributed with about 20.83% on
the leaching efficiency of Cu, compared to 16.78% and 11.86% of the contributions of
temperature and pulp density. The remaining percentage (38.02%) was the contribution
of the residue on the leaching yield of cobalt. The residue term or error represents the
contribution of uncontrollable factors and factors that were not considered in this study.
However, the robustness of the method of Taguchi helps minimising the influence of this
ANOVA results on Co leaching yields are shown in Table 8. It can be seen that the
concentration of Fe2+ had a Fexp = 76.7183 much higher than the F0.05;4;4 =6.3882 read in
Ficher–Senedor tables. This means that the concentration of Fe2+ was the most important
factor for the dissolution of Co. The value of the critical probability of the concentration
of Fe2+, related to F was 0.000492. This corresponded to the smallest value obtained and
therefore Fe2+ was the most significant factor. Its contribution to the leaching efficiency
Two major differences were noticed in the dissolutions of Cu and Co. Values of 50 g/L
for the initial acidity and 45 °C for the temperature were obtained for Cu, whereas values
of 100 g/L for the initial acidity and 65 °C for the temperature were obtained for Co. This
different phenomena. This hypothesis was confirmed with results in Table 5 where
acidity (∆ = 0.20882) and concentration of ferrous ions (∆= 3.81655) were the most
influential parameters for Cu and Co, respectively. Moreover, Fig. 6 obtained using the
metric values of the SN functions (Table 5) shows that the presence of outliers for acidity
to eliminate the aberrant points but the results did not impact on the dissolution yields.
Therefore the atypical and extreme points obtained were statistically consistent with the
results obtained. During the validation process, the L25 (55) orthogonal array experimental
plan considered helped to achieve a prediction within 0.07% (Cu) and 0.24% (Co) of the
actual test results. The small discrepancies could be related to certain uncontrollable
variables not taken into account in this work. This emphasises the importance of
This study was intended to optimise the leaching of Cu–Co flotation tailings in H2SO4
aqueous solution using the Taguchi and ANOVA statistical approaches. Using the
Taguchi L25(55) orthogonal experimental design and considering the initial acidity,
leaching time, temperature, pulp density and ferrous iron concentration as controllable
parameters, the optimized conditions for the leaching of a copper–cobalt flotation tailings
were calculated as 50 g/L, 60 min, 45 ° C, 15%, 2.5 g/L for Cu and 100 g/L, 60 min, 65 °
C, 15% and 2.5 g/L for Co. The leaching yields were 97.74% Cu and 94.66% Co.
Moreover, using ANOVA, it was verified that the most effective parameters for the
dissolution of Cu and Co from the copper–cobalt flotation tailings were the pH and
concentration of Fe2+, respectively. These two factors contributed to about 20.83% and
67.87% in the leaching yields of Cu and Co, respectively. These results clearly showed
that the phenomena involved in the dissolution of Cu and Co from the tailings were
However, the findings of this work are gratifying due to improved Cu and Co extraction
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Table 1 Experimental parameters and quantitative values for each level
Parameters Levels
1 2 3 4 5
Temperature (°C) - C 25 35 45 55 65
Pulp density(%) - D 10 15 20 25 30
Table 2 L25(55) orthogonal array experimental plan applied to the leaching
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2 2 2
3 1 3 3 3 3
4 1 4 4 4 4
5 1 5 5 5 5
6 2 1 2 3 4
7 2 2 3 4 5
8 2 3 4 5 1
9 2 4 5 1 2
10 2 5 1 2 3
11 3 1 3 5 2
12 3 2 4 1 3
13 3 3 5 2 4
14 3 4 1 3 5
15 3 5 2 4 1
16 4 1 4 2 5
17 4 2 5 3 1
18 4 3 1 4 2
19 4 4 2 5 3
20 4 5 3 1 4
21 5 1 5 4 3
22 5 2 1 5 4
23 5 3 2 1 5
24 5 4 3 2 1
25 5 5 4 3 2
Table 3 Chemical composition of the tailing samples
Table 4 Experimental plan and leaching experimental results
19 100 120 35 30 2.5 95.19 92.26 39.57 39.30
Table 5 Marginal average as function of factor levels for the leaching of Cu and Co
S/N ratio A2=50 g/L B2=60 min C3=45 °C D2=15 % E3=2.5 g/L
expected Solid
s Linear
Levels Parameters for Co
S/N ratio A4=100 g/L B2=60 min C5=65 °C D2=15 % E3=2.5 g/L
expected Solid
s Linear
Table 6 Results of confirmatory tests under optimum conditions
Confirm. 14.9 95. 101. 2.94 89. 109. 116. 22.9 4.48 90.4 893.87
Cu 7 98 45 15 84 71 2 4
Confirm. 15.2 94. 100. 3.12 97. 84.1 123. 23.2 5.19 49.3 895.20
Co 5 66 66 74 3 20 0 1
Table 7 ANOVA of Cu leaching yield
Squares (%)
Table 8 ANOVA of Co leaching yield
Squares (%)
Figure 1. Simplified flowsheet of Kambove concentrator.
Figure 2. Particle size distribution of the oxidised copper-cobalt tailing.
Figure 3. Effects of controllable factors associated with their levels on the statistical
performance (SN) for the leaching of Cu.
Figure 4. Effects of controllable factors associated with their levels on the statistical
performance (SN) for the leaching of Co.
Figure 5. Pareto chart showing the percentage contribution of parameters on the leaching
of Cu.
Figure 6. Pareto chart showing the percentage contribution of parameters on the leaching
of Co.
Figure 7. Box plot for Cu leaching optimisation results according to the L25(55)
experimental plan.