Essay Journal4
Essay Journal4
Essay Journal4
Even if people live in an arid desert, they know that plenty of water exists in the Context & Scale
air they breathe. However, the reality tells us the atmospheric water cannot help Airborne moisture is a potential
to slake the world’s thirst. Thus an important question occurs: what are the source of a plentiful amount of
fundamental limits of atmospheric water harvesting that can be achieved in freshwater that is accessible
typical arid and semi-arid areas? Here, through a thorough review on the pre- everywhere and can be easily co-
sent advances of atmospheric water-harvesting technologies, we identify the operated with a renewable energy
achievements that have been acquired and evaluate the challenges and barriers source (solar energy). This paper
that retard their applications. Lastly, we clarify our perspectives on how to presents a comprehensive and
search for a simple, scalable, yet cost-effective way to produce atmospheric critical review of state-of-the-art
water for the community and forecast the application of atmospheric water har- research on atmospheric water
vesting in evaporative cooling, such as electronic cooling, power plant cooling, harvesting. From the viewpoint of
and passive building cooling. applications, we are concerned
most about whether an
Introduction atmospheric water harvester can
Just as Leonardo da Vinci said, ‘‘water is the driving force of all nature.’’ Freshwater produce sufficient freshwater
scarcity is increasingly perceived as a globally systemic risk. Taking into account the under a wide range of weather
seasonal fluctuations in water consumption and availability, recent research1 found conditions in an energy-efficient
that two-thirds of the global population (4.0 billion people) live under conditions of way. Therefore, a variety of
modest water scarcity for at least one month in a year. Even worse, a half billion harvesting methods, including
people on Earth face severe water scarcity all year round. However, the atmospheric radiative cooling, solar distilling,
water, which is considered a huge renewable reservoir of water and enough to meet and sorption-based water
the needs of every person on the planet, is unfortunately ignored.2 Atmospheric collecting, are reviewed and
water usually exists in three basic types:3 clouds floating in the sky, fog close to discussed based on their capture
the land, and water vapor in the air. Cloud and fog are all made up of tiny drops materials, system designs, and
of water (typically with a diameter from 1 to 40 mm, compared with the size of rain thermodynamic cycles. The study
droplets varying from 0.5 to 5 mm), but the concentration of water droplets in fog also presents a systematic
is usually larger. When water is taken out of the air, different from desalination, little performance comparison of
influence may occur to disrupt the hydrological cycle or steal water away from impor- recently proposed atmospheric
tant critical sources nearby.4 In addition, since the source of the atmospheric water is water harvesters. Furthermore, we
normally clean, the water quality is good enough for drinking and for other domestic discuss four key problems that
and agricultural purposes.5 limit the cost-effectiveness and
provide some solutions as
Thus, today water harvesting from air shows a great promise in supplying water perspectives.
for community use in arid areas,6 portable water production by decentralized
systems,7,8 and emergency water supply in post-disaster times.9 The millennium Atmospheric water-harvesting
development goals10 set by the United Nations highlight the critical needs of self- technology has experienced
sustenance in potable water supply through small-scale decentralized water produc- significant progress in the past 20
tion in impoverished and developing regions of the world. On one hand, 1.7 million years. However, little research on
deaths per year are caused by poor water quality, sanitation, and hygiene.11 On atmospheric water harvesters is
the other hand, fresh water availability is essential for the economic development conducted with broad horizons,
in small communities in remote areas, where annual rainfall is negligible and and system integrations have
traditional water sources such as rivers, lakes, wells, and springs are also not
Despite the significant value of the potentially extractable fresh water in the
world,22–24 few atmospheric water-harvesting systems are commercially operating
currently, leaving distribution of such systems a huge challenge. In general, any
viable atmospheric water-harvesting technology must satisfy five primary criteria:
It should be efficient, cheap, scalable, wide-band, and stable enough to operate
for a whole year or at last a monsoon season. Currently none of the existing commer-
cial atmospheric water generators (AWGs) meets all these five criteria. From the
point of view of thermodynamics, this is mainly due to the energy inefficiency of
the process.
As a first step for understanding different AWGs, we should comprehend the ther-
modynamic fundamentals and examine the performance indexes involved in the at-
mospheric water-harvesting technology (here we take the sorption-based AWG25 as
an example). The workflow of one AWG is usually described as follows: capture the
moisture from thin air, then condense the captured moisture into liquid water. The
separation process and the condensation process may consume energy, where
renewable energy, such as solar or wind energy, is a top priority. Just as with desa-
lination,19,20 three indexes are usually employed to evaluate the performance of
AWG, including the specific water production per day per unit collector area
(SWP), the specific energy consumption per unit mass water production (SEC), and
the recovery ratio of the feed air (RR). The SWP is usually used for evaluating the
water productivity of the passive AWG (without the need of energy input), while
SWP and RR are more often used to assess the energy efficiency and the water vapor
condensing effectiveness of the active AWGs. For water collection by direct cooling,
the value of SEC and RR can be defined as follows:
Qcond 3T Ti Tcond
SEC = zCp + hfg ; (Equation 1)
m H2 O 3d d dcond
RR = 3 d 1 ; (Equation 2)
where Ti and di are the temperature and humidity ratio of the inlet air of the
condenser, respectively. Tcond represents the condensation temperature. mH2 O is
the water production per unit mass dry air (kg/kg). 3 T and 3 d are the heat-exchange
of Refrigeration and Cryogenics,
effectiveness and mass exchange effectiveness of the condenser, respectively. The
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240,
total cooling load of the moist air, Qcond, is the sum of the sensible heat load, asso- China
ciated with the temperature change of the moist air, and the latent heat load, asso- *Correspondence:
ciated with the enthalpy of condensation, hfg. Obviously, a smaller sensible heat
Natural Harvesting
Nature has adapted different methods for surviving dry, arid, xeric conditions. One
of the first known studies of plants absorbing airborne moisture is carried out by
Hales in 1727.26 In 1957, a literature review was carried out by Stone27 concentrating
on dew and the absorption of water in plants. In 2014, a thorough review of the liter-
ature was carried out by Malik et al.26 which updated and extended the work,
focusing on direct dew, fog, and moisture harvesting in plants and animals, such
as beetles, frogs, lizards, spiders, Opuntia microdasys, Stipagrostis sabulicola,
and Trianthema hereroensis.
Early AWGs
The idea of collecting water from fog can be traced back to centuries ago. Several
accounts or even legends concern dew ‘‘springs’’ and ‘‘ponds,’’3 which essentially
come from the artificially harvested dew by using large stones or trees. Therefore,
it seems that mankind considered dew as a source of fresh water since time imme-
morial. Unfortunately, it was not until the 20th century that such condensers that
only appear in old-time accounts or tales came true. Historically it is argued in sci-
ence that the Early Greeks who founded Theodosia as early as the 6th century BC
used dew condensers to fulfill their water demands. This opinion first comes from
a Russian forester, F.I. Zibold, who built an experimental stone condenser in the
shape of a bowl during 1905 and 1912,4,21 following what he considered to be an
Early Greek condenser. However, some researchers challenged Zibold’s experi-
mental results and few positive responses were given. Therefore, until nowadays
the Early Greek dew condenser still remains a tale rather than a scientific story.3,28
During the first half of the 20th century, Zibold’s attempt inspired extensive experi-
ments with this type of water condenser in the South of France by L. Chaptal, M.
Goddard, and A. Knapen.3 These installations called ‘‘aerial wells’’ or (vapor) ‘‘cap-
tors’’ were analogous to the Crimean prototypes. Some of the constructions success-
fully produced condensed water, but the amount was less than expected. These
massive aerial condensers are designed to take advantage of the temperature vari-
ation during day and night. At night, the stone heap is cooled down by the chilled air.
During daytime, the warm air that comes from the ocean and thus is more or less
saturated with water vapor reaches this chilled surface and is consequently
condensed. However, due to the low thermal conductivity, the effective working
layer of the stone is believed to be very thin. Furthermore, the low heat capacity
of this thin active layer crucially limits the water condensation amount.
Modern AWGs
According to the forms of airborne water, the atmospheric water-harvesting
technologies can be divided into three different categories: artificial rain collec-
tion,32–34 fog water collection,6,31 and dew water collection.35 Weather modifica-
tion (also known as cloud seeding or ‘‘artificial rain’’) may produce substantial pre-
cipitation but only in the troposphere where water-abundant clouds gather. No
evidence shows that the same process can be achieved at ground level in a routine,
controllable fashion.32,33 Fog collection, unlike weather modification, is a proven
technology for a substantial supply of potable water in certain arid regions.6,31
Dew collection can be achieved by passing the humid ambient air over a cooled
surface, and condensed liquid water is obtained if the surface temperature is lower
than the dewpoint temperature of air.5
Today, the biggest challenge for fog collection is the low efficiency that is defined
as the ratio between the water reaching the collector’s gutter and the liquid water
To reduce the fossil fuel energy cost, researchers began to use solar energy to drive
the AWGs.55,56 Two methods have been reported and concluded by various inves-
tigators: one is the sorption-regeneration-condensation method,57 and the other is
dew water harvesting by a solar-powered sorption chiller.58
the glass cover is opened and the desiccants capture the moisture in the feed air by
natural or forced convection. During daytime, the sorber absorbs the incident solar
radiation and thus the desiccant temperature increases. At this time, the released
water vapor is condensed underneath the glass cover (Figure 2A) or in an additional
condenser only powered by ambient cooling (Figure 2B). Figure 2C is a sandwich
plate,66,67 which integrates the solar absorber and desiccant layer on two sides of
a metal plate, while another plate on the opposite side acts as the condenser.
Figure 2D shows a packed columns sorber and a separated condenser.68,69
The previous three (Figures 2A–2C) are passive AWGs, which have been studied
extensively due to their simple construction. The water productivity is in the range
of 1.0–2.5 kg/day/m2 of collector area, and the literature review results are listed
in Tables S4 and S5. The last AWG (Figure 2D) is an active sorber, more compact
but inevitably with more complex structure. This configuration needs an indepen-
dent solar heat collector and an additional condenser. The reported lowest SEC is
ca. 2.0 kWh (heat)/kg.70
Dew water harvesting by sorption chillers can work continuously in daylight and at
night if integrated with heat storage. This technology is one kind of dew water col-
lector driven by direct cooling. Some researchers58 claimed that this method was too
complicated and expensive to be applied in water production. However, the related
In brief, the technologies of AWGs summarized in Table 1 can be divided into three
main categories: direct harvesting by condensation, vapor concentration by mem-
brane or desiccant, and by-product collection from an integrated system, as shown
in Figure 3. Meanwhile, according to the dependence on external energy input, both
the vapor concentration process and the water vapor condensation can be catego-
rized as the passive one without extra energy input and the active one powered by an
external energy source. Selection of methods is an engineering decision depending
on both local climatic conditions and economic factors such as capital, operation,
and energy costs.
In the last 20 years, several modifications and improvements have been proposed in
the literature to improve the performance (e.g., water productivity or efficiency) of
the water-harvesting system, regarding different weather conditions, materials, or
collector design. However, until now the traditional AWGs have been restricted
only to small-scale portable water production and emergency water supply after a
disaster. It is still far away from people’s expectation of scalable water production
in an energy-efficient way. The fog water collection is efficient but limited to specific
locations;37 the passive radiative collector has a low SWP due to the low radiative
cooling capacity;5 the passive sorption-based AWG also has a low SWP due to its
low RR;77 and the chiller-based dehumidifier has an unexpected SEC associated
with the low COP of the chillers.23,24 In this case, the solar-powered sorption-based
AWGs with active condenser reveal a great potential for compact systems, efficient
operation, and wide adaptability. However, for reduction of the SEC according to
Equation 1, several remaining hurdles must be surmounted prior to the practical
application of sorption-based AWGs with active condenser for scalable atmospheric
AWG, atmospheric water generator; COP, coefficient of performance; DEHP, desiccant-enhanced heat pump; DRH, deliquescence relative humidity; MHI, Mois-
ture Harvesting Index; RH, relative humidity; RR, recovery ratio of the feed air; SEC, specific energy consumption; SWP, specific water productivity; PCM, phase
change material.
water production: (1) the lack of cost-effective heat sinks to maximize the SWP; (2)
the energy-inefficient ways applied to desorb the desiccants; (3) the unreasonable
design that fails to reduce heat loss or to achieve heat recovery before and after
the condensing process; and (4) the ignorance of the kinetics in terms of material se-
lection and sorber design. For sorption-based AWGs, besides the challenges for
thermodynamic performance mentioned above, some current highly utilized desic-
cants, such as MOF-801,78 are still unstable and unhealthy, which may result in se-
vere safety issues. In addition, the methodologies on how to evaluate the feasibility
and energy requirement of atmospheric water harvesting are also very important
factors for location-specific and climate-specific design, but these still do not attract
sufficient attention from researchers.
Progress in Lowering the Condensing Temperature
About 50% of the energy consumed in harvesting portable water by cooling down
humid ambient air is wasted by producing unexpected cold air rather than water.24
Hence, lowering the condensing temperature can improve the RR and eventually
reduce the SEC. This can be achieved in two aspects: a cost-effective heat sink
and a high effective condenser.
Cost-Effective Heat Sinks. Obviously, the cold dark Universe is an ideal low-tem-
perature heat source. Radiative cooling technology utilizes the atmospheric trans-
parency window (wavelength range of 8–13 mm) to passively dissipate heat from
Earth into outer space (3 K).79,80 The technology utilized in radiative dew water col-
lector is relatively simple as it relies on exploiting the physical processes of dew
The influence of solar absorption during the day that causes radiative cooling
spread to a subambient surface seemed an insurmountable barrier until
2014.48,80 A thin polyethylene cover used to suppress convective exchange is
transparent to infrared radiation. Below this cover, a stack of two thin oxides is
deposited over a 200-nm-thick of silver layer on the silicon substrate, as shown
in Figure 4A. The polymer acts as an all-dielectric mirror and its performance of re-
flecting blue wavelengths is even better than metal, leading to a very high solar
reflectance. As a result, only 30 W/m2 out of 1,000 W/m2 incident solar energy
is absorbed. The maximum temperature reduction in the absence of a convective
barrier is 3 C at midday and 7 C at night in summer. About 2 years later,81 another
kind of radiative cooling device was reported as shown in Figures 4B–4D, which
demonstrated a temperature reduction record. In a 24-hr day-night cycle in winter,
the cooler is maintained at a temperature that is at least 33 C below ambient air
temperature of 5 C–15 C, and a maximal temperature reduction of 42 C is
observed. This maximum value occurs when the apparatus enclosing the cooler
is exposed to the peak solar irradiance. In recent years,49 with the emergence of
new classes of selective infrared emitters, the radiative cooler can provide a cool-
ing power that exceeds 100 W/m2 at reasonable temperatures.
Of course, the Earth is also a good heat sink in summer considering the moderate
temperatures deep in the ground to boost condensing efficiency. Depending on
latitude, the temperature 6 m beneath the Earth’s surface maintains a nearly con-
stant value between 10 C and 16 C. Ground-coupled heat exchangers82 have
been widely used to warm or cool air or water and applied for residential, agricul-
tural, or industrial uses. However, few researchers have investigated the ground
heat exchanger to condense the water vapor for AWGs.
Besides radiative cooling, a noteworthy technique is cold storage at night and heat
absorption during the daytime. The obvious variation of temperature between day
and night in arid regions is very common,25 thus a cold storage tank that can be
charged during the night can work as a low-temperature heat source in the daytime.
With the rapid development of heat storage, quantities of novel materials with ultra-
high thermal diffusivity have been produced,83–85 which show a bright future for at-
mospheric water harvesting by using resonant ambient heat.
For acceleration of droplet removal, a novel concept87 of integrating the growth and
transport of water droplets is derived from a combination of the strategies used by three
distinct biological examples—Namib desert beetles, cacti, and Nepenthes pitcher
plants—as summarized in Figures S1A–S1C. First, synthetic bumpy surfaces inspired
by beetles are designed to optimize fast and localized droplet growth by focusing vapor
diffusion flux at the apexes. The formed droplets then rapidly roll off the asymmetric
slope in a direction-guided structure, which is similar to cactus spines, to guide capil-
lary-driven transport of harvested water drops. Lastly, the molecularly smooth lubricant
is coated on the bumps to dramatically diminish the friction. Experimental results
confirmed that bumps that were rationally designed by integrating these mechanisms
are able to grow and transport large droplets even against gravity and overcome the
effect of an unfavorable temperature gradient.
Through comparing the isotherms (at 25 C) (Figure 5) of some very promising des-
iccants reported recently, it is easy to see that excluding the zeolites 13X,94 the
ACF/LiCl composites94 have the highest water uptake in the arid regions (RH <
30%) under the same RH. In other words, the ACF/LiCl composite94 can take place
of those expensive polymeric materials (labeled in red lines in Figure 5), including
AlPO4-LTA,97 Co2Cl2BTDD,90 MIL-101,98,99 and MOF-801,66,67 particularly consid-
ering that these materials usually have a relative small hysteresis. The same trend
for silica gel/LiCl composite is witnessed in the humid regions, whose water-uptake
capacity is much better than the UiO-66, MCM-41 and silica gel. However, a risk for
these two composites should be noted: the leakage of the salt solution perhaps oc-
curs because of overloading when the RH is larger than their deliquescence relative
humidity (DRH).101 This is why the scientists and engineers are still exploring other
high-performance physical sorbents.
For screening of the optimal physical sorbents, the material properties of stability,
hydrophilicity, and pore diameter are of critical importance. MOFs offer the flexi-
bility required to optimize all these parameters at once.90 To facilitate the applica-
tion of the desiccants in AWGs, the pore hydrophilicity will usually be sufficient
enough to allow the water nucleation and the pore-filling below an approximately
30% RH condition. Meanwhile, to avoid undesirable hysteresis upon water desorp-
tion, the pore size must be smaller than the critical diameter Dc = 4sTC/(TC T)102 of
the adsorbates. This implies that an adsorbent with a pore diameter of approxi-
mately Dc will maximize the internal volume available for filling with water while
avoiding irreversible capillary condensation. The corresponding material design
strategies are shown in Figure 6. Otherwise, it is noteworthy that the material den-
sities are of great importance when comparing the different materials’ adsorption
capacity, because the adsorption capacity per unit volume is more important in prac-
tical application.
Of course, the vapor concentration can also be achieved by using polymeric electro-
lyte membranes (Figures 7A and 7B) or water vapor selective membranes (Figures
7C–7E) that allow the separation of water vapor from other molecules in air prior
to the cooling process. Theoretically, the use of water vapor selective membranes
can reduce the energy requirement for extracting water out of the humid air by
more than 50%,88,103 but until now related experimental investigation has not yet
been conducted. Instead, current experimental results show that only 30% of the to-
tal power input was effectively used by the polymeric electrolyte membrane to pump
humidity,104 while the rest was wasted, leading to a relatively low COP. Thus, with
regard to the limitation of the technology itself, the membrane separation is less
competitive for vapor concentration in the foreseeable future.
two kinds of precooling design with heat recovery have been patented. The first
one105 achieves precooling of the inlet moist air of the evaporator by recovering
the cooling capacity of the exhaust air of the same evaporator. The second
one106 designs a novel refrigerant path to obtain a large subcooling and a minimum
heat transfer difference. These were very illuminating for several further
System Design Principle: Match Desorption Operation with Moisture
During the desorption-condensation process, the inlet air of the condenser is at the
state of the outlet air of the desorber. For the condenser, an inlet air condition of low
temperature and high humidity is expected to achieve a low SEC, but an outlet air
condition of high temperature and low RH indicates that the desorber can release
as much water vapor as possible to obtain a high SWP. For a given outlet air state of
the desorber, a lower condensing temperature can result in a higher SWP But also
causes a higher SEC. In this case, the desorption temperature and the condensation
temperature should be carefully preferred to balance the SEC and SWP. However, it
is still an open question as to how to determine the proper desorption temperature
and the condensing temperature. Through thorough psychrometric analysis, we find
a powerful tool to solve this problem. The inlet air state of the condenser is labeled
as point I (Ti, di), and the condensation states of the moist air are labeled by colorful
stars located on the saturated line in the psychrometric chart (Figure 8A), so that the
tangent of angle q can be expressed as follows:
Ti Tcond
tan q = : (Equation 3)
di dcond
Thus, SEC = Cp ð3 T =3 d Þ 3 tan q + hfg . For a given condenser, if the condensation
temperature is the only variable, the SEC is almost a linear function of the tangent
of angle q. Note that the tangent of angle q (qH / qopt / qL) will decrease first
and then increase with the reduction in condensation temperature. Therefore, there
exists an optimal condensation temperature that achieves the lowest tangent of the
angle qopt and eventually the smallest SEC. It is easy to understand when the line
through the point I (Ti, di) is tangent to the saturated line: the angle q is the smallest.
Therefore, the optimal condensing temperature Tcond,opt for a minimum SEC at
given inlet conditions I (Ti, di) can be obtained at the tangent point as shown in Fig-
ure 8A. Furthermore, we can find many iso-SEC or iso-Tcond,opt lines. Instead, for a
designed condensing temperature, appropriate condenser inlet air conditions can
be found along with the iso-SEC lines and then the optimal desorption operating
conditions can be obtained. For example, an appropriate heat source temperature
and airflow rate can be selected by using this tool to obtain the expected outlet air
conditions of the desorber.
AWG, a linear isotherm is expected for dehumidification, whose uptake will increase
along with the rising RH.
Similarly, according to the above analysis, the ideal sorbents for air-water harvesting
should have features as follows: (1) in the adsorption process (<25 C), their water
sorption capacity should increase linearly with RH; (2) in the desorption process
(>35 C), their water sorption capacity should drop steeply with increased tempera-
ture, shown as S-type isotherms. Although it is difficult to fully satisfy these features
with the current commercial or laboratory desiccants, which are either temperature-
insensitive or RH-sensitive, Alayli et al.25 had reported a composite materials, a
mixture of a natural wool and polyester doped with CaCl2, which had typical linear
isotherms at low temperatures and S-shaped isotherms at high temperatures, as
shown in Figure 9B. Obviously this is an ideal desiccant, but unfortunately little
attention has been attracted and scarce research regarding the material perfor-
mance can be found in the past 30 years. Recently, Kallenberger and Fröba107 re-
ported another composite material that incorporated calcium chloride into an algi-
nate-derived matrix. The water sorption isotherms of the fully dehydrated material at
28 C, 65 C, and 85 C show that its water uptake almost linearly increases with RH
from 0% to 79% at 28 C. However, when the adsorption temperature rises to
65 C, the water uptake is very little, meaning the desiccant can be regenerated at
a temperature as low as 65 C. This work thus provides a useful approach to design
high-performance temperature-sensitive desiccants for AWGs. Of course, if the har-
vested water by AWGs is used for electronic cooling, an S-type isotherm is necessary
and a lower RH at the onset of the isotherm is better because the ability to collect
sufficient water under any climate condition is of primary importance.
In the following section, we propose two new system designs for mass transfer
enhancement to improve energy efficiency and reduce the system size. Our ap-
proaches use a kind of water-sorbing, desiccant-coated heat exchanger, the
detailed parameters of which are referred to in several previous papers.110–112 The
water-sorbing heat exchanger can independently handle the sensible and latent
loads at the same time. The desiccants coated absorb moisture almost isothermally
because the heat of adsorption is directly taken away by the thermal fluid flowing
through the heat exchanger. Meanwhile, due to a thin desiccant layer (less than
1 mm), the adsorptive and desorption kinetics are very fast and the desiccant also
can be regenerated by low-temperature source. Therefore, the water-sorbing heat
exchanger has great potential to efficiently concentrate the water vapor.
Apparently, it is optimal for locations where the RH differs largely between day and
Supplemental Information includes one figure and five tables and can be found with
this article online at
The authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. Quanwen Pan and Dr. Zhengyuan Xu for dis-
cussions and Mr. Audun Bull Kristiansen, Mr. Biye Cao, and Ms. Linji Hua for manu-
script modification. This work was supported by the Key Program of National Natural
Science Foundation of China (grant no. 51336004) and the Foundation for Innovative
Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no.
Proposal, R.W.; Conceptualization, Y.T., R.W., and J.W.; Original Draft, Y.T., Y.Z.,
and J.W.; Review & Editing, Y.T., Y.Z., and R.W.
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Supplemental Information
Reference Material Location Method
Israel (Revivim desert, Eshtaol
1965 0.86-3.63
Polyethylene foil sub-humid hills, and Exp.
Gindel [4] kg/month/m2
Rehovot semi-arid plain)
Condensing foil
(TiO2 and BaSO4 microspheres Grenoble (France) 0.17 (Max) Exp.
Beysens et al. [5]
embedded in polyethylene)
Condensing foil
(TiO2 and BaSO4 microspheres Ajaccio Gulf (France) 0.25 Exp.
Muselli et al. [6]
embedded in a polyethylene sheet)
Corrugated galvanized iron roofs Kothara (NW India) 0.09 Exp.
Sharan et al. [7]
2008 Polyethylene foil The Netherlands (a grassland Exp.
Jacobs et al. [8] Polyvinyl chloride area) &Cal.
Condensing foil Mountainous
2008 (TiO2 and BaSO4 micro spheres Island (Punaauia, Tahiti Island)
0.23 Exp.
Clus et al. [9] embedded in low density polyethylene Atoll (Tikehau, Tuamotu
with a food surfactant, 0.35 mm) Archipelago)
Condensing foil 0.14 (Zadar, after
2009 (TiO2 and BaSO4 microspheres Zadar scraping)
Muselli et al. [10] embedded in a matrix of low-density Komiža (Vis Island) 0.11 (Komiža, after
polyethylene ) scraping)
2011 White hydrophilic polyethylene foil
0.10 (WSF)
Maestre-Valero et al. (WSF) Southern Spain Exp.
0.13 (BF)
[11] Black polyethylene foil (BF)
Active substrate (foil)
2012 Mirleft, Id Ouasskssou 0.11 (Mirleft)
(TiO2 and BaSO4 embedded in a film of Exp.
Lekouch et al. [12] (Southwest Morocco) 0.14 (Id Ouasskssou)
low-density polyethylene)
Table S3. A summary of literature review on sorption-based AWGs.
Fan/ SWP
Reference Desiccant Sorber Condenser Working conditions Method
Pump kg/day/m2
35% CaCl2 Solution flowrate:
Abualhamayel and Greenhouse Glass cover Pump 1.92 Exp.
solution 5 kg/hr/m2
Gandhidasan [13]
2001 Greenhouse Fan Solution concentration
CaCl2 solution Cold plate 1.50 Exp.
Gad et al. [14] Cloth bed (ad) 41.7%→31%
30% CaCl2 Greenhouse Fan 1.10 (Exp.) Cal.
2006 Kabeel [15] Glass cover Arab desert climate
solution Sandy bed (ad) 1.20 (Cal.) &Exp.
2007 30% CaCl2 Cloth bed glass pyramid
Glass cover NO 2.50 Exp.
Kabeel [16] solution Saw wood bed Multi-shelf bed
2007 CaCl2/ Desorption temp.
Greenhouse Glass cover NO 1.20 Exp.
Ji et al. [17] MCM-41 >80 oC
2015 Fan 34 oC (day)
CaCl2 solution Greenhouse Glass cover 1.40 Exp.
Kabeel [18] (ad) 25 oC/55%RH (night)
2015 30% CaCl2 Cloth bed glass pyramid 2.32 (cloth)
Glass cover NO Exp.
William et al. [19] solution Sandy bed Multi-shelf bed 1.23 (sand)
2016 37% CaCl2/ Fan Material temperature in night:
Greenhouse Glass cover 1.00 Exp.
Kumar [20] floral foam (ad) 78.8 oC
2017 Improved Fan
MOF-801 Back plate >20%RH 1.20 Exp.
Kim et al. [21] greenhouse (ad)
Table S4. A summary of literature review on solar still AWGs.
Reference Sorber Condenser location t Method
/Pump kg/day/m2
Single-slope Glass cover pump Egypt 6-18 5.8 Exp.
Fath et al. [22]
Single-slope Glass cover No Pakistan 10-19 2.3 Exp.
Samee et al. [23]
Single-slope Glass cover pump India 9-17 1.3 Exp.
Kumar and Tiwari [24]
2009 With solar
Glass cover pump India 9-17 4.6 Exp.
Kumar and Tiwari [25] collector
2005 With solar
Glass cover pump Jordan 8-18 3.1 Exp.
Badran and Tahaineh [26] collector
2007 With solar
Glass cover pump Egypt 9-19 3.8 Exp.
Abdel-Rehim and Lasheen [27] concentrator
2008 With sun
Glass cover No Jordan 7-18 0.96 Exp.
Abdallah and Badran [28] tracking
Table S5. A summary of literature review on integrated AWGs.