Seawater Desalination Technology Using Natural Vacuum
Seawater Desalination Technology Using Natural Vacuum
Seawater Desalination Technology Using Natural Vacuum
Renewable Energy
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Article history: With an ever-increasing population and rapid growth of industrialization, there is great demand for fresh
Received 8 June 2009 water. Desalination has been a key proponent to meet the future challenges due to decreasing availability
Accepted 10 June 2009 of fresh water. However, desalination uses significant amount of energy, today mostly from fossil fuels. It
Available online xxx
is, therefore, reasonable to rely on renewable energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, ocean
thermal energy, waste heat from the industry and other renewable sources. The present study deals with
the energy-efficient seawater desalination system utilizing renewable energy sources and natural
Natural vacuum
vacuum technique. A new desalination technology named Natural Vacuum Desalination is proposed. The
Desalination novel desalination technique achieve remarkable energy efficiency through the evaporation of seawater
Renewable energy under vacuum and will be described in sufficient detail to demonstrate that it requires much less electric
energy compared to any conventional desalination plant of fresh water production of similar capacity.
The discussion will highlight the main operative and maintenance features of the proposed natural
vacuum seawater desalination technology which seems to have promising techno-economic potential
providing also advantageous coupling with renewable energy sources.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Perth, Australia, is looking to meet a third of its fresh water demand
by removing salt from seawater [1]. The cost of seawater desali-
Desalination of seawater for a potable water supply is increas- nation has been reduced to approximately 0.5–0.6 US$/m3 in recent
ingly being considered around the world in the areas where years, and desalinated water is now used for both domestic and
demand has been increasing beyond sustainable supply, where industrial purposes [2].
water resources are depleting, fragile or overdrawn and climate All conventional seawater desalination techniques such as
change is making reliable sources unreliable. At the same time reverse osmosis, thermal distillation, electrodialysis, or their
rapidly increasing populations are also placing pressure on existing combinations, currently in use consume a large quantity of energy-
water resources, forcing governments to turn to desalination to providing resources such as oil, which may adversely affect the
meet additional water demand. Desalinating seawater is expensive, environment. Therefore, the utilization of renewable energy, which
mostly because of the energy required. However, it is a growing is environment friendly, is considered as one of energy sources of
field around the world as governments and private investors opt for seawater desalination [3].
it where the drinkable water needs are crucial. Desalination of In this work, a new desalination technology that enables simul-
seawater refers to the removal of salt from seawater so that it taneous desalination and efficient transport of desalinated water by
becomes drinkable. This process is viewed positively by many in utilizing renewable energy sources to produce potable water at
the community because the sea is seen as an abundant source and a lower cost is proposed. The proposed model is using natural
is located close to the metropolitan area. The desalination tech- vacuum distillation technique [4] Powered by renewable energy
nology became one of the flagship solutions for the Middle East and sources, like wind and solar, are used in the desalination of seawater.
Mediterranean countries. About two-third of the world’s desali- Consequently, the technology proposed is named Natural
nated water is produced in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and North Africa. Vacuum Desalination (NVD). NVD system [4] is considered as X
(inverted U) to obtain 10.33 m of water pressure head and create
natural vacuum. The system utilizes natural means, using gravity
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ973 39144108; fax: þ973 17875566. and atmospheric pressure, to create a vacuum under which water
E-mail address: (T. Ayhan). can be rapidly evaporated at much lower temperatures and with
0960-1481/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Ayhan T, Al Madani H, Feasibilty study of renewable energy powered seawater desalination technology using...,
Renewable Energy (2009), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.06.021
Nomenclature Subscripts
atm atmospheric
E Rate of energy (kW) c condensation
g gravitational constant (m s2) ct condensation tank
h elevation (meter of water) dw distilled water
H operation height (meter of water) ev evaporation
mc the mass flow rate of product (kg s1) evt evaporation tank
me the mass flow rate of evaporation (kg s1) fi fan inlet
P pressure (kPa) fo fan outlet
Qc cooling load (kW) h heater
s entropy (kJ kg1 K1) amb ambient
T temperature ( c) CW cold water
v specific volume (m3 kg1) CA column A
U overall heat transfere coefficant (w m2 k1) CB column B
Sat saturation
less energy than conventional techniques. The above mentioned Soteris [6] has reviewed recent water desalination systems
study presents theoretical analysis and experimental results by using renewable energy sources. He suggested that Multiple Effect
using electric energy. Distillation (MED) combined with thermal collectors and RO with
The application of the NVD was adopted for seawater desali- photovoltaics to be the most popular technology.
nation by Al-Kharabsheh and Goswami [5]. Their contributions are This paper presents, preliminary test results of a solar operated
noteworthy, particularly their studies on the system performance. NVD system. The system utilizes natural forces, atmospheric pres-
They reported vacuum equivalent to 4kPa(abs) or less depending sure and gravity-to create vacuum and it is suitable for the climate
on the ambient temperature at which condensation takes place. of Bahrain. Calculations based on the model of NVD system gives
Main h
Supply Moment Valve Barometer Vapor Tank
Flow Direction
5 3
Condensation Evaporation
H = 10.33
Column A Column B
6 7 2 1
Product of Make Up
Distilled Water Water
Fig. 1. Theoretical model of the NVD system with free mass convection.
Please cite this article in press as: Ayhan T, Al Madani H, Feasibilty study of renewable energy powered seawater desalination technology using...,
Renewable Energy (2009), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.06.021
s3 s4 s
2.3. Second model
Fig. 2. (a) P-v diagram of NVD system with free mass convection. (b) T-s diagram of
NVD system with free mass convection. The second model, which is a theoretical model of NVD system
with forced mass convection is shown in Fig. 3. This model is
the amount of fresh water produced for an actual environmental
similar to the first model in construction. However, the operating
and climatic data of the targeted region. Experiments were con-
principle of this model is different from the first one. Briefly, a fan is
ducted to validate the fundamentals, of NVD.
placed between evaporation and condensation columns to increase
the amount of vapor transferred from columns A to B.
2. Theory and basic principles of the natural vacuum The following assumptions are taken into consideration to
desalination system model the NVD system with forced mass convection:
2.1. Theory The operation of the circulation fan effects the values of pres-
sures in columns A and B [(P34 ¼ Pfi)<(P56 ¼ Pfo)] as shown in
A solar operated NVD is investigated for the first time. Distil- Fig. 3. Namely, the pressure between the points of 3 and 4
lation process take place in the system by free mass convection. during the evaporation process in column A is lower than that
This system does not use a vacuum pump but solar radiation as between the points of 5 and 6 during the condensation process
a means of energy supply. However, when pressure drop takes in column B.
place during the continuous production of the distilled water, No condensation takes place on the fan in the connection part
a vacuum pump can be used to compensate for pressure losses. (vapor tank) between columns A and B.
The theoretical model is investigated and appropriate model is
determined and selected for practical application before per- The diagrams of P-v and T-s are, presented in Fig. 4(a) and (b),
forming any NVD experiments. Physical principles and laws respectively, which are acquired by according to the operational
relating to water vapor behavior as the basis of this technology are principle of this model.
as follows: As shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b), the thermodynamic process flow
including isothermal and isobaric processes of the second model
Vapor pressure being a function of temperature, increases as are assumed as:
the temperature rises.
Vapor flows from a high pressure side to a low pressure side. 1–2: Pressure drop at constant temperature in column A.
2–3: Heating at constant pressure in column A.
Theoretical models of NVD systems are explained in detail by 3–4: Evaporation at constant temperature and pressure in
Midilli and Ayhan [7], However, a brief summary of these methods column A.
are given below. 4–5: Compressing throughout the circulation fan.
5–6: Condensation at constant temperature and under pressure
2.2. First model of the fan in column B.
6–7: Heat loss at constant pressure in column B.
The application of the NVD was first reported by Midilli [4]. 7–8: Pressure increase at constant temperature in column B.
Please cite this article in press as: Ayhan T, Al Madani H, Feasibilty study of renewable energy powered seawater desalination technology using...,
Renewable Energy (2009), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.06.021
Main h
Supply Moment Valve U Manometer
5 4
6 3
7 8 2 1
Product of Make Up
Distilled Water Water
Column B Column A
Distilled Water Tank Supply Water Tank
Fig. 3. Theoretical model of the NVD systems with forced mass convection.
3. Experimental verification other variables. In addition, they were also aimed at providing key
information on the NVD process. The experiments were performed
In the present experiment, tap water was used as raw water on the experimental set-up designed for this purpose, schematic
instead of saline water. diagram of which is shown in Fig. 6.
The experimental set-up consists of the following parts:
3.1. Objective
Evaporation column (Part 1): a column where evaporation of
The experimental set-up is constructed to investigate the ther- fresh water takes place.
modynamic feasibility of the NVD system with free mass convec- Condensation column (Part 2): a column where water vapor
tion suitable for the climate of Bahrain. condenses and distilled water is transported to the outlet.
Vapor volume tank: a volume between the evaporation column
3.2. Experiment and the condensation part.
Supply water tank: a tank where tap water is supplied.
The experimental set-up was constructed outside a 13 m high Distilled water tank: a tank where distilled water is extracted.
building which is shown in Fig. 5 (a) and (b).
According to the first theoretical model presented in earlier Temperatures were measured inside and outside of the NVD
sections of this paper, the system performance-as quantified by system using high accuracy copper-constant thermocouples.
mass flow rate of distillated water m _ c – depends on list of inde- Also vacuum is measured in the vapor tank with mercury
pendent variables, as follows: manometer.
In order to increase the condensate mass flow rate, an additional
_c ¼ m
m _c m _ e ; V; Pv ; Tsat ; H; He ; Hc ; Tamb ; Pamb ; Traw ; Tcw ; ðUAÞe ; heater battery on evaporator side and a cooler battery on the
condensation side were installed. Any air leakages were almost
ðUAÞc ; I; Eh ; Qcool (1) eliminated. Therefore, an average of 0.17 mmHg/hr. Pressure
change was measured within six hours during the experimental
The experiments were designed to vary and measure only the study. Therefore, the process could easily be assumed as a constant
condensation pressure and the ambient temperature rather than pressure process.
Please cite this article in press as: Ayhan T, Al Madani H, Feasibilty study of renewable energy powered seawater desalination technology using...,
Renewable Energy (2009), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.06.021
Steady state is assumed for each process.
The condensation part consists of vertical straight pipe.
T Water vapor is treated as an incompressible fluid.
Patm = Constant Latent heat of vaporization is supplied from solar energy and
auxiliary heater.
Radiation heat gain to the vapor tank and convective heat
Qc Pv = Constant transfer from the volume tank are assumed to be negligible.
Tev 5 Outside air temperature is assumed to be uniform around
7 6 3 4 condensation part.
1 2 3.4.2. Derivation of equations for each part of the system Evaporation column. In the evaporation column a heating
s3=s5 s4 s process of raw water takes place, until the saturation temperature
is reached on the top of column A. The heat balance of column A can
Fig. 4. (a) P-v diagram of the NVD system with forced mass convection. (b) T-s diagram be expressed by the following equation:
of the NVD system with forced mass convection.
ACA aI ðUAÞCA ðTw Ta ÞCA ¼ m
_ e ðTsat Traw Þ (2)
Please cite this article in press as: Ayhan T, Al Madani H, Feasibilty study of renewable energy powered seawater desalination technology using...,
Renewable Energy (2009), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.06.021
Main h
Supply Moment Valve U Monometer
Flow Solar
Direction Radiation
Coolant inlet hc
Coolant hg Heater
Battery Battery
Coolant exit
Product of Make Up
Distilled Water Water
Column B Column A
Distilled Water Tank Supply Water Tank
3.5. Illustrative study Taking account for the worst possible conditions, the minimum
value for convection heat transfer coefficients could be taken as
The natural vacuum desalination system would be applicable to ho ¼ 50 W/m2 K and hi ¼ 2500 W/m2 K, surface temperature Tw, is
the regions where the following conditions are satisfied found to be 54.4 C.
hi Ti þ ho Tair
Tw ¼
hi þ ho Fig. 7. Geographic location of Bahrain.
Please cite this article in press as: Ayhan T, Al Madani H, Feasibilty study of renewable energy powered seawater desalination technology using...,
Renewable Energy (2009), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.06.021
Cp;l ðTsat Tw Þ
Ja ¼
Temperature (°C)
35 hfg
25 The calculated value of convection heat transfer was found to be
20 Maximum 242.6 W/m2 K.
15 Minimum The new Tw value is evaluated as 54.5 C which is close to the
10 previous value hence, more iterations are not required. Therefore,
the condensation rate is calculated by using the following equation
O er
ec er
hl AC ðTsat Tw Þ
_c ¼
Months The condensation rate for this model is calculated and found to
Fig. 8. Monthly variation of temperature for Bahrain. be 3.62 104 kg/s (3.66 104 L/S). As this quantity of vapor
condenses at the condensation column, the same quantity of water
is drawn from the condensation tank to maintain the level inside
the tube.
8000 This indicates that if the surface area increases and the surface
7000 temperature decreases the condensation rate will increase
6000 dramatically.
4000 4. Outline of the proposed system and its operating principle
2000 4.1. Out line of the proposed system
The outline of the natural vacuum distillation with the feasible
renewable energy sources (RES) is schematically shown in Figs. 11
Temperature (C)
4.2. Operation principle of the system
25 The principle of operation of the proposed system is very simple.
It is equipped with four electromagnetic valves: A & B at the bottom
of each column and C & D at the top of the upper tank. Valve C
15 allows fresh water to be supplied while valve D allows air to be
10 released. This is shown in Fig. 11. In order to create a natural
vacuum, valves A&B are closed and C&D open until water fills up the
whole system. This initial phase is done only once at start-up of the
system. Then, valves C&D are closed while valves A&B are opened.
The water level drops until it reaches an equilibrium position. At
Time, Running Days
the same time a vacuum is created at the top of the system. The
Fig. 10. Seawater temperature in the Arabian Gulf (Measurements at the Addur SWRO water level in both columns is maintained constant at 10.33 m
Desalination Plant (from: 21-05-2000 to 30-04-2004)) [8]. above the water level in both bottom tanks. This is done by
Please cite this article in press as: Ayhan T, Al Madani H, Feasibilty study of renewable energy powered seawater desalination technology using...,
Renewable Energy (2009), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.06.021
Condenser Evaporator
Heat Exchanger Auxiliary
Flow Sprayer Heater
Wind Power
Distilled Converter
Pump Collector
Supply Sea Water
Distill Water Seawater
Tank Tank
Platform Platform
Support Support
Distilled Water Line
Fig. 11. Outlines of the Marine Natural Vacuum Desalination system (not in scale).
controlling the seawater intake valve B located in the seawater tank condense the vapor at the top of the distillation column where fresh
below the evaporation column. water is collected and naturally transferred to the distilled water
Solar water heaters are used to heat the evaporation column to supply tank.
produce water vapor. The vacuum at the upper tank results in This process is continued by allowing the cooling seawater to
lowering the boiling point, as saturation temperature is directly condense the vapor which in turn gives heat to the water in the
proportional to the pressure. Hence, water will boil at a tempera- tank. In order to ensure the continuous operation of the system
ture much lower than 100 C at the investigated pressure of 7.0 kPa during night time, a heat storage tank is used to evaporate the
(abs); considerably reducing the amount of energy needed for this water. Chemical storage batteries are also charged during day time
process. Deep seawater, which is of low temperature, is used to from solar panels in addition to wind generators. This is needed for
Heat Storage
Solar Collector Field
Condenser Evaporator
Heat Exchanger
Auxiliary Heater
Fan Flow
Wind Power
Distilled Converter
Pump Collector
Sea Water
Distill Water
Platform Platform
Support Support
Distilled Water Line
Fig. 12. Outlines of the Marine Natural Vacuum Desalination system with modified evaporation unit(not in scale).
Please cite this article in press as: Ayhan T, Al Madani H, Feasibilty study of renewable energy powered seawater desalination technology using...,
Renewable Energy (2009), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.06.021
Table 1
Cost comparison for different desalination techniques.
the continuous operation of the pump. Any excess energy from the production rates of distilled water was also done on the basis of the
batteries may be used to further heat the evaporation column to climatic data of Bahrain. The following conclusions were drawn:
increase the rate of fresh water production.
The pilot unit of NVD system tests demonstrated the validity of
5. Economy of modern desalination projects the fundamental principle of the NVD system. It may be
concluded that the mathematical model has reasonable accu-
Some of the main distillation techniques and their cost racy for the estimation of the production rate of distilled water,
comparisons are given in Table 1 [9]. Symbols in Table 1, are though there is still room for improvement.
introduced for the well known technologies, as following: The calculated result, was found to be ideal for targeted region,
Bahrain, where the maximum temperature difference between
MSF stands for ‘Multi-Stage Flash’. seawater and ambient temperature is approximately 20 C. The
MED stands for ‘Multi-Effect Distillation’. pilot model of NVD system can supply distilled water through
MVD stands for ‘Multi-Vapor Desalination’. the year and at a distilled water production rate of 0.022 L/min
RO stands for ‘Reveres Osmosis’. (about 4850 L/y) for a X tube with a diameter of 0.35 m,
VC stands for ‘Vapor Compression’. 0.1798 L/min (about 39,469 L/y) for a X tube with a diameter of
1 m. It is to be kept in mind that these values are obtained from
Compared to the above mentioned cost of desalination tech- a primitive pilot system and for worst operation conditions. It is
niques. The suggested system found to be cost effective. Since, the clear that more water vapor could be produced and more
capital cost is not high as equipment required to install such system effective condensation could be achieved using renewable
are standard and available in the market at reasonable prices. In energy sources.
addition, operation and maintenance costs are not high as there are The Renewable energy powered NVD system offers the most
few moving parts in the system, and energy consumption is promising future for water desalination as it depends on
minimum as natural vacuum is used. seawater. It is, therefore, suggested that the Renewable Energy
It is found that the total cost of installation of this system could powered NVD system could provide a sustainable water
reach to US$500. Giving a production cost of US$1.00 per ton for resource with no fear of drying up of the resources, as long as
a lifetime period of 20 years. Since no operation cost is required the facility is continuously maintained.
apart from commissioning the system and minor follow up and
maintenance works. In other words, we may say that the payback In summary, the NVD system powered with renewable energy,
period for this system is 6 months which makes this system the is found to be in accordance with the guidelines for sustainable
most cost effective method of fresh water production. The environmental friendly development, can provide it an economical
maximum evaporation surface area is about 0.0706 m2 (0.3 m and ecological solution for seawater desalination.
diameter) due to the water level in the evaporation column. If this
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Please cite this article in press as: Ayhan T, Al Madani H, Feasibilty study of renewable energy powered seawater desalination technology using...,
Renewable Energy (2009), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.06.021