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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8.496,062 B2

Kajaria et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 30, 2013
(54) GOATHEAD TYPE INJECTION BLOCK FOR 6,899,172 B2 * 5/2005 McLeod et al. .............. 166,90.1
FRACTURING TREES IN OLFIELD 6,964.306 B2 * 1 1/2005 Bunney .............. ... 166.382
7,213,641 B2* 5/2007 McGuire et al. ... 166,90.1
7,478,673 B2 * 1/2009 Boyd ................. ... 166,90.1
7,537,052 B2* 5/2009 Robichaux et al. ... 166, 193
(75) Inventors: Saurabh Kajaria, Houston, TX (US); 7,789,133 B2 * 9/2010 McGuire ............ ... 166,90.1
Kendall Keene, Houston, TX (US) 7,934,546 B2 * 5/2011 McGuire et al. ... ... 166,90.1
8, 100,175 B2 * 1/2012 McGuire et al. ... ... 166,90.1
(73) Assignee: T-3 Property Holdings, Inc., Houston, 8,151,885 B2 * 4/2012 Bull et al. .......... ... 166,305.1
2003/0010498 A1 1/2003 Tolman et al. . ... 166,305.1
TX (US) 2004/0206507 A1* 10/2004 Bunney ......................... 166/312
2004/025 1018 A1* 12/2004 McLeod et al. ............ 166/75.13
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2012/0181016 A1* 7/2012 Kajaria et al. ... ... 166/1775
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2012/0181030 A1* 7/2012 Kajaria et al. ............. 166,308.1
U.S.C. 154(b) by 350 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(21) Appl. No.: 13/006,286 Demong, K. and Keene, K., “Shale Energy: Developing the Horn
River'. World Oil Online, vol. 231, No. 10, retrieved from the
(22) Filed: Jan. 13, 2011 Internet on Jan. 13, 2011 using <URL: http://www.worldoil.com/
SHALE-ENERGY-Developing-the-Horn River-Independents
(65) Prior Publication Data and-IOCs-active-in-Horn-River-Basin-october-2010.html>.
US 2012/O181030 A1 Jul. 19, 2012 * cited by examiner
(51) Int. Cl. Primary Examiner — Jennifer H Gay
E2IB 43/26 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Locke Lord LLP
(52) U.S. Cl.
USPC .................... 166/308.1: 166/75.15; 166/90.1; (57) ABSTRACT
The disclosure provides a goat head, as a mixing block, for
(58) Field of Classification Search multiple fluids in oilfield applications, the goat head having a
USPC ............... 166/308.1, 90.1, 75.15, 95.1, 177.5 reversing directional flow, mixing portion, wear reduction
See application file for complete search history. Surfaces, and restricted outlet bore. The goat head provides an
(56) References Cited underneath approach for piping, reducing the overall height,
and mixes the fluids dynamically within the goat head from
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS angled flow paths. The goat head then reverses at least a
1,362,718 A * 12, 1920 McNamara ................ 285/1292
component of the fluid flow direction that enters the wellbore
1,582,238 A * 4, 1926 Arbon .......................... 166,90.1 below the goat head and exits the goat head into the well
3,151,680 A * 10/1964 Parkhurst et al. ............ 166/89.1 therebelow. The goat head to contains hardened wear sur
4,169,504 A * 10/1979 Scott ............................ 166,90.1 faces, including Surfaces in specific Zones, to resist erosion
4,290,482 A 9, 1981 Brisco ............................. 166/70 caused by the reversing directional flow. A restricted outlet
4,901,563 A 2f1990 Pearson bore has a cross-sectional area that is less than the Sum of
5,522.464 A * 6/1996 Piper ............................ 166/77.2 cross-sectional areas of the inlets to assist in creating higher
5.992,544. A * 1 1/1999 Sprehe.......................... 175/2O8
6,457.530 B1 * 10/2002 Lam et al. ..................... 166,368 velocity and streamlined flow as the fluid exits the goat head.
6,575,247 B2 * 6/2003 Tolman et al. ............. 166,305.1
6,698.915 B2 3/2004 Dearing et al. 9 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
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(Prior Art

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(Prior Art
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58 F. 8
US 8,496,062 B2
1. 2
GOATHEAD TYPE INUECTION BLOCK FOR ture then becomes a high permeability conduit through which
FRACTURING TREES IN OLFIELD the formation fluids can flow to the well.
APPLICATIONS In general, hydraulic fracturing equipment used in oil and
natural gas fields usually includes frac tanks with fracturing
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED fluid coupled through hoses to a slurry blender, one or more
APPLICATIONS high-pressure, high Volume fracturing pumps to pump the
fracturing fluid to the well, and a monitoring unit. Associated
The application claims priority to U.S. Non-Provisional equipment includes fracturing tanks, high-pressure treating
application Ser. No. 12/631,834, filed Dec. 6, 2009, which iron, a chemical additive unit (used to monitor accurately
claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 10 chemical addition), pipes, and gauges for flow rates, fluid
density, and treating pressure. Fracturing equipment operates
61/231,252, filed on Aug. 4, 2009. over a range of pressures and injection rates, and can reach up
STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY to 15,000 psi (100 MPa) and 100 barrels perminute (265 L/s).
SPONSORED RESEARCH ORDEVELOPMENT Many frac pumps are typically used at any given time to
15 maintain the very high, required flow rates into the well.
Not applicable. In the exemplary prior art fracturing system 2, fracturing
tanks 4A-4F (generally “4”) deliver fracturing fluids to the
REFERENCE TO APPENDIX well site and specifically to one or more blenders 8. The tanks
4 each Supply the fluids typically through hoses 6A-6F (gen
Not applicable. erally “6”) or other conduit to one or more blenders 8. One or
more proppant storage units 3 can be fluidicly coupled to the
blenders 8 to provide sand or other proppant to the blenders.
Other chemicals can be delivered to the blenders for mixing.
1. Field of the Invention
In most applications, the blenders 8 mix the fracturing fluids
25 and proppant, and delivers the mixed fluid to one or more
The disclosure generally relates oilfield applications hav trucks 5A-5E (generally “5”) having high-pressure pumps
ing a pumping system. More particularly, the disclosure 9A-9F (generally “9') to provide the fluid through one or
relates to oilfield applications having a pumping system that more supply lines 10A-10E (generally “10') to a well 12A
intermixes at least two incoming fluids for fracturing opera (generally “12). The fluid is flushed out of a well using a line
tions. 30 14 that is connected to a dump tank 16. The fracturing opera
2. Description of the Related Art tions are completed on the well 12A, and can be moved to
FIG. 1A is an exemplary schematic diagram of a prior art other wells 12B and 12C, if desired.
fracturing system for an oilfield fracturing operation. FIG. 1B FIG. 2A is an exemplary side view schematic diagram of a
is an exemplary schematic diagram of a prior art fracturing prior art goat head. FIG. 2B is an exemplary top view sche
system, showing fractures in an underlying formation. FIG. 35 matic diagram of the prior art goat head of FIG. 2A. FIG. 2C
1C is an exemplary schematic diagram of the prior art frac is an exemplary perspective schematic view of an installation
turing system of FIG. 1A detailing a system for one well. The of the prior art goat head of FIGS. 2A-2B on a well. The
figures will be described in conjunction with each other. figures will be described in conjunction with each other. A
Oilfield applications often require pumping fluids into or out "goat head 20 is known to be a large block of steel for mixing
of drilled well bores 22 in geological formations 24. For 40 fluids. The goat head is placed on top of a well 12, resulting in
example, hydraulic fracturing (also known as “fracing) is a an elevation of about 14-16 feet (5 meters) from the ground.
process that results in the creation of fractures 26 in rocks, the The goat head 20 has a top 21 and a bottom 23 and multiple
goal of which is to increase the output of a well 12. Hydraulic fluid inlets 28A-28E (generally “28). Traditionally, the fluid
fracturing enables the production of natural gas and oil from inlets are directed upward toward the top of the goat head,
rock formations deep below the earth's surface (generally 45 where the supply lines attached to the top inlets resemble
5,000-20,000 feet). At such depths, there may not be suffi “horns” from the top of the “goat head.” The inlets 28A-28E
cient porosity and permeability to allow natural gas and oil to allow the fluids to be combined from the multiple supply lines
flow from the rock into the wellbore 22 at economic rates. The 10A-10E shown in FIG. 1C into a central bore 27 for mixing.
fracture 26 provides a conductive path connecting a larger The combined flow is directed downward through an outlet
area of the reservoir to the well, thereby increasing the area 50 25 into the well 12.
from which natural gas and liquids can be recovered from the The flow path from the top 21 of the goat head downward
targeted formation. The hydraulic fracture 26 is formed by into the well 12 is an accepted practice for the industry to
pumping a fracturing fluid into the wellbore 22 at a rate reduce pressure losses by reducing the bends and turns of
sufficient to increase the pressure downhole to a value in fluid flow. The top-to-bottom flow path also reduces erosion
excess of the fracture gradient of the formation rock. The 55 from the sand and other proppants on the goat head bore and
fracture fluid can be any number of fluids, ranging from water other flow surfaces, and increases service life.
to gels, foams, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or air in Some cases. One of the significant challenges infracturing operations is
The pressure causes the formation to crack, allowing the the large number of trucks, pumps, containers, hoses or other
fracturing fluid to enter and extend the crack further into the conduits, and other equipment for a fracturing system. The
formation. 60 system of FIG. 1C is vastly simplified as only showing a few
To keep the fractures open after the injection stops, prop trucks with only one well. In practice, many trucks and pumps
ping agents are introduced into the fracturing fluid and are used to provide the cumulative amounts of fluid for the
pumped into the fractures to extend the breaks and pack them well at a well site which are moved from well to well. The
with proppants, or Small spheres generally composed of difficulty of working around the wells with the large number
quartz sand grains, ceramic spheres, or aluminum oxide pel 65 of components also causes safety issues.
lets. The proppant is chosen to be higher in permeability than Recently, efforts in the industry have been directed to more
the Surrounding formation, and the propped hydraulic frac efficiently fracture multiple wells at a given field. The number
US 8,496,062 B2
3 4
of assembled equipment components has raised the complex DETAILED DESCRIPTION
ity level of the system and the ability to operate in and around
the multiple wells. One of the improvements needed is an The Figures described above and the written description of
improved goat head assembly. specific structures and functions below are not presented to
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION limit the scope of what Applicant has invented or the scope of
the appended claims. Rather, the Figures and written descrip
The disclosure provides a goat head, as a mixing block, for tion are provided to teach any person skilled in the art to make
multiple fluids in oilfield applications, the goat head having a and use the inventions for which patent protection is sought.
reversing directional flow, a mixing portion, wear reduction 10
Those skilled in the art will appreciate that not all features of
Surfaces, and a restricted outlet bore. The goat head provides a commercial embodiment of the inventions are described or
an underneath approach for piping, reducing the overall shown for the sake of clarity and understanding. Persons of
height, and mixes the fluids dynamically within the goat head skill in this art will also appreciate that the development of an
from angled flow paths. The goat head then reverses at least a actual commercial embodiment incorporating aspects of the
component of the fluid flow direction that enters the wellbore 15 present disclosure will require numerous implementation
below the goat head and exits the goat head into the well specific decisions to achieve the developer's ultimate goal for
below the goat head. The goat head contains hardened wear the commercial embodiment. Such implementation-specific
Surfaces, including Surfaces in specific Zones, to resisterosion
caused by the reversing directional flow. A restricted outlet decisions may include, and likely are not limited to, compli
bore has a cross-sectional area that is less than the sum of ance with system-related, business-related, government-re
cross-sectional areas of the inlets to assist in creating higher lated and other constraints, which may vary by specific imple
velocity and streamlined flow as the fluid exits the goat head. mentation, location and from time to time. While a
The disclosure provides a fracturing system for oilfield developer's efforts might be complex and time-consuming in
applications, comprising: a goat head having a top, bottom, an absolute sense. Such efforts would be, nevertheless, a rou
sides, front, and back to form a three-dimensional block, the tine undertaking for those of ordinary skill in this art having
goat head having a plurality of inlets and at least one outlet, 25 benefit of this disclosure. It must be understood that the
the inlets oriented at an angle between 0 degrees to less than inventions disclosed and taught herein are susceptible to
90 degrees relative to the outlet and at least two of the inlets numerous and various modifications and alternative forms.
oriented at a nonparallel angle to each other in a horizontal The use of a singular term, Such as, but not limited to, 'a' is
plane. not intended as limiting of the number of items. Also, the use
The disclosure also provides a method of flowing fractur 30
of relational terms, such as, but not limited to, “top” “bot
ing fluids through a mixing block, comprising: flowing one or tom.” “left,” “right,” “upper,” “lower,” “down.” “up,” “side.”
more fluids into at least two inlets of the mixing block at an and the like are used in the written description for clarity in
angle that is between 0 degrees and less than 90 degrees to an specific reference to the Figures and are not intended to limit
outlet of the mixing block; reversing at least a component of the scope of the invention or the appended claims. Where
a flow direction of the fluids between the inlets and the outlet; 35
appropriate, some elements have been labeled with an “a” or
and flowing the fluid out through the outlet of the mixing
block. “b' to designate one side of the system or another. When
referring generally to Such elements, the number without the
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL letter is used. Further, such designations do not limit the
VIEWS OF THE DRAWINGS 40 number of elements that can be used for that function.
A goat head, as a mixing block, for multiple fluids in
FIG. 1A is an exemplary schematic diagram of a prior art oilfield applications, the goat head having a reversing direc
fracturing system for an oilfield fracturing operation. tional flow, mixing portion, wear reduction Surfaces, and
FIG. 1B is an exemplary schematic diagram of a prior art restricted outlet bore. The goat head provides an underneath
fracturing system, showing fractures in an underlying forma 45 approach for piping, reducing the overall height, and mixes
tion. the fluids dynamically within the goat head from angled flow
FIG.1C is an exemplary schematic diagram of the prior art paths. The goat head then reverses at least a component of the
fracturing system of FIG. 1A detailing a system for one well. fluid flow direction that enters the wellbore below the goat
FIG. 2A is an exemplary side view schematic diagram of a head and exits the goat head into the well therebelow. The
prior art goat head. 50
goat head contains hardened wear Surfaces, including Sur
FIG.2B is an exemplary top view schematic diagram of the faces in specific Zones, to resisterosion caused by the revers
prior art goat head of FIG. 2A. ing directional flow. A restricted outlet bore has a cross
FIG. 2C is an exemplary perspective schematic view of an sectional area that is less than the Sum of cross-sectional areas
installation of the prior art goat head of FIGS. 2A-2B on a of the inlets to assist in creating higher Velocity and stream
well. 55
FIG. 3 is an exemplary detail schematic view of a fractur lined flow as the fluid exits the goat head.
ing system with a goat head of the present invention. FIG. 3 is an exemplary detail schematic view of a fractur
FIG. 4 is a front perspective schematic view of the goat ing system with a goat head of the present invention. The
head of FIG. 3. fracturing system of the present invention can be coupled to
FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional side schematic view of the goat 60 the well 12 described above. In general, a goat head 34 acts as
head of FIG. 4. a mixing block for fluids entering through the fracturing
FIG. 6 is a bottom schematic view of the goat head of FIG. system and down into the well 12. A valve control 30 is
4. mounted above the well 12 for performing primary well pres
FIG. 7 is a cross-sectional side schematic view of the goat sure control. A second valve control 32 is mounted above the
head of FIG. 6. 65 valve control 30 for performing secondary well pressure con
FIG. 8 is a top schematic view of the goat head of FIG. 4. trol. The goat head 34 can be mounted to the well 12 and one
FIG. 9 is a rear schematic view of the goat head of FIG. 4. or more of the components disposed below the goat head.
US 8,496,062 B2
5 6
A supply line 10 enters the goat head through a valve block same or similar, and the lateral angles “B” and “e” can be the
36 coupled to a spool 38 that is coupled to the goat head 34. A same or similar. Thus, a perpendicular line from the inlet
second line 46 enters the goat head through a valve block 40 faces 76, 78 points downward at an angle that is below the
coupled to a spool 42 that is coupled to the goat head 34. The horizontal plane 48 when the goat head 34 is mounted verti
second line 46 can carry a different fluid from the fluid in line cally above the typical well 12, described above.
10. In the exemplary embodiment, the lines 10, 46 and more The goat head 34 further includes various ports for allow
specifically the spools 38, 42, are coupled to the respective ing entry and exit of the fracturing fluids. For example, a first
Surfaces of the goat headata nonparallel angle relative to each inlet 50 having a centerline 88 can be formed in the first inlet
other, that is, not 0 degrees or 180 degrees, or multiples face 76. Various attachment means 55, such as bolt holes,
thereof, when viewed from a top view, as more fully 10 threads, quick disconnects, and other fastening mechanisms
explained regarding FIGS. 4 and 6. The nonparallel angle can be provided for attaching piping, tubing, hoses, or other
forms a convergence between the fluids in lines 10, 46 to conduit to the inlet face. Similarly, a second inlet 54 having a
enhance mixing in the goat head 34. Further, the spools 38,42 similar centerline can be disposed on the second inlet face 78
are coupled at an angle to the goat head, when viewed from a with various attachment means suitable for the application.
side view, that is below a horizontal plane 48 in contrast to 15 An outlet 56 having a centerline 86 is generally disposed on
traditional orientations, as more fully explained regarding the bottom 60 and generally aligned vertically with the bore
FIGS. 5 and 7. This direction of coupling is counterintuitive, of the well 12 when mounted thereon for flowing fluids into
because the fluids must be directed downward into the well 12 the well. A top port 82, shown in FIG. 5, can be provided for
and thus traditionally the fluid enters from an angle above the access to internal structures in manufacturing and for flowing
horizontal plane 48. However, in this embodiment, the fluid one or more fluids in or out of the goat head 34.
enters at an angle from below the horizontal elevation of the Due to the angles of the inlet faces 76, 78 described above,
goat head 34, thus requiring a reversal in flow direction of the inlets 50, 54 are directed downward at an angle that is
entering fluid relative to exiting fluid. The goat head 34 of the below the horizontal plane 48 when the outlet 56 is aligned
present invention provides special design features explained vertically with the well 12, described above. Thus, as shown
below for Such an atypical change in flow direction of a 25 in FIG. 5, an angle “0” between a centerline 88 of the inlet 50
fracturing fluid at Such pressures and flows. (and corresponding centerline of the inlet 54) to a centerline
FIG. 4 is a front perspective schematic view of the goat 86 of the outlet 56 can be from 0 degrees (for a full reversal of
head of FIG.3. FIG.5 is a cross-sectional side schematic view flow direction) to less than 90 degrees (for a partial reversal of
of the goat head of FIG. 4. FIG. 6 is a top schematic view of flow direction) and any angle therebetween, including 45 to
the goat head of FIG. 4. FIG. 7 is a cross-sectional side 30 75 degrees. In a geometrical coordinate system, a least a
schematic view of the goat head of FIG. 6. FIG. 8 is a bottom component of the angle of flow between the inlets and the
schematic view of the goat head of FIG. 4. FIG. 9 is a rear outlets would be reversed.
schematic view of the goat head of FIG. 4. The figures will be One of the challenges of Such a goat head is the erosion
described in conjunction with each other. caused by Such high flow and high-pressure abrasive fluids
The goat head 34 generally has a front 68, a bottom 60 35 changing radical flow directions as described herein. The
generally at right angles to the front 68, a side 58 generally at fracturing fluid must flow into the goat head 34 at the angle
rightangles to the front 68 and bottom 60, an opposite side 66 “0” and then change directions into a downward direction into
parallel to the side 58, a top 62 at right angles to the side 58 the well 12, described above. The change in direction involves
and front 68 and parallel to the bottom 60, and a back 64 in a change in potential energy of the fluid in addition to its
parallel to the front 68 and at right angles to the bottom 60 and 40 kinetic energy while flowing. The energy of the fluid and its
top 62 and sides 58, 66. The overall shape can be described as change between the inlets 50, 54 and the outlet 56 can cause
“cubicle' or block-shaped although the width, height, and severe erosion along the flowing Surfaces. The present goat
depth dimensions can vary from being equal. The front 68 can head provides several design features for allowing the change
include two Surfaces that are angled away from a longitudinal in flow direction to occur to accomplish its other purposes and
ridge 69 along a vertical middle of the front face 68. A first 45 still Suitably function a Sufficient time during the fracturing
front upper face 70 can be angled backward from the ridge 69 operations without eroding away significant flow Surfaces.
in the direction of the back 64 at a lateral angle “C.” measured Specifically, erosion can occur along an inside inlet Surface
from a line 74 that is perpendicular to the side 58 and tangent 92, across a bend 90 as the flow changes direction, and then
to the ridge 69. A second upper front face 72 can be angled along an inside outlet Surface 94. Along those surfaces, a hard
backwards from the ridge 69 toward the back 64 at a lateral 50 Surfacing alloy 96 can be deposited to increase erosion resis
angle “B” from the line 74, which may be equal to the angle tance. Various hard Surfacing alloys include Inconel(R), tung
“C”. The front faces 70, 72 are thus angled at a nonparallel sten carbide, and others knownto those in the art. While other
angle relative to each other, that is, not 0 degrees or 180 hard Surfacing areas can be formed in the flow passages,
degrees. experimental results have shown that the areas around the
Further, the front 68 can include faces that are formed at 55 bend 90 and adjacent surfaces are particularly prone to ero
both a lateral angle and at a longitudinal angle to the front sion and thus benefit from hard Surfacing.
ridge 69. Specifically, an angled longitudinal ridge 79 is Further, a backport 84 can also be provided in the goat head
formed at a longitudinal angle “y” relative to the longitudinal 34. The back port 84 can be coupled and can be used for
ridge 69 of the upper front faces, so that the angled longitu access to internal structures in manufacturing. The back port
dinal ridge 79 is directed away from the front 68 and toward 60 can also provide Surface to mount a sacrificial flange or plate
the back 64. A first inlet face 76 can be angled backward from for fluids entering through the inlets 50, 54 to impact and
the ridge 79 in the direction of the back 64 at a lateral angle dissipate their kinetic energy while the fluids are mixed in the
“6” measured from a line 74 that is perpendicular to the side goat head.
58 and tangent to the ridge 79. A second inlet face 78 can be In at least one embodiment, the inlets 50, 54 are larger in
angled backward from the ridge 79 in the direction of the back 65 diameter and cross-sectional flow area than the outlet 56. The
64 at a lateral angle “e” measured from the line 74". In at least difference in size assists in controlling flow through the goat
one embodiment, the lateral angles “C” and “8” can be the head and creating a more laminar flow exiting the goat head.
US 8,496,062 B2
7 8
Thus, the cross-sectional square area of the outlet 56 is gen What is claimed is:
erally less than the combined cross-sectional area of the inlets 1. A fracturing system for oilfield applications, compris
50, 54. In at least one embodiment, the outlet cross-sectional ing:
flow area can be equal to one of the inlets 50, 54. a goat head having a top, bottom, sides, front, and back to
Other and further embodiments utilizing one or more form a three-dimensional block, the goat head having a
aspects of the invention described above can be devised with plurality of inlets and at least one outlet, the inlets ori
out departing from the spirit of the invention. For example, ented at an angle between 0 degrees to less than 90
the number of outlets or inlets can vary, the shape of the goat degrees relative to the outlet and at least two of the inlets
head can vary, and the number of faces on the goat head can oriented at a nonparallel angle to each other in a hori
vary. Other variations in the system are possible. 10
Zontal plane, wherein the goat head comprises an open
Further, the various methods and embodiments of the sys ing positioned to receive a flow impact of at least one of
tem can be included in combination with each other to pro the inlets and further comprising a removable cover
duce variations of the disclosed methods and embodiments.
Discussion of singular elements can include plural elements coupled to the opening to deflect the flow impact.
and vice-versa. References to at least one item followed by a 15 2. The system of claim 1, wherein the opening is formed on
reference to the item may include one or more items. Also, the back of the goat head and the inlets are formed on the front
various aspects of the embodiments could be used in conjunc of the goat head.
tion with each other to accomplish the understood goals of the 3. A fracturing system for oilfield applications, compris
disclosure. Unless the context requires otherwise, the word ing:
“comprise' or variations such as “comprises” or “compris a goat head having a top, bottom, sides, front, and back to
ing,” should be understood to imply the inclusion of at least form a three-dimensional block, the goat head having a
the stated element or step or group of elements or steps or plurality of inlets and at least one outlet, the inlets ori
equivalents thereof, and not the exclusion of a greater numeri ented at an angle between 0 degrees to less than 90
cal quantity or any other element or step or group of elements degrees relative to the outlet and at least two of the inlets
or steps or equivalents thereof. The device or system may be 25 oriented at a nonparallel angle to each other in a hori
used in a number of directions and orientations. The term Zontal plane, further comprising a bend formed over a
“coupled.” “coupling.” “coupler” and like terms are used flow surface that changes an angle of fluid flow from the
broadly herein and may include any method or device for inlets into the outlet.
Securing, binding, bonding, fastening, attaching, joining, 4. The system of claim 3, wherein at least a portion of the
inserting therein, forming thereonortherein, communicating, 30
bend comprises a hardened wear Surface.
or otherwise associating, for example, mechanically, mag 5. The system of claim 3, wherein the outlet comprises a
netically, electrically, chemically, operably, directly or indi cross-sectional area that is less than a Sum of cross-sectional
rectly with intermediate elements, one or more pieces of areas of the inlets.
members together and may further include without limitation 6. The system of claim 3, wherein the outlet comprises a
integrally forming one functional member with another in a 35
unity fashion. The coupling may occur in any direction, cross-sectional area that is equal to a cross-sectional area of
including rotationally. one of the inlets.
The order of steps can occur in a variety of sequences 7. The system of claim 3, further comprising two or more
unless otherwise specifically limited. The various steps conduits coupled to the inlets of the goat head and one or more
described herein can be combined with other steps, interlin 40 pumps coupled to one or more of the conduits.
eated with the stated steps, and/or split into multiple steps. 8. A method of flowing fracturing fluids through a mixing
Similarly, elements have been described functionally and can block, comprising:
be embodied as separate components or can be combined into flowing one or more fluids into at least two inlets of the
components having multiple functions. mixing block at an angle that is between 0 degrees and
The inventions have been described in the context of pre 45 less than 90 degrees to an outlet of the mixing block;
ferred and other embodiments and not every embodiment of at least partially reversing a flow direction of the fluids
the invention has been described. Obvious modifications and between the inlets and the outlet; and
alterations to the described embodiments are available to flowing the fluid out through the outlet of the mixing block,
those of ordinary skill in the art. The disclosed and undis wherein reversing the flow direction comprises flowing the
closed embodiments are not intended to limit or restrict the 50
fluids over a bend formed over a flow surface that
scope or applicability of the invention conceived of by the changes an angle of fluid flow from the inlets into the
Applicant, but rather, in conformity with the patent laws, 9. The system of claim 8, further comprising flowing the
Applicant intends to protect fully all such modifications and fluid at the bend over a hardened wear surface.
improvements that come within the scope or range of equiva
lent of the following claims. k k k k k

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