Assignment Unit 2

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Assignment No. - 2.1
Name Of Faculty: Date Of Submission:
% Ques. Reference books to
No of Text books to
Topic Name Covered From refer
Questions refer
in Exam old
Introduction to (i) Engineering (i)Thermodynamics:
thermodynamics Thermodynamics An Engineering
Zeroth law of by P.K.Nag, Tata Approach, Yunus A.
thermodynamics, Mc Graw Hill Cengel , Michael A.
concept of continum, Pub. Boles
Quasistatic process [Chapter: 1,2 [Article No.- 1.1-
20 15 45 &4] 1.8, & 2.1-2.6]
First Law of
Application of First
Law of

One word questions:
1. A definite area or a space where some thermodynamic process takes place, is known as ………
2. First law of thermodynamics deals with …………
3. If the value of n=0 in the general law pvn=constant, then the process is called ……..
4. When neither mass nor energy is allowed to cross the boundry of a system, it is then called ……..

Very short questions—(2 marks)

1. What do you mean by pure substance?
2. Define thermodynamic system.
3. Differentiate between open, closed and isolated system.
4. What is quasi-static process? [UPTU,2009-10]
5. What do you mean by enthalpy? How it is related to internal energy.

Short questions—(5 marks)

1. Explain the following terms:State, process, cycle
2. Explain briefly Zeroth law of thermodynamics and indicate how it helps to introduce the concept of
temperature and provides a method for its measurement.
[UPTU, I Sem,2000-01, 2001-02, II Sem, 2002-03, I Sem,2004-05]
3. Define internal energy and prove that it is a property of a system. [UPTU,2009-10]
4. Explain the first law of thermodynamics as referred to closed systems undergoing a cyclic change.
5. State thermodynamic definition of work. Also differentiate between heat and work.
[UPTU, II sem, 2001-02]
6. What do you mean by reversible work? What do you mean by PMM I?

Long questions—(10 marks)

1. Show that the work W in non flow process for polytropic process, i.e. PVn=constant is given by
W = P1V1-P2V2
2. In a piston cylinder arrangement, 2kg of an ideal gas are expanded adiabatically from a temperature of
125°C to 30°C and it is found to perform 152 kJ of work during the process while its enthalpy change
is 212.8 kJ. Find its specific heats at constant volume and constant pressure and characteristic gas
[Ans: CP=1.12 kJ/kgK, Cv=0.8 kJ/kgK, R=0.32 kJ/kgK]
3. Calculate the work done in a piston cylinder arrangement during the expansion process, where the
proess is given by equation, P=(V2+6V) bar, the volume changes from 2m3 to 4m3 during expansion.
[Ans: 5466.7 kJ] [UPTU, I Sem,2004-05]
4. Show that for reversible adiabatic process PV =constant.
[UPTU, I Sem, 2000-01]
5. A system undergoes a thermodynamic cycle comprising of constant volume, constant pressure and
adiabatic processes in that order. During the constant volume process 85kJ of heat is supplied to the
system. It is followed by the constant pressure process when the system rejects 90 kJ of heat and 20 kJ
of work is done on it. Determine the amount of work and its direction during the adiabatic process
when the system is brought to its original state.
[Ans: 15 kJ] [UPTU, I Sem, 2003-04]
UNIT 2: Laws of Thermodynamics and Heat Engines
Assignment No. - 2.2
Name Of Faculty: Date Of Submission:
% % Ques.
No of Text books to
Topic Name Covered From old Reference
Questions refer
in Exam paper books to refer
Second Law of (i) Engineering (i)Thermodyna
Thermodynamics, Thermodynami mics: An
Clausius statement and cs by P.K.Nag, Engineering
Kelvin-Plank statement, Tata Mc Graw Approach,
Equivalence of Kelvin- Hill Pub. Yunus A.
Plank statement and [Article No. Cengel ,
Clausius statement, 6.1-6.18] Michael A.
PMM-II Boles
Numerical on Second [Article No.-
Law of 18 15 45 6.1-6.12]
Concept of
Reversibility &
reversible cycle

Description and thermal

efficiency of Carnot


One word questions:

1. Second law of thermodynamics helps to form the basis of ……………..
2. No engine can be more efficient than a reversible engine is known as …………..
3. (COP)heat pump-(COP)refrigerator= ……….. when both operates between same temperature limits.
4. In an irreversible process, the entropy of the universe always ………………

Very short question—(2 marks)

1. What are the limitations of first law of thermodynamics? [UPTU, 2010-11]
2. Give the Kelvin Plank’s statement of second law.
3. Give the Clausius statement of second law.
4. State and explain the second law of thermodynamics. [UPTU, I Sem,2000-01]
5. Write down the expression for thermal efficiency of heat engine and coefficient of performance (COP)
of heat pump and refrigerator. [UPTU, I Sem,2000-01]
6. Define the following: thermal reservoir, heat engine , heat pump [UPTU, 2010-11]

Short questions—(5 marks)

1. Write short notes on equivalence of Kelvin Plank and Clausius statement of second law of
thermodynamics. [UPTU, I Sem,2000-01]
2. What do you understand by COP and derive the relation of COP for a refrigerator.
3. Differentiate between :
a. thermal energy reservoir and mechanical energy reservoir.
b. PMM 1 and PMM 2.
c. Efficiency and COP.
4. Explain Carnot theorem and show that no heat engine working between two fixed temperatures can
have efficiency greater than that of a reversible engine working between same temperatures.
[UPTU, II Sem,2000-01]

Long answer questions—(10 marks)

1. Heat pump is used for heating the premises in winter and cooling the same during summer such
that temperature inside remains 25°C. Heat transfer across the walls and the roof is found 2MJ per
hour per degree temperature difference between interior and exterior. Determine the minimum
power required for operating the pump in winter when outside temperature is 1°C and also give the
maximum temperature in summer for which the device shall be capable of maintaining the
premises at desired temperature for same power input.
[Ans: 1.074 kW, 49°C] [UPTU, II Sem,2001-02]
2. A reversible heat engine operates between temperatures 800°C and 500°C of thermal reservoirs.
Engine drives a generator and a reversed Carnot engine using the work output from the heat engine
for each unit equality. Reversed Carnot engine abstracts heat from 773 K reservoir and rejects that
to a thermal reservoir at 715°C. Determine the heat rejected to the reservoir by the reversed engine
as a fraction of heat supplied from 800°C reservoir to the heat engine. Also determine the heat
rejected per hour for the generator output of 300 kW.
[Ans: 1542.85 kW, 1377.85 kW] [UPTU, II Sem,2000-01]
3. A refrigerator for food storage operates as a reversed Carnot heat engine cycle. The store is to be
maintained at a temperature of -5°C and the heat transfer from the store to the cycle is at the rate of
5 kW. If heat is transferred from the cycle to the atmosphere at a temperature of 25°C, calculate the
power required to drive the plant.
[Ans: 0.56 kW]
4. Describe Carnot cycle for an ideal gas and derive the expression of efficiency of the cycle.


UNIT 2: Laws of Thermodynamics and Heat Engines
Assignment No. - 2.3
Name Of Faculty: Date Of Submission:
% Ques. Reference books to
No of Text books to
Topic Name Covered From refer
Questions refer
in Exam old
Concept of entropy, (i)Engineering (i)Thermodynamics:
Entropy as a property Thermodynami An Engineering
cs by P.K.Nag, Approach, Yunus A.
Clausius inequality 12 15 58 Tata Mc Graw Cengel , Michael A.
Hill Pub. Boles
Principle of increase [Article No.- [Article No.-7.1-7.7]
of Entropy 7.1-7.16]

One word questions:
1. Area under temperature entropy curve gives ………….
2. A Carnot cycle consists of two ………….. and two ……………… processes.
3. Conversion of heat fully into work will violate …………. Statement of IInd law.

Very short questions—(2 marks)

1. Write short notes on Clausius inequality. [UPTU, I Sem,2000-01]
2. State and prove the principle of increase of entropy. [UPTU, 2001-02]

Short questions—(5 marks)

1. Show that the entropy change in a process when a perfect gas changes from state 1 to state 2 is
given by: S2- S1= Cp ln(T2/T1) + R ln(P1/P2) [UPTU, II Sem,2000-01]
2. Show that the entropy change of 1kg of an ideal gas between state 1 to state 2 is given by:
S2- S1= Cp ln(v2/v1) + Cv ln(P2/P1) [UPTU, II Sem,2002-03]
3. Show that the entropy change of 1kg of an ideal gas between state 1 to state 2 is given by:
S2- S1= R ln(v2/v1) + Cv ln(T2/T1) [UPTU, II Sem,2003-04]

Long answer questions—(10 marks)

1. 0.05m3 of air at a pressure of 8 bar and 280°C expands to 8 times its original volume and the final
temperature after expansion is 25°C. Calculate change of entropy of air during the process. Assume
Cp=1.005 kJ/kg-K; Cv=0.712 kJ/kg-K.
[Ans: 0.0417 kJ/K] [UPTU, I Sem,2001-02]
3 1.3
2. 5m of air at 2 bar, 27°C is compressed upto 6 bar pressure following pv =constant. It is subsequently
expanded adiabatically to 2 bar. Considering the two processes to be reversible, determine the net
work. Also plot the processes on T-S diagram.
[Ans: -94.67 kJ] [UPTU, I Sem,2002-03]
3. Boston Co. Ltd. Claims that the engine designed by them absorbs 300kJ of energy from a thermal
reservoir at 325 K and delivers 75 kJ of work. The company also states that engine rejects 125 kJ of
heat to a reservoir at 300 K and 100 kJ to a reservoir at 275 K. Check whether the claim is true.
[Ans: not feasible]
4. A reversible engine is connected to three sources at 500 K, 400 K and 300 K as shown in fig. It draws
1500 kJ/min of energy from the source at 500 K and develops 200 KJ/min of work. Determine:
(a) the heat interactions with the other two sources of heat.
(b) Evaluate the entropy change due to each heat interaction with the engine
(c) total entropy change during the cycle.

[Ans: Q2= -1600 kJ/min, Q3= -300 kJ/min, entropy change: -3 kJ/K, 4 kJ/K and -1 kJ/K,
net change in entropy=0]
UNIT 2: Laws of Thermodynamics and Heat Engines
Assignment No. - 2.4
Name Of Faculty: Date Of Submission:
% % Ques.
No of Text books to
Topic Name Covered From old Reference
Questions refer
in Exam paper books to refer
Heat Engine cycle and (i) Engineering (i)Thermodyna
Heat Engine Thermodynamic mics: An
working substances, s by P.K.Nag, Engineering
Classification of heat Tata Mc Graw Approach,
engines Hill Pub. Yunus A.
Description and thermal 15 20 60 [Article No.- Cengel ,
efficiency of Rankine 13.1,13.5-13.8] Michael A.
cycle Boles
Description and thermal [Article No.-
efficiency of Otto cycle 9.1-9.6]
Description and thermal
efficiency of Diesel

One word questions:
1. Otto cycle is also known as …………….
2. The air standard efficiency of Otto cycle is given by …………..
3. For the same compression ratio, the efficiency of Diesel cycle is ……. Otto cycle.

Very short questions—(2 marks)

1. Write a note on ‘Rankine cycle’. [UPTU, II Sem, 2000-01, 2001-02]
2. Explain the concept of Heat Engine.
3. Why is the Rankine cycle is preferred over Carnot cycle for steam power plant?Explain.
[UPTU, II Sem, 2000-01]

Short questions—(5 marks)

1. Describe Rankine cycle and derive an expression of cycle efficiency. [UPTU, II Sem, 2004-05]
2. What are the methods of increasing the efficiency of a Rankine cycle? Derive an expression for
thermal efficiency of simple Rankine cycle.
3. Give the reason why the Carnot cycle can not be considered as the theoretical cycle for steam
power plant even though its efficiency is maximum. [UPTU, II Sem, 2004-05]
4. Show Otto and Diesel cycle on p-v and T-S diagrams. [UPTU,May 2003]
5. What is C.I. engine? Why it has more compression ratio compared to S.I. engine?
[UPTU, May 2005]
6. Show that the efficiency of an air standard Otto cycle is a function of compression ratio only.
Long answer questions—(10 marks)
1. What is the basic difference between Otto and Diesel cycle? Draw the two cycles on p-v diagram.
[UPTU, May 2004]
2. Air standard Otto cycle has a compression ratio 8. At the start of compression process the
temperature is 26°C and the pressure is 1 bar. If the maximum temperature of the cycle is 1080 K.
Calculate: (i) net output (ii) thermal efficiency Take Cv=0.718 kJ/kg
[Ans: 159.4 kJ/kg, 56.48%] [UPTU, MAY 2004]
3. A diesel engine operating on air standard Diesel cycle operates on 1 kg of air with an initial
pressure of 90 kPa and a temperature on 36°C. The pressure at the end of compressor is 35 bar and
cut off is 6% of the stroke. Determine: (i) thermal efficiency (ii) mean effective pressure
[Ans: 60.15%, 4.4 bar] [UPTU, MAY 2005]

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