Society: Finding The Motivation For Exercise and Fitness Within
Society: Finding The Motivation For Exercise and Fitness Within
Society: Finding The Motivation For Exercise and Fitness Within
A m e r i c A n c o l l e g e o f S p o r t S m e d i c i n e
Supported by
small and progress gradually to help you about progress that reinforces your exercise efficacy, or confidence in your ability to
feel successful and avoid injury or behavior. succeed, can be built by self-affirmations or
burnout. —Build a social support network. Find a positive self-talk and by small fitness gains.
—Use environmental cues. Put your gym buddy with whom you can work out Don’t expect perfection or compare yourself
bag by the door, so you remember to take it regularly. You can help and encourage each to others. Keep your focus on what makes
to work. Or schedule your workouts into other, rely on each other for moral support exercise meaningful for you and what you
your calendar or planner and set electronic and accountability, and share in your ultimately want to gain from your exercise
reminders on your cellphone or computer. accomplishments. If you need additional program.
—Have fun. Find an activity that you enjoy help and accountability, you can hire a • Persist. Making good exercise and nutrition
and will stick with, along with an personal trainer. Look for a trainer who is choices day after day can be challenging. If
environment that is supportive, safe and credentialed by a well-known organization, you have momentary setbacks, accept them
comfortable for you. such as ACSM. and get back on track.
—Make it convenient. Exercise at home to —Reward yourself. Treat yourself to
fitness DVDs if you don’t have time to drive something that is compatible with your Your exercise goals depend on your ability to
to the gym. Exercise at the time of day health and fitness goals (e.g., not a piece of understand your exercise personality and
when you have time and you enjoy doing chocolate cake, but something else you motivators. Having a clear goal or vision that
it. enjoy, like a movie, flowers or new exercise excites you and pursuing it in an enjoyable
—Record your progress. Keep a written clothing). way is a great start. It’s all about knowing what
record of your exercise (weights, sets, reps; makes you tick and pairing intention with
distance walked, run, or biked; flights of • Believe in yourself. You can implement a action to achieve tremendous fitness results.
stairs climbed; etc.) to provide information strategy and achieve your vision. Self-
Page, Summer 2011, p. 3.” individuals exercising with music did perform better than those exercising without music. In one
study, the presence of music led an active group to report lower anxiety levels and exercise longer.
Another study showed that young women 20-22 years old demonstrated better ability to bench
press and could do more repetitions with weights with music than without. Interestingly, the louder
the music, the better the individuals performed with their strength training. So it does seem that
music can pump you up.
ACSM Fit Society® Page • A Quarterly Publication of the American College of Sports Medicine • • Summer 2011 Page 2
THEME: BEHavior CHangE
and ExErCisE adHErEnCE considering an exercise program, choose identifying specific desired results will help
something that is feasible, accessible, proven you stick with it. Whether results are related
ACSM Fit Society® Page • A Quarterly Publication of the American College of Sports Medicine • • Summer 2011 Page 3
THEME: BEHavior CHangE
and ExErCisE adHErEnCE that can last a lifetime. ACSM recommends Create a Schedule
that children spend less than two hours per Forming a routine for your family is vital to
ACSM Fit Society® Page • A Quarterly Publication of the American College of Sports Medicine • • Summer 2011 Page 4
THEME: BEHavior CHangE
and ExErCisE adHErEnCE routine does not require a complete overhaul, Identify a New Challenge or
but you may benefit from small changes that Goal
Making restore your enjoyment of exercise. A runner
or cyclist can become a modern-day Lewis
I spent some time sorting through participant
trends competing in marathons, half
ACSM Fit Society® Page • A Quarterly Publication of the American College of Sports Medicine • • Summer 2011 Page 5
THEME: BEHavior CHangE
and ExErCisE adHErEnCE 2. Understand Why You Are 6. Develop a Comfortable
Exercising Routine
Ten Ways to Pose questions to yourself such as, “Why did I
decide to start exercising?” It is suggested that
ACSM recommends that adults participate in
at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-
ACSM Fit Society® Page • A Quarterly Publication of the American College of Sports Medicine • • Summer 2011 Page 6
1. getting too hungry and, as a result, craving obsessing about food, feeling anxious she’d
ACSM Fit Society® Page • A Quarterly Publication of the American College of Sports Medicine • • Summer 2011 Page 7
Q&A (continued from page 2)
ACSM Fit Society® Page • A Quarterly Publication of the American College of Sports Medicine • • Summer 2011 Page 8