Lec. 4 D. M.
Lec. 4 D. M.
Lec. 4 D. M.
Ibrahim Alfahdawi
Lec. 4
Impression Materials
Impression material is a material that used to make the negative replica of
hard and soft tissue. By pouring the stone or plaster in the impression a
positive replica is produced for dental treatment. Impression materials are
generally transferred to the patient’s mouth in an impression ‘tray’. The tray
is required because the materials are initially quite fluid and require support.
Once positioned in the patient’s mouth, the materials undergo either ‘setting’
by a chemical or a physical process. After ‘setting’, the impression is removed
from the patient’s mouth and the model cast using dental plaster or stone.
Dental Materials Assis. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Alfahdawi
The requirements of impression materials:
(1) Factors, which affect the accuracy of the impression.
(2) Factors that affect the dimensional stability of the impression, that is, the
way in which the accuracy varies with time after recording the impression.
(3) Manipulative variables such as ease of handling, setting characteristics,
(4) Additional factors such as cost, taste, colour etc.
(5) Has no toxic reaction to the tissue.
(6) Not dissolved by oral fluid.
(7) Fluid or semi fluid when impression making in the patient mouth, where
it hardens there.
(8) Reasonable setting time (3-6) minutes
Dental Materials Assis. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Alfahdawi
(3) Impression waxes.
(4) Zinc oxide/eugenol impression pastes.
Impression plaster
- It used for final impression for edentulous patient with reduced amount of
- It used for centric registration.
Impression plaster is similar in composition to the dental plaster used to
construct models and dies. It consists of calcined, β-calcium sulphate
hemihydrate which when mixed with water reacts to form calcium sulphate
dihydrate. A pigment such as alazarin red is also commonly used, in order to
make a clear distinction between the impression and the model after a setting
of the model. NaCl (sodium chloride) and K2So4 (potassium sulfate) added
as accelerators to reduce the setting time, retarder added to control setting
time. Both accelerator and retarder act as antiexpansion agents.
Starch may be added into the plaster to separation of impression plaster from
gypsum cast easer by pouring boiling water on the cast and impression after
setting before separation. Boiling water cause the starch grains to be swell and
so to be easily separated from the cast. Sometime immersion in soap-water for
about half an hour for separation or separated medium is used.
Freshly mixed plaster is too fluid to be used in a stock impression tray and is
normally used in a special tray, constructed using a 1–1.5 mm spacer. The tray
may be constructed from acrylic resin or shellac. Before casting a plaster
model in a plaster impression, the impression must be coated with a separating
agent, otherwise separation is impossible. Following setting, the plaster
impression material is very brittle. It can undergo virtually no compressive or
tensile strain without fracturing. The material is, therefore, not suitable for use
in any undercut situations.
Disinfection of a plaster impression can be achieved with a 10-minute soak in
sodium hypochlorite solution as described previously.
Dental Materials Assis. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Alfahdawi
Impression compound
Impression compound is a thermoplastic material, having properties, which in
many ways are similar to those of the dental waxes. The composition varies
from one product to another.
Impression compound is used to make the primary impression for edentulous
or single tooth, sometime used as a tray.
Impression compound is available in various colors from a number of
manufacturers in either cakes (sheet) for primary impression for edentulous
mouth or to make an impression for single tooth to construct inlay restoration.
Tracing compound used for small addition and correction of impression
compound and it is used for peripheral seal of the special tray, which supply
as green rods. The sheet material is normally softened using a water bath.
Both the temperature and time of conditioning in the water bath affect the
performance of the material. If the conditioning temperature is too low the
material does not soften properly, and if too high, it becomes sticky and
unmanageable. A temperature in the range 55–60ºC is normally found to be
ideal. Sheet impression compound should undergo considerable flow at
temperatures above 45ºC but flow should be minimal at or below 37ºC. The
stick material is generally softened using a flame.
The sheet material is used for recording impressions of edentulous ridges,
normally using stock trays. The stick material is used for border extensions
on impression trays or for recording impressions of single crowns.
Dental Materials Assis. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Alfahdawi
Composition of a typical impression compound material
Thermoplastic material (47%) Natural or synthetic resins and Characterises the softening
waxes temperature