Learning Action Plan: Advancing Basic Education in The Philippines
Learning Action Plan: Advancing Basic Education in The Philippines
Learning Action Plan: Advancing Basic Education in The Philippines
1. What new insights have you learned in this I learned that teaching Language and Literacy for K- 3 is not just a simple task of teaching them how to
training? read and write based on our own ways. It will become more easier on our part and to the part of the
students if we learned and applied the different techniques that we gained from this webinar. The LEA
approach,the 4 steps of it and the different strategies for teaching phonics and phonological awareness
which encourage a lot to all the pupils to participate actively,giving their thoughts and sharing their ideas
to others .And as teacher I will apply those learnings I gained from this webinar to teach young learners
easily and smoothly and to develop their skills in reading and writing with comprehension and correct
2. What initiatives should you do to ensure 1.Conduct an on- line orientation to the parents or if possible in school with limited number of parents
student learning happens in school and extended and follow the protocol from DOH.
2. Prepare Learning Modules intended for Kinder.
at home? Give five examples. 3. Orient parents of the different teaching strategies.
4. Plan and provide indigenous teaching materials that can be use by the parents.
5. Provide parents with expanded envelop with LAS, worksheets,teaching materials inside to be given to
the parents.
Who to
Action Steps Resources Needed Target Date
Work With
1 Create group chat,send texts and Parents/ Guardians Laptop, cellphone 1st week of
calls. August
Print the Learning Modules GPMS Kinder Teachers Laptop, ink, bond paper, printer 2nd week of
2 intended for Kinder. July - end of
School Year.
Inform parents through social School Head/ Cellphone,laptop 2nd week of
3 media, call and text messaging Teacher/Parents/ Guardians August
for orientation.
Note that your individual Learning Action Plan(s) can be consolidated as a school, district, or division (whichever is appropriate) to streamline the next steps
and contribute to the achievement of the Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP). Save a copy of this Learning Action Plan as part of your
portfolio assessment. ___________________________________
Name/Signature of Immediate Supervisor/Date
Plan the instructional materials Teacher/ Parents/ Indigenous materials 2nd week of
to be used by the parents at Guardians July- end of
home using indigenous materials School Year.
found at home and in the
4 community. Produce the
materials needed if possible.
Purchase the expanded Teacher/ Parents/ Expanded envelops Leaning activity sheets, Worksheets 1st week of
envelopes. Prepare Learning Guardians , IM's August - end
activity sheets worksheets, IM' s of School
and put inside the Year.
5 envelop.Envelop for each pupil.
Note that your individual Learning Action Plan(s) can be consolidated as a school, district, or division (whichever is appropriate) to streamline the next steps
and contribute to the achievement of the Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP). Save a copy of this Learning Action Plan as part of your
portfolio assessment. ___________________________________
Name/Signature of Immediate Supervisor/Date