PMSVANidhi Guideline English
PMSVANidhi Guideline English
PMSVANidhi Guideline English
AtmaNirbhar Bharat
Scheme Guidelines 01.06.2020
1. B ackground
Street vendors represent a very important The scheme will help formalize the street
constituent of the urban informal economy and vendors with above objectives and will open
play a significant role in ensuring availability up new opportunities to this sector to move up
of the goods and services at affordable rates the economic ladder.
at the door-step of the city dwellers. They
are known as vendors, hawkers, thelewala, 3. Eligibility of States/UTs
rehriwala, theliphadwala etc. in different The Scheme is available for beneficiaries
areas/ contexts. The goods supplied by them belonging to only those States/UTs which
include vegetables, fruits, ready-to-eat street have notified Rules and Scheme under
food, tea, pakodas, breads, eggs, textile, Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and
apparel, footwear, artisan products, books/ Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2014.
stationary etc. The services include barber Beneficiaries from Meghalaya, which has its
shops, cobblers, pan shops, laundry services own State Street Vendors Act may, however,
etc. The COVID-19 pandemic and consequent participate.
lockdowns have adversely impacted the
livelihoods of street vendors. They usually 4. Eligibility Criteria of Beneficiaries
work with a small capital base and might have The Scheme is available to all street vendors
consumed the same during the lockdown. engaged in vending in urban areas as on or
Therefore, there is an urgent need to provide before March 24, 2020. The eligible vendors
credit for working capital to street vendors to will be identified as per following criteria:
resume their business. (i) Street vendors in possession of Certificate
of Vending / Identity Card issued by Urban
2. Objectives Local Bodies (ULBs);
The scheme is a Central Sector Scheme i.e. (ii) The vendors, who have been identified
fully funded by Ministry of Housing and Urban in the survey but have not been issued
Affairs with the following objectives: Certificate of Vending / Identity Card;
(i) T o facilitate working capital loan up to
`10,000; Provisional Certificate of Vending would be
(ii) To incentivize regular repayment; and generated for such vendors through an IT
(iii) To reward digital transactions based Platform. ULBs are encouraged to issue
such vendors the permanent Certificate of ULB shall complete the verification and
Vending and Identification Card immediately issuance of LoR within 15 days of the
and positively within a period of one month. submission of application.
(iii) S
treet Vendors, left out of the ULB- Further, ULBs may adopt any other alternate
led identification survey or who have way for identifying such vendors with a view
started vending after completion of the to ensure that all the eligible vendors are
survey and have been issued Letter of positively covered.
Recommendation (LoR) to that effect by
the ULB / Town Vending Committee (TVC); 6. Vendors who have gone back to their
and native places due to COVID-19
(iv) T he vendors of surrounding development/ Some of the identified / surveyed or other
vendors who have been vending / hawking in
peri-urban / rural areas vending in the
urban areas, have left for their native places
geographical limits of the ULBs and have
prior to or during the lockdown period because
been issued Letter of Recommendation
of COVID-19 pandemic. Such vendors
(LoR) to that effect by the ULB / TVC.
are likely to come back after the situation
normalizes and resume their business. These
5. Identification of Beneficiaries left
vendors, whether from rural / peri-urban areas
out of the Survey or belonging to the
or city dwellers will be eligible for the loan
surrounding Rural Areas
on their return as per eligibility criteria for
While identifying the vendors belonging to
identification of beneficiaries mentioned above
category 4 (iii) and (iv), the ULB/ TVC may in para 4 & 5.
consider any of the following documents to
issue letters of recommendation: 7. Data in Public Domain
(i) T he list of vendors, prepared by certain The State / UT / ULB-wise list of identified
States/ UTs, for providing one-time street vendors will be made available on the
assistance during the period of lockdown; website of the Ministry/ State Government/
OR ULBs and Web Portal developed for the
(ii) A system generated request sent to purpose.
ULBs/ TVCs for issue of LoR based on
the recommendation of the Lender after 8. Brief Details of the Product
verifying the credentials of the applicant; Urban street vendors will be eligible to avail
OR a Working Capital (WC) loan of up to `10,000
(iii) T
he membership details with the vendors with tenure of 1 year and repaid in monthly
associations; instalments. For this loan, no collateral will be
OR taken by the lending institutions.
(iv) The documents in possession of the vendor
buttressing his claim of vending; On timely or early repayment, the vendors will
OR be eligible for the next cycle of working capital
(v) Report of local enquiry conducted by ULB/ loan with an enhanced limit. No prepayment
TVC involving Self-Help Groups (SHGs), penalty will be charged from the vendors for
Community Based Organizations (CBOs) repayment before the scheduled date.
8.1 Rate of Interest
In case of Scheduled Commercial Banks,
Scheme Guidelines | 5
Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), Small Finance BharatPay, AmazonPay, PhonePe etc. will be
Banks (SFBs), Cooperative Banks & SHG used to on-board the street vendors for digital
Banks, the rates will be as per their prevailing transactions. The onboarded vendors would
rates of interest. be incentivised with a monthly cashback in
the range of `50 - `100 as per the following
In case of NBFC, NBFC-MFIs etc., interest criteria:
rates will be as per RBI guidelines for (i) On executing 50 eligible transactions in a
respective lender category. month: `50;
(ii) On executing the next 50 additional
In respect of MFIs (non NBFC) & other eligible transactions in a month: `25 (i.e
lender categories not covered under the RBI on reaching 100 eligible transactions, the
guidelines, interest rates under the scheme vendor to receive `75); and
would be applicable as per the extant RBI (iii) On executing the next additional 100 or
guidelines for NBFC-MFIs. more eligible transactions: `25 (i.e on
reaching 200 eligible transactions, the
8.2 Interest Subsidy vendor to receive `100).
The vendors, availing loan under the scheme,
are eligible to get an interest subsidy @ 7%. Here eligible transactions mean a digital
The interest subsidy amount will be credited payout or receipt with minimum value of `25.
into the borrower’s account quarterly. Lenders An illustration of the EMI on a loan of `10,000
will submit quarterly claims for interest subsidy @ 24% rate of interest, the interest subsidy
for quarters ending as on June 30, September @7% and the maximum cashback amount
30, December 31 and March 31 during each received as incentive is given at Annexure – B.
financial year. Subsidy will only be considered
in respect of accounts of borrowers, which 9. Who can lend
are Standard (non-NPA as per extant RBI Scheduled Commercial Banks, Regional Rural
guidelines) on respective claim dates and only Banks (RRBs), Small Finance Banks (SFBs),
for those months during which the account has Cooperative Banks, Non-Banking Finance
remained Standard in the concerned quarter. Companies (NBFCs), Micro Finance Institutions
The interest subsidy is available up to March (MFIs) & SHG Banks established in some
31, 2022. The subsidy will be available on first States/UTs e.g. Stree Nidhi etc. The lending
and subsequent enhanced loans up to that institutions will be encouraged to use their
date. network of field functionaries i.e. Business
Correspondents (BCs) / Constituents/ Agents
In case of early payment, the admissible extensively to ensure maximum coverage of
amount of subsidy will be credited in one go. the scheme.
6 | Scheme Guidelines
10. C redit Guarantee
The Scheme has a provision of Graded
Guarantee Cover for the loans sanctioned, as
indicated below, to be administered by Credit
Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small
Enterprises (CGTMSE), which will be operated
on portfolio basis:
a) First Loss Default (Up to 5%): 100%
b) Second Loss (beyond 5% up to 15%): 75%
of default portfolio
c) Maximum guarantee coverage will be 15%
of the year portfolio.
Scheme Guidelines | 7
16. Integrated IT application for Scheme
An Integrated IT Platform along with Mobile
App will be developed by the Ministry for
administration of the scheme. This Portal will
provide one stop solution for administration
of the scheme. The IT Platform will integrate
with the vendors data bases across the States/
UTs, BCs/ constituents/ agents of lending
institutions, digital payment aggregators
and PAiSA portal of MoHUA and Udyami
Mitra portal managed by Small Industries
Development Bank of India (SIDBI).
Innovative use of various platforms including A provision will be made available in the IT
the local and social media will be encouraged application to generate a provisional CoV/
to reach the targeted beneficiaries in an ID for the Street Vendors covered in the
effective and engaging manner. Necessary identification survey and not issued CoV /
Information, Education and Communication ID. After verification, BC / Agent will fill-in the
(IEC) and capacity building modules will be application form and upload the necessary
provided by MoHUA. documents. The filled-up application
information will then move electronically to
8 | Scheme Guidelines
ULB / TVC. The ULB / TVC will have to verify b) At State/ UT level - a Monitoring Committee
the details within a fortnight; after which the under the chairmanship of Principal Secretary/
application will move to the concerned lending Secretary of Urban Development/ Municipal
institution for sanction. Administration (composition of the committee
is at Annexure-D), which shall meet at least
The Street Vendors not covered in the every three months.
identification survey may approach the BC
/ Agent with the documents mentioned in c) At ULB level, there will be a Committee
para 5 above. The Agent will ensure that the headed by the Municipal Commissioner/
identification documents are uploaded first for Executive Officer (EO) and supported by the
these types of beneficiaries and later a similar Town Vending Committee to sponsor loan
process as mentioned above will follow. ULB applications and monitor implementation of
will verify the details and attach a letter of the scheme (composition of the committee is
recommendation before forwarding it to the at Annexure-E). This committee will meet every
lender. A copy of the letter of recommendation month.
will be given to the applicant also.
19. C
ommittees for Steering & Monitoring
of the Scheme
The Scheme will have the following
management structure at the Central, State/
UT and ULB level for effective implementation
and monitoring of the scheme:
Scheme Guidelines | 9
Annexure a
Preparatory Activities during June, 2020
1. Dissemination of information on the Scheme and related activities to states/ UTs and
other stakeholders
4. Organising kick start meetings by the ULBs involving the TVC members with
BCs/ constituents/ agents of lending institutions, vendors associations, SHG
Federations etc.
5. Capacitybuilding for all stakeholders e.g. ULB/ TVC functionaries, BCs/ Constituents/
Agents of Lending Institutions, digital payment aggregators, SHGs and their
federations and DAY-NULM functionaries etc.
7. Notification of Rules/ Scheme by the States/ UTs, which are yet to do so, as per the
Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act,
8. For identification of vendors, who have been left out of survey or who vend in the city
from the surrounding/ developmental/ rural areas, following methods may be used:
(a) Quick survey by ULBs through SHGs/ Federations under DAY-NULM, and/ or
(b) Inviting applications by ULBs
10. Issue of Certificate of Vending (CoV) / Identity Cards (IDs) to all street vendors covered
in the surveyed list
10 | Scheme Guidelines
Annexure B
An illustration on the cash-back and interest subsidy under the Scheme
for a loan amounting to `10,000
“Thus, the Maximum Cashback amount and the Interest subsidy amount would sum up to
`1,600 (`1,200 as cashback and `400 as interest subsidy), which is 118% of the total interest of
`1,348 on a loan of `10,000 with an interest rate of 24%”.
Scheme Guidelines | 11
Annexure c
For effective coordination and implementation, a Steering Committee
will be constituted as indicated:
12 | Scheme Guidelines
Annexure d
For effective monitoring of the Scheme, the State/UT will have the
following committee:
Annexure - E
Composition of City/ ULB level Committee to sponsor loan applications
and monitor implementation of the scheme is as under:
Scheme Guidelines | 13
14 | Scheme Guidelines
Scheme Guidelines | 15
Website: • Email:
16 | Scheme Guidelines