Waffle Slab Seismic Design PDF
Waffle Slab Seismic Design PDF
Waffle Slab Seismic Design PDF
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Proceedings of the Institution of
Civil Engineers
Structures and Buildings 162
June 2009 Issue SB3
Pages 169–182
doi: 10.1680/stbu.2009.162.3.169
Paper 800041
Received 13/05/2008
Accepted 27/11/2008
Juan Vielma Alex H. Barbat Sergio Oller
Keywords: buildings, structures & Professor, Departamento de Professor, Technical Professor, Technical
design/codes of practice & Estructuras. Barquisimeto, University of Catalonia, University of Catalonia,
standards/seismic engineering Univesidad Centroccidental Barcelona, Spain Barcelona, Spain
Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela
The codes used in seismic design of waffled-slab floors columns-and-slabs RC buildings, has not been studied at
buildings (WSFB), such as the Spanish NCSE-02 large. 11,12 These last classes of buildings are frequent in Spain
earthquake-resistant design code, assign them restricted and in other European countries (e.g. Turkey) or Latin America
ductility, utilise linear structural analysis based on modal (e.g. Ecuador, Dominican Republic and Mexico), where their
analysis, but also consider the structural ductility waffled-slab floor version is used. It is worth mentioning that
concept. Uncertainties arise whenever these codes are the Uniform Building Code (UBC)-97 13 and International
applied to the special case of buildings with waffled-slab Building Code (IBC)-2003 14 codes, as well as the Eurocode 8, 15
floors, the ductility of which is doubtful. In many cases, do not make any reference to waffled-slab floors as possible
during earthquakes, buildings with restricted ductility structural elements to be used in the earthquake-resistant
are unable to reach the ductility values assumed in the design of buildings.
design process, although they may exhibit adequate
values of overstrength. This paper therefore studies Adequacy of the response of a structure to a given seismic
typical WSFB by applying static incremental non-linear threat can be evaluated, in a simplified way, through
analysis procedures (pushover analysis) in order to examination of two important non-linear response
calculate their actual structural ductility and characteristics
overstrength values. Fragility curves corresponding to
different damage states and damage probability matrices (a) the maximum ductility value reached by such buildings
are also calculated and compared with those of moment- during a strong ground motion
resisting frame buildings (MRFB) in order to obtain (b) the reduction factor applied to design spectrum ordinates
useful conclusions for earthquake resistant design. One in order to calculate the seismic design forces, this factor
of the most relevant conclusions of this article is that the being closely related to the overstrength.
use of a better confinement and of ductile steel can only
improve the seismic behaviour of MRFB but not that of
WSFB. According to the Norma de Construction Sismorresistente
(NCSE)-02 Spanish earthquake-resistant design code, 16
1. INTRODUCTION waffled-slab floors buildings (WSFB) have restricted ductility
Studies performed recently in areas of Spain with low-to- values of two. This value is set based on the well-known
moderate seismic hazard1 reveal that seismic vulnerability is premise that this structural typology has low capacity for
high in such areas and, consequently, that their seismic risk is energy dissipation. At the same time, apart from the UBC-97
significant. This is mainly owing to the typology of the and
existing buildings, most of them with unreinforced masonry IBC-2003, the Eurocode 8 and NCSE-02 Spanish code do not
structures, designed and built without the consideration of any refer directly to overstrength values, which are very important
earthquake-resistant criteria. 2,3 Moreover, most of the existing for determining the response reduction factors. 17,18
reinforced concrete (RC) buildings are not moment-resisting
frames, but structures with waffled-slab floors. 4 It therefore With these observations as a starting point, the main objective
appears to be useful to perform more detailed studies of this of this paper is to study the typical WSFB seismic behaviour by
typology of buildings in order to establish if it is reasonable to calculating their actual structural ductility and overstrength
recommend their use in seismic areas. values, using an incremental non-linear static analysis
procedure (pushover analysis). In this simplified analysis,
The emergence of performance-based procedures for the design lateral forces corresponding to the first vibration mode shape
and retrofit of earthquake-resistant buildings 5–7 has sparked are gradually applied and global structural damage indexes are
research on the non-linear static response of buildings. 8 used to determine the ultimate drift values of the buildings.
Among the most studied structural typologies is that of the Drift values corresponding to the yielding point are obtained
moment-resisting frame buildings (MRFB). 9,10 However, the by using the idealised bilinear form of the capacity curve
non-linear response of restricted ductility buildings, that is, proposed by Park. 19 The benefits of the ductility of the steel
buildings expressly designed to have low ductility, including reinforcements and of the longitudinal and transversal
Structures and Buildings 162 Issue SB3 Seismic performance of waffled-slab floor buildings Vielma et al. 169
confinements are also evaluated using the building pushover
170 Structures and Buildings 162 Issue SB3 Seismic performance of waffled-slab floor buildings Vielma et al.
Seismic actions were
1 2 3 4 5
600 600 600 600 calculated from the three-
dimensional (3D) modal
analysis, in which three
degrees of freedom for level
were considered. Table 1
considered as the thickened section of the floor slab, and
3·0 its equivalent moment of inertia I eq is obtained by
2·0 I
1 I eq ¼
1 (c2 =l2 )
0·0 0·5 1·0 1·5 2·0 2·5
T: s
where I is the solid head moment of inertia, c2 is the column
width in the transverse direction and l2 is that of the solid
Figure 4. Elastic and inelastic spectrum used to perform head; this procedure takes into account the shear failure in the
dynamic analyses critical zone. The equivalent slab moment of inertia can be
calculated from its gross section, obtaining an equivalent depth
of 19.45 cm. Details of the equivalent frame are shown in
Figure 5.
Structures and Buildings 162 Issue SB3 Seismic performance of waffled-slab floor buildings Vielma et al. 171
So, the general non-linear constitutive behaviour is included in
depth the geometrically exact non-linear kinematics formulation for
axis beams proposed by Simo, 25 considering an intermediate curved
reference configuration between the straight reference beam
be idw and the current configuration. The displacement-based method
co twe ay
lum en is used for solving the resulting non-linear problem. Plane
cross-sections remain plane after the deformation of the
Solid head structure; therefore, no cross-sectional warping is considered,
Column avoiding including additional warping variables in the
formulation or iterative procedures to obtain corrected cross-
sectional strain fields. An appropriated cross-sectional analysis
z is applied for obtaining the cross-sectional forces and
y x moments 25 and the consistent tangential tensors in the
linearised problem. Thermodynamically consistent constitutive
Figure 5. Details of equivalent frame used in the analysis of laws are used in describing the material behaviour for these
the WSFB beam elements, which allows obtaining a more rational
estimation of the energy dissipated by the structures. The
simple mixing rule for composition of the materials is also
(a) classical and serial/parallel mixing theory used to describe
considered in modelling materials for these elements, which are
the behaviour of composite components 30
composed by several simple components. Special attention is
(b) anisotropy mapped space theory enables the code to
paid to obtain the structural damage index capable of
consider materials with a high level of anisotropy, without
describing the load-carrying capacity of the structure.
the associated numerical problems 24,31
(c) Fibre–matrix debonding which reduces the composite
According to the mixing theory, in a structural element coexist
strength due to the failure of the reinforced–matrix
N different components, all of them subject to the same strain;
interface. 32
therefore, strain compatibility is forced among the material
components. Free energy density and dissipation of the
Experimental evidence shows that inelasticity in beam composite are obtained as the weighted sum of the free energy
elements can be formulated in terms of cross-sectional densities and dissipation of the components, respectively.
quantities 33 and, therefore, the beam’s behaviour can be Weighting factors k q are the participation volumetric fraction
described by means of concentrated models, sometimes called of each compounding substance, k q ¼ V q =V , which are
plastic hinge models, which localise all the inelastic behaviour obtained as the quotient between the qth component volume,
at the ends of the beam by means of ad hoc force– V q , and the total volume, V. 23–26
displacement or moment–curvature relationships. 34 In the
formulation used in this computer program, however, the Discretisation of frames was performed with finite elements
procedure consists of obtaining the constitutive relationship at whose lengths vary depending on the column and beam zones
cross-sectional level by integrating on a selected number of with special confinement requirements, as can be seen in
points corresponding to fibres directed along the beam’s axis. 35 Figure 6. These confinement zones were designed according to
120 360 120 120 360 120 120 360 120 120 360 120
172 Structures and Buildings 162 Issue SB3 Seismic performance of waffled-slab floor buildings Vielma et al.
the general dimensions of the structural elements, the
diameters of the longitudinal steel, the clear of spans and the 2 ì¼
storey heights. Frame elements are discretised into equal
thickness layers with different composite materials,
characterised by their longitudinal and transversal where ˜u is the ultimate drift obtained from the idealised
reinforcement ratio (see Figure 7). Transversal reinforcement capacity curve, and the overstrength RR of the building, defined
benefits are included by means of the procedure proposed by as
Mander et al. 36
3 RR ¼
The pushover analysis has been performed by applying a set of Vd
lateral forces corresponding to the seismic actions in the first
vibration mode shape. Lateral forces are gradually increased
starting from zero, passing through the value inducing where V d is the design base shear and V y is the yielding base
transition from elastic to plastic behaviours and, finally shear (see Figure 8). The design base shear has been calculated
reaching the value which corresponds to the ultimate drift (i.e. using the procedure prescribed in most of the main seismic
the point at which the structure can no longer support any codes, applying the criteria of the square root of the sum of
additional load and collapses). Before the structure is subjected squares (SRSS) of the values of the forces obtained from modal
to the lateral loads simulating the seismic action, it is first analysis. Next, the design base shear is normalised respecting
loaded with the gravity loads. the total seismic weight of the structure. Overstrength R R is
similar to a safety factor applied in the design.
The non-linear static response obtained by way of finite
element techniques is used to generate the idealised elasto- 4. WSFB NON-LINEAR RESPONSE
plastic behaviour shown in Figure 8, which has a secant The WSFB is designed according to the NCSE-02 and EHE
segment from its origin to a point (˜ y , V y ), V y being the 75% Spanish codes for a structural ductility equal to two. Its
of maximum base shear. 19 The second segment, representing capacity curve is calculated using a mechanical model similar
the branch of plastic behaviour, is obtained by finding the to the equivalent frame defined in the ACI-318 code and it is
intersection of the aforementioned segment with the horizontal shown in Figure 9(a). Analysis is performed by means of the
corresponding to the maximum base shear. The use of the area finite element method and using damage and plasticity
compensation procedure guarantees that the energies dissipated constitutive models, as well as the mixing theory. 22–25,27,37 To
by the ideal and the modelled systems are equal, leading to control the energy dissipation and ensure the correct behaviour
determine ˜y and ˜u (see Figure 8) and, consequently, it is of the structure, appropriate mean values of strength and
possible to obtain the ductility value. In Figure 8, V d is the facture energy were used for each compounding material (i.e.
design base shear. steel and concrete).
The variables which characterise in a simplified way the Structural ductility for the exterior frame is obtained from the
quality of the building seismic behaviour are the structural yielding drift value ˜y , and the ultimate drift ˜u , which can be
ductility, ì, defined as seen in the idealised capacity curve of Figure 9(a)
Composite 1
Composite 2
Composite 3
confined zone
confined zone
Composite 4
Composite 5
Composite 6
Concrete Steel Mechanical
reinforcement model
Structures and Buildings 162 Issue SB3 Seismic performance of waffled-slab floor buildings Vielma et al. 173
ductility values in the NCSE-
02 earthquake-resistant code
should be revised.
Nevertheless, it is necessary
s tr
to point that WSFB exhibit
am high overstrength level.
in Idealised
ag elasto-plastic form
m Figure 9(b) shows the
ne B d a C
Vy i th evolution of the damage
tif f
sw s
e s l u
co index for the studied waffled-
iffn nd
St sa
0·9 kP in k
4 D¼1
Yield base shear coefficient, Vy/P ⫽ 0·75 B kP in
Base shear coefficient: V/W
Figure 9(b) indicates the formation of the first micro-cracks in
∆y ⫽ 1·85 ∆u ⫽ 2·91
0 the structure (point A) which increases until plastic hinges
0·0 0·3 0·6 0·9 1·2 1·5 1·8 2·1 2·4 2·7 3·0
Roof drift %: ∆/H
appear at the ends of beams, expanding until the appearance of
(a) cracks in the columns (point B) and then hinges appear at the
ends of the columns. Finally, the ultimate drift threshold is
reached (point C). It is of scientific and practical interest to
C correlate the capacity curve of Figure 9(a) with the damage
0·75 curve of Figure 9(b). In the case of WSFB, it can be seen how
the global damage index of the structure corresponding to the
174 Structures and Buildings 162 Issue SB3 Seismic performance of waffled-slab floor buildings Vielma et al.
B Yield base shear coefficient, Vy/P ⫽ 0·55 C
µ ⫽ 4·19/0·81 ⫽ 5·17
∆y ⫽ 0·81 ∆u ⫽ 4·21
0·0 0·5 1·0 1·5 2·0 2·5 3·0 3·5 4·0 4·5 5·0
Roof drift %: ∆/H
0·15 0·81 4·19
0·0 0·5 1·0 1·5 2·0 2·5 3·0 3·5 4·0 4·5 5·0
Roof drift %: ∆/H
Figure 11. (a) Idealised capacity curve; (b) global damage index
evolution for the MRFB external frame designed according to
the EHE and NCSE-02 guidelines
curve of Figure 11(a), a ductility of 5.17 is obtained; this is a The above mentioned procedure has been validated by means
higher value than the one considered in the design, which is 4. of non-linear dynamic analyses. The dynamic procedure
This means that MRFB has a ductile response to seismic forces, consists of applying sinusoidal ground acceleration with a peak
as well as an adequate overstrength. Figure 11(b) shows the value scaled with respect to gravity acceleration and increased
evolution of the global damage index for this type of building, until yielding is reached. Results obtained shows that the static
with a maximum damage index of 82% corresponding to the non-linear procedure allows for accurate calculation of
ultimate roof drift. displacements, and that the non-linear dynamic response of the
WSFB under study shows a clear pinching behaviour, see
Figures 10(a) and 10(b) show the capacity curve and the Figure 13(b).
evolution of the damage, respectively, for the external frame of
the building designed according to the ACI-318. The main 6. FRAGILITY CURVES AND DAMAGE PROBABILITY
difference between this building and the former is, on the one MATRICES
hand, that the Spanish NCSE-02 earthquake-resistant code In order to evaluate the non-linear behaviour of the buildings,
limits to four the ductility for this class of buildings to four the performance points were calculated by applying the N2
and, on the other hand, that this code requires less transversal procedure. 40 The performance points are defined as the
and longitudinal reinforcement than the ACI-318 (2005). At the intersection of the capacity spectrum (obtained from the
Structures and Buildings 162 Issue SB3 Seismic performance of waffled-slab floor buildings Vielma et al. 175
0·3 2
Yield base shear coefficient, Vy/W ⫽ 0·26
Base shear coefficient: V/W
RR ⫽ 0·26/0·13 ⫽ 2·00
Acc: 1/g
Design base shear coefficient, Vd/W ⫽ 0·13
A µ ⫽ 2·41/0·39 ⫽ 6·18 ⫺1
∆y ⫽ 0·39 ∆u ⫽ 2·41
0·0 ⫺2
0·0 0·3 0·6 0·9 1·2 1·5 1·8 2·1 2·4 2·7 3·0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
T: s
Roof drift %: ∆/H
C 1 200 000
Dynamic analysis
Pseudo-static analysis
800 000
Base shear: N
B 400 000
0·50 0
⫺400 000
⫺800 000
0·07 0·39 2·41 ⫺1 200 000
0·00 ⫺450 ⫺300 ⫺150 0 150 300 450
0·0 0·3 0·6 0·9 1·2 1·5 1·8 2·1 2·4 2·7 3·0 Roof drift: mm
Roof drift %: ∆/H (b)
750 000
Dynamic analysis
Figure 12. (a) Idealised capacity curve and (b) global damage Pseudo-static analysis
500 000
index evolution of the external frame of the MRFB designed
Base shear: N
capacity curve) with the inelastic demand spectrum (obtained ⫺250 000
from the elastic design spectrum). Only two cases are included ⫺500 000
because the non-linear behaviours of the MRFB designed
according to EHE and NCSE-02 are very similar to that of the ⫺750 000
⫺300 ⫺200 ⫺100 0 100 200 300
one designed according to ACI-318. The seismic demand is Roof drift: mm
obtained from the elastic spectrum prescribed by NCSE (see (c)
Figure 4). Roof drifts are transformed into spectral
displacements through the equation Figure 13. Dynamic response of the two buildings designed
according to the NCSE-02: (a) applied sinusoidal excitation;
(b) WSFB and (c) MRFB
5 Sd ¼
176 Structures and Buildings 162 Issue SB3 Seismic performance of waffled-slab floor buildings Vielma et al.
probability density function for the spectral displacements Figure 15. Roof drift corresponding to the performance point
defining damage states of the building with moment- resisting frames (NCSE-02
" #
1 1 1 Sd 2
6 F ð Sd Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi exp ln WSFB MRFB
âds Sd 2ð 2 âds Sd,ds
ð Sd
7 P ð Sd Þ ¼ F ð Sd Þdð Sd Þ 1·0
FD ⫽ Prob. (ED ⬎ edi/Sd ⫽ Sdi)
0·8 Slight
1·0 Non-damage
FD ⫽ Prob. (ED ⬎ edi/Sd ⫽ Sdi)
Base shear coefficient: V/W
0·4 0·6
Capacity curve 0·2
Original stiffness
Performance point stiffness 0·1
Ultimate stiffness
0·0 0·00 0·04 0·08 0·12 0·16 0·20 0·24 0·28 0·32 0·36 0·40
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0·02 0·06 0·10 0·14 0·18 0·22 0·26 0·30 0·34 0·38
Roof drift: mm Spectral displacement Sd: m
Figure 14. Roof drift corresponding to WSFB performance Figure 17. Fragility curves for MRFB designed according to the
point Spanish codes
Structures and Buildings 162 Issue SB3 Seismic performance of waffled-slab floor buildings Vielma et al. 177
probabilities are 29.6% for the WSFB and only about 1% for earthquake-resistant design of structures according to the EHE
the MRFB. and Eurocode 8 specifications, or weldable steel (W) (see Table
5). For both cases, the yielding stresses B 400 and B 500 steel
were considered (see Figure 19).
RESPONSE OF WSFBS Results of the pushover analysis are shown in Figure 19, which
Figure 18 shows the capacity curves corresponding to all cases reveals that frames reinforced with ductile steel have only a
under study. Design base shears have also been plotted in this slightly more ductile response than do those reinforced with
figure, in which it is evident that each of the three buildings non-ductile steel. Hence, the building global response is
has base shear coefficients greater than the design one, influenced to a much greater extent by the general
indicating that they satisfy this initial design objective. configuration and structural typology chosen than by the
However, overstrength varies dramatically among the three characteristics of the reinforcement steel.
structures. It is interesting to compare the MRFB capacity
curves, which have similar structural typology but are designed Finally, Figure 20 shows the same results obtained for the
with different codes and thus their reduction factors differ. MRFB reinforced with different types of steel. Observe that, in
Both exhibit ductility several times higher than that of the
WSFB while providing satisfactory overstrength.
Results of the WSFB non-linear analysis raise this question; µ ⫽ 1·48 µ ⫽ 1·57
0·6 µ ⫽ 5·69
0·4 µ ⫽ 4·60
0·0 0·0
0·0 0·5 1·0 1·5 2·0 2·5 3·0 3·5 4·0 4·5 5·0 0·0 0·5 1·0 1·5 2·0 2·5 3·0 3·5 4·0 4·5 5·0
Roof drift %: ∆/H Roof drift %: ∆/H
Figure 18. Comparison of the non-linear response of the Figure 20. Capacity curve for the MRFB reinforced with steel
three building types under study having different mechanical characteristics
Eurocode 8 EHE
Table 5. Characteristics of the steel recommended by Eurocode 8 and by EHE for the design of ductile reinforced concrete
178 Structures and Buildings 162 Issue SB3 Seismic performance of waffled-slab floor buildings Vielma et al.
this case, increasing the steel ductility leads to a major increase (e) Structural response of the WSFB cannot be improved using
in structural ductility. better mechanical characteristics of materials or a better
confinement of their members.
8. CONCLUSIONS ( f ) The only possibility of improving the WSFB behaviour is to
(a) The WSFB seismic behaviour has been studied using the add depth beams to in order to increase their lateral
pushover analysis with force control. In order to determine stiffness.
the structure ultimate drift threshold, global damage index
must approximate to a value of 0.8. Yielding drifts of the
structures are obtained using the idealised bilinear capacity ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
curves proposed by Park. This research was partially supported by Fundación Gran
(b) Among the cases studied only the MRFB exhibit sufficient Mariscal de Ayacucho (FUNDAYACUCHO), Universidad
ductility and overstrength to guarantee a stable behaviour, Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA); by the European
showing ductility values higher than those of the design. Commission, FP6 project Risk Mitigation for Earthquakes and
(c) It has been proved in this paper that WSFB should be Landslides (LESSLOSS) (GOCE-CT-2003-505448); by the
designed for lower ductility levels than those prescribed in Spanish Government: Ministerio de Fomento (C21-06) and
the Spanish seismic code (NCSE-02) because the prescribed Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a, Project Delamination of
design values ( ì ¼ 2) are greater than the obtained from reinforced matrix composites (DECOMAR) (MAT-2003-09768-
numerical simulations ( ì ¼ 1.57). Nevertheless, during C03-02); Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Project HABITAT
earthquakes, WSFB show adequate overstrength. 2030 (PSS-380000-2005-14); Project Seguridad y durabilidad
(d ) It can also be seen that the exceeding probabilities for the de estructuras de construcción (SEDUREC) (CSD2006-00060).
MRFB damage states are lower than those of WSFB. All this support is gratefully acknowledged.
8 Æ 16 mm 8 Æ 16 mm 8 Æ 16 mm 8 Æ 16 mm 8 Æ 16 mm
Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm
Hoops Hoops Hoops Hoops Hoops
35 35 35 35 35
8 Æ 16 mm 8 Æ 16 mm 8 Æ 16 mm 8 Æ 16 mm 8 Æ 16 mm
Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm
Hoops Hoops Hoops Hoops Hoops
40 40 40 40 40
14 Æ 25 mm 18 Æ 20 mm 18 Æ 20 mm 18 Æ 20 mm 14 Æ 25 mm
Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm
Hoops and Hoops and Hoops and Hoops and Hoops and
crossties crossties crossties crossties crossties
50 50 50 50 50
Dimensions in cm
600 600 600 600
1 2 3 4 5
Figure 21. Details of the equivalent frame of the WSFB designed according to NCSE-02 code
Structures and Buildings 162 Issue SB3 Seismic performance of waffled-slab floor buildings Vielma et al. 179
Plan view Details of reinforcement
Bottom bars
70 8 Æ 10 mm
70 70 70 70 Dimensions in cm
10 10 10 10 10
Figure 22. Details of the reinforcement of the solid head and waffle slab
4 Æ 16 mm
6 Æ 16 mm 6 Æ 16 mm 6 Æ 16 mm 6 Æ 16 mm 6 Æ 16 mm
Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm 50
Hoops and Hoops and Hoops and Hoops and Hoops and 4 Æ 16 mm
crossties crossties 30 crossties 30 crossties 30 crossties 30
30 30
Æ 10 mm hoops
4 Æ 20 mm
6 Æ 20 mm 6 Æ 20 mm 8 Æ 20 mm 6 Æ 20 mm 6 Æ 20 mm
Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm Æ 10 mm 55
Æ 10 mm
Hoops and
Dimensions in cm
600 600 600 600
1 2 3 4 5
Figure 23. Details of the moment-resisting frame designed according to EHE/NCSE-02 codes
180 Structures and Buildings 162 Issue SB3 Seismic performance of waffled-slab floor buildings Vielma et al.
Moment-resisting framed building (ACI-318/IBC-2003)
Hoops and Hoops and Hoops and Hoops and Hoops and
crossties crossties crossties crossties crossties 4 Æ 5/8⬙
40 40 40 40 40 30
Hoops and 40 hoops
Hoops and Hoops and Hoops and
crossties crossties crossties crossties 4 Æ 5/8⬙
40 40 40 40 40 30
4 Æ 5/8⬙
Æ 3/8⬙
14 Æ 5/8⬙ 12 Æ 3/4⬙ 12 Æ 3/4⬙ 12 Æ 3/4⬙ 14 Æ 5/8⬙ hoops
Æ 3/8⬙ Æ 3/8⬙ Æ 3/8⬙ Æ 3/8⬙ Æ 3/8⬙ 4 Æ 5/8⬙
Hoops and Hoops and Hoops and Hoops and Hoops and 30
crossties crossties crossties crossties crossties
45 45 45 45 45
Dimensions in cm
600 600 600 600
1 2 3 4 5
@ 10
Structures and Buildings 162 Issue SB3 Seismic performance of waffled-slab floor buildings Vielma et al. 181
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182 Structures and Buildings 162 Issue SB3 Seismic performance of waffled-slab floor buildings Vielma et al.