Horoscope Based On Astrology
Horoscope Based On Astrology
Horoscope Based On Astrology
The seventh house, the cusp of which is Western line of the descending horizon, or point
where the Sun sets is of great significance in Astrology, being most
powerful in regard to marriage and domestic happiness. If Saturn or seventh house
Mars should happen to be posited in it, unaided by the assisting
beams of Jupiter and Venus, the native is certainly fated to be unfortunate in the wedded
state, and born to lead a life of continual trouble therein.
Unhappiness in wedlock, arising from the most strange and unaccountable cause, is also
the effect of URANUS when found therein; in which respect the seventh is certainly more
powerful than Moon or Venus." Thus has been expressed by ALAN LEO. It is called house
of Union.
So this signifies marriage and married life; love question, contracts, partners, speculation
in business, war or public deals, encounter with thieves, law suits, litigations, missing
persons, travellers, outlaws, change of residence.
Also desire, cohabitation, passion, wife or husband, dowry, legal union, competitor in any
shape, rivals etc. (in election, selections etc.) Mixing up freely in society, fines, divorce,
agreements, honour and reputation in foreign countries. Being a maraka house danger to
longevity. Recovery of lost or stolen property, thief, pickpockets etc.
"Alcabitus, Aedila, Morbecaa and various Arabian, Astrologers regard the 7th as the of all
contentions, opposition, contrariences and things opposed, from this is- delivered
judgement upon battles, strife and enmity, fines, pleas, law etc. and it is the house of
buying and selling and nuptials, death of enemies, friends of brothers; sons of friends and
the place of thief."
Again religion or long journeys and higher education of friends or elder brothers as being
9th to 11th, honour and credit of Government being 10th to 10th or Mid Heaven.
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7/30/2020 House 7 in the Horoscope based on Astrology online
Also the friends and fortune or religious persons, associates and- friends or father being
the 11th to the 9th; private dealings of the absent and enemies, as being the 12th to the
1. Sun
2. Moon
3. Mars
4. Mercury
5. Jupiter
6. Venus
7. Saturn
8. Rahu
9. Ketu
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