9 Plant-Based Insect Repellents: Sarah J. Moore

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Chapter 9

Plant-Based Insect Repellents

Sarah J. Moore


Use of Plants throughout the Globe................................................................................................ 180

Mosquito Coils........................................................................................................................... 180
Natural Fumigants..................................................................................................................... 180
Effect of Natural Fumigants on Vector-Borne Disease Incidence............................................. 182
Repellent Chemicals Identified in Plants........................................................................................ 183
Why Are Plants So Repellent to Blood-Feeding Insects?.......................................................... 183
Alkaloids.................................................................................................................................... 184
Phenols....................................................................................................................................... 184
Terpenoids.................................................................................................................................. 185
Essential Oils......................................................................................................................... 185
Pyrethrins.............................................................................................................................. 185
Repellent Terpenes................................................................................................................ 186
Volatility of Terpenes and Formulation to Improve Their Longevity....................................... 191
Spatial Application................................................................................................................ 191
Formulation to Improve Plant-Repellent Persistence............................................................ 191
Commercial Repellents Developed from Plants........................................................................ 192
Citronella Group Family: Poaceae............................................................................................. 194
Ocimum spp. (Lamiaceae)..................................................................................................... 195
Hyptis spp. ............................................................................................................................. 195
Thymus.................................................................................................................................. 196
Lantana camara (Verbenaceae)................................................................................................. 196
Daniellia oliveri (Fabaceae)....................................................................................................... 198
Tagetes spp. (Asteraceae)........................................................................................................... 198
Lippia spp. (Verbenaceae).......................................................................................................... 198
Artemisia spp. ............................................................................................................................ 199
Neem.......................................................................................................................................... 199
Lemon–Eucalyptus Extract........................................................................................................ 201
References....................................................................................................................................... 201

180 Insect Repellents Handbook


Plants were first recorded being used against biting insects by the ancient Greeks,1 and are still
used by enormous numbers of people today. Most households in the developing world rely on per-
sonal protection measures of limited effectiveness, such as burning leaves,2 despite the wide range
of modern, effective malaria-control measures available, because they prefer to use an intervention
that is free and widely available, despite its lower efficacy and undesirable characteristics such as
strong odor.3

Mosquito Coils
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It is estimated that 45–50 billion mosquito coils are used annually by approximately 2 billion
people worldwide,4 mainly in Southeast Asia, but with a growing market in South America and
Africa. Mosquito coils were traditionally made with finely ground pyrethrum daisy (Chrysanthemum
cinerariaefolium) flowers mixed with coconut husks or sawdust.5 Synthetic pyrethroids, based on
the molecular structure of the pyrethrins contained in the pyrethrum daisy, have outstripped natu-
ral pyrethrins for use in household pesticides6 because they are far more photo stable, although
both chemical groups possess rapid insecticidal and repellent action.7 Nonetheless, 17,000 tons of
natural pyrethrum are produced in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Australia annually to supply the
household insecticide market. There is ample evidence that mosquito coils made from both natural
pyrethrins and synthetic pyrethroids effectively repel mosquitoes.8
Mosquito coils are made from base materials impregnated with pyrethrum or synthetic
­pyrethroids, which is released through slow, steady combustion. The insecticide is not known to
be harmful to humans, but the smoke produced from combustion of coils is a nuisance to people,
and some products generate products of incomplete combustion, which are harmful to humans.9
It is therefore desirable to develop new means of volatilizing insecticides that are less harmful,
such as passive emanation through the use of large surface area.10 More wealthy individuals in
­less-developed and middle-income countries overcome this problem by using heated mats and
vaporizers and mosquito coils accounting for $1.6 and $1 billion of the $8.4-billion consumer mar-
ket, respectively, although electricity is required to operate them.4,11

Natural Fumigants

Data from economic studies indicate that although many rural households in countries of low eco-
nomic quintiles do spend a substantial portion of their household income on mosquito coils (Table 9.1),
they use traditional fumigants to supplement government control programs or when they are traveling
away from home. Studies from Southeast Asia commonly report such practices, including 25% of
mobile populations interviewed in Thailand and Cambodia,12 32% of households in rural Myanmar,13
and 17% of households in southwestern China.14 In Sri Lanka, 69% of families burned neem kernels
and leaves (Azadirachta indica) to repel mosquitoes, along with mosquito coils (54%), despite almost
all houses being regularly sprayed with residual insecticide.15 Even so, the cost of personal protec-
tion methods is a particularly important issue, and around 2% of household income may be spent on
personal protection measures (Table 9.1). The use of shop-bought preventive measures is generally
higher among those of a higher economic status. In Malawi, a greater percentage of those of low to
high income uses preventative measures, including coils (67% and 16%, respectively) and repellents
(11% and 1%, respectively), against mosquito bites than those of very low income.16 In India, it was
noted that expenditure was linearly related to household income with those having the most income,
spending the most on personal protection.17 However, another study from India showed that com-
munity education can enhance uptake and use of personal protection, although the decision to use
such tools is more related to mosquito nuisance than disease prevention,18 as also seen in Tanzania.19
Plant-Based Insect Repellents 181

Table 9.1 Examples of Household Expenditure on Mosquito Bite Prevention among Those in Low
Income Countries
Intervention and Household Annual per Capita Proportion of
% Use Location Income/Month Expenditure Income Ref
Coil, 61%; bed Rural 3000 Rupees or $4.70 2.0% 20
net, 57.7%; Orissa, less
smoke, 8.3% India
Coil, 79.3%; mat, Urban 3000 Rupees or $3.00 2.8%
11.7%; liquid Orissa, less
vaporizer, 11.7% India
Coil, 65%; liquid Urban 3000 Rupees or 97.3 rupees per 3% 17
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vaporizer, 7%; Chennai, less month per

bed net 3% India household
Bed nets, 0.68%; Rural Tanga, $20.88 on Bed nets $0.86; <1% of monthly 21
treatment of bed Northwest education and treatment of bed health budget
nets, 0.27%; Tanzania approximately nets $0.10; repair
repair of bed $23.14 on of bed nets $0.05;
nets, 0.26%; health care coils $0.19
coils, 0.15% per capita per
Mosquito coil, Sri Lanka 61% Spent 3% of monthly 22
76.8%; bed net between $0.97 income for those
11.6%; vaporizing and $1.94 per of highest
mat, 5.3%; month income and 8%
smoke, 5.3% of monthly
income for lowest
income group
Bed nets 74%; Farafenni, $2.86 on Bed nets $0.15; 25% of health- 23
treatment of bed Gambia education, treatment of bed care budget is on
nets 21%; repair (rural, $2.54 on nets $0.02; repair coils
of bed nets 18%; peri-urban health care of bed nets $0.01;
coils 43%; indoor and urban) coils $0.67; indoor
sprays 11%; sprays $0.33;
smoke 45% smoke $0.24

Among poorer populations that cannot afford shop-bought personal protection methods, natural
fumigants are extensively used, and less commonly, plants are hung around the home or rubbed
onto the skin. A study from rural Guatemala found that >90% of households interviewed burned
waste plant materials such as coconut husks to drive away mosquitoes.24 In Mexico this is 69%,25
and in Colombia 50% of people reported that they burned wet logs in metal pots to prevent mos-
quito nuisance, especially when fishing among the mangroves26 as was first seen among the ancient
Egyptian fishermen as described by Herodotus.27 In areas where use of fires indoors is independent
of socioeconomic status, wood smoke can reduce indoor mosquito density. In a recent study con-
ducted in Lao People’s Democratic Republic, smoke from cooking fires located under the house or
indoors was found to be protective against house entry by Japanese encephalitis and malaria vector
mosquitoes, compared with cooking in a separate room beside the house (putative Japanese enceph-
alitis vector incidence rate ratio [IRR] = 0.43, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.26–0.73, p = .002;
anopheline IRR = 0.22, 95% CI: 0.10–0.51, p < .001).28 The evidence demonstrating that biomass
smoke is an effective repellent is variable, and should not be encouraged as a means of bite preven-
tion due to the large amount of respiratory infection induced by chronic exposure to biomass.29
Interestingly, smoke has proven effective in preventing bites from the tsetse fly that is extremely
difficult to repel even using conventional repellents such as deet and permethrin-treated clothing.30
A study by Torr et al.31 clearly demonstrated that smoke from burning wood (Colophospermum
mopane) or dried cow dung reduced the catch of baited Epsilon traps by approximately 50%–90%.
This study elegantly demonstrated that the smoke decreases the long-range attractiveness of the bait
to tsetse flies, and also because the smoke reduced catches at unbaited traps, the smoke demonstrated
182 Insect Repellents Handbook

true repellency causing insects to orient away from the source rather than by attraction–inhibition.
The authors suggest that the combustion products of lignin, 2-methoxyphenol and 4-methylguaia-
col, and/or related chemicals may be repellent. Mosquito coils and plant-based fumigants also work
over a larger area and produce smoke that may be insecticidal,32 repellent,31 or interfere with the
perception of hosts (attraction–inhibition).33 Mosquitoes also rely on carbon dioxide, heat, and mois-
ture in convection currents as a short-range cue for approach to hosts.34,35 In a field trial in Bolivia
with Mansonia titillans, volunteers sitting close to glowing charcoal received 31% fewer mosquito
landings than those sitting close to a locally bought mosquito coil (positive control).36 However, the
addition of a local plant, Scheelea princeps, further increased the protection to 69.2% when com-
pared to the charcoal-only control, indicating that chemicals released from burning plants play an
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important role in repelling host-seeking mosquitoes. In the same way that a smoldering mosquito
coil evaporates insecticide to repel mosquitoes, the insecticidal and repellent volatiles contained in
certain plants may be released when those plants are smoldered or heated, which can repel mos-
quitoes. An innovative study from Ethiopia demonstrated that volatiles in the smoke of burning as
well as fresh leaves of Corymbia citriodora and Ocimum suave have significant repellent proper-
ties against host-seeking Anopheles arabiensis and Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti mosquitoes mainly
due to the presence of β-ocimene in the headspace volatiles.37 In the western Pacific, in Papua New
Guinea, coconut husks, ginger, and betel nut leaves are burned in the early evening by up to 90%
of the population and was shown to repel 66%–84% of the vector Anopheles karwari as well as
nuisance mosquitoes.38
Existing data indicate that mosquito coils that incorporate plant parts or oils are less effective
than conventional pyrethroid-treated coils. Field trials in Thailand measuring outdoor protection
from mosquito bites in the early evening demonstrated that commercial coils such as transfluthrin
0.03% gave 84.5% protection and 0.03% d-allethrin gave 86.5% protection, whereas the incorpora-
tion of neem (Azadirachta indica) leaves gave 61.8% protection, citronella grass (Cymbopogon nar-
dus) gave 71% protection, lemon eucalyptus (Corymbia citriodora) gave 67.6% protection, and Siam
weed (Eupatorium odoratum) gave 58.8% protection. All of these significantly reduced mosquito
landings on volunteers compared to a blank coil that reduced landings by 43% just through produc-
tion of biomass smoke (the inert ingredients were wood powder, coconut shell powder, incense pow-
der, malachite green, and sodium benzoate), although they were significantly less effective than the
commercial coils.39 The mosquito repellent efficacy of New Mountain Sandalwood Mosquito Sticks
(containing 0.5% w/w essential oils), New Mountain Sandalwood Botanical Repellent (containing
soybean and geranium oils), and a deet repellent was assessed in field tests in Australia against
Verrallina funerea and Verrallina lineata.40 A pair of burning Mosquito Sticks immediately upwind
of the subject (acting as an area repellent) provided a 73.1% mean reduction in mosquito landing and
probing over the 3-hour test period compared to 100% efficacy from both topical repellents.
The tradition of repelling insects by burning plants is still strongly upheld in many countries,
and the popularity of repellent smoke probably lies in its convenience. As most households in the
developing world use a wood-smoke cooking fire, the addition of plants requires minimum effort.
Similarly, mosquito coils are the preferred antimosquito product used by low-income communities41
because of their convenience and effectiveness.42 For those with low household income, the utiliza-
tion of waste products such as coconut husks maximizes the usefulness of a resource. However,
these methods are only suitable for use outdoors because the combustion of plant materials releases
many small particles and gases that have negative effects on human health.43

Effect of Natural Fumigants on Vector-Borne Disease Incidence

The use of traditional fumigants against mosquito nuisance in Sri Lanka was shown to be pro-
tective against malaria (relative risk = 0.58, 95% CI: 0.37–0.93), although in the same study the use
of pyrethrum coils was associated with a greater relative risk of malaria (relative risk = 1.46, 95%
Plant-Based Insect Repellents 183

CI: 1.03–2.07), which the authors explain may be due to households using insufficient coils for com-
plete protection due to cost.44 This contrasts with findings from the Gambia showing that there was
no significant difference in malaria incidence among children living in households that regularly
used, or never used, smoldering Daniellia oliveri, although bed net use did offer some protection45;
even though one study using human landing catches found that burning churai gave a 77% reduction
(95% CI: 70–81%, t = 10.21, df = 8. p < .001), similar to burning a mosquito coil (71% reduction,
95% CI: 61–78%, f = 8.54, df = 8, p < .001).46 A more recent study of risk factors for mosquito house
entry in the same region demonstrated protective effect from burning churai of 0.56 (95% CI: 0.47–
0.66) against mosquitoes entering homes.47 In this study, almost half of the mosquito population
comprised malaria vectors such as Anopheles gambiae s.s., Anopheles arabiensis, and Anopheles
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melas, whereas the other mosquitoes collected are also vectors of arboviruses and filariasis: Culex
thalassius, Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes aegypti, Aedes vittatus, and Mansonia africanus. In the
Gambia, malaria vectors prefer to feed on human blood,48 whereas Sri Lankan vectors will feed
on cattle49 and have the potential to be diverted to bite cattle when repellents are used. As a result
of this differential vector behavior, malaria transmission is more intense in the Gambia relative to
Sri Lanka.50 The difference in the results of the two studies could also be related to erratic use of
churai in the Gambia because disease prevention requires extremely high compliance with personal
protection methods such as fumigants for the whole transmission season.


Why Are Plants So Repellent to Blood-Feeding Insects?

Plants contain many chemicals termed secondary metabolites that are important in their defense
against insects. These fall into several categories including repellents, feeding deterrents, toxins,
and growth regulators. Most can be grouped into five major chemical categories: nitrogen com-
pounds (primarily alkaloids), terpenoids, phenolics, proteinase inhibitors, and growth regulators.
Although these compounds arose early on in plant evolution, as early as 350 million years ago,51
as defenses against phytophagous insects, many are also effective against mosquitoes and other
hematophagous Diptera.
The appearance of flowering plants in the early Cretaceous coincides with the various morpho-
logical and physiological adaptations in both insects and plants that now characterize the interde-
pendence between insects and flowering plants. Some insect odorant receptor genes (Or83b, now
called Orco) that facilitate the cell surface expression of odor receptors and forms heterodimers
with odor receptors52 have been conserved over 250 million years,53 and across insect orders.54
Interestingly, the effective repellent nepetalactone, a monoterpene obtained from the catnip plant
Nepata cateria, was shown to be repellent to 13 widely differing insect groups including ants, cad-
dis flies, and beetles.55 It is postulated that floral odors developed from herbivore feeding deterrents
to represent cues for mating sites and food to encourage pollination: in extant angiosperms there
is almost universal occurrence of potent fragrance with chemical composition similar to many
general herbivore deterrents.56 The fact that several of these compounds are repellent to hematopha-
gous insects could be an evolutionary relict from a plant-feeding ancestor. It has been hypothesized
that blood feeding may have arisen in some insect groups, including the mosquitoes, from plant-­
feeding ancestors to supplement nutrition.57 Recently, this was demonstrated under constrained con-
ditions in a laboratory experiment where the fruit-piercing moth Calyptrata thalictri (Lepidoptera:
Noctuidae), a subset of the males, has been found to draw blood meals from mammalian hosts. This
shift in behavior has been linked to a reduction of a specific group of odorant sensory neurones
(OSNs) tuned to repellent inducing vertebrate volatiles. Blood feeding could thus stem from a loss of
innate repulsive behavior to vertebrate odors, leading to increased chance of zoophilic interactions
184 Insect Repellents Handbook

and the opportunity to feed on blood.58 Indeed, most extant species of mosquitoes (with few excep-
tions) and sand flies rely on blood to provide protein only for egg development and still retain a
link with plants, using nectar as a source of energy. It has now been shown that Culex quinquefas-
ciatus has an odorant receptor CquiOR73 that shows strong preference to plant-derived terpenoids
and phenolic compounds including the well-known plant-derived repellents para-menthane 3,8 diol
(PMD), eucalyptol, and eugenone when expressed in a deorphanised gene in Xenopus oocytes.59
Other research using deorphanised genes expressed in Xenopus oocytes has shown several plant-
based molecules: PMD, 2-undecanone (2U), nepetalactone, and callicarpenal-inhibited AgOR8
plus AgOR7 responses to the attractant (R)-(−)-1-octen-3-ol in Anopheles gambiae.60
It is also possible that the fact that plant products commonly deter hematophagous insects is
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an evolutionary coincidence; however, it is very likely that many plant volatiles are deterrent or
repellent because they have high vapor toxicity to insects.61 In work with the mosquitoes Anopheles
culicifacies, Anopheles stephensi, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Aedes aegypti, steam distillation
extracts of Tagetes erecta (marigold) and Mentha piperita (peppermint) exhibited rapid knockdown
activity.62 Studies on vapor toxicity of plant volatiles to Sitophilus oryzae (rice weevil) showed
that terpenes from the plants, including menthone and menthol, inhibit acetylcholinesterase activ-
ity.63 This is the same mode of action as organophosphate insecticides. Several essential oil mono-
terpenes such as thymol, eugenol, pulegone, terpineol, and citronellal demonstrated inhibition of
cytochrome P450 and glutathione S-transferase (GST) detoxification enzymes against fourth instar
larvae of Aedes aegypti.64


Alkaloids are insecticidal at low concentrations and are frequently toxic to vertebrates. They
are nitrogenous organic molecules with varying structures. Their mode of action varies, but many
affect acetylcholine receptors in the nervous system (e.g., nicotine),65 or membrane sodium chan-
nels of nerves (e.g., veratrine/sabadilla).66 Insecticidal examples include nicotine (Nicotiana spp.),
anabasine (Anabasis aphylla), veratrine or sabadilla (Schoenocaulon officinale), and ryanodine
(Ryania speciosa). Physostigmine, which served as the model compound for the development of the
carbamate insecticides, is an alkaloid isolated from the Calabar bean (Physostigma venenosum).67
Although these chemicals are not volatile, they may be used as repellents by burning plant material
either on a fire or in a mosquito coil to create an insecticidal smoke, which repels the insects through
direct toxicity. Alkaloids are found in large quantities in many members of the Berberidaceae,
Fabaceae, Solanaceae, and Ranunculaceae families, all of which are used extensively as traditional
insect repellents.68,69 However, many are potent mammalian neurotoxins and their use should be
limited. Tobacco is commonly used against biting insects throughout the globe,70 although this is
highly inadvisable due to the carcinogenic effects of breathing fumes from burning tobacco.


Phenols, sometimes called phenolics, are a class of chemical compounds consisting of a

hydroxyl group (–OH) attached to an aromatic hydrocarbon group. The simplest of the class is
phenol (C6H5OH). The functions of phenols are diverse, contributing to cell wall structure, flower
color, and defense against both vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores. Important phenolics in
terms of insecticidal and repellent function are the flavonoids, which are characteristic compounds
of higher plants. There are three important insect-repellent flavonoid groups: (1) flavones, which
are found in the Labatiae, Umbelliferae, and Compositae and are quite new in evolutionary terms;
(2) isoflavonoids, found mainly in the Leguminosae: an example of which is the potent mitochon-
drial poison rotenone71 present in the roots and rhizomes of 60 members of the Leguminosae
family, most particularly in Derris elliptica; and (3) tannins that are found throughout the plant
Plant-Based Insect Repellents 185

kingdom and exhibit toxicity by binding to proteins.72 However, the large size of the phenols means
that they have little significance as repellents, due to their lack of volatility and are generally


Terpenoids are among the most widespread and structurally diverse of the plant products with
approximately 25,000 terpene structures reported,74 all of which are derived biosynthetically from
units of isoprene that has the molecular formula C5H8. As chains of isoprene units are built up,
the resulting terpenes are classified sequentially by size as hemiterpenes, monoterpenes, sesquiter-
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penes, diterpenes, sesterterpenes, triterpenes, and tetraterpenes. Although much information exists
on their synthesis and application for cosmetic, industrial, and medicinal use, far less is known about
their function in plants. There are several important groups in the triterpene category: triterpenes,
steroids, saponins, sterolins, and cardiac glycosides. The widely publicized compound azadirachtin,
derived from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), is a triterpenoid. Azadirachtin and saponins (also
found in the neem tree) are insect growth regulators (phytoecdysones). Common triterpenes include
ursolic and oleanic acid, limonins, and cucurbitacins. Triterpenes are the constituents of many folk
remedies, particularly in Asia as they have multiple modes of action including antibacterial and
antifungal properties.68

Essential Oils

Monoterpenes, both cyclic and acyclic, are major components of many essential oils and are the
most important group to consider in terms of repelling insects. Essential oils are complex mixtures
of volatile organic compounds produced as secondary metabolites in plants, which are generally
responsible for the distinctive odor of plants, and are obtained by hydro distillation, steam distil-
lation, dry distillation, or mechanical cold pressing of plants. Their function is protection from
herbivorous insects and mammals and protection from fungi74 and bacteria.74 Essential oils are
produced in 17,500 aromatic species of higher plants belonging mostly to a few families, including
the Myrtaceae, Lauraceae, Poaceae, Lamiaceae, and Asteraceae. The synthesis and accumulation
of essential oils are associated with the presence of complex secretory structures such as glandu-
lar trichomes (Lamiaceae), secretory cavities (Myrtaceae, Rutaceae), and resin ducts (Asteraceae,
Apiaceae).75 Depending on the species considered, essential oils are stored in various plant organs,
for example, flowers (Chrysanthemum cinerafolis), leaves (Cymbopogon nardus and Corymbia
citriodora), wood (cedar wood, Cedrus deodorum), roots (vetiver grass, Chrysopogon zizanioides),
rhizomes (ginger, Zingiber officinale), fruits (pepper, Piper longum), and seeds (nutmeg, Myristica
Physiological expression of secondary metabolites of plants may be different at all stages of its
development, depending on temperature,76 circadian rhythm,77 plant stage,78 soil type, and climate.79
Thus, it is important to recognize that essential oil composition may vary by cultivar, region, and
even by time of harvest, and analysis of essential oil composition before testing is advisable. For
commercial plant-based repellents, standardization may be achieved by using plant-derived con-
stituents of essential oils, either produced as a product of distillation and purification, synthetically
produced, or produced by biotransformation.80


From a public health perspective, the most important group of monoterpenes is the insecticidal
pyrethrins, which are harvested from the dried heads of flowers in the Chrysanthemum genus,
used in mosquito coils and sprays.81 The pyrethrins are a pair of natural organic compounds that
186 Insect Repellents Handbook

Table 9.2 Repellency of Components Commonly Found in

Essential Oils to Stegomyia (Aedes) aegypti
Mosquitoes—1 mL per Forearm of Pure Compound
Compound Duration of Protection (h)
Terpenene 0
Limonene ≤1
Myrcene ≤1
Eucalyptol ≤1
α-pinene ≤1
Thujone ≤1
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Citronellol 1–2
Citronnelal ≤1
Eugenol ≤1
Coumarin 1–2
Linalool 1–2
Geraniol 2–3
Citral 2–3
Geranyl acetone 1–2
Thymol 1–2
Source: USDA, Results of Screening Tests with Materials Evaluated as
Insecticides, Miticides and Repellents at the Orlando, Florida
Laboratory E-733, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,
United States Department of Agriculture, Orlando, FL, 1967.

have potent insecticidal activity. Pyrethrin I and Pyrethrin II are structurally related esters with a
cyclopropane core (Table 9.2). They differ by the oxidation state of one carbon. They are viscous
liquids that oxidize readily to become inactivated. Pyrethrins are neurotoxins that attack the ner-
vous systems of all insects. Pyrethrum affects the central nervous systems of all types of flying and
crawling insects, blocking sodium-gated nerve junctions so that nervous impulses fail,82 and the
insect is knocked down and may die. In the lowest concentrations, pyrethrum affects insect behav-
ior producing a loss of responsiveness to host cues, followed by increased, nondirectional activity
that is roughly correlated with the concentration of the pyrethrum that results in dispersal of the
organisms (orthokinesis), which is sometimes called a so-called avoidance reaction or “excitorepel-
lency,” which results in the appearance of the insect fleeing the source of the chemicals. At higher
concentrations there is knock down and death.83

Repellent Terpenes

Many repellent terpenes present in essential oils comprise a monocyclic, carboxylic ring struc-
ture having six members and substituted by at least one oxygenated or hydroxyl functional moiety
including α-terpineol, cinnamaldehyde, carvacrol, carveol, citral, citronellal, citronellol, p-cymene,
cineole, eugenol, geraniol, menthol, piperonal, δ-pulegone, thymol, and vanillin, a property that
is shared with the synthetic repellent diethyl phthalate that is commercially available in Southern
Asia and protects for 4 hours in arm-in-cage tests with Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes.85 Many
arthropod-repellent terpenes are oxygenated, having the hydroxyl group linked to a primary, sec-
ondary, or aromatic carbon. It is important to note that for some metabolites with the hydroxyl group
linked to a tertiary carbon (linalool, α-terpineol, and limonene), such activity is suppressed against
Anopheles gambiae, suggesting the possibility that the type of carbon where the hydroxyl substitu-
tion is present modulates repellency,86 a phenomenon also seen in Aedes aegypti.87 This has been
further confirmed in another study showing that benzene ring–based repellent terpenes were more
repellent when they had the electronic and electrotopological properties of carbons 1 and 7 affect
Plant-Based Insect Repellents 187

repellent activity possibly because they are involved in receptor–ligand interactions.88 These experi-
ments found that repellency increased as the electronic accessibility of carbon 7 decreased espe-
cially due to a hydroxyl group (electron donor group) attached to a tertiary carbon resulting in strong
repellency, and higher electron density around carbon 1 increased repellency. A useful development
from the study of the biological activity of terpenes is the development of neural network models to
investigate the relationship between biological activity, that is, duration and efficacy of repellency
and molecular characteristics such as electrostatic interactions (location of poles at different parts
of the molecules) giving molecules negative charge, which could influence ligand–receptor nonco-
valent bonds, and dipole movement that effects the shape of the molecule and can influence surface
recognition between the insect receptors and repellent ligand, as well as boiling point that will
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affect availability of the molecule to interact with insect chemoreceptors. This is an exciting area
that has already led to the discovery of a number of highly effective new repellent molecules.89 The
repellent protection times of several naturally occurring terpenes for Aedes aegypti in the laboratory
are listed in Table 9.2.
Citronellal (CAS 106-23-0) is the main component in the mixture of terpenoids that give cit-
ronella oil its distinctive lemon scent. It is abundant in Corymbia citriodora, the lemon-scented
gum, as well as constituting around 30% of essential oils extracted from Cymbopogon winterinus
(Java citronella).90 Compared to deet, a higher dose of citronellal is required to achieve repellency.91
A 30% extract was 80% repellent to mosquitoes measured by standard cage tests with Culex pipi-
ens pallens as well as when 40 volunteers were asked to record mosquito landings under normal
user conditions, but mosquitoes were not collected and the method was subject to recall bias.74
Citronellal has reported space-repellent properties against Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (article
in Chinese).92 Recent work in the Drosophila olfactory model has demonstrated that olfactory
coreceptor OR83b contributes to citronellal repulsion and is essential for citronellal-evoked action
potentials.93 Intriguingly, this research also discovered that citronellal interacted with the olfac-
tory coreceptor Orco (also called OR83b) in Anopheles gambiae, which is necessary to produce
citronellal-induced action potentials, and citronellal directly activated action potential in TRPA1
in Anopheles gambiae. This is of great interest as it demonstrates a potentially new target site for
insect repellents outside Orco and odor receptor ligands.
Limonene (CAS 5989-27-5) is a clear, colorless liquid at room temperatures with an extremely
strong smell of oranges. Limonene is a chiral molecule, and as is common with such forms, biologi-
cal sources produce one specific enantiomer. The principal industrial source, citrus fruit, contains
d-limonene ((+)-limonene), which is the (R)-enantiomer. Racemic limonene is known as dipentene.
As the main door constituent of citrus (Rutaceae), d-limonene is used in food manufacturing as a
flavoring, and added to cleaning products such as hand cleansers to give a lemon-orange fragrance.
However, the (R)-enantiomer is also used as a botanical insecticide. Limonene is found in a huge
range of plants including many that are used as repellents, such as Thymus vulgaris (thyme), Salvia
officinalis (sage), Curcuma longa (turmeric), Acorus calamus (sweet flag), Corymbia citriodora
(lemon-scented gum), Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree), Ocimum basilicum (basil), and several spe-
cies of mint (Mentha spp.).94 It is mentioned as a repellent constituent of 5% of mosquito patent
interventions, as well as being cited as a synergist of pyrethrum,95 despite limited longevity of <1
hour96,97 or equal to an hour when formulated in a carrier such as olive oil or Vaseline.98
Myrcene or β-myrcene (CAS 123-35-3) is an olefinic monoterpene. It is obtained from the essen-
tial oil of the plants bay (Laurus nobilis), verbena (Lippia citriodora), and myrcia (Myrcia gale)
(from which it gets its name) and others, although it can be obtained synthetically by the pyrolysis
of pinene. Myrcene is one of the most significant chemicals used in the perfumery industry because
of its pleasant herbaceous odor, but it is mainly used as an intermediate for the preparation of
flavor and fragrance chemicals such as menthol, citral, citronellol, citronellal, geraniol, nerol, and
linalool. It is also repellent to mosquitoes (Table 9.2), and is found in many plants used in both
traditional and commercial repellent preparations (e.g., Pelargonium graveolens [rose geranium],
188 Insect Repellents Handbook

Melissa  officinalis [lemon balm], Hyptis suaveolens [wild hops], Ocimum kilimandscharicum
[African basil], Mentha piperita [peppermint], and Cymbopogon nardus [citronella]).94 Myrcene is
only mildly repellent,97,99 although one paper reports it as repellent despite the uncertainty around
their estimates as demonstrated by large confidence intervals and lack of information on replica-
tion used in the experiment.100 An olfactometer study demonstrated similar repellency to deet at a
dose of 400 μL with 2 mL/s CO2 as the attractant against Aedes aegypti, but lower attraction–inhi-
bition.101 In a different olfactometer experiment, myrcene applied to skin at 1.4 mg/cm2 using a
human hand as the stimulus showed 80% repellence to Aedes aegypti among those mosquitoes that
responded to either port, which was the same as seen with deet in the same experiment.102
Pinene is a bicylic monoterpene with two forms of stereoisomers: (1) α-pinene consisting of
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(1R)-(+)-α-pinene (CAS 7785-70-8), (1S)-(−)-α-pinene (CAS 7785-26-4); and (2) (1S)-(−)-β-pinene

(CAS 18172-67-3) and (1R)-(+)-β-pinene (CAS 19902-08-0). As the name suggests, both forms are
important constituents of pine resin; they are also found in the resins of many other conifers, and
more widely in other plants including sage, Mentha piperata (peppermint), and Corymbia globulus
(blue gum).94 Less research is available on the effect of pinene as a repellent than many of the other
terpenes. In an olfactometer experiment, β-pinene applied to skin at 1.4 mg/cm2 using a human hand
as the stimulus showed 60% repellence to Aedes aegypti among those mosquitoes that responded to
either port, which was lower than recorded with deet or other terpenes in the same experiment.102
In a recent bioassay using Aedes albopictus in a standard arm-in-cage method,103 (+)-β-pinene at
0.4 μL cm2 provided total mosquito protection, but (−)-β-pinene provided poor protection demon-
strating the importance of isomers in odor receptor specificity.104
Citronellol or dihydrogeraniol (CAS 106-22-9), is a natural acyclic monoterpenoid. Both enan-
tiomers occur in nature. (+)-Citronellol, which is found in citronella oils, is the more common iso-
mer. Citronellol is found in the oils of many aromatic plants including Pelargonium graveolens
(rose geranium), Cymbopogon nardus (citronella), Mentha pulegium (European pennyroyal), Citrus
reticulata (tangerine), and Melissa officinalis (lemon balm).94 Its characteristic sweet lemon scent
lends it to many uses in the perfume industry, although it shows excellent repellency to mosquitoes
(Table 9.2). In an experiment with Aedes aegypti, 32 and 72 mg citronellol evaporated using a stan-
dard vaporizing mat in a 60 cm × 60 cm × 60 cm chamber repelled >70% of mosquitoes with low
toxicity, which exceeded that of 10% allethrin mat, although allethrin mats have a more toxic mode
of action, killing 80% of mosquitoes.105 In olfactometer studies, citronellol showed strong repel-
lency and attraction–inhibition against the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans.106 In a thorough series of
experiments in search of candidate area repellents it was shown that 0.1 citronellol has a good area
repellent effect of 84% against Aedes aegypti using a mouse host, although this was lower than cit-
ronellal (96%) and geraniol (90%).107 Citronellol is also highly repellent to ticks: nymphal lone star
tick Amblyomma americanum.108
Eugenol (CAS 97-53-0) is an allyl chain–substituted guaiacol, that is, 2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)
phenol. It is a clear to pale yellow oily liquid extracted from certain essential oils especially from
clove oil and cinnamon. It is slightly soluble in water and soluble in organic solvents. It has a pleas-
ant, spicy, clove-like taste and odor useful in perfumeries, flavorings, and essential oils, as well as in
medicine as a local antiseptic and anesthetic. It is found in a range of spicy, aromatic plants includ-
ing Syzygium aromaticum (clove), Alpinia galanga (greater galangal), Ocimum basilicum (basil),
Pimenta dioica (allspice), Cinnamomum verum (Ceylon cinnamon), Ocimum gratissimum (shrubby
basil), Ocimum sanctum (holy basil, Tulsi), Curcuma longa (turmeric), Ocimum kilimandscharicum
(African blue basil), Laurus nobilis (bay), and Alpinia officinarum (Chinese ginger, lesser galan-
gal).94 It is highly repellent to nymphal Ixodes ricinis ticks with 98% repellency after 8 hours, but
was only 67% repellent to Aedes aegypti mosquitoes after 4 hours.109
Linalool (CAS 78-70-6) is a terpene alcohol with many commercial applications, the majority
of which are based on its pleasant scent (floral, with a touch of spiciness). It is found in many flow-
ers and spice plants as well as in several members of the Lamiaceae including Ocimum basilicum
Plant-Based Insect Repellents 189

(basil), Ocimum americanum (American basil),94 and Ocimum forskolei.110 It has shown promise
as a repellent giving 90% protection against Culex pipiens pallens for 1 hour at a concentration
of 2% (gram per square centimeter not stated) in a choice assay111 and evoked strong response in
electroantennogram studies with Aedes aegypti.110 Several studies of linalool as a space repellent,
where it is continuously evaporated to protect a space, have shown a protective effect of 71% and
55% for mosquitoes and sand flies, respectively, with 5% linalool candles indoors under low biting
pressures of 2 mosquitoes and 3 sand flies per man-hour, species not stated.112 Better results were
obtained with diffusers that expelled 0.1 g of linalool per hour and repelled 93% of Aedes aegypti
indoors.113 This result is unsurprising as linalool has been identified as a good spatial repellent114 and
highlights the importance of delivery for spatial repellents—in this case a constant high concentra-
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tion of linalool reduced mosquito landings even though the number of landings on the control was
very high—100 per test.
Geraniol (CAS 106-24-1), also called rhodinol, is an oxygenated monoterpene alcohol that is
much favored in the perfume industry because of its pleasant warm rose-like odor. It is the primary
part of oil-of-rose and palmarosa oil (Cymbopogon martinii) as well as many of the Cymbopogon
genus.90 Although it is modestly repellent when applied to the skin with an average of 3 hours pro-
tection against mosquitoes—15% deet protected for 7 hours in the same test,115 it is strongly repel-
lent to nymphal lone star ticks Amblyomma americanum.108 Geraniol is an excellent spatial repellent
that causes rapid knock down and mortality at 25%,116 as well as high 97% protection from 0.1 g/h
release diffusers and 88% protection from 0.11 g/h release candles indoors against high densities
(100 landings in 3 hours in the control) of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in well-designed field experi-
ments.113 Candles provide a useful means of diffusing spatial repellents for people in lower income
brackets. For those with more money, a timed-release 0.3% geraniol dispenser showed >90% reduc-
tion in mosquito landings from Culex pipiens and Aedes aegypti over a 10 m2 area.117 The disadvan-
tage of this method of diffusing repellents is the cost of the replacement cartridges that is far greater
than the cost of the essential oil.
Coumarin (CAS 91-64-5) is used in 90% of perfumes as a base note and fixative as well as for
its “new mown hay scent.” Coumarin occurs naturally in cinnamon Cinnamomum cassia, which is
>90% repellent for an hour to Aedes aegypti at a dose of 0.1 mg/cm2 methanol extract,118 and Tonka
bean Dipteryx odorata, an extremely good insect repellent with 8 hour complete protection mea-
sured against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes109 and in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) when
applied onto a stocking, coumarin provided protection for >10 days when applied to cloth at a rate of
0.0035 g/cm2.84 The study by Tunon et al. used 0.0012 g/cm2 of coumarin applied direct to the skin.
Against I. ricinus nymphs coumarin provided almost complete protection for 8 hours109 and it also
has a spatial-repellent activity, repelling 90% of Aedes aegypti at a concentration of 0.001–0.003
μmol/L of air.119
Thymol (CAS 89-83-8) is a phenolic monoterpene that gives Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and
other species of this genus as well as Ocimum gratissimum (clove basil) their distinct odor, flavor,
and antiseptic properties. It was first used as an insect repellent by the Italian army at the turn of
the last century.120 A recent article demonstrated that it was effective in repelling Aedes albopic-
tus mosquitoes for 30 minutes, showing similar repellency as an equal (0.05 μL/cm2) quantity of
citronella oil when unformulated, but formulation with vanillin at 2× the concentration of thymol
significantly improved longevity to 150 minutes.99 A second study demonstrated a protection time
of 1 hour against Culex pipiens pallens for 2% thymol.111 Thymol has also been tested as a spatial
repellent and demonstrated good efficacy against Anopheles stephensi when applied to a mat and
gently heated using a mosquito mat vaporizer with a 15-minute exposure in a 60 cm × 60 cm × 60
cm chamber following the protocol of Tripathy et al. 2004.121 Data demonstrated vapor toxicity
(LD99 203.41 mg/mat), complete repellency for an hour after the mat was used at 25.0 mg/mat.122
Citral (CAS 5392-40-5) comprises a pair of aldehyde terpenoid isomers based on the position of
double bonds. The trans isomer is known as geranial or citral A. The cis isomer is known as neral
190 Insect Repellents Handbook

or citral B. Citral has a lemon-citrus odor and is commonly used in the perfume industry, although it
is also effective as an insect repellent. Against Aedes albopictus, citral at 0.2 μL/cm2 gave complete
protection, performing also as an equivalent dose of deet, although longevity was not assessed.104
Against nymphal lone star ticks (Amblyomma americanum) citral is an excellent repellent108 and
against Aedes aegypti a 15% solution of citral gave >85% protection for an hour using a bird host.123
When exposed to 0.05 μg/cm3 citral vapor for 24 hours, Aedes albopictus showed reductions in
activation and host seeking that persisted for 72 hours after exposure33 indicating a prolonged inter-
action with the mosquito’s central nervous system possibly through competitive inhibition of odor
receptor binding sites, prolonged depolarization of odor receptor neurons,60 or sublethal incapacita-
tion of the insect.124 Application of 80 mg of citral to a vaporizing disk induced 76% repellency in
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego (CDL)] at 10:30 24 September 2016

Aedes aegypti.125 Citral is the major constituent of the oil of lemongrass and several other members
of the Cymbopogon genus and several citrus plants including Z. officinale (ginger), Ocimum basili-
cum (basil), Cymbopogon flexuosus (East Indian lemongrass), Cymbopogon citratus (lemongrass),
Aloysia citriodora (lemon verbena), Citrus limon (lemon), Mentha rotundifolia (apple mint), and
Cymbopogon winterianus (Java citronella).94
Geranyl acetone (CAS 689-67-8) is a monoterpene ketone found in with a fresh, rose, magno-
lia-type odor that is used as a flavoring agent and is also found in the odor profiles of people that
are less attractive to mosquitoes.126 Geranyl acetone was identified as a constituent of Suregada
zanzibariensis Verdc. (Angiospermae: Euphobiaceae) used as a repellent by people of the coastal
region of Tanzania, and in standard arm-in-cage tests with Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes, the
dose of inhibited 50% of biting (RC50) was 49.0 mg/cm 2 × 10.4 mg/cm 2.127 Other behavioral
assays with Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus have shown 100% repellency and
73% repellency against Aedes aegypti at 10% concentration.128 Geranyl acetone is extremely
repellent to nymphal lone star ticks (Amblyomma americanum).108 Against Rhipicephalus appen-
diculatus, geranyl acetone at 0.1 μL repelled 90% of ticks in a climbing assay.129 The geranyl
acetone was identified as just one of several tick repellent constituents of Gynandropsis gynan-
dra, a pasture shrub that is strongly repellent to ticks—they are not found within a 2-m radius
of the plant in the field.130 Other tick repellents isolated from the plant were m-cymene, nonanal,
1-α-terpineol, β-cyclocitral, nerol, trans-geraniol, carvacrol, β-ionone, trans-geranylacetone, and
nerolidol129 demonstrating an interesting concept: anti-tick plants for tick control in resource-
poor settings.131
Nootkatone was identified from Alaska yellow cedar Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (D. Don)
as strongly acaricidal132 after screening of promising natural essential oils used by native people
of the northwestern United States.133 Nootkatone also occurs in vetiver oil (Vetiveria zizanioides)
and grapefruit oil, which after 4 hours had a strong repellent effect against nymphal I. scapularis
(deer tick) that was similar to that of deet in the same climbing assay.134 Leading on from this work,
a field study of unformulated nootkatone applied to coveralls at 1.0 mg (AI)/cm2 in walking trials
demonstrated that nootkatone offered complete repellency against Amblyomma americanum adults
for 7 days and I. scapularis adults for 3 days,135 demonstrating excellent potential as an alternative
to deet- or permethrin-treated clothing for consumers who prefer to use natural personal protection
methods after formulation.
Nepetalactone is an organic compound, first isolated in 1941 from a steam distillate of the
catnip plant (Nepeta cateria). Nepetalactone is bicyclic monoterpenoid, that is, it is a 10-carbon
compound derived from isoprene with two fused rings, a cyclopentane and a lactone that exists
in two isomers, the more prevalent one is Z,E-nepetalactone (usually about 85%) and the lesser
isomer is E,Z-nepetalactone (about 15%).136 It is best known as a cat attractant, although its insect-­
repellent properties have been under study for many years.55 One of the most interesting recent stud-
ies was performed by Bohbot and Dickens using deorphanised olfactory receptor genes expressed
in Xenopus oocytes. They demonstrated that nepetalactone inhibits the response of Aedes aegypti
odor receptors AaOR8 plus AaOR7 to (R)-(−)-1-octen-3-ol.60
Plant-Based Insect Repellents 191

Volatility of Terpenes and Formulation to Improve Their Longevity

Spatial Application

The USDA has long investigated means of dispersing plant volatiles without burning them.84
In a series of olfactometer experiments, the Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary
Entomology (CMAVE) has again begun investigating the use of plant volatiles as spatial repellents,
that is, a compound dispensed into the atmosphere of a three dimensional environmental space that
induces a range of insect behaviors induced by airborne chemicals, which result in a reduction in
human–vector contact. This can include knock down, interference with host detection (attraction–
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego (CDL)] at 10:30 24 September 2016

inhibition), or movement away from a chemical stimulus.137 Thus, instead of application to the skin
where the repellent is evaporated on the convection currents of the host, the repellent is diffused
over a larger area. In olfactometer experiments the team showed the excellent spatial repellency
of catnip (Nepata cateria), a member of the Lamiaceae. Its spatial repellency and ability to inhibit
feeding were superior to deet.138 Field bioassays using an attractant source of light and CO2 together
with a spatial repellent showed that catnip essential oils provide some spatial-repellent protection
against Anopheles punctipennis but is not as effective against culicines.139 In room tests, 10% cat-
nip oil used in a push–pull system reduced human landings by 44%.140 Other authors studied the
behavioral responses of Anopheles harrisoni and Aedes aegypti to catnip and they concluded that
catnip is not a toxicant but an effective repellent at concentrations higher than 2.5%.141 Volatilization
of peppermint oil Mentha arvensis evaporated indoors reduced Mansonia spp. landings and biting
by 41%, although it was ineffective outdoors against Anopheles darlingi.36 The development of
new ways of harnessing the spatially active repellent properties of such plant-based compounds is
a new and useful area of research. Other applications are candles and diffusers, although diffus-
ers are superior, most likely because they do not oxidize any of the repellent compounds unlike
candles. Data from indoor experiments with Aedes aegypti showed the repellency rate of citronella
candles was 14% and citronella diffusers was 68%, whereas repellency of geraniol candles was
50% and diffusers was 97%.113 In the same experiment, outdoors, against Culex nigripalpus, Aedes
aegypti, Ochlerotatus (Gymnometopa) mediovittatus, and Ochlerotatus (Ochlerotatus) sollicitans,
citronella diffusers placed 6 m from mosquito traps repelled female mosquitoes by 22%, linalool
repelled females by 58%, and geraniol repelled females by 75%. Trap catches were significantly
reduced again when diffusers were placed 3 m from the traps. A more technologically advanced
means of repelling mosquitoes is by aerosolizing plant repellents.117 The unit disperses 0.3% gera-
niol/water emulsion at time intervals. At 5-minute releases, the unit can reduce biting pressure by
>95% over 5.5 m against Culex pipiens and Aedes albopictus.

Formulation to Improve Plant-Repellent Persistence

When Cymbopogon nardus essential oil was tested in the laboratory using the screened cage
arm testing method against Anopheles minimus, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Aedes aegypti, results
showed it was only protective for 2 hours.142 The short longevity of volatile plant oils is due to
their high vapor pressure and consequent rapid evaporation.143 Therefore, simple formulations with
fixatives, emulsions, and large branching molecules, following principles commonly applied in the
perfumery industry can extend repellent efficacy. Mixing citronella with large branching molecules
such as vanillin can successfully retard the release rates of the volatile compounds.144
Formulation of 20% oil solutions in the complex solvent consisting of 20% Genapol (emulsifier
and solubilizer for hydrophobic active ingredients), 10% polyethylene glycol (water soluble poly-
mer), 20% ethanol, and 50% water improved the protection time of litsea (Litsea cubeba), cajuput
(Melaleuca leucadendron), niaouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia), violet (Viola odorata), and catnip
192 Insect Repellents Handbook

(Nepeta cateria), which induced a protection time of 6–8 hours and a 100% repellency against
Anopheles stephensi, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Aedes aegypti, and was more effective overall
than a formulation with vannilin.145 Recently, nanotechnology has been used to increase the dura-
tion of repellency of citronella by creating encapsulated nanoemulsions. Nanoemulsions composed
of citronella oil, hairy basil oil, and vetiver oil with different droplet sizes ranging from 150 to 220
nm were tested and it was shown that the release of encapsulated limonene was controlled by the
diffusion mechanism from the emulsion droplet. By using high-pressure homogenization to make
smaller droplets containing repellent oils, physical stability was maximized, and that prolonged
mosquito protection time to 4.7 hours against Aedes aegypti.146 Another method of extending the
effect of citronella is by microencapsulation using gelatin-arabic gum, which prolongs its repel-
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lency up to 30 days on treated fabric stored at 22°C.147 Encapsulated citronella oil nanoemulsion is
prepared by high-pressure homogenization of 2.5% surfactant and 100% glycerol, to create stable
droplets that increase the retention of the oil and slow down release that can prolong mosquito pro-
tection time.148,149 The use of these technologies to enhance the performance of natural repellents
may revolutionize the repellent market and make plant oils a more viable option for use in long-
lasting repellents. However, for the time being, travelers to disease-endemic areas should not be rec-
ommended plant-based repellents.150 But for those communities where more efficacious alternatives
are not available or are prohibitively expensive, the use of plant materials to prevent mosquito bites
may provide important protection from disease vectors.

Commercial Repellents Developed from Plants

There is a sustained effort to develop novel repellents driven partially by reports of deet toxic-
ity despite its excellent safety record151 and for consumer preference—since 1998, the number of
patents using natural repellents from essential oils has almost doubled every 4 years.95 Much of
the search for new compounds has focused on plants—publications on the repellency of essential
oils are increasing year on year.86 Funding for repellent research is also available. In response to
the need to protect troops stationed overseas who regularly suffer from vector-borne disease from
noncompliance with deet repellents,152 research funding support has been provided by Department
of Defense’s Deployed War-Fighter Protection Program for research into new repellents.153
As a result, several new commercial products have become available. One example is the devel-
opment of the BioUD active compound, 2U, originally derived from wild tomato plants, which was
identified as a repellent in the 1980s and has since been commercialized into an Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA)-approved water-based emulsion product that is an effective repellent:
BioUD. In arm-in-cage tests BioUD provided >80% protection for 3 and 5 hours against Aedes
aegypti and Aedes albopictus, respectively (equivalent to 7% deet), and gave 95% protection in a
small 5-night study in Canada with low landing pressure of 4 landings per hour.154
A study by Bohbot and Dickens using deorphanised odor receptor genes expressed in Xenopus
oocytes have demonstrated that 2U inhibits the response of Aedes aegypti odor receptors AaOR8
plus AaOR7 responses to (R)-(−)-1-octen-3-ol and indole.60
BioUD (7.75% 2-undecanone) is an extremely effective tick repellent with efficacy 2–4 times
greater than deet in laboratory choice tests for Amblyomma americanum, Dermacentor variabilis,
and I. scapularis.155 The investigators showed that 25% dilution of BioUD was more repellent than
98% deet against Amblyomma americanum, and extrapolated from regression analysis that the
concentration of BioUD required for equivalent repellency to 98% deet was 39.5% for Dermacentor
variabilis and 29.7% for I. scapularis. BioUD is also effective against ticks when tested under field
conditions, applied to socks.156 A recent field study determined the mean protection time provided
by Bite Blocker BioUD to be 140 minutes against high densities of Psorophora columbiae, which
exceeded that of 15% deet (130 minutes).157
Plant-Based Insect Repellents 193

PMD (CAS 42822-86-6) is an increasingly popular natural topical repellent in the current mar-
kets, as consumers are choosing natural products over traditional synthetic alternatives such as
deet or icaridin. It is the most effective commercially available plant-based topical repellents and is
based on Citriodiol, a waste distillate of lemon-eucalyptus essential oil (Corymbia citriodora). Its
remarkable efficacy and durability is probably a result of PMD’s lower vapor pressure, which slows
down the evaporation rate of the volatile repellent molecules. Its popularity is due to its exceptional
efficacy, with field studies consistently demonstrating protection equivalent to that of deet.158 In
addition, it has low acute toxicity levels making it very attractive to consumers looking for a natu-
ral repellent as an alternative to deet (oral LD50 = 2,408 mg/kg and dermal LD50 >2,000 mg/kg in
rats).159 In South America, in an area where the local malaria vector Anopheles darlingi bites in the
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early evening before the population retires to the protection of their bed nets, a randomized control
trial demonstrated that the use of PMD significantly reduced the risk of contracting malaria among
users by 80%.160 PMD is the only plant-based repellent to be recommended for vector-borne disease
prevention by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)161 and is considered to pose no risk to human
health. It is available commercially in several countries in Europe, Africa, and the United States.
PMD has undergone several trials in different parts of the world. Laboratory studies by Trigg and
Hill162 showed that 30% PMD was almost as effective as deet, the most widely available synthetic
repellent, against Anopheles gambiae. It was determined that PMD-impregnated towelettes (0.575
g) applied to the arms of human volunteers provided 90%–100% protection against mosquitoes
from laboratory-reared Anopheles arabiensis.163 Field studies in China showed that the protection
time from Aedes (Aediomorphus) vexans and Aedes albopictus was 2 and 5.5 hours, respectively,
when PMD was used in a 20%–30% glycerol and/or alcohol formulation.164 In Tanzania, 50% PMD
in isopropanol provided over 6 hours of protection from Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles funes-
tus.159 In the Bolivian Amazon, 30% PMD in an alcohol base provided 96.9% protection for up to
4 hours postapplication from all mosquito species, compared to 84.8% protection from 15% deet
against Anopheles darlingi.165
Commercial botanical repellents are widely available and are based mainly on PMD and citro-
nella, although several are available that use essential oils. These essential oil–based repellents gen-
erally perform significantly less well than deet. Their average repellent protection time is between 5
minutes and 2 hours,115,166,167 a level that is not recommended for use in disease transmission areas.
However, in scenarios where vector-borne pathogen risk is low, the short protection time of natural
repellents may be overcome by their frequent reapplication. Of the commercial applications, Bite
Blocker performed well with a mean protection time of 7.2 hours under laboratory conditions.115
A field test showed that Bite Blocker was repellent for 3.5 hours under intensive biting pressures
from Ochlerotatus stimulans, Ochlerotatus canadensis, Aedes euedes, and Ochlerotatus fitchii.168
However, it is considered a third-line repellent by Health Canada, as no independent field research
has been performed on this compound.169 Repellents made with citronella, similarly, protect for 2
hours. In field tests against Aedes spp. in Canada, Buzz Away (5% citronella oil, plus cedar wood,
eucalyptus, lemon grass, and peppermint essential oils) and Natrapel (citronella oil 10.0%) provided
92.5% and 65.6% protection, respectively, after 30 minutes. This level of protection fell to 64.3%
and 32.4%, respectively, 3 hours after application.170
Several new insect repellents have been developed based on a piperidine skeleton, which is
present in piperine, the main active chemical agent in pepper (Piper spp.). Piperidine is an organic
compound with the molecular formula C5H11N. It is a cyclic amine with a six-member ring contain-
ing five carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom. It is a clear liquid with a pepper-like odor. During
the 1970s, around 600 synthetic compounds related to piperidines were developed by scientists at
the USDA research centers in Beltsville, Maryland and Gainesville, Florida. The data from these
experiments are now being reexamined using new, recently developed methodologies coupled
with rapid screening bioassays. This interest in finding deet alternatives has been motivated by
194 Insect Repellents Handbook

the controversy around the safety of deet, its low user acceptability, and its plasticizing effect. The
repellent 1-piperidinecarboxylic acid, 2(2-hydroxyethyl)-, 1-methylpropylester was developed by
BAYER in the 1980s using molecular modeling,171 and, more recently, optically active (1S, 2S)-2-
methylpiperidinyl-3-cyclohexen-1-carboxamide (SS220) has been developed as a highly effective
synthetic arthropod repellent.172 Field studies in the United States have compared the efficacy of
piperidine to deet against wild mosquitoes and black flies and concluded that both compounds had
similar efficacy,173 and a randomized control trial is underway to investigate the impact of picaridin
on the incidence of malaria.174

Citronella Group Family: Poaceae

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Cymbopogon is one of the most important essential oil yielding genera of the family Poaceae
that contains several plants that are used throughout the world as insect repellents. They are rapidly
growing grasses with distinctive aromatic foliage. Originating in India, the group is widely culti-
vated throughout the tropics and subtropics in Asia, Africa, and America with a regular distribu-
tion ranging from mountains and grassland to arid zones. The most common economic species
are Cymbopogon nardus (citronella), Cymbopogon martinii martinii (palmarosa), Cymbopogon
citratus (lemongrass), and Cymbopogon winterianus. The essential oils from Cymbopogon spe-
cies contain a wide variety of terpenoids, some of which like geraniol and its ester, citronellol, and
citronellal are important perfume materials. Other constituents such as citral are used in vitamin A
and ionone synthesis. Repellent compounds contained in this group include α-pinene, camphene,
camphor, citrals (neral and geranial), citronellal, citronellol, geraniol, geranyl acetate, limonene,
and terpenen-4-ol, although environmental conditions cause the content of volatile oils in plants to
vary greatly.90 Citronella grasses Cymbopogon nardus and Cymbopogon winterianus were named
in two-thirds of patents lodged between 1988 and 2010.95
Cymbopogon nardus or citronella is the best-known member of the group, and it is used in
many commercial repellent preparations. These repellents are marketed for use on children, as
natural repellents are perceived to be safer for use on children than deet. Although its ED50 (effec-
tive dose for 50% reduction in bites) is similar to that of freshly applied pure deet,175 its longevity is
far inferior to that of deet at 2 hours.176 A meta-analysis of 11 studies using the arm-in-cage method
with Aedes aegypti demonstrated that citronella oil was less repellent than deet, with a difference
in protection time of 253 minutes (95% CI: 169–336) and evidence (although limited) indicates that
a combination of citronella oil and vanillin product has a comparable protection time to deet.177
Citronella is also often popularly found on scented candles that are advertised as repellents. These,
however, only work if the host is within 1-m radius of the candle, only slightly reduce the number of
host-seeking mosquitoes178,179 and do not reach the 50% efficacy that is required by EPA to consider
the product repellent.
Cymbopogon martinii martinii (palmarosa) is a perennial grass, widely distributed throughout
the tropics. It contains between 750 and 4750 ppm geraniol94 that gives it a sweet scent. The oil of
Cymbopogon martinii is used in traditional Indian mosquito repellent preparations.180 Two field-
tests of palmarosa against Anopheles mosquitoes in India showed that the pure oil provided absolute
protection for 12 hours.181,182 However, the tests utilized pairs of volunteers, one acting as bait who
laid in a cot, whereas the other collected mosquitoes from him. This methodology may inflate the
protection time of repellents.183 A topical repellent commercial product containing 25% geraniol
was tested in the laboratory against Aedes albopictus, Culex nigripalpus, and Ochlerotatus trise-
riatus, its average repellency time was a favorable 3.1 hours.115
Cymbopogon citratus (lemongrass) is also traditionally used as a mosquito repellent in India.180
Evaluation using an electroantennogram showed that Cymbopogon citratus elicited a spike response
similar to that of deet.184 Field tests in Bolivia showed that 25% Cymbopogon citratus in ­ethanol
provided 77.93% and 90.67% protection for 3 hours against Anopheles darlingi and Mansonia spp.,
Plant-Based Insect Repellents 195

respectively.185 However, laboratory evaluation showed lower repellency at only 30 minutes com-
plete protection.186 A recent evaluation using video tracking showed that lemongrass oil was strongly
spatially repellent to Stable flies Stomoxys calcitrans; although the size of the arena used to track
the flies and the sample size were small, data suggest that the oil elicited an avoidance reaction
through concentration mediated rate of turning (klinokinesis).187
Cymbopogon winterianus essential oil has been evaluated as a mixture with 5% vanillin against
Aedes aegypti, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Anopheles dirus. It compared favorably with 25% deet
giving greater than 6 hours protection against all three mosquito species in cage experiments.188
Used in South Africa as a mosquito repellent, Cymbopogon excavatus evaluated in the laboratory
against Anopheles arabiensis gave good protection for 2 hours, but declined to 59.3% protection
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after 4 hours,189 which compares favorably with Cymbopogon nardus.

Ocimum spp. (Lamiaceae)

The essential oils from the species of this genus contain linalool, linalol, linoleic acid, p-cymene,
estragosl, eucalyptol, eugenol, citral, thujone, ocimene, camphor, methyl chavicol, and oleic acid, as
well as many other terpenes, all of which are effective repellents.94 It grows rapidly under a range of
climatic conditions, although it is best adapted to a drier climate.
In Tanzanian tradition, fresh Ocimum spp., called kivumbasi, are burned, and freshly cut twigs
of Ocimum suave and Ocimum canum are placed in the corners of rooms to prevent mosquitoes
from entering.190,191 The latter method was field tested in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa and fresh
Ocimum canum (also known as Ocimum americanum) provided 63.6% protection from mosquito
biting for 2 hours.192 Fresh leaves of Ocimum forskolei are commonly hung by the side of the
beds in Eritrea to repel mosquitoes, resulting in approximately 50% fewer Anopheles arabiensis
found indoors.193 In Zimbabwe, Ocimum spp. leaves are rubbed on the skin as a method of repel-
ling mosquitoes.194 When the juices from the leaves of Ocimum suave and Ocimum canum were
spread on the legs of human volunteers, there was approximately 50% reduction in the propor-
tion of female Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes that were engorged with blood.191 A 250 mg/mL
concentration of dried Ocimum canum leaves in ethanol provided 70% repellency against Aedes
aegypti for 2 hours.195 In Thailand, a 25% concentration of Ocimum canum essential oil in ethanol
provided 3, 4, and 8 hours protection from the bites of Aedes aegypti, Anopheles dirus, and Culex
quinquefasciatus, respectively, with increased protection times when used in combination with 5%
vanillin.188 Studies from Nigeria have shown good repellency of 20% Ocimum gratissimum in liquid
paraffin (mineral oil) against Simulium damnosum,196 and 30% Ocimum gratissimum in olive oil
against Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles funestus.197 Although these kinds of formulations are
safe, cheap, and effective, their greasy feel may require some refinement to make them more accept-
able to users in dusty environments.

Hyptis spp.

The repellent activity of H. suaveolens is associated with its strong smell. The chemical con-
tents of H. suaveolens leaves include β-pinene, sabinene, 1,8-cineol, β-caryophyllene, (−)-sabi-
nene, limonene, α-pinene, and bergamotene.198,199 In the Brazilian Amazon, Hyptis spp. (locally
called Hortelã-do-campo) are traditionally burnt and leaves are rubbed on the skin to keep mos-
quitoes away.70 This method would appear effective because at very low concentrations (RD90
= 0.00048 μg/cm 2) essential oils extracted from H. suaveolens can repel 90% of host-seeking
Aedes albopictus for up to 2 hours,200 and 3 mL of 8% oil (a very high application rate) will
repel >80% Culex quinquefasciatus for up to 6 hours.201 At a more realistic 6.3 μg/cm 2 the steam
distillate of H. suaveolens repelled 60% of mosquitoes in Laos, but was not effective against
day biting Armigeres spp.198 In West Africa the fresh plant is sometimes used, or the aerial parts
196 Insect Repellents Handbook

of the H. suaveolens are placed on charcoal and the resulting smoke repels the mosquitoes,192
although thermal expulsion of the plant volatiles actually attracted mosquitoes.202 In Tanzania,
freshly picked and bruised sprigs of H. suaveolens, in local language called hangazimu, are hung
in the house to try to prevent mosquitoes from entering,203 but there was no reduction in bit-
ing when hung in an experimental hut (Curtis and Lines, 1986, unpublished). When tested in
Guinea-Bissau, the fresh plant was able to provide approximately 70% protection from biting
for 2 hours.192 The smoldering plant provides the most effective protection. Nicholson and Lines
(1987, unpublished) showed that there was a 10-fold reduction in biting in the presence of hangaz-
imu smoke. Similarly, Pålsson and Jaenson192 showed that smoldering H. suaveolens provided
approximately 84% protection for 2 hours against Anopheles gambiae; whereas, Seyoum et al.202
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found only a 20.8% reduction in biting.


The volatile compounds of T. vulgaris have been identified as carvacrol, p-cymene, linalool,
c-terpenene, and thymol111 and that of T. magnus as γ-terpenene, thymol, β-bisabolene, p-cymene,
α-terpenene, myrcene, β-caryophyllene, α-thujene, camphene, carvacrol, and α-pinene.204 Of these,
carvacrol, thymol, eugenol, and carvacrol methyl ether are effective repellent compounds with
minimum effective dosages in the range of 0.013–0.063 mg/cm2.205 Thyme oil at 100% is repellent
against Anopheles quadrimaculatus, Anopheles albimanus, and Aedes aegypti for at least 30 min-
utes, when applied to cloth.176 Different concentrations of the essential oil of red thyme were tested
in the laboratory against Aedes aegypti and Anopheles albimanus with 135 and 105 minutes protec-
tion, respectively, using pure oil; and 45 minutes protection against both species at 25% concentra-
tion.206 In the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, a local method against biting insects was
tying thyme stick, T. serpyllum, with thick cotton, drying these, and then burning them. Rubtzov
tested this method and reported 85%–90% protection for 60–90 minutes in the open air.203 There
may be a use for thymol as a spatial repellent as it is also insecticidal122 and antiseptic with a pleas-
ing odor, or as a clothing treatment because it can irritate the skin if used at high concentrations.207

Lantana camara (Verbenaceae)

Lantana camara (Lantana) has several important qualities that make it effective in preventing
mosquito house entry. It contains a variety of terpenes and alkaloids, including high quantities of
caryophylene208 that has good repellent efficacy against Anopheles gambiae s.s.,209 as well as euca-
lyptol, α-humulene, and germacrene that are toxic to adult mosquitoes.210 The efficacy of Lantana
as a mosquito repellent has been demonstrated by many authors. In Tanzania, a pilot efficacy study
of house screening with Lantana was performed at village scale over a year.211 Families within
the study village planted Lantana around their homes and were responsible for maintaining the
plants, and mosquitoes were collected using CDC light traps (CDC LT) indoors. The IRR with 95%
CI relative to houses without plants in an adjusted analysis demonstrated 56% fewer Anopheles
gambiae s.s. (IRR = 0.44, 95% CI: 0.28–0.68, p < .0001); 83% fewer Anopheles funestus s.s. (IRR
= 0.17, 95% CI: 0.09–0.32, p < .0001), and 50% fewer mosquitoes of any kind (IRR = 0.50, 95%
CI: 0.38–0.67, p < .0001) in houses with Lantana relative to controls. As Lantana grows wild in
Tanzania, it can be provided to a household averaging five people for an initial outlay of US$1.50
making it an extremely economically attractive compliment to existing malaria-control strategies.
In a Kenyan study, Seyoum et al.212 used 10 potted Lantana plants hung close to the eaves of
4 houses over 24 nights, and also used CDC LT as a proxy for human exposure to host-seeking
mosquitoes.213 The authors demonstrated a 27.22% (95% CI: 0.04–47.16) reduction in house entry of
Anopheles gambiae s.l. (mainly Anopheles arabiensis) and no repellent efficacy against Anopheles
funestus, contrary to the significant 83% reduction seen in Tanzania. The reason for this difference
Plant-Based Insect Repellents 197

may be related to mosquito density as the average nightly catch of anophelines in the Kenyan study
was >300, whereas the Tanzanian study collected <5 anophelines per night. In addition, Seyoum et
al. noted that Anopheles funestus in western Kenya have low sensitivity to repellents.214 However, it
is important to consider that the plants used in the Tanzanian study were over 80 cm tall and as such
will have emitted a greater amount of volatile compounds than those in potted plants used in Kenya.
Lantana emits very large amounts of volatile organic compounds from the leaves215,216 including
α-pinene that is a known mosquito repellent.84 The α-pinene emission from live Lantana is almost
an order of magnitude greater than that emitted from live eucalyptus and warrants further study as
it may explain the ability of undamaged Lantana to repel mosquitoes (as opposed to most plants that
require some mechanical damage to promote release of repellent “green volatiles”).217
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Of additional importance, there is a well-researched body of evidence indicating that mosqui-

toes feeding on Lantana flowers have reduced survival.218–220 This is important because increasing
mosquito access to sugar could enhance their survival and vectorial capacity by extending female
life span.221 This was recently demonstrated in a field experiment where populations of Anopheles
sergentii with better access to sugar resources were more likely to transmit malaria. The authors
demonstrated that mosquito survival was enhanced so that a greater proportion of mosquitoes sur-
vive long enough for the malaria parasite to develop, and the period between blood-feeding events
was shortened, increasing the probability that they are infected or infect a human when blood feed-
ing.222 The availability of sugar has important epidemiological ramifications because the absence
of sugar increases the number and frequency of blood feeds that are taken from man,223 increasing
vectorial capacity.224 Thus, Lantana increases the availability of sugar to mosquitoes, but actually
those mosquitoes that feed on Lantana in the laboratory have lower survival219 and lay fewer eggs218
than mosquitoes that feed on other sugar sources including domestic plants.225 This negative effect
on mosquito survival is a highly desirable characteristic for any vector control tool as it reduces the
population size of the vector and the probability that mosquitoes will live long enough to transmit
the malaria parasite. Therefore, even those not using the plant to prevent mosquitoes entering their
homes may benefit from the “community effect” on malaria transmission. However, a large com-
munity-based study to measure the influence of Lantana on the mosquitoes and clinical outcomes
would be necessary to measure such a potential effect.
The most important quality of repellent plants as a concept for household protection is that they
are extremely cheap, widely available, and they are self-sustaining. Lantana originates from South
America, but was introduced as an ornamental garden plant into Africa in the mid-nineteenth cen-
tury226 and is now naturalized in many African countries including Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania.
Lantana is extremely tolerant of drought and frost, survives up to 2000 m above sea level, and grows
well without being tended. Maintenance required once the plants are established is to prune back
the plants when they become too large. Therefore, the duration of protection is continuous after the
plants reach sufficient height to impede mosquito entry into homes via eaves, windows, and cracks
in walls. Thus, with minimal compliance, a household is provided with a means of preventing mos-
quito house entry that protects throughout the year on a continuous basis with resources available
in the community.
For better community acceptance, it is advantageous if the repellent plant chosen has multiple
benefits. Lantana is pleasing to look at and for this reason is a common garden ornamental. It is also
useful as a hedge as it is dense with prickles, and planting it close to the windows can improve the
security of the home. Lantana may be used as a leaf mulch to prepare the ground for crops and it
improves the fertility of rocky, gravel, or hard lateritic soils, enriches the soil as the ash is rich in
potassium and manganese, serves to retain humus in deforested areas, and checks soil erosion.208
Lantana twigs and stems serve as useful fuel for cooking. However, Lantana is highly invasive and is
a major weed in many regions of the Palaeotropics, in particular island ecosystems.227 The plants can
grow individually in clumps or as dense thickets, crowding out more desirable species and is a refuge
for tsetse flies228 and must, therefore, not be widely planted without a thorough ecological assessment.
198 Insect Repellents Handbook

Daniellia oliveri (Fabaceae)

The local names churai, santang, and santão refer to resins and wood commonly burnt indoors
in western Africa to prevent mosquitoes from entering at night.46,192,229 In several field trials, it was
determined to be an effective, accepted, and cheap form of personal protection. In Guinea-Bissau,
smoke from the burning bark of D. oliveri reduced biting from mosquitoes by 74.7% and 77.9%
in comparison to the control in two separate field experiments.192 In Banjul, the Gambia, santang
reduced biting on human subjects by 77%, which was more than a permethrin mosquito coil, but
less than that of deet soap.46 A study from the Gambia47 found churai reduced house entry of mos-
quitoes. Odds ratio relative to nonuser was 0.56 (95% CI: 0.47–0.66), although under high transmis-
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sion no protective effect against malaria from use of churai was found.230

Tagetes spp. (Asteraceae)

Tagetes species contain monoterpenoid esters,231 and their larvicidal and insecticidal activity
is well-established.232–235 Studies in Zimbabwean communities showed that people use fresh plant
material of T. minuta as a form of personal protection by crushing the plant material and applying
it to the skin, burning it, or simply exposing the whole plant.195 Okoth236 tested the effectiveness of
whole-plant material of T. minuta against Mansonia uniformis and Anopheles marshalli mosqui-
toes in Uganda. Human landing catches were performed in a tent in which 4 kg of fresh T. minuta
whole-plant material had been placed 1 hour previously, and in a control tent with no plants. Fewer
mosquitoes were recorded biting and resting in the tent where the T. minuta plant material had been
placed in comparison to the untreated tent. Preliminary laboratory tests also showed that the plants
had repellency in a choice test, and significant toxicity when mosquitoes and plant parts were put in
containers together. Tyagi et al.237 carried out cage tests using the essential oil of T. minuta. After 6
hours, 86.4% protection was provided against Anopheles stephensi, 84.2% against Culex quinque-
fasciatus, and 75% against Aedes aegypti. Steam distillate of T. minuta evaporated at room tem-
perature caused rapid knock down of mosquitoes including Anopheles culicifacies and Anopheles
stephensi.62 These results suggest that this plant has excellent potential as a mosquito repellent, and
further testing is required. On the other hand, the essential oil extract of a sibling plant of the same
genus, T. filifolia, was tested in the laboratory and proven not to have significant repellent effect
on host-seeking Aedes aegypti.238 This is because essential oil composition may vary considerably
between aromatic plant species and varieties from different geographic areas due to either soil
characteristics or environmental reasons.239,240 This has proven to affect yields in essential oils from
T. minuta plants living in soils with different humidity levels.239

Lippia spp. (Verbenaceae)

In the Gambia, L. cheraliera leaves are traditionally used as mosquito repellents. L. javanica
is commonly found in southern Africa and is frequently used as a repellent.195 The leaves have a
strong lemon smell,105 probably accounting for the local belief in its healing abilities. L. cheraliera
is also burned in the Gambia as a mosquito repellent smoke.241 A thorough study carried out in
Zimbabwe revealed that 29% of the population used plants to protect themselves from mosqui-
toes, mainly by burning the leaves of L. javanica.195 An ethnobotanic study in the Umkhanyakude
district, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa described that more than 90% of the community members
burned dry L. javanica plants to repel mosquitoes.242 The main constituents of the essential oils of
this plant are monoterpenoids, such as myrcene, caryophyllene, linalool, p-cymene, and ipsdienone.
An alcohol extract of dried L. javanica leaves was tested on human subjects against Anopheles
arabiensis mosquitoes in the laboratory.189 The protection was 76.7% after 4 hours and 59.3% after
5 hours. Alcohol extracts of the dried leaves applied to the skin were also shown to provide 100%
Plant-Based Insect Repellents 199

protection for 2 hours against Aedes aegypti.243 Work using the related L. uckambensis has shown
that the release of volatiles from the leaves through thermal expulsion reduces Anopheles gambiae
biting by 49.5%.202

Artemisia spp.

Members of this genus are found all over the world, from tropical India to Siberia. They are
low-growing perennial herbs in the family Asteraceae. The plants are aromatic, can tolerate poor
conditions, and provide good cattle fodder. These plants have been used against insects for cen-
turies. In China, bundles of dried A. vulgaris are burned to repel biting insects. This observation
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led to an investigation by Hwang et al.102 which revealed that A. vulgaris contains insect repellents
that can be released from the plant by combustion. The compounds isolated and found repellent to
Aedes aegypti were camphor, linalool, terpenen-4-ol, α- and β-thujone, β-pinene, myrcene, limo-
nene, and cineol. The plants are also burned in Central Asia, Bolivia, and India to repel mosqui-
toes.70,180,203 They were burned to drive away mosquitoes by many Native Americans, including
the Shuswap, Thompson, and Blackfoot tribes.244 Extracts of A. vulgaris are also highly toxic to
mosquito larvae.245
A. absinthium (absinthe) is a native of Europe, Central Asia, and Africa, yet it was only used as
an insecticide in Europe246 and India.247 It is insecticidal248 and contains many repellent chemicals
including thujone, terpinen-4-ol, linalool, nerol, geraniol, α-pinene, and 1,8-cineole.249 Although it
is reported as a mosquito repellent,250 A. absinthium does not appear to have been evaluated against
mosquitoes although it is repellent to ticks.251 Plant extracts of A. monosperma have been tested
against host-seeking mosquitoes in the field in Egypt252 and results show good repellency up to 4
hours. However, the plant extracts were done with petroleum ether, which on its own is repellent to
mosquitoes, so results may be biased. Further research to better evaluate A. monosperma is neces-
sary to draw better evidence-based conclusions.


Neem, Azadirachta indica, originates from India where it has been used to control and repel
insects for thousands of years and is now naturalized in drier parts of Central and South America,
Africa, Australia, and Southeast Asia, notably southern China where extensive plantations may
now be found. Neem is widely used in its raw form as an agricultural pesticide253 and its leaves are
traditionally burned to repel mosquitoes in Africa192 and South America,70 whereas the leaves and
husks are burned for this purpose in Sri Lanka.15 The trees can grow in depleted and saline soil
making them an excellent method of regenerating desertified or marginal land. They are fast grow-
ing and can be used for a multitude of purposes besides insect control, including firewood, fodder
for livestock, and as a shade tree.
Extensive research has been carried out on the effect of botanical derivatives of the neem tree
and its relatives.254–256 Azadirachta indica contains at least 35 biologically active principles, of
which azadirachtin is the most well-researched active ingredient. It is found in the seed, leaves, and
bark. The azadirachtin content of neem oil is positively correlated with its effect against insects,257
which may be grouped into six categories: antifeedency, growth regulation, fecundity suppression,
sterilization, oviposition repellency or attraction, and changes in biological fitness.
Neem extracts have insecticidal activities against a variety of disease vectors, ranging from
mosquitoes to ticks, head lice, bed bugs, cockroaches, mites, and sand flies.258–260 The repellency
of neem oil to hematophagous insects has been tested, although the results have been variable. In
a well-designed laboratory assay, a commercial product containing an unspecified concentration
of neem oil was tested against Aedes albopictus, Culex nigripalpus, and Ochlerotatus triseriatus
demonstrating to be effective only for 1.5 hours.115 Burning and thermal expulsion of the leaves
200 Insect Repellents Handbook

produce only a modest reduction (<25%) in biting.202 Two field tests in India with Anopheles culici-
facies using 2% neem oil in coconut oil provided 100% protection for 12 hours.261,262 Another field
test against Anopheles darlingi was performed in the Venezuelan Amazon using Neemos gel, a
commercial preparation based on neem oil and citronella in a carbomer base. Neemos gel, offered
98.2% protection against Anopheles darlingi for 8 hours.263 Although numbers of mosquitoes were
high (217 anophelines per man-hour) in hand catches prior to the tests, the number of mosquitoes
captured from the control was far lower at 13.78/man-hour. In each of the three tests demonstrating
good efficacy, repellent or control volunteers lay on cots that reduce the number of attempted feeds
that an individual receives.46 Other individuals collected mosquitoes from the volunteers, so mos-
quitoes may have been diverted from repellent-treated volunteers to untreated collectors.183
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In field tests with Anopheles dirus, 66.7% protection was recorded after 9 hours using 2% neem
oil diluted in mustard oil again during trials with low landing rates of only 5.25 mosquitoes/man-
hour on controls.264 In contrast, when Pandian and Devi265 tested neem oil in coconut oil against
Armigeres subalbatus, they found that it provided only 124 minutes protection. In comparison, in
the Bolivian Amazon with high densities of Anopheles darlingi (mean 71 mosquitoes/man-hour) 2%
neem oil in ethanol provided only 56.7% protection 3 and 4 hours after application.165 Interestingly,
a field trial was conducted in India, where volunteers applied 2% neem oil in the same way as in the
aforementioned trials, but sat on the ground. The protection provided by neem oil was only 73% in
the first hour after application.266 EPA has not approved neem oil for use as a topical insect repellent
as it confers limited protection against mosquito bites, and therefore it is not recommended for indi-
viduals who require highly effective protection such as those traveling or living in countries where
vector-borne diseases are endemic.267
The most effective result was obtained by vaporizing neem oil from mats: 5% neem oil was
more effective at reducing both biting and numbers of resting mosquitoes than 4% allethrin on
mats.268 However, the use of electrical mats in developing countries is not an appropriate technol-
ogy, because most rural households do not have electricity. It was also proposed that neem may be
used to repel mosquitoes by adding it to kerosene for use in kerosene lamps used to light homes
throughout the developing world.269 Adding 1% neem oil to kerosene provided up to 84.6% protec-
tion from bites. Unfortunately, the paper is not clear as to whether treatments and control collec-
tions were carried out on the same day, neither is any mention made of baseline mosquito numbers.
When 1% transfluthrin was added to kerosene only a 43.8% reduction in biting was observed.270
If neem oil in kerosene is effective in repelling mosquitoes, this has important implications for
malaria control due to the ease of application of this method. Neem oil is cheap and freely available
throughout India and many other regions of the world. Perhaps a better way of releasing the volatile
repellent might be to place the repellent and oil mixture above the flame and not in the kerosene
itself. Transfluthrin (0.5%) volatized in this way provided >90% protection.270 The advantage of this
method was that the optimal temperature for release of the volatile repellent substance could be
better regulated. Kerosene lamps are widely used so that this method offers considerable promise
because of its extreme simplicity and convenience.


It is still a common misconception that eating garlic, Allium sativum, will make the skin unpalat-
able to mosquitoes,271 a view that has been held since ancient times.272 Garlic is still used as a repel-
lent in South America (hung around the neck) and China (eaten).70,185 Stjernberg and Berglund273
claimed that the consumption of 1200 mg garlic per day provided significant protection from tick
bites. However, the accuracy of the study has been contested since the findings were exaggerated
statistically due to the incorrect use of the collected data.274 Conclusive evidence that consump-
tion of garlic does not repel mosquitoes has been found using a double blind randomized trial.275
Plant-Based Insect Repellents 201

Rubbing garlic cloves on the skin does have a moderate repellent effect,276 but is an extremely
unpleasant means of protecting oneself from mosquito bites.

Lemon–Eucalyptus Extract

The lemon–eucalyptus extract comes from the plant Corymbia citriodora (old nomenclature
includes Eucalyptus citriodora and Eucalyptus maculata var. citriodora) originating from China.
Chemical analysis of Corymbia citriodora showed that it contained citronella, citronellol, gera-
niol, isopulegol, δ-pinene, and sesquiterpenes.164 The essential oil extract was determined to have
mosquito-repelling properties against Aedes aegypti, although these were limited to 1 hour.164
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This protection period is slightly superior to the essential oils of several other species of euca-
lyptus.186,192,277,278 Cymbopogon citriodora also repels mosquitoes when the leaves are heated on a
metal plate over a traditional cooking fire in western Kenya, reducing Anopheles gambiae landings
on occupants of a house by 74.5%, which is comparable to insecticidal mosquito coils.202
However, PMD was discovered as a by-product. It is a white, waxy material, semisolid at room
temperature, produced as a distillate after acid modification of the lemon eucalyptus oil. This mate-
rial was determined to be highly repellent, and was given the Chinese name Quwenling that means
“effective repeller of mosquitoes.” PMD is the only plant-based repellent that has been advocated for
use in disease-endemic areas by the CDC,279 due to its proven clinical efficacy to prevent malaria280
and is considered to pose no risk to human health.281 It should be noted that the essential oil of lemon
eucalyptus does not have EPA registration for use as an insect repellent.


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