JVE Cupressus 2011 PDF
JVE Cupressus 2011 PDF
JVE Cupressus 2011 PDF
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ABSTRACT: Juniperus communis leaf oil, J. chinensis wood oil, and Cupressus funebris wood oil (Cupressaceae) from
China were analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We identified 104 compounds,
representing 66.8-95.5% of the oils. The major components were: α-pinene (27.0%), α-terpinene (14.0%), and linalool
(10.9%) for J. communis; cuparene (11.3%) and δ-cadinene (7.8%) for J. chinensis; and α-cedrene (16.9%), cedrol (7.6%),
and β-cedrene (5.7%) for C. funebris. The essential oils of C. funebris, J. chinensis, and J. communis were evaluated for
repellency against adult yellow fever mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti (L.), host-seeking nymphs of the lone star tick, Amblyomma
americanum (L.), and the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis Say, and for toxicity against Ae. aegypti larvae and adults, all
in laboratory bioassays. All the oils were repellent to both species of ticks. The EC95 values of C. funebris, J. communis, and
J. chinensis against A. americanum were 0.426, 0.508, and 0.917 mg oil/cm2 filter paper, respectively, compared to 0.683 mg
deet/cm2 filter paper. All I. scapularis nymphs were repelled by 0.103 mg oil/cm2 filter paper of C. funebris oil. At 4 h after
application, 0.827 mg oil/cm2 filter paper, C. funebris and J. chinensis oils repelled ≥80% of A. americanum nymphs. The oils
of C. funebris and J. chinensis did not prevent female Ae. aegypti from biting at the highest dosage tested (1.500 mg/cm2).
However, the oil of J. communis had a Minimum Effective Dosage (estimate of ED99) for repellency of 0.029 ± 0.018 mg/cm2;
this oil was nearly as potent as deet. The oil of J. chinensis showed a mild ability to kill Ae. aegypti larvae, at 80 and 100% at
125 and 250 ppm, respectively. Journal of Vector Ecology 36 (2): 258-268. 2011.
Keyword Index: Lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum, blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis, yellow fever mosquito, Aedes
aegypti, repellency, toxicant.
produced stimuli. This behavior was used to expose A. Mosquito repellent assay
americanum nymphs to repellent treatments in an in vitro Female mosquitoes were selected from the stock
bioassay described in detail by Carroll et al. (2004). Briefly, cages by a hand-draw box (Posey and Schreck 1981).
a 4 X 7-cm rectangle of Whatman No. 4 filter paper was Approximately 500 (± 10%) mosquitoes, primarily females,
marked with a pencil into two 1 X 4-cm zones at the far were transferred into a test cage (capacity 59,000 cm3,
ends of the paper strip and a central 4 X 5-cm zone. Using dimensions 45 cm x 37.5 cm x 35 cm) and held therein for
a pipettor, 165 µl of test solution was evenly applied to 25 (± 2.5) min before initiating repellency assays (Barnard
both sides of the central 4 X 5 cm of the filter paper. After et al. 2007).
drying for 10-15 min, the paper strip was suspended from Extracts were weighed and placed in a 2-dram vial to
a bulldog clip hung from a slender horizontal dowel held which 2 ml acetone was added. The initial weight of extract
by an Aptex No. 10 double clip work holder (Aptex, Bethel, was measured so that when one half (1 ml of solution)
CT). A Petri dish (9 cm diameter) glued in the center of was removed and a 50 cm2 muslin cloth was added to the
a 15 cm Petri dish created a moat when water was added vial, the remaining 1 ml solution would produce an initial
between their walls (1.5 cm high). The moated Petri dishes concentration on cloth of 1.500 mg/cm2. Serial dilutions
were placed directly beneath the suspended filter paper. were then made analogously such that the concentrations
When A. americanum nymphs climbed to the rim of a on cloth for the remaining 1 ml solution were: 0.750, 0.375,
storage vial opened in the center of the moated Petri dishes 0.187, 0.094, 0.047, 0.023, 0.011, and 0.005 mg/cm2. Vials
(5.5 and 9 cm diameters), the paper strip was removed from were sealed and stored at -4° C in a freezer until testing
the dowel and held so that ten ticks crawled onto the lower (normally <48 h). Each test involved removal of cloth from
untreated zone. Because nymphs of I. scapularis tended to the vial and stapling it onto two sections of card stock (5 cm
be slower and more apt to drop from untreated filter paper, x 2.5 cm). Pieces of masking tape (2.5-5.0 cm long) secured
they were screened for readiness to crawl while the test the cloth onto the card stock. The card and cloth assembly
solution dried on the filter paper (Schreck et al. 1995). As was then placed on a drying rack for 3-5 min before testing.
the treated filter paper dried, I. scapularis were transferred A single test consisted of covering the hand of a
with forceps to an untreated vertical filter paper. Ten ticks volunteer with a soft-embossed long cuff poly glove
that climbed >5 mm were selected for testing and placed in (Atlantis Products, Mankato, MN), followed by a powder-
a moated petri dish until 10-15 min post-application had free latex glove (Diamond Grip, Microflex Corporation,
elapsed. Using forceps, the I. scapularis nymphs were then Reno, NV). A knee-high stocking (Leggs everyday knee
transferred individually from the moated Petri dish to the highs, Winston-Salem, NC) was then placed over the gloved
lower untreated zone of the filter paper. The locations of the hand and arm. A plastic sleeve of polyvinyl was the final
ticks were recorded at 1, 3, 5, 10, and 15 min after the tenth layer affixed over the stocking covered arm. The plastic
A. americanum or I. scapularis nymph grasped the lower sleeve was sealed around the arm by a Velcro™ strip. About
untreated zone of the filter paper. Ticks were considered half-way between the wrist and elbow a 4 x 8 cm opening
repelled if they were in the lower untreated zone at 15 min in the sleeve allowed us to assess mosquito landing and
or if they fell from the filter paper without having crossed biting behavior. Attractive odors emanated from the skin
the upper boundary of the treated zone. surface and attracted mosquitoes to the opening. During
testing, this 32 cm2 open area was covered with extract-
Tick experimental design treated muslin cloth. The order in which treated cloths were
Test solutions and ethanol controls were tested in tested was randomized among volunteers and randomized
random order. A control was run each day that the oils and to minimize any variation due to day-to-day effects.
deet were tested. Ticks were tested in replicates of ten ticks A test started when the arm, sleeve, and cloth were
per combination of concentration and oil or deet. Essential inserted into the mosquito cage. If fewer than four bites
oils from C. funebris and J. chinensis were tested against three were received during the 1 min, the dosage of repellent on
replicates of A. americanum at 0.827, 0.413, 0.206, and 0.103 cloth was considered to have “passed.” A treatment in which
mg/cm2filter paper, and J. communis at 0.827, 0.413, and five bites (out of 500 mosquitoes in the cage) occurred in
0.206 mg/cm2 filter paper. A single concentration (0.103 mg 1 min was considered a failure. Normally, an intermediate
oil/cm2 filter paper) of each of C. funebris, J. communis, and dosage (e.g., 0.187 mg/cm2) was tested first. Depending on
J. chinensis essential oil was tested against three replicates whether this concentration passed or failed, higher or lower
(ten ticks per replicate) of I. scapularis nymphs. treatment concentrations were evaluated with all subjects
To determine the duration of the repellency of C. until each had pinpointed their individual concentration
funebris and J. chinensis, we tested their essential oils (0.827 that produced the 1% (five bite) failure point. If the 1.500 mg/
mg oil/cm2 filter paper) against A. americanum nymphs at 2, cm2 (or highest concentration) on cloth was not efficacious
4, and 6 h after application. Deet, at 0.827 mg oil/cm2 filter (>five bites in 1 min), then the minimum effective dosage
paper, was included in the duration tests for comparison. (MED) was noted as ineffective at the highest concentration
Four replicates (ten ticks per replicate) were tested at 2 tested. Because the mosquitoes fatigue upon repeated
and 4 h post-application and three replicates (ten ticks per exposure to repellent and attractant odors from the arm, a
replicate) at 6 h. limit of ten successive tests were conducted, after which the
caged mosquitoes were allowed a 15 min recovery period.
Vol. 36, no. 2 Journal of Vector Ecology 261
Three male volunteers (two tested twice) and a female methodology was used to model the mosquito larvicidal
volunteer participated in the studies of MED of the oils assay. Permethrin was compared to the essential oils in
(USDA 1977). During a test, one or both volunteers wore the adult mosquito topical assay data (also in a generalized
a patch and tested each patch for 1 min intervals. Patches linear models framework).
were rotated between the volunteers, thus, no patch was
evaluated beyond 10 min after the 3-min drying period to RESULTS
avoid any bias that may result from evaporative loss of the
treatment from the cloth during the duration of the test. The Essential oil composition
subjects provided written informed consent. The protocol Essential oils from leaves of J. communis and wood oils
was approved by the University of Florida Human Use from J. chinensis and C. funebris were characterized and
Institutional Review Board-01 (Study # 636-2005). identified by gas chromatography and gas chromatography/
mass spectrometry. The relative percentages of the
Mosquito larvicidal assay constituents are listed in Table 1. Forty-seven (95.5% total
Larval bioassays were performed as described in oil), 46 (72.6%), and 55 (66.8%) compounds were identified
Pridgeon et al. (2009). Briefly, five Ae. aegypti 1st instar from J. communis, J. chinensis, and C. funebris essential oils,
larvae were placed into individual wells of a 24-well respectively. The major components of each species were:
plate containing 950 µl deionized water and 40 µl of a 2:1 α-pinene (26.9%), α-terpineol (14.0%), linalool (10.9%),
suspension of alfalfa:pot belly pig chow. Chemicals to be limonene (6.2%), and β-pinene (5.2%) for J. communis;
tested were resuspended in DMSO (Sigma Cat. D8418), cuparene (11.3%), δ-cadinene (7.8%), and α-cedrene (4.8%)
for a stock concentration of 50 µg/µl. Six concentrations in for J. chinensis; α-cedrene (16.9%), cedrol (7.6%), β-cedrene
a two-fold serial dilution series in DMSO were tested for (5.7%), and cuparene (5.4%) for C. funebris.
mortality by adding 10 µl of each concentration into the
wells. After 24 h, the number of dead larvae was recorded. Tick repellency
Serial dilutions were continued until 0% mortality was All three essential oils were repellent to A. americanum
observed for each chemical. All concentrations were tested and I. scapularis nymphs but were effective against I.
in triplicate. Controls included negative (untreated), carrier scapularis nymphs at a much lower concentration than
(DMSO), and positive (permethrin). those needed to repel similar percentages of A. americanum.
Figure 1 depicts dose-related responses of A. americanum
Mosquito adult topical assay nymphs to the three oils and to deet. The EC95 values of C.
Stock chemicals prepared from above were diluted funebris, J. chinensis, and J. communis are 0.43, 0.92, and
into acetone for a final concentration of 6.25 µg/µl. Ten 0.51 mg oil/cm2 filter paper, respectively, whereas the EC95
adult Ae. aegypti female mosquitoes, three to five days post- for deet is 0.68 mg oil/cm2 filter paper (Table 2). Among
eclosion, were cold anaesthetized and placed on BioQuip the oils, the EC50 of J. communis (0.288 mg oil/cm2 filter
chill table (Rancho Dominguez, CA) set at 4° C. Using a paper) was the highest, but that of deet was 0.394 (Figure
#1702 Gastight Hamilton syringe mounted onto a Hamilton 1). Cupressus funebris oil, at 0.103 mg oil/cm2 filter paper,
PB600 repeating dispenser (Reno, NV), 0.5 µl of the test repelled all I. scapularis nymphs, and the same concentration
chemical was applied to the dorsal thorax of each insect, of J. chinensis and J. communis oils repelled 90% and 73.3%
with a final dose of 3.125 µg per insect. After treatment, respectively.
mosquitoes were placed in 3.5 oz (0.10 l) plastic cups, The oils of C. funebris and J. chinensis, at 0.827 mg oil/
supplied with 10% sucrose solution, and maintained at 28° cm2 filter paper, repelled ≥80% A. americanum 4 h after
C and 80% relative humidity. All assays were performed in application (Table 3). Although repellent activity for both
triplicate. Controls included negative (untreated), carrier oils remained at 6 h post-application, it clearly showed
(DMSO-acetone), and positive (permethrin). diminished effectiveness.
(synthetic pyrethroid), which produced 67% (SEM 5.2%) cultivated at Waco, TX, and collected from Japan were
mortality. The LD50s and LD95s of the oils and deet for Ae. found by Adams and Li (2008) to be cis-thujopsene (28.4,
aegypti larvae are presented in Table 5. Mortality of adult 8.4%), cedrol (13.7, 39.4%), widrol (9.2, 2.0%), α-cedrene
Ae. aegypti was also negligible, 3.3% at a dose of 3.125 ug (3.6, 3.1%), and β-cedrene (3.5, 0.6%), respectively. These
oil/insect, for all three oils. differences could be due to distillation variation or to
ecological or climatic variables associated with the localities
DISCUSSION where the plants grew.
Cupressus funebris wood oil is characterized by
α-Pinene predominates in most of the leaf oils of the occurrence of four components: cedrol, α-cedrene,
J. communis from countries of the eastern hemisphere β-cedrene, and thujopsene. In our study, α-cedrene (16.9%),
(Butkiene et al. 2006). In contrast, major components of the cedrol (7.6%), and β-cedrene (5.7%) were the major
oil of J. chinensis that we analyzed were cuparene (11.3%), constituents of C. funebris oil. The chemical composition
δ-cadinene (7.8%), α-cedrene (4.8%), and cedrol (3.2%). of our samples resembled those of samples originating in
The main components of wood essential oils of J. chinensis China or Vietnam (Adams and Li 2008, Duquesnoy et al.
deet J. chinensis
● ●
● ●
● 0.8
proportion repelled
proportion repelled
● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ● ●
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
C. funebris J. communis
● ● ●
● ● ●
proportion repelled
proportion repelled
● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Table 1. Composition of essential oils of Juniperus communis, J. chinensis and Cupressus funebris.
Table 1. Continued.
RR1 Compound Jc % Jch % Cf %
1725 Verbenone 0.3
1725 β-=Chamigrene 0.9
1729 Zonarene 0.4 0.5
1740 α-Muurolene 0.4 1.6 2.0
1742 β-Selinene 0.8 1.5
1744 α-Selinene 1.0 1.7
1747 α-Alaskene 0.7 3.3
1751 Carvone 0.2
1759 α-Cuprenene 0.3 1.1
1762 α-Chamigrene 0.4 0.6
1771 γ-Bisabolene 1.2
1773 δ-Cadinene 7.8 2.7
1776 γ-Cadinene 0.3 0.4 0.9
1786 ar-Curcumene 1.0 2.5
1801 β-Cuprenene 0.8 2.0
1804 Myrtenol 0.4
1807 α-Cadinene 0.3 0.5
1845 trans-Carveol 0.2
1849 Cuparene 11.3 5.4
1849 Calamenene 4.3 1.0
1864 p-Cymen-8-ol 0.4
1918 β-Calacorene 0.7 0.1
1941 α-Calacorene 2.7 1.5
1949 (Z)-3-Hexenyl nonanoate 0.5
2001 Isocaryophyllene oxide 0.8
2008 Caryophyllene oxide 2.6
2050 (E)-Nerolidol 0.1
2051 Gleenol 1.2 0.2
2071 Humulene epoxide-II 0.5
2080 Cubenol 1.3 0.3
2080 Junenol (=Eudesm-4(15)-en-6-ol) 0.1
2088 1-epi-Cubenol 2.8 0.3
2143 Cedrol 3.2 7.6
2178 Widdrol 0.8
2185 γ-Eudesmol 0.8
2200 Pimara-8,15-diene 0.6
2209 T-Muurolol 0.9 0.3
2217 α-Cedrenal 0.1 0.2
2219 δ-Cadinol (=alpha-muurolol) 0.6
2232 α-Bisabolol 1.3 0.5
2250 α-Eudesmol 0.1
2255 α-Cadinol 0.1
2256 Cadalene 1.8 0.4
2357 14-Hydroxy-β-caryophyllene 0.6
2373 14-Oxo-α-muurolene 0.5
2478 14-Hydroxy-α-humulene 0.4
2501 8,13-Abietadiene 0.1
2524 Abietatriene 0.2
2568 14-Hydroxy-α-muurolene 0.3
2607 14-Hydroxy-δ-cadinene 0.2
2694 14-Hydroxy-calamenene 0.1
Total 95.5 66.8 72.6
Jc: J communis; Jch: J. chinensis; Cf: C. funebris; RRI: Relative retention indices calculated against
n-alkanes; % calculated from FID data; Tr: trace (< 0.1 %).
Vol. 36, no. 2 Journal of Vector Ecology 265
Table 2. Concentrations of essential oils of J. chinensis, J. communis, C. funebris, and deet estimated to repel 50 and
95% of A. americanum nymphs in vertical filter paper bioassays.
Repellent 95% CI Intercept (±SE) Slope (±SE)
(Power Transformation)
J. communis EC500.288 (none) 0.243 – 0.334 -3.855 (±0.375) 13.362 (±1.544)
EC95 0.509 (none) 0.424 - 0.594
J. chinensis EC50 0.268 (sq rt) 0.206 – 0.331 -3.477 (±0.305) 6.706 (±0.662)
EC95 0.917 (sq rt) 0.788 – 1.046
C. funebris EC50 0.209 (none) 0.165 – 0.253 -3. 582 (±0.323) 11.589 (±1.258)
EC95 0.465 (none) 0.424 – 0.594
Deet EC50 0.394 (none) 0.333 – 0.455 -4.011 (±0.403) 10.179 (±1.241)
EC95 0.683 (none) 0.567 – 0.800
Concentrations as mg oil or deet/cm2 filter paper.
2 ha 4 ha 6 hb
% (mean ±SD)c % (mean ± SD) % (mean ± SD)
C. funebris oil 90.00 (9.00±1.41) 82.50 (8.25±1.26) 67.67 (6.67±2.31)
J. chinensis oil 95.00 (9.50±1.00) 80.00 (8.00±3.37) 46.67 (4.67±1.16)
Deet 97.50 (9.75±0.50) 97.50 (9.75±0.50) 90.00 (9.00±1.00)
Ethanol 5.00 (0.50±0.58) 0 (0±0) 3.33 (0.33±0.58)
Four replicates tested. bThree replicates tested. cMean per replicate of ten ticks.
Table 4. Minimum effective doses (MED)a of J. chinensis, J. communis, and C. funebris essential oils
tested on human volunteers against Ae. aegypti mosquitoes.
Table 5. Doses of essential oils of J. communis, C. funebris, and permethrin estimated to kill 50 and 95% of Ae. aegypti larvae.
There were not enough intermediate concentrations for J. chinensis to calculate the ED50 and ED95. Intercept and slope values
(±SE) are given for a generalized linear model (with proportion, the dependent variable, on the logit scale).
Toxicant 95% CI Intercept (±SE) Slope (±SE)
(Power Transformation)
J. communis LD50 163.6 ppm (sqrt) 120.2 – 213.7 -4.596 (±0.870) 0.359 (±0.071)
LD95 440.3 ppm (sqrt) 282.6 – 632.9
C. funebris LD50 263.2 ppm (none) 200.5 – 325.8 -3.726 (±0.718) 0.021 (±0.004)
LD95 298.9 ppm (none) 229.8 – 368.0
Permethrin LD50 0.1894 ppb (sqrt) 0.146 – 0.239 -6.279 (±1.461) 14.426 (±3.381)
LD95 0.4088 ppb (sqrt) 0.273 – 0.571
Ten larvae tested for each of six concentrations for each oil, and seven concentrations for permethrin.
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