Sealing High-Speed Shafts in Turbomachinery
Sealing High-Speed Shafts in Turbomachinery
Sealing High-Speed Shafts in Turbomachinery
By Richard Albery
FSA Member, John Crane, Inc.
otating liquid pump
shafts that are
originally sealed with
soft packings mostly use
contacting face seals, also
known as mechanical seals.
Typical rotational speeds are
roughly between 1,000 and
3,600 revolutions per minute
(rpm). In turbomachinery—
such as compressors and
expanders—the rotational
speeds are higher and
mechanical seals would not
immediately appear to be an
option, due to greater rubbing
speeds along with a lack of
liquid cooling and lubrication.
Nevertheless, from the late Image 1. Section of an overhung, integrally geared compressor (Images courtesy of John Crane)
1970s when they were first marketed,
noncontacting mechanical seals, known machines. The latter have shaft sizes up compressor casings driven by more than
as dry gas seals in cartridge form, have to 350 millimeters (mm), approximately one shaft, usually off a central bull gear
been used in most gas turbomachinery. 13 3/4 inches diameter. wheel. They are used in refineries and
The first, and still the bulk, of these Smaller, between-bearing machines chemical plants for a range of processes
dry gas seal applications are through- run at higher speeds. The fastest from simple fuel gas requirements to
shaft or beam machines where the shaft, machines are single-ended or overhung complex multipressure applications.
carrying multiple closed impellers, is shaft types with open impellers in There is presently a growth area in the
supported at each end, also known as individual casings, typically referred to as compression of carbon dioxide (CO2),
“between-bearings” compressors. Shaft integrally geared compressors (see Image which is a difficult-to-seal critical fluid.
speeds range from near 20,000 rpm 1). Such machines vary from single-stage For many reasons, as far as the shaft
down to under 3,000 rpm for the biggest to multiple-stage designs with several seal is concerned, the established
between-bearing compressor applications
may be seen as straightforward compared
to those for overhung machines. The
The fastest machines are single-ended or overhung typical layout of a dry gas seal stage is as
shaft types with open impellers in individual casings, shown in Image 2 (page 74).
Once the seal is pressurized, a thin
typically referred to as integrally geared compressors. fluid film of the sealed gas separates the
stationary primary ring and rotating
mating ring. The gap between the faces is
typically 2 to 4 micrometer (µm) thick, ur Best
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but depends on the pressure, speed of the
application and nature of the gas. This Cen
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thin film must continue to separate the
faces during significant axial movements
of the shaft. Fortunately, the fluid
dynamics involved are advantageous.
As the gap tries to close, the fluid film
becomes stiffer and increasingly resistant
ebrating over 33 years
to the faces coming into contact.
There are two important implications Model SN
associated with using a gas film seal in
this way. First, there is some leakage Model 2196 ANSI
to be considered, but this is small Located in Green Bay, WI
(measured in single or tens of standard- Providing a Quality
liters/minute) because of the small gap.
Second, because contamination is Product at a Fair Market
the most common cause of seal failure, Price since 1982 TM
the inboard area must be supplied
with conditioned process gas, or Call: 920-869-4800 PUMP, Inc
an alternative, to ensure the seal is Email:
operating on clean dry gas. For the Circle 136 on card.
same reason, it is necessary to avoid
contaminating the seal with liquid
lubricant from the bearing adjacent to
the seal. A separation seal is usually
provided. These range from a simple
labyrinth to a number of contacting
or noncontacting devices, usually of a
double gas-buffered design.
Dry gas seals are supplied in cartridge
form, most commonly in a tandem PROTECTION
arrangement with the inboard stage
followed by an outboard stage. A
double, back-to-back, inert gas buffered
arrangement is sometimes used. It is • Reduce downtime
possible to have a single-stage seal. This • Save money
is most commonly the case in high-speed, • Easy installation
overhung machines where space for the • Superior
seals is limited. performance
With a single or unbuffered seal,
careful thought must be given to the
nature and destination of the leakage. A
separation device may help. You can extend the life
Although there is a wide range of of your motors and
parameters, a typical between-the- prevent costly damage
bearings compressor may have a shaft to bearings! 1-800-962-4851
size of 120 mm (4 3/4 inches) diameter
and a rotational working speed of around
12,000 rpm. This gives a passing speed
Circle 140 on card.
p u m p s a n d s y s t e m s . c o m | J une 2019
p u m p s a n d s y s t e m s . c o m | J une 2019