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Tribology Transactions
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To cite this article: Jingyun Fan & Hugh Spikes (2007) New Test for Mild Lubricated Wear in Rolling-Sliding Contacts, Tribology
Transactions, 50:2, 145-153, DOI: 10.1080/10402000701255476
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Tribology Transactions, 50: 145-153, 2007
Copyright C Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
A new test method for measuring and studying mild, lu- changes in lubricant formulation, including a general reduction in
antiwear additive concentration, and it is becoming increasingly
Downloaded by [Stony Brook University] at 19:29 30 October 2014
of the lubricant being studied. Often, wear in a pure sliding contact (which is half the sliding speed) and thus a thicker hydrodynamic
can produce so much local conformity that the contact regime or elastohydrodynamic film. The latter may actually result in a
changes from boundary lubrication at the start of the test to almost reduction in wear rate at increased speed. As will be described
full film lubrication at its end. below, in the current study this problem is resolved by moving
To overcome this limitation, a mixed rolling-sliding motion is the two rubbing surfaces in opposite directions with respect to the
adopted in the new test so as to distribute the wear on both contact- contact.
ing bodies and thus minimize contact condition variation during
Monitoring Wear Ruff (9) has identified four main categories of methods of mea-
Another characteristic of most existing wear tests is that they suring wear: mass loss measurement, linear measurement, area
provide only one measure of wear, at the end of the test. This is measurement, and volume measurement. Measurement of mass
because wear is generally calculated either from the geometry of loss resulting from wear is straightforward in principle but is only
the wear scar or from weight loss, and both of these measurements practicable for quite large wear rates and for small, and thus low-
are difficult to make without removing the test sample from the weight, components. Other drawbacks are that measurement is
wear tester. A few wear tests exist that are able to monitor wear only possible at the end of a test and great care must be taken
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continuously or regularly throughout the test, notably pin-on-disc to clean the test specimen before measurement. For very small
testers where wear is determined from the vertical displacement amounts of wear, the weight of deposits from additives or oxi-
of the pin. Generally, however, these are confined to the study dized oil on the specimen surface can overwhelm the weight lost
of quite high wear rates, such as during abrasive wear, since it is by wear.
very difficult to measure submicron displacements in macroscale Linear measures of wear involve either the measurement of
equipment. displacement of the holder of a test specimen as wear takes place,
Although a single measure of wear at the end of a test is ad- e.g., of the pin in a pin-on-disc rig apparatus, or measurement of
equate for comparing the performance of different lubricant for- the change in diameter of a cylindrical shaft, disc, or bush after
mulations, it is less satisfactory for research purposes since it does wear. As with mass loss, this approach is not suited to the study of
not show whether the wear rate measured is the steady-state value mild wear, where only submicron depths of material are removed.
or whether it encompasses significant variations in wear rate dur- In most existing lubricated wear tests, including the 4-ball, V-
ing the test, due to factors such as running-in or time-dependent block, block-on-ring, and HFRR, wear is determined by measur-
additive reactions. One solution is to conduct repeat wear tests ing the area of the contact scar on the stationary surface at the end
of differing duration, but this is time consuming and expensive. of the test. The volume of material removed by wear can then be
Clearly, a means of monitoring mild wear continuously or at least calculated, if required, from the original geometry of the surface.
intermittently during a wear test is desirable. This approach is able to provide a measure of very small amounts
of wear. Its main disadvantages are (i) because it involves a pure
Accelerated Wear sliding contact, the wear scar on the stationary specimen cannot
A third, general problem in the study of mild wear is that wear easily be monitored throughout a test (since it is buried within
is often so slow as to be very difficult to measure accurately within the contact) and (ii) as wear progresses during a test, the contact
a reasonable test period. Most forms of wear obey, to a first ap- geometry and thus pressure often vary considerably.
proximation, the Archard wear equation, where the volume wear Ruff’s fourth category, volume measurement, involves the use
rate per unit sliding distance, RL, is proportional to the applied of 3-D surface profilometry to assess the volume of material re-
load, W, and inversely proportional to the hardness; i.e., moved from the wear scar. This is able to measure very small
amounts of wear and is potentially a powerful technique for the
RL = kA [1] study of mild wear in both pure sliding and rolling-sliding contact
conditions. Recently, Gahlin has shown how topographic image
where kA is the non-dimensional Archard wear coefficient subtraction can be used to quantify very small amounts of wear,
(Williams (8)). For constant sliding speed and hardness, this means of less than 50 nm thickness (Gahlin and Jacobson (10)). In princi-
that the wear volume, Q, in a given test is proportional to the speed, ple this approach might even be used to monitor wear of a surface
the applied load, and the test time; i.e., in situ within a test rig, as long as the influence of the supernatant
Q = k1 us Wt [2] lubricant on the measurement could be negated.
In addition to the above four approaches, another method of
where us is the sliding speed, t is the test time, and k1 = kA/H is measuring wear that has gained popularity in recent years is the
the dimensional wear coefficient. For mild wear conditions, the use of thin or surface layer activation (TLA or SLA). In this, a
rate constant, k1 , is very small, so the wear volume is correspond- small region of the surface of a machine component of interest
ingly small. From Eq. [2], it can be seen that to increase the wear is irradiated using high-energy charged particles to generate trace
volume within a given test duration, either the applied load or the quantities of metallic radioisotopes. The wear of this surface region
sliding speed must be increased. However, increasing the load can is then monitored either by measuring the radioactivity of the
lead to a change of wear mechanism, promoting fatigue-type wear lubricant (and thus the amount of radioactive material which has
processes, while increasing the sliding speed in pure sliding condi- been worn from the surface) or from the decrease in radioactivity
tions leads to a proportionate increase in the entrainment speed of the surface, measured using a gamma ray detector positioned
Mild Lubricated Wear in Rolling-Sliding Contacts 147
close to the activated surface (Conlon (11); Blatchley (12)). Both (ii) small amount of test lubricant (important for wear measure-
provide a sensitive wear monitoring technique. ment)
Since it measures the wear of only the pretreated surface, the (iii) no other metallic rubbing parts in the test chamber (impor-
TLA approach is widely used to discriminate and quantify the tant for wear measurement).
wear of a specific component in a complex lubricated system from
wear taking place elsewhere; for example, of a specific location on Normally the MTM is operated in mixed sliding-rolling, with a
the piston liners in an engine. Because of its expense and probably slide-roll ratio in the range 0.1 to 0.5. This slide-roll ratio (SRR) is
also because the use of radioactive materials, however tiny their defined as the ratio of sliding speed, us = |u D −u B|, to mean rolling
activity, raises health and safety issues, surface activation is rarely, or entrainment speed, U = (u D + u B)/2, where u D and u B are the
if ever, used to monitor wear in bench tests. Another possible surface speeds of the disc and ball, respectively. For slide-roll ratios
disadvantage of the TLA method for fundamental research is that between 0 and 2, the disc and the ball rotate in the same direction
the isotopes formed during activation and subsequently traced with respect to the contact, but at different surface speeds, ranging
are no longer the original iron but other elements such as cobalt, from pure rolling (surfaces have same speed) at SRR = 0 to pure
formed from iron by the gamma irradiation. It is not clear whether, sliding (one surface stationary) at SRR = 2. In this range, the
in very mild, adhesive-corrosive wear conditions, the rate of loss sliding speed can never be more than twice the entrainment speed,
of these elements from the surface will be representative of the and any increase in the sliding speed produces a proportionate
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rate of loss of the bulk ferrous surface. increase in the entrainment speed, U. However, according to the
elastohydrodynamic (EHD) theory, the film thickness in a ball on
New Wear Test flat contact increases with U 0.67 (Dowson and Hamrock (13)), so
any increase in the sliding speed will produce a correspondingly
The wear test described in the current paper seeks to address
thicker, separating oil film and thus reduce the asperity contact.
the main problems outlined in the above two sections; i.e., how to
This means that it is impractical to accelerate the rate of wear by
obtain measurable levels of wear in a rolling-sliding test and how
simply increasing the sliding speed.
to monitor the very small amount of wear levels produced in mild
One way around this problem is to employ very rough surfaces,
so that the contact operates in mixed lubrication even though the
The test uses a minitraction machine (MTM) (PCS Instru-
entrainment speed is high. However, this tends to lead to the test
ments) with a ball-on-disc configuration, as shown schematically
becoming a running-in rather than a wear test and it is also difficult
in Fig. 1. Both ball and disc are independently driven to obtain any
to produce rough test specimens having the same topography from
desired combination of rolling and sliding and the ball drive shaft
batch to batch.
is tilted so as to minimize spin in the contact. A load cell attached to
In the wear test developed in the current study, this problem is
the bearing housing of the ball shaft is able to measure the friction
overcome by operating the MTM with the ball and the disc rotat-
force. The disc, and thus the contact, is fully immersed in a lu-
ing in opposite directions; i.e., contra-rotation. If the ball and the
bricant, which is contained within a temperature-controlled bath.
disc surface move in opposite directions with respect to the con-
The test apparatus is computer controlled and programmable so
tact, u B and u D have opposite signs, so the sliding speed, |u D − u B|,
that the tests can be carried out in which temperature is raised
becomes large, while the entrainment speed, (u D +u B)/2, becomes
and lowered and motion begun and halted automatically in any
small, to produce a slide-roll ratio that can be much greater than
desired fashion.
2. This means that it is possible to obtain a high sliding speed in
From the point of view of the required wear test, three impor-
combination with a very low entrainment speed. As far as the au-
tant features of the apparatus are
thors can ascertain, this is the first time that this principle has been
(i) independent control of both ball and disc to obtain any mixed employed in wear testing. Blok reports the use of contra-rotation
sliding-rolling combination to decouple entrainment from the sliding speed and thus study the
scuffing properties of lubricants independently of their viscosity
(Blok (14)). More recently, Wedeven has promoted the impor-
tance of decoupling entrainment and the sliding speed to study
in-contact behavior, especially in terms of scuffing and adhesive
wear (Wedeven (15)). However, he achieves this by varying the
angle between the rolling directions of the two bodies in contact
rather than the velocities of the two surfaces. As will be shown later
in this paper, contra-rotation provides a means of obtaining large
sliding distances (and thus high and easily measurable wear) in
very thin-film lubricated contacts within relatively short test times.
Three methods of measuring the wear are applied in the test.
The main method is inductively coupled plasma atomic emission
spectroscopy (ICP-AES). The method is able to measure the con-
centration of most metals, including iron, down to the parts per
billion (ppb) level, independent of the chemical form of the metal
Fig. 1—Schematic diagram of MTM test rig. atoms. In the current study, small lubricant samples were simply
withdrawn from the lubricant bath and analyzed for iron content. TABLE 1—SPEED COMBINATIONS USED
Details of the method employed are described later in this paper. Ball Speed Disc Speed U (u D + u B)/2 us |u D − u B|
The ICP method is very widely used in the lubricants in- u B (m/s) u D (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) SRR
dustry to measure levels of wear in operating machinery, for
−0.075 0.175 0.05 0.25 5.0
troubleshooting and condition monitoring. It appears, however,
to be very rarely used to monitor wear in bench tests. After con-
siderable search, the authors could find no such application re- minute, and negligible cooling of the oil bath took place during
ported, although one was found using atomic absorption spec- this time. At the end of the test, two final samples of the lubricant
troscopy (Eyre and Fitter (16)). This may be because ICP-AES were extracted.
equipment is relatively expensive or because, unlike TLA, it can- In this study, several different speed conditions were explored.
not distinguish between metal originating from different compo- The aim was to identify the highest sliding speed that gave steady,
nents and so has to be applied in a test where there are no other mild wear (i.e., no scuffing) for all lubricants studied while main-
possible sources of the wear metal of interest. Fortunately, in the taining low entrainment speed.
MTM there is only one rubbing metallic contact within the lubri- For the applied load, geometry, the materials, and the lubricants
cant bath, and the lubricant bath has a close-fitting lid that limits used in this study, the theoretical central elastohydrodynamic film
possible external contamination. A second feature of the MTM thickness, h, reduces to:
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be effective in extracting iron from base oil but much less so from each time stage is shown separately. This indicates that most of
solutions containing ZDDP and/or the dispersant. In these cases the variability is between tests rather than between samples in the
the iron was presumably retained in the oil phase by the additive, same test, suggesting that the ferrous wear material was evenly
so a technique was required which destroyed the ability of these dispersed in the test oil. This was seen for all oils tested.
additives to chelate iron. The final technique adopted was to use a Figure 3 compares the ICP-AES measurements for tests on the
microwave digester (Multiwave 3000, Anton Paar, Graz, Austria). base oil at two different temperatures. Both tests are at a slide-roll
Each sample was mixed with 6 ml of Analar 60% HNO3 in a PTFE ratio of 5. The wear rate increases with temperature. This is as ex-
tube and heated with a power of 1600W for 30 minutes. The resul- pected since as the temperature is increased, the lubricant viscos-
tant aqueous solutions were then cooled and the samples injected ity and thus the elastohydrodynamic film thickness will decrease,
directly into the ICP-AES. leading to a lower lambda ratio. According to the EHD theory,
To test the accuracy of the above method, solutions of iron the theoretical values are ≈7 nm and ≈5 nm at 80 and 100◦ C,
organmetallic standard (1.000 mg/g in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil were respectively. The true lubricant film thickness cannot be reliably
used to prepare 1 and 10 ppm iron using the test base oil and calculated from theory, however, both because of the very high
digested as described. The results are summarized in Table 2. slide-roll ratio and because the contact is in the mixed rather than
the full-film lubrication regime. Both the tests show quite a low
Test Materials wear rate for the first 30 minutes, followed by an increase in wear.
This may reflect the initial protection of an oxide film or the effect
In the work described in this paper, one API Group II base oil
of changes in topography that result in more solid-solid contact
with the viscometric properties listed in Table 3 was employed.
after some time of rubbing.
A single zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP) antiwear addi-
Figure 4 compares the wear rate for six ZDDP concentrations
tive was studied (a commercial C3 C6 secondary ZDDP).
ranging from 0.005% P to 0.05% P. There is a clear increase in the
Additionally, two CEC reference oils, one a “high wear” ref-
wear rate as the ZDDP concentration is reduced.
erence oil, RL 142, and the other a “low wear” reference oil, RL
At very low ZDDP concentrations, the rate of wear is actu-
194, were studied.
ally greater than that seen for the mineral oil alone. This was
ICP-AES Results
Figure 2 shows the ICP-AES wear measurements from two
different tests with ZDDP in the base oil at 0.02% P concentra-
tion. Both tests were conducted at a slide-roll ratio of 5 and 80◦ C
and lasted for four hours. It can be seen that there is very good
repeatability, with a wear rate of ≈6 ppm/hour. In this figure, the
iron content of both of the samples withdrawn from the MTM at
40 16.41
60 8.600
80 5.168
100 3.421 Fig. 3—Effect of temperature on wear behavior of group 2 base oil at
slide-roll ratio = 5.
Fe Content ppm
Stylus Profilometry
After the four hour wear tests, the ball and the disc specimens
Fig. 4—Influence of ZDDP concentration on wear at slide-roll ratio = 5 were cleaned in toluene and the surface topography profiles ob-
and 80◦ C.
tained across the wear tracks, normal to the sliding direction.
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Fig. 5—Comparison of wear behavior of two CEC reference oils at slide- Fig. 6—Surface profiles of wear scar transverse to the sliding direction
roll ratio = 5 and 80◦ C. on disc for base oil at 80 and 100◦ C (slide-roll ratio = 5).
Mild Lubricated Wear in Rolling-Sliding Contacts 151
Fig. 7—Surface profiles of wear scar transverse to the sliding direction Fig. 9—Surface profiles of wear scar transverse to the sliding direction
on ball for base oil at 80 and 100◦ C (slide-roll ratio = 5). on disc and ball, respectively, for 0.01% wt. P ZDDP solution at
80◦ C (slide-roll ratio = 5).
(7860 kg/m3 ). The divisor 0.975 is present to allow for the fact that
AISI 52100 steel is only ≈97.5% Fe. tact width in the sliding direction of 0.13 mm. The mean pressure
Assuming that k1 has the same value on the ball and the disc, of the contact of length 0.75 mm and width 0.13 mm is then 0.31
this is given by: GPa. This is clearly a very approximate estimate and a numerically
Downloaded by [Stony Brook University] at 19:29 30 October 2014
Fig. 8—Surface profiles of wear scar transverse to the sliding direction Fig. 10—Surface profiles of wear scar transverse to the sliding direction
on disc and ball, respectively, for 0.005% wt. P ZDDP solution at on disc and ball, respectively, for 0.03% wt. P ZDDP solution at
80◦ C (slide-roll ratio = 5). 80◦ C (slide-roll ratio = 5).
Base oil 80 62 4.05 3.75 2.85 (i) contra-rotating, rolling-sliding motion, so as to combine a
Base oil 100 80 5.23 4.84 3.68
high sliding speed with a low entrainment speed;
0.005 wt.% P ZDDP 80 73 4.77 4.42 3.35
(ii) ICP-AES oil analysis to monitor wear during a test.
0.01 wt.% P ZDDP 80 77 5.03 4.66 3.54
0.02 wt.% P ZDDP 80 24 1.57 1.46 1.11
0.03 wt.% P ZDDP 80 12 0.78 0.73 0.55 This approach is able to measure wear rates in the mild wear
0.05 wt.% P ZDDP 80 1.5 0.098 0.090 0.069
regime (dimensionless wear coefficients of <10−4 ) with good
RL142 80 21.5 1.41 1.30 0.98
RL194 80 15.5 1.02 0.93 0.71
The results show that for ZDDP-containing oils having less
than 0.05% P, the wear rate is strongly dependent on the additive
shown in Table 5. However, for most other fluids, with the excep- concentration. For P contents of less than 0.02% wt., the wear rate
Downloaded by [Stony Brook University] at 19:29 30 October 2014
tion of 0.005% P, the profile analysis suggests considerably lower is greater than for base oil alone, possibly due to the removal of
wear than does ICP-AES. For the base oil at 100◦ C this may result the iron oxide layer by the ZDDP.
from non-ferrous deposits present in wear tracks. In the 0.02% P The feasibility of monitoring wear in mixed rolling-sliding con-
disc profile in Fig. 10, there is clearly a surface film in the track ditions using stylus profilometry has also been tested. It is found
that results in apparently negative wear. This film is rough and at that this method usually predicts lower wear volumes than ICP–
least 100 nm thick, similar in thickness to ZDDP films previously AES, possibly due to the formation of antiwear films or deposits
studied by optical interferometry (Fujita and Spikes (18)). Simi- in the wear tracks.
lar films were also present on the ball and in tests with higher P
contents, and this will have distorted the wear volumes calculated
using profilometry. In the profiles of the 0.01% P ZDDP test in Fig.
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of
9, there appears to have been transfer from the disc to the ball,
RohMax that enabled this work to take place.
which supports the idea that very low concentrations of ZDDP
may promote surface adhesion by removing the iron oxide layer.
Another problem with using surface profiles to estimate wear REFERENCES
can be seen by comparing the 80 and 100◦ C base oil test profiles (1) D4172-94 (2004), “Standard Test Method for Wear Preventive Characteris-
in Figs. 6 and 7. For the 80◦ C test, most wear has occurred on the tics of Lubricating Fluid (Four-ball Method),” ASTME International, West
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Test Lubricant (◦ C) m3 × 10−10 m3 × 10−10 m3 × 10−10
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