Temesgen Dola
Temesgen Dola
Temesgen Dola
Railroad Bridge.
Addis Ababa
The undersigned have examined the project entitled “Analysis and Design of Pre-stressed
Concrete (PSC) Girder Railway Bridge’’ presented by Temesgen Dola, a candidate for the
degree of Master of Engineering and here by certify that it is worthy of acceptance.
Submitted by
Temesgen Dola _____________________ _____________________
Student Signature Date
Approved by
Dr. Abrham Gebre _____________________ _____________________
Advisor Signature Date
First and foremost I would like to thank my Lord who has provided me guidance in all my life
I would like to give my deepest and sincerest thanks to my advisor, Dr. Abrham Gebre, for his
valuable guidance and support in all the phases from conceptualization to final completion of the
project. Thank you for always being there to help and support this project.
I would like to give my special thanks to ERC (Ethiopia Railway Corporation) and AAiT for
I am indebted to thank all my instructors who have been sharing their untapped knowledge
Deep appreciation goes to my colleague, thank you for your unselfish and timely help on our
discussions and overall guidance. Thanks are due also to all my friends for listening to me and
Last but not least I would like to thank friends who in one way or the other helped me in
A bridge is a structure that crosses over a river, bay, or other obstruction, permitting the smooth
and safe passage of vehicles, trains, and pedestrians.
Bridge construction today has achieved a worldwide level of importance. Bridges are the key
elements in any road network. Use of concrete girder is gaining popularity in railway bridge
engineering because of its better stability, serviceability, economy, aesthetic appearance and
structural efficiency. The structural behavior of box girder is complicated, which is difficult to
analyze in its actual conditions by conventional methods. In this project a simply supported Box
Girder Bridge made of pre stressed concrete is analyzed for moving loads following different
standards and specifications.
The Ethiopian Government has constructed Addis Ababa light rail transit (AALRT) project and
also has started the construction of national railway project for different corridors of the country
is under construction with CREC (China Railway Engineering Company) and another foreign
(international) contractors.
The railway bridge commonly contains two types of tracks which are ballasted and slab track.
This project principally emphases on the superstructure of bridge supporting track rails attached
to the bridge to support trains.
Thus, this project has attempted to develop the Micro soft Excel program to analyze and design
the Pre-stressed Concrete (PSC) Girder Railway Bridge for any span length.
Acknowledgment …………………………………………………………………………………………iii
Abstract………...…………………………………………………………………………………………. iv
Lists of table……………………………………………………………………………………………….vii
Lists of figures……………………….…………………………………………………………………….viii
1.0. Introduction……………….…………………………………………………………..……...1
3.0 Analysis and Design of pre-stressed concrete Bridge …………………………………….28
3.1 Section properties of pre-stressed pre cast girder…………………….……..….…….29
3.2 Section properties of pre-stressed girder…………………………………………….....30
3.3 Analysis procedure for different stages of loading .....................................................…….30
3.4 Design Consideration for shear.....................................................................................…….35
4.0 Design flow chart…………………………………………………………………………....37
4.1 Design Example……………………………………………………………………………..40
4.2 Excel sheet Template for Analysis and Design of pre-stressed concrete Girder Railroad
5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation ...………………….…………………………………..69
5.1 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………..69
5.2 Recommendation…………………………………………………………………………...70
6. References …………………………………………………………………………………………..71
7. Symbols ………………………………………………………………………………………….…..72
List of abbreviations
DL = Dead load.
LL = Live load.
RC = Reinforced concrete.
List of tables
Table 2.1 = Maximum moments and shears of LL for one rail (one-half track load)
List of figures
Figure 2.8 – Stress- strain curves for typical high strength steel
A bridge is a structure that crosses over a river, bay, or other obstruction, permitting the smooth
and safe passage of vehicles, trains, and pedestrians. An elevation view of a typical bridge is A
bridge structure is divided into an upper part (the superstructure), which consists of the slab, the
floor system, and the main truss or girders, and a lower part (the substructure), which are
columns, piers, towers, footings, piles, and abutments. The superstructure provides horizontal
spans such as deck and girders and carries traffic loads directly. They support the horizontal
spans, elevating above the ground surface.
Pre-stress concrete is ideally suited for the construction of medium and long span bridges. Ever
since the development of pre-stressed concrete by Freyssinet in the early 1930s, the material has
found extensive application in the construction of long-span bridges, gradually replacing steel
which needs costly maintenance due to the inherent disadvantage of corrosion under aggressive
environment conditions. One of the most commonly used forms of superstructure in concrete
bridges is precast girders with cast-in-situ slab. This type of superstructure is generally used for
spans between 20 to 40 m. In this project the AREMA Rail Road Loading considered for design
of bridges, also factor which are important to decide the preliminary sizes of concrete box
girders. Also considered the IRRC: 18-2000 for “Pre stressed Concrete Road Bridges” and
“Code of Practice for Pre stressed Concrete” Indian Standard. Analyze the Concrete Box Girder
Rail Road Bridges for various spans, various depth and check the proportioning depth.
Box-girder and T-girder Bridge have been a dominant bridge type in most of world’s country for
railroad and highway for a long time because of their simple geometry, low fabrication cost, easy
erection or casting and smaller dead loads. At present the China Railway Engineering Company
(CREC) has been constructing the pre-stressed Box-girder bridge structures for Addis Ababa city
Light rail Transit (LRT) and for National Rail road projects.
lateral forces, lateral accelerations or displacements are not considered, some load effects, such
as snow, water pressure, wind and centrifugal force are not considered.
2. Literature Review
Concrete is very strong in compression but weak in tension. In an ordinary concrete beam the
tensile stress at the bottom are taken by standard steel reinforcement: But we still get cracking,
which is due to both bending and shear.
which is more than the permissible limits of the plain concrete. The pre-compression applied
(may be axial or eccentric) will induce the compressive stress below the neutral axis or as a
whole of the beam resulting either no tension or compression.
Pre-stressed concrete is basically concrete in which internal stresses of a suitable magnitude and
distribution are introduced so that the stresses resulting from the external loads are counteracted
to a desired degree.
Methods of Pre-Stressing
There are two methods of pre-stressing:
Pre-tensioning: Apply pre-stress to steel strands before casting concrete; and
Post-tensioning: Apply pre-stress to steel tendons after casting concrete.
1. Pre-Tensioning In the pre-tensioning systems, the tendons are first tensioned between rigid
anchor-blocks cast on the ground or in a column or unit-mold types pre tensioning bed, prior to
the casting of concrete in the mold. The tendons comprising individual wires or strands are
stretched with constant eccentricity or a variable eccentricity with tendon anchorage at one end
and jacks at the other. With the forms in place, the concrete is cast around the stressed tendon.
The system is shown in Figure below.
pre-stressed in transferred from the external anchorages to the concrete, once it has sufficient
In post‐tensioned concrete, the concrete is pre-stressing steel is tensioned after the concrete is
placed, as illustrated in figure below. The pre-stressing tendons are sheathed or placed in ducts
so that the concrete and tendons are unbounded. Ducts can be grouted after post‐tensioning to
protect the tendons from moisture and corrosion. (A. Adamu, 2012. Pre-stressed Concrete
Railway Bridges. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
In post-tensioning the concrete unit are first cast by incorporating ducts or grooves to house the
tendons. When the concrete attains sufficient strength, the high-tensile wires are tensioned by
means of jack bearing on the end of the face of the member and anchored by wedge or nuts. The
forces are transmitted to the concrete by means of end anchorage and, when the cable is curved,
through the radial pressure between the cable and the duct. The space between the tendons and
the duct is generally grouted after the tensioning operation.
Most of the commercially patented pre-stressing systems are based on the following principle of
anchoring the tendons:
1. Wedge action producing a frictional grip on the wire.
2. Direct bearing from the rivet or bolt heads formed at the end of the wire.
3. Looping the wire around the concrete.
Advantage of Pre-Stressed Concrete
The use of high strength concrete and steel in pre-stressed members results in lighter and
slender members than is possible with RC members.
In fully pre-stressed members the member is free from tensile stresses under working
loads, thus whole of the section is effective.
In pre-stressed members, dead loads may be counter-balanced by eccentric pre-stressing.
Pre-stressed concrete member possess better resistance to shear forces due to effect of
compressive stresses presence or eccentric cable profile.
Use of high strength concrete and freedom from cracks, contribute to improve durability
under aggressive environmental conditions.
Long span structures are possible so that saving in weight is significant & thus it will be
Pre-stressed members are tested before use.
Pre-stressed concrete structure deflects appreciably before ultimate failure, thus giving
ample warning before collapse.
Disadvantages of Pre-Stressed Concrete
The availability of experienced builders is short.
Initial equipment cost is very high.
Availability of experienced engineers is short.
Pre-stressed sections are brittle.
Pre-stressed concrete sections are less fire resistant.
Strands: a collection of wires (usually 7) wound together and thus having a diameter that is
different to its area;
Tendon: A collection of strands encased in a duct – only used in post tensioning;
Bar: a specially formed bar of high strength steel of greater than 20 mm diameter.
iii. A Typical Tendon Anchorage
The anchorages to post-tensioned members must distribute a large load to the concrete, and
must resist bursting forces as a result. A lot of ordinary reinforcement is often necessary.
iv. Post-Tensioning Ducts
Post-tensioning ducts for longitudinal post-tensioning tendons in precast spliced I-girders
shall be made of rigid galvanized spiral ferrous metal to maintain standard girder concrete
cover requirements. The radius of curvature of tendon ducts shall not be less than 20 feet
except in anchorage areas where 12 feet may be permitted.
place top slab ties the structure together and gives a uniform continuous surface. Therefore,
the combination of precast pre-stressed concrete and concrete cast in situ is called composite
precast pre-stressed - in situ concrete. As shown in following figure 4.6 below; by using
composite construction, it is possible to save much form work and false work as compared to
fully cast in place construction.
Railroad bridges are nearly always simple-span structures. Listed below in groupings by
span length are the more common types of bridges and materials used by the railroad
industry for those span lengths.
Concrete slabs
Long spans Deck and through trusses (simple, cantilever, and arches)
Suspension bridges are not used by freight railroads due to excessive deflection.
Bridge Deck is that portion of a railway bridge that supplies means of carrying the track rails
Railroad bridges typically are designed as either open deck or ballast deck structures. Some
bridges, particularly in transit applications, use direct fixation of the rails to the supporting
Open Deck: Open deck bridges have ties supported directly on load-carrying elements of the
structure (such as stringers or girders). The dead loads for open deck structures can be
significantly less than for ballast deck structures. Open decks, however, transfer more of the
dynamic effects of live load into the bridge than ballast decks.
Open decks are less costly and are free draining, but their use over streets and highways requires
additional measures such as canopies, plates or wooden flooring to protect highway traffic from
falling objects, water or other materials during the movement of trains.
Ballast Deck Bridges have the track structure supported on ballast, which is carried by the
structural elements of the bridge. Typically, the track structure (rails, tie plates, and ties) is
similar to track constructed on grade. Ballast deck structures offer advantages in ride and
maintenance requirements.
In ballast deck designs, an allowance for at least 150 mm of additional ballast is prudent.
Specific requirements for additional ballast capacity may be provided by the railroad. In
addition, the required depth of ballast below the tie should be verified with the affected railroad.
Typical values for this range from 200 mm to 300 mm or more. The tie length used will have an
effect on the distribution of live-load effects into the structure. Ballast decks are also typically
waterproofed. The weight of waterproofing should be included in the dead load.
The following loads and forces shall be considered in the design of railway concrete structures
supporting tracks (AREMA, 2010):
D = Dead Load F = Longitudinal Force due to Friction or Shear Resistance at
Expansion Bearings
Analysis and Design of Pre- stressed Concrete Girder 2016
Railroad Bridge.
L = Live Load
I = Impact
CF = Centrifugal Force EQ = Earthquake (Seismic)
E = Earth Pressure SF = Stream Flow Pressure
B = Buoyancy ICE = Ice Pressure
W = Wind Load on Structure OF = Other Forces (Rib Shortening, Shrinkage, Temperature
and/or Settlement of Supports)
WL = Wind Load on Live Load
LF = Longitudinal Force from Live Load
Each member of the structure shall be designed for that combination of such loads and forces
that can occur simultaneously to produce the most critical design condition as specified in
(AREMA 2010 Volume-2), Article 2.2.4.
Dead Load
(1) The dead load shall consist of the estimated weight of the structural member, plus that of the
track, ballast, fill, and other portions of the structure supported thereby.
(2) The unit weight of materials comprising the dead load, except in special cases involving
unusual conditions or materials, shall be assumed as follows (AREMA, 2010):-
• Track rails, inside guardrails and fastenings – 200 lb per linear foot of track. (3kN/m)
• Ballast, including track ties – 120 lb per cubic foot. (1900 kg/m3)
• Reinforced concrete – 150 lb per cubic foot. (2400 kg/m3)
• Earth filling materials – 120 lb per cubic foot. (1900 kg/m3)
• Waterproofing and protective covering – estimated weight. (AREMA)
Live Load
(1) The recommended live load for each track of main line structure is Cooper E 80 (EM 360)
loading with axle loads and axle spacing as shown in the following Figure 4.7. On branch lines
and in other locations where the loading is limited to the use of light equipment, or cars only, the
live load may be reduced, as directed by the engineer. For structures wherein the material in the
primary load-carrying members is not concrete, the E loading used for the concrete design shall
be that used for the primary members.
(2) The axle loads on structures may be assumed as uniformly distributed longitudinally over a
length of 3 feet (900 mm), plus the depth of ballast under the tie, plus twice the effective depth of
slab, limited, however, by the axle spacing.
(3) Live load from single track acting on the top surface of a structure with ballasted deck or
under fills shall be assumed to have uniform lateral distribution over a width equal to the length
of track tie plus the depth of ballast and fill below the bottom of tie, unless limited by the extent
of the structure.
(4) The lateral distribution of live load from multiple tracks shall be as specified for single tracks
and further limited so as not to exceed the distance between centers of adjacent tracks.
The Cooper E80 load is currently the most common design live load. The 80 in E80 refers to the
80 kip (360 KN) weight of the locomotive drive axles. An E60 load has the same axle locations,
but all loads are factored by 60/80. Some railroads are designing new structures to carry E90 or
E100 loads.
The designated steel bridge design live load also includes an “Alternate E80” load, consisting of
four 100-kip (4500 KN) axles. This is also shown in the Figure below. This load controls over
the regular Cooper load on shorter spans.
(This project use cooper E80 & E60 live load for moment and shear force read from AREMA
table 15.1.1) in the following table 2.1
(5) In calculating the maximum live loads on a structural member due to simultaneous loading
on two or more tracks, the following proportions of the specified live load shall be used:
• For two tracks – full live load,
The following table is used to directly read (to determine) the Maximum bending moment and
Shear force due to live load of the train on the structure having different span lengths.
Table 2.1 Maximum moments, and shears of LL for one rail (one - half track load)
Impact: is the dynamic amplification of the live-load effects on the bridge caused by the
movement of the train across the span. The design impact values are based on an assumed train
speed of 60mph (96.56 km/h). It should be noted that the steel design procedure allows reduction
of the calculated impact for ballast deck structures. Different values for impact from steam and
diesel locomotives are used. The steam impact values are significantly higher than diesel impact
over most span lengths.
The impact shall be equal to the following percentages of the live load:
Where L is the span length in meters (for this study different span
length will be checked to determine the cost effective span length).
For continuous structures, the impact value calculated for the shortest span shall be used
Impact may be omitted in the design for massive substructure elements which are not
rigidly connected to the superstructure.
For steam locomotives with hammer blow, the impact shall be increased by 20%
Centrifugal Force: is the force a train moving along a curve exerts on a constraining object
(track and supporting structure) which acts away from the center of rotation. Although the
centrifugal action is applied as a horizontal force, it can produce overturning moment due to its
point of application above the track. Both the horizontal force and resulting moment must be
considered in design or evaluation of a structure. For all bridge types, the bearings and
substructure must be able to resist the centrifugal horizontal force.
The train speed required for the force calculation should be obtained from the railroad. The
centrifugal force corresponding to each axle load may be applied horizontally at a point 2.45m
above the top of rail measured along a line perpendicular to the line joining the tops of the rails
and equidistant from them.
This force shall be the percentage of the live load computed from the formulas below.
C = 0.000452S2 D
E = 0.0068S2 D-75
Seismic Loads: In regions where earthquakes may be anticipated, structures may be designed to
resist earthquake motions by considering the relationship of the site to active faults, the seismic
response of the soils at the site, and the dynamic response characteristics of the total structure.
Railroad bridges have historically performed well in seismic events, due to the following factors:
The track structure serves as an effective restraint (and damping agent) against bridge
Railroad bridges are typically simple in their design and construction.
Trains operate in a controlled environment, which makes types of damage permissible for
railroad bridges that might not be acceptable for structures in general use by the public.
Seismic force primarily affects bridge substructure components. The earth quake forces can be
described as a function of the acceleration coefficient, Soil type, the fundamental period. The
effect of earthquake in Ethiopia is grouped in to four different zones. Bridge in seismic zone 1-3
need not be analyzed for seismic loads, regardless of their importance and geometry. Seismic
analysis is not required for single-span Bridge, regardless of the seismic zone .Since the study
area is Addis Ababa (zone-2), and no need of design of seismic load in this zone.
A variety of loads can be applied to a structure at the same time. A bridge may experience dead
load, live load, impact, centrifugal force, wind, and stream flow simultaneously.
The following groups represent various combinations of loads and forces to which a structure
may be subjected. Each component of the structure, or the foundation on which it rests, shall be
proportioned for the group of loads that produce the most critical design condition.
Group Item
IA 1.8(D + L + I + CF + E + B + SF)
II 1.4(D + E + B + SF + W)
IV 1.4(D + L + I + CF + E + B + SF + OF )
IX 1.2 (D + E + B + SF + W + ICE)
L = Live Load
I = Impact
CF = Centrifugal Force, EQ = Earthquake (Seismic)
E = Earth Pressure, SF = Stream Flow Pressure
B = Buoyancy, ICE = Ice Pressure
W = Wind Load on Structure, OF = Other Forces (Rib Shortening,
Shrinkage, Temperature and/or
Settlement of Supports)
WL = Wind Load on Live Load
LF = Longitudinal Force from Live Load
For this project Load Factor Design load combination Group 1 = 1.4(D+5/3(L+I)) is applied. B/c
the combination has almost includes all types of loads on the girder.
Material Properties
To satisfy the design objective of a structural member, the design strength for ULS of both
concrete and steel are required. The instantaneous and time dependent properties of concrete and
steel at typical in-service stress level are also required.
A) Concrete
High strength concrete are used, concrete grade larger than C-30 class I works high compressive
strength at a reasonably early age, & comparatively higher tensile strength as compared with
ordinary RC member, low shrinkage, minimum creep characteristics and high young‟s modulus
are necessary.
The stress permitted in concrete at the stage of transfer and service loads are defined in
terms of the corresponding compressive strength of the concrete at each stage.
At transfer
b) Pre-Stressing Steel
Three types of high strength steel termed as tendons are used with fpu ≥ 1000 MPa. For design
purpose the following idea stress – strain curve is adopted.
In design the stress in pre stressing steel at ULS limited to 0.9fpk/ϒs and strain u ≤ 0.01.
These values are based on the assumption that over tensioning has been applied to overcome
friction and anchorage losses. An average of 22% loss in case of pretension and 18% in post-
tension may be assumed with condition of over tensioning has been applied to overcome friction
and anchorage losses.
Deflections can take place: upwards due to pre stressing (-) & down wards due to transverse
loads (+). The deflection can be calculated using the ordinary deflection formulas because there
are no cracks Deflections due to loads: ordinary formula can be applied depending on:-
The intensity of loading
Restraint condition and span
Deflection due to Self-Weight or uniformly distributed Superimposed Load
Shear Two major modes of shear cracks may be observed namely web shear and flexure
shear cracks.
3.0. Analysis and Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Bridge.
Conventions:- Concrete is homogeneous elastic material and within the range of working
stresses both materials concrete & steel behave elastically
Plane sections before bending remain plane.
Sign convention: - in the next computation
(+) is for compression
(-) is for tensile stress
An average of 22% loss in case of pretension and 18% in post-tension may be assumed with
condition of over tensioning has been applied to overcome friction and anchorage losses.
Centroid of rectangle =
, Z =d-y/2
ΣM = 0 (summation of moment = 0)
Mu = Nc × Z = Np × Z
Design moment must be less than ultimate moment (Md ≤ Mu)
Consider a simply-supported beam subjected to a uniformly distributed load of w kN/m
The maximum mid-span moment is given as:-
Situation 1:- Consider the beam with centroidal axial pre-stress (eccentricity equals zero)
Failure to occur, the moment caused by the load must bring a tensile stress greater than P/A .
Therefore, just prior to failure, we have:
Situation 2:- Consider the beam with centroidal axial pre-stress (eccentricity not equals to zero
pre-stress force at an eccentricity.
But Mc =
WII = = WI
So the introduction of a small eccentricity has doubled the allowable service load.
3.4. Design Consideration for Shear
i. Web Shear Crack: - it is governed by limiting value of the principal tensile stress as
developed in concrete. It is more likely to occur in highly pre stressed members with
thin webs.
Vcw = 0.67 * bw * h *
h is gross depth.
ii.Flexure Shear Cracks: - primarily initiated by flexural cracks and are developed when the
combined shear and flexural tensile stresses produce a principal tensile stress
exceeding the design tensile strength of concrete.
Vc = ß1 * 0.05* b * d * fctd
Md is the bending moment at the cross section where shear capacity is calculated. Mo = P(Z/Ac
+ e) , Z is section modulus where flexure shear likely to occur , P is pre-stressing force at the
cross section however, when the shear force exceed the limiting value against diagonal
compression the section must be changed. When Vc > Vd, only minimum shear reinforcement
shall be provided.
The following flow chart shows the typical steps for designing precast, pre-stressed concrete
girders. The example in the next section closely follows this flow chart.
Select materials
Select material properties for concrete
-Calculate section properties
Ztp &load
Ztc & Zbc
-Load factored design
-Calculate factored moment
No ФMC > Md?
required Step 13
Determine No
additional VC > Vd
Step 15
-Design for anchorage zone
Step 16
-Design for post-tensioned
anchorage zone reinforcement
A simple span precast post tensioned pre-stressed concrete girder bridge is to be designed
for a railway bridge with cast in-situ deck slab, cross section of which shown in Figure,
below. The cast in place concrete deck slab is of 300 mm thick, while the ballast below
the sleepers is 250 mm in thickness. Additional ballast above the bottom of the sleepers
may be assumed of 150 mm. The bridge is to serve for the Cooper E-80 Rail load
configuration and the following design data may be used.
Concrete C-50
Mild steel S-500
Pre-stressing Tendons fpk = 1800 MPa
Unit weight of plain concrete 24 kN/m3
Unit weight of RC 25 kN/m3
Unit weight of Steel 78.5 kN/m3
Unit weight of sand, gravel and ballast 19 kN/m3
Span length Standard Girder clear Live load Precast web b4(mm) h’(mm)
Rail gauge spacing b5(mm)
(mm) bg(mm) configuration bw(mm)
C-50 Mpa, S- 500 Mpa, fpk = 1800 Mpa, ϒc = 24 Mpa, ϒRC = 25 Mpa, ϒsteel = 78.5 Mpa,
ϒballast = 19 Mpa.
Ec ( slab)
Modular ratio between slab and girder, n 1
Ec ( girder )
Ftw = 0.75 * 0.21* fck 2/3 = 0.75 * 0.21 * 402/3 = 1.84 Mpa
Geometric properties
bb 100cm
bt 80cm
bw 55cm
h1 45cm
h2 60cm
h3 200cm
h4 40cm
h5 45cm
AP * Ўp = A1 * Ў1 + A2 * Ў2 + A3 * Ў3 + A4 * Ў4 + A5 * Ў5 + A6 * Ў6 + A7 * Ў
Ўp =
Ī = (Ī1+ Ī2+ Ī3+ Ī4+ Ī5 + Ī6 + Ī7) +A1 D12+ A2 D22+ A3 D32+ A4 D42+ A5 D52 + A6 D62 + A7D72
Īx = Σ Īi + ΣAi * di2
Zbp = Ztp =
Section properties of pre-cast girder form Excel sheet is in the table below.
Ўi = hb (cm) Ix (cm4)
Ap centroid of each A*hb moment of
(cm2) area from bottom (cm3) inertia A*(hb-yb')^2
pre-cast girder
Ap 26,450 cm2
Ўp 185.078 cm
Ip cm4
yt 204.92124 cm
one fourth of girder span length 4 * 50m 12.5m
The lesser of 6t s on each side of the effective web width effective web width 4.1m
clear dis tan ce on each side of the effective web width effective web width 2.5m
Effective flange width, bD = 2.5m
Modular ratio, n = 1
I (moment of
inertia)=sum(Ii+Aidi^2) (m^4) 6.701579475
Ztc=I/yt 3.612376083
Zbc=I/yb 2.882613201
Yb 1.8552
yt = h-yb 2.3248
Distance from the centroid of composite section to top fiber of pre cast section, ytg 1.575m
Z t c 3.612376m 3 = 3.6*109mm3
Z b c 2.8826m 3 = 2.9*109mm3
Z tg 4.2544m 3 = 4.3*109mm3
From table 2.1 above, the maximum moment due to live load (Cooper E-80) for span length 50m
is 17,137.5KN-m and moment due to impact load (20% of live load) = 3,427.5KN-M. The
maximum moment due to live load
The maximum shear force due to live load for span length 50m is 1,501.78KN and impact load
from live load is 20% of live load is = 300.36 KN.
The maximum shear force due to live load = 1,501.78KN + 300.36 KN = 1,802.14KN
i. Pre-cast
ii.Composite structure
Area of composite section Ac= 3.38 m2
Self – weight = ϒc* Ac = 25KN/m3 * 3.38m2 = 84.5KN/m
Maximum moment = (Mgl) = = = 26,406.25 KN-m
i. Track rail, inside guardrails and fastenings = 3kN/m (AREMA Art 2.2.3 b)
For one girder = 39.14kN/m/girder (10.3= length on w/c ballast distribute. 0.4= thickness of
Load combination
For this project Load Factor Design load combination Group 1 = 1.4(D+5/3(L+I)) is applied. B/c
the combination has almost includes all types of loads on the girder.
Pe =
Pe = = 21,034KN
Determination of Deflection
fck =40Mpa,
Ip = 396,007,336* 104mm4
ΔLL+I =23.52mm
But, the maximum allowable deflection due to live load plus impact shall not exceed L/640.
Therefore, L/640 = 50,000/640 = 78.13mm, ΔLL+I = 23.52mm < 78.13mm……………..OK!!
VI. Deflection due to self-weight under working:
VII. Long time deflection:
Long time deflection is due to creep and shrinkage of concrete and relaxation of stresses in steel.
Therefore, the total long time deflection is
Δl = Δc * (1+ Ф) – Δp [(1- ΔP/P) +Ф * (1- ΔP/P)]
Δc = Initial deflection due to transverse loads
Δl = Long time deflection
Δp = Initial deflection due to pre stress force
Ф= Coefficient which account creep, shrinkage etc. (Ф =2.0)
ΔP = P-Pe = loss of pre stressing force due to relaxation, shrinkage & creep.
Δc = Where; W = the sum of live load, composite self-weight and superimposed dead
Δc =82.82mm ……………. (Down wards)! This much deflection happened is due to large span
length of the Girder as result of large live load, impact and dead load moments.
ΔP = P - ƞ P = P-Pe,
Where; ƞ-is pre-stress loss factor = 0.85.
ΔP = P- ƞ Pe = 17,878.90 - 0.85×21,034 = 0 KN
Δl = Δc × (1+ Ф) – Δp(deflection due to pre-stress) * [(1- ΔP/P) + Ф * (1- ΔP/P)]
Δl = 82.82× (1+2) – 61.59× [(1- 0/17,878.90) + 2* (1- 0/17,878.90)]
Δl =63.69mm………. (Downwards)
Therefore it required to provide stirrups for shear. We have to determine the shear sustain rebar’s
Vs = av×d×fyd /s
Where, β1 = 1+ Mo / Mu
Mo = P (Zbp/Acp + e).
Vc = β1 ×0.5×bw×d×fctd
Therefore it requires to provide stirrups for shear. We have to determine the shear sustain rebar’s
Vs = av×d×fyd /s
Assume that spacing of stirrup is S =150mm, Vs = Vd -Vc =5,383.3- 3,494.79 =1,888.51 kN and
A= = = 78.54mm2
Anchorage bearing stress Min. '
(AREMA 17-16.2.4)
0.9 f ci
= square of 830mm*830mm
Shall develop not less than 95% of the ultimate tendon strength and avoid located in high stress
Provide reinforcement at anchorage zone to prevent bursting, splitting and spalling. Post
tensioning anchorage should be checked the resistance of maximum jacking force.
4.2 Excel Template used for Analysis and Design of pre- stressed concrete Girder Railroad Bridge.
A simple span precast post tensioned pre-stressed concrete girder bridge is to be designed for a railway bridge with
cast in-situ deck slab, cross section of which shown in Figure, below. The cast in place concrete deck slab is of 300
mm thick, while the ballast below the sleepers is 250 mm in thickness. Additional ballast above the bottom of the
sleepers may be assumed of 150 mm. The bridge is to serve for the Cooper E-80 Rail load configuration and the
following design data may be used.
* Concrete C-50 50 50
* Mild steel S-500 500 500
* Pre-stressing Tendons fpk = 1800 MPa 1800
* Unit weight of plain concrete 24 kN/m3 24
* Unit weight of RC 25 kN/m3 (ϒp) 25
* Unit weight of Steel 78.5 kN/m3 78.5
* Unit weight of sand, gravel and ballast 19 kN/m3 19
Girder Dimensions
Span length (mm) Rail gauge (bg) Girder clear spacing Live load Pre-cast web(bw)
(b3) configuration b4 h'
As we can see; as we have insert the span length (first step) of a Girder all the necessary cross sectional dimensions, Areas, moment of inertia, Centeriod and
estimated minmum depth of the Girder are calculated once.
second step is fill all un input data;s (Track rail, inside guardrails and fastenings, Ballast + track ties, Deck slab, Concrete curb, Earth filling materials (sand) ,
Waterproofing and protective covering , * Catenary system , Future utilities, Wind load ) loads. Then moments and shear forces are calculated automatically. then we
are going to check the section capacity and deflection of the section at different stages.
C-50 Mpa, S- 500 Mpa, fpk = 1800 Mpa, ϒc = 24 Mpa, ϒRC = 25 Mpa, ϒsteel = 78.5 Mpa, ϒballast = 19 Mpa.
in mm
bb 1050
bt 875
bw 350
h1 525
h2 350
h3 1400
h4 175
h5 350
Section properties
Moment of inertia of precast is calculated as:-
Let yb' (Di) = is centroid of each area from pre-cast N.A
Ī = (Ī1+ Ī2+ Ī3+ Ī4+ Ī5 + Ī6 + Ī7) +A1 D12+ A2 D22+ A3 D32+ A4 D42+ A5 D52 + A6 D62 + A7D72
Īxx = Σ Īi + ΣAi * di2
one fourth of girder span length 4 * 50m 12.5m
The lesser of 6t s on each side of the effective web width effective web width 4.1m
clear dis tan ce on each side of the effective web width effective web width 2.5m
Effective flange width, bD = 2.5m
From AREMA manuel (2003) the Maximum Bending moment and shear force due to Live Load (LL) (Cooper E-80)
for different span length has tabulated and we can read the values from the table for required span length. Impact load
due to live load is 20% of LL and add to both Moment and shear force.
i. Pre-cast
Area of precast Ap= 1868125 m2
Self – weight = ϒp* Ap = 46703125 KN/m
Maximum moment (Mgl) = 1.45947E+16 KN-m
i. Composite structure
Area of composite section Ac= 1868108.250 m2
Self – weight = ϒc* Ac = 46702706.25 KN/m
Maximum moment (Mgl) = 1.45946E+16 KN-m
Load combination
Load Factor Design load combination Group 1 = 1.4(D+5/3(L+I))
* Self wt = 46702706.25 KN
* Dead Load on Girder = 81.515 KN
* Live load + Impact load = Read from AREMA table for different sapn length for live
load E-80 0 KN
TOTAL 46702787.77 KN
Factored shear force
Vd 1.16757E+12 KN
Factored bending moment
Md 1.45946E+16 KN-m
Pe = 2.93011E+31 KN
P = Pe* ƞ 2.4906E+31 KN
P = is the effective pre-stressing force after all losses.
*diameter(d) of wire.(mm) 7 mm
* Area of one wire = 38.465 mm2
d- diameter of the wire.(mm)
Number of high strength steel wires required (N) = 6.88131E+26
Determination of Deflection
* Deflection due to pre-stress
-1.66177E+26 mm
Ec=wc * 1.5 * 0.043 * (f'c) 1/2 31,975.35 Mpa
41294796.98 mm
72.07537774 mm
ΔP = P - ƞ Pe = 0 KN
Δl = #REF! mm
I. Web shear:
Vcw = (ŋ* bw * h *
fcp = Pe/Apc , but Pe= As × fpe , therefore; fcp =(As fpe)/Apc
fcp = Pe/Apc 1.56848E+25 Mpa
Vcw = 8.64224E+18 KN
Vcw > Vd------Okay!
1 !!!
Key - 0 = Not okay!! 1= Okay
If not okay provide stirrups for shear
Mo = P (Zbp/Acp + e).
Mo = 6.64713E+34 KN-m
β1 = 4.5545E+18
Vc = β1 ×0.5×bw×d×fctd
Vc = 4.43792E+24 KN
Bridge design contains a number of design steps which involves tedious calculations due to the
presence of moving loads, dead (superimposed loads), lateral loads and needs choice of
parameters and decision. So due to the complexity and time consuming of the design; it will be
better if we use simple bridge design Micro soft excel programs to get better and accurate results
in a short time.
The following points have been summarized as conclusions for this project.
1. This Project has shown it is possible to produce our own Micro soft excel sheets
(programs) to facilitate our daily design works. Subsequently it is possible for preparing
such Micro soft excel sheets (programs) not only in the bridge but also in different
construction industry in the country.
2. This project work will contribute a little for the designers and consultants by showing how
to produce our own user Micro soft excel sheets (programs) to have got the required out
puts with in short period of time.
3. Since traditional methods for the analysis and design of bridge is tedious and time
consuming, using Computer programs (Micro soft excel) for bridge design offers
accuracy and flexibility that cannot be matched with traditional hand calculations.
4. This project will benefit the designers and bridge engineers a lot. For example, getting
quick results of dimension and reinforcement detail for different span length of pre-
stressed concrete girder Railway Bridge from the output of this product, one can do
economic comparison between different spans of bridges.
The following points have been summarized as conclusions for this project.
1. This project has principally deal with design of simply supported (super structure) pre-
stressed concrete Girder Rail Road Bridge. In the future I hope that this work is to be
developed into highly potential software which incorporates design of continuous spans
and also design of substructures with a more features by providing drawings and other
important outputs. Future research could include other bridge types, such as T- Girder
Bridge, Slab Bridge and others. Providing a collection of several different design
methods, each illustrated with real-life examples would be a valuable source of
information in teaching future bridge engineers.
2. It would be better to compare various design methods and thus generate a more extensive
view of bridge engineering. Relating currently existing design procedures with new
structural concepts would contribute to the knowledge in that current methods are
assessed and possibly adjusted to future challenges in bridge engineering.
3. The university should build up students and the engineers to contribute something valuable
for our country in the design of complex bridges for Railway and Highway.
4. Government should strength the technology transfer center for railway technology
incubation (especially on over pass super Rail road Brides).
5. Ethiopia Railway Corporation should engage the local contractors and consultants in
construction of such large over pass rail road bridges to gain experiences and in turn
which create high job opportunities for the citizens and decrease the foreign currency
burden on the country economy.
6. The ERC must involve and trained his Engineers (professionals) intensively to have
technological transfer and experience gaining in design and construction of such overpass
7. References
2. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 2010. LRFD Bridge
Design Specifications. Fifth Edition. AASHTO, Washington, D.C
5. Z. Kitaw, 2005. Analysis and Design of Precast - Cast in Situ Concrete Composite Bridges.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
6. Ministry of Work and Urban Development, (1995). Ethiopian Building Code Standard.
(EBCS-2), Addis Ababa Ethiopia
7. Modjeski and Masters consulting Engineers, 2003. Comprehensive design example for pre-
stressed concrete girder super structure bridge with commentary.
8. O. Ashenafi, 2015. Analysis and design of simply supported pre stressed Precast-cast in-situ
concrete composite railway bridges
9. Washington State Department of Transportation, 2014. Bridge Design Manual. (WSDOT).