S4000TH General Monitor Gas Detector Data Sheet
S4000TH General Monitor Gas Detector Data Sheet
S4000TH General Monitor Gas Detector Data Sheet
The S4000TH Intelligent Sensor is a microprocessor-based eight fault codes. The S4000TH has four different operating modes.
transmitter designed for use with General Monitors’ Metal Oxide First, the normal operating mode in which alarms are active and
Semiconductor (MOS) sensor. This unit features one person the display and 4-20 mA readings are proportional to the gas
calibration and can virtually self-calibrate by simply activating a concentration at the sensor. Second, the gas check mode that
magnetic switch and applying gas. It is designed to detect allows the user to apply gas and check the sensor response while
hydrogen sulfide in parts per million (ppm) levels and provide alarm outputs are inhibited. Third, a calibration mode in which gas
status indication and alarm outputs. is applied to the sensor to calibrate the unit. Finally, a set-up mode
All of the S4000TH electronics are contained within an explosion- which allows the user to review or change setup options such as
proof housing so that sensor information can be processed at the relay settings, sensor range, and Modbus parameters. Selecting
sensor site. It provides a 4-20 mA signal which is proportional to 0 Setup Mode on the S4000TH is accomplished by using the
to 100% of the detection range at the sensor. In addition, the magnetic switch, HART or Modbus command.
S4000TH includes warning, alarm and fault relay contacts that can
be used to indicate an alarm or fault condition, and dual redundant Options
Modbus or HART communications. Configurations with relays,
Modbus and HART are available to meet many needs. • Gas Sensor Range (0-20 ppm, 0-50 ppm, 0-100 ppm)
• Energized/de-energized relays
The S4000TH includes a three (3) digit LED display. This local digital
display continuously indicates gas concentrations during normal • Latching/non-latching relays
operation and in the calibration check mode, calibration prompts • Alarm setpoints for relays
during calibration mode, display codes during the setup mode and • Baud rate, data format, and address for each Modbus channel